7- Surat Ala'raf

206 Verses Meccan (revealed in Mecca)

A'auzu Bellahi mena alshaiytani alrajeem

I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed Satan

Besmi Ellahi Alrhmani Alraheem

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

Alif Lam Meem Sad (1).
Alif Lam Meem Sad.

Ketabun aunzela elaiyka fa-la yakun fee sadreka harajun menhuo le-tunzera behi wa zekra lel-mu'meneen (2).
A book sent down to You, so Let there not be in Your breast hardship therefrom, that You may warn thereby and a reminder to the believers.

Ettabe-uo ma aunzela elaiykum men Rabbekum wa la tattabe-uo men duonehi awliyaa qaleelan ma tazakkaruon (3).
Follow what has been sent down to you from your Lord, and Do not follow besides Him any protectors, little is what you be reminded.

Wa kam men qaryatin ahlaknaha faja-aha ba'suna bayatan aww hum qa-eluon (4).
And how many of a town We have destroyed, and Our Punishment came to them at night or while they are napping.

Fa-ma kana da'wahum iz ja-ahum ba'suna ella an qaluo inna kunna zalemeen (5).
And their declaration when Our punishment came to them was only that they said indeed, we were wrongdoers. 

Fala-nas'alanna allazina aursela elaiyhim wala-nas'alanna almursaleen (6).
Then We will surely ask those to whom was sent, and We will surely ask the Messengers.

Fala-naqussanna alaiyhim be-elmin wa ma kunna gha-ebeen (7).
Then We will surely narrate to them with knowledge, and We were not absent.

Wa alwaznuo yawma-izin alhaqquo fa-man thaqulat mawazeenuhuo fa-aulaeka humuo almuflehuon (8).
And the weighing that day will be the truth, then the one whose scales are heavy, then those are the successful.

Wa man khaffat mawazeenuhuo fa-aulaeka allazina khaseruo anfusahum bema kanuo be-ayatena yazlemuon (9).
But the one whose scales are light, then those are the ones who have lost themselves because they used to be unjust to Our verses.

Wa laqad makkannakum fee alardi wa ja'alna lakum feeha ma-ayisha qaleelan ma tashkuruon (10).
And indeed, We have established you in the earth and made for you therein livelihoods, little is what you give thanks.

Wa laqad khalaqnakum thumma sawwarnakum thumma qulna lel-malaekati esjuduo le-adama fa-sajaduo ella iblessa lam yakun mena alsajedeen (11).
And indeed, We have created you, and given you form, then We said to the Angels Prostrate to Adam, and they prostrated except for Iblis, he was not of those who prostrated. 

Qala ma mana-aka alla tasjuda iz amartuka qala ana khaiyrun menhuo khalaqtani men narin wa khalaqtahuo men teen (12).
He said What prevented you that you did not prostrate when I commanded you?, he said I am better than him, You created me from fire and created him from clay. 

Qala fa-hbit menha fa-ma yakunuo laka an tatakabbara feeha fa-khruj innaka mena alsaghereen (13).
He said Go down from it, for it is not for you to be arrogant therein, so Get out, indeed, you are of the despised.

Qala anzerni ela yawmi yub'athuon (14).
He said Respite me until the day they are resurrected.  

Qala innaka mena almunzareen (15).
He said indeed, you are of those given respite.

Qala fa-bema aghwaiytani la-aq-udanna lahum serataka almustaqeem (16).
He said because You have let me astray, I will surely sit for them on Your straight path.

Thumma la-atiyannahum men baiyni aiydehim wa men khalfehim wa an aiymanehim wa an shama-elehim wa la tajeduo aktharahum shakereen (17).
Then I will come to them from before them and from behind them and on their right and on their left, and You will not find most of them grateful.

Qala aukhruj menha maz'uman mad-huran la-man tabe-aka menhum la-amala-anna jahannama menkum ajma-een (18).
He said Get out from it, reprehensible, banished, whoever follows you among them, I will surely fill Hellfire with you, all together.

Wa ya-adamu eskun anta wa zawjuka aljannata fa-kula men haiythu she'tuma wa la taqraba hazehi alshajarata fa-takuna mena alzalemeen (19).
And O Adam Dwell you and your wife in Paradise and Eat you both from wherever you both wish, and do not approach this tree lest you both will be of the wrongdoers. 

Fa-waswasa lahuma alshaiytanu le-yubdiya lahuma ma wuriya anhuma men saw'atehima wa qala ma nahakuma Rabbukuma an hazehi alshajarati ella an takuna malakaiyni aww takuna mena alkhaledeen (20).
Then Satan whispered to both of them to make apparent to them what was concealed from both of them of their private parts, he said your Lord did not forbid both of you this tree except that you become two Angels or become of the immortal. 

Wa qasamahuma inni lakuma le-mena alnaseheen (21).
And he swore to both of them, indeed, I am to both of you of the advisors.

Fa-dallahuma be-ghururin fa-lamma zaqa alshajarata badat lahuma saw'atuhuma wa tafeqa yakhsefani alaiyhema me waraqi aljannati wa nadahuma Rabbuhuma alam anhakuma an telkuma alshajarati wa aqul lakuma inna alshaiytani lakuma aduwwun mubeen (22).
So he made both of them fall through deception, then when they both tasted the tree, their private parts became apparent to both of them, and they both began to fasten on themselves from the leaves of Paradise, and their Lord called them both Did I not forbid you both from that tree and say to both of you that Satan is a clear enemy to both of you?.

Qala Rabbana zalamna anfusana wa in lam taghfir lana wa tarhamna la-nakunanna mena alkhasereen (23).
Both of them said Our Lord, we have wronged ourselves, and if You do not forgive us and have mercy upon us, we will surely be among the losers.

Qala ehbetuo ba'dukum le-ba'din aduwwun wa lakum fee alardi mustaqarrun wa mata-on ela heen (24).
He said Go down, being enemies to one another, and for you on the earth is a place of residence and an enjoyment for a time.

Qala feeha tahyawna wa feeha tamutuna wa menha tukhrajuon (25).
He said therein you will live and therein you will die and from it you will be brought out.

Ya-bani adama qad anzalna alaiykum lebasan youwari saw'atekum wa reeshan wa lebasuo altaqwa zaleka khaiyrun zaleka men ayati ellahi la-allahum yazzakkaruon (26).
O Children of Adam! Indeed, We have sent down to you clothing to conceal your private parts and as adornment, but the clothing of righteousness, that is better, that is from the signs of Allah, so that they may be reminded.

Ya-bani adama la yaftenannakumuo alshaiytanuo kama akhraja abawaiykum mena aljannati yanze-uo anhuma lebasahuma le-youriyahuma saw'atehema innahuo yarakum huwa wa qabeeluhuo men haiythuo la tarawnahum inna ja-alna alshayateena awliyaa le-llazina la you'menuon (27).
O Children of Adam! Let not Satan tempt you as he drove out your parents from Paradise, stripping both of them of their clothes to show both of them their private parts, indeed, he sees you, he and his tribe, from where you do not see them, indeed, We have made the devils allies to those who do not believe.

Wa iza fa'aluo faheshatan qaluo wajadna alaiyha aba-ana wa Allahu amarana beha qul inna Allaha la ya'muruo bel-fahsha-e a-taquluona ala Allahi ma la ta'lamuon (28).
And when they do an immorality, they say we found our fathers on it, and Allah has ordered us of it, Say indeed, Allah does not order immorality, Do you say about Allah what you do not know. 

Qul amara Rabbi bel-qesti wa aqeemuo wujuhakum enda kulli masjidin wad-uhuo mukhleseena lahuo aldeena kama bada-akum ta-uduon (29).
Say My Lord has ordered justice, and Set your faces at every mosque, and Call upon Him, being sincere to Him in religion, as He began you, you will return.

Fareqan hada wa fareeqan haqqa alaiyhemuo aldalalatuo innahumuo ettakhazuo alshaiyateena awliyaa men duoni ellahi wa yahsabuona annahum muhtaduon (30).
A party He guided, and a party upon whom the error has come true, indeed, they had taken the devils as protectors besides Allah while they thought that they are guided.

Ya-bani adama khuzuo zinatakum enda kulli masjidin wa kuluo wa-shrabuo wa la tusrefuo innahuo la youhebbuo almusrefeen (31).
O Children of Adam! Take your adornment at every mosque, and Eat and Drink, but Do not be extravagant, indeed, He does not love the extravagant.

Qul man harrama zinata Allahi allati akhraja le-ebadehi wa altayyibati mena alrezqi qul hiya lel-llazina amanuo fee alhayati alduonya khalesatan yawma alqiyamati ka-zaleka nufasseluo al-ayati le-qawmin ya'lamuon (32).
Say Who has forbidden the adornment of Allah which He has brought forth for His servants and the good things of provision?, Say they are for those who believed in the worldly life exclusively on the day of resurrection, thus We explain in details the verses for a people who know.

Qul innama harrama Rabbiya alfawahesha ma zahara menha wa ma batana wa alithma wa albaghya be-ghaiyri alhaqqi wa an tushrekuo be-llahi ma lam younazzil behi sultanan wa an taquluo ala Allahi ma la ta'lamuon (33).
Say My lord has only forbidden immoralities, what is apparent of them and what is concealed, and sin, and tyranny without right, and that you associate with Allah what He has not sent down any authority of it, and that you say about Allah what you do not know.

Wa lekulli aummatin ajalun fa-iza ja-a ajaluhum la yasta'kheruona sa-atan wa la yastaqdemuon (34).
And for every nation there is a term, so when their term comes, they will not remain behind an hour nor will they precede.

Ya-bani adama imma ya'taiyannakum rusulun menkum yaqussuona alaiykum ayati fa-mani ettaqa wa aslaha fa-la khawfun alaiyhim wa la hum yahzanuon (35).
O Children of Adam! If there come to you Messengers from among you narrating to you My verses, so whoever fears and reforms, then there will be no fear for them, nor will they grieve. 

Wa allazina kazzabuo be-ayatena wa-stakbaruo anha aulaeka as-habuo alnari hum feeha khaleduon (36).
But those who deny Our verses and are arrogant towards them, those are the companions of the Fire, they will abide therein forever.

Fa-man azlamuo memmani eftara ala Allahi kazeban aww kazzaba be-ayatehi aulaeka yanaluhum nasebuhum mena alketabi hatta iza ja-at-hum rusuluna yatawaffawnahum qaluo ayna ma kuntum tad-uona men duoni ellahi qaluo dalluo anna wa shaheduo ala anfusehim annahum kanuo kafereen (37).
And Who is more unjust than he who invents a lie about Allah, or denies His signs?, those will obtain their share of the book until when our Messengers come to them to take them in death, they will say Where are those whom you used to invoke besides Allah?, they will say they are lost from us, and will bear witness against themselves that they were disbelievers.

Qala audkhuluo fee aumamin qad khalat men qablekum mena aljinni wa alinsi fee alnari kullama dakhalat aummatun la-anat aukhtaha hatta iza eddarakuo feeha jamee-an qalat aukhrahum le-aulahum Rabbana haulae addaluna fa-atehim azaban de'fan mena alnari qala le-kullin de'fun wa laken la ta'lamuon (38).
He will say Enter among nations that passed away before you of the Jinn and mankind into the Fire, every time a nation entered, it will cursed its sister until when they all have gathered therein, the last of them will say about the first of them Our Lord! These had led us astray, so Give them a double punishment of the Fire, He will say for each there is a double, but you do not know.

Wa qalat aulahum le-aukhrahum fa-ma kana lakum alaiyna men fadlin fa-zuquo alazaba bema kuntum taksebuon (39).
And the first of them will say to the last of them then you had not any bounty upon us, so Taste the punishment for what you used to earn.

Inna allazina kazzabuo be-ayatena wa-stakbaruo anha la tufattahuo lahum abwabuo alsama-e wa la yadkhuluona aljannata hatta yaleja aljamaluo fee sammi alkheyati wa kazaleka najzee almujremeen (40).
Indeed, those who deny Our verses and are arrogant towards them, the gates of the heaven will not be opened for them nor will they enter Paradise until a camel enters into the eye of a needle, and thus We recompense the criminals.

Lahum men jahannama mehadun wa men fawqehim ghawashun wa kazaleka najzee alzalemeen (41).
For them there is a bed from the Hellfire, and above them there is a covering, and thus We recompense the wrongdoers. 

Wa allazina amanuo wa ameluo alsalehati la nukallefuo nafsan ella wus-aha aulaeka as-habuo aljannati hum feeha khaleduon (42).
And those who believed and did righteous deeds, We do not burden any soul except its capacity, those are the companions of Paradise, they will abide therein forever.

Wa naza'na ma fee sudurehim men ghillin tajree men tahtehimuo al-anharuo wa qaluo alhamduo le-llahi allazi hadana le-haza wa ma kunna le-nahtadiya lawla an hadana Allahu la-qad ja-at rusuluo Rabbena bel-haqqi wa nuduo an telkumu aljannatu aurethtumuha be-ma kuntum ta'maluon (43).
And We will remove whatever is in their breasts of grudge, beneath them rivers will flow, and they will say Praise be to Allah, the One who has guided us to this, and we would never have been guided if Allah had not guided us, indeed, the Messengers of our Lord had come with the truth, and they will be called This is Paradise which you are made to inherit for what you used to do.

Wa nada as-habuo aljannati as-habuo alnari an qad wajadna ma wa-adana Rabbuna haqqan fahal wajadtum ma wa-ada Rabbukum haqqan qaluo na'am fa-azzana mu-azzenun baiynahum an la'natuo Allahi ala alzalemeen (44).
And the companions of Paradise will call out to the companions of the Fire that indeed, we have already found what our Lord had promised us to be true, Have you found what your Lord had promised to be true?, they will say yes then an announcer will announce among them that the curse of Allah is upon the wrongdoers.

Allazina yasudduona an sabeeli ellahi wa yabghunaha ewajan wa hum bel-akherati kaferuon (45).
Those who prevent from the way of Allahseeking to make it crookedness while they are disbelievers in the Hereafter.
Wa baiynahuma hejabun wa ala al-a'rafi rejalun ya'refuona kullan be-semahum wa nadaww as-haba aljannati an salamun aliykum lam yadkhuluha wa hum yatma-uon (46).
And between them will be a barrier, and on the elevations are men who will recognize each by their marks, and they will call out to the companions of Paradise that Peace be upon you, they have not entered it, but they aspire.

Wa iza surifat absaruhum telqa-a as-habi alnari qaluo Rabbana la taj'alna ma-a alqawmi alzalemeen (47).
And when their eyes are turned towards the companions of the Fire, they will say Our Lord! Do not place us with the wrongdoing people. 

Wa nada as-habuo al'arafi rejalan ya'refunahum be-semahum qaluo ma aghna ankum jam-ukum wa ma kuntum tastakberuon (48).
And the companions of the elevations will call to men whom they recognize by their marks, and will say your gathering has not avail you and what you were arrogant.

A-haulae allazina aqsamtum la yanaluhumuo allahu be-rahmatin audkhuluo aljannata la khawfun alaiykum wa la antum tahzanuon (49).
Are these the ones whom you swore that Allah would never grant them mercy?, Enter the Paradise, there will be no fear for you, nor will you grieve.

Wa nada as-habuo alnari as-habuo aljannati an afeeduo alaiyna mena alma-e aww memma razaqakumuo Allahu qaluo inna Allaha harramahuma ala alkafereen (50).
And the companions of the Fire will call to the companions of Paradise that Pour upon us some water or from whatever Allah has provided you, they will say indeed, Allah has forbidden them both to the disbelievers.

Allazina ettakhazuo deenahum lahwan wa la-eban wa gharrat-humuo alhayatuo alduonya fal-yawma nansahum kama nasuo leqa-a yawmehim haza wa ma kanuo be-ayatena yajhaduon (51).
Those who took their religion as an amusement and play and whom the worldly life deceived, so today we will forget them just as they forgot the meeting of this day of theirs, and for what they used to reject of Our verses. 

Wa laqad je'nahum be-ketabin fassalnahuo ala elmin hudan wa rahmatan le-qawmin you'menuon (52).
And indeed, We had brought them a Book which We had explained in details by knowledge as guidance and mercy for a people who believe.

Hal yanzuruona ella ta'welahuo yawma ya'ti ta'weluhuo yaquluo allazina nasuhuo men qabluo qad ja-at rusulu Rabbena bel-haqqi fa-hal lana men shufa'a fa-yashaf-uo lana aww nuradduo fana'mala ghaiyra allazi kunna na'maluo qad khaseruo anfusahum wa dalla anhum ma kanuo yaftaruon (53).
Do they await except its interpretation?, the day when its interpretation comes, those who had forgotten it before will say indeed, the Messengers of our Lord had come with the truth, so Are there any intercessors so that they intercede for us or will we be returned so that we will do other than that we used to do?, indeed, they have lost themselves, and lost from them is that which they used to invent.

Inna Rabbakumu Allahu allazi khalaqa alsamawati wa alarda fee settati ayyamin thumma estawa ala alarshi yuoghshi al-laila alnahara yatlubuhuo hathethan wa alshamsa wa alqamara wa alnujuma musakhkharatin be-amrehi ala lahuo alkhalquo wa alamruo tabaraka Allahu Rabbu al-alameen (54).
Indeed, your Lord is Allah, the One who has created the heavens and the earth in six days and then established Himself on the Throne, He causes the night to cover the day, pursuing it rapidly, and the sun and the moon and the stars are subjected by His command, unquestionably, for Him is the creation and the command, Blessed is Allah, the Lord of the worlds.

Aud-uo Rabbakum tadarru-an wa khufyatan innaho la youhebbuo almu'tadeen (55).
Call upon your Lord humbly and secretly, indeed, He does not love the aggressors.

Wa la tufseduo fee alardi ba'da eslaheha wad-uhuo khawfan wa tama-an inna rahmata Allahi qareebun mena almuhseneen (56).
And Do not cause corruption on the earth after its reformation, and Call upon Him in fear and hope, indeed, the mercy of Allah is near of the good doers.

Wa huwa allazi yourseluo alriyaha bushran baiyna yadaiy rahmatehi hatta iza aqallat sahaban theqalan suqnahuo le-baladin mayyitin fa-anzalna behi alma-a fa-akhrajna behi men kulli althamarati ka-zaleka nukhrejuo almawta la-allakum tazakkaruon (57).
And He is the One who sends the winds as glad tidings before His mercy until when they have carried heavy clouds, We drive it to a dead land then We send down the water from it, then We bring forth thereby of all the fruits, thus, We will bring out the dead, so that you may be reminded.

Wa albaladuo altayyibuo yakhrujuo nabatuhuo be-izni Rabbehi wa allazi khabutha la yakhrujuo ella nakedan ka-zaleka nusarrefuo alayati le-qawmin yashkuruon (58).
And the good land, its growth comes forth by the permission of its Lord, but that which is bad, does not come forth except with distress, thus, We explain the signs for a people who give thanks. 

Laqad arsalna noohan ela qawmehi fa-qala ya-qawmi e'buduo Allaha ma lakum men elahin ghaiyruhuo inni akhafuo alaiykum azaba yawmin azeem (59).
Indeed, We have sent Noah to His people, so He said O My people! Worship Allah, you have no god other than Him, indeed, I fear for you the punishment of a terrible day.

Qala almala-uo men qawmehi inna la-naraka fee dalalin mubeen (60).
The chiefs of His people said indeed, we surely see You in clear error.

Qala ya-qawmi laiysa bi dalalatun wa lakenni rasulun men Rabbi al-alameen (61).
He said O My people! There is no error in Me, but I am a Messenger form the Lord of the worlds.

Auballeghukum resalati Rabbi wa ansahuo lakum wa a'lamuo mena Allahi ma la ta'lamuon (62).
I convey to you the messages of My Lord and advice you, and I know from Allah what you do not know.

Awa ajebtum an ja-akum zekrun men Rabbekum ala rajulin menkum le-younzerakum wa le-tattaquo wa la-allakum turhamuon (63).
Then you wonder that there has come to you a reminder from your Lord upon a man from among you so that He may warn you and that you may fear, and so that you may receive mercy.

Fa-kazzabuhuo fa-anjaiynahuo wa allazina ma-ahuo fee alfulki wa aghraqna allazina kazzabuo be-ayatena innahum kanuo qawman ameen (64).
But they denied Him, so We saved Him and those with Him in the ship and We drowned those who denied our signs, indeed, they were a blind people.

Wa ela adin akhahum hudan qala ya-qawmi e'buduo Allaha ma lakum men elahin ghaiyruhuo afa-la tattaquon (65).
And to Ad their brother Hud, He said O My people! Worship Allah, you have no god other than Him, then Will you not fear?.

Qala almala-uo allazina kafaruo men qawmehi inna la-naraka fee safahatin wa inna la-nazunnuka mena alkazebeen (66).
The chiefs who have disbelieved from among His people said indeed, we surely see you in foolishness, and indeed, we think You are of the liars.

Qala ya-qawmi laiysa bi safahatun wa lakenni rasulun men Rabbi al-alameen (67).
He said O My people! There is no foolishness in Me, but I am a Messenger from the Lord of the worlds.

Auballeghukum resalati Rabbi wa ana lakum nasehun ameen (68).
I convey to you the messages of My Lord, and I am to you a sincere adviser, trustworthy.

Awa ajebtum an ja-akum zekrun men Rabbekum ala rajulin menkum le-younzerakum wa-zkuruo iz ja-alakum khulafa-a men ba'di qawmi noohin wa zadakum fee alkhalqi bastatan fa-zkuruo ala-a Allahi la-allakum tuflehuon (69).
Then you wonder that there has come to you a reminder from your Lord upon a man from among you so that He may warn you, and Remember when He made you successors after the people of Noah and increased you in creation extensively, so Remember the favors of Allah, so that you may succeed.

Qaluo a-je'tana le-na'buda Allaha wahdahuo wa nazara ma kana ya'buduo aba-uona fa'tena be-ma ta-eduona in kunta mena alsadeqeen (70).
They said Have You come to us that we should worship Allah alone, and leave what our fathers have worshipped?, so Bring us what you promise us, if You are of the truthful.

Qala qad waqa-a alaiykum men Rabbekum rejsun wa ghadabun a-tujadelunani fee asma-in sammaytumuha antum wa aba-ukum ma nazzala Allahu beha men sultanin fa-ntazeruo inni ma-akum mena almuntazereen (71).
He said indeed, punishment and anger have fallen upon you from your Lord, Do you argue with Me concerning names you have named, you and your fathers, Allah has not sent down any authority for it, so Wait, indeed, I am with you among those who are waiting.

Fa-anjaiynahuo wa allazina ma-ahuo be-rahmatin menna wa qata'na dabera allazina kazzabuo be-ayatena wa ma kanuo mu'meneen (72).
So We saved Him and those with Him by a mercy from us, and We cut off the root of those who denied Our signs, and they were not believers.

Wa ela thamuda akhahum salehan qala ya-qawmi e'buduo Allaha ma lakum men elahin ghaiyruhuo qad ja-atkum bayyinatun men Rabbekum hazehi naqatuo Allahi lakum ayatan fa-zaruoha ta'kul fee ardi ellahi wa la tamassuha be-su-in faya'khuzakum azabun aleem (73).
And to Thamud, their brother Salih, He said O My people! Worship Allah, you have no god other than Him, there has come to you a clear proof from your Lord This is the she-camel of Allah, a sign for you, so Leave her to eat in the land of Allah, and Do not touch her with harm, lest you should be seized by a painful punishment.

Wa-zkuruo iz ja-alakum khulafa-a men ba'di adin wa bawwa-akum fee alardi tattakhezuona men suhuleha qusuran wa tanhetuona aljebala buyutan fa-zkuruo ala-a Allahi wa la ta'thaww fee alardi mufsedeen (74).
And Remember when He made you successors after Ad, and settled you in the land, you take for yourselves palaces from its plains and carve from the mountains houses, so Remember the favors of Allah and Do not roam in the earth as corrupters.

Qala almala-uo allazina estakbaruo men qawmehi le-llazina estud-efuo le-man amana menhum a-ta'lamuona anna salehan mursalun men Rabbehi qaluo inna bema aursela behi mu'menuon (75).
The chiefs who were arrogant from among His people said to those who have been deemed weak to those who have believed among them Do you know that Salih is sent from His Lord?, they said indeed, we are believers in what He was sent with.

Qala allazina estakbaruo inna be-llazi amantum behi kaferuon (76).
Those who were arrogant said indeed, we are disbelievers in what you have believed in it.

Fa-aqaruo alnaqata wa ataww an amri Rabbehim wa qaluo ya-salihuo e'tena be-ma ta-eduna in kunta mena almursaleen (77).
So they slaughtered the she-camel and they rebelled against the command of their Lord, and said O Salih! Bring us what you promise us, if you are of the Messengers.

Fa-akhazat-humuo alrajfatuo fa-asbahuo fee darehim jathemeen (78).
So the earthquake seized them, and they became in their homes fallen recumbent.

Fa-tawalla anhum wa qala ya-qawmi la-qad ablaghtukum resalata Rabbi wa nasahtuo lakum wa laken la tuhebbuona alnaseheen (79).
And He turned away from them and said O My people! Indeed, I have conveyed to you the message of My Lord and advised you, but you do not love the advisors. 

Wa lutan iz qala le-qawmehi a-ta'tuona alfaheshata ma sabaqakum beha men ahadin mena al-alameen (80).
And Lot when He said to His people Do you commit such immorality as no one has preceded you with from the worlds?. 

Innakum la-ta'tuona alrejala shahwatan men duoni alnesa-e bal antum qawmun musrefuon (81).
Indeed, you approach men with lust instead of the women, but you are a transgressing people.

Wa ma kana jawaba qawmehi ella an qaluo akhrejuhum men qaryatekum innahum aunasun yatatahharuon (82).
But the answer of His people was not except that they said Expel them from your town, indeed, they are a people who keep themselves pure.

Fa-anjaiynahuo wa ahlahuo ella emra-atahuo kanat mena alghabereen (83).
So We saved Him and His family except His wife, she was of those who remained behind.

Wa-amtarna alaiyhmi mataran fa-nzur kaiyfa kana aqebatuo almujremeen (84).
And We rained upon them a rain, so See how was the end of the criminals.

