19- Surat Maryam

98 Verses Meccan (revealed in Mecca)

A'auzu Bellahi mena alshaiytani alrajeem

I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed Satan

Besmi Ellahi Alrhmani Alraheem

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

Kaf ha ya ayeen sad (1).
Kaf Haa Yaa Ayeen Sad.

Zekrruo rahmati Rabbeka abdahuo zakariyya (2).
A mention of the mercy of Your Lord to His servant Zechariah. 

Iz nada Rabbahu neda-an khafiyya (3).
When He called His Lord a hidden call.

Qala Rabbi inni wahana alazmuo menni washta'ala alra'suo shaiyban wa lam akun be-dua-eka Rabbi shaqiyya (4).
He said My Lord, indeed, My bones have weakened, and My head has flared with gray, and never have I been in My supplication to You, My Lord, unhappy.

Wa inni kheftuo almawaleiya men wara-e wa kanati emra-ati aqeran fa-hab lee men ladunka waliyya (5).
And indeed, I fear the successors after Me, and My wife was barren, so Give Me from Yourself an heir.

Yarethuoni wa yarethuo men ali ya'quoba waja'lhuo Rabbi radiyya (6).
Who will inherit Me and inherit from the family of Jacob, and Make him My lord, pleasing.

Ya-zakariyya inna nubashsheruka be-ghulamin esmuhuo Yahya lam naj'al lahuo men qabluo samiyya (7).
O Zechariah, indeed, We give you the glad tidings of a boy whose name will be John, We have not assigned to any before this name. 

Qala Rabbi anna yakunuo lee ghulamun wa kanati emra-ati aqeran wa qad balaghtuo mena alkebari etiyya (8).
He said My Lord How can  I have a boy when My wife was barren, and indeed, I have reached anextreme old age?.

Qala kazaleka qala Rabbuka huwa alaiyya hayyinun wa qad khalaqtuka men qabluo wa lam taku shaiy-a (9).
He said thus Your Lord said, it is easy for Me, and indeed, I have created you before while You were nothing. 

Qala rabbi ej'al lee ayatan qala ayatuka alla tukallema alnasa thalatha layalin sawiyya (10).
He said My Lord Make for Me a sign, He said Your sign is that you will not speak to the people for three nights, being sound.

Fa-kharaja ala qawmehi mena almehrabi fa-awha elaiyhim an sabbehuo bukratan wa ashiyya (11)
Then He came out to His people from the place of prayer, and He signaled to them that Glorify at morning and at evening.

Ya-Yahya khuzi elketaba be-quwwatin wa ataiynahuo alhukma sabiyya (12).
O John! Take the book with strength, and We gave Him wisdom a boy.

Wa hananan men ladunna wa zakatan wa kana taqiyya (13).
And affection from Us, and purity, and He was pious.

Wa barran be-waledaiyhi wa lam yakun jabbaran asiyya (14).
And dutiful to His parents, and He was not a disobedient tyrant.

Wa salamun alaiyhi yawma wuleda wa yawma yamutuo wa yawma yuob'thuo hayya (15).
And peace be upon Him the day He was born, and the day He dies and the day He will be raised alive.

Wa-zkur fee alketabi Maryama izi entabazat men ahleha makanan sharqiyya (16).
And mention in the book Mary, when She withdrew from Her family to an eastern place.

Fa-ttakhazat men duonehim hejaban fa-arsalna elaiyha ruhana fa-tamaththala laha basharan sawiyya (17).
Then She took a barrier from them, then We sent Our Spirit to Her, then He represented himself to her the likeness of a well-proportioned man.

Qalat inni a-auzuo bel-rahmani menka in kunta taqiyya (18).
She said I seek refuge in the Most Gracious from you, if you are pious.

Qala innama ana rasuluo rabbeki le-ahaba laki ghulaman zakiyya (19).
He said I am only the Messenger of Your Lord to give You a pure boy.

Qalat anna yakunuo lee ghulamun wa lam yamsasni basharun wa lam aku baghiyya (20).
She said How can I have a boy while no human has touched Me and I have not been unchaste?.

Qala kazaleki qala Rabbuki huwa alaiyya hayyinun wa lenj'alahuo ayatan lel-nasi wa rahmatan menna wa kana amran maqdiyya (21).
He said thus Your Lord said, it is easy for Me and so that We will make Him a sign to the people and a mercy from us, and it is a matter decreed.

Fa-hamalt-huo fantabazat behi makanan qasiyya (22)
So She conceived Him, and She withdrew with Him to a remote place.

Fa-aja-aha almakhaduo ela jez-e alnakhlati qalat ya-laiytani mettuo qabla haza wa kuntuo nasiyyan mansiyya (23).
And the travail pains drove Her to the trunk of a palm tree, She said O I wish I had died before this, and I was something forgotten. 

Fa-nadaha men tahteha alla tahzani qad ja'ala Rabbuki tahtaki sariyya (24).
So He called Her from beneath Her that Do not grieve, indeed, You Lord had placed a stream beneath You.

Wa huzzi elaiyki be-jez-e alnakhlati tusaqet alaiyki rutaban janiyya (25).
And Shake the trunk of the palm tree towards you, it will drop upon You ripe fresh dates.

Fa-kuli wa-shrabi wa-qarri aynan fa-imma tarayinna mena albashari ahadan fa-quli inni nazartuo lel-rahmani sawman fa-lan aukallema alyawma insiyya (26).
So Eat and Drink and Cool Your eyes, and if You see anyone from humanity, Say indeed, I have vowed a fast to the Most Gracious, so I will not speak today to any human being.

Fa-atat behi qawmaha tahmeluhuo qaluo ya-maryamu la-qad je'ti shaiy-an fariyya (27).
Then She brought Him to Her people, carrying Him, they said, O Mary You have come with a something grave.

Ya-aukhta Haruona ma kana abuki emra-a saw-in wa ma kant aummuki baghiyya (28).
O sister of Aaron! Your father was not a man of evil nor was Your mother unchaste.

Fa-asharat elaiyhi qaluo kaiyfa nukallemuo man kana fee almahdi sabiyya (29).
So She pointed to Him, they said How can we speak to one who is in the cradle a child?.

Qala inni abduo Allahi ataniya alketaba wa ja'alani nabiyya (30).
He said indeed, I am the servant of Allah, He has given Me the book and made Me a Prophet.

Wa ja'alani mubarakan aiyna ma kuntuo wa awsani bel-salati wa alzakati ma dumtuo hayya (31).
And He has made Me blessed wherever I am, and has enjoined upon Me the prayer and the Zakah as long as I am alive. 

Wa barran be-waledati wa lam yaj'alni jabbaran shaqiyya (32).
And dutiful to My mother, and He has not made Me a disobedient tyrant.

Wa alsalamuo alaiyya yawma wuledtuo wa yawma amutuo wa yawma aub-athuo hayya (33).
And peace be upon Me the day I was born and the day I shall die and the day I will be raised alive.

Zaleka isa ebnuo Maryama qawla alhaqqi allazi feehi yamtaruon (34).
That is Jesus, the son of Mary, the word of truth about which they are in doubt.

Ma kana lellahi an yattakheza men waladin subhanahuo iza qada amran fa-innama yaquluo lahuo kun fa-yakuon (35).
It is not for Allah to take a son, Glory to be Him! When He decrees a matter, He only says to it Be, and it comes to be.

