12- Surat Yusuf/Tafseer

111 Verses Meccan (revealed in Mecca)

A'auzu Bellahi mena alshaiytani alrajeem

I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed Satan

Besmi Ellahi Alrhmani Alraheem

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

Alif Lam Raa telka ayatuo alketabi almubeen (1).
Alif Lam Raa these are the verses of the clear Book.

Inna anzalnahuo quranan arabiyyan la-allakum ta'qeluon (2).
Indeed, We have sent it down as an Arabic Quran so that you may understand.

Nahnuo naqussuo alaiyka ahsana alqasasi bema awhaiyna elaiyka haza alqurana wa in kunta men qablehi la-mena alghafeleen (3).
We narrate to You the best of stories in what We have revealed to You of this Quran, and surely before it You were among the unaware. 

Iz qala Yusufu le-abehi ya-abati inni ra'aytuo ahada ashara kawkaban wa alshamsa wa alqamara ra'aytuhum lee sajedeen (4).
When Joseph said to His father O My father! Indeed, I have seen eleven stars and the son and the moon, I have seen them prostrating to Me.

Qala ya-bunayya la taqsus ru'yaka ala ekhwateka fa-yakeeduo laka kaiydan inna alshaiytana lel-insani aduwwun mubeen (5).
He said O My son! Do not narrate Your vision to Your brothers lest they plan against You a plan, indeed, Satan is a clear enemy to man.

Wa kazaleka yajtabeeka Rabbuka  wa you'allemuka men ta'weeli al-ahadithi wa youtemmuo ne'matahuo alaiyka wa ala ali ya'quba kama atammaha ala abawaiyka men qabluo ibrahima wa ishaqa inna Rabbaka Aleemun Hakeem (6).
And thus, Your Lord will choose You and will teach You the interpretation of the statements and will complete His favor upon You and upon the family of Jacob as He completed it, before, upon Your two forefathers Abraham and Isaac, indeed, Your Lord is All-Knower, All-Wise.

Laqad kana fee Yusufa wa ekhwatehi ayatun lel-saeleen (7).
Indeed, in Joseph and His brothers, there are signs for those who ask. 

Iz qaluo la-yusufu wa akhuhuo ahabbuo ela abeena menna wa nahnuo ausbatun inna abana la-fee dalalin mubeen (8).
When they said Joseph and His brother are more beloved to our father than we, while we are a troupe, indeed, our father is in a clear error.

Auqtuluo yusufa aww etrahuhuo ardan yakhluo lakum wajhuo abeekum wa takunuo men ba'dehi qawman saleheen (9).
Kill Joseph or Cast Him to a land, the face of your father will be only for you, and you will be after that a righteous people. 

Qala qaelun menhum la taqtuluo yusufa wa alquhuo fee ghayabati aljubbi yaltaqet-huo ba'duo alsayyarati in kuntum fa-eleen (10).
A speaker from among them said Do not kill Joseph but Throw Him into the bottom of the well, so that some travelers will pick Him up, if you would be doers.

Qaluo ya-abana ma laka la ta'manna ala yusufa wa inna lahuo la-nasehuon (11).
They said O our father! Why do you not trust us with Joseph while indeed, we are surely, to Him sincere advisers.

Arselhuo ma-ana ghadan yarta' wa yal'ab wa inna lahuo la-hafezuon (12).
Send Him with us tomorrow that He may enjoy and play, and indeed, we will surely be His guards

Qala inni la-yahzununi an tazhabuo behi wa akhafuo an ya'kulahuo alze'buo wa antum anhuo ghafeluon (13).
He said, indeed, it saddens Me that you should take him away, and I fear that a wolf would eat him while you are of Him unaware.

Qaluo la-in akalahuo alze'buo wa nahnuo ausbatun inna izan la-khaseruon (14).
They said if a wolf should eat Him while we are a troupe, indeed, we would then be losers.

Fa-lamma zahabuo behi wa ajmauo an yaj-aluhuo fee ghayabati aljubbi wa awhaiyna elaiyhi la-tunabbe-annahum be-amrehim haza wa hum la yash-uruon (15).
So when they took Him away, and agreed to put Him into the bottom of the well, but We inspired to Him You will surely inform them about this affair of theirs while they do not perceive. 

Wa ja-uo abahum isha-an yabkuon (16).
And they came to their father at night weeping.

Qaluo ya-abana inna zahabna nastabequo wa tarakna yusufa enda mata-ena fa-akalahuo alze'buo wa ma anta bemu'menin lana wa laww kunna sadeqeen (17).
They said O our father! Indeed, we went racing each other and left Joseph with our luggage, and the wolf ate Him, but You would not believe us, even if we were truthful.

Wa ja-uo ala qamesehi be-damin kazebin qala bal sawwalat lakum anfusukum amran fa-sabrun jemeelun wa Allahu almusta-anuo ala ma tasefuon (18).
And they brought upon His shirt false blood, He said, rather your souls have enticed you a matter, so patience is most fitting, and Allah is the One sought for help against that which you describe. 

Wa ja-at sayyaratun fa-arsaluo waredahum fa-adla dalwahuo qala ya bushra haza ghulamun wa asarruhuo beda-atan wa Allahu Aleemun bema ya'maluon (19).
And there came some travelers, then they sent their water drawer, and he let down his bucket, he said O glad tidings! This is a boy, and they concealed Him as merchandise, and Allah is All-Knower of what they were doing.