Wa ela madyana akhahum shu'ayban qala ya-qawmi e'buduo Allaha ma lakum men elahin ghaiyruhuo qad ja-atkum bayyinatun men Rabbekum fa-awfuo alkaiyla wa almizana wa la tabkhasuo alnasa ashya-ahum wa la tufseduo fee alardi ba'da eslaheha zalekum khaiyrun lakum in kuntum mu'meneen (85).
And to Madyan their brother Shu'ayb, He said O My people! Worship Allah, You have no god other than Him, there has come to you a clear proof from your Lord, so Give full measure and balance, and Do not decrease people from their things and Do not cause corruption on the earth after its reformation, that is better for you if you are believers.

Wa la taq-uduo be-kulli seratin tu-eduona wa tasudduona an sabeeli ellahi man amana behi wa tabghunaha ewajan wa-zkuruo iz kuntum qaleelan fa-kaththarakum wa-nzuruo kaiyfa kana aqebatuo almufsedeen (86).
And Do not sit on every path, threatening and preventing from the way of Allah those who believe in Him, and seeking to make it crookedness, and Remember when you were few and He increased you, and See how was the end of the corrupters. 

Wa in kana ta-efatun menkum amanuo be-llazi aurseltuo behi wa ta-efatun lam you'menuo fa-sberuo hatta yahkuma Allahu baiynana wa huwa khaiyruo alhakemeen (87).
And if a group among you who has believed in what I have been sent with, and a group that has not believed, then Be patient until Allah judges between us, and He is the Best of the Judges.

Qala almala-uo allazina estakbaruo men qawmehi la-nukhrejannaka ya-shu'aybu wa allazina amanuo ma-aka men qaryatina aww lata-udunna fee mellatina qala awa-laww kunna kareheen (88).
The chiefs who were arrogant from among His people said we will surely expel you O Shu'ayb and those who have believed with you from our town, or you must return to our religion, He said even if we were averse?. 

Qad eftaraiyna ala Allahi kazeban in audna fee mellatekum ba'da iz najjana Allahu menha wa ma yakunuo lana an na-uda feeha ella an yasha-a Allahu Rabbuna wase-a Rabbuna kulla shaiy-in elman ala Allahi tawakkalna Rabbana eftah baiynana wa baiyna qawmena be-haqqi wa anta khaiyruo alfateheen (89).
Indeed, we would have invented a lie about Allah if we returned to your religion after Allah had saved us from it, and it is not for us to return to it except that Allah, our Lord, should will, our Lord encompasses all things in knowledge, upon Allah we have put our trust, Our Lord! Judge between us and our people in truth, and You are the best of the Judges.

Wa qala almala-uo allazina kafaruo men qawmehi la-ini ettaba'tum shu'ayban innakum izan la-khaseruon (90).
And the chiefs who have disbelieved from among His people said if you should follow Shu'ayb, indeed, you would then be losers. 

Fa-akhazat-humuo alrajfatuo fa-asbahuo fee darehim jathemeen (91).
So the earthquake seized them, and they became in their homes fallen recumbent.

Allazina kazzabuo Shu'ayban ka-an lam yaghnaww feeha allazina kazzabuo Shu'ayban kanuo humuo alkhasereen (92).
Those who denied Shu'ayb, as if they had not settled therein, those who denied Shu'ayb, they were the losers.

Fa-tawalla anhum wa qala ya-qawmi la-qad ablaghtukum resalati Rabbi wa nasahtuo lakum fa-kaiyfa asa ala qawmin kafereen (93).
And He turned away from them and said O My people! Indeed, I have conveyed to you the messages of My Lord and advised you, so How could I grieve for a disbelieving people?.

Wa ma arsalna fee qaryatin men nabiyyin ella akhazna ahlaha bel-ba'sai wa aldarrai la-allahum yaddarra-uon (94).
And We did not send a Prophet in a town except that We seized its people with the hardship and the adversity so that they may humbly supplicate.

Thumma baddalna makana alsayyi-ati alhasanata hatta afaww wa qaluo qad massa aba-ana aldarra-uo wa alsarra-uo fa-akhaznahum baghtatan wa hum la yash-uruon (95).
Then We replace in place of the bad the good until they increased and said indeed the adversity and the ease had touched our fathers, so We seized them suddenly while they do not perceive.

Wa-laww anna ahla alqura amanuo wa-ttaqaww la-fatahna alaiyhim barakatin mena alsama-e wa alardi wa laken kazzabuo fa-akhaznahum be-ma kanuo yaksebuon (96).
And if only the people of the towns had believed and feared, We would have opened upon them blessings from the heaven and the earth, but they denied, so We seized them for what they used to earn.

Afa-amena ahluo alqura an ya'tiyahum ba'suna bayatan wa hum na-emuon (97).
Then Do the people of the towns feel secure that Our punishment comes to them at night while they are asleep?.

Awa amena ahluo alqura an ya'tiyahum ba'suna duhan wa hum yal'abuon (98).
Or Do the people of the towns feel secure that Our punishment comes to them at forenoon while they are playing?.

Afa-amenuo makra Allahi fa-la ya'manuo makra Allahi ella alqawmuo alkhaseruon (99).
Then Do they feel secure from the plot of Allah?, but no one feels secure from the plot of Allah except the losing people.

Awa lam yahdi le-llazina yarethuona alarda men ba'di ahleha an laww nasha-uo asabnahum be-zunubehim wa natba-uo ala qulubehim fa-hum la yasma-uon (100).
Does it not guide those inherit the earth after its people that if We will, We could afflict them for their sins?, but We seal over their hearts so they do not hear. 

Telka alqura naqussuo alaiyka men anba-eha wa la-qad ja-at-hum rusuluhum bel-bayyinati fama kanuo le-you'menuo be-ma kazzabuo men qabluo ka-zaleka yatba-uo Allahu ala qulubi alkafereen (101).
Those towns, We narrate to You from their news, and indeed, their Messengers came to them with clear proofs, but they were not to believe in what they had denied before, thus, Allah seals over the hearts of the disbelievers.

Wa ma wajadna le-aktharehim men ahdin wa in wajadna aktharahum la-faseqeen (102).
And We did not find for most of them any covenant, but indeed, We found most of them are disobedient.

Thumma ba'athna men ba'dehim musa be-ayatena ela fer'awna wa mala-ehi fa-zalamuo beha fa-nzur kaiyfa kana aqebatuo almufsedeen (103).
Then We sent after them Moses with Our signs to Pharaoh and his chiefs, but they were unjust towards them, so See How was the end of the corrupters.

Wa qala musa ya-fer'awna inni rasulun men Rabbi al-alameen (104).
And Moses said O Pharaoh! Indeed, I am a Messenger from the Lord of the worlds.

Haqiqun ala an la aqula ala Allahi ella alhaqqa qad je'tukum be-bayyinatin men Rabbekum fa-arsil ma-iya bani israeel (105).
Obligated upon Me that I do not say about Allah except the truth, indeed, I have come to you with a clear proof from your Lord, so Send with Me the Children of Israel. 

Qala in kunta je'ta be-ayatin fa'ti beha in kunta mena alsadeqeen (106).
He said if You have come with a sign, so Bring it if You are of the truthful.

Fa-alqa asahuo fa-iza heiya thu'banun mubeen (107).
So He threw His stick, then behold! It was a clear snake.

Wa naza-a yadahuo fa-iza heiya baiyda-uo lel-nazereen (108).
And He draw out His hand, then behold! It was white for the onlookers.

Qala almala-uo men qawmi fer'awna inna haza la-saherun aleem (109).
The chiefs from among the people of Pharaoh said indeed, this is surely a learned magician.

Youreeduo an yukhrejakum men ardekum fa-maza ta'muruon (110).
He wants to expel you from your land, so What do you advice?.

Qaluo arjih wa akhahuo wa arsil fee almada-ini hashereen (111).
They said Postpone Him and His brother and Send in the cities, gatherers.

Ya'tuka be-kulli saherin aleem (112).
That they bring to you every learned magician.

Wa ja-a alsaharatuo fer'awna qaluo inna lana la-ajran in kunna nahnuo alghalebeen (113).
And the magicians came to Pharaoh, they said for us there surely will be a reward, if we are the victors.

Qala na'am wa innakum la-mena almuqarrabeen (114).
He said yes, and indeed, you will be of the nearest ones.

Qaluo ya-musa imma an tulqiya wa imma an nakuna nahnuo almulqeen (115).
They said O Moses! Either that You throw or we will be the ones to throw.

Qala alquo fa-lamma alqaww saharuo a'yuna alnasi wa-starhabuhum wa ja-uo be-sehrin azeem (116).
He said Throw and when they threw, they bewitched the eyes of the people and terrified them, and came up with a great magic.

Wa awhaiyna ela musa an alqi asaka fa-iza hiya talqafuo ma ya'fekuon (117).
And We inspired to Moses that Throw Your stick, then behold! It devoured what they falsified.

Fa-waqa-a alhaqquo wa batala ma kanuo ya'maluon (118).
So the truth was established, and what they were doing was nullified.

Fa-ghulebuo hunaleka wa-nqalabuo saghereen (119).
So they were defeated there and turned despised.

Wa aulqiya alsaharatuo sajedeen (120).
And the magicians fell down prostrating.

Qaluo amanna be-Rabbi al-alameen (121).
They said we have believed in the Lord of the worlds.

Rabbi Musa wa Haruon (122).
The Lord of Moses and Aaron.

Qala fer'awnu amantum behi qabla an azana lakum inna haza la-makrun makartumuhuo fee almadinati le-tukhrejuo menha ahlaha fa-sawfa ta'lamuon (123).
Pharaoh said you believed in Him before I permit you, indeed, this is surely a plot which you plotted in the city to expel its people from it, so you will know.

La-auqatte-anna aiydiyakum wa arjulakum men khelafin thumma la-ausallibannakum ajma-een (124).
I will surely cut off your hands and your feet of opposite sides, then I will surely crucify you all together.

Qaluo inna ela Rabbena munqalebuon (125).
They said indeed, to our Lord we will return.

Wa ma tanqemuo menna ella an amanna be-ayati Rabbina lamma ja-atna Rabbana afregh alaiyna sabran wa tawaffana muslemeen (126).
And you do not take revenge on us except that we believed in the signs of our Lord when they came to us, Our Lord! Pour upon us patience and Cause us to die as Muslims.

Wa qala almala-uo men qawmi fer'awna a-tazaruo musa wa qawmahuo le-youfsedu fee alardi wa yazaraka wa alehataka qala sa-nuqatteluo abna-ahum wa nastahyi nesa-ahum wa inna fawqahum qaheruon (127).
And the chiefs from among the people of Pharaoh said Will you leave Moses and His people to cause corruption on the earth and abandon you and your gods?, he said we will kill their sons and keep their women alive, and indeed, we will overpower them by subjugation.

Qala musa la-qawmehi esta-enuo be-llahi wa-sbiruo inna alarda le-llahi yourethuha man yasha-uo men ebadehi wa al-aqebatuo lel-muttaqeen (128).
Moses said to His people Seek help from Allah and Be patient, indeed, the earth belongs to Allah, He causes to inherit it whom He wills of His servants, and the end is for the righteous.

Qaluo auzina men qabli an ta'tiyana wa men ba'di ma je'tana qala asa Rabbukum an youhleka aduwwakum wa yastakhlefakum fee alardi fa-yanzura kaiyfa ta'maluon (129).
They said we have been harmed before you have come to us and after you have come to us, He said perhaps, your Lord will destroy your enemy and grant you succession in the earth, and He will see How you will do.

Wa la-qad akhazna ala fer'awna bel-seneena wa naqsin mena althamarati la-allahum yazzakkaruon (130).
And indeed, We seized the people of Pharaoh with years and a deficiency in fruits, so that they may be reminded.

Fa-iza ja-at-humuo alhasanatuo qaluo lana hazehi wa in tusebhum sayyi-atun yattayyaruo be-musa wa man ma-ahuo ala innama ta-eruhum enda Allahi wa lakenna aktharahum la ya'lamuon (131).
But when the good came to them, they said this is to us, but if an evil afflicts them, they see a bad omen from Moses and those with Him, unquestionably, their bad omen is with Allah, but most of them do not know. 

Wa qaluo mahma ta'tena behi men ayatin letas-harana beha fa-ma nahnuo laka be-mu'meneen (132).
And they said whatever sign You bring us therewith so that You bewitch us with it, we will not be believers in You. 

Fa-arsalna alaiyhimuo altufana wa aljarada wa alqummala wa aldafade-a wa alddama ayatin mufassalatin fa-stakbaruo wa kanuo qawman mujremeen (133).
So We sent upon them the flood and the locusts and the pests and the frogs and the blood as distinct signs, but they were arrogant and were a criminal people.

Wa lamma waqa-a alaiyhemuo alrejzuo qaluo ya-musa ed-uo lana Rabbaka be-ma aheda endaka la-in kashafta anna alrejza la-nu'menanna laka wa la-nurselanna ma-aka bani israel (134).
And when the punishment fell upon them, they said O Moses! Invoke for us Your Lord by the covenant He has made with You, if You remove the punishment from us, we will surely believe in You, and we will surely send with You the Children of Israel.

Fa-lamma kashafna anhumuo alrejza ela ajalin hum baleghuhuo iza hum yankuthuon (135).
But when We removed the punishment from them until a term which they were to reach, behold! They broke. 

Fa-ntaqamna menhum fa-aghraqnahum fee alyammi be-annahum kazzabuo be-ayatena wa kanuo anha ghafeleen (136).
So We took vengeance on them, and We drowned them in the sea because they denied Our signs and were heedless of them.

Wa awrathna alqawma allazina kanuo youstad-afuona mashareqa alardi wa magharebaha allati barakna feeha wa tammat kalematuo Rabbeka alhusna ala bani israela be-ma sabaruo wa dammarna ma kana yasna-uo fer'awnu wa qawmuhuo wa ma kanuo ya'reshuon (137).
And We caused the people who have been deemed weak to inherit the eastern regions of the land and its western ones in which We had blessed, and the word of Your Lord was fulfilled, the best, for the Children of Israel for what they have been patient with, and We destroyed what Pharaoh and his people used to make and what they used to construct.

Wa jawazna be-bani israela albahra fa-ataww ala qawmin ya'kufuona ala asnamin lahum qaluo ya-musa ej'al lana elahan kama lahum alehatun qala innakum qawmun tajhaluon (138).
And We took the Children of Israel across the sea, then they came upon a people who devoted themselves to idols of theirs, they said O Moses! Make for us a god just as they have gods, He said indeed, you are a people behaving ignorantly. 

Inna haulae mutabbarun ma hum feehi wa batelun ma kanuo ya'maluon (139).
Indeed, these, destroyed is what they are in, and void is what they used to do.

Qala a-ghaiyra Allahi abghikum elahan wa huwa faddalakum ala al-alameen (140).
He said Is it other than Allah I should desire for you as a god, while He has preferred you over the worlds?.

Wa iz anjaiynakum men ali fer'awna yasumunakum su-a alazabi youqatteluona abna-akun wa yastahyuona nesa-akum wa fee zalekum bala-on men Rabbekum azeem (141).
And when We saved you from the people of Pharaoh, who were afflicting you with the worst of punishment, and were killing your sons and keeping your women alive, and in that there was a great trial from your Lord.

Wa wa'adna musa thalatheena lailatan wa atmamnaha be-ashrin fa-tamma meeqatuo Rabbehi arba-eena lailatan wa qala musa le-akhehi haruona ekhlufni fee qawmi wa aslih wa la tattabe' sabeela almufsedeen (142).
And We have appointed for Moses thirty nights and We completed them with ten, so the appointed time of His Lord was completed as forty nights, and Moses said to His brother Aaron Take My place among My people and Reform and Do not follow the way of the corrupters.

Wa lamma ja-a musa le-meeqatena wa kallamahuo Rabbuhuo qala Rabbi areni anzur elaiyka qala lan tarani wa lakeni aunzur ela aljabali fa-ini estaqarra makanahuo fa-sawfa tarani fa-lamma tajalla Rabbuhuo lel-jabali ja'alahuo dakkan wa kharra musa sa-eqan fa-lamma afaqa qala subhanaka tubtu elaiyka wa ana awwalu almu'meneen (143).
And when Moses came to Our appointed time and His Lord spoke to Him, He said My Lord! Show Me that I may look at You, He said You will not see Me, but Look at the mountain, and if it remains in its place, then You will see Me, but when His Lord appeared to the mountain, He made it crushed, and Moses fell unconscious, and when He became conscious, He said Glory to be You! I have repented to You, and I am the first of the believers.

Qala ya-musa inni estafaiytuka ala alnasi be-resalati wa be-kalami fa-khuz ma ataiytuka wa kun mena alshakereen (144).
He said O Moses! Indeed, I have chosen You over the people with My messages and with My words, so Take what I have given You and Be among the grateful.

Wa katabna lahu fee al-alwahi men kulli shaiy-in maw-ezatan wa tafseelan le-kulli shaiy-in fa-khuzha be-quwwatin wa'mur qawmaka ya'khuzuo be-ahsaneha sa-aureekum dara alfaseqeen (145).
And We wrote for Him on the tablets of everything an admonition, and an explanation for everything, so Take them with strength and Order Your people to take the best of it, I will show You the abode of the disobedient.

Sa-asrifuo an ayatiya allazina yatakabbaruona fee alardi be-ghaiyri alhaqqi wa in yaraww kulla ayatin la you'menuo beha wa in yaraww sabeela alrushdi la yattakhezuhuo sabeelan wa in yaraww sabeela alghayyi yattakhezuhuo sabeelan zaleka be-annahum kazzabuo be-ayatena wa kanuo anha ghafeleen (146).
I will turn away from My signs those who are arrogant in the earth without right, and if they see every sign, they will not believe in it, and if they see the way of right guidance, they will not take it as a way, but if they see the way of error, they will take it as a way, that is because they denied Our signs and were heedless of them.

Wa allazia kazzabuo be-ayatena wa leqa-e al-akherati habitat a'maluhum hal yuzjawna ella ma kanuo ya'maluon (147).
Those who denied Our signs and the meeting of the Hereafter, those, their deeds were nullified, Are they recompensed except for what they used to do?.

Wa-ttakhaza qawmuo musa men ba'dehi men huliyyihim ejlan jasadan lahu khuwarun a-lam yaraww annahuo la youkallemuhum wa la yahdehim sabeelan ettakhazuhuo wakanuo zalemeen (148).
And the people of Moses made after Him from their ornaments a calf, a body with a lowing sound, Did they not see that it could not speak to them nor guide them to a way?, they took it, and they were wrongdoers.

Wa lamma suqeta fee aiydehim wa ra'aww annahum qad dalluo qaluo la-in lam yarhamna Rabbuka wa yaghfir lana la-nakunanna mena alkhasereen (149).
And when they became remorseful, and they saw that they had gone astray, they said if our Lord does not have mercy upon us and forgive us, we will surely be among the losers.

Wa lamma raja-a musa ela qawmehi ghadbana asefan qala be'sama khalaftumuni men ba'di a-ajeltum amra Rabbekum wa alqa al-alwaha wa akhaza bera'si akhehi yajurruhuo elaiyhi qala ibna aumma inna alqawma estad-afuni wa kaduo yaqtulunani fa-la tushmit biya ala'daa wa la taj'alni ma-a alqawmi alzalemeen (150).
And when Moses returned to His people, angry and grieved, He said wretched is that by which you have replaced Me after Me, Do you hasten for the command of Your Lord?, and He threw down the tablets and seized His brother by His head, dragging Him towards Himself, He said O son of My mother! Indeed, the people deemed Me weak and were about to kill Me, so Let not the enemies rejoice over Me and Do not place Me among the wrongdoing people. 

Qala Rabbi eghfir lee wa le-akhi wa adkhelna fee rahmateka wa anta arhamuo alrahemeen (151).
He said My Lord! Forgive Me and My brother and Admit Us into Your mercy, and You are the Most Merciful of the merciful.

Inna allazina ettakhazuo al-ejla sa-yanaluhum ghadabun men Rabbehim wa zellatun fee alhayati alduonya wa kazaleka najzee almuftareen (152).
Indeed, those who have taken the calf will obtain wrath from their Lord and humiliation in the worldly life, and thus We recompense the inventors. 

Wa allazina ameluo alsayyi-ati thumma tabuo men ba'deha wa amanuo inna Rabbaka men ba'deha la-ghafurun Raheem (153).
And those who have done evil deeds and then repented after that and believed, indeed, Your Lord after that is surely All-Forgiving, Most Merciful.

Wa lamma sakata an Musa alghadabu akhaza al-alwaha wa fee nuskhateha hudan wa rahmatun le-llazina hum le-Rabbehim yarhabuon (154).
And when the anger subsided in Moses, He took up the tablets, and in their inscription was guidance and mercy for those who are fearful of their Lord.

Wa-khtara Musa qawmahuo sab-eena rajulan le-meeqatena fa-lamma akhazat-humuo alrajfatuo qala Rabbi laww she'ta ahlaktahum men qabluo wa iyyaya a-tuhlekuna bema fa'ala alsufaha-uo menna in heiya ella fetnatuka tudelluo beha man tasha-uo wa tahdi man tasha-uo anta waliyyuna fa-ghfir lana wa-rhamna wa anta khairuo alghafereen (155).
And when Moses chose from His people seventy men for Our appointed time, and when the earthquake seized them, He said My Lord! If You had willed, You could have destroyed them before and Me, Would You destroy us for what the foolish among us have done?, it is nothing but Your trial by which You let go astray whom You will and guide whom You will, You are our Protector, so Forgive us, and Have mercy on us, and you are the Best of the forgivers. 

Wa-ktub lana fe hazehi alduonya hasanatan wa fee al-akherati hasanatan inna hudna elaiyka qala azabi auseebuo behi man asha-uo wa rahmati wase'at kulla shaiy-in fasa-aktubuha le-llazina yattaquona wa you'tuna alzakata wa allazina hum be-ayatena you'menuon (156).
And Decree for us in this world good and in the Hereafter, indeed, we have turned to You, He said My punishment, I will afflict with it whom I will, but My mercy encompasses all things, so I will decree it for those who fear, and give the Zakah, and those who believe in Our verses.

Allazina yattabe-uona alrasula alnabiyya al-aummiyya allazi yajedunahuo maktuban endahum fee al-tawrati wa al-enjili ya'muruhum bel-ma'rufi wa yanhahum ani almunkari wa you-helluo lahumuo altayyibati wa youharremuo alaiyhimuo alkhaba-etha wa yada'uo anhum esrahum wa al-aghlala allati kanat alaiyhim fa-allazina amanuo behi wa azzaruhuo wa nasaruhuo wa-ttaba-uo alnoora allazi aunzela ma-ahuo aulaeka humuo almuflehuon (157).
Those who follow the Messenger, the illiterate Prophet whom they find written with them in the Torah and the Gospel who enjoins the right upon them, and forbids them from the wrong, and makes lawful for them the good things and prohibits for them the wicked deeds, and relieves them of their burden and the shackles which were upon them, so those who believe in Him and venerate Him and help Him and follow the light which has been sent down with Him, those are the successful.

Qul ya-ayyuha alnasuo inni rasuluo Allahi elaiykum jamee-an allazi lahu mulkuo alsamawati wa alardi la ilaha ella huwa yuhyi wa youmeetuo fa-amenuo be-llahi wa rasulehi alnabiyyi al-aummiyyi allazi you'menuo be-llahi wa kalematehi wa-ttabe-uhuo la-allakum tahtaduon (158).
Say O people! Indeed, I am the Messenger of Allah to you all, the One to whom belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth, there is no God but He, He gives life and causes death, so Believe in Allah and His Messenger, the illiterate Prophet who believes in Allah and His words, and Follow Him so that you may be guided.

Wa men qawmi musa aummatun yahduona bel-haqqi wa behi ya'deluon (159).
And among the people of Moses is a community which guides by the truth and they do justice thereby.

Wa qatta'nahumuo ethantayy ashrata asbatan aummaman wa awhaiyna ela musa iz estasqahuo qawmuhuo ani edrib be-asaka alhajara fa-nbajasat menhuo ethnata ashrata aiynan qad alema kulluo aunasin mashrabahum wa zallalna alaiyhimuo alghamama wa anzalna alaiyhemu almanna wa alsalwa kuluo men tayyibati ma razaqnakum wa ma zalamuona wa laken kanuo anfusahum yazlemuon (160).
And We divided them into twelve descendant tribes, nations, and We inspired to Moses when His people asked Him for water that Strike with Your stick the stone, then there gushed forth from it twelve springs, indeed, every people knew their drinking place, and We shaded them with clouds and sent down upon them the Mann and the Salwa Eat from the good things which We have provided You, and they did not wrong Us, but they were wronging themselves.

Wa iza qeela lahumuo eskunuo hazehi alqaryata wa kuluo menha haiythuo she'tum wa quluo hettatun wa-dkhuluo albaba sujjadan naghfir lakum khati-atekum sa-nazeeduo almuhseneen (161).
And when it was said to them Dwell in this town and Eat from it wherever you wish and Say Relieve us of our burden and Enter the gate prostrating, We will forgive you your sins, We will increase the good doers.

Fa-baddala allazina zalamuo menhum qawlan ghaiyra allazi qeela lahum fa-arsalna alaiyhim rejzan mena alsama-e be-ma kanuo yazlemuon (162).
But those who wronged among them changed to a word other than what had been said to them, so We sent upon them a punishment from the sky because they were doing wrong.

Wa-s'alhum ani alqaryati allati kanat haderata albahri iz ya'duona fee alsabti iz ta'tehim hetanuhum yawma sabtehim shurra-an wa yawma la yasbetuona la ta'tehim ka-zaleka nabluhum be-ma kanuo yafsuquon (163).
And Ask them about the town that was by the sea, when they transgressed on the Sabbath, when their fish came to them visibly on their Sabbath day, and the day they had no Sabbath, they did not come to them, thus, We test them because they were disobeying.

Wa iz qalat aummatun menhum lema ta-ezuona qawman Allahu muhlekuhum aww mu'azzebuhum azaban shadeedan qaluo ma'zeratan ela Rabbekum wa la-allahum yattaquon (164).
And when a community among them said Why do you admonish a people whom Allah is going to destroy or to punish them with a severe punishment?, they said, an excuse before your Lord and that they may fear.

