37- Surat Alsaffat/Tafseer

182 Verses Meccan (revealed in Mecca)

A'auzu Bellahi mena alshaiytani alrajeem

I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed Satan

Besmi Ellahi Alrhmani Alraheem

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

Wa alsaffati saffa (1).
By those who lined up in rows.

fa-alzajerati zajra (2).
Then by those who prevent strongly.

Fa-altaliyati zekra (3).
Then those who recite the reminder.

Inna elahakum la-wahid (4).
Indeed, your Lord is One.

Rabbu alsamawati wa alardi wa ma baiynahuma wa Rabbu almashareq (5).
The Lord of the heavens and the earth and whatever is between them and the Lord of the risings.

Inna zaiyyanna alsama-a alduonya be-zenatin alkawakeb (6).
Indeed, We have adorned the lowest sky with an adornment of the stars.

Wa hefzan men kulli shaiytanin marid (7)
And a protection from every rebellious devil.

La yassamma-uona ela almala-ee al-a'la wa youqzafuona men kulli janeb (8).
They can not listen to the exalted assembly, and are pelted from every side.

Duhuran wa lahum azabun waseb (9).
Expulsion, and for them is a constant punishment.

Ella ma khatefa alkhatfata fa-atba'ahuo shehabun thaqeb (10).
Except he who snatches the snatch, a bright flame followed him. 

Fa-staftehim a-hum ashadduo khalqan am man khalaqna inna khalaqnahum men teenin lazeb (11).
Then ask them Are they a stronger creation or those whom We have created, indeed, We created them from a sticky clay.

Bal ajebta wa yaskharuon (12).
But You wonder while they mock.

Wa iza zukkeruo la yazkuruon (13).
And when they are reminded, they do not remind.

Wa iza ra'aww ayatan yastaskheruon (14).
And when they see a sign, they ridicule.

Wa qaluo in haza ella sehrun mubeen (15).
And they say this is nothing but a clear magic.

A-iza metna wa kunna turaban wa ezaman a-inna la-mab-uthuon (16).
Is it that when we die and become dust and bones, indeed, Shall we be resurrected?. 

Awa aba'una alawwaluon (17).
And also our former fathers.

Qul na'am wa antum dakheruon (18).
Say, yes, and you will be humiliated.

Fa-innama heiya zajratun wahedatun fa-iza hum yanzuruon (19).
So it will be a single shout, so behold! They will look around.

Wa qaluo ya waiylana haza yawmuo alddin (20).
And they will say O woe to us! this is the day of Judgment.

Haza yawmuo alfasli allazi kuntum behi tukazzebuon (21).
This is the day of judgment which you used to deny.

Auhshuruo allazina zalamuo wa azwajahum wa kanuo ya'buduon (22).
Gather those who wronged and their kinds and what they used to worship.

Men duoni ellahi fa-hduhum ela serati aljaheem (23).
Besides Allah, then Guide them to the path of the Hell.

Wa qefuhum innahum mas-uluon (24).
And stop them, indeed, they are to be questioned.

Ma lakum la tanasaruon (25).
What is with you that you do not help one another.

Bal humuo alyawma mustaslemuon (26).
But they on that day are surrendering.

Wa aqbala ba'duhum ala ba'din yatasa-aluon (27).
And some of them will approach others, asking one another.

Qaluo innakum kuntum ta'tunana ani alyameen (28).
They will say, indeed, you used to come at us from the right.

Qaluo bal lam takunuo mu'meneen (29).
They will say, but you were not believers.

Wa ma kana lana alaiykum men sultanin bal kuntum qawman tagheen (30).
And we had no authority over you, but you were a transgressing people.

Fa-haqqa alaiyna qawluo Rabbina inna la-za-equon (31).
So the word of our Lord has come true upon us, indeed, we will taste.
Fa-aghwaiynakum inna kunna ghaween (32).
So we led you astray, indeed, we were astray.

Fa-innahum yawa-izin fee alazabi mushtarekuon (33).
Then indeed, that day, they will be sharers in the punishment.

Inna kazaleka naf'aluo bel-mujremeen (34).
Indeed, thus We deal with the criminals.

Innahum kanuo iza qeela lahum la ilaha ella Allahu yastakberuon (35).
Indeed, they when it was said to them there is no God but Allah, were arrogant.

Wa yaquluona a-inna latarekuo alehatena lesha-irin majnuon (36).
And they say, Are we to leave our gods for a poet, a madman. 

Bal ja'a bel-haqqi wa saddaqa almursaleen (37).
But He has come with the truth and confirmed the Messengers.

Innakum la-zaequo alazabi al-aleem (38).
Indeed, you will taste the painful torment.

Wa ma tujzawna ella ma kuntum ta'maluon (39).
And you will not be recompensed except for what you used to do.

Ella ebada Allahi almukhlaseen (40).
Except the chosen servants of Allah.

Aulaeka lahum rezqun ma'luom (41).
Those for them a known provision.

Fawakehuo wa hum mukramuon (42).
Fruits and they will be honored.

Fee jannati alna-eem (43).
In the gardens of the bliss.

Ala sururin mataqabeleen (44).
On thrones, facing each other.

Youtafuo alaiyhim beka'sin men ma-een (45)
Will be circulated among them a cup from a flowing spring.

baiyda-a lazzatin lel-sharebeen (46).
White, delicious for the drinkers.

La feeha ghawlun wa la hum anha younzafuon (47).
There is no bad effect therein, nor will they be intoxicated with it.

Wa endahum qaserato altarfi een (48).
And with them the companions of modest gaze, having beautiful eyes.

Ka-annahunna baiydun maknuon (49).
As if they were eggs, well protected.

Fa-aqbala ba'duhum ala ba'din yatasa-aluon (50).
Then some of them will approach others, asking one another.

Qala qa-elun menhum inni kana lee qareen (51).
A speaker among them will say, indeed, I had a companion.

Yaquluo a-innaka la-mena almusaddekeen (52).
Who used to say, indeed, Are you of those who believe.

A-iza metna wa kunna turaban wa ezaman a-inna la-madeenuon (53).
Is it that when we die and become dust and bones, indeed, Shall we be recompensed.

Qala hal antum muttaleuon (54).
He will say, would you look?.

Fattala-a fara-ahuo fee sawa-ee aljaheem (55).
And he will look, then he will see him in the midst of the Hell.

Qala tallahi in kedta la-turdeen (56).
He will say, By Allah! indeed, you were about to perish me. 

Wa lawla ne'matuo Rabbi lakuntuo mena almuhdareen (57).
And if not the favor of my Lord, I would have been among those brought in.

