83- Surat Almutaffifin/Tafseer

36 Verses Meccan (revealed in Mecca)

A'auzu Bellahi mena ash-shytani ar-rajim

I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed Satan

Bismi Ellahi Ar-rhmani Ar-rahim

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

Waillun lel-mutaffifin (1).
Woe to Almutaffifin.

Allazina iza ektaluo ala alnnasi yastawfuon (2).
Those who, when they take weight from people, they take it in full.

Wa iza kaluohum awo wazanuohum youkhsiruon (3).
But when they measuring or weighing for them, they give less.

Ala yazuonuo aulaeka annahum mab'authuon (4).
Do they not think that they will be resurrected.

Lee yawmin azeem (5).
For a great day.

Yawma yaqumuo alnnasuo lerabbi al-alameen (6).
The day when the people will stand before the Lord of the worlds.

Kalla inna ketaba alfujjari la fee Sejjeen (7).
Nay, the record of the wicked is in Sijjeen.

Wa ma addraka ma Sijjeen (8)
And what will make you know what Sijjeen is?.

Kitabuon marquom (9)
It is a written book.

Waillun yawmma izin lel-mukazibeen (10).
Woe that day to the deniers.

Allazina youkazibuona be-yawmi alddin (11).
Who deny the day of judgment.

Wa ma youkazibuo behi ella kulluo mu'tadin atheem (12).
No one can deny it except every sinful aggressor.

Iza tutla alayhi ayatuona qala asatiruo al-awaleen (13).
When Our verses recited to him, he says legends of the former people.

Kalla bal rana ala qulubehim ma kanuo yaksebuon (14).
Nay, but their hearts were covered by what they used to earn.

Kalla innahum an Rabbihim yawmma izen la-mahjubuon (15).
Nay! indeed, they will be debarred from their Lord that day.

Thumma innahum la-saluo aljaheem (16).
Then they indeed, will burn in the Hell.

Thumma youqaluo haza allazi kuntum behi tukazibuon (17).
Then it will be said this is what you used to deny.

Kalla inna ketaba alabrari la fee Elliyyin (18).
Nay! the record of the righteous is in Elliyyin.

Wa ma addraka ma Elliyyuon (19)
And what will make you know what Elliyyuon is?.

Kitabuon marquom (20)
It is a written book.

Yashhaduhuo almuqarrabuon (21).
Witnessed by those who are near.

Inna alabrara la fee na'eem (22).
Indeed, the righteous are in bliss.

Ala alara'eki yanzuruon (23).
On the couches, are watching.

Ta'refuo fee wujuhihim naddrata alna'eem (24).
You will recognize in their faces the freshness of bliss.

Yousqawna men raheeqin makhtuom (25).
They will given to drink from a sealed beverage.

Khetamuhuo mes-kun wa fee zaleka fal-ytanafasi almutanafisuon (26).
Its seal of Musk, and for that let the competitors compete.

Wa mezajuhuo men Tasneem (27).
And its mixture is of Tasneem.

Aynan yashrabu beha almuqarrabuon (28).
A spring from which those who are near will drink.

Inna allazina ajramuo kanu mena allazina amanuo yadd-hakuon (29).
Indeed, those who have sinned used to laugh at those who have believed.

Wa iza marruo behim yataghamazuon (30).
And when they passed by them, they winked.

Wa iza enqalabuo ela ahlehihimu enqalabuo fakiheen (31).
And when they returned to their people, they returned jesting.

Wa iza ra'awwhum qaluo inna ha'aulai la-ddalluon (32).
And when they saw them, they say those are a stray ones. 

Wa ma aurseluo alayhim haafizzeen (33).
And they had not been sent as guardians over them.

Fa alyawmma allazina amanuo mena alkuffari yadd-hakuon (34).
So today, those who believed will laugh at the disbelievers.

Ala alara'eki yanzuruon (35).
On the couches, are watching.

Hal thuwweba alkuffaruo ma kanuo yaf'aluon (36).
Have not the disbelievers been rewarded for what they used to do.

Simplified interpretation:

 Surat Almutaffifin begins with a threat and a warning from Allah to Almutaffifin who are unjust in measuring and weighing, and who devours the rights of people unjustly, then Allah informs us about the state of the wicked and the righteous on the day of resurrection, and Allah shows us the scene of the exchange of the roles between them in the Hereafter.   

 Allah says in the first three verse (1-3) "Woe to Almutaffifin,those who, when they take weight from people, they take it in full, but when they measuring or weighing for them, they give less", that is, Allah threatens Almutaffifin with the painful torment on the day of resurrection, where the word woe (Wail) idiomatically carries the meaning of destruction and perishing and means that the torment will be theirs as a recompense for their deeds, then Allah has defines Almutaffifin as those who when they take weight from people, they take it in full, but when they measuring or weighing for them, they give less, so measuring and weighing is a great matter where Allah has mentioned it many times in the Holy Quran and He commanded the Muslims to give full measure when they weigh and says in Surat Alisraa Aya (35), and Surat Alshu'raa Aya 182 "And weigh with an even balance". Also Allah's Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) said in narration of Suwaid Bin Qais to the one who weighed the goods to determine its value "Weigh and add more". So Allah and His Messenger commanded the Muslims not to make weighing deficient, and to observe the correct weight with fairness.

