13- Surat Alra'd

43 Verses  Maddani (revealed in Medina)

A'auzu Bellahi mena alshaiytani alrajeem

I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed Satan

Besmi Ellahi Alrhmani Alraheem

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

Alif Lam Meem Raa telka ayatuo alketabi wa allazi aunzela elaiyka men Rabbeka alhaqquo wa lakenna akthara alnasi la you'menuon (1).
Alif Lam Meem Ra', these are the verses of the book, and what has been sent down to you from your lord is the truth, but most of the people do not believe.

Allahu allazi raf-a alsamawati be-ghaiyri amadin tarawnaha thumma estawa ala Alarshi wa sakhkhara alshamsa wa alqamara kullun yajree le-ajalin musamman youdabberuo alamra youfasseluo al-ayati la-allakum be-leqa-e rabbekum tuqenuo (2).
Allah is the One who has raised the heavens without pillars that you can see, then He established Himself on the throne, and has subjected the sun and the moon, each running for an appointed time, He manages the matter, He explains in details the signs, so that you may be certain of the meeting of your lord.

Wa huwa allazi madda alarda wa ja-ala feeha rawasiya wa anharan wa men kulli althamarati ja-ala feeha zawjaiyni ethnaiyni youghshi al-laila alnahara inna fee zaleka la-ayatin le-qawmin yatafakkaruon (3).
And He is the One who has spread out the earth, and has made therein firmly set mountains and rivers, and from all the fruits He made therein two pairs, He causes the night to cover the day, indeed, in that are signs for a people who give thought.

Wa fee alardi qeta-on mutajaweratun wa jannatun men a'nabin wa zar-on wa nakhelon senwanun wa ghaiyruo senwanin yousqa bema-in wahedin wa nufaddeluo ba'daha ala ba'din fee al-aukuli inna fee zaleka la-ayatin le-qawmin ya'qeluon (4).
And within the earth are neighboring plots and gardens of grapes and crops and palm trees, combined trunks or separated, watered with one water, but We make some better than others in taste, indeed, in that there are signs for a people who understand.

Wa in ta'jab fa-ajabun qawluhum a-iza kunna turaban a-inna la-fee khalqin jadeedin aulaeka allazina kafaruo be-rabbehim wa aulaeka alaghlaluo fee a'naqehim wa aulaeka as-habuo alnari hum feeha khaleduon (5).
And if You are astonished, then astonishing is their saying Is it that when we become dust, Will we indeed be in a new creation?, those are the ones who have disbelieved in their Lord, and those will have shackles around their necks, and those are the companions of the fire, they will abide therein forever.

Wa yasta'jelunaka bel-sayyi-ati qabla alhasanati wa qad khalat men qablehimuo almathulatuo wa inna Rabbaka la-zuo maghferatin lel-nasi ala zulmehim wa inna Rabbaka la-shadeeduo aleqab (6).
And they ask You to hasten the evil before the good, and indeed, there had passed before them similar punishments, and indeed, Your Lord is Possessor of forgiveness for the people despite their wrongdoing, and indeed, Your Lord is Severe in punishment.

Wa yaquluo allazina kafaruo lawla aunzela alaiyhi ayatun men Rabbehi innama anta munzerun wa le-kulli qawmin had (7).
And those who disbelieved say Why not a sign is sent down to Him from His Lord?, You are only a warner, and for every people there is a guide. 

Allahu ya'lamuo ma tahmeluo kulluo auntha wa tagheeduo al-arhamuo wa ma tazdaduo wa kulluo shaiy-in endahuo be-meqdar (8).
Allah knows what every female carries and what the wombs decrease and increase, and everything with Him is by a measure.

Alemuo alghaiybi wa alshahadati alkabeeruo almuta-al (9).
The Knower of the unseen, and the witness, the Grand, the Most High.

Sawa-on menkum man asarra alqawla wa man jahara behi wa man huwa mustakhfin bel-laili wa sarebun bel-nahar (10).
It is the same concerning you, whether one conceals the word or one speaks it aloud, and whether one is hidden at night or apparent by day.

Lahuo mu-aqqebatun men baiyni yadaiyhi wa men khalfehi yahfazunahuo men amri ellahi inna Allaha la youghayyiruo ma be-qawmin hatta youghayyiruo ma be-anfusehim wa iza arada Allahu be-qawmin su-an fa-la maradda lahu wa ma lahum men duonehi men wal (11).
For each one there are successive ones before and behind him who protect him by the command of Allah, indeed, Allah does not change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves, and when Allah intends evil for a people, there is no repelling for it, and there is not for them besides Him any patron.

Huwa allazi yourekumuo albarqa khawfan wa tama-an wa younshe-uo alsahaba altheqal (12).
He is the One who shows you the lightening, fear and hope, and generates the heavy clouds.

Wa yousabbehuo alra'duo be-hamdehi wa almalaekatuo men khefatehi wa yourseluo alsawa-eqa fa-yousebuo beha man yasha-uo wa hum yuojadeluona fee ellahi wa huwa shadeeduo almehal (13).
And the thunder glorifies with His praise, and the Angels from fear of Him, and He sends thunderbolts and strikes thereby whom He wills, while they argue about Allah, and He is severe in might.

Lahuo da'watuo alhaqqi wa allazina yad-uona men duonehi la yastajebuona lahum be-sahiy-in ella ka-baseti kaffaiyhi ela alma-e le-yablugha fahuo wa ma huwa be-baleghehi wa ma du-a-uo alkafereena ella fee dalal (14).
To Him is the supplication of truth, and those they call besides Him do not respond to them with a thing, except like one who stretches his hands towards water, so that it may reach his mouth, but it is not to reach it, and the supplication of the disbelievers is not but in error.

Wa le-llahi yasjuduo man fee alsamawati wa alardi taw-an wa karhan wa zelaluhum be-ghuduwwi wa al-asal ۩ (15).
And to Allah prostrates whoever is in the heavens and the earth, willingly or unwillingly, and their shadows in the morning and the evening.
 ۩- Prostration of recitation.

Qul man Rabbuo alsamawati wa alardi quli ellahu qul afa-ttakhaztum men duonehi awliya-a la yamlekuona le-anfusehim naf-an wa la darran qul hal yastawi ala'ma wa albaseeruo am hal tastawi alzulumatuo wa alnooruo am ja-aluo le-llahi shuraka-a khalaquo ka-khalqehi fa-tashabaha alkhalquo alaiyhim quli ellahu khalequo kulli shaiy-in wa huwa Alwaheduo Alqaharr (16).
Say Who is the Lord of the heavens and the earth?, Say Allah, Say Have you then taken besides Him protectors who do not possess benefit nor harm to themselves?, Say Are the blind and the seeing equal? or Are the darknesses and the light equal?, or Have they attributed to Allah partners who created like His creation so the creation seemed to them alike?, Say Allah is the Creator of everything, and He is the One, the Oft-Omnipotent.  

