26- Surat Alshu'araa

227 Verses Meccan (revealed in Mecca)

A'auzu Bellahi mena alshaiytani alrajeem

I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed Satan

Besmi Ellahi Alrhmani Alraheem

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

Ta Seen Meem (1).   
Taa Seen Meem.
Telka ayatuo alketabi almubeen (2).
These are the verses of the clear book.

La-allaka bakhe-on nafsaka alla yakunuo mu'meneen (3).
Perhaps You would destroy Yourself because they will not be believers.

In nasha' nunazel alaiyhim mena alsama-e ayatan fa-zallat a'naquhum laha khade-een (4).
If We will, We can send down to them a sign from the sky for which their necks would remain submissive.

Wa ma ya'tehim men zekrin mena alrahmai muhdathin ella kanuo anhuo mu'redeen (5).
And no new reminder comes to them from the Most Gracious except that they turn away from it.

Faqad kazzabuo fasa-ya'teehim anba-uo ma kanuo behi yastahze-uon (6).
So indeed, they have denied, so will come to them the news of what they used to ridicule.

Awa-lam yaraww ella alardi kam anbatna feeha men kulli zawjin kareem (7).
Do they not see the earth, how many of every noble pairs We have caused to grow therein?.

Inna fee zaleka la-ayatan wa ma kana aktharuhum mu'meneen (8).
Indeed, in that is a sign, but most of them were not believers.
Wa inna Rabbaka la-huwa Alazeezuo Alraheem (9).
And indeed, Your Lord is the Almighty, the Most Merciful.

Wa iz nada Rabbuka Musa ani e'ti alqawma alzalemeen (10).
And when Your Lord called Moses that Go to the wrongdoing people.

Qawma fer'awna ala yattaquon (11).
The people of Pharaoh, Do they not fear?.

Qala Rabbi inni akhafuo an youkazzebuon (12).
He said My Lord, indeed, I fear that they will deny Me.

Wa yadeequo sadri wa la yantalequo lesani fa-arsel ela Haruon (13).
And My breast straitens, and My tongue will not be fluent, so send for Aaron.

Wa lahum alayya zanbun fa-akhafuo an yaqtuluon (14).
And they have upon Me a sin, so I fear that they will kill Me. 

Qala kalla fa-zhaba be-ayatena inna ma'akum mustame-uon (15).
He said nay, Go both of You with Our sings, indeed, We are with You listening.

Fa'teiya fer'awna fa-qula inna rasuluo Rabbi ala-alameen (16).
Go both of You to Pharaoh and say, indeed, We are the Messenger of the Lord of the worlds.

An arsel ma-ana bani Israel (17).
That Send with Us the Children of Israel.

Qala alam nurabbeka feena waleedan wa labethta feena men aumreka seneen (18).
He said Did we not raise You among us as a child, and You remained among us years of your life?.

Wa fa-alta fa'lataka allati fa-alta wa anta mena alkafereen (19).
And You did Your deed which You did, and You were of the ungrateful.

Qala fa-altuha izan wa ana mena aldalleen (20).
He said I did it, then while I was of those who are astray. 

Fa-farartuo menkum lamma kheftukum fa-wahaba lee Rabbi hukman wa ja'alani mena almursaleen (21).
So I fled from you when I feared you, then My Lord granted Me judgment, and made Me of the Messengers. 

Wa telka ne'matun tamunnuha alaiyya an abbadta bani Israel (22).
And this is the favor with which you remind me that you have enslaved the Children of Israel. 

Qala fer'awnu wa ma Rabbu al-alameen (23).
Pharaoh said and what is the Lord of the worlds?. 

Qala Rabbu alsamawati wa alardi wa ma baiynahuma in kuntum muqeneen (24).
He said the Lord of the heavens and the earth and whatever is between them, if you are certain.

Qala le-man hawlahuo ala tastame-uon (25).
He said to those around him Do you not hear?.

Qala Rabbukum wa Rabbu aba-ekumuo alawwaleen (26).
He said your Lord and the Lord of your forefathers. 

Qala inna rasulakumuo allazi aursela elaiykum la-majnuon (27).
He said indeed, your Messenger who has been sent to you is a madman. 

Qala Rabbu almashreqi wa almaghrebi wa ma baiynahuma in kuntum ta'qeluon (28).
He said the Lord of the east and the west and whatever is between them if you understand.

Qala la-ini ettakhazta elahan ghaiyri la-aj'alannaka mena almasjuneen (29).
He said if you take a god other than me, I will make you among those imprisoned. 

Qala awa-laww je'tuka beshaiy-in mubeen (30).
He said even if I brought you a clear thing. 
Qala fa'ti behi in kunta mena alsadeqeen (31).
He said so Bring it if you are of the truthful. 

Fa-alqa asahuo fa-iza heiya thu'banun mubeen (32).
So He threw His stick, then behold! It was a clear snake.

Wa naza-a yadahuo fa-iza heiya baiyda-uo lelnazereen (33).
And He draw out His hand, then behold! It was white for the onlookers.

Qala lelmala-e hawlahuo inna haza la-saherun aleem (34).
He said to the chiefs around him, indeed, this is surely a learned magician.

Youreduo an youkhrejakum men ardekum be-sehrehi fa-maza ta'muruon (35).
He wants to expel you from your land with His magic, so What do you advice?. 

Qaluo arjeh wa akhahuo wab-ath fee almada-eni hashereen (36).
They said Postpone Him and His brother and Send in the cities, gatherers.

Ya'tuka be-kulli sahharin aleem (37).
That they bring to you every learned magician.

Fajume-a alsaharato le-meqati yawmin ma'luom (38).
So the magicians were assembled for the appointed time of a well-known day. 

Wa-qeela lelnasi hal antum mujtame-uon (39).
And it was said to the people Will you assemble?.

La-allana nattabe-uo alsaharata in kanuo humuo alghalebeen (40).
So that we may follow the magicians if they are the victors.

Fa-lamma ja-a alsaharatuo qaluo le-Fer'awna a-inna lana la-ajran in kunna nahnuo alghalebeen (41).
And when the magicians came, they said to Pharaoh Is there a reward for us, if we are the victors?. 

Qala na'm wa innakum izan le-mena almuqarrabeen (42).
He said yes, and indeed, you will be of the nearest ones.

Qala lahum Musa alquo ma antum mulquon (43).
Moses said to them Throw whatever you will throw. 

Fa-alqaww hebalahum wa esiyyahum wa qaluo be-ezzati Fer'awna inna la-nahnuo alghalebuon (44).
So they threw their ropes and their sticks, and said by the might of Pharaoh, indeed, we are the victors.

Fa-alqa Musa asahuo fa-iza heiya talqafuo ma ya'fekuon (45).
Then Moses threw His stick, then behold! It devoured what they falsified.

Fa-aulqeiya alsaharatuo sajedeen (46).
Then the magicians fell down prostrating. 

Qaluo amanna be-Rabbi al-alameen (47).
They said we have believed in the Lord of the worlds.

Rabbi Musa wa Haruon (48).
The Lord of Moses and Aaron.

Qala amantum lahuo qabla an a'zana lakum innahuo la-kaberukumuo allazi allamakumuo alsehra fala-sawfa ta'lamuona la-auqatte-anna aiydeyakum wa arjulakum men khelafin wa la-ausallebannakum ajma-een (49).
He said you believed in Him before I permit you, indeed, He is surely your chief who has taught you the magic, so you will know, I will surely cut off your hands and your feet of opposite sides and I will  surely crucify you all together. 

Qaluo la daiyra inna ela Rabbina munqalebuon (50).
They said, no harm, indeed, to our Lord we will return.

Inna natma-uo an yaghfera lana Rabbuna khatayana an kunna awwala almu'meneen (51).
Indeed, we aspire that our Lord will forgive us our sins because we were the first of the believers.

Wa awhaiyna ela Musa an asri be-ebadi innakum muttaba-uon (52).
And We inspired to Moses that Travel by night with My servants, indeed, you will be followed. 

Fa-arsala Fer'awnu fee almada-eni hashereen (53).
Then Pharaoh sent among the cities gatherers. 

Inna hauale la-sherzematun qaleeluon (54).
Indeed, these are a small band.

Wa innahum lana la-gha-ezuon (55).
And indeed, they are enraging us.

Wa inna la-ghame-on hazeruon (56).
And indeed, we are a cautious multitude. 

Fa-akhrajnahum men jannatin wa auyuon (57).
So We expelled them from gardens and springs.

Wa kunuzin wa maqamin kareem (58).
And treasures and honorable station.

Kazaleka wa awrathnaha bani Israel (59).
Thus, We made the Children of Israel inherit it.

Fa-atba-uhum mushreqeen (60).
So they followed them at sunrise.

Fa-lamma tara-a aljam-ani qala as-habuo Musa inna la-mudrakuon (61).
And when the two groups saw each other, the companions of Moses said, indeed, we will be overtaken.

