51- Surat Aldhariyat/Tafseer

60 Verses Meccan (revealed in Mecca)

A'auzu Bellahi mena alshytani alrajim

I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed Satan

Bismi Ellahi Alrhmani Alrahim

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful


Wa aldhariyati zarwa (1).
By those scattering, scatter.

Fa-alhamelati weqra (2).
And those carrying loads.

Fa-aljariyati yousra (3).
And those sailing with ease.

Fa-almuqassemati amra (4).
And those apportioning the matter.

Innama tuo'duona la-sadeq (5).
Indeed, what you are promised is surely true.

Wa inna alddeena la-waqe' (6).
And indeed, the judgment is surely to occur.

Wa alsama-ee zati alhubuk (7).
By the heaven that containing pathways.

Innakum la-fee qawlin mukhtalif (8).
Indeed, you are in different saying.

You'fakuo anhu man aufek (9).
Diverted away from it, is he who is diverted.

Qutela alkharrasuon (10).
Cursed are the liars.

Allazina hum fee ghamratin sahuon (11).
Those who are in an inattentiveness, forgetful.

Yas'luona ayyana yawmuo alddeen (12).
They ask, when is the day of judgment?.

Yawma hum ala alnari youftanuon (13).
The day when they will be tormented on the fire.

Zuquo fetnatakum haza allazi kuntum behi tasta'jeluon (14).
Taste your trial, this is what you were asking it to be hastened.

Inna almuttaqeena fee jannatin wa auyuon (15).
Indeed, the righteous will be in gardens and springs.

Akhezeena ma atahum Rabbuhum innahum kanuo qabla zaleka muhseneen (16).
Taking what their Lord has given them, indeed they were before that good doers.

Kanuo qaleelan mena allaili ma yahja-uon (17).
They used to sleep little of the night.

Wa belas-hari hum yastaghferuon (18).
And they ask forgiveness in before dawn.

Wa fee amwalehim haqqun lelsa-eli wa almahruom (19).
And in their wealth a right for the one who asks and the deprived.

Wa fee alardi ayatun lel-muqeneen (20).
And on the earth are signs for those who are certain.

Wa fee anfusekum afala tubseruon (21).
And in yourselves, then do you not see?.

Wa fee alsama-ee rezqukum wa ma tuo-aduon (22).
And in the heaven is your provision, and what you are promised.

Fawa-rabbi alsama-ee wa alardi innahuo la-haqqun methla ma annakum tantequon (23).
Then by the Lord of the heaven and the earth, indeed, it is a truth as you are speak.

Hal ataka hadithuo dayfi Ibrahima almukrameen (24).
Has there come to You the story of the Honored Guests of Abraham?.

Iz dakhaluo alaiyhi fa-qaluo salaman qala salamun qawmun munkaruon (25).
When they entered upon Him then said "peace', He said "Peace", unknown people.

Fa-ragha ela ahlehi faja' be-ejlin sameen (26).
Then He went to His family and came with a fat calf.

Fa-qarrabahuo elaiyhim qala ala ta'kuluon (27).
And He placed it near to them, He said "will you not eat?".

Fa-awjasa menhum khefatan qaluo la takhaf wa bashsharuhuo be-ghulamin aleem (28).
Then He felt apprehension from them, they said, do not fear, and they gave Him glad tidings of knowledgeable boy.

Fa-aqbalati emra'atuhuo fee sarratin fa-sakkat wajhaha wa qalt ajuozun aqeem (29).
Then His wife came with loud voice and struck her face and said an old woman, barren.

Qaluo kazalekqi qala Rabbuki innahuo huwa alhakeemuo al-aleem (30).
They said, thus Your Lord said, indeed, He is the All-Wise, the All-Knower.

Qala fama khatbukum ayyuha almursaluon (31).
He said, then what is your mission O Messengers?.

Qaluo inna aurselna ela qawmin mujremeen (32).  
They said, We have been sent to a criminal people.

Le-nursela alaiyhim hejaratan men teen (33).
To send upon them stones of clay.

Musawwamatan enda Rabbeka lel-musrefeen (34).
Marked with Your Lord for the transgressors.

Fa-akhrajna man kana feeha mena almu'meneen (35).
Then We brought out he who was therein of the believers.

