6- Surat Alan'am/Tafseer

165 Verses Meccan (revealed in Mecca)

A'auzu Bellahi mena alshaiytani alrajeem

I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed Satan

Besmi Ellahi Alrhmani Alraheem

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

Alhamduo le-llahi allazi khalaqa alsamawati wa alarda wa ja-ala alzulumati wa alnoori thumma allazina kafaruo be-Rabbehim ya'deluon (1).
Praise be to Allah, the One who created the heavens and the earth and made the darknesses and the light, then those who disbelieve ascribe equals for their Lord.

Huwa allazi khalaqakum men teenin thumma qada ajalan wa ajalun musamman endahuo thumma antum tamtaruon (2).
He is the One who created you from clay, then He decreed a time and an appointed time with Him, then you are in doubt.

Wa huwa Allahu fee alsamawati wa fee alardi ya'lamuo serrakum wa jahrakum wa ya'lamuo ma taksebuon (3).
And He is Allah in the heavens and the earth, He knows your secret and your loudness, and He knows what you earn.

Wa ma ta'teehim men ayatin men ayati Rabbehim ella kanuo anha mu'redeen (4).
And there never comes to them a sign from the signs of their Lord, except that they turned away from it.

Fa-qad kazzabuo bel-haqqi lamma ja-ahum fa-sawfa ya'teehim anba-uo ma kanuo behi yastahze-uon (5).
Then indeed, they had denied the truth when it came to them, but there will come to them the news of what they used to ridicule.

Alam yaraww kam ahlakna men qablehim men qarnin makkannahum fee alardi ma lam numakkin lakum wa arsalna alsama-a alaiyhim medraran wa ja-alna alanhara tajree men tahtehim fa-ahlaknahum be-zunubehim wa ansha'na men ba'dehim qarnan akhareen (6).
Do they not see how many a generation We have destroyed before them which We have established on the earth in what We have not established you?, and We have sent the sky upon them in abundance, and We have made the rivers flow beneath them, then We have destroyed them for their sins and We have produced after them a generation of others.

Wa laww nazzalna alaiyka ketaban fee qertasin fa-lamasuhuo be-aiydehim la-qala allazina kafaruo in haza ella sehrun mubeen (7).
And even if We had sent down to you a written Book on a parchment, and they touched it with their hands, those who disbelieve would say this is noting but a clear magic.

Wa qaluo lawla aunzela alaiyhi malakun wa laww anzalna malakan la-qudiya al-amruo thumma la younzaruon (8).
And they said Why not an Angel is sent down to Him?, but if We had sent down an Angel, the matter would have been decided, then they would not have been given respite.

Wa laww ja-alnahu malakan la-ja-alnahuo rajulan wa la-labasna alaiyhim ma yalbesuon (9).
And if We had made him an Angel, We would have made him a man, and We would have confused them with what they confuse.

Wa laqadi estuhze'a be-rusulin men qableka fa-haqa be-llazina sakheruo menhum ma kanuo behi yastahze-uon (10).
And indeed, Messengers were ridiculed before You, so those who mocked at them have been encircled by what they used to ridicule it.

Qul seeruo fee alardi thumma aunzuruo kaiyfa kana aqebatuo almukazzebeen (11).
Say Travel in the land and See how was the end of the deniers.

Qul le-man ma fee alsamawati wa alardi qul le-llahi kataba ala nefsehi alrahmata la-yajma-annakum ela yawmi alqiyamati la raiyba feehi allazina khaseruo anfusahum fa-hum la you'menuon (12).
Say to whom belongs whatever is in the heavens and the earth?, Say to Allah, He has decreed upon Himself the mercy, He will surely gather you to the day of resurrection about which there is no doubt, those who lost themselves do not believe. 

Wa lahuo ma sakana fee al-laili wa alnahari wa huwa Alsamee-uo Al-aleem (13).
And to Him belongs what dwells in the night and the day, and He is the All-Hearing, the All-Knower. 

Qul a-ghaiyra Allahi attakhezuo waliyyan fatiri alsamawati wa alardi wa huwa yout-emuo wa la yout-amuo qul inni aumertuo an akuna awwala man aslama wa la takunanna mena almushrekeen (14).
Say Is it other than Allah I should take as a protector, the Originator of the heavens and the earth, and it is He who feeds and He is not fed? Say indeed, I have been commanded to be the first who submits, and Do not be of the polytheists.

Qul inni akhafuo in asaiytuo Rabbi azaba yawmin azeem (15).
Say indeed, I fear if I disobey My Lord the punishment of a great day.

Man yousraf anhuo yawma-izin fa-qad rahemahuo wa zaleka alfawzuo almubeen (16).
He from whom it is averted that day, then indeed, He had mercy on him, and that is the clear success.

Wa in yamsaska Allahu be-durrin fa-la kashefa lahuo ella huwa wa in yamsaska be-khaiyrin fa-huwa ala kulli shaiy-in Qadeer (17).
And if Allah should touch You with an adversity, there is no remover of it except Him, and if He should touch You with good, then He is All-Powerful over everything.  

Wa huwa alqaheruo fawqa ebadehi wa huwa Alhakeemuo Alkhabeer (18).
And He is the Omnipotent over His servants and He is the All-Wise, the All-Aware.

Qul ayyuo shaiy-in akbaruo shahadatan quli ellahu shaheedun baiyni wa baiynakum wa auhiya elayya haza alquranuo le-aunzerakum behi, wa man balagha a-innakum la-tashhaduona anna ma-a Allahi alehatan aukhra qul la ashhaduo qul innama huwa elahun wahedun wa innani beree-on memma tushrekuon (19).
Say What thing is greater in testimony?, Say Allah is Witness between Me and you, and this Quran was revealed to Me that I may warn you thereby, and whoever it reaches, Do you bear witness that with Allah there are other gods, Say I do not bear witness, Say indeed, He is only one God, and indeed, I am disavowing what you associate. 

Allazina ataiynahumuo alketaba ya'refunahuo kama ya'refuona abna-ahumuo allazina khaseruo anfusahum fa-hum la you'menuon (20).
Those to whom We have given the book recognize Him as they recognize their sons, those who lost themselves do not believe. 

Wa man azlamuo memmani eftara ala Allahi kazeban aww kazzaba be-ayatehi innahuo la youflehuo alzalemuon (21).
And who is more unjust than he who invents a lie about Allah, or denies His signs?, indeed, the wrongdoers will not succeed.

Wa yawma nahshuruhum jamee-an thumma naquluo le-llazina ashrakuo ayna shuraka-ukumuo allazina kuntum taz-umuon (22).
And the day We will gather them all together, then We will say to those who associated Where are your partners whom you used to claim?.

Thumma lam takun fetnatuhum ella an qaluo wa Allahi Rabbena ma kunna mushrekeen (23).
Then there will be no plea for them except that they will say By Allah our Lord! We were not polytheists.

Aunzur kaiyfa kazabuo ala anfusehim wa dalla anhum ma kanuo yaftaruon (24).
See How they will lie about themselves, and lost from them is that which they used to invent.

Wa menhum man yastame-uo elaiyka wa ja-alna ala qulubehim akinnatan an yafqahuhuo wa fee azanehim waqran wa in yaraww kulla ayatin la you'menuo beha hatta iza ja-auka youjadelunaka yaquluo allazina kafaruo in haza ella asateeruo al-awwaleen (25).
And among them are those who listen to You, and We have placed covers over their hearts lest they understand it, and deafness in their earsand if they see every sign, they will not believe in it, until when they come to You arguing with You, those who disbelieve say this is nothing but the legends of the former people.

Wa hum yanhawna anhuo wa yan-awna anhuo wa in youhlekuona ella anfusahum wa ma yash-uruon (26).
And they forbid from Him and distance themselves from Him, and they do not destroy except themselves, but they do not perceive.

Wa laww tara iz wuqefuo ala alnari fa-qaluo ya-laiytana nuradduo wa la nukazzeba be-ayati Rabbena wa nakuna mena almu'meneen (27).
And if You could see when they are made to stand before the Fire, and will say Oh we wish that we could be returned and we would not deny the signs of our Lord and we would be among the believers.

Bal bada lahum ma kanuo youkhfuna men qabluo wa laww rudduo la-aduo lema nuhuo anhuo wa innahum la-kazebuon (28).
But what they concealed before has appeared to them, and even if they were returned, they would return to what they were forbidden, and indeed, they are liars.

Wa qaluo in hiya ella hayatuna alduonya wa ma nahnuo be-mab-utheen (29).
And they say it is nothing but our worldly life, and we will not be resurrected.

Wa laww tara iz wuqefuo ala Rabbehim qala a-laiysa haza bel-haqqi qaluo bala wa Rabbena qala fa-zuquo al-azaba bema kuntum takfuruon (30).
If You could see when they will be made to stand before their Lord, He will say Is this not the truth?, they will say yes By our Lord, He will say so Taste the punishment because you used to disbelieve.

Qad khasera allazina kazzabuo beleqa-e ellahi hatta iza ja-at-humuo alsa-atuo baghtatan qaluo ya-hasratana ala ma farratna feeha wa hum yahmeluona awzarahum ala zuhurehim ala sa-a ma yazeruon (31).
Indeed, those who denied the meeting with Allah will lose, until when the Hour comes upon them suddenly, they will say Alas! Over what we neglected concerning it, while they will bear their burdens on their backs, unquestionably, evil is what they bear.

Wa ma alhayatuo alduonya ella la-ebun wa lahwun wa la-ddaruo alakheratuo khaiyrun le-llazina yattaquona afa-la ta'qeluon (32).
And the worldly life is nothing but a play and an amusement, and the abode of the Hereafter is better for those who fear, then Will you not understand?.

Qad na'lamuo innahuo la-yahzunuka allazi yaquluona fa-innahum la youkazzebuonaka wa lakenna alzalemeena be-ayati ellahi yajhaduon (33).
Indeed, We know that it grieves You what they say, and indeed, they do not deny You, but the wrongdoers reject the verses of Allah.

Wa laqad kuzzebat rusulun men qableka fa-sabaruo ala ma kuzzebuo wa auzuo hatta atahum nasruna wa la mubaddela le-kalemati ellahi wa la-qad ja-aka men naba-e almusraleen (34).
And indeed, Messengers were denied before You, but they were patient over what they were denied, and they were harmed until Our victory came to them, and there is no one to change the words of Allah, and indeed, there has certainly come to You of the news of the Messengers. 

Wa in kana kabura alaiyka e'raduhum fa-ini estata'ta an tabtaghiya nafaqan fee alardi aww sullaman fee alsama-e fata'tiyahum be-ayatin wa laww sha-a Allahu la-jama-ahum ala alhuda fa-la takunanna mena aljaheleen (35).
And if their turning away is difficult for You, then if You are able to seek a tunnel into the earth or a stairway into the sky so that You bring them a sign, and if Allah had willed, He would have gathered them on the guidance, so Do not be among the ignorant.

Innama yastajeebuo allazina yasma-uona wa almawta yab-athuhumuo Allahu thumma elaiyhi yourja-uon (36).
Only those who hear will respond, but the dead, Allah will resurrect them, then to Him they will be returned.

Wa qaluo lawla nuzzela alaiyhi ayatun men Rabbehi qul inna Allaha qaderun ala an younazzela ayatan wa lakenna aktharahum la ya'lamuon (37).
And they say Why not a sign is sent down to Him from His Lord? Say, indeed, Allah is Able to send down a sign, but most of them do not know.

Wa ma men dabbatin fee alardi wa la ta-erin yateeruo be-janahaiyhi ella aumamun amthalukum ma farratna fee alketabi men shaiy-in thumma ela Rabbehim youhsharuon (38).
And there is no moving creature on the earth or bird that flies with its two wings except communities like you, We have not neglected in the Book of anything, then to their Lord they will be gathered.

Wa allazina kazzabuo be-ayatena summun wa bukmun fee alzulumati man yasha'e ellahu youdlelhuo wa man yasha' yaja'lhuo ala seratin mustaqeem (39).
But those who deny Our verses are deaf and dumb in the darknesses, whoever Allah wills, He lets him go astray, and whoever Allah wills, He places him on a straight path.  
Qul ara-aytukum in atakum azabuo Allahi aww atatkumuo alsa-atuo a-ghaiyra Allahi tad-uona in kuntum sadeqeen (40).
Say Do you see if there came to you the punishment of Allah or there came to you the Hour, Is it other than Allah you would invoke if you are truthful?.

Bal iyyahuo tad-uona fa-yakshefuo ma tad-uona elaiyhi in sha-a wa tansawna ma tushrekuon (41).
But it is Him you would invoke, and He would remove that for which you invoke if He willed, and you would forget what you associate.

Wa laqad arsalna ela aumamin men qableka fa-akhaznahum bel-ba'sae wa al-darra-e la-allahum yatadarra-uon (42).
And indeed, We have sent to nations before You, then We seized them with the hardship and the adversity so that they may humbly supplicate.

Fa-lawla iz ja-ahum ba'suna tadarra-uo wa laken qasat qulubuhum wa zayyana lahumuo alshaiytanuo ma kanuo ya'maluon (43).
Then Why when Our punishment came to them, did they not humbly supplicate?, but their hearts hardened, and Satan has adorned for them what they used to do.

Fa-lamma nasuo ma zukkeruo behi fatahna alaiyhim abwaba kulli shaiy-in hatta iza farehuo bema autuo akhaznahum baghtatan fa-iza hum mublesuon (44).
So when they forgot that with which they had been reminded, We opened to them the doors of everything until when they rejoiced in what they were given, We seized them suddenly, then behold! They are despaired.

Fa-qute-a daberuo alqawmi allazina zalamuo wa alhamduo le-llahi Rabbi al-alameen (45).
So the root of the people who have wronged was cut off, and Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds.

Qul ara-aytum in akhaza Allahu sam-akum wa absarakum wa khatama ala qulubekum man elahun ghaiyruo Allahi ya'teekum behi aunzur kaiyfa nusarrefuo al-ayati thumma hum yasdefuon (46).
Say Do you see if Allah takes away your hearing and your sight and seals on your hearts, Which god other than Allah could bring them to you?, Look how We explain the verses, then they turn away.

Qul ara-aytakum in atakum azabuo Allahi baghtatan aww jahratan hal youhlakuo ella alqawmuo alzalemuon (47).
Say Do you see if the punishment of Allah should come to you suddenly or publicly, Will any be destroyed except the wrongdoing people?.

Wa ma nurseluo almursaleena ella mubashshereena wa munzereena fa-man amana wa aslaha fa-la khawfun alaiyhim wa la hum yahzanuon (48).
And We do not send the Messengers except as bearers of glad tidings and warners, so whoever believes and reforms, then there will be no fear for them, nor will they grieve. 

Wa allazina kazzabuo be-ayatena yamassuhumuo al-azabuo be-ma kanuo yafsuquon (49).
But those who deny Our verses, the punishment will touch them because they were disobeying.

Qul la aquluo lakum endi khaza-enuo Allahi wa la a'lamuo alghaiyba wa la aquluo lakum inni malakun in attabe-uo ella ma youha ilayya qul hal yastawi ala'ma wa albaseeruo afa-la tatafakkaruon (50).
Say I do not say to you that I have the treasures of Allah nor do I know the unseen, nor do I say to you that I am an Angel, I only follow what is revealed to Me, Say Are the blind and the seeing equal?, so Will you not give thought?.

Wa anzir behi allazina yakhafuona an youhsharuo ela Rabbehim laiysa lahum men duonehi waliyyun wa la shafee-on la-allahum yattaquon (51).
And Warn by it those who fear that they will be gathered to their Lord, they have not besides Him any protector or intercessor, so that they may fear.

Wa la tatrudi allazina yad-uona Rabbahum bel-ghadati wa al-ashiyyi youreduona wajhahuo ma alaiyka men hesabehim men shaiy-in wa ma men hesabeka alaiyhim men shaiy-in fa-tatrudahum fa-takuna mena alzalemeen (52).
And Do not drive away those who call upon their Lord morning and evening, seeking His Countenance, not upon You is anything of their account, and not upon them is anything of Your account, so You drive them away, then You will be of the wrongdoers.

Wa kazaleka fatanna ba'dahum be-ba'din le-yaquluo a-haulae manna Allahu alaiyhim men baiynina a-laiysa Allahu be-a'lama bel-shakereen (53).
And thus We have tried some of them through others that they might say Are these whom Allah has favored from among us, Is it not that Allah knows the grateful best?.

Wa iza ja-aka allazina you'menuona ba-ayatena fa-qul salamun alaiykum kataba Rabbukum ala nafsehi alrahmata annahuo man amela menkum su-an be-jahalatin thumma taba men ba'dehi wa aslaha fa-annahuo Ghafurun Raheem (54).
And when those who believed in Our verses come to You, Say peace be upon you, your Lord has decreed upon Himself the mercy, that any of you does evil out of ignorance and then repents after that and reforms, then indeed, He is All-Forgiving, Most Merciful.

Wa ka-zaleka nufasseluo al-ayati wa le-tastabeena sabeeluo almujremeen (55).
And thus We explain in details the verses, and that the way of the criminals may become clear.

Qul inni nuhituo an a'buda allazina tad-uona men duoni ellahi qul la attabe-uo ahwa-akum qad dalaltuo izan wa ma ana mena almuhtadeen (56).
Say I have been forbidden to worship those whom you invoke besides Allah, Say I will not follow your desires, indeed, I would then have gone astray, and I would not be of the guided.

Qul inni ala bayyinatin men Rabbi wa kazzabtum behi ma endi ma tasta'jeluona behi ini elhukmuo ella le-llahi yaqussuo alhaqqa wa huwa khaiyruo alfaseleen (57).
Say indeed, I am upon clear proof from My Lord, and you have denied it, I do not have what you were asking it to be hastened, the judgment is not but for Allah, He narrates the truth, and He is the Best of deciders.

Qul laww anna endi ma tasta'jeluona behi la-qudiya al-amruo baiyni wa baiynakum wa Allahu a'lamuo bel-zalemeen (58).
Say if I had what you were asking it to be hastened, the matter would have been decided between Me and you, and Allah knows the wrongdoers best.

Wa endahuo mafatehuo alghaiybi la ya'lamuha ella huwa wa ya'lamuo ma fee albarri wa albahri wa ma tasqutuo men waraqatin ella ya'lamuha wa la habbatin fee zulumati al-ardi wa la ratbin wa la yabesin ella fee ketabin mubeen (59).
And with Him are the keys of the unseen, no one knows them except Him, and He knows what is in the land and the sea, not a leaf falls but that He knows it, and no grain is there within the darknesses of the earth and no moist or dry except in a clear Book.

Wa huwa allazi yatawaffakum bel-laili wa ya'lamuo ma jarahtum bel-nahari thumma yab-athukum feehi le-yuoqda ajalun musamman thumma elaiyhi marje-ukum thumma younabbe-ukum be-ma kuntum ta'maluon (60).
And He is the One who takes you in death by the night and knows what you have committed by the day, then He raises you up therein that an appointed time is fulfilled, then to Him is your return, then He will inform you of what you used to do.

Wa huwa alqaheruo fawqa ebadehi wa yourseluo alaiykum hafazatan hatta iza ja-a ahadakumuo almawtuo tawaffat-huo rusuluna wa hum la youfarretuon (61).
And He is the Omnipotent over His servants, and He sends over you preservers until when the death comes to one of you, Our Messengers take him in death, and they do not fail.

Thumma rudduo ela Allahi mawlahumuo alhaqqi ala lahuo alhukmuo wa huwa asra-uo alhasebeen (62).
Then they will be returned to Allah, their Protector, the Truth, unquestionably, to Him is the Judgment, and He is the swiftest of Reckoners.

Qul man younajjeekum men zulumati albarri wa albahri tad-unahuo tadarru-an wa khufyatan la-in anjana men hazehi la-nakunanna mena alshakereen (63).
Say Who rescues you from the darknesses of the land and the sea, you call upon Him humbly and secretlyif He should save us from this, we would surely be among the grateful.

Quli ellahu younajjekum menha wa men kulli karbin thumma antum tuoshrekuon (64).
Say Allah saves you from it, and from every distress, then you associate.

Qul huwa alqaderuo ala an yab-atha alaiykum azaban men fawqekum aww men tahti arjulekum aww yalbesakum shiya-an wa youzeqa ba'dakum ba'sa ba'din aunzur kaiyfa nusarrefuo al-ayati la-allahum yafqahuon (65).
Say He is the One who is Able to send upon you punishment from above you or from under your feet or confuse you so you become sects, and make you taste the violence of one another, Look how We explain the verses so that they may understand. 

Wa kazzaba behi qawmuka wa huwa alhaqquo qul lastuo alaiykum be-wakeel (66).
But Your people had denied it while it is the truth, Say I am not a guardian over you.

Le-kulli naba-in mustaqarrun wa sawfa ta'lamuon (67).
For every news is a truth, and you will know. 

Wa iza ra-ayta allazina yakhuduona fee ayatena fa-a'red anhum hatta yakhuduo fee hadithin ghaiyrehi wa imma younsiyannaka alshaiytanuo fa-la taq-ud ba'da alzekra ma-a alqawmi alzalemeen (68).
And when You see those who converse vainly in Our verses, then Turn away from them until they indulge in a conversation other than it, and if Satan should cause You to forget, then Do not sit after the reminder with the wrongdoing people. 

Wa ma ala allazina yattaquona men hesabehim men shaiy-in wa laken zekra la-allahum yattaquon (69).
And not upon those who fear is anything of their account, but a reminder so that they may fear.

Wa zari allazina ettakhazuo deenahum la-eban wa lahwan wa gharrat-humuo alhayatuo alduonya wa zakkir behi an tubsala nafsun be-ma kasabat laiysa laha men duoni ellahi waliyyun wa la shafee-on wa in ta'dil kulla adlin la you'khaz menha aulaeka allazina aubseluo be-ma kasabuo lahum sharabun men hameemin wa azabun aleemun be-ma kanuo yakfuruon (70).
And Leave those who took their religion as a play and amusement and whom the worldly life deceived, but Remind with it lest a soul be held hostage for what it earned, it will not have besides Allah any protector or intercessor, and if it should offer ransom, every ransom, it would not be taken from it, those are the ones who are held hostage for what they have earned, for them there is a drink of boiling water and a painful punishment for what they used to disbelieve. 

Qul a-nad-uo men duoni ellahi ma la yanf-auna wa la yadurruna wa nuradduo ala a'qabena ba'da iz hadana Allahu ka-llazi estahwat-huo alshayateenuo fee alardi haiyrana lahuo as-habun yad-unahuo ela alhuda e'tena qul inna huda Allahi huwa alhuda wa aumerna le-nuslema le-rabbi al-alameen (71).
Say Shall we invoke besides Allah what does not benefit us or harm us, and be turned back on our heels after Allah has guided us?, like the one whom the devils enticed in the earth, confused, he has companions calling him to the guidance Come to us, Say indeed, the guidance of Allah is the guidance, and we have been commanded to submit to the Lord of the worlds. 

Wa an aqeemuo alsalata wa-ttaquhuo wa huwa allazi elaiyhi tuhsharuon (72).
And that Establish the prayer and Fear Him, and He is the One to whom you will be gathered.

Wa huwa allazi khalaqa alsamawati wa al-arda bel-haqqi wa yawma yaquluo kun fayakunuo qawluhuo alhaqquo wa lahuo almulkuo yawma yuonfakhuo fee alsuori Alemuo alghaiybi wa alshahadati wa huwa Alhakeemuo Alkhabeer (73).
And He is the One who created the heavens and the earth in truth, and the day when He will say Be and it comes to be, His word is the truth, and to Him belongs the kingdom the day when the trumpet will be blown, the Knower of the unseen and the witnessed, and He is the All-Wise, the All-Aware.

Wa iz qala Ibrahimuo le-abeehi azara a-tattakhezuo asnaman alehatan inni araka wa qawmaka fee dalalin mubeen (74).
And when Abraham said to His father Azar, Do you take idols as gods?, indeed, I see you and your people in clear error.

Wa kazaleka nuri Ibrahima malakuta alsamawati wa al-ardi wa le-yakuona mena almuqeneen (75).
And thus, We show Abraham the kingdom of the heavens and the earth, and so that He would be among those who are certain.

Fa-lamma janna alaiyhi al-lailuo ra-a kawkaban qala haza Rabbi fa-lamma afala qala la auhebbuo al-afeleen (76).
So when the night covered Him, He saw a star, He said this is My Lord, but when it set, He said I do not like those who set.

Fa-lamma ra-a alqamara bazeghan qala haza Rabbi fa-lamma afala qala la-in lam yahdeni Rabbi la-akunanna mena alqawmi aldalleen (77).
And when He saw the moon rising, He said this is My Lord, but when it set, He said if My Lord does not guide Me, I would surely be among the stray people.