Wa sharawhuo be-thamanin bakhsin darahema ma'dudatin wa kanuo feehi mena alzahedeen (20)
And they sold Him for a reduced price, a few Dirhams, and they were disinterested in Him.

Wa qala allazi eshtarahuo men misra le-emra-atehi akremi mathwahuo asa an yanfa-ana aww nattakhezahuo waladan wa kazaleka makkanna le-yusufa fee alardi wa le-nuallemahuo men ta'weeli al-ahadithi wa Allahu Ghalebun ala amrehi wa lakenna akthara alnasi la ya'lamuon (21).
And the one from Egypt who bought Him said to his wife Honor His residence, perhaps He will benefit us or we will take Him as a son, and thus, We established Joseph in the earth that We might teach Him the interpretation of the statements, and Allah is Predominant over His affair, but most of the people do not know.

Wa lamma balagha ashuddahuo ataiynahuo hukman wa elman wa kazaleka najzee almuhseneen (22).
And when He reached His maturity, We gave Him Judgment and knowledge, and thus We reward the good doers.

Wa rawadat-huo allati huwa fee baiyteha an nafsehi wa ghallaqati al-abwaba wa qalat haiyta laka qala ma-aza Allahi innahuo Rabbi ahsana mathwaya inahuo la youflehuo alzalemuon (23).
And she, in whose house was He, sought to seduce Him about Himself, she closed the doors and said Come on, You! He said the refuge of Allah, indeed, He is My master, he has made good My residence, indeed, the wrongdoers will not succeed.

Wa laqad hammat behi wa hamma beha lawla an ra-a burhana Rabbehi ka-zaleka le-nasrefa anhuo alsu-a wa alfahsha-a innahuo men ebadena almukhlaseen (24).
And indeed, she determined Him, and He would have inclined to her, had He not seen the proof of His Lord, and thus, that We should avert from Him the evil and the immorality, indeed, He is of Our chosen servants.

Wa-stabaqa albaba wa qaddat qamesahuo men duburin wa alfaya sayyidaha lada albabi qalat ma jaza-uo man arada be-ahleka su-an ella an yousjana aww azabun aleem (25).
And they both raced to the door, and she tore his shirt from the back, and they both found her husband at the door, she said What is the recompense of the one who intended evil for your wife except that he be imprisoned or a painful punishment?.

Qala heiya rawadatni an nafsi wa shaheda shahedun men ahleha in kana qamesuhuo qudda men qubulin fa-sadaqat wa huwa mena alkazebeen (26)
He said she who sought to seduce me about Myself, and a witness from her family testified, if the shirt is torn from the front, then she has told the truth, and He is of the liars.

Wa in kana qamesuhuo qudda men duburin fa-kazabat wa huwa mena alsadeqeen (27).
But if His shirt is torn from the back, then she has lied, and He is of the truthful.

Falamma ra-a qamesahuo qudda men duburin qala innahuo men kaiydekunna inna kaiydakunna azeem (28).
So when he saw His shirt is torn from the back, he said indeed, it is of your plan, indeed, your plan is great.

Yusufu a'rid an haza wa-staghferi le-zanbeki innaki kunti mena alkhate-een (29).
Joseph Ignore this, and you Ask forgiveness for your sin, indeed, you were of the sinners.

Wa qala neswatun fee almadenati emra-atuo alazizi turaweda fataha an nafsehi qad shaghafaha hubban inna la-naraha fee dalalin mubeen (30).
And women in the city said the wife of Aziz is seeking to seduce her young man about himself, the love for Him has impassioned her, indeed, we surely see her in clear error.

Fa-lamma same-at be-makrehenna arsalat elaiyhenna wa a'tadat lahunna muttaka-an wa atat kulla wahedatin menhunna sekkenan wa qalati aukhruj alaiyhenna fa-lamma ra'aiynahuo akbarnahuo wa qatt'ana aiydiyahunna wa qulna hasha le-llahi ma haza basharan in haza ella malakun kareem (31)
So when she heard of their scheming, she sent for them and prepared for them a banquet and gave each one of them a knife, and said Come out before them, and when they saw Him, they greatly admired Him, and cut their hands and said Allah forbid! This is not a human being, this is none but a noble Angel.

Qalat fa-zalekunna allazi lumtunnani feehi wa laqad rawadtuhuo an nafsehi fasta'sama wa la-in lam yaf'al ma amuruhuo la-yousjananna wa la-yakunan mena alsaghereen (32).
She said that is the one about whom you blamed me, and indeed, I sought to seduce Him about himself, but he firmly abstained, and if He will not do what I order Him, He will surely be imprisoned and will be of those despised. 

Qala Rabbi alsejnuo ahabbuo elaiyya memma yad-unani elaiyhi wa ella tasref anni kaiydahunna asbuo elaiyhenna wa akun mena aljaheleen (33).
He said My Lord, the prison is more to My liking than that to which they invite Me, and if You do not avert from Me their plan, I might incline toward them and would be of the ignorant. 

Fa-stajaba lahuo Rabbuhu fa-sarafa anhuo kaiydahunna innahuo huwa Alsamee-o Al-aleem (34).
So His Lord responded to Him, and averted from Him their plan, indeed, He is All-Hearing, All-Knower.

Thumma bada lahum men ba'di ma ra'awwuo alayati la-yasjununnahuo hatta heen (35).
Then it appeared to them after they had seen the signs that they should surely imprison Him until a time.