Anzala mena alsama-e ma-an fa-salat awdeiyatun be-qadareha fa-htamala alsaiyluo zabadan rabiyan wa memma youqeduona alaiyhi fee alnari ebtigha-a helyatin aww mata-in zabadun methluhuo ka-zaleka yadrebuo Allahu alhaqqa wa albatela fa-amma alzabaduo fa-yazhabuo jufa-an wa amma ma yanfa-uo alnasa fa-yamkuthuo fee alardi ka-zaleka yadrebuo Allahu al-amthal (17).
He sends down water from the sky, and the valleys flow according to their measure, and the torrent carries a rising foam, and from that which they kindle in the fire, desiring adornments and other objects is a foam like it, thus, Allah cites the truth and the falsehood, as for the foam, it vanishes in vain, but as for that which benefits the people, it remains on the earth, thus, Allah cites the examples.

Le-llazina estajabuo le-rabbehimuo alhusna wa allazina lam yastajeebuo lahuo laww anna lahum ma fee alardi jamee-an wa methlahuo ma-ahuo la-ftadaww behi aulaeka lahum su-uo alhesabi wa ma'wahum jahannamuo wa be'sa almehad (18).
For those who have responded to their Lord is the best, but those who did not respond to Him, if they had whatever is on the earth, all, and its like with it, they would ransom thereby, for them is the worst reckoning, and their abode is Hellfire, and wretched is the resting place. 

Af-man ya'lamuo annama aunzela elaiyka men rabbeka alhaqquo ka-man huwa a'ma innama yatazakkaruo auluo al-albab (19).
Then Is he who knows that what has been sent down to You from Your Lord is the truth, like the one who is blind?, only those of understanding will remember.

Allazina youfuna be-ahdi ellahi wa la yanquduona almethaq (20).
Those who fulfill the covenant of Allah and do not break the treaty.

Wa allazina yaseluona ma amara Allahu behi an yousala wa yakhshawna Rabbahum wa yakhafuona su-a alhesab (21).
And those who join what Allah has commanded to be joined and fear their Lord, and are fearful of the worst of the reckoning.

Wa allazina sabaruo ebtegha-a wajhi Rabbehim wa aqamuo alsalata wa anfaquo memma razaqnahum serran wa alaniyatan wa yadra-uona bel-hasanati alsayyi-ata aulaeka lahum auqba aldar (22).
And those who are patient, seeking the Countenance of their Lord, and establish the prayer and spend from what We have provided them, secretly and openly, and they repel the evil with the good, those will have the end of the abode.

Jannatuo adnin yadkhulunaha wa man salaha men aba-ehim wa azwajehim wa zurriyyatehim wa almalaekatuo yadkhuluona alaiyhim men kulli bab (23).
Gardens of Eden which they will enter, and whoever were righteous among their fathers and their spouses and their progeny, and the Angels will enter upon them from every gate.

Salamun alaiykum bema sabartum fa-ne'ma auqba aldar (24)
Peace be upon you for what you have been patient with, and excellent is the end of the abode. 

Wa allazina yanquduona ahda Allahi men ba'di methaqehi wa yaqta-uona ma amara Allahu behi an yousala wa youfseduona fee alardi aulaeka lahumuo al-la'natuo wa lahum su-uo aldar (25).
But those who break the covenant of Allah after pledging it, and sever what Allah has commanded to be joined and cause corruption on the earth, those are the ones whom there is the curse and for them is the worst abode.

Allahu yabsutuo alrezqa le-man yasha-uo wa yaqdiruo wa farehuo bel-hayati alduonya wa ma alhayatuo alduonya fee alakherati ella mata' (26).
Allah extends the provision for whom He wills, and restricts, and they rejoice in the worldly life, and the worldly life compared to the Hereafter is nothing but enjoyment.

Wa yaquluo allazina kafaruo law-la aunzela alaiyhi ayatun men Rabbehi qul inna Allaha youdelluo man yasha-uo wa yahdi elaiyhi man anab (27).
And those who disbelieved say Why not a sign is sent down to Him from His Lord?, Say indeed, Allah lets go astray whom He wills and guides to Him whoever turns.

Allazina amanuo wa tatma-ennuo qulubuhum be-zekri ellahi ala be-zekri ellahi tatma-ennuo alquluob (28).
Those who believed and whose hearts are reassured by the remembrance of Allah, unquestionably, by the remembrance of Allah the hearts are reassured.

Allazina amanuo wa ameluo alsalehati tuba lahum wa husna ma-ab (29).
Those who believed and did righteous deeds, for them is a good position, and a good return. 

Kazaleka arsalnaka fee aummatin qad khalat men qableha aumamun le-tatluwa alaiyhimuo allazi awhaiyna elaiyka wa hum yakfuruona bel-rahmani qul huwa Rabbi la illaha ella huwa alaiyhi tawakkaltuo wa elaiyhi matab (30).
Thus We have sent You to a nation before which many nations have passed away, so that You may recite to them what We have revealed to You, while they disbelieve in the Most Gracious, Say He is My Lord, there is no god but He, upon Him I have put My trust and to Him is My return

Wa laww anna quranan suyyirat behi aljebaluo aww kutte-at behi alarduo aww kullema behi almawta bal lellahi alamruo jamee-an afa-lam yay-asi allazina amanuo an laww yasha-uo Allahu la-hada alnasa jamee-an wa la yazaluo allazina kafaruo tusebuhum bema sana-uo qare-atun aww tahulluo qareeban men darehim hatta ya'tiya wa'duo Allahi inna Allaha la youkhlefuo almee-ad (31).
And if there was any Quran by which the mountains would be removed or the earth would be broken apart by it or the dead would be made to speak by it, but to Allah belongs the matter entirely, then Have those who believed not known that Had Allah willed, He would have guided the people, all of them?, and those who disbelieve do not cease to be struck by a calamity for what they have done, or it will descend near their home, until there comes the promise of Allah, indeed, Allah does not break the promise. 

Wa laqadi estuhze-a be-rusulin men qableka fa-amlaiytuo le-llazina kafaruo thumma akhaztuhum fa-kaiyfa kana eqab (32).
And indeed, Messengers were ridiculed before you, and I gave respite to those who disbelieved, then I seized them so How was My punishment?.

Afa-man huwa qa-emun ala kulli nafsin bema kasabat wa ja-aluo le-llahi shuraka-a qul sammuhum am tunabbe-unahuo bema la ya'lamuo fee alardi am be-zaherin mena alqawli bal zuyyina la-llazina kafaruo makruhum wa sudduo ani alsabeeli wa man youdleli ellahu ma lahuo men had (33).
Then Is He who is a watcher of every soul for what it has earned?, but they have attributed partners to Allah, Say Name them or Do you inform Him of what He does not know on the earth, or of the apparent of the word, rather, their plot has been adorned to those who disbelieve and they have been prevented from the way, and whoever Allah lets go astray, then there is no guide for him.