Fa-lamma ra-a alshamsa bazeghatan qala haza Rabbi haza akbaruo fa-lamma afalat qala ya-qawmi inni baree-on memma tushrekuon (78).
And when He saw the sun rising, He said this is My Lord, this is greater, but when it set, He said O My people! Indeed, I am disavowing what you associate.

Inni wajjahtuo wajhiya le-llazi fatara alsamawati wa al-arda haneefan wa ma ana mena almushrekeen (79).
Indeed, I have turned My face to the One who originated the heavens and the earth, upright, and I am not of the polytheists.

Wa hajjahuo qawmuhuo qala a-tuhajjunni fee ellahi wa qad hadani wa la akhafuo ma tushrekuona behi ella an yasha-a Rabbi shaiy-an wase-a Rabbi kulla shaiy-in elman afa-la tatazakkaruon (80).
And His people argued with Him, He said Do you argue with Me concerning Allah while indeed, He has guided Me?, and I do not fear what you associate with Him except that My Lord should will something, My Lord encompasses all things in knowledge, then Will you not remember?.

Wa kaiyfa akhafuo ma ashraktum wa la takhafuona annakum ashraktum be-llahi ma lam younazzel behi alaiykum sultanan fa-ayyuo alfareqaiyni ahaqquo bel-amni in kuntum ta'lamuon (81).
And How could I fear what you associate while you do not fear that you have associated with Allah what He has not sent down upon you any authority of it, so Which of the two parties has more right to security, if you know?.

Allazina amanuo wa lam yalbesuo imanahum be-zulmin aulaeka lahumuo al-amnuo wa hum muhtaduon (82).
Those who believe and do not mix their belief with injustice, those will have security, and they are guided.

Wa telka hujjatuna ataiynaha Ibrahima ala qawmehi narfa-uo darajatin man nasha-uo inna Rabbaka Hakeemon Aleem (83).
And that was Our argument which We have given Abraham against His people, We raise in degrees whom We will, indeed, Your Lord is All-Wise, All-Knower.

Wa wahabna lahuo is-haqa wa ya'quba kullan hadaiyna wa nuhan hadaiyna men qabluo wa men zurriyyatehi dawooda wa sulaiymana wa ayyuba wa yusufa wa musa wa haruona wa ka-zaleka najzee almuhseneen (84).
And We granted Him Isaac and Jacob, all We guided, and Noah We guided before, and among His progeny David and Solomon and Job and Joseph and Moses and Aaron, and thus We reward the good doers.

Wa zakarriya wa yahya wa isa wa ilyasa kullun mena alsaleheen (85).
And Zechariah and John and Jesus and Elias, and all were of the righteous.

Wa ismaila wa alyasa'a wa yunusa wa lutan wa kullan faddalna ala al-alameen (86).
And Ishmael and Elisha and Jonah and Lot and all We preferred over the worlds.

Wa men aba-ehim wa zurriyyatehim wa ikhwanehim wa-jtabaiynahum wa hadiynahum ela seratin mustaqeem (87).
And from their fathers and their progeny and their brothers, and We chose them and guided them to a straight path.

Zaleka huda Allahi yahdi behi man yasha-uo men ebadehi wa laww ashrakuo la-habeta anhum ma kanuo ya'maluon (88).
That is the guidance of Allah by which He guides whom He wills of His servants, but if they had associated, what they used to do would have been nullified for them.

Aulaeka allazina ataiynahumuo alketaba wa alhukma wa alnubuwwata fa-in yakfur beha haulae fa-qad wakkalna beha qawman laiysuo beha be-kafereen (89).
Those are the ones to whom We have given the Book and the judgment and the prophethood, but if these disbelieve in it, then We have entrusted it to a people who are not disbelievers in it. 

Aulaeka allazina hada Allahu fa-behudahumuo eqtadeh qul la as'alukum alaiyhi ajran in huwa ella zekra lel-alameen (90).
Those are the ones whom Allah has guided, so Follow their guidance, Say I do not ask you a wage for itit is nothing but a reminder to the worlds.

Wa ma qadaruo Allaha haqqa qadrehi iz qaluo ma anzala Allahu ala basharin men shaiy-in qul man anzala alketaba allazi ja-a behi Musa nooran wa hudan lel-nasi taj-alunahuo qarateesa tubdunaha wa tukhfuona katheeran wa aullemtum ma lam ta'lamuo antum wa la aba-ukum quli ellahuo thumma zarhum fee khawdehim yal-abuon (91).
And they did not appreciate Allah with true appreciation of Him when they said Allah has not sent down anything to a human being, Say Who sent down the Book which Moses brought it as a light and guidance to the people?, you make it into parchments, you disclose it and conceal much, and you were taught that which you did not know, neither you nor your fathers, Say Allah, then Leave them in their vain talk, playing.

Wa haza ketabun anzalnahuo mubarakun musaddequo allazi baiyna yadaiyhi wa le-tunzera aumma alqura wa man hawlaha wa allazina you'menuona bel-akherati you'menuona behi wa hum ala salatehim youhafezuon (92).
And this is a blessed Book which We have sent down, confirming what was before it, and that You may warn the Mother of the towns and those around it, those who believe in the Hereafter believe in it, and they are maintaining their prayer.

Wa man azlamuo memmani eftara ala Allahi kazeban aww qala auhiya ilayya wa lam yuoha elaiyhi shaiy-on wa man qala sa-aunzeluo methla ma anzala Allahu wa laww tara izi alzalemuona fee ghamarati almawti wa almala-ekatuo basetuo aiydehim akhrejuo anfusakumuo alyawma tujzawna azaba alhuoni bema kuntum taquluona ala Allahi ghaiyra alhaqqi wa kuntum an ayatehi tastakberuon (93).
And who is more unjust than he who invents a lie about Allah or says it has been revealed to me, while it was not revealed to him anything, and he who says I will reveal like what Allah has sent down, and if You could see when the wrongdoers are in the daze of death while the Angels stretching their hands Discharge your souls! Today you will be recompensed with the punishment of humiliation because you used to say against Allah other than the truth, and you were arrogant towards His verses.

Wa la-qad je'tumuona furada kama khalaqnakum awwala marratin wa taraktum ma khawwalnakum wara-a zuhurekum wa ma nara ma-akum shufa-a-akumuo allazina za-amtum annahum feekum shuraka-uo la-qad taqatta-a baiynakum wa dalla ankum ma kuntum taz-umuon (94).
And indeed, you have come to Us alone just as We created you the first time, and you have left whatever We have bestowed upon you behind your backs, and We do not see with you your intercessors whom you claimed that they were partners among you, it has been cut off between you, and lost from you is what you used to claim. 

Inna Allaha falequo alhabbi wa alnawa youkhrejuo alhayya mena almayyiti wa mukhrejuo almayyiti mena alhayyi zalekumuo Allahu fa-anna tu'fakuon (95).
Indeed, Allah is the One who splits the grain and seeds, He brings out the living from the dead, and He is the Bringer of the dead from the living, that is Allahso How are you being turned away?.

Falequo al-esbahi wa ja-ala al-laila sakanan wa alshamsa wa alqamara husbanan zaleka taqdeeruo Al-Azeezi Al-Aleem (96).
The One who splits the daybreak and has made the night a rest and the sun and the moon a calculation, that is the decree of the Almighty, the All-Knower.

Wa huwa allazi ja-ala lakumuo alnujuma le-tahtaduo beha fee zulumati albarri wa albahri qad fassalna al-ayati le-qawmin ya'lamuon (97).
And He is the One who made for you the stars that you may be guided by them through the darkenesses of the land and sea, indeed, We have explained in details the signs for a people who know.

Wa huwa allazi ansha-akum men nafsin wahedatin fa-mustaqarrun wa mustawda-on qad fassalna al-ayati le-qawmin yafqahuon (98).
And He is the One who produced you from one soul, then a place of residence and a place of storage, indeed, We have explained in details the signs for a people who understand. 

Wa huwa allazi anzala mena alsama-e ma-an fa-akhrajna behi nabata kulli shaiy-in fa-akhrajna menhuo khaderan nukhrejuo menhuo habban mutarakeban wa mena alnakhli men tal-eha qenwanun daniyatun wa jannatin men a'nabin wa alziytuona wa alrummana mushtabehan wa ghaiyra mutashabehin aunzuruo ela thamarehi iza athmara wa yan-ehi inna fee zalekum la-ayatin le-qawmin you'menuon (99).
And He is the One who has sent down water from the sky, then We have brought forth thereby plants of everything, We produced from it greenery form which We produce grains interwoven, and from the palm-trees from its inflorescence are clusters hanging near, and gardens of grapes and the olives and pomegranates, similar and not similar, Look at its fruit when it yields and its ripeness, indeed, in that there are signs for a people who believe.

Wa ja-aluo le-llahi shuraka-a aljinna wa khalaqahum wa kharaquo lahuo baneena wa banatin be-ghaiyri elmin subhanahuo wa ta-ala amma yasefuon (100).
But they have attributed partners to Allah, the Jinn, while He has created them, and have fabricated for Him sons and daughters without knowledge, Glory to be Him, and High is He above what they describe.

Bade-uo alsamawati wa alardi anna yakunuo lahuo waladun wa lam takun lahuo sahebatun wa khalaqa kulla shaiy-in wa huwa be-kulli shaiy-in Aleem (101).
The Originator of the heavens and the earth, How could He have a son when He does not have a companion and He created everything?, and He is All-Knower of everything.

Zalekumuo Allahu Rabbukum la ilaha ella huwa khalequo kulli shaiy-in fa'buduhuo wa huwa ala kulli shaiy-in Wakeel (102).
That is Allah, your Lord, there is no God but He, the Creator of everything, so Worship Him, and He is a Guardian over everything.

La tudrekuhuo al-absaruo wa huwa youderkuo al-absara wa huwa Al-lateefuo Alkhabeer (103).
The sight can not perceive Him, but He perceives the sight, and He is the All-Subtle, the All-Aware.

Qad ja-akum basa-eruo men Rabbekum fa-man absara fa-lenafsehi wa man amiya fa-alaiyha wa ma ana alaiykum behafeez (104).
Indeed, there has come to you enlightenment from your Lord, so Whoever sees, then it is for himself, and whoever is blind then it is  against it, and I am not a preserver over you.

Wa kazaleka nusarrefuo al-ayati wa le-yaquluo darasta wa le-nubayyinahuo le-qawmin ya'lamuon (105).
And thus We explain the verses, so that they will say You have studied, and that We make it clear for a people who know. 

Ettabi' ma auhiya elaiyka men Rabbeka la illaha ella huwa wa a'red ani almushrekeen (106).
Follow what has been revealed to You from Your Lord, there is no God but He, and Turn away from the polytheists.

Wa laww sha-a Allahu ma ashrakuo wa ma ja-alnaka alaiyhim hafeezan wa ma anta alaiyhim be-wakeel (107).
And if Allah had willed, they would not have associated, and We have not made You over them as a preserver, and You are not a guardian over them.

Wa la tasubbuo allazina yad-uona men duoni ellahi fa-yasubbuo Allaha adwan be-ghaiyri elmin ka-zaleka zayyanna le-kulli aummatin amalahum thumma ela Rabbehim marje-uhum fa-younabbe-uhum bema kanuo ya'maluon (108).
And Do not insult those whom they invoke besides Allah, so they insult Allah in enmity without knowledge, thus We have adorned for every community their deed, then to their Lord is their return then He will inform them of what they used to do.

Wa aqsamuo be-llahi jahda aymanehim la-in ja-at-hum ayatun la-you'menunna beha qul innama al-ayatuo enda Allahi wa ma yoush-erukum annaha iza ja-at la you'menuon (109).
And they swore by Allah the strongest of their oaths that if a sign came to them, they would believe in it, Say the signs are only with Allah, and what will make you perceive that when it comes, they will not believe. 

Wa nuqallebuo af-edatahum wa absarahum kama lam you'menuo behi awwala marratin wa nazaruhum fee tughyanehim ya'mahuon (110).
And We will turn their hearts and their sight just as they did not believe in it the first time, and We will leave them in their transgression, wandering.

Wa laww annana nazzalna elaiyhimuo almala-ekata wa kallamahumuo almawta wa hasharna alaiyhim kulla shaiy-in qubulan ma kanuo le-you'menuo ella an yasha'a Allahu wa lakenna aktharahum yajhaluon (111).
And even if We had sent down to them the Angels and the dead had spoken to them, and We had gathered everything in front of them, they would not believe except that Allah should will, but most of them behaving ignorantly.

Wa ka-zaleka ja-alna le-kulli nabiyyin aduwwan shayateena al-insi wa aljinni youhi ba'duhum ela ba'din zukhrufa alqawli ghururan wa laww sha-a Rabbuka ma fa-aluhuo fa-zarhum wa ma yaftaruon (112).
And thus We have made for every Prophet an enemy, devils from mankind and the Jinn, inspiring to each other decorative words in delusion, but if Your Lord had willed, they would not have done it, so Leave them and what they invent. 

Wa le-tasgha elaiyhi af-edata allazina la you'menuona bel-akherati wa le-yardawhuo wa le-yaqtarefuo ma hum muqtarefuon (113).
And so that the hearts of those who disbelieve in the Hereafter may incline to it, and so that they may be pleased with it and so that they may commit what they are committing.

Afa-ghaiyra Allahi abtaghi hakaman wa huwa allazi anzala elaiykumuo alketaba mufassalan wa allazina ataiynahumuo alketaba ya'lamuona annahuo munazzalun men Rabbeka bel-haqqi fa-la takunanna mena almumtareen (114).
Then Is it other than Allah I seek as judge while He is the One who has sent down to you the Book explained in details?, and those to whom We have given the Book know that it is sent down from Your Lord in truth, so Do not be among the doubters.

Wa tammat kalematuo Rabbeka sedqan wa adlan la mubaddela le-kalematehi wa huwa Alsamee-uo Al-aleem (115).
And the word of Your Lord was fulfilled in truth and justice, there is no one to change His words, and He is All-Hearing, All-Knower.

Wa in tute' akthara man fee alardi youdelluoka an sabeeli ellahi in yattabe-uona ella alzanna wa in hum illa yakhrusuon (116).
And if You obey most of those on the earth, they will mislead You from the way of Allah, they do not follow except conjecture, and they do nothing but they lie.

Inna Rabbaka huwa a'lamuo man yadelluo an sabeelehi wa huwa a'lamuo bel-muhtadeen (117).
Indeed, Your Lord knows best he who strays from His way, and He knows best those who are guided. 

Fa-kuluo memma zukera esmuo Allahi alaiyhi in kuntum be-ayatehi mu'meneen (118).
So Eat of that upon which the Name of Allah has been mentioned, if you are believers in His verses.

Wa ma lakum alla ta'kuluo memma zukera esmuo Allahi alaiyhi wa qad fassala lakum ma harrama alaiykum illa ma audturirtum elaiyhi wa inna katheeran la-youdelluona be-ahwa-ehim be-ghaiyri elmin inna Rabbaka huwa a'lamuo bel-mu'tadeen (119).
And Why should you not eat of that upon which the Name of Allah has been mentioned while He has explained in details to you what He has forbidden to you except what you are forced to it, and indeed, many mislead by their desires without knowledge, indeed, Your Lord knows best the aggressors.

Wa zaruo zahera al-ethmi wa batenahuo ina allazina yaksebuona al-ethma sa-youjzawna bema kanuo yaqtarefuon (120).
And Leave what is apparent of the sin and what is concealed thereof, indeed, those who earn the sin will be recompensed for that which they used to commit.

Wa la ta'kuluo memma lam yuozkari esmuo Allahi alaiyjhi wa innahuo la-fesqun wa inna alshayateena la-youhuna ela awliya-ehim le-youjadelukum wa in ata'tumuhum innakum la-mushrekuon (121).
And Do not eat of that upon which the Name of Allah has not been mentioned, for indeed, it is disobedience, and indeed, the devils inspire their allies to argue with you, and if you obey them, indeed, you would be polytheists.

Awa man kana maiytan fa-ahyaynahuo wa ja-alna lahuo nooran yamshi behi fee alnasi ka-man mathaluhuo fee alzulumati laiysa be-kharejin menha ka-zaleka zuyyina lel-kafereena ma kanuo ya'maluon (122).
Then Is he who was dead and We gave him life and made for him light by which he walks among the people like he whose example is in the darknesses from which he will not come out?, thus it was beautified to the disbelievers what they used to do. 

Wa ka-zaleka ja-alna fee kulli qaryatin akabera mujremeeha le-yamkuruo feeha wa ma yamkuruona ella be-anfusehim wa ma yash-uruon (123).
And thus We have placed within every town the greatest of its criminals so that they plot therein, and they do not plot except against themselves, but they do not perceive.

Wa iza ja-at-hum ayatun qaluo lan nu'mena hatta nu'ta methla ma autiya rusuluo Allahi Allahu a'lamuo haiythuo yaj-aluo resalatahuo sa-youseebuo allazina ajramuo sagharun enda Allahi wa azabun shadeedun bema kanuo yamkuruon (124).
And when a sign comes to them, they say we will not believe until we are given like that which was given to the Messengers of AllahAllah knows best of where He places His message, it will befall those who committed crimes humiliation before Allah and severe punishment for what they used to plot.

Fa-man youredi ellahu an yahdiyahuo yashrah sadrahuo lel-islami wa man youred an youdellahuo yaj'al sadrahuo dayyiqan harajan ka-annama yassa'aduo fee alsama-e ka-zaleka yaj-aluo Allahu alrejsa ala allazina la you'menuon (125).
So whoever Allah wants to guide him, He expands his breast to Islam, and whoever He wants to let him go astray, He makes his breast tight and constricted as if he climbs up to the sky, thus Allah places the filth upon those who do not believe. 

Wa haza seratuo Rabbeka mustaqeeman qad fassalna al-ayati le-qawmin yazzakkaruon (126).
And this is the path of Your Lord, straight, indeed, We have explained in details the verses for a people who are reminded.

Lahum daruo alsalami enda Rabbehim wa huwa waliyyuhum bema kanuo ya'maluon (127).
For them there will be the abode of peace with their Lord, and He will be their Protector because of what they used to do.

Wa yawma yahshuruhum jamee-an ya-ma'shara aljinni qadi estakthartum mena alinsi wa qala awliya-uhum mena alinsi Rabbana estamta-a ba'duna be-ba'din wa balaghna ajalana allazia ajjalta lana qala alnaruo mathwakum khaledeena feeha ella ma sha-a Allahu inna Rabbaka Hakeemun Aleem (128).
And the day He will gather them all together, O company of Jinn! You have many of mankind, and their allies from among mankind will say Our Lord! Some of us enjoyed of others, and we have reached our term which You have appointed for us, He will say the Fire is your abode, abiding therein except what Allah wills, indeed, Your Lord is All-Wise, All-Knower. 

Wa ka-zaleka nuwalli ba'da alzalemeena ba'dan bema kanuo yaksebuon (129).
And thus We make some of the wrongdoers allies of others for what they used to earn.

Ya-ma'shara aljinni wa alinsi a-lam ya'tekum rusulun menkum yaqussuna alaiykum ayati wa younzerunakum leqa-a yawmikum haza qaluo shahedna ala anfusena wa gharrat-humuo alhayatuo alduonya wa shaheduo ala anfusehim annahum knuo kafereen (130).
O Company of Jinn and mankind! Did there not come to you Messengers from among you narrating to you My verses, and warning you the meeting of this day of yours?, they will say we bear witness against ourselves and the worldly life deceived them, and they will bear witness against themselves that they were disbelievers. 

Zaleka an lam yakun rabbuka muhleka alqura be-zulmin wa ahluha ghafeluon (131).
That is because Your Lord would not destroy the towns for wrongdoing while their people were unaware.

Wa le-kullin darajatun memma ameluo wa ma Rabbuka be-ghafilin amma ya'maluon (132).
And for all there are degrees for what they have done, and Your Lord is not unaware of what they do.

Wa Rabbuka Alghaniyyuo zu alrahmati in yasha' youzhebkum wa yastakhlif men ba'dekum ma yasha-uo kama ansha-akum men zurriyyati qawmin akhareen (133).
And Your Lord is the Free of need, the Possessor of mercy, if He wills, He can do away with you and grant succession after you to whom He wills just as He produced you from the progeny of another people.

Inna ma tuo-aduona la-atin wa ma antum be-mu'jezeen (134).
Indeed, what you are promised is surely coming, and you will not cause failure.

Qul ya-qawmi e'maluo ala makanatekum inni amelun fa-sawfa ta'lamuona man takunuo lahuo aqebatuo aldari innahuo la youflehuo alzalemuon (135).
Say O My people! Do at your position, indeed, I am doing, then you will know who is going to have the end of the abode, indeed, the wrongdoers will not succeed.

Wa ja-aluo le-llahi memma zara-a mena alharthi wa alan'ami naseeban fa-qaluo haza le-llahi be-za'mehim wa haza le-shuraka-ena fa-ma kana le-shuraka-ehim fa-la yaseluo ela Allahi wa ma kana le-llahi fa-huwa yaseluo ela shuraka-ehim sa-a ma yahkumuon (136).
And they assign to Allah from that which He created of the crops and the cattle a share and say this is for Allah by their claim, and this is for our partners, but what is for their partners does not reach Allah, while what is for Allah, then it reaches their partners, evil is what they judge.

Wa ka-zaleka zayyana le-katheerin mena almushrekeena qatla awladehim shuraka-uhum le-yourduhum wa-le-yalbesuo alaiyhim deenahum wa laww sha-a Allahu ma fa-aluhuo fa-zarhum wa ma yaftaruon (137).
And likewise, to many of the polytheists their partners have adorned the killing of their children that they may perish them and may confuse their religion for them, and if Allah had willed, they would not have done it, so Leave them and what they invent.

Wa qaluo hazehi an'amun wa harthun hejrun la yat-amuha ella man nasha-uo be-za'mehim wa an'amun hurremat zuhuruha wa an'amun la yazkuruona esma Allahi alaiyha eftera-an alaiyhi sa-yajzeehim be-ma kanuo yaftaruon (138).
And they say these cattle and crops are forbidden, no one may eat from them except whom we will by their claim, and cattle whose backs are forbidden and cattle upon which they do not mention the Name of Allah, an invention against Him, He will recompense them for what they used to invent.

Wa qaluo ma fee butuni hazehi alan'ami khalesatun le-zukurena wa muharramun ala azwajena wa in yakun maytatan fa-hum feehi shuraka-uo sa-yajzeehim wasfahum innaho Hakeemun Aleem (139).
And they say what is in the bellies of these cattle is exclusively for our males and forbidden to our spouses, but if it is a dead, then they are partners in it, He will recompense them for their description, indeed, He is All-Wise, All-Knower. 

Qad khasera allazina qataluo awladahum safahan be-ghaiyri elmin wa harramuo ma razaqahumuo Allahu eftera-an ala Allahi qad dalluo wa ma kanuo muhtadeen (140).
Indeed, those have lost who killed their children in foolishness without knowledge and forbade what Allah has provided for them, an invention against Allah, indeed, they had gone astray and they were not guided.

Wa huwa allazi ansha-a jannatin ma'rushatin wa ghaiyra ma'rushatin wa alnakhla wa alzar-a mukhtalefan aukuluhuo wa alzaiytuna wa alrummana mutashabehan wa ghaiyra mutashabehin kuluo men thamarehi iza athmra wa atuo haqqahuo yawma hasadehi wa la tusrefuo innahuo la youhebbuo almusrefeen (141).
And He is the One who produced gardens, trellised and not trellised, and the palm-trees and the crops of varying taste, and the olives and pomegranates, similar and not similar, Eat of its fruit when it yields and Give its due on the day of its harvest, and Do not be extravagant, indeed, He does not love the extravagant.

Wa mena alan'ami hamulatan wa farshan kuluo memma razaqakumuo Allahu wa la tattabe-uo khutuwati alshaiytani innahu lakum aduwwun mubeen (142).
And of the cattle are for loading and for furnishing, Eat of what Allah has provided for you and Do not follow the footsteps of Satan, indeed, He is a clear enemy to you.

Thamaniyata azwajin mena alda'ni ethnaiyni wa mena alma'zi ethnaiyni qul a-azzakaraiyni harrama ami al-aunthayaiyni amma eshtamalat alaiyhi arhamuo al-aunthayaiyni nebbe-uoni be-elmin in kuntum sadeqeen (143).
Eight pairs, of the sheep, two, and of the goats, two, Say Is it that the two males He has forbidden or the two females or that which the wombs of the two females contain, Inform Me with knowledge, if you are truthful.

