22- Surat Alhajj/Tafseer
78 Verses Maddani (revealed in Medina)
A'auzu Bellahi mena alshaiytani alrajeem
I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed Satan
Besmi Ellahi Alrhmani Alraheem
In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
Ya-ayyuha alnasuo ettaquo
Rabbakum inna zalzalata alsa-ati shaiy-on azeem (1).
O people!
Fear your Lord, indeed, the quake of the Hour is a
terrible thing.
tarawnaha tazhaluo kulluo murde-atin amma arda-at wa tadauo kulluo zati Hamlin
hamlaha wa tara alnasa sukara wa ma hum be-sukara wa lakenna azaba Allahi
shadeed (2).
The day you
will see it, every suckling woman will forget what she suckled, and every pregnant woman will deliver her pregnancy, and you see the people as if they drunk while they are not drunk, but the punishment of Allah is
Wa mena
alnasi man youjadeluo fee ellahi be-ghaiyri elmin wa yattabe-uo kulla
shaiytanin mareed (3).
And of the people is he who argues about Allah without
knowledge and follows every rebellious Satan.
alaiyhi annahuo man tawallahuo fa-annahuo youdelluhuo wa yahdehi ela azabi
alsaeer (4).
It has been written for him that he who makes him an ally, then indeed, he will
lead him astray and guide him to the punishment of the Blaze.
alnasuo in kuntum fee raiybin mena alba'thi fa-inna khalaqnakum men turabin
thumma men nutfatin thumma men alaqatin thumma men mudghatin mukhallaqatin wa
ghaiyri mukallaqatin le-nubayyina lakum wa nuqerruo fee alarhami ma nasha-uo
ela ajalin musamman thuma nukhrejukum teflan thumma le-tablughuo ashuddakum wa
menkum man youtawaffa wa menkum man youradduo ela arzali alumuri le-kailya
ya'lama men ba'di elmin shaiy-an wa tara alarda hamedatan fa-iza anzalna
alaiyha alma-a ehtazzat wa rabat wa anbatat men kulli zawjin baheej (5).
O people if
you are in doubt about the resurrection, then indeed, We created you from dust, then from a sperm-drop,
then from a clinging blood, then from an embryonic lump, formed and unformed so
that We may make clear to you, and We place in the
wombs what We will to an appointed time, then We bring you out as child,
then so that you may reach your maturity, and among you there is he who dies,
and among you there is he who is returned to the most abject age, so that he does not know anything after having
knowledge, and you see the earth lifeless, then when We send down upon it water, it quivers and grows, and it grows forth of every beautiful pair.
be-anna Allaha huwa alhaqquo wa annahuo youhyi almawta wa annahuo ala kulli
shaiy-in qadeer (6).
That is
because Allah is the Truth and that He gives life to the dead and that He is
All-Powerful over everything.
Wa anna
alsa-ata ateiyatun la raiyba feeha wa anna Allaha yab'athuo man fee alqubuor
And that the
Hour is coming, there is no doubt about it, and that
Allah will resurrect those who are in the graves.
Wa mena
alnasi man youjadeluo fee ellahi be-ghaiyri elmin wa la hudan wa la ketabun
muneer (8).
And of the
people is he who argues about Allah without knowledge or guidance or an enlightening book.
etfehi le-youdella an sabeeli ellahi lahuo fee aldounya khezyun wa nuzequhuo
yawma alqeiyamati azaba alhareeq (9).
Twisting his
neck so that he leads astray from the way of Allah, for him in the world is disgrace and We
will make him to taste on the day of resurrection the punishment of the burning
Zaleka bema
qaddamat yadaka wa anna Allaha laiytha be-zallamin lel-abeed (10).
That is because of what your hands have sent forth, and that Allah is not unjust to the servants.
Wa mena
alnasi man ya'buduo Allaha ala harfin fa-in asabahuo khaiyrun etma-anna behi wa
in asabat-huo fetnatun enqalaba ala wajhehi khasera alduonya wa alakherata
zaleka huwa alkhusranu almubeen (11).
And of the
people is he who worships Allah on an edge, and if good befalls
him, he is content with it, and if a trial afflicts him,
he turns on his face, he has lost the world and the Hereafter,
that is the clear loss.
Yad-uo men
douni ellahi ma la yadurruhuo wa ma la yanfa-uhuo zaleka huwa aldalaluo albaeed
He calls besides
Allah what does not harm him nor does benefit him, that is the
far error.
Yad-uo la-man
durruhuo aqrabuo men naf-ehi labe'sa almawla wa labe'sa alasheer (13).
He calls he whose
harm is closer than his benefit, surely wretched is the protector and wretched is the companion.
Inna Allaha
youdkheluo allazina amanuo wa ameluo alsalehati jannatin tajree men tahteha
alanharuo inna Allaha yaf'aluo ma youreed (14).
Indeed, Allah
will admit those who believe and do righteous deeds into gardens beneath which
rivers flow, indeed Allah does what He intends.
Man kana
yazunnuo an lan yansurahuo Allahu fee alduonya wa alakherati fal-yamdud
be-sababin ela alsama-e thumma lyaqta' fal-yanzur hal youzhebanna kaiyduhuo ma
yagheez (15).
thinks that Allah will not help Him in the world and the Hereafter, then let
him extend a rope to the sky then let him cut off, then let him see whether his plan can remove what enrages.
Wa kazaleka
anzalnahuo ayatin baiyyinatin wa anna Allaha yahdi man youreed (16).
And thus We
sent it down, a clear verses, and that Allah guides whom He wills.
Inna allazina
amanuo wa allazina haduo wa alsabe-ena wa alnasara wa almajusa wa allazian
ashrakuo inna Allaha yafseluo baiynahum yawma alqeiyamati inna Allaha ala kulli
shaiy-in shaheed (17).
Indeed, those
who believe and those who are Jews and the Sabians and the Christians and
the Magians, and those who are polytheists, indeed, Allah will judge
between them on the day of resurrection, indeed, Allah is a Witness over
Alam tara
anna Allaha yasjuduo lahuo man fee alsamawati wa man fee alardi wa alshamsuo wa
alqamaruo wa alnujumuo wa aljebaluo wa alshajaruo wa aldawabbuo wa katheerun
mena alnasi wa katheerun haqqa alaiyhi alazabuo wa man yuheni ellahu fama lahuo
men mukremin inna Allaha yaf'aluo ma yasha' ۩ (18).
۩- Prostration of recitation.
Do you not
see that to Allah prostrates whoever is in the heavens and whoever is
on the earth, and the sun, and the moon, and the stars, and the mountains, and
the trees and the moving creatures, and many of the people?, and many on whom
the punishment has come true, and whoever Allah
humiliates, then for him there is no bestower of
honor, and indeed, Allah does what He
khasmani ekhtasamuo fee Rabbehim fa-allazina kafaruo qutte-at lahum theiyabun
men narin yousabbuo men fawqi ru-usehimuo alhameem (19).
These are two adversaries dispute about
their Lord, but those who disbelieve will be tailored for them clothes of fire,
and boiling water will be poured over their heads.
behi ma fee butunehim wa aljuluod (20).
Will be
milted with it what is in their bellies and the skin.
Wa lahum maqame-uo
men hadeed (21).
And for them
are whips of iron.
araduo an yakhrujuo menha men ghammin au-eduo feeha wa zuquo azaba alhareeq
Every time they want to come out from it, from anguish, they will be returned therein
and Taste the punishment of the burning.
Inna Allaha youdkheluo allazina amanuo wa ameluo alsalehati jannatin tajree men tahteha
alanharuo youhallawna feeha men asawera men zahabin wa lu'lu'an wa lebasuhum
feeha hareer (23).
Indeed, Allah
will admit those who believe and do righteous deeds into gardens beneath
which rivers flow, they will be adorned therein with bracelets of gold and pearls, and their wearing therein will be of silk.
Wa huduo ela
alttayyibi mena alqawli wa huduo ela serati alhameed (24).
And they had
been guided to good word and they had been guided to the path of the
Inna allazina
kafaruo wa yasudduona an sabeeli ellahi wa almasjedi alharami allazi ja'alnahuo
lel-nasi sawa-an alakefuo feehi wa albadi wa man youred feehi be-elhadin
be-zulmin nuozeqhuo men azabin aleem (25).
Indeed, those
who disbelieve and prevent from the way of Allah and the Sacred Mosque
which We have made for the people, the resident and the visitor are equal
therein, and whoever intends therein to commit deviation with injustice, We
will make him taste a painful punishment.
Wa iz bawwana
le-ibrahima makana albaiyti an la tuoshrek bi shaiy-an wa tahhir baiyteya lel-ta-efeena
wa alqa-emeena wa alrukk'i alsuojud (26).