Lahum azabun fee alhayati alduonya wa la-azabuo alakherati ashaqquo wa ma lahum mena Allahi men waq (34).
For them is a punishment in the worldly life, and indeed, the punishment of the Hereafter is more severe, and they had not any savior against Allah.

Mathaluo aljannati allati wu-eda almuttaquona tajree men tahteha al-anharuo aukuluha da-emun wa zelluha telka auqba allazina ettaqaww wa auqba alkafereena alnar (35).
The example of Paradise which the righteous have been promised, beneath which rivers flow, its fruit is lasting and its shade, that is the end of those who fear, and the end of the disbelievers is the fire.

Wa allazina ataiynahumuo alketaba yafrahuona bema aunzela elaiyka wa mena al-ahzabi man younkeruo ba'dahuo qul innama aumertuo an a'buda Allaha wa la aushreka behi elaiyhi ad-uo wa elaiyhi ma-ab (36).
And those to whom We have given the Book rejoice in what has been revealed to You, but among the factions there are those who deny part of it, Say I have only been commanded to worship Allah and not to associate with Him, to Him I call, and to Him is My return.

Wa kazaleka anzalnahuo hukman arabiyyan wa la-ini ettaba'ta ahwa-ahum ba'da ma ja-aka mena al-elmi ma laka mena Allahi men waliyyin wa la waq (37)
And thus We have sent it down as an Arabic judgment, and if You should follow their desires after what has come to You of the knowledge, You would not have against Allah any protector or any savior.

Wa laqad arsalna rusulan men qableka wa ja-alna lahum azwajan wa zurriyyatan wa ma kana le-rasulin an ya'tiya be-ayatin ella be-izni ellahi le-kulli ajalin ketab (38).
And indeed, We have sent Messengers before You, and assigned to them wives and progeny, and it was not for a Messenger that He brings a sign without the permission of Allah, for every time is a book.

Yamhuo Allahu ma yasha-uo wa youthbetuo wa endahuo aummuo alketab (39).
Allah erases what He wills and confirms, and with Him is the Mother of the Book.

Wa in ma nuriyannaka ba'da allazi na-eduhum aww ntawaffayannaka fa-innama alaiyka albalaghuo wa alaiyna alhesab (40)
And whether We show You some of what We have promised them or We take You in death, then only upon You is the conveyance, and upon Us is the reckoning.

Awa-lam yaraww anna na'ti alarda nanqusuha men atrafeha wa Allahu yahkumuo la mu'aqqeba le-hukmehi wa huwa Saree-o alhesab (41).
Do they not see that We come to the land, We reduce it from its borders?, and Allah Judges, there is no adjuster of His judgment and He is Swift in reckoning.

Wa qad makara allazina men qablehim fa-lellahi almakruo jamee-an ya'lamuo ma taksebuo kulluo nafsin wa saya'lamuo alkuffaruo le-man auqba aldar (42).
And those before them had already plotted, but to Allah belongs the plot entirely, He knows what every soul earns, and the disbelievers will know for whom is the end of the abode.

Wa yaquluo allazina kafaruo lasta mursalan qul kafa be-llahi shaheedan baiyni wa baiynakum wa man endahuo elmuo alketab (43).
And those who have disbelieved say You are not a Messenger, Say Sufficient is Allah as a Witness between Me and You, and whoever has the knowledge of the Book.  

Simplified interpretation:

 Surat Alra'd begins with four letters of the Arabic language, just like 28 Surahs of the Holy Quran that start with individual letters ranging from one to five letters. It is noticeable that in all 29 Surahs the book or the Holy Quran is mentioned whether it is immediately after these letters or it is included in the Surah or even at the end of it. It is a challenge from Allah, Almighty, to the infidels of Quraish, as if Allah says to them this is the book in the letters of the language you speak, but you will not be able to produce the like of it, and He has already challenged them in Aya (88) of Surat Alisraa "Say, if mankind and the Jinn gathered in order to produce the like of this Quran, they could not produce the like of it, even if they were to each other assistants". As for the current Surah, it begins with four letters "Alif, Lam, Meem, and Raa" or "A, L, M, and R" in English followed by "These are the verses of the book", but the knowledge of these letters remains with Allah, the Lord of the worlds.

 Allah says in the first two verses (1,2) "Alif Lam Meem Ra', these are the verses of the book, and what has been sent down to you from your lord is the truth, but most of the people do not believe, Allah is the One who has raised the heavens without pillars that you can see, then He established Himself on the throne, and has subjected the sun and the moon, each running for an appointed time, He manages the matter, He explains in details the signs, so that you may be certain of the meeting of your lord", that is, Allah assures that these are the verses of the Holy Quran, and assures His Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) that the Holy Quran which Allah has sent down upon Him is the truth, but most of the people do not believe in the Holy Quran, but rather they denied it and claimed that it is a falsehood and legends of the former people. Then Allah cites some signs that indicate His great power and great authority in the creation of the heavens and the earth as He is the One who has raised the heavens upon the earth without pillars we can see, and He withholds the sky lest it falls on the earth except by His permission as mentioned in Aya (65) of Surat Alhajj, then He has established Himself on the throne as He manages the matter and judges between His creation with justice, so He is the Creator of everything, the Possessor of everything, and All-Powerful over everything. And Allah has subjected the sun and the moon for sunrise and sunset, each running for an appointed term which is the day of resurrection, then Allah assures that He manages the matter of decrees and destiny for His creation from the heaven to the earth, and He explains in details the the signs which indicate that there is no God but Him, so that you may be certain of the Hereafter and the meeting with Allah on the day of resurrection, and believe in Allah's reward for those who obey Him, and His recompense for those who disobey Him.

 Allah says in the next two verses (3,4) "And He is the One who has spread out the earth, and has made therein firmly set mountains and rivers, and from all the fruits He made therein two pairs, He causes the night to cover the day, indeed, in that are signs for a people who give thought, and within the earth are neighboring plots and gardens of grapes and crops and palm trees, combined trunks or separated, watered with one water, but We make some better than others in taste, indeed, in that there are signs for a people who understand", that is, Allah is the One who has spread out the earth, and He has cast in it the mountains as pegs to remain anchored as mentioned in Aya (7) of Surat Alnab' "And the mountains as pegs", He has made the rivers that flow from one place to another, so that they could drink fresh water from it and irrigate their crops and livestock, and He has made to grow in the earth a male and a female from every kind of plants and fruits, and He causes the night to cover the day, so the darkness of the night removes the light of the day, and it is a sign for the people that Allah withdraws the day from the night, then behold! they are in darkness as mentioned in Aya (37) of Surat Yaseen, and in that there are signs for a people who give thought as they will reflect and know that Allah is the Creator of everything. Then Allah assures that there are adjacent plots in the land including that is good and grows what people benefit from, and that is salty and does not grow anything, and from Allah's signs is that He makes to grow within the land orchards of grapes, crops, and palm trees, whether multiple palm trees from a single root or a single palm tree from a single root, so Allah has made the same earth to grow all kinds of fruits of different shapes, colors, tastes, and smells, even though they are watered from the same water, and Allah has made some better than others in taste as some of them have good taste and good smell, some have sour taste and have no smell, some are sweet, and some are bitter, and in that are signs for a people who understand Allah's proofs and arguments.

