17- Surat Alisraa

111 Verses Meccan (revealed in Mecca)

A'auzu Bellahi mena alshaiytani alrajeem

I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed Satan

Besmi Ellahi Alrhmani Alraheem

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

Subhana allazi asra be-abdehi lailan mena almasjedi alharami ela almasjedi al-aqsa allazi barakna hawlahuo le-nureyahuo men ayatena innahuo huwa Alsamee-o Albaseer (1)
Glory to be the One who has taken His servant by night from Alharam mosque to Alaqsa mosque which We have blessed its surroundings to show Him of Our signs, indeed, He is All-Hearing, All-Seeing.

Wa ataiyna Musa alketaba wa ja'alnahuo hudan le-bani Israela alla tattakhezuo men duoni wakeela (2).
And We gave Moses the book, and made it a guidance for the Children of Israel that do not take a guardian besides Me.

Zurriyyata man hamalna ma-a nuhin innahuo kana abdan shakuora (3).
Progeny of those whom We carried with Noah, indeed, He was a grateful servant.

Wa qadaiyna el bani Israela fee alketabi la-tufsedunna fee alardi marrataiyni wa lata'lunna auluwwan kabeera (4)
And We decreed to the Children of Israel in the book that you will surely cause corruption on the earth twice, and you will surely exalt a great exaltation.

Fa-iza ja-a wa'duo aulahuma ba-athna alaiykum ebadan lana auli ba'sin shadeedin fa-jasuo khelala aldiyari wa kana wa'dan maf-uola (5).
So when the promise for the first of the two came, We sent against you servants of Ours, possessors of strong fighting power, and they invaded the homes, and it was a fulfilled promise.

Thumma radadna lakumuo alkarrata alaiyhim wa amdadnakum be-amwalin wa baneena wa ja-alnakum akthara nafeera (6).
Then We gave you a return victory over them, and We provided you with wealth and children and made you more numerous in manpower.

In ahsantum ahsantum le-anfusekum wa in asa'tum fa-laha fa-iza ja-a wa'duo alakherati le-yasu-uo wujuhakum wa le-yadkhuluo almasjeda kama dakhaluhuo awwala marratin wa le-youtabberuo ma alaww tatbeera (7).
If you do good, you will do good for yourselves, and if you do evil, then it is for it, so when the promise of the last came, they have to spoil your faces and to enter the mosque just as they had entered it the first time, and to destroy what they over-power totally.

Asa Rabbukum an yarhamakum wa in audtum audna wa ja-alna jahannama lel-kafereena haseera (8).
Perhaps that your Lord will have mercy upon you, but if you return, We will return, and We have made Hellfire a prison for the disbelievers.

Inna haza alqurana yahdi lellati heiya aqwamuo wa youbashsheruo almu'meneena allazina ya'maluona alsalehati anna lahum ajran kabeera (9).
Indeed, this Quran guides to that which is most upright, and gives the glad tidings to the believers who do good deeds that there is a great reward for them.

Wa anna allazina la you'menuona bel-akherati a'tadna lahum azaban aleema (10).
And that those who do not believe in the Hereafter, We have prepared for them a painful punishment.

Wa yad-uo alinsanuo bel-sharri du-a-ahuo bel-khaiyri wa kna alinsanuo ajuola (11).
And the man supplicates for evil as he supplicates for good, and man is ever hasty.

Wa ja-alna al-laila wa alnahara ayataiyni fa-mahawna ayata al-laili wa ja-alna ayata alnahari mubseratan le-tabtaghuo fadlan men Rabbekum wa le-ta'lamuo adada alseneena wa alhesaba wa kulla shaiy-in fassalnahuo tafseela (12).
And We have made the night and the day two signs, then We erased the sign of the night, and We made the sign of the day visible, so that you may seek from the bounty of your Lord, and that you may know the number of the years and the computation, and We have explained everything in detail.

Wa kulla insanin alzamnahuo ta-erahuo fee aunuqehi wa nukhrejuo lahuo yawma alqeiyamati ketaban yalqahuo manshuora (13).
And every man We have imposed his fate upon his neck, and We will bring forth for him on the day of resurrection a book which he will encounter spread open.

Iqra' ketabaka kafa be-nafseka alyawma alaiyka haseeba (14)
Read your book, sufficient is yourself against you this day as accountant.

Mani ehtada fa-innama yahtadi le-nafsehi wa man dalla fa-innama yadelluo alaiyha wa la tazeruo wazeratun wezra aukhra wa ma kunna mu-azzebeena hatta nab-atha rasuola (15).
Whoever is guided, then only he is guided for himself, and whoever goes astray, then only he goes astray against it, and no bearer of burden shall bear the burden of another, and We are not to punish until We have sent a Messenger.

Wa iza aradna an nuhleka qariyatan amarna mutrafeeha fa-fasaquo feeha fa-haqqa alaiyha alqawluo fa-dammarnaha tadmeera (16)
And when We intend to destroy a town, We order its wealthy ones, but they defiantly disobey therein, so the word has come true upon it, and We destroy it a total destruction.

Wa kam ahlakna mena alquruoni men ba'di Noohin wa kafa be-rabbeka be-zunubi ebadehi Khabeeran Baseera (17).
And how many generations We have destroyed after Noah, and Sufficient is Your Lord concerning the sins of His servants as All-Aware, All-Seeing. 

Man kana youreduo alajelata ajjalna lahuo feeha ma nasha-uo le-man nureduo thumma ja-alna lahuo jahannama yaslaha mazmuman mad-huora (18)
Whoever should desire the immediate, We hasten for him in it what We will to whom We intend, then We have made for him Hellfire, he will enter it, reprehensible, banished.

Wa man arada alakherata wa sa-a laha sa'yaha wa huwa mu'menun fa-aulaeka kana sa'yuhum mashkuora (19).
But whoever desires the Hereafter and strives for it its strive, while he is a believer, then those whose effort is appreciated.

Kullan numedduo haulaee wa haulaee men ataee Rabbeka wa ma kana ata-uo Rabbeka mahzuora (20).
To each, these and these, We extend from the gift of Your Lord, and never has the gift of Your Lord been restricted.

Aunzur kaiyfa faddalna ba'dahum ala ba'din wa lal-akheratuo akbaruo darajatin wa kbaruo tafdeela (21).
Look how We have preferred some of them over others, but the Hereafter is greater in degrees and greater in preference.

La taj'al ma-a Allahi elahan akhara fataq-uoda mazmuman makhzula (22).
Do not make along with Allah another god, lest you will sit reprehensible, forsaken.

Wa qada Rabbuka alla ta'buduo ella iyyahuo wa bel-walidaiyni ihsanan imma yablughanna endaka alkebara ahaduhuma aww kelahuma fala taqul lahuma uffin wa la tanharhuma wa qul lahuma qawlan kareema (23)
And Your Lord has decreed that you do not worship except Him, and kindness to parents, whether one or both of them reach old age with you, so Do not say to them Uff, and Do not rebuke them, but speak to them a noble word.

Wa-khfed lahuma janaha alzulli mena alrahmati wa qul Rabbi erhamhuma kama rabbayani sagheera (24)
And lower to them the wing of humility out of mercy and say My Lord have mercy upon them as they have brought me up when I was young. 

Rabbukum a'lamuo bema fee nufusekum in takunuo saleheena fa-innahuo kana lel-awwabeena ghafuora (25).)
Your Lord knows best what is within yourselves, if you are righteous, then indeed, He is All-Forgiving to the often returning.

Wa ati za alqurba haqqahuo wa almeskeena wa-bna alsabeeli wa la tubazzir tabzeera (26).
And Give the near of kin his right, and the needy, and the wayfarer, and do not waste wastefully.

Inna almubazzereena kanuo ekhwana alshayateeni wa kana alshaiytanuo le-rabbehi kafuora (27).
Indeed, the wasteful are brothers to the devils, and the devil is ungrateful to his Lord. 

Wa imma tu'redanna anhum ebtegha-a rahmatin men Rabbeka tarjuoha fa-qul lahum qawlan maiysuora (28).
And if you turn away from them awaiting mercy from Your Lord which you hope for it, then speak to them a gentle word.

Wa la taj'al yadaka maghlulatan ela aunuqeka wa la tabsut-ha kulla albasti fataq-uda maluman mahsuora (29).
And Do not make your hand chained to your neck or extend it to the full extent lest you will sit blameworthy and insolvent.

Inna Rabbaka yabsutuo alrezqa le-man yasha-uo wa yaqderuo innahu kana be-ebadehi Khabeeran Baseera (30).
Indeed, Your Lord extends the provision for whom He wills and restricts, indeed, He is of His servants All-Aware, All-seeing.

Wa la taqtuluo awladakum khashyata emlaqin nahnuo narzukuhum wa iyyakum inna qatlahum kana khet-an kabeera (31).
And Do not kill your children for fear of poverty, We provide for them and for you, indeed, their killing is a great sin.

Wa la taqrabuo alzena innahuo kana faheshatan wa sa-a sebeela (32).
And Do not approach the adultery, indeed, it is an immorality, and is evil as a way. 

Wa la taqtuluo alnafsa allati harrama Allahu ella bel-haqqi wa man qutela mazluman fa-qad ja-alna le-waliyyihi sultanan fala yousref fee alqatli innahuo kana mansuora (33).  
And Do not kill the soul which Allah has forbidden except by right, and whoever is killed unjustly, then indeed, We have given his guardian an authority, so let him not exceed limits in killing, indeed, he will be helped.
Wa la taqrabuo mala alyateemi ella bellati heiya ahsanuo hatta yablugha ashuddahuo wa awfuo bel-ahdi inna alahda kana mas-uola (34).
And Do not approach the property of the orphan except in the way that is best, until he reaches his maturity, and Fulfill the covenant, indeed, the covenant is to be questioned.

Wa awfuo alkaiyla iza keltum wa zenuo bel-qestasi almustaqeemi zaleka khaiyrun wa ahsanuo ta'weela (35).
And Give full measure when you measure, and Weigh with an even balance, that is best and better in result.

Wa la taqfuo ma laiysa laka behi elmun inna alsam-a wa albasara wa alfu-ada kulluo aulaeka kana anhuo mas-uola (36).
And Do not pursue that of which you have no knowledge, indeed, the hearing and the sight, and the heart, about all those, one will be questioned.

Wa la tamshi fee alardi marahan innaka lan takhreqa alarda wa lan tablugha aljebala tuola (37).
And Do not walk on the earth exultantly, indeed, you will never tear the earth, and you will never reach the mountains in height.

Kulluo zaleka kana sayyi-uhuo enda Rabbeka makruoha (38).
All that, its evil is detestable in the sight of Your Lord.

Zaleka memma awha elaiyka Rabbuka mena alhekmati wa la taj'al ma-a Allahi elahan akhara fa-tulqa fee jahannama maluman mad-huora (39).
That is from what Your Lord has revealed to You of wisdom, and Do not make along with Allah another god, lest you will be thrown into Hellfire blameworthy and banished.

Afa-asfakum Rabbukum bel-baneena wa-ttakhaza mena almalaekati enathan innakum la-taquluona qawlan azeema (40).
Then Has your Lord chosen you for sons and He has taken from among the Angels females?, indeed, you say a grave word.

Wa laqad sarrafna fee haza alqurani le-yazzakkaruo wa ma yazeduhum ella nufura (41).
And We have certainly explained in this Quran so that they may be reminded, but it does not increase them except aversion.

Qul laww kana ma-ahuo alehatun kama yaquluona izan la-btaghaww ela zee alarshi sabeela (42)
Say if there had been along with Him gods as they say, then they would have sought to the Possessor of the Throne a way.

Subhanahuo wa ta-ala amma yaquluona auluwwan kabeera (43).
Glory to be Him and Exalted is He above what they say, a great exaltation.

Tusabbehuo lahuo alsamawatuo alsab-uo wa alarduo wa man fehenna wa in men shaiy-in ella yousabbehuo be-hamdehi wa laken la tafqahuona tasbehahum innahuo kana Haleeman Ghafuora (44)
The seven heavens and the earth and whatever is in both of them glorify Him, and there is not a thing except that it glorifies with His praise, but you do not understand their glorification, indeed, He is Most Forbearing, All-Forgiving.

Wa iza qara'ta alqurana ja-alna baiynaka wa baiyna allazina la you'menuona bel-akherati hejaban mastuora (45).
And when You recite the Quran, We placed between You and those who do not believe in the Hereafter a hidden barrier.
Wa ja-alna ala qulubehim akennatan an yafqahuhuo wa fee azanehim waqran wa iza zakarta Rabbaka fee alqurani wahdahuo wallaww ala adbarehim nufuora (46).
And We have placed covers over their hearts lest they understand it, and deafness in their ears, and when you mention Your Lord alone in the Quran, they turn their back in aversion.
Nahnuo a'lamuo bema yastame-uona behi iz yastame-uona elaiyka wa iz hum najwa iz yaquluo alzalemuona in tattabe-uona ella rajulan mas-huora (47).
We know best of what they listen to it, when they listen to You, and when they are in a secret counsel, when the wrongdoers say you only follow a bewitched man.