And when We pointed out for Abraham the place of the House that Do not
associate anything with Me, and Purify My House for those who circumambulate, and those who stand, and those who bow and
those who prostrate.
Wa azzin fee
alnasi bel-hajji ya'tuka rejalan wa ala kulli damerin ya'teena men kulli fajjin
ameeq (27).
And Proclaim
to the people the pilgrimage, they
will come to you on foot and on every lean camel, they will come from every
deep place.
manafe-a lahum wa yazkuruo esma Allahi fee ayyamin ma'lumatin ala ma razaqahum
men bahemati alan'ami fa-kuluo mehna wa at-emuo alba-esa alfaqeer (28).
That they may
witness benefits for them, and mention the name of Allah on a known days over
what He has provided them of the beast of cattle, so Eat of it, and Feed the miserable, the poor.
lyaqduo tafathahum wal-yufuo nuzurahum wal-yattawwafuo bel-baiyti alateeq (29).
Then let them
end their prescribed duties and fulfill their vows, and circumambulate the
Ancient House.
Zaleka wa man
you'azzim hurumati ellahi fa-huwa khaiyrun lahuo enda Rabbehi wa auhellat
lakumuo alan'amuo ella ma youtla alaiykum fajtanebuo alrejsa mena alawthani
wajtanebuo qawla alzuor (30).
That, and
whoever magnifies the sanctity of Allah, then it is good for him with
his Lord, and the cattle are made lawful for you except what is recited to you, so Avoid the filth of the idols and Avoid the word of falsehood.
lellahi ghaiyra mushrekeena behi wa man youshrek bellahi faka-annama kharra
mena alsama-e fa-takhtafuhuo altaiyruo aww tahwyi behi alreehuo fee makanin saheeq
Being upright
to Allah, not associating with Him, and whoever associates with
Allah, then it is as he had fallen from the sky and the birds has
snatched him, or the wind had blown him to a far off place.
Zaleka wa man
you'zzim sha-a-era Allahi fa-innaha men taqwa alquluob (32).
That, and
whoever magnifies the rites of Allah, then indeed, it is from the
piety of hearts.
Lakum feeha
manafe-uo ela ajalin musamman thumma mahelluha ela albaiyti alateeq (33).
And for you therein are benefits to an appointed time, then their place is to the
Ancient House.
Wa lekulli
aummatin ja'alna mansakan le-yazkuruo esma Allahi ala ma razaqahum men bahemati
alan'ami fa-elahukum elahun wahedun fa-lahuo aslemuo wa bashshiri almukhbiteen
And for every religion We have appointed a rite, so that they may
mention the name of Allah over what He has provided them of the beast of
cattle, and your God is One God, so Submit to Him, and Give glad tidings to the
humble ones.
Allazina iza
zukera Allahu wajelat qulubuhum wa alsabereena ala ma asabahum wa almuqeemi
alsalati wa memma razqnahum younfequon (35).
Those when
Allah is mentioned, their hearts fear, and those who are patient over what has afflicted them, and those who establish the
prayer, and they spend from what We have provided them.
Wa albudna
ja'alnaha lakum men sha-a-eri ellahi lakum feeha khaiyrun fa-zkuruo esma Allahi
alaiyha sawaffa fa-iza wajabat junubuha fa-kuluo menha wa at-emuo alqane-a wa
almu'tarra ka-zaleka sakhkharnaha lakum la'allakum tashkuruon (36).
And the sacrificial camels, We have made them for you
among the rites of Allah, for you therein is good, so mention the name of
Allah over them when standing, and when their sides are down, then eat from them and feed the needy who does not ask and the
needy who asks, thus We have subjected them to you so that you may give thanks.
Lan yanala
Allaha luhumuha wa la dema-uoha wa laken yanaluhuo altaqwa menkum ka-zaleka
sakhkharaha lakum le-tukabberuo Allaha ala ma hadakum wa bashshiri almuhseneen
Their meat will not reach Allah nor their blood, but the piety reaches Him from
you, thus, He subjected them to you, so that you may glorify Allah
for what He has guided you, and Give glad tidings to the good doers.
Inna Allaha
youdafe-uo ani allazina amanuo inna Allaha la youhebbuo kulla khawwanin kafuor
Indeed, Allah
defends those who believe, indeed, Allah does not like every treacherous
and ungrateful
le-llazina youqataluona be-annahum zulemuo wa inna Allaha ala nasrehim la-qadeer
Permission is
given to those who are being fought because they were wronged,
and indeed, Allah is All-Powerful over their victory.
aukhrejuo men diyarehim be-ghaiyri haqqin ella an yaquluo Rabbuna Allahu wa
lawla daf-uo Allahi alnasa ba'dahum beba'din la-huddemat sawame-uo wa beiya-on
wa salawatun wa masajeduo youzkaruo feeha esmuo Allahi katheeran wala-yansuranna
Allahu man yansuruhuo inna Allaha la-qawiyyun Azeez (40).
Those who
were expelled from their homes without right except that
they say our Lord is Allah, and had it not been for Allah repels the people some
of them by others, monasteries and churches and synagogues and mosques in which the name of Allah is much mentioned,
would have been demolished, and Allah will help those who help Him, indeed,
Allah is All-Strong, Almighty.
Allazina in
makkannahum fee alardi aqamuo alsalata wa atuo alzakata wa amaruo bel-ma'rufi wa
nahaww ani almunkari wa lellahi aqebatuo alumuor (41).
Those who if
We established them in the earth, they establish the prayer and
they give the Zakah, and they enjoin the right and forbid from the wrong, and to
Allah is the end of the matters.
Wa in
youkazzebuka fa-qad kazzabat qablahum qawmuo Nohhin wa Adun wa Thamud (42).
And if they
deny you, so indeed, the people of Noah
and Ad and Thamud denied before them.
Wa qawmuo
Ibrahima wa qawmuo Lot (43).
And the
people of Abraham and the people of Lot.
Wa as-habuo
madiyana wa kuzzeba Musa fa-amlaiytuo lelkafereena thumma akhaztuhum fa-kaiyfa
kana nakeer (44).
And the people of Madyan, and Moses was denied, so I give respite to the disbelievers, then I seized them, so how was My rejection.
men qariyatin ahlaknaha wa heiya zalematun fa-heiya khawiyatun ala aurusheha wa
be'rin mu'attalatin wa qasrin masheed (45).
And how many of a town did We destroy when it was wrongdoer, so it is fallen into
ruin, and an abandoned well, and a lofty palace.
yaseeruo fee alardi fa-takuna lahum qulubun ya'qeluona beha aww azanun
yasma-uona beha fa-innaha la ta'ma alabsaruo wa laken ta'ma alqulubuo allati fee
alsuduor (46).
Have they not
traveled in the land so that they may have hearts with which to understand, or
ears with which to hear?, indeed, it is not the eyes that turn blind, but blinded are
the hearts which are within the breasts.
Wa yasta'jelunaka
bel-azabi wa lan youkhlefa Allahu wa'dahuo wa inna yawman enda Rabbeka ka-alfi
sanatin memma ta-udduon (47).
And they ask
You to hasten the punishment, and Allah will never break His promise, and
indeed, a day with Your Lord is like a thousand years of what you
Wa ka-ayyin
men qariyatin amlaiytu laha wa heiya zalematun thumma akhaztuha wa elaiyya
almaseer (48).
And how
many of a town did I gave respite to it when it was wrongdoer, then I seized it, and to Me is the final return.
Qul ya-ayyuha
alnasuo innama ana lakum nazeerun mubeen (49).
Say O people! I am only a clear warner to you.
amanuo wa ameluo alsalehati lahum maghfiratun wa rezqun kareem (50).
And those who
believe and do righteous deeds, for them is forgiveness and a noble
Wa allazina
sa'aww fee ayatena mu-ajezeena aulaeka as-habuo aljaheem (51).
And those who strive against Our verses to cause failure, those are the companions
of the Hell.
Wa ma arsalna
men qableka men rasulin wa la nabeiyyin ella iza tamanna alqa alshaiytanuo fee aumniyyatehi fa-yansakhuo Allahu ma youlqi alshaiytanuo thumma youhkimuo allahu
ayatehi wa Allahu Aleemun Hakeem (52).
And We did
not send before You any Messenger or Prophet except that when he recited, Satan threw in His recitation, but Allah abrogates what the Satan throws, then Allah establishes His verses, and Allah is All-Knower,
Le-yaj'ala ma
youlqi alshaiytanuo fetnatan le-llazina fee qulubehim maradun wa alqaseiyati
qulubuhum wa inna alzalemeena la-fee sheqaqin ba-eed (53).