Qala kalla inna ma-eya Rabbi sa-yahden (62).
He said nay indeed, with Me is My Lord, He will guide Me.

Fa-awhaiyna ela Musa ani edrib be-asaka albahra fanfalaqa fa-kana kulluo ferqin ka-altawdi alazeem (63).
Then We inspired to Moses that Strike the sea with your stick, so it parted, and each part became like the great mountain.

Wa azlafna thamma alakhareen (64).
And We brought near there the others.

Wa anjaiyna Musa wa man ma-ahuo ajma-een (65).
And We saved Moses and those with Him, all of them.

Thumma aghraqna alakhareen (66).
Then We drowned the others.

Inna fee zaleka la-ayatan wa ma kana aktharuhum mu'meneen (67).
Indeed, in that is a sign, but most of them were not believers.

Wa inna Rabbaka la-huwa Alazeezu Alraheem (68).
And indeed, Your Lord is the Almighty, the Most Merciful. 

Wa-tluo alaiyhim naba-a Ibrahim (69).
And Recite to them the news of Abraham.

Iz qala le-abeehi wa qawmehi ma ta'buduon (70).
When He said to His father and His people What do you worship?.

Qaluo na'buduo asnaman fa-nazalluo laha akefeen (71).
They said we worship idols, and remain devoted to them. 

Qala hal yasma-unakum iz tad-uon (72).
He said Do they hear you when you call?.

Aww yanfa-unakum aww yadurruon (73).
Or Do they benefit you or Do they harm.

Qaluo bal wajadna aba-ana kazaleka yaf-aluon (74).
They said, but we found our fathers doing thus.

Qala afara'ytum ma kuntum ta'buduon (75).
He said Do you see what you have been worshiping.

Antum wa aba-ukumuo al-aqdamuon (76).
You and your ancient fathers.

Fa-innahum aduwwun lee ella Rabba al-alameen (77).
Indeed, they are enemies to Me except the Lord of the worlds.

Allazi khalaqani fa-huwa yahdin (78).
The one who created Me, and He guides Me.

Wa allazi huwa yout-emuoni wa yasqin (79).
And the One who feeds Me, and gives Me drink.

Wa iza maredtuo fa-huwa yashfin (80).
And when I get sick, He heals Me.

Wa allazi youmetuoni thumma youhyin (81).
And the One who will cause Me to die then He will give Me life.

Wa allazi atma-uo an yaghfera lee khatee-ati yawma aldeen (82).
And the One who I hope that He will forgive me My sin on the day of judgment.

Rabbi hab le hukman wa alheqni bel-saleheen (83).
My Lord! Grant Me judgment and join Me with righteous.

Waj'al lee lesana sedqin fee alakhereen (84).
And grant Me a tongue of honor among the later people.

Waj'alni men warathati jannati alna-eem (85).
And make Me of the inheritors of the garden of bliss.

Wa-ghfir la-abee innahuo kana mena aldalleen (86).
And Forgive My father, indeed, he was of those who went astray.

Wa la toukhzeni yawma youb-athuon (87).
And Do not disgrace Me the day when they are resurrected.

Yawma la yanfa-uo malun wa la banuon (88).
The day when neither wealth nor children will benefit.

Ella man ata Allaha be-qalbin saleem (89).
Except he who comes to Allah with a sound heart.

Wa auzlefati aljannatuo lel-muttaqeen (90).
And the Paradise will be brought near to the righteous. 

Wa burrizati aljaheemuo lel-ghaween (91).
And the Hellfire will be brought forth for the deviators.

Wa qeela lahum aynama kuntum ta'buduon (92).
And it will be said to them Where is that which you used to worship.

Men duoni ellahi hal yansurunakum aww yantaseruon (93).
Besides Allah, Can they help you or help themselves?.

Fa-kubkebuo feeha hum wa alghawuon (94).
Then they will be thrown into it, they and the deviators. 

Wa junuduo ibleesa ajma-uon (95).
And the soldiers of Iblis, all.

Qaluo wa hum feeha yakhtasemuon (96).
They will say while they are quarreling therein.

Tallahi in kuna la-fee dalalin mubeen (97).
By Allah! Indeed, we were in a clear error.

Iz nusawwekum be-Rabbi al-alameen (98).
When we equated you with the Lord of the worlds.

Wa ma adallana ella almujremuon (99).
And no one led us astray except the criminals.

Fa-ma lana men shafe-een (100).
So we have not any intercessors. 

Wa la sadeeqin hameem (101).
Nor any close friend.

Fa-alww anna lana karratan fa-nakuna mena almu'meneen (102).
Then if we had a return, then we would be of the believers.

Inna fee zaleka la-ayatan wa ma kana aktharuhum mu'meneen (103).
Indeed, in that is a sign, but most of them were not believers.

Wa inna Rabbaka la-huwa Alazeezu Alraheem (104).
And indeed, Your Lord is the Almighty, the Most Merciful.

Kazzabat qawmuo Nohin almursaleen (105).
The people of Noah denied the Messengers.

Iz qala lahum akhuhum Nohun a-la tattaquon (106).
When their brother Noah said to them Will you not fear?.

Inni lakum rasulun ameen (107).
Indeed, I am to you a trustworthy Messenger.

Fa-ttaquo Allaha wa ate-uon (108).
So Fear Allah and Obey Me.

Wa ma as'alukum alaiyhi men ajrin in ajreiya ella ala Rabbi al-alameen (109).
And I do not ask you for it any wage, My reward is only from the Lord of the worlds. 

Fa-ttaquo Allaha wa ate-uon (110).
So Fear Allah and Obey Me.

Qaluo a-nu'menuo laka wattaba-aka alarzaluon (111).
They said Shall we believe in You while you are followed by the lowest ones.

Qala wa ma elmi bema kanuo ya'maluon (112).
He said and what is My knowledge of what they used to do.

In hesabuhum ella ala Rabbi laww tash-uruon (113).
Indeed, their reckoning is only upon My Lord, if you perceive.

Wa ma ana betaredi almu'meneen (114).
And I am not to drive the believers away.

In ana ella nazeerun mubeen (115).
I am only a clear warner.

Qaluo la-in lam tantahi ya-Nohu la-takunanna mena almarjumeen (116).
They said if You do not desist O Noah! You will surely be of those who are stoned.

Qala Rabbi inna qawmi kazzabuon (117).
He said My Lord My people have denied Me.

Faftah baiyni wa baiynahum fat-han wa najjeni wa man ma-eiya mena almu'meneen (118).
So judge between me and them with a judgment and Save Me and those with Me of the believers.

Fa-anjaiynahuo wa man ma-ahuo fee alfulki almashhuon (119).
So We saved Him and those with Him in the laden ship.

Thumma aghraqna ba'duo albaqeen (120).
Then We drowned thereafter the remaining ones.

Inna fee zaleka la-ayatan wa ma kana aktharuhum mu'meneen (121).
Indeed, in that is a sign, but most of them were not believers.

Wa inna Rabbaka la-huwa Alazeezu Alraheem (122).
And indeed, Your Lord is the Almighty, the Most Merciful.

Kazzabat Adun almursaleen (123).
Ad denied the Messengers.

Iz qala lahum akhuhum Hudun a-la tattaquon (124).
When their brother Hud said to them Will you not fear?. 

Inni lakum rasulun ameen (125).
Indeed, I am to you a trustworthy Messenger.

Fa-ttaquo Allaha wa ate-uon (126).
So Fear Allah and Obey Me.

Wa ma as'alukum alaiyhi men ajrin in ajreiya ella ala Rabbi al-alameen (127).
And I do not ask you for it any wage, My reward is only from the Lord of the worlds. 

A-tabnuona be-kulli ree-in ayatan ta'bathuon (128).
Do you construct a sign on every elevation, amusing yourselves.

Wa tattakhezuona masane-a la-allakum takhluduon (129).
And take for yourselves strongholds that you may live forever.

Wa iza batashtum batashtum jabbareen (130).
And when you seize, you seize as tyrants.

Fa-ttaquo Allaha wa ate-uon (131).
So Fear Allah and Obey Me.

Ettaquo allazi amaddakum bema ta'lamuon (132).
And fear the One who has provided you with what you know.

Amaddakum be-an'amin wa baneen (133).
He has provided you with cattle and children.

Wa jannatin wa auyuon (134).
And gardens and springs.

Inni akhafuo alaiykum azaba yawmin azeem (135).
Indeed, I fear for you the punishment of a great day.

Qaluo sawa-on alaiyna awa-azta am lam takun mena alwa-ezeen (136).
They said it is same to us whether You give us advise or you are not among those who give advise.

In haza ella khuluquo al-awwaleen (137).
Indeed, this is nothing but the custom of the former people.

Wa ma nahnuo bemu-azzabeen (138).
And we are not going to be punished.