Fa-lamma nasuo ma zukkeruo behi anjaiyna allazina yanhawna ani alsu-e wa akhazna allazina zalamuo be-azabin ba-esin be-ma kanuo yafsuquon (165).
And when they forgot that by which they had been reminded, We saved those who had forbidden from the evil and seized those who wronged with a wretched punishment because they were disobeying.

Fa-lamma ataww an ma nuhuo anhuo qulna lahum kunuo qeradatan khase-een (166).
So when they rebelled against that which they had been forbidden, We said to them Be apes, despised.

Wa iz ta-azzana Rabbuka la-yab-athanna alaiyhim ela yawmi alqiyamati man yasumuhum su-a alazabi inna Rabbaka la-saree-uo aleqabi wa innahuo la-ghafurun Raheem (167).
And when Your Lord declared that He would surely send upon them until the day of resurrection those who would afflict them with the worst of punishment, indeed, Your Lord is Swift in punishing, and indeed, He is surely All-Forgiving, Most Merciful.
Wa qatta'nahum fee alardi aumaman menhumuo alsalehuona wa menhum duona zaleka wa balawnahum bel-hasanati wa alsayyi-ati la-allahum yarje-uon (168).
And We divided them throughout the earth into communities, of them some were righteous and of them some were otherwise, and we tested them with the good and the evils, so that they may return.

Fa-khalafa men be'dehim khalfun warethuo alketaba ya'khuzuona arada haza al-adna wa yaquluona sa-youghfaruo lana wa in ya'tehim aradun methluhuo ya'khuzuhuo a-lam you'khaz alaiyhim methaquo alketabi an la yaquluo ala Allahi ella alhaqqa wa darasuo ma feehi wa aldaruo al-akheratuo khaiyrun le-llazina yattaquona afa-la ta'qeluon (169).
Then succeeded from after them successors who inherited the Book taking the gain of this, the lower, and saying it will be forgiven for us, and if a gain like it comes to them, they will take it, Was not the covenant of the Book taken from them that they would not say about Allah except the truth while they studied what is in it?, and the abode of the Hereafter is better for those who fear, then Will you not understand?.

Wa allazina youmassekuna bel-ketabi wa aqamuo alsalata inna la nude-uo ajra almusleheen (170).
But those who hold fast to the Book and establish the prayer, indeed, We will not waste the reward of the reformers.

Wa iz nataqna aljabala fawqahum ka-annahuo zullatun wa zannuo annahuo waqe-on behim khuzuo ma ataiynakum be-quwwatin wa-zkuruo ma feehi la-allakum tattaquon (171).
And when We raised the mountain above them as if it were a canopy and they thought that it would fall upon them Take what We have given you with strength, and Remember what is in it so that you may fear.

Wa iz akhaza Rabbuka men bani Adama men zuhurehim zurriyyatahum wa ashhadahum ala anfusehim a-lastuo be-Rabbekum qaluo bala shahedna an taquluo yawma alqiyamati inna kunna an haza ghafeleen (172).
And when Your Lord took from the Children of Adam from their backs their progeny, and made them bear witness against themselves Am I not your Lord?, they said yes, we have witnessed lest you should say on the day of resurrection indeed, we were of this unaware.

Aww taqulo innama ashraka aba-uona men qabluo wa kunna zurriyyatan men ba'dehim afa-tuhlekuna be-ma fa-ala almubteluon (173).
Or you say it was only that our fathers have associated before, and we were a progeny after them, then Would You destroy us for what the adherent of falsehood have done?.

Wa kazaleka nufasseluo al-ayati wa la-allahum yarje-uon (174).
And thus We explain in details the verses and so that they may return.

Wa-tluo alayhim naba-a allazi ataiynahuo ayatena fa-nsalakha menha fa-atba-ahuo alshaiytanuo fa-kana mena alghaween (175).
And Recite to them the news of the one whom We gave Our signs, but he wriggled out from them, so Satan followed him, and he became of the deviators.

Wa laww she'na la-rafa'nahuo beha wa lakennahuo akhlada ela alardi wa-ttaba-a hawahuo fa-mathaluhuo ka-mathali alkalbi in tahmil alaiyhi yalhath aww tatruk-huo yalhath zaleka mathaluo alqawmi allazina kazzabuo be-ayatena fa-qsusi alqasasa la-allahum yatafakkaruon (176).
And if We had willed, We could surely have raised him thereby, but he adhered to the earth and followed his desire, so his example is like that of the dog, if you chase him, he pants, or if you leave him, he pants, that is the example of the people who denied Our signs, so Narrate the stories so that they might give thought.

Sa-a mathalan alqawmi allazina kazzabuo be-ayatena wa anfusahum kanuo yazlemuon (177).
Evil is the example of the people who denied Our signs and they used to wrong themselves.

Man yahdi ellahu fa-huwa almuhtadi wa man youdlil fa-aulaeka humuo alkhaseruon (178).
Whoever Allah guides, then he is the guided one, and whoever He lets go astray, then those are the losers. 

Wa-laqad zara'na le-jahannama katheeran mena aljinni wa alinsi lahum qulubun la yafqahuona beha wa lahum a'yunun la youbseruona beha wa lahum azanun la yasma-uona beha, aulaeka kal-an-ami bal hum adalluo aulaeka humuo alghafeluon (179).
And indeed, We have created for Hellfire many of the Jinn and mankind, they have hearts with which they do not understand, they have eyes with which they do not see, and they have ears with which they do not hear, those are like the cattle, rather they are more astray, those are the heedless ones.

Wa le-llahi al-asmauo alhusna fad-uhuo beha wa zaruo allazina yuolheduona fee asma-ehi sa-yuojzawna ma kanuo ya'maluon (180).
And to Allah belong the Most Beautiful Names, so Call Him by them, and Leave those who distort in His Names, they will be recompensed for what they used to do.

Wa memman khalaqna aummatun yahduona bel-haqqi wa behi ya'deluon (181).
And among those whom We have created is a community which guides by the truth and they do justice thereby.

Wa allazina kazzabuo be-ayatena sa-nastadrejuhum men haiythuo la ya'lamuon (182).
But those who denied Our signs, We will progressively lead them from where they do not know.

Wa aumli lahum inna kaiydi mateen (183).
And I give them time, indeed, My plan is firm.

Awa-lam yatafakkaruo ma be-sahebehim men jinnatin in huwa ella nazeerun mubeen (184).
Do they not give thought?, there is in their companion no madness?, He is only a clear warner.

Awa-lam yanzuruo fee malakuti alsamawati wa alardi wa ma khalaqa Allahu men shaiy-in wa an asa an yakuna qadi eqtaraba ajaluhum fa-be-ayyi hadethin ba'dahuo you'menuon (185).
Do they not look into the kingdom of the heavens and the earth and everything that Allah has created and that perhaps their term has come near?, so in what statement after it will they believe?.

Man youdleli ellahu fa-la hadiya lahuo wa yazaruhum fee tughyanehim ya'mahuon (186).
Whoever Allah lets go astray, then there is no guide for him, and He leaves them in their transgression, wandering.

Yas-alunaka ani alsa-ati ayyana mursaha qul innama elmuha enda Rabbi la youjalleha le-waqteha ella huwa thaqulat fee alsamawati wa alardi la ta'teekum ella baghtatan yas-alunaka ka-annaka hafiyyun anha qul innama elmuha enda Allahi wa lakenna akthara alnasi la ya'lamuon (187).
They ask You about the Hour when is its arrival?, Say its knowledge is only with My Lord, none will reveal it in its time except Him, it lays heavily upon the heavens and the earth, it will not come upon you except suddenly, they ask You as if You are knowledgeable of it, Say its knowledge is only with Allah, but most of the people do not know.  

Qul la amlekuo le-nasfi naf'an wa la darran ella ma sha-a Allahu wa laww kuntuo a'lamuo alghaiyba la-stakthartuo mena alkhaiyri wa ma massaniya alsu-uo in ana ella nazeerun wa basheerun le-qawmin you'menuon (188).
Say I do not possess benefit nor harm to Myself except what Allah wills, and if I had known the unseen, I would have increased of the good, and the evil would not have touched Me, I am only a warner and a bearer of glad tidings to a people who believe. 

Huwa allazi khalaqakum men nafsin wahedatin wa ja-ala menha zawjaha le-yaskuna elaiyha fa-lamma taghashshaha hamalat hamlan khafifian fa-marrat behi fa-lamma athqalat da-awa Allaha Rabbahuma la-in ataiytana salehan la-nakunanna mena al-shakereen (189).
He is the One who created you from one soul, and made from it its spouse, so that he may find tranquility in her, and when he covers her, she carries a light burden and passes with it, and when she becomes heavy, they both invoke Allah, their Lord, if You should give us a good, we would surely be among the grateful.

Fa-lamma atahuma salehan ja-ala lahuo shuraka-a feema atahuma fata'ala Allahu amma youshrekuon (190).
But when He gives them a good, they both attribute partners to Him in what He has given them, so Exalted is Allah above what they associate.

A-youshrekuona ma la yakhluquo shaiy-an wa hum youkhlaquon (191).
Do they associate those who do not create anything and they are created?.

Wa la yastate-uona lahum nasran wa la anfusahum yansuruon (192).
And they can not give them any help nor can they help themselves.

Wa-in tad-uhum ela alhuda la yattabe-ukum sawa-on alaiykum ada-awtumuhum am antum sametuon (193).
And if you call them to the guidance, they will not follow you, it is the same for you whether you call them or you are silent.

Inna allazina tad-uona men duoni ellahi ebadun amthalukum fad-uhum fal-yastajeebuo lakum in kuntum sadeqeen (194).
Indeed, those whom you call upon besides Allah are servants like you, so Call upon them, and let them respond to you if you are truthful.

A-lahum arjulun yamshuona beha am lahum aiydin yabteshuona beha am lahum a'yunun youbseruona beha am lahum azanun yasma-uona beha quli ed-uo shuraka-akum thumma keduoni fa-la tunzeruon (195).
Do they have legs by which they walk, or Do they have hands by which they seize, or Do they have eyes by which they see?, or Do they have ears by which they hear?, Say Call your partners, and then Plan against Me then Do not give Me respite.

Inna waliyyiya Allahu allazi nazzala alketaba wa huwa yatawalla alsaleheen (196).
Indeed, My Protector is Allah, the One who has sent down the Book, and He protects the righteous.

Wa allazina tad-uona men duonehi la yastatee-uona nasrakum wa la anfusahum yansuruon (197).
And those whom you call besides Him can not give you any help nor can they help themselves.

Wa-in tad-uhum ela alhuda la yasma-uo wa tarahum yanzuruona elaiyka wa hum la youbseruon (198).
And if you call them to the guidance, they do not hear, and You see them looking at You while they do not see.

Khuzi al-afwa wa'mur bel-urfi wa a'red ani aljaheleen (199)
Hold to forgiveness, and Enjoin what is right, and Turn away from the ignorant.

Wa imma yanza-ghannaka mena alshaiytani nazghun fasta-iz be-llahi innahuo Samee-on Aleem (200).
And if a whisper comes to you from Satan, an evil whisper, then Seek refuge in Allah, indeed, He is All-Hearing, All-Knower.

Inna allazina ettaqaww iza massahum ta-efun mena alshaiytani tazakkaruo fa-iza hum mubseruon (201).
Indeed, those who fear, when a visitation from Satan touches them, they remember, then behold! They have insight. 

Wa ekhwanuhum yamuddunahum fee alghayyi thumma la youqseruon (202).
But their brothers increase them in the error, then they do not fall short.

Wa-iza lam ta'tehim be-ayatin qaluo laww la ejtabaytaha qul innama attabe-uo ma youha ilayya men Rabbi haza basa-eruo men Rabbekum wa hudan wa rahmatun le-qawmin you'menuon (203).
And when You do not bring them a sign, they say Why have You not devised it?, Say I only follow what is revealed to Me from My Lord, this is enlightenment from your Lord and guidance and mercy for a people who believe.

Wa iza qure'a alquranuo fa-stame-uo lahuo wa ansetuo la-allakum turhamuon (204).
So when the Quran is recited, then Listen to it and Be silent so that you may receive mercy. 

Wa-zkur Rabbaka fee nafseka tadarru-an wa khifatan wa duona aljahri mena alqawli bel-ghuduwwi wa al-asali wa la takun mena alghafeleen (205).
And Remember Your Lord within Yourself humbly and in fear, and without loudness of the words in the morning and the evening, and Do not be among the heedless.

Inna allazina enda Rabbeka la yastakberuona an ebadatehi wa yousabbehunahuo wa lahuo yasjuduon  ۩ (206).
Indeed, those who are with Your Lord are not arrogant to worship Him, and they glorify Him, and to Him they prostrate. 
۩- Prostration of recitation.

Simplified interpretation:

 Surat Ala'raf begins with four letters of the Arabic language, just like 28 Surahs of the Holy Quran that start with individual letters ranging from one to five letters. It is noticeable that in all 29 Surahs the book or the Holy Quran is mentioned whether it is immediately after these letters or it is included in the Surah or even at the end of it. It is a challenge from Allah, Almighty, to the infidels of Quraish, as if Allah says to them this is the book in the letters of the language you speak, but you will not be able to produce the like of it, and He has already challenged them in Aya (88) of Surat Alisraa "Say, if mankind and the Jinn gathered in order to produce the like of this Quran, they could not produce the like of it, even if they were to each other assistants". As for the current Surah, it begins with four letters "Alif, Lam, Meem, and Sad" or "A, L, M, and S" in English followed by "A book sent down to You, so Let there not be in Your breast hardship therefrom, that You may warn thereby and a reminder to the believers", but the knowledge of these letters remains with Allah, the Lord of the worlds. And as narrated by Aisha: "The Messenger of Allah recited Surat Ala'raf in Maghrib Prayer and split it between two rak'ahs" (Sunan Alnasai 991).

 Allah Almighty says in the first three verses (1-3) "Alif Lam Meem Sad, a book sent down to You, so Let there not be in Your breast hardship therefrom, that You may warn thereby and a reminder to the believers, Follow what has been sent down to you from your Lord, and Do not follow besides Him any protectors, little is what you be reminded", that is, Allah addressed His Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) saying that He has sent down to Him the Holy Quran, and commanded Him not to have hardship in His breast from conveying the Holy Quran to His people, so You just have to convey it, and Do not be embarrassed about it, that You may warn the disbelievers, and the Holy Quran is a reminder to the believers; because they reflect on its verses and act according to it, so it brings them out from the falsehood to the truth and from the darknesses of disbelief to the light of belief, so Allah commanded mankind to follow what has been sent down from Him, so they comply to His commands and His prohibitions, follow His Messenger, do not deviate from what He has brought them from His Lord, and Do not follow besides Allah any Protectors of idols and false gods for they will not benefit them, but rather they will disavow them on the day of resurrection, but little is what they be reminded by Allah's arguments and proofs that He has made clear in the Holy Quran.

 Allah Almighty says in the next four verses (4-7) "And how many of a town We have destroyed, and Our Punishment came to them at night or while they are napping, and their declaration when Our punishment came to them was only that they said indeed, we were wrongdoers, then We will surely ask those to whom was sent, and We will surely ask the Messengers, then We will surely narrate to them with knowledge, and We were not absent", that is, Allah warns the polytheists of Quraish who opposed Allah and His Messenger saying that He has destroyed many town before them when they disobeyed Allah, denied their Messengers, and persisted on disbelief, so Allah's punishment and vengeance came upon them while they were heedless either at night or while they were having a midday nap, but they were certain that the punishment would befall them, so they confessed their wrongdoing, and their declaration was only that they said we were wrongdoers, and this saying continued to be their cry till they perished and their movements and sounds were stopped as Allah has stated in Aya (15) of Surat Alanbiyaa.

 So on the day of resurrection, Allah will surely ask the nations about what they responded to His Messengers regarding what He has sent them with, so What did they do regarding Allah's commands and prohibitions, Did they do what He ordered them to do and refrain from what He forbade them to do, or Did they disobey Him and His Messengers?, and Allah's Messenger said in narration of Audai bin Hatim: "There will be none among you but his Lord will speak to him, he would see towards his right and would not find anything but what he has done before, and he would see towards the left and would not find anything but what he had done before, he would see in front of him and would find nothing but fire just before his face, so protect yourselves against fire even if it is with half a date" (Sahih Muslim 1016 b). Likewise, Allah will surely ask the Messengers about conveying His messages, Did they convey His message to their people or Did they fall short and did not convey them?, for they will be witnesses over their people as Allah has stated in Aya (41) of Surat Alnisa', thereupon, Allah will ask mankind about what they did in the worldly life as a reprimand, and will ask the Messengers to be witnesses over their people despite His full knowledge of everything they did of evil and good whether they conceal it or declare it, so He will narrate to them on the day of resurrection all their deeds with knowledge, and He will bring forth for every man a book in which He has enumerated all this deeds, and will say to him "Read your book, sufficient is yourself against you this day as accountant" as mentioned in Aya (14) of Surat Alisraa, and Allah was not unaware of what His servants did of good or evil, but rather He is a Witness over everything and nothing of their affair is hidden from Him.

 Allah Almighty says in the next two verses (8,9) "And the weighing that day will be the truth, then the one whose scales are heavy, then those are the successful, but the one whose scales are light, then those are the ones who have lost themselves because they used to be unjust to Our verses", that is, on the day of resurrection, all people will be brought before the scales of justice for the weighing of their deeds, and the weighing that day will be the truth for no soul will be wronged in anything, and if there is the weight of a grain of mustardAllah will bring it forth as He has stated in Aya (47) of Surat Alanbiyaa, then mankind will be divided into two groups; the first one is the ones whose scales are heavy, they are the believers whose their good deeds more than their bad deeds, so they are the successful ones for they will be saved from Hellfire and will enter Paradise, but as for the second group, they are the ones whose scales are light because their bad deeds are more than their good deeds, and as a recompense for their evil deeds, they will lost themselves in Hellfire because they used to be unjust to Allah's verses, and they used to deny Allah's argument and proofs. 

 And as narrated by Abdullah bin Amro bin Alas that the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said: "Indeed, Allah will distinguish a man from My Ummah before all of creation on the day of resurrection, ninety-nine scroll will be laid out for him, each scroll is as far as the eye can see, then He will say Do you deny any of this?, Have those who recorded this wronged you?, he will say No, O Lord! He will say Do you have an excuse?, He will say No O Lord! So He will say rather you have a good deed with Us, so you shall not be wronged today, then He will bring out a card ''Bitaqah''; on it will be ''I testify that there is no god but Allah, and I testify that Muhammad is His servant and Messenger", He will say Bring your scales, he will say O Lord! What good is this card next to these scrolls, He will say you shall not be wronged, He said the scrolls will be put on a pan (of the scale) and the card on the other pan, the scrolls will be light, and the card will be heavy, nothing is heavier than the Name of Allah" (Jami' Altirmidhi 2639).

 Allah Almighty says in the next two verses (10,11) "And indeed, We have established you in the earth and made for you therein livelihoods, little is what you give thanks, and indeed, We have created you, and given you form, then We said to the Angels Prostrate to Adam, and they prostrated except for Iblis, he was not of those who prostrated", that is, Allah cites some of His favors that He has bestowed upon mankind saying that He has established them in the earth as He has made the earth a habitation and a place of rest for mankind and subjected to them all that is in it of soil, animals, mountains, seas, oceans, and many other things, and Allah has facilitated for mankind the means of livelihood and gains, but little is what mankind give thanks to their Lord for what He has bestowed upon them, and they have not appraised Him with true appraisal. Then Allah assures that He has created all mankind, and He has begun the creation of Adam, peace be upon Him, from clay, then He has made his progeny from an extract of disdained water as mentioned in Aya (8) of Surat Alsajdah, and Allah has created man in the most perfect of forms. When Allah created Adam, formed Him in the perfect creation, and breathed into Him from His Spirit, He commanded the Angels to prostrate to Adam, so they all prostrated before Adam except for Iblis (Satan), he was not one of the Angels, but he was one of the Jinn, and he rebelled against Allah's command as Allah has stated in Aya (50) of Surat Alkahf, so he was not of those who prostrated before Adam.

 Allah Almighty says in the next four verses (12-15) "He said What prevented you that you did not prostrate when I commanded you?, he said I am better than him, You created me from fire and created him from clay, He said Go down from it, for it is not for you to be arrogant therein, so Get out, indeed, you are of the despised, he said Respite me until the day they are resurrected, He said indeed, you are of those given respite", that is, Allah asked Iblis about what prevented him from prostrating to Adam when He commanded him to do so, but Iblis showed arrogance and claimed that he is better than Adam; because he was created from fire and Adam was created from clay, and the fire is better than the clay in his claim for it burns the clay, thereupon, Allah expelled Iblis from Paradise and commanded him to descend from it for it is not for him to be arrogant in Paradise, disdaining the command of his Lord for the inhabitants of Paradise are not arrogant to worship Allah as will come later in Aya (206), so Allah said to him Go out of Paradise, indeed, you are of those humiliated. Then Iblis asked Allah not to die, and to delay him until the day all creation will be resurrected, so Allah delayed Him until the day of resurrection.

 Allah Almighty says in the next three verses (16-18) "He said because You have let me astray, I will surely sit for them on Your straight path, then I will come to them from before them and from behind them and on their right and on their left, and You will not find most of them grateful, He said Get out from it, reprehensible, banished, whoever follows you among them, I will surely fill Hellfire with you, all together", that is, Iblis said to Allah just as You let me astray because Adam, I will surely sit for the Children of Adam on your straight path, so I will lead them astray from the path of truth and salvation, and will adorn the falsehood for them until they perish as I perished and go astray as I went astray, so that they will not worship You, and I will not leave a path of truth and falsehood except that I will come to them from, so I will come to them from before them, from behind them, from their right and from their left, so I will turn them away from the truth and adorn falsehood to them, so I will adorn the worldly life and it pleasures to them, I will make them doubt about the Hereafter that there will be no resurrection nor Paradise, nor Hellfire, I will keep them away from doing good deeds, and I will encourage them to do evil deeds, and You will not find most of them grateful for the blessings that you have bestowed upon them, so most of them will not acknowledge Your oneness nor will they follow Your commands and prohibitions, but rather, most of them will associate others with You, thereupon, Allah said to Iblis, Get out of Paradise reprehensible for your bad behavior and actions, humiliated, and banished from Allah's mercy, then Allah promised him that He will fill Hellfire on the day of resurrection with him and whoever follows him from among the children of Adam, and Iblis has found his assumption true about them, so they followed him except a group of the believers, as Allah has stated in Aya (20) of Surat Saba'.

 Allah Almighty says in the next three verses (19-21) "And O Adam Dwell you and your wife in Paradise and Eat you both from wherever you both wish, and do not approach this tree lest you both will be of the wrongdoers, then Satan whispered to both of them to make apparent to them what was concealed from both of them of their private parts, he said your Lord did not forbid both of you this tree except that you become two Angels or become of the immortal, and he swore to both of them, indeed, I am to both of you of the advisors", that is, Allah commanded Adam and his wife Eve to dwell in Paradise, and allowed both of them to eat from its fruits from wherever they wished, and forbade both of them from approaching the fruit of a certain tree lest both of them will be among the wrongdoers who wrong themselves by disobeying the command of their Lord. But Satan whispered to both of them and deceived both of them in order to make apparent to them what was covered from both of them of their private parts, so he said to both of them that Allah did not forbid them to eat from that tree except that they become two Angels or become of the immortal, and he swore to both of them that he is of the sincere advisors to both of them, so he swore to both of them till he deceived both of them and convinced them that eating from that tree will lead them to eternity and a kingdom that will not deteriorate as he said to Adam "O Adam shall I direct you to the tree of eternity and a kingdom that will not deteriorate" as Allah has stated in Aya (120) of Surat Ta Ha

 Allah Almighty says in the next two verses (22,23) "So he made both of them fall through deception, then when they both tasted the tree, their private parts became apparent to both of them, and they both began to fasten on themselves from the leaves of Paradise, and their Lord called them both Did I not forbid you both from that tree and say to both of you that Satan is a clear enemy to both of you?, both of them said Our Lord, we have wronged ourselves, and if You do not forgive us and have mercy upon us, we will surely be among the losers", that is, Satan made Adam and Eve fall through deception when he swore falsely that he is a sincere advisor to both of them, so Adam and Eve disobeyed Allah's command and they both ate from the tree, but when they tasted it, their private parts became apparent to both of them, then they both began to cover their private parts by the leaves of Paradise, then Allah called Adam and Eve saying Did I not forbid you both from that tree and say to both of you that Satan is a clear enemy to both of you?, where Allah called Adam saying '' O Adam, indeed, this is an enemy to you and to your wife, then let him not expel you both from Paradise, so that you would face hardship" as mentioned in Aya (117) of Surat Ta Ha. So Adam and Eve confessed their wrongdoing and returned to Allah in repentance saying Our Lord we have wronged ourselves by disobeying You and obeying Iblis, and if You do not forgive us our sins and have mercy upon us, we will surely be among the losers.

 Allah Almighty says in the next two verses (24,25) "He said Go down, being enemies to one another, and for you on the earth is a place of residence and an enjoyment for a time, He said therein you will live and therein you will die and from it you will be brought out", that is, Allah ordered Adam, Eve, and Satan to descend from Paradise to the earth, all of them, they are enemies to one another, Adam and His offspring and Satan and His offspring, and Allah assured them that for them on the earth is a place of residence on the surface of the earth during their lives, and in its soil after their death, and an enjoyment in the worldly life for an appointed time that only Allah knows, then Allah assured them that the earth is their abode for the duration of the worldly life, so it is a dwelling place on which they will live, and a grave when they die, and from it they will be brought out for reckoning on the day of resurrection.  