 Allah says in the next verse (5) "And if You are astonished, then astonishing is their saying Is it that when we become dust, will we indeed be in a new creation?, those are the ones who have disbelieved in their Lord, and those will have shackles around their necks, and those are the companions of the fire, they will abide therein forever", that is, Allah addresses His Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) and says if You are astonished at the denial of the polytheists of Quraish, then astonishing is their denial of the resurrection as they ruled out the occurrence of the day of resurrection, and ruled out that Allah will revive them after they had turned into dust and said "Is it that when we become dust, Will we indeed be in a new creation?", thereupon, Allah assures that those are the ones who disbelieved in their Lord and in His ability to revive them on the day of resurrection even if they become stones, iron, or a creation of that which is great within their breasts as He has stated in Ayat (50,51) of Surat Alisraa, so they will have shackles around their necks by which the wardens of Hellfire will drag them in the fire, and they will be the companions of Hellfire, abiding therein forever.

 Allah says in the next verse (6) "And they ask You to hasten the evil before the good, and indeed, there had passed before them similar punishments, and indeed, Your Lord is Possessor of forgiveness for the people despite their wrongdoing, and indeed, Your Lord is Severe in punishment", that is, the polytheists of Quraish asked Allah's Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) to hasten the evil which is punishment and calamity before the good which is Allah's forgiveness and mercy as they said ''O Allah! If this is should be the truth from You, then Rain down upon us stones from the sky or Bring us a painful punishment" as mentioned in Aya (32) of Surat Alanfal, so they asked for the punishment due to the severity of their disbelief, denial, stubbornness, while Allah has afflicted His vengeance upon the previous nations who denied their Messengers, and made them a lesson by which they be warned, where they used to pass by the tracks of the people of the Prophet Lot in the morning and at night as mentioned in Ayat (137,138) of Surat Alsaffat, then Allah assures that He is the Possessor of forgiveness for the people despite their wrongdoing and committing sins day and night, so He forgives their sins if they repent, believe, and do righteous deeds, but at the same time, He is Severe in punishment for those who persist on disbelief, stubbornness and tyranny.

 Allah says in the next verse (7) "And those who disbelieved say Why not a sign is sent down to Him from His Lord?, You are only a warner, and for every people there is a guide'', that is, the polytheists of Quraish who disbelieved in Allah and opposed His Messenger (PBUH) said Why not a sign is sent down to Him from Allah?, in order to indicate the truthfulness of what He came with, and nothing has prevented Allah from sending signs to the polytheists of Quraish except that the former ones denied them, so they deserved the painful punishment as Allah has stated in Aya (59) of Surat Alisraa, then Allah said to His Messenger that He is only a warner of Allah's punishment and vengeance on those who disbelieve, and Allah has assigned a Messenger to every nation in order to guide them to the right path. 

 Allah says in the next verse (8) "Allah knows what every female carries and what the wombs decrease and increase, and everything with Him is by a measure", that is, Allah only knows what is in the wombs as no one knows what Allah wants to create in the wombs, and that is one of the keys of the unseen that was mentioned in Aya (34) of Surat Luqman, and as narrated by Ibn Umar: "Allah's Messenger said the keys of the unseen are five which none knows but Allah, none knows what will happen tomorrow but Allah, none knows what is in the wombs but Allah, none knows when it will rain but Allah, none knows at what place one will die, none knows when the Hour will be established but Allah" (Sahih Albukhari 4697). So when Allah commands to be a male or a female, a miserable or a happy, the Angel entrusted with that knows, where Allah's Messenger said in narration of Huzaifa Bin Usaid: ''When the semen drop remains in the womb for forty or forty five nights, the Angel comes and says My Lord Will he be good or evil?, and both these things would be written, then the Angel says My Lord Would he be male or female? and both these things are written, and his deeds and actions, his death, his livelihood, these are also recorded, then his document of destiny is rolled and there is no addition to nor subtraction from it" (Sahih Muslim 2644), although modern science is able to know the gender of the fetus, the duration of pregnancy, and the date of birth, but it does not know more than that, and it does know that until after a period of pregnancy up to four months. And Allah knows if the woman will miscarry or continue the pregnancy until the time of birth, and He knows who will be born before the nine months and who will remain more than nine months, and everything with Allah is by a measure, so nothing will be other than what Allah has destined for it. 

 Allah says in the next two verses (9,10) "The Knower of the unseen, and the witness, the Grand, the Most High, it is the same concerning you, whether one conceals the word or one speaks it aloud, and whether one is hidden at night or apparent by day", that is, Allah assures that He is the Knower of the unseen and the witnessed who knows everything that His servants see, and what is hidden from them, and nothing is hidden from Him in the heavens nor on the earth, and Allah is the Most High, the Most Grand who is sublime over everything, and all things are below Him where His authority and His power is over everything. And Allah's knowledge encompasses all of His creation, and nothing of their affair is hidden from Him as He hears them in all conditions whether they conceal of declare their speech, He knows the the apparent and the secret, and Allah has heard the conversation between Allah's Messenger and Khawlah Bint Tha'labah who argued with Allah's Messenger about her husband Aws Bin Alsamit, when she was complaining to Allah as mentioned in Aya (1) of Surat Almujadilah, and Allah knows whoever is hidden in his house in the darkness of the night, and whoever is visible and walking in the brightness of the day, both of them are equal in the knowledge of Allah.

 Allah says in the next verse (11) "For each one there are successive ones before and behind him who protect him by the command of Allah, indeed, Allah does not change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves, and when Allah intends evil for a people, there is no repelling for it, and there is not for them besides Him any patron", that is, for each one there are successive Angels before him and behind him who guard Him by the command of Allah, so when the Angels of the night ascend to the sky, the Angels of the day take their place, and when the Angels of the day ascend to the sky the Angels of the night take their place, and Allah's Messenger said in narration of Abu Hurayrah: "The Angels take turns among you by night and by day, and they all assemble at the dawn and afternoon prayers, those who spend the night among you, then ascend, their Lord asks them, though He is knows best of them How did you leave My servants?, they say We left them while they were praying and We came to them while they were praying" (Sahih Muslim 632 a). So there are the Angels who write the deeds of mankind as mentioned in Ayat (10-12) of Surat Alinfitar, and the Angels who guard man from the evils, but when Allah's decree comes, they will leave him. Then Allah assures that He does not change the condition of a people such as blessings and well-being, until they change what is in themselves, so if they turn from obedience to disobedience, from doing good deeds to committing evil deeds, and from justice to oppression one another, Allah will remove His blessings from them and will punish them, and if Allah intends misfortune for a people, there is no one to repel His decree from them, and there is no protector who will save them from Allah's punishment.

