25- Surat Alfurqan/Tafseer
77 Verses Meccan (revealed in Mecca)
A'auzu Bellahi mena alshaiytani alrajeem
I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed Satan
Besmi Ellahi Alrhmani Alraheem
In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
Tabaraka allazi nazzala alfurqana ala
abdehi le-yakuona lel-alameena nazeera (1).
Blessed is the One who has
sent down the Criterion upon His servant, so that He may be a
warner to the worlds.
Allazi lahuo mulkuo alsamawati wa
alardi wa lam yattakhez waladan wa lam yakun lahuo shareekun fee almulki wa
khalaqa kulla shaiy-in fa-qaddarahuo taqdeera (2).
The One to whom belongs the kingdom
of the heavens and the earth and He has not taken a son and has not had a
partner in the kingdom, and He has created
everything and determined the measure.
Wa-ttakhazuo men dounehi alehatan la
yakhluquona shaiy-an wa hum yukhlaquona wa la yamlekuona la-anfusehim darran wa la
naf-an wa la yamlekuona mawtan wa la hayatan wa la nushura (3).
And they have taken gods besides Him
that do not create anything while they are created, and they do not
possess any harm for themselves or any benefit, and do not possess death or life or resurrection.
Wa qala allazina kafaruo in haza ella
efkun eftarahuo wa a-anahuo alaiyhi qawmun akharuona fa-qad ja-uo zulman wa zura
And those who disbelieve said this is
nothing but a lie He has invented, and other people
helped Him in it, and indeed they have come up with an injustice and a falsehood.
Wa qalauo asateeruo al-awwaleena
ektatabaha fa-heiya tumla alaiyhi bukratan wa aseela (5).
And they say legends of the former people which He has written and they are recited to Him morning and evening.
Qul anzalahuo allazi ya'lamuo alsserra fee alsamawati wa alardi innahuo kana Ghafuran Raheema (6).
Say it is sent down by the One who knows the secret in the heavens and the earth, indeed, He is All-Forgiving, Most Merciful.
Wa qaluo mali haza alrasuoli ya'kuluo alta-ama wa yamshi fee alaswaqi lawla aunzela elaiyhi malakun fa-yakuna ma-ahuo nazeera (7).
And they say why does this Messenger eat food and walk in the markets?, why not an Angel is sent down to Him, so that he would be a warner with Him.
Aww youlqa elaiyhi kanzun aww takunuo lahuo jannatun ya'kuluo menha wa qala alzalemuona in tattabe-uona ella rajulan mas-huora (8).
Or shall a treasure be delivered to Him, Or shall He have a garden from which He eats?, and the wrongdoers say you only follow a bewitched man.
Aunzur kaiyfa darabuo laka al-amthala fa-dalluo fa-la yastate-uona sabeela (9).
See How they cite the examples for you, so they have gone astray and can not find a way.
Tabaraka allazi in sha-a ja'la laka khaiyran men zaleka jannatin tajree men tahteha alanharuo wa yaj'al laka qusura (10).
Blessed is the One who, if He willed, would have made for You better than that, gardens beneath which rivers flow, and would have made for You palaces.
Bal kazzabuo belsa-ati wa a'tadna leman kazzaba belsa-ati sa-eera (11).
But they have denied the Hour, and We have prepared for those who denied the Hour a blazing fire.
Iza ra-at-hum men makanin ba-eedin sameuo laha taghayyuzan wa zafeera (12).
When it sees them from a far place, they will hear its rage and exhalation.
Wa iza aulquo menha makanan dayyiqan muqarranina da-aww hunaleka thubura (13).
And when they will be thrown into a narrow place therein, bound in chains, they will call for destruction.
La tad-uo alyawma thuburan wahedan wad-uo thuburan katheera (14).
Do not call today for one destruction, but call for many destruction.
Qul azaleka khaiyrun am jannatuo alkhuldi allati wu-eda almuttaquona kanat lahum jaza-an wa maseera (15).
Say Is that better or the garden of eternity which is promised to the righteous?, it will be for them a reward and a destination.
Lahum feeha ma yasha-uona khaledeena kana ala Rabbika wa'dan mas-aula (16).
For them therein will be whatever they wish, abiding forever, it is upon Your Lord a responsible promise.
Wa yawma yahshuruhum wa ma ya'buduona men douni ellahi fa-yaquluo a-antum adlaltum ebadi haulaee am hum dalluo alsabeel (17).
And the day when He will gather them and what they worship besides Allah and He will say Did you lead My servants astray, these, or they went astray from the way.
Qaluo subhanaka ma kana yanbaghi lana an nattakheza men douneka men awleiya-a wa laken matta'tahum wa aba-ahum hatta nasuo alzekra wa kanuo qawman buora (18).
They will say Glory to be You! It was not for us to take protectors besides You, but You gave them and their fathers enjoyment till they forgot the reminder and became a ruined people.
Fa-qad kazzabukum bema taquluona fama tastate-uona sarfan wa la nasran wa man yazlem menkum nuzeqhuo azaban kabeera (19).
So indeed, they deny you in what you say, so you are not able to repulse nor to help, and whoever wrongs from among you We will make him taste a great punishment.
Wa ma arsalna qablaka mena almursaleena ella innahum laya'kuluona alta-ama wa yamshuona fee alaswaqi wa ja'alna ba'dakum leba'din fetnatan a-tasberuona wa kana Rabbuka Baseera (20).
And We did not send before You any of the Messengers except that they eat food and walk in the markets, and We made some of you as trial for others, Will you be patient, and Your Lord is All-seeing.
Wa qala allazina la yarjuona leqa-ana lawla aunzela alaiyna almalaekatuo aww nara Rabbana laqadi estakbaruo fee anfusehim wa ataww autuwwan kabeera (21).
And those who do not expect the meeting with us say Why not the Angels are sent down to us or do we not see our Lord?, they have become arrogant within themselves and they rebelled a great rebellion.
Yawma yarawna almalaekata la bushra yawma-izin lelmujremeena wa yaquluona hejran mahjura (22).
The day they see the Angels, no glad tidings will be that day for the criminals, and they will say a forbidden partition.
Wa qademna ela ma ameluo men amalin faja-alnahuo haba-an manthuora (23).
And We will proceed to whatever they did of a deed, and We will make it a scattered dust.
As-habuo aljannati yawma-izin khaiyrun mustaqarran wa ahsanuo maqeela (24).
The companions of Paradise that day are better in residence and better in resting place.
Wa yawma tashaqqaquo alsama-uo belghamami wa nuzzela almalaekatuo tanzeela (25).
And the day the heaven will split open with the clouds, and the Angels will be sent down, descending.