So that He
may make what Satan throws a trial for those in whose hearts there is a
disease and whose hearts are hard, and indeed, the wrongdoers are in extreme opposition.
allazina auto alelma annahuo alhaqquo men Rabbeka fa-you'menuo behi
fa-tukhbeta lahuo qulubuhum wa inna Allaha la-hadi allazina amanuo ela seratin
mustaqeem (54).
And that
those who have been given the knowledge may know that it is the truth from Your
Lord and they may believe in it, and their hearts may humbly submit to it, and indeed, Allah is the Guide of those who believe to a straight path.
Wa-la yazaluo
allazina kafaruo fee meriyatin menhuo hatta ta'taiyahumuo alsa-atuo baghtatan
aww ya'teiyahum azabuo yawmin aqeem (55).
But those who
disbelieve will not cease to be in doubt about it until the Hour
comes upon then suddenly or there come to them the punishment of a barren day.
yawma-izin lellahi yahkumuo baiynahum fa-allazina amanuo wa ameluo alsalehati
fee jannati alna-eem (56).
The Kingdom
that day belongs to Allah, He will judge between them, so those who
believed and did righteous deeds will be in Gardens of bliss.
Wa allazina
kafaruo wa kazzabuo be-ayatena fa-aulaeka lahum azabun muheen (57).
And those who
disbelieved and denied Our verses, so for those will be a humiliating punishment.
Wa allazina
hajaruo fee sabeeli ellahi thumma quteluo aww matuo la-yarzuqannahumuo Allahu
rezqan hasanan wa inna Allaha la-huwa khaiyruo alrazeqeen (58).
And those who
emigrated in the way of Allah, then they were killed or died, Allah will provide for them a good provision, and indeed, Allah is the Best of the Providers.
mudkhalan yardawnahuo wa inna Allaha la-aleemun Haleem (59).
He will
surely admit them to an entrance with which they will be pleased, and indeed, Allah
is All-Knower, Most Forbearing.
Zaleka wa man
aqaba be-methli ma auqeba behi thumma bugheiya alaiyhi la-yansurannahuo Allahu
inna Allaha la-afuwwun ghafuor (60).
That, and
whoever has punished with the like of what he was punished with, then it was oppressed on him, Allah will surely help him, and indeed, Allah is Oft-Pardoning, All-Forgiving.
be-anna Allaha youlejuo al-laila fee alnahari wa youlejuo alnahara fee al-laili
wa-anna Allaha same-on baseer (61).
That is
because Allah causes the night to enter the day and causes the day to enter the
night and Allah is All-Hearing, All-Seeing.
be-anna Allaha huwa Alhaqquo wa anna ma yad-uona men duonehi huwa albateluo wa
anna Allaha huwa Al-aliyyu Alkabeer (62).
That is
because Allah is the Truth and that what
they call besides Him is the falsehood, and that Allah is the
Most High, the Most Grand.
Alam tara
anna Allaha anzala mena alsama-e ma-an fa-tusbehuo alarduo mukhdarratan inna
Allaha Lateefun Khabeer (63).
Do You not
see that Allah has sent down water from the sky, and the earth
becomes green, indeed, Allah is All-Subtle, All-Aware.
Lahuo ma fee
alsamawati wa ma fee alardi wa inna Allaha la-huwa Alghaniyyuo Alhameed (64).
To Him
belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth, and indeed,
Allah is the Free of need, the Praiseworthy.
Alam tara
anna Allaha sakhkhara lakum ma fee alardi wa alfulka tajree fee albahri
be-amrehi wa youmsekuo alsama-a an taqa-a ala alardi ella be-iznehi inna Allaha
belnasi la-raufun Raheem (65).
Do You not
see that Allah has subjected for you whatever is on the earth and the ships
that sail through the sea by His command, and He withholds the sky lest it falls on the earth except by His permission,
indeed, Allah is Most Kind, Most Merciful to the people.
Wa huwa
allazi ahyakum thumma youmetukum thumma youhyikum inna alinsana la-kafuor (66).
And He is the
One who gave you life, then He causes you to die, then he will give you life, indeed, man is ungrateful.
aummatin ja'alna mansakan hum nasekuhuo fa-la younaze-unnaka fee alamri wad-uo
ela Rabbeka innaka la-ala hudan mustaqeem (67).
And for every religion We have appointed a rite which they perform it, so Let them not dispute with You in the matter, and Call to
Your Lord, indeed, You are on a straight guidance.
Wa in
jadaluka fa-quli ellahu a'lamuo bema ta'maluon (68).
And if they
argue with You, then Say Allah knows best of what you do.
yahkumuo bainakum yawma alqeiyamati feema kuntum feehi takhtalefuon (69).
Allah will
judge between you on the day of resurrection in what you used
to differ in it.
Alam ta'lam
anna Allaha ya'lamuo ma fee alsamawati wa alardi inna zaleka fee ketabin inna
zaleka ala Allahi yaseer (70).
Do you not
know that Allah knows whatever is in the heavens and the earth, indeed, that is
in a book, indeed, that is easy for Allah.
Wa ya'buduona men duoni ellahi ma lam
younazzel behi sultanan wa ma laiytha lahum behi elmun wa ma lel-zalemeena men
naseer (71).
And they worship besides Allah what He has not
sent down any authority of it, and what they have not any knowledge of it, and
there is no helper for the wrongdoers.
Wa iza tutla
alaiyhim ayatuna bayyinatin ta'refuo fee wujuhi allazina kafaruo almunkara
yakaduona yastuona bellazina yatluona alaiyhim ayatena qul afa-aunabbe-ukum
be-sharrin men zalekumuo alnaruo wa'adaha Allahu allazina kafaruo wa be'sa
almaseer (72).
And when Our
verses are recited to them, clear, You will recognize on the faces of those
who disbelieve the denial, they almost attack those who recite Our verses to them, Say, Shall I inform you of
worse than that?, the fire, Allah has promised it for those who
disbelieve, and wretched is the fate.
alnasuo dureba mathalun fastame-uo lahuo inna allazina tad-uona men duoni
ellahi lan yakhluquo zubaban wa lawwi ejtama-uo lahuo wa in yaslubhumuo alzubabuo
shaiy-an la yastanqezuhuo menhuo da-ufa altalebuo wa almatlub (73).
O people an
example is cited, so Listen to it, indeed, those whom you call
besides Allah will never create a fly even if they gathered
together for it, and if the fly snatches a thing away from them, they could
not take it back from it, so weak are the
seeker and the one who is sought.
Ma qadaruo
Allaha haqqa qadrehi inna Allaha la-qaweiyyun Azeez (74).
They did not appreciate Allah with true appreciation of Him, indeed, Allah is All-Strong, Almighty.
yastafi mena almalaekati rusulan wa mena alnasi inna Allaha Samee-on Baseer
Allah chooses
from the Angels Messengers and from the people, indeed, Allah is All-Hearing,
Ya'lamuo ma
baiyna aiydehim wa ma khalfahum wa ela Allahi turja-uo alumuor (76).
He knows what
is before them and what is behind them, and to Allah all matters will be
allazina amanuo erka-uo wa-sjuduo wa'buduo Rabbakum waf'aluo alkhaiyra
la'allakum tuflehuon ۩ (77).
۩- Prostration of recitation.
O those who
believe! Bow and Prostrate, and Worship your Lord, and do good so that you may
fee ellahi haqqa jehadehi huwa ejtabakum
wa ma ja'ala alaiykum fee aldeeni men harajin mellata abeekum Ibrahima huwa
sammakumuo almuslemeena men qabluo wa fee haza le-yakuona alrasuluo shaheedan
alaiykum wa takunuo shuhada-a ala alnasi fa-aqeemuo alsalata wa atuo alzakata
wa'tasemuo bellahi huwa mawlakum fane'ma almawla wane'ma alnaseer (78).
And Strive
for Allah with true striving for Him, He has
chosen you, and did not place on you any hardship in the
religion, the religion of your father Abraham, He named you Muslims
before, and in this, so that the Messenger may be a witness over you,
and you may be witnesses over the people, so Establish the prayer, and Give the Zakah
and Hold fast to Allah, He is your Protector, so Excellent is the
Protector and Excellent is the Helper.
Simplified interpretation:
Surat Alhajj is the only Surah of the Holy Quran that has two prostrations of recitation, and it begins with a warning of the horrors of the day of resurrection and an affirmation of the occurrence of that day, then Allah cites the state of the disbelievers who argue about Allah without knowledge, guidance or an enlightening book, and those who worship Allah on an edge in contrast to the state of the believers and the fate of each of them in the Hereafter. Surat Alhajj deals with the obligation of pilgrimage (Hajj), and some of the rites of Alhajj and that Allah has made the slaughter and the bloodshed of the cattle one of the rites of Allah. It also carry the assurance that Allah is the Truth and the idols whom the infidels call besides Him is the falsehood for they will never create a fly even if they gathered together for it, and if the fly snatches a thing away from them, they could not take it back from it.