 Allah Almighty says in the next two verses (26,27) "O Children of Adam! Indeed, We have sent down to you clothing to conceal your private parts and as adornment, but the clothing of righteousness, that is better, that is from the signs of Allah, so that they may be reminded, O Children of Adam! Let not Satan tempt you as he drove out your parents from Paradise, stripping both of them of their clothes to show both of them their private parts, indeed, he sees you, he and his tribe, from where you do not see them, indeed, We have made the devils allies to those who do not believe", that is, Allah has bestowed upon the Children of Adam clothing with which they cover their private parts, and as adornment by which they are beautified outwardly, so it is obligatory for mankind to cover their private parts from others. But Allah assures that the clothing of righteousness is better than any other clothing, so what is the benefit of covering the body along with polytheism and the lack of fear of Allah, but whoever wears the clothing of righteousness will fear Allah outwardly and inwardly, so he will cover his body, will follow Allah's commands, and will act in obedience to Him, and the clothes is from the signs of Allah where He is the One who sends down rain that causes cotton and flax to grow so that man makes clothes from them, and He is the One who creates the livestock from which are wool and fur to make clothes also, so that they may be reminded and fear Allah and wear what Allah has provided for them and do not obey the command of Satan in stripping and nakedness, for he tempts man to strip him from the clothing that Allah has bestowed upon him just as he has tempted Adam and Eve in Paradise.

 So Allah warns the Children of Adam against Satan's enmity towards their father Adam, saying O Children of Adam! Let not Satan tempt you from obeying the command of your Lord as he did to your parents, Adam and Eve, when he deceived them and urged them to eat from the forbidden tree as shown above in Aya (22), and they obeyed him and disobeyed Allah's command, so he drove them out from Paradise with his deception, stripping both of them of their clothes to show both of them their private parts, so Satan caused both of them to descend from the blessings that they were in to the world of hardships and misery, so Do not follow him lest you would perish. Then Allah assures that Satan and his descendants see mankind from where they do not see them, and Allah has made the devils allies to the infidels who do not believe in Allah, His Messenger, and His books, so the devils whisper evil and denial of the truth to them, and they follow their commands.

 Allah Almighty says in the next three verses (28-30) "And when they do an immorality, they say we found our fathers on it, and Allah has ordered us of it, Say indeed, Allah does not order immorality, Do you say about Allah what you do not know, Say My Lord has ordered justice, and Set your faces at every mosque, and Call upon Him, being sincere to Him in religion, as He began you, you will return, a party He guided, and a party upon whom the error has come true, indeed, they had taken the devils as protectors besides Allah while they thought that they are guided", that is, Allah assures that when the polytheists do an immorality like their circumambulating around the Ka'bah (Tawaf) nakedly, they said that they found their forefathers were doing what they do, so they follow their footsteps, and do what their forefathers used to do, and that Allah has ordered them to do it, thereupon, Allah commanded His Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) to say to them that Allah does not order immorality and evil deeds, Do you say about Allah what you do not know and invent a lie against Him?, so Allah command His Messenger to say to them My Lord has ordered justice and uprightness, so Allah commanded them to set their faces at every mosque or every place of worship and prayer, so Set your faces towards Allah alone, being upright in His worship, and Call upon Him alone, being sincere to Him in religion, and not to associate anything with Him, then Allah assures that as He began the creation of mankind, He will repeat their creation and resurrect them from the graves for reckoning on the day of resurrection, then mankind will be divided into two groups, the guided ones whom Allah has guided and enabled them to do good deeds in the worldly life, so they were guided, and the wretched ones upon whom the error has come true, as they strayed from the path of Allah for they had taken the devils as protectors besides Allah out of their ignorance of the error in which they were, rather they thought that they were on guidance and truth.

 Allah Almighty says in the next verse (31) "O Children of Adam! Take your adornment at every mosque, and Eat and Drink, but Do not be extravagant, indeed, He does not love the extravagant", that is, Allah commanded the Children of Adam to take their adornment and wear their clothes and not to be naked at every mosque or every place of worship and prayer, where the infidels used to circumambulate around the Ka'bah nakedly except for the people of Quraish as narrated by Aisha: "During Aljahiliyah (Pre-Islamic era), the people used to perform Tawaf around the Ka'bah naked except for the Hums, and the Hums were Quraish and their offspring. The Hums used to give clothes to the men who would perform the Tawaf wearing them, and women used to give clothes to the women who would perform the Tawaf wearing them, those to whom the Hums did not give clothes would perform the Tawaf around the Ka'bah naked" (Sahih Albukhari 1665). And as narrated by Ibn Abbas: "During Aljahiliyah, women used to circumambulate around the Ka'bah nakedly, and said Who would provide cloth to cover the one who is circumambulating the Ka'bah, so that she would cover her private parts?, and then she would say today will be exposed the whole or the part, and what is exposed I shall not make it lawful. It was in this connection that verse was revealed Take your adornment at every mosque" (Sahih Muslim 3028). Thereupon, it is desirable for the Muslim men to adorn themselves when going to the mosque or any place of prayer especially on Friday and the Eid, so they wear good and clean clothes and the best clothes is the white clothes, where as narrated by Abdullah bin Abbas that the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said: "Wear your white garments for they are amongst your best garments, and shroud your dead in them, among the best types of Kohl you use is Antimony (Ithmid), it clears the sight and makes the hair sprout" (Sunan Abu Dawood 3878). And it desirable for them to use perfume for it is a part of adornment, but it is forbidden for women to use perfume in the presence of Non-mahram men, and to use the Siwak, which is the root of the Arak tree, and is used to clean the teeth, and Allah's Messenger said narration of Abu Hurayrah: "If I had not found it hard for My Ummah, or the people, I would have ordered them to use Siwak for every prayer" (Sahih Albukhari 887).

 Then Allah commanded the people to eat and drink from what He has provided for them, lawful and good things, and not to be extravagant for He does not love the extravagant in food and drink, so Allah has permitted man to eat and drink as long as he is not extravagant, so let him eat what satisfies hunger and thirst, and does not lead himself to excessive satiety with food and drink so that it does restrict breathing and negatively affecting the rest of organs and body, and Allah's Messenger (PBUH) said in narration of Miqdam bin Ma'dikarib: "The human does not fill any container that is worse than his stomach, it is sufficient for the son of Adam to eat what will support his back. If this is not possible, then a third for food, a third for drink, and third for his breath" (Jami'a Altirmidhi 2380). So the believer is satisfied with a little food and drink which satisfy his hunger and thirst, where as narrated by Abu Hurayrah that Allah's Messenger said: "The Muslim eats in one intestine while the disbeliever eats in seven intestines" (Sahih Albukhari 5396).

 Allah Almighty says in the next verse (32) "Say Who has forbidden the adornment of Allah which He has brought forth for His servants and the good things of provision?, Say they are for those who believed in the worldly life exclusively on the day of resurrection, thus We explain in details the verses for a people who know", that is, the polytheists used to strip naked when they circumambulate around the Ka'bah, and forbid for themselves the good things of provision as they used to vow some cattle to their false idols, so they did not drink their milk or ride on it as mentioned in Aya (103) of Surat Alma'idah, thereupon, Allah commanded His Messenger to say to them Who has forbidden the adornment of Allah which He has brought forth for His servants and the good things of provision?, so How could they have forbidden of their own accord what Allah has not forbidden for them of adornment and good clothing, and what was lawful of food and drink that Allah has provided for them?, so it is desirable for mankind to adorn themselves with the adornment that Allah has created for them without boast and extravagance, where as narrated by Abdullah bin Umar that Allah's Messenger (PBUH) said: "Allah will not look at the person who drags his garment out of pride" (Sahih Albukhari 5783), and as narrated by Abdullah bin Mas'ud that Allah's Messenger said: "He who has in his heart the weight of a mustard seed of pride shall not enter Paradise, a person said indeed, a person loves that his dress should be fine, and his shoes should be fine, He (PBUH) said indeed, Allah is Graceful and He loves grace. Pride is disdaining the truth and contempt for the people" (Sahih Muslim 91 a).

 It is also desirable for mankind to eat what is permissible of food and drink that Allah has provided for them without extravagance as shown in the previous verse (31). Then Allah assures that the adornment which He has brought forth for His servants and the good things of provision will be exclusively for those who believed in Allah in the worldly life on the day of resurrection, and none of the disbelievers who disbelieved in Allah and His Messengers will share them in these blessings, but rather, they will not have in the Hereafter except Hellfire and their drink therein will be boiling water and pus as mentioned in Ayat (24,25) of Surat Alnaba', and their food will be from the tree of Zaqquom as mentioned in Ayat (43,44) of Surat Aldukhan, and thus Allah makes clear the verses for a people who know; Because they will follow what Allah has permitted of clothes, foods, and drinks and avoid what Allah has forbidden.

 Allah Almighty says in the next two verses (33,34) "Say My lord has only forbidden immoralities, what is apparent of them and what is concealed, and sin, and tyranny without right, and that you associate with Allah what He has not sent down any authority of it, and that you say about Allah what you do not know, and for every nation there is a term, so when their term comes, they will not remain behind an hour nor will they precede", that is, Allah commanded His Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) to say to the polytheists who have forbidden what Allah has made lawful for His servants that Allah has only forbidden the immoralities such as adultery and shameful acts, what is apparent of them when you commit them openly, and what is concealed when you commit them secretly, and as narrated by Abdullah bin Mas'ud that Allah's Messenger said: "None is more jealous than Allah, and for this He has forbidden the immoralities, what is apparent of them and what is concealed, and none loves to be praised more than Allah, and this is why He praises Himself" (Sahih Albukhari 4637), thereupon, Allah assured them that He has forbidden the immoralities not as they claimed that Allah has ordered them of immoralities as shown above in Aya (28). Allah has also forbidden the sins and the oppression of others without right, and that you associate with Allah what He has not sent down any authority or proof of it that makes it worthy of worship, and that you invent a lie against Allah such as claiming that Allah has taken a son or other lies of which you have no knowledge. Then Allah confirms that He has appointed for every nation an appointed term which is the term of their death, then when their time comes, they will not remain behind an hour, nor will they precede.

 Allah Almighty says in the next two verses (35,36) "O Children of Adam! If there come to you Messengers from among you narrating to you My verses, so whoever fears and reforms, then there will be no fear for them, nor will they grieve, but those who deny Our verses and are arrogant towards them, those are the companions of the Fire, they will abide therein forever", that is, Allah addresses the Children of Adam saying if there come to you Messengers from among you narrating to you My verses and the proofs that indicate the truthfulness of what they came with, so whoever follows them, fears Me and My punishment, and reforms by giving up the sins he commits, and beginning to perform acts of obedience, then there will be no fear for them for what they will face later and they will not grieve for what they missed before. But as for the disbelievers who disbelieved in Allah and denied Allah's Messengers and verses, and were too arrogant to follow them and act according to them, then those are the companions of Hellfire, abiding therein forever. 

 Allah Almighty says in the next verse (37) "And Who is more unjust than he who invents a lie about Allah, or denies His signs?, those will obtain their share of the book until when our Messengers come to them to take them in death, they will say Where are those whom you used to invoke besides Allah?, they will say they are lost from us, and will bear witness against themselves that they were disbelievers", that is, Allah assures that there is no one is more unjust than he who invents a lie about Allah by changing His words, alternating it, or adding something that Allah did not reveal, likewise, there is no one is more unjust than he who denies Allah's signs and proofs, then Allah assures that those who do so will attain their portion in the worldly life that Allah has decreed for them in the book, so Allah will give them the enjoyment of the worldly life, then they will return to Him in the Hereafter and He will make them to taste the severe punishment as He has stated in Aya (70) of Surat Yunus, so when the Angels come to take their souls in death, they will say to them as a reprimand Where are the idols and false gods that you used to worship besides Allah, Will they help you today?, so they will say that they went away and left them in the torment, and they will confess and bear witness against themselves that they were disbelievers. 

 Allah Almighty says in the next two verses (38,39) "He will say Enter among nations that passed away before you of the Jinn and mankind into the Fire, every time a nation entered, it will cursed its sister until when they all have gathered therein, the last of them will say about the first of them Our Lord! These had led us astray, so Give them a double punishment of the Fire, He will say for each there is a double, but you do not know, and the first of them will say to the last of them then you had not any bounty upon us, so Taste the punishment for what you used to earn", that is, Allah will say to the disbelievers who invent a lie about Him and denied His signs on the day of resurrection Enter Hellfire among nations that passed away before you of the Jinn and human beings who did as you did, whenever a nation entered Hellfire, it will curse its sister in disbelief and denial who preceded it in the Hellfire, until will they all gathered in the Hellfire, the last nation to enter Hellfire will say to Allah about the first nation these had led us astray and prevented us from Your way, so they will ask Allah to double the punishment for them, thereupon, Allah will say to them for each there is a double punishment, for the first and the last, the leaders and the followers, but you do not know what Allah has prepared for the disbelieving people. Then the first will say to the last you had not any bounty upon us, you have gone astray as we have gone and you have disbelieved as we have disbelieved, so Allah will say to them all Taste the punishment of Hellfire as a recompense for what you used to earn in the worldly life of disbelief, denial, and stubbornness.

 Allah Almighty says in the next two verses (40,41) "Indeed, those who deny Our verses and are arrogant towards them, the gates of the heaven will not be opened for them nor will they enter Paradise until a camel enters into the eye of a needle, and thus We recompense the criminals, for them there is a bed from the Hellfire, and above them there is a covering, and thus We recompense the wrongdoers", that is, Allah threatens the disbelievers who disbelieved in Allah and denied Allah's Messengers and verses, and were too arrogant to follow them and act according to them that the gates of the heavens will not be opened for them nor will they enter Paradise until a camel enters into the eye of a needle, but rather the gates of Hellfire will be opened for them, and thus Allah recompense the criminals who opposed Him and His Messengers in the worldly life with a severe punishment in the Hereafter, where for them therein there is a bed from Hellfire and above them there is a covering from Hellfire, and thus Allah recompense the wrongdoers who wronged themselves with disbelief, tyranny, and arrogance. And as narrated by Albara' bin Azib that Allah's Messenger mentioned the death of the infidel saying: "His spirit will be restored his body, two Angels will come to him, make him sit up and ask him Who is your Lord? he will reply Alas, alas! I do not know, they will ask him What is your religion? he will reply Alas, alas! I do not know, they will ask Who is this man who was sent to you?, he will reply Alas alas! I do not know, then a crier will call from the heaven he has lied, so spread a bed for him from Hell, open a door for him into Hell, and Clothe him from Hell, then some of its heat and pestilential wind will come to him, and his grave will be compressed, so that his ribs will be crushed together, and in narration of Jarir one who is blind and dumb will then be placed in charge of him, having a sledge-hammer such that if a mountain were struck with it, it would become dust. He will give him a blow with it which will be heard by everything between the east and the west except by men and Jinn, and he will become dust, then his spirit will be restored to him" (Abu Dawood 4753).

 Allah Almighty says in the next two verses (42,43) "And those who believed and did righteous deeds, We do not burden any soul except its capacity, those are the companions of Paradise, they will abide therein forever, and We will remove whatever is in their breasts of grudge, beneath them rivers will flow, and they will say Praise be to Allah, the One who has guided us to this, and we would never have been guided if Allah had not guided us, indeed, the Messengers of our Lord had come with the truth, and they will be called This is Paradise which you are made to inherit for what you used to do", that is, Allah informs about His justice in His laws over His servants in the worldly life where He does not burden a soul beyond its capacity, rather what it can bear and do, so those who believe in Allah, His Messengers and His books, and do righteous deeds in the worldly life will be the companions of Paradise, abiding therein forever. On the day of resurrection, Allah will remove whatever grudge was in their breasts in the worldly life, and Allah's Messenger said in narration of Abu Sa'id Alkhudri: "When the believers pass safely over Hell, they will be stopped at a bridge in between Hell and Paradise, where they will retaliate upon each other for the injustices done among them in the world, and when they get purified of all their sins, they will be admitted into Paradise, by Him in whose Hands is the life of Muhammad, everybody will recognize his dwellings in Paradise better than he recognizes his dwellings in this world" (Sahih Albukhari 2440). 

 So they will enter Paradise beneath them rivers will flow, and they will say Praise be to Allah, the One who has guided us to the path of guidance and righteous deeds, and we would never have been guided to that if Allah had not guided us out of His mercy and grace over us, and they will say that Allah's Messengers had come with the truth from their Lord, where what they came with of the bliss of Paradise for those who believe in Allah and His Messengers had become true before their eyes, and the punishment of Hellfire for those who disbelieve in Allah and His Messengers has become true before their eyes, where as narrated by Abu Hurayrah the Prophet (PBUH) said: "None will enter Paradise but will be shown the place he would have occupied in the Fire if he had done wrong, so that he may become more grateful, and none will enter the Fire but will be shown the place he would have occupied in Paradise if he had done good, so that may be a cause of regret for him" (Sahih Albukhari 6569). Then the companions of Paradise will be called This is the Paradise which you are made to inherit for what you used to do in the worldly life of belief and obedience. And Allah's Messenger (PBUH) said narration of Abu Hurayrah: "A caller will call out: You shall be healthy and never be ill, you shall have life and never die, you shall be young and never grow old, you shall live in favor and never suffer difficult circumstances, that is the saying of Allah, Most High: "And they will be called, This is Paradise which you are made to inherit for what you used to do" (Sahih Muslim 2837).

 Allah Almighty says in the next two verses (44,45) "And the companions of Paradise will call out to the companions of the Fire that indeed, we have already found what our Lord had promised us to be true, Have you found what your Lord had promised to be true?, they will say yes then an announcer will announce among them that the curse of Allah is upon the wrongdoers, those who prevent from the way of Allahseeking to make it crookedness while they are disbelievers in the Hereafter", that is, on the day of resurrection, the companions of Paradise and the companions of Hellfire will settle in their dwellings either in Paradise or in Hellfire, so the companions of Paradise will call out to the companions of Hellfire, saying to them as a reprimand we have already found what Allah had promised us of eternal bliss and dignity in Paradise to be true, Have you found what Allah had promised of severe punishment and humiliation to be true?, the companions of Hellfire will say yes we have already found it to be true, then an announcer from among the Angels will announce among them that the curse and the expulsion from Allah's mercy is upon the wrongdoers who wronged themselves with disbelief and tyranny. Then Allah describes the wrongdoers and says that they prevent others from the way of Allah, seeking the path of Allah to be crooked and be distorted in order to agree with their desires and fulfill their needs and purposes, and they are disbelievers in the Hereafter as they denied that Allah will resurrect them from the graves on the day of resurrection.

 Allah Almighty says in the next two verses (46,47) "And between them will be a barrier, and on the elevations are men who will recognize each by their marks, and they will call out to the companions of Paradise that Peace be upon you, they have not entered it, but they aspire, and when their eyes are turned towards the companions of the Fire, they will say Our Lord! Do not place us with the wrongdoing people", that is, Allah assures that there will be a barrier between the companions of Paradise and the companions of Hellfire, where as mentioned in Aya (13) of Surat Alhadid "Then a wall will be placed between them, which will have a door, in its interior side, there will be the mercy, and its exterior side facing towards the punishment", and on the elevations (Ala'raf) there are men who will recognize the companions of Paradise and the companions of the Hellfire by their marks of their faces which are the whiteness and beauty of faces of the companions of Paradise, and blackness and ugliness of faces of the companions of Hellfire, and it was said that these men are believers whose good deeds are equal to their evil deeds, so they remained on the elevations until Allah decides upon them whatever He wills, so when they will look at the companions of Paradise, they will greet them saying Peace be upon you, they have not entered Paradise yet, but they hope that Allah will admit them to Paradise by His Mercy, and when their eyes are turned towards the companions of Hellfire, they will seek refuge in Allah from being among the wrongdoing people who wronged themselves with disbelief and tyranny in the worldly life saying Our Lord! Do not place us with the wrongdoing people.

 Allah Almighty says in the next two verses (48,49) "And the companions of the elevations will call to men whom they recognize by their marks, and will say your gathering has not avail you and what you were arrogant, Are these the ones whom you swore that Allah would never grant them mercy?, Enter the Paradise, there will be no fear for you, nor will you grieve", that is, the companions of elevations will call to men whom they recognize by their marks from among the people of Hellfire saying your gathering in the worldly life has not avail you in anything of Allah's punishment nor has your arrogance for faith and obedience avail you in anything. Then it will be said to the companions of Hellfire as a reprimand for their saying in the worldly life about the companions of elevations Are these the ones whom you swore that Allah would never grant them mercy?, they swore that Allah will never bestow mercy upon the companions of elevations, but Allah will forgive them and will have mercy on them and will admit them into Paradise saying Enter the Paradise, there will be no fear for you, nor will you grieve, so there will be no fear for them for what they will face later and they will not grieve for what they missed before.

 Allah Almighty says in the next two verses (50,51) "And the companions of the Fire will call to the companions of Paradise that Pour upon us some water or from whatever Allah has provided you, they will say indeed, Allah has forbidden them both to the disbelievers, those who took their religion as an amusement and play and whom the worldly life deceived, so today we will forget them just as they forgot the meeting of this day of theirs, and for what they used to reject of Our verses", that is, the companions of Hellfire will seek help from the companions of Paradise due to the calamity and severe thirst and hunger saying Pour upon us some water or from whatever Allah has provided you of other drinks and food, but the people of Paradise will say to them that Allah has forbidden the drink and food of Paradise to the disbelievers, where Allah has made the good things of provision for those who believed in the worldly life exclusively on the day of resurrection as shown above in Aya (32), and He has forbidden them to the disbelievers, those who took their religion as an amusement and play, where when they were called to belief in Allah and His Messengers, they used to mock and oppose Allah's Messengers, and the worldly life deceived them with its falsehoods, illusions, and enjoyments, so they abandoned work for the Hereafter, so on the day of resurrection, Allah will leave them in the torment of Hellfire just as they forgot the meeting of the day of resurrection as they did not prepare faith and good deeds for that day, and used to deny Allah's verses with which He has sent His Messengers, and as narrated by Abu Hurayrah and Abu Sa'eed that Allah's Messenger said: "The servant will be brought on the day of resurrection, and Allah will say to him, Did I not give you hearing, sight, wealth, children, and did I not make the cattle and tillage subservient to you, and did I not leave you as the head of people taking from their wealth, Did you not think that you would have to meet this day of yours?, so he will say, no, so He will say to him Today you shall be forgotten just as you have forgotten Me" (Jami' Altirmidhi 2428).

 Allah Almighty says in the next two verses (52,53) "And indeed, We had brought them a Book which We had explained in details by knowledge as guidance and mercy for a people who believe, Do they await except its interpretation?, the day when its interpretation comes, those who had forgotten it before will say indeed, the Messengers of our Lord had come with the truth, so Are there any intercessors so that they intercede for us or will we be returned so that we will do other than that we used to do?, indeed, they have lost themselves, and lost from them is that which they used to invent", that is, Allah assures that He had brought the people of Quraish the Holy Quran which He had explained in details by knowledge and truth, so its meanings and rulings are clarified as a guidance and a mercy for the believers as they believe in it, follow its commands, and act according to its rulings and prohibitions. But the polytheists of Quraish denied the Holy Quran and opposed Allah and His Messenger, thereupon, Allah threatens them saying Do the polytheists of Quraish await except the interpretation of the Holy Quran when they find what Allah has promised them in it of resurrection, reckoning, and punishment to be present before their eyes on the day of resurrection?, so on the day of resurrection when its interpretation comes, those who had forgotten and abandoned it will confess that Allah's Messengers had come with the truth from their Lord, so the word of punishment will become true against them.

 Then they will search for any way to escape from the punishment that has befallen them saying Are there any intercessors so that they intercede for us with Allah, so their intercession with Him will save us from the punishment that has befallen us due to our evil deeds in the worldly life or will we be returned to the worldly life so that we will do other than we used to do of evil deeds, we will do righteous deeds and what pleases Allah, but Allah assures that that day there will not be intimate friend nor an intercessor for the wrongdoers as He has stated in Aya (18) of Surat Ghafir, and that if they were returned to the worldly life, they would return to that which they were forbidden as mentioned in Aya (28) of Surat Alan'am, so they deserved what Allah has promised them of punishment and destruction, so those are the ones who will lose themselves in Hellfire, abiding therein forever, and what they used to invoke of false gods and idols will gone away from them, and will not benefit them, but rather these idols whom they invoked in the worldly life will be their enemies and will disavow them as mentioned in Ayat (81,82) of Surat Maryam.

 Allah Almighty says in the next verse (54) "Indeed, your Lord is Allah, the One who has created the heavens and the earth in six days and then established Himself on the Throne, He causes the night to cover the day, pursuing it rapidly, and the sun and the moon and the stars are subjected by His command, unquestionably, for Him is the creation and the command, Blessed is Allah, the Lord of the worlds", that is, Allah assures mankind that their Lord is Allah, the One who has created the heavens and the earth and whatever is between them in six days, where the creation of the earth and whatever is on it took place in four days, then Allah completed the creation of the sky as seven skies in another two days as mentioned in Surat Fussilat Ayat (9-12), then He established Himself on the throne as He manages the matter and judges between His creation with justice, so He is the Creator of everything, the Possessor of everything, and All-Powerful over everything, He causes the night to cover the day, so the darkness of the night removes the light of the day, and the night pursues and follows the day rapidly, so it does not miss the day at a time later than it or earlier than it. And Allah has subjected the sun and the moon so that mankind may know the number of days, months and years, and He has subjected the stars by His command so that they may be guided by them through the darknesses of the land and the sea, then Allah assures that the creation and the command belong to Him alone, so all creation exist according to His command, so Blessed is Allah the Lord of the worlds and High is He above what they associate with Him of partners and idols which neither create anything nor possess any command in the heavens or on the earth.   

 Allah Almighty says in the next two verses (55,56) "Call upon your Lord humbly and secretly, indeed, He does not love the aggressors, and Do not cause corruption on the earth after its reformation, and Call upon Him in fear and hope, indeed, the mercy of Allah is near of the good doers'', that is, Allah commanded His servants to call upon Him humbly and secretly, so Single Him out of worship, Call upon Him in submission and humility of your hearts, and Do not raise your voices in supplication out of hypocrisy, indeed, Allah does not love the aggressors and the tyrants who transgress the limits of Allah in supplication or anything else, and as narrated by Abu Musa Alash'ari: "We were along with the Prophet (PBUH) on a journey, and the people began to pronounce Allahu Akbar: Allah is the Most Great, loudly, so the Prophet said O people! Show mercy to yourselves for you are not calling one who is deaf nor is He absent, indeed, you are calling One who is All-Hearing, Ever-Near, and is with you" (Sahih Muslim 2704 a), and as narrated by Abu Na'amah: "Abdullah bin Mughaffal heard his son praying to Allah Allah! I ask You a white palace on the right of Paradise when I enter it, he said O my son! Ask Allah for Paradise and Seek refuge in Him from Hell for I heard the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) saying in this Ummah there will be some people who will transgress the limits in purification as well as in supplication" (Abu Dawood 96). And it is permissible to raise the hands when supplicating as the Prophet (PBUH) did on the day of the Battle of Badr. Then Allah forbade His servants from causing corruption on the earth after its reformation by doing evil deeds and preventing others from the way of Allah after Allah has reformed it by sending Messengers with the truth and clear arguments, and Allah commanded them to call upon Him in fear of His punishment and hope of His reward, indeed, the mercy of Allah is near of the good doers who worship Allah as if they see Him, and if they can not see Him, then Allah sees them, so they act according to Allah's commands and prohibitions.

