46- Surat Alahqaf

35 Verses Meccan (revealed in Mecca)

A'auzu Bellahi mena alshaiytani alrajeem

I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed Satan

Bismi Ellahi Alrhmani Alraheem

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

Ha meem (1).
Ha meem.

Tanzeeluo alketabi mena Allahi Alazeezi Alhakeem (2).
The revelation of the book is from Allah, the All-mighty, the All-Wise.

Ma khalaqna alsamawati wa alarda wa ma baiynahuma ella bel-haqqi wa ajalin musamman wa allazina kafruo amma aunzeruo mu'reduon (3).
We did not create the heavens and the earth and whatever is between them except in truth, and an appointed time, and those who disbelieve from what they have been warned of, are turning away.

Qul a-ra'aytum ma tad-una men duoni ellahi aruni maza khalaquo mena alardi am lahum sherkun fee alsamawati e'tuoni be-ketabin men qabli haza aww atharatin men elmin in kuntum sadekeen (4).
Say, Do you see what you invoke besides Allah, show Me what they have created of the earth or have they a share in the heavens?, bring me a book before this, or a trace of knowledge, if you are truthful.

Wa man adalluo memman yad-uo men duoni ellahi man la yastageebuo lahuo ela yawmi alqeiyamati wa hum an dua-ehim ghafeluon (5).
And who is more astray than he who invokes besides Allah he who will not respond to him until the day of resurrection, and they are unaware of their invokes.

Wa iza hushera alnasuo kanuo lahum a'da-an wa kanuo be-ebadatehim kafereen (6).
And when the people will be gathered, they will be enemies to them, and they will be deniers of their worship.

Wa iza tutla alaiyhim ayatuona bayyinatin qala allazina kafaruo lel-haqqi lamma ja'ahum haza sehrun mubeen (7).
And when our clear verses are recited to them, those who disbelieve say regarding the truth when it has come to them, this is a clear magic.

Am yaquluna eftarahuo qul ini eftaraiytuhuo fala tamlekuona lee mena Allahi shay-an huwa a'lamuo be-ma tuofeeduna feehi kafa behi shaheedan baiyni wa baiynakum wa huwa alghafuruo alraheem (8).
Or do they say, he has invented it, say, if I have invented it, then you do not have anything for me against Allah, He knows best of what you indulge in, Sufficient is He as a witness between Me and you, and He is the All-forgiving, the Most Merciful.

Qul ma kuntuo beda-an mena alrusuli wa ma adri ma youfa'luo bee wa la bekum in attabe-uo ella ma youha elaiyya wa ma ana ella nazeerun mubeen (9).
Say, I am not novelty among the Messengers, and I do not know what will be done to me or to you, I do not follow except what is revealed to Me, and I am not but a clear warner.

Qul a-ra'aytum in kana men endi ellahi wa kafartum behi wa shaheda shahedun men bani esraela  ala methlehi fa-amana wa-stakbartum inna Allah la yahdi alqawma alzalemeen (10).
Say, Do you see if it was from Allah, and you disbelieved in it?, and a witness from the children of Israel testifies to its like then he believed, while you were arrogant, indeed, Allah does not guide the wrongdoing people.

Wa qala allazina kafaruo le-lazzina amanuo laww kana khaiyran ma sabaquona elaiyhi wa iz lam yahtaduo behi fasa-yaquluona haza ifkun qadeem (11).
And those who disbelieved say of those who believed if it had been good, they would not have preceded us to it, and when they are not guided by it, they will say this is an ancient lie.

Wa men qablehi ketabuo Musa emaman wa rahmatan wa haza ketabun musaddequn lesanan arabeiyyan le-younzera allazina zalamuo wa bushra lel-muhseneen (12).
And before it, the book of Moses, a guide and a mercy, and this is a Book confirming, in Arabic tongue to warn those who have wronged, and glad tidings for the good doers.

Inna allazina qaluo Rabbuna Allahuo thumma estaqamuo fa-la khawfun alaiyhim wa la hum yahzanuon (13).
Indeed, those who said our Lord is Allah then they were upright, so there will be no fear for them, nor will they grieve.

Aulaeka as-habuo aljannati khaledeena feeha jaza'an bema kanuo ya'maluon (14).
Those are the companions of Paradise, abiding therein, a reward for what they used to do.