 Then Allah says about Almutaffifin in Ayat (4-6) "Do they not think that they will be resurrected, for a great day, the day when the people will stand before the Lord of the worlds", That is, do they think that will not return to their creator on the day of resurrection which is a great day with its horror and terror, when all people will rise up from their graves to the Lord of this worldly life, and the Hereafter, and then He will punish them for the evil deeds they committed. And Our Prophet Muhammad said in narration of Abdullah Bin Umar that "the day when the people will stand before the Lord of the worlds, some of them will be enveloped in their sweat up to the middle of their ears".

 So Allah warns them in the next three verses (7-9) and says "Nay, the record of the wicked is in Sijjeen, and what will make you know what Sijjeen is?, It is a written book", that is because the disbelievers and the merchants who make measuring and weighing deficient will be among the wicked, and their book will be in Sijjeen, and it was said that Sijjeen is one of the names of the Hellfire, and they will say as Allah has stated in Surat Alkahf Aya (49) "Oh, woe to us! what is this book that leaves nothing small or great except that it has enumerated it?".  

 And then Allah threatened them in the verses (10-13) and says "Woe that day to the deniers, who deny the day of judgment, no one can deny it except every sinful aggressor, when Our verses recited to him, he says legends of the former people", that is, Allah threatens those who thought that there is neither resurrection nor reckoning with the painful torment on the day of resurrection, and assures that no one can deny the day of resurrection except every sinful aggressor, so all sinful transgressors, who do not obey Allah in what He commands ruled out the occurrence of the day of resurrection, and they claimed when the Holy Quran is recited to them that it is a legends of the former people, also they said as Allah has stated in Surat Alfurqan Ayat (4,5) that the Holy Quran is a lie and Allah's Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) has fabricated it with the help of other people, and it is the legends of the former people which has written down and they are read out to Him at morning and evening. 

 Therefore, because of their sins and what they used to earn from evil deeds, their hearts was blinded from accepting the truth as mentioned in Aya (14) "Nay, but their hearts were covered by what they used to earn", and as a result of that as Allah says in the next three verses (15-17) they will be debarred from seeing their Lord that day, and they will burn in the Hellfire, then it will be said to them this is what you used to deny, it is a kind of reprimand in the sense of what you denied has come true.

 In contrast to the state of the wicked, Allah describes the state of the righteous in the Hereafter in the verses (18-28), where their book will be in Elliyyin, and it was said that Elliyyuon refers to Paradise, and they will find a written book for their deeds which are Witnessed by those who are near among the Angels, and they will be in eternal bliss and gardens in which there is a great bounty, sitting on the couches, and watching what Allah has given them of bliss and luxury. And you will recognize in their faces the freshness of that bliss for they will given to drink from a sealed beverage, and it was said that the sealed beverage is a pure wine, and it will be mixed with Musk, and for the sake of that bliss, the competitors must compete and do righteous deeds in the worldly life. And the mixture of this wine is of Tasneem, which is A spring from which those who are near will drink, and it is the best drink for the people of paradise.

 Then Allah describes the scene of the sinners's ridicule and mockery from the believers in the verses (29-32), where they used to laugh at those who have believed, and when they passed by them, they winked by making gestures with eyes, or head, or eyebrows for made fun and mockery, and when they returned to their people, they returned jesting by what they did of fun and mockery from the believers, and when they saw the believers, they say those are a stray ones because they believed in Allah and followed His Messenger. So Allah says in the next verse (33) that they had not been sent as guardians over the believers, where as Allah has stated in Surat Almu'minuon Ayat (103-110), they were so preoccupied with observing the believers and that is not their mission till the point that they forget the remembrances of Allah, and they took the believers in mockery and used to laugh at them, so they will remain despised in the Hellfire, and do not speak to Allah.

 And Allah described the scene of the exchange of the roles between the sinners and the believers in the Hereafter in the next two verses (34,35) and says that on the day of resurrection, those who believed will laugh at the disbelievers, for Allah says to those who used to laugh at them in Surat Almu'minuon Aya (111) "Indeed, I have reward them this day for their patient endurance, that they are the winners". And then the believers will sit on the couches and watch the torment that befell disbelievers who used to laugh at them in the Hellfire, then Allah asks in the last verse as a kind of acknowledgment and says "Have not the disbelievers been rewarded for what they used to do", for the Hellfire will be their recompense for their disbelief and stubbornness, and for what they used to do of mockery and ridicule from the believers.

No one Knows its interpretation except Allah

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