Aunzur kaiyfa darabuo laka alamthala fa-dalluo fala yastate-uona sabeela (48).
See How they cite the examples for you, so they have gone astray and can not find a way.

Wa qaluo a-iza kunna ezaman wa rufatan a-inna la-mab-uthuona khalqan jadeeda (49).
And they say Is it that when we become bones and dust, indeed, Shall we be resurrected as a new creation?. 

Qul kunuo hejaratan aww hadeeda (50).
Say Be stones or iron.

Aww khalqan memma yakburuo fee sudurekum fasa-yaquluona man you-eduona quli ellazi fatarakum awwala marratin fasa-youngheduona elaiyka ru-usahum wa yaquluona mata huwa qul asa an yakuona qareeba (51).
Or a creation of that which is great within your breasts, and they will say, Who will bring us back?, Say the One who created you the first time, then they will shake their heads towards You and say When is it that?, Say perhaps it is near.
Yawma yad-ukum fatasta-jebuona be-hamdehi wa tazunnuona in labethtum ella qaleela (52).
The day when He will call you, and you will respond with praise of Him, and you will think that you had not remained except for a little.

Wa qul le-ebadi yaquluo allati heiya ahsanuo inna alshaiytana yanzaghuo baiynahum inna alshaiytana kana lel-insani aduwwan mubeena (53).
And Say to My servants that to say what is best, indeed, Satan sows discord between them, indeed, the Satan is a clear enemy for the man. 

Rabbukum a'lamuo bekum in yasha' yarhamkum aww in yasha' you-azzebkum wa ma arsalnaka alaiyhim wakeela (54)
Your Lord knows best of you, if He wills, He will have mercy upon you, or if He wills, He will punish you, and We have not sent You as a guardian over them.

Wa Rabbuka a'lamuo be-man fee alsamawati wa alardi wa laqad faddalna ba'da alnabiyyina ala ba'din wa ataiyna Dawuoda zabuora (55).
And Your Lord knows best of whoever is in the heavens and the earth, and indeed, We have preferred some of the Prophets over others, and We gave David the Psalms.

Quli ed-uo allazina za-amtum men duonehi fa-la yamlekuona kashfa aldurri ankum wa la tahweela (56).
Say Call upon those whom you have claimed besides Him, they do not possess the removal of the adversity from you, or a transfer.

Aulaeka allazina yad-uona yabtaghuona ela Rabbehimu alwaselata ayyuhum aqrabuo wa yarjuona rahmatahuo wa yakhafuona azabahuo inna azaba Rabbeka kana mahzuora (57).
Those whom they call upon, seek the means of closeness to their Lord, which of them is the closest, and they hope for His mercy and fear His punishment, indeed, the punishment of Your Lord is to be feared.
Wa in men qariyatin ella nahnuo muhlekuoha qabla yawmi alqeiyamati aww mu-azzebuoha azaban shadeedan kana zaleka fee alketabi mastuora (58).
And there is not a town except that We will destroy it before the day of resurrection or punish it a severe punishment, this is written in the book.

Wa ma mana-ana an nursela bel-ayati ella an kazzaba beha alawwaluona wa ataiyna thamuda alnaqata mubseratan fa-zalamuo beha wa ma nurseluo bel-ayati ella takhweefa (59).
And nothing has prevented Us from sending signs except that the former ones denied them, and We gave Thamud the she-camel as a visible sign, but they wronged her, and We do not send the signs except as a warning.

Wa iz qulna laka inna Rabbaka ahata bel-nasi wa ma ja-alna alru'ya allati araiynaka ella fetnatan lel-nasi wa alshajarata almal-uonata fee alqurani wa nukhawwefuhum fa-ma yazeduhum ella tughiyanan kabeera (60).
And when We said to You that Your Lord has encompassed the people, and We did not make the vision which We showed to You except a trial for the people, and the accursed tree in the Quran, and We frighten them, but it does not increase them except a great transgression.

Wa iz qulna lel-malaekati esjuduo le-adama fa-sajaduo ella Iblisa qala a-asjuduo le-man khalaqta teena (61).
And when We said to the Angels Prostrate to Adam, and they prostrated except for Iblis, he said, Shall I prostrate to one whom You created from clay?. 

Qala ara'ytaka haza allazi karramta alayya la-in akhkhartani ela yawmi alqeiyamati la-ahtanekanna zurriyyatahuo ella qaleela (62).
He said Do You see this one whom You have honored above me?, if You delay me until the day of resurrection, I will surely destroy his progeny except for a few.

Qal ezhab fa-man tabe-aka menhum fa-inna jahannama jaza-ukum jaza-an mawfura (63).
He said Go, and whoever of them follows you, then indeed, Hellfire is your recompense, an ample recompense.

Wa-stafziz mani estata'ta menhum be-sawteka wa ajleb alaiyhim be-khaiyleka wa rajeleka wa sharekhum fee alamwali wa alawladi wa-ed-hum wa ma ya-eduhumuo alshaiytanuo ella ghurura (64)
And Incite whoever you can among them with your voice and Assault them with your horses, and foot soldiers and Become a partner in their wealth and their children and Promise them, but Satan does not promise them except delusion.
Inna ebadi laiysa laka alaiyhim sultanun wa kafa be-rabbeka wakeela (65).
Indeed over My servants you have no authority, and Sufficient is Your Lord as a Guardian. 

Rabbukumuo allazi yujzee lakumuo alfulka fee albahri le-tabtaghuo men fadlehi innahuo kana bekum raheema (66).
Your Lord is the One who causes ships to sail for you through the sea so that you may seek of His bounty, indeed, He is Most Merciful for you. 

Wa iza massakumuo aldurruo fee albahri dalla man tad-uona ella iyyahuo fa-lamma najjakum ela albarri a'rad-tum wa kana alinsanuo kafuora (67).
And when adversity touches you in the sea, forgotten are those whom you used to invoke except Him, but when He rescued you to the land, you turned away, and ever is man ungrateful.

Afa-amentum an yakhsefa bekum janeba albarri aww yoursela alaiykum haseban thumma la tajeduo lakum wakeela (68).
Then Do you feel secure that He will not cause a part of the land swallow you or send against you a storm of stones?, then you would not find for yourselves a guardian.

Am amentum an you-edakum feehi taratan aukhra fa-yoursela alaiykum qasefan mena alreehi fa-youghreqakum bema kafartum thumma la tajeduo lakum alaiyna behi tabee-a (69).
Or Do you feel secure that He will not send you back into it another time, and send upon you a hurricane of the wind and drown you because you disbelieved?, then you will not find for you against Us an avenger.

Wa laqad karramna bani Adama wa hamlnahum fee albarri wa albahri wa razqnahum mena altayyibati wa faddalnahum ala katheerin memman khalaqna tafdeela (70).
And We have honored the children of Adam, and We carried them on the land and the sea, and We have provided them of the good things, and We preferred them over many of those whom We have created, with preference.

Yawma nad-uo kulla aunasin be-imamehim fa-man auteiya ketabahuo be-yamenehi fa-aulaeka yaqra-uona ketabahum wa la youzlamuona fateela (71).
The day when We will call every people with their register, so whoever is given his book in his right hand, then those will read their book and will not be wronged as much as a thread.

Wa man kana fee hazehi a'ma fa-huwa fee alakherati a'ma wa adalluo sabeela (72).
And whoever is blind in this, then he will be blind in the Hereafter and more astray from the path.
Wa in kaduo la-yaftenunaka ani ellazi awhaiyna elaiyka le-taftariya alaiyna ghaiyrahuo wa izan la-ttakhazuoka khaleela (73).
And they were about to tempt You away from that which We revealed to You, so that You invent about Us other than it, and then, they would have certainly taken you as a friend.

Wa lawla an thabbatnaka laqad kedta tarkanuo elaiyhim shaiy-an qaleela (74).
And if We had not strengthened You, You would have almost inclined to them a little thing. 

Izan la-azaqnaka de'fa alhayati wa de'fa almamati thumma la tajeduo laka alaiyna naseera (75).
Then We would have made You taste double in the life and double after the death, then You would not have found for You against Us a helper.

Wa in kaduo la-yastafezzunaka mena alardi le-youkhrejuoka menha wa izan la yalbathuona khelafaka ella qaleela (76).
And indeed, they were about to provoke You from the land, so that they expel You from it, but then, they would not have stayed after You except a little.

Sunnata man qad arsalna qablaka men rusulena wa la tajeduo le-sunnatena tahweela (77).
The rule of those whom We have sent before You of Our Messengers, and You will not find any alteration in Our rule.

Aqmi alsalata le-duluki alshamsi ela ghasaqi al-laili wa qurana alfajri inna qurana alfajri kana mash-huda (78).
Establish the prayer at the decline of the sun until the darkness of the night, and the Quran of Dawn, indeed, the Quran of Dawn is ever witnessed.

Wa mena al-laili fa-tahajjad behi nafelatan laka asa an yab-athaka Rabbuka maqaman mahmuoda (79).
And from the night pray Tahajjud with it, as additional for You, it is expected that Your Lord will raise You to a praiseworthy place.

Wa qul Rabbi adkhelni mudkhala sedqin wa akhrejni mukhraja sedqin waj'al lee men ladunka sultanan naseera (80).
And Say My Lord cause Me to enter a honorable entrance, and cause Me to exit a honorable exit and grant Me from Yourself a supporting authority.

Wa qul ja-a alhaqquo wa zahaqa albateluo inna albatela kana zahuqa (81).
And Say the truth has come, and the falsehood has perished, indeed, the falsehood is to perish.

Wa nunazelluo mena alqurani ma huwa shefa-on wa rahmatun lel-mu'meneena wa la yazeduo alzalemeena ella khasara (82)
And We send down from the Quran that is a healing and a mercy for the believers, but it does not increase the wrongdoers except a loss.

Wa iza an-amna ala alinsani a'rada wa na-a be-janebehi wa iza massahuo alsharruo kana ya-uosa (83).
And when We bestowed Our favor upon man, he turns away and distances himself, and when the evil touches him, he is ever despairing.

Qul kullun ya'maluo ala shakelatehi fa-rabbukum a'lamuo be-man huwa ahda sabeela (84).
Say everyone acts in his own style, for your Lord knows best who is better guided in the way.

Wa yas'alunaka ani alruohi quli alruhuo men amri Rabbi wa ma autetum mena al-elmi ella qaleela (85).
And they ask You about the spirit, say the spirit is of the command of My Lord, and you have not given of the knowledge except a little.

Wa la-in she'na la-nazhabanna bellazi awhaiyna elaiyka thumma la tajeduo laka behi alaiyna wakeela (86).
And if We willed, We could surely take that which We revealed to You, then You will not find for Yourself concerning it any guardian against Us.

Ella rahmatan men Rabbeka inna fadlahuo kana alaiyka kebeera (87).
Except a mercy from Your Lord, indeed, His favor upon You has ever been great.

Qul la-ini ejtam-ati alinsuo wa aljjinuo ala an ya'tuo be-methli haza alqurani la ya'tuona be-methlehi wa laww kana ba'duhum le-ba'din zaheera (88).
Say if mankind and the Jinn gathered in order to produce the like of this Quran, they could not produce the like of it, even if they were to each other assistants.

Wa laqad sarrafna lel-nasi fee haza alqurani men kulli mathalin fa-aba aktharuo alnasi ella kufuora (89).
And Indeed, We have explained for the people in this Quran from every example, but most of the people refused except disbelief.

Wa qaluo lan nu'mena laka hatta tafjura lana mena alardi yanbu-a (90).
And they say we will not believe in you until You gush forth for us from the earth a spring.

Aww takuna laka jannatun men nakheelin wa enabin fa-tufajjera alanhara khelalaha tafjeera (91)
Or You have a garden of date-palms and grapes, then You make rivers gush forth from their midst in abundance.

Aww tusqeta alsama-a kama za-amta alaiyna kesafan aww ta'teiya bellahi wa almalaekati qabeela (92)
Or You cause a fragment of the sky to fall upon us as You have claimed, or You bring Allah and the Angels before us.

Aww yakuna laka baiytun men zukhrufin aww tarqa fee alsama-e wa lan nu'mena le-ruqiyyeka hata tunazzela alaiyna ketaban naqra-uhuo qul subhana Rabbi hal kuntuo ella basharan rasula (93).
Or You have a house made of gold or You ascend to the sky, and we will not believe in Your ascension until You bring down to us a book that we may read, Say glory to be My Lord, Have I ever been but a human being, a Messenger.

Wa ma mana-a alnasa an you'menuo iz ja-ahumuo alhuda ella an qaluo aba-atha Allahu basharan rasula (94).
And what prevented the people from believing when the guidance came to them except that they said Has Allah sent a human being as a Messenger.