A-fama nahnuo be-mayyiteen (58).
Then Are we not to die.

Ella mawtatana alaula wa ma nahnuo bemu'azzabeen (59).
Except our first death nor are we going to be punished?.

Inna haza la-huwa alfawzuo alazeem (60).
Indeed, this is the great win.

Le-methli haza fal-ya'mali al-ameluon (61).
For the like of this let the workers work.

A-zaleka khaiyrun nuzulan am shajaratuo alzzaqquom (62).
Is that a better as hospitality or the tree of Alzaqquom.

Inna ja'alnaha fetnatan lel-zalemeen (63).
Indeed, We have made it a trial for the wrongdoers.

Innaha shajaratun takhrujuo fee asli aljaheem (64).
It is a tree that comes out in the bottom of the Hell.

Tal-uoha ka-annahuo ru-usuo alshayateen (65).
Indeed its inflorescence are like the heads of the devils.

Fa-innahum la-akeluona menha fa-maleuona menha albutuon (66).
And indeed, They will eat from it, and fill the bellies with it.

Thumma inna lahum alaiyha la-shawban men hameem (67).
Then they will have on top of it, a mixture of boiling water.

Thumma inna marje-ahum la-ela aljaheem (68).
Then indeed, their return will be to the Hell.

Innahum alfaww aba-ahum dalleen (69).
Indeed, they found their fathers astray.

Fa-hum ala atharehim yuhra-uon (70).
So they on their footsteps, they hastened.

Wa laqad dalla qablahum aktharuo alawwaleen (71).
And indeed, most of the former people went astray before them.

Wa laqad arsalna feehim munzereen (72).
And indeed, We had sent warners among them.

Fa-nzur kaiyfa kana aqebatuo almunzareen (73).
So See how was the end of those who were warned.

Ella ebada Allahi almukhlaseen (74).
Except the chosen servants of Allah.

Wa laqad nadana noohun falane'ma almujeebuon (75).
And indeed, Noah called Us, and best are We as Responsives.

Wa najjaiynahuo wa ahlahuo mena alkarbi alazeem (76).
And We saved Him and His family from the great distress.

Wa ja'alna zurreiyyatahuo humuo albaqeen (77).
And We made His progeny are the survivors.
Wa tarakna alaiyhi fee alakhereen (78).
And We left for Him among the later people.

Salamun ala noohin fee al-alameen (79).
Peace be upon Noah among the worlds.

Inna kazaleka najzee almuhseneen (80).
Indeed, We thus reward the good doers.

Innahuo men ebadena almu'meneen (81).
Indeed, He was of Our believing servants.

Thumma aghraqna alakhereen (82).
Then We drowned the others.

Wa inna men she-atehi la-ibrahim (83).
And indeed, from His adherents was Abraham.

Iz ja'a Rabbahu be-qalbin saleem (84).
When He came to His Lord with a sound heart.

Iz qala le-abeehi wa qawmehi maza ta'buduon (85).
When He said to His father and His people what do you worship?.

A-efkan alehatan duona Allahi tureduon (86).
Is it falsehood other than Allah you desire?.

Fama zannukum be-Rabbi al-alameen (87).
Then what is your thought about the Lord of the worlds?.

Fanazara nazratan fee alnujuom (88).
Then He glanced a glance at the stars.

Fa-qala inni saqeem (89).
And then said indeed, I am sick.

Fa-tawallaww anhuo mudbereen (90).
So they turned back from Him, fleeing.

Fa-ragha ela alehatehim fa-qala ala ta'kuluon (91).
So He turned to their gods and said Do you not eat?.

Ma lakum la tantequon (92).
What is with you that you do not speak?.

Fa-ragha alaiyhim darban bel-yameen (93).
Then He turned upon them, striking with the right.

Fa-aqbaluo elaiyhi yazeffuon (94).
Then they came to Him rushing.

Qala a-ta'buduona ma tanhetuon (95).
He said, Do you worship what you carve?.

Wa Allahu khalaqakum wa ma ta'maluon (96).
And Allah has created you and what you make.

Qaluo ebnuo lahuo bunyanan fa-alquhuo fee aljaheem (97).
They said Build for Him a structure and Throw Him into the Hell.

Fa-araduo behi kaiydan faja'alnahumuo al-asfaleen (98).
So they intended against Him a plan, but We made them the lowest.

Wa qala inni zahebun ela Rabbi sayahdeen (99).
And He said, indeed, I am going to My Lord, He will guide Me.

Rabbi hab lee mena alsaleheen (100).
My Lord Grant Me of the righteous.

Fa-bashsharnahuo be-ghulamin haleem (101).
So We gave Him the glad tidings of a forbearing boy.

Fa-lamma balgha ma'ahuo alsa'ya qala ya bunayya inni ara fee almanami anni azbahuka fanzur maza tara qala ya abati ef'al ma tu'maruo sa-tajeduoni in sha-a Allahu mena alsabereen (102).
Then when He reached age of working, He said O My son! I have seen in the dream that I am slaughtering You, so look what You see, He said O My father! Do what you are commanded, You will find Me if Allah wills of the patient ones.

Fa-lamma aslama wa tallahuo lel-jabeen (103).
Then when both of them submitted and He put Him down upon his forehead.

Wa nadaiynahuo an ya Ibrahim (104).
And We called to Him O Abraham!.

Qad saddaqta alru'ya inna kazaleka najzee almuhseneen (105).
Indeed, You have fulfilled the vision, indeed, thus We reward the good doers.

Inna haza la-huwa albalauo almubeen (106).
Indeed, this was the clear trial.

Wa fadaiynahuo be-zebhin azeem (107).
And We ransomed Him with a great sacrifice.

Wa tarakna alaiyhi fee al-akhereen (108).
And We left for Him among the later people.

Salamun ala Ibrahim (109)
Peace be upon Abraham.

Kazaleka najzee almuhseneen (110).
Thus We reward the good doers.

Innahuo men ebadena almu'meneen (111).
Indeed, He was of Our believing servants.

Wa bashsharnahuo be-es-haqa nabiyyan mena alsaleheen (112).
And We gave Him the glad tidings of Isaac, a Prophet from among the righteous.

Wa barakna alaiyhi wa ala es-haqa wa men zurryyatehema muhsenun wa zalemun le-nafsehi mubeen (113).
And We blessed on Him and on Isaac, and among the progeny of both of them, there are the good doer and the clearly unjust to himself.

Wa laqad mannana ala Musa wa Haruon (114).
And indeed, We bestowed favor upon Moses and Aaron.