Wa inna Allaha Rabbi wa Rabbukum fa'buduhuo haza seratun mustaqeem (36).
And indeed, Allah is My Lord and your Lord, so Worship Him, this is a straight path.

Fa-khtalafa alahzabuo men baiynehim fa-waiylun le-llazina kafaruo men mashhadi yawmin azeem (37).
Then the Factions differed from among them, so woe to those who disbelieved from the scene of a great day.

Asmi' behim wa abser yawma ya'tunana lakeni alzalemuona alyawma fee dalalin mubeen (38)
How will they hear and How will they see the day when they will come to Us, but the wrongdoers are today in a clear error.

Wa anzerhum yawma alhasrati iz qudeya alamruo wa hum fee ghaflatin wa hum la you'menuon (39).
And Warn them the day of Alhasrah when the matter has been decided, and they are in heedlessness and they do not believe. 

Inna nahnuo narethuo alarda wa man alaiyha wa elaiyna yourja-uon (40).
Indeed, it is We who will inherit the earth and whoever is on it, and to Us they will be returned.

Wa-zkur fee alketabi Ibrahima innahuo kana seddiqan nabiyya (41).
And mention in the book Abraham, indeed, He was a man of truth, a Prophet.

Iz qala le-abehi ya-abati lema ta'buduo ma la yasma-uo wa la yubseruo wa la youghni anka shaiy-a (42).
When He said to His father O My father! Why do you worship what does not hear and does not see, and does not avail anything from you.

Ya-abati inni qad ja-ani mena al-elmi ma lam ya'teka fattabe'ni ahdeka seratan sawiyya (43).
O My father! Indeed, there has come to Me of knowledge that has not come to you, so Follow Me, I will guide you to a straight path.

Ya-abati la ta'budi alshaiytana inna alshaiytana kana lel-rahmani asiyya (44).
O My father! Do not worship Satan, indeed, Satan has been to the Most Gracious, disobedient.

Ya-abati inni akhafuo an yamassaka azabun mena alrahmani fa-takuna lel-shaiytani waliyya (45).
O My father! Indeed, I fear that there will touch you a punishment from the Most Gracious, so you would be a companion of Satan.

Qala araghebun anta an alehati ya-ibrahimu la-in lam tantahi la-arjumannaka wa-hjurni maliyya (46).
He said Do You hate my gods O Abraham! If You do not desist, I will surely stone You, so leave me for a prolonged time.

Qala salamun alaiyka sa-astaghfiruo laka Rabbi innahuo kana bi hafiyya (47).
He said peace be upon you, I will ask forgiveness for you from My Lord, indeed, He is Gracious to Me.

Wa-a'atazelukum wa ma taduona men duoni ellahi wa-ad-uo Rabbi asa alla akuna bedu-a-e Rabbi shaqiyya (48).
And I will leave you and what you invoke besides Allah, and I will invoke My Lord, I expect that I will not be in invocation to My Lord unhappy. 

Fa-lamma e'tazalahum wa ma ya'buduona men duoni ellahi wahabna lahuo Ishaqa wa ya'quoba wa kullan ja'alna nabiyya (49).
So when He had left them and what they worshipped besides Allah, We granted Him Isaac and Jacob, and each We made a Prophet.

Wa wahabna lahum men rahmatena wa ja'alna lahum lesana sedqin aliyya (50).
And We bestowed them from Our mercy, and We made for them a high tongue of honor.

Wa-zkur fee alketabi Musa innahuo kana mukhlasan wa kana rasulan nabiyya (51).
And mention in the book, Moses, indeed, He was chosen, and He was a Messenger, a Prophet.

Wa nadaiynahuo men janebi altuori alaiymani wa qarrabnahuo najiyya (52)
And We called Him from the right side of Altuor, and We brought Him near, a secret conversation.

Wa wahabna lahuo men rahmatena akhahuo Haruona nabiyya (53).
And We bestowed Him from Our mercy His brother Aaron, a Prophet.

Wa-zkur fee alketabi Ismaila innahuo kana sadeqa alwa'di wa kana rasulan nabiyya (54).
And mention in the book Ishmael, indeed, He was true to His promise, and He was a Messenger, a Prophet.

Wa kana ya'muruo ahlahuo bel-salati wa alzakati wa kana enda Rabbehi mardiyya (55).
And He used to enjoin on His people the prayer and the Zakah, and He was to His Lord pleasing.

Wa-zkur fee alketabi Idrisa innahuo kana seddiqan nabiyya (56).
And mention in the book Idris, indeed, He was a truthful, a Prophet.

Warafa'nahuo makanan aliyya (57).
And We raised Him to a high place.

Aulaeka allazina an-ama Allahu alaiyhim mena alnabiyyena men zurriyyati Adama wa meman hamalna ma-a Nuhin wa men Zurriyyati Ibrahima wa Israela wa memman hadaiyna wa-jtabaiyna iza tutla alaiyhim ayatuo Alrahmanu kharruo sujjadan wa bukiyya ۩ (58)
Those are the ones whom Allah bestowed favor upon them from the Prophets of the progeny of Adam, and of those whom We carried with Noah, and of the progeny of Abraham and Israel, and of those whom We guided and chose, when the verses of the Most Gracious were recited to them, they fell prostrating and weeping.    
۩- Prostration of recitation.

Fa-khalafa men ba'dehim khalfun ada-uo alsalata wa-ttabauo alshahawati fa-sawfa yalqawna ghayya (59).
But there came after them successors who neglected the prayer and followed the desires, so they will meet destruction.

Ella man taba wa amana wa amela salehan fa-aulaeka yadkhuluona aljannata wa la youzlamuona shaiy-a (60).
Except he who repented and believed and did righteous deeds, then those will enter Paradise and will not be wronged in anything.

Jannati Adnin allati wa-ada Alrahmanuo ebadahuo bel-ghaiybi innahuo kana wa'duhuo ma'tiyya (61).
Gardens of Eden which the Most Gracious had promised His servants in the unseen, indeed, His promise is sure to come.

La yasma-uona feeha laghwan ella salaman wa lahum rezquhum feeha bukratan wa ashiyya (62).
They will not hear therein vain speech but peace, and for them therein their provision morning and evening.

Telka aljannatuo allati nurethuo men ebadena man kana taqiyya (63).  
That is Paradise, which We give as inheritance to those of Our servants he who was pious. 

Wa ma natanazzaluo ella be-amri Rabbeka lahuo ma baiyna aiydena wa ma khalfana wa ma baiyna zaleka wa ma kana Rabbuka nasiyya (64).
And We do not descend but with the command of Your Lord, to Him belongs what is before Us, and what is behind Us, and what is between that, and Your Lord is not forgetful.

Rabbu alsamawati wa alardi wa ma baiynahuma fa'bud-huo wa-stabir le-ebadatehi hal ta'lamuo lahuo samiyya (65).
The Lord of the heavens and the earth and what is between them, so Worship Him, and Be patient in His worship, Do you know of any similarity to Him?. 

Wa yaquluo alinsanuo a-iza ma mettuo la-sawfa aukhrajuo hayya (66).
And man says Is it that When I die, I will be brought forth alive?.