Wa dakhala ma-ahuo alsejna fatayani qala ahaduhuma inni arani a'seruo khamran wa qala alakharuo inni arani ahmeluo fawqa ra'si khubzan ta'kuluo altaiyruo menhuo nabbe'na be-ta'weelehi inna naraka mena almuhseneen (36).
And there entered the prison with Him two young men, one of them said, indeed, I have seen myself pressing wine, the other said, indeed, I have seen myself carrying upon my head bread from which the birds were eating, Inform us of its interpretation, indeed, we see You to be of the good doers.

Qala la ya'tekuma ta-amun turzaqanehi ella nabba'tukuma be-ta'weelehi qabla an ya'teiyakuma zalekuma memma allamani Rabbi inni taraktuo mellata qawmin la you'menuona be-llahi wa hum bel-akherati hum kaferuon (37).
He said you will not receive food that is provided to both of you except that I will inform you of its interpretation before it comes to both of you, that is from what My Lord has taught Me, indeed, I have left the religion of a people who do not believe in Allah, and they are disbelievers in the Hereafter.

Wa-ttaba'tuo mellata aba-e ibrahima wa ishaqa wa ya'quba ma kana lana an nushreka be-llahi men shaiy-in zaleka men fadli ellahi alaiyna wa ala alnasi wa lakenna akthara alnasi la yashkuruon (38).
And I have followed the religion of my fathers Abraham and Isaac and Jacob, and it was not for us to associate anything with Allah, that is from the favor of Allah upon us and upon the people, but most of the people are not grateful. 

Ya sahebayi alsijni a-arbabun mutafarrequona khaiyrun ami ellahu Alwahedu Alqahhar (39).
O two companions of prison! Are diverse lords better or Allah, the One, the Oft-Omnipotent?. 

Ma ta'buduona men duonehi ella asma-an sammaiytumuha antum wa aba-ukum ma anzala Allahu beha men sultanin ini alhukmuo ella le-llahi amara alla ta'buduo ella iyyahio zaleka aldeenuo alqayyimuo wa lakenna akthara alnasi la ya'lamuon (40).
You worship not besides Him except names you have named, you and your fathers, Allah has not sent down any authority for it, the judgment is not but for Allah, He has commanded that you worship not except Him, that is the straight religion, but most of the people do not know. 

Ya sahebayi alsijni amma ahadukuma fa-yasqi rabbahuo khamran wa amma alakharuo fa-youslabuo fata'kuluo altaiyruo men ra'sehi qudiya alamruo allazi feehi tastaftiyan (41).
O two companions of prison! As for one of you, he will give drink to his master of wine, but as for the other, he will be crucified, and the birds will eat from his head, the matter has been decreed about which you both inquire.

Wa qala le-llazi zanna annahuo najin menhuma ezkurni enda rabbeka fa-ansahuo alsahiytanuo zekra rabbehi fa-labetha fee alsijni bed'a seneen (42).
And He said to the one who he knew would be saved Mention Me before your master, but Satan made him forget the mention to his master, so He remained in the prison Bed' years. 

Wa qala almalekuo inni ara sab-a baqaratin semanin ya'kuluhunna sab-on ejafun wa sab-a sunbulatin khudrin wa aukhara yabesatin ya ayyuha almalau aftuoni fe ru'yaya in kuntum lel-ru'ya ta'buruon (43).
And the king said indeed, I have seen seven fat cows being eaten by seven lean ones, and seven green spikes and others dry, O chiefs! Interpret to me my vision, if you should interpret visions.

Qaluo adghathuo ahlamin wa ma nahnuo be-ta'weelei al-ahlami be-alemeen (44).
They said a mixture of false dreams, and we are not learned in the interpretation of dreams.

Wa qala allazi naja menhuma wa-ddakara ba'da aummatin ana aunabbe-ukum be-ta'weelehi fa-arseluon (45)
But the one who was saved from among them and remembered after a time said I will inform you of its interpretation, so Send me forth. 

Yusufu ayyuha alseddiqu aftena fee sab-e baqaratin semanin ya'kuluhunna sab-on ejafun wa sab-e sunbulatin khudrin wa aukhara yabesatin la-alli arje-uo ela alnasi la-allahum ya'lamuon (46)
Joseph, O the truthful one! Inform us about seven fat cows eaten by seven lean ones, and seven green spikes and others dry, that I may return to the people, so that they will know. 

Qala tazra-uona sab-a seneena da-aban fama hasadtum fa-zaruhuo fe sunbulehi ella qaleelan memma ta'kuluon (47).
He said you will plant for seven years consecutively, and what you have harvested, Leave it in its spikes except a little from which you will eat.

Thumma ya'ti men ba'di zaleka sab-on shedadun ya'kulna ma qaddamtum lahunna ella qaleelan memma tuhsenuon (48).
Then will come after that seven difficult which will consume what you saved for them except a little from which you will store.

Thumma ya'ti men ba'di zaleka amun feehi youghathuo alnasuo wa feehi ya'seruon (49)
Then will come after that a year in which the people will be given rain and in which they will press.

Wa qala almalekuo e'tuoni behi fa-lamma ja-ahuo alrasuluo qala erje' ela rabbeka fas'alhuo ma baluo alneswati allati qatta'na aydiayahunna inna rabbi be-kaiydehinna Aleem (50)
And the king said Bring Him to me, but when the messenger came to Him, He said Return to your master and Ask him what about the women who cut their hands?, indeed, My Lord is All-Knower of their plan.