Wa wassaiyna alinsana be-waledaiyhi ehsanan hamalat-huo ummuhuo kurhan wa wada't-huo kurhan wa hamluhuo wa fesaluhuo thalathuona shahran hatta iza balagha ashuddahuo wa balagha arbaeena sanatan qala Rabbi awze'ni an ashkura ne'mataka allati ana'mta alaiyya wa ala waledayya wa an a'mala salehan tardahuo wa asleh lee fee zurreiyyati inni tubtuo elaiyka wa inni mena almuslemeen (15).
And We have enjoined upon man with kindness to his parents, His mother carried him with toil and gave birth to him with hardship, and his bearing and his weaning is thirty months, until he reaches his maturity and reaches forty years, he says, my Lord inspire me to be grateful for Your favor which You have bestowed upon me and upon my parents, and to do righteous deeds which please you, and make for me righteousness among my progeny, indeed, I have repented to you and indeed, I am of the Muslims. 

Aulaeka allazina nataqabbaluo anhum ahsana ma ameluo wa natajawazuo an sayyi-atehim fee as-habi aljannati wa'da alsedqi allazi kanuo you-aduon (16).
Those are the ones from whom We will accept the best of what they did, and overlook their evil deeds, among the companions of Paradise, a true promise which they were promised.

Wa allazi qala le-waledaiyhi auffin lakuma ata-edanini an aukhraja wa qad khalati alqurunuo men qabli wa huma yasaghethani ellaha waiylaka amin inna wa'da Allahi haqqun fa-yaquluo ma haza ella asateeruo alawwaleen (17).
And the one who said to his parents, uff to both of you, do you promise me that I will be resurrected and the generations have been passed away before me, and they both calling for help from Allah, woe to you, believe, indeed, the promise of Allah is true, but he says this is nothing but the stories of the former people.

Aulaeka allazina haqqa alaiyhemuo alqawluo fee aumamin qad khalat men qablehim mena aljinni wa alinsi innahum kanuo khasereen (18).
Those are the ones upon whom the word has come true among nations that passed away before them of the Jinn and mankind, indeed, they were losers.

Wa lekullin darajatun memma ameluo wa le-yuwaffiyahum a'malahum wa hum la youzlamuon (19).
And for all there are degrees for what they have done, and that He may repay them fully for their deeds, and they will not be wronged.

Wa yawma you'raduo allazina kafaruo ala alnari azhabtum tayyi-batekum fee hayatekumuo aldunya wa-stamta'tum beha fal-yawma toujzawna azaba alhuoni bema kuntum tastakberuona fee aladri be-ghaiyri alhaqqi wa bema kuntum tafsuquon (20).
And the day those who disbelieved will be exposed to the fire, you exhausted your good things in your worldly life, and you have enjoyed them, so today, you will be recompensed with the punishment of humiliation because you were arrogant in the earth without right and because you were disobeying.

Wa-zkur akha adin iz anzara qawmahuo bel-ahqahi wa qad khalati alnuzuruo men baiyni yadaiyhi wa min khalfehi alla ta'buduo ella Allaha inni akhafuo alaiykum azaba yawmin azeem (21).
And mention the brother of Ad, when He warned His people in Alahqaf, and the warners had passed before Him and after Him, saying, do not worship except Allah, indeed, I fear for you the punishment of a terrible day.

Qaluo aje'tana leta'fekana an alehatena fa'tena bema ta-eduna in kunta mena alsadeqeen (22).
They said, have you come to turn us away from our gods, then bring us what you promise us, if you are of the truthful.

Qala innama alelmuo enda Allahi wa auballeghukum ma aurseltuo behi wa lakinni arakum qawman tajhaluon (23).
He said, the knowledge is only with Allah, and I convey to you what I have been sent with, but I see that you are a people behaving ignorantly.

Fa-lamma ra'awhuo aredan mustaqbela awdeiyatehim qaluo haza aredun mumteruna bal huwa ma esta'jaltum behi reehun feeha azabun aleem (24).
So, when they saw it, a cloud approaching their valleys, they said, this a cloud bringing us rain, but it is what you were asking it to be hastened, a wind in which a painful punishment.

Tudammeruo kulla shay-in be-amri Rabbeha fa-asbahuo la youra ella masakenuhum ka-zaleka najzee alqawma almujremeen (25).
Destroying everything by the command of its Lord, then they became such that nothing could be seen except their dwellings, thus We recompense the criminal people.