Awala yazkuruo alinsanuo anna khalqnahuo men qabluo wa lam yakuo shaiy-a (67).
Does man not remember that We have created him before, while he was nothing?.

Fawa-rabbeka la-nahshurannahum wa alshaiyateena thuma la-nuhderannahum hawla jahannama jethiyya (68).
So by Your Lord! We will surely gather them and the devils, then We will surely bring them to be present around Hellfire, kneeling.

Thumma la-nanze-anna men kulli she-atin ayyuhum ashadduo ala Alrahmani etiyya (69).
Then We will surely drag out from every sect, those of them who were worst against the Most Gracious in rebellion.

Thumma la-nahnuo a'alamuo be-llazina hum awla beha seliyya (70).
Then We surely who know best of those are most worthy of burning therein.

Wa in menkum ela wareduha kana ala Rabbeka hatman maqdiyya (71).
And there is none of you except he will come to it, this is upon Your Lord an inevitably decreed.

Thumma nunajje allazina ettaqaww wa nazaruo alzalemeena feeha jethiyya (72).
Then We will save those who fear, and leave the wrongdoers therein, kneeling.

Wa iza tutla alaiyhem ayatuna bayyinatin qala allazina kafaruo le-llazina amanuo ayyuo alfareqaiyni khaiyrun maqaman wa ahsanuo nadiyya (73).
And when Our verses are recited to them, clear, those who disbelieve say to those who believe Which of the two parties is better in position and better in assembly?.

Wa kam ahlakna qablahum men qarnin hum ahsanuo athathan wa re'ya (74).
And how many a generation We have destroyed before them who were better in possessions and appearance.

Qul man kana fee aldalalati fal-yamdud lahuo Alrahmanu maddan hatta iza ra'aww ma you-aduona imma alazaba wa imma alsa-ata fasaya'lamuona man huwa sharrun makanan wa ad-afuo junda (75)
Say whoever is in error, let the Most Gracious extend for him an extension until when they see what they were promised, either the punishment or the Hour, they will know who is worst in position and weak in soldiers.

Wa yazeeduo Allahu allazina ehtadaww hudan wa albaqiyatuo alsalehatuo khaiyrun enda Rabbek thawaban wa khaiyrun maradda (76).
And Allah increases those who were guided in guidance, and the enduring righteous deeds are better with Your Lord in reward and better in return.

Afara'ayta allazi kafara be-ayatena wa qala la-autayanna malan wa walada (77).
Then Do You see he who disbelieved in Our verses and said I will surely be given wealth and children?.

Attalaa alghaiyba ami ettakhaza enda Alrahmani ahda (78).
Has he looked into the unseen or Has he taken a covenant with the Most Gracious.
Kalla sa-naktubuo ma yaquluo wa namudduo lahuo mena alazabi madda (79).
Nay! We will write what he says and extend for him from the punishment an extension.

Wa narethuhuo ma yaquluo wa ya'teena farda (80).
And We will inherit him what he says, and he will come to Us alone.

Wa-ttakhazuo men duoni ellahi alehatan le-yakunuo lahum ezza (81).
And they have taken gods besides Allah so that they would be for them an honor.

Kalla sa-yakfuruona be-ebadatehim wa yakunuona alaiyhim dedda (82).
Nay! They will disbelieve in their worship and will be against them opponents.

Alam tara anna arsalna alshaiyatina ala alkafereena ta-auzzuhum azza (83).
Do You not see that We have sent the devils upon the disbelievers, inciting them, an incitement?.

Fala ta'jal alaiyhim innama na-audduo lahum adda (84).
So Do not hasten over them, We only count to them a counting.

Yawma nahshuruo almuttaqeena ela Alrahmani wafda (85).
The day We will gather the righteous to the Most Gracious as a delegation.

Wa nasuquo almujremeena ela jahannama werda (86).
And We will drive the criminals to Hellfire, thirsty.

La yamlekuona alshafa-ata ella mani ettakhaza enda Alrahmani ahda (87).
They will not possess the intercession except he who has taken a covenant with the Most Gracious.

Wa qaluo Ettakhaza Alrahmanuo walada (88).
And they say, the Most Gracious has taken a son.

Laqad je'tum shaiy-an edda (89).
Indeed, you have come up with an atrocious thing.

Takaduo alsamawatuo yatafattarna menhuo wa tanshaqquo alarduo wa takherruo aljebaluo hadda (90).
The heavens almost cleft therefrom and the earth splits open and the mountains fall down in demolition.

An da-aww lel-rahmani walada (91).
That they attribute to the Most Gracious a son.

Wa-ma yanbaghi lel-rahmani an yattakheza walada (92).
And it is not befitting for the Most Gracious to have a son.

In kulluo man fee alsamawati wa alardi ella ati alrahmani abda (93).
There is none in the heavens and the earth except that he comes to the Most Gracious as a servant.

Laqad ahsahum wa addahum adda (94).
He has enumerated them and counted them, a counting.

Wa kulluhum ateehi yawma alqeiyamati farda (95).
And all of them will come to Him on the day of resurrection alone.

Inna allazina amanuo wa ameluo alsalehati sayaj'aluo lahumuo alrahmanuo wudda (96).
Indeed, those who believe and do righteous deeds, the Most Gracious will bestow affection for them.

Fa-innama yassarnahuo be-lesaneka le-tubashshera behi almuttaqeena wa tunzera behi qawman ludda (97).
So, We only has made it easy through Your tongue so that You may give glad tidings thereby to the righteous and warn thereby a hostile people.

Wa kam ahlakna qablahum men qarnin hal tuhessuo menhum men ahadin aww tasma-uo lahum rekza (98).
And how many a generation We have destroyed?, Do you sense anyone of them, or hear from them any sound?. 

Simplified interpretation:

 Surat Maryam begins with five letters of the Arabic language, just like 28 Surahs of the Holy Quran that start with individual letters ranging from one to five letters. It is noticeable that in all 29 Surahs the book or the Holy Quran is mentioned whether it is immediately after these letters or it is included in the Surah or even at the end of it. It is a challenge from Allah, Almighty, to the infidels of Quraish, as if Allah says to them this is the book in the letters of the language you speak, but you will not be able to produce the like of it, and He has already challenged them in Aya (88) of Surat Alisraa "Say, if mankind and the Jinn gathered in order to produce the like of this Quran, they could not produce the like of it, even if they were to each other assistants". As for the current Surah, it begins with five letters "Kaf, Haa, Yaa, Ayeen, and Sad" or "K, H, Y, A, and S" in English, then Allah commanded His Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) to mention in the Holy Quran the Prophets before Him, and addressed Him in Aya (97) saying "So, We only has made it easy through Your tongue so that You may give glad tidings thereby to the righteous and warn thereby a hostile people", but the knowledge of these letters remains with Allah, the Lord of the worlds.