Qala ma khatbukunna iz rawadtunna yusufa an nafsehi qulna hasha le-llahi ma alemna alaiyhi men  su-in qalati emra-atuo alazizi al-ana has-hasa alhaqquo ana rawadtuhuo an nafsehi wa innahuo la-mena alsadeqeen (51).
He said What was your condition when you sought to seduce Joseph about Himself?, they said Allah forbid! We know about Him no evil, the wife of Aziz said now the truth has become evident, it was I who sought to seduce Him about Himself, and indeed, He is of the truthful.

Zaleka le-ya'lama anni lam akhunhuo bel-ghaiybi wa inna Allaha la yahdi kaiyda alkha-eneen (52).
That is so he will know that I did not betray him in the absence and that Allah does not guide the plan of the betrayers.

Wa ma aubarre-uo nafsi inna alnafsa la-ammaratun belsu-e ella ma rahema rabbi inna rabbi Ghafurun Raheem (53).
And I do not absolve myself, indeed, the soul incites to evil, except those upon which my Lord has mercy, indeed, my Lord is All-Forgiving, Most Merciful. 

Wa qala almalekuo e'tuoni behi astakhles-huo le-nafsi fa-lamma kallamahuo qala innaka alyawma ladaiyna makeenun ameen (54).
And the king said Bring Him to me, I will appoint Him exclusively for myself, and when he spoke to Him, he said indeed, You will be today in a glorious position and trustworthy. 

Qala ej'alni ala khaza-ena alardi inni hafeezun aleem (55).
He said Appoint Me over the storehouses of the land, indeed, I am a knowledgeable keeper. 

Wa kazaleka makkanna le-yusufa fee alardi yatabaww-uo menha haiythuo yasha-uo nusebuo be-rahmatena man nasha-uo wa la nudee-uo ajra almuhseneen (56).
And thus we established Joseph in the earth to settle therein wherever He wished, We touch with Our mercy whom We will, and We do not waste the reward of the good doers.

Wala-ajruo alakherati khaiyrun le-llazina amanuo wa kanuo yattaquon (57).
And the reward of the Hereafter is better for those who believed and used to fear.

Wa ja-a ekhwatuo yusufa fa-dakhaluo alaiyhi fa-arafahum wa hum lahuo menkeruon (58).
And the brothers of Joseph came, and they entered upon Him, and He recognized them, but He was unknown to them.

Wa lamma jahhazahum be-jahazehim qala e'tuni be-akhin lakum men abeekum ala tarawna anni aufi alkaiyla wa ana khaiyruo almunzeleen (59).
And when He had furnished them with their supplies, He said Bring Me a brother of yours from your father Do you not see that I give full measure, and that I am the best of the hosts?.

Fa-in lam ta'tuni behi fa-la kaiyla lakum endi wa la taqrabuon (60).
But if you do not bring him to Me, then no measure will there be for you from Me, nor will you approach Me. 

Qaluo sa-nuraweduo anhuo aba-huo wa inna lafa-eluon (61).
They said we will attempt to persuade his father about Him, and indeed, we will surely do. 

Wa qala le-fetaiyanehi ej-aluo beda-atahum fee rehalehim la-allahum ya'refuonaha iza enqalabuo ela ahlehim la-allhum yarjeuon (62).
And He said to His young boys Put their merchandise into their saddlebags, so they might recognize it when they have gone back to their people, so that they may return.

Fa-lamma raja-uo ela abeehim qaluo ya-abana mune-a menna alkaiyluo fa-arsil ma-ana akhana naktal wa inna lahuo la-hafezuon (63).
So when they returned to their father, they said O our father! The measure has been withheld from us, so Send with us our brother, so that we will be given measure, and indeed, we will surely be His guards.

Qala hal amanukum alaiyhi ella kama amentukum ala akheehi men qabluo fa-allahu khaiyrun hafezan wa huwa arhamuo alrahemeen (64).
He said Should I trust you with him except as I trusted you with his brother before?, but Allah is the Best Guardian, and He is the Most Merciful of the merciful. 

Wa lamma fatahuo mata-ahum wajaduo beda-atahum ruddat elaiyhim qaluo ya-abana ma nabghi hazehi beda-atuna ruddat elaiyna wa nameeruo ahlana wa nahfazuo akhana wa nazdaduo kaiyla ba-eerin zaleka kaiylun yaseer (65).
And when they opened their luggage, they found their merchandise had been returned to them, they said O our father! What could we desire?, this is our merchandise had been returned to us, and we will get provision for our family and will protect our brother and will get an increase of a measure of one camel, that is an easy measure.

Qala lan aurselahuo ma-akum hatta tu'tuoni mawtheqan mena Allahi la-ta'tunnani behi ella an youhata bekum fa-lamma atawhuo mawtheqahum qala Allahu ala ma naquluo wakeel (66).
He said I will never send him with you until you give Me a covenant by Allah that you will bring him to me unless that you are surrounded, and when they had given Him their covenant, He said Allah is a Witness over what we say.

Wa qala ya-baniyya la tadkhuluo men babin wahedin wa-dkhuluo men abwabin mutafarreqatin wa ma aughni ankum mena Allahi men shaiy-in ini alhukmuo ella le-llahi alaiyhi tawakkaltuo wa alaiyhi fal-yatawakkali almutawakkeluon (67).
He said O My sons! Do not enter from one gate but enter from different gates, and I can not avail you in anything from Allah, the judgment is not but for Allah, upon Him I have put My trust, and upon Him let those who would rely put their trust. 