Wa laqad makkannahum feema in makkannakum fehi wa ja'alna lahum sam'an wa absaran wa af-edatan fama aghna anhum sam-uhum wa la absaruhum wa la af-edatuhum men shay-in iz kanuo yajhaduona be-ayati ellahi wa haqa behim ma kanuo behi yastahze-uon (26).
And indeed, We have established them in what We have not established you in it, and We have made for them hearing, and vision, and hearts, but neither their hearing availed them, nor their vision, nor their hearts from anything as they used to reject the signs of Allah, so they have been encircled by what they used to ridicule it.

Wa laqd ahlakna ma hawlakum mena alqura wa sarrafna alayati la-allahum yarjee-uon (27).
And we have destroyed what surrounds you of the towns, and We have explained the signs, so that they might return.

Fa-lawla nasarahumuo allazina ettakhazuo men duoni ellahi qurbanan alehatan bal dalluo anhum wa zaleka efkuhum wa ma kanuo yaftaruon (28).
So, why were they not helped by those whom they had taken besides Allah, gods, as a way of approach, but they were lost from them, and that was their falsehood, and what they were inventing.

Wa iz sarafna elaiyka nafaran mena aljinni yastame-uona alqurana fa-lamma hadaruhuo qaluo ansetuo fa-lamma qudeiya wallaww ela qawmehim munzereen (29).
And when We directed to You a group of the Jinn, listening to the Quran, and when they attended it, they said Be silent, and when it was concluded, they turned back to their people as warners.

Qaluo ya qawmana inna same'na ketaban aunzela men ba'di Musa musaddeqan lema baiyna yadaiyhi yahdi ela alhaqqi wa ela tareeqin mustaqeem (30).
They said O our people! Indeed, we have heard a book revealed after Moses confirming what was before it, guides to the truth and to a straight path.

Ya-qawmana ageebuo da-eiya Allahi wa amenuo behi yaghfir lakum men zunubekum wa youjerkum men azabin aleem (31).
O our People! Respond to the caller of Allah, and believe in Him, He will forgive for you your sins, and will protect you from a painful punishment.

Wa man la yuojeb da-eiya Allahi fa-laytha be-mu'jezin fee alardi wa laytha lahuo men duonehi awlaiyauo aulaeka fee dalalin mubeen (32).
And He who does not respond to the caller of Allah, then he can not cause failure on the earth, and there is no protectors for him besides Allah, those are in a clear error.

Awa lam yaraww anna Allaha allazi khalaqa alsamawati wa alarda wa lam ya'ya be-khalqehenna be-qadirin ala an youhiy-ya almawta bala innahuo ala kulli shay-in qadeer (33).
Do they not see that Allah who created the heavens and the earth, and He was not wearied  by their creation, is Able to give life to the dead, yes, indeed, He is All-Powerful over everything.

Wa yawma you'raduo allazina kafaruo ala alnari a-laytha haza bel-haqqi qaluo bala wa Rabbena qala fa-zuquo alazaba bema kuntum takfuruon (34). 
And the day those who disbelieved will be exposed to the fire, Is this not the truth?, they will say yes By our Lord, He will say so Taste the punishment because you used to disbelieve.

Fa-sbir kama sabara auluo alazmi mena alrusuli wa la tast'jel lahum ka-annahum yawma yarawna ma you-aduona lam yalbathuo ella sa'atan men naharin balaghun fa-hal youhlakuo ella alqawmuo alfasequon (35).
So be patient as those of determination of the Messengers had patience, and do not seek to hasten for them, the day when they see what they are promised as if they had not remained except for an hour of a day, a notification, so, Is it be perished except the disobedient people.

Simplified interpretation: 

 Surat Alahqaf begins with two letters of the Arabic language, just like 28 Surahs of the Holy Quran that start with individual letters ranging from one to five letters. It is noticeable that in all 29 Surahs the book or the Holy Quran is mentioned whether it is immediately after these letters or it is included in the Surah or even at the end of it. It is a challenge from Allah, Almighty, to the infidels of Quraish, as if Allah says to them this is the book in the letters of the language you speak, but you will not be able to produce the like of it, and He has already challenged them in Aya (88) of Surat Alisraa "Say, if mankind and the Jinn gathered in order to produce the like of this Quran, they could not produce the like of it, even if they were to each other assistants". As for the current Surah it begins with two letters "Ha and Meem" or "H and M" in English followed by "The revelation of the book is from Allah, the All-mighty, the All-Wise", and Allah also says in Aya (12) "And this is a book confirming, in Arabic tongue", but the knowledge of these letters remains with Allah, the Lord of the worlds.