Allah says in the first two verses (1,2) "O people! Fear your Lord, indeed, the quake of the Hour is a terrible thing, the day you will see it, every suckling woman will forget what she suckled, and every pregnant woman will deliver her pregnancy, and you see the people as if they drunk while they are not drunk, but the punishment of Allah is severe", that is, Allah commands His servants to fear Him lest His punishment befalls them, and He informs them of the horrors of the Hour (The day of resurrection) that will begin with a violent earthquake, and the mountains will crumble, disappear, and become like flying dust as mentioned in Ayat (4-6) of Surat Alwaqi'ah, and Allah assures that the quake of the Hour is a terrible thing where the day when you will see it, every suckling woman will be preoccupied with the horrors of what she sees, and will forget her infant, and every pregnant woman shall have a miscarriage, and you see the people as if they drunk while they are not drunk, but the punishment of Allah is severe, and as narrated by Abu Sa'id Alkudri: "The Prophet (PBUH) said on the day of resurrection Allah will say O Adam! Adam will reply Labbaika Rabbana wa sa'daika wa alkaiyruo baiyna yadaiyk (At Your service and beck and the good is in Your Hand), Allah will say Bring out a mission for the fire, Adam will say O Lord! Who are the mission for the fire, Allah will say from every one thousand, take out nine hundred and ninety-nine, at that time a child will have grey hair, every pregnant female shall drop her load (have a miscarriage), and you shall see mankind as in a drunken state, yet they will not be drunken, but severe will be the torment of Allah, the companions of the Prophet said O Allah's Messenger! Who is that one?, He said Rejoice with glad tidings: one person will be from you and one thousand will be from Gog and Magog, the Prophet further said By Him in whose Hands is My soul, I hope that you will be one-fourth of the people of Paradise, on that we said Allahu Akbar (Allah is the Greatest)! Then He said I hope that you will be one-third of the people of Paradise, we again said Allahu Akbar! Then He said I hope that you will be One-half of the people of Paradise, so we said Allahu Akbar, He further said you Muslims compared to the large number of other people will be like a black hair in the skin of a white ox, or like a white hair in the skin of a black ox".
Allah says in the next two verses (3,4) "And of the people is he who argues about Allah without knowledge and follows every rebellious Satan, it has been written for him that he who makes him an ally, then indeed, he will lead him astray and guide him to the punishment of the Blaze", that is, of the people is he who argues about Allah without knowledge and deny His Ability to revive the dead, turns away from what He has revealed to His Messengers, and follows every rebellious devil, so it has been decreed for Satan that he who follows him and takes him as ally and guardian besides Allah, then he will mislead him in the worldly life, and will lead him to the punishment of the Blaze of Hellfire in the Hereafter.
Allah says in the next verse (5) "O people if you are in doubt about the resurrection, then indeed, We created you from dust, then from a sperm-drop, then from a clinging blood, then from an embryonic lump, formed and unformed, so that We may make clear to you, and We place in the wombs what We will to an appointed time, then We bring you out as child, then so that you may reach your maturity, and among you there is he who dies, and among you there is he who is returned to the most abject age, so that he does not know anything after having knowledge, and you see the earth lifeless, then when We send down upon it water, it quivers and grows, and it grows forth of every beautiful pair", that is, Allah addresses those who are in doubt about the resurrection and cites for them His great power in creating man and reviving the dead land where He has made Adam from an extract of clay from the whole of the earth, then Allah made the progeny of Adam from an extract of disdained water coming out from between the backbone of a man and the ribs of a woman as mentioned in Surat Altariq Aya (7), so the creation of man begins with a sperm-drop that settles in the woman's womb, then Allah turns the sperm-drop into clinging blood, the clinging blood into an embryonic lump, then Allah formed the embryonic lump into bones, then covered the bones with flesh as mentioned in Aya (14) of Surat Almu'minun, or the embryonic lump is not formed and comes out from the womb, then Allah places in the wombs what He wills to the time of birth, so Allah brings him to the worldly life as a child in extreme weakness, then he grows up little by little until he reached his maturity when his physical and mental strength is completed in the stage of adulthood, and some of you die before reaching the old age while some of you is returned to the most abject age which is old age and dementia so that he does not know anything after having knowledge.
Then Allah cites an example for His ability to revive the dead where you see the earth dead, but when Allah sends down upon it the rain from the sky, it quivers and grows various kinds of crops and fruits, so the rain is a source for reviving the dead earth, and this is like coming out from the graves on the day of resurrection, where Our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said in narration of Abu Hurayrah "Between the two blows of the trumpet, there will be forty, then Allah will send water from the sky and then the dead bodies will grow like vegetation grows, there is nothing of the human body that does not decay except one bone, that is, the little bone at the end of the coccyx of which the human body will be resurrected on the day of resurrection".
Allah says in the next two verses (6,7) "That is because Allah is the Truth and that He gives life to the dead and that He is All-Powerful over everything, and that the Hour is coming, there is no doubt about it, and that Allah will resurrect those who are in the graves", that is, Allah is the Truth and He gives life to the dead, so be sure that the One who has given life to the earth is the Giver of life to the dead for He is All-powerful to do whatever He wills, and neither impediment nor inability can prevent Him from doing whatever He wills, that the Hour will inevitably happen and no doubt about its occurrence, and that Allah will resurrect those who are in the graves on the day of resurrection.
Allah says in the next three verses (8-10) "And of the people is he who argues about Allah without knowledge or guidance or an enlightening book, twisting his neck so that he leads astray from the way of Allah, for him in the world is disgrace and We will make him to taste on the day of resurrection the punishment of the burning fire, that is because of what your hands have sent forth, and that Allah is not unjust to the servants" that is, although Allah has made clear the signs to the people but not all people believe, rather of them is he who disputes about Allah's oneness and ability to revive the dead without knowledge, a guidance, a clear argument or an enlightening book from Allah that proves what he says, and he disputed about Allah and refused to follow the truth from his Lord out of his arrogance where he twists his neck arrogantly in order to mislead others from the way of Allah, so Allah threatens him with disgrace in the worldly life, and He will make him taste the punishment of burning fire on the day of resurrection, and it will be said to him when he enters Hellfire as a reprimand this is because of what your hands have sent forth of disbelief and disobedience, and Allah is not unjust to the servants; because He does not punish anyone except for a sin, and He does not punish anyone except after the proof has been established against him.
Allah says in the next three verses (11-13) "And of the people is he who worships Allah on an edge, and if good befalls him, he is content with it, and if a trial afflicts him, he turns on his face, he has lost the world and the Hereafter, that is the clear loss, he calls besides Allah what does not harm him nor does benefit him, that is the far error, he calls he whose harm is closer than his benefit, surely wretched is the protector and wretched is the companion", that is, of the people is he who worships Allah on an edge where if he attained a comfortable life after conversion to Islam, he would remain upon Islam, and if not and a trial afflicts him, he would turn back on his face and returned to disbelief, so Allah confirms that he has lost the worldly life and the Hereafter, and that is the clear loss; because he did not get anything from the worldly life, and will face a severe punishment in the Hereafter in which he will be extremely miserable and humiliated, and as narrated by Ibn Abbas regarding this verse "A man used to come to Madinah as if his wife brought a son and his mares produces offspring, he would say this religion (Islam) is good, but if his wife did not give birth to a child and his mares produced no offspring, he would say this religion is bad", so if affliction befalls him, he turns away from the religion of Islam and worships idols besides Allah, which have no power to benefit or harm them, so that is the far error where he is in extreme and far astray from the truth, and he calls he whose harm is closer than his benefit as he imagine that it will benefit him in the worldly life, but it will certainly lead him to Hellfire on the day of resurrection, so wretched is the protector, and wretched is the companion.
Allah says in the next three verses (14-16) "Indeed, Allah will admit those who believe and do righteous deeds into gardens beneath which rivers flow, indeed Allah does what He intends, whoever thinks that Allah will not help Him in the world and the Hereafter, then let him extend a rope to the sky then let him cut off, then let him see whether his plan can remove what enrages, and thus We sent it down, a clear verses, and that Allah guides whom He wills", that is, Allah will admit those who believe and do righteous deeds into gardens beneath which rivers flow in Paradise, and Allah does what He intends as He forgive the believers and punishes the disbelievers, so whoever thinks that Allah will not Help His Messenger in the worldly life and the Hereafter, let him extend a rope from the ceiling of his house, then hang himself, and let him see if that will remove his enrage, and thus Allah has sent down the Holy Quran, a clear verses which show the truth from falsehood, the lawful from the forbidden, and the stories of the previous nations, and that Allah guides whom He wills to the straight path.