Fa-ma wajdna feeha ghaira baiytin mena almuslemeen (36).
But We did not find other than a house of the Muslims.

Wa tarakna feeha ayatan lelazeena yakhafuona alazaba alaleem (37).
And We left therein a sign for those who fear the painful torment.

Wa fee Musa iz arslnahuo ela Fer'wna be-sultanin mubeen (38)
And in Moses when We sent Him to Pharaoh with a clear authority.

Fa-tawalla be-ruknehi wa qala saherun aww majnuon (39).
But He turned away with his supporters and said a magician or a madman.

Fa-akhaznahuo wa junudahuo fa-nabaznahum fee elyammi wa huwa muleem (40).
So we took him and his soldiers and cast them into the sea, and he was blameworthy.

Wa fee Adin iz arsalna alaiyhimuo alreeha alaqeem (41).
And in Ad when We sent upon them the barren wind.

Ma tazaruo men shay-in atat alaiyhi ella ja'alt-huo kal-rameem (42).
It did not leave anything that it came upon except that it made it like a rubble.

Wa fee Thamuda iz qeela lahum tamatt'uo hatta heen (43).
And in Thamud when it was said to them enjoy until a time.

Fa-ataww an amri Rabbehim fa-akhazat-humuo alsa-eqatuo wa hum yanzuruon (44).
Then they rebelled against the command of their Lord, so the thunderbolt seized them while they were looking.

Fama estata-uo men qeiyamin wa ma kanuo muntasereen (45).
Then they were neither able to arise, nor could they defend themselves.

Wa qawma Noohin men qabluo innahum kanuo qawman faseqeen (46).
And the people of Noah before, indeed, they were disobedient people.

Wa alsama-a banaiynaha be-aydin wa inna lamuse-uon (47).  
And the heaven We have built it with strength and indeed, We are expander.

Wa alarda farashnaha fane'ma almaheduon (48).
And the earth We have spread it, so excellent are the spreaders.

Wa men kulli shay-in khalqna zawjaiyni la'allakum tazakkaruon (49).
And from everything, We have created two pairs, so that you be reminded.

Fa-ferruo ela Allahi inni lakum menhuo nazeerun mubeen (50).
So flee to Allah, indeed, I am to you from Him a clear warner.

Wa la taj'aluo ma'a Allahi elahan akhara inni lakum menhuo nazeerun mubeen (51).
And do not make another god with Allah, indeed, I am to you from Him a clear warner.

Kazaleka ma ata Allazina men qablehim men rasulin ella qaluo saherun aww majnuon (52).
Likewise, no Messenger came to those before them except they said a magician or a madman.

Atawasaww behi bal hum qawmun taghuon (53).
Do they recommended it to each other, but they are transgressing people.

Fa-tawwala anhum fama anta be-maluom (54).
So turn away from them, for you are not to be blamed.

Wa zakker fa-inna alzekra tanf'uo almu'meneen (55).
And Remind, for indeed, the reminder benefits the believers.

Wa ma khalaqtuo aljinna wa alinsa ella ley'buduon (56).
And I did not create the Jinn and mankind except that they worship Me.

Ma aureduo menhum men rezqin wa aureduo an yout-emuon (57).
I do not want from them any provision, nor do I want that they feed Me.

Inna Allaha huwa alrazzaquo zuo alquwwati almateen (58).
Indeed, Allah is the Sustainer, possessor of Power, the Strong.

Fa-inna lel-lazina zalamuo zanuoban methla zanubi as-habehim fala yast'jeluon (59).
And indeed, for those who wronged is a portion like the portion of their companions, so let them not ask Me to hasten.

Fa-wailun lellazina kafaruo men yawmehimuo allazi you'duon (60).
So woe for those who disbelieved from their day which they are promised.

Simplified interpretation: 

 Surat Aldhariyat begins with four oaths to confirm that the day of resurrection is surely true, and the judgement will inevitably happen, and then Allah assures that the disbelievers will face the torment that they used to hasten for they deny its occurrence, while the righteous will be in the gardens of eternal bliss. Allah cites the story of the prophet Abraham with the Angels, then He cites five stories of the previous nations and the torment that befell them to be a lesson for those who give reason, where Allah assures that He did not create the Jinn and mankind except that they worship Him, and He does not want from them any provision, nor does He want that they feed Him.