Almulkuo yawma-izin alhaqquo lel-rahmani wa kana yawman ala alkafereena aseera (26).
The kingdom that day for the Most Gracious, and it will be a difficult day upon the disbelievers.
Wa yawma ya-adduo alzalemuo ala yadaiyhi yaquluo ya-laiytani ettakhaztuo ma-a alrasuli sabeela (27).
And the day the wrongdoer will bite on his hands, he will say O I wish I had taken a way with the Messenger.
Ya waiylata laiytani lam attakhez fulanan khaleela (28).
Oh woe to me! Would that I had not taken so-and-so as a friend.
La-qad adallani ani alzekri ba'da iz ja-ani wa kana alshaiytanuo lel-insani khazuola (29).
Indeed, he had led me astray from the reminder after it had come to me, and the devil is the one who fails man.
Wa qala alrasuluo ya-Rabbi inna qawmi ettakhazuo haza alqurana mahjuora (30).
And the Messenger said O My Lord! My people had taken this Quran as a thing to be abandoned.
Wa kazaleka ja'alna le-kulli nabbeiyyin aduwwan mena almujremeena wa kafa be-Rabbika hadeiyan wa naseera (31).
And thus We have made for every Prophet an enemy from among the criminals, and Sufficient is Your Lord as a Guide and a Helper.
Wa qala allazina kafaruo lawla nuzella alaiyhi alqurana jumlatan wahedatan kazaleka le-nuthabbeta behi fuo-adaka wa rattalnahuo tarteela (32).
And those who disbelieve said Why was the Quran not sent down to Him all at once?, thus, We may strengthen thereby Your heart and We recite the Quran with a measured recitation.
Wa la ya'tuonaka be-mathalin ella je'naka bel-haqqi wa ahsana tafseera (33).
And they do not come to You with an example except that We bring You the truth and the best interpretation.
Allazina youhsharuona ala wujuhehim ela jahannama aulaeka sharrun makanan wa adalluo sabeela (34).
Those who will be gathered on their faces to Hellfire, those are the worst in position and most astray from the way.
Wa laqad ataiyna Musa alketaba wa ja-alna ma'ahu akhahuo Haruona wazeera (35).
And indeed, We gave Moses the book and appointed His brother Aaron as a minister with Him.
Fa-qulna ezhaba ela alqawmi allazina kazzabuo be-ayatena fa-dammarnahum tadmeera (36).
Then We said Go both of you to the people who have denied Our signs, so We destroyed them, a total destruction.
Wa qawma Noohin lamma kazzabuo alrusula aghraqnahum wa ja'alnahum lel-nasi ayatan wa a'tadna lel-zalemeena azaban aleema (37).
And the people of Noah when they denied the Messengers, We drowned them, and We made them a sign for the people, and We have prepared for the wrongdoers a painful punishment.
Wa Adan wa Thamuda wa as-haba Alrassi wa quruonan baiyna zaleka katheera (38).
And Ad and Thamud and the companions of the Rass and many generations between that.
Wa kullan darabna lahuo alamthala wa kullan tabbarna tatbeera (39).
And each We have cited the examples for him, and We destroyed, full destruction.
Wa laqad ataww ala alqariyati allati aumterat matara alsaww-ee afa-lam yakunuo yarawnaha bal kanuo la yarjuona nushura (40).
And they have come upon the town which was rained with a rain of evil, then Do they not see it?, but they do not expect a resurrection.
Wa iza ra'awka in yattakhezunaka ella huzuwan a-haza allazi ba'atha Allahu rasuola (41).
And when they saw You, they take You not except in ridicule Is this the one whom Allah has sent as a Messenger?.
In kada la-youdelluna an alehatena lawla an sabarna alaiyha wa sawfa ya'lamuona heena yarawna alazaba man adalluo sabeela (42).
He almost would have led us astray from our gods, if that we had not been steadfast to them, and they will know when they will see the punishment who is more astray in the way.
Ara'ayta mani ettakhaza elahahuo hawahuo afa-anta takunuo alaiyhi wakeela (43).
Have You seen the one who takes his desire as his god, then Would You be a guardian over him?.
Am tahsabuo anna aktharahum yasma-uona aww ya'qeluona in hum ella kal-an'ami bal hum adalluo sabeela (44).
Or do You think that most of them hear or understand?, they are not except like cattle, but they are more astray from the way.
Alam tara ela Rabbeka kaiyfa madda alzella wa laww sha-a laja'alahuo sakenan thumma ja'alna alshamsa alaiyhi daleela (45).
Do You not see Your Lord, How He extends the shadow?, and if He willed, He would have made it stationary then We made the sun an indicator for it.
Thumma qabadnahuo elaiyna qabdan yaseera (46).
Then We withdraw it to us a gradual withdrawal.
Wa huwa alllazi ja'ala lakumuo al-laila lebathan wa alnawma subatan wa ja'ala alnahara nushura (47).
And He is the One who has made for you the night an apparel and the sleep a rest and has made the day a revival.
Wa huwa allazi arsala alriyaha bushran baiyna yaday rahmatehi wa anzalna mena alsama-ee ma-an tahuora (48).
And He is the One who has sent the winds as glad tidings before His mercy, and We sent down a pure water from the sky.
Le-nuhyiya behi baldatan maytan wa nusqeiyahuo memma khalaqna an'aman wa anaseiyya katheera (49).
That We may give life thereby to a dead land and We give drink thereof to those whom We have created, many cattle and men.
Wa laqad sarrafnahuo baiynahum le-yazzakkaruo fa-aba aktharuo alnasi ella kufuora (50).
And We have distributed it among them, so that they may remember, but most of the people refuse except disbelief.
Wa laww she'na laba'athna fee kulli qariyatin nazeera (51).
And if We willed, We would have sent into every town a warner.
Fa-la tuote-e alkafereena wa jahed-hum behi jehadan kabeera (52).
So Do not obey the disbelievers and Strive against them with it a great striving.
Wa huwa allazi maraja albahraiyni haza azbun furatun wa haza melhun aujajun wa ja'ala baiynahuma barzakhan wa hejran mahjuora (53).
And He is the One who has released the two seas, this is fresh and sweet, and this is salty and bitter, and He has made between them a barrier and forbidden partition.
Wa huwa allazi khalaqa mena alma-ee basharan faja'alahuo nasaban wa sehran wa kana Rabbuka qadeera (54).
And He is the One who has created from the water a human being and has made for him a kinship of lineage and in-laws, and Your Lord is All-Powerful.
Wa ya'buduona men duoni ellahi ma la yanfa'uhum wa la yadurruhum wa kana alkaferuo ala Rabbehi zaheera (55).