Wa najjaynahuma wa qawmahuma mena alkarbi alazeem (115).
And We saved both of them and their people from the great distress.

Wa nasrnahum fa-kanuo humuo alghalebeen (116)
And We helped them, so they became the victors.

Wa ataiynahuma alketaba almustabeen (117).
And We gave both of them the manifest book.

Wa hadiynahuma alserata almustaqeem (118).
And We guide both of them to the straight path.

Wa tarakna alaiyhema fee al-akhereen (119).
And We left for both of them among the later people.

Salamun ala Musa wa Haruon (120).
Peace be upon Moses and Aaron.

Inna kazaleka najzee almuhseneen (121).
Indeed thus We reward the good doers. 

Innahuma men ebadena almu'meneen (122).
Indeed both of them were of Our believing servants.

Wa inna Eliasa la-mena almursaleen (123).
And indeed, Elias was of the Messengers.

Iz qala le-qawmehi ala tattaquon (124).
When He said to His people Will you not fear?.

A-tad-uona ba'lan wa tazaruona ahsana alkhaleqeen (125).
Do you call Ba'l and leave the Best of Creators?.

Allaha Rabbakum wa Rabba aba-ekumuo alawwaleen (126).
Allah your Lord and the Lord of your former fathers.

Fa-kazzabuhuo fa-innahum la-muhdaruon (127).
But they denied Him, so indeed, they will be brought.

Ella ebada Allahi almukhlaseen (128).
Except the chosen servants of Allah.

Wa tarakna alaiyhi fee al-akhereen (129).
And We left for Him among the later people.

Salamun ala el yaseen (130).
Peace be upon Elias.

Inna kazaleka najzee almuhseneen (131).
Indeed thus We reward the good doers. 

Innahuo men ebadena almu'meneen (132).
Indeed He was of Our believing servants.

Wa inna lootan la-mena almursaleen (133).
And indeed, Lot was of the Messengers.

Iz najjaynahuo wa ahlahuo ajma-een (134).
When We saved Him and His family, all of them.

Ella ajuzan fee alghabereen (135).
Except an old woman was among those who remain behind.

Thumma dammarna al-akhereen (136).
Then We destroyed the others.

Wa innakum la-tamurruona alaiyhim musbeheen (137).
And you indeed, pass by them in the morning.

Wa bel-laiyli afala ta'qeluon (138).
And at night, then Will you not understand?.

Wa inna yunusa la-mena almursaleen (139).
And indeed, Yunus was of the Messengers.

Iz abaqa ela alfulki almashhuon (140).
When He ran away towards the laden boat.

Fa-sahama fa-kana mena almud-hadeen (141).
Then He draw lots, and was of the losers.

Fal-taqamahuo alhutuo wa huwa muleem (142).
Then the fish swallowed Him while He was blameworthy.

Fa-lawla annahuo kanna mena almusabbeheen (143).
And if not He was of those who glorify.

La-labetha fee batnehi ela yawmi youb'thuon (144).
He would have remained in its belly until the day they are resurrected.

Fa-nabaznahuo bel-ara-ee wa huwa saqeem (145).
Then We cast Him ashore while He was ill.

Wa anbatna alaiyhi shajaratan men yaqteen (146).
And We caused to grow upon Him a tree of gourd. 

Wa arsalnahuo ela me-ati alfin aww yazeeduon (147).
And We had sent Him to a hundred thousand or more.

Fa-amanuo fa-matta'nahum ela heen (148).
And they believed, so We gave them enjoyment for a time. 

Fas-taftehim a-lerabbeka albanatuo wa lahumuo albanuon (149).
So ask them, Does Your Lord have daughters while they have sons?.

Am khalaqna almalaekata enathan wa hum shaheduon (150).
Or did We create the Angels as females while they were witnesses?.

Ala enahum men efkehim la-yaquluon (151).
Unquestionably, they say out of their fabrication. 

Walada Allahu wa innahum la-kazebuon (152).
Allah has begotten, and indeed, they are liars.

Astafa albanati ala albaneen (153).
Has He chosen daughters instead of sons?.

Ma lakum kaiyfa tahkumuon (154).
What is with you, How do you judge?.

A-fala tazakkaruon (155).
Then Will you not be reminded?.

Am lakum sultanun mubeen (156).
Or Do you have a clear authority?.

Fa'tuo be-ketabekum in kuntum sadeqeen (157).
Then Bring your book if you are truthful.

Wa ja'aluo baiynahuo wa baiyna aljennati nasaban wa laqad alemati aljennatuo innahum la-muh-daruon (158).
And they have made between Him and the jinn a lineage, and the Jinn knew that they will be brought.

Subhana Alllahi amma yasefuon (159).
Glory to be Allah above what they describe.

Ella ebada Allahi almukhlaseen (160).
Except the chosen servants of Allah.

Fa-innakum wa ma ta'buduon (161).
So indeed, you and what you worship.

Ma antum alaiyhi be-fateneen (162).
You can not tempt away from Him.

Ella man huwa sali aljaheem (163).
Except he who is to burn in the Hell.

Wa ma menna ella lahuo maqamun ma'luom (164).
And no one among us except that He has a known position.

Wa inna la-nahnuo alssaffuon (165).
And indeed, We are those who line up in rows.

Wa inna la-nahnuo almusabbehuon (166).
And indeed We are those who glorify.

Wa inn kanuo la-yaquluon (167).
And indeed they used to say.

Laww anna endana zekran mena alawwaleen (168).
If we had a reminder from the former people.

La-kunna ebada Allahi almukhlaseen (169).
Certainly we would have been the chosen servants of Allah.

Fa-kafaruo behi fa-sawfa ya'lamuon (170).
But they disbelieved in it, and they will know.

Wa laqad sabaqat kalematuna le-ebadena almursaleen (171).
And indeed Our word has preceded to our servants, the Messengers.

Innahum lahumuo almansuruon (172).
That indeed, they would be the victorious.

Wa inna jundana lahumuo alghalebuon (173).
And indeed, Our soldiers will be those who overcome.

Fa-tawalla anhum hatta heen (174).
So turn away from them until a time.

Wa abserhum fa-sawfa youbseruon (175).
And See them they will see.

Afabe-azabena yast'jeluon (176).
Then Do they hasten Our punishment?.

Fa-iza nazala be-sahatehim fasa-a sabahuo almunzareen (177).
So when it descends in their courtyard, then evil will be the morning of those who were warned.

Wa-tawalla anhum hatta heen (178).
So turn away from them until a time.