Qul laww kana fee alardi malaekatun yamshuona mutma-inneena la-nazzalna alaiyhim mena alsama-e malakan rasula (95)
Say if there were upon the earth Angels walking securely, We would have sent down upon them from the heaven an Angel as a Messenger.

Qul kafa bellahi shaheedan baiyni wa baiynakum innahuo kana be-ebadehi Khabeeran Baseera (96).
Say Sufficient is Allah as a witness between Me and you, indeed, He is All-Aware, All-Seeing of His servants.

Wa man yahdi ellahuo fa-huwa almuhtadi wa man youdlel fa-lan tajeda lahum awleiyaa men duonehi wa nahshuruhum yawma alqeiyamati ala wujuhehim aumiyan wa bukman wa summan ma'wahum jahannamuo kullama khabat zednahum sa-eera (97).
And whoever Allah guides, he is the guided one, and whoever He lets go astray, then you will never find for them protectors besides Him, and We will gather them on the day of resurrection on their faces blind, dumb and deaf, their abode is Hellfire, every time it subsides, We increase them a blazing fire.

Zaleka jaza-uhum be-annahum kafaruo be-ayatena wa qaluo a-iza kunna ezaman wa rufatan a-inna lamab-uthuona khalqan jadeeda (98).
That is their recompense because they disbelieved in Our verses, and said Is it that when we become bones and dust, indeed, Shall we be resurrected as a new creation?. 

Awa-lam yaraww anna Allaha allazi khalaqa alsamawati wa alardi qaderun ala an yakhluqa methlahum wa ja-ala lahum ajalan la raiyba feehi fa-aba alzalemuona ellla kufuora (99).
Do they not see that Allah, the One who has created the heavens and the earth is Able to create the like of them, and He has appointed for them a term about which there is no doubt, but the wrongdoers refused except disbelief.
Qul laww antum tamlekuona khazaena rahmati Rabbi izan la-amsaktum khashiyata alinfaqi wa kana alinsanuo qatuora (100).
Say if you possess the treasures of the mercy of My Lord, then you would surely withhold out of fear of spending, and ever is man stingy.
Wa laqad ataiyna Musa tes-a ayatin bayyinatin fas-al bani Israela iz ja-ahum fa-qala lahu fer'awnuo inni la-azunnuka ya Musa mas-huora (101).  
And indeed, We had given Moses nine clear signs, so Ask the Children of Israel when He came to them, and Pharaoh said to Him, indeed, I think O Moses that You are bewitched.

Qala laqad alemta ma anzala haulae ella rabbu alsamawati wa alardi basa-era wa inni la-azunnuka ya fer'awnuo mathbuora (102).
He said you have known that none has sent these down except the Lord of the heavens and the earth as enlightenment, and indeed, I think O Pharaoh that you are destroyed.
Fa-arada an yastafezzahum mena alardi fa-aghraqnahuo wa man ma-ahuo jamee-a (103).
So he intended to provoke them from the land, but We drowned him and those with Him all together.
Wa qulna men ba'dehi le-bani Israela eskunuo alarda fa-iza ja-a wa'duo alakherati je'na bekum lafeefa (104).
And We said after him to the Children of Israel Dwell in the land, and when there comes the promise of the Hereafter, We will bring you forth in a mixed crowd.

Wa bel-haqqi anzalnahuo wa bel-haqqi nazala wa ma arsalnaka ella mubasheran wa nazeera (105).
And with the truth We have sent it down, and with the truth it has descended, and We have not sent You except as a bearer of glad tidings and a warner.

Wa quranan faraqnahuo letaqra-ahuo ala alnasi ala mukthin wa nazalnnahuo tanzeela (106).
And a Quran which We have separated, so that You may recite it to the people over a prolonged period, and We have sent it down progressively.

Qul amenuo behi aww la tu'menuo inna allazina auto al-elma men qablehi iza youtla alaiyhim yakherruona lel-azqani sujjada (107).
Say Believe in it or Do not believe, indeed, those who were given knowledge before it, when it recited to them, they fall upon their faces in prostration.

Wa yaquluona sabhana Rabbena in kana wa'duo Rabbena la-maf-uola (108)
And they say glory to be Our Lord, indeed, the promise of our Lord is surely fulfilled.

Wa yakherruona lel-azqani yabkuona wa yazeduhum khushu-a  ۩ (109).
And they fall upon their faces weeping, and it increases them in humbleness.
۩- Prostration of recitation.

Quli ed-uo Allaha awi ed-uo Alrahmana ayyan ma tad-uo fa-lahuo alasma-uo alhusna wa la tajhar be-salateka wa la tukhafit beha wa-btaghi baiyna zaleka sabeela (110).
Say Call upon Allah or Call upon the Most Gracious, whichever you call, to Him belong the Most Beautiful Names, and Do not be loud in Your prayer, and Do not be silent therein, but seek between that a way.
Wa quli alhamduo lellahi allazi lam yattakhez waladan wa lam yakun lahuo shareekun fee almulki wa lam yakun lahuo waliyyun mena alzulli wa kabberhuo takbeera (111).
And Say praise be to Allah, the One who has not taken a son and has not had a partner in the kingdom, and has not had a protector out of weakness, and magnify Him with all magnification.

Simplified interpretation:

 Surat Alisraa deals with the night journey (Alisraa) of Allah's Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) from the Sacred Mosque in Mecca to Alaqsa Mosque in Jerusalem, both mosques have their own special status, where as narrated by Jabir that Allah's Messenger (PBUH) said: "One prayer in My mosque is better than one thousand prayers elsewhere, except the Sacred Mosque (Almasjid Alharam), and one prayer in the sacred Mosque is better than one hundred thousand prayers elsewhere" (Sunan Ibn Majah 1406), and as narrated by Abdullah bin Amr that Allah's Messenger said: "When Solomon, the son of David, finished building Baiytu Almaqdis (Alaqsa), He asked Allah for three things, judgment that was in harmony with His judgment, a dominion that no one after Him would have, and that no one should come to this Mosque (Alaqsa), intending only to pray there, but He would emerge free of sins as the day his mother bore Him, the Prophet (PBUH) said two supplications were granted, and I hope that the third was also granted" (Sunan Ibn Majah 1408). Therefore, Allah's Messenger said in narration of Abu Sa'id Alkhudri: "Not to travel for visiting except for three Mosques: Almasjid Alharam (Mecca), My Mosque (Medina), and Almasjid Alaqsa (Jerusalem)" (Sahih Albukhari 1864). 

 After Alisraa journey, Allah's Messenger was taken on the ascension journey (Alme'raj), from Almasjid Alaqsa to the seven heavens and Sidrat Almuntaha, in which the five daily prayers were obligated. The journey of ascension is confirmed in the Holy Quran in Surat Alnajm Ayat (13,14), when the Messenger of Allah saw Gabriel again in his true form at Sidrat Almuntaha, which is located in the seventh heaven, and it is also confirmed in the Sunnah, as will come later. The night journey (Alisraa and Alme'raj) was not a dream, rather it was a journey of the body and the soul of Allah's Messenger, if it was a dream, then Why did the infidels of Quraish deny the journey?, whereas the sleeper sees in his dream the supernaturals and what the mind does not believe, where as narrated by Jabir bin Abdullah that the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said: "When Quraish denied Me (Concerning the night journey), I stood  up in the Hijr (The unroofed portion of Alka'bah), Allah displayed Baiytu Almaqdis before Me, and I started to inform them about its signs while looking at it" (Sahih Albukhari 4710).

 Allah says in the first verse (1) "Glory to be the One who has taken His servant by night from Alharam mosque to Alaqsa mosque which We have blessed its surroundings to show Him of Our signs, indeed, He is All-Hearing, All-Seeing", that is, Allah, Almighty, glorifies Himself and His status and cites His ability to do what no one else is capable of, so He is the One who has taken His Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) in the night journey (Alisraa) from Alharam mosque in Mecca to Alaqsa mosque in Jerusalem, Palestine, which Allah has blessed its surroundings, and Allah has taken His Messenger in Alisraa journey to show Him of His signs, and it is one of the miracles that Allah has bestowed upon His Messenger where He made Him travel a month's distance in one night, and Allah is the All-Hearing, the All-Seeing, whose hearing and sight encompass everything, and nothing in the heavens nor on the earth is hidden from Him, so He knows the words of His servants, the believers and the disbelievers, and He knows he who believes and he who denies Alisraa journey.

 As narrated by Anas bin Malik that the Messenger of Allah said: "I was brought Alburaq, who is an animal white and long, larger than a donkey but smaller than a mule, who would place his hoof a distance equal to the range of its vision, I mounted it and came to the temple (Bait Almaqdis in Jerusalem), then tethered it to the ring used by the Prophets, I entered the mosque and prayed two rak'ahs in it, and then came out and Gabriel brought Me a vessel of wine and a vessel of milk, I chose the milk, and Gabriel said You have chosen the natural thing, then He took me to the heaven. Gabriel then asked to be opened (The gate of the heaven), and He was asked Who is He?, He replied Gabriel, He was again asked Who is with You?, He said Muhammad, it was said, Has He been sent for?, Gabriel replied He has indeed been sent for, and the door of the heaven was opened for Us, then behold! We saw Adam, He welcomed Me and prayed for My good, then We ascended to the second heaven, Gabriel asked the door of the heaven to be opened, and He was asked Who he was?, He answered Gabriel, and was again asked Who is with You?, He replied Muhammad, it was said Has He been sent for?, He replied He has indeed been sent for, the gate was opened, when I entered Jesus, the son of Mary and John, the son of Zechariah, peace be upon both of them, cousins from the maternal side, welcomed Me and prayed for My good. Then I was taken to the third heaven and Gabriel asked for the opening, He was asked Who are you?, He replied Gabriel, He was again asked Who is with You?, He replied Muhammad, it was said Has He been sent for?, He replied He has indeed been sent for, the gate was opened for Us, and I saw Joseph, peace of Allah be upon Him, who had been given half of (world) beauty, He welcomed Me and prayed for My well-being, then He ascended with Us to the fourth heaven, Gabriel asked for the gate to be opened, and it was said Who is He?, He replied Gabriel, it was again said Who is with You?, He said Muhammad, it was said Has He been sent for?, He replied He has indeed been sent for, the gate was opened for Us, then behold! Idris was there, He welcomed me and prayed for My well-being, about Him Allah, the Exalted and the Glorious has said "And We raised Him to a high place".

 Then He ascended with Us to the fifth heaven and Gabriel asked for the gate to be opened, it was said Who is He?, He replied Gabriel, it was again said Who is with You?, He replied Muhammad, it was said Has He been sent for?, He replied He has indeed been sent for, the gate was opened for Us, and then I was with Aaron, peace of Allah be upon Him, He welcomed Me and prayed for My well-being, then I was taken to the sixth heaven, Gabriel asked for the gate to be opened, it was said Who is He?, He replied Gabriel, it was again said Who is with You?, He replied Muhammad, it was said Has He been sent for?, He replied He has indeed been sent for, the gate was opened for Us, and there I was with Moses, peace of Allah be upon Him,  He welcomed Me and prayed for My well-being. Then I was taken up to the seventh heaven, Gabriel asked for the gate to be opened, it was said Who is He?, He replied Gabriel, it was again said Who is with You?, He replied Muhammad, it was said Has He been sent for?, He replied He has indeed been sent for, the gate was opened for Us, and there I found Abraham, peace be upon Him, reclining against Albaiytu Alma'muor (the Oft frequented House), and there enter into it seventy thousand Angels every day, never to visit it again, then I was taken to Sidratu Almuntaha whose leaves were like elephant ears, and its fruits like big earthenware vessels, and when it was covered by the command of Allah , it underwent such a change that none amongst the creation has the power to praise its beauty, then Allah revealed to Me a revelation and made obligatory for Me fifty prayers every day and night. Then I went down to Moses, and He said What has Your Lord enjoined upon Your Ummah?, I said fifty prayers, He said return to Your Lord and beg for reduction, for your Ummah shall not be able to bear this burden, as I have put to test the children of Israel and tried them, I went back to My Lord and said My Lord Make things lighter for My Ummah, Allah reduced five prayers for Me, I went to Moses and said, Allah reduced five for Me, He said verily Your Ummah shall not be able to bear this burden, return to Your Lord and ask Him to make things lighter, I then kept going back and forth between My Lord, Blessed and Exalted, and Moses, till He said there are five prayers every day and night O Muhammad, each being as ten, so that makes fifty prayers, he who intends to do a good deed and does not do it will have a good deed recorded for him, and if he does it, it will be recorded for him as ten, whereas he who intends to do an evil deed and does not do it, it will not be recorded for him, and if he does it, only one evil deed will be recorded, I then came down, and when I came to Moses and informed Him, He said go back to Your Lord and ask Him to make things lighter, then Allah's Messenger said to Moses I returned to My lord till I felt ashamed of Him" (Sahih Muslim 162 a).