 Allah says in the first three verses (1-3) "Ha Meem, the revelation of the book is from Allah, the All-Mighty, the All-Wise, We did not create the heavens and the earth and whatever is between them except in truth, and an appointed time, and those who disbelieve from what they have been warned of, are turning away", that is, Allah confirms that He has revealed the Holy Quran upon His Messenger Muhammad (PBUH), and He is All-Mighty who is Severe in His revenge on those who disobeyed Him, and He is All-Wise who manages His creation with wisdom in His laws and destiny. Allah also confirms that He did not create the heavens and the earth and what is between them in vain, but rather He created them in truth and appointed for them an appointed time, which is the day of resurrection, and it will neither increase nor decrease, but those who disbelieved turned away from the truth and from what they were warned of, and refused to attribute the kingdom of the heavens and the earth to Allah even after the guidance had become clear to them.  

 Thereupon Allah addresses His Messenger in the next three verses (4-6) and says "Say, do you see what you invoke besides Allah, show Me what they have created of the earth or have they a share in the heavens?, bring me a book before this, or a trace of knowledge, if you are truthful, and who is more astray than he who invokes besides Allah he who will not respond to him until the day of resurrection, and they are unaware of their invokes, and when the people will be gathered, they will be enemies to them, and they will be deniers of their worship", that is, because they did not believe that Allah has created the heavens and the earth and whatever is between them, Allah commanded His Messenger to ask them to see what their gods and idols have created of the earth or Do these idols have a share in the heavens, and if the matter was as you claim, then bring a book from the heavenly books before the Holy Quran proving that, or remnants of knowledge and evidence of what you claim if you are truthful that these idols are worthy of worship. Hence, Allah confirms that who is more astray than he who calls besides Allah an idol made of wood or stone that would not respond to him nor will he fulfill what he asks for until the day of resurrection, because he is unaware of his supplication for the idol does not see, speak, nor hear, so when the people will be gathered for reckoning on the day of resurrection, these idols whom they invoke in the worldly life will be their enemies, will disavow them, and will be deniers of their worship and this is similar to Aya (14) of Surat Fatir.   

 Allah says in the next three verses (7-9) "And when our clear verses are recited to them, those who disbelieve say regarding the truth when it has come to them, this is a clear magic, or do they say, he has invented it, say, if I have invented it, then you do not have anything for me against Allah, He knows best of what you indulge in, Sufficient is He as a witness between Me and you, and He is the All-forgiving, the Most Merciful, say, I am not novelty among the Messengers, and I do not know what will be done to me or to you, I do not follow except what is revealed to Me, and I am not but a clear warner", that is, when a clear verses of the Holy Quran are recited to the polytheist, they say it is a clear magic that deceives those who hear it, and they say that the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) has invented it, therefore, Allah commanded His Prophet to say to them that if He had lied and claimed that Allah has sent Him, and He is not, Allah would have punished Him severely, and none of the people of the earth neither you or anyone else could save Me from Him, and Allah has confirmed that meaning in Surat Aljinn Aya (22,23), and Surat Alhaqqah Ayat (44-47), and because what they say is a lie, Allah commanded His Messenger to say as a threat that Allah knows best of what they indulge in, and He is Sufficient a witness between Him and them, but at the same time Allah is All-forgiving and Most Merciful for those who repent and believe. Allah also commanded Him to tell them that He was not the first Messenger sent by Allah but the Messengers had come before Him carrying the same message, and He did not know what will be done to Him or to them, where He did not know what will happen to Him or to them in the worldly life, He just follows what is revealed to Him from Allah of His affair and theirs, but with regard to the Hereafter, Allah told Him, as will come later, the reward of the believers and the recompense of the disbelievers, and Allah has given His Prophet glad tidings of forgiveness for His past and future sins as mentioned in Surat Alfath Aya (2). So Allah's Messenger is only a clear warner, so He only has to inform and warn them of Allah's punishment if they disobeyed Him.