Fa-kazzabuhuo fa-ahlaknahum inna fee zaleka la-ayatan wa ma kana aktharuhum mu'meneen (139).
So they denied Him, then We destroyed them, indeed, in that is a sign, but most of them were not believers.

Wa inna Rabbaka la-huwa Alazeezu Alraheem (140).
And indeed, Your Lord is the Almighty, the Most Merciful.

Kazzabat Thamudu almursaleen (141).
Thamud denied the Messengers.

Iz qala lahum akhuhum Salihun a-la tattaquon (142).
When their brother Salih said to them Will you not fear?.

Inni lakum rasulun ameen (143)
Indeed, I am to you a trustworthy Messenger.

Fa-ttaquo Allaha wa ate-uon (144).
So Fear Allah and Obey Me.

Wa ma as'alukum alaiyhi men ajrin in ajreiya ella ala Rabbi al-alameen (145).
And I do not ask you for it any wage, My reward is only from the Lord of the worlds. 

A-tutrakuona fee ma hahuna ameneen (146)
Will you be left secure in what is here.

Fee jannatin wa auyuon (147).
In gardens and springs.

Wa zuru-in wa nakhlin tal-uoha hadeem (148).
 And crops and palm trees whose inflorescence is soft?.

Wa tanhetuona mena aljebali buyutan fareheen (149).
And you carve houses from the mountains, skillfully.
Fa-ttaquo Allaha wa ate-uon (150).
So Fear Allah and Obey Me.

Wa la tutee-o amra almusrefeen (151).
And do not obey the command of the transgressors.

Allazina youfseduona fee alardi wa la youslehuon (152).
Those who cause corruption on the earth, and did not reform.

Qaluo innama anta mena almusahhareen (153)
They said you are only one of those bewitched.

Ma anta ella basharun methluona fa'tee be-ayatin in kunta mena alsadeqeen (154).
You are nothing but a human being like us, so Bring a sign if you are of the truthful.

Qala hazehi naqatun laha sherbun wa lakum sherbuo yawmin ma'luom (155).
He said this is a she-camel, she has a drink and you have a drink in a known day.

Wa la tamassuoha besuo-in faya'khuzakum azabuo yawmin azeem (156).
And Do not touch her with harm lest you should be seized by the punishment of a great day.

Fa-aqaruoha fa-asbahuo nademeen (157).
But they slaughtered her and so became regretful.

fa-akhazahumuo alazabuo inna fee zaleka la-ayatan wa ma kana aktharuhum mu'meneen (158).
So the punishment seized them, indeed, in that is a sign but most of them were not believers.

Wa inna Rabbaka la-huwa Alazeezuo Alraheem (159).
And indeed, Your Lord is the Almighty, the Most Merciful.

Kazzabat qawmuo Lutin almusraleen (160).
The people of Lot denied the Messengers.

Iz qalal lahum akhuhum Lutun ala tataquon (161).
When their brother Lot said to them Will you not fear?.

Inni lakum rasulun ameen (162)
Indeed, I am to you a trustworthy Messenger.

Fa-ttaquo Allaha wa ate-uon (163).
So Fear Allah and Obey Me.

Wa ma as'alukum alaiyhi men ajrin in ajreiya ella ala Rabbi al-alameen (164).
And I do not ask you for it any wage, My reward is only from the Lord of the worlds. 

A-ta'tuona alzukrana mena al-alameen (165).
Do you approach the males among the worlds.

Wa tazaruona ma khalaqa lakum Rabbukum men azwajekum bal antum qawmun aduon (166).
And you leave what your Lord has created for you of your spouses, but you are a transgressing people. 

Qaluo la-in lam tantahi ya-Lutu la-takunanna mena almukhrajeen (167).
They said if You do not desist O Lot! You will be of those who expelled.

Qala inni le-amalekum mena alqaleen (168).
He said, indeed, I am towards your act of those who detest.

Rabbi najjeni wa ahli memma ya'maluon (169).
My Lord save Me and My family from what they do.

Fa-najjaynahuo wa ahlahuo ajma-een (170).
So We saved Him and His family, all of them.

Ella ajuzan fee alghabereen (171).
Except an old woman among those who remained behind.

Thumma dammarna al-akhareen (172).
Then We destroyed the others.

Wa amtarna alaiyhem mataran fasa-a mataruo almunzareen (173).
And We rained upon them a rain, and evil was the rain of those who were warned. 

Inna fee zaleka la-ayatan wa ma kana aktharuhum mu'meneen (174).
Indeed, in that is a sign, but most of them were not believers.
Wa inna Rabbaka la-huwa Alazeezuo Alraheem (175).
And indeed, Your Lord is the Almighty, the Most Merciful.

Kazzaba as-habuo la-aykati almusraleen (176).
The companions of the Aykah denied the Messengers.

Iz qalal lahum Shu'aybun ala tataquon (177).
When Shu'ayb said to them Will you not fear?.

Inni lakum rasulun ameen (178)
Indeed, I am to you a trustworthy Messenger.

Fa-ttaquo Allaha wa ate-uon (179).
So Fear Allah and Obey Me.

Wa ma as'alukum alaiyhi men ajrin in ajreiya ella ala Rabbi al-alameen (180).
And I do not ask you for it any wage, My reward is only from the Lord of the worlds. 

Awfuo alkaiyla wa la takunuo mena almukhsereen (181).
Give full measure and Do not be of those who cause loss.

Wa zenuo be-qestasi almustaqeem (182).
And Weigh with an even balance.

Wa la tabkhasuo alnasa ashya-ahum wa la ta'thaww fee alardi mufsedeen (183).
And Do not decrease people from their things, and Do not roam in the earth as corrupters.

Wa-ttaquo allazi khalaqakum wa aljebellata al-awwaleen (184).
And Fear the One who has created you and the former creation.

Qaluo innama anta mena almusahhareen (185)
They said you are only one of those bewitched.

Wa ma anta ella basharun methluna wa in nazunnuka la-mena alkazebeen (186).
And You are nothing but a human being like us, and indeed, we think you of the liars.

Fa-asqet alaiyna kesafan mena alsama-e in kunta mena alsadeqeen (187).
So Cause a fragment of the sky to fall upon us if you are of the truthful.

Qala Rabbi a'lamuo bema ta'maluon (188).
He said My Lord knows best of what you do.

Fa-kazzabuhuo fa-akazahum azabuo yawmi alzullati innahuo kana azaba yawmin azeem (189).
But they denied Him, so the punishment of the day of shadow seized them, indeed, it was the punishment of a great day. 

Inna fee zaleka la-ayatan wa ma kana aktharuhum mu'meneen (190).
Indeed, in that is a sign, but most of them were not believers.
Wa inna Rabbaka la-huwa Alazeezuo Alraheem (191).
And indeed, Your Lord is the Almighty, the Most Merciful.

Wa innahuo la-tanzeeluo Rabbi al-alameen (192).
And indeed, it is the revelation of the Lord of the worlds.

Nazala behi alruhuo al-ameen (193).
The trustworthy Spirit has brought it down.

Ala qalbeka le-takuona mena almunzereen (194).
Upon Your heart that You may be of the warners.

Be-lesanin arabiyyin mubeen (195).
In a clear Arabic tongue.

Wa innahuo la-fee zuburi al-awwaleen (196).
And indeed, it is in the scriptures of the former people.

Awa lam yakun lahum ayatan an ya'lamahuo aulamauo bani Israel (197).
Is it not a sign for them that the scholars of the Children of Israel know it.

Wa laww nazzalnahuo ala ba'di ala'jameen (198)
And if We had revealed it to some of the foreigners.

Faqara-ahuo alaiyhim ma kanuo behi mu'meneen (199).
And He had recited it to them, they would not be believers in it.

Kazaleka salaknahuo fee qulubi almujremeen (200).
Thus We have inserted it into the hearts of the criminals.

La you'menuona behi hatta yaraww alazaba al-aleem (201).
They will not believe in it until they see the painful punishment.

Faya'teyahum baghtatan wa hum la yash-uruon (202).
And it will come to them suddenly while they do not perceive.

Fa-yaquluo hal nahnuo munzaruon (203).
And they will say Are we given respite?.

Afa-be-azabena yasta'jeluon (204)
So Is it for Our punishment, they seek to hasten.

Afara'ayta in matta'nahum seneen (205).
Then Do you see if We let them enjoy for years.

Thumma ja-ahum ma kanuo you-aduon (206)
Then comes to them what they were promised?.

Ma aghna anhum ma kanuo youmatta-uon (207).
They will not avail by what enjoyment they were given.

Wa ma ahlakna men qaryatin ella laha munzeruon (208)
And We did not destroy any town except that it had warners.

Zekra wa ma kunna zalemeen (209).
A reminder, and We have never been unjust. 

Wa ma tanazzalat behi alshayateen (210).
And the devils have not brought it down.

Wa ma yanbaghi lahum wa ma yastate-uon (211).
It is not suitable for them nor are they able.