 Allah says in the first six verses "By those scattering, scatter, and those carrying loads, and those sailing with ease, and those apportioning the matter, indeed, what you are promised is surely true, and indeed, the judgment is surely to occur", that is, Allah swears by winds, clouds, ships, and Angels respectively to assure that the day of resurrection is surely true, and the judgement and reckoning will inevitably happen, and everybody will be recompensed for His deeds whether it was evil deeds or good deeds. Where Allah sends the wind to stir the clouds that carry rain and revive the dead earth as mentioned in Surat Fatir Aya (10), and the wind helps ships to sail easily, where the ships were, in the past, sailing under the influence of wind force as Allah says in Surat Alshura Ayat (32,33) "And of His signs are the ships in the sea, like mountains, if He would, He could still the wind, and they would remain motionless on its surface, indeed, in that are signs for everyone patient and grateful", and there are Angels who manage the signs that they see before their eyes but they do not see them. It is as if Allah says to them that the day of resurrection and reckoning will occur, and there will also be Angels who manage its affair and they are nineteen Angels of Hellfire as mentioned in Surat Almuddaththir Aya (30), and the Angels of Paradise.  

 Then Allah says in the next eight verses (7-14) "By the heaven that containing pathways, indeed, you are in different saying, diverted away from it, is he who is diverted, cursed are the liars, those who are in an inattentiveness, forgetful, they ask, when is the day of judgment?, the day when they will be tormented on the fire, taste your trial, this is what you were asking it to be hastened", that is, Allah swears by the sky that contains pathways to confirm that the infidels of Quraish are also in different saying about the Holy Quran and the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) where they said that Muhammad is a poet, and a soothsayer, and Allah denied these accusations from Him in Surat Alhaqqah Ayat (40-43) "Verily, it is surely a word of a Noble Messenger, and it is not the saying of a poet, little is what you believe, and not the saying of a soothsayer, Little is what you remember, a revelation from the Lord of the worlds", so that Allah diverted away from the Holy Quran whom He wills where Allah guides whom He wills and leads astray whom He wills, and Allah curses the liars, those who invent lies about the Holy Quran and the Prophet Muhammad out of their denial and stubbornness which made them in an inattentiveness, oblivious about the Hereafter, and in doubt about the day of resurrection, so they ask "When is the day of judgment?" as a denial of its occurrence, so that Allah assures them that on that day they will burned and tortured in Hellfire and it will be said to them as a kind of reprimand "Taste your trial, this is what you were asking it to be hastened", that is, taste your torment which you used to deny.

 Contrary to the deniers, Allah describes the righteous and the bliss that they will find as a reward for what they used to do in the worldly life, where Allah says in the next five verses (15-19) "Indeed, the righteous will be in gardens and springs, taking what their Lord has given them, indeed they were before that good doers, they used to sleep little of the night, and they ask forgiveness before Dawn, and in their wealth a right for the one who asks and the deprived", that is, the righteous will be in eternal bliss in Paradise and they will have gardens beneath which rivers flow, and they will receive what their Lord has given them of bliss and pleasure for they were good doers in the worldly life as they used to worship Allah as if they see Him, and if they can not see Him, then Allah sees them, so they act according to Allah's commands and prohibitions, so they deserved the gardens of eternal bliss, and this is similar to Aya (24) of Surat Alhaqqah "Eat and drink delightfully for what you did in the past days", then Allah describes some of what they used to do: they used to pray at night before Dawn prayer (Alfajr), they would ask forgiveness in the hour before dawn, and Allah's Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) said in narration of Abu Hurayrah "Our Lord who is blessed and exalted descends every night to the lowest heaven when the last one-third of the night remains, and says Who supplicates Me so that I may answer him?, Who asks of Me so that I may give to him?, and Who asks My forgiveness so that I may forgive him?" (Sahih Albukhari 1145). They also spend in the way of Allah from their wealth a known right for the one who asks and the deprived. 