 Allah Almighty says in the next verse (57) "And He is the One who sends the winds as glad tidings before His mercy until when they have carried heavy clouds, We drive it to a dead land then We send down the water from it, then We bring forth thereby of all the fruits, thus, We will bring out the dead, so that you may be reminded", that is, Allah assures that He is the One who sends the winds as glad tidings before Allah's mercy as it precede the rain which is Allah's mercy by its blessings and benefits, until when the winds have carried the heavy cloud with rain, Allah drives the clouds to a dead land, then He sends down the rain from it, so He revives by the rain the land after its death, and brings forth thereby of all the fruits in different types, tastes, colours, smells and shapes, thus Allah will bring out the dead from the graves on the day of resurrection, so that you may be reminded and acknowledge that the One who revives the earth after its death is Able to revive the dead on the day of resurrection, where as narrated by Abu Hurayrah that Allah's Messenger (PBUH) said: "Between the two blows of the trumpet, there will be forty, the people said O Abu Hurayrah! Forty days?, I refused to reply, they said forty months?, I refused to reply, they said forty years?, I refused to reply, then Allah will send water from the sky and then the dead bodies will grow like vegetation grows, there is nothing of the human body that does not decay except one bone, that is, the little bone at the end of the coccyx of which the human body will be resurrected on the day of resurrection" (Sahih Muslim 2955 a).     

 Allah Almighty says in the next verse (58) "And the good land, its growth comes forth by the permission of its Lord, but that which is bad, does not come forth except with distress, thus, We explain the signs for a people who give thanks", that is, Allah assures that when He sends the rain on the good land, its growth comes forth by His command, but that which is bad soil, it does not come forth except with distress and that of no use, thus, Allah explain the signs for a people who give thanks to Allah for bestowing guidance upon them, so they followed what He has commanded them to follow and avoided what He has commanded them to avoid, and that example is like the believer and the disbeliever, where the believer is like the good land whose plants grow when Allah sends down water on it, so when Allah sends His Messenger with the clear proofs, he accepts them and follows the truth, while the disbeliever is like the bad land whose plants do not come forth except with distress, so he does not follow the guidance nor does he benefit from it, and as narrated by Abu Musa Alash'ari that the Prophet (PBUH) said: "The example of guidance and knowledge with which Allah has sent Me is like abundant rain falling on the earth. Some of which was fertile soil that absorbed water and brought forth vegetation and grass in abundance, another portion of it was hard and held the water and Allah benefited the people with it, so they utilized it for drinking, making their animals drink from it, and planting by it, and a portion of it was barren which could neither hold the water nor bring forth vegetation. The first was the example of the one who comprehends the religion of Allah, and what Allah has sent Me with has benefited him, so he has learned and taught others, and the last example is that of a person who does not care for it, and does not accept guidance of Allah with which I have been sent" (Sahih Albukhari 79). 

 Allah Almighty says in the next two verses (59,60) "Indeed, We have sent Noah to His people, so He said O My people! Worship Allah, you have no god other than Him, indeed, I fear for you the punishment of a terrible day, the chiefs of His people said indeed, we surely see You in clear error", that is, Allah has sent His Prophet Noah to His people in order to call them to worship Allah alone, so He said to them that they have no god other than Allah, where they used to worship idols namely Wadd, Suwa', Yaghuth, and Ya'uq and Nasr as mentioned in Aya (23) of Surat Nooh, so He warned them from worshipping idols besides Allah and warned them from the punishment of the day of resurrection if they insisted on their disbelief saying I fear for you the punishment of a terrible day, but the chiefs of His people denied Him and said to Him we surely see you in clear error and far astray from righteousness by abandoning our religion, so You call us to abandon the gods that we found our father worshipping, and worship one god.

 Allah Almighty says in the next four verses (61-64) "He said O My people! There is no error in Me, but I am a Messenger form the Lord of the worlds, I convey to you the messages of My Lord and advice you, and I know from Allah what you do not know, then you wonder that there has come to you a reminder from your Lord upon a man from among you so that He may warn you and that you may fear, and so that you may receive mercy, but they denied Him, so We saved Him and those with Him in the ship and We drowned those who denied our signs, indeed, they were a blind people", that is, the Prophet Noah said to His people There is no error in Me, but I am a Messenger form Allah, the Lord of the worlds, I convey to you the messages of My Lord regarding monotheism, singling Him out for worship and obedience, and abandoning false gods and idols, I just convey His messages to you as He commanded Me to convey them, and advice you by warning you of Allah's punishment for your disbelief, and I know from Allah what you do not know, so I know that His punishment will not be averted from the disbelieving people. Then the Prophet Noah said to His people then you wonder that there has come to you a reminder from your Lord upon a man from among you so that He may warn you and that you may fear, and so that you may receive mercy, where the chiefs of His people said This is nothing but a human being like you, He wishes to assert superiority over you, and if Allah had willed, He would have sent down Angels, we have not heard of this from our forefathers as mentioned in Aya (24) of Surat Almu'minun, so He assured them that Allah has sent them a human being like them in order to warn them of His punishment, and that they may fear Allah and fear His punishment if they disobeyed Him, and so that they may receive Allah's mercy and be saved from His punishment on the day of resurrection

 But they denied the Prophet Noah and persisted on disbelief even though He continued to call them to worship Allah alone for a thousand years minus fifty years as mentioned in Aya (14) of Surat Alankaboot, thereupon, Allah commanded Him to construct the Ark, and commanded Him to Load upon it from every two pairs, two, and His family except those against whom the word has preceded, and whoever has believed with Him as mentioned in Aya (40) of Surat Hud, then Allah saved the Prophet Noah and those with Him in the Ark, and drowned those who denied Allah's signs in the flood, indeed, they were a blind people from the truth neither seeing it nor being guided to it.

 Allah Almighty says in the next two verses (65,66) "And to Ad their brother Hud, He said O My people! Worship Allah, you have no god other than Him, then Will you not fear?, the chiefs who have disbelieved from among His people said indeed, we surely see you in foolishness, and indeed, we think You are of the liars", that is, Allah has sent the Prophet Hud to His people (Ad), and He commanded them to worship Allah alone, with no partner, and said to them you have no god other than Allah as none is worthy of worship other than Him, so He said to them Will you not fear that Allah's punishment befalls you when you worship other idols?, but the chiefs who have disbelieved from among His people denied Him and said indeed, we surely see you in foolishness and misguidance so you call us to abandon the worship of our gods and worship one God, with no partner, and indeed, we think You are of the liars in Your claim.

 Allah Almighty says in the next three verses (67-69) "He said O My people! There is no foolishness in Me, but I am a Messenger from the Lord of the worlds, I convey to you the messages of My Lord, and I am to you a sincere adviser, trustworthy, then you wonder that there has come to you a reminder from your Lord upon a man from among you so that He may warn you, and Remember when He made you successors after the people of Noah and increased you in creation extensively, so Remember the favors of Allah so that you may succeed", that is, the Prophet Hud said to His people There is no foolishness in Me, but I am a Messenger from the Lord of the worlds, I convey to you the messages of My Lord regarding monotheism, singling Him out for worship and obedience, and abandoning false gods and idols, I just convey His Messages to you as He commanded Me to convey them, and I am to you a sincere adviser, trustworthy, so Accept my advice for I am trustworthy to Allah's message and what Allah has entrusted Me, so I do not lie about it, nor do I add or alter it. Then the Prophet Hud said to His people then you wonder that there has come to you a reminder from your Lord upon a man from among you so that He may warn you of Allah's punishment if you disobey Him, and the Prophet Hud began to remind them of Allah's favors upon them saying and Remember when Allah made you successors on the earth after the destruction of the people of the Prophet Noah in the flood, and Allah increased you in creation extensively as He increased your bodies in length and strength over the bodies of those before you, then Remember the favors of Allah, so Give thanks to Him and Worship Him sincerely, and Abandon false gods and idols so that you may succeed in the worldly life and the Hereafter.

 Allah Almighty says in the next three verses (70-72) "They said Have You come to us that we should worship Allah alone, and leave what our fathers have worshipped?, so Bring us what you promise us, if You are of the truthful, He said indeed, punishment and anger have fallen upon you from your Lord, Do you argue with Me concerning names you have named, you and your fathers, Allah has not sent down any authority for it, so Wait, indeed, I am with you among those who are waiting, so We saved Him and those with Him by a mercy from us, and We cut off the root of those who denied Our signs, and they were not believers", that is, the people of the Prophet Hud said to Him out of their arrogance and stubbornness Have You come to us that we should worship Allah alone, and leave and disavow the worship of the idols that our fathers worshipped?, but we will not believe in what you came with, so Bring us what you threaten us of Allah's punishment and vengeance if you are of the truthful in your claim that You are the Messenger of Allah, thereupon, the Prophet Hud said to them Allah's punishment and anger had come true against you because of your disbelief and denial, Do you argue with Me regarding names you and your fathers have named, and Allah has not sent down any authority or proof for these idols that would make them worthy of worship, but you followed what your fathers followed, thinking that your fathers were right. so Wait for Allah's punishment, and the descent of His wrath upon you, indeed, I am waiting for your destruction by the punishment that will befall you. Then Allah saved the Prophet Hud and the believers with Him by His mercy and grace from a severe punishment, and Allah had cut off the root of those who denied Allah's signs and opposed His Messenger Hud, and He did not leave any of them as Allah has sent upon them the barren wind that did not leave anything that it came upon except that it made it like a rubble as mentioned in Ayat (41,42) of Surat Aldhariyat, and they were not believers in Allah nor in His Messenger Hud.

 Allah Almighty says in the next two verses (73,74) "And to Thamud, their brother Salih, He said O My people! Worship Allah, you have no god other than Him, there has come to you a clear proof from your Lord This is the she-camel of Allah, a sign for you, so Leave her to eat in the land of Allah, and Do not touch her with harm, lest you should be seized by a painful punishment, and Remember when He made you successors after Ad, and settled you in the land, you take for yourselves palaces from its plains and carve from the mountains houses, so Remember the favors of Allah and Do not roam in the earth as corrupters", that is, Allah has sent the Prophet Salih to His people (Thamud), and He commanded them to worship Allah alone, with no partner, and said to them you have no god other than Allah as none is worthy of worship other than Him, but they denied Him saying "You are nothing but a human being like us, so Bring a sign if you are of the truthful" as Allah has stated in Aya (154) of Surat Alshu'araa, then the Prophet Salih said to them There has come to you a clear proof from Allah that indicates the truthfulness of what I came with, as Allah gave them a she-camel as a sign, and the Prophet Sahih said to them this is the she-camel of Allah, a sign for you, so leave her to eat in the land of Allah, and He said to them that she has to drink from the water on one day, and they have the same amount of the water on another day as mentioned in Aya (155) of Surat Alshu'araa, then the Prophet Salih warned them of a near punishment if they touched her with harm. The Prophet Salih began to remind them of Allah's favors upon them saying and Remember when Allah made you successors on the earth after the destruction of Ad, the people of the Prophet Hud, with the sterile wind, and Allah settled you on the earth and made dwellings for you therein, you take for yourselves palaces from its plains and carve from the mountains houses, then Remember the favors of Allah, so Give thanks to Him and Worship Him sincerely, then the Prophet Salih forbade them from spreading corruption in the land, oppressing its people, and cutting off the roads.

 Allah Almighty says in the next two verses (75,76) "The chiefs who were arrogant from among His people said to those who have been deemed weak to those who have believed among them Do you know that Salih is sent from His Lord?, they said indeed, we are believers in what He was sent with, those who were arrogant said indeed, we are disbelievers in what you have believed in it", that is, the people of the Prophet Salih divided into two groups, believers and disbelievers, and they used to quarrel with each other as mentioned in Aya (45) of Surat Alnaml, so the chiefs who were arrogant in believing in Allah and following the Prophet Salih said to those who have believed from among those who have been deemed weak Do you know that Salih is sent from His Lord?, the believers said to them we are believers in the truth and guidance with which Allah has sent Him, so the believers acknowledged the prophecy of the Prophet Salih, but those who were arrogant said to them, we are disbelievers in what you have believed in it, so they disbelieved in the Prophet Salih and the sign of Allah after it was clear before their eyes out of their arrogance and stubbornness.  

 Allah Almighty says in the next three verses (77-79) "So they slaughtered the she-camel and they rebelled against the command of their Lord, and said O Salih! Bring us what you promise us, if you are of the Messengers, so the earthquake seized them, and they became in their homes fallen recumbent, and He turned away from them and said O My people! Indeed, I have conveyed to you the message of My Lord and advised you, but you do not love the advisors", that is, the people of the Prophet Salih agreed to kill the she-camel, so they called their comrade to slaughter her as mentioned in Aya (29) of Surat Alqamar, and it was said that his name was Qadar bin Salif, so he slaughtered her, and they rebelled against the command of Allah when He commanded them to leave her to eat in the land of Allah, and not to touch her with harm, then they hastened Allah's punishment and said to the Prophet Salih out of their arrogance and denial Bring us what you promise us, if you are of the Messengers, so the Prophet Salih gave them a respite for three days saying Enjoy yourselves in your homes for three days as mentioned in Aya (65) of Surat Hudthen in the early morning of the fourth day, Allah destroyed them with a great tremor that shook their land, and they fell dead in their homes. And the Prophet Salih turned away from them and left their land before the punishment descends upon them, and He said to them I have conveyed to you the message of My Lord and advised you, but you do not love the advisors, so you did not accept My advise, and thus Allah saved the Prophet Salih, and those who believed with Him by mercy from Allah, and from the disgrace of that day as mentioned in Aya (66) of Surat Hud.

 Allah Almighty says in the next five verses (80-84) "And Lot when He said to His people Do you commit such immorality as no one has preceded you with from the worlds?, indeed, you approach men with lust instead of the women, but you are a transgressing people, but the answer of His people was not except that they said Expel them from your town, indeed, they are a people who keep themselves pure, so We saved Him and His family except His wife, she was of those who remained behind, and We rained upon them a rain, so See how was the end of the criminals", that is, the Prophet Lot denounced the shameful deeds of His people as they used to practice sodomy, and no one of the sons of Adam has ever preceded them to this act, so He said to them as a denunciation, Do you commit such immorality as no one has preceded you with from the worlds?, indeed, you approach the men lustfully instead of the women and commit male homosexuality, then the Prophet Lot said to them you are a transgressing people for you abandon what Allah has made lawful for you and commit what He has made forbidden to you. But when the Prophet Lot forbade His people from having intercourse with men, they did not respond to Him and intended to expel the Prophet Lot and His family from their town because there was only one Muslim house in their town as mentioned in Aya (36) of Surat Aldhariyat, and they determined to expel the Prophet Lot and His family because they are a people who keep themselves pure of the shameful acts, so Allah saved the Prophet Lot and His family except His wife, she was of those who remained behind; because she betrayed the Prophet Lot by not believing and cooperating with His people against Him as mentioned in Aya (10) of Surat Altahrim, then Allah commanded the Prophet Lot to set out with His family during a portion of the night, and then He rained upon them a rain as Allah made the highest of their town its lowest, and rained upon them stones of layered hard clay as mentioned in Aya (82) of  Surat Hud, then Allah commanded His Messenger Muhammad to see how was the end of the criminals who disbelieved in Allah and denied their Messenger, and what befell them of torment and destruction.

 Allah Almighty says in the next three verses (85-87) "And to Madyan their brother Shu'ayb, He said O My people! Worship Allah, You have no god other than Him, there has come to you a clear proof from your Lord, so Give full measure and balance, and Do not decrease people from their things and Do not cause corruption on the earth after its reformation, that is better for you if you are believers, and Do not sit on every path, threatening and preventing from the way of Allah those who believe in Him, and seeking to make it crookedness, and Remember when you were few and He increased you, and See how was the end of the corrupters, and if a group among you who has believed in what I have been sent with, and a group that has not believed, then Be patient until Allah judges between us, and He is the Best of the Judges", that is, Allah has sent the Prophet Shu'ayb to the people of Madyan whom Allah named the companions of the Ayka as mentioned in Aya (176) of Surat Alshu'araa, so He commanded them to worship Allah alone, with no partner, and said to them you have no god other than Allah as none is worthy of worship other than Him, then the Prophet Shu'ayb said to them There has come to you a clear proof from Allah that indicates the truthfulness of what I came with, and then He commanded them to Give full measure and weight by observing the correct weight with fairness for they used to take the weight from people in full, but they used to give them less when they weigh for them, and commanded them not to deceive people by decreasing their things, and forbade them from causing corruption on the earth after its reformation by doing evil deeds and preventing others from the way of Allah after Allah has reformed it by sending Messengers with the truth and clear arguments. Then the Prophet Shu'ayb assured them that what He commanded them to do and what He forbade them from is better for them for they will be saved from Allah's punishment in the worldly life and the Hereafter if they are believers in Allah, and in what Allah has sent Him with. 

 The Prophet Shu'ayb forbade them also from sitting on the roads, threatening the people who come to the Prophet Shu'ayb, and preventing them from the way of Allah, seeking the path of Allah to be crooked and be distorted in order to agree with their desires and fulfill their needs and purposes, and the Prophet Shu'ayb reminded them of Allah's favor upon them saying and Remember when you were few and deemed weak and Allah increased you in number and might, so Give thanks to Him, Worship Him sincerely, and Obey His commands and Avoid His prohibitions, and See how was the end of the corrupters from among the previous nations, and what befell them of Allah's punishment when they rebelled the command of Allah and denied His Messengers. Then the Prophet Shu'ayb said to His people if a group among you who has believed in what I have been sent with, so they followed Allah's commands and avoided His Prohibitions, and a group that has not believed in what I came them with, so they disobeyed Allah's commands and followed His prohibition, so Be patient until Allah judges between us, and He is the Best of the Judges as He is the Most judge of the judges and He is not unjust to the servants.

 Allah Almighty says in the next two verses (88,89) "The chiefs who were arrogant from among His people said we will surely expel you O Shu'ayb and those who have believed with you from our town, or you must return to our religion, He said even if we were averse?, indeed, we would have invented a lie about Allah if we returned to your religion after Allah had saved us from it, and it is not for us to return to it except that Allah, our Lord, should will, our Lord encompasses all things in knowledge, upon Allah we have put our trust, Our Lord! Judge between us and our people in truth, and You are the best of the Judges", that is, the chiefs who were arrogant from among the people of Shu'ayb refused except disbelief and opposing the Prophet Shu'ayb and the believers, so they threatened the Prophet Shu'ayb saying we will surely expel you O Shu'ayb and those who have believed with you from our town or you must return to our religion, so the Prophet Shu'ayb said to them Do you force us to leave our town or return to your religion even if we were averse?, then He said to them if we returned to your religion after Allah has saved us from it, we would have invented a lie about Allah by worshipping other than Him and committing evil deeds that Allah has not sent down any authority for them, and it is not for us to return to your religion and the falsehood you are on except if Allah has decreed that for us, for He guides whom He wills and lets go astray whom He wills, and He encompasses all things in knowledge as nothing is hidden from Him in the heavens nor on the earth, and He knows what has passed, what is present, and what will happen until the day of resurrection, we have put our trust upon Allah in all affairs, and He is Sufficient for us. But when they persisted on their disbelief, and the Prophet Shu'ayb despaired of their belief and lost the hope in their submission to Allah, He supplicated Allah against them and asked Allah for help saying Our Lord! Judge between us and our people in truth, and You are the best of the Judges.

 Allah Almighty says in the next four verses (90-93) "And the chiefs who have disbelieved from among His people said if you should follow Shu'ayb, indeed, you would then be losers, so the earthquake seized them, and they became in their homes fallen recumbent, those who denied Shu'ayb, as if they had not settled therein, those who denied Shu'ayb, they were the losers, and He turned away from them and said O My people! Indeed, I have conveyed to you the messages of My Lord and advised you, so How could I grieve for a disbelieving people?", that is, the chiefs who have disbelieved in Allah and denied His Prophet Shu'ayb said to others among them if you followed Shu'ayb in what he calls you to of worshipping Allah alone and adhering to His commands and prohibitions, you would then be losers of your honor and elevation in the worldly life. So Allah destroyed them with a great tremor that shook their land, and they fell dead in their homes, and it was a punishment of a great day as mentioned in Aya (189) of Surat Alshu'araa, for Allah has combined three types of punishment for the people of Shu'ayb, and they were the earthquake as mentioned in this Aya, the punishment of the day of shadow as mentioned in Aya (189) of Surat Alshu'araa, and the blast as mentioned in Aya (94) of Surat Hud. Thereupon, Allah assures that those who denied Shu'ayb perished altogether, so their homes became empty as if they did not live or settle therein, and that they were the losers in the worldly life and the Hereafter not those who followed the Prophet Shu'ayb as they claimed before. And the Prophet Shu'ayb turned away from them and left their land before the punishment descends upon them, and He said to them I have conveyed to you the messages of My Lord and advised you, but you did not accept My advise, so How could I grieve for the destruction of a disbelieving people who denied the oneness of Allah, and opposed Him and His Messenger. 

 Allah Almighty says in the next two verses (94,95) "And We did not send a Prophet in a town except that We seized its people with hardship and adversity so that they may humbly supplicate, then We replace in place of the bad the good until they increased and said indeed the adversity and the ease had touched our fathers, so We seized them suddenly while they do not perceive", that is, Allah did not send a Prophet in a town except that He tested them with adversity and ease where Allah tests mankind with evil and with good as a trial as He has stated in Aya (35) of Surat Alanbiyaa, and as narrated by Suhaib that Allah's Messenger said: "How amazing is the matter of the believer that his affairs are all good, and that is not for anyone except for the believer, if he was bestowed with a blessing, he thanks, and this is good for him, and if a calamity befell him, he was patient, and that is good for him" (Sahih Muslim 2999). SAllah has tested the previous nations with hardship and what afflicts them in their bodies of illnesses, and adversity and what afflicts them of poverty and need, so that they may return to Allah, humbly supplicate Him, and beseech Him to remove what has befallen them, but when they did not humbly supplicate Him, He changed their situation to prosperity in order to test them, so He replaced in place of the bad the good, so He transformed their condition from the hardship, illness, and poverty to the ease, health, and wealth until they increased in wealth and children so that they may be grateful to Allah, but they also did not do so, but rather they said that the adversity and the ease had touched their fathers before, so they were afflicted with hardship and adversity and afterwards with prosperity like what afflicted their fathers before, it is only time that sometimes brings evil and sometimes good, so they did not pay attention nor did they sense that Allah was testing them in both cases, and they did not return to Allah nor did they follow their Prophet, thereupon, Allah seized them with a painful punishment while they do not realize.

 Allah Almighty says in the next four verses (96-99) "And if only the people of the towns had believed and feared, We would have opened upon them blessings from the heaven and the earth, but they denied, so We seized them for what they used to earn, then Do the people of the towns feel secure that Our punishment comes to them at night while they are asleep?, or Do the people of the towns feel secure that Our punishment comes to them at forenoon while they are playing?, then Do they feel secure from the plot of Allah?, but no one feels secure from the plot of Allah except the losing people", that is, Allah assures that if the people of the towns had believed in Him and fear Him and fear His punishment, so they follow His commands and avoid His prohibitions, He would have opened upon them blessings from the heavens and the earth, so He will send down rain from the sky, and bring forth thereby from all the fruits in different types, tastes, colours, smells and shapes as a provision for them, but they disbelieved in Allah and denied His Messengers, so Allah seized them with a painful punishment for what they used to earn of disbelief, tyranny, and stubbornness. Then Allah threatens the people of the towns who do not believe nor do they fear Allah saying Are they immune of Allah's punishment if His punishment comes to them at night while they are asleep?, or Are they immune of Allah's punishment if His punishment comes to them at forenoon while they are playing?, then Are they immune of the plot of Allah if He intended to seize them at night while they are asleep or at forenoon while the are playing?, but Allah assures that no one feels secure from the plot of Allah except the losing people, and they are the disbelievers who did not believe and did not do good deeds that would save them from Allah's punishment, but rather they did not fear Allah and fear His punishment, but on the contrary, the believers give what they give of good deeds while their hearts are fearful because they will return to their Lord as mentioned in Aya (60) of Surat Almu'minun.

 Allah Almighty says in the next three verses (100-102) "Does it not guide those inherit the earth after its people that if We will, We could afflict them for their sins?, but We seal over their hearts so they do not hear, those towns, We narrate to You from their news, and indeed, their Messengers came to them with clear proofs, but they were not to believe in what they had denied before, thus, Allah seals over the hearts of the disbelievers, and We did not find for most of them any covenant, but indeed, We found most of them are disobedient", that is, Allah marvels at those who were successors in the earth after the destruction of its people saying Has it not become clear to those who inherited the earth after its people whom Allah has destroyed and seized them for theirs disbelief and sins that if Allah wills, He would afflict them for their sins and would destroy them like those before them. Although in their destruction there were signs for the possessors of understanding as Allah has stated in Aya (128) Surat Ta Ha, but they did not take heed, rather they followed their footsteps, did their deeds, and opposed Allah and His Messengers, thereupon, Allah has sealed over their hearts, so they will not be guided nor will they hear what will benefit him. Then Allah addresses His Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) saying that He narrates to Him from the news of the towns whom He has destroyed like the people of Noah, Ad, Thamud, Lot, and Shu'ayb as shown above Ayat (59-93), although their Messengers came to them with the clear proofs and the signs that indicate Allah's Oneness and the truthfulness of what they came with, but they denied them and persisted on disbelief even after they brought them the clear proofs, and they were not to believe in what they had denied of Allah's oneness before the signs of Allah or after the signs of Allah, and thus Allah has put a seal on the hearts of the disbelievers. Then Allah assures that there was no covenant for most of the previous nations who deserved His punishment, as they broke their covenant with their Lord which He had taken upon them in the loins of their fathers when He made them testify that He is their Lord and that there is no God but Him as will come later in Aya (172), but most of them were disobedient to Allah and worshipped other than Him of false gods and idols with no proof or argument that would make them worthy of worship.    