 Allah says in the next two verses (2,3) "And We gave Moses the book, and made it a guidance for the Children of Israel that do not take a guardian besides Me, progeny of those whom We carried with Noah, indeed, He was a grateful servant", that is, Allah has given the Prophet Moses peace be upon Him the Torah, and made it a guidance for the Children of Israel that they do not worship other than Allah and do not take a guardian or a helper besides Him, and they were the progeny of those whom Allah carried with the Prophet Noah, where the Prophet Noah and His descendants are the ones who remained on the earth after the destruction of His people as mentioned in Ayat (76,77) of Surat Alsaffat, indeed, Noah was a grateful servant who used to thank Allah for His blessings and favors.

 Allah says in the next three verses (4-6) "And We decreed to the Children of Israel in the book that you will surely cause corruption on the earth twice, and you will surely exalt a great exaltation, so when the promise for the first of the two came, We sent against you servants of Ours, possessors of strong fighting power, and they invaded the homes, and it was a fulfilled promise, then We gave you a return victory over them, and We provided you with wealth and children and made you more numerous in manpower", that is, Allah has decreed to the Children of Israel (Jews) in the Torah that they will spread corruption on the earth twice, and they will become arrogant, tyrants, and will commit evil against the people, but when the promise for the first corruption came, Allah sent against them an army of His creation, possessor of strong fighting power, equipment, and strong authority, so they invaded their homes and expelled them from them, and it was a fulfilled promise, then Allah gave the Children of Israel a return of victory over their enemy, and provided them with wealth and children, and made them more numerous in manpower and army, and Allah has fulfilled His promise to them as mentioned in Ayat (246-251) of Surat Albaqarah, where after the period of the Prophet Moses, Allah has sent Goliath and his soldiers against them, so they invaded their homes and expelled them from their homes and from their children, then they asked their Prophet David to send them a king in order to fight in the way of Allah, so He said to them that Allah has sent to them Saul as a king, so they fought with Him Goliath and his soldiers, and they defeated them by permission of Allah, and Goliath was killed by the hands of the Prophet David, and Allah restored to them their kingship and made them greater in manpower than their enemy.

 Allah says in the next two verses (7,8) "If you do good, you will do good for yourselves, and if you do evil, then it is for it, so when the promise of the last came, they have to spoil your faces and to enter the mosque just as they had entered it the first time, and to destroy what they over-power totally, perhaps that your Lord will have mercy upon you, but if you return, We will return, and We have made Hellfire a prison for the disbelievers", that is, Allah addresses the Children of Israel and says that if they do good, obeyed Allah and adhered to His commands and prohibitions, they will do good for themselves for Allah will avert from them the punishment in the worldly life and the Hereafter, but if they do evil and disobeyed Allah, then it is against themselves for He will send those who will torture them and defeat them in the worldly life and a painful punishment will await them in the Hereafter, so when the promise of the second corruption came, Allah will send those who will disgrace and oppress them, will enter Alaqsa mosque in Jerusalem just as the former ones had entered it the first time, and will destroy what they over-power totally, and Allah did not specify those whom He has sent against the Children of Israel the second time, but they left Jerusalem as Allah has promised them the second time; Because Jerusalem was a part of the Roman Empire and under Roman rule at the time of Islamic conquest of Jerusalem, as it was conquered by Amr bin Alas and Abu Ubaidah Amer bin Aljarrah, and Caliph Umar bin Alkhattab entered Jerusalem in the year 15 AH-636 AD, and the Battle of Hattin and the liberation of Jerusalem under the leadership of Salah Alddin Alayyubi was against the Crusaders and not the Jews in the year 1187 AD, and then Jerusalem returned to its Arab and Islamic origins, years after it had fallen under the control of European occupation.

But Allah gave them the glad tidings of His mercy if they obeyed Him and were upright, but if they returned to their corruption on the earth, Allah will return to punish them through those who will inflict a severe punishment upon them, and He will punish them in Hellfire on the day of resurrection where He has made Hellfire as a prison for the disbelievers from which they will not depart, and the Jews have already caused a great corruption on the earth through the establishment of Zionist movement and the occupation of the land of Palestine and Jerusalem and killing the Palestinians when they immigrated from allover the world during the British occupation of Palestine between 1920-1948 AD, which ended with the declaration of the establishment of the state of Israel on the land of Palestine in the year 1948 AD, and their corruption continues until today, and there are ongoing battles between them and the Palestinians in the Palestinians' attempt to liberate their land from the Zionist occupation, and it will end with the victory of the Palestinians if Allah wills; Because Allah has declared that He would surely send upon them until the day of resurrection those who would afflict them with the worst of punishment as He has stated in Aya (167) of Surat Ala'raf, and Allah's Messenger (PBUH) has given a glad tidings of the victory of Muslims over the Jews when the Muslims will fight them at the end of time when He said in narration of Abu Hurayrah: "The Hour will not be established until you fight the Jews, and the stone behind which a Jew will be hiding will say O Muslim! There is a Jew hiding behind me, so kill him" (Sahih Albukhari 2926).

 Allah says in the next three verses (9-11) "Indeed, this Quran guides to that which is most upright, and gives the glad tidings to the believers who do good deeds that there is a great reward for them, and that those who do not believe in the Hereafter, We have prepared for them a painful punishment, and the man supplicates for evil as he supplicates for good, and man is ever hasty", that is, Allah assures that the Holy Quran that He has revealed to His Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) guides to the most straight path, and gives the glad tidings to the believers who do good that they will have a great reward on the day of resurrection which is Paradise, abiding therein forever, and that Allah has prepared a painful punishment in Hellfire for those who do not believe in the Hereafter and deny the resurrection, then Allah tells about man's haste when he supplicates for evil as he supplicates for good, where sometimes he supplicates for evil against himself, his children, and his wealth for death, curse, and destruction like his supplication for good health, provision, and safety, and if Allah had responded to him, he would have been destroyed by his supplication, so Allah's Messenger said in narration of Jabir bin Abdullah: "Do not supplicate against yourselves, Do not supplicate against your children, Do not supplicate against your servants, and Do not supplicate against your wealth lest you happen to do it at an hour of response of Allah in which there is a gift, and you will be answered" (Abu Dawood 1532).

 Allah says in the next verse (12) "And We have made the night and the day two signs, then We erased the sign of the night, and We made the sign of the day visible, so that you may seek from the bounty of your Lord, and that you may know the number of the years and the computation, and We have explained everything in detail", that is, Allah cites His great ability in the creation of the sign of the night and the sign of the day, where He has made the alternation between them, so He erased the sign of the night when the moon disappears, and He made the sign of the day visible when the sun appears, so that human beings may rest at night and spread out during the day for livelihood and work, and so that they may know the number of days, months and years, and the times of worship such as prayer, fasting, and Hajj, and life matters such as agricultural times, work times, and other things. And Allah has explained everything in details so that man may thank Him for His blessings and worship Him sincerely.

 Allah says in the next two verses (13,14) "And every man We have imposed his fate upon his neck, and We will bring forth for him on the day of resurrection a book which he will encounter spread open, Read your book, sufficient is yourself against you this day as accountant", that is, Allah has imposed upon every man his fate on his neck, so his fate of evil or good accompanies him wherever he is, where his deeds of obedience or disobedience are recorded for him day and night, so Allah will bring forth for him on the day of resurrection his book of deeds, and he will find it spread open, and it will be said to him Read your book, sufficient is yourself against you this day as accountant; for nothing other than what he did was recorded against him, and he will not be wronged in anything, so the criminals will say on the day of resurrection "Oh woe to us! What is this book that leaves nothing small or great except that it has enumerated it?" as mentioned in Aya (49) of Surat Alkahf.

 Allah says in the next three verses (15-17) "Whoever is guided, then only he is guided for himself, and whoever goes astray, then only he goes astray against it, and no bearer of burden shall bear the burden of another, and We are not to punish until We have sent a Messenger, and when We intend to destroy a town, We order its wealthy ones, but they defiantly disobey therein, so the word has come true upon it, and We destroy it a total destruction, and how many generations We have destroyed after Noah, and Sufficient is Your Lord concerning the sins of His servants as All-Aware, All-Seeing", that is, every man will be held accountable according to the book of his deeds, so whoever is guided and followed the truth, then only he is guided for himself for he will attain the good consequence for himself, but whoever goes astray and disbelieves, then only he goes astray against himself for he will attain the bad consequence on the day of resurrection, then Allah confirms that whoever wrongs himself by disbelief or some sins, it is upon him to bear his sin, and no one can bear it from him, and Allah is not to punish until He has sent a Messenger in order to establish the argument against them lest they say ''Our Lord! why did you not send a Messenger to us, so that we would follow Your verses, and would be among the believers" as mentioned in Aya (47) Surat Alqasas, and when Allah intends to destroy a town because of its disbelief and tyranny for Allah would not destroy the towns except when their people are wrongdoers as mentioned in Aya (59) of Surat Alqasas, so He sends a Messenger to this town in order to call its people to worship Allah alone, and He commands its affluent ones to believe, but they disobeyed Allah's command therein and departed from obedience to Him, so they deserved the punishment and the word of punishment has come true against them as a recompense of their evil deeds, so Allah destroyed it totally and saved the believers. Thereupon, Allah threatens the polytheists of Quraish who denied His Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) that He had destroyed many nations after the Prophet Noah, so they are not immune from Allah's punishment, and Sufficient is Allah concerning the sins of His servants as All-Aware, All-Seeing as He knows all their sins, small or grave, and nothing is hidden from Him.

 Allah says in the next two verses (18,19) "Whoever should desire the immediate, We hasten for him in it what We will to whom We intend, then We have made for him Hellfire, he will enter it, reprehensible, banished, but whoever desires the Hereafter and strives for it its strive, while he is a believer, then those whose effort is appreciated", that is, whoever desires the worldly life and forgets the Hereafter, Allah will hasten for him what he wills of its pleasures to whom He wills, so not everyone who seeks the worldly life and its bliss will obtain it, but rather Allah gives it to whom He wills, and whoever whom Allah gives the pleasures of worldly life while he is a disbeliever, then He has made for him Hellfire, and He will enter it on the day of resurrection while he is reprehensible for his bad behavior and actions, humiliated, and banished from Allah's mercy for He chose the mortal over the immortal. But whoever desires the Hereafter and its pleasures and bliss, and strives for it as it deserves of belief and obedience, while he is a believer, where obedience is only accepted from a believer, and whoever strives for the Hereafter, then those whose effort is appreciated; Because Allah will reward them for their good deeds, and will forgive their evil deeds, and as for the disbelievers who do good deeds in the worldly life, Allah gives them the reward for what they have done of good deeds by making them enjoy in the worldly life and it will be said to them on the day of resurrection "You exhausted your good things in your worldly life, and you have enjoyed them" as mentioned in Aya (20) of Surat Alahqaf.

 Allah says in the next three verses (20-22) "To each, these and these, We extend from the gift of Your Lord, and never has the gift of Your Lord been restricted, Look how We have preferred some of them over others, but the Hereafter is greater in degrees and greater in preference, Do not make along with Allah another god, lest you will sit reprehensible, forsaken", that is, Allah extends from His gift to those who desire the worldly life and those who desire the Hereafter, and the gift of your Lord is not restricted nor forbidden as none can prevents it, and He is the Disposer of all affairs, so He gives each in the worldly life what He wills of provision and happiness, therefore, Allah says to His Messenger (PBUH) Look how We have favored some of them over others in the worldly life as there were the poor and the rich, the wretched and the happy, and the healthy and the sick, but the Hereafter is greater in degrees and greater in preference, where their differences in the Hereafter are greater than in the worldly life for among them are those who are in Hellfire and its shackles and chains and among them are those who are in Paradise and its bliss and pleasures. Then Allah says Do not make along with Allah another god, but rather worship Him sincerely for there is no god but Allah, and if you make a partner with Him, you will sit blameworthy for your polytheism, and forsaken for Allah will forsake you with your false god who does not have the power to harm or benefit you, but rather he will disavow you on the day of resurrection.

 Allah says in the next thee verses (23-25) "And Your Lord has decreed that you do not worship except Him, and kindness to parents, whether one or both of them reach old age with you, so Do not say to them Uff, and Do not rebuke them, but speak to them a noble word, and lower to them the wing of humility out of mercy and say My Lord have mercy upon them as they have brought me up when I was young, your Lord knows best what is within yourselves, if you are righteous, then indeed, He is All-Forgiving to the often returning", that is, Allah commanded man to worship none but Him, and to be kind to His parents, so Allah associated His worship with kindness to parents, and Allah says whether one or both of your parents reach old age with you, so Do not say to them bad words even if the lowest level of bad speech by saying Uff, which is a word that expresses something disgusting, and do not scold them, but rather to speak to them a noble and kind word with politeness and veneration, and Allah's Messenger said in narration of Abu Hurayrah: "Let him be humbled into dust, let him be humbled into dust, it was said O Allah's Messenger! Who is he?, He said he who sees his parents during their old age, one of them or both of them, but he does not enter Paradise" (Sahih Muslim 2551 a), then Allah commanded man to submit to his parents in humility, and to have mercy on them, and to ask Allah to have mercy on them as they had mercy on him and brought him up when he was a child, and whatever man does, he cannot fulfill his parents' rights over him, where as narrated by Abu Hurayrah that the Messenger of Allah said: "A son does not repay what he owes to his father except if he finds him in slavery, then he buys him, and emancipates him" (Abu Dawood 5137), then Allah assures that He knows best what is in yourselves, whether you are sincere in his worship or not, and whether you have mercy on your parents and treat them kindly or you insult and disobey them, so if you are righteous, then indeed, He is All-Forgiving to those who used to repent and return to him with obedience and submission.