 Allah says in the next two verses (12,13) "He is the One who shows you the lightening, fear and hope, and generates the heavy clouds, and the thunder glorifies with His praise, and the Angels from fear of Him, and He sends thunderbolts and strikes thereby whom He wills, while they argue about Allah, and He is severe in might", that is, Allah is the One who shows man the lightening, so sometimes he is afraid of the thunderbolts that will happen after it, and other times he hopes its flash and what it will come after it of the rain which Allah has generated the heavy clouds to carry it. Then Allah assures that the thunder glorifies with His praise and the Angels from fear of Him, where there is not a thing except that it glorifies with His praise as mentioned in Aya (44) of Surat Alisraa, and Allah sends the thunderbolts that burn or kill and strikes thereby whom He wills, even though Allah shows them the signs of lightening, thunder, and thunderbolts that indicate His great power, the disbelievers still argue about Allah's oneness, and He is severe in might and in punishing those who disbelieve in Him, His Messengers, and His books.

 Allah says in the next two verses (14,15) "To Him is the supplication of truth, and those they call besides Him do not respond to them with a thing, except like one who stretches his hands towards water, so that it may reach his mouth, but it is not to reach it, and the supplication of the disbelievers is not but in error, and to Allah prostrates whoever is in the heavens and the earth, willingly or unwillingly, and their shadows in the morning and the evening", that is, to Allah belongs the supplication of truth as He is the only One who responded to His servants, but the false gods and idols that the disbelievers invoke besides Allah do not respond to them with a thing till the day of resurrection; For they are unaware of their supplication as they do not see, nor speak, nor hear, so Allah is the One who responds to the distressed one when he calls Him, and removes the evil and makes you successors of the earth as He has stated in Aya (62) of Surat Alnaml, thereupon, Allah has likened those who invoke false gods besides Him to the one who stands at the edge of a well or stands from a far distance, then stretches his hands towards the water, so that the water may reach his mouth, but it will not reach it, so the disbelievers who worshipped false gods besides Allah will not benefit from them in the worldly life nor in the Hereafter, and their supplication is not but in extreme astray. Then Allah assures that whoever is in the heavens and whoever is on the earth prostrate to Allah, willingly or unwillingly, as the Angels and the believers prostrate before Allah willingly, while the disbelievers prostrate before Allah unwillingly for Allah has made the shadow of everything a prostration before Him at sunrise and sunset as He has stated in Aya (48) of Surat Alnahl.   

 Allah says in the next verse (16) "Say Who is the Lord of the heavens and the earth?, Say Allah, Say Have you then taken besides Him protectors who do not possess benefit nor harm to themselves?, Say Are the blind and the seeing equal? or Are the darknesses and the light equal?, or Have they attributed to Allah partners who created like His creation so the creation seemed to them alike?, Say Allah is the Creator of everything, and He is the One, the Oft-Omnipotent'', that is, Allah commanded His Messenger (PBUH) to say to the polytheists of Quraish Who is the Lord of the heavens and the earth?, then to say that Allah is the Creator of both of them, Although they acknowledge that Allah is the Creator of both of them for Allah said that if Allah's Messenger asked them Who created the heavens and the earth, they would say Allah as mentioned in Aya (61) of Surat Alankaboot, thereupon, Allah commanded His Messenger to say to them Have you then taken besides Allah false gods and idols as protectors who will not benefit nor harm you and they do not possess benefit nor harm even to themselves?, then Allah cites examples of something and its opposite to assure that the one who is upon guidance from His Lord is not equal to the one who is upon error, just as the blindness and the sight are not equal, nor are the darknesses and the light, likewise, the believer and the disbeliever are not equal, nor are the belief and the disbelief equal, then Allah said as a sarcasm Have they attributed to Allah false gods as partners who created a creation like His creation, so the two creations seemed alike to them, so they do not distinguish the creation of Allah from the creation of their gods?, therefore, Allah commanded His Messenger to say to them that Allah is the Creator of everything, and He is the One, the Oft-omnipotent who has no equals and He who conquered everything by His power.

 Allah says in the next verse (17) "He sends down water from the sky, and the valleys flow according to their measure, and the torrent carries a rising foam, and from that which they kindle in the fire, desiring adornments and other objects is a foam like it, thus, Allah cites the truth and the falsehood, as for the foam, it vanishes in vain, but as for that which benefits the people, it remains on the earth, thus, Allah cites the examples", that is, Allah cites two examples in order to make clear the difference between the truth and the falsehood, the first of which is that He sends down rain from the sky, and the valleys flow according its fullness, each due to its size, so the torrent carries a rising foam above the surface of water, then the foam dissolves and clings to the trees and the sides of the valleys, and the winds blow it away. The second example is that which the people kindle in the fire of gold, silver, iron, copper, and lead in order to make jewelry and beneficial things they benefit from, as when they burn the metals, it melt and the foam rises to the surface of the metals and then sticks to the sides of the pot, thus, Allah cites the examples of the truth and the falsehood, as Allah likened the falsehood and the disbelief to the foam that rises above the surface of the water and the metals, and the foam vanishes in vain, and none will benefit from, and Allah likened the truth and the belief to the water and the metals which benefit the people and remain on the earth, thus Allah cites the examples to the people so that they may understand and distinguish between the truth and the falsehood.  

 Allah says in the next verse (18) "For those who have responded to their Lord is the best, but those who did not respond to Him, if they had whatever is on the earth, all, and its like with it, they would ransom thereby, for them is the worst reckoning, and their abode is Hellfire, and wretched is the resting place", that is, Allah assures that those who have responded to Him and believed in Him when He called them to believe in Him and follow His Messengers, will have the best reward in the Hereafter, which is Paradise and its eternal bliss. But as for those who did not respond to Allah and disbelieved in Him, and His Messengers, if they had whatever is on the earth of wealth and adornment and the like of it with it, they would ransom themselves thereby in order to be saved from the worst punishment on the day of resurrection, but the ransom will not be accepted from them even if they have an earth full of gold as Allah has stated in Aya (91) of Surat Aliemran, and Allah's Messenger said in narration of Anas bin Malik: "Allah will say to he whose punishment is easiest from among the people of Hellfire: If you had everything on the earth, would you ransom yourself with it? He will say Yes, Allah will say I asked you what is easier than this while you were in the backbone of Adam, that you should not associate anything with Me, but you refused except polytheism" (Sahih Albukhari 3334). So for the disbelievers is the worst reckoning on the day of resurrection as they will be held accountable for every big and small deed, and their abode will be Hellfire, abiding therein forever, so how wretched is the fate and the place of residence.