 Allah Almighty says in the next three verses (103-105) "Then We sent after them Moses with Our signs to Pharaoh and his chiefs, but they were unjust towards them, so See How was the end of the corrupters, and Moses said O Pharaoh! Indeed, I am a Messenger from the Lord of the worlds, obligated upon Me that I do not say about Allah except the truth, indeed, I have come to you with a clear proof from your Lord, so Send with Me the Children of Israel", that is, Allah has sent the Prophet Moses after the Prophet Noah, Hud, Salih, Lot, and Shu'ayb to Pharaoh and his chiefs with the clear proofs and Allah's signs, which are nine signs as Allah has stated in Surat Alisraa Aya (101), but they were unjust towards Allah's signs because they rejected them though their selves were convinced with them out of injustice and exaltation as Allah has stated in Aya (14) of Surat Alnaml, then Allah addresses His Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) saying "So See how was the end of the corrupters", where Allah seized Pharaoh and his soldiers and threw them in the sea as mentioned in Aya (40) of Surat Alqasas. The Prophet Moses said to Pharaoh indeed, I am a Messenger from the Lord of the worlds, obligated upon Me not to say about Allah except the truth, indeed, I have come to you with a clear proof from Allah that indicates Allah's Oneness and the truthfulness of what I have brought to you, then the Prophet Moses asked Pharaoh to release the Children of Israel from His oppression and torture and not to punish them if they believed in Allah and His Messenger.

 Allah Almighty says in the next seven verses (106-112) "He said if You have come with a sign, so Bring it if You are of the truthful, so He threw His stick, then behold! It was a clear snake, and He draw out His hand, then behold! It was white for the onlookers, the chiefs from among the people of Pharaoh said indeed, this is surely a learned magician, He wants to expel you from your land, so What do you advice?, they said Postpone Him and His brother and Send in the cities, gatherers, that they bring to you every learned magician", that is, Pharaoh did not believe the Prophet Moses that He is a messenger of Allah and that He has brought them a clear proof from the Lord of the worlds, so he said to Him if You have come with a sign, so Bring it if You are of the truthful, thereupon, the Prophet Moses threw His stick on the ground, then it was a clear snake, and He draw out His hand from His pocket, then it was white without any harm for the onlookers, but Pharaoh and his chiefs did not realize that they are two signs from the Lord of the worlds, rather He accused the Prophet Moses with magic, and said to the chiefs around him that Moses is a learned magician as mentioned in Aya (34) of Surat Alshu'araa, so the chiefs from among his people agreed with him and said as he said that the Prophet Moses is a learned magician, and Pharaoh claimed that Moses intends to expel them from the land of Egypt, and said to them What do you advice me?. The chiefs advised pharaoh and said to Him Postpone Moses and Aaron, and Send gatherers to the cities in order to bring every learned magician to nullify the magic that He came with, then Pharaoh said to the Prophet Moses that he will bring a magic like the magic of Moses, and asked Him for an appointment at an appointed place, so the Prophet Moses said to him your appointment is the day of the adornment and that the people will be assembled at forenoon as Allah has stated in Ayat (58,59) of Surat Ta Ha

 Allah Almighty says in the next four verses (113-116) ''And the magicians came to Pharaoh, they said for us there surely will be a reward, if we are the victors, he said yes, and indeed, you will be of the nearest ones, they said O Moses! Either that You throw or we will be the ones to throw, He said Throw and when they threw, they bewitched the eyes of the people and terrified them, and came up with a great magic'', that is, when Pharaoh gathered his chiefs, soldiers, and people to see what the Prophet Moses and the magicians are doing, the magicians stood before Pharaoh and asked him to do good to them, so he promised them with a reward and that he will draw them closer to him if they defeated Moses, then the magicians said to Moses either you throw or we will be the first to throw, so the Prophet Moses said to them Throw whatever you will throw, and when they threw, they bewitched the eyes of all people including Moses and His brother Aaron and terrified them and came up with a great magic, for their ropes and sticks seemed to Moses by their magic that they were moving, and He sensed within Himself apprehension but Allah reassured Him that He will be the superior as mentioned in Ayat (66-68) of Surat Ta Ha

 Allah Almighty says in the next six verses (117-122) "And We inspired to Moses that Throw Your stick, then behold! It devoured what they falsified, so the truth was established, and what they were doing was nullified, so they were defeated there and turned despised, and the magicians fell down prostrating, they said we have believed in the Lord of the worlds, the Lord of Moses and Aaron", that is, Allah inspired to the Prophet Moses to throw His stick on the ground, then behold! It was a clear snake and it began to swallow what they falsified, leaving nothing of it, so the truth was established and what they were doing of magic was nullified because the magicians became sure that what Moses had brought to them was true and was not a magic and that it is something that only Allah is capable of, so Pharaoh and his people were defeated and became despised and humiliated. Then the magicians fell down with their faces prostrating to Allah, submitting to Him in obedience, acknowledging that what Moses brought to them is the truth from Allah, and what they used to do of magic is false, so they said "We have believed in the Lord of the worlds, the Lord of Moses and Aaron".

 Allah Almighty says in the next four verses (123-126) "Pharaoh said you believed in Him before I permit you, indeed, this is surely a plot which you plotted in the city to expel its people from it, so you will know, I will surely cut off your hands and your feet of opposite sides, then I will surely crucify you all together, they said indeed, to our Lord we will return, and you do not take revenge on us except that we believed in the signs of our Lord when they came to us, Our Lord! Pour upon us patience and Cause us to die as Muslims", that is, Pharaoh brought the magicians to help him, but they failed him and believed in the Lord of Moses and Aaron when they saw the signs of Allah, but he persisted on his disbelief and stubbornness, and said to them you believed in Him before I permit you, and he claimed that the magicians and the Prophet Moses plotted a plot in the city to expel the people of Egypt from it, so he accused them of colluding with the Prophet Moses and that Moses defeated them with their consultation and consent because He claimed that the Prophet Moses is their chief who has taught them the magic as mentioned in Aya (49) of Surat Alshu'araa, so he threatened them that they will know his punishment as he will cut their hands and their feet of opposite sides, where he will cut off the right hand and the left leg or vise versa, and he will crucify them all on the trunks of palm-trees as mentioned in Aya (71) of Surat Ta Ha, but his threat did not discourage them from faith, and they said to him we will return to Allah on the day of resurrection and He will reward us with the best reward, you do not take revenge on us except that we believed in the signs of Allah when it came to us and became clear to us that only Allah is capable of, then they asked Allah for patience over the punishment of Pharaoh by saving them from disbelief in Him when Pharaoh tortures them, and to take them in death as Muslims, on the religion of Islam not on disbelief and polytheism.

 Allah Almighty says in the next three verses (127-129) "And the chiefs from among the people of Pharaoh said Will you leave Moses and His people to cause corruption on the earth and abandon you and your gods?, he said we will kill their sons and keep their women alive, and indeed, we will overpower them by subjugation, Moses said to His people Seek help from Allah and Be patient, indeed, the earth belongs to Allah, He causes to inherit it whom He wills of His servants, and the end is for the righteous, they said we have been harmed before you have come to us and after you have come to us, He said perhaps, your Lord will destroy your enemy and grant you succession in the earth, and He will see How you will do", that is, the chiefs from among the people of Pharaoh said to him Will you leave Moses and His people from among the Children of Israel cause corruption in the land of Egypt and abandon you and you gods?, so He will invite the people to worship their Lord instead of you and abandon your gods, but Pharaoh said to them we will kill the sons of the Children of Israel and keep their women alive, and we will overpower them by force and subjugation.

 But the Prophet Moses reassured His people and commanded them to seek help from Allah and to be patient over the harm of Pharaoh and his people, then He assured them that the earth belongs to Allah alone, He causes to inherit it whom He wills of His servants, so if you are patient with misfortune that befell you and your children from Pharaoh, Allah will cause you to inherit the land of Egypt, and the good end will be for the righteous in the worldly life and the Hereafter. The people of Moses said to Him we have been harmed before you have come to us and after you have come to us, where Pharaoh used to slaughter their sons and keep alive their women at the beginning of the birth of Moses when he has been informed that there might be a boy of them who would be the cause of the destruction and the collapse of his kingdom, and Allah inspired to Moses' mother to cast Moses in the river in order to save him from killing as mentioned in Surat Alqasas Ayat (7-9), and he repeats the same thing, threatening them that he will kill their sons and keep their women alive, then the Prophet Moses gave them hope saying perhaps your Lord will destroy Pharaoh and his people, and will make you successors on the land of Egypt after their destruction, and He will see How you will do in the worldly life whether you will disbelieve and follow the footsteps of Pharaoh and his people, so you deserve the punishment like them, or will believe in Allah and obey Him, and believe in the resurrection after death, so you deserve a great reward from Allah.

 Allah Almighty says in the next two verses (130,131) "And indeed, We seized the people of Pharaoh with years and a deficiency in fruits, so that they may be reminded, but when the good came to them, they said this is to us, but if an evil afflicts them, they see a bad omen from Moses and those with Him, unquestionably, their bad omen is with Allah, but most of them do not know", that is, Allah has tested the people of Pharaoh with years of famine, barrenness, and drought, and a deficiency in their fruits and crops except for a few so that they may be reminded and returned to their Lord, and humbly supplicate Him to remove evil from them for the rule of Allah was that He did not send a Prophet in a town except that He seized its people with the hardship and the adversity so that they may humbly supplicate Him as shown above in Aya (94), but when Allah blessed them with good and sustenance after they were in hardship and poverty, they said this is what we deserve, but if an evil befalls them in their wealth or in their bodies, they see the Prophet Moses and those who believed with Him as an evil omen, so if the evil befalls them, it will because of the Prophet Moses and those with Him, thereupon, Allah confirms that their decree of good or evil is with Him, and if evil befalls them, it is not because of the bad omen, but rather because of their evil deeds and of what Allah has decreed for them, but most of them do not know that the evil that befell them was from Allah due to their evil deeds not from Moses and those with Him. The pessimism is a bad opinion about Allah, therefore, Allah's Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) warned against bad omen three time when He said in narration of Abdullah bin Mas'ud: "Taking omens is polytheism, taking omens is polytheism, He said it three times, every one of us has some, but Allah removes it by putting trust upon Him" (Sunan Abu Dawood 3910). But on the other hand, Allah's Messenger loved a good omen which is a good word (Fa'l) that makes a person optimistic, where He said in narration of Abu Hurayrah: "There is no omens, and the best of which is Fa'l, they asked What is Fa'l?, He said a good word that ones of you hears" (Sahih Albukhari 5754).

 Allah Almighty says in the next two verses (132,133) "And they said whatever sign You bring us therewith so that You bewitch us with it, we will not be believers in You, so We sent upon them the flood and the locusts and the pests and the frogs and the blood as distinct signs, but they were arrogant and were a criminal people", that is, the people of Pharaoh insisted on disbelief and falsehood out of their arrogance and stubbornness, and said to the Prophet Moses whatever sign You bring us so that You bewitch us with it and distract us from our religion, we will not accept it from You nor will we believe in You or what You have brought. Thereupon Allah sent successive signs upon them, each of which was greater than the one before it, and they all carried torment for them, so Allah sent upon them excessive rain and torrents that damage fruits and crops, then Allah sent upon them locusts to eat their crops and Allah's Messenger said in narration of Abdullah bin Umar: "Two kinds of dead meat and two kinds of blood have been permitted to us, the two kinds of dead meat are fish and locusts, and the two kinds of blood are the liver and spleen" (Sunan Ibn Majah 3314), then the pests that eat the grain, the frogs that filled their houses and their fields, and the blood that filled their rivers and wells, and they were distinct signs, one after another so that Allah may establish the argument against them, but they were arrogant in believing in Allah, and were a criminal people for they denied Allah's signs after they became clear to them.

 Allah Almighty says in the next three verses (134-136) "And when the punishment fell upon them, they said O Moses! Invoke for us Your Lord by the covenant He has made with You, if You remove the punishment from us, we will surely believe in You, and we will surely send with You the Children of Israel, but when We removed the punishment from them until a term which they were to reach, behold! They broke, so We took vengeance on them, and We drowned them in the sea because they denied Our signs and were heedless of them", that is, when Allah's punishment and wrath befell the people of Pharaoh, they besought the Prophet Moses to invoke Allah by the covenant that was between Allah and Him, that if they believed in Allah the punishment would be removed from them, and they promised Him that if the punishment removed from them, they will believe in Him, and they will leave the Children of Israel to believe freely, and will not torture them. So the Prophet Moses supplicated Allah for them, but when Allah removed the punishment from them until a term which they were to reach in order to repent and believe, they broke their covenant and insisted on disbelief. Thereupon, Allah took revenge on them, and drowned them all in the sea because they denied Allah's signs, and were heedless of Allah's signs as they turned away from them, and did not reflect on them.

 Allah Almighty says in the next verse (137) "And We caused the people who have been deemed weak to inherit the eastern regions of the land and its western ones in which We had blessed, and the word of Your Lord was fulfilled, the best, for the Children of Israel for what they have been patient with, and We destroyed what Pharaoh and his people used to make and what they used to construct", that is, Allah saved the Prophet Moses and those who believed with Him from among the children of Israel, so He caused the Children of Israel who have been deemed weak and were oppressed by Pharaoh and his people to inherit the eastern regions of the land and its western ones which are the land of Egypt and the Levant (Sham) in which Allah had blessed, and the best word of Allah was fulfilled for the Children of Israel when Allah wants to confer favor upon those who have been deemed weak in the land, and make them leaders and make them inheritors as He has stated in Aya (5) of Surat Alqasas, and Allah make the Children of Israel to inherit the land of Pharaoh and his people because they were patient over the hardships they faced in order to obey Allah and follow His Messenger Moses, so Allah caused them to inherit gardens, springs, crops, noble places, and a luxury they used to take delight therein as mentioned in Ayat (25-28) of Surat Aldukhan, but Allah has destroyed what Pharaoh and his people used to make and what they used to construct of buildings and towers like the tower that Pharaoh ordered Haman to built so that he could see the Lord of Moses as mentioned in Aya (38) of Surat Alqasas.

 Allah Almighty says in the next two verses (138,139) "And We took the Children of Israel across the sea, then they came upon a people who devoted themselves to idols of theirs, they said O Moses! Make for us a god just as they have gods, He said indeed, you are a people behaving ignorantly, Indeed, these, destroyed is what they are in, and void is what they used to do'', that is, Allah ordered the Prophet Moses to go out and those who believed with Him from among the Children of Israel at night towards the sea, then Allah inspired to Moses that Strike the sea with your stick, so it parted, and each part became like the great mountain as mentioned in Aya (63) of Surat Alshu'araa, so Allah took them across the sea and they passed to the other side of the sea, then they passed by a people who devoted themselves to worship idols, they said to the Prophet Moses Make for us a god just as they have gods, the Prophet Moses said to them you are a people behaving ignorantly regarding the greatness and the majesty of Allah as no one is worthy of worship except Allah to whom belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth, and then the Prophet Moses said to them about those who are devoted to these idols, destroyed is what they are in, for Allah will destroy them and will recompense them with a humiliating punishment, and void is what they used to do, for these idols will not benefit them nor will they save them from Allah's punishment on the day of resurrection. And as narrated by Abu Waqid Al-Laithy: "When the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) went out to Hunayn, He passed a tree that the idolaters called Dhat Anwat upon which they hung their weapons, they said O Messenger of Allah! Make a Dhat Anwat for us as they have a Dhat Anwat, the Prophet said Glory to be Allah: Subhana Allah! This is like what Moses' people said Make for us a god just as they have gods, By the One in whose hand is My soul! You shall follow the way of those who were before you" (Jami' Altirmidhi 2180).

 Allah Almighty says in the next two verses (140,141) "He said Is it other than Allah I should desire for you as a god, while He has preferred you over the worlds?, and when We saved you from the people of Pharaoh, who were afflicting you with the worst of punishment, and were killing your sons and keeping your women alive, and in that there was a great trial from your Lord", that is, the Prophet Moses said to His people when they asked Him for a god to worship Is it other than Allah I should desire for you as a god that neither benefit nor harm you and abandon the worship of Allah who has created you and preferred you over the worlds of your time, and you have just seen Allah's signs in destroying your enemy, so Remember when Allah saved you from the People of Pharaoh who used to oppress you by using you in the worst jobs, toiling you day and night, killing your sons, and keeping your women alive; For Pharaoh has been informed that there might be a boy from among them who would be the cause of the destruction and the collapse of his kingdom, and he repeated the same thing when they believed in Moses as shown above in Aya (127), and in that affliction was a great trial from Allah to the Children of Israel in which there was a great blessing for the patient.

 Allah Almighty says in the next verse (142) "And We have appointed for Moses thirty nights and We completed them with ten, so the appointed time of His Lord was completed as forty nights, and Moses said to His brother Aaron Take My place among My people and Reform and Do not follow the way of the corrupters", that is, Allah has appointed for the Prophet Moses thirty nights and He completed them with ten in order to speak to Him and give Him the Torah in which there were their rulings and details of their law, so the appointed time of Allah was completed as forty nights, and it was said that the forty nights were the thirty nights of Dhul-Qa'dah and the first ten of Dhul-Hijjah, so the Prophet Moses went to the mount of Altour in Sinai as mentioned in Aya (80) of Surat Ta Ha, and He appointed His brother Aaron as His successor over the Children of Israel and instructed Him to reform their affairs and not to follow the way of the corrupters who rebel against the command of Allah and cause corruption in the land. And as narrated by Sa'd bin Abi Waqqas: ''Allah's Messenger left Ali bin Abi Talib behind Him when He proceeded to the expedition of Tabuk, whereupon, Ali said Messenger of Allah! Are you leaving me behind amongst women and children?, thereupon, He (PBUH) said Aren't you satisfied with being unto Me what Aaron was unto Moses, but there would be no Prophet after Me?" (Sahih Muslim 2404 b).

 Allah Almighty says in the next verse (143) "And when Moses came to Our appointed time and His Lord spoke to Him, He said My Lord! Show Me that I may look at You, He said You will not see Me, but Look at the mountain, and if it remains in its place, then You will see Me, but when His Lord appeared to the mountain, He made it crushed, and Moses fell unconscious, and when He became conscious, He said Glory to be You! I have repented to You, and I am the first of the believers", that is, when the Prophet Moses went to Allah's appointment at Altour mount, and Allah spoke to Him, He said to Allah My Lord! Show Me that I may look at You, He said You will not see Me; For it is not for a human being to see Allah in the worldly life, where as narrated by Abdullah Bin Shaqiq: "I said to Abu Dharr If I saw the Prophet (PBUH) then I would have asked Him, He said What is it that you would have asked him about?, I said I would have asked Him Did You see Your Lord?, He said I did ask Him that, and He said, I saw light" (Sahih Muslim 178 b). But the believers will see Allah on the day of resurrection as mentioned in Aya (22,23) of Surat Alqiyamah "Faces that day, will be radiant, looking towards their Lord", and as narrated by Abu Hurayrah: "The people said O Allah's Messenger! Shall we see our Lord on the day of resurrection?, He replied Do you have any doubt in seeing the full moon on a clear night?, they replied no O Allah's Messenger, He said Do you have any doubt in seeing the sun when there are no clouds?, they said no, He said you will see your Lord in the same way" (Sahih Albukhari 806), while the disbelievers will be debarred from their Lord that day as mentioned in Aya (15) of Surat Almutaffifin, so Allah said to the Prophet Moses You will not see Me, but Look at the mountain, and if it remains in its place, then You will see Me, and when Allah appeared to the mountain, He made the mountain crushed and turned into dust, and Moses fell unconscious, and as narrated by Sulaiman bin Harb: "Hammad bin Salamah narrated to us from Thabit from Anas that the Prophet (PBUH) recited this Aya "But when His Lord appeared to the mountain, He made it crushed", Hammad said like this, Sulaiman held his thumb over the tip of his finger on the right hand, and the Prophet said so the mountain disappeared and Moses fell unconscious" (Jami' Altirmidhi 3074). And when the Prophet Moses awoke, He said to Allah Glory to be You! I have repented to You from asking You that of which I have no knowledge, and I am the first of the believers from among My people. 

 And as narrated by Abu Sa'id Alkudri: "A Jew whose face had been slapped came to the Prophet (PBUH) and said O Muhammad! A man from Your Ansari companions slapped me. The Prophet said Call him, they called him and the Prophet asked him Why did you slap his face?, he said O Allah's Messenger! While I was passing by the Jews, I heard him saying By Him who chose Moses above all the human beings, I said even above Muhammad?, so I became furious and slapped him, the Prophet said Do not give Me preference to other prophets, for the people will become unconscious on the day of resurrection and I will be the first to gain conscious, and behold! I will find Moses holding one of the pillars of the Throne, then I will not know whether He has become conscious before Me or He has been exempted because of His unconsciousness at Altour Mountain" (Sahih Albukhari 6917).   

 Allah Almighty says in the next two verses (144,145) "He said O Moses! Indeed, I have chosen You over the people with My messages and with My words, so Take what I have given You and Be among the grateful, and We wrote for Him on the tablets of everything an admonition, and an explanation for everything, so Take them with strength and Order Your people to take the best of it, I will show You the abode of the disobedient", that is, Allah addresses the Prophet Moses saying O Moses! I have chosen You over the people with My messages by which I sent you to them, and with My words at mount Altour and I did not speak to human being except You, so Take what I have given you of My revelation, commands, and Prohibitions, and Be among the grateful to Allah for what He has bestowed upon you and singled you out for it, so Obey Allah in His commands and prohibitions and Hasten to please Him; For gratitude does not occur through tongue, but rather through actions and obedience, while praising Allah occurs through the tongue, therefore, Allah says in Aya (13) of Surat Saba' "O family of David! Work in gratitude". And as narrated by Abu Hurayrah: "Allah's Messenger (PBUH) said Moses argued with Adam, and said to Him You are the one who got the people out of Paradise by Your sin, and made them miserable, Adam said O Moses! You are the one whom Allah has chosen for His message and His words, Do you blame me for a thing which Allah had written for Me before He created Me?, Allah's Messenger said so Adam overcame Moses by this argument" (Sahih Bukhari 4736).

 Allah has written for Moses on the tablets of everything that they need in their religion as an admonition for the believers of Allah's punishment and vengeance on those who disobey Him, so they will be admonished by it, obey Allah's commands, and avoid His prohibitions, and an explanation for everything as Allah has explained therein the commands, the prohibitions, the lawful, the unlawful, the obedience, the disobedience, and all that He needed in His law, then Allah commanded the Prophet Moses to take the tablets with diligence and determination and to adhere to them, and commanded Him to order His people to follow the best of it, so they strive to worship Allah, become closer to piety, and act according to the best of what Allah has revealed, then Allah said to them as a threat I will show You the abode of the disobedient who disobey My commands and deviate from My obedience.

 Allah Almighty says in the next two verses (146,147) "I will turn away from My signs those who are arrogant in the earth without right, and if they see every sign, they will not believe in it, and if they see the way of right guidance, they will not take it as a way, but if they see the way of error, they will take it as a way, that is because they denied Our signs and were heedless of them, those who denied Our signs and the meeting of the Hereafter, those, their deeds were nullified, Are they recompensed except for what they used to do?", that is, Allah assures that He will turn away from His signs those who are arrogant in the earth without right; Because they were arrogant to follow the truth when it came to them, so they denied Allah's signs and disobeyed His Messengers, thereupon, when they turned away, Allah has turned their hearts from understanding all of His signs and contemplating them, and Allah did not cause their hearts to deviate except when they deviated as He has stated in Aya (5) of Surat Alsaff, so Allah has put a covering over their sight, so they will not see the arguments that demonstrate Allah's oneness, but rather, if they see every sign, they will not believe in it, and if they see the way of right guidance that will save them from Allah's punishment, they will turn away from it, and will not adopt it as a way, but if they see the way of error that will lead them to destruction and punishment in the worldly life and the Hereafter, they will adopt it as a way, and they deserved this fate because they denied Allah's signs, and were heedless of Allah's signs as they turned away from them, and did not reflect on them. So those who denied Allah's signs and denied the meeting with Him on the day of resurrection and the reckoning of the Hereafter, their deeds were nullified and have become worthless due to their disbelief, and they will enter Hellfire in the Hereafter, abiding therein forever, and they will be recompensed for what they used to do in the worldly life. 

 Allah Almighty says in the next two verses (148,149) "And the people of Moses made after Him from their ornaments a calf, a body with a lowing sound, Did they not see that it could not speak to them nor guide them to a way?, they took it, and they were wrongdoers, and when they became remorseful, and they saw that they had gone astray, they said if our Lord does not have mercy upon us and forgive us, we will surely be among the losers", that is, the Children of Israel had borrowed jewelry from the people of Pharaoh when they left Egypt, so they threw the jewelry away, and when the Prophet Moses went to meet Allah at Altuor mount, the Samaritan took the jewelry and made a calf from them, and he made it in such a way that it would make a sound, so the Samaritan made a god for them as they asked for as shown above in Aya (138), and they said that the calf is their god and the god of Moses as mentioned in Aya (88) of Surat Ta Hathereupon, Allah marvels at them saying Do they not see that the calf does not answer them when they ask or address it, and that it does not guide them to any good way or guidance, but they took it as a god, and they were wrongdoers for they have worshipped other than Allah. And when they became remorseful when the Prophet Moses returned to them, and they saw that they had gone astray and deviated from the way of Allah by worshipping other than Him, they confessed their sin and returned to Allah in repentance saying if our Lord does not have mercy upon us and forgive us our sins, we will surely be among the losers. 