 Then Allah says in the next four verses (20-23) "And on the earth are signs for those who are certain, and in yourselves, then do you not see?, and in the heaven is your provision, and what you are promised, then by the Lord of the heaven and the earth, indeed, it is a truth as you are speak", that is, the earth contains many signs for those who are certain because it demonstrates the great power of Allah, the Creator of everything, including mountains, rivers, crops, fruits, animals, and many others. likewise, there are many signs in the creation of man as Allah made for man the hearing, the vision and the hearts, and He repeated these three blessings four times throughout the Holy Quran (Surat Alnahl 78, Surat Almu'menuon 78, Surat Alsajdah 9, and Surat Almulk 23), also in the diversity of languages and colors of mankind there are signs for those who have knowledge as mentioned in Surat Alroom Aya (22). Then Allah assures that our provision is upon Him, and what we are promised of Paradise and Hellfire, and He swears by Himself to confirm that this promise is the truth that does not accept doubt, like the utterance (speech) of man where it is a truth that does not accept doubt, and Allah has distinguished him by it from other creatures. 

 Then Allah cites the story of the Prophet Abraham with the Angels who gave Him a good tidings of a boy and announced to Him the destruction of the people of the Prophet Lot in the next fourteen verses (24-37) "Has there come to You the story of the Honored Guests of Abraham?, when they entered upon Him then said "peace', He said "Peace", unknown people, then He went to His family and came with a fat calf, and He placed it near to them, He said "will you not eat?", then He felt apprehension from them, they said, do not fear, and they gave Him glad tidings of knowledgeable boy, then His wife came with loud voice and struck her face and said an old woman, barren, they said, thus Your Lord said, indeed, He is the All-Wise, the All-Knower, He said, then what is your mission O Messengers?, they said, We have been sent to a criminal people, to send upon them stones of clay, marked with Your Lord for the transgressors, then We brought out he who was therein of the believers, but We did not find other than a house of the Muslims, and We left therein a sign for those who fear the painful torment", that is, the Angels came to the Prophet Abraham in the form of good human beings and they greeted Him with peace and He did not know them, so that He said "Peace, unknown people", and He went quickly to His family and brought them their hospitality which is a roasted calf and placed it in front of them and said  "will you not eat?", but He felt afraid of them when He saw them not eating as mentioned in Surat Hud Aya (70) "But when He saw their hands not reaching for it, He distrusted them, and felt apprehension from them, they said Do not fear, We have been sent to the people of Lot".

 Then they reassured Him, and gave Him a glad tidings of a knowledgeable boy from His wife Sarah "Isaac", so that His wife came with a loud voice and slapped Her face and said a barren old woman, viz "how can I give birth while I am a sterile and I have reached an old age?", and this is similar to Aya (71) of Surat Hud "And His wife was standing, and she laughed then We gave her glad tidings of Isaac, and after Isaac Jacob", then the Angels said to Her that this is the command of Allah and He is All-Wise in what He does, and All-Knower of the interests of His creation. And when the fear went away from the Prophet Abraham and He was certain that they were Angels, He asked them about their mission, so they told Him that they were sent to a criminal people, who are the people of the Prophet Lot, to send upon them stones of hard clay, and it is marked with Allah for the transgressors. When Allah decreed the destruction of the People of Lot, He ordered the Angels to bring out he who was therein of the believers, but they did not find other than a house of the Muslims (the Prophet Lot and His two daughters), where as mentioned in Surat Alhijr Ayat (59,60) "Except the family of Lot, indeed, We will save them all, except His wife, We decreed that she is of those who remain behind", so that Allah made the village of the Prophet Lot a lesson for the believers who fear the painful torment.

 Then Allah cites the destruction of Pharaoh, Ad, Thamud, and Noah in the next eight verses (38-46) "And in Moses when We sent Him to Pharaoh with a clear authority, but He turned away with his supporters and said a magician or a madman, so we took him and his soldiers and cast them into the sea, and he was blameworthy, and in Ad when We sent upon them the barren wind, it did not leave anything that it came upon except that it made it like a rubble, and in Thamud when it was said to them enjoy until a time, then they rebelled against the command of their Lord, so the thunderbolt seized them while they were looking, then they were neither able to arise, nor could they defend themselves, and the people of Noah before, indeed, they were disobedient people", where Allah has sent the Prophet Moses to Pharaoh with a clear proof but He and his supporters turned away from belief, and said that Moses is a magician or a madman, and this is the saying of the disbelievers at all times where they accused our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) of the same, so that Allah took Pharaoh and his soldiers and cast them into the sea, and he was blameworthy because he was a disbeliever, wicked, and stubborn.