 Allah says in the next two verses (26,27) "And Give the near of kin his right, and the needy, and the wayfarer, and do not waste wastefully, indeed, the wasteful are brothers to the devils, and the devil is ungrateful to his Lord", that is, Allah urges man to spend in His way, so He commanded to give the relatives their right of charity, and the best charity is what is given to the poor relative, where Allah's Messenger said in narration of Salman Bin Amer: "Charity given to the needy is charity, and if it is given to relatives, it is two charity and ties of kinship" (Sunan Ibn Majah 1844), He commanded to give the charity to the needy and Allah's Messenger said in narration of Abu Hurayrah: "The needy is not the one who asks a morsel or two from the others, but the needy is the one who has nothing and is shamed to beg from people" (Sahih Albukhari 1476), and He commanded to give the wayfarer who is in need of maintenance and what he needs on his travel. Although Allah urges mankind to spend in His way, but He forbade them from being extravagant in their spending, so they should be moderate in their spending, and this is one of the characteristics of the servant of the Most Gracious as mentioned in Aya (67) of Surat Alfurqan "And those who when they spend, they are not extravagant nor are they stingy but are moderate between that", then Allah warns man from extravagance and likens the wasteful to the devils, and says that the wasteful are brother to the devils in extravagance, foolishness, and abandoning obedience to Allah, and the devil is ungrateful to His Lord for he denies Allah's blessings and does not act in obedience to Him.

 Allah says in the next three verses (28-30) "And if you turn away from them awaiting mercy from Your Lord which you hope for it, then speak to them a gentle word, and Do not make your hand chained to your neck or extend it to the full extent lest you will sit blameworthy and insolvent, indeed, Your Lord extends the provision for whom He wills and restricts, indeed, He is of His servants All-Aware, All-seeing", that is, Allah addresses His Messenger (PBUH) and says if those to whom I ordered You to give them their rights ask You for something which You can not find a way to, and You turn away from them awaiting provision from Your Lord which You hope for it, then say to them a soft and a kind word, and Do not be stingy by not giving anything to anyone like the one whose hand is shackled to his neck, and Do not extend your hand completely and spend extravagantly and give more than you can afford, and if you are stingy, you will sit blameworthy for the people will blame you and ignore you, and if you spend extravagantly and more than your capacity, you will sit without anything to spend, then Allah assures that He extends the provision for whom He wills, and restricts it for whom He wills as He makes whoever He wills rich, and whoever He wills poor, and He is All-Aware, All-Seeing of what is good for His servants and what corrupts them of richness and poverty.

 Allah says in the next three verses (31-33) "And Do not kill your children for fear of poverty, We provide for them and for you, indeed, their killing is a great sin, and Do not approach the adultery, indeed, it is an immorality, and is evil as a way, and Do not kill the soul which Allah has forbidden except by right, and whoever is killed unjustly, then indeed, We have given his guardian an authority, so let him not exceed limits in killing, indeed, he will be helped", that is, Allah forbids killing the children and says Do not kill your children for fear of poverty, then Allah assures that He provides for the children and their parents, and that the killing of the children is a great sin, and as narrated from Amro bin Shurhabeel that Abdullah said I asked the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) Which sin is the gravest in the sight of Allah?, He said that you make an equal to Allah while He has created you, Abdullah said I said to Him indeed, that is grave, Abdullah said I asked What is the next?, He said that you kill your child out of fear that he shall join you in food, Abdullah said I asked What is the next?, He said that you commit adultery with the wife of your neighbor" (Sahih Albukhari 4477). Then Allah forbids His servants from committing adultery or even approaching its causes and motives for it is a grave sin especially with the neighbor's wife, and is evil as a way in the worldly life and in the Hereafter; Because it leads to mixing of lineages by the child's lineage to someone other than his father. Allah forbids killing of the soul which He has forbidden except by legal right, and the legal rights of killing a souls are three as Allah's Messenger said in narration of Abdullah: "It is not permissible to shed the blood of a Muslim man who bears witness that there is no god but Allah and that I am the Messenger of Allah, except in one of three cases: a soul for a soul, a married adulterer, and the one who reverts from his religion (Islam) and leaves the community (Muslims)" (Sahih Muslim 86 a), but whoever is killed intentionally and unjustly for other than these three reasons, Allah has given his guardian an authority to retaliate against his killer by killing him, and if he wishes, he can pardon the killer, and Allah has commanded him not to exceed limits in killing if he will take revenge on the killer, so he should only kill the killer not anyone else and not kill more than one soul, and Allah assures the guardian that he will be victorious over the killer.

 Allah says in the next two verses (34,35) "And Do not approach the property of the orphan except in the way that is best, until he reaches his maturity, and Fulfill the covenant, indeed, the covenant is to be questioned, and Give full measure when you measure, and Weigh with an even balance, that is best and better in result'', that is, Allah commanded the Muslim not to approach the wealth of the orphan except in a way that is best, so He must preserve it and not waste it or take it unlawfully, but if the guardian of the orphan who takes care of him is in need, he can eat as much as he needs as mentioned in Aya (6) of Surat Alnisaa, and he must return the wealth to the orphan when he reaches his maturity, so he will be able to preserve his wealth and do not waste it on his desires, then Allah commanded to fulfill the covenants and the contracts with the people for the covenant is to be questioned; For Allah will ask the one who breaks his covenant about it on the day of resurrection. Then Allah commanded not to make the weight deficient, and to observe the correct weight with fairness and not to take the weight from people in full, and give them less when weighing for them, and that is best in the worldly life and best in result and consequence in the Hereafter.

 Allah says in the next three verses (36-38) "And Do not pursue that of which you have no knowledge, indeed, the hearing and the sight, and the heart, about all those, one will be questioned, and Do not walk on the earth exultantly, indeed, you will never tear the earth, and you will never reach the mountains in height, all that, its evil is detestable in the sight of Your Lord", that is, Allah commanded man not to pursue what he has no knowledge of it like false testimony, accusing people of falsehood, and claiming to hear what he did not hear and seeing what he did not see for he will be questioned about his hearing, sight, and heart on the day of resurrection, so he will be questioned about what he heard, what he saw, and what he thought and believed. Then Allah commanded man not to walk on the earth haughtily and arrogantly by admiring himself and boasting on people of what Allah has given him, for he will not tear the earth and will never reach the mountains in height with his arrogance, and Allah's Messenger said in narration of Abu Hurayrah: "While a man was walking, clad in a two-piece garment, and proud of himself with his hair well combed, suddenly Allah made him sink into the earth and he will go on sinking into it till the day of resurrection" (Sahih Albukhari 5789), but he who intends by dressing well to show Allah's blessings upon him and not despising those who do not have something like that, it does not harm him what he wears of permissible clothes, even if it is very precious, where as narrated by Abdullah bin Mas'ud that Allah's Messenger (PBUH) said: "He who has in his heart the weight of a mustard seed of pride shall not enter Paradise, a man said verily a person loves that his dress should be fine, and his shoes should be fine, Allah's Messenger said indeed, Allah is graceful and He loves grace, pride is disdaining the truth and contempt for the people" (Sahih Muslim 91 a). Then Allah confirms that all of what He has forbidden in Ayat 22 up to 37 is detestable in His sight, including polytheism, disobedience to parents, extravagance, stinginess, killing the children, adultery, killing the soul which Allah has forbidden, taking the orphan's wealth unlawfully, accusing people of falsehood, and arrogance.

 Allah says in the next two verses (39,40) "That is from what Your Lord has revealed to You of wisdom, and Do not make along with Allah another god, lest you will be thrown into Hellfire blameworthy and banished, then Has your Lord chosen you for sons and He has taken from among the Angels females?, indeed, you say a grave word", that is, Allah assures His Messenger (PBUH) that what He has revealed to Him of good and bad manners is from the wisdom which He has revealed to Him in the Holy Quran, then Allah commanded man not to take another god besides Him, lest he will be thrown into Hellfire on the day of resurrection while he is blameworthy from Allah and the Angels for what he did of evil deeds, and banished from Allah's mercy, and Allah responded to the polytheists who claimed that the Angels are the daughters of Allah, then they worshipped them, and said as a denunciation ''Then Has your Lord chosen you for sons and He has taken from among the Angels females?", thereupon, Allah assures that they say a grave saying for they have made the Angels who are servants of Allah females while they did not witness their creation, so their testimony will be recorded, and they will be questioned on the day of resurrection as mentioned in Aya (19) of Surat Alzukhruf

 Allah says in the next three verses (41-43) "And We have certainly explained in this Quran so that they may be reminded, but it does not increase them except aversion, Say if there had been along with Him gods as they say, then they would have sought to the Possessor of the Throne a way, Glory to be Him and Exalted is He above what they say, a great exaltation", that is, Allah assures that He has explained in the Holy Quran for the people of clear proofs, warnings, and admonitions, so that they may be reminded and turn away from polytheism, injustice, and immorality that they are in, but it does increase the wrongdoers except aversion from the truth and distance from it, then Allah commanded His Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) to say to the polytheists who have made another god along with Allah that if there had been gods along with Him as they claimed, then these gods would seek closeness to Allah, the Possessor of the throne, but there is no God but Allah, so Allah absolves Himself from having a partner and says "Glory to be Him, and Exalted is He above what they say and describe of falsehood and lie, a great exaltation.

 Allah says in the next verse (44) "The seven heavens and the earth and whatever is in both of them glorify Him, and there is not a thing except that it glorifies with His praise, but you do not understand their glorification, indeed, He is Most Forbearing, All-Forgiving'', that is, the seven heavens and the earth, and all those in them glorify Allah, and bear witness to His oneness and divinity, and there is not a thing among the creatures that does not glorify the praise of Allah, but man does not understand their glorification; For he does not understand their language, and this is general in animals, plants, and inanimate objects, so Allah's Messenger said in narration of Abu Hurayrah: "There are two expressions which are very easy for tongue to say, but they are very heavy in the balance and are very dear to the Most Gracious, Subhana Allahi alazeem, subhana Allahi wa behamdehi: Glory to be Allah, the Most Great, Glory to be Allah and praise be to Him" (Sahih Albukhari 6406) , and He also said in narration of Abu Hurayrah: "Whoever says "Subhana Allahi wa behadehi: Glory to be Allah, and praise be to Him" one hundred times a day, will be forgiven all his sins even if they were as much as the foam of the sea" (Sahih Albukhari 6405), and Allah is Most Forbearing for those who disobey him by not hastening His punishment, and He is All-Forgiving who forgives those who repent, believe, and do righteous deeds.  

 Allah says in the next two verses (45,46) "And when You recite the Quran, We placed between You and those who do not believe in the Hereafter a hidden barrier, and We have placed covers over their hearts lest they understand it, and deafness in their ears, and when you mention Your Lord alone in the Quran, they turn their back in aversion", that is, Allah addresses His Messenger (PBUH) and says that when He recited the Holy Quran, Allah placed a hidden barrier between Him and the infidels of Quraish who do not believe in the Hereafter, and He has prevented faith from entering their hearts and their hearing as He has put covers over their hearts lest they understand the Holy Quran, and deafness in their ears lest they benefit from what they listen of Allah's verses, and if He mentions Allah alone and singles him out for monotheism, they turn their back in aversion as their hearts are disgusted when Allah is mentioned alone, but when those besides Him are mentioned, behold! they rejoice as mentioned in Aya (45) of Surat Alzumar

 Allah says in the next two verses (47,48) "We know best of what they listen to it, when they listen to You, and when they are in a secret counsel, when the wrongdoers say you only follow a bewitched man, See How they cite the examples for you, so they have gone astray and can not find a way", that is, Allah knows best what the polytheists conceal when they listen to the Holy Quran when Allah's Messenger (PBUH) recites it, and Allah knows best what they say in their secret counsel, when the wrongdoers said to the believers you only follow a man affected by magic, then Allah addresses His Messenger and says to Him See How the polytheists of Quraish cited the examples in order to refute Your truthfulness, and accuse you of magic, so they have gone astray from guidance that You have brought to them, and they will not find a way of guidance in anything else.