Allah says in the next two verses (17,18) "Indeed, those who believe and those who are Jews and the Sabians and the Christians and the Magians, and those who are polytheists, indeed, Allah will judge between them on the day of resurrection, indeed, Allah is a Witness over everything, Do you not see that to Allah prostrates whoever is in the heavens and whoever is on the earth, and the sun, and the moon, and the stars, and the mountains, and the trees and the moving creatures, and many of the people?, and many on whom the punishment has come true, and whoever Allah humiliates, then for him there is no bestower of honor, and indeed, Allah does what He wills", that is, the religions of the people of the earth are divided into four forms including those who believe in Allah and His Messengers, the people of the scripture who are Jews or Christians, those who worship other than Allah like the Sabians and the Magians, and the polytheists who associate other idols with Allah, so Allah assures that He will judge between them on the day of resurrection, and He is a Witness over everything as nothing is hidden from Him, and He will reward everyone for his deeds. Then Allah addresses His Messenger (PBUH) and says Do you not see that to Allah prostrates whoever is in the heavens, whoever is on the earth, the sun, the moon, the stars, the mountains, the trees, the moving creatures, and many of the people?, so Allah alone is worthy of worship, and the worship is not valid to any of His creation as the infidels and the polytheists did, but many of the people refused to prostrate to Allah and to acknowledge His oneness, so the punishment has come true upon them, so they will be humiliated in Hellfire on the day of resurrection, and whoever Allah humiliates, then none can bestow honor upon him, and Allah does whatever He wills, so none can save him from Allah's punishment on the day of resurrection.
Allah says in the next four verses (19-22) "These are two adversaries dispute about their Lord, but those who disbelieve will be tailored for them clothes of fire, and boiling water will be poured over their heads, will be milted with it what is in their bellies and the skin, and for them are whips of iron, every time they want to come out from it from anguish, they will be returned therein and Taste the punishment of the burning", that is, Allah tells about the believers and the disbelievers who dispute about Him, and as narrated by Qais bin Ubad: "Abu Dharr used to take on oath confirming that the verse ''These are two adversaries (believers and disbelievers) dispute about their Lord" was revealed in connection with Hamza and his two companions and Utbah and his two companions on the day when they ease out of the battle of Badr", and he said in another narration: ''Ali said I will be the first to kneel before the Hands of the Most Gracious on the day of resurrection because of the dispute, and Qais said this verse was revealed in connection with those who came out for the battle of Badr i,e. Ali, Hamza, Ubaida bin Alharith (from the side of the Muslims), and Shaiba bin Rabi'ah, Utbah bin Rabi'ah, and Alwaleed bin Utbah (from the side of the disbelievers)". So Allah threatens those who disbelieve with the punishment of Hellfire on the day of resurrection where garments of fire will be tailored for them, and the boiling water will be poured over their heads, and it will melt what is in their bellies and their skin, and for them are whips of iron by which they will be stroked, and whenever they want to come out of Hellfire, from the anguish they are in, they will be returned to it, and it will be said to them Taste the punishment of the burning fire.
Allah says in the next two verses (23,24) "Indeed, Allah will admit those who believe and do righteous deeds into gardens beneath which rivers flow, they will be adorned therein with bracelets of gold and pearls, and their wearing therein will be of silk, and they had been guided to good word and they had been guided to the path of the Praiseworthy", that is, contrary to the state of the disbelievers and the punishment they will face on the day of resurrection, Allah will admit the believers who believe in Him, His Messengers and His books, and do righteous deeds into gardens beneath which rivers flow, and they will be adorned therein with bracelets of gold and pearls, and their wearing therein will be of silk, and the men are forbidden from wearing silk in the worldly life where as narrated by Ibn Umar who said: ''I heard Umar mentioning that the Prophet said Whoever wears silk in the worldly life, he shall not wear it in the Hereafter", and they had been guided to the place where they hear good words not as the people of Hellfire are humiliated by the words that frighten and rebuke them, and they had been guided to the place they praise Allah for what He has bestowed upon them as they will say when enter Paradise "Praise be to Allah who has removed the sorrow from us, indeed, our Lord is All-Forgiving, Most Appreciative" as mentioned in Aya (34) of Surat Fatir.
Allah says in the next verse (25) "Indeed, those who disbelieve and prevent from the way of Allah and the Sacred Mosque which We have made for the people, the resident and the visitor are equal therein, and whoever intends therein to commit deviation with injustice, We will make him taste a painful punishment", that is, those who disbelieve prevent others from the way of Allah, and prevent the Muslims from the Sacred Mosque (Alka'bah) which Allah has made for the people, the resident in Mecca, and the visitor who comes from outside Mecca, they all are equal therein, and whoever intends to commit deviation with injustice in the Sacred Mosque including any evil deed or disobedience inside the Sacred Mosque such as idle talk, murder, oppressing others or something like that, Allah will make him taste the painful torment, and this includes those who intends to destroy the Sacred Mosque itself just as Allah has destroyed the companions of the elephant (The army of Abrahah) as mentioned in Surat Alfil, and Allah's Messenger said in narration of A'isha: "An army will invade the Ka'bah and when the invaders reach the desert, all the ground will sink and swallow the whole army, Aisha said O Allah's Messenger! How will they sink into the ground while amongst them will be their markets and the people not belonging to them?, the Prophet replied all of those people will sink but they will be resurrected and judged according to their intentions", and He said in narration of Hafsa "They would be sunk and no flank would be left except some people who would go to inform about them".
Allah says in the next two verses (26,27) "And when We pointed out for Abraham the place of the House that Do not associate anything with Me, and Purify My House for those who circumambulate, and those who stand, and those who bow and those who prostrate, and Proclaim to the people the pilgrimage, they will come to you on foot and on every lean camel, they will come from every deep place", that is, the Sacred Mosque was founded from the first day to worship Allah alone with no partners where Allah has determined for the Prophet Abraham the location of the Sacred Mosque, and it is the first house of worship established for mankind as mentioned in Aya (96) of Surat Aliemran, then Allah commanded the Prophet Abraham to worship Him alone, to purify the Sacred Mosque for those who go around it (Performing Tawaf) and those who stand, bow, and prostrate in the prayer, and to proclaim to the people the pilgrimage (Alhajj), and they will come to Him on foot and on every lean camel that tired of traveling, and they will come from every distance place.
Allah says in the next two verses (28,29) "That they may witness benefits for them, and mention the name of Allah on a known days over what He has provided them of the beast of cattle, so Eat of it, and Feed the miserable, the poor, then let them end their prescribed duties and fulfill their vows, and circumambulate the Ancient House", that is, those who come to pilgrimage may witness benefits for them during pilgrimage whether worldly benefits like buying and selling or the reward and forgiveness in the Hereafter where Allah's Messenger (PBUH) said in narration of Abu Hurayrah: "Whoever performs Hajj for Allah's pleasure and does not have sexual relations with his wife, and does not do evil or sins, then he will return as if he were born anew", and to mention the name of Allah on a known days over what Allah has provided them of the cattle, so they mention the name of Allah when slaughtering a sacrificial cattle such as a camel, a cow, or a sheep after the prayer of Eid Aladha and two days after it, where as narrated by Albara': "The Prophet (PBUH) delivered the Khutba (a sermon) on the day of Alnahr (Eid Aladha) and said the first thing we should do on this day of ours is to pray and then return and slaughter (Sacrifices), so anyone who does so, he acted according to our Sunnah, and whoever slaughtered before the prayer, then it was just meat that he offered to his family, and would not be considered as a sacrifice in any way", then Allah has permitted the Muslims to eat from their sacrifice and to feed the miserable and the poor, then let them end their prescribed duties and fulfill their vows after Sacrificing, so they have to stone Aljamarat (Stoning Satan), shaving the head, cutting the nails, the final circumambulation around Alka'bah (Tawaf alwada'), and putting off the Ihram clothes.
Allah says in the next verse (30) "That, and whoever magnifies the sanctity of Allah, then it is good for him with his Lord, and the cattle are made lawful for you except what is recited to you, so Avoid the filth of the idols and Avoid the word of falsehood", that is, these are Allah's orders and obligations in the pilgrimage, and whoever magnifies the sanctity of Allah, and avoid His prohibitions because committing them is grave in his sight, then it is better for him with Allah for He will reward him for that, then Allah assures that He has made the cattle lawful except what is recited to you, and Allah has specified the unlawful of the cattle in Aya (3) of Surat Alma'idah ''Prohibited to you are dead animal, blood, the flesh of pig, and that which has been dedicated to other than Allah, and the animals dead by strangulation, dead by blow, dead by a fall, dead by goring, and that which a beast has eaten unless you have slaughtered it before its death, and that which has been slaughtered before the idols, and that you determine share through the arrows", then Allah commanded the believers to avoid the filth of idols by worshiping them and obeying Satan in that, and to avoid the word of falsehood and as narrated by Abd-Alrahman Bin Abu Bakra: "Allah's Messenger said thrice Shall I not inform you of the biggest of the great sins, we said yes O Allah's Messenger, He said to join partners in worship with Allah, disobedience to parents, Allah's Messenger sat up after He had been reclining and added and I warn you against giving forged statement and a false witness, I warn you against giving forged statement and a false witness, and He kept on saying it till we thought that He would not stop".