 Allah Almighty says in the next two verses (150,151) "And when Moses returned to His people, angry and grieved, He said wretched is that by which you have replaced Me after Me, Do you hasten for the command of Your Lord?, and He threw down the tablets and seized His brother by His head, dragging Him towards Himself, He said O son of My mother! Indeed, the people deemed Me weak and were about to kill Me, so Let not the enemies rejoice over Me and Do not place Me among the wrongdoing people, He said My Lord! Forgive Me and My brother and Admit Us into Your mercy, and You are the Most Merciful of the merciful", that is, the Prophet Moses returned to His people, angry and grieved when Allah has informed Him that He has tried His people after Him, and that the Samaritan has led them astray as mentioned in Aya (85) of Surat Ta Ha, and He said to them wretched is what you have done after Me when you followed the Samaritan instead of Me, Do you hasten for the command of your Lord?, so you cannot wait for what Allah promised you, and then the Prophet Moses threw down the tablets out of His grief, then He seized His brother by His head dragging Him towards Himself saying O Aaron What prevented You when You saw them going astray, that you did not follow Me, then Have you disobeyed My command? as mentioned in Ayat (92,93) of Surat Ta Ha, thereupon, the Prophet Aaron said to Him O son of My mother! Indeed, the people deemed Me weak and were about to kill Me, so Let not the enemies rejoice over Me and Do not place Me among the wrongdoing people. And it became clear to the Prophet Moses that His brother Aaron was innocent and that He commanded them not to worship the calf when He said to them O My people! You are being tried by it, and indeed, your Lord is the Most Gracious, so Follow Me and Obey My command, but they insisted to worship it until Moses return to them as mentioned in Ayat (90,91) of Surat Ta Ha, so the Prophet Moses called upon Allah saying My Lord! Forgive Me and My brother and Admit Us into Your mercy, and You are the Most Merciful of the merciful.

 Allah Almighty says in the next two verses (152,153) "Indeed, those who have taken the calf will obtain wrath from their Lord and humiliation in the worldly life, and thus We recompense the inventors, and those who have done evil deeds and then repented after that and believed, indeed, Your Lord after that is surely All-Forgiving, Most Merciful", that is, Allah has hastened His punishment and humiliation in the worldly life for those who have worshipped the calf besides Allah; For their repentance was not accepted from them when they said if our Lord does not have mercy upon us and forgive us, we will surely be among the losers as shown above in Aya (149), until the Prophet Moses commanded them to kill each other saying O My people! Indeed, you have wronged yourselves by your taking the calf, so Repent to your Creator, and Kill yourselves, that is better for you in the sight of your Creator, then He accepted your repentance, indeed, He is Ever accepting of repentance, the Most Merciful as mentioned in Aya (54) of Surat Albaqarah. So Allah's wrath and humiliation had befallen them in the worldly life for their apostasy from their religion, and thus Allah recompense the inventors who invent false gods and idols and invent falsehood against Allah for there is no god but Him. So they began to kill one another, then Allah accepted their repentance, thereupon, Allah assures that He accepts the repentance of His servants from any sin even if it is disbelief, polytheism, or hypocrisy addressing His Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) saying those who have done evil deeds and then repented from them, and believed, indeed, Your Lord after that is surely All-Forgiving, Most Merciful.

 Allah Almighty says in the next verse (154) "And when the anger subsided in Moses, He took up the tablets, and in their inscription was guidance and mercy for those who are fearful of their Lord", that is, when Moses' anger upon His people was calmed down, He picked up the tablets which he had thrown on the ground as shown above in Aya (150), and there was in the inscription of the tablets a guidance to the straight path and a mercy from Allah for those who are fearful of Allah and fearful of His punishment, so they follow His commands and avoid His prohibitions.

 Allah Almighty says in the next two verses (155,156) "And when Moses chose from His people seventy men for Our appointed time, and when the earthquake seized them, He said My Lord! If You had willed, You could have destroyed them before and Me, Would You destroy us for what the foolish among us have done?, it is nothing but Your trial by which You let go astray whom You will and guide whom You will, You are our Protector, so Forgive us, and Have mercy on us, and you are the Best of the forgivers, and Decree for us in this world good and in the Hereafter, indeed, we have turned to You, He said My punishment, I will afflict with it whom I will, but My mercy encompasses all things, so I will decree it for those who fear, and give the Zakah, and those who believe in Our verses", that is, the Prophet Moses had chosen seventy men from among His people in order to apologize to Allah for worshipping the calf, and Allah has appointed for them an appointment at Altuor mount in Sinai, but when they came to their appointment, they said to the Prophet Moses O Moses! We will never believe You until we see Allah openly as mentioned in Aya (55) of Surat Albaqarah, so the earthquake seized them and they all died, and when they died, the Prophet Moses stood up and prayed to Allah saying My Lord! If You had willed, You could have destroyed them and Me before we go out for the appointment lest the Children of Israel accused Me of killing them, Would You destroy us for what the foolish among us have done of their worship of the calf?, it is nothing but Your trial by which You let go astray whom You will and guide whom You will, so that it may become clear who strays from Your way by worshipping the calf and who is guided and abandoning its worship; For Allah has informed the Prophet Moses that He has tried His people after Him, and that the Samaritan has led them astray as mentioned in Aya (85) of Surat Ta Ha, then the Prophet Moses said to Allah You are our Protector, so Forgive us, and Have mercy on us, and you are the Best of the forgivers as none forgives the sins except You, and Decree for us a good in the worldly life and in the Hereafter by guiding us to good deeds in the worldly life for which good reward will be recorded for us in the Hereafter, indeed, we have turned to You in repentance.

 Thereupon, Allah responded to the Prophet Moses and has raised the seventy men up after their death as mentioned in Aya (56) of Surat Albaqarah, and Allah assured the Prophet Moses that He will afflict with His punishment whom He wills, and that His mercy encompasses all things, and as narrated by Abu Hurayrah that Allah's Messenger (PBUH) said: "There are one hundred parts of mercy for Allah, and He has sent down one part of mercy upon the Jinn and human beings and animals and insects, and through it they show kindness to one another, and show mercy to one another, and by it the beast treats its child with kindness, and Allah has reserved ninety-nine parts of mercy by which He would have mercy on His servants on the day of resurrection" (Sahih Muslim 2752 c). And Allah will decree His mercy for those who fear Allah and fear His punishment, so they follow his commands and avoid His prohibitions, who give the Zakah (Obligatory charity or alms), and those who believe in Allah's verses.

 Allah Almighty says in the next verse (157) "Those who follow the Messenger, the illiterate Prophet whom they find written with them in the Torah and the Gospel who enjoins the right upon them, and forbids them from the wrong, and makes lawful for them the good things and prohibits for them the wicked deeds, and relieves them of their burden and the shackles which were upon them, so those who believe in Him and venerate Him and help Him and follow the light which has been sent down with Him, those are the successful", that is, Allah has sent His Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) as an illiterate Prophet who does not write nor read, and it was of Allah's great wisdom that He has sent His Messenger as an illiterate so that the disbelievers would not claim that He has invented the Holy Quran as Allah has stated in Aya (48) of Surat Alankaboot "And You did not recite any book before it, nor did You write it with Your right hand, otherwise, the adherents of falsehood would have doubted", so Allah will decree His mercy for the Jews and the Christians who follow His Messenger Muhammad, the illiterate Prophet whom they find written in the Torah and the Gospel, where as narrated by Ata' bin Yasar: "I met Abdullah bin Amr bin Alas and asked Him Tell me about the description of Allah's Messenger (PBUH) in the Torah, he said yes, By Allah! He is described in the Torah by some of His description in the Quran, O Prophet! Indeed, We have sent You as a witness and a bearer of glad tidings, and a warner (Surat Alahzab, Aya 45), and the Guardian of the illiterate, You are My servant and My Messenger, I have named you Almutawakkil (who puts His trust upon Allah), He is not discourteous, harsh, nor does He speak loudly in the markets, and He does not repel evil with evil, but rather, He pardons and forgives, and Allah will not let Him die until He makes straight the crooked religion through Him by making them say there is no God but Allah, by which He will open blind eyes, and deaf ears and enveloped hearts" (Sahih Albukhari 2125). And Allah's Messenger enjoins the right upon them as He invites them to worship Allah alone and to act in obedience to Him, He forbids them from the wrong as He forbids associating partners with Allah, and acting in disobedience to Him, He makes lawful for them the good things of provision that Allah has prohibited to the Jews due to their transgression such as every animal of uncloven hoof and the fat of the cows and the sheep except what adheres to their backs or the entrails or what is joined with bone as Allah has stated in Aya (146) of Surat Alan'am, so Allah made them lawful for the Muslims. Allah's Messenger also prohibits for them the wicked deeds such as usury, eating dead animal, blood, and pork, and drinking alcohol, and He relieves them of their burden and the shackles which were upon them, where Allah has sent Him with the Holy Quran in which He has abrogated the covenant He has taken from the Children of Israel regarding establishing the Torah and its rulings such as killing themselves as a sign of their repentance, the prohibition of war spoils, leaving work on Saturday, and other acts that were imposed on them, where Allah addresses the people of the Scripture in Aya (15) of Surat Alma'idah saying ''There has come to you Our Messenger making clear to you much of what you used to conceal of the Scripture and overlooking much, there has come to you from Allah a light and a clear Book". Then Allah assures that those who believe in Allah's Messenger, venerate Him as He deserves, help Him against His enemies and follow the Holy Quran which is the light that has been sent down with Him, those are the successful ones in the worldly life and in the Hereafter.

 Allah Almighty says in the next verse (158) "Say O people! Indeed, I am the Messenger of Allah to you all, the One to whom belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth, there is no God but He, He gives life and causes death, so Believe in Allah and His Messenger, the illiterate Prophet who believes in Allah and His words, and Follow Him so that you may be guided", that is, Allah commanded His Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) to say to the people indeed, I am the Messenger of Allah to you all, Arabs and Non-Arabs, where Allah addresses Him saying in Aya (28) of Surat Saba' "And We did not send You except to all mankind, a bearer of glad tidings and a warner, but most people do not know", and to say to them that the One who has sent Him is Allah, the One who possesses the authority of whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth, there is not God but He as He is the One to whom is the worship of everything, and the obedience of all creation, He gives life to whom He wills, and causes death to whom He wills, so Believe in Allah and His Messenger Muhammad (PBUH), the illiterate Prophet, who believes in Allah and His words which Allah has sent down to Him and to the Prophets before Him, and Follow Him in what He commands you and forbids you so that you may be guided to the straight path. And as narrated by Abu Aldarda': "There was a dispute between Abu Bakr and Umar, and Abu Bakr made Umar angry, so Umar left angrily, Abu Bakr followed him, asking him to ask forgiveness for him, but Umar refused to do so, and closed his door in his face, so Abu Bakr went to Allah's Messenger (PBUH) while we were with Him, so Allah's Messenger said as for this friend of yours must have quarreled, in the meantime, Umar regretted what he had done, so he came, greeted, sat with the Prophet (PBUH), and told to Him the story, Abu Aldarda' said Allah's Messenger became angry, and Abu Bakr started saying O Allah's Messenger! I was more at fault, Allah's Messenger said Are you leaving for Me My companion?, Are you leaving for Me My companion?, when I said O people! Indeed, I am the Messenger of Allah to you all, you said You tell a lie, while Abu Bakr said You have told the truth" (Sahih Albukhari 4640).

 Allah Almighty says in the next two verses (159,160) "And among the people of Moses is a community which guides by the truth and they do justice thereby, and We divided them into twelve descendant tribes, communities, and We inspired to Moses when His people asked Him for water that Strike with Your stick the stone, then there gushed forth from it twelve springs, indeed, every people knew their drinking place, and We shaded them with clouds and sent down upon them the Mann and the Salwa Eat from the good things which We have provided You, and they did not wrong Us, but they were wronging themselves", that is, Allah assures that among the people of Moses there was a community which guided others by the truth and they used to act justly thereby, and they were the leaders from among the Children of Israel who guide to the truth and judge by Allah's command as Allah stated in Aya (24) of Surat Alsajdah "And We made from among them leaders guiding by Our command when they were patient and they were certain of Our signs". Allah reminds the Children of Israel of the favors He has bestowed upon them when they were with the Prophet Moses on the right side of Altour mount in Sinai as mentioned in Aya (80) of  Surat Ta Ha, when He has divided the Children of Israel into twelve descendant tribes as twelve communities, so Remember when Allah responded to Your Prophet Moses when you asked Him for water, and Allah inspired to Him that Strike with Your stick the stone, then there gushed forth from the stone twelve springs, for each tribe there was a spring, and every people knew their drinking place, Allah also has shaded you with the clouds in order to protect you from the heat of the sun, and because they were in the desert, they did not have food, so Allah sent down to them the Mann, which is sweet resin like honey, without sowing or toiling, and the quails (Salwa) that fall on them, and they take from them as much as they need. And Allah's Messenger (PBUH) said that the Kam'ah (Terfeziaceae), which grows in the desert under the ground after rain without human care and is used for food, is like the Mann that Allah has sent down upon the Children of Israel, when He said in narration of Sa'id bin Zaid: "Al-kam'ah is like the Mann, and its water is a cure for the eye diseases" (Sahih Albukhari 4639). Then Allah commanded the Children of Israel to eat from the good provision that He has bestowed upon them, and they did not wrong Allah but they were wronging themselves; Because instead of givings thanks to Allah for the good and easy food that He has sent down upon them, they said to the Prophet Moses we can never endure one kind of food, so Call upon Your Lord to bring forth for us from the earth its green herbs, and its cucumbers, and its garlic, and its lentils and its onions, He said Would you exchange what is better for what is less? as mentioned in Aya (61) of Surat Albaqarah.

 Allah Almighty says in the next two verses (161,162) "And when it was said to them Dwell in this town and Eat from it wherever you wish and Say Relieve us of our burden and Enter the gate prostrating, We will forgive you your sins, We will increase the good doers, but those who wronged among them changed to a word other than what had been said to them, so We sent upon them a punishment from the sky because they were doing wrong", that is, when it was said to the Children of Israel Dwell in Baiyt Al-Maqdis (Jerusalem), and Eat from its fruits, grains, and plants wherever you wish, and Say Hettatun: Relieve us of our sins, and Enter the gate of the town bowing humbly in gratitude to Allah for the blessing He has bestowed upon you, and if you do so, Allah will forgive for you your sins, and He will increase the good doers of His bounty. But those who wronged themselves with disbelief after belief changed to a word other what had been said to them, so they entered the gate in a different way other than they were ordered to do, and said a word other than Hettatun, where as narrated by Abu Hurayrah that Allah's Messenger said: "It was said to the Children of Israel Enter the gate prostrating, and Say Hettatun, We will forgive you your sins, but they changed and entered dragging themselves on their buttocks, and said Habatun fee sha'ratin: a grain of hair" (Sahih Albukhari 4641). So they were commanded to say Hettatun, which a word of asking forgiveness and removing their sins, but they mocked and changed it to Habatun fee sha'ratin, which means wheat ears, thereupon, Allah has sent upon them a punishment from the sky because they were doing wrong when they did the opposite of what they were commanded to do, and said other than they were commanded to say.

 Allah Almighty says in the next two verses (163,164) "And Ask them about the town that was by the sea, when they transgressed on the Sabbath, when their fish came to them visibly on their Sabbath day, and the day they had no Sabbath, they did not come to them, thus, We test them because they were disobeying, and when a community among them said Why do you admonish a people whom Allah is going to destroy or to punish them with a severe punishment?, they said, an excuse before your Lord and that they may fear", that is, Allah commanded His Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) to ask the Jews about their ancestors who were in the town that was near the sea and on its shore, when they were ordered not to work on the Sabbath and it was not allowed to them to fish on it, but they transgressed on the Sabbath, and disobeyed Allah's command when their fish came to them visibly on the surface of the water on their Sabbath, and all days other than the Sabbath, the fish did not come to them, and they have hard to catch them, and thus Allah has tested them by showing the fish on the surface of the water the day it is forbidden for them to fish, and hiding the fish from them on the days it is permissible for them to fish, and Allah has tested them because they used to disobey Allah and transgress His commands, so a community from among them transgressed on the Sabbath, and fished on it. The people of the town were divided into three groups, one group committed the forbidden act by catching fish on the Sabbath, a group forbade them from doing that, and a group remained silent, they did not fish, nor did they forbid the other, so they said to those who advice those who transgressed on the Sabbath Why do you admonish these people when you know that Allah will destroy them or will punish them with a sever punishment, so they deserved the punishment and there is not benefit in forbidding them?, they said to them an excuse before your Lord by which we absolve ourselves before Him that we have enjoined the right and forbidden from the wrong, and that they may fear Allah and fear His punishment, so they may repent from their evil deeds, and act in obedience to Him. 

 Allah Almighty says in the next two verses (165,166) "And when they forgot that by which they had been reminded, We saved those who had forbidden from the evil and seized those who wronged with a wretched punishment because they were disobeying, so when they rebelled against that which they had been forbidden, We said to them Be apes, despised", that is, when the group who transgressed on the Sabbath abandoned what Allah has commanded to do, and neglected what the preaching group had advised and reminded them of Allah's punishment, Allah saved those who had forbidden them from their disobedience, and Allah seized those who wronged on the Sabbath with a wretched punishment because they used to disobey Allah and transgress His commands, so when they exceeded Allah's limits and rebelled against Allah's command regarding what they had been forbidden, Allah turned them into humiliated apes with tails after they were men and women saying to them Be apes, despised.   

 Allah Almighty says in the next two verses (167,168) "And when Your Lord declared that He would surely send upon them until the day of resurrection those who would afflict them with the worst of punishment, indeed, Your Lord is Swift in punishing, and indeed, He is surely All-Forgiving, Most Merciful, and We divided them throughout the earth into communities, of them some were righteous and of them some were otherwise, and we tested them with the good and the evils, so that they may return", that is, Allah has declared that He will send upon the Jews until the day of resurrection those who would afflict them with the worst of punishment because of their disobedience and violation of Allah's commands and law, and Allah has decreed to the children of Israel in the Torah that they will cause corruption in the land after the Prophet Moses twice, and that He will send upon them those who will inflict them with a terrible punishment and expel them from Jerusalem, and whenever they return to corruption, Allah will return to punish them through those who will inflict a severe punishment upon them as Allah has stated in Ayat (4-8) of Surat Alisraa, and they will continue their corruption on the earth until the end of time when the Muslims will fight them, where as narrated by Abu Hurayrah that Allah's Messenger (PBUH) said: "The Hour will not be established until you fight the Jews, and the stone behind which a Jew will be hiding will say O Muslim! There is a Jew hiding behind me, so kill him" (Sahih Albukhari 2926). Then Allah assures that He is swift in punishing for those who disobey His commands and rebelled against them, but at the same time, He is  All-Forgiving, Most Merciful for those who repent, believe, and do righteous deeds. And Allah has divided the Children of Israel into communities throughout the earth, so they became various dispersed groups, from among them were righteous who did not change their religion after the Prophet Moses and believed in Allah's Messengers after Him, and among them are those who were otherwise as they changed their religion after the Prophet Moses and opposed Allah's Messengers after Him, and most of them were otherwise as Allah has stated in Aya (110) of Surat Aliemran: "And if the people of the Book have believed, it would have been better for them, among them are believers, but most of them are disobedient". And Allah has tested the Children of Israel with the good and the evil, so Allah tested them sometimes with prosperity and well-being, and other times with hardship and illness, so that they may turn away from disbelief and return in repentance and submission to Allah.

 Allah Almighty says in the next two verses (169,170) "Then succeeded from after them successors who inherited the Book taking the gain of this, the lower, and saying it will be forgiven for us, and if a gain like it comes to them, they will take it, Was not the covenant of the Book taken from them that they would not say about Allah except the truth while they studied what is in it?, and the abode of the Hereafter is better for those who fear, then Will you not understand?, but those who hold fast to the Book and establish the prayer, indeed, We will not waste the reward of the reformers", that is, the generation among whom were the righteous and otherwise was succeeded by another generation in which there is no good; For they inherited the Torah, and they learned it, but they neglected act according to it and opposed its rulings, taking the lower gain of this worldly life whether lawful or unlawful, saying it will be forgiven for us even though they do not repent, but rather they persist on their sins and whenever they find a gain of the worldly life, they will take it, and will forget the gain of the Hereafter, where Allah has stated in Ayat (75,79) of Surat Albaqarah that there was a group from among the Children of Israel who used to hear the words of Allah, and then distort it after they had understood it while they were knowing, so Allah threatens those who write the Book with their own hands, then say this is from Allah in order to exchange it for a small price saying woe to them for what their hands have written and woe to them for what they earn, thereupon, Allah says as a denunciation Was not the covenant of the Book taken from them that they would not say about Allah except the truth while they studied what is in the Torah?, so they distorted the Torah for a small price and forgot the gain of the Hereafter while Allah assures that the abode of the Hereafter is better for those who fear Allah and fear His punishment, so they followed His commands, and avoided his prohibitions, so Will you not understand that the reward you will receive in the Hereafter is better and more lasting than the fleeting gain of the worldly life that will lead you to Hellfire and will not benefit you, but as for those who adhered to the Torah, so they followed its commands and abandoned it prohibition, and established the prayer, Allah will not deprive them from their good deeds. 

 Allah Almighty says in the next verse (171) "And when We raised the mountain above them as if it were a canopy and they thought that it would fall upon them Take what We have given you with strength, and Remember what is in it so that you may fear", that is, Allah has raised the mountain, which is Altour mountain as mentioned in Aya (63) of Surat Albaqarah, above the heads of Children of Israel as if it were a canopy, and they thought that the mountain would fall upon them, and it was a threat to them that they should take what Allah had commanded them of duties and rulings, otherwise, the mountain would fall on them, so Allah said to them Take what We have given you in the Torah with diligence and determination and to adhere to them, and Remember what is in the Torah, so Accept it, Recite it, and Act according to it, so that you may fear Allah and fear His punishment, so you will follow His commands and avoid His prohibitions.

 Allah Almighty says in the next three verses (172-174) "And when Your Lord took from the Children of Adam from their backs their progeny, and made them bear witness against themselves Am I not your Lord?, they said yes, we have witnessed lest you should say on the day of resurrection indeed, we were of this unaware, or you say it was only that our fathers have associated before, and we were a progeny after them, then Would You destroy us for what the adherent of falsehood have done?, and thus We explain in details the verses and so that they may return", that is, Allah addresses His Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) saying that He has extracted the offspring of the Children of Adam from their loins, and made them testify against themselves when He said to them Am I not your Lord?, they said yes, we have witnessed, so they testify that Allah is their Lord and that there is no God but Him, so Allah has created the Children of Adam upon monotheism and Islam which is the nature of Allah upon which He has created the people as He has stated in Aya (30) of Surat Alroom, and as narrated by Iyad bin Himar that Allah's Messenger (PBUH) said while delivering a sermon one day: "Unquestionably, My Lord commanded Me that I should teach you which you do not know, and from which He has taught Me today, every property that I have bestowed upon a servant is lawful, and indeed, I have created all of My servants as upright, but the devils came to them and turned them away from their religion, and made forbidden for them what I have made lawful for them, and commanded them to associate with Me what I have not sent down any authority of it" (Sahih Muslim 2865 a).  So Allah has taken the covenant from the Children of Adam, and they testified against themselves, and no one is born until the day of resurrection except that a covenant has been taken from him, and that covenant will be an argument against the disbelievers who have broken their covenant and worshipped other than Allah, where as narrated by Anas that the Messenger of Allah said: "Allah will say to that person of Hellfire who will receive the least punishment if you had everything on the earth, Would you ransom yourself with?, he will say yes, then Allah will say I have asked you what is easier than this while you were in the loin of Adam, that you should not associate anything with Me, but you refused except polytheism" (Sahih Albukhari 3334).

 Thereupon, Allah has taken the covenant from the Children of Adam when the souls of the Children of Adam witnessed of Allah's oneness before they were created in the bodies in the worldly life when they were in the world before life, which is called Alam Alzzar, so they were dead before life in the worldly life, then they will be given life in the worldly life, then they will die after life, and then they will be resurrected on the day of resurrection after death, so Allah addresses those who break the covenant of Allah after contracting it saying in Aya (28) of Surat Albaqarah: "How can you disbelieve in Allah when you were lifeless and He brought you to life, then He will cause you to die, then He will bring you back to life, and then to Him you will be returned". Accordingly, all human beings have submitted to Allah and acknowledged His oneness before the worldly life, therefore, Allah says in Aya (83) of Surat Aliemran: "So Is it other than the religion of Allah they desire while to Him have submitted all those within the heavens and the earth, willingly or unwillingly, and to Him they will be returned?". And Allah has made their covenant and their acknowledging of monotheism as an argument against themselves lest they will say on the day of resurrection we were unaware of this, or they will say it was only that their fathers have associated before, and they were a progeny after them, as they will disavow their polytheism by saying we have found our fathers on a religion, and indeed, we on their footsteps are guided as mentioned in Aya (22) of Surat Alzukhruf, then they will say to Allah Would You destroy us for what the adherent of falsehood have done?, so Would you destroy us because our fathers have associated partner with You, and we followed their footsteps out of our ignorance of the truth, thinking that they were right. And thus Allah explains the verses, and makes it clear to the polytheist of Quraish, so that they may be deterred by those who associate false gods and idols with Allah, so they acknowledge Allah's monotheism, return to Allah's obedience, and abandon the worship of anything other than Allah.

 Allah Almighty says in the next three verses (175-177) "And Recite to them the news of the one whom We gave Our signs, but he wriggled out from them, so Satan followed him, and he became of the deviators, and if We had willed, We could surely have raised him thereby, but he adhered to the earth and followed his desire, so his example is like that of the dog, if you chase him, he pants, or if you leave him, he pants, that is the example of the people who denied Our signs, so Narrate the stories so that they might give thought, evil is the example of the people who denied Our signs and they used to wrong themselves", that is, Allah commanded His Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) to recite to His people the news of a man whom Allah has given His arguments and signs, but He wriggled out from Allah's signs and denied them, so Satan followed him by making him a follower of him who would follow his commands in disobeying Allah, and he became one of those who deviated from the path of guidance, and it was said that he was a man from the Children of Israel called Bal'am bin Ba'uraa, and it was said that he was a man from Thaqif tribe called Umayyah ibn Abi Alsalt who believed in monotheism and rejected the worship of idols because he had extensive knowledge of the Heavenly books, and he read the Torah and the Gospel, and he lived at the beginning of the call of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), but he refused to believe in Him. Then Allah assures that if He had willed, He could surely have raised this man by the signs He has given him, so he would be guided by them and attain a high degree in Paradise, but he adhered to the earth by inclining to the worldly life and its pleasure, following his own desire, and forgetting the Hereafter, so his example is like that of the dog, if you chase him, he pants, or if you leave him, he pants, so he became in his misguidance and not benefiting from faith like a dog in his panting in every situation, if you chase him or you leave him, he will pant in both cases, likewise this man, whether Allah's signs and proofs come to him or they do not come to him, he will not be guided and will not follow the path of guidance, and that is the example of those who denied Allah's signs and disbelieved in Him, therefore, Allah addresses His Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) saying it is alike for the disbelievers whether He warns them or does not warn them, they do not believe as mentioned in Ayat (6) of Surat Albaqarah, and Aya (10) of Surat Yaseen.