Innahum ani alsam-ee lama'zuluon (212).
Indeed, they are kept far from the hearing.

Fa-la tad-uo ma-a Allahi elahan akhara fa-takuna mena almu-azzabeen (213).
So Do not invoke another god with Allah lest You be among those who are punished.

Wa-anzer asherataka al-aqrabeen (214).
And Warn the nearest people of Your clan.

Wa-khfed janahaka le-mani ettaba-aka mena almu'meneen (215).
And Lower Your wing to those who follow you of the believers.

Fa-in asawka fa-qul inni baree-on memma ta'maluon (216).
And If they disobey You, then Say indeed, I am disavowing what you do.

Wa tawakl ala Alazeezi Alraheem (217).
And Put Your trust upon the Almighty, the Most Merciful.

Allazi yaraka heena taquom (218).
The One who sees You when You stand up.

Wa taqallu-baka fee alsajedeen (219).
And Your movement among those who prostrate.

Innahuo huwa alsamee-uo al-alemm (220).
Indeed, He is All-hearing, All-Knower.

Hal aunabbe-ukum ala man tanazzaluo alshayateen (221).
Shall I inform You upon whom the devils are descend?.

Tanazzaluo ala kulli affakin atheem (222).
They descend  upon every liar, sinful.

youlquna alsam-a wa aktharuhum kazebuon (223).
They pass on the hearing and most of them are liars. 

Wa alsu'arauo yattabe-uhumuo alghawuon (224).
And the poets are followed by the deviators.

Alam tara anahum fee kulli wadin yahemuon (225).
Do You not see that they wander in every valley.

Wa annahum yaquluona ma la yaf'aluon (226).
And that they say what they do not do.

Ella allazina amanuo wa ameluo alsalehati wa zakaruo Allaha katheeran wa-ntasaruo men ba'di ma zulemuo wa saya'lamuo allazina zalamuo ayya munqalabin yanqalebuon (227).
Except those who believe and do righteous deeds and remember Allah much and defend themselves after they were wronged and those who wronged will know which return they will return.

Simplified interpretation:

 Surat Alshu'araa begins with three letters of the Arabic language, just like 28 Surahs of the Holy Quran that start with individual letters ranging from one to five letters. It is noticeable that in all 29 Surahs the book or the Holy Quran is mentioned whether it is immediately after these letters or it is included in the Surah or even at the end of it. It is a challenge from Allah, Almighty, to the infidels of Quraish, as if Allah says to them this is the book in the letters of the language you speak, but you will not be able to produce the like of it, and He has already challenged them in Aya (88) of Surat Alisraa "Say, if mankind and the Jinn gathered in order to produce the like of this Quran, they could not produce the like of it, even if they were to each other assistants". As for the current Surah, it begins with three letters "Taa, seen, and Meem" or "T, S, and M" in English followed by "These are the verses of the clear book", but the knowledge of these letters remains with Allah, the Lord of the worlds.

 Allah says in the first three verses (1-3) "Taa Seen Meem, these are the verses of the clear book, perhaps You would destroy Yourself because they will not be believers", that is, Allah addresses His Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) and says that these are the verses of the Holy Quran which is a clear book whose verses show the truth from falsehood, the lawful from the forbidden, and the stories of the previous nations, then Allah says to His Messenger perhaps You will destroy and kill Yourself in grief because they do not believe in what You have brought to them.

 Allah says in the next three verses (4-6) "If We will, We can send down to them a sign from the sky for which their necks would remain submissive, and no new reminder comes to them from the Most Gracious except that they turn away from it, so indeed, they have denied, so will come to them the news of what they used to ridicule", that is, if Allah wills, He would make all people believers as Allah's Messenger wants, so He would send down to them a sign from the sky that would make them submissive and humiliated to Allah, rather He sends His Messengers with the truth in order establish the argument against them on the day of resurrection, but whenever a book comes to them from the Most Gracious, they turn away from it and they denied it, so Allah threatens them that they will know the news of what they used to ridicule as they will face the consequence of their denial and disbelief.

 Allah says in the next three verses (7-9) " Do they not see the earth, how many of every noble pairs We have caused to grow therein?, indeed, in that is a sign, but most of them were not believers, and indeed, Your Lord is the Almighty, the Most Merciful", that is, Allah marvels at those who deny His messenger and the Holy Quran that they do not see the earth and what Allah have caused to grow therein of every noble kind of fruits and crops, and in that is a sign that indicates Allah's greatness and power, and that the One who revives the earth after its death is also Able to resurrect them from their graves on the day of resurrection, but yet most of them did not believe, rather they denied and turned away, thereupon, Allah assures His Messenger that He is the Almighty who is Severe in His revenge on those who disobeyed Him, and the Most-Merciful to those who obey Him.  

 Allah says in the next five verses (10-14) "And when Your Lord called Moses that Go to the wrongdoing people, the people of Pharaoh, Do they not fear?, He said My Lord, indeed, I fear that they will deny Me, and My breast straitens, and My tongue will not be fluent, so send for Aaron, and they have upon Me a sin, so I fear that they will kill me", that is, Allah cites the story of the Prophet Moses and Pharaoh, where Allah called the Prophet Moses from a side of the right valley in the blessed spot from the tree on mount Altuor in Sinai and He commanded Him to go to Pharaoh and His people who are a wrongdoing people and to say to them Do they not fear Allah and His punishment for their disbelief, but the Prophet Moses said to Allah that He fears that they will deny Him, and deny what He has come them with, and His breast straitens and His tongue will not be fluent as there was a knot in His tongue that prevents Him from expressing clearly what he intends to say as mentioned in Aya (27) of Surat Taha "And Remove the knot from My tongue", and His brother Aaron is more eloquent than Him in speech as He explains better what He intends to say, therefore, the Prophet Moses asked Allah to send His brother Aaron with Him, and Moses said to Allah that the people of Pharaoh have a sin upon Him and He feared that they will kill Him where He killed a man from the People of Pharaoh and left Egypt fleeing to Madyan as mentioned at length in Surat Alqasas Ayat (15-22).

 Allah says in the next three verses (15-17) "He said nay, Go both of You with Our sings, indeed, We are with You listening, Go both of You to Pharaoh and say, indeed, We are the Messenger of the Lord of the worlds, that Send with Us the Children of Israel", that is, Allah reassured His Prophet Moses that Pharaoh and His people will not harm Him and His brother, and they will be victors over Pharaoh and His people through Allah's signs as mentioned in Aya (35) of Surat Alqasas, and Allah reassured them and strengthened their hearts that He is with both of them, listening to the answer of Pharaoh, and He will protect and help the Prophet Moses and Aaron, so Allah commanded them to go to Pharaoh and to say to Him that both of them is a Messenger from Allah, the Lord of the worlds, and they asked Pharaoh to release the Children of Israel from His oppression and torture and not to punish them if they believe in Allah and His Messenger.

 Allah says in the next five verses (18-22) "He said Did we not raise You among us as a child, and You remained among us years of your life?, and You did Your deed which You did, and You were of the ungrateful, He said I did it, then while I was of those who are astray, so I fled from you when I feared you, then My Lord granted Me judgment, and made Me of the Messengers, and this is the favor with which you remind me that you have enslaved the Children of Israel", that is, the people of Pharaoh picked up the Prophet Moses from the river when Allah commanded His mother to cast Him in the river as mentioned in  Surat Alqasas Ayat (7,8), therefore, Pharaoh said to Him Did we not raise You among us as a child and we bestowed a favor upon you for years of Your life, but You met that benevolence with that deed, and you killed a man from us and You were of the ungrateful and denied our favor upon You, thereupon, the Prophet Moses said to Pharaoh, I did that act at that time while I was of those who are ignorant and before Allah blessed Me with the prophecy and the message, so I fled from you when I feared that you would kill Me, then Allah granted Me with the prophecy and made Me of the Messengers in order to convey Allah's message to you, and you remind Me with your favor while you have enslaved the Children of Israel by using them in the worst jobs, toiling them day and night, killing their sons and keeping their women alive.

 Allah says in the next six verses (23-28) "Pharaoh said and what is the Lord of the worlds?, He said the Lord of the heavens and the earth and whatever is between them, if you are certain, he said to those around him Do you not hear?, he said your Lord and the Lord of your forefathers, he said indeed, your Messenger who has been sent to you is a madman, He said the Lord of the east and the west and whatever is between them if you understand", that is, Pharaoh persisted on his disbelief, tyranny, and rebellion, and when the Prophet Moses and His brother Aaron said to him we are the Messenger of the Lord of the worlds as shown above, he said to the Prophet Moses What is the Lord of the worlds?, where he said to his people ''I do not know of any god for you other than me" as mentioned in Aya (38) of Surat Alqasas, therefore, the Prophet Moses said to him that the Lord of the worlds is the Lord of the heavens, the earth and whatever is between them of the  planets, the stars, the sun, the moon, the seas, the mountains, the trees, the animals, and many others, and Allah is the Creator and the Owner of them, so if they are certain, they would acknowledge Allah's greatness and that He is the Creator of everything with no partner, but Pharaoh said to those around him of his chiefs and people as a mockery of the Prophet Moses "Do you not hear?, then the Prophet Moses said your Lord and the Lord of your forefathers who were before you, but Pharaoh said to them indeed, your Messenger who has been sent to you is a madman, then the Prophet Moses said to them that Allah is the Lord of the east, the west and whatever is between them whereas Pharaoh has the Kingdom of Egypt only, so if they understand, they would know that it is the truth and Allah is the Disposer of everything in the heavens and the earth.