But they worship besides Allah what does not benefit them or harm them, and the disbeliever is against his Lord an assistant.
Wa ma arsalnaka ella mubashsheran wa nazeera (56).
And We have not sent You except as a bearer of glad tidings and a warner.
Qul ma asa'lukum alaiyhi men ajrin ella man sha-a an yattakheza ela Rabbehi sabeela (57).
Say I do not ask you for it any wage except that whoever wills should take a way to his Lord.
Wa tawakkal ala alhayyi allazi la yamutuo wa sabbeh be-hamdehi wa kafa behi be-zunubi ebadehi khabeera (58).
And put Your trust upon the Ever-Living, the One who does not die, and Glorify with His praise, and Sufficient is He to be All-aware of the sins of His servants.
Allazi khalaqa alsamawati wa alarda wa ma baiynahuma fee settati ayyamin thumma estawa ala alarshi Alrahmanuo fas'al behi khabeera (59).
The One who has created the heavens and the earth and what is between them in six days, then He established Himself on the throne, the Most Gracious, so Ask about him an All-Aware.
Wa iza qeela lahum esjuduo lel-rahmani qaluo wa ma alrahmanuo a-nasjuduo lema ta'muruna wa zadahum nufuora ۩ (60).
And when it is said to them Prostrate to the Most Gracious, they say and What is the Most Gracious? Should we prostrate to that which You order us?, and it increased them in aversion.
۩- Prostration of recitation.
Tabaraka allazi ja'ala fee alsama-e burujan wa ja'ala feeha serajan wa qamaran muneera (61).
Blessed is the One who has placed in the sky constellations, and placed therein a lamp and a luminous moon.
Wa huwa allazi ja'ala al-laila wa alnahara khelfatan le-man arada an yazzakara aww arada shukura (62).
And He is the One who has made the night and the day in succession for whoever desires to remember or desires gratitude.
Wa ebaduo Alrahmani allazin yamshuona ala alardi hawnan wa iza khatabahumuo aljaheluona qaluo salama (63).
And the servants of the Most Gracious are those who walk upon the earth humbly, and when the ignorant ones address them, they say peace.
Wa allazina yabetuona le-Rabbehim sujjadan wa qeiyama (64).
And those who spend the night before their Lord prostrating and standing.
Wa allazina yaquluona Rabbana esrif anna azaba jahannama inna azabaha kana gharama (65).
And those who say our Lord Avert from us the punishment of Hellfire, indeed, its punishment is permanent.
Innaha sa-at mustaqarran wa muqama (66).
Indeed, it is an evil residence and abode.
Wa allazina iza anfaquo lam yusrefuo wa lam yaqturuo wa kana baiyna zaleka qawama (67).
And those who when they spend, they are not extravagant nor are they stingy but are moderate between that.
Wa allazina la yad-uona ma-a Allahi ilahan akhara wa la yaqtuluona alnafsa allati harrama Allahu ella bel-haqqi wa la yaznuona wa man yaf'al zaleka yalqa athama (68).
And those who do not invoke another god along with Allah, and they do not kill the soul which Allah has forbidden except by right, and they do not commit adultery, and whoever does that will meet a recompense.
Youda-af lahuo alazabuo yawma alqeiyamati wa yakhlud feehi muhana (69).
The punishment will be doubled for him on the day of resurrection, and he will abide therein, humiliated.
Ella man taba wa amana wa amela amalan salehan fa-aulaeka yuobaddeluo Allahu saiyyi-atehim hasanatin wa kana Allahu Ghafuran Raheema (70).
Except he who repents and believes and does righteous deeds, then for those Allah will replace their evil deeds with good deeds, and Allah is All-Forgiving, Most Merciful.
Wa man taba wa amela salehan fa-inahuo yatubuo ela Allahi mataba (71).
And he who repents and does righteous deeds, then indeed, he turns to Allah with repentance.
Wa allazina la yashhaduona alzuora wa iza marruo bel-laghwi marruo kerama (72).
And those who do not bear witness to falsehood, and when they pass by the vain speech, they pass with dignity.
Wa allazina iza zukkeruo be-ayati Rabbehim lam yakherruo alaiyha summan wa aumyana (73).
And those who when they are reminded of the verses of their Lord, they do not fall upon them deaf and blind.
Wa allazina yaquluona Rabbana hab lana men azwajena wa zurriyyatena qurrata a'yunin wa-j'alna lel-muttaqeena emama (74).
And those who say our Lord Grant us from our spouses and our progeny comfort of eyes and Make us a leader for the righteous.
Aulaeka youjzawna alghurfata bema sabaruo wa youlaqqawna feeha tahiyyatan wa salama (75).
Those will be awarded the chamber for what they have been patient with, and they will be met therein with greetings and peace.
Khaledeena feeha hasunat mustaqarran wa muqama (76).
Abiding therein forever, it is a good residence and abode.
Qul ma ya'ba-uo bekum Rabbi lawla du-a-ukum fa-qad kazzabtum fa-sawfa yakunuo lezama (77).
Say My Lord would not care for you if not for your supplication?, but indeed, you have denied, so it will be inevitable.
Simplified interpretation:
Surat Alfurqan carries many acknowledgments and decisive responses to the false allegations of the infidels and the flimsy arguments they invented in order to cast doubt about the Holy Quran and Allah's Messenger Muhammad (PBUH), then Allah describes the condition of the deniers of the day of resurrection and the torment that awaits them in exchange for the condition of the righteous and the bliss that awaits them in the Hereafter. Allah also cites the conditions of some of the previous nations and the torment that befell them as recompense for their denial of Allah's signs so that it may be a lesson to the infidels, and Allah shows some signs of His greatness in creating the shadow, the night, the day, the winds, the seas, the humans, the heavens, the earth, the great stars, the sun, and the moon. The Surah concludes with a description of the characteristics of the servants of the Most Gracious including humility and tranquility, forbearance, fear, praying at night, not being extravagant in spending nor being miserly, abandoning disbelief, murder, and adultery, and not bearing witness to falsehood nor indulging in vain speech.