 Allah says in the first six verses (1-6) "Kaf Haa Yaa Ayeen Sad, a mention of the mercy of Your Lord to His servant Zechariah, when He called His Lord a hidden call, He said My Lord, indeed, My bones have weakened, and My head has flared with gray, and never have I been in My supplication to You, My Lord, unhappy, and indeed, I fear the successors after Me, and My wife was barren, so Give Me from Yourself an heir, who will inherit Me and inherit from the family of Jacob, and Make him My lord, pleasing", that is, Allah addresses His Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) and says that this is a mention of His mercy to His servant Zechariah who was a Prophet of the Children of Israel and He used to eat from the work of His hands in carpentry where Allah's Messenger said in narration of Abu Hurayrah "Zechariah peace be upon Him wa a carpenter" (Sahih Muslim 2379). The Prophet Zechariah supplicated Allah a private supplication and said that He weakened and lost His strength, and His head became gray, and that He has not been wretched in His supplication where Allah used to answer His supplication and never refused what He asked for. Then He said that He feared the successors of His kin after Him, He did not fear that they would inherit His Money for He has a higher status than to have fear for His Money, but He feared that they would behave badly after Him, then He said that His wife was barren and did not give birth, so He asked Allah for a son, who would be a Prophet after Him, and would inherit the Prophecy, wisdom ,and knowledge from Him and from the family of the Prophet Jacob, and He asked Allah to make Him pleasing to Allah and to His creation. 

 Allah says in the next five verses (7-11) "O Zechariah, indeed, We give you the glad tidings of a boy whose name will be John, We have not assigned to any before this name, He said My Lord How can  I have a boy when My wife was barren, and indeed, I have reached an extreme old age?, He said thus Your Lord said, it is easy for Me, and indeed, I have created you before while You were nothing, He said My Lord Make for Me a sign, He said Your sign is that you will not speak to the people for three nights, being sound, then He came out to His people from the place of prayer, and He signaled to them that Glorify at morning and at evening", that is, Allah answered the call of the Prophet Zechariah, where the Angels called Him while He was standing in prayer in the place of prayer as mentioned in Aya (39) of Surat Aliemran, and they said to Him that Allah gave him glad tidings of a boy whose name will be John (Yahya), and none was named before Him by this name, then the Prophet Zechariah marveled at the ability of Allah to bring forth a boy from a barren woman and a very old man, so the Angel assured Him that this is the command of Allah and it is easy for Him to create a boy from a barren woman and a very old man, and the One who has created Him before while He was nothing is Able to create Yahya, then the Prophet Zechariah asked Allah for a sign so that His heart may be reassured by what He has promised Him, thereupon, Allah said to Him that His sign is that His tongue will be prevented from speaking for three nights while He is healthy without any illness, so He became unable to speak except by gesture as mentioned in Aya (41) of Surat Aliemran, then He came out to His people from the place of the prayer and gestured to them that Glorify Allah morning and evening. 

 Allah says in the next four verses (12-15) "O John! Take the book with strength, and We gave Him wisdom, a boy, and affection from Us, and purity, and He was pious, and dutiful to His parents, and He was not a disobedient tyrant, and peace be upon Him the day He was born, and the day He dies and the day He will be raised alive", that is, Allah has fulfilled His promise to Zechariah and gave Him John (Yahya), then He called Yahya to learn the Torah with diligence and determination and to adhere to it, and Allah gave Him wisdom, understanding, knowledge, and diligence in the Torah while He was a boy, and gave Him an affection from Him and purity from filth and sins, and He was righteous as He used to adhere to Allah's commands and to avoid His prohibitions, He was dutiful and good to His parents, and He was not a disobedient nor a tyrant. So Allah confirms that He will be saved from all afflictions and says peace be upon Him the day He was born, the day He dies and the day He will be raised alive on the day of resurrection.

 Allah says in the next six verses (16-21) "And mention in the book Mary, when She withdrew from Her family to an eastern place, then She took a barrier from them, then We sent Our Spirit to Her, then He represented himself to her the likeness of a well-proportioned man, She said I seek refuge in the Most Gracious from you, if you are pious, He said I am only the Messenger of Your Lord to give You a pure boy, She said How can I have a boy while no human has touched Me and I have not been unchaste?, He said thus Your Lord said, it is easy for Me and so that We will make Him a sign to the people and a mercy from us, and it is a matter decreed", that is, Allah addresses His Messenger Muhammad (PBUH), and said to Him mention in the Holy Quran the story of Mary (Maryam), the daughter of Imran, where Her mother vowed her to Allah when She was in her womb, so Allah accepted her with good acceptance, caused Her to grow in a good manner, and put Her in the care of the Prophet Zechariah as mentioned in Ayat (35-37) of Surat Aliemran, thereupon, Mary grew up to worship and obey Allah, so She withdrew from Her family to an eastern place, then she took a barrier from them and hid Herself from them, then Allah sent His spirit, Gabriel, to Her, and He represented Himself to Mary in the form of a perfect human being, and When Saw Him, She was afraid of Him, and thought that He intended evil for Her, so She said to Him I seek refuge in the Most Gracious from you, if you fear Allah.

 Then Gabriel reassured Her that it is not as She thought, but He is the Messenger of Allah, He sent Him to Her in order to give her a pure son, but Mary marveled at that, and said How can I have a boy while I am not married and no human being has touched Me nor have I been a prostitute, then the Angel assured Her that this is the command of Allah and that is easy for Him to create a boy from a woman without a husband, that Her son will be a sign to the people that indicates the great ability of their Creator to create a son from a female without a male, and that Her son will be a mercy from Allah to His creation as He will be a Prophet calling to worship Allah alone, and that is a predestined matter and it will inevitably happen. 

 Allah says in the next five verses (22-26) "So She conceived Him, and She withdrew with Him to a remote place, and the travail pains drove Her to the trunk of a palm tree, She said O I wish I had died before this, and I was something forgotten, so He called Her from beneath Her that Do not grieve, indeed, You Lord had placed a stream beneath You, and Shake the trunk of the palm tree towards You, it will drop upon You ripe fresh dates, so Eat and Drink and Cool Your eyes, and if You see anyone from humanity, Say indeed, I have vowed a fast to the Most Gracious, so I will not speak today to any human being", that is, when Mary became pregnant with Jesus, She went in isolation with Him to outlying place until the time of childbirth, so the labor pain forced Her to the trunk of a palm tree, then She wished for death because She knew that She would be tested by the child for the people will not believe Her, and She will become an adulterous prostitute in their view after She was a hermit worshiper, so She said "O I wish had died before this, and I was something forgotten", so Jesus called Mary from beneath Her, and said to Her Do not grieve, Your Lord had placed a stream of water beneath You, and Shake the trunk of the palm tree towards You, it will drop upon You ripe fresh dates, so Allah made food and drink for Her, and commanded Her to eat, drink, and comfort Her eyes, and if She saw anyone from humanity, She has to say "I have vowed a fast to the Most Gracious, so I will not speak today to any human being", so She vowed a fast and a silence so that it would be an excuse for Her if someone asked about Her son and where She got Him from.

 Allah says in the next three verses (27-29) "Then She brought Him to Her people, carrying Him, they said, O Mary You have come with a something grave, O sister of Aaron! Your father was not a man of evil nor was Your mother unchaste, so She pointed to Him, they said How can we speak to one who is in the cradle a child?'', that is, Mary brought Her son to Her people, carrying Him, and when saw Her, they magnified and denounced Her matter, so they said to Her O Mary You have come with a something grave and unprecedented, and they likened Her to the Prophet Aaron in worship and said to Her O sister of Aaron! Your father was not a man of evil nor was Your mother unchaste, You are from a good and pure house, known for righteousness, worship and asceticism, so how did this come from you?, and as narrated by Almughirah bin shu'bah: "The Messenger of Allah sent me to Najran, they said to me Do you people not recite O sister of Aaron, while between Moses and Jesus there is such (gap) as there is?, I did not know how to respond to them, so when I returned to the Prophet I told Him about that, and He said Why did not you tell them that they were named after their Prophets and righteous people before them" (Jami' Altirmidhi 3155). When they became suspicious of her and denounced her case and that day she was fasting, silent, she referred the matter to Jesus, and pointed to Him, they said mockingly at Her, thinking that she despises them How can we talk to someone who is a boy in the cradle.