Wa lamma dakhaluo men haiythuo amarahum abuhum ma kana youghni anhum mena Allahi men shaiy-in ella hajatan fee nafsi ya'quba qadaha wa innahuo la-zuo elmin lemma allamnahuo wa lakenna akthara alnasi la ya'lamuon (68).
And when they entered from where their father had ordered them, that was not to avail them in anything from Allah except a need within the soul of Jacob which He fulfilled, and indeed, He was a possessor of knowledge because of what We had taught Him, but most of the people do not know.

Wa lamma dakhaluo ala yusufa awa elaiyhi akhahuo qala inni ana akhuka fa-la tabta-es bema kanuo ya'maluon (69).
And when they entered upon Joseph, He took His brother to himself, He said indeed, I am your brother, so Do not grieve for what they used to do. 

Fa-lamma jahhazahum be-jahazehim ja-ala alseqayata fee rahli akhehi thumma azzana mu-azzinun ayyatuha al-eeruo innakum la-sarequon (70).
So when He had furnished them with their supplies, He placed the drinking cup into the saddlebag of His brother, then an announcer announced O caravan! Indeed, you are thieves.

Qaluo wa aqbaluo alaiyhim maza tafqeduon (71).
They said while approaching them What do you miss?. 

Qaluo nafqeduo suwa-a almaleki wa leman ja-a behi hemluo ba-eerin wa ana behi zaeem (72).
They said We are missing the cup of the king, and for he who brings it a camel's load, and I am responsible for it.

Qaluo ta-llahi la-qad alemtum ma je'na le-nufseda fee alardi wa ma kunna sareqeen (73).
They said By Allah! You have certainly known that we did not come to cause corruption in the land, nor have we been thieves.

Qaluo fa-ma jaza-uhuo in kuntum kazebeen (74).
They said then What would be its recompense if you should be liars?.

Qaluo jaza-uhuo man wujeda fee rahlehi fa-huwa jaza-uhuo ka-zaleka najzee alzalemeen (75).
They said its recompense is that he in whose saddlebag it is found, shall himself be its recompense, thus we recompense the wrongdoers. 

Fa-bada-a be-awiyatehim qabla we-a-e akhehi thumma estakhrajaha men we-a-e akhehi ka-zaleka kedna le-yusufa ma kana le-ya'khuza akhahuo fee deeni almaleki ella an yasha-a Allahu narfa-uo darajatin man nasha-uo wa fawqa kulli zee elmin aleem (76).
Then He began with their bags before the bag of His brother, then He brought it out from the bag of his brother, thus We planned against Joseph, He could not have taken His brother within the authority of the king except that Allah should will, We raise in degrees whom We will, but over every possessor of knowledge is one more knowing. 

Qaluo in yasreq fa-qad saraqa akhun lahuo men qabluo fa-asarraha yusufu fee nafsehi wa lam youbdeha lahum qala antum sharrun makanan wa Allahu a'lamuo bema tasefuon (77)
They said if he steals, then indeed, a brother of his has stolen before, but Joseph kept it secret within himself and did not reveal it to them, He said you are worst in position, and Allah knows best of what you describe.

Qaluo ya-ayyuha al-azizu inna lahuo aban shaiykhan kabeeran fa-khuz ahadana makanahuo inna naraka mena almuhseneen (78).
They said O Aziz! Indeed, he has a father, a very old man, so Take one of us in place of him, indeed, we see you of the good doers.

Qala ma-aza Allahi an na'khuza ella man wajadna mata-ana endahuo inna izan la-zalemuon (79).
He said the refuge of Allah, that we take except the one with whom we found our possession, indeed, we would then be unjust.

Fa-lamma estaiy-asuo menhuo khalasuo nejiyyan qala kabeeruhum a-lam ta'lamuo anna abakum qad akhaza alaiykum mawtheqan mena Allahi wa men qabluo ma farrattum fee yusufa fa-lan abraha alarda hatta ya'zana lee abi aww yahkuma Allahu lee wa huwa khaiyru alhakemeen (80).
So when they had despaired of Him, they secluded themselves for secret counsel, the eldest of them said Do you not know that your father has taken upon you a covenant by Allah, and you have defaulted before in Joseph?, so I will never leave the land until my father permits me or Allah judges for me, and He is the Best of Judges,

Erje-uo ela abeekum fa-quluo ya-abana inna ebnaka saraqa wa ma shahedna ella bema alemna wa ma kunna lel-ghaiybi hafezeen (81).
Return back to your father and Say O our father! Indeed, your son has stolen, and we did not testify except to what we knew, and we were not guardians of the unseen.

Wa-s'ali alqaryata allati kunna feeha wa al-eera allati aqbalna feeha wa inna la-sadequon (82).
And Ask the town in which we have been, and the caravan with which we have come, and indeed, we are truthful.

Qala bal sawwalat lakum anfusukum amran fa-sabrun jameelun asa Allahu an ya'teiyani behim jamee-an innahuo huwa Al-aleemuo Alhakeem (83).
He said, rather your souls have enticed you a matter, so patience is most fitting, hopefullyAllah will bring them to Me all together, indeed, He is All-Knower, All-Wise.

Wa tawalla anhum wa qala ya-asafa ala yusufa wa-byaddat aynahuo mena alhuzni fa-huwa kazeem (84).
And He turned away from them and said O My sorrow for Joseph, and His eyes became white from the grief, for He was a suppressor.

Qaluo ta-llahi tafta-uo tazkura yusufa hatta takuna haradan aww takuna mena alhalekeen (85).
They said By Allah! You will not cease remembering Joseph until You become fatally ill or become of those who perish.