 Allah says in the next four verses (49-52) "And they say Is it that when we become bones and dust, indeed, Shall we be resurrected as a new creation?, Say Be stones or iron, or a creation of that which is great within your breasts, and they will say, Who will bring us back?, Say the One who created you the first time, then they will shake their heads towards You and say When is it that?, Say perhaps it is near, on the day He will call you, and you will respond with praise of Him, and you will think that you had not remained except for a little", that is, those who do not believe in the Hereafter ruled out the occurrence of the day of resurrection, and ruled out that Allah will revive them after they had turned into bones and dust and said "Is it that when we become bones and dust, indeed, Shall we be resurrected as a new creation?", so Allah responded to their saying and ordered His Messenger (PBUH) to say to them Be stronger than bones and dust, whether stones, iron, or a greater creation than that in your sight, whatever you will be, Allah is Able to bring you back, so the disbelievers will ask Allah's Messenger "Who will bring us back", thereupon, Allah commanded Him to say that the One who created them the first time will bring them back on the day of resurrection, but they will move their heads before Allah's Messenger in ridicule and will say as a denial of the day of resurrection When will it be?, so Allah commanded His Messenger to say that the day of resurrection is near and it will inevitably happen. So Allah will call you on the day of resurrection, and you will raise up from the graves in response to His command, and you will think that you had not remained in the worldly life except for a little as Allah will ask the companions of Hellfire How long was their stay in the worldly life by numbers of years, and they will say we remained a day or a part of day as mentioned in Ayat (112,113) of Surat Almu'minun

 Allah says in the next two verses (53,54) "And Say to My servants that to say what is best, indeed, Satan sows discord between them, indeed, the Satan is a clear enemy for the man, your Lord knows best of you, if He wills, He will have mercy upon you, or if He wills, He will punish you, and We have not sent You as a guardian over them", that is, Allah commanded His Messenger (PBUH) to order His servants to say in their speech the best and the kindest word; For if they did not do so, Satan will spread discord and enmity between them, and will direct them to quarreling and evil, and indeed, Satan is a clear enemy for mankind as Satan aims to spread enmity and hatred between mankind, so he helps man to take revenge and repel evil with evil, and he does not want man to repel evil with good, therefore, Allah's Messenger said in narration of Abu Hurayrah: "None of you should point out towards his Muslim brother with a weapon, for he does not know, Satan may tempt him to hit him, and thus he would fall into a pit of fire" (Sahih Albukhari 7072), so in the event that an evil whisper from Satan actually came to man, he must also seek refuge in Allah from Satan as Allah has stated in Aya (200) of Surat Ala'raf and Aya (36) of Surat Fussilat. Then Allah assures that He knows best of you O mankind, as He knows who among you is worthy of guidance and who is not, so if He wills, He will have mercy on you by enabling you to obey Him and turn to Him, or if He wills, He will lead you astray and will punish you, then Allah assures His Messenger that He is not in charge of them, He only has to convey Allah's message and upon Allah is the reckoning as mentioned in Aya (40) of Surat Alra'd, so He is not a guardian over them, He is a warner of Allah's punishment and a bearer of glad tidings of Allah's mercy, so whoever obeys Him will enter Paradise, and whoever disobeys Him will enter Hellfire.

 Allah says in the next verse (55) "And Your Lord knows best of whoever is in the heavens and the earth, and indeed, We have preferred some of the Prophets over others, and We gave David the Psalms", that is, Allah addresses His Messenger (PBUH) and assures Him that He knows best of whoever is in the heavens and the earth, so He knows best their ranks of obedience and disobedience and guidance and misguidance, and He has preferred some of the Prophets over others, where Allah has taken Abraham as a friend, Allah has spoken to Moses in a conversation, and Allah has given Muhammad five things which were not given to any Prophet before Him, where as narrated by Jabir bin Abdullah: "The Prophet said, I have been given five things which were not given to any one else before Me, Allah made Me victorious by awe for a distance of one month's journey (by frightening My enemy), the earth has been made for Me a place for prayer and a thing to perform purification (Tayammum), therefore, anyone of My followers can pray wherever the time of a prayer is due, the spoils have been made lawful for Me, yet it was not lawful for anyone before Me, I have been given the right of intercession (on the day of resurrection, and every Prophet used to be sent to His nation exclusively, but I have been sent to all mankind" (Sahih Albukhari 335), and Allah has given the Psalms to the Prophet David, and Allah's Messenger said in narration of Abu Hurayrah: "The reciting of the Zabur (Psalms) was made easy for David. He used to order that His riding animals be saddled, and would finish reciting the Zabur before they were saddled, and He would never eat except from the earnings of His manual work" (Sahih Albukhari 3417).

 Allah says in the next two verses (56,57) ''Say Call upon those whom you have claimed besides Him, they do not possess the removal of the adversity from you, or a transfer, those whom they call upon, seek the means of closeness to their Lord, which of them is the closest, and they hope for His mercy and fear His punishment, indeed, the punishment of Your Lord is to be feared'', that is, Allah commanded His Messenger to say to the polytheists of Quraish who worshipped other than Allah to call those whom they have claimed besides Allah when the adversity befalls them, and see if they are able to remove the adversity from them or transfer it to someone else, unquestionably, they do not possess the removal of the adversity from them or a transfer of it to someone else, only Allah is capable of that; For they will not respond to them until the day of resurrection, and they are unaware of their invokes as mentioned in Aya (5) of Surat Alahqaf. Then Allah assures that those whom they worshiped besides Him are themselves seeking the means of the closeness to Allah, which of them is the closest to Allah, and they hope for Allah's mercy and forgiveness by act in obedience to Him, and fear His punishment by avoiding disobedience to Him, and the punishment of Allah is to be feared, and as narrated by Abdullah bin Mas'ud regarding this Aya: "It related to a party of Jinn who were being worshipped, and they embraced Islam, but those who worshipped them kept on worshipping them, though the Jinn whom the misguided people worshipped had become Muslims" (Sahih Muslim 3030 a). 

 Allah says in the next two verses (58,59) "And there is not a town except that We will destroy it before the day of resurrection or punish it a severe punishment, this is written in the book, and nothing has prevented Us from sending signs except that the former ones denied them, and We gave Thamud the she-camel as a visible sign, but they wronged her, and We do not send the signs except as a warning", that is, Allah has written in the book which is the mother of the book (Al-lawh Al-mahfuoz) that there is not a town except that He will destroy it before the day of resurrection by annihilating all of its people or punishing them with a severe punishment, either by killing or by afflicting them with whatever He wills because of their sins and transgressions; For Allah is not to destroy the towns except when their people are wrongdoers as mentioned in Aya (59) of Surat Alqasas. Then Allah assures that nothing has prevented Him from sending the signs that the infidels of Quraish asked for except that the former people had denied the signs of Allah, so Allah has hastened the punishment for them in the worldly life, and if Allah has sent a sign to them, and they denied it, Allah would hasten the punishment for them, where as narrated by Ibn Abbas that Quraish said to Allah's Messenger (PBUH) Call upon Your Lord to turn Alsafa mount into gold for us, and if it becomes gold, we will follow You, so He called upon His Lord, and Gabriel, peace be upon Him, came to Him and said Your Lord extends His greeting to You, and says to You, if You wish, Alsafa will become gold to them, but whoever among them disbelieves, I will punish him with a punishment that I have never punished anyone among the worlds, and if You wish, I will open for them the gate of repentance and mercy, He said rather the gate of repentance and mercy" (Musnad Ahmed 2166), then Allah cites the example of Thamud, the people of the Prophet Salih, peace be upon Him, when He has sent the she-camel as a visible sign that indicates Allah's power and the truthfulness of His Messenger Salih, but they denied Him and killed the she-camel, so Allah has destroyed them and leveled their town to the ground as mentioned in Ayat (14) of Surat Alshams, thereupon, Allah assures that He did not send the signs except as a warning for the people of His severe punishment, so that they may repent, believe, and do righteous deeds.

 Allah says in the next verse (60) "And when We said to You that Your Lord has encompassed the people, and We did not make the vision which We showed to You except a trial for the people, and the accursed tree in the Quran, and We frighten them, but it does not increase them except a great transgression", that is, Allah urges His Messenger (PBUH) to convey His message and reassures Him that He has protected Him from the people as He has encompassed them and His power is over them, and Allah did not make the eye vision which He showed to Allah's Messenger on the night journey (Alisraa) except a trial and a test for the people, so it would become certainty and stability on faith for those who believe the Prophet in what he saw, and a disbelief and disobedience for those who do not believe Him, likewise, Allah showed His Messenger the tree of Alzaqquom which is the accursed tree in the Holy Quran, and Allah has made it a trial for the wrongdoers and the deniers of the resurrection; Because they do not believe that trees grow in Hellfire, while the fire consumes the trees, where it was said that Abu Jahl bin Hesham said this friend of yours (Muhammad PBUH) claims that there is a tree in the Fire, and the Fire consumes the trees, by Allah! We do not know Zaqquom except dates and butter, so Eat Zaqquom. But Allah affirms that Alzaqquom is a tree grows in the bottom of Hellfire, and its emerging fruits are like the heads of devils as mentioned in Ayat (64,65) of Surat Alsaffat, and Allah frightens the infidels with punishment and threat, but it does not increase them except a great transgression for they persist on what they are in of disbelief and misguidance.

 Allah says in the next two verses (61,62) "And when We said to the Angels Prostrate to Adam, and they prostrated except for Iblis, he said, Shall I prostrate to one whom You created from clay?, He said Do You see this one whom You have honored above me?, if You delay me until the day of resurrection, I will surely destroy his progeny except for a few", that is, Allah commanded the Angels to prostrate to Adam, and they all prostrated before Adam except for Iblis, and he said to Allah out of his arrogance Shall I prostrate to he who was created from clay as he said to Allah I am better than him, You created me from fire and created him from clay as mentioned in Aya (76) of Surat Sad, then Iblis said to Allah Do You see this one whom You have honored above me?, if You give me respite until the day of resurrection, I will surely seduce and mislead his progeny except for a few of them.

 Allah says in the next three verses (63-65) "He said Go, and whoever of them follows you, then indeed, Hellfire is your recompense, an ample recompense, and Incite whoever you can among them with your voice and Assault them with your horses, and foot soldiers and Become a partner in their wealth and their children and Promise them, but Satan does not promise them except delusion, indeed over My servants you have no authority, and Sufficient is Your Lord as a Guardian'', that is, when Satan asked Allah for a respite till the day of resurrection, Allah responded to him and said Go and Seduce them, but whoever of the children of Adam follows you, then Hellfire will be your recompense and their recompense for your evil deeds, a full recompense. Then Allah said to him Mislead them by everything you can, so Incite whoever you can among the children of Adam with your whisper or any other way, and Mobilize all your soldiers against them, every caller to disobedience of horse riders and ground forces, and Become a partner in their wealth by earning it in a forbidden way such as usury and fraud and spending it in disobedience to Allah, and Become a partner in their children by being children of adultery or by raising them in a way that does not please Allah, then Allah said to him Promise the children of Adam false hopes and that there will not be a resurrection or a reckoning, and Allah assures that Satan promises them nothing but delusion for his promise is falsehood and deception, and he will not save them from Allah's punishment on the day of resurrection, then Allah said to Satan that he has no authority over His faithful servants; For Allah will protect them from the accursed Satan, and Sufficient is Allah as a Guardian and Disposer of all affairs for those who put their trust in Him and turn to Him. So Satan will said to his followers on the day of resurrection ''But I had no authority over you except that I invited you and you responded to me" as mentioned in Aya (22) of Surat Ibrahim.

 Allah says in the next two verses (66,67) "Your Lord is the One who causes ships to sail for you through the sea so that you may seek of His bounty, indeed, He is Most Merciful for you, and when adversity touches you in the sea, forgotten are those whom you used to invoke except Him, but when He rescued you to the land, you turned away, and ever is man ungrateful", that is, Allah has made the sea subservient for mankind by making it carries ships upon it, so that they would seek the bounty of Allah whether it was ships for trade or for fishing, and that of Allah's mercy upon His servants, and when adversity touches them in the sea, and they are about to drown, they forget the idols whom they call upon, and they call upon Allah alone, but when Allah saved them from drowning and perishing at sea and brought them safely to the land, they did not thank Him, but rather they turned away form Him and forgot His favor, for man is ungrateful as he used to forget the blessings and deny them.

 Allah says in the next two verse (68,69) "Then Do you feel secure that He will not cause a part of the land swallow you or send against you a storm of stones?, then you would not find for yourselves a guardian, Or Do you feel secure that He will not send you back into it another time, and send upon you a hurricane of the wind and drown you because you disbelieved?, then you will not find for you against Us an avenger", that is, Allah addresses those who deny His favor and return to disbelieve that He is Able to destroy them on the land even if they are spared from the sea, and says Do you feel secure that Allah will not cause a part of the land swallow you or send a storm of stones against you?, unquestionably, He is Able to do so, and then you will not find a guardian who will repel that from you and save you from it, or Do you feel secure that He will not send you back into the sea another time, and send a hurricane of the wind that destroys the ships and drowns you in it because you disbelieved and turned away from Allah after He has saved you the first time, then you will not find any helper in order to take revenge on Him.