Allah says in the first two verses (1,2) "Blessed is the One who has sent down the Criterion upon His servant, so that He may be a warner to the worlds, the One to whom belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth and He has not taken a son and has not had a partner in the kingdom, and He has created everything and determined the measure", that is, Allah glorifies Himself for what He has revealed to His Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) of the Holy Quran, which Allah called the Criterion (Alfurqan); because it distinguishes between truth and falsehood, between guidance and misguidance, and between lawful and forbidden, and Allah has sent it down upon His Messenger so that He may be a warner to the worlds of the Jinn and the men, as He was sent to all mankind where as narrated by Jabir Bin Abdullah, Allah's Messenger said I have been given five things which were not given to any amongst the Prophets before Me, and He has stated from among them that every Prophet used to be sent to His people exclusively but I have been sent to all mankind (Sahih Albukhari 335), and the Jinn have believed in Him when they heard the Holy Quran as mentioned at length in Surat Aljinn, then Allah glorifies Himself and said that He is the One to whom belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth, and He distanced Himself from having a son and from having a partner as the polytheists claim for everything other than Him is created, and He is the Creator of everything, and everything He has created is estimated by His wisdom according to what He wills, not out of negligence, rather He determined the measure without defects or contradictions.
Allah says in the next three verses (3-5) "And they have taken gods besides Him that do not create anything while they are created, and they do not possess any harm for themselves or any benefit, and do not possess death or life or resurrection, and those who disbelieve said this is nothing but a lie He has invented, and other people helped Him in it, and indeed they have come up with an injustice and and falsehood, and they say legends of the former people which He has written and they are recited to Him morning and evening", that is, the polytheists of Quraish have taken gods besides Allah that do not create even the wing of mosquito, rather they are created, they do not have the power to harm or benefit themselves, so How can they harm or benefit others?, and they do not posses death, life, or resurrection and they have nothing of that, rather all of that belongs to Allah, the One who gives life, causes death, and will resurrect all creatures on the day of resurrection, the disbelievers said that the Holy Quran is a lie, and Allah's Messenger has invented it, and other people helped Him in it, so Allah assures that they have come up with an injustice and a falsehood, and they claimed that the Holy Quran is the legends of the former people, and Allah's Messenger has written it, and that they are recited to Him morning and evening, even though they know that He does not read nor write and He is the illiterate Prophet as Allah described Him in Aya (157) of Surat Ala'raf.
Allah says in the next three verses (6-8) "Say it is sent down by the One who knows the secret in the heavens and the earth, indeed, He is All-Forgiving, Most Merciful, and they say why does this Messenger eat food and walk in the markets?, why not an Angel is sent down to Him, so that he would be a warner with Him, Or shall a treasure be delivered to Him, Or shall He have a garden from which He eats?, and the wrongdoers say you only follow a bewitched man", that is, the polytheists of Quraish claimed that the Holy Quran is legends of the former people as mentioned in the previous verse, so Allah commanded His Messenger to assure them that the Holy Quran is sent down by Allah, the One who knows the secrets in the heavens and the earth as nothing is forbidden from Him. Despite their lies and slander, if they repented, then indeed, Allah is All-Forgiving and Most Merciful for those who repent, believe, and do righteous deeds, but they persisted on their disbelief and stubbornness without any proof or argument, and they said Why does this Messenger, who claims that Allah has sent Him to us, eat food as we eat, and walk in our markets as we walk, Why not an Angel is sent down to Him from the heaven if He was truthful, so that He would be with Him as a warner, confirming what He says, Or shall a treasure of silver or gold be given to Him, so that He would not need to strive for sustenance, Or shall He have a garden from which He eats?, and the wrongdoers said to the believers you only follow a man affected by magic.
Allah says in the next two verses (9,10) "See How they cite the examples for you, so they have gone astray and can not find a way, blessed is the One who, if He willed, would have made for You better than that, gardens beneath which rivers flow, and would have made for You palaces", that is, Allah addresses His Messenger and says to Him See How the polytheists of Quraish cite the examples in order to refute Your truthfulness, and accuse you of magic, so they have gone astray from guidance that You have brought to them, so they will not find a way of guidance in anything else, then Allah glorifies Himself and says if He willed, He would given Him better than what they say where Allah would have made for Him gardens beneath which rivers flow, and would have made for Him palaces.
Allah says in the next four verses (11-14) "But they have denied the Hour, and We have prepared for those who denied the Hour a blazing fire, when it sees them from a far place, they will hear its rage and exhalation, and when they will be thrown into a narrow place therein, bound in chains, they will call for destruction, Do not call today for one destruction, but call for many destruction", that is, the polytheists of Quraish cited the examples to Allah's Messenger out of their denial of the day of resurrection (the Hour), and Allah has prepared for those who denied the Hour a blazing fire in the Hereafter, and when the Hellfire sees them from a distance place, they will hear its rage and exhalation out of its anger at them, and it almost bursts and separated from each other from rage as mentioned in Aya (8) of Surat Almulk, and when they will be thrown into a narrow place therein, bound in chains, they will call for destruction as they will wish to die and perish, but their punishment is more than they ask once for destruction, so it will be said to them Do not call today for one destruction, but call for many destruction.
Allah says in the next two verses (15,16) "Say Is that better or the garden of eternity which is promised to the righteous?, it will be for them a reward and a destination, for them therein will be whatever they wish, abiding forever, it is upon Your Lord a responsible promise", that is, Allah commanded His Messenger to say to the polytheists Is Hellfire which is promised for those who denied the resurrection better or the garden of eternity which is promised to the righteous?, the garden of eternity will be a reward and a final return for the righteous for their obedience to Allah in the worldly life, for them therein will be whatever they wish of bliss and what their souls desire, and what delights their eyes, and they will abide therein forever, and that is a responsible promise upon Allah where Allah does not break His promise.
Allah says in the next three verses (17-19) "And the day when He will gather them and what they worship besides Allah and He will say Did you lead My servants astray, these, or they went astray from the way, they will say Glory to be You! It was not for us to take protectors besides You, but You gave them and their fathers enjoyment till they forgot the reminder and became a ruined people, so indeed, they deny you in what you say, so you are not able to repulse nor to help, and whoever wrongs from among you We will make him taste a great punishment", that is, Allah will gather the disbelievers and what they worship besides Him on the day of resurrection, and He will ask those who were worshiped Did you invite My servants these to worship you, Or did they worship you on their own without an invitation from you?, then those who were worshiped besides Allah will answer Allah by saying "Glory to be You! It was not for us to take guardians besides You", they will confess that they did not call the disbelievers to worship them, rather they did that on their own, and they will say to Allah You gave them and their fathers the enjoyment of the worldly life of health, wealth, and long life till they forgot the reminder and what You had sent down to them through Your Messengers, so they became a ruined people, and there no good in them, then Allah will say to the disbelievers that those whom they worshiped besides Him deny them, so they are not able to avert the punishment nor to help themselves, and whoever wrongs himself with disbelief, Allah will make Him taste a great punishment on the day of resurrection.