 Allah says in the next three verses (10-12) "Say, do you see if it was from Allah, and you disbelieved in it?, and a witness from the children of Israel testifies to its like then he believed, while you were arrogant, indeed, Allah does not guide the wrongdoing people, and those who disbelieved say of those who believed if it had been good, they would not have preceded us to it, and when they are not guided by it, they will say this is an ancient lie, and before it, the book of Moses, a guide and a mercy, and this is a Book confirming, in Arabic tongue to warn those who have wronged, and glad tidings for the good doers", where Allah commanded His Messenger to say to the pagans of Quraish how would they be if the book that He brought to them is revealed from Allah and they have denied it while the previous scriptures attested its truthfulness and authenticity where it came with the like of what the Holy Quran came with, so the one of the children of Israel who testified of its truthfulness believed in it but you were too arrogant to follow it, so Allah does not guide the wrongdoing people. Their arrogance went too far with them where they said if the Holy Quran is good, the weak and the poor people would not follow it while we have prestige and wealth, and they belittled them saying Are these whom Allah has favored from among us? as Allah has stated in Aya (53) of  Surat Alan'am, and since they did not accept guidance that Muhammad (PBUH) brought for them, they accused Him of lies, and said that the Holy Quran is nothing but lies of the ancients, and this is similar to Aya (5) of Surat Alfurqan "And they say, legends of the former peoples which He has written down, and they are dictated to Him morning and afternoon". Because Muhammad is not a novelty among the Messengers as mentioned above, Moses came before with the Torah as a guidance and a mercy to the Children of Israel, and Muhammad came with the Quran confirming the books before it in a clear Arabic tongue, containing a warning to the disbelievers of a painful torment and glad tidings to the good doers who worship Allah as if they see Him, and if they can not see Him, then Allah sees them, so they act according to Allah's commands and prohibitions, thereupon, Allah gave them the glad tidings of the gardens of eternal bliss.

 The glad tidings of Paradise are made clear in the next two verses (13,14) "Indeed, those who said our Lord is Allah then they were upright, so there will be no fear for them, nor will they grieve, those are the companions of Paradise, abiding therein, a reward for what they used to do", that is, those who believe that there is no god but Allah, and they were upright and clinging to their faith, then there will be no fear for them for what they will face later and they will not grieve for what they missed before, where as narrated by Sufyan Bin Abdullah Althaqafi: "I asked Allah's Messenger: Tell me something about Islam that I will not ask anyone about after you, He (PBUH) said: Say I affirm my faith in Allah and then remain steadfast to it". Thereupon those who do so are the companions of Paradise, and they will abide therein forever, and this will be their reward for the good deeds that they accustomed to doing in the worldly life.

 Allah says in the next verse (15) "And We have enjoined upon man with kindness to his parents, His mother carried him with toil and gave birth to him with hardship, and his bearing and his weaning is thirty months, until he reaches his maturity and reaches forty years, he says, my Lord inspire me to be grateful for Your favor which You have bestowed upon me and upon my parents, and to do righteous deeds which please you, and make for me righteousness among my progeny, indeed, I have repented to you and indeed, I am of the Muslims", that is, Allah commanded man to be kind to his parents for his mother endured hardship and fatigue in his pregnancy and suffered from hardship and pain of childbirth. Allah has specified thirty months from the beginning of the pregnancy until the weaning from breastfeeding, and Ali (May Allah be pleased with Him) inferred from this Aya that the minimum period of pregnancy is six months, and it is a strong and authentic deduction that was agreed upon by Uthman and a group of the companions (May Allah be pleased with them), they concluded from Aya (14) of Surat Luqman "And his weaning is in two years" that when we subtract two years of breastfeeding from the thirty months, six months remain which is the minimum period of pregnancy. Accordingly, Ibn Abbas said that if the pregnancy was nine months, then the breastfeeding will be twenty-one months, and if the pregnancy was seven months, then the breastfeeding will be twenty-three months, and if the pregnancy was six months, then the breastfeeding will be twenty-four months. 

 Then Allah says when man reaches his maturity and strength in the youth age, and reaches the age of forty which is the age of perfection of reason and perfection of understanding, then He asks Allah to inspire him to be grateful for His grace which He has bestowed upon him and upon his parents, and to help him to do righteous deeds which please Allah, and to make for him righteousness among his progeny, then He confirms his repentance to Allah and that He is of those who are submit to Him. And this is a guidance for those who reached forty to renew their repentance, to turn to Allah, and to remain steadfast on that. Those who repent to Allah and seek forgiveness are the companions of Paradise, where Allah says in the next verse (16) "Those are the ones from whom We will accept the best of what they did, and overlook their evil deeds, among the companions of Paradise, a true promise which they were promised", that is, Allah accepts from them the best of what they have done, and overlooks their evil deeds, so He forgives them a lot of slips, and they will be among the companions of Paradise, and that is the true promise which they were promised in the worldly life.  