Allah says in the next three verses (31-33) "being upright to Allah, not associating with Him, and whoever associates with Allah, then it is as he had fallen from the sky and the birds has snatched him, or the wind had blown him to a far off place, that, and whoever magnifies the rites of Allah, then indeed, it is from the piety of hearts, and for you therein are benefits to an appointed time, then their place is to the Ancient House", that is, Allah commanded the believers to be upright, submissive, and obedient to Him, not associating other idols with Him, then He cites an example of the polytheist, who worships others besides Allah, in his misguidance as if he falls from the sky, and the birds snatch him or the wind blow him to a far off place, in either case, he is inevitably doomed, likewise, he will be doomed on the day of resurrection, then Allah assures that whoever magnifies His rites that He enjoined in the Hajj such as standing at Arafat, Almuzdalifah, stoning of Jamarat, the sacrifice, shaving the head, and cutting the nails, then indeed, it is from the piety of the hearts. Then Allah has permitted the Muslim to benefit from the sacrifice until the day of slaughtering (Eid Aladha) at the Ancient House (Alka'bah), so they can drink its milk and ride on its back where as narrated by Abu Hurayrah: "Allah's Messenger saw a man driving his Badana (Sacrificial camel), He said Ride on it, the man said it is a Badana, the Prophet said Ride on it, he said it is a Badana, the Prophet said Ride on it, and on the second or the third time He said Woe to You!".
Allah says in the next two verses (34,35) "And for every religion We have appointed a rite, so that they may mention the name of Allah over what He has provided them of the beast of cattle, and your God is One God, so Submit to Him, and Give glad tidings to the humble ones, those when Allah is mentioned, their hearts fear, and those who are patient over what has afflicted them, and those who establish the prayer, and they spend from what We have provided them", that is, Allah assures that He has appointed for every religion the rite of slaughtering and bloodshed in the Name of Allah, so that they mention the name of Allah when slaughtering a sacrificial cattle such as a camel, a cow, or a sheep, then Allah assures that there is no God but He even if the laws of the Prophets varied and some of them abrogated one another, but all of them called to the worship of Allah alone, with no partners, so Allah commanded the Muslims to submit to Him by obedience, and Allah commanded His Messenger to give glad tidings to the humble ones, those whose hearts are filled with fear when Allah is mentioned, those who are patient over what afflicts them of misfortunes, those who establish the prayer in its prescribed times, and those who spend from what Allah has provided them of good provision whether on their families, in the way of Allah, or for alms, and as narrated by Thawban that Allah's Messenger said: "The most excellent Dinar (currency) is a Dinar that a person spends on his family, and the Dinar which a person spends on his animal in the way of Allah, and the Dinar he spends on his companions in the way of Allah" (Sahih Muslim 994) .
Allah says in the next three verses (36-38) "And the sacrificial camels, We have made them for you among the rites of Allah, for you therein is good, so mention the name of Allah over them when standing, and when their sides are down, then eat from them and feed the needy who does not ask and the needy who asks, thus We have subjected them to you so that you may give thanks, their meat will not reach Allah nor their blood, but the piety reaches Him from you, thus, He subjected them to you, so that you may glorify Allah for what He has guided you, and Give glad tidings to the good doers, indeed, Allah defends those who believe, indeed, Allah does not like every treacherous and ungrateful", that is, Allah has made the sacrificial camels (Budun) one of His rites, and it is the best of what is given as a sacrifice, and more than one person up to seven may participate in the sacrifice where as narrated by Jabir: "We set out in the state of Ihram for Hajj along with Allah's Messenger, He commanded us that seven persons should join in a camel, and a cow for offering sacrifice", then Allah assures that for you therein is good which is the reward in the Hereafter, so when you slaughter it, mention the name of Allah over them when standing on three legs and the fourth is tied up, where as narrated by Sahl bin Bakkar: "The Prophet slaughtered seven budun (camels) while standing with his own hands", and as narrated by Ziyad bin Jubair: "I saw Ibn Umar passing by a man who had made his Badana sit to slaughter it, Ibn Umar said Slaughter while standing with one leg tied up as is the Sunnah of Muhammad (PBUH)".
And when the camels fell to the ground and died, then eat from them and feed the needy who does not ask and the needy who asks, thus Allah has subjected them to you, so if you wish, you will ride on them, will milk them, or will slaughter them, so that you may give thanks to Allah for what He has bestowed upon you of His blessings, He has legislated for you to sacrifice these animals to remember His Name when slaughtering them, and He does not receive anything of their flesh or blood, but the piety reaches Him from you, and He has subjected the camels to you so that you may glorify Allah for what He has guided you, so the Muslims are commanded to mention the Name of Allah and to glorify Him when slaughtering their sacrifice, so they have to say ''Besmi ellahi, Allahu Akbar, Allahumma taqabbal menni" In the Name of Allah and Allah is the Greatest, O Allah! Accept from me", where as narrated by Aisha that Allah's Messenger commanded that a ram with black legs, black belly, and black round the eyes should be brought to Him, so that He should sacrifice it, He said to Aisha, Give Me the large knife, and then said Sharpen it on a stone, she did that, then He took it and then the ram, and placed it on the ground and then sacrificed it saying "Besmmi ellahi, Allahumma taqabbal men Muhammadin wa Ali Muhammadin, wa men Ummati Muhammadin, in the name of Allah, O Allah! Accept on behalf of Muhammad, the family of Muhammad, and the Ummah of Muhammad". Then Allah commanded His Messenger to give glad tidings for the good doers who worship Allah as if they see Him, and if they can not see Him, then Allah sees them, so they act according to Allah's commands and prohibitions, so Allah will reward them for their patient and obedience, and He defends and helps His servants who believe in Him, put their trust in Him, and turn to Him from the plot and the evil of the wretched ones, and Allah does not like every treacherous and ungrateful one.
Allah says in the next three verses (39-41) "Permission is given to those who are being fought because they were wronged, and indeed, Allah is All-Powerful over their victory, those who were expelled from their homes without right except that they say our Lord is Allah, and had it not been for Allah repels the people some of them by others, monasteries and churches and synagogues and mosques in which the name of Allah is much mentioned, would have been demolished, and Allah will help those who help Him, indeed, Allah is All-Strong, Almighty, those who if We established them in the earth, they establish the prayer and they give the Zakah, and they enjoin the right and forbid from the wrong, and to Allah is the end of the matters", that is, Allah has permitted the believers to fight the polytheists who wronged them by fighting them, and Allah is All-powerful to give victory to His faithful servants, those who were expelled from their homes without right, where the people of Mecca had expelled Allah's Messenger and His companions from Mecca although they had no offense to their people except they worship Allah alone, with no partner, so some of them went to Abyssinia, and others to Medina until Allah's Messenger and Abu Bakr migrated to Medina, and they all gathered in Medina, then Allah prescribed for them to fight the polytheists, and as narrated Ibn Abbas: "When the Prophet was expelled from Mecca, Abu Bakr said they have driven out their Prophet to their own doom, so Allah, Most High, revealed ''Permission is given to those who are being fought because they were wronged, and indeed, Allah is All-Powerful over their victory", so Abu Bakr said then I knew that there would be fighting".
Then Allah assures that Were it not that He defends people by people, and removes the evil of people from others, the earth would have been corrupted, and the strong would have destroy the weak, so were it not for what Allah has prescribed for the prophet and the believers to fight their enemies, the disbelievers would have taken over and nullified the places of worship for the previous religions and the religion of Islam, so they would have destroy monasteries, churches, synagogues and mosques in which the name of Allah is much mentioned, but Allah has prescribed the fighting on His cause (Jihad) so that the people of every religion could devote themselves to worship Allah alone, so Jihad is an legitimate matter in the previous nations, and Allah will help those who help Him and fight in His cause where the rule of Allah is to give victory to the believers and He has written surely, I will overcome and My Messengers as mentioned in Aya (21) of Surat Almujadilah, and He is All-Powerful in victory over those who disobeys Him, and All-Mighty in His revenge on them, so when Allah gives His victory to the believers and establishes them in the land, and they subdued and defeated the polytheists of Mecca, they obey Allah, they establish the prayer in its prescribed times, they pay the Zakah (Obligatory charity), they enjoin the right as they invite the people to worship Allah alone and to act in obedience to Him, and they forbid from the wrong as they forbid associating partners with Allah, and acting in disobedience to Him, and to Allah is the end of all matters on the day of resurrection, so He will judge between them, and will reward each for his deeds.