Wa abser fa-sawfa youbseruon (179).
And See they will see.

Subahana Rabbeka Rabbi alezzati amma yasefuon (180).
Glory to be Your Lord, the Lord of  Might above what they describe.

Wa salamun ala almursaleen (181).
And peace be upon the Messengers.

Wa alhamduo lellahi Rabbi al-alameen (182).
And the praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds.

Simplified interpretation:

 Surat Alsaffat, like Surat Aljinn, presents two ways to keep the devils away from the Holy Quran, the first way is through the Angels who line up and prevent the devils from reaching it lest they steal anything from the Holy Quran and give it to the soothsayers in order to distort it, and the second is pelting them with meteors from the sky. And Allah Almighty cites the stories of the prophets (Noah, Abraham, Moses, Aaron, Elias, Lot, and Yunus), where most of their people went astray, so Allah destroyed the wrongdoers, saved his chosen servants, and kept a good praise for His Messengers among the later generations, so peace be upon them among all nations, and thus Allah rewarded His Messengers for their obedience and patience over the harm of their people.

 Allah says in the first five verses (1-5) "By those who lined up in rows, then by those who prevent strongly, then those who recite the reminder, Indeed, your Lord is One, the Lord of the heavens and the earth and whatever is between them and the Lord of the risings", that is, Allah swears by the Angels who play three roles in conveying Allah's message to His Messenger Muhammad (PBUH); as the Angels stand in rows, prevent devils from reaching the Holy Quran, and recite the Holy Quran which is a reminder to the whole world, and Allah has shown their role in the last two verses of Surat Aljinn (27,28) saying "Except who He has approved from a Messenger, then indeed, He makes to march before him and behind him a guard, that He may knows that they have conveyed the messages of their Lord, and He has encompassed what is with them, and He has counted all things in number", so there was a guard in front of Gabriel, and a guard behind Him from among the Angels when He conveyed Allah's message to His Messenger Muhammad (PBUH), lest the devils steal anything from the Holy Quran and give it to the soothsayers in order to distort it, and that is Allah's saying about the Holy Quran in Aya (42) of Surat  Fussilat "The falsehood can not come to it from before it nor from behind it, a revelation from All-Wise, Praiseworthy". Thereupon, these oaths come to assure that the Lord of the Angels who has subjected them to convey His message is your Lord, the One who has no partner, thereupon, the Angels are like human; because they are Allah's creation not Allah's daughters as the polytheists claim as it will come later in Ayat (149-154), and He is also the Lord of the heavens and the earth and whatever is between them and the Lord of each point of the risings of the sun of which the hours of day and night are determined throughout the year.   

 Allah says in the next five verses (6-10) "Indeed, We have adorned the lowest sky with an adornment of the stars, and a protection from every rebellious devil, they can not listen to the exalted assembly, and are pelted from every side, expulsion, and for them is a constant punishment, except he who snatches the snatch, a bright flame followed him", that is, Allah has decorated the lowest sky with lamps which are the luminous stars that shine upon the inhabitants of the earth, and it is a protection from every rebellious devil where it filled with severe guards and flames lest they listen to the exalted assembly of the Angels in order to know the news of the sky and this is similar to Aya (12) of Surat Fussilat . So the devils are pelted from every side and they were expelled, therefore, they have been unable to eavesdrop lest they steal anything from the news of the sky and give it to the soothsayers in order to distort, and the severe and constant punishment awaits them in the Hereafter. But as for he who snatches the snatch away by once, a bright flame follow him, and this is similar to Aya (9) of Surat Aljinn "And we used to sit there in position for hearing, but he who listens now will find a flaming fire awaits for him", and as narrated by Abdullah Bin Abbas: "A person from the Ansar who was amongst the companions of Allah's Messenger (PBUH) reported to me: As we were sitting during the night with Allah's Messenger a meteor shot gave a dazzling light, Allah's Messenger said What did you say in the Pre-Islamic days when there was such a shot?, they said Allah and His Messenger know best, but we used to say that a great man had been born and a great man had been died, whereupon, Allah's Messenger said: It is not thrown at the death of anyone nor on the birth of anyone, but when Allah, Almighty, decides something, the Angels, bearers of the throne, glorify, then the dwellers of the heaven who are near to them glorify until the glorification reaches the inhabitants of this lowest sky, then those who are near the bearers of the throne, ask the bearers of the throne: What your Lord has said?, and they accordingly inform them what He says, then some of the dwellers of the heavens ask each other until this information reaches the lowest heaven, then the Jinn snatch the hear and carry it to their allies, and they are pelted with it (meteor), so if they narrate only which they manage to snatch that is correct but they mix it with lies and make addition to it" (Sahih Muslim 2229 a).  

 Allah says in the next five verses (11-15) "Then ask them Are they a stronger creation or those whom We have created, indeed, We created them from a sticky clay, but You wonder while they mock, and when they are reminded, they do not remind, and when they see a sign, they ridicule, and they say this is nothing but a clear magic", that is, Allah commanded His Messenger to ask the polytheists of Quraish if they are a stronger creation or those whom Allah has created such as the heavens, the earth, and the mountains whom Allah stated in Ayat (27-33) of Surat Alnazi'at. Unquestionably the creation of the heavens and the earth is greater than the creation of mankind, but most of people do not know as Allah has stated in Aya (57) of Surat Ghafir. They are a weak creation where they are created from a sticky clay as Allah began the creation of Adam from clay, and He is Able to resurrect them again on the day of resurrection, but they refuse to acknowledge Allah's oneness and deny the resurrection, and this led Allah's Messenger to astonish their affair while they mock what He says, and when they are reminded with Allah's proofs and arguments, they do not remind, and when Allah shows them a sign that indicates His great power and His ability to do whatever He wills, they ridicule it and accuse Allah's Messenger with magic and say it is nothing but a clear magic.   

 Allah says in the next six verses (16-21) "Is it that when we die and become dust and bones, indeed, Shall we be resurrected?, and also our former fathers, Say, yes, and you will be humiliated, so it will be a single shout, so behold! They will look around, and they will say O woe to us! this is the day of Judgment, this is the day of judgment which you used to deny", that is, the polytheists of Quraish denied the resurrection and ruled out that Allah will revive them and their former fathers after they had turned into bones and dust, and this is similar of Ayat (47,48) of Surat Alwaqi'ah, thereupon, Allah commanded His Messenger to assure them that they will be resurrected and then you will be humiliated, so it will be a single shout which is the blowing of the resurrection from the graves, so the dead will stand up, looking at the horrors of the day of resurrection, and waiting for the reckoning, and then they will realize that what they used to deny has come true before their eyes, whereupon they will blame themselves and say "O woe to us! this is the day of Judgment", so it will be said to them as a reprimand "This is the day of judgment which you used to deny".