 Contrary to those who are kind to their parents and the reward that awaits them, Allah cites the example of the miserable who is disobedient to his parents and the recompense that awaits him in the next two verses (17,18) "And the one who said to his parents, uff to both of you, do you promise me that I will be resurrected and the generations have been passed away before me, and they both calling for help from Allah, woe to you, believe, indeed, the promise of Allah is true, but he says this is nothing but the stories of the former people, those are the ones upon whom the word has come true among nations that passed away before them of the Jinn andmankind, indeed, they were losers", that is, the wicked who said to His parents (Uff), which is a word that expresses something disgusting, when they both called him to believe in Allah and the resurrection, but He denied that he will be resurrected from his grave and said that the generations have been passed away before him, and they have perished where none of them has been resurrected, and if I were to be resurrected after my death as you say, we would have seen those who died from the previous centuries had been resurrected, but his parents seek refuge in Allah from his disbelief and seek guidance for him, and they commanded him to believe that Allah's promise of resurrection from the graves is true and it will inevitably happen, but he insists on disbelief and said to them that the resurrection is nothing but what the former people wrote of falsehood. Then Allah confirms that those who do so will be among the companions of Hellfire and among the losers who will lose themselves and their families on the day of resurrection, where Allah's punishment and wrath will come true, like the previous nations that passed away before them of the Jinn and human beings, so they were losers of their deeds and Paradise.

 Thereupon Allah says in the next two verses (19,20) "And for all there are degrees for what they have done, and that He may repay them fully for their deeds, and they will not be wronged, and the day those who disbelieved will be exposed to the fire, you exhausted your good things in your worldly life, and you have enjoyed them, so today, you will be recompensed with the punishment of humiliation because you were arrogant in the earth without right and because you were disobeying", that is, each of the two groups of believers and disbelievers from among the Jinn and mankind will have degrees on the day of resurrection according to their deeds in the worldly life, and Allah will repay them fully for their deeds, and they will not be wronged, each according to his deeds, so the wrongdoers will be recompensed for their evil deeds and nothing will be added to their sins, whereas nothing will be deprived from the reward of the good-doers. And because the disbelievers preferred the worldly life than the Hereafter, Allah has given them the reward for what they have done of good deeds by making them enjoy in the worldly life where He says in Aya (15) of Surat Hud "Whoever desires the worldly life and its adornment, We fully repay them for their deeds therein, and they therein will not be deprived", and Allah's Messenger (PBUH) said in narration of Anas bin Malik: "Indeed, Allah does not wrong a believer for a good deed, for which he is given in this world and rewarded for it in the hereafter, and as for the disbeliever, he will taste the reward of the good deeds he did for Allah in this world, until when he leads to the Hereafter, he has no good deed with which to be rewarded" (Sahih Muslim 2808 a).

 And as narrated by Ibn Abbas that Umar saw Allah's Messenger while He is lying on a mat made of palm tree leaves with nothing between Him and the mat, underneath His head there was a leather pillow stuffed with palm fibers, and leaves of a gum tree were piled at His feet, and above His head hung a few skins, on seeing the marks of the mat imprinted on His side, Umar wept, Allah's Messenger said: ''Why are you weeping?", Umar replied: O Allah's Messenger! Caesar and Khosrau are leading the life while you, Allah's Messenger though you are, is living in destitute, Allah's Messenger then replied: ''Won't you be satisfied that they enjoy the worldly life, and We the hereafter". The disbelievers will be recompensed on the day of resurrection according to their evil deeds, so they will be recompensed by the punishment of humiliation because they were arrogant to follow the truth when it came to them, so they denied Allah's signs and disobeyed His Messengers, and they engaged in disobedience and immorality.