 Allah says in the next seven verses (29-35) "He said if you take a god other than me, I will make you among those imprisoned, He said even if I brought you a clear thing, he said so Bring it if you are of the truthful, So He threw His stick, then behold! It was a clear snake, and He draw out His hand, then behold! It was white for the onlookers, he said to the chiefs around him, indeed, this is surely a learned magician, He wants to expel you from your land with His magic, so What do you advice?", that is, Pharaoh threatened the Prophet Moses that He will put him in the prison if He take a god other than him, so the Prophet Moses said to Him if I brought you a clear thing that proves the validity of what I say, then Pharaoh said to him Bring it if You are of the truthful, thereupon, the Prophet Moses threw His stick on the ground, then it was a clear snake, and He draw out His hand from His pocket, then it was white without any harm for the onlookers, but Pharaoh did not realize that they are two signs from the Lord of the worlds, rather He accused the Prophet Moses with magic, and he said to the chiefs around him that Moses is a learned magician, and claimed that Moses intends to expel them from the land of Egypt with His magic, and said to them What do you advice me?.

 Allah says in the next five verses (36-40) "They said Postpone Him and His brother and Send in the cities, gatherers, that they bring to you every learned magician, so the magicians were assembled for the appointed time of a well-known day, and it was said to the people Will you assemble?, so that we may follow the magicians if they are the victors", that is, the chiefs advised pharaoh and said to Him Postpone Moses and Aaron, and Send gatherers to the cities in order to bring every learned magician to nullify the magic that He came with, so the magicians were assembled for the appointed time of a well-known day set by the Prophet Moses, which is the day of the festival at the time of forenoon as mentioned in Aya (59) of Surat Ta Ha, and it was said to the people Will you assemble to see what Moses and the magicians are doing and who will prevail so that we may follow the magicians if they are the victors.

 Allah says in the next eight verses (41-48) "And when the magicians came, they said to Pharaoh Is there a reward for us, if we are the victors?, he said yes, and indeed, you will be of the nearest ones, Moses said to them Throw whatever you will throw, so they threw their ropes and their sticks, and said by the might of Pharaoh, indeed, we are the victors, then Moses threw His stick, then behold! It devoured what they falsified, then the magicians fell down prostrating, they said we have believed in the Lord of the worlds, the Lord of Moses and Aaron", that is, when Pharaoh gathered his chiefs, soldiers, and people to see what the Prophet Moses and the magicians are doing, the magicians stood before Pharaoh and asked him to do good to them, so he promised them with a reward and that he will draw them closer to him if they defeated Moses, then the magicians said to Moses either you throw or we will be the first to throw as mentioned in Aya (65) of Surat Taha, so the Prophet Moses said to them Throw whatever you will throw, then they threw their ropes and their sticks and they said by the might of Pharaoh we are going to be the victors, so their ropes and sticks seemed to Moses by their magic that they were moving, and He sensed within Himself apprehension, but Allah reassured Him that He will be the superior and command Him to throw His stick, and when He threw it, it was a clear snake and it began to swallow what they falsified, leaving nothing of it, and when the magicians became sure that what Moses had brought to them was true and was not a magic and that it is something that only Allah is capable of, they fell down with their faces prostrating to Allah, submitting to Him in obedience, acknowledging that what Moses brought to them is the truth from Allah, and what they used to do of magic is false, so they said "We have believed in the Lord of the worlds, the Lord of Moses and Aaron".

 Allah says in the next three verses (49-51) "He said you believed in Him before I permit you, indeed, He is surely your chief who has taught you the magic, so you will know, I will surely cut off your hands and your feet of opposite sides and I will surely crucify you all together, they said, no harm, indeed, to our Lord we will return, Indeed, we aspire that our Lord will forgive us our sins because we were the first of the believers", that is, Pharaoh brought the magicians to help him, but they failed him and believed in the Lord of Moses and Aaron when they saw the signs of Allah, but he persisted on his disbelief and stubbornness, and said to them you believed in Him before I permit you, and he accused Moses of magic and He is their chief who has taught them the magic, so he threatened them that they will know his punishment as he will cut their hands and their feet of opposite sides, where he will cut off the right hand and the left leg or vise versa, and he will crucify them all on the trunks of palm-trees as mentioned in Aya (71) of Surat Ta Ha, but his threat did not discourage them from faith, and they said to him that does not harm us, and we do not care about it, we will return to Allah on the day of resurrection and He will reward us with the best reward, and we hope that Allah will forgive us our sins and what you compelled us to do of magic because we were the first of the believers.

 Allah says in the next nine verses (52-60) "And We inspired to Moses that Travel by night with My servants, indeed, you will be followed, then Pharaoh sent among the cities gatherers, indeed, these are a small band, and indeed, they are enraging us, and indeed, we are a cautious multitude, so We expelled them from gardens and springs, and treasures and honorable station, thus, We made the Children of Israel inherit it, so they followed them at sunrise", that is, when Pharaoh persisted on his tyranny after he saw Allah's signs and intended to punish those who believed with the Prophet Moses, Allah commanded the Prophet Moses to take the Children of Israel out of Egypt by night and to lead them where He was commanded, and Allah assured Him that Pharaoh and His soldiers will pursue them, so when it was morning, they did not find Moses and those with Him and that intensified Pharaoh's anger against the Children of Israel, therefore, he sent quickly gatherers in order to gather the army from all over Egypt, and he said to them that the Prophet Moses and those with Him are a small group, and they enraging us, and we are cautious multitude and ready to beat them, but the rule of Allah is to save the believers and to destroy the disbelievers, so Allah expelled Pharaoh and his soldiers from the bliss in which they were, so they were expelled from gardens, orchards, springs of water, treasures of gold and silver, lofty and honorable houses, and kingship, and Allah made the Children of Israel inherit the land of Egypt and they bequeathed all the bliss that Pharaoh and his people left after their destruction, then Pharaoh and his soldiers followed the Prophet Moses at sunrise.  

 Allah says in the next eight verses (61-68) "And when the two groups saw each other, the companions of Moses said, indeed, we will be overtaken, He said nay indeed, with Me is My Lord, He will guide Me, then We inspired to Moses that Strike the sea with your stick, so it parted, and each part became like the great mountain, and We brought near there the others, and We saved Moses and those with Him, all of them, then We drowned the others, indeed, in that is a sign, but most of them were not believers, and indeed, Your Lord is the Almighty, the Most Merciful", that is, when the Prophet Moses and His companions met with Pharaoh and his people, and saw each other, the companions of Moses said we will be overtaken because they have reached the sea and they have no way out, but the Prophet Moses reassured them and said that Allah is with Him, and He will guide Him, and nothing of what they fear will reach them because Allah commanded Him to walk towards the sea and He will save them, and Allah does not break the promise where Allah gave the Prophet Moses glad tidings of victory over Pharaoh and His people when He called Him at Altuor mount in Sinai as mentioned in Aya (35) of Surat Alqasas, so Allah inspired to Moses to Strike the sea with His stick, so the sea parted, and each part became like the great mountain, then Allah brought Pharaoh and His soldiers close to the sea, and Allah saved the Prophet Moses and those with Him where they passed to the other side of the sea. When Pharaoh and his soldiers followed the Prophet Moses and His companions, Allah commanded the sea to return to its natural state, and Allah drowned Pharaoh and His soldiers in the sea, and in this story and what it contains of victory and support for the believers and destruction for the disbelievers is a sign and a great argument for those who understand, but yet most of them did not believe, rather they denied and turned away, thereupon, Allah assures His Messenger that He is the Almighty who is Severe in His revenge on those who disobeyed Him, and the Most-Merciful to those who obey Him.  

 Allah says in the next six verses (69-74) "And Recite to them the news of Abraham, when He said to His father and His people What do you worship?, they said we worship idols, and remain devoted to them, He said Do they hear you when you call?, Or Do they benefit you or Do they harm, they said, but we found our fathers doing thus", that is, Allah commanded His Messenger Muhammad to recite the new of the Prophet Abraham to His people so that they may follow His example in sincerity, worshiping Allah alone, and disavowing from polytheism and its people as mentioned in Aya (4) of Surat Almumtahanah, where the Prophet Abraham denied worshiping idols besides Allah, so He said to His father and His people What do you worship?, they said we worship idols and remain devoted to them, so He denounced the idols to which they are devoted and began to convince them that these idols do not possess anything in the heavens nor on the earth, and said to them Do they hear you when you call them, Or Do they benefit you or Do they harm you? but they persisted on their disbelief and they did not found any argument for worshiping idols except that they said to Him that they found their fathers worship them and they follow their footsteps.