 Allah says in the next five verses (22-26) "Gather those who wronged and their kinds and what they used to worship, besides Allah, then Guide them to the path of the Hell, and stop them, indeed, they are to be questioned, What is with you that you do not help one another, but they on that day are surrendering", that is, Allah will command the Angels on the day of resurrection to gather those who wronged themselves by disbelief and denying the resurrection and their likeness who were on their footsteps in the worldly life, and the idols whom they worship besides Allah, to lead them to the path of Hellfire, and to stop them where they are to be questioned about their deeds in the worldly life, and it will be said to them as a reprimand What is with you that you do not help each other from Allah's punishment, surely, they can not help each other, rather they are surrendering and submissive to Allah's judgment. 

 Allah says in the next eight verses (27-34) "And some of them will approach others, asking one another, they will say, indeed, you used to come at us from the right, they will say, but you were not believers, and we had no authority over you, but you were a transgressing people, so the word of our Lord has come true upon us, indeed, we will taste, so we led you astray, indeed, we were astray, then indeed, that day, they will be sharers in the punishment, indeed, thus We deal with the criminals", that is, some of the companions of Hellfire will approach each others, questioning one another where they will quarrel with each other and will curse each other for the quarreling of the people of Hellfire is truth as Allah has stated in Aya (64) of Surat Sad, so the followers will say to their leaders that they used to come to them from the right, and the right is a metaphor of their power, so they led them astray from the path of guidance, but the leaders will disavow them and will say to them it is not as you claim, but your were not believers as your hearts were denying faith and liable to disbelief and disobedience, and we had no authority over you, but you were a transgressing people so you responded to us and turned away from the truth that the Prophet came to you with, and the leaders will say to their followers that Allah's word has come true upon them, and they will taste the punishment of Hellfire, and they will confess that they called them to misguidance and what they are in, as they were also astray, so they responded to them and followed their footsteps, so Allah confirms that they will all in Hellfire where the leaders and the followers will be sharers in the punishment, and thus Allah deals with the polytheists where He will make them taste the painful punishment and will gather them and their companions in Hellfire.   

 Allah says in the next six verses (35-40) "Indeed, they when it was said to them there is no God but Allah, were arrogant, and they say, Are we to leave our gods for a poet, a madman, but He has come with the truth and confirmed the Messengers, indeed, you will taste the painful torment, and you will not be recompensed except for what you used to do, except the chosen servants of Allah", that is, the criminals deserved the painful punishment; because when it was said to them in the worldly life that there is no God but Allah, they were arrogant to accept Allah's oneness, and to abandon their idols, and and they said Are we to leave our gods and follow a poet and a madman, so Allah acquitted His Messenger from what they accused Him of, and said that He has come with the truth and confirmed the Messengers who were before Him, and Allah threatens them that they will taste the painful torment, and they will not be recompensed except for they used to do in the worldly life of polytheism and denying the Messengers, except the chosen servants of Allah; as they will not taste the painful torment for they sincerely worshiped Allah, and believed in Him, His Messengers and His books. 

 Allah describes the bliss that His chosen servants will find in Paradise in the next nine verses (41-49) "Those for them a known provision,fruits and they will be honored, in the gardens of the bliss, on thrones, facing each other, will be circulated among them a cup from a flowing spring, white, delicious for the drinkers, there is no bad effect therein, nor will they be intoxicated with it, and with them the companions of modest gaze, having beautiful eyes, as if they were eggs, well protected", that is, Allah's servants will have a known sustenance in Paradise, where they will have fruits of various types and shapes, they will be blessed and honored in the gardens of the bliss, they will recline on thrones, they will face each other and they do not see each other's back, they will circulated with a cup of wine from a flowing spring, which is white, pure, and delicious for the drinkers and it is not like the wine of the worldly life; because it carries all pleasure and does not cause a headache or intoxication, and they will have chaste women who do not look at anyone but their husbands, and they have beautiful and big eyes as if they were like a well protected eggs because of their purity and whiteness.

 Allah says in the next twelve verses (50-61) "Then some of them will approach others, asking one another, a speaker among them will say, indeed, I had a companion, who used to say, indeed, Are you of those who believe, Is it that when we die and become dust and bones, indeed, Shall we be recompensed, he will say, would you look?, and he will look, then he will see him in the midst of the Hell, he will say, By Allah! indeed, you were about to perish me, and if not the favor of my Lord, I would have been among those brought in, then Are we not to die, except our first death nor are we going to be punished?, Indeed, this is the great success, for the like of this let the workers work", that is, some of the companions of Paradise will approach others, and will ask one another about their conditions in the worldly life, so a speaker among them will say that he had a companion in the worldly life who used to say Are you of those who believe in resurrection and reckoning, and he said as a kind of denial Is it that when we die and become dust and bones, we will be recompensed for our deeds, and then the companion of Paradise will say to his comrades Would you look?, and he will look then he will see that denier in the midst of the Hellfire, and the believer will say to him By Allah! you were to ruin me if I had obeyed you, and if not the favor of my Lord, I would have been like you in the midst of Hellfire, and I would have been of those who brought for reckoning, but Allah graced me and guided me to His path. The eternal bliss is incredible for him so he will say out of his happiness Are we not to die except our first death in the worldly life, nor are we going to be punished?, so he will say that the eternity in Paradise where there will be no death or punishment is the great success, so for the like of this bliss let the doers do righteous deeds in the worldly life to attain it in the Hereafter. 

 Allah says in the next seven verses (62-68) "Is that a better as hospitality or the tree of Alzaqquom, indeed, We have made it a trial for the wrongdoers, It is a tree that comes out in the bottom of the Hell, Indeed its inflorescence are like the heads of the devils, and indeed, they will eat from it, and fill the bellies with it, then they will have on top of it, a mixture of boiling water, then indeed, their return will be to the Hell", that is, Allah has made a comparison between the hospitality of the companions of Paradise and what it contains of food and drink as mentioned above, and said Is that hospitality better or the hospitality of the companions of Hellfire, as they will eat from the tree of Alzaqquom which Allah has made it a trial for the wrongdoers and the deniers of the resurrection; Because they do not believe that trees grow in Hellfire, while the fire burns the trees, thereupon, Allah affirms that Alzaqquom is a tree grows in the bottom of Hellfire, and its emerging fruits are like the heads of devils, so they will eat from it and will fill their bellies with it, and they will drink boiling water over Alzaqquom, and as narrated Ibn Abbas "Allah's Messenger said: If a drop of Alzaqquom were to drip into the abode of the world, it would spoil the peoples' livelihood, so how about someone for whom it is his food", then indeed, their return will be to the Hellfire; for sometimes they will tortured in that fire and other times by drinking from hot boiling water as Allah has stated in Surat Alrahman Aya (44).