 Allah cites the story of the Prophet Hud with His people "Ad" to be a lesson for the disbelievers in the next three verses (21-23) "And mention the brother of Ad, when He warned His people in Alahqaf, and the warners had passed before Him and after Him, saying, do not worship except Allah, indeed, I fear for you the punishment of a terrible day, they said, have you come to turn us away from our gods, then bring us what you promise us, if you are of the truthful, He said, the knowledge is only with Allah, and I convey to you what I have been sent with, but I see that you are a people behaving ignorantly", that is, Allah addresses His Messenger and commanded Him to mention to His people, who rejected the truth that He has brought to them, the story of the Prophet Hud "Brother of Ad", in order to frighten them that Allah's vengeance will befall them as it befell Ad when they denied their Messenger, where the Prophet Hud warned them in Alahqaf, which is a place of sand higher than the level of the earth and lower than the mountain and it was close to Hadramout in Yemen, and He commanded them to worship none but Allah, as the Messengers of Allah said before and after Him, but their fanaticism to their gods prevented them from believing in Allah, so they accused Hud with falsehood and hastened Allah's punishment, if He is of the truthful ones, for they ruled out its occurrence. Therefore, the Prophet Hud assures them that Allah knows best about them, if they deserve to hasten the torment, then He will do so, where His mission is only to inform them of what He was sent with, but He see them a people who do not understand by following falsehood, and asking for hastening of the torment.

 What they hastened had come from where they did not expect as mentioned in the next two verses (24,25) "So, when they saw it, a cloud approaching their valleys, they said, this a cloud bringing us rain, but it is what you were asking it to be hastened, a wind in which a painful punishment, destroying everything by the command of its Lord, then they became such that nothing could be seen except their dwellings, thus We recompense the criminal people", that is, when they saw the punishment approaching their valleys, they thought that it was a rainy cloud that would rain on them, so they rejoiced in it because they were in need of rain, but it was the torment that they hastened, as the wind was carrying a painful punishment for them, where as mentioned in Aya (7) of Surat Alhaqqah Allah imposed it upon them a consecutive seven nights and eight days, so the wind destroyed them until they became like hollow trunks of palm-trees, they have all perished and nothing remain of them except their dwellings and thus Allah recompensed the criminal people who denied His Messengers, and disobeyed His commands. As narrated by Aisha (May Allah be pleased with her): "When the Prophet saw storm clouds, He would pace and forth, and when it rained, He would relax, Aisha said to Him something regarding that, and He said: What do I know?, maybe it is as Allah, Most High says: So, when they saw it, a cloud approaching their valleys, they said, this a cloud bringing us rain".  

 Allah addresses the infidels of Quraish in the next three verses (26-28) and says "And indeed, We have established them in what We have not established you in it, and We have made for them hearing, and vision, and hearts, but neither their hearing availed them, nor their vision, nor their hearts from anything as they used to reject the signs of Allah, so they have been encircled by what they used to ridicule it, and we have destroyed what surrounds you of the towns, and We have explained the signs, so that they might return, so, why were they not helped by those whom they had taken besides Allah, gods, as a way of approach, but they were lost from them, and that was their falsehood, and what they were inventing", that is, Allah gave the previous nations the enjoyment of the worldly life from wealth and children, and He gave them what He did not give Quraish the like of it nor close to it, and this is a threat to Quraish that He had destroyed those who are more powerful than them as Allah said it directly in Aya (13) of Surat Muhammad. Although Allah gave them hearing, sight, and hearts, but it did not benefit them for they did not use it in what would save them from Allah's punishment, but they used it in what brought them closer to His wrath as they used to reject the signs of Allah so they have been encircled by the punishment they used to mock, then Allah assures Quraish that He destroyed towns around them such as Ad as mentioned above, Thamud, Madyan, and others, even though He gave them clear arguments so that they may turn from disbelief, but they did not repent, therefore, their gods, which they claimed bring them closer to Allah, did not avail them anything from Allah's punishment, because these gods neither benefit nor harm, and on the day of resurrection they will be their enemies and will disavow them, so let them only blame themselves because that was their falsehood, and what they were inventing. 