Qala innama ashkuo baththi wa huzni ela Allahi wa a'lamuo mena Allahi ma la ta'lamuon (86).
He said I only complain of My suffering and My grief to Allah, and I know from Allah what you do not know. 

Ya-baniyya ezhabuo fa-tahassasuo men yusufa wa akhehi wa la tay-asuo men rawhi ellahi innahuo la yayasuo men rawhi ellahi ella alqawmuo alkaferuon (87).
O My sons! Go and inquire about Joseph and His brother, and Do not despair of the relief of Allah, indeed, no one despairs of the relief of Allah except the disbelieving people.

Fa-lamma dakhaluo alaiyhi qaluo ya-ayyuha al-azizu massana wa ahlana aldurruo wa je'na bebeda-atin muzjatin fa-awfi lana alkaiyla wa tasaddaq alaiyna inna Allaha yajzee almutasaddeqeen (88).
So when they entered upon Him, they said O Aziz! Adversity has touched us and our family, and we have come with goods poor in quality, but Give us full measure and Give charity to us, indeed, Allah rewards those who give charity.

Qala hal alemtum ma fa-altum be-yusufa wa akhehi iz antum jaheluon (89).
He said Do you know what you did to Joseph and His brother when you were ignorant?. 

Qaluo a-innaka la-anta yusufu qala ana yusufu wa haza akhi qad manna Allahu alaiyna innahuo man yattaqi wa yasbir fa-inna Allah la youde-uo ajra almuhseneen (90).
They said Are you Joseph?, He said I am Joseph and this is My brother, Allah has certainly favored Us, indeed, he who fears and is patient, then indeed, Allah does not waste the reward of the good doers.

Qaluo ta-llahi la-qad atharaka Allahu alaiyna wa in kunna la-khate-een (91).
They said By AllahAllah has certainly preferred You over us, and indeed, we have been sinners. 

Qala la tathreeba alaiykumuo alyawma yaghferuo Allahu lakum wa huwa arhamuo alrahemeen (92).
He said no reproach will there be upon you today, May Allah forgive you, and He is the Most Merciful of the merciful. 

Ezhabuo be-qamesi haza fa-alquhuo ala wajhi abi ya'ti baseeran wa'tuni be-ahlekum ajma-een (93).
Go with this shirt of Mine, and cast it over the face of My father, He will become seeing, and Bring Me your family, all together. 

Wa lamma fasalati al-eeruo qala abuhum inni la-ajeduo reeha yusufa lawla an tufanneduon (94).
And when the caravan departed, their father said indeed, I find the smell of Joseph if you do not think Me weakened in mind.

Qaluo ta-llahi innaka la-fee dalaleka alqadeem (95).
They said By Allah! indeed, You are in Your old error.

Fa-lamma an ja-a albasheeruo alqahuo ala wajhehi fa-rtadda baseeran qala a-lam aqul lakum inni a'lamuo mena Allahi ma la ta'lamuon (96).
And when the bearer of glad tidings arrived, he cast it over His face, and He returned seeing, He said Did I not tell you that I know from Allah what you do not know.

Qaluo ya-abana estaghfir lana zunubana inna kunna khate-een (97).
They said O our father! Ask for us forgiveness of our sins, indeed, we have been sinners.

Qala sawfa astaghfiruo lakum Rabbi innahuo huwa Alghafuruo Alraheem (98).
He said I will ask forgiveness for you from My Lord, indeed, He is the All-Forgiving, the Most Merciful.  

Fa-lamma dakhaluo ala yusufa awa elaiyhi abawaiyhi wa qala audkhuluo mesra in sha-a Allahu ameneen (99).
And when they entered upon Joseph, He took His parents to himself and said Enter Egypt, if Allah wills, secure.

Wa rafa-a abawaiyhi ala alarshi wa kharruo lahu sujjadan wa qala ya-abati haza ta'weeluo ru'yaya men qabluo qad ja-alaha rabbi haqqan wa qad ahsana bi iz akhrajani mena alsijni wa ja-a bekum mena albadwi men ba'di an nazagha alshaiytanuo baiyni wa baiyna ekhwati inna rabbi lateefun lema yasha-uo innahuo huwa Al-aleemu Alhakeem (100).
And He raised His parents upon the throne, they all fell before Him in prostration and He said O My father! This is the interpretation of My vision of before, My Lord has made it true, and He was certainly good to Me when He took Me out of the prison, and brought you from Bedouin life after Satan has sown discord between Me and My brothers, indeed, My Lord is All-Subtle in what He wills, indeed, He is the All-Knower, the All-Wise. 

Rabbi qad ataiytani mena almulki wa allamtani men ta'weeli al-ahadithi Fatera alsamawati wa alardi anta waliyyi fee alduonya wa alakherati tawaffani musleman wa alheqni bel-saleheen (101)
My Lord! You have given Me of sovereignty, and taught Me of the interpretation of statements, the Creator of the heavens and the earth, You are My Protector in the world and in the Hereafter, Cause Me to die as a Muslim and Join Me with the righteous. 

Zaleka men anba-e alghaiybi nuhehi elaiyka wa ma kunta ladaiyhim iz ajma-uo amrahum wa hum yamkuruon (102).
This is from the news of the unseen which We reveal to You, and You were not with them when they agreed upon their affair while they were plotting.

Wa ma aktharuo alnasi wa laww harasta be-mu'meneen (103).
And most of the people, even though You strive, are not believers. 