Wa mena al-ebeli ethnaiyni wa mena albaqari ethnaiyni qul a-azzakaraiyni harrama ami al-aunthayaiyni amma eshtamalat alaiyhi arhamuo al-aunthayaiyni am kuntum shuhada-a iz wassakumuo Allahu be-haza faman azlamuo memmani eftara ala Allahi kazeban le-youdella alnasa be-ghaiyri elmin inna Allaha la yahdi alqawma alzalemeen (144).
And of the camels, two, and of the cows, two, Say Is it that the two males He has forbidden or the two females or that which the wombs of the two females contain?, Or were you witnesses when Allah enjoined you with this?, then Who is more unjust than he who invents a lie about Allah to mislead the people without knowledge?, indeed, Allah does not guide the wrongdoing people.

Qul la ajeduo fee ma auhiya elayya muharraman ala ta-emin yat-amuhuo ella an yakuna maytatan aww daman masfuhan aww lahma khenzeerin fa-innahuo rejsun aww fesqan auhella le-ghaiyri ellahi behi fa-mani audturra ghaiyra baghin wa la adin fa-inna Rabbaka Ghafurun Raheem (145).
Say I do not find within what has been revealed to Me anything forbidden to one who would eat it unless it be a dead or spilled blood or the flesh of pig, for indeed, it is filth, or it is disobedience dedicated to other than Allah, but whoever is forced, neither desiring nor transgressing, then indeed, Your Lord is All-forgiving, Most Merciful. 

Wa ala allazina haduo harramna kulla zee zufurin wa mena albaqari wa alghanami harramna alaiyhim shuhumahuma ella ma hamalat zuhuruhuma awi alhawaya aww ma ekhtalata be-azmin zaleka jazaiynahum be-baghyihim wa inna la-sadequon (146).
And to those who are Jews We have forbidden every animal of uncloven hoof, and of the cows and the goats We have forbidden to them their fat except what their backs carried, or the entrails or what is joined with bone, thus We recompensed them for their tyranny, and indeed, We are truthful.

Fa-in kazzabuka fa-qul Rabbukum zuo rahmatin wase'atin wa la yuoradduo ba'suhuo ani alqawmi almujremeen (147).
So if they deny You, Say your Lord is the Possessor of vast mercy, and His punishment cannot be rebelled from the criminal people.

Sa-yaquluo allazina ashrakuo laww sha-a Allahu ma ashrakna wa la aba-uona wa la harramna men shaiy-in ka-zaleka kazzaba allazina men qablehim hatta zaquo ba'sana qul hal endakum men elmin fa-tukhrejuhuo lana in tattabe-uona ella alzanna wa in antum ella takhrusuon (148).
Those who associated will say if Allah had willed, we would not have associated nor our fathers, nor would we have forbidden anything, thus those before them denied until they tested Our punishment, Say Do you have any knowledge that you bring it forth for us?, you do not follow except conjecture, and you do nothing but you lie.

Qul fa-lellahi alhujjatuo albaleghatuo fa-laww sha-a la-hadakum ajma-een (149).
Say with Allah is the conclusive argument, if He had willed, He would have guided you all.

Qul halumma shuhada-akumuo allazina yashhaduona anna Allaha harrama haza fa-in shaheduo fa-la tashhad ma-ahum wa la tattabe' ahwa-a allazina kazzabuo be-ayatena wa allazina la you'menuona bel-akherati wa hum be-rabbehim ya'deluon (150).
Say Bring forward your witnesses who will bear witness that Allah has forbidden this, and if they bear witness, Do not bear witness with them, and Do not follow the desires of those who deny Our verses and those who do not believe in the Hereafter while they ascribe equals for their Lord.

Qul ta-alaww atluo ma harrama Rabbukum alaiykum alla tushrekuo behi shaiy-an wa bel-walidaiyni ehsanan wa la taqtuluo awladakum men emlaqin nahnuo narzuqukum wa iyyahum wa la taqrabuo alfawahesha ma zahara menha wa ma batana wa la taqtuluo alnafsa allati harrama Allahu ella bel-haqqi zalekum wassakum behi la-allakum ta'qeluon (151).
Say Come, I will recite what your Lord has forbidden to you that Do not associate anything with Him, and kindness to parents, and Do not kill your children out of poverty, We provide for you and for them, and Do not approach immoralities, what is apparent of them and what is concealed, and Do not kill the soul which Allah has forbidden except by right, that He has enjoined upon you with it, so that you may understand.

Wa la taqrabuo mala alyateemi ella be-llati heiya ahsanuo hatta yablugha ashuddahuo wa awfuo alkaiyla wa almeezana bel-qesti la nukallefuo nafsan ella wus'aha wa iza qultum fa'deluo wa laww kana za qurba wa be-ahdi ellahi awfuo zalekum wassakum behi la-allakum tazakkaruon (152).
And Do not approach the property of the orphan except in the way that is best, until he reaches his maturity, and Give full measure and balance in justice, We do not burden any soul except its capacity, and when you speak, so Be just even if he was a near of kin, and Fulfill the covenant of Allahthat He has enjoined upon you with it, so that you may be reminded.

Wa anna haza serati mustaqeeman fa-ttabe-uhuo wa-la tattabe-uo alsubula fa-tafarraqa bekum an sabeelehi zalekum wassakum behi la-allakum tattaquon (153).
And this is My path, straight, so Follow it, and Do not follow the ways, then they will separate you from His way, that He has enjoined upon you with it, so that you may fear.

Thumma ataiyna Musa alketaba tamaman ala allazi ahsana wa tafseelan le-kulli shaiy-in wa hudan wa rahmatan la-allahum be-leqa-e Rabbehim you'menuon (154).
Then We have given Moses the Book, making complete upon the one who did good, and an explanation for everything, and guidance and mercy, so that they may believe in the meeting of their Lord. 

Wa haza ketabun anzalnahuo mubarakun fa-ttabe-uhuo wa-ttaquo la-allakum turhamuon (155)
And this is a blessed Book which We have sent down, so Follow it and Fear, so that you may receive mercy.

An taquluo innama aunzela alketabuo ala ta-efataiyni men qablena wa in kunna an derasatehim la-ghafeleen (156).
Lest you say the Book was only sent down to two groups before us, and indeed, we were of their study unaware.

Aww taquluo laww anna aunzela alaiyna alketabuo la-kunna ahda menhum fa-qad ja-akum bayyinatun men Rabbekum wa hudan wa rahamtun fa-man azlamuo memman kazzaba be-ayati ellahi wa sadafa anha sa-najzee allazina yasdefuona an ayatena su-a al-azabi be-ma kanuo yasdefuon (157).
Or you say if only the Book had been sent down to us, we would be better guided than them, so indeed, there has come to you a clear proof from your Lord and guidance and mercy, then Who is more unjust than he who denies the verses of Allah and turns away from them?, We will recompense those who turn away from Our verses with the worst of punishment because they used to turn away.

Hal yanzuruona ella an ta'teiyahumo almala-ekatuo aww ya'tiya Rabbuka aww ya'tiya ba'duo ayati Rabbeka yawma ya'ti ba'duo ayati Rabbeka la yanfa-uo nafsan imanuha lam takun amanat men qabluo aww kasabat fee imaneha khaiyran quli entazeruo inna muntazeruon (158).
Do they await except that the Angels should come to them or Your Lord should come or that there come some of the signs of Your Lord?, the day when some of the signs of Your Lord will come no soul will benefit from its faith as long as it had not believed before or had earned through its faith any good, Say Wait, indeed, we are waiting.

Inna allazina farraquo deenahum wa kanuo shiya-an lasta menhum fee shaiy-in innama amruhum ela Allahi thumma younabbe-uhum be-ma kanuo yaf'aluon (159).
Indeed, those who have divided their religion and become sects, You are not of them in anything, their affair is only to Allah, then He will inform them of what they used to do.

Man ja-a bel-hasanati fa-lahuo ashruo amthaleha wa man ja-a bel-sayyi-ati fa-la youjza ella methlaha wa hum la youzlamuon (160).
Whoever comes with the good deed will have ten times the like of it, and whoever comes with the evil deed, then he will not be recompensed except the like of it, and they will not be wronged. 

Qul innani hadani Rabbi ela seratin mustaqeemin deenana qiyaman mellata ibrahima haneefan wa ma kana mena almushrekeen (161).
Say indeed, My Lord has guided Me to a straight path, straight religion, the religion of Abraham, upright, and He was not of the polytheists.

Qul inna salati wa nusuki wa mahyaya wa mamati le-llahi Rabbi al-alameen (162).
Say indeed, My prayer and My rites of sacrifice and My life and My death are for Allah, the Lord of the worlds.

La shareeka lahuo wa be-zaleka aumertuo wa ana awwaluo almuslemeen (163).
For Him there is no partner, and with that I have been commanded, and I am the first of the Muslims.

Qul a-ghaiyra Allahi abghi Rabban wa huwa Rabbu kulli shaiy-in wa la taksebuo kulluo nafsin ella alaiyha wa la tazeruo wazeratun wezra aukhra thumma ela Rabbekum marje-ukum fa-younabbe-ukum bema kuntum feehi takhtalefuon (164)
Say Is it other than Allah I should desire as a Lord while He is the Lord of everything?, and every soul earns not except against itself, and no bearer of burden shall bear the burden of another, then to your Lord is your return, then He will inform you of what you used to differ in it.

Wa huwa allazi ja-alakum khala-efa alardi wa rafa-a ba'dakum fawqa ba'din darajatin le-yabluwakum fee ma atakum inna Rabbaka saree-uo aleqabi wa innahuo la-ghafurun Raheem (165).
And He is the One who made you successors on the earth, and He raised some of you above the others in degrees, so that He may test you in what He has given you, indeed, Your Lord is Swift in punishing, and indeed, He is surely All-Forgiving, Most Merciful. 

Simplified interpretation:

 Surat Alan'am is an argument against the polytheists who ascribe equals for Allah, while He is the One who has created them, and He is the One who has created the heavens and the earth and subjugated for them whatever is in both of them, and from them He made their sustenance and the sustenance of their cattle, yet they vow from what Allah has provided for them of cattle and crops to their partners of false gods and idols, and forbid what Allah has made lawful for them and make lawful what Allah has forbidden for them out of their ignorance, where Allah's Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) said in narration of Sa'id bin Jubair: "If you wish to know about the ignorance of the Arabs, then Read above the hundred and thirty of Surat Alan'am Indeed, those have lost who killed their children in foolishness without knowledge, till His saying indeed, they had gone astray and they were not guided" (Sahih Albukhari 3524).

 Allah Almighty says in the first three verses (1-3) "Praise be to Allah, the One who created the heavens and the earth and made the darknesses and the light, then those who disbelieve ascribe equals for their Lord, He is the One who created you from clay, then He decreed a time and an appointed time with Him, then you are in doubt, and He is Allah in the heavens and the earth, He knows your secret and your loudness, and He knows what you earn'', that is, Allah praises Himself saying Praise be to Allah, the One who created the heavens and the earth, and He has subjugated whatever is in both of them for mankind and made the darkenesses of the night so that man rest from the hardship of the day, and made the light of the day so that man can see and work in order to fulfill his needs, but instead of praising Him for the blessings He bestowed upon His creation, those who disbelieved in Allah ascribe equals and partners for Him of false gods and idols that do not possess anything in the heavens or the earth, so there is no god but Allah, with no partner. Then Allah assures that He is the One who created mankind from clay, as He began the creation of Adam from clay, then He made his progeny from an extract of disdained water as mentioned in Aya (8) of Surat Alsajdah, then He has decreed for them a time in the worldly life until their death, and an appointed time of the day of resurrection that He only knows, then you are in doubt about the resurrection and the ability of Allah to resurrect you on the day of resurrection after your death. And He is Allah in the heavens and the earth as He is God in the heavens and God in the earth as He has stated in Aya (84) of Surat Alzukhruf, so no one is worthy of worship except Him, He knows what His creation conceal and what they declare, and nothing of their affair is hidden from Him, and He knows what they earn of good deeds and evil deeds. 

 Allah Almighty says in the next two verses (4,5) "And there never comes to them a sign from the signs of their Lord, except that they turned away from it, then indeed, they had denied the truth when it came to them, but there will come to them the news of what they used to ridicule", that is, there never comes to the polytheists of Quraish a sign that indicates Allah's oneness and the truthfulness of His messenger except they turned away from it and did not reflect on it, and they have Already denied the most greatest sign which is the Holy Quran when it came to them from Allah, thereupon, Allah threatens them for their denial and mocking of the truth when it came to them saying but there will come to them the news of what they used to ridicule, so they will find what they used to ridicule of Allah's punishment for the disbelievers and Allah's reward for the righteous before their eyes on the day of resurrection.

 Allah Almighty says in the next verse (6) "Do they not see how many a generation We have destroyed before them which We have established on the earth in what We have not established you?, and We have sent the sky upon them in abundance, and We have made the rivers flow beneath them, then We have destroyed them for their sins and We have produced after them a generation of others", that is, Do the infidels of Quraish not see how many a generation from the past centuries Allah has destroyed before them who were more powerful than them as Allah gave them the enjoyment of the worldly life from wealth and children, Allah gave them what He did not give Quraish the like of it nor close to it, Allah sent down a successive rain from the sky which is the cause of abundant sustenance for them, and Allah made the rivers flow beneath them, but when they opposed their Messengers, and denied the truth when it came to them from AllahAllah has destroyed them for their sins and the evil deeds they committed, then Allah has produced after their destruction a generation of others, so Believe in Allah and Believe in the truth with which He has sent His Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) lest what befell the previous nations will befall you, and that Allah will replace you with a people other than you as He has stated in Aya (38) of Surat Muhammad "And If you turn away, He will replace you with a people other than you, then they will not be the likes of you".

 Allah Almighty says in the next three verses (7-9) "And even if We had sent down to you a written Book on a parchment, and they touched it with their hands, those who disbelieve would say this is noting but a clear magic, and they said Why not an Angel is sent down to Him?, but if We had sent down an Angel, the matter would have been decided, then they would not be given respite, and if We had made him an Angel, We would have made him a man, and We would have confused them with what they confuse", that is, Allah addressed His Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) saying that even if He had sent down a written Scripture on a parchment, and the infidels who denied the Holy Quran when it came to them touched it with their hands, they would deny it and would say that their eyes have been only deluded and this is nothing but a clear magic. And they said Why not an Angel is sent down to Allah's Messenger from the heaven if He was truthful, so that he would be a warner with Him as Allah has stated in Aya (7) of Surat Alfurqan, and if Allah had sent an Angel to them as a sign, then they disbelieved and denied Allah's Messenger, the matter of their destruction would have been decided, and Allah would hasten the torment for them, so they would not have been given any respite, and if Allah had sent an Angel to them, He would have made Him a man so that they could understand Him, and could look at Him because the Angel is created from light, where Allah's Messenger (PBUH) said in narration of Aisha: "The Angels were created from light, the Jinn were created from a spark of fire, and Adam was created from what has been described to you" (Sahih Muslim 2996). So the Angels are creatures other than human beings, and they have wings whether two, three, four, or more as mentioned in Aya (1) of Surat Fatir, therefore, Allah has sent Gabriel to Mary in the form of a well-proportioned man, and has sent the Angels to the Prophet Abraham and the Prophet Lot in the form of human beings. And if Allah had sent an Angel to them in the form of a human being, they would deny Him as they denied Allah's Messenger, and Allah would have confused them with what they confuse, so they would be in the same doubt and confusion that they are in.  

 Allah Almighty says in the next two verses (10,11) "And indeed, Messengers were ridiculed before You, so those who mocked at them have been encircled by what they used to ridicule it, Say Travel in the land and See how was the end of the deniers", that is, Allah reassured His Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) and confirmed that those who used to mock at Him will perish as those before them who used to mock at the Messengers before Him as they have been encircled by the punishment they used to mock. Then Allah commanded His Messenger to order them to travel in the land in order to see the end of the deniers who disbelieved in Allah and denied His Messengers and His Books, and what befell them of torment and destruction as the people of Quraish used to pass by the tracks of the people of the Prophet Lot in the morning and at night as mentioned in Ayat (137,138) of Surat Alsaffat.

 Allah Almighty says in the next two verses (12,13) "Say to whom belongs whatever is in the heavens and the earth?, Say to Allah, He has decreed upon Himself the mercy, He will surely gather you to the day of resurrection about which there is no doubt, those who lost themselves do not believe, and to Him belongs what dwells in the night and the day, and He is the All-Hearing, the All-Knower'', that is, Allah commanded His Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) to ask the polytheists of Quraish to whom belongs whatever is in the heavens and the earth?, and to assure them that whatever is in the heavens and the earth belongs to Allah alone, so Allah is the Creator of everything and the Possessor of everything. He has decreed upon Himself the mercy, so He is Merciful to His servants, and as narrated by Abu Hurayrah: "I heard Allah's Messenger saying Before Allah created the creation, He wrote a book, indeed, My mercy has preceded My anger, and that is written with Him over the Throne" (Sahih Albukhari 7554). So Allah does not hasten the punishment for the disbelievers, but accepts their repentance and forgives their sins if they repented and believed, and delays those who do not believe till an appointed time, so Allah swears that He will gather them all on the day of resurrection about which there is no doubt, so it will inevitably happen, and then He will recompense them for their evil deeds, so those who will lose themselves in Hellfire do not believe in the resurrection, nor do they fear Allah and fear His punishment. Then Allah assures that to Him belongs what dwells in the night and the day, so to Him belongs every living creature in the heavens and the earth, and they all under His subjugation and control, and He is All-Hearing, All-Knower where nothing in the heavens nor on the earth is hidden from Him, so He knows what they declare and what they conceal.  

 Allah Almighty says in the next three verses (14-16) "Say Is it other than Allah I should take as a protector, the Originator of the heavens and the earth, and it is He who feeds and He is not fed? Say indeed, I have been commanded to be the first who submits, and Do not be of the polytheists, Say indeed, I fear if I disobey My Lord the punishment of a great day, he from whom it is averted that day, then indeed, He had mercy on him, and that is the clear success", that is, the polytheists called Allah's Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) to worship their idols for a year and they would worship Allah for a year, therefore, Allah commanded Him to say to them in Aya (64) of Surat Alzumar "Is it other than Allah that you order Me to worship O ignorant ones!?", and Allah commanded Him to say to them Is it other than Allah I should take as a protector and seek his help while Allah is the Creator of the heavens and the earth, and He provides for His creation, but none provides for Him, so He feeds His creation and they are in need of Him, but He is not fed, and His Free of need of them as He says in Aya (57) of Surat Aldhariyat "I do not want from them any provision, nor do I want that they feed Me". Then Allah commanded His Messenger to say to them I have been commanded to be the first from My Ummah who submits to Allah in servitude, and submit to His commands and prohibitions, and commanded Him not to be of the polytheists who worship idols and false gods besides Allah, and Allah commanded His Messenger to say to them indeed, I fear Allah if I disobey His commands, worship false idols, and take other than Him as a protector that I will face the punishment of the day of resurrection which is great and terrible, and whoever from whom the punishment of the day of resurrection is averted that day, then indeed, Allah had mercy on Him, and that is the clear success for Allah will admit him into Paradise and will save him from Hellfire.

 Allah Almighty says in the next two verses (17,18) "And if Allah should touch You with an adversity, there is no remover of it except Him, and if He should touch You with good, then He is All-Powerful over everything, and He is the Omnipotent over His servants and He is the All-Wise, the All-Aware", that is, Allah assures that He is the One in whose Hand are good and evil to the exclusion of anything else such as idols and false gods, so Allah says to His Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) If Allah should touch You with an adversity, there is none to remove it from You except Allah, and if He intends for You good, then He is All-powerful to do whatever He wills, and neither impediment nor inability can prevent Him from doing whatever He wills, so Mughira bin Shu'ba wrote to Mu'awiya: "When the Messenger of Allah finished the prayer and pronounced salutation, He uttered La illaha ella Allahu wahdahu la shareeka lahu, lahu almulkuo wa lahuo alhamduo wa huwa ala kulli shaiy-in qadeer, allahuma la mane-a lema a'taiyta wa la mu'tiya lema mana'ta wa la yanfa-uo za aljaddi menka aljadd: There is no God but Allah, He is alone, who has no partner, to Him belongs the kingdom, and to Him praise is due, and He is All-Powerful over every thing, O Allah! No one can withhold what You give, or give what You withhold, and the riches cannot avail a wealthy person with You" (Sahih Muslim 593 a). And Allah is the Omnipotent over His servants, so He conquered them by His power, and they are under His rule and subjugation, and He is the All-Wise who manages His creation with wisdom in His laws and destiny, the All-Aware of His servants, and of what they deserve of evil or good.  

 Allah Almighty says in the next two verses (19,20) "Say What thing is greater in testimony?, Say Allah is Witness between Me and you, and this Quran was revealed to Me that I may warn you thereby, and whoever it reaches, Do you bear witness that with Allah there are other gods, Say I do not bear witness, Say indeed, He is only one God, and indeed, I am disavowing what you associate, those to whom We have given the book recognize Him as they recognize their sons, those who lost themselves do not believe", that is, Allah commanded His Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) to say to the polytheists of Quraish who have invoked idols besides Allah What thing is greater in testimony, so that you call upon him to judge between Me and you, then Allah commanded Him to say that Allah is the Greatest Witness between Him and them, so He will distinguish the truth from the falsehood, and to say that Allah has revealed the Holy Quran to Him so that He may warn the polytheists of Quraish, and whoever the Holy Quran reaches from among the men and the Jinn at all times and in every place from Allah's punishment if they disobeyed Him and persisted on disbelief, therefore, Allah's Messenger (PBUH) said in narration of Abdullah bin Amr: "Convey on My behalf even if it is a verse, and narrate about the Children of Israel, and there is no blame, and whoever tells a lie on Me intentionally, Let him take his seat in the Fire" (Sahih Albukhari 3461), so Do you bear witness that with Allah there are other gods, thereupon, Allah commanded His Messenger no to bear witness with them, but rather to assure them that He worships Allah alone, and He is only one God, with no partner, and that He disavows their false gods and idols whom they worship besides Allah. Then Allah tells about the people of the Scripture from among the Jews and the Christians who find the description of Allah's Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) written with them in the Torah and the Gospel as Allah has stated in Aya (157) of Surat Ala'raf, and they recognize Him as they recognize their sons, but when He came to them with the truth from His Lord, they denied and opposed Him, and did not believe in Him, so they lost themselves in the worldly life and the Hereafter, because they will lead themselves to Hellfire on the day of resurrection by denying that Muhammad (PBUH) is the Messenger of Allah even though they know the truth of that.

 Allah Almighty says in the next four verses (21-24) "And who is more unjust than he who invents a lie about Allah, or denies His signs?, indeed, the wrongdoers will not succeed, and the day We will gather them all together, then We will say to those who associated Where are your partners whom you used to claim?, then there will be no plea for them except that they will say By Allah our Lord! We were not polytheists, See How they will lie about themselves, and lost from them is that which they used to invent", that is, Allah assures that there is no one is more unjust than he who invents a lie about Allah by changing His words, alternating it, or adding something that Allah did not reveal, likewise, there is no one is more unjust than he who denies Allah's signs and proofs including the Holy Quran, indeed, the wrongdoers who wronged themselves with denial and polytheism will not succeed in the worldly life nor in the Hereafter, where on the day of resurrection, Allah will gather all mankind for reckoning, and Allah will say to those who used to associate partners with Allah of false gods and idols as a reprimand Where are the gods and the idols that you used to worship in the worldly life and claim that they are My partners, but they will not find any excuse to disavow themselves from polytheism except that they will swear to Allah that they were not polytheists, so Allah addressed His Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) saying See How they will lie about themselves, they thought that their lying will save them from Allah's punishment, so they claimed the opposite of what they were on, and they did not know that on the day of resurrection, their tongues and their hands and their feet will testify against them of what they used to do as Allah has stated in Aya (24) of Surat Alnoor. In addition to that, what they used to invoke of false gods and idols will gone away from them, and will not benefit them, but rather these idols whom they invoked in the worldly life will be their enemies and will disavow them as mentioned in Ayat (81,82) of Surat Maryam.