 Allah says in the next eight verses (75-82) "He said Do you see what you have been worshiping, you and your ancient fathers, indeed, they are enemies to Me except the Lord of the worlds, the one who created Me, and He guides Me, and the One who feeds Me, and gives Me drink, and when I get sick, He heals Me, and the One who will cause Me to die then He will give Me life, and the One who I hope that He will forgive me My sin on the day of judgment", that is, the Prophet Abraham said to them that He disavow the idols they have been worshiping, and said to them Have you seen every idol of yours and your forefathers, I am disavowing from him and I do not worship except Allah, the Lord of the worlds, then He listed some of the things that Allah only can do as He is the One who created Him and He guides Him, the One who feeds Him, and gives Him drink, the One who heals Him when He gets sick, the One who will cause Him to die then He will give Him life on the day of resurrection, and the One who He hopes that He will forgive Him His sins on the day of resurrection. 

 Allah says in the next seven verses (83-89) "My Lord! Grant Me judgment and join Me with righteous, and grant Me a tongue of honor among the later people, and make Me of the inheritors of the garden of bliss, and Forgive My father, indeed, he was of those who went astray, and Do not disgrace Me the day when they are resurrected, the day when neither wealth nor children will benefit, except he who comes to Allah with a sound heart", that is, when the people of the Prophet Abraham denied Him, He supplicated Allah to grant Him judgement and knowledge, to join Him with the righteous in the worldly life and the Hereafter, to make for Him a good praise lasting among the later generations and Allah has made His remembrance in the Holy Quran to remain forever, to make Him of the inheritors of the garden of bliss on the day of resurrection, to forgive His father for he was of those who went astray but when it became apparent to Him that His father was an enemy to Allah, He disavowed from him as mentioned in Aya (114) of Surat Altawbah, and not to disgrace Him the day when the people will be resurrected from the graves, the day when neither man's wealth nor children will avail him from Allah's punishment except he who comes to Allah with a sound heart filled with faith, sincerity, and absolution from polytheism, and Allah's Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) said in narration of Abu Hurayrah: "Abraham will meet His father and will say O My Lord! You promised Me that You would not disgrace Me on the day when the people will be resurrected, Allah will say I have forbidden Paradise to the disbelievers" (Sahih Albukhari 4769).  

 Allah says in the next six verses (90-95) "And the Paradise will be brought near to the righteous, and the Hellfire will be brought forth for the deviators, and it will be said to them Where is that which you used to worship, besides Allah, Can they help you or help themselves?, then they will be thrown into it, they and the deviators, and the soldiers of Iblis, all", that is, the Paradise will be brought near to the righteous and the Hellfire will be brought forth for the disbelievers who have deviated from guidance, and it will be said to them as a reprimand Where are the idols that which you used to worship besides Allah?, Do they avail you anything today or defend themselves?, so they will be thrown into Hellfire and their leaders who called them to polytheism, and the soldiers of Iblis (Satan), all together whether they are from the Jinn or from the men.

 Allah says in the next nine verses (96-104) "They will say while they are quarreling therein, By Allah! Indeed, we were in a clear error, when we equated you with the Lord of the worlds, and no one led us astray except the criminals, so we have not any intercessors, nor any close friend, then if we had a return, then we would be of the believers, Indeed, in that is a sign, but most of them were not believers, and indeed, Your Lord is the Almighty, the Most Merciful", that is, the people of Hellfire will be thrown into it, they will quarrel with each other, and they will swear that they were in a clear error when they worshiped idols besides Allah and equated them with the Lord of the worlds while they are not able to help them or defend themselves, and they will confess that no one led them astray except the criminals who adorned for them worshiping idols, so they have not any intercessors who can intercede for them with Allah in order to forgive and save them from His punishment, and they do not have any close friend to help them where the believers will intercede for their friends for Allah's Messenger said in narration of Abu sa'id Alkhudri that the believers will say O Allah! Our brothers used to pray with us, fast with us, and also do good deeds with us, Allah will say to them Go and Take out of Hellfire anyone in whose heart you find equal to the weight of one Dinar, so they will take out those whom they will recognize and return, and then Allah will say Go and Take out anyone in whose heart you find faith equal to the weight of one half Dinar, they will take out whomever they will recognize and return, and then Allah will say Go and Take out anyone in whose heart you find faith equal to the weight of an atom, so they will take out all those whom they will recognize. Thereupon, the disbelievers will not find anyone to intercede for them and they will wish that they had a chance to return to the worldly life, then they will be of the believers, indeed, the story of the Prophet Abraham with His people who worshiped idols besides Allah is a sign and a great argument for those who understand, but yet most of them did not believe, rather they denied and turned away, thereupon, Allah assures His Messenger that He is the Almighty who is Severe in His revenge on those who disobeyed Him, and the Most-Merciful to those who obey Him.  

 Allah says in the next eleven verses (105-115) "The people of Noah denied the Messengers, when their brother Noah said to them Will you not fear?, indeed, I am to you a trustworthy Messenger, so Fear Allah and Obey Me, and I do not ask you for it any wage, My reward is only from the Lord of the worlds, so Fear Allah and Obey Me, they said Shall we believe in You while you are followed by the lowest ones, He said and what is My knowledge of what they used to do, indeed, their reckoning is only upon My Lord, if you perceive, and I am not to drive the believers away, I am only a clear warner", that is, Allah cites the story of the Prophet Noah with His people, where they denied the Messengers and persisted on their disbelief when their brother Noah said to them Will you not fear Allah, I am to you a trustworthy Messenger conveying to you Allah's message neither adding nor decreasing from it, so Fear Allah and obey Me in what I commanded you of faith, and I do not ask you for any wage for My advice but rather My reward is only from Allah, the Lord of the worlds, so Fear Allah and Obey Me, but they said out of their arrogance Shall we believe in You, follow You, and be equal to the lowest people who followed You and believed in You, so the Prophet Noah said to them and what is My knowledge of what they used to do, I have to accept their belief, and I do not need to search for their secrets and Allah knows what they conceal and what they declare, so their reckoning is only upon Allah if you perceive, and I am not to drive the believers away, I am only a clear warner of Allah's punishment to all people whether they are honorable, lowly, rich, or poor. 

 Allah says in the next seven verses (116-122) "They said if You do not desist O Noah! You will surely be of those who are stoned, He said My Lord My people have denied Me, so judge between me and them with a judgment and Save Me and those with Me of the believers, so We saved Him and those with Him in the laden ship, then We drowned thereafter the remaining ones, indeed, in that is a sign, but most of them were not believers, and indeed, Your Lord is the Almighty, the Most Merciful", that is, the Prophet Noah stayed with His people for a thousand years minus fifty years calling them to worship Allah alone as mentioned in Aya (14) of Surat Alankaboot, but they persisted on their disbelief and threatened Him that they will stone Him if He did not desist what He came with, thereupon, the Prophet Noah called Allah and said that His people denied Him, and asked Allah for a decisive judgment between Him and them, and to save Him and those with Him of the believers from the punishment, so Allah saved Him and those with Him in the laden ship (The Ark), where as mentioned in Aya (40) of Surat Hud Allah commanded the Prophet Noah to load upon the ship two of every pair, a male and a female from every kind of animals, plants, and fruits, and His family except those against whom the word of punishment has preceded including His wife and His son, and to carry whoever had believed but none had believed with Him except a few, then Allah drowned His people in the flood, and in that is a sign and a great argument for those who understand as the rule of Allah is to save the believers and to destroy the disbelievers, but yet most of them did not believe, rather they denied and turned away, thereupon, Allah assures His Messenger that He is the Almighty who is Severe in His revenge on those who disobeyed Him, and the Most-Merciful to those who obey Him.  

 Allah says in the next nine verses (123-131) "Ad denied the Messengers, when their brother Hud said to them Will you not fear?, indeed, I am to you a trustworthy Messenger, so Fear Allah and Obey Me, and I do not ask you for it any wage, My reward is only from the Lord of the worlds, Do you construct a sign on every elevation, amusing yourselves, and take for yourselves strongholds that you may live forever, and when you seize, you seize as tyrants, so Fear Allah and Obey Me", that is, Ad, the people of the Prophet Hud, denied the Messengers and persisted on their disbelief when their brother Hud said to them Will you not fear Allah, I am to you a trustworthy Messenger conveying to you Allah's message neither adding nor decreasing from it, so Fear Allah and obey Me in what I commanded you of faith, and I do not ask you for any wage for My advice but rather My reward is only from Allah, the Lord of the worlds, and the Prophet Hud denounced that they used to build high architectural buildings and strongholds just to play, have fun, and show strength and they said who is greater than us in might? as mentioned in Aya (15) of Surat Fussilat, and He denounced that they thought that they may live forever, and that they were arrogant in the land without right where they were tyrants, so the Prophet Hud commanded them again to fear Allah and to obey Him.