Wa ma tas-aluhum alaiyhi men ajrin in huwa ella zekrun lel-alameen (104).
And You do not ask them a wage for it, it is nothing but a reminder to the worlds.

Wa ka-ayyin men ayatin fee alsamawati wa alardi yamurruona alaiyha wa hum anha mu'reduon (105).
And how many of a sign within the heavens and the earth do they pass over it while they, therefrom, are turning away.

Wa ma you'menuo aktharuhum be-llahi ella wa hum mushrekuon (106).
And most of them do not believe in Allah except while they associate. 

Af-amenuo an ta'teiyahum ghashiyatun men azabi ellahi aww ta'teiyahumuo alsa-atuo baghtatan wa hum la yash-uruon (107).
Then Do they feel secure that there will not come to them an overwhelming of the punishment of Allah, or that the Hour will not come to them suddenly while they do not perceive?.

Qul hazehi sabeeli ad-uo ella Allahi ala baseeratin ana wa mani ettaba-ani wa subhana Allahi wa ma ana mena almushrekeen (108).
Say this is My way, I call to Allah with insight, I and those who follow Me, and Glory to be Allah, and I am not of the polytheists.

Wa ma arsalna men qablika ella rejalan nuhi elaiyhim men ahli alqura afa-lam yaseeruo fee alardi fa-yanzuruo kaiyfa kana aqebata allazina men qablehim wa la-daruo alakherati khaiyrun le-llazina ettaqaww afa-la ta'qeluon (109).
And We did not send before You except men to whom We revealed from among the people of the towns, so Have they not traveled in the land and see how was the end of those before them?, and the abode of the Hereafter is better for those who fear, then Will you not understand.

Hatta iza estaiy-asa alrusulu wa zannuo annahum qad kuzebuo ja-ahum nasruna fa-nujjiya man nashauo wa la youradduo ba'suna ani alqawmi almujremeen (110)
Until when the Messengers despaired and were certain that they were denied, there came to them Our victory and whoever we willed was saved, and Our punishment can not be repelled from the criminal people.

Laqad kana fee qasasehim ebratun le-auli al-albabi ma kana hadithan youftara wa laken tasdeeqa allazi baiyna yadaiyhi wa tafseela kulli shaiy-in wa hudan wa rahmatan le-qawmin you'menuon (111)
There was certainly in their stories a lesson for those of understanding, it is not a statement invented, but a confirmation of what was before it, and an explanation of everything and a guidance and a mercy for a people who believe.

Simplified interpretation:

 Surat Yusuf begins with three letters of the Arabic language, just like 28 Surahs of the Holy Quran that start with individual letters ranging from one to five letters. It is noticeable that in all 29 Surahs the book or the Holy Quran is mentioned whether it is immediately after these letters or it is included in the Surah or even at the end of it. It is a challenge from Allah, Almighty, to the infidels of Quraish, as if Allah says to them this is the book in the letters of the language you speak, but you will not be able to produce the like of it, and He has already challenged them in Aya (88) of Surat Alisraa "Say, if mankind and the Jinn gathered in order to produce the like of this Quran, they could not produce the like of it, even if they were to each other assistants". As for the current Surah, it begins with three letters "Alif, Lam, and Raa" or "A, L, and R" in English followed by "These are the verses of the clear Book", but the knowledge of these letters remains with Allah, the Lord of the worlds.

 Allah says in the first three verses (1-3) "Alif Lam Raa these are the verses of the clear Book, indeed, We have sent it down as an Arabic Quran so that you may understand, We narrate to You the best of stories in what We have revealed to You of this Quran, and surely before it You were among the unaware", that is, Allah addresses His Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) and says that these are the verses of the Holy Quran which is a clear book whose verses show the truth from falsehood, the lawful from the forbidden, and the stories of the previous nations, and Allah assures that He has sent down the Holy Quran in a clear Arabic tongue, so that you may understand its rulings, commands, and prohibitions, and that Allah narrates to His Messenger the best of the stories about the previous nations in what He has revealed to Him in the Holy Quran, while He was unaware of these stories, and does not know anything of it. 

 Allah says in the next three verses (4-6) "When Joseph said to His father O My father! Indeed, I have seen eleven stars and the son and the moon, I have seen them prostrating to Me, He said O My son! Do not narrate Your vision to Your brothers lest they plan against You a plan, indeed, Satan is a clear enemy to man, and thus, Your Lord will choose You and will teach You the interpretation of the statements and will complete His favor upon You and upon the family of Jacob as He completed it, before, upon Your two forefathers Abraham and Isaac, indeed, Your Lord is All-Knower, All-Wise", that is, Allah narrates to His Messenger the story of the Prophet Joseph with His brothers, and Allah's Messenger described the Prophet Joseph in narration of Ibn Umar saying: "The honorable, the son of the honorable, the son of the honorable, the son of the honorable, Joseph, the son of Jacob, the son of Issac, the son of Abraham" (Sahih Albukhari 3382). The Prophet Joseph said to His father the Prophet Jacob that He had seen in the dream that eleven stars, the sun, and the moon, prostrating to Him, and Allah has made His dream true when His eleven brothers, His father, and His mother prostrated before Him as will come later in Aya (100).