Allah says in the next three verses (42-44) "And if they deny you, so indeed, the people of Noah and Ad and Thamud denied before them, and the people of Abraham and the people of Lot, and the people of Madyan, and Moses was denied, so I give respite to the disbelievers, then I seized them, so how was My rejection", that is, Allah urges His Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) to be patient over what He suffers from the harm of the polytheists of Quraish, so He cites for Him some examples of the previous nations who denied their Messengers including the people of the Prophet Noah, Ad (The people of the Prophet Hud), Thamud (The people of the Prophet Salih), the people of the Prophet Abraham, the People of the Prophet Lot, the People of Madyan (The people of the Prophet Shu'ayb), and the people of Pharaoh who denied the Prophet Moses, so Allah has given respite to the disbelievers for a while, then He seized them, and How was Allah's rejection of their denial?, unquestionably, Allah seized them with a severe and painful torment.
Allah says in the next two verses (45,46) "And how many of a town did We destroy when it was wrongdoer, so it is fallen into ruin, and an abandoned well, and a lofty palace, Have they not traveled in the land so that they may have hearts with which to understand, or ears with which to hear?, indeed, it is not the eyes that turn blind, but blinded are the hearts which are within the breasts", that is, How many of a town did Allah has destroyed when its people were wrongdoers and denied their Messenger and persisted on disbelief, so its people perished and it became empty, its well was unusable because the perishing of its seekers, and its palace was emptied of its inhabitants, thereupon, Allah marvels at the fact that they traveled across the land, and saw the torment that Allah had inflicted upon the previous nations, so Why did they not reflect on that and that they may have hearts with which to understand or ears with which to hear lest the punishment befalls them as it befell those before them, but Allah assures that the blindness is not the blindness of sight, rather it is the blindness of insight, so their hearts are blind to seeing the truth and distinguishing between it and falsehood.
Allah says in the next two verses (47,48) "And they ask You to hasten the punishment, and Allah will never break His promise, and indeed, a day with Your Lord is like a thousand years of what you count, and how many of a town did I gave respite to it when it was wrongdoer, then I seized it, and to Me is the final return", that is, the polytheists of Quraish ask Allah's Messenger to hasten the punishment for them, thereupon, Allah assured them that He will never break His promise that He will establish the reckoning on the day of resurrection, and indeed, Hellfire will surely surround the disbelievers as mentioned in Aya (54) of Surat Alankaboot, and Allah assures that a day with Him is like a thousand years of what mankind count, so He gives them respite until a while, then the punishment will inevitably come to them, and how many of a town did Allah gave them respite and enjoyment of the worldly life, then He destroyed it when its people were wrongdoers and denied their Messenger and persisted on disbelief, and to Allah is the final return on the day of resurrection, so He will punish it with a severe punishment.
Allah says in the next three verses (49-51) "Say O people! I am only a clear warner to you, and those who believe and do righteous deeds, for them is forgiveness and a noble provision, and those who strive against Our verses to cause failure, those are the companions of the Hell", that is, Allah commanded His Messenger to assure the people of Quraish that He is a clear warner to them, He only has to inform and warn them of Allah's punishment if they disobeyed Him, and Allah leads astray whom He wills, and guides whom He wills, and that He will reward those who believe in Him, His Messengers, and His books, and do righteous deeds, and they will have forgiveness for their sins on the day of resurrection and a noble provision in Paradise, but those who strive against Allah's verses in order to cause failure, to refute Allah's signs, and to prevent others from the way of Allah, they will be the companions of Hellfire, and they will have the severest and the worst punishment on the day of resurrection.
Allah says in the next two verses (52,53) "And We did not send before You any Messenger or Prophet except that when he recited, Satan threw in His recitation, but Allah abrogates what the Satan throws, then Allah establishes His verses, and Allah is All-Knower, All-Wise, so that He may make what Satan throws a trial for those in whose hearts there is a disease and whose hearts are hard, and indeed, the wrongdoers are in extreme opposition", that is, Allah assures His Messenger that He did not send any Messenger or Prophet before Him except that when He recited Allah's verses, Satan throws and adds in His recitation a falsehood from himself in order to prevent others from the way of Allah, but Allah abrogates and nullifies what the Satan throws, then Allah establishes His verses so that they cannot be falsified or distorted, and Allah is the All-Knower of everything as nothing is hidden from Him in the heavens or on the earth, All-Wise who manages His creation with wisdom in His laws and destiny. So Allah made what the Satan throws a trial for the polytheists, those in whose hearts there are doubt, hypocrisy, and polytheism and whose hearts are hard from the remembrance of Allah, so they rejoice in what Satan has thrown to them, indeed, the wrongdoers are in extreme opposition to the guidance and far from the right path.
Allah says in the next two verses (54,55) "And that those who have been given the knowledge may know that it is the truth from Your Lord and they may believe in it, and their hearts may humbly submit to it, and indeed, Allah is the Guide of those who believe to a straight path, but those who disbelieve will not cease to be in doubt about it until the Hour comes upon then suddenly or there come to them the punishment of a barren day", that is, Allah nullifies what the Satan throws in the verses of the Holy Quran, and establishes His verses so that those who have been given knowledge by which they differentiate between truth and falsehood may know that what Allah has revealed to His Messenger is the truth from Allah, so they believe in it, and their hearts become humble to it, and Allah is the Guide of those who believe to a straight path in the worldly life and the Hereafter, but the disbelievers will not cease to be in doubt about the Holy Quran until the Hour (The day of resurrection) comes upon them suddenly while they do not perceive, or there come to them the punishment of a barren day that does not carry any good for them at all.
Allah says in the next two verses (56,57) "The Kingdom that day belongs to Allah, He will judge between them, so those who believed and did righteous deeds will be in Gardens of bliss, and those who disbelieved and denied Our verses, so for those will be a humiliating punishment", that is, the kingdom of the heavens and the earth on the day of resurrection will belong to Allah alone, and He will judge between His servants, so those who believe in Him, His Messenger, and the Holy Quran and did righteous deeds will be the companions of Paradise and will be in gardens of bliss, but as for those who disbelieved in Allah and denied His Messenger and the Holy Quran, they will be the companions of Hellfire and for them will be a humiliating punishment.
Allah says in the next two verses (58,59) "And those who emigrated in the way of Allah, then they were killed or died, Allah will provide for them a good provision, and indeed, Allah is the Best of the Providers, He will surely admit them to an entrance with which they will be pleased, and indeed, Allah is All-Knower, Most Forbearing", that is, those who went out as emigrants in the way of Allah, and left their homelands, families, and friends for the sake of Allah and His Messenger, and for the support of Allah's religion, then they were killed in Jihad (Fighting in the way of Allah), or they died without fighting, they will receive a great reward and Allah will provide for them a good provision in the Gardens of bliss on the day of resurrection, and Allah is the Best of Providers where none can provide sustenance like Him, nor can bless with the same as His blessings, so He will admit them to an entrance in Paradise with which they will be pleased, and Allah is All-Knower of everything, Most Forbearing for those who disobey Him by not hastening His punishment.
Allah says in the next three verses (60-62) "That, and whoever has punished with the like of what he was punished with, then it was oppressed on him, Allah will surely help him, and indeed, Allah is Oft-Pardoning, All-Forgiving, that is because Allah causes the night to enter the day and causes the day to enter the night and Allah is All-Hearing, All-Seeing, that is because Allah is the Truth and that what they call besides Him is the falsehood, and that Allah is the Most High, the Most Grand", that is, Allah has permitted Muslims to take revenge on those who wronged them with the same of what befell them where He says in Aya (194) of Surat Albaqarah "So whoever has assaulted you, then assault him in the same way that he has assaulted you", but it is not right for the aggressor to repeat his aggression; Because he would be oppressive and unfair, so Allah assures that He will help whoever has punished with the like of what he was punished with, then it was oppressed on him, and Allah is Oft-Pardoning, All-Forgiving for those who repent, believe, and do righteous deeds.