 Allah says in the next verse (70) "And We have honored the children of Adam, and We carried them on the land and the sea, and We have provided them of the good things, and We preferred them over many of those whom We have created, with preference", that is, Allah tells about His honoring of the Children of Adam in creating them with the best and most perfect forms as he walks on his feet and eats with his hands while other animal walk on four and eat with their mouth, and Allah endowed him with the mind to understand and contemplate the universe around him and the matters of the worldly life and the religion, Allah carried the children of Adam on the land on livestock, horses, mules, cars, and airplanes, and also at sea on ships, large and small, Allah has provided for them of the good things of crops, fruits, meat, milk, and other delicious and desirable things, and Allah has preferred the children of Adam over many of those whom He has created with a great preference as Allah has favored the children of Adam over many creatures and animals with superiority and control, and Allah has subjected all things for him.

 Allah says in the next two verses (71,72) "The day when We will call every people with their register, so whoever is given his book in his right hand, then those will read their book and will not be wronged as much as a thread, and whoever is blind in this, then he will be blind in the Hereafter and more astray from the path", that is, Allah will call every nation on the day of resurrection with their record of deeds, where on the day of resurrection, the people of each religion will kneel on their knees from the terrors of that day, and they will be called to the book of their deeds, so they will be recompensed for what they used to do in the worldly life of good and evil as mentioned in Aya (28) of Surat Aljathiyah, so whoever is given his book of deeds in his right hand, then those will read their book and will not be wronged as much as a thread on a date-seed; For nothing will be detracted from the good-doer, and no one shall be punished for a sin he did not commit, but whoever is blind in the worldly life from Allah's signs, proofs, and arguments, he will also be blind in the Hereafter, and more astray from the right path than he was in the worldly life; For he has no path for guidance or repentance, but the only path is to Hellfire.

 Allah says in the next three verses (73-75) "And they were about to tempt You away from that which We revealed to You, so that You invent about Us other than it, and then, they would have certainly taken you as a friend, and if We had not strengthened You, You would have almost inclined to them a little thing, then We would have made You taste double in the life and double after the death, then You would not have found for You against Us a helper", that is, Allah addresses His Messenger and says that the polytheists of Quraish were about to tempt Him away from the Holy Quran which Allah has revealed to Him in order to invent other than it, and if He does so, they would have taken Him a friend, but if Allah had not strengthened Him and saved Him from the evil of the wretched ones, Allah's Messenger would have almost inclined to them a little, and if He has inclined to them, Allah would have made Him taste double punishment in the worldly life, and double punishment in the Hereafter, and then, He will not find any helper, guardian, protector or supporter to save Him from Allah's punishment.

 Allah says in the next two verses (76,77) "And indeed, they were about to provoke You from the land, so that they expel You from it, but then, they would not have stayed after You except a little, the rule of those whom We have sent before You of Our Messengers, and You will not find any alteration in Our rule", that is, Allah tells about the polytheists of Quraish and says to His Messenger that they were about to provoke Him from the land of Mecca in order to expel Him from it, and if they had expelled Him, Allah would not have given them a respite, but He would destroy them, and they will not stayed alive after His departure from Mecca, but Allah commanded Him to emigrate from Mecca to Medina, and that is the rule of those whom Allah has sent before His Messenger Muhammad (PBUH), where He used to destroy the previous nations who denied their Messengers and expelled them from their land, thereupon, Allah assures His Messenger that He will not find any alteration in the rule of Allah

 Allah says in the next verse (78) "Establish the prayer at the decline of the sun until the darkness of the night, and the Quran of Dawn, indeed, the Quran of Dawn is ever witnessed" that is, Allah commanded His Messenger to pray obligatory prayers at its prescribed times, where as narrated by Abdullah bin Amr: "The Messenger of Allah said the time of the noon prayer (Aldhuhr) is when the sun declines, and a man's shadow is the same as his height as long as the time of the afternoon prayer (Alasr) has not come, the time of the afternoon prayer is as long as the sun has not become pale, the time of the evening prayer (Almaghrib) is as long as the twilight has not ended, the time of the night prayer (Alishaa) is up to the middle of the average night, and the time of the morning prayer is from the appearance of Dawn as long as the sun has not risen, but when the sun rises, refrain from prayer for it rises between two horns of the devil" (Sahih Muslim 612 d), then Allah said that the Quran of the Dawn prayer (Alfajr) is ever witnessed by the Angels where as narrated by Ibn Almusaiyab from Abu Hurayrah that Allah's Messenger said: "A prayer preformed in congregation is twenty-five times more superior in reward to a prayer performed by a single person, the Angels of the night and the Angels of the day are assembled at the time of the fajr prayer, Abu Hurayrah added, if you wish, you can recite "And the Quran of Dawn, indeed, the Quran of Dawn is ever witnessed" (Sahih Albukhari 4717), and Allah's Messenger said in another narration of Abu Hurayrah: "The Angels come to you in succession by night and day, and all of them get together at the time of Alfajr (Dawn) and Alasr (Afternoon) prayers, those who have passed the night with you ascend and Allah asks them, though He knows everything about you, In what state did you leave My servants?, the Angels reply when we left them, they were praying and when we reached them, they were praying" (Sahih Albukhari 555).

 Allah says in the next verse (79) "And from the night pray Tahajjud with it, as additional for You, it is expected that Your Lord will raise You to a praiseworthy place", that is, Allah commanded His Prophet to arise from sleep for praying the Tahajjud prayer at night as a voluntary prayer for Him, where the Tahajjud prayer is performed after waking up from sleep after Alishaa prayer till the Alfajr prayer, while the Qiyam prayer is a voluntary prayer after Alishaa prayer without sleep, and as narrated by Abu Hurayrah: "The Messenger of Allah was asked as to which prayer was most excellent after the prescribed prayer, and which fast was most excellent after the month of Ramadan, He said the most excellent prayer after the obligatory prayer is prayer during the night, and the most excellent fast after Ramadan is Allah's month Almuharram" (Sahih Muslim 1163), so as narrated by Aisha: "The Prophet (PBUH) used to offer prayer at night (For such a long time), that His feet were swelling, I said, O Allah's Messenger! Why do you do it since Allah has forgiven you your faults of the past and those to follow?, He said, should not I love to be a thankful servant?, when He became old, He prayed while sitting, but if He wanted to perform bowing, He would get up, recite (some other verses) and then perform the bowing" (Sahih Albukhari 4837). Allah urges His Messenger to pray at night so that He may raise Him to a praiseworthy place on the day of resurrection, and Ibn Umar said regarding this Aya that on the day of resurrection, the people will fall on their knees, and every nation will follow their Prophet and they will say O so-and-so Intercede, till the intercession is given to the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and that will be the day when Allah will raise Him to Almaqam Almahmuod (The praiseworthy place) (Sahih Bukhari 4718), and as narrated by Jabir bin Abdullah that the Messenger of Allah said: "Whoever, after listening to the call of prayer (Adhan), says Allahumma Rabba hazehi alda'wati altammati wa alsalati alqaemati, ati Muhammadan alwaselata wa alfadeelata wab'athhuo  maqaman mahmuodan allazi wa'dtahuo: O Allah, the Lord of this complete call, and the prayer which is going to be established, Grant Muhammad intercession and Grant Him superiority, and Let Him reach a praiseworthy place which You have promised Him, will be granted My intercession for him on the day of resurrection" (Sahih Albukhari 4719).

 Allah says in the next two verses (80,81) "And Say My Lord cause Me to enter a honorable entrance, and cause Me to exit a honorable exit and grant Me from Yourself a supporting authority, and Say the truth has come, and the falsehood has perished, indeed, the falsehood is to perish", that is, Allah commanded His Messenger to ask Him for a honorable entrance to Medina and a honorable exit from Mecca which the polytheists were about to expel Him from it, and to ask Allah for a supporting authority and clear argument with which He will establish Allah's religion and defeat the polytheists of Mecca, then Allah commanded His Messenger to say that the truth has come and the falsehood has perished, and the falsehood is to perish for Allah hurls the truth upon the falsehood, so the falsehood will disappear and the truth will remain as mentioned in Aya (18) of Surat Alanbiyaa, so the falsehood has no permanence, and the truth will be established in the worldly life and the Hereafter, and as narrated by Abdullah bin Mas'ud:  "Allah's Messenger entered Mecca in the year of conquest, and there were three-hundred and sixty idols around the Sanctuary House (Alka'ba), He then started hitting them with a stick in His hand and says the truth has come, and the falsehood has perished, indeed, the falsehood is to perish, the truth has come, and the falsehood can neither originate nor repeat (Surat Saba' Aya (49)" (Sahih Albukhari 4720). 

 Allah says in the next verse (82) ''And We send down from the Quran that is a healing and a mercy for the believers, but it does not increase the wrongdoers except a loss'', that is, Allah has sent down the Holy Quran as a healing and a mercy for the believers who believe in it and follow it; For it removes the diseases in the heart of doubt, hypocrisy, polytheism, and deviation from the right path, so it cures all of that, and it is a healing for the physical pain, so it is permissible for a person who complains of pain to treat himself with the Holy Quran, as the Prophet Muhammad did, where as narrated by Aisha: "The Prophet (PBUH), during His fatal ailment used to blow on His hands while reciting the mu'awidhat (Surat Alfalaq and Surat Alnas), then pass them over His body, when His disease got aggravate, I used to recite them for Him, and blow on His hands and let Him pass His hands over His body because of its blessings" (Sahih Albukhari 5751), and Allah's Messenger has permitted the incantation by the Holy Quran as long as it does not contain polytheism, where Jabir bin Abdullah reported that he had a maternal uncle who treated the sting of the scorpion with the incantation (Ruqyah), Allah's Messenger forbade incantation, he came to Him and said O Allah's Messenger! You have forbidden to practice incantation, whereas I employ for curing the sting of the scorpion, whereupon He said whoever is able to benefit his brother, let him do so" (Sahih Muslim 2199 c). But at the same time, the Prophet ordered Muslims to seek medical treatment, where as narrated by Usamah bin Sharik: "Some Bedouins asked the Messenger of Allah Shall we treat?, He said yes, O worshipers of Allah! Use remedies, for indeed, Allah did not make a disease but He made a cure for it or a remedy except for one disease, they said O Messenger of Allah! What is it?, He said old age" (Jami' Altirmidhi 2038). The Holy Quran is also a mercy in which there are faith, wisdom, and goodness for the believers, so when the believers hear the Holy Quran, they benefit from it, memorize it, and become aware of it, thereupon, there is no human being who recites the Holy Quran except that he will see goodness in the worldly life and the Hereafter, but it does not increase the disbelievers who wronged themselves with disbelief and arrogance except a loss for when they hear the Holy Quran, they will not benefit from it, nor will they memorize it, nor will they be aware of it, rather they deny it, and accused it of magic and of being the legends of the former people.

 Allah says in the next two verses (83,84) "And when We bestowed Our favor upon man, he turns away and distances himself, and when the evil touches him, he is ever despairing, Say everyone acts in his own style, for your Lord knows best who is better guided in the way", that is, Allah confirms that when He bestowed His favor upon man, He turns away from obedience, and distances himself from submitting to Allah's commands, but when the evil touches him, he becomes hopeless where he thinks that he will not get any good after that, thereupon, Allah commanded His Messenger to say to the polytheists that everyone has to act in his style and act according His religion, for Allah knows best who is better guided to the right path, the Muslims or the disbelievers, and He will recompense each for His deeds on the day of resurrection.

 Allah says in the next verse (85) "And they ask You about the spirit, say the spirit is of the command of My Lord, and you have not given of the knowledge except a little", that is, this Aya came in response to the Jews and the polytheists of Quraish who asked Allah's Messenger about the spirit, so Allah commanded Him to say to them that the spirit is of Allah's command, and that they have not given of the knowledge except a little, where as narrated by Abdullah: "While I was in the company of the Prophet (PBUH) on a farm, and He was reclining on a palm leave stalk, some Jews passed by, some of them said to the others Ask Him about the Spirit, some of them said What urges you to ask Him about it?, others said Don't lest He should give you a reply which you dislike, but they said Ask Him, so they asked Him about the spirit, the Prophet kept quiet and did not give them any answer, I knew that He was being divinely inspired, so I stayed at my place. When the divine inspiration had been revealed, the Prophet said and they ask You about the spirit, say the spirit is of the command of My Lord, and you have not given of the knowledge except a little" (Sahih Albukhari 4721). And the Jewish rabbis also said to the polytheists of Quraish Ask Muhammad (PBUH) about three things, if He tells you about two of them and refrains from one, then He is a sent Prophet, and if He does not do so, then He invents a lie, Ask Him about young men who went away in the early era, What was their matter?, for they had a strange story, Ask Him about a man who traveled around the earth, and reached the east and the west of the earth, What was his news?, and Ask Him about the spirit, What is it?, if He tells you that, then He is a Prophet, so Follow Him, but if He does not tell you, then He invents a lie, then do with Him what you see fit. Thereupon, Gabriel came to Allah's Messenger from Allah with Surat Alkahf in which there is the news of what they asked Him about regarding the young men (The companions of the cave) and the man who traveled around the earth (Dhul-Qarnain), and Allah has sent to Him the current Aya "And they ask You about the spirit, say the spirit is of the command of My Lord, and you have not given of the knowledge except a little". 