 Allah commanded His Messenger to narrate to His people the stories of this man who wriggled out from Allah's signs and followed Satan, and the previous nations whom Allah's punishment befell them when they disobeyed Allah and opposed His Messengers as shown above, so that they would give thought, and would be careful not to be like them lest Allah's punishment befalls them as it befell those before them. Then Allah says Evil is the example of the people who denied Our signs, so their example is evil when they were likened to the dogs whose only interest is to obtain food or desire, so those who read Allah's verses, and do not act according to it, depart from the path of guidance, follow their desires, and follow Satan, have become like dogs, and this is an evil example for them, and then they deserved Allah's punishment, and Allah did not wrong them, but they used to wrong themselves. And the evil example of a dog is not appropriate for the believers, where Allah's Messenger said in narration of Ibn Abbas: "The evil example is not for us, he who takes back his gift is like a dog that swallows back his vomit" (Sahih Albukhari 2622).

 Allah Almighty says in the next two verses (178,179) "Whoever Allah guides, then he is the guided one, and whoever He lets go astray, then those are the losers, and indeed, We have created for Hellfire many of the Jinn and mankind they have hearts with which they do not understand, they have eyes with which they do not see, and they have ears with which they do not hear, those are like the cattle, rather they are more astray, those are the heedless ones", that is, Allah assures that guidance and misguidance belong to Him alone as He guides whom He wills, and lets go astray whom He wills, so whoever Allah guides, then he is the guided one, and there is none to lead him astray, but whoever Allah lets go astray, then those are the losers who will lose themselves on the day of resurrection for they will enter Hellfire, abiding therein forever, and indeed, Allah has created for Hellfire many of the Jinn and the men, and as narrated by Aisha: "The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) was called to lead the funeral prayer of a child of the Ansar, I said O Allah's Messenger! There is happiness for this child, who is a bird from the birds of Paradise for he committed no sin nor has he reached the age when one can commit sin, He said Or something else?, O Aisha! Indeed, Allah has created people for Paradise, He created them for it while they were in the loins of their fathers, and He has created people for Hellfire, He created them for it while they were in the loins of their fathers" (Sahih Muslim 2662 c). Allah has created many of the Jinn and human beings for Hellfire because they are not guided and they will not believe even if they saw every sign of Allah's signs for when Allah has created the creation, He knew what they would do before their exist, and He wrote their destinies fifty thousands years before He created the heavens and the earth, where as narrated by Abdullah Ibn Amr Ibn Alas: "I heard Allah's Messenger (PBUH) saying Allah ordained the destinies of the creation fifty thousand years before He created the heavens and the earth, and He said and His Throne was upon water" (Sahih Muslim 2653).

 Therefore, Allah assures that the people of Hellfire have hearts with which they do not understand, they have eyes with which they do not see, and they have ears with which they do not hear, they were not deaf, dumb or blind, but rather they have hearts with which they do not contemplate the signs of Allah that indicate His Oneness and the truthfulness of His Messengers, they have eyes with which they do not see the signs of Allah nor do they reflect on them, and they have ears with which they do not hear the verses of Allah, so they turned away from the truth when it has come to them, followed their desires, neglected the Hereafter, so Allah has likened them to the cattle that do not benefit from their senses except for the enjoyment of the worldly life such as food and drink, nor do they distinguish between the good and the evil, but rather they are more astray than the cattle; For the cattle respond to their shepherd even if they do not understand his words, and they do what they are created for either by nature or by harnessing them, unlike the people of Hellfire from the Jinn and the men who do not do what they are created for, they are only created to worship Allah alone where Allah says in Aya (56) of Surat Aldhariyat "And I did not create the Jinn and mankind except that they worship Me", but they disbelieved in Allah and associated other with Him, so they are the heedless ones who neglected Allah's signs, proofs, and verses.

 Allah Almighty says in the next verse (180) "And to Allah belong the Most Beautiful Names, so Call Him by them, and Leave those who distort in His Names, they will be recompensed for what they used to do", that is, Allah assures that the Most Beautiful Names belong to Him alone, and Allah's Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) said in narration of Abu Hurayrah: "There are ninety-nine Names of Allah, whoever memorizes them shall enter Paradise, and indeed, Allah is Odd (One), and He loves odd number" (Sahih Muslim 2677 a). The Most Beautiful Names of Allah indicate His monotheism, generosity, mercy, benevolence, and many other meanings of goodness and blessings that He has bestowed upon His creation, thereupon, Allah commanded His creation to call upon Him by His Names, so Ask Him by any Name you want whether in general such as O Allah or O Most Gracious, for Allah says in Aya (110) of Surat Alisraa "Say Call upon Allah or Call upon the Most Gracious, whichever you call, to Him belong the Most Beautiful Names", or Ask by every Name what befits it such as Ya Rahman erhamni: O Most Merciful! Have mercy on me, or Ya Raziq erzuqni: O Provider! Provide for me, or Ya ghafuor eghfir lee: O All-forgiving! Forgive me, and so on. Then Allah threatens the disbelievers who distort His Names by calling upon their false idols by the Most Beautiful Names of Allah or by deriving the names of their false gods from the Most Beautiful Names of Allah as it was said that the infidels of Quraish had derived the names of their false idols from Allah's Names, and they derived Al-lat from Allah, and Aluzza from Alazeez: Almighty, so they will be recompensed on the day of resurrection for what they used to do in the worldly life of distortion in His Names, disbelief in Him, and denial of His Messenger.

 Allah Almighty says in the next verse (181) "And among those whom We have created is a community which guides by the truth and they do justice thereby", that is, Allah assures that at every time there was a community which guided others by the truth and they used to act justly thereby, so there were leaders who guide to the truth and judge by Allah's command, just as there was a community from among the people of Moses which guides by the truth and they do justice thereby as shown above in Aya (159), there is also a community from among Muhammad's Ummah until the end of time, where as narrated by Jabir bin Abdullah: "I heard the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) saying a community from among My people will not cease fighting for the truth and will prevail till the day of resurrection, He said Jesus, son of Mary, would then descend, and their commander would invite Him to come and lead them in prayer, but He would say no, some amongst you are commanders over some, this is the honor from Allah for this Ummah" (Sahih Muslim 156). And as narrated by Abdullah bin Shamasa Almahri: "I was in the company of Maslama bin Mukhallad, and Abdullah bin Amr bin Alas was with him, Abdullah said the Hour shall come only when the worst type of people are left on the earth, they will be worse than the people of Pre-Islamic era, they will get whatever they ask Allah for. While we were yet sitting when Uqba bin Amir came, and Maslama said to him listen to what Abdullah says, Uqba said he knows best, so far as I am concerned, I heard Allah's Messenger saying a group of people from My Ummah will continue to fight in obedience to the command of Allah, remaining dominant over their enemies, those who will oppose them shall not do them any harm, they will remain in this condition until the Hour overtakes them, Abdullah said yes, then Allah will raise a wind which will be fragrant like Musk and whose touch will be like the touch of silk, it will not leave behind a single person in whose heart there is the weight of a grain of faith except it will take him in death, then only the worst of men will remain to be overwhelmed by the Hour" (Sahih Muslim 1924). 

 Allah Almighty says in the next three verses (182-184) "But those who denied Our signs, We will progressively lead them from where they do not know, and I give them time, indeed, My plan is firm, Do they not give thought?, there is in their companion no madness?, He is only a clear warner", that is, Allah threatens those who denied His signs and did not reflect on them that He will progressively lead them to their destruction from where they do not know, and that He will give them a little time, so He will adorn to them the evil of their deeds, and will give them the enjoyment and the adornment of the worldly life, then He will take revenge on them and take them suddenly while they do not perceive, and Allah's plan is firm, so they will not escape from Allah's torment, where Allah says in Aya (44) of Surat Alan'am: "So when they forgot what they had been reminded, We opened to them the doors of everything until when they rejoiced in that which they were given, We seized them suddenly while they were then in despair". Then Allah says Do those who denied Allah's signs that He has sent His Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) with not give thought, if they give though, they will know that there is no madness in Allah's Messenger Muhammad (PBUH), but His is only a clear warner, so He only has to inform and warn them of Allah's punishment if they disobeyed Him.

 Allah Almighty says in the next two verses (185,186) "Do they not look into the kingdom of the heavens and the earth and everything that Allah has created and that perhaps their term has come near?, so in what statement after it will they believe?, whoever Allah lets go astray, then there is no guide for him, and He leaves them in their transgression, wandering", that is, Do those who denied Allah's signs not look into the great kingdom of the heavens and the earth and what Allah has created of anything in them such as the sun, the moon, the mountains, the seas, the animals, the plants, and many other of Allah's creation, so they will reflect of them, and then they will acknowledge Allah's great power in His creation, and will know that the idols whom they worshipped besides Him do not possess anything in the kingdom of the heavens and the earth, thereupon, they will believe in Allah and His Messenger, abandon the false gods and idols, and beware that their death are approaching, so they will perish on disbelief, and become subject to Allah's punishment on the day of resurrection, so Allah marvels at them saying if they do not believe in the Holy Quran, in which statement do they believe?. Not everyone who looks into the kingdom of the heavens and the earth will be guided, but whoever is decreed to go astray, no one will guide him even if he looks at every sign of Allah's signs as Allah has stated in Aya (101) of Surat Yunus "Say See what is in the heavens and the earth, but the signs and the warners do not avail a people who do not believe". Thereupon, Allah assures that whoever He lets go astray from the path of guidance, then there is no guide for him, so he will not see guidance nor will he believe, and He leaves them wandering blindly in their transgression, so they will not be guided to any guidance, nor will they see any way of truth, and thus they deserve Allah's punishment that He has decreed for them.

 Allah Almighty says in the next verse (187) "They ask You about the Hour when is its arrival?, Say its knowledge is only with My Lord, none will reveal it in its time except Him, it lays heavily upon the heavens and the earth, it will not come upon you except suddenly, they ask You as if You are knowledgeable of it, Say its knowledge is only with Allah, but most of the people do not know", that is, the polytheists of Quraish used to ask Allah's Messenger (PBUH) about the day of resurrection (The Hour) as a denial of its occurrence for those who do not believe in the Hour seek to hasten it; because they ruled out its occurrence and think that it will not happen as mentioned in Aya (18) of Surat Alshura, so they asked Allah's Messenger When would the Hour take place?, thereupon, Allah commanded Him to say that its knowledge is only with Allah, no one will reveal it in its time except Allah, it lays heavily upon the heavens and the earth where it is hidden in the heavens and the earth for Allah hides its arrival from His creation, so no near Angel or sent Messenger knows when the day of resurrection will take place, where Allah commanded His Messenger Muhammad to say to them "No one in the heavens and the earth knows the unseen except Allah, and they do not perceive when they will be resurrected" as mentioned in Aya (65) of Surat Alnaml, so it will not come upon the people except suddenly while they do not perceive, then Allah addresses His Messenger saying they ask You as if you were deeply knowledgeable of it and were informed about it, Say its knowledge is only with Allah, but most of the people do not know that the knowledge of the Hour is one of the five keys of the unseen as Allah has stated in Aya (34) of Surat Luqman.

 But Allah's Messenger has informed about some of the portents of the Hour where He said to Gabriel, the Angel, when He asked Him about the Hour "The One who is asked about it does not know more than the questioner does, but I will describe to you its portents, when the lady slave gives birth to her paramour, that will be of its portents, when the bare-footed naked people become the chiefs of the people, that will be of its portents" (Sahih Albukhari 4777). And as narrated by Abu Hurayrah: "While the Prophet (PBUH) was saying something in a gathering, a Bedouin came and asked Him When would the Hour take place?, Allah's Messenger continued his talk, so some people said that Allah's Messenger had heard the question, but did not like what the Bedouin had asked, some of them said that Allah's Messenger had not heard it. When Allah's Messenger finished His speech, He said Where is the questioner who inquired about the Hour?, the Bedouin said I am here, O Allah's Messenger, then He said when honesty is lost, then Wait for the Hour, the Bedouin said How will that be lost?, He said when the matter is entrusted to people other than who deserve it (i.e. the power or authority will be in the hands of unfit persons), then Wait for the Hour" (Sahih Albukhari 59). And Allah's Messenger (PBUH) said in narration of Abu Hurayrah: "The Hour will not be established until knowledge will be taken away (by the death of religious learned men), earthquakes will be very frequent, time will pass quickly, temptations will appear, turmoil will increase, which is murder murder, until money increases among you and overflows" (Sahih Albukhari 1036). 

 Allah Almighty says in the next verse (188) "Say I do not possess benefit nor harm to Myself except what Allah wills, and if I had known the unseen, I would have increased of the good, and the evil would not have touched Me, I am only a warner and a bearer of glad tidings to a people who believe", that is, Allah commanded His Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) to assure those who asked Him about the Hour that He does not know the unseen, and He has not any knowledge of it except what Allah has informed Him of, so He is not able to bring benefit to Himself nor ward off harm from Him except what Allah wills, and Allah alone is the One who brings good, and averts the evil, so if He had known the unseen, He would have increased of the good and would have done a lot of good deeds, and He would have avoided and feared the evil that would occur, so the evil would not have touched Him, but He is only a warner of Hellfire, and a bearer of glad tidings of Paradise for those who obey Allah and believe in Him.

 Allah Almighty says in the next two verses (189,190) "He is the One who created you from one soul, and made from it its spouse, so that he may find tranquility in her, and when he covers her, she carries a light burden and passes with it, and when she becomes heavy, they both invoke Allah, their Lord, if You should give us a good, we would surely be among the grateful, but when He gives them a good, they both attribute partners to Him in what He has given them, so Exalted is Allah above what they associate", that is, Allah confirms that He is the One who created all people from one soul (Adam), despite their different races, tongues and colors, then He created from it its wife Eve, then He made their progeny males and females, so that man may find tranquility in his spouse, and when he had intercourse with his wife, she carried a light pregnancy as she does not feel any pain at the beginning of the pregnancy when it was a sperm-drop, then a clinging blood, then an embryonic lump as mentioned in Aya (5) of Surat Alhajj, then she continued with pregnancy until the spirit was breathed into the fetus, and then she became heavy when the fetus grows in her womb, they both invoke Allah, their Lord saying if You should give us a good, and well-perfected child, we would surely be among the grateful who obey Allah in His commands and prohibitions and hasten to please Him; For gratitude does not occur through tongue, but rather through actions and obedience, while praising Allah occurs through the tongue, therefore, Allah says in Aya (13) of Surat Saba' "O family of David! Work in gratitude". But when Allah granted them a well-perfected child as they asked for, they were not grateful to Allah and did not obey Him, but rather they were grateful to false gods and idols for they attributed them as partners to Allah in what He has given them, thereupon, Allah absolves Himself from having a partner saying Exalted is Allah above what they associate with Him of partners and idols who do not create anything in the heavens or on the earth.   

 Allah Almighty says in the next three verses (191-193) "Do they associate those who do not create anything and they are created?, and they can not give them any help nor can they help themselves, and if you call them to the guidance, they will not follow you, it is the same for you whether you call them or you are silent", that is, Allah denounces at the polytheists who have attributed partners to Him of false gods and idols when He granted them a child saying Do they associate with Him partners who do not create anything in the heavens or on the earth, but rather these partners are created as they are inanimate objects that do not hear nor see, they have no power or authority over anything, and they do not harm nor benefit, so they did not give them their child and if they all gathered together in order to created a fly, they well never create it as Allah has stated in Aya (73) of Surat Alhajj, and they can not help their worshippers if Allah intends evil for them or inflicts a punishment upon them, nor can they help themselves or ward off harm from themselves, then Allah assures that if the polytheists call their partners to the guidance, they will not follow them; Because they do not understand their call and what is said to them, and they do not hear their voices, so the Prophet Abraham said to His father ''O My father! Why do you worship what does not hear and does not see, and does not avail anything from you" as mentioned in Aya (42) of Surat Maryam. So How do the polytheists worship false gods and idols while they are more perfect than them for they see, hear, and understand, and How can these idols guide them while it is the same for them whether they call them to guidance or they are silent and do not call them.

 Allah Almighty says in the next three verses (194-196) "Indeed, those whom you call upon besides Allah are servants like you, so Call upon them, and let them respond to you if you are truthful, Do they have legs by which they walk, or Do they have hands by which they seize, or Do they have eyes by which they see?, or Do they have ears by which they hear?, Say Call your partners, and then Plan against Me then Do not give Me respite, indeed, My Protector is Allah, the One who has sent down the Book, and He protects the righteous", that is, Allah addresses the polytheists who worshiped besides Him those do not possess benefit nor harm for them saying those whom you call upon besides Allah are servants like you, although they are inanimate objects, but they are created, owned, and subjected by Allah like you, so if you were truthful that they benefit or harm and that they are worthy of worship, then Call upon them, and let them respond to your supplication, unquestionably, they will not respond to them until the day of resurrection, and they are unaware of their invokes as Allah has stated in Aya (5) of Surat Alahqaf, then Allah shows them their ignorance in worshipping those who are inferior to them in creation saying Do these idols have legs by which they walk for you in your need, Do they have hands by which they seize and strike those who intend evil and harm against you, Do they have eyes by which they see you and see what is hidden from you, or Do they have ears by which they hear you and hear what you do not hear, thereupon, Allah commanded His Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) to say to the polytheists Call your partners and Plot against Me, you and your gods, in enmity and harm against Me, and Do not give Me any respite if your idols whom you worship have these characteristics, then See if you can afflict Me with the evil. Indeed, My Protector is Allah, the One who has sent down the Holy Quran by the truth, and He protects the righteous who do not associate anything with Allah and act in obedience to Him, so you and your idols could not cause harm or benefit for Me except what Allah wills.

 Allah Almighty says in the next two verses (197,198) "And those whom you call besides Him can not give you any help nor can they help themselves, and if you call them to the guidance, they do not hear, and You see them looking at You while they do not see", that is, Allah assures again that the idols whom the polytheists worship besides Him can not help their worshippers if Allah intends evil for them or inflicts a punishment upon them, nor can they help themselves or ward off harm from themselves, and Allah assures again that these idols do not hear nor see saying if you call them to guidance, they do not hear your call, then Allah addresses His Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) saying and You see them looking at You, but they do not see You because they are an inanimate objects carved in the forms of human being, so their eyes are open and looking at You, but they have no sight.

 Allah Almighty says in the next two verses (199,200) "Hold to forgiveness, and Enjoin what is right, and Turn away from the ignorant, and if a whisper comes to you from Satan, an evil whisper, then Seek refuge in Allah, indeed, He is All-Hearing, All-Knower", that is, Allah guides His Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) in particular and the Muslims in general to good morals and rational actions, and how to deal with people's morals, where as narrated by Abdullah bin Alzubair: "Hold to forgiveness, and Enjoin what is right was revealed by Allah except in connection with the behavior of the people, and that Allah ordered His Prophet to forgive the people their misbehavior" (Sahih Albukhari 4643,4644), so Allah commanded His Messenger to forgive those who wronged Him, pardon the sinners, and be kind to the believers, to enjoin what is right and every good manner such as keeping ties of kinship with those who break the ties of kinship and fearing Allah in what is permissible and what is forbidden, and to turn away from the ignorant and the people of injustice by refraining from quarreling with the foolish. So as narrated by Ibn Abbas: "Uyaiyna bin Hisn bin Hudhaiyfa came and stayed with his nephew Alhurr bin Qais who was one of those whom Umar used to keep near him, as the Qurra' (learned men knowing Quran by heart) were the people of Umar's meetings and his advisors whether they were old or young. Uyaiyna said to his nephew O son of my brother! You have an approach to this chief, so Get for me the permission to see him, Alhurr said I will get the permission for you to see him, so Alhurr asked the permission for Uyaiyna and Umar admitted him, when Uyaiyna entered upon him, he said Beware O the son of Alkhattab, By Allah! you neither give us sufficient provision nor judge among us with justice, thereupon, Umar became so furious that he intended to harm him, but Alhurr said O chief of the believers! Allah said to His Prophet Hold to forgiveness, and Enjoin what is right, and Turn away from the ignorant, and this is one of the ignorant, By Allah! Umar did not overlook that verse when Alhurr recited it before him, he observed Allah's book strictly" (Sahih Albukhari 4642). 

 Allah has commanded the believers to repel the evil with the good as He has stated in Aya (96) of Surat Almu'minun and Aya (34) of Surat Fussilat, but Satan aims to spread enmity and hatred between mankind, so he helps man to take revenge and repel evil with evil, and he does not want man to repel evil with good, so there is no trick in repelling the plot of Satan if he whispers to man except seeking refuge in Allah who has given him power over man, and because the plot of Satan has ever been weak as Allah has stated in Aya (76) of Surat Alnisaa, so if man sought refuge in Allah and resorted to him, He will repel the plot of Satan, and will save man from his harm, and Allah is the All-Hearing, the All-Knower where nothing in the heavens or on the earth is hidden from Him. And as narrated by Sulaiman bin Surd: "While I was sitting in the company of the Prophet (PBUH), two men abused each other and the face of one of them became red with anger, and his jugular veins swelled, on that the Prophet said I know a word, if he had said it, what he finds (of severe anger) would have gone away from him, if He had said I seek refuge in Allah from Satan, what he finds would have gone away from him, so they said to Him the Prophet (PBUH) said Seek refuge in Allah from Satan, he said Am I mad?" (Sahih Albukhari 3282). 

 Allah Almighty says in the next two verses (201,202) "Indeed, those who fear, when a visitation from Satan touches them, they remember, then behold! They have insight, but their brothers increase them in the error, then they do not fall short", that is, Allah assures that those who fear Him and fear His punishment, so they follow His commands and avoid His prohibitions, when they are touched by a whisper, evil thought, or anger from Satan, they remember Allah's punishment, threat, promise, and reward, then behold! They have insight, so they saw the truth, thereupon, they act according to it, seek refuge in Allah from the accursed Satan, obey Allah in what He has imposed upon them, and abandon the obedience of Satan in what he commands them to do. But as for the brethren of devils who follow the devils and accept their commands, the devils increase them in committing sins, make it easy for them, and adorn for them the evil deeds until they see it as good deeds, then they do not fall short nor get tired in supporting them in error.

 Allah Almighty says in the next two verses (203,204) "And when You do not bring them a sign, they say Why have You not devised it?, Say I only follow what is revealed to Me from My Lord, this is enlightenment from your Lord and guidance and mercy for a people who believe, so when the Quran is recited, then Listen to it and Be silent so that you may receive mercy", that is, when Allah's Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) did not bring the polytheists of Quraish a sign, they said Why have You not devised a sign, and brought it to us of Your own accord?, thereupon, Allah commanded His Messenger to assure them that He only follows what is revealed to Him from Allah; For it was not for a Messenger that He brings a sign without the permission of Allah, as Allah has stated in Ayat (38) of Surat Alra'd, and (78) of Surat Ghafir, and that He has already brought them the most greatest sign that indicate the truthfulness of what He came with from Allah which is the Holy Quran as an enlightenment of the truth, the rulings, and the limits of Allah, a guidance to the straight path, and a mercy from Allah for a people who believe in Allah, His Messenger, and His Book, so that they may remember and be guided thereby. Then Allah commanded the believers to listen quietly, be silent, and pay attention to the Holy Quran when it is recited, so that they may understand its verses and contemplate it, and then they may receive the mercy of Allah and be saved from His punishment on the day of resurrection, and this is obligatory in the prayers in which the Imam recites the Holy Quran aloud, where as narrated by Abu Hurayrah: "The Messenger of Allah said the Imam is appointed to be followed, so when he says the Takbir: Allahu Akbar, Say the Takbir, and when he recites, Be silent, and when he says Samea Allahu le-man hamidah: Allah hears those who praise Him, Say Allahumma Rabbana laka alhamd: Our Lord to You be praise" (Sunan Alnasai 921).

 And as narrated by Abu Hurayrah: "When the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) finished a prayer in which He recited loudly, He asked Did any of you recite along with Me just now?, a man replied yes, Messenger of Allah, He said I am wondering what is the matter with Me that I have been competed with reciting the Quran, he said when the people heard that from the Messenger of Allah, they ceased reciting along with Him at the prayers in which He recited aloud" (Abu Dawood 826). And as narrated by Ubadah bin Alsamit: "The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) led us in one of the prayers in which the recitation is done out loud, and He said None of you should recite when I recite out loud except for the Umm-Alquran: mother of the Quran (Alfatihah)" (Sunan Alnasai 920).  

 Allah Almighty says in the last two verses (205,206) "And Remember Your Lord within Yourself humbly and in fear, and without loudness of the words in the morning and the evening, and Do not be among the heedless, indeed, those who are with Your Lord are not arrogant to worship Him, and they glorify Him, and to Him they prostrate", that is, Allah commanded His Messenger in particular and His servants in general to remember Him within themselves in submission, humility, fear of their hearts, and without raising their voices or shouting in supplication in the morning and the evening, thereupon, Allah's Messenger forbade His companions from raising their voices in remembering Allah as shown above in Aya (55), so Allah urged His servants to remember Him frequently in the morning and the evening lest they be among the heedless of the remembrance of Allah, then Allah urges His servant to imitate the Angels in their obedience and worship as He praises the Angels who are with Him because they are not arrogant to worship Him, they glorify Him day and night while they do not slacken as mentioned in Aya (20) of Surat Alanbiyaa, and they prostrate before Allah, and as narrated by Jabir bin Sumurah: "Allah's Messenger (PBUH) said Do you not line up in rows as the Angels line up in rows before their Lord Almighty?, we said How do the Angels line up in rows before their Lord?, He said they make the first rows complete, and keep close together in the row" (Sunan Abu Dawood 661). 

No one Knows its interpretation except Allah

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