 Allah Almighty says in the next two verses (25,26) "And among them are those who listen to you, and We have placed covers over their hearts lest they understand it, and deafness in their earsand if they see every sign, they will not believe in it, until when they come to You arguing with You, those who disbelieve say this is nothing but the legends of the former people, and they forbid from Him and distance themselves from Him, and they do not destroy except themselves, but they do not perceive", that is, Allah addresses His Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) saying that among the polytheists of Quraish are those who listen to Him when He recites the Holy Quran, but they did not understand what He says nor did they reflect on Allah's verses, so they underestimated them and turned away from accepting them, therefore, Allah has turned their hearts and their hearing from the Holy Quran as He has put covers over their hearts lest they understand the Holy Quran, and deafness in their ears lest they benefit from what they listen of Allah's verses, and Allah has turned their hearts from understanding all of His signs, so if they see every sign, they will not believe in it, until when they come to Allah's Messenger arguing with Him concerning the Holy Quran, those who disbelieve claimed that the Holy Quran is nothing but the legends of the former people that pass from one generation to another and it has no reality, and they claimed that Allah's Messenger has written it and they are recited to Him morning and evening as mentioned in Aya (5) of Surat Alfurqan. And they forbid the people from following and believing Allah's Messenger, and from submitting to the Holy Quran, and they distance themselves from Him, so they turn away, and they do not benefit from the truth when it came to them, nor do they leave anyone to benefit, so they do not destroy except themselves by turning away from the way of Allah and preventing others from His way, so they will destroy themselves by Allah's wrath and punishment while they do not realize that they have gain destruction by their evil deeds.  

 Allah Almighty says in the next two verses (27,28) "And if You could see when they are made to stand before the Fire, and will say Oh we wish that we could be returned and we would not deny the signs of our Lord and we would be among the believers, but what they concealed before has appeared to them, and even if they were returned, they would return to what they were forbidden, and indeed, they are liars", that is, Allah addresses His Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) saying if You could see when the polytheists are made to stand before Hellfire on the day of resurrection, and are made to see the punishment that awaits them, they will say Oh we wish that we could be returned to the worldly life so that we will do good deeds, we will not deny Allah's signs, and we will be among the believers in Allah and His Messengers, but what they used to conceal of their evil deeds in the worldly life will appear to them on that day, and Allah assures that even if they returned to the worldly life, they would return to the same deeds that they used to do in the worldly life, so they will not believe, and will deny Allah's Messengers and Books, and indeed, they are liars because they said that out of fear not out of belief.  

 Allah Almighty says in the next two verses (29,30) "And they say it is nothing but our worldly life, and we will not be resurrected, if You could see when they will be made to stand before their Lord, He will say Is this not the truth?, they will say yes By our Lord, He will say so Taste the punishment because you used to disbelieve", that is, the polytheists denied the resurrection from the graves on the day of resurrection, so they said that there is nothing but the worldly life, and that they will not be resurrected from their graves for reckoning for they claimed that nothing destroys them except the time as mentioned in Aya (24) of Surat Aljathiyah, and they denied the resurrection until it becomes a reality before their eyes on the day of resurrection, so Allah addresses His Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) saying if He could see when they will be made to stand before Allah, and Allah will say to them as a reprimand "Is this not the truth", then they can not deny it where they have no choice but to confess it, so they will say yes By our Lord, thereupon, Allah will say to them "Taste the punishment because you used to disbelieve".

 Allah Almighty says in the next two verses (31,32) "Indeed, those who denied the meeting with Allah will lose, until when the Hour comes upon them suddenly, they will say Alas! Over what we neglected concerning it, while they will bear their burdens on their backs, unquestionably, evil is what they bear, and the worldly life is nothing but a play and an amusement, and the abode of the Hereafter is better for those who fear, then Will you not understand?", that is, Allah assures that the polytheists who denied the meeting with Allah on the day of resurrection will lose their deal by selling faith for disbelief and the Hereafter for the worldly life, so when the Hour (The day of resurrection) will come upon them suddenly, they will regret their disbelief and evil deeds in the worldly life, and leaving work for the Hereafter of belief and good deeds saying Alas! Over what we neglected concerning it, so they will bear their burden of evil deeds on their backs on the day of resurrection, unquestionably, evil is what they will bear. They sold the Hereafter for the worldly life while the worldly life is noting but a play and an amusement, so they sold the eternal bliss for a fleeting pleasure, thereupon, Allah assures that the abode of the Hereafter is better for those who fear Allah and fear His punishment, so they followed His commands, and avoided his prohibitions, so Will you not understand that the reward you will receive in the Hereafter is better and more lasting than the fleeting gain of the worldly life. 

 Allah says in the next two verses (33,34) "Indeed, We know that it grieves You what they say, and indeed, they do not deny You, but the wrongdoers reject the verses of Allah, and indeed, Messengers were denied before You, but they were patient over what they were denied, and they were harmed until Our victory came to them, and there is no one to change the words of Allah, and indeed, there has certainly come to You of the news of the Messengers", that is, Allah addresses His Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) saying that He knows that what the polytheists of Quraish say and accuse Him of saddened Him as they deny that what He has brought them is a revelation from Allah, but Allah assures Him that they do not deny Him, but they are stubborn against the truth when it came to them, so they said that He is a poet, a soothsayer, or a madman in order to prevent the people from the way of Allah even though they know His truthfulness, so the wrongdoers who wronged themselves with denial and disbelief reject the verses of Allah. Then Allah reassured His Messenger saying that Allah's Messengers had been denied before Him, where as Allah has stated in Aya (30) of Surat Yaseen "Alas for the servants! There never comes to them a Messenger except they used to ridicule Him", so Allah's Messengers had been denied, but they were patient over what they had been denied for, and they had been harmed, but this did not stop them from continuing to convey Allah's Message until Allah has judged between them and their people, and Allah's victory came to them, and there is no one to change the words of Allah for Allah has promised His Messengers victory over those who denied them as He has stated in Ayat (171-173) of Surat Alsaffat "And indeed Our word has preceded to our servants, the Messengers, that indeed, they would be the victorious, and indeed, Our soldiers will be those who overcome". Then Allah said to His Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) and indeed, there has certainly come to You of the news of the Messengers, and you have known that Allah has saved His Messengers and the believers, and has destroyed the disbelievers, so their saying would not grieve You, and Be patient over their harm, and Allah will help You and the believers with You.

 Allah Almighty says in the next two verses (35,36) "And if their turning away is difficult for You, then if You are able to seek a tunnel into the earth or a stairway into the sky so that You bring them a sign, and if Allah had willed, He would have gathered them on the guidance, so Do not be among the ignorant, only those who hear will respond, but the dead, Allah will resurrect them, then to Him they will be returned", that is, Allah addresses His Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) saying if it was difficult for You that Your people turned away from belief and opposed You, then if You are able to seek a tunnel into the earth or a ladder into the sky so that You bring them a sign better than what You have brought them, then Do so, but You will not be able to guide them all, and if Allah had willed, He would have gathered them all on the guidance, so all of them would believe, so Do not be among the ignorant who forget that Allah guides whom He wills and lets go astray whom He wills. Then Allah assures that only those who hear will respond and they are the believers who accept what they hear, benefit from it, and act according to it, but the disbelievers do not accept or listen to any argument, so they are like the dead who do not hear anything, and Allah will resurrect them from the graves, and to Allah they will be returned for reckoning on the day of resurrection.

 Allah Almighty says in the next two verses (37,38) "And they say Why not a sign is sent down to Him from His Lord? Say, indeed, Allah is Able to send down a sign, but most of them do not know, and there is no moving creature on the earth or bird that flies with its two wings except communities like you, We have not neglected in the Book of anything, then to their Lord they will be gathered", that is, the polytheists of Quraish who disbelieved in Allah and opposed His Messenger (PBUH) said Why not a sign is sent down to Allah's Messenger from Allah?, in order to indicate the truthfulness of what He came with, so Allah commanded His Messenger to assure them that He is Able to send down a sign, but most of them do not know that if Allah has sent them a sign, then they denied it as those before them, He would hasten the punishment for them as Allah says in Aya (59) of Surat Alisraa "And nothing has prevented Us from sending signs except that the former ones denied them, and We gave Thamud the she-camel as a visible sign, but they wronged her, and We do not send the signs except as a warning". Then Allah assures that there is no moving creature on the earth or bird that flies with its two wings except communities like human beings, Allah has created them and provided for them, and Allah knows its place of residence and its place of storage, all is in a clear book as He has stated in Aya (6) of Surat Hud, and Allah has not neglected in the book of anything, and to Allah they will be gathered on the day of resurrection, and Allah will judge between them, where as narrated by Abu Hurayrah that Allah's Messenger said: "Right will certainly be restored to those entitled to them on the day of resurrection, even the hornless sheep will lay claim upon the horned one" (Sahih Muslim 2582).

 Allah Almighty says in the next three verses (39-41) "But those who deny Our verses are deaf and dumb in the darknesses, whoever Allah wills, He lets him go astray, and whoever Allah wills, He places him on a straight path, Say Do you see if there came to you the punishment of Allah or there came to you the Hour, Is it other than Allah you would invoke if you are truthful?, but it is Him you would invoke, and He would remove that for which you invoke if He willed, and you would forget what you associate", that is, Allah assures that those who deny His verses are deaf and dumb in the darkenesses of disbelief, so they do not hear nor understand Allah's arguments, proofs, and verses, and they will not be guided for Allah lets go astray whom He wills, and places on a straight path whom He wills. Then Allah commanded His Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) to say to those who deny Allah's verses and arguments Do you see if there came to you the punishment of Allah suddenly like those before you, or there came to you the day of resurrection (The Hour), Is it other than Allah would you invoke to remove the punishment from you if you are truthful in your worship of false gods and idols. Assuredly, in the times of adversity, you do not call upon anyone except Him, so He removed the adversity from you, and you would forget what you associate with Him of false gods and idols. 

 Allah Almighty says in the next two verses (42,43) "And indeed, We have sent to nations before You, then We seized them with the hardship and the adversity so that they may humbly supplicate, then Why when Our punishment came to them, did they not humbly supplicate?, but their hearts hardened, and Satan has adorned for them what they used to do", that is, Allah addresses His Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) saying that He has sent His Messengers to nations before Him, and that He has tested the previous nations with hardship and what afflicts them in their bodies of illnesses, and adversity and what afflicts them of poverty and need, so that they may return to Allah, humbly supplicate Him, and beseech Him to remove what has befallen them, but they did not humbly supplicate Allah and did not return to Him, rather they followed the path of Satan, thereupon, Allah says Why when Our punishment came to them, did they not humbly supplicate?, but their hearts hardened and did not soften by the hardships or the adversity, so they insisted on disbelief and disobedience, and Satan has adorned for them their evil deeds, and tempted them to commit sins.

 Allah Almighty says in the next two verses (44,45) "So when they forgot that with which they had been reminded, We opened to them the doors of everything until when they rejoiced in what they were given, We seized them suddenly, then behold! They are despaired, so the root of the people who have wronged was cut off, and Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds", that is, when the nations to whom Allah has sent His Messengers did not return to Allah when He tested them with hardships and adversity, and they forgot that with which they had been reminded, and turned away from Allah's commands and prohibitions, Allah has tested them with ease and prosperity, so He opened to them the doors of everything of wealth, children, sustenance, and every pleasure of the worldly life until when they rejoiced in what they were given, and did not acknowledge Allah's blessings that He has bestowed upon them, and turned away from His way, He seized them with a painful punishment suddenly while they do not perceive, then behold! they were despaired of salvation and surrendered to the punishment. So Allah had cut off the root of those who wronged themselves with denial and disbelief, and He did not leave any of them, so Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds who has sent His Messengers with the truth, established the truth, and nullified the falsehood even if the criminals dislike.

 Allah Almighty says in the next two verses (46,47) "Say Do you see if Allah takes away your hearing and your sight and seals on your hearts, Which god other than Allah could bring them to you?, Look how We explain the verses, then they turn away, Say Do you see if the punishment of Allah should come to you suddenly or publicly, Will any be destroyed except the wrongdoing people?", that is, Allah commanded His Messenger to say to the polytheists Do you see if Allah should take away your hearing and your sight just as He gave them to you?, so He makes you deaf and blind, and seals on your hearts so you will not hear, see, or understand any argument nor will you be guided to any path of guidance, so Is anyone other than Allah able to return them to you if He takes them away?, unquestionably, none else can do that, so Allah addresses His Messenger saying Look how We explain and clarify the verses and cites the examples which indicate that there is no God but Allah, and that what they worship besides Him is falsehood, but they turned away from Allah's signs and proofs. Allah also commanded His Messenger to say to them Do you see if the punishment of Allah should come to you suddenly while you do not perceive or publicly while you perceive and look at it, so Will any be destroyed except the wrongdoing people who wronged themselves with disbelief and worshipped other than Allah.

 Allah Almighty says in the next two verses (48,49) "And We do not send the Messengers except as bearers of glad tidings and warners, so whoever believes and reforms, then there will be no fear for them, nor will they grieve, but those who deny Our verses, the punishment will touch them because they were disobeying", that is, Allah assures that He does not send the Messengers except as bearers of glad tidings of Paradise for those who believe, repent and do righteous deeds, and warners of a painful torment in Hellfire for those who disbelieve and oppose their Messengers, so whoever believes in Allah and His Messengers, and reforms by giving up the sins he commits, and beginning to perform acts of obedience, then there will be no fear for them for what they will face later and they will not grieve for what they missed before. But as for those who deny Allah's verses and signs, and opposed His Messengers, the punishment will touch them because they used to disobey Allah and transgress His commands.

 Allah Almighty says in the next two verses (50,51) "Say I do not say to you that I have the treasures of Allah nor do I know the unseen, nor do I say to you that I am an Angel, I only follow what is revealed to Me, Say Are the blind and the seeing equal?, so Will you not give thought?, and Warn by it those who fear that they will be gathered to their Lord, they have not besides Him any protector or intercessor, so that they may fear", that is, Allah commanded His Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) to say to the polytheists of Quraish that He did not say that He has the treasures of Allah nor did He know the unseen, nor did He claim that He is an Angel, He is a human being and He only follows what Allah has revealed to Him and recites it to them, and commanded Him to say Are the blind and the seeing equal?, assuredly, the one who is upon guidance from His Lord is not equal to the one who is upon error just as the blindness and the sight are not equal, so Will you not give thought in Allah's signs and proofs, and acknowledge that what I have brought you of the Holy Quran is the truth from your Lord. Then Allah commanded His Messenger to warn by the Holy Quran those who fear that they will be gathered before Allah on the day of resurrection, and Allah assures that there is no protector for them other than Him, and there is no intercessor for them on the day of resurrection except by His permission, so that they may fear Allah and fear His punishment and act in obedience to Him.

 Allah Almighty says in the next two verses (52,53) "And Do not drive away those who call upon their Lord morning and evening, seeking His Countenance, not upon You is anything of their account, and not upon them is anything of Your account, so You drive them away, then You will be of the wrongdoers, and thus We have tried some of them through others that they might say Are these whom Allah has favored from among us, Is it not that Allah knows the grateful best?", that is, the polytheists of Quraish asked Allah's Messenger (PBUH) to expel the poor Muslims such as Sa'd Ibn Abi Waqqas, Bilal, Ibn Mas'ud,  Ammar, Almiqdad, and Suhaib, and said to Him we do not accept sitting with these people, so Expel them from You, and Allah's Messenger determined to do that out of hope that they would believe, and He saw that this would not deprive His companions of anything or diminish their value, so Allah revealed to Him this Aya, where as narrated by Sa'd bin Abi Waqqas: "We were six men in the company of Allah's Messenger (PBUH), the polytheists said to Allah's Messenger Drive them away so that they may not be bold upon us, he said I and Ibn Mas'ud and a person from the tribe of Hudhail, Bilal and two other persons whose name I do not know, and there occurred to Allah's Messenger what Allah willed to happen, and He talked to Himself, so Allah, the Exalted and Glorious, revealed And Do not drive away those who call upon their Lord morning and evening, seeking His countenance" (Sahih Muslim 2413 b), and in another narration of Sa'd: "This verse was revealed concerning me, Ibn Mas'ud, Suhaib, Ammar, Almiqdad, and Bilal" (Sunan Ibn Majah 4128). So Allah commanded His Messenger not to drive away those who remember, praise, glorify, and ask Allah morning and evening seeking the Countenance of Allah, so they are sincere in what they do of worship and obedience, but rather Allah commanded Him to be patient with them and not to pass His eyes beyond them as He has stated in Aya (28) of Surat Alkahf. Therefore, Allah's Messenger (PBUH) was keen not to anger them because of their virtue and status, where as narrated by A'iz bin Amro: "Abu Sufyan passed by Salman, Suhaib, and Bilal in the presence of a group of persons, and they said By Allah! The swords of Allah did not reach the neck of the enemy of Allah as it was required to reach, he said then Abu Bakr said Do you say this to the old man of Quraish and their master?, then he came to the Prophet (PBUH) and told Him, so He (PBUH) said O Abu Bakr! You have perhaps angered them, and if you have angered them, then indeed, you have angered your Lord, so Abu Bakr came to them and said O my brothers! Did I make you angry?, they said no, may Allah forgive you O our brother" (Sahih Muslim 2504). 

 Then Allah assures His Messenger that He does not have anything of their account, and they do not have anything of His account, so their reckoning, reward, and sustenance are upon Allah, and His reckoning, reward, and sustenance are upon Allah, not upon anyone else, so He will not be held accountable for them, nor will they be held accountable for Him. Thereupon, Allah commanded His Messenger to Sit with them, and not to expel them out of consideration for those who are not like them in religion and virtue, and if You did, You would be unjust. And thus Allah has tried some of the people of Quraish with others, because the majority of those who followed Allah's Messenger at the beginning of the message were weak and poor people, male and female slaves, and only a few of the nobles of Quraish followed Him, so the polytheists of Quraish used to mock and torture those who believed in Allah's Messenger from among the weak, and they belittled them saying Are these whom Allah has favored from among us?, for they claimed that Allah would not have guided these people to goodness if what Muhammad (PBUH) brought was good, and would have abandoned them, and they said "If it had been good, they would not have preceded us to it" as Allah has stated in Aya (11) of Surat Alahqaf, thereupon, Allah assures them that He knows the grateful best, so He knows their words and their deeds, and what they declare and what they conceal, so He grants them success, guides them to the straight path, and brings them out of the darkenesses of disbelief into the light of belief.

 Allah Almighty says in the next two verses (54,55) "And when those who believed in Our verses come to You, Say peace be upon you, your Lord has decreed upon Himself the mercy, that any of you does evil out of ignorance and then repents after that and reforms, then indeed, He is All-Forgiving, Most Merciful, and thus We explain in details the verses, and that the way of the criminals may become clear", that is, Allah commanded His Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) to give those who believe in His verses and signs and acknowledge them in words and deeds the glad tidings of Allah's mercy and forgiveness, so He said to Him when those who believed in Our verses come to you, Say peace be upon you, your Lord has decreed upon Himself the mercy that Allah will have mercy and forgive those who do evil deeds out of ignorance, then when they realize that they have wronged themselves by doing evil deeds, they repent from their sins, and reform by giving up the sins they commit, and beginning to perform acts of obedience, so Allah will not punish them for their sins after they have repented from it, and Allah is All-Forgiving, Most Merciful for those who repent, believe, and do righteous deeds whether they are poor or rich, free or salves, and thus Allah explains in details and makes clear the verses and the arguments so that the way of the criminals who opposed Allah and His Messenger may become clear, and the way of the truth will be distinguished from the way of falsehood, and the way of guidance will be distinguished from the way of misguidance.

 Allah Almighty says in the next three verses (56-58) "Say I have been forbidden to worship those whom you invoke besides Allah, Say I will not follow your desires, indeed, I would then have gone astray, and I would not be of the guided, Say indeed I am upon clear proof from My Lord, and you have denied it, I do not have what you were asking it to be hastened, the judgment is not but for Allah, He narrates the truth, and He is the Best of deciders, Say if I had what you were asking it to be hastened, the matter would have been decided between Me and you, and Allah knows the wrongdoers best", that is, Allah commanded His Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) to say to the polytheists of Quraish that Allah forbade Him from worshipping the idols whom they worshipped besides Allah, and that He will not follow their desires in what they invite Him to do, and if He did that, He would then have gone astray and followed other than the path of guidance, so He would not be of the guided like them. Then Allah commanded His Messenger to say to them I am upon clear proof and insight from Allah, but you have denied the truth with which Allah has sent Me, and I do not have the punishment you were asking it to be hasted when they said O Allah! If this should be the truth from You, then rain down upon us stones from the sky or Bring us a painful punishment as Allah has stated in Aya (32) of Surat Alanfal, so the judgment is not but for Allah, if He wills, He would hasten for you what you have asked for, and if He wills, He would delay you to an appointed time, He narrates the truth and distinguishes the falsehood from the truth through His words, and He is the Best of the deciders, so He will judge between us with the truth. And Allah commanded Him to say if I had the punishment you were asking it to be hastened, then I would have inflicted it upon you, and then the matter would have been decided between Me and you, but the matter is not but for Allah, and He knows best the wrongdoers who wronged themselves with disbelief, so He knows best when to take revenge on them.

 Allah Almighty says in the next verse (59) "And with Him are the keys of the unseen, no one knows them except Him, and He knows what is in the land and the sea, not a leaf falls but that He knows it, and no grain is there within the darknesses of the earth and no moist or dry except in a clear Book", that is, Allah assures that the keys of the unseen belong to Him alone, and none knows them except Him, and they are five keys as narrated by Abdullah bin Umar: "Allah's Messenger said the keys of the unseen are five: Indeed, Allah with Him is the knowledge of the Hour, and He sends down the rain, and knows what is in the wombs, and no soul knows what it will earn tomorrow, and no soul knows in which land it will die, indeed, Allah is All-Knower, All-Aware (Surat Luqman, Aya (31)" (Sahih Albukhari 4627). And He has the knowledge of what His creation did not know, and His knowledge encompasses everything whether in the land or at the sea, and nothing is hidden from Him even the leaf that falls from a tree is known to Allah, He knows when it falls and where it falls, He knows the grain hidden in the darkenesses of the earth, and He knows the moist and the dry, the living and the dead, all of that are in a clear Book, so nothing is existing and nothing will exist except that it is written in that Book, so the time in which it exists, and the time in which it will perish are recorded with Allahwhere Allah's Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) said in narration of Ubadah bin Alsamit: ''Verily, the first of what Allah created was the pen, He said to it Write, so it wrote what will be forever" (Jami' Altirmidhi 3319).

 Allah Almighty says in the next three verses (60-62) "And He is the One who takes you in death by the night and knows what you have committed by the day, then He raises you up therein that an appointed time is fulfilled, then to Him is your return, then He will inform you of what you used to do, and He is the Omnipotent over His servants, and He sends over you preservers until when the death comes to one of you, Our Messengers take him in death, and they do not fail, then they will be returned to Allah, their Protector, the Truth, unquestionably, to Him is the Judgment, and He is the swiftest of Reckoners", that is, Allah's knowledge encompasses His creation during night and day, in the state of rest and in the state of movement as He is the only One who takes the souls when mankind sleep by the night, and Allah has likened the sleep to the death because the soul separates from the body at the time of sleep and the time of death, so Allah takes your souls at night, and He knows what deeds you have done during the day, then He raised you up from sleep during the day until the time of your actual death comes and your worldly life ends, then to Him is your return on the day of resurrection, when He will revive you again from the graves, then He will inform you of what you used to do in the worldly life of good and evil. And Allah is the Omnipotent over His servants, so He conquered them by His power, and they are under His rule and subjugation, and Allah sends over you preservers from among the Angels as for each one there are successive Angels before him and behind him who guard Him by the command of Allah as Allah has stated in Aya (11) of  Surat Alra'd, and for Him there are two Angels who write his deeds as Allah has stated in Ayat (17,18) of  Surat Qaaf, and these Angels remain with man until the time of death comes, then the Angel of death and his assistants will take him in death, and they do not fail, but rather they obey Allah in what He has commanded them. Then All creation will be returned to Allah, their Protector, the Truth whose promise is the truth, and whose reckoning is justice, unquestionably, to His is the judgment on the day of resurrection to the exclusion of anyone else, and Allah is the swiftest of Reckoners; because His knowledge encompasses all their affairs, and nothing of their affair is hidden from Him. 

 Allah Almighty says in the next two verses (63,64) "Say Who rescues you from the darknesses of the land and the sea, you call upon Him humbly and secretlyif He should save us from this, we would surely be among the grateful, Say Allah saves you from it, and from every distress, then you associate", that is, Allah commanded His Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) to say to the polytheists of Quraish Who rescues you from the darkenesses of the land and the sea when you lost the way and feared destruction, then you would find no one but Allah to rescue you, and you would forget what you associate with Him of false gods and idols as shown above in Aya (41), so you call upon Him in submission and humility of your hearts saying if Allah should save us from these darkenesses, we would surely be among the grateful who obey Allah in His commands and prohibitions and hasten to please Him; For gratitude does not occur through tongue, but rather through actions and obedience, while praising Allah occurs through the tongue, therefore, Allah says in Aya (13) of Surat Saba' "O family of David! Work in gratitude". Then Allah commanded His Messenger to assure them that Allah is the only One who is Able to rescue you from the distress befalls you in the land and the sea, and from the distress of everything other than that, but when Allah saved you, you did not thank Him, but rather you turned away from Him, and associated partners with Him of false gods and idols that do not possess anything in the heavens and the earth, and they can not benefit nor harm you.