 Allah says in the next three verses (19-21) "Then Is he who knows that what has been sent down to You from Your Lord is the truth, like the one who is blind?, only those of understanding will remember, those who fulfill the covenant of Allah and do not break the treaty, and those who join what Allah has commanded to be joined and fear their Lord, and are fearful of the worst of the reckoning'', that is, Allah says Is the one who knows that the Holy Quran which has been sent to Allah's Messenger is the truth, then He is guided by it, then he understands it, believes in it, and follows it, equal to the blind who is not guided by it, so he does not understand it, believe in it, or follow it, unquestionably, the believers are not equal to the disbelievers, but those of understanding will remember and will know the difference between the two groups. Then Allah cites some of the characteristics of those of understanding and says that they are those who fulfill the covenant of Allah if they have pledged a covenant with Him or with the people, and they also do not break the treaty with the people, and Allah's Messenger said in narration of Abu Hurayrah: "The signs of the hypocrite are three, whenever he speaks, he tells a lie, whenever he is entrusted, he proves to be dishonest, and whenever he promises, he always breaks his promise" (Sahih Albukhari 2682).

 Therefore, the companions of Allah's Messenger used to fulfill the covenant of Allah, where as narrated by Awf bin Malik Alashja'i: "We nine, eight, or seven, were in the company of the Messenger of Allah, and He said Why do not you pledge allegiance to the Messenger of Allah?, while we had recently pledged allegiance, so we said Messenger of Allah we have already pledged allegiance with You, He again said Why do not you pledge allegiance to the Messenger of Allah?, and we said Messenger of Allah we have already pledged allegiance to you, He again said Why do not you pledge allegiance to the Messenger of Allah?, we stretched our hands and said Messenger of Allah we have pledged allegiance to you, O Messenger of Allah, so What do we pledge allegiance to?, He said that you worship Allah and do not associate anything with Him, and the five daily prayers, and obey, and He concealed a hidden word, and do not beg the people of anything, and I saw some of these people, when the whip of one of them fell down, he did not ask anyone to pick it up for him" (Sahih Muslim 1043). From among the characteristics of those of understanding is that they join what Allah has commanded to be joined of maintaining ties of kinship, being kind to their relatives, and they fear Allah in what they do of deeds and what they leave of deeds for they are in awe of Him and serious in obeying Him, and they are fearful of the worst of the reckoning and of being held accountable of all their sins, and nothing of their sins will be forgiven. 

 Allah says in the next three verses (22-24) "And those who are patient, seeking the Countenance of their Lord, and establish the prayer and spend from what We have provided them, secretly and openly, and they repel the evil with the good, those will have the end of the abode, Gardens of Eden which they will enter, and whoever were righteous among their fathers and their spouses and their progeny, and the Angels will enter upon them from every gate, peace be upon you for what you have been patient with, and excellent is the end of the abode", that is, from among the characteristics of those of understanding is that they are patient over the hardships they faced on the worldly life in order to obey Allah and His Messenger without any purpose or any benefit except seeking the countenance of Allah and drawing closer to Him, they establish the obligatory prayers in its prescribed times, they spend in the way of Allah from what Allah has provided them, whether obligatory charity (Zakah) or alms, secretly and publicly to the relatives, the poor, and the needy, and they repel the evil with the good for they do not meet the bad with the same but they forgive, so those will have the good end of the abode of the Hereafter as they will enter Gardens of Eden beneath which rivers flow, and Eden is one of the names of Paradise, and Allah will bring them together with the righteous from among their families, who are eligible to enter Paradise including their parents, their spouses, and their children, so their eyes will be pleased with their loved ones, and the Angels will enter upon them from every gate of Paradise, and will greet them saying Peace be upon you for what you have been patient with, and excellent is the end of the abode in Paradise.

 Allah says in the next two verses (25,26) "But those who break the covenant of Allah after pledging it, and sever what Allah has commanded to be joined and cause corruption on the earth, those are the ones whom there is the curse and for them is the worst abode, Allah extends the provision for whom He wills, and restricts, and they rejoice in the worldly life, and the worldly life compared to the Hereafter is nothing but enjoyment", that is, the characteristics of the companions of Hellfire are the opposite to the characteristics of the companions of Paradise which were mentioned above, for they break the covenant of Allah after pledging it as they do not fulfill it, and sever what Allah has commanded to be joined of ties of kinship, and they cause corruption on the earth by doing evil deeds and preventing others from the way of Allah, thereupon, Allah threatens them and says that for them is the curse and the expulsion from Allah's mercy, and for them is the worst abode which is Hellfire, abiding therein forever. Then Allah assures that He extends the provision for whom He wills, and limits it for whom He wills, so He makes whoever He wills rich, and whoever He wills poor, although extending or restricting provision does not indicate the superiority of some and the humiliation of others, but the disbelievers rejoiced in what Allah has provided for them of the pleasures of the worldly life, thereupon, Allah says that the pleasures of the worldly life compared to the Hereafter is nothing but enjoyment; For it is a little fleeting pleasure compared to what Allah has prepared for the righteous of eternal bliss in Paradise, and Allah's Messenger said in narration of Almustawred bin Shaddad: "By Allah! The world compared to the Hereafter is nothing but like when one of you puts this finger of his in the sea, and Yahya pointed with his index finger, so let him see with what it will come back?" (Sahih Muslim 2858).   

 Allah says in the next three verses (27-29) "And those who disbelieved say Why not a sign is sent down to Him from His Lord?, Say indeed, Allah lets go astray whom He wills and guides to Him whoever turns, those who believed and whose hearts are reassured by the remembrance of Allah, unquestionably, by the remembrance of Allah the hearts are reassured, those who believed and did righteous deeds, for them is a good position, and a good return'', that is, the polytheists of Quraish who disbelieved in Allah and opposed His Messenger (PBUH) said Why not a sign is sent down to Allah's Messenger from Allah?, in order to indicate the truthfulness of what He came with, as they set some conditions for their belief including that He has a house of gold, that He ascends to the sky and brings them a book that they may read, or that He brings Allah and the Angels before them as mentioned in Ayat (90-93) of Surat Alisraa, thereupon, Allah assures that their belief does not depend on a sign from Allah, but rather it is only in the Hand of Allah, so He commanded His Messenger to say to them that Allah lets go astray whom He wills and guides to Him who turned to Allah, those who repented, believed in Allah, and followed Allah's Messenger, and whose hearts are reassured by the remembrance of Allah for it be at peace when Allah is mentioned and be satisfied with Him, unquestionably, the hearts reassured by the remembrance of Allah, then Allah gives glad tidings to those who believe and do righteous deeds that they will be blessed in the Hereafter, and will have a good position and a good return which is high ranks in Paradise.