 Allah says in the next six verses (69-74) ''Indeed, they found their fathers astray, so they on their footsteps, they hastened, and indeed, most of the former people went astray before them, And indeed, We had sent warners among them, so See how was the end of those who were warned, except the chosen servants of Allah", that is, the companions of Hellfire deserved this hospitality because they found their fathers astray and they walked swiftly on their footsteps without evidence or proof, then Allah confirms that most of the former people went astray before the infidels of Quraish, although He has sent His Messengers among them, warning them Allah's punishment and vengeance against those who disbelieved in Him and worshipped others, yet they persisted on their disbelief and opposed their Messengers, so Allah has destroyed them, except the chosen servants of Allah; as they will not taste the painful torment for they sincerely worshipped Allah, and believed in Him, His Messengers and His books. 

 Allah cites the story of the Prophet Noah and His people in the next eight verses (75-82) ''And indeed, Noah called Us, and best are We as Responsives, and We saved Him and His family from the great distress, and We made His progeny are the survivors, and We left for Him among the later people, peace be upon Noah among the worlds, indeed, We thus reward the good doers, indeed, He was of Our believing servants, then We drowned the others", that is, Allah shows how He saved His chosen servants and destroyed the disbelievers, where the people of the Prophet Noah denied Him and accused His with madness, so He called Allah that His people overpowered Him, and He have no power over them, and called Him to defeat them with punishment for their disbelief and arrogance as mentioned in Surat Alqamar Ayat (9-15), so Allah responded to Him where He is the best of responders, and He saved Noah and His family from the harm of His people and from the drowning, so Noah and His descendants are the ones who remained on the earth after the destruction of His people, and Allah kept a good praise for Him among the later generations, so peace be upon Noah among all nations, and thus Allah rewarded Noah for His obedience and patience over the harm of His people and He was of the believers, and then Allah drowned His people in the flood. 

 Allah says in the next eight verses (83-90) ''And indeed, from His adherents was Abraham, when He came to His Lord with a sound heart, when He said to His father and His people what do you worship?, Is it falsehood other than Allah you desire?, then what is your thought about the Lord of the worlds?, then He glanced a glance at the stars, and then said indeed, I am sick, so they turned back from Him, fleeing", that is, The Prophet Abraham was of the adherents of the Prophet Noah as He was on the same religion, and He came to His Lord with a sincere and believing heart, when He denied the worship of false idols besides Allah, where He said to His father and His people "What do you worship, Is it falsehood other than Allah you desire?", and What do you think about the Lord of the worlds if you meet Him while you worship others with Him?, then He looked at the stars in order to delude them that he is sick, then He told them that He is sick while He is not, and then they turned away from Him, running away lest His disease would be transmitted to them.

 Allah's Messenger (PBUH) said in narration of Abu Hurayrah: "The Prophet Abraham, peace be upon Him, never told a lie but only thrice, two times for the sake of Allah, His saying "I am sick,  Aya (89) of the current Surah", and His saying "But this, the largest of them did it Aya (63) of Surat Alanbiyaa", and because of Sara (His wife), He had come in a land inhabited by haughty and cruel men along with Sara, she was very good-looking amongst the people, so He said to her if these people were to know that you are My wife, they would snatch you away from Me, so if they ask you tell them that you are My sister and in fact you are My sister in Islam, and I do not know of any other Muslim in this land besides I and you, and when they entered that land the tyrants came to see her and said to Him (the king) there comes to your land a woman whom you alone deserve to possess, so he sent someone and she was brought to him, and Abraham stood in prayer, when she visited him, he could not control himself and extended his hand towards her and his hand was tied up, he said Supplicate to Allah so that He may release my hand and I will not harm you, she did that and the man repeated his action, and his hand was again tied up more tightly than on the first occasion, he said the same thing to her again, and she again did that, but he repeated his action, and his hand were tied up more tightly than on the previous occasion, he then again said Supplicate Allah so that He may set my hand free, by Allah I shall do no harm to you, she did and his hand was freed, then he called the person who had brought her and said to him you have brought to me the Satan and you have not brought to me a human being, so turn them out from my land, and he gave Hajar as a gift to her, she returned and when Abraham  peace be upon Him saw her, He said How have you returned?, she said with full safety, Allah held the hand of that debauch and he gave me a maid-servant", Abu Hurayrah said O sons of the rain of the sky, she is your mother" (Sahih Muslim 2371).

 Allah says in the next eight verses (91-98) ''So He turned to their gods and said Do you not eat?, What is with you that you do not speak?, then He turned upon them, striking with the right, then they came to Him rushing, He said, Do you worship what you carve?, and Allah has created you and what you make, they said Build for Him a structure and Throw Him into the Hell, So they intended against Him a plan, but We made them the lowest", that is, after the people of Abraham turned back from Him, He went to their idols and ask them, as a kind of mockery, "Do you not eat?, What is with you that you do not speak?", then Abraham turned upon their idols, striking them with His right hand, so He made them into fragments, except a large one among them so that they return to Him as Allah has stated in Surat Alanbiyaa Aya (58), and when they hastened to Him, He said to them, Do you worship besides Allah what you carve and make with your own hands, while Allah has created you and what you make of idols whether they are made of wood, stones, or anything else, then as mentioned in Ayat (62,63) of Surat Alanbiyaa "They said Have you done this to our gods O Abraham!?, He said Rather, this the largest of them has done it, so ask them, if they speak", and when they were sure that Abraham had destroyed their idols, they said "Build for Him a structure and Throw Him into the Hell", they intended to Him a harm but Allah saved Him and made them the greatest losers where Allah said to the fire "O fire! Be coolness and safety upon Abraham". 