 Allah says in the next four verses (30-33) "He said indeed, I am the servant of Allah, He has given Me the book and made Me a Prophet, and He has made Me blessed wherever I am, and has enjoined upon Me the prayer and the Zakah as long as I am alive, and dutiful to My mother, and He has not made Me a disobedient tyrant, and peace be upon Me the day I was born and the day I shall die and the day I will be raised alive", that is, the Prophet Jesus absolved His mother from what was attributed to Her of immorality, and He began to speak to them and Allah's Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) said in narration of Abu Hurayrah that none spoke in cradle but three and the first to be mentioned was Jesus (Sahih Bukhari 3436), so the first thing He uttered was acknowledging that He is the servant of Allah, that Allah has given Him the Gospel and has made Him a Prophet, that Allah has made Him blessed wherever He was, He enjoins good, forbids evil, and helps the oppressed and the distressed, that Allah has enjoined upon Him the prayer and the Zakah as long as He is alive, and that Allah has made Him dutiful and good to His mother, and He has not made Him a disobedient nor a tyrant. Then Jesus assured them that He will be saved from All afflictions and says peace be upon Me the day I was born, the day I shall die and the day I will be raised alive on the day of resurrection.

 Allah says in the next three verses (34-36) "That is Jesus, the son of Mary, the word of truth about which they are in doubt, it is not for Allah to take a son, Glory to be Him! When He decrees a matter, He only says to it Be, and it comes to be, and indeed, Allah is My Lord and your Lord, so Worship Him, this is a straight path", that is, Allah addresses His Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) and assures Him that this is Jesus, the son of Mary, the word of truth about which they dispute, where the adherent of falsehood claimed that He is the son of Allah, thereupon, Allah absolves Himself from having a son and says "It is not for Allah to take a son, Glory to be Him!", and when He decrees a matter, he only says to it Be, and it comes to be as nothing refuses to obey His commands, and whatever He wills will inevitably happen, and Jesus Himself did not claim that He is the son Allah, rather He said to them "And indeed, Allah is My Lord and your Lord, so Worship Him, this is a straight path", so whoever follows Him will be guided, and whoever opposes Him will go astray. 

 Allah says in the next two verses (37,38) "Then the Factions differed from among them, so woe to those who disbelieved from the scene of a great day, How will they hear and How will they see the day when they will come to Us, but the wrongdoers are today in a clear error", that is,  Although Jesus assured the Children of Israel that Allah is His Lord and their Lord as mentioned in the last verse, but the factions differed from among them; some of them believed that Jesus is the servant of Allah and His Messenger, some claimed that He is the son of Allah, some claimed that He is Allah, and some claimed that He is the third of three as mentioned in Ayat (72,73) of Surat Almaedah, so Allah threatens those who wronged and claimed falsehood with the scene of a great day, which is the day of resurrection, where the word woe (Wail) idiomatically carries the meaning of destruction and perishing and means that the torment will be theirs as a recompense for their deeds. Then Allah tells about the wrongdoers on the day of resurrection when they will come to Him and How strong will their hearing be, and how strong will their vision be, so they will hear when hearing will not benefit them, and will see when sight will not help them after they were in a clear error in the worldly life, neither hearing nor seeing the guidance.

 Allah says in the next two verses (39,40) "And Warn them the day of Alhasrah when the matter has been decided, and they are in heedlessness and they do not believe, indeed, it is We who will inherit the earth and whoever is on it, and to Us they will be returned", that is, Allah commanded His Messenger Muhammad to warn the wrongdoers the day of Alhasrah, which is one of the names of the day of resurrection, and it was given this name because the disbeliever will regret on the day of resurrection and will say ''Alas! over what I neglected in the closeness to Allah, and that I was one of the mockers" as mentioned in Aya (56) of Surat Alzumar, so the matter will be decided, and the people of Paradise enter Paradise and the people of Hellfire enter Hellfire, while they are today heedless of it, and do not prepare for it, but rather they turned away from the truth when it came to them from their Lord and did not believe, and Allah's Messenger said in narration of Abu Sa'id Alkhudri: "On the day of resurrection, death will be brought forward in the shape of a black and white ram, then a call maker will call, O people of Paradise! Thereupon, they will stretch their necks and look carefully, the caller will say Do you know this?, they will say yes this is death, by then all of them will have seen it, then it will be announced again, O people of Hell! They will stretch their necks and look carefully, the caller will say Do you know this?, they will say yes this is death, and by then all of them will have seen it, then it will be slaughtered and the caller will say, O people of Paradise! Eternity for you and no death, O people of Hell! Eternity for you and no death, then the Prophet recited "And Warn them the day of Alhasrah when the matter has been decided, and they are in heedlessness and they do not believe", and these are in the heedlessness of the people of the world and they do not believe" (Sahih Bukhari 4730). Then Allah assures that He will inherit the earth on the day of resurrection and whoever is on it, and all humans will be returned to Him, so He will recompense each for his deeds.

 Allah says in the next five verses (41-45) "And mention in the book Abraham, indeed, He was a man of truth, a Prophet, when He said to His father O My father! Why do you worship what does not hear and does not see, and does not avail anything from you, O My father! Indeed, there has come to Me of knowledge that has not come to you, so Follow Me, I will guide you to a straight path, O My father! Do not worship Satan, indeed, Satan has been to the Most Gracious, disobedient, O My father! Indeed, I fear that there will touch you a punishment from the Most Gracious, so you would be a companion of Satan", that is, Allah commanded His Messenger to mention in the Holy Quran the story of the Prophet Abraham who was a man of truth in His speech and news and He was a Prophet. So Allah cites that the Prophet Abraham said to His father Azar as mentioned in Aya (74) of Surat Alan'am, O My father! Why do you worship the idols which do not hear, do not see, and do not avail anything from you, and He assured His father that He has come to Him of certainty and knowledge from Allah that has not come to His father, and He commanded Him to follow Him and He will guide him to the straight path and religion, and then He commanded him not to obey the Satan in worshipping idols besides Allah for Satan is ever arrogant and disobedient to Allah, and He said that He fears that a punishment will touch him from Allah for his polytheism and disobedience, so he will be a companion of Satan and will not find a guardian nor a helper except Satan.