 Allah says in the next nine verses (132-140) "And fear the One who has provided you with what you know, He has provided you with cattle and children, and gardens and springs, indeed, I fear for you the punishment of a great day, they said it is same to us whether You give us advise or you are not among those who give advise, indeed, this is nothing but the custom of the former people, and we are not going to be punished, so they denied Him, then We destroyed them, indeed, in that is a sign, but most of them were not believers, and indeed, Your Lord is the Almighty, the Most Merciful", that is, the Prophet Hud began to remind His people of Allah's blessings and said to them fear the One who provided you with what you know of all good things as He provided you of cattle, children, gardens, and springs, and said to them that He fears for them the punishment of a great day if they denied and persisted on their disbelief, but they persisted on their disbelief and said to Him it is same to us whether You give us advise or you are not among those who give advise, and we will not believe in You and in what You came with, and this is nothing but the legends of the former people, and we are not going to be punished, so they denied Him, and then Allah destroyed them, and in that is a sign and a great argument for those who understand as the rule of Allah is to destroy the disbelievers, but yet most of them did not believe, rather they denied and turned away, thereupon, Allah assures His Messenger that He is the Almighty who is Severe in His revenge on those who disobeyed Him, and the Most-Merciful to those who obey Him.  

 Allah says in the next ten verses (141-150) "Thamud denied the Messengers, when their brother Salih said to them Will you not fear?, indeed, I am to you a trustworthy Messenger, so Fear Allah and Obey Me, and I do not ask you for it any wage, My reward is only from the Lord of the worlds, Will you be left secure in what is here, in gardens and springs, and crops and palm trees whose inflorescence is soft?, and you carve houses from the mountains, skillfully, so Fear Allah and Obey Me", that is, Thamud, the people of the Prophet Salih, denied the Messengers and persisted on their disbelief when their brother Salih said to them Will you not fear Allah, I am to you a trustworthy Messenger conveying to you Allah's message neither adding nor decreasing from it, so Fear Allah and obey Me in what I commanded you of faith, and I do not ask you for any wage for My advice but rather My reward is only from Allah, the Lord of the worlds, and He denounced that they will be left safe in what Allah has bestowed upon them of gardens, springs, crops, and palm trees whose inflorescence is soft, and they are dexterous in carving houses from the mountains, and yet they worship other than Allah, so the Prophet Salih commanded them again to fear Allah and to obey Him.

 Allah says in the next nine verses (151-159) "And do not obey the command of the transgressors, those who cause corruption on the earth, and did not reform, they said you are only one of those bewitched, You are nothing but a human being like us, so Bring a sign if you are of the truthful, He said this is a she-camel, she has a drink and you have a drink in a known day, and Do not touch her with harm lest you should be seized by the punishment of a great day, but they slaughtered her and so became regretful, so the punishment seized them, indeed, in that is a sign but most of them were not believers, and indeed, Your Lord is the Almighty, the Most Merciful", that is, the Prophet Salih commanded His people not to obey the command of the transgressors, those who make corruption in the land, and did not reform as there were nine tyrants of Thamud who used to cause corruption in the land, did not reform, and they used to call their people to deny the Prophet Salih, then they intended to kill the Prophet Salih as mentioned in Aya (48) of Surat Alnaml, but His people denied Him and said that He is of those who are affected by magic, and that He is nothing but a human being like them, so How did Allah reveal the message to Him from among them?, and they asked Him for a sign from Allah so that they may know His truthfulness in what He has brought to them, so He came them with a she-camel, and said that she has to drink from the water on one day, and they have the same amount of the water on another day, so they do not have the right to drink on her day, and she does not have the right to drink on their day, and He warned them of Allah's punishment on a great day if they touched her with harm, but they denied Him and slaughtered the she-camel, so they became remorseful, but their remorse did not avail them from Allah's punishment which the Prophet Salih promised them, and the punishment seized them and Allah destroyed them by the overpowering blast as mentioned in Aya (5) of Surat Alhaqqahand in that is a sign and a great argument for those who understand as the rule of Allah is to destroy the transgressors, but yet most of them did not believe, rather they denied and turned away, thereupon, Allah assures His Messenger that He is the Almighty who is Severe in His revenge on those who disobeyed Him, and the Most-Merciful to those who obey Him.  

 Allah says in the next seven verses (160-166) "The people of Lot denied the Messengers, when their brother Lot said to them Will you not fear?, indeed, I am to you a trustworthy Messenger, so Fear Allah and Obey Me, and I do not ask you for it any wage, My reward is only from the Lord of the worlds, Do you approach the males among the worlds, and you leave what your Lord has created for you of your spouses, but you are a transgressing people", that is, the people of the Prophet Lot, denied the Messengers when their brother Lot said to them Will you not fear Allah and obey Him, I am to you a trustworthy Messenger conveying to you Allah's Message neither adding nor decreasing from it, so Fear Allah and obey Me in what I commanded you of faith, and I do not ask you for any wage for My advice but rather My reward is only from Allah, the Lord of the worlds, and He denounced the shameful deeds of His people as they used to do sodomy, and no one of the sons of Adam has ever preceded them to this act as Allah has stated in Aya (28) of Surat Alankaboot, and He said to them as a denunciation, Do you commit male homosexuality and you leave what your Lord has created for you of your women, but you are a transgressing people.

 Allah says in the next nine verses (167-175) "They said if You do not desist O Lot! You will be of those who expelled, He said, indeed, I am towards your act of those who detest, My Lord save Me and My family from what they do, so We saved Him and His family, all of them, except an old woman among those who remained behind, then We destroyed the others, and We rained upon them a rain, and evil was the rain of those who were warned, indeed, in that is a sign, but most of them were not believers, and indeed, Your Lord is the Almighty, the Most Merciful", that is, the people of the Prophet Lot persisted on their disbelief and threatened Him that they will expel Him from their town if He did not desist what He commanded them to do, thereupon, He disavowed Himself from their shameful act and said to them I am towards your act of those who detest, and then He called Allah to save Him and His family from what they do, so Allah saved the Prophet Lot and His family except His wife, Allah destined her to be of those who remained behind; because she betrayed the Prophet Lot by not believing and cooperating with His people against Him as mentioned in Surat Altahrim Aya (10), then Allah rained upon them a rain of stones of clay, and evil was the rain of those against whom the argument was established for the warning reached them, but they turned away from it and opposed their Messenger, and in that is a sign and a great argument for those who understand as the rule of Allah is to save the believers and to destroy the transgressors, but yet most of them did not believe, rather they denied and turned away, thereupon, Allah assures His Messenger that He is the Almighty who is Severe in His revenge on those who disobeyed Him, and the Most-Merciful to those who obey Him.  

 Allah says in the next nine verses (176-184) "The companions of the Aykah denied the Messengers, when Shu'ayb said to them Will you not fear?, indeed, I am to you a trustworthy Messenger, so Fear Allah and Obey Me, and I do not ask you for it any wage, My reward is only from the Lord of the worlds, Give full measure and Do not be of those who cause loss, and Weigh with an even balance, and Do not decrease people from their things, and Do not roam in the earth as corrupters, and Fear the One who has created you and the former creation", that is, the companions of the Aykah, and they are the people of Madyan to whom the Prophet Shu'ayb, peace be upon Him, was sent, but they denied the Messengers when their Prophet Shu'ayb said to them Will you not fear Allah and obey Him, I am to you a trustworthy Messenger conveying to you Allah's Message, neither adding nor decreasing from it, so Fear Allah and obey Me in what I commanded you of faith, and I do not ask you for any wage for My advice but rather My reward is only from Allah, the Lord of the worlds, and the Prophet Shu'ayb commanded them not to make the weight deficient, and to observe the correct weight with fairness as they used to take the weight from people in full, but they used to give them less when they weigh for them, so their Prophet commanded them to weigh with an even balance, and not to deceive people by decreasing their things, and He forbade them from spreading corruption in the land, oppressing its people, and cutting off the roads, then He commanded them again to fear Allah, the One who has created them and the former creation.