 Allah says in the next verse (30) "Thus We have sent You to a nation before which many nations have passed away, so that You may recite to them what We have revealed to You, while they disbelieve in the Most Gracious, Say He is My Lord, there is no god but He, upon Him I have put My trust and to Him is My return", that is, Allah addresses His Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) and says that He has sent Him to a nation before which many nations have passed away, as Allah has sent Him to the people of Quraish as He has sent the Prophets before Him to many nations who disbelieved in Allah, so Allah has sent Him in order to convey His message to them and to recite to them the Holy Quran which Allah has revealed to Him, while they disbelieve in the Most Gracious; For they do not acknowledge that Allah is the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful, where as narrated by Anas bin Malik that they refused to write on the day of the peace treaty of Alhudaiybeyah with Allah's Messenger ''In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful", and said we do not know what is meant by the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful" (Sahih Muslim 1784), then Allah commanded His Messenger to say to them that He is My Lord, there is no God but Him, so He believes in what they disbelieve in, and singles Him out of Divinity and monotheism, and that He relies upon Him in all affairs and turns to Him all the time.

 Allah says in the next two verses (31,32) "And if there was any Quran by which the mountains would be removed or the earth would be broken apart by it or the dead would be made to speak by it, but to Allah belongs the matter entirely, then Have those who believed not known that Had Allah willed, He would have guided the people, all of them?, and those who disbelieve do not cease to be struck by a calamity for what they have done, or it will descend near their home, until there comes the promise of Allah, indeed, Allah does not break the promise, and indeed, Messengers were ridiculed before you, and I gave respite to those who disbelieved, then I seized them so How was My punishment", that is, Allah assures the polytheists that if there had been a scripture of the previous nations by which the mountains were moved from their places, or by which the earth was split open, or by which the dead spoke in their graves, then the Holy Quran would be that scripture not any other one, but the matter entirely belongs to Allah, if had willed, He would have sent them a sign or a miracle as He has given to all Prophets in order to prove His message and the people believe in Him, but the Holy Quran is the eternal miracle of Allah's Messenger in all eras and times, where as narrated by Abu Hurayrah that the Prophet (PBUH) said: "There is not Prophet among the Prophets who was not been given miracles by which human beings have believed, but what I was given is a revelation which Allah has revealed to Me, so I hope that I will be the most one of them who has been followed on the day of resurrection" (Sahih Albukhari 4981). Thereupon, Allah says Have those who believed not realized that if Allah had willed, He could have guided all of mankind without any sign or miracle?, but those who disbelieve do not cease to be struck by calamities in the worldly life because of their disbelief, tyranny, and stubbornness, or it will descend near their homes and strike those around them so that they may be reminded until there comes Allah's promise of victory of His Messenger and the believers, and Allah does not break the promise as He said to His Messenger in Aya (47) of Surat Ibrahim "So Do not think that Allah will break His promise to His Messengers, indeed, Allah is Almighty, the Possessor of vengeance". Then Allah reassured His Messenger and said to Him that many nations before the people of Quraish had ridiculed their Messengers as the people of Quraish had done, then Allah gave them respite and enjoyment of the worldly life, then He destroyed them by a severe and a painful punishment as Allah says "Then how was my punishment?".

 Allah says in the next two verses (33,34) "Then Is He who is a watcher of every soul for what it has earned?, but they have attributed partners to Allah, Say Name them or Do you inform Him of what He does not know on the earth, or of the apparent of the word, rather, their plot has been adorned to those who disbelieve and they have been prevented from the way, and whoever Allah lets go astray, then there is no guide for him, for them is a punishment in the worldly life, and indeed, the punishment of the Hereafter is more severe, and they had not any savior against Allah", that is, Is Allah who is All-Knower and a watcher of every soul for what it has earned of deeds, good or evil, equal to the idol who neither hears, nor sees, nor understands anything?, Are they both the same?, Is Allah who creates all human beings and provided for them equal to the one who neither benefit nor harm them?, unquestionably, they are not the same, but the disbelievers  have attributed false gods and idols to Allah, thereupon, Allah commanded His Messenger to say to them Name these idols and Explain what they have in the heavens and the earth, so you named them gods, then Allah says as a sarcasm Do you inform Him of a partner He has on earth and He does not know him?, or of the apparent of the word for you named them gods without any proof or argument proving their right to be worshipped. Accordingly, Allah assures that their polytheism has been adorned to them as they follow conjecture and what their soul desires as Allah says to them in Aya (23) of Surat Alnajm "They are nothing but names you have named, you and your fathers, Allah has not sent down any authority for it, they are following nothing but conjecture, and what their soul desire, and certainly, the guidance has come to them from their Lord", so Allah has prevented them from His way, and has let them go astray, and whoever Allah lets go astray from the path of guidance, then there is no guide for him, so he will not see guidance nor will he believe. Then Allah threatens the disbelievers who worshipped others besides Him that they will have a punishment in the worldly life by killing or misfortunes, and awaits them another punishment in the Hereafter which is more severe than the punishment of the worldly life, and they had not any savior besides Allah to save them from Allah's punishment.

 Allah says in the next verse (35) "The example of Paradise which the righteous have been promised, beneath which rivers flow, its fruit is lasting and its shade, that is the end of those who fear, and the end of the disbelievers is the fire", that is, Allah describes the Paradise which the righteous have been promised as a reward for their belief and their good deeds, and says that rivers flow beneath it, and its fruit and shade are lasting without interruption, and that is the reward of those who fear Allah and fear His punishment, so they follow His commands and avoid His prohibitions, while the end of the disbelievers will be Hellfire as a recompense of their disbelief and their evil deeds, and as narrated by Abdullah bin Abbas that the companions of Allah's Messenger said to Him: "O Allah's Messenger! We saw you taking something from Your place, and then We saw you retreating, the Prophet replied I saw Paradise and stretched My hands towards a bunch of grapes, and Had I take it, you would have eaten from it as long as the world remains, I also saw the Hellfire, and had never seen such a horrible sight, I saw that most of its inhabitants were women, the people asked O Allah's Messenger! Why is it so?, the Prophet replied because of their ungratefulness, it was said Are they ungrateful to Allah?, the Prophet said they are ungrateful to their companions of life (Husbands), and ungrateful to benevolence, if you are benevolent to one of them throughout the life, and if she sees something from you, she will say I have never seen anything good from you" (Sahih Muslim 1052). So Are the end of the believers and the end of the disbelievers the same?, assuredly, the eternal abode in Paradise and it bliss is not the same of the eternal abode in Hellfire and its painful torment.