 Allah says in the next fifteen verses (99-113) "And He said, indeed, I am going to My Lord, He will guide Me, My Lord Grant Me of the righteous, so We gave Him the glad tidings of a forbearing boy, then when He reached age of working, He said O My son! I have seen in the dream that I am slaughtering You, so look what You see, He said O My father! Do what you are commanded, You will find Me if Allah wills of the patient ones, then when both of them submitted and He put Him down upon his forehead, and We called to Him O Abraham!, indeed, You have fulfilled the vision, indeed, thus We reward the good doers, indeed, this was the clear trial, and We ransomed Him with a great sacrifice, and We left for Him among the later people, Peace be upon Abraham, thus We reward the good doers, indeed, He was of Our believing servants, and We gave Him the glad tidings of Isaac, a Prophet from among the righteous, and We blessed on Him and on Isaac, and among the progeny of both of them, there are the good doer and the clearly unjust to himself", that is, after Allah helped the Prophet Abraham against His people, and when He despaired of their faith after seeing Allah's signs, He left them and emigrated to another place, and He said to them "I am going to My Lord, He will guide Me", then He asked Allah to grant Him a righteous boy, so Allah answered His supplication and gave Him the glad tidings of Ishmael from His wife Hajar, and He was a forbearing boy where when He was old enough to work with His father Abraham, His father told Him that He saw in a dream that He sacrificing Him, and He asked Him to give His opinion about that dream, then Ishmael said to His father "Do what you are commanded, You will find Me if Allah wills of the patient ones".

 So when Abraham and His son Ishmael submitted to Allah's command, and Abraham put His son down upon His forehead in order to sacrifice Him, Allah called Abraham and said to Him You has fulfilled the dream, and thus Allah reward the good doers, where Allah turn adversity away from those who obey Him and make relief for them, and that was a great trial for Abraham and His son, so because they were obedient to Allah, He ransomed Ishmael with a great sacrifice to be slaughtered instead of Him, and Allah kept a good praise for Abraham among the later generations, so peace be upon Abraham among all nations, and thus Allah rewarded Abraham for His obedience and patience over the harm of His people and He was of the believers. Then Allah gave Him the glad tidings of Isaac from His wife Sarah, and He will be a Prophet from among the righteous, and Allah blessed Abraham and Isaac, and among the progeny of both of them, there are the good doer who obeys Allah and submits to Him alone and the clearly unjust to himself who disobeys Allah and turns away from His path.

 Allah says in the next nine verses (114-122) "And indeed, We bestowed favor upon Moses and Aaron, and We saved both of them and their people from the great distress, and We helped them, so they became the victors, and We gave both of them the manifest book, and We guide both of them to the straight path, and We left for both of them among the later people, Peace be upon Moses and Aaron, indeed thus We reward the good doers, indeed both of them were of Our believing servants", that is, Allah has conferred His favor upon the Prophet Moses and His brother Aaron, where Allah has bestowed the prophecy upon Moses and Aaron, and saved them and those who believed with them from the oppression of Pharaoh and his people and from drowning in the sea, and Allah helped them and made them victorious over them, and then they took their land, their money, and what they accumulated all their lives, then Allah sent down upon Moses and Aaron the clear and manifest book, which is Torah, and He guided both of them to the straight path, and Allah kept a good praise for Moses and Aaron among the later generations, so peace be upon Moses and Aaron among all nations, and thus Allah rewarded Moses and Aaron for their obedience and patience over the harm of their people and both of them were of the believers.

 Allah says in the next ten verses (123-132) ''And indeed, Elias was of the Messengers, when He said to His people Will you not fear?, Do you call Ba'l and leave the Best of Creators?, Allah your Lord and the Lord of your former fathers, but they denied Him, so indeed, they will be brought, except the chosen servants of Allah, and We left for Him among the later people, Peace be upon Elias, indeed thus We reward the good doers, indeed He was of Our believing servants", that is, Allah cites the story of the Prophet Elias, when He said to His people Do you not fear Allah that you worship other than Him?, Do you worship an idol (Ba'l) and forsake Allah who is the Best of Creators, and He alone is worthy of worship with no partner as He is your Lord and the Lord of your former fathers, but they denied Him and disbelieved in Allah, so Allah threatens them that they will be brought for reckoning on the day of resurrection, and they will taste the painful torment, except the chosen servants of Allah; as they will not taste the painful torment for they sincerely worshiped Allah, and believed in Him, His Messengers and His books, and Allah kept a good praise for Elias among the later generations, so peace be upon Elias among all nations, and thus Allah rewarded Elias for His obedience and patience and He was of the believers.

 Allah says in the next six verses (133-138) ''And indeed, Lot was of the Messengers, when We saved Him and His family, all of them, except an old woman was among those who remain behind, then We destroyed the others, and you indeed, pass by them in the morning, and at night, then Will you not understand?", that is, Allah cites the story of the Prophet Lot, where He was of the Messengers, and His people denied Him and practiced sodomy, which is an indecency that no one from the worlds had ever done before them as mentioned in Surat Ala'araf Ayat (80-84), so Allah saved Him and His family (His two daughters) while His wife was of those who remained behind because she betrayed the Prophet Lot by not believing and cooperating with His people against Him as mentioned in Aya (10) of Surat Altahrim, then Allah ordered the Angels to send upon them stones of hard clay which is marked with Allah for the transgressors as mentioned in Surat Aldhariyat Ayat (31-34). Then Allah addresses the infidels of Quraish and says that they pass by the tracks of the people of the Prophet Lot in the morning and at night, so Will you not reflect on the end of the transgressors lest what happened to them will befall you.

 Allah cites the story of the Prophet Yunus in the next ten verses (139-148) ''And indeed, Yunus was of the Messengers, when He ran away towards the laden boat, then He draw lots, and was of the losers, then the fish swallowed Him while He was blameworthy, and if not He was of those who glorify, He would have remained in its belly until the day they are resurrected, then We cast Him ashore while He was ill, and We caused to grow upon Him a tree of gourd, and We had sent Him to a hundred thousand or more, and they believed, so We gave them enjoyment for a time", that is, Yunus (Jonah) was of the Messengers, and Allah's Messenger said in narration of Abu Hurayrah: "He who says that I am better than Yunus bin Matta, tells a lie", and in narration of Abdullah He said: "nobody has the right to be better than bin Matta". Yunus fled to the laden boat, then the boat was manipulated by the waves from every side, and they were about to be sink, so they made a lottery, and whoever the lot falls on will be thrown on the sea in order to lighten the ship load, so the lot fell on the Prophet Yunus, and then the fish swallowed Him while He was blameworthy as He left His people and fled to the sea, and if not He was of those who glorify, He would have remained in the belly of the fish until the day of resurrection, but as Allah has stated in Ayat (87,88) of Surat Alanbiyaa ''And He called out within the darknesses, there is no god but You, glory to be You, indeed, I have been of the wrongdoers, so We responded to Him and saved Him from the distress, and thus do We save the believers", thereupon, Allah commanded the fish to throw Him on the shore while He was sick, and then Allah caused a tree of pumpkin to grow over Him, and then Allah had sent Him to a hundred thousand or more and they believed in Allah, so He gave them enjoyment until the end of their lives, and Allah has made an exception for the people of Yunus from among other nations whose their faith did not benefit them after the torment descended on them as mentioned in Aya (98) of Surat Yunus "So Why was there not a town that believed so its faith benefited it except the people of Jonah?, when they believed, We removed from them the punishment of disgrace in the worldly life, and gave them enjoyment for a time".