 Allah says in the next seven verses (185-191) "They said you are only one of those bewitched, and You are nothing but a human being like us, and indeed, we think you of the liars, so Cause a fragment of the sky to fall upon us if you are of the truthful, He said My Lord knows best of what you do, but they denied Him, so the punishment of the day of shadow seized them, indeed, it was the punishment of a great day, indeed, in that is a sign, but most of them were not believers, and indeed, Your Lord is the Almighty, the Most Merciful", that is, the companions of the Aykah denied the Prophet Shu'ayb and said to Him as the people of Thamud said to their Messenger Salih as shown above in Ayat (153,154) where they said that He is of those who are affected by magic, and that He is nothing but a human being like them, so How did Allah reveal the message to Him from among them?, and they accused Him of lying, then they asked Him to cause a fragment of the sky to fall upon them, so that they may know His truthfulness in what He has brought to them, so the Prophet Shu'ayb said to them that Allah knows best what they do, and He will recompense them of what they deserve, but they denied Him, thereupon Allah destroyed them by the punishment of the day of shadow, and it was a cloud that shaded them with sparks of fire and flame, and it was the punishment of a great day, for Allah has combined three types of punishment for the people of Shu'ayb, and they were the punishment of the day of shadow as mentioned in this Aya, the blast as mentioned in Aya (94) of Surat Hud, and the earthquake as mentioned in Aya (91) of Surat Ala'raf. And in that is a sign and a great argument for those who understand as the rule of Allah is to destroy the corrupters, but yet most of them did not believe, rather they denied and turned away, thereupon, Allah assures His Messenger that He is the Almighty who is Severe in His revenge on those who disobeyed Him, and the Most-Merciful to those who obey Him.  

 Allah says in the next five verses (192-196) "And indeed, it is the revelation of the Lord of the worlds, the trustworthy Spirit has brought it down, upon Your heart that You may be of the warners, in a clear Arabic tongue, and indeed, it is in the scriptures of the former people", that is, Allah assures that the Holy Quran is the revelation of the Lord of the worlds, and it was brought down by the trustworthy Spirit, who is the Angel Gabriel as mentioned in Aya (79) of Surat Albaqarah "Say whoever is an enemy to Gabriel, it is He who has brought it down upon Your heart by the permission of Allah", so Gabriel brought the Holy Quran Upon the heart of Allah's Messenger (PBUH) that He may be of the warners of Allah's punishment for those who disobey Him, and the Holy Quran is in a clear Arabic language and if Allah had made it non-Arabic Quran, the polytheists of Quraish would have said, why are its verses not explained in details in Arabic language, and they would have denounced how non-Arab words are revealed to an Arab who does not understand it as mentioned in Aya (44) of Surat Fussilat, and the Holy Quran is found in the scriptures of the former Prophets.

 Allah says in the next six verses (197-202) "Is it not a sign for them that the scholars of the Children of Israel know it, and if We had revealed it to some of the foreigners, and He had recited it to them, they would not be believers in it, thus We have inserted it into the hearts of the criminals, they will not believe in it until they see the painful punishment, and it will come to them suddenly while they do not perceive", that is, Is it not a sign for the polytheists of Quraish that the scholars of the children of Israel know the Holy Quran and find it written in their scripture, and if Allah has revealed the Holy Quran to a Non-Arab, who did not know a word of Arabic, then He had recited it to them, they would not believe in it, and they would say we did not understand, and thus Allah has inserted the denial and disbelief in the hearts of the criminals, so they will not believe in it until they see the painful punishment, and the punishment will come to them suddenly while they do not realize.

 Allah says in the next five verses (203-207) "And they will say Are we given respite?, so Is it for Our punishment, they seek to hasten, then Do you see if We let them enjoy for years, then comes to them what they were promised?, they will not avail by what enjoyment they were given", that is, the disbelievers will wish when they see the punishment that they have a respite to repent and believe, but they seek to hasten Allah's punishment out of their denial and disbelief, so Allah addresses His Messenger and said to Him Do you see if We let them enjoy for years, then the punishment comes to them, they will not avail by the enjoyment they were given in the worldly life when they did not repent from their disbelief.

 Allah says in the next five verses (208-212) "And We did not destroy any town except that it had warners, a reminder, and We have never been unjust, and the devils have not brought it down, it is not suitable for them nor are they able, indeed, they are kept far from the hearing", that is, Allah informs about His justice in His creation where the rule of Allah is not to destroy any nation except after warning them by sending Messengers with the reminder to them and establishing the argument against them, then Allah assures that the devils have not brought the Holy Quran down but rather the trustworthy Spirit has brought it down as shown above in Aya (193), and it is not suitable for them to bring the Holy Quran down nor are they able to do so, and they are kept far from listening to the Holy Quran throughout the period of its revelation to Allah's Messenger (PBUH) for the devils were prevented from the news of the sky by severe guards and flames, and he who listens to the news of the sky will find a flaming fire awaits for him as mentioned in Ayat (8,9) of Surat Aljinn.

 Allah says in the next three verses (213-215) "So Do not invoke another god with Allah lest You be among those who are punished, and Warn the nearest people of Your clan, and Lower Your wing to those who follow you of the believers", that is, Allah commanded His Messenger to worship Him alone with no partner lest He will be of those who are to be punished, and commanded Him to call His closest clan to worship Allah alone, and to warn them that none of them can be saved form Allah's punishment except by testifying that there is no god but Allah, and Allah commanded His Messenger to be kind to those who follow Him of the believers, so as narrated by Abu Hurayrah: "Allah's Messenger got up when the verse "And Warn the nearest people of Your clan" was revealed and said O Quraish people! or He said a similar word, Buy yourselves! I cannot save you from Allah (If you disobey Him), O Bani Abd Manaf! I cannot save you from Allah, O Abbas, the son of Abdul Muttalib! I cannot save you from Allah, O Safiya, the aunt of Allah's Messenger, I cannot save you from Allah, O Fatima! the daughter of Muhammad! Ask what you wish from my property, but I cannot save you from Allah", and in another narration of Abu Hurayrah, Allah's Messenger said to them Save yourselves from the fire! I have no power to prevent harm or bring benefit to you!.

 Allah says in the next five verses (216-220) "And If they disobey You, then Say indeed, I am disavowing what you do, and Put Your trust upon the Almighty, the Most Merciful, the One who sees You when You stand up, and Your movement among those who prostrate, indeed, He is All-hearing, All-Knower", that is, Allah says to His Messenger if Your closest relatives, whom I commanded you to warn, disobeyed You and they refused but to cling to worshipping idols and associating partners with Allah, then disavow from worshiping idols and disobeying Allah, and Put Your trust upon the Almighty, the Most Merciful who is Severe in His revenge on those who disobeyed Him, and the Most-Merciful to those who obey Him, the One who sees You standing and prostrating whether alone or with those who prostrate, and Allah is All-Hearing, All-Knower where nothing in the heavens nor on the earth is hidden from Him.

 Allah says in the next three verses (221-223) "Shall I inform You upon whom the devils are descend?, they descend  upon every liar, sinful, they pass on the hearing and most of them are liars", that is, Allah confirms that the devils did not bring down the Holy Quran nor are they able to do so as shown above in Ayat (210, 211), so they do not descend upon the Messengers, rather they descend upon those who resemble them from the soothsayers, upon every liar in his words, sinful in his deeds, where the devils eavesdrop the hearing from the sky and when they hear the word from the knowledge of the unseen, they throw it to the soothsayers who add to it a hundred lies, so the people believe them in everything they said because their truthfulness of the word that was heard from the sky, and as narrated by Aisha: "I heard Allah's Messenger (PBUH) saying, the Angels descend the clouds and mention this or that matter decreed in the heavens, the devils listen stealthily to such a matter, then they come down to inspire the soothsayers with it, and the later would add to it one hundred lies of their own".

 Allah says in the last four verses (224-227) "And the poets are followed by the deviators, Do You not see that they wander in every valley, and that they say what they do not do, except those who believe and do righteous deeds and remember Allah much and defend themselves after they were wronged and those who wronged will know which return they will return", that is, the poets of the polytheists are followed by the deviators from among the Jinn and the men, so Allah addresses His Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) and says Do you not see that they wander in every valley like a wanderer on his face aimlessly, while he is far from the path of righteousness for they praise a person falsely and disparage a person falsely, and they say what they do not do and most of what they say is a lie and slander, and as narrated by Abu Sa'id Alkhudri: ''We were going with Allah's Messenger, as we reached the place of Alarj, there met us a poet who had been reciting poetry, thereupon, Allah's Messenger said Catch the Satan or Detain the Satan, for filling the belly of a man with pus is better than stuffing his brain with poetry", but it does not include poetry in which there is wisdom, a defense of Islam, and other good things; for good poetry is like good speech and its bad is like bad speech where Allah's Messenger said in narration of Abu Hurayrah: ''The truest word which the poet stated is the word of Labid ''Behold! Apart from Allah everything is vain", and as narrated by Albara' Bin Azib, on the day of Quraiza, Allah's Messenger said to Hassan Bin Thabit Abuse the polytheists, and Gabriel is with you". Thereupon, Allah has excluded from the poets those who believe, do righteous deeds, remember Allah much, and defend themselves with the truth after they were wronged, but as for those who wronged will know which return they will return on the day of resurrection as their return will be to Hellfire. 

No one Knows its interpretation except Allah

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