 Allah says in the next three verses (46-48) "He said Do You hate my gods O Abraham! If You do not desist, I will surely stone You, so leave me for a prolonged time, He said peace be upon you, I will ask forgiveness for you from My Lord, indeed, He is Gracious to Me, and I will leave you and what you invoke besides Allah, and I will invoke My Lord, I expect that I will not be in invocation to My Lord unhappy", that is, Abraham's father refused to follow Him, and said to Him Do You hate my gods O Abraham, if You do not desist cursing and disgracing them, I will surely stone You, so leave me for a prolonged time lest my punishment befalls You, then the Prophet Abraham said to him peace be upon you in order to assure him that he will not be harmed by Him, and He will ask forgiveness for him from Allah, and Allah is Gracious to Him for He answers Him when He calls Him, but when it became clear to the Prophet Abraham that His father is an enemy to Allah, He disavowed him as mentioned in Aya (114) of Surat Altawbah, so the Prophet Abraham disavowed His people and their gods and assured them that He will leave them and the idols they invoke besides Allah, that He will worship Allah alone, with no partner, and that He will not be miserable nor unhappy in worshipping Allah

 Allah says in the next two verses (49,50) "So when He had left them and what they worshipped besides Allah, We granted Him Isaac and Jacob, and each We made a Prophet, and We bestowed them from Our mercy, and We made for them a high tongue of honor", that is, the Prophet Abraham left His people and what they worshipped besides Allah and said to them I am emigrating to My Lord as mentioned in Aya (26) of Surat Alankaboot, and then Allah rewarded the Prophet Abraham for his obedience and sincerity of worshipping Allah, and abandoning the religion of His people, so Allah granted Him His son Isaac, and His grandson Jacob, and Allah placed in His progeny the prophethood and made each of them a Prophet, and Allah bestowed them all from His mercy and make for them a good praise lasting among the later generations and Allah made their remembrance in the Holy Quran to remain forever.

 Allah says in the next three verses (51-53) "And mention in the book, Moses, indeed, He was chosen, and He was a Messenger, a Prophet, and We called Him from the right side of Altuor, and We brought Him near, a secret conversation, and We bestowed Him from Our mercy His brother Aaron, a Prophet", that is, Allah commanded His Messenger to mention in the Holy Quran the story of the Prophet Moses, where Allah has chosen Him over the people with His message and His words as mentioned in Aya (144) of Surat Ala'araf, and He was a Messenger and a Prophet at the same time, and Allah has called Him from the right side of Altour mount in Sinai, Egypt when He lost His way, and He saw a fire in the direction of Altour, so He went to it in order to bring a burning piece or find someone who will guide Him to the way as mentioned in Aya (10) of Surat Ta Ha, and when He went there, Allah has called Him in a secret conversation and sent Him to Pharaoh and His people, then Moses said to Allah that His brother Aaron is more eloquent than Him in speech as He explains better what He wants to say than Him, so He wants Him as a helper who will confirm what He says as mentioned in Aya (34) of Surat Alqasas, so Allah bestowed Him from His Mercy His brother Aaron as a Prophet.

 Allah says in the next two verses (54,55) "And mention in the book Ishmael, indeed, He was true to His promise, and He was a Messenger, a Prophet, and He used to enjoin on His people the prayer and the Zakah, and He was to His Lord pleasing", that is, Allah commanded His Messenger to mention in the Holy Quran the story of the Prophet Ishmael, the son of the Prophet Abraham and the elder brother of the Prophet Issac, and He was true to His promise as He did not promise a promise but fulfilled it, and He was a Messenger and a Prophet at the same time and this indicates the honor of the Prophet Ishmael over His brother Isaac; because He was given the prophecy and the message while the Prophet Issac was only given the Prophecy as shown above in Aya (49), and Allah's Messenger said in narration of Wathelah bin Alasqa': "Indeed, Allah chose Ishmael from the children of Abraham, and He chose Banu Kinanah from the children of Ishmael, and He chose Qurasth from Banu Kinanah, and He chose Banu Hashim from Quraish, and He chose Me from Banu Hashim" (Jame' Altirmidhi 3605). And Allah has praised the Prophet Ishmael for He used to order His people to establish the prayer and give the Zakah (obligatory charity), and that He was pleasing to His Lord.

 Allah says in the next two verses (56,57) "And mention in the book Idris, indeed, He was a truthful, a Prophet, and We raised Him to a high place", that is, Allah commanded His Messenger to mention in the Holy Quran the story of the Prophet Idris, where He was a man of truthfulness, did not tell lies, and He was a Prophet, and Allah has raised Him to a high place, and as narrated by Shaiyban from Qatadah that regarding Allah's saying and We raised Him to a high place, he said Anas bin Malik narrated that Allah's Messenger said When I was brought up, I saw Idris in the fourth Heaven". (Jami' Altirmidhi 3157).

 Allah says in the next two verses (58,59) "Those are the ones whom Allah bestowed favor upon them from the Prophets of the progeny of Adam, and of those whom We carried with Noah, and of the progeny of Abraham and Israel, and of those whom We guided and chose, when the verses of the Most Gracious were recited to them, they fell prostrating and weeping, but there came after them successors who neglected the prayer and followed the desires, so they will meet destruction", that is, Allah assures His Messenger that the Prophets whose news are narrated in this Surah are the ones whom Allah has bestowed favor upon them from the Prophets of the descendants of Adam like Idris, of those Allah has carried with Noah like Abraham, of the descendants of Abraham like Isaac, Jacob, and Ishmael, of the descendants of Israel like Moses, Aaron, Zechariah, Jesus, and Mary, and of those whom Allah has guided to believe and act in obedience to Him, and has chosen to His message and revelation, when they heard the verses of Allah that include His arguments and proofs, they fell down prostrating and weeping in a full submission to their Lord, but there came after them successors who neglected the prayer by offering it out of its prescribed time and not performing its pillars properly, and they also followed the desires of the worldly life and its adornment, so they will meet destruction and loss on the day of resurrection.

 Allah says in the next four verses (60-63) "Except he who repented and believed and did righteous deeds, then those will enter Paradise and will not be wronged in anything, gardens of Eden which the Most Gracious had promised His servants in the unseen, indeed, His promise is sure to come, they will not hear therein vain speech but peace, and for them therein their provision morning and evening, that is Paradise, which We give as inheritance to those of Our servants he who was pious", that is, Allah accepts the repentance of those who neglected their prayers and followed the desires, so whoever repented, believed, and did righteous deeds will enter Paradise, and will not be wronged in anything where nothing will be detracted from the good-doer, and no one shall be punished for a sin he did not commit, so they will enter the gardens of Eden which Allah, the Most Gracious, has promised His servants in the unseen as they did not see it, but believed in it, and Eden is one of the names of Paradise, and Allah's promise will inevitably happen, and they will not hear in Paradise vain speech or falsehood, and their greeting to each other "Peace, Peace" is an evidence of love and harmony between them, and for them their provision and what they desire of food and drinks at morning and at evening, and that is Paradise, which Allah will give as inheritance to the believers and those who were pious from among His servants, and Allah has described the characteristics of the believers who will inherit Paradise in Surat Almu'minun Ayat (1-11).