Allah says in the next verse (20) "And We did not send before You any of the Messengers except that they eat food and walk in the markets, and We made some of you as trial for others, Will you be patient, and Your Lord is All-seeing", that is, Allah reassures His Messenger (PBUH) that He did not send any of the Messengers before Him except that they used to eat food and used to walk in the market just as He eats and walks, so the polytheists of Quraish have no argument against Him for what they say, and Allah made some of men as trial for other people where Allah has made the Messengers from among human beings as a trial for their people, so that He may know who obeys and who disobeys Him, where the previous nations used to deny their Prophet by saying "You are nothing but a human like us" as in the state of the people of the Prophet Salih and the people of the Prophet Shu'ayb as mentioned in Ayat (154,186) of Surat Alshu'araa, so Will You be patient over their harm?, and Your Lord is All-Seeing of who deserves to be revealed to Him, who deserves to be guided, and who do not deserve that.
Allah says in the next three verses (21-23) "And those who do not expect the meeting with us say Why not the Angels are sent down to us or do we not see our Lord?, they have become arrogant within themselves and they rebelled a great rebellion, the day they see the Angels, no glad tidings will be that day for the criminals, and they will say a forbidden partition, and We will proceed to whatever they did of a deed, and We will make it a scattered dust", that is, those who do not expect the meeting with Allah on the day of resurrection and do not fear His punishment say Why the Angels are not sent down to us in order to tell us that Muhammad (PBUH) is right in what He says Or do we not see our Lord in order to believe, they said that out of their arrogance from following the path of guidance, and they rebelled a great rebellion, so on the day they see the Angels whether at the time of death or on the day of resurrection, there is no glad tidings for them and it will be said to them a forbidden partition, fully forbidden for you today that you have glad tiding from Allah, and on the day of resurrection, Allah will nullify their deeds and will make their deeds a scattered dust; because they did not do it for Allah, rather for their false idols and Satan.
Allah says in the next three verses (24-26) "The companions of Paradise that day are better in residence and better in resting place, and the day the heaven will split open with the clouds, and the Angels will be sent down, descending, the kingdom that day for the Most Gracious, and it will be a difficult day upon the disbelievers", that is, on the day of resurrection, the companions of Paradise will be better in their residence and resting place in Paradise, then Allah cites two scenes of the day of resurrection, which are the splitting of the sky and its breaking apart with clouds, and the descent of the Angles of the heavens on that day and they will descend a successive descent and will surround all creatures in the station of gathering as they will be on the edges of the earth, and eight Angels will carry the throne of Allah in order to establish the reckoning as mentioned in Aya (17) of Surat Alhaqqah, so the kingdom of the heavens and the earth that day will belong to Allah, the Most Gracious, and the day of resurrection will be a difficult day upon the disbelievers for the terrors, disgrace, and humiliation that will befall them.
Allah says in the next three verses (27-29) "And the day the wrongdoer will bite on his hands, he will say O I wish I had taken a way with the Messenger, oh woe to me! Would that I had not taken so-and-so as a friend, indeed, he had led me astray from the reminder after it had come to me, and the devil is the one who fails man", that is, the wrongdoer will regret on the day of resurrection and will bite on His hands out of his heartbreak, so he will say O I wish I had taken the path of guidance that the Messenger came with, oh woe to me! would that I had not taken so-and-so as a friend for he had led me astray from the reminder after it had come to me, and the devil is the one who fails man as he diverts him from the truth and invites him to falsehood and disbelief in the worldly life, but on the day of resurrection, he will fail him, and will disavow from Him as mentioned in Aya (16) of Surat Alhashr.
Allah says in the next two verses (30,31) "And the Messenger said O My Lord! My people had taken this Quran as a thing to be abandoned, and thus We have made for every Prophet an enemy from among the criminals, and Sufficient is Your Lord as a Guide and a Helper", that is, Allah's Messenger (PBUH) complained His people to Allah and said that they have abandoned the Holy Quran where the polytheists of Quraish did not listen to the Holy Quran and they said that it is a magic and a poetry, in addition, they used to advise each other not to listen to the Holy Quran, and to make noise when Allah's Messenger recites it lest anyone hears Him, and thus they may overcome the Muslims as mentioned in Aya (26) of Surat Fussilat, then Allah reassured His Messenger that He has made for every Prophet an enemy from among the criminals who calls the people to misguidance and disbelief just like the people of Quraish who abandoned the Holy Quran and urged people to abandoned it, and Sufficient is Allah as a Guide and a Helper for whoever believes in Him, His Messengers, and His books, so He will guide and help the believers in the worldly life and the Hereafter.
Allah says in the next three verses (32-34) "And those who disbelieve said Why was the Quran not sent down to Him all at once?, thus, We may strengthen thereby Your heart and We recite the Quran with a measured recitation, and they do not come to You with an example except that We bring You the truth and the best interpretation, those who will be gathered on their faces to Hellfire, those are the worst in position and most astray from the way", that is, the disbelievers said Why was the Holy Quran not sent down to Allah's Messenger all at once?, so Allah answered them that He may strengthen thereby the heart of His Messenger, and He has not sent the Holy Quran down all at once but little by little during twenty-three years according to a measured recitation, and according to the events and the rulings needed to strengthen the hearts of the believers, then Allah assures His Messenger that they do not come to Him with an argument or suspicion, seeking the defect of the Holy Quran and Allah's Messenger, and they do not say a statement by which oppose the truth, except that Allah answered them with what is the truth in the same matter, the best explanation, and more eloquent than their saying. Then Allah describes the state of those who disbelieve and oppose the Holy Quran and Allah's Messenger on the day of resurrection as they will be gathered on their faces and will be thrown into Hellfire, those are the worst people in position in the Hereafter, and the most astray from the way of Allah in the worldly life, and as narrated by Anas bin Malik: "A man said O Allah's Prophet! Will the disbeliever be gathered on His face?, the Prophet (PBUH) said Is not He who made him walk on his legs in the worldly life, Able to make him walk on His face on the day of resurrection" (Sahih Albukhari 4760).
Allah says in the next two verses (35,36) "And indeed, We gave Moses the book and appointed His brother Aaron as a minister with Him, then We said Go both of you to the people who have denied Our signs, so We destroyed them, a total destruction", that is, Allah gave the Prophet Moses the Torah, and appointed His brother Aaron as an assistant with Him where the Prophet Moses said to Allah "So send Him with Me, a helper who will confirm Me" as mentioned in Aya (34) of Surat Alqasas, then Allah said to the Prophet Moses and His brother Aaron Go both of you to Pharaoh and his people, those who have denied Allah's signs, but they accused the prophet Moses of magic and they said this is nothing but an invented magic, so Allah destroyed Pharaoh and his people totally, and drowned them in the sea as mentioned in Aya (66) of Surat Alshu'araa.