 Allah Almighty says in the next three verses (65-67) "Say He is the One who is Able to send upon you punishment from above you or from under your feet or confuse you so you become sects, and make you taste the violence of one another, Look how We explain the verses so that they may understand, but Your people had denied it while it is the truth, Say I am not a guardian over you, for every news is a truth, and you will know", that is, Allah commanded His Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) to say to the polytheists who associate partners with Allah after He has saved them from the darkenesses of the land and the sea that Allah is the only One who is Able to send upon them a punishment from the sky such as the stoning, the barren wind, the blast, or the flood or from the ground such as earthquake or cause the earth to swallow you as He has punished the people of Noah, Ad, Thamud, the people of Lot, Qaruon, and the people of Shu'ayb, or He confuses your affairs, so you become sects and different in your desires, and as narrated by Anas bin Malik that the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said: "The Children of Israel have divided into seventy-one sects, and My Ummah will divide into seventy-two sects, all of them will be in Hell except one, which is Aljama'ah, i.e. those who adhered to Sunnah, knowledge and jurisprudence" (Ibn Majah 3993). and Allah makes you taste the violence of one another, so you become groups fighting each other, and as narrated by Jabir bin Abdullah: "When this verse was revealed "Say He is the One who is Able to send upon you punishment from above you" the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said I seek refuge in Your Countenance, and when He said "Or from under your feet" He said I seek refuge in Your Countenance, and when He said "Or confuse you so you become sects, and make you taste the violence of one another" Allah's Messenger said this is lighter or this is easier" (Sahih Albukhari 4628).

 And as narrated by Amir bin Sa'd from his father Sa'd bin Abi Waqqas: "One day Allah's Messenger (PBUH) came from Alaliyah (Towns located east of Medina), He passed by the Mosque of Banu Mu'awiya, went in and observed two Rak'ahs there, and we also observed prayer along with Him and He made a long supplication to His Lord, He then came to us and said I asked My Lord three things, and He has granted Me two but has withheld one. I asked Him not to destroy My Ummah with famine, and He granted Me it, I asked Him not to destroy My Ummah by drowning, and He granted Me it, and I asked Him not to make their violence between them, but He did not grant Me it (Sahih Muslim 2890 a), so as narrated by Jarir: " The Prophet (PBUH) said to me during Hajjat- Alwada', Let the people keep quiet and listen, then He said Do not revert to disbelief after Me by striking the necks of one another" (Sahih Albukhari 121). Then Allah addresses His Messenger saying Look how We explain the verses so that they may understand, so Allah makes clear the verses of the Holy Quran, so that they may understand them and reflect on them, and then they abandon the false idols that they worshipped besides Allah lest His punishment befalls them. But instead of contemplating the verses of the Holy Quran, the polytheist of Quraish denied it, while it is the truth from Allah, thereupon, Allah commanded His Messenger to assure them that He is not in charge of them, He only has to convey Allah's message and upon Allah is their reckoning, so whoever is guided, then only he is guided for himself, and whoever goes astray, then only he goes astray against it as Allah has stated in Aya (108) of Surat Yunus, then Allah threatens them saying that for every news of what they used to deny there is a truth and a time in which it occurs without precedence or delay whether in the worldly life or on the day of resurrection, and they will know its reality when His punishment descends upon them.

 Allah Almighty says in the next two verses (68,69) "And when You see those who converse vainly in Our verses, then Turn away from them until they indulge in a conversation other than it, and if Satan should cause You to forget, then Do not sit after the reminder with the wrongdoing people, and not upon those who fear is anything of their account, but a reminder so that they may fear", that is, Allah commanded His Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) to turn away from the polytheists of Quraish when He sees them conversing vainly in Allah's verses which He has sent down to Him as they used to mock and deny them, so Turn away from them until they indulge in a conversation other than mockery of Allah's verses, but if Satan makes You forget that We have commanded You to turn away from them when they converse vainly in Our verses, then You remembered that, so Do not sit after remembering that with the wrongdoing people who wronged themselves by mocking the Holy Quran. But those who fear Allah and fear His punishment, so they follow His commands, and avoid His prohibitions, do not have anything of their account, so they will not be held accountable for those who converse vainly in Allah's verses if they turn away from them, avoid them, and do not sit with them, but their turning away from them is a reminder to them of what they are in, so that they may fear Allah and fear His punishment, and then they refrain from indulging vainly in Allah's verses, and do not return to it again. But if the believers sit with them, and agree with them on that, then they will be like them as Allah has stated in Aya (140) of Surat Alnisa'.

 Allah Almighty says in the next verse (70) "And Leave those who took their religion as a play and amusement and whom the worldly life deceived, but Remind with it lest a soul be held hostage for what it earned, it will not have besides Allah any protector or intercessor, and if it should offer ransom, every ransom, it would not be taken from it, those are the ones who are held hostage for what they have earned, for them there is a drink of boiling water and a painful punishment for what they used to disbelieve", that is, Allah commanded His Messenger (PBUH) to leave and turn away from those who took their religion as an amusement and play, where when they were called to belief in Allah and His Messenger, they used to mock and oppose Allah's Messenger, and mock of the Holy Quran when it is recited to them, and the worldly life deceived them with its falsehoods, illusions, and enjoyments, so they abandoned work for the Hereafter, and Allah commanded His Messenger to remind with the Holy Quran and warn His people from Allah's wrath and punishment on the day of resurrection lest a soul be held hostage for what it earned of evil deeds in the worldly life, so it will surrender to destruction and punishment, and then it will not have any guardian or intercessors besides Allah, and none will save it from His punishment, so if it should offer every ransom in order to save itself from Hellfire, it would not be taken from it even if it offers the earth full of gold it will not accepted from it as Allah has stated in Aya (91) of Surat Aliemran, so those are the ones who are held hostage for what they have earned of sins and evil deeds, so they will have a drink of very hot water in Hellfire that will cut their intestines as mentioned in Aya (16) of Surat Muhammad, and they will have a painful torment in Hellfire for what they used to disbelieve, and deny Allah's Oneness and the resurrection. 

 Allah Almighty says in the next three verses (71-73) "Say Shall we invoke besides Allah what does not benefit us or harm us, and be turned back on our heels after Allah has guided us?, like the one whom the devils enticed in the earth, confused, he has companions calling him to the guidance Come to us, Say indeed, the guidance of Allah is the guidance, and we have been commanded to submit to the Lord of the worlds, and that Establish the prayer and Fear Him, and He is the One to whom you will be gathered, and He is the One who created the heavens and the earth in truth, and the day when He will say Be and it comes to be, His word is the truth, and to Him belongs the kingdom the day when the trumpet will be blown, the Knower of the unseen and the witnessed, and He is the All-Wise, the All-Aware", that is, Allah commanded His Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) to say to the polytheists of Quraish as a denunciation Shall we invoke besides Allah the false idols whom you worship that have no power to benefit or harm us, and be turned back on our heels to disbelief after Allah has guided us to the straight path?, like the example of a man whom the devils enticed and tempted him on the earth and adorned for him his desires, so he followed the devils, lost his way, and became confused, at the same time, he has companions who are following the straight path, and they invite him to join them and follow the guidance saying Come to us, so if he follows the first caller, he will perish, and if he follows the second callers, he will be guided, but he refused except disbelief, following the devils, and worshipping false gods and idols. Then Allah commanded His Messenger to assure them that the guidance of Allah is the guidance, so if Allah had willed, He would have guided him and brought him back to His way because whoever Allah guides, for him there is no misleader as He has stated in Aya (37) of Surat Alzumar, and to assure them that they have been commanded to submit to the Lord of the worlds with humility, obedience, and servitude, so we devote ourselves to Allah alone, and abandon the false gods and idols, to establish the prayer in its prescribed times, and to fear Allah and fear His punishment, so we follow His commands and avoid His prohibitions, and Allah is the One to whom you will be gathered on the day of resurrection. 

 And Allah assures that He did not create the heavens and the earth in vain, rather He created them in truth, so He is the Creator with no partner, therefore, He deserves to be worshiped alone without any partner, and Allah is Able to do whatever He wills, so when the day of resurrection comes, He just has to say Be, and it comes to be, and His word and His promise are the truth; For as He has created the heavens and the earth and whatever is between them in truth the first time, He will repeat them again on the day of resurrection in truth, and to Him belongs the kingdom on the day of resurrection when the trumpet will be blown the first blowing from which whoever is in the heavens, and whoever is on the earth will fall dead except whom Allah wills as mentioned in Aya (68) of Surat Alzumar, and as narrated by Abu Hurayrah that the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said: "On the day of resurrection, Allah will hold the whole earth and fold the heaven with His Right Hand, then He will say ''I am the King, where are the kings of the earth?" (Sahih Albukhari 7382), then Allah assures that He is the Knower of the unseen and the witnessed who knows everything that His servants see, and what is hidden from them, and nothing is hidden from Him in the heavens nor on the earth, and He is the All-Wise who manages His creation with wisdom in His laws and destiny, the All-Aware of His servants and of everything they do and earn.

 Allah Almighty says in the next verse (74) "And when Abraham said to His father Azar, Do you take idols as gods?, indeed, I see you and your people in clear error", that is, Allah cites to the polytheists who invoke idols besides Him the story of the Prophet Abraham, peace be upon Him, when He forbade His father Azar from worshipping idols and taking them as gods instead of Allah, the One who has created him and provided for him, so He said to His father Azar, Do you take idols as gods?, and He has made clear to His father that He worships what does not hear, does not see, and does not avail anything from him as Allah has stated in Aya (42) of Surat Maryam, then the Prophet Abraham said to His father indeed, I see you and your people in clear error and far astray from the path of guidance out of your ignorance that Allah alone is worthy of worship. And as narrated by Abu Hurayrah that the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said: "On the day of resurrection, Abraham will meet His father Azar whose face will be dark and covered with dust, and will say to him Didn't I tell you not to disobey Me?, His father will replay today I will not disobey you, Abraham will say O Lord! You promised Me that You would not disgrace Me on the day when the people will be resurrected, and What will be more disgraceful to Me than My father who is far away?, then Allah will say I have forbidden Paradise to the disbelievers, then it will be said O Abraham! What is underneath Your feet?, He will look and there he will see a blood-stained hyena which will be caught by the legs and thrown into the Fire (Sahih Albukhari 3350).

 Allah Almighty says in the next two verses (75,76) "And thus, We show Abraham the kingdom of the heavens and the earth, and so that He would be among those who are certain, so when the night covered Him, He saw a star, He said this is My Lord, but when it set, He said I do not like those who set", that is, Allah has shown the Prophet Abraham the kingdom of the heavens and the earth of the stars, the moon, and the sun, and made Him reflect on the greatness of their creation and realize that they must have a Creator, so that He would be among those who are certain that there is no God but Allah, and that what His people worship besides Allah is false. So when the night enveloped Him, He saw a star, He said this is My Lord, but when the star disappeared and went away, He knew that it is not His Lord for His Lord does not go away, so He said I do not like those who disappear. 

 Allah Almighty says in the next three verses (77-79) "And when He saw the moon rising, He said this is My Lord, but when it set, He said if My Lord does not guide Me, I would surely be among the stray people, and when He saw the sun rising, He said this is My Lord, this is greater, but when it set, He said O My people! Indeed, I am disavowing what you associate, indeed, I have turned My face to the One who originated the heavens and the earth, upright, and I am not of the polytheists", that is, when the Prophet Abraham saw the moon rising, He said this is My Lord, but when the moon disappeared and went away, He said if My lord does not guide Me to His way, I would surely be among the stray people, and when He saw the sun rising, He said this is My Lord, this is greater than the star and the moon, but when it also disappeared and went away, He knew that the star, the moon, and the sum are not worthy of worship and divinity, that they are Allah's creation, and that they are subjugated to follow a specific path from which they do not deviate to the right or the left nor do they have any control over themselves, thereupon, the Prophet Abraham disavowed what His people associated with Allah of false gods and idols, so How can they be worthy of worship if those who are greater than them are not worthy of worship?, so He assured them that He only worship the One in whose Hand is the kingdom of everything, the Creator of everything saying I have turned My face to the One who created the heavens and the earth, upright and obedient to Him, and I am not of the polytheists who worship idols and false gods besides Allah.

 Allah Almighty says in the next two verses (80,81) "And His people argued with Him, He said Do you argue with Me concerning Allah while indeed, He has guided Me?, and I do not fear what you associate with Him except that My Lord should will something, My Lord encompasses all things in knowledge, then Will you not remember?, and How could I fear what you associate while you do not fear that you have associated with Allah what He has not sent down upon you any authority of it, so Which of the two parties has more right to security, if you know?", that is, when the Prophet Abraham disavowed the idols that His people worshipped, and believed in monotheism, His people argued with Him concerning Allah, so He said to them Do you argue with Me concerning Allah, and My monotheism and My sincerity in worshipping Him alone with no partner, while He has guided Me to His way, and has shown Me the path until I became certain that none deserves to be worshipped except Him, and I do not fear your false gods and idols that they harm Me because they do not harm nor benefit anyone, but My fear is from Allah, the One who has created Me, and He is the only One who can harm or benefit Me, so if He should will anything for Me, and if harm befalls Me, so it will be Allah's will, not because of your false gods, and Allah encompasses all things in knowledge as nothing is hidden from Him in the heavens nor on the earth, and He knows what has passed, what is present, and what will happen until the day of resurrection, so Will you not remember His Ability to do whatever He wills, and that what you worship do not cause harm nor benefit?, so you acknowledge His Oneness and abandon the idols whom you worship besides Him. Then the Prophet Abraham said to them as a denunciation How could I fear what you associate with Allah of false gods and idols that do not benefit nor harm you while you do not fear that you have associated with Allah what He has not sent down upon you any authority or proof that makes it worthy of worship, and Allah is the Only One in whose Hand is the benefit and the harm, so How could I fear inanimate objects while you do not fear Allah. So Which of the two parties has more right to security from Allah's punishment in the worldly life and the Hereafter if you know?, the one who worships Allah, the One in whose Hand is harm and benefit, or the one who worships what do not harm nor benefit?, so if you know, you will acknowledge that Allah is more deserving of being feared and worshipped other than what you worshipped besides Him. 

 Allah Almighty says in the next two verses (82,83) "Those who believe and do not mix their belief with injustice, those will have security, and they are guided, and that was Our argument which We have given Abraham against His people, We raise in degrees whom We will, indeed, Your Lord is All-Wise, All-Knower", that is, Allah assures that those who believed in Him, were sincere in worshipping Him, did not mix their worshipping of Him and their belief with polytheism, and did not associate anything with Him have more right to security from His punishment on the day of resurrection than those who associate idols in worshipping Him, and they are guided to the path of guidance and they are on the path of salvation in the worldly life and the Hereafter, and as narrated by Abdullah: "When those who believe and do not mix their belief with injustice was revealed, it bothered some Muslims, so they said O Messenger of Allah! Which of us has not wronged himself?, He said It is not that, it is only polytheism, Do you not Hear what Luqman said to His son O my son! Do not associate anything with Allah, indeed, the polytheism is a great injustice (Surat Luqman Aya 13)" (Jami' Altirmidhi 3067). And that was Allah's argument which He has given His Prophet Abraham against His people, when Allah made known to Him the difference between those who are guided and those who are astray, so that it may be an argument against His people in worshipping that which neither benefits no harms, so they will have no excuse or argument before Allah in order to save themselves from His punishment, and Abraham's argument became superior to their argument, and thus Allah raises in degrees whom He wills with faith and knowledge, and Allah is All-Wise who manages His creation with wisdom in His laws and destiny, the All-Knower of whom He guides and whom He lets go astray.

 Allah Almighty says in the next four verses (84-87) "And We granted Him Isaac and Jacob, all We guided, and Noah We guided before, and among His progeny David and Solomon and Job and Joseph and Moses and Aaron, and thus We reward the good doers, and Zechariah and John and Jesus and Elias, and all were of the righteous, and Ishmael and Elisha and Jonah and Lot and all We preferred over the worlds, and from their fathers and their progeny and their brothers, and We chose them and guided them to a straight path", that is, the Prophet Abraham has established the argument against His people, but they insisted on disbelief, so He left them and what they worshipped besides Allah as mentioned in Aya (49) of Surat Maryam, so Allah rewarded Him for his obedience and sincerity of worshipping Him and abandoning the religion of His people, and placed in His progeny the prophethood and the Book as Allah has stated in Aya (27) of Surat Alankabootso Allah granted Him His son Isaac, and His grandson Jacob, and all of them Allah has guided to the straight path, and Allah has guided the Prophet Noah before Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and among the progeny of the Prophet Noah are the Prophets David, Solomon, Job, Joseph, Moses and Aaron, and thus Allah rewards the good doers who worship Allah as if they see Him, and if they can not see Him, then Allah sees them, so they act according to Allah's commands and prohibitions. And among the Progeny of Noah are Zechariah, John, Jesus, Elias, and all of them were of the righteous, and Ishmael, Elisha, Jonah, and Lot, and Allah has preferred all of them over the worlds of their time. And Allah also has guided and chosen Messengers from the fathers, the descendants, and the brothers of these Prophets, as there were Messengers whom Allah did not narrate to His Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) as He has stated in Aya (164) of Surat Alnisa'. So Allah has chosen Messengers whom we did not know from the progeny of the Prophet Noah and has guided them to the straight path, the truth, the pure religion in which there is no polytheism.

 Allah Almighty says in the next three verses (88-90) "That is the guidance of Allah by which He guides whom He wills of His servants, but if they had associated, what they used to do would have been nullified for them, those are the ones to whom We have given the Book and the judgment and the prophethood, but if these disbelieve in it, then We have entrusted it to a people who are not disbelievers in it, those are the ones whom Allah has guided, so Follow their guidance, Say I do not ask you a wage for itit is nothing but a reminder to the worlds", that is, that is the guidance of Allah by which He guides whom He wills of His servants, so He has guided these Messengers and Prophets and enabled them to attain the true religion, so they were obedient to Allah and sincere in worshipping Him, so they refused to associate anything with Allah, and opposed their people in associating false gods and idols with Him, and if they have associated others with Allahtheir deeds would have been nullified and have become worthless due to their polytheism because Allah does not forgive association with Him, but He forgives what is less than than for whom He wills as He has stated in Ayat (48,116) of Surat Alnisa'.

 Then Allah assures that the Prophets and Messengers from among the progeny of the Prophet Noah whom Allah has chosen to convey His message to His creation are the ones to whom Allah has given the Book such as the Scripture of Abraham, the Torah, the Gospel, and the Psalms, and Allah has given them the judgment and understanding the Book and its rulings, and He has placed the prophecy among them. So if the polytheist of Quraish disbelieve in these blessings that Allah has bestowed upon them like those before them as He has given them the Holy Quran in which there are the judgment of Allah and the rulings of His religion, and He has placed the Prophecy among them when He sent them a Messenger from among themselves as mentioned in Aya (164) of Surat Aliemran, then Allah has entrusted it to other people such as Almuhajereen, the Ansar, and the believers until the day of resurrection, so they do not deny any of their Book or even reject a single Aya of it, they do not oppose Allah's judgment, and they do not deny Allah's Messenger Muhammad (PBUH), but rather they believe in all of them and they are not disbelievers in any of them. Then Allah addresses His Messenger Muhammad saying those are the Prophets and Messengers whom Allah has guided to the straight path and the pure religion, so Follow their guidance, and Follow their deeds and actions which We have narrated to You in the Holy Quran, and as narrated by Alawwam: "I asked Mujahid regarding the prostration of Sad, he said I asked Ibn Abbas, What evidence makes you prostrate?, He said Don't you recite ''And among His progeny David and Solomon.......Those are the ones whom Allah has guided, so Follow their guidance" (Surat Alan'am Ayat 84,90), so David was one of those Prophets whom the Prophet Muhammad was ordered to follow, David prostrated, so Allah's Messenger performed this prostration too" (Sahih Albukhari 4807). Then Allah commanded His Messenger to say to the polytheists of Quraish that He does not ask them a wage for conveying the message of Allah to them, and that the Holy Quran is a reminder to the worlds in which there are lessons from the previous nations and ways of salvation in the worldly life and the Hereafter.

 Allah Almighty says in the next two verses (91,92) "And they did not appreciate Allah with true appreciation of Him when they said Allah has not sent down anything to a human being, Say Who sent down the Book which Moses brought it as a light and guidance to the people?, you make it into parchments, you disclose it and conceal much, and you were taught that which you did not know, neither you nor your fathers, Say Allah, then Leave them in their vain talk, playing, and this is a blessed Book which We have sent down, confirming what was before it, and that You may warn the Mother of the towns and those around it, those who believe in the Hereafter believe in it, and they are maintaining their prayer", that is, the polytheists of Quraish did not appraise Allah as He deserves when they denied His Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) and the Holy Quran saying Allah has not revealed anything to a human being, thereupon, Allah commanded His Messenger to ask them Who sent down the Torah which Moses brought it as a light and a guidance to the people?, but the Jews made the Torah into parchments, and they used to distort it, changed it, and interpret it according to their desires, so they disclose to the people only what they want, and hide from them much of what Allah has sent down in the Torah including the description of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). And Allah commanded His Messenger to ask them Who sent down the Holy Quran by which you were taught what you did not know, neither you nor your fathers such as the news of what has passed, the news of what is to come, then Allah commanded His Messenger to assure them that Allah is the One who has sent down the Torah upon the Prophet Moses, and the Holy Quran upon Him, so Allah commanded His Messenger to let them indulging in denial, refusing to accept the truth, playing in the worldly life, and denying Allah's Messenger. Thereupon, Allah assures His Messenger that He has sent down the Holy Quran upon Him as a blessed Book that confirms the Books before it such as the Torah and the Gospel in order to warn of Allah's punishment the people of Mecca "The mother of the towns'', the rest of the country around it, east and west, and all human beings as Allah has stated in Aya (28) of Surat Saba', so those who believe in the resurrection and Allah's reward and punishment on the day of resurrection, then they believe in the Holy Quran which Allah has sent down upon His Messenger, and adhere to its commands and prohibitions, so they are maintaining their prayers in its prescribed times for the prayer is a decisive factor between faith and disbelief, where as narrated by Jabir that the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said: "There is nothing between a person and disbelief except abandoning the prayer: Salah" (Sunan Alnasai 464).

 Allah Almighty says in the next two verses (93,94) "And who is more unjust than he who invents a lie about Allah or says it has been revealed to me, while it was not revealed to him anything, and he who says I will reveal like what Allah has sent down, and if You could see when the wrongdoers are in the daze of death while the Angels stretching their hands Discharge your souls! Today you will be recompensed with the punishment of humiliation because you used to say against Allah other than the truth, and you were arrogant towards His verses, and indeed, you have come to Us alone just as We created you the first time, and you have left whatever We have bestowed upon you behind your backs, and We do not see with you your intercessors whom you claimed that they were partners among you, it has been cut off between you, and lost from you is what you used to claim", that is, Allah assures that there is no one is more unjust than he who invents a lie about Allah by changing His words, alternating it, or adding something that Allah did not reveal, or claimed that Allah has revealed to him and that he is a prophet while it was not revealed to him anything like Musaiylimah Alkazzab and Abhalah bin Ka'b Alansi where as narrated by Abu Hurayrah that Allah's Messenger (PBUH) said: "While I was sleeping I saw in My hands two gold bangles, this had a disturbing effect upon Me and I was given a suggestion in the sleep that I should blow over them, so I blew over them and they were no more, and I interpreted these as the two great liars who would appear after Me, and the one amongst them was Alansi, the inhabitant of San'a, and the other one Musaiylimah, the inhabitant of Yamamah" (Sahih Muslim 2273,2274 a), likewise, there is no one is more unjust than he who opposes the revelation that has come from Allah and says I will reveal like what Allah has sent down in the Holy Quran, where when Allah's verses are recited to the polytheists of Quraish, they said indeed, we have heard, if we wish, we could surely say like this as Allah has stated in Aya (31) of Surat Alanfal

 Then Allah threatens those who invent a lie against Allah, claiming that Allah has revealed to them while nothing was revealed to them and those who said that they will say like what Allah has sent down, addressing His Messenger (PBUH) saying if You could see when the wrongdoers are in the daze of death, and are in the throes of death, and the Angels stretching out their hands with punishment for they will strike their faces and their backs as mentioned in Aya (27) of Surat Muhammad, so the Angels strike them until their souls leave their bodies and give them bad tidings of the punishment of humiliation and Allah's wrath and curse saying Discharge your souls! Today you will be recompensed with the punishment of humiliation because you used to say against Allah other than the truth, and you were arrogant towards His verses, so today you will be humiliated the utmost humiliation because you used to invent a lie against Allah, and were too arrogant to obey Allah, ant to accept and follow His verses and His Messenger. And as narrated by Abu Hurayrah that Allah's Messenger said: "When the disbeliever is dying, the Angels of punishment come to him and will say Come out discontent, and subjected to wrath to the punishment of Allah, Almighty, so it comes out like the foulest stench of a corpse, they bring him to gates of the earth, where they say how foul is this stench, then they bring him to the souls of the disbelievers" (Sunan Alnasai 1833). 