 Allah says as a reprimand to Quraish that when the Jinn listened to the Holy Quran, they believed in Allah, His Messenger and His book while they insist on disbelief in the next four verses (29-32) "And when We directed to You a group of the Jinn, listening to the Quran, and when they attended it, they said Be silent, and when it was concluded, they turned back to their people as warners, they said O our people!, Indeed, we have heard a book revealed after Moses confirming what was before it, guides to the truth and to a straight path, O our People! Respond to the caller of Allah, and believe in Him, He will forgive for you your sins, and will protect you from a painful punishment, and He who does not respond to the caller of Allah, then he can not cause failure on the earth, and there is no protectors for him besides Allah, those are in a clear error", that is, the Jinn listened to Allah's Messenger when He was reciting the Holy Quran and they went to their people as warners as it was explained at length in Surat Aljinn, where they listened to it quietly as they urged each other to be silent and to pay attention to it, then when Allah's Messenger (PBUH) finished reciting, they turned to their people as warners of Allah's punishment for those who disbelieve in Him. They told them that they heard the Quran which is a book revealed after Moses, and it confirming what was before it of the heavenly books, and it guides to the truth and to a straight path which is the path of Islam, so they commanded them to respond to the Caller of Allah (Muhammad PBUH), and this is an affirmation that the Prophet Muhammad was sent to the Jinn and mankind, therefore, the Jinn understood that believing in Allah and His Messenger is a way to forgive their sins and to protect them from a painful torment, so they threatened their people and said that He who does not respond to the caller of Allah, then he can not cause failure on the earth where Allah's power encompasses him, and none can save him from Allah's torment where there is no protectors for him besides Allah, and he will be among those who are in a clear error.

 It is proven that the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) went to the Jinn and recited the Holy Quran to them as narrated by Alsha'bi that Alqamah said: "I said to Ibn Mas'ud (May Allah be pleased with Him) Did any of you accompany the Prophet on the night of the Jinn?, he said: None of us accompanied him, one night, while he was in Mecca, we could not find Him, we said: He has been murdered or snatched, what has happened to Him?, so we spent the worst night a people could spend until the morning or it was about dawn when we saw Him coming from the direction of Hiraa, He said: They told Him about what they had went through, so He said: Someone from the Jinn came to invite Me, so I went to them to recite for them, he said: So He went and showed us their tracks and the tracks of their fire, Alsha'bi said: They asked Him about their provisions and they were Jinn of Mesopotamia, so He said: Every bone upon which Allah's name has been mentioned that falls into your hands, and every dropping or dung is fodder for your beasts, so the Messenger of Allah said: Do not perform Istinja with them for indeed they are provisions for your brothers among the Jinn".     

 Allah says in the last three verses (33-35) "Do they not see that Allah who created the heavens and the earth, and He was not wearied by their creation, is Able to give life to the dead, yes, indeed, He is All-Powerful over everything, and the day those who disbelieved will be exposed to the fire, is this not the truth?, they will say yes By our Lord, He will say so Taste the punishment because you used to disbelieve, So be patient as those of determination of the Messenger had patience, and do not seek to hasten for them, the day when they see what they are promised as if they had not remained except for an hour of a day, a notification, so, Is it be perished except the disobedient people", that is, if the deniers of resurrection from the graves look at the creation of the heavens and the earth, and how Allah has created them and He was not tired from their creation, they would know that nothing is impossible for Him, and  He is Able to revive the dead, and Allah cites the example of the heavens and the earth for He confirms in Aya (57) of Surat Ghafir that the creation of the heavens and the earth is greater than the creation of mankind, so that Allah assures them that He is All-Powerful over everything. They deny the resurrection until it becomes a reality before their eyes on the day of resurrection where they will be exposed to the Hellfire, and Allah will say to them as a reprimand "Is this not the truth", then they can not deny it where they have no choice but to confess it, so they will say yes By our Lord, thereupon, Allah will say to them "Taste the punishment because you used to disbelieve".

 Allah commanded His Messenger to be patient over the harm of His people as those of determination of the Messengers who endured hardships in conveying Allah's message more than any of the other Messengers, where they are possessors of forbearance and patience over the harm of their people, and it was said that they are five Messengers namely Nooh, Abraham, Moses, Juses, and Muhammad. And Allah commanded His Messenger not to be hasty in asking Him to punish them for the punishment will undoubtedly befall them on the day of resurrection, the day when they see what they are promised as if they had not remained except for an hour of a day in the worldly life and this is similar to Aya (46) of Surat Alnazi'at "As though they the day they see it, they had not stayed except for an evening or its forenoon". Then Allah assures them that this is a notification and a reminder for them, so that they may give reason and turn from their disbelief where Allah does not perish except the disobedient people who opposed him and disbelieved in Him.

No one Knows its interpretation except Allah  

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