 Allah says in the next two verses (86,87) "And if We willed, We could surely take that which We revealed to You, then You will not find for Yourself concerning it any guardian against Us, Except a mercy from Your Lord, indeed, His favor upon You has ever been great", that is, Allah addresses His Messenger and says that He is Able to take the Holy Quran away just as He has revealed it to Him, then He will not find any guardian against Allah who will return it to Him, but it is a mercy from Allah that He has revealed the Holy Quran to Him and He would not take it away from Him, then Allah says that His favor upon His Messenger has ever been great by singling Him out of the message, the Holy Quran, and all of His countless blessings upon Him.

 Allah says in the next two verses (88,89) "Say if mankind and the Jinn gathered in order to produce the like of this Quran, they could not produce the like of it, even if they were to each other assistants, and Indeed, We have explained for the people in this Quran from every example, but most of the people refused except disbelief", that is, Allah challenges the men and the Jinn and says if they all gathered in order to produce the like of the Holy Quran, they would not have been able to do that, even if they had cooperated and helped each other, so it is impossible, and How can the words of the created beings resemble the words of the One who has created them?. Then Allah assures that He has explained in the Holy Quran for the people from every example so that they do not go astray and deviate from the path of guidance, but most of the people refused except disbelief and denying of Allah's arguments and proofs.

 Allah says in the next four verses (90-93) "And they say we will not believe in you until You gush forth for us from the earth a spring, or You have a garden of date-palms and grapes, then You make rivers gush forth from their midst in abundance, or You cause a fragment of the sky to fall upon us as You have claimed, or You bring Allah and the Angels before us, or You have a house made of gold or You ascend to the sky, and we will not believe in Your ascension until You bring down to us a book that we may read, Say glory to be My Lord, Have I ever been but a human being, a Messenger", that is, the infidels of Quraish set some conditions for their belief in the Prophet Muhammad and their belief in what he has brought from Allah, and said to Him we will no believe in You until You cause a spring of water gushes forth from the earth, or You have a garden of date-palms and grapes, then You make rivers gush forth from their midst abundantly, or You cause a portion of the sky to fall upon us as You have claimed for Allah has threatens them in Aya (9) of Surat Saba' that if He wills, He will cause the earth to swallow them, or cause fragments from the sky to fall upon them, or You bring Allah and the Angels before us, or You have a house made of gold, or You ascend to the sky, and we will not believe in Your ascension until You bring down to us a book from Allah that we may read, so Allah commanded His Messenger to say Glory to be My Lord, Have I ever been but a human being, a Messenger, I just convey to you the messages of my Lord, but Allah is Disposer of your affairs, so if He wills, He will answer you to what you have asked for, and if He wills, He will not answer you, but nothing has prevented Allah from sending signs except that the former ones denied them as shown above in Aya (59), so if Allah has sent a sign to them, and they denied it, Allah would hasten the punishment for them in the worldly life.

 Allah says in the next three verses (94-96) "And what prevented the people from believing when the guidance came to them except that they said Has Allah sent a human being as a Messenger, Say if there were upon the earth Angels walking securely, We would have sent down upon them from the heaven an Angel as a Messenger, Say Sufficient is Allah as a witness between Me and you, indeed, He is All-Aware, All-Seeing of His servants", that is, Allah assures that what prevented the people from believing and following the Messengers when the guidance came to them from Allah except that they said Has Allah sent a human being like them as a Messenger, so How did Allah reveal the message to Him from among them?, thereupon, Allah commanded His Messenger to say to the polytheists if there were Angels walking in peace and security upon the earth, Allah would have sent down from the heavens an Angels as a Messenger, but Allah has sent to them a Messenger from themselves, so that they understand and address Him, and if Allah has sent an Angel to them, then they denied the Angel, Allah would hasten the punishment to them, and if He has sent an Angels to them, He would make him a man as He has stated in Ayat (8,9) of Surat Alan'am, thereupon, Allah commanded His Messenger to say that Allah is sufficient as a witness between Him and them, and He is All-Aware, All-Seeing of His servants, so He knows best who deserves guidance, and who deserves misguidance.

 Allah says in the next two verses (97,98) "And whoever Allah guides, he is the guided one, and whoever He lets go astray, then you will never find for them protectors besides Him, and We will gather them on the day of resurrection on their faces blind, dumb and deaf, their abode is Hellfire, every time it subsides, We increase them a blazing fire, that is their recompense because they disbelieved in Our verses, and said Is it that when we become bones and dust, indeed, Shall we be resurrected as a new creation?", that is, Allah addresses His Messenger (PBUH) and says that he whom Allah guides, then he is the guided one, but he whom He lets go astray, then You will not find any protectors who will support them besides Allah when He intends to punish them on the day of resurrection, and Allah will gather them that day on their faces blind, dumb, and deaf as they were blind, dumb, and deaf from the path of guidance in the worldly life, and as narrated by Anas bin Malik: "A man said O Allah's Prophet! Will the disbeliever be gathered on His face?, the Prophet (PBUH) said Is not He who made him walk on his legs in the worldly life, Able to make him walk on His face on the day of resurrection" (Sahih Albukhari 4760). So their abode will be Hellfire, abiding therein forever, every time the Hellfire subsides, Allah will increase them of its flames and embers, and that is because they disbelieved in Allah's verses and proofs, ruled out the occurrence of the day of resurrection, and ruled out that Allah will revive them after they had turned into bones and dust and said "Is it that when we become bones and dust, indeed, Shall we be resurrected as a new creation?".

 Allah says in the next two verses (99,100) "Do they not see that Allah, the One who has created the heavens and the earth is Able to create the like of them, and He has appointed for them a term about which there is no doubt, but the wrongdoers refused except disbelief, Say if you possess the treasures of the mercy of My Lord, then you would surely withhold out of fear of spending, and ever is man stingy", that is, if those who deny the resurrection reflect on the creation of the heavens and the earth, they would know that Allah, the One who has created the heavens and the earth is Able to create the like of them and resurrect them on the day of resurrection, rather the creation of the heavens and the earth is greater than the creation of mankind, but most of people do not know as mentioned in Aya (57) of Surat Ghafir, and Allah has appointed for them a term, which is the day of resurrection on which they will be resurrected from the graves, but the wrongdoers refused except disbelief, and continued in their falsehood and misguidance. Then Allah commanded His Messenger to say to them that if they possess the treasures of Allah and have a share in the kingdom of Allah, they would not give anything to anyone out of their fear of spending and poverty, and ever is man stingy, but Allah provides for the believers and the disbelievers out of His generosity and benevolence.

 Allah says in the next two verses (101,102) "And indeed, We had given Moses nine clear signs, so Ask the Children of Israel when He came to them, and Pharaoh said to Him, indeed, I think O Moses that You are bewitched, He said you have known that none has sent these down except the Lord of the heavens and the earth as enlightenment, and indeed, I think O Pharaoh that you are destroyed", that is, Allah has sent the Prophet Moses, peace be upon Him, to Pharaoh and his people with nine clear signs that indicate His truthfulness in what he has brought them from Allah, among these signs are the hand and the stick as mentioned in Ayat (10-12) of Surat Alnaml, and the years of famine, the deficit of the fruits, the flood, the locusts, the lice, the frogs, and the blood as mentioned in Ayat (130-133) of Surat Ala'raf. Then Allah commanded His Messenger Muhammad to ask the Children of Israel when the Prophet Moses came to them with these signs, and Pharaoh said to Him that he is a bewitched man and that signs are done by His magic, thereupon, the Prophet Moses said to Pharaoh that he has known that none has sent down these signs except Allah, the Lord of the heavens and the earth as enlightenment of the truth and a clear evidence of His truthfulness, but they denied it out of their injustice, exaltation, and arrogance though they were convinced that they are the truth from Allah as mentioned in  Aya (14) of Surat Alnaml, then the Prophet Moses said to Pharaoh that he will be destroyed; Because he is deficient in mind as he did not see the truth or understand it, despite its clarity before his eyes.

 Allah says in the next two verses (103,104) "So he intended to provoke them from the land, but We drowned him and those with Him all together, and We said after him to the Children of Israel Dwell in the land, and when there comes the promise of the Hereafter, We will bring you forth in a mixed crowd", that is, Pharaoh intended to expel the Prophet Moses and the believers with Him from the land of Egypt, but Allah drowned Pharaoh and those with him, all together in the sea, and saved Moses and the believers, and that is the rule of Allah that has passed in the previous nations, so if the polytheists of Quraish expelled Allah's Messenger from Mecca, Allah would have destroyed them as shown above in Ayat (76,77). Then Allah said to the Children of Israel after the destruction of Pharaoh Dwell in the land of Egypt, thereupon, Allah made the Children of Israel inherit the land of Egypt and they bequeathed all the bliss that Pharaoh and his people left after their destruction, and Allah says when the promise of the Hereafter comes, He will bring them all forth in a mixed crowd, them and their enemies, in order to judge between them with justice.

 Allah says in the next two verses (105,106) ''And with the truth We have sent it down, and with the truth it has descended, and We have not sent You except as a bearer of glad tidings and a warner, and a Quran which We have separated, so that You may recite it to the people over a prolonged period, and We have sent it down progressively'', that is, Allah affirms that He has sent down the Holy Quran with truth including Allah's rulings, commands, and prohibitions, so it distinguishes between truth and falsehood, between guidance and misguidance, and between lawful and forbidden, and it has descended with truth with no addition or subtraction, then Allah addresses His Messenger and says that He has not sent Him to His people except as a bearer of glad tidings of Paradise for those who obey Allah, and  a warner of Hellfire for those who disobey Him, and Allah says that He has separated the Holy Quran, so that Allah's Messenger may recite it to the people over a prolonged period as Allah has sent it down little by little in twenty-three years.

 Allah says in the next three verses (107-109) "Say Believe in it or Do not believe, indeed, those who were given knowledge before it, when it recited to them, they fall upon their faces in prostration, and they say glory to be Our Lord, indeed, the promise of our Lord is surely fulfilled, and they fall upon their faces weeping, and it increases them in humbleness", that is, Allah ordered His Messenger to say to the polytheists of Quraish Believe in the Holy Quran or Do not believe; For your belief will neither increase nor decrease from its value, and the believers from among the people of the scriptures like Jews and Christians, who were given knowledge of Allah before the Holy Quran, when the Holy Quran recited to them, they know that it is the truth from Allah, and they prostrate themselves in reverence and honor for it, and in gratitude to Allah for the favor He has bestowed upon them, they say glory to be our Lord out of reverence for Allah, they say that the promise of Allah which they found written in the Torah and the Gospel, is surely fulfilled, and they fall upon their faces weeping out of submission to Allah and belief in the Holy Quran and His Messenger Muhammad (PBUH), and the Holy Quran increases them in humbleness and in obedience to Allah.

 Allah says in the last two verses (110,111) "Say Call upon Allah or Call upon the Most Gracious, whichever you call, to Him belong the Most Beautiful Names, and Do not be loud in Your prayer, and Do not be silent therein, but seek between that a way, and Say praise be to Allah, the One who has not taken a son and has not had a partner in the kingdom, and has not had a protector out of weakness, and magnify Him with all magnification", that is, the polytheists of Quraish denied that Allah is called the Most Gracious as when it was said to them Prostrate to the Most Gracious, they said to Allah's Messenger What is the Most Gracious? Should we prostrate to that which You order us?, and it increased them in aversion as mentioned in Aya (60) of Surat Alfurqan, and as narrated by Anas bin Malik that they refused to write on the day of the peace treaty of Alhudaiybeyah with Allah's Messenger ''In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful", and said we do not know what is meant by the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful" (Sahih Muslim 1784), so Allah commanded His Messenger (PBUH) to say to them "Call upon Allah or Call upon the Most Gracious, whichever you call, to Him belong the Most Beautiful Names", then Allah commanded His Messenger not to loud His voice in His prayer, nor to lower His voice during the prayer, and to seek a way between that, so His voice should be moderate, neither too loud nor too low, and as narrated by Ibn Abbas regarding this Aya: "This verse was revealed while Allah's Messenger was hiding Himself in Mecca, when He prayed with His companions, he used to raise His voice with the recitation of Quran, and if the pagans happened to hear Him, they would abuse the Quran, the One who revealed it, and the one who brought it, therefore, Allah said to His Prophet Do not be loud in your prayer, i.e. Do not recite aloud lest the pagans should hear you, and abuse the Quran, and Do not be silent during the prayer lest your companions will not be able to hear you, but follow a way between that" (Sahih Albukhari 4722). Then Allah freed Himself from deficiency by not having a son, nor a partner in His kingdom, nor a helper as He did not ally with anyone nor seek anyone's victory, so Allah ordered his Prophet to praise Him for that and to magnify Him with all magnification that He deserves.

No one Knows its interpretation except Allah

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