 And it will be said to them on the day of resurrection as a reprimand you have come to Us alone just as We created you the first time, so what you used to deny of the resurrection is present before your eyes, and just as Allah has created you the first time in the wombs of your mothers and you came to the worldly life alone, now Allah resurrects you from the graves, and you will come to Allah alone, and as narrated by Aisha: "Allah's Messenger (PBUH) said the people will be gathered barefooted, naked, and uncircumcised, I said O Allah's Messenger! Will the men and the women look at each other?, He said the situation will be too hard for them to pay attention to that" (Sahih Albukhari 6527), and it will be said to them you have left behind you all the blessings that Allah has bestowed upon you in the worldly life of wealth and children, so each of you comes alone with no money, children, family, or clan, and as narrated by Abu Hurayrah that Allah's Messenger (PBUH) said: "A servant says my wealth, my wealth, while he has only three of his wealth, whatever he eats and makes use of, or whatever he wears, then it was worn out, or what he gives as charity, and this is what he stored for himself, and anything else, he will go and leave it to the people" (Sahih Muslim 2959 a). And it will be said to them as rebuke for associating partners with Allah of false gods and idols We do not see with you your intercessors whom you claimed that they were partners among you, so where are your intercessors whom you claimed that they would intercede for you with your Lord on the day of resurrection, thereupon, Allah assures them that the communication with their partners has been cut off, and none of them will support his companion, and what they used to invoke of false gods and idols will gone away from them, and will not benefit them, nor will they intercede for them.

 Allah Almighty says in the next three verses (95-97) "Indeed, Allah is the One who splits the grain and seeds, He brings out the living from the dead, and He is the Bringer of the dead from the living, that is Allahso How are you being turned away?, the One who splits the daybreak and has made the night a rest and the sun and the moon a calculation, that is the decree of the Almighty, the All-Knower, and He is the One who made for you the stars that you may be guided by them through the darkenesses of the land and sea, indeed, We have explained in details the signs for a people who know", that is, Allah assures that He is the only One who splits the grain and the seeds in the soil, and from it crops of all kinds grow including grains, vegetarians, and fruits of different colors, shapes, and tastes, and Allah brings out the living from the dead and brings out the dead from the living, where Allah brings out plants from seeds and seeds from plants, eggs from chickens and chickens from eggs, and man from semen drop and semen drop from man, that is Allah, the Only One who is capable of that with no partner, so How are you being turned away from the truth to error and associate others with Allah?. And Allah is the Creator of light and darkness as He splits the daybreak when He separates the darkness of the night from the light of the day at the beginning of the morning, so the night disappears with its darkness and the day comes with its light, and Allah has made the night a rest so that man rests from the hardship of seeking livelihood during the day, and has made the moon and the sun a calculation as they run according to a predetermined and known calculation that does not change nor differ, and each of them has phases that it takes in summer and winter, and this results in the difference between night and day in length and shortness throughout the year, and as mentioned in Aya (40) of Surat Yaseen "It is not for the sun that it reaches the moon, nor does the night overtake the day, and all of them are swimming in an orbit". And that is the decree of the Almighty who is Severe in His revenge on those who disobeyed Him, and He is All-Knower of everything as nothing is hidden from Him in the heavens or on the earth. And Allah is the only One who made the stars so that mankind may be guided by them throughout the darknesses of the land and sea when they lost their way, and Allah has detailed the signs and the arguments which indicate that there is no God but Him for a people who know; For they will reflect on them and acknowledge Allah's ability to create whatever He wills.

 Allah Almighty says in the next two verses (98,99) "And He is the One who produced you from one soul, then a place of residence and a place of storage, indeed, We have explained in details the signs for a people who understand, and He is the One who has sent down water from the sky, then We have brought forth thereby plants of everything, We produced from it greenery form which We produce grains interwoven, and from the palm-trees from its inflorescence are clusters hanging near, and gardens of grapes and the olives and pomegranates, similar and not similar, Look at its fruit when it yields and its ripeness, indeed, in that there are signs for a people who believe", that is, Allah confirms that He is the One who has produced all people from one soul (Adam), despite their different races, tongues and colors, then He has made for them on the earth a place of dwelling and a place of storage in which they are buried when they die, where Allah has said to Adam, Eve, and Satan "And for you on the earth is a place of residence and an enjoyment for a time" as He has stated in Aya (36) of Surat Albaqarah, and Aya (24) of Surat Ala'raf. And Allah has detailed the signs and the arguments which indicate that there is no God but Him for a people who understand; For they will reflect on them and acknowledge Allah's ability to create all mankind from one soul.

 Allah is the only One who sends down water from the sky, then He brings forth thereby plants of everything for mankind, the cattle and the birds, and Allah produces from it greenery of trees and plants from which He produces grains set one upon the other like the ears of wheat, rice, and barely, and from the palm-trees, there are short palm-trees that are closed to the ground, therefore, from its inflorescence are clusters that are close and hanging near, so they are accessible to the people unlike tall palm-trees that are mentioned in Aya (10) of Surat Qaaf which are at high altitudes and require effort to pick the dates. And Allah also has produced orchards of grapes, and produced the olives and pomegranates which are similar in leaves, and close to each other in the shape of the tree, but the olives and pomegranates are not similar in shape, taste, and smell of the fruit, thereupon, Allah commanded mankind to look at its fruit when it yields, and at its ripeness at the time of its harvest, and how Allah has produced plants of everything that are different in colors, shapes, tastes, and smells, even though they came forth of the same soil, and are watered by the same water, and Allah has made some better than others in taste as He has stated in Aya (4) of Surat Alra'd, and in that there are signs for a people who believe in Allah and His great ability to produce all plants from one water and one soil and He is the only One who is capable of growing these plants.

 Allah Almighty says in the next two verses (100,101) "But they have attributed partners to Allah, the Jinn, while He has created them, and have fabricated for Him sons and daughters without knowledge, Glory to be Him, and High is He above what they describe, the Originator of the heavens and the earth, How could He have a son when He does not have a companion and He created everything?, and He is All-Knower of everything", that is, Allah tells about the polytheists who worshipped idols and false gods besides Allah saying that they have attributed the Jinn as partners to Allah, as they have made between Allah and the jinn a lineage as mentioned in Aya (158) of Surat Alsaffatso the polytheists obeyed the Jinn and followed their commands in worshipping other than Allah of false gods and idols, and they have taken the Jinn as protectors besides Allah while He has created them all, and He is the Creator with no partner, so How can anyone else be worshipped with Him?, and they have fabricated for Him sons and daughters without knowledge, where the Jews say Ezra is the son of Allah, and the Christians say the Messiah is the son of Allah as mentioned in Aya (30) of Surat Altawbah, and the polytheists claimed that the Angels are the daughters of Allah, so Glory to be Allah, and High is He above what they describe of partners of the Jinn, sons, and daughters. Then Allah assures that He is the Creator of the heavens and the earth, so How could He have a son when He does not have a companion and He created everything?, and He has created everything in the heavens and the earth and whatever is between both of them, and He is All-Knower of everything as nothing is hidden from Him in the heavens nor on the earth.

 Allah Almighty says in the next two verses (102,103) "That is Allah, your Lord, there is no God but He, the Creator of everything, so Worship Him, and He is a Guardian over everything, the sight can not perceive Him, but He perceives the sight, and He is the All-Subtle, the All-Aware", that is, the One who splits the grain and seeds, the One brings out the living from the dead and the dead from the living, the One who splits the daybreak, the One who makes the night a rest and the sun and the moon a calculation, the One who makes the stars a guidance, the One who produces all mankind from one soul, the One who sends down water from the sky, then He brings forth thereby plants of everything, the One who does not have a son, a daughter, or a companion, and the One who originated the heavens and the earth as shown above in Ayat (95-101), that is Allah, your Lord, there is no God but Him, the Creator of everything, so Worship Him alone, with no partner, Acknowledge His Oneness, and that He neither begets, nor is born, nor is there to Him any equivalent as He has stated in Ayat (3,4) of Surat Alikhlas, and He is a Disposer of all affairs and everything is under His control and authority. 

 Then Allah assures that the sight of anything can not perceive Him in the worldly life, but He perceives the sight of everything, and Allah is All-Subtle in what He wills; For if He decrees a matter, He places reasons for it, and facilitates it, All-Aware whose ability and knowledge encompass everything, so it is not for a human being to see Allah in the worldly life, where when Masruq asked Aisha and said: "O Mother! Did Prophet Muhammad see His Lord?, Aisha said: ''What you have said makes My hair stand on end! Know that if somebody tells you one of the following three things, he is a liar: whoever tells you that Muhammad saw His Lord, is a liar, then Aisha recited verse (103) of Surat Alan'am ''The sight can not perceive Him, but He perceives the sight, and He is the All-Subtle, the All-Aware", and verse (51) of Surat Alshura "And it is not for a human being that Allah speaks to him except by revelation, or from behind a barrier". And whoever tells you that the Prophet knows what is going to happen tomorrow, is a liar, then She recited Aya (34) of Surat Luqman "And no soul knows what it will earn tomorrow". And whoever tells you that he concealed, is a liar, then She recited Aya (67) of Surat Alma'edah "O Messenger! Proclaim that which has been revealed to you from Your Lord", then She said: but the Prophet saw Gabriel in His true form twice" (Sahih Albukhari 4855). And Allah has said to the Prophet Moses when He asked to see Allah "You will not see Me" as mentioned in Aya (143) of Surat Ala'raf. But the believers will see Allah on the day of resurrection as mentioned in Aya (22,23) of Surat Alqiyamah "Faces that day, will be radiant, looking towards their Lord", and as narrated by Abu Hurayrah: "The people said O Allah's Messenger! Shall we see our Lord on the day of resurrection?, He replied Do you have any doubt in seeing the full moon on a clear night?, they replied no O Allah's Messenger, He said Do you have any doubt in seeing the sun when there are no clouds?, they said no, He said you will see your Lord in the same way" (Sahih Albukhari 806), while the disbelievers will be debarred from their Lord that day as mentioned in Aya (15) of Surat Almutaffifin.

 Allah Almighty says in the next two verses (104,105) "Indeed, there has come to you enlightenment from your Lord, so Whoever sees, then it is for himself, and whoever is blind then it is  against it, and I am not a preserver over you, and thus We explain the verses, so that they will say You have studied, and that We make it clear for a people who know", that is, Allah commanded His Messenger to say to the polytheists that there has come to them the Holy Quran in which there is enlightenment of the truth, the rulings, and the limits of Allah, and by which they can distinguish guidance from error, and belief from disbelief. So whoever sees the truth and recognize Allah's proofs and arguments, believes in what they indicate of Allah's Oneness, and believe in His Messenger and what He brought from His Lord, so the benefit of this will only return to Him because Allah will reward Him with the best reward, and his destiny will be Paradise, but as for the one who is blind, and does not believe in Allah's proofs and arguments, and in what they indicate regarding belief in Allah, His Messenger, and His revelation, then it is only due to himself because he harmed himself by gaining the wrath of Allah and deserving the painful torment, so his destiny will be Hellfire, and the blindness is not the blindness of sight, but it is the blindness of the hearts which are within the breasts as Allah has stated in Aya (46) of Surat Alhajj, thereupon, Allah commanded His Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) to say to them I am not a preserver over you, so I am not in charge to preserve your deeds, I am a warner informing you what I have been sent with, I only have to convey Allah's message to you, and Allah guides whom He wills and lets go astray whom He wills, so He is your Guardian and nothing of your deeds is hidden from Him. And thus Allah explained the verses in this Surah so that the polytheists and the disbelievers say that Allah's Messenger has learned from the people of the Scripture, and they have said that a human being had taught Him the Holy Quran as Allah has stated in Aya (103) of Surat Alnahl "And We certainly know that they say it is only a human being who teaches Him, the tongue of the one they refer to is foreign and this is a clear Arabic tongue", and that Allah makes it clear for a people who know, so they will know the truth, and will accept and follow it, and they will not be like those who are blind to the truth and did not understand it after it became clear to them, therefore, Allah commanded His Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) to say to the polytheist of Quraish regarding the Holy Quran in Aya (44) of Surat Fussilat "Say, for those who believe, it is guidance and a healing, and those who disbelieve, there is deafness in their ears and it is blindness upon them, those are being called from a distant place".

 Allah Almighty says in the next two verses (106,107) "Follow what has been revealed to You from Your Lord, there is no God but He, and  Turn away from the polytheists, and if Allah had willed, they would not have associated, and We have not made You over them as a preserver, and You are not a guardian over them", that is, Allah commanded His Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) to follow the Holy Quran that has been revealed to Him from Allah, there is no God but Him, with no partner, so Act according to Allah's commands and prohibitions, and Turn away from the polytheists, and Let not them avert You from the way of Allah, and if Allah had willed, He would have guided all people, and they would not associated false gods and idols with Allah, so they would have believed in You, and they would have followed you and followed what You brought them of the truth from Your Lord, so Allah did not make Him as a preserver over them, so He is not in charge to preserve their deeds, but He is a warner informing them what He was sent with, and all He has to do is conveying the message of Allah to them, and He is not a guardian over them in order to force them to believe, but Allah is their Guardian, so He guides whom He wills, and lets go astray whom He wills.

 Allah Almighty says in the next verse (108) "And Do not insult those whom they invoke besides Allah, so they insult Allah in enmity without knowledge, thus We have adorned for every community their deed, then to their Lord is their return then He will inform them of what they used to do", that is, Allah has forbidden His Messenger (PBUH) and the believers from insulting and cursing those whom the polytheists invoke other than Allah of false gods and idols lest the polytheists insult and curse Allah in enmity and aggression without knowledge out of their ignorance of Allah, and thus Allah has adorned for every community their deed, so He has adorned obedience to the people of obedience, and disbelief to the people of disbelief, thereupon, Allah has adorned to the polytheists the love of their idols and defending them, then they will return to Allah on the day of resurrection, and He will inform them of what they used to do in the worldly life, and then He will recompense them for what they used to do of good and evil. 

 Allah Almighty says in the next three verses (109-111) "And they swore by Allah the strongest of their oaths that if a sign came to them, they would believe in it, Say the signs are only with Allah, and what will make you perceive that when it comes, they will not believe, and We will turn their hearts and their sight just as they did not believe in it the first time, and We will leave them in their transgression, wandering, and even if We had sent down to them the Angels and the dead had spoken to them, and We had gathered everything in front of them, they would not believe except that Allah should will, but most of them behaving ignorantly", that is, the polytheists swore by Allah the strongest of their oaths that if a sign from Allah came to them such as the she-camel of the Prophet Salih or the stick of the Prophet Moses, they would believe in it, so Allah commanded His Messenger (PBUH) to assure those who asked for a sign out of their stubbornness and disbelief that the signs are only with Allah, if He wills, He will bring them to you, but if Allah sent a sign to them, then they deny it, Allah would destroy them with a painful punishment as He has stated in Aya (59) of Surat Alisraa "And nothing has prevented Us from sending signs except that the former ones denied them, and We gave Thamud the she-camel as a visible sign, but they wronged her, and We do not send the signs except as a warning". Thereupon, Allah addresses the believers saying what make you perceive that perhaps when a sign comes to them, they will not believe in it, and then Allah's vengeance would befall them, and they will not be delayed. And Allah assures that He will turn their hearts from faith and their sight from seeing the truth if the sign they asked for comes to them, so they will not believe in Allah, His Messenger, and what He has brought them just as they did not believe the first time before the sign comes to them, thereupon, Allah will leave them wandering blindly in their transgression, so they will not be guided to any guidance, nor will they see any way of truth, and thus they deserve Allah's punishment that He has decreed for them. 

 And this is due to Allah's knowledge that they will not believe even if every sign comes to them as He has stated in Ayat (96,97) of Surat Yunus "Indeed, those upon whom the word of Your Lord has come true will not believe even if every sign comes to them until they see the painful punishment", so Allah assures that if He had sent down the Angels to them, and they saw them with their own eyes, if He had revived the dead and they had spoken to them, and if He has gathered everything He has created in front of them, they would not believe except that Allah should will as the guidance belongs to Allah alone, not to them, and He guides whom He wills, and lets go astray whom He wills, but most of them behaving ignorantly and swore falsely by Allah the strongest of their oaths that if a sign came to them, they would believe in it.

 Allah Almighty says in the next two verses (112,113) "And thus We have made for every Prophet an enemy, devils from mankind and the Jinn, inspiring to each other decorative words in delusion, but if Your Lord had willed, they would not have done it, so Leave them and what they invent, and so that the hearts of those who disbelieve in the Hereafter may incline to it, and so that they may be pleased with it and so that they may commit what they are committing", that is, Allah reassured His Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) saying that just as We made for you enemies, We also made enemies for every Prophet before You, and that Allah's Messengers had been denied, but they were patient over what they had been denied for as shown above in Aya (34), so Allah has made for every Prophet an enemy, devils from among human beings and the Jinn who used to call the people to misguidance and disbelief just like the people of Quraish who denied Allah's Messenger and what He has brought them of the Holy Quran, and the devils of the Jinn inspire to the devils of mankind decorative words in delusion and falsehood in order to turn them away from the path of guidance, and from following Allah's Messengers, so the devils inspire to their allies from among mankind as will come later in Aya (121). And as narrated by Abdullah bin Mas'ud: "There is none amongst you with whom is not an attache from amongst the Jinn, they said Allah's Messenger! With You too?, He said yes, but Allah helps Me against him, so he has submitted, and he does not command Me but for good" (Sahih Muslim 2814 a). And the devils from among the Jinn and mankind whom Allah has appointed to every Prophet do all of that by Allah's will and decree, and if Allah had willed, they would not have done that, thereupon, Allah commanded His Messenger to leave the polytheists who argued with Him falsely and disputed with Him according to what their allies from among mankind and the Jinn inspire to them, and what they invent of falsehood and lie. But Allah assures that the devils do not deceive except those who do not believe in the Hereafter and the day of resurrection as their hearts incline to the falsehood and believe in it, and they are pleased with it, and they commit what they are committing of deeds in order to conform their destiny that Allah has decreed for them.

 Allah Almighty says in the next two verses (114,115) "Then Is it other than Allah I seek as judge while He is the One who has sent down to you the Book explained in details?, and those to whom We have given the Book know that it is sent down from Your Lord in truth, so Do not be among the doubters, and the word of Your Lord was fulfilled in truth and justice, there is no one to change His words, and He is All-Hearing, All-Knower", that is, Allah commanded His Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) to say to the polytheists Is it other than Allah I seek as judge between Me and you, while He is the One who has sent down to you the Holy Quran in which He has explained in details the judgment of what you dispute with Me regarding My affair and you affair?, and those to whom Allah has given the Scripture from among the Jews and the Christians know that the Holy Quran is sent down from Allah in truth; For Allah gave them clear arguments and proofs related to the prophet Muhammad whom they find written in what they have of the Torah and the Gospel as mentioned in Aya (157) of Surat Ala'raf, and Allah commanded Him not to be of the doubters who doubts the truth that has come to Him from Allah in the Holy Quran. Although the speech is directed to Allah's Messenger, but it is for His Ummah so that they will not be in doubt about the truth that has come to them from their Lord. Then Allah assures His Messenger that He has fulfilled His word in truth regarding what He says and in justice regarding what He judges, so everything He informed is truth in which there is no doubt, everything He commands is justice other than which there is no justice, and everything He forbids is falsehood and error, and there is no one to change or distort Allah's words, so what Allah's Messenger recites from the Book is the truth from His Lord, and Allah is All-Hearing, All-Knower where nothing in the heavens nor on the earth is hidden from Him, so He knows what they declare and what they conceal.  

 Allah Almighty says in the next two verses (116,117) "And if You obey most of those on the earth, they will mislead You from the way of Allah, they do not follow except conjecture, and they do nothing but they lie, indeed, Your Lord knows best he who strays from His way, and He knows best those who are guided", that is, Allah addresses His Messenger (PBUH) saying if You obey most of those upon the earth, they will lead You astray from the way of Allah for they do not follow except conjecture and delusion; Because they worshipped these idols without any knowledge or proof that makes them worthy of worship, and they only invent the lie and falsehood against Allah. And Allah knows best those who went astray from His way, and those who are guided.

 Allah Almighty says in the next two verses (118,119) "So Eat of that upon which the Name of Allah has been mentioned, if you are believers in His verses, and Why should you not eat of that upon which the Name of Allah has been mentioned while He has explained in details to you what He has forbidden to you except what you are forced to it, and indeed, many mislead by their desires without knowledge, indeed, Your Lord knows best the aggressors", that is, Allah commanded the Muslims to eat of slaughtered animals upon which His Name is mentioned, so these animals are not permissible unless the Name of Allah is mentioned on them, where the polytheists of Quraish used to eat the dead animals, and the animals they slaughtered in the sake of their idols, so Muslims are commanded to eat of the animals upon which the Name of Allah is mentioned if they believe in Allah's Verses and in what He has made lawful for them and what He has forbidden for them. So What prevents you from eating of that upon which the Name of Allah is mentioned while Allah has explained in details what He has forbidden to you except in cases of necessity, then what you find is permissible for you even if it is unlawful food such as the dead animal, the blood, the flesh of swine, and that which has been dedicated to other than Allah of false gods and idols as will come later in Aya (145). Then Allah assures that many of the people lead others astray by their desires without knowledge by permitting dead animals and that which has been dedicated to their idols, and Allah addresses His Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) saying, indeed, Your Lord knows best the aggressors and the tyrants who transgress Allah's limits and made lawful what He has forbidden.

 Allah Almighty says in the next two verses (120,121) "And Leave what is apparent of the sin and what is concealed thereof, indeed, those who earn the sin will be recompensed for that which they used to commit, and Do not eat of that upon which the Name of Allah has not been mentioned, for indeed, it is disobedience, and indeed, the devils inspire their allies to argue with you, and if you obey them, indeed, you would be polytheists", that is, Allah commanded the believers to abandon what is apparent and what is concealed of the sin, what is apparent to the people and what is between the servant and His Lord, and Allah assures that those who earn the sin and what Allah has forbidden them will be recompensed on the day of resurrection for what they used to commit of evil deeds in the worldly life. Then Allah forbade the believers from eating of that upon which the Name of Allah has not been mentioned, whether what you slaughtered without mentioning the Name of Allah, or what the polytheists slaughtered for their idols, therefore, Allah's Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) ordered that the Name of Allah to be mentioned over the hunting dog, so that its hunt would be lawful even if it killed what it caught, where as narrated by Adi bin Hatim: "I asked Allah's Messenger (PBUH) about the Ma'rad, He said if you hit the game with its sharp edge, Eat it, but if the Ma'rad hits the game with its shaft with a hit by its broad side Do not eat it, for it has been beaten to death with a piece of wood, I asked if I let loose my trained dog after a game?, He said if you let loose your trained dog after game, and mention the Name of Allah, then you can eat, I said if the dog eats of the game?, He said then you should not eat of it, for the dog has hunted the game for itself, and not for you, I said some times I send my dog and then I find another dogs with it?, He said Do not eat the game, as you have mentioned the Name of Allah on your dog only, and not on the other" (Sahih Albukhari 5476). And Allah's Messenger said to the Muslim Jinn when they asked Him about their provision "Every bone on which the Name of Allah is mentioned is your provision, the time it will fall in your hand it would be covered with flesh, and the dung is fodder for your animals" (Sahih Muslim 450 a).

 But if meat comes to you and you do not know whether the Name of Allah is mentioned on it or not, you must be careful by mentioning the Name of Allah when eating, where as narrated by Aisha: "Some people said O Allah's Messenger! Meat is brought to us by some people, and we are not sure whether the Name of Allah has been mentioned on it or not, Allah's Messenger said to them Mention the Name of Allah and eat it" (Sahih Albukhari 2057). Then Allah assures that eating of that which the Name of Allah has not been mentioned, eating of that which has been dedicated to other than Allah of false gods and idols, or eating the dead animal is a grave disobedience to Allah, and that the devils inspire their allies from the polytheists to argue with the Muslims by saying Do you eat what you kill and do not eat what Allah kills?, they mean that the Muslims do not eat the dead animals, so Allah addresses the Muslims saying if you obey them in eating the dead animals, then indeed, you would be polytheists who transgress the command of Allah, made lawful what Allah has forbidden, and obey the command of devils.