Then Allah assures that He is Able to do whatever He wills as He is the One who enters the missing hours of the night into the day, so it become an increase in the hours of the day, and He enters the missing hours of the day into the night, so it become an increase in the hours of the night, therefore, sometimes the night is long and the day is short, sometimes vise versa, and sometimes they are equal. As a result, the four seasons of the year are determined which are winter, spring, summer, and autumn, and Allah is All-Hearing, All-Seeing whose hearing and sight encompass everything, and nothing in the heavens nor on the earth is hidden from Him. And He is the truth, and the idols whom they invoke besides Him are nothing but a falsehood and they do not possess anything in the heavens nor on the earth, and Allah is the Most High, the Most Grand who is sublime over everything, and all things are below Him where His authority and His power is over them.
Allah says in the next two verses (63,64) "Do You not see that Allah has sent down water from the sky, and the earth becomes green, indeed, Allah is All-Subtle, All-Aware, to Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth, and indeed, Allah is the Free of need, the Praiseworthy", that is, Allah cites some of His blessings upon man and says Do you not see that Allah has sent down the rain from the sky upon the dead earth, so it quivers, becomes verdant, and grows various kinds of crops and fruits, and Allah is All-Subtle in what He wills; For if He decrees a matter, He places reasons for it, and facilitates it, All-Aware whose ability and knowledge encompass everything, and to Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth, so He owns all things and all human beings need their Lord for He is the Creator and the Provider while He is Free of need of them, and He is the Praiseworthy of all what He decrees.
Allah says in the next two verses (65,66) "Do You not see that Allah has subjected for you whatever is on the earth and the ships that sail through the sea by His command, and He withholds the sky lest it falls on the earth except by His permission, indeed, Allah is Most Kind, Most Merciful to the people, and He is the One who gave you life, then He causes you to die, then he will give you life, indeed, man is ungrateful", that is, Allah continues to cite His blessings as He is the One who has subjected whatever is on the earth from the trees, animals, mountains, rivers, and many others to serve man, He is the One has subjected the ships to run through the sea by His command when the winds blow, so man seeks of Allah's bounty whether they are ships for trade or for fishing, He is the One who withholds the sky lest it falls upon the earth, so whoever was on it would have perished, but out of His Mercy and compassion for His servants He holds it from falling upon the earth except by His permission where He is Most Kind, Most Merciful to the people, and He is the One who gives life to man in the worldly life as He wills, then He will cause Him to die when He wills, then He will give him life again for reckoning on the day of resurrection, but man is ungrateful for the blessings that Allah has bestowed upon him.
Allah says in the next three verses (67-69) "And for every religion We have appointed a rite which they perform it, so Let them not dispute with You in the matter, and Call to Your Lord, indeed, You are on a straight guidance, and if they argue with You, then Say Allah knows best of what you do, Allah will judge between you on the day of resurrection in what you used to differ in it", that is, Allah assures again that He has appointed a rite for every religion which perform it like the rite of slaughter and bloodshed in the Name of Allah as shown above in Aya (34), so Allah commanded His Messenger not to let the polytheists of Quraish argue with Him regarding what is legislated for His Ummah where the rites were in every religion, then He commanded Him to call to the worship of Allah alone for indeed, He is on a straight guidance, so do not let them distract You from the truth upon which You are, and if they argue with You, do not pay attention to them and Say Allah knows best of what you do, then Allah assures that He will judge between His servants on the day of resurrection in what they used to differ therein of beliefs and deeds in the worldly life.
Allah says in the next two verses (70,71) "Do you not know that Allah knows whatever is in the heavens and the earth, indeed, that is in a book, indeed, that is easy for Allah, and they worship besides Allah what He has not sent down any authority of it, and what they have not any knowledge of it, and there is no helper for the wrongdoers", that is, Allah assures His Messenger that He knows whatever is in the heavens and the earth and He knew all beings before they existed and He wrote that in His book (Al-lawh Almahfuoz) where as narrated by Abdul-Wahed bin Sulaim, Allah's Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) said "Verily, the first of what Allah created was the pen, He said to it: Write, so it wrote what will be forever", so nothing is hidden from Allah of an atom's weight in the heavens, nor on the earth, nor smaller than that, and nor greater except in a clear book as He has stated in Aya (3) of Surat Saba', and that is easy for Allah, but the disbelievers worship besides Allah what He has not sent down any authority or proof of it that makes him worthy of worship, and what they have not any knowledge of it where the idols whom they worship besides Allah do not possess an atom's weight in the heavens nor on the earth, so the wrongdoers will not find any helper for them on the day of resurrection in order to save them from Allah's punishment.
Allah says in the next verse (72) "And when Our verses are recited to them, clear, You will recognize on the faces of those who disbelieve the denial, they almost attack those who recite Our verses to them, Say, Shall I inform you of worse than that?, the fire, Allah has promised it for those who disbelieve, and wretched is the fate", that is, when the clear verses of the Holy Quran are recited to the disbelievers, you recognize the denial and disapproval on their faces; because they hate to hear the Holy Quran, and they almost assault those who recite Allah's verses to them, so Allah threatened them and commanded His Messenger to assure them that the Fire of the Hereafter, which Allah has promised it for the disbelievers, is worst and more severe than the harm they inflict upon those who recite the Holy Quran, and wretched is the fate and the final abode of the disbelievers in the Hereafter.
Allah says in the next two verses (73,74) "O people an example is cited, so Listen to it, indeed, those whom you call besides Allah will never create a fly even if they gathered together for it, and if the fly snatches a thing away from them, they could not take it back from it, so weak are the seeker and the one who is sought, they did not appreciate Allah with true appreciation of Him, indeed, Allah is All-Strong, Almighty", that is, Allah has cited an example for the people that indicates the falsity of the idols they worship, and Allah commanded people to listen and reflect on it, so Allah says that these idols are incapable of creating a single fly, rather they are incapable to resist the fly, and if the fly steal anything from them, they could not restore it from the fly, so these idols are weaker than the weakest and the most insignificant of Allah's creatures, so weak is the seeker which is the idol, and weak is the one who is sought which is the fly. But the polytheists did not appraise Allah as He deserves as they associate idols with Him that do not resist flies due to its weakness and incapacity, and Allah is All-Powerful in victory over those who disobey Him, All-Mighty in His revenge on them.
Allah says in the next two verses (75,76) "Allah chooses from the Angels Messengers and from the people, indeed, Allah is All-Hearing, All-Seeing, He knows what is before them and what is behind them, and to Allah all matters will be returned", that is, Allah has chosen Messengers from the Angels in order to convey His message to His Messengers like Gabriel who has brought down the Holy Quran upon the heart of Allah's Messengers Muhammad (PBUH) as mentioned in Aya (97) of Surat Albaqarah, and Allah has chosen Messengers from the people in order to convey His message to His servants, and Allah is All-Hearing, All-Seeing whose hearing and sight encompass everything, and nothing in the heavens nor on the earth is hidden from Him, so He knows what His Messengers do in what He sent them with and nothing of their affair is hidden from Him, and He knows what is before them and what is behind them for He has appointed a guard to march in front and behind the Angel at the time of delivering Allah's message to the Messenger so that Allah may knows that they have conveyed His messages and to ensure that the message was delivered as it is without distortion by the devils and their human supporters as mentioned in Ayat (27,28) of Surat Aljinn, and all affairs will be returned to Allah on the day of resurrection, and He will judge between His creation with truth and justice.
Allah says in the last two verses (77,78) "O those who believe, Bow and Prostrate, and Worship your Lord, and do good so that you may succeed, and Strive for Allah with true striving for Him, He has chosen you, and did not place on you any hardship in the religion, the religion of your father Abraham, He named you Muslims before, and in this, so that the Messenger may be a witness over you, and you may be witnesses over the people, so Establish the prayer, and Give the Zakah and Hold fast to Allah, He is your Protector, so Excellent is the Protector and Excellent is the Helper", that is, Allah commanded the believers to bow and prostrate in their prayer, to worship Him alone and submit to His command, and to do good so that they may succeed in the worldly life and the Hereafter, then Allah commanded them to strive for Him as He deserves by themselves and their wealth. He has chosen you over all nations, singled you out for the most honorable Messenger Muhammad (PBUH), and the most perfect religious law (Shari'ah), and He did not obligate you to anything that was too difficult except He has made for you a relief and a way out such as shortening the prayer while traveling, breaking the fast in Ramadan due to sickness or traveling, the Pilgrimage (Hajj) for those who are able to do it, healthily and financially, and many other exceptions, and this religion is the religion of your father Abraham, and Allah has named you Muslims in the previous books and in the Holy Quran so that Allah's Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) be a witness over you on the day of resurrection that He has conveyed Allah's message to you, and you will be witnesses at that time over the people that their Messengers have conveyed the message of Allah to them, then Allah commands the Muslims to establish the prayer, to pay obligatory charity (Zakah), to hold fast to Him, and to put their trust upon Him for He is their Protector who will support them and will grant them victory over their enemies, so Excellent is the Protector and Excellent is the Helper.
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