 Allah says in the next two verses (64,65) "And We do not descend but with the command of Your Lord, to Him belongs what is before Us, and what is behind Us, and what is between that, and Your Lord is not forgetful, the Lord of the heavens and the earth and what is between them, so Worship Him, and Be patient in His worship, Do you know of any similarity to Him?", that is, when Gabriel did not descend with the revelation upon Allah's Messenger Muhammad (PBUH), the polytheists of Quraish thought that Allah has forsaken His Messenger, but Allah said to Him "Your Lord has not neither forsaken you nor detested you" as mentioned in Aya (3) of Surat Aldduha, and as narrated by Sa'id bin Jubair from Ibn Abbas: "The Messenger of Allah said to Gabriel What prevents you from visiting Us more than you visit Us?, He said so this Aya was revealed ''And We do not descend but with the command of Your Lord, to Him belongs what is before Us, and what is behind Us up to the end of the Aya".(Jami' Altirmidhi 3158),  so Allah knows what the Angels did, what they are doing, and what they will do, and nothing of their affair is hidden from Him, and Allah is not forgetful, so He did not forget His Messenger nor desist Him, the Lord of the worlds is the Lord of the heavens, the earth and whatever is between them of the planets, the stars, the sun, the moon, the seas, the mountains, the trees, the animals, and many others, thereupon, He alone is worthy of worship, so He commanded His Messenger to worship Him, to be patient in His worship, and to act according to His commands and prohibition, then Allah said to His Messenger Do you know of any similarity or likeness to Him as He is the Creator of everything and none is called Allah or Alrahman (the Most Gracious) but He, thereupon, the name Allah, and the Most Gracious have superiority over other Beautiful names of Allah, and Allah's Messenger (PBUH) said in narration of Ibn Umar: "The names dearest to Allah are Abdullah, and Abdu-Rahman" (Sahih Muslim 2132).   

 Allah says in the next two verses (66,67) "And man says Is it that When I die, I will be brought forth alive?, Does man not remember that We have created him before, while he was nothing?", that is, the polytheists of Quraish denied the resurrection and ruled out that Allah will revive them after they had turned into bones and dust, so the disbeliever says "Is it that When I die, I will be brought forth alive?", so Allah says Does man not remember that He has created him before, while he was nothing where humans were dead in the loins of their fathers and they were nothing until Allah created them in the wombs of their mothers, then He revives them in the worldly life as He wills, then He causes them to die, so the One who created man is Able to resurrect Him and that is easier for Him as mentioned in Aya (27) of Surat Alroom

 Allah says in the next three verses (68-70) "So by Your Lord! We will surely gather them and the devils, then We will surely bring them to be present around Hellfire, kneeling, then We will surely drag out from every sect, those of them who were worst against the Most Gracious in rebellion, then We surely who know best of those are most worthy of burning therein", that is, Allah swears by His generous self that He will gather the disbelievers who deny the resurrection and the devils who misled them, all together, and Allah will bring them to be present around Hellfire, kneeling on their knees, then Allah will draw out from the people of every religion their leaders and chiefs who were more rebellious against Allah, the Most Gracious, and Allah knows best who are more deserving to be burnt therein forever, and he who deserves to have his torment doubled.

 Allah says in the next three verses (71-73) "And there is none of you except he will come to it, this is upon Your Lord an inevitably decreed, then We will save those who fear, and leave the wrongdoers therein, kneeling, and when Our verses are recited to them, clear, those who disbelieve say to those who believe Which of the two parties is better in position and better in assembly?'', that is, Allah assures that there is none of Human beings except that he will come to Hellfire, where everyone has to pass on the bridge which Allah will place above it, and that is an inevitably decreed, so Allah will save those who fear Him in the worldly life, so they act in obedience to Him, while the disbelievers will fall into Hellfire, and Allah will leave them therein, kneeling on their knees, and as narrated by Umm Mubashshir that she heard Allah's Messenger as saying in presence of Hafsa: "If Allah wills, none of the companions of the tree who pledged allegiance under it will enter Hellfire, She said Allah's Messenger why not?, He scolded her, Hafsa said "And there is none of you except he will come to it", thereupon, Allah's Messenger said Allah, the Exalted and Glorious has said ''Then We will save those who fear, and leave the wrongdoers therein, kneeling" (Sahih Muslim 2496). So it is destined that everyone will pass over Hellfire even if he is one of the people of Paradise where as narrated by Abu Hurayrah: "The Prophet said no Muslim whose three children died will go to the fire except for Allah's oath (Sahih Albukhari 1251).

 And as narrated by Abu Hurayrah: "Some people said O Allah's Messenger! Shall we see our Lord on the day of resurrection?, He said Do you crowed and squeeze each other on looking at the sun when it is not hidden by clouds?, they replied no Allah's Messenger, He said Do you crowed and squeeze each other on looking at the moon when it is full and not hidden by the clouds?, they replied no O Allah's Messenger, He said so you will see Him on the day of resurrection similarly, Allah will gather all the people and say Whoever used to worship anything should follow that thing, so he who used to worship the sun will follow it, and he who used to worship the moon will follow it, and he who used to worship false deities will follow them, and then only this Ummah (Muslims) will remain including their hypocrites, Allah will come to them in a shape other than they know and will say I am your Lord, they will say we seek refuge with Allah from you, this is our place till our Lord comes to us, and when our Lord comes to us, we will recognize Him, then Allah will come to them in a shape they know and will say I am your Lord, they will say You are our Lord, and they will follow Him, then a bridge will be laid over Hellfire. Allah's Messenger added I will be the first to cross it, and the supplication of the Messengers on that day will be "Allahumma sallem, sallim, O Allah Save us, Save us", and over that bridge there will be hooks similar to the thorns of alsa'dan (A thorny tree), Did not you see the thorns of alsa'dan, the companions said yes, O Allah's Messenger, He added, so the hooks over that bridge will be like the thorns of alsa'dan except that their greatness in size is only known to Allah, these hooks will snatch the people according to their deeds. Some people will be ruined because of their evil deeds, and some will be cut into pieces and fall down in Hell, but will be saved afterwards, when Allah has finished the judgment among His slaves, and intends to take out of the fire whoever He wishes to take out from among those who used to testify that there is no God but Allah, He will order the Angels to take them out, and the Angels will know them by the mark of the traces of prostration for Allah banned the Fire to consume the traces of prostration on the body of Adam's son, so they will take them out, and by then they would have burnt, and then water called ''Ma'u Alhayah, water of life" will be poured on them, and they will spring out on like a seed springs out on the bank of a rainwater stream" (Sahih Albukhari 6573). So the disbelievers deserved to be left in Hellfire because when the clear verses of Allah are recited to them, they turn away from it, and say arrogantly to the believers Which of the two parties is better in position and better in assembly?, so How the believers to be superior over them while they are better than them in position and better in assembly. 

 Allah says in the next three verses (74-76) "And how many a generation We have destroyed before them who were better in possessions and appearance, Say whoever is in error, let the Most Gracious extend for him an extension until when they see what they were promised, either the punishment or the Hour, they will know who is worst in position and weak in soldiers, and Allah increases those who were guided in guidance, and the enduring righteous deeds are better with Your Lord in reward and better in return'', that is, Allah had destroyed many nations before the deniers of Quraish, although they were better than them in possessions, wealth, and appearance, so Allah commanded His Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) to say to them that whoever goes astray, let Allah , the Most Gracious, extend for him an extension and give him respite to do whatever he wills until when they see what they were promised, either the punishment befalls them in the worldly life or the Hour (The day of resurrection) comes upon them suddenly, then they will know who is worst in position and weak in soldiers, they or the believers they used to mock them. On the contrary, Allah makes the believers firm on guidance and increases them in guidance, and the enduring righteous deeds that include all good deeds such as the remembrance of Allah, the prayer, alms-giving, etc., will remain for its people in Paradise as long as the heavens and the earth remain, then on the day of resurrection it will be better in reward and better in return where their return will be Paradise, abiding therein forever.