 Allah Almighty says in the next verse (122) "Then Is he who was dead and We gave him life and made for him light by which he walks among the people like he whose example is in the darknesses from which he will not come out?, thus it was beautified to the disbelievers what they used to do", that is, Allah cites an example of a believer who was dead when he was misguided, lost and confused, and Allah revived him by faith, guided him, enabled him to follow His Messenger, and made for him light of the Holy Quran and faith by which he walks and acts among the people, so Is this believer like the one whose example is in darkenesses of disbelief and misguidance from which he will not come out, so he will not be guided to any path of guidance?, assuredly, the believers and the disbelievers are not equal for the example of the two parties is like the blind and the deaf, and the seeing and the hearing as Allah has stated in Aya (24) of Surat Hud, thus it was beautified to the disbelievers what they used to do of disbelief and misguidance, so they saw their evil deeds as good deeds, and thought that they are guided.

 Allah Almighty says in the next two verses (123,124) "And thus We have placed within every town the greatest of its criminals so that they plot therein, and they do not plot except against themselves, but they do not perceive, and when a sign comes to them, they say we will not believe until we are given like that which was given to the Messengers of AllahAllah knows best of where He places His message, it will befall those who committed crimes humiliation before Allah and severe punishment for what they used to plot", that is, Allah assures that He has placed in every town the greatest of its criminals who are the leaders and callers to disbelief so that they plot therein through deceitful speech and falsehood against the religion of Allah in order to turn the people away from belief and following Allah's Messengers, but they plot only against themselves while they do not realize that the evil of their plotting and the misguidance of those whom they misled will not befall anyone except themselves, so they will bear their burdens in full on the day of resurrection, and some of the burdens of those whom they lead a stray without knowledge as Allah has stated in Aya (25) of Surat Alnahl, and that their plotting will not affect Allah's message because Allah will help His Messengers and those who believe in the worldly life, and on the day of resurrection as mentioned in Aya (51) of Surat Ghafir. Then Allah assures that when a sign from Allah comes to the greatest criminals from among the polytheists of Quraish that indicated the truthfulness of what Allah's Messenger brought them from His Lord, they said we will not believe in what Muhammad (PBUH) called us to believe in until Allah gives us signs and miracles like what He has given to His Messengers such as the stick and splitting the sea of the Prophet Moses, and reviving the dead, and healing the blind and the lepers of the Prophet Jesus. So they set conditions for belief in Allah's Messenger out of their ignorance, arrogance, and stubbornness as they used to belittle Him as Allah has stated in Aya (41) of Surat Alfurqan "And when they saw You, they take You not except in ridicule Is this the one whom Allah has sent as a Messenger?", therefore, Allah confirms that He knows best of where He places His message, and he who is suitable for it from among His creation.

 And Allah has chosen His Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) from the best classes of humanity, the most honorable loins and wombs, and the most honorable house of the Arabs which is the house of Banu Hashim, the most ancient in lineage, and the highest in status in the entire Arabian Peninsula, where as narrated by Abu Hurayrah that Allah's Messenger (PBUH) said: "I have been sent from the best of the generations of the children of Adam, generation after generation until I was from the generation in which I was" (Sahih Albukhari 3557), and as narrated by Wathila bin Alasqa': "I heard Allah's Messenger (PBUH) saying indeed, Allah granted eminence to Kinanah from amongst the descendants of Ishmael, and He granted eminence to Quraish amongst Kinanah, and He granted eminence to Banu Hashim amongst Quraish, and He granted Me eminence from Banu Hashim" (Sahih Muslim 2276). Then Allah threatens those who were arrogant in following His Messengers, and in submitting to what they brought from their Lord saying that they will be afflicted with permanent humiliation on the day of resurrection, and severe punishment for what they used to plot against the religion of Allah and the believers by inventing a lie about Allah, arguing falsely with the believers, and deceiving them with decorative words.  

 Allah Almighty says in the next verse (125) "So whoever Allah wants to guide him, He expands his breast to Islam, and whoever He wants to let him go astray, He makes his breast tight and constricted as if he climbs up to the sky, thus Allah places the filth upon those who do not believe", that is, whoever Allah wants to guide, He expands and opens his heart to Islam, monotheism, and belief, so he will be upon a light from Allah as mentioned in Aya (22) of Surat Alzumar, and he who is upon a light from Allah, he follows His commands and avoids His prohibitions, and as narrated by Mu'awiya bin Abi Sufian: "I heard Allah's Messenger (PBUH) saying if Allah wants to do good to a person, He makes him comprehend the religion" (Sahih Albukhari 71). But as for whoever Allah wants to let him go astray, he preoccupies him with disbelief and prevents him from the path of guidance, so He makes his heart tight and constricted because of the dominance of disbelief over his heart, thereupon, the light of faith will not enter his heart and nothing of good will reach it, and the example of his inability to accept faith is like his inability to ascend to the sky because both of them are not according to his ability and will, but rather according to Allah's ability and will. And thus Allah places the filth upon those who do not believe in Allah, His Messengers, and His Books, so He will leave them wandering blindly in their disbelief, and then they deserve Allah's punishment that He has decreed for them.

 Allah Almighty says in the next two verses (126,127) "And this is the path of Your Lord, straight, indeed, We have explained in details the verses for a people who are reminded, for them will be the abode of peace with their Lord, and He will be their Protector because of what they used to do", that is, Allah assures His Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) that the religion which He has legislated for Him and what He has revealed to Him in the Holy Quran is the straight path of Allah, and Allah has explained in details and made clear the verses for those who are reminded by the truth with which He has sent His Messenger, so they believe in Allah's verses and act according to Allah's commands and prohibitions, for them there will be the abode of peace with Allah, so they will enter Paradise on the day of resurrection, and Allah will be their Protector, so He will save them from Hellfire as a reward for what they used to do in the worldly life of good deeds and following the straight path of Allah.

 Allah Almighty says in the next two verses (128,129) "And the day He will gather them all together, O company of Jinn! You have many of mankind, and their allies from among mankind will say Our Lord! Some of us enjoyed of others, and we have reached our term which You have appointed for us, He will say the Fire is your abode, abiding therein except what Allah wills, indeed, Your Lord is All-Wise, All-Knower, and thus We make some of the wrongdoers allies of others for what they used to earn", that is, on the day of resurrection, Allah will gather all mankind and the Jinn for reckoning, so the Jinn and their allies from among human beings who used to follow and obey them will stand before Allah, and Allah will call the Jinn that day saying O company of Jinn! You have misled many of mankind by deception and false promises, then their allies from among human beings will say Our Lord! Some of us enjoyed of others for the Jinn take pleasure in obedience of their allies among human beings to them, and human beings take pleasure in accepting the commands of the Jinn until they associated partners with Allah and committed what Allah has forbidden for them. And they enjoyed of one another until they reached the term of their death which Allah has appointed for them in the worldly life, then Allah will say to them the Fire is your abode, you and your allies, abiding therein forever except what Allah wills, and then Allah addresses His Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) saying indeed, Your Lord is All-Wise who manages His creation with wisdom in His laws and destiny, the All-Knower of everything as nothing of their affair is hidden from Him, and thus Allah makes some of the wrongdoers allies of others, so He takes revenge on them and destroys them through others for what they used to earn in the worldly life of disobedience, tyranny, and transgression, thereupon, Allah makes many of mankind allies of the Jinn, so they seduced and misled them till they destroyed them and led them to Hellfire.

 Allah Almighty says in the next verse (130) "O Company of Jinn and mankind! Did there not come to you Messengers from among you narrating to you My verses, and warning you the meeting of this day of yours?, they will say we bear witness against ourselves and the worldly life deceived them, and they will bear witness against themselves that they were disbelievers", that is, Allah will say to the disbelievers from among the Jinn and human beings as a reprimand Did there not come to you Messengers from among you, narrating to you the verses of your Lord with which He sent His Messengers, and warning the meeting of the day of resurrection and the fate that awaits you, where Allah has sent human Messengers to mankind and the Jinn as Allah has stated in Ayat (109) of Surat Yusuf, and Aya (43) of Surat Alnahl "And We did not send before You except men to whom We revealed", and the Jinn were warners to their people as they listened to Allah's Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) when He was reciting the Holy Quran, then they went to their people as warners saying "O our people! Indeed, we have heard a book revealed after Moses confirming what was before it, guides to the truth and to a straight path" as mentioned in Aya (30) of Surat Alahqaf. Thereupon, the Jinn and mankind will confess that Allah's Messengers had conveyed to them Allah's message and warned them of the day of resurrection, but they denied Allah's Messengers and Allah's signs with which He has sent them, and the worldly life deceived them with its falsehoods, illusions, and enjoyments, and they will bear witness against themselves that they were disbelievers in Allah, His Messengers, and His Books. 

 Allah Almighty says in the next two verses (131,132) "That is because Your Lord would not destroy the towns for wrongdoing while their people were unaware, and for all there are degrees for what they have done, and Your Lord is not unaware of what they do", that is, Allah has sent His Messengers and His Books to the Jinn and mankind so that no one would be held accountable for his wrongdoing and disbelief while no Messenger had reached him, so Allah would not destroy the towns unless He sends to their mother a Messenger reciting to them His verses, and He would not destroy the towns except when their people are wrongdoers as He has stated in Aya (59) of Surat Alqasas, thereupon, Allah would not hasten their punishment in the worldly life while they are unaware of Allah's arguments, Allah's reward for the obedient, and Allah's punishment for the disobedient until He sends a Messenger to them, reciting to them Allah's verses and warning them of Allah's punishment on the day of resurrection so that mankind will have no argument against Allah after the Messengers as mentioned in Aya (165) of Surat Alnisa', and for each of the Jinn and mankind, the obedient and the disobedient from among them, there are degrees for what they have done in the worldly life, so if they believe and do righteous deeds, they will have degrees in Paradise each according to his deeds, but if they disbelieve and do evil deeds, they will have degrees in Hellfire each according to his deeds. And Allah is not unaware of what they do as He knows what they declare and what they conceal and nothing is hidden from Him, so He will recompense each for his deeds.

 Allah Almighty says in the next three verses (133-135) "And Your Lord is the Free of need, the Possessor of mercy, if He wills, He can do away with you and grant succession after you to whom He wills just as He produced you from the progeny of another people, indeed, what you are promised is surely coming, and you will not cause failure, Say O My people! Do at your position, indeed, I am doing, then you will know who is going to have the end of the abode, indeed, the wrongdoers will not succeed", that is, Allah addresses His Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) saying that He is Free of need of anyone as to Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth, and all His creation from among the Jinn and mankind need their Creator because in His Hand is their life, their sustenance, and their death, while He is Free of need of them, so He did not create them out of need of them, but rather He did not create the Jinn and mankind except that they worship Him as mentioned in Aya (56) of Surat Aldhariyat, and He is Possessor of mercy, so He will have mercy on those who obey Him and His Messenger, and will punish those who disobey Him and oppose His Messenger, but if you disobey Him and turn away from His way, He can do away with you and grant succession to whom He wills, thereupon,  He will replace you with others who will act in obedience to Him, so He will produce a new creation after your destruction just as He produced you after the destruction of your ancestors. Then Allah assures the polytheists that what they are promised of the resurrection is surely coming and the day of resurrection will inevitably happen, and there is no doubt about its occurrence, and then they can not cause failure on the earth nor can they escape from Allah's authority, thereupon, Allah commanded His Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) to say to them as a threat Do according to your position and your method, and I am doing according to My position and method, and you will know the one who will have the good end in the abode of the Hereafter, indeed, the wrongdoers who wronged themselves with disbelief and associated partners with Allah will not succeed in the worldly life or in the Hereafter.

 Allah Almighty says in the next verse (136) "And they assign to Allah from that which He created of the crops and the cattle a share and say this is for Allah by their claim, and this is for our partners, but what is for their partners does not reach Allah, while what is for Allah, then it reaches their partners, evil is what they judge", that is, the polytheists who attribute partners to Allah of false gods and idols assign to Allah a share of what He has created of crops and cattle saying this is for Allah by their claim, and this is for our partners, so when they reap a crop, they assign a share to Allah, and a share to their idol, and sacrifice a cattle for Allah and a cattle for their idol, but what is for their partners does not reach Allah, while what is for Allah reaches their partners, as they associate their idols with Allah in His share, and do not associate Allah with their idols in their share, so they make it purely for their idols, not associating anyone with them, and associating them with Allah even though they claimed that it is purely for Allah, so evil is what they judge in their division while Allah is their Creator and the Creator of everything, and He is Free of need of them and of their unfair division.

 Allah Almighty says in the next verse (137) "And likewise, to many of the polytheists their partners have adorned the killing of their children that they may perish them and may confuse their religion for them, and if Allah had willed, they would not have done it, so Leave them and what they invent", that is, just as the devils made the polytheists assign to Allah a share of their corps and cattle that He produced for them, they also adorned for many of them the killing of their children for fear of poverty and killing their girls for fear of shame as Allah has stated in Ayat (58,59) of Surat Alnahl "And when one of them is given glad tidings of a female, his face becomes dark, and he filled with grief, He hides himself from the people because of the evil of what he has been given glad tidings of, Should he keep it in humiliation or bury it in the dust?, unquestionably, evil is what they decide", and Allah has forbidden them from killing their children for fear of poverty as mentioned in Aya (31) of Surat Alisraa, or out of poverty as will come later in Aya (151), so the devils adorned for many of the polytheists the killing of their children through deception and fake justification in order to mislead them and lead them to destruction, and confuse their religion for them through making them doubt in their religion and adorned the falsehood for them till they see it as the truth, then Allah assures that if He had willed, they would not have done it and would not follow the devils in what they commanded them to do, but all of that happened by His will and decree, thereupon, Allah commanded His Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) to leave them and what they invent of lie and falsehood, and Allah will judge between them on the day of resurrection.

 Allah Almighty says in the next two verses (138,139) "And they say these cattle and crops are forbidden, no one may eat from them except whom we will by their claim, and cattle whose backs are forbidden and cattle upon which they do not mention the Name of Allah, an invention against Him, He will recompense them for what they used to invent, and they say what is in the bellies of these cattle is exclusively for our males and forbidden to our spouses, but if it is a dead, then they are partners in it, He will recompense them for their description, indeed, He is All-Wise, All-Knower", that is, the polytheists had forbidden what Allah has made lawful, and they used to do things that Allah did not command, so they had forbidden some of their cattle and crops and vowed them to their idols and said that only whoever they will may eat from them by their claim; For Allah has not sent down any authority for what they had forbidden, and they had forbidden the backs of some cattle, so they did not ride on them nor did they carry anything on them, and other cattle upon which they do not mention the Name of Allah on anything related to them, whether when they ride on them, milk them, or slaughter them. So they invented a lie against Allah in attributing that to the religion of Allah and His law while He did not permitted them to do that nor was He pleased with them, so He will recompense them for what they invent of falsehood and lie for Allah did not permitted the cattle they dedicated to their idols such as Bahirah, Sa'ebah, Wasilah, and Ham as He has stated in Aya (103) of Surat Alma'idah. They also made unfair division of their cattle when they said whatever fetuses are in the wombs of these cattle is exclusively for our males and forbidden to our females, so whatever is born from them alive, then it is exclusively for men not for women, but as for what is born dead, men and women are partners in it, so they all share in eating it, thereupon, Allah assures that He will recompense them for their false description and false statement against Him regarding prohibiting what Allah has made lawful and permitting what Allah has forbidden, and such people will not succeed in the worldly life or in the Hereafter as Allah has stated in Aya (116) of Surat Alnahl "And Do not say about what your tongues describe of the lie this is lawful and this is unlawful so that you may invent the lie about Allah, indeed, those who invent the lie about Allah will not succeed", indeed, He is All-Wise who manages His creation with wisdom in His laws and destiny, the All-Knower of everything as nothing of their affair is hidden from Him, so He will recompense them for what they used to do of evil deeds.

 Allah Almighty says in the next verse (140) "Indeed, those have lost who killed their children in foolishness without knowledge and forbade what Allah has provided for them, an invention against Allah, indeed, they had gone astray and they were not guided", that is, Allah assures that the losers in the worldly life and the Hereafter are those who killed their children in foolishness without knowledge when they followed the command of devils in killing their children out of fear of poverty and shame as shown above in Aya (137), and forbade what Allah has provided for them of crops and cattle when they vowed some of them to their idols as shown above in Aya (138), so they invented a lie against Allah in attributing that to the religion of Allah and His law while He did not permitted them to do that nor was He pleased with them, thereupon, Allah confirms that they have gone astray from the path of Allah and followed other than the path of guidance, and they were not guided to any path of guidance. They were in ignorance before Allah sent them His Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) with guidance and the religion of truth, where as narrated by Sa'id bin Jubair: "If you wish to know about the ignorance of the Arabs, then Read above the hundred and thirty of Surat Alan'am Indeed, those have lost who killed their children in foolishness without knowledge, till His saying indeed, they had gone astray and they were not guided" (Sahih Albukhari 3524).

 Allah Almighty says in the next two verses (141,142) "And He is the One who produced gardens, trellised and not trellised, and the palm-trees and the crops of varying taste, and the olives and pomegranates, similar and not similar, Eat of its fruit when it yields and Give its due on the day of its harvest, and Do not be extravagant, indeed, He does not love the extravagant, and of the cattle are for loading and for furnishing, Eat of what Allah has provided for you and Do not follow the footsteps of Satan, indeed, He is a clear enemy to you", that is, Allah has made lawful what the polytheists have forbidden of the crops and the cattle which they neither ride nor eat as a vow to their idols, thereupon, Allah assures that He is the Creator of everything including the crops, the fruits, and the cattle which the polytheists made some of which unlawful and some of which lawful, so Allah is the One who has produced trellised gardens like grapes whose branches wrap around each other forming the shape of a trellis, and untrellised gardens like trees whose branches do not wrap around each other, Allah has produced gardens of palm-trees, and the crops of varying taste as some of them have good taste and good smell, some have sour taste and have no smell, some are sweet, and some are bitter, and Allah has produced the olives and pomegranates which are similar in leaves, and close to each other in the shape of the tree, but the olives and pomegranates are not similar in the shape, taste, and smell of the fruit. 

 Thereupon, Allah commanded mankind to eat from what He has produced for them of the fruits and the crops when it yield and ripe, and commanded them to give its due on the day of its harvest, whether obligatory Zakah or alms, and the obligatory Zakah is imposed on dates, raisins, and grains such as wheat, barely, rice, and corn if it reaches the Nisab of Zakah, and the Nisab of dates, raisins, and grains on which the Zakah is due will be five Wasaqs, and the Wasaq is sixty Saa's, and one Saa' is approximately two kilograms and two hundred and forty grams, so the Nisab is three hundred Saa's, and then it will be 672 kilograms, so if the field produced more than 672 kilograms of these crops, then the Zakah is due, and then it will be one-tenth of the crop (Ushr) if it is at no cost such as irrigation with rain or springs, but it will be a half of one-tenth if it is at cost such as irrigation by machine or well, where as narrated by Salim bin Abdullah from his father that the Prophet (PBUH) said: "On a land irrigated by rain water or by springs or if the land is wet due to a near by water channel one-tenth (Ushr) is compulsory, and on the land irrigated by the well, half of one-tenth (Half of Ushr) is compulsory" (Sahih Albukhari 1483). And Allah's Messenger said in narration of Abu Sa'id Alkhudri: "There is no Zakah on less than five Wasaqs, or less than five camels, or less than five Awaq (Ounces) of silver" (Sahih Albukhari 1484).

 There is no doubt that the Zakah is obligatory on dates, raisins, and grains if they reach the Nisab of Zakah, but there is a difference in opinion regarding the Zakah on olives and many of the jurists said that it is obligatory on them if the olives reach the Nisab of Zakah, and there is no Zakah on the fruits and vegetables according to the majority of the jurists, but it is desirable that it be given to the poor and the needy who are present on the day of their harvest, not as Zakah, but as charity. Then Allah commanded the believers not to be extravagant in anything neither in eating from what Allah has produced for them lest they harm themselves nor in giving charity lest they become poor, indeed, Allah does not love the extravagant. Allah is the One who created the cattle, some of them are for load such as camels, horses, mules, and donkeys, and some of them are for furnishing, as Allah has subjected them for slaughter and eating such as camels, cows, sheep, and goats, and then Allah has made for them houses from the hides of the cattle, and furnishing from their wool, their fur, and their hair as He has stated in Aya (80) of Surat Alnahl, thereupon, Allah is the One who made for you the cattle so that you may ride on some of them, and you eat some of them as He has stated in Aya (79) of Surat Ghafir, so He commanded mankind to eat from what He has provided for them of the fruits, crops, and cattle, and not to follow the footsteps and the commands of Satan in prohibiting what Allah has made lawful for them of crops and cattle just as the polytheists followed the commands of Satan when they prohibited what Allah has made lawful for His servants, and vowed some of them to their partners as an invention against Allah, then Allah assures that Satan is a clear enemy to the Children of Adam where he prevents them from the way of Allah and seeks their destruction in the worldly life and the Hereafter.

 Allah Almighty says in the next two verses (143,144) "Eight pairs, of the sheep, two, and of the goats, two, Say Is it that the two males He has forbidden or the two females or that which the wombs of the two females contain, Inform Me with knowledge, if you are truthful, and of the camels, two, and of the cows, two, Say Is it that the two males He has forbidden or the two females or that which the wombs of the two females contain?, Or were you witnesses when Allah enjoined you with this?, then Who is more unjust than he who invents a lie about Allah to mislead the people without knowledge?, indeed, Allah does not guide the wrongdoing people", that is, Allah makes clear that He has not forbidden any of the cattle that the polytheists had forbidden and vowed to their idols nor any of their fetuses which they had forbidden to their spouses and made them exclusively to their males as shown above in Aya (139), so Allah assures that all of the cattle were created for the Children of Adam for food, riding, load, travel, milking, and other forms of benefit. Allah has created eight pairs, a male and a female of the sheep, the goats, the camels, and the cows. So Allah commanded His Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) to ask the polytheists who have forbidden the cattle as invention against Allah as shown above in Aya (138) Is it that the two males of the sheep and goats He has forbidden or the two females of them, or that He has forbidden that which the wombs of the two females contain of fetuses?, so Inform Me with knowledge such as a book from Allah or an evidence that Allah has forbidden to you what you claimed of the cattle if you are truthful. And Allah also has commanded His Messenger to ask them Is it that the two males of the camels and cows He has forbidden or the two females of them, or that He has forbidden that which the wombs of the two females contain of fetuses?, or were you witnesses when Allah enjoined you with the prohibition of what you have prohibited, so were you witness a revelation from Allah upon you?, assuredly, they have no knowledge of what they claimed, and Allah did not enjoin this upon them, thereupon, Allah assures that there is no one is more unjust than he who invents a lie about Allah by prohibiting what Allah has permitted, and permitting what Allah has prohibited in order to mislead the people and prevent them from the way of Allah, and Allah does not guide the wrongdoing people who wronged themselves with disbelief and inventing a lie against Allah.

 Allah Almighty says in the next verse (145) "Say I do not find within what has been revealed to Me anything forbidden to one who would eat it unless it be a dead or spilled blood or the flesh of pig, for indeed, it is filth, or it is disobedience dedicated to other than Allah, but whoever is forced, neither desiring nor transgressing, then indeed, Your Lord is All-forgiving, Most Merciful", that is, Allah commanded His Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) to say to the polytheists I do not find in what Allah has revealed to Me of His verses anything forbidden to an eater who would eat of that which you claimed that He has forbidden unless it is a dead animal that dies without slaughtering, and what is forbidden from the dead animals is what is edible from it such as meat, fat, and viscera, but their skin, bones, wool, fur, and hair are permissible, where as narrated by Ibn Abbas: "The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) saw a dead goat which had been given in charity to the freed salve-girl of Maiymuna, the Messenger of Allah said Why did you not make use of its skin?, they said it is dead, upon this, He said eating it is only forbidden" (Sahih Muslim 363 b). Allah has forbidden the blood that is spelled and flowed from animals, but He has permitted to the Muslims two kinds of the dead, and two kinds of the blood, where Allah's Messenger (PBUH) said in narration of Abdullah bin Umar: "Two kinds of dead meat and two kinds of blood have been permitted to us, the two kinds of dead meat are fish and locusts, and the two kinds of blood are the liver and spleen" (Sunan Ibn Majah 3314). Allah also has forbidden the flesh and the fat of swine, whether slaughtered or dead swine for it is filth, and that which has been dedicated to other than Allah of false gods and idols for it is disobedience. But Allah made an exception and permitted eating from these unlawful foods when necessity, when the Muslim lacked other food and was forced to do so without his choice out of fear of death if he does not eat it, neither desiring the unlawful food nor transgressing the limits of Allah, then Allah assures His Messenger that He is All-Forgiving for eating what is forbidden, Most Merciful when He makes the forbidden permissible for Muslims at times of necessity. There is no doubt that Allah later has forbidden wine, and Allah's Messenger has forbidden every animal with claws, and the meat of donkeys, where as narrated by Ibn Umar: "The Prophet (PBUH) made the meat of donkeys unlawful on the day of the Battle of Badr" (Sahih Albukhari 5521). And as narrated by Abdullah bin Umar: "The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) forbade riding the camel which feeds on filth and drinking its milk" (Sunan Abu Dawood 3787).