 Allah says in the next nine verses (149-157) "So ask them, Does Your Lord have daughters while they have sons?, Or did We create the Angels as females while they were witnesses?, unquestionably, they say out of their fabrication, Allah has begotten, and indeed, they are liars, Has He chosen daughters instead of sons?, What is with you, How do you judge?, then will you not be reminded?, Or Do you have a clear authority?, then Bring your book if you are truthful", that is, Allah commanded His Messenger to ask the polytheists of Quraish, as a denunciation, Does Allah has daughters while they have sons?, where they have attributed daughters to Allah and have chosen sons for themselves. They do not accept girls for themselves and when one of them is given good tidings of girls that he attributed to Allah, his face becomes black and he filled with grief of the ill of which he has been informed as mentioned in Aya (17) of Surat Alzukhruf, then Allah denounces again How did they judge that the Angels are females while they did not witness their creation and this is similar to Aya (19) of Surat Alzukhruf "And they have made the Angels who are servants of the Most Gracious, females, did they witness their creation, their testimony will be recorded, and they will be questioned", unquestionably, they say out of their fabrication that Allah has begotten, and indeed, they are extremely liars in their saying that Allah Has a son and the Angels are females, so Allah says "Has He chosen daughters instead of sons?, What is with you, How you judge?, then will you not be reminded and reflect on what makes Him choose the girls over son?, and what is with them and How they judge, Do they not have minds reflecting on what they say, or Do they have a clear argument for what they claim, if so, let them bring their book that proves what they claim if they are truthful". 

 Allah says in the next six verses (158-163) "And they have made between Him and the jinn a lineage, and the Jinn knew that they will be brought, Glory to be Allah above what they describe, except the chosen servants of AllahSo indeed, you and what you worship, you can not tempt away from Him, except he who is to burn in the Hell", that is, the infidels have made between Allah and the Jinn a lineage when they claimed that Allah has a son, where it is necessary to have a lineage and intermarriage in order to have a child, and the Jinn knew that those who attribute that lineage will be brought to the painful punishment on the day of resurrection; because of their lie and fabrication without knowledge, so Allah absolves Himself from having a son and says ''Glory to be Allah above what they describe", except the chosen servants of Allah; as they will not taste the painful torment for they sincerely worshiped Allah, and believed in Him, His Messengers and His books. Then Allah addresses the Infidels of Quraish and says that them and the idols they worship will not be able to mislead others away from the way of Allah except he who is to burn in the Hellfire for he is like them or more astray than them.  

 Allah says in the next seven verses (164-170) "And no one among us except that He has a known position, and indeed, We are those who line up in rows, and indeed We are those who glorify, and indeed they used to say, If we had a reminder from the former people, certainly we would have been the chosen servants of Allah, but they disbelieved in it, and they will know", that is, the Angels disavow the infidels' claim that they are the daughters of Allah, and say that no one among them except that He has a known place of worship, and they are those who line up in rows for worship where as narrated by Jabir Bin Sumurah: "The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) came out to us and said: Will you not form rows as the Angels form rows before their Lord?, they said: How do the Angels form rows before their Lord?, He said they complete the first row and fill the gaps in the rows", and He said in narration of Anas "Complete the first row, then the one behind it, and if any row is to be left incomplete let it be the last row", then the Angels say that they stand in rows to glorify Allah for they are the servants of Allah, not are His daughters as the polytheists claim. The polytheists wished before the message of Muhammad if they had a reminder of the former generation or a book from Allah, so they would have been the chosen servants of Allah, but when Allah sent His Messenger to them, they disbelieved and turned away from Him, so Allah threatens them that they will know the consequence of their disbelief and arrogance.

 Allah says in the next nine verses (171-179) "And indeed Our word has preceded to our servants, the Messengers, that indeed, they would be the victorious, and indeed, Our soldiers will be those who overcome, so turn away from them until a time, and See them they will see, then Do they hasten Our punishment?, So when it descends in their courtyard, then evil will be the morning of those who were warned, So turn away from them until a time, and See they will see", that is, the word of Allah has preceded to His Messengers that the victory will be to them and the believers in the worldly life and in the Hereafter as shown above in the stories of the Messengers and how Allah destroyed the disbelievers and saved the believers and this is similar to Aya (51) of Surat Ghafir "Indeed, We will help Our Messengers and those who believe in the worldly life, and the day when the witnesses will stand", thereupon, Allah commanded His Messenger to be patient, to turn away from them until a while and to wait for the torment that will befall them and they will see it present before their eyes, they hasten Allah's punishment out of their denial and ruling out its occurrence, so Allah threatens them that if the punishment befalls their courtyard, their morning will be evil; because it will carry a bad tidings of their destruction, and as narrated by Anas: ''When the Messenger of Allah set out for Khaibar, He approached it at night and when He came to A people during the night, He would not attack them until morning, so when the morning came, the Jews came out with their shovels and baskets, then when they saw Him, they said Muhammad! By Allah Muhammad has come with the khamis (an army), so the Messenger of Allah said ''Allahu Akbar! (Allah is the Greatest), Khaibar is destroyed, for whenever We approach the land of people, then evil will be the morning of those who were warned". Then Allah commanded His Messenger again to turn away from them until a while, and to wait for the torment that will befall them and they will see it present before their eyes. 

 Allah says in the last three verses (180-182) "Glory to be Your Lord, the Lord of  Might above what they describe, and peace be upon the Messengers, and the praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds", that is, Allah exalts and sanctifies Himself from all evils and from what the polytheists claim, where He is the possessor of Might, and as mentioned in Aya (101) of Surat Alana'am "He is the Originator of the heavens and the earth, How could He have a son when He does not have a companion and He created all thing and He is All-Knower of everything", then Allah praises His Messengers who obeyed Him and conveyed His message to His servants, so peace be upon them in the worldly life and in the Hereafter, and the praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Jinn and mankind, and the Lord of the worldly life and the Hereafter; because every blessing is from Him alone, so all praise is to Him alone with no partner.

No one Knows its interpretation except Allah

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