Allah says in the next three verses (37-39) "And the people of Noah when they denied the Messengers, We drowned them, and We made them a sign for the people, and We have prepared for the wrongdoers a painful punishment, and Ad and Thamud and the companions of the Rass and many generations between that, and each We have cited the examples for him, and We destroyed, full destruction", that is, the people of the Prophet Noah denied the Messengers as the Prophet Noah stayed with His people for a thousand years minus fifty years calling them to worship Allah alone as mentioned in Aya (14) of Surat Alankaboot, but they denied Him, so Allah drowned them in the flood, and Allah made them a sign for the people by which they will be admonished, and Allah has prepared for them a painful torment in the Hereafter other than which befell them in the worldly life, likewise, Allah had destroyed Ad, the people of the Prophet Hud, with a sterile wind, Allah had destroyed Thamud, the people of the Prophet Salih, with the thunderbolt, Allah had destroyed the companions of the Rass, and the Holy Quran does not clearly specify who they are, but it was said that the Rass is a well in Azerbaijan, and they were named "the companions of the Rass" because they threw and buried their prophet in the well, and Allah had destroyed many generations, that Allah only knows, between the people of Noah, Ad, Thamud, and the companions of the Rass, and Allah had cited the signs and the arguments to each of them but they persisted on their disbelief, so Allah had destroyed them totally until there was no one left of them.
Allah says in the next three verses (40-42) "And they have come upon the town which was rained with a rain of evil, then Do they not see it?, but they do not expect a resurrection, and when they saw You, they take You not except in ridicule Is this the one whom Allah has sent as a Messenger?, He almost would have led us astray from our gods, if that we had not been steadfast to them, and they will know when they will see the punishment who is more astray in the way", that is, the infidels of Quraish have come upon the town of the prophet Lot who practiced sodomy and denied their Messenger Lot, so Allah had destroyed them with a rain of stones of hard clay, and the infidels of Quraish used to pass by their tracks in the morning and at night as mentioned in Ayat (137,138) of Surat Alsaffat, then Do they not see it?, in order to reflect on the end of the transgressors lest what happened to them will befall them, but they did not reflect on that because they do not expect that they will be resurrected from the graves on the day of resurrection, and when they saw Allah's Messenger, they take him in ridicule saying Is this the one whom Allah has sent as a Messenger?, as a way of belittling and desdain Him, and they said that Allah's Messenger almost would have led them astray and discouraged them from worshipping their false gods if that they had not been steadfast to them and continued to worship them, so Allah threatened them that they will know when they will see the punishment on the day of resurrection who is more astray in the way, they or the Prophet Muhammad and whoever believes with Him.
Allah says in the next two verses (43,44) "Have You seen the one who takes his desire as his god, then Would You be a guardian over him?, Or do You think that most of them hear or understand?, they are not except like cattle, but they are more astray from the way", that is, Allah addresses His Messenger and says to Him Have you not seen the one who takes his desire as his god? as he follows his whims and he dose not desire anything except that he follows it, so the infidels of Quraish worship their false gods according to their desires, then Allah said to His Messenger Would You be a guardian over him?, You just has to convey Allah's message and Allah guides whom He wills, Or do You think that most of them hear or understand what You say?, they are not except like cattle that do not understand what is said to them, but they are more astray from the way than the cattle because the cattle understand what they created for, so they are guided to their pastures and submit to their masters, but the infidels were created to worship Allah alone, and yet they worshiped other than Him and associated partners with Him even though He sent them clear signs and proofs with His Messengers.
Allah says in the next three verses (45-47) "Do You not see Your Lord, How He extends the shadow?, and if He willed, He would have made it stationary then We made the sun an indicator for it, then We withdraw it to us a gradual withdrawal, and He is the One who has made for you the night an apparel and the sleep a rest and has made the day a revival", that is, Allah addresses His Messenger and says Do You not see Your Lord, How He extends the shadow between dawn and sunrise, and if Allah willed, He would have made it permanent, that it would not gone away nor would the sun follow it, but Allah has made the sun an indicator for the shadow as it follows the shadow, so when the sun rises, there is no shadow left on the earth except under a roof or a tree, and had it not been for the sun, We would no have known the shadow; because the opposite is known only by its opposite, then Allah withdraws the shadow little by little after sunset, so it will not disappear at once, but whenever a part of it disappears, a part of darkness takes its place. Allah is the One who has made the night an apparel for mankind, so it became a cover for them like the clothes they cover themselves with, the One who has made the sleep a rest by which their bodies rest from the hardship of working during the day, and the One who has made the day a revival in which they spread on the earth looking for their livelihood.
Allah says in the next three verses (48-50) "And He is the One who has sent the winds as glad tidings before His mercy, and We sent down a pure water from the sky, that We may give life thereby to a dead land and We give drink thereof to those whom We have created, many cattle and men, and We have distributed it among them, so that they may remember, but most of the people refuse except disbelief", that is, Allah is the One who has sent the winds as glad tidings before Allah's mercy as it precede the rain which is Allah's mercy by its blessings and benefits, and Allah has sent down a pure water from the sky that nothing makes it impure, so that Allah may give life by the rain to a dead land with no vegetation or anything, then it grows various kinds of crops and fruits, and Allah gives drink from the rain to many cattle and men who are in need of it, and Allah has distributed the rain among the people, so it rains on a land other than the other, and the clouds cross a land to another land, and Allah has made the revival of the dead land as a sign for them so that they may remember that the One who has given life to the earth is the Giver of life to the dead for He is All-Powerful over everything as He has stated in Aya (39) of Surat Fussilat, but most of people refuse except disbelief where as narrated by Zaid Bin Khalid Aljuhani: ''The Prophet (PBUH) led us in the Fajr prayer at Alhudaiybeyah after a rainy night, on completion of the prayer, He faced the people and said Do you know what your Lord has said?, the people replied Allah and His Messenger know best, He said Allah has said, in this morning some of My servants remained as true believers and some became disbelievers, whoever said that the rain was due to the blessings and the mercy of Allah had belief in Me and he disbelieves in the stars, and whoever said that it rained because of a particular star had no belief in Me but believes in the stars".
Allah says in the next two verses (51,52) "And if We willed, We would have sent into every town a warner, so Do not obey the disbelievers and Strive against them with it a great striving", that is, if Allah willed, He would have sent a warner into every town, but He has sent His Messenger Muhammad to the worlds of the Jinn and the men as shown above in Aya (1), and He has singled Him out of the mission of conveying the Holy Quran to all mankind, so Allah commanded Him not to obey the disbelievers in what they commanded Him of worshipping their idols, and commanded Him to strive against them with the Holy Quran a great striving in order to lead them to acknowledge Allah's oneness, and to believe in it.