 Allah Almighty says in the next two verses (146,147) "And to those who are Jews We have forbidden every animal of uncloven hoof, and of the cows and the goats We have forbidden to them their fat except what their backs carried, or the entrails or what is joined with bone, thus We recompensed them for their tyranny, and indeed, We are truthful, so if they deny You, Say your Lord is the Possessor of vast mercy, and His punishment cannot be rebelled from the criminal people", that is, Allah has forbidden to the Jews every animal and bird of uncloven hoof such as camels, ostriches, geese, ducks, and everything that does not have cloven hooves, so He has permitted to them everything that has cloven toes, and Allah has forbidden to them the fat of the cows and goats except the fat stuck to their backs, their entrails, or the fat enjoined with any bone such as their legs, heads, sides, eyes or whatever fat is mixed with bone is permissible for them, and thus Allah recompensed them for their tyranny and disobeying Allah's commands as mentioned in Aya (160) of Surat Alnisa' "For wrongdoing on the part of Jews, We made unlawful for them certain good things which had been lawful to them, and for their averting from the way of Allah many people", and as narrated by Jabir bin Abdullah: "I heard the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) saying in the year of conquest of Mecca, Allah and His Messenger have forbidden the trade of Alcohol, dead animals, pigs and idols, the people asked O Allah's Messenger! What about the fat of dead animals for it was used for greasing the boats and the hides, and people used it for lights?, He said no it is forbidden, Allah's Messenger further said May Allah destroy the Jews! When Allah forbade to them the fat of animals, they melted it, then sold it and ate its price" (Sahih Albukhari 2236). Then Allah assures that He is truthful in what He has informed about the Jews who have been recompensed for their disobedience, and they are liars in their claim that the Prophet Israel (Jacob) has forbidden this to Himself. Thereupon, Allah commanded His Messenger to say to them, if they denied Him in what Allah has forbidden to them and made lawful for them, that Allah is the Possessor of vast mercy, and His mercy encompasses all of His creation, the good doer and the wrongdoer, so He does not hasten the punishment on those who disbelieve in Him, nor does He take vengeance on those who disobey Him, and He forgives and accepts the repentance of the disbeliever and the disobedient, but at the same time, Allah's punishment cannot be rebelled from the criminal people who committed evil deeds and persisted on disbelief and tyranny.

 Allah Almighty says in the next two verses (148,149) "Those who associated will say if Allah had willed, we would not have associated nor our fathers, nor would we have forbidden anything, thus those before them denied until they tested Our punishment, Say Do you have any knowledge that you bring it forth for us?, you do not follow except conjecture, and you do nothing but you lie, Say with Allah is the conclusive argument, if He had willed, He would have guided you all", that is, Allah tells about the polytheists who associated partners with Him that they will say if Allah had willed that we believe in Him and single Him out of worship to the exclusion of other gods and idols, and that we do not forbid what we have forbidden of cattle and crops, He would have prevented us from that because He is Able to inspire us to believe and prevent us from disbelief, so we and our fathers would not have associated partners with Him, nor would we have forbidden anything, and then we would acknowledge His Oneness, abandon the worship of idols, and permit what we have forbidden, thereupon, Allah refutes their claim and assures that their argument is invalid because those before them went astray with this suspicion, and if it were true, Allah would not have punished them, but Allah has made them taste His punishment and destroyed them when they denied His Messengers and associated partners with Him.

 So Allah commanded His Messenger to ask them if they had knowledge and argument indicating that Allah had approved their polytheism and the prohibition of what they had forbidden, if it is so, then Bring it forth and make it clear to Us, you do not follow except conjecture and delusion because you associated partners with Allah without any knowledge or proof that makes them worthy of worship, and you only invent lie and falsehood against Allah. Assuredly, the polytheists have no argument or proof for the polytheism they are in except that they follow the footsteps of Satan, but Allah is the One who has the conclusive argument against His creation that cuts off the excuse and removes the doubt about His Oneness, and if He had willed, He would have guided all His creation and enabled them all to worship Him alone and abandon false idols, but He guides whom He wills and lets go astray whom He wills, so some of them are believers and some of them are disbelievers.

 Allah Almighty says in the next verse (150) "Say Bring forward your witnesses who will bear witness that Allah has forbidden this, and if they bear witness, Do not bear witness with them, and Do not follow the desires of those who deny Our verses and those who do not believe in the Hereafter while they ascribe equals for their Lord", that is, Allah commanded His Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) to say to the polytheists Bring forward your witnesses who will bear witness that Allah has forbidden what you have forbidden of cattle and crops as invention against Allah, then Allah addresses His Messenger saying and if they bear witness, so Do not bear witness with them and do not believe them because they only bear false witness, and Do not follow the desires of those who deny Our revelation and verses, and those who do not believe in the Hereafter and deny Allah's Ability to revive them from their graves on the day of resurrection while they ascribe equals and partners for Allah of false gods and idols that do not possess anything in the heavens or the earth, so there is no God but Allah, with no partner.

 Allah Almighty says in the next verse (151) "Say Come, I will recite what your Lord has forbidden to you that Do not associate anything with Him, and kindness to parents, and Do not kill your children out of poverty, We provide for you and for them, and Do not approach immoralities, what is apparent of them and what is concealed, and Do not kill the soul which Allah has forbidden except by right, that He has enjoined upon you with it, so that you may understand", that is, Allah commanded His Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) to say to the polytheists who have forbidden what Allah did not forbid without knowledge Come I will recite to you what your Lord has forbidden in truth, not out of conjecture and lie about Allah, but it is a revelation from Allah which He has revealed to Me, that you do not associate anything with Him, so Do not worship anything other than Him for the polytheism is a tremendous sin and Allah does not forgive that partners be associated with Him, but He forgives other than that for whom He wills as He has stated in Ayat (48,116) of Surat Alnisa', and as narrated by Jabir bin Abdullah: "I heard the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) saying whoever met Allah without associating anything with Him, He will enter Paradise, and whoever met Him associating with Him, will enter the Fire" (Sahih Muslim 93 b), and as narrated by Abu Dharr: "I came to the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) and He was asleep with a white mantle over Him, I again came, He was still asleep, I came again and He has awakened, I sat by His side, and He said There is no servant who says La ilaha ella Allah: there is no God but Allah, and then dies in this state except that He will enter Paradise, I said even if he committed adultery and theft?, He said even though he committed adultery and theft, I again said even if he committed adultery and theft?, He replied even though he committed adultery and theft, the Prophet repeated it three times, and said for the forth time in defiance of Abu Dharr, Abu Dharr then went out and he repeated in defiance of Abu Dharr" (Sahih Muslim 94 b).

 Then Allah has enjoined upon them a good treatment of their parents and to be kind to them even if they were polytheists and forced them to associate partners with Allah as mentioned in Aya (8) of Surat Alankaboot, and as narrated by Abdullah bin Mas'ud: "I asked the Prophet (PBUH) Which deed is the dearest to Allah?, He replied to offer the prayers at their early prescribed times, I asked What is the next?, He said to be good to your parents, I again asked, What is next?, He replied to strive in the way of Allah (Jihad), Abdullah added, I asked only that much and if I had asked more, the Prophet would have told me more" (Sahih Albukhari 527). Allah has enjoined upon them not to kill their children out of poverty, then Allah assures that He provides for them and for their children, and as narrated from Amro bin Shurhabeel that Abdullah said I asked the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) Which sin is the gravest in the sight of Allah?, He said that you make an equal to Allah while He has created you, Abdullah said I said to Him indeed, that is grave, Abdullah said I asked What is the next?, He said that you kill your child out of fear that he shall join you in food, Abdullah said I asked What is the next?, He said that you commit adultery with the wife of your neighbor" (Sahih Albukhari 4477). 

 Allah has enjoined upon them not to approach immoralities such as adultery and shameful acts, what is apparent of them when you commit them openly and what is concealed when you commit them secretly, and as narrated by Abdullah bin Mas'ud that Allah's Messenger said: "None is more jealous than Allah, and for this He has forbidden the immoralities, what is apparent of them, and what is concealed, and none loves to be praised more than Allah, and this is why He praises Himself" (Sahih Albukhari 4637), and Allah has enjoined upon them not to kill the soul which He has forbidden except by legal right, and the legal rights of killing a souls are three as Allah's Messenger said in narration of Abdullah: "It is not permissible to shed the blood of a Muslim man who bears witness that there is no God but Allah and that I am the Messenger of Allah, except in one of three cases: a soul for a soul, a married adulterer, and the one who reverts from his religion (Islam) and leaves the community (Muslims)" (Sahih Muslim 86 a), then Allah assures that He has enjoined these commands upon them so that they may understand His commands and prohibitions and act according to them.

 Allah Almighty says in the next two verses (152,153) "And Do not approach the property of the orphan except in the way that is best, until he reaches his maturity, and Give full measure and balance in justice, We do not burden any soul except its capacity, and when you speak, so Be just even if he was a near of kin, and Fulfill the covenant of Allahthat He has enjoined upon you with it, so that you may be reminded, and this is My path, straight, so Follow it, and Do not follow the ways, then they will separate you from His way, that He has enjoined upon you with it, so that you may fear", that is, Allah has enjoined upon them not to approach the wealth of the orphan except in a way that is best, so they must preserve it and not waste it or take it unlawfully, but if the guardian of the orphan who takes care of him is in need, he can eat as much as he needs as mentioned in Aya (6) of Surat Alnisaa, and he must return the wealth to the orphan when he reaches his maturity, so he will be able to preserve his wealth and do not waste it on his desires. Allah has enjoined upon them to give full measure and weight by observing the correct weight with fairness, so not to take the weight from people in full and give them less when they weigh for them, and Allah does not burden a soul beyond its capacity, rather what it can bear and do, so whoever exerts his effort when giving the people their right and taking from them, then there is no blame on him.

 Allah has enjoined upon them to say the truth when they judge between the people, so to be just and fair even if the one against whom the truth is held is a near of kin, so Do not be tempted by a relation to a relative or a friend whom you judged between him and someone else that you say something other than the truth, and Allah enjoined upon them to fulfill the covenant of Allah if they have pledged a covenant with Him or with the people, then Allah assures that He has enjoined these commands upon them so that they may be reminded and be deterred by them, and then acknowledge their error, so they refrain from it and turn in obedience to their Lord. Then Allah confirms that what He has enjoined upon His servants in the previous two verses is His straight path and His religion which He has legislated and approved for His servants, so Follow it, Act according to it, and Do not follow a path other than it, for any other path will distract you from the path and the religion of Allah, and that He has enjoined upon you and upon those before you, so that you may fear Allah and fear His punishment, lest it will befall you as it befell those before you who opposed Allah and His Messengers and transgressed the limits of Allah.

 Allah Almighty says in the next two verses (154,155) "Then We have given Moses the Book, making complete upon the one who did good, and an explanation for everything, and guidance and mercy, so that they may believe in the meeting of their Lord, and this is a blessed Book which We have sent down, so Follow it and Fear, so that you may receive mercy", that is, the polytheists of Quraish who denied Allah's Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) and the Holy Quran said that Allah has not revealed anything to a human being as shown above in Aya (91), thereupon, Allah assures them that He has given the Torah to His Prophet Moses, and He has bestowed His favor upon Him and making it complete for Moses, the one who did good and did well in carrying out Allah's commands and prohibitions, so Allah has blessed Moses with the Torah because of His previous good deeds and good obedience, and His fulfillment of what Allah has assigned Him of the laws of His religion, and Allah has made the Torah as an explanation for everything as Allah has explained therein the commands, the prohibitions, the lawful, the unlawful, the obedience, the disobedience and all that He needed in His law, and the Torah was a guidance to the straight path, and a mercy from Allah, so that they may believe in the Hereafter and the meeting with Allah on the day of resurrection, and believe in Allah's reward for those who obey Him, and His recompense for those who disobey Him. Then Allah assures that He has sent down the Holy Quran upon His Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) as a blessed Book, so Follow it, and Fear Allah and Fear His punishment, so Act according to the Holly Quran, Follow Allah's commands, and Avoid Allah's prohibition so that you may receive Allah's mercy, and be saved from His punishment on the day of resurrection.

 Allah Almighty says in the next two verses (156,157) "Lest you say the Book was only sent down to two groups before us, and indeed, we were of their study unaware, or you say if only the Book had been sent down to us, we would be better guided than them, so indeed, there has come to you a clear proof from your Lord and guidance and mercy, then Who is more unjust than he who denies the verses of Allah and turns away from them?, We will recompense those who turn away from Our verses with the worst of punishment because they used to turn away", that is, Allah has sent down the Holy Quran upon His Messenger (PBUH) lest the polytheists of Quraish say the Scripture was only sent down to the Jews and the Christians before us, and no Book was revealed to us, and we were unaware of their study, of reading their Books, and of what was revealed to them as we did not understand their language, so we did not understand what they read and what they say. Or the polytheists say if only the Book had been sent down to us as it had been sent down to the Jews and Christians, we would be more guided and more upright on the path of truth than them, so we will be more closely following the Book and more better in acting according to it. Thereupon, Allah assures them that He has sent down the Holy Quran as a clear Book in the language they speak and a clear argument against them saying there has come to you a clear proof from your Lord and a guidance to the straight path, and a mercy from Allah, then Allah assures that there is no one is more unjust than he who denies the verses of Allah and turns away from them, so he did not believe in it or in its reality, so Allah will recompense those who turn away from His verses with the worst of punishment in Hellfire which He has prepared for the disbelievers on the day of resurrection as a recompense for their turning away from His verses in the worldly life, and not accepting what Allah's Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) has brought them from His Lord. 

 Allah Almighty says in then next verse (158) "Do they await except that the Angels should come to them or Your Lord should come or that there come some of the signs of Your Lord?, the day when some of the signs of Your Lord will come no soul will benefit from its faith as long as it had not believed before or had earned through its faith any good, Say Wait, indeed, we are waiting", that is, Allah threatens the disbelievers who persist on disbelief, oppose His Messengers, and deny His signs saying Do they await except that the Angels should come to take their souls in death, that Allah should come to them on the day of resurrection in order to judge between His creation, then the punishment which they used to deny will be present before their eyes, or that some of the signs of Allah should come to them in the worldly life, and they are the major signs of the Hour (The day of resurrection), and they will be closer to the arrival of the day of resurrection, but when some of the signs of Allah will come, the repentance will not benefit the one who has not previously repented and Allah will not accept the repentance from anyone, so no soul will benefit from its faith as long as it had not believed or had earned through its faith any good before these signs, so it will not benefit anyone who was a disbeliever before to believe after the arrival of these signs, where as narrated by Abu Hurayrah that Allah's Messenger (PBUH) said: "The Hour will not be established till the sun rises from the west, and when it rises, and the people see it, they all will believe, and that is when no soul will benefit from its faith, then He recited the whole verse" (Sahih Albukhari 4636).

 And Allah's Messenger (PBUH) also said in narration of Abu Hurayrah: "When three appear, no soul will benefit from its faith as long as it had not believed before or had earned through its faith any good: the rising of the sun from its west, the Dajjal, and the beast of the earth (Aldabbah)" (Sahih Muslim 158). And the first sign to appear out of these three signs is the rising of the sun from its resting place, where as narrated by Abdullah bin Amro: "I memorized a Hadith from Allah's Messenger (PBUH) and I did not forget it after, I heard Allah's Messenger as saying the first sign would be the appearance of the sun from its west and the appearance of the beast of the earth before the people in the forenoon, and which of the two happen first, the second one would follow immediately after that" (Sahih Muslim 2941 a). Thereupon, the Hour will not be established until the sun will rise from the place of its sitting, so it will rise in the morning of that day from the west instead of the east, where as narrated by Abu Dharr Alghefari that Allah's Messenger (PBUH) one day said: "Do you know where the sun goes?, they said Allah and His Messenger know best, He said indeed, it glides till it reaches its resting place under the Throne, then it falls in prostration and remains there until it is said to it, Rise up and Go to the place whence you came, and it goes back and continues emerging out from its rising place, and then glides till it reaches its resting place under the Throne, then it falls in prostration and remains there until it is said to it, Rise up and Go to the place whence you came, and it goes back and continues emerging out from its rising place, then it glides that the people do not discern anything till it reaches its resting place under the Throne, then it would be said to it Rise up and emerge out from the place of your setting, and it will rise from the place of its setting. The Messenger of Allah said Do you know when it would happen?, it would happen at the time when no soul will benefit from its faith as long as it had not believed before or had earned through its faith any good" (Sahih Muslim 159 a). Then Allah commanded His Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) to say to the polytheists as a threat Wait, indeed, we are waiting, so Wait for the Angels to take you in death, or for Allah to judge between us on the day of resurrection, or for the signs of the Hour, and then your faith will not benefit if you do not believe before that, and then you will know the truth from the falsehood, you will see Allah's punishment that awaits you, and you will recognize who will be saved from Allah's punishment and who will perish, indeed, We are waiting for that and for Allah's reward for our obedience, and sincerity in worshipping Him.      

 Allah Almighty says in the next two verses (159,160) "Indeed, those who have divided their religion and become sects, You are not of them in anything, their affair is only to Allah, then He will inform them of what they used to do, whoever comes with the good deed will have ten times the like of it, and whoever comes with the evil deed, then he will not be recompensed except the like of it, and they will not be wronged", that is, Allah assures that His religion is one and there is no difference or division in it, so He has disavowed His Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) from the people of desires and misguidance saying that He is not of those who have divided their religion, changed it, believed in some and disbelieved in some, just like the Christians and the Jews did with their religion as they became sects and differed among themselves on false opinions, but rather Allah assures that what He has legislated for Noah, Muhammad, Abraham, Moses, and Jesus is one law which is the worship of Allah alone, and Allah commanded them to act according to what He has legislated and imposed upon them, and not to differ in it as mentioned in Aya (13) of Surat Alshura, so what Allah's Messengers brought from their Lord is the truth and anything contrary to that is falsehood and misguidance, thereupon, Allah's Messenger is not in charge of those who divided their religion in anything, but rather their affair is to Allah, if He wills, He will hasten the punishment for them, and if He wills, He will turn to them in forgiveness and guide them the the straight path, then He will inform them on the day of resurrection of what they used to do of good and evil deeds. 

 So whoever repents, believes and does good deeds will have ten times the like of the good deed with which he has come, but whoever persists on disbelief, alters his religion, and does evil deeds, then he will not be recompensed except the like of the evil deed with which he has come, and they will not be wrongedeach according to his deeds, where the wrongdoers will be recompensed for their evil deeds and nothing will be added to their sins, whereas nothing will be deprived from the reward of the good-doers, and as narrated by Abu Hurayrah that the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said: "Allah, Blessed and Most High has said, and His saying is the truth, when My servant considers doing something good, then Write it as one good for him, if He acts upon it, then Write ten times the like of it for him, and when he considers doing something evil, then Do not Write it, if he acts upon it, then Write it the like of it, if he leaves it, and perhaps He said if he does not act upon it, then Write a good deed for him, the He (PBUH) recited Whoever comes with the good deed will have ten times the like of it" (Jami' Altirmidhi 3073). 

 And Allah multiplies the good deed seven hundred times for whoever spends in His way as He has stated in Aya (261) of Surat Albaqarah, and Allah's Messenger said in narration of Abu Hurayrah: "If anyone of you improves his Islamic religion, then each good deed he commits, will be written for him ten times the like of it to seven hundred times, and each evil deed he commits, it will be written the like of it" (Sahih Albukhari 42). And as narrated by Abu Dharr that Allah's Messenger (PBUH) said: "Allah says Whoever comes with the good deed will have ten times the like of it, and even more than that and whoever comes with the evil deed, then he will not be recompensed except the like of it, or even I forgive, and whoever draws near to Me by the spam of a palm, I draw near to him by the cubit, and whoever draws near to Me by the cubit, I draw near to him by the space covered by two hands, and whoever walks towards Me, I rush towards him, and whoever meets Me in the state that his sin fill the earth, but not associating anything with Me, I would meet him with the same of forgiveness:" (Sahih Muslim 2687 a). 

 Allah Almighty says in the next three verses (161-163) "Say indeed, My Lord has guided Me to a straight path, straight religion, the religion of Abraham, upright, and He was not of the polytheists, Say indeed, My prayer and My rites of sacrifice and My life and My death are for Allah, the Lord of the worlds, for Him there is no partner, and with that I have been commanded, and I am the first of the Muslims", that is, Allah commanded His Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) to say to the polytheists and those who have divided their religion and become sects that Allah has guided Him to the straight path and straight religion in which there is no crookedness or deviation from the path of guidance, and that was the religion of the Prophet Abraham, Peace be upon Him, who was upright as He used to teach the people their religion, enjoin good, and forbid evil, and He was not of the polytheists, but rather He devoted Himself to worship Allah alone with no partner, and disavowed His people including His father Azar when they worshipped other than Allah as shown above in Ayat (74-81). And Allah commanded His Messenger to say to those who worshipped idols and sacrificed for them that His prayer, His rites of sacrifice, His life, and His death are for Allah, the Lord of the worlds, so they all are purely for the sake of Allah, the One who has no partner, that He has been commanded to do all of that with monotheism and sincerity in word and belief, and that He is the first of the Muslims from among His Ummah, so He acknowledges Allah's Oneness and submits to His commands and prohibitions. And as narrated by Ali bin Abi Talib that when Allah's Messenger (PBUH) got up at night for prayer, He would say I have turned My face to the One who originated the heavens and the earth, upright, and I am not of the polytheists, indeed, My prayer and My rites of sacrifice and My life and My death are for Allah, the Lord of the worlds, for Him there is no partner, and with that I have been commanded, and I am the first of the Muslims: wajjahtuo wajhiya le-llazi fatara alsamawati wa al-arda haneefan wa ma ana mena almushrekeen, inna salati wa nusuki wa mahyaya wa mamati le-llahi Rabbi al-alameen, la shareeka lahuo wa bezaleka aumertuo wa na awwaluo almuslemeen" (Sahih Muslim 771 a).

 Allah Almighty says in the last two verses (164,165) "Say Is it other than Allah I should desire as a Lord while He is the Lord of everything?, and every soul earns not except against itself, and no bearer of burden shall bear the burden of another, then to your Lord is your return, then He will inform you of what you used to differ in it, and He is the One who made you successors on the earth, and He raised some of you above the others in degrees, so that He may test you in what He has given you, indeed, Your Lord is Swift in punishing, and indeed, He is surely All-Forgiving, Most Merciful", that is, Allah commanded His Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) to say to the polytheists Is it other than Allah I should desire as a Lord while He is the Lord of everything, so How can I abandon the worship of Allah and then worship idols that neither benefit nor harm anyone, while Allah is the Creator of everything and the Disposer of All affairs, and He will reward each of us for his deeds, so every soul commits a sin not except against itself, so no one will be held accountable for his sins except him, and every sinner will be punished for his sins, and whoever wrongs himself with disbelief or some sins, it is upon him to bear his sin, and no one can bear it from him, then to your Lord is your return on the day of resurrection, and He will judge between us, and will inform you of what you used to differ therein of belief and deeds in the worldly life. 

 And Allah is the One who made you inhabit the earth generation after generation, century after century, and successor after predecessor, and Allah raised some of you above the others in degrees, so He made some of you higher than others, among you are the rich and the poor, the king and the owned, so that He may test you in what He has given you, so He will test the rich in his wealth and the poor in his poverty in order to distinguish the grateful from the ungrateful, and the patient from the impatient, and as narrated by Abu Sa'id Alkhudri that Allah's Messenger (PBUH) said: "The world is sweet and green, and indeed, Allah is going to made you successors in it in order to see how you act, so Avoid the trial of women, indeed, the first trial of the Children of Israel was caused by women" (Sahih Muslim 2742). Then Allah assures His Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) that He is swift in punishing for those who disobey His commands and rebelled against them, but at the same time, He is All-Forgiving, Most Merciful for those who repent, believe, and do righteous deeds.

No one Knows its interpretation except Allah

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