 Allah says in the next verse (36) ''And those to whom We have given the Book rejoice in what has been revealed to You, but among the factions there are those who deny part of it, Say I have only been commanded to worship Allah and not to associate with Him, to Him I call, and to Him is My return'', that is, those whom Allah has given the knowledge from among the people of the scriptures like the Jews and Christians rejoice in the Holy Quran which Allah has revealed to His Messenger (PBUH) because it confirms their scriptures as when the Holy Quran recited to them, they fall upon their faces in prostration, and they say glory to be Our Lord, indeed, the promise of our Lord is surely fulfilled as mentioned in Ayat (107,108) of Surat Alisraa, but among the factions from among them there are those who deny part of the Holy Quran and believe in part of it; For the people of the scriptures had divided their religion and became sects, and each faction of them rejoicing in what they have as mentioned in Aya (53) of Surat Almu'minun, thereupon, Allah commanded His Messenger to say that He has only been commanded to worship Allah alone, and not to associate false gods and idols with Him as He was sent to call the people to worship Allah alone, just as the Messenger were sent before Him, and that His return is to Allah on the day of resurrection. 

 Allah says in the next three verses (37-39) "And thus We have sent it down as an Arabic judgment, and if You should follow their desires after what has come to You of the knowledge, You would not have against Allah any protector or any savior, and indeed, We have sent Messengers before You, and assigned to them wives and progeny, and it was not for a Messenger that He brings a sign without the permission of Allah, for every time is a book, Allah erases what He wills and confirms, and with Him is the Mother of the Book", that is, Allah addresses His Messenger (PBUH) and says that just as He has sent the books to the Messengers in their languages, He has sent down to Him the Holy Quran as a judgment in a clear Arabic tongue including clear argument, rulings, and proofs. Then Allah warns His Messenger and says that If He has followed the desires of the polytheists of Quraish after what has come to Him of the knowledge and the truth from Allah, as they said to Allah's Messenger "Bring us a Quran other than it or change it" as mentioned in Aya (15) of Surat Yunus, then He would not find any protector to help Him or any savior to save Him from Allah's Punishment. And Allah assures His Messenger that He has sent Messengers before Him, and there were human beings like Him, and Allah did not made them Angels, neither eat, nor drink, nor marry, but rather Allah has assigned to them wives and children, so it was not for one of them to bring anything supernatural to His people unless Allah permits Him to do so, where it was not due to His ability, but rather through Allah's will and ability. 

 Thereupon, it was not for Allah's Messenger to bring them a sign as they have said above in Aya (27), for He was a human being like His people, eats food, walks in the markets, and marries the women, and as narrated by Anas bin Malik: "A group of three men came to the houses of the wives of the Prophet (PBUH) asking about the worship of the Prophet, when they were informed, they considered their worship insufficient and said Where are we from the Prophet as his past and future sins have been forgiven. Then one of them said I will offer the prayer throughout the night forever, the other said I will fast throughout the year and will not break my fast, then the third said I will keep away from the women and will not marry forever, Allah's Messenger came to them and said Are you the same people who said such-and such?, By Allah! I am more submissive to Allah, and more afraid of Him than you, yet I fast and break My fast, I do sleep, and I also marry women, so he who does not follow My Sunnah, is not from Me" (Sahih Albukhari 5063). Although the message of all Messengers was one as Allah did not send any Messenger before the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) except that He revealed to Him "That there is no god but Me, so Worship Me" as mentioned in Aya (25) of Surat Alanbiyaa, and the legislation of Allah remained the same in all religions as He has stated in Aya (13) of Surat Alshura "He has legislated for you of the religion what He enjoined upon Noah, and what which We have revealed to you, and what We enjoined upon Abraham, and Moses, and Jesus to establish the religion, and Do not divided therein", but Allah assures that for every people there is a guide as shown above in Aya (7),  and that there is for every time a book that He has sent down upon a Messenger including different rulings and different signs, and Allah erases what He wills from it, and confirms what He wills, until it was completely abrogated in the Holy Quran which Allah has sent down upon His Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) from the Mother of the Book (Al-lawh Al-mahfuoz) which is with Allah, so Allah has sent down the Holy Quran as an Arabic judgment from the Mother of the Book, and this confirms what Allah has stated in Ayat (3,4) of Surat Alzukhruf "Indeed, We have made it an Arabic Quran, so that you may understand, and indeed, it is in the Mother of the Book with Us, surely sublime, full of wisdom".  

 Allah says in the next two verses (40,41) "And whether We show You some of what We have promised them or We take You in death, then only upon You is the conveyance, and upon Us is the reckoning, Do they not see that We come to the land, We reduce it from its borders?, and Allah Judges, there is no adjuster of His judgment and He is Swift in reckoning", that is, Allah addresses His Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) and says whether He shows Him some of what He has promised the polytheist of Quraish of torment in the worldly life or He causes His Messenger to die before that, then is not upon Allah's Messenger except to convey Allah's Message to them and they bear the result of their disbelief and denial, and upon Allah is the reckoning on the day resurrection. Then Allah says Do the polytheists of Quraish not see that He diminishes the earth from its sides by subjugating its people, defeating them, expelling them from it, killing them by swords, and conquering it region after region around Mecca, so that they may be admonished by this, and fear that the punishment will befall them as it befell the people of the borders, and Allah judges, and His judgment is carried out where there is no adjuster of His judgment, and if Allah decreed that the punishment would come to the people of Quraish, then there is no one to repel the punishment from them as shown above in Aya (11), and Allah is Swift in reckoning His servants; because His knowledge encompasses all their affairs. 

 Allah says in the last two verses (42,43) "And those before them had already plotted, but to Allah belongs the plot entirely, He knows what every soul earns, and the disbelievers will know for whom is the end of the abode, and those who have disbelieved say You are not a Messenger, Say Sufficient is Allah as a Witness between Me and You, and whoever has the knowledge of the Book", that is, the disbelievers before the polytheists of Quraish had plotted a plot by day and night in order to prevent their followers from the way of Allah, but to Allah belongs the plot entirely; For the rule of Allah is to nullify the plot of the disbelievers by His plot while they do not perceive, then to destroy them all as He has done with Thamud (The people of the Prophet Salih) as mentioned in Ayat (50,51) of Surat Alnaml, then Allah assures that He knows what every soul earns of deed, good or evil, and He will recompense each for his deeds on the day of resurrection, so the disbelievers will know for whom is the good end of the abode, for them in Hellfire or for the believers in Paradise. Then Allah addresses His Messenger and says that the infidels of Quraish denied that He is the Messenger of Allah, and that Allah has sent Him with the Holy Quran as they said that the Holy Quran is the legends of the former people which He has written and they are recited to Him morning and evening as mentioned in Aya (5) of Surat Alfurqan, thereupon, Allah commanded His Messenger to say to them that Allah is Sufficient as a Witness between Him and them in what He has conveyed of the message, and in what they have invented of falsehood about Allah, His Messenger, and His book, also, those who have the knowledge of the Book, the Jews and Christians, will testify on the Day of Resurrection that He is the Prophet they found written in the Torah and the Gospel. 

No one Knows its interpretation except Allah

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