Allah says in the next two verses (53,54) "And He is the One who has released the two seas, this is fresh and sweet, and this is salty and bitter, and He has made between them a barrier and forbidden partition, and He is the One who has created from the water a human being and has made for him a kinship of lineage and in-laws, and Your Lord is All-Powerful", that is, Allah is the One who has released the two seas, and they are not alike for one of them is fresh and sweet, and the other is salty and bitter, and He has made a barrier and forbidden partition between them, so that they do not mix with each other as in the confluence of the Nile River and the Mediterranean Sea in Damietta governorate, Egypt, where the Nile river is fresh and sweet, and the Mediterranean Sea is salty and bitter. And Allah is the One who has created a human being from an ejected water, coming out from between the backbone of a man and the ribs of a woman as mentioned in Ayat (6,7) of Surat Altariq, then He made him perfect in creation, male or female, and when he is born, he will have kinship of lineage which the blood relations with his family, and when he grows up and gets married, he will have kinship of in-laws with his wife's family, and Allah is All-Powerful over everything where He is Able to do whatever He wants, and neither impediment nor inability can prevent Him from doing whatever He wills.
Allah says in the next three verses (55-57) "But they worship besides Allah what does not benefit them or harm them, and the disbeliever is against his Lord an assistant, and We have not sent You except as a bearer of glad tidings and a warner, Say I do not ask you for it any wage except that whoever wills should take a way to his Lord", that is, the polytheists worship idols besides Allah, which have no power to benefit or harm them, and they have no evidence or proof to worship these idols except that they follow their whims and that they follow Satan, so the disbeliever is an assistant to Satan by polytheism and enmity against Allah. Then Allah addresses His Messenger and says that He has not sent Him to His people except as a bearer of glad tidings of Paradise for those who obey Allah, and a warner of Hellfire for those who disobey Him, and Allah commanded His Messenger to say to the polytheists that He does not ask them a wage for conveying the message of Allah, but rather His reward is from Allah as He only has to tell them what Allah has revealed to Him, and whoever wills should take a way to Allah by following what He has come with, and drawing closer to Allah by faith and obedience.
Allah says in the next three verses (58-60) "And put Your trust upon the Ever-Living, the One who does not die, and Glorify with His praise, and Sufficient is He to be All-aware of the sins of His servants, the One who has created the heavens and the earth and what is between them in six days, then He established Himself on the throne, the Most Gracious, so Ask about him an All-Aware, and when it is said to them Prostrate to the Most Gracious, they say and What is the Most Gracious? Should we prostrate to that which You order us?, and it increased them in aversion", that is, Allah commanded His Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) to put His trust in all His affairs and conditions upon Him, the Ever-Living, the One who does not die, and to glorify with the praise of Allah by saying "Subhana Allahi wa behadehi: Glory to be Allah, and praise be to Him", and Allah's Messenger (PBUH) said in narration of Abu Hurayrah: "Whoever says "Subhana Allahi wa behadehi: Glory to be Allah, and praise be to Him" one hundred times a day, will be forgiven all his sins even if they were as much as the foam of the sea" (Sahih Albukhari 6405), and Sufficient is He to be All-Aware of the sins of His servant as nothing of their sins is hidden from Him, and He will recompense them for it on the day of resurrection, then Allah assures that He is the One who has created the heavens and the earth and whatever is between them in six days as the creation of the earth and whatever is on it took place in four days, then Allah completed the creation of the sky as seven skies in another two days as mentioned in Surat Fussilat Ayat (9-12), then He established Himself on the throne as He manages the matter and judges between His creation with justice, so He is the Creator of everything, the Possessor of everything, and All-Powerful over everything, thereupon, Allah is the Most Gracious, so Ask about Him the One who knows and Sufficient is Allah as All-Aware of everything in the heavens and the earth, and when it was said to the polytheists of Quraish Prostrate to the Most Gracious, they said what is the Most Gracious?, and denied that Allah is called by the Most Gracious, and as narrated by Anas bin Malik that they refused to write on the day of the peace treaty of Alhudaiybeyah with Allah's Messenger In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful", and said we do not know what is meant by the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful, where as narrated by Anas bin Malik: "Quraish made peace with Prophet (PBUH), among them was Suhail bin Amr, the Prophet said to Ali Write in the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful, Suhail said as for in the Name of Allah, we do not know what is meant by in the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful, but Write what we understand in Your name O Allah, then the Prophet said Write from Muhammad, the Messenger of Allah, they said if we knew that you were the Messenger of Allah, we would follow you, therefore, Write Your name and the name of Your father, so the Prophet said Write from Muhammad bin Abdullah" (Sahih Muslim 1784), so they refused to acknowledge that Allah is the Most Gracious, and said to Allah's Messenger Shall we prostrate to that which you order us?, and that increased them in aversion and fleeing from what they called for of prostration, and singling out Allah for worship.
Allah says in the next two verses (61,62) "Blessed is the One who has placed in the sky constellations, and placed therein a lamp and a luminous moon, and He is the One who has made the night and the day in succession for whoever desires to remember or desires gratitude", that is, Allah glorifies Himself for what He has placed in the sky of the planets, and placed therein the sun which is a lamp at day as mentioned in Aya (16) of Surat Nooh, and placed therein a luminous moon at night, and Allah is the One who has made the night and the day in succession, if one of them comes, the other goes, and it is not permissible for the night to overtake the day, nor is permissible for the day to overtake the night, and that is a sign for whoever wants to remember Allah's power and greatness in His creation or whoever wants to give thanks to Allah for His blessings upon him.
Allah says in the next five verses (63-67) "And the servants of the Most Gracious are those who walk upon the earth humbly, and when the ignorant ones address them, they say peace, and those who spend the night before their Lord prostrating and standing, and those who say our Lord Avert from us the punishment of Hellfire, indeed, its punishment is permanent, indeed, it is an evil residence and abode, and those who when they spend, they are not extravagant nor are they stingy but are moderate between that", that is, Allah describes the characteristics of the servants of the Most Gracious and says that they are those who walk upon the earth humbly as they walk with tranquility and solemnity without arrogance or humiliation, rather their strength is in their humility, and when the disbelievers address them and insult them with evil, they do not reply with the same but they say nothing but peace and what is good, and that they are those who spend the night prostrating and standing before Allah, and along with their obedience, they are fearful of Allah's punishment, so they say our Lord Avert from us the punishment of Hellfire, indeed, its punishment is permanent and unrelenting pain for those who will be tormented by it, and the Hellfire is an evil residence and abode for the disbelievers. Among the characteristics of the servants of the Most Gracious is that they are not wasteful in their spending, so they spend more than they need, nor are they miserly towards themselves and their families, so they fall short in their needs and do not suffice them, but rather they are moderate between that.