 Allah says in the next four verses (77-80) "Then Do You see he who disbelieved in Our verses and said I will surely be given wealth and children?, Has he looked into the unseen or Has he taken a covenant with the Most Gracious, nay! We will write what he says and extend for him from the punishment an extension, and We will inherit him what he says, and he will come to Us alone", that is, Allah addresses His Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) and says Do you see he who disbelieved in Allah's verses and said that he will be given wealth and children in the Hereafter?, where as narrated by Alkhabbab bin Art: "I came to Alas bin Wa'il Alsahmi and demanded something which he owned me, he said I will not give you till you disbelieve in Muhammad, I said no I shall not disbelieve in Muhammad till you die and then be resurrected, He said Will I die and then be resurrected?, I said yes, he said then I will have wealth and children there, and I will pay you, so this verse was revealed "Then Do You see he who disbelieved in Our verses and said I will surely be given wealth and children?" (Sahih Bukhari 4732). Thereupon, Allah says as a denunciation, Has he looked into the unseen, and known what will be in the Hereafter or has he taken a covenant with Allah, the Most Gracious, that He will grant him wealth and children in the Hereafter?, then Allah threatens him and says that He will record what he says and will recompense him for that, and Allah will extend for him from the punishment an extension where he will increase him in punishment as he wills, rather he will find the opposite of what he says for Allah will inherit him what he says and will take away his wealth and children from him, so he will come to Allah alone with no wealth nor children and they will not avail him from the punishment at all. 

 Allah says in the next two verses (81,82) "And they have taken gods besides Allah so that they would be for them an honor, nay! They will disbelieve in their worship and will be against them opponents", that is, the polytheists have taken gods besides Allah in order to attain honor and glory through them, and to abstain them from Allah's punishment where they said "We only worship them so that they may bring us close to Allah in status" as mentioned in Aya (3) of Surat Alzumar, but Allah assures that the matter is not as they claimed and hoped for, rather these gods will deny them and will be their opponents as when the people will be gathered for reckoning on the day of resurrection, these idols whom they invoke in the worldly life will be their enemies, will disavow them, and will be deniers of their worship as mentioned in Aya (6) of Surat Alahqaf.  

 Allah says in the next two verses (83,84) "Do You not see that We have sent the devils upon the disbelievers, inciting them, an incitement?, so Do not hasten over them, We only count to them a counting", that is, Allah says to His Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) Do You not see that We have sent the devils upon the disbelievers and gave them power over them, so the devils seduce them and incite them with a great incitement to disbelieve in Allah and disobey Him, so Allah commanded His Messenger not to hasten the punishment for them for Allah counts for them the years, months, days, and hours till the end of their life then they will find the punishment present before their eyes.

 Allah says in the next three verses (85-87) "The day We will gather the righteous to the Most Gracious as a delegation, and We will drive the criminals to Hellfire, thirsty, they will not possess the intercession except he who has taken a covenant with the Most Gracious", that is, the righteous who fear Allah in the worldly life and act in obedience to Him will be gathered to Him on the day of resurrection as a delegation to Paradise, while the criminals who disbelieve in Allah and oppose His Messengers will be driven to Hellfire in a severe thirst, and they do not possess the intercession to intercede for one another, and they will say on the day of resurrection "So we have not any intercessors nor any close friend" as mentioned in Ayat (100,101) of Surat Alshu'araa, but Allah will give intercession for whom He wills, and he who has taken a covenant with Allah will intercede for others where as narrated by Abdullah bin Shaqiq: ''I was with a troop in Jerusalem, and a man among them said I heard the Messenger of Allah saying: by the intercession of one man of My Ummah more than Banu Tamim will be admitted into Paradise, it was said O Messenger of Allah! Someone other than You?, He said other than Me, then when He stood, I said Who is this?, they said Ibn Abi Aljadh'a".

 Allah says in the next four verses (88-91) "And they say, the Most Gracious has taken a son, indeed, you have come up with an atrocious thing, the heavens almost cleft therefrom and the earth splits open and the mountains fall down in demolition, that they attribute to the Most Gracious a son", that is, the Jews, the Christians, and the disbelievers claim that Allah has taken a son, where the Jews said that Ezra is the son of Allah , and the Christians said that Jesus is the son of Allah as mentioned in Aya (30) of Surat Altawbah, while the disbelievers claimed that the Angels are the daughter of Allah as mentioned in Aya (27) of Surat Alnajm, thereupon Allah said to them all you have come up with a great reprehensible thing to the point that the heavens are about to break up, the earth to split open, and the mountains to crumble for they ascribes a son to Him. And the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said in narration of Abu Musa: "None is more patient than Allah against the harmful saying, they ascribe for Him a son, yet He gives them health and provision" (Sahih Albukhari 6099).

 Allah says in he next four verses (92-95) "And it is not befitting for the Most Gracious to have a son, there is none in the heavens and the earth except that he comes to the Most Gracious as a servant, He has enumerated them and counted them, a counting, and all of them will come to Him on the day of resurrection alone'', that is, Allah assures that it is not suitable for Him to have a son for all creatures are His servants, so How can one of them be his son whereas everyone in the heavens and the earth of the Angels, the Jinn, and the men will come to Him as a servant on the day of resurrection, and Allah knows their number since their creation until the day of resurrection, and all of them will come to Him on the day of resurrection alone, the day when neither man's wealth nor children will avail him from Allah's punishment except he who comes to Allah with a sound heart as mentioned in Ayat (88,89) of Surat Alshu'araa.

 Allah says in the next verse (96) "Indeed, those who believe and do righteous deeds, the Most Gracious will bestow affection for them", that is, Allah will bestow affection and love for those who believe, repent, and do righteous deeds in the hearts of His servants in the worldly life, and as narrated by Abu Hurayrah that the Messenger of Allah said ''When Allah loves a servant He calls Gabriel Indeed, I love so-and-so, so love him, He said, so he calls out in the heavens, then love for him descends among the people of the earth, that is Allah's saying: "Indeed, those who believe and do righteous deeds, the Most Gracious will bestow affection for them", and when Allah hates a servant He calls out to Gabriel indeed I hate so-and-so, so he calls out in the heavens, then hatred for him descends upon the earth". (Jami' Altirmidhi 3161).

 Allah says in the last two verses (97,98) "So, We only has made it easy through Your tongue so that You may give glad tidings thereby to the righteous and warn thereby a hostile people, and how many a generation We have destroyed?, Do you sense anyone of them, or hear from them any sound?", that is, Allah addresses His Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) and says that He has made the Holy Quran easy through His clear Arabic tongue, so that He may give glad tidings by the Holy Quran to the righteous, and warn a very hostile people who are deviant from the truth, inclined towards falsehood, and how many a generation Allah has destroyed for they disbelieved in Allah, His  Messengers, and His books, then Allah said to His Messenger Do you see anyone of them, or hear from them any sound?. So Allah assured His Messenger that He is Able to destroy the people of Quraish as He destroyed those before them, but He gives them respite till the end of their life as shown above in Aya (84). 

No one Knows its interpretation except Allah

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