 And Allah destroyed Ad, the people of the Prophet Hud, with a sterile wind that does not bring down rain, does not produce crops, and does not bring any benefit, and it did not leave anything that it came upon except that it made it like a rubble, and our Prophet said in narration of Ibn Abbas "I have been helped by the east wind (Alssaba), and Ad were destroyed by the west wind (Alddabuor)". And there is also a lesson in Thamud, when their Prophet Saleh called them to believe in Allah so that they may enjoy the worldly life until the end of their lives but they were arrogant about the command of their Lord, so the thunderbolt seized them while they were looking, then they were neither able to arise, nor could they defend themselves. And Allah destroyed the People of the Prophet Noah before because they were disobedient people, they insisted on their disbelief, and refused to abandon their gods, therefore, Allah had drowned them in the flood, and has prepared a painful torment awaits them in the hereafter as mentioned in Surat Nooh.

 Then Allah says in the next five verses (47-51) "And the heaven We have built it with strength and indeed, We are Expander, and the earth We have spread it, so excellent are the spreaders, and from everything, We have created two pairs, so that you may be reminded, so flee to Allah, indeed, I am to you from Him a clear warner, and do not make another god with Allah, indeed, I am to you from Him a clear warner", that is, Allah enumerates some of His blessings upon man that demonstrate His great Power, where He created the sky and made it an elevated roof of the earth as mentioned in Surat Altuor Aya (5) "And by the elevated roof", and He expanded it and raised it without pillars we can see, and He has spread the earth and has paved it for his creatures, and Allah has created two pairs of everything like male and female, day and night, sun and moon, light and darkness, and many others, and Allah has made this clear so that may man may be reminded and acknowledge that everything is one of two pairs except Allah for He is the One, and there is no Equivalent to Him, so Allah commanded His Prophet to order His people to flee to Allah, repent from their sins, and obey Him, to say that He is a warner from Allah who warns them of the punishment which He has inflicted upon the previous nations as mentioned above, to say to them ''Do not associate with Allah another god for there is no deity is worthy of worship besides Him, and to say again "indeed, I am to you from Him a clear warner".

 Allah says in the next four verses (52-55) "Likewise, no Messenger came to those before them except they said a magician or a madman, Do they recommended it to each other, but they are transgressing people, so turn away from them, for you are not to be blamed, and Remind, for indeed, the reminder benefits the believers", where Allah addresses His Messenger Muhammad and said as just Quraish denied you and accused you of magic and madness, so did the previous nations which denied their Messengers as Pharaoh said above about the Prophet Moses in Aya (39), so did the first of them recommended this saying to the last because they are similar in their tyranny and disbelief, and Allah assures that they did not recommend it to each other but tyranny brought them together, and then Allah commanded His Prophet to turn away from them and He will not to be blamed because He had conveyed Allah's message to them. On the other hand, do not stop reminder, for indeed, the reminder benefits the people of faith in Allah.

 Then Allah says in the last five verses (56-60) "And I did not create the Jinn and mankind except that they worship Me, I do not want from them any provision, nor do I want that they feed Me, Indeed, Allah is the Sustainer, possessor of Power, the Strong, and indeed, for those who wronged is a portion like the portion of their companions, so let them not ask Me to hasten, so woe for those who disbelieved from their day which they are promised", that is, Allah did not create the Jinn and human beings except that they worship Him alone, so whoever obeys Him, He will reward him with the fullest reward, and whoever disobeys him, He will punish him with the most severe punishment where He does not want provision nor food from them because He is the Oft-Sustainer, and All-Powerful with severe strength, so they need Him and He is not. Then Allah assures that there is a portion of punishment for those who wronged like the portion of their companions who passed away before them from among the previous nations, so they should not be hasty because it will inevitably befall them, and Allah threatens those who disbelieved with the painful torment on the day of resurrection which they are promised, where the word woe (Wail) idiomatically carries the meaning of destruction and perishing and means that the torment will be theirs as a recompense for their deeds 


No one Knows its interpretation except Allah

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