Allah says in the next four verses (68-71) "And those who do not invoke another god along with Allah, and they do not kill the soul which Allah has forbidden except by right, and they do not commit adultery, and whoever does that will meet a recompense, the punishment will be doubled for him on the day of resurrection, and he will abide therein, humiliated, except he who repents and believes and does righteous deeds, then for those Allah will replace their evil deeds with good deeds, and Allah is All-Forgiving, Most Merciful, and he who repents and does righteous deeds, then indeed, he turns to Allah with repentance", that is, the servants of the Most Gracious do not invoke another god along with Allah, nor do they kill the soul which Allah has forbidden except by right such as the soul will be killed either for disbelief in Allah after conversion to Islam, or committing illegal sexual intercourse after marriage, or killing a soul, so the murderer is punished by executing him, nor do the servants of the Most Gracious commit adultery, and whoever does these sins will meet a punishment, and it will be doubled for him on the day of resurrection, and he will abide therein in disgrace and humiliation. And as narrated by Abdullah: ''I asked, or Allah's Messenger was asked, Which is the biggest sin in the sight of Allah?, He said that you make an equal to Allah though He alone created you, I asked What is next?, He said, then that you kill your son, being afraid that he may share your meals with you, I asked What is next?, He said that you commit illegal sexual intercourse with the wife of your neighbor, then this verse (78) was revealed to confirm the statement of Allah's Messenger And those who do not invoke another god along with Allah, and they do not kill the soul which Allah has forbidden except by right, and they do not commit adultery" (Sahih Albukhari 4761), and as narrated by Ibn Abbas "Some pagans who committed murders in great number and committed illegal sexual intercourse excessively, came to the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and said O Muhammad! Whatever you say and call people to is good, but we wish if you could inform us whether we can make an expiation for our deeds, So Allah revealed this Aya and Aya (53) of Surat Alzumar", and in another narration, Ibn Abbas said: "But as for he who enters the fold of Islam and understands its commands, and then kills a soul, then there is no repentance for him" (Sahih Muslim 3023 d).
So Allah has made an exception for the disbelievers on the condition that they repent from disbelief, killing, and committing fornication, that they believe in Allah, His Messengers and His books, and that they do righteous deeds, and those who do so, Allah will replace their evil deeds with good deeds; because Islam erases what was before it of polytheism and Allah is All-Forgiving, Most Merciful for those who repent, believe, and do righteous deeds, and whoever repents and follows his repentance with righteous deeds, then he is the one who has turned to Allah with repentance sincerity; Because the one who repents in words and does not achieve that by good deeds, then his repentance will not benefit him. And as narrated by Alqasim Bin Abi Bazza that he asked Sa'id Bin Jubair Is there any repentance of the one who has murdered a believer intentionally?, then I recited to him "And they do not kill the soul which Allah has forbidden except by right", Sa'id said I recited this verse before Ibn Abbas as you have recited it before me, Ibn Abbas said this verse was revealed in Mecca, and it was abrogated by a verse in Surat Alnisaa which was later revealed in Medina", so it was abrogated by Aya (93) of Surat Alnisaa "And whoever kills a believer intentionally, his recompense is Hellfire, abiding therein", and as narrated by Umm Aldarda' from Abu Aldarda': "I heard Allah's Messenger (PBUH) as saying it is hoped that Allah may forgive every sin except in the case of one who dies a polytheist, or one who kills a believer intentionally" (Sunan Abu Dawood 4270), accordingly, there is no repentance for a Muslim who intentionally killed a believer, and Allah has made an expiation for he who kills a soul by mistake as mentioned in Aya (92) Surat Alnisa', but He did not make an expiation for he who intentionally kills the soul which Allah has forbidden.
Allah says in the next three verses (72-74) "And those who do not bear witness to falsehood, and when they pass by the vain speech, they pass with dignity, and those who when they are reminded of the verses of their Lord, they do not fall upon them deaf and blind, and those who say our Lord Grant us from our spouses and our progeny comfort of eyes and Make us a leader for the righteous", that is, the servants of the Most Gracious do not bear witness to falsehood, and when they hear the vain speech, and the slander of the disbelievers and the deniers against Allah, His Messenger, and the Holy Quran, they do not indulge therein, rather, they turn away from it and pass with dignity, and as narrated by Abd-Alrahman Bin Abu Bakra: "Allah's Messenger said thrice Shall I not inform you of the biggest of the great sin, we said yes O Allah's Messenger, He said to join partners in worship with Allah, disobedience to parents, Allah's Messenger sat up after He had been reclining and added And I warn you against giving forged statement and a false witness, I warn you against giving forged statement and a false witness, and He kept on saying it till we thought that He would not stop". When the servants of the Most Gracious are reminded of the verses of Allah, they did not pass by them as if they did not hear, they did not see, and they did not understand anything, but rather, they reasoned about them and benefited from what they hear. The servants of the Most Gracious ask Allah to grant them from their spouses and their offspring those who obey Allah and worship him alone, so that their eyes will be comforted by them in the worldly life and the Hereafter, so they loved that their worship be connected to the worship of their family and their offspring, and they also ask Allah to make them a leader for the righteous so their guidance will benefit others and they will be an example for them to do good.
Allah says in the last three verses (75-77) "Those will be awarded the chamber for what they have been patient with, and they will be met therein with greetings and peace, abiding therein forever, it is a good residence and abode, Say My Lord would not care for you if not for your supplication?, but indeed, you have denied, so it will be inevitable", that is, the servants of the Most Gracious who are characterized by the previous attributes and solemn deeds and sayings will be rewarded the chambers in Paradise on the day of resurrection because they were patient over the hardships they faced on the worldly life in order to obey Allah and His Messenger, and they will be met in the Paradise with greetings and peace where as mentioned in Ayat (23,24) of Surat Alra'd, the Angels will enter upon them from every gate and will say to them ''Peace be upon you for what you patiently endured, and excellent is the final home", and they will abide in the Paradise forever, it is a good residence and abode for them, then Allah commanded His Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) to say to the disbelievers that He does not care about them if they do not worship Him, He has created all creation to worship Him alone, but they denied and turned away from the truth, so the recompense of their denial will be theirs forever, and the punishment will inevitably happen on the day of resurrection.
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