 The Prophet Jacob said to His son Joseph when He narrated the dream to Him, Do not narrate your dream to Your brothers; Because He understood that Joseph would have a great status, and that His brothers may envy Him, so they will plot against Him a plot, enmity Him, and obey Satan in that, indeed, Satan is a clear enemy to man for his mission is to divert Him from the way of Allah. Therefore, the Prophet Muhammad instructed us on what to do if we see a dream, where as narrated by Abu Salama: "I used to see a dream which would make me sick till I heard Abu Qatada saying I too, used to see a dream which would make me sick till I heard the Prophet (PBUH) saying a good dream is from Allah, so if anyone of you saw a dream which he liked, he should not tell it to anybody except to the one whom he loves, and if he saw a dream which he dislikes, then he should seek refuge with Allah from its evil and from the evil of Satan, and spit three times on his left, and should not tell it to anybody, for it will not harm him" (Sahih Albukhari 7044). Then the Prophet Jacob said to His son Joseph that Allah will choose Him, will teach Him the interpretation of the statements including visions, and will complete His favor upon Him and upon the family of Jacob with prophethood, judgment, and knowledge, as He completed it upon His two forefathers Abraham and Isaac, and Allah gave Joseph Judgment and knowledge when He reached His maturity as will come later in Aya (22),  and Allah is the All-Knower of everything as nothing is hidden from Him in the heavens or on the earth, All-Wise who manages His creation with wisdom in His laws and destiny, so He chooses whom He wills for prophecy, wisdom, and knowledge.

 Allah says in the next three verses (7-9) "Indeed, in Joseph and His brothers, there are signs for those who ask, when they said Joseph and His brother are more beloved to our father than we, while we are a troupe, indeed, our father is in a clear error, Kill Joseph or Cast Him to a land, the face of your father will be only for you, and you will be after that a righteous people", that is, Allah says that there are signs and admonitions in Joseph and His story with His eleven brothers for those who ask about their story. When they said Joseph and His brother are more beloved to our father Jacob than we, while we are a troupe (Ausbah), and ausbah in Arabic ranges from ten to forty men, where Joseph's brother was a full-brother from his mother and father, while the rest were half-brothers from another wife of the Prophet Jacob, so they said that their father Jacob is in a clear error by preferring Joseph and His brother over them even though they all are equal in lineage to Him, so they plotted against Him a plot and said to one another Kill Joseph or Throw Him in a land so you get rid of Him, and then the face of your father will be only for you as none will compete you with your father's love, then you will repent from you sin, and will be after His destruction a righteous people.

 Allah says in the next three verses (10-12) "A speaker from among them said Do not kill Joseph but Throw Him into the bottom of the well, so that some travelers will pick Him up, if you would be doers, they said O our father! Why do you not trust us with Joseph while indeed, we are surely, to Him sincere advisers, Send Him with us tomorrow that He may enjoy and play, and indeed, we will surely be His guards", that is, one of Joseph's brothers said to the others Do not kill Joseph and Throw Him into the bottom of the well, so that some of passerby travelers will pick Him up, so you will get rid of him without having to kill Him if you are determined to do what you say. When they conspired to take Him and throw Him in the well as their brother advised them, they went to their father Jacob and said to Him O our father! What is the matter with you that You do not trust us with Joseph while we are sincere advisers to Him as we will guard Him until we return Him to You, while they intend otherwise because of the envy in their hearts for His father's love for Him, so they said to their father Send Him with us tomorrow, so that He may enjoy and play, and indeed, we will be His guardians and will protect Him from anything that harms Him. 

 Allah says in the next three verses (13-15) "He said, indeed, it saddens Me that you should take him away, and I fear that a wolf would eat him while you are of Him unaware, they said if a wolf should eat Him while we are a troupe, indeed, we would then be losers, so when they took Him away, and agreed to put Him into the bottom of the well, but We inspired to Him You will surely inform them about this affair of theirs while they do not perceive", that is, the Prophet Jacob said to His sons it saddens Me that you should take Joseph away with you in the desert, and I fear that you will be busy of your herding, and a wolf will come to Him and devour Him while you do not realize it, but they reassured their father and said to Him if a wolf should eat Him while we are a troupe, indeed, we would then be losers and perishable, thereupon, they took Him away, and agreed to put Him into the bottom of the well, and they put Him in the well, but Allah reassured Him, and gave Him glad tidings of His salvation from the well as He inspired to Joseph that He will inform His brothers of what they did to Him while they do not perceive that He is their brother Joseph.

 Allah says in the next three verses (16-18) "And they came to their father at night weeping, they said O our father! Indeed, we went racing each other and left Joseph with our luggage, and the wolf ate Him, but You would not believe us, even if we were truthful, and they brought upon His shirt false blood, He said, rather your souls have enticed you a matter, so patience is most fitting, and Allah is the One sought for help against that which you describe'', that is, Joseph's brothers returned to their father in the darkness of the night crying and showing regret, and said to Him O our father! We went racing each other and left Joseph with our luggage, and the wolf devoured Him, but you would not believe us, even if we were truthful due to your bad opinion about us, and the intensity of your love for Joseph. And they stained Joseph's shirt with false blood, deceiving their father that it was His shirt in which the wolf had devoured Him, but the Prophet Jacob did not convince by what they said, and realized that they had plotted a plot against Joseph, so He said to them rather your souls have enticed you a matter, and patience is most fitting over this matter, patience without complaining to anyone except Allah, and Allah is the One sought for help against what you describe of lies.

 Allah says in the next two verses (19,20) "And there came some travelers, then they sent their water drawer, and he let down his bucket, he said O glad tidings! This is a boy, and they concealed Him as merchandise, and Allah is All-Knower of what they were doing, and they sold Him for a reduced price, a few Dirhams, and they were disinterested in Him", that is, some travelers passed by the well in which Joseph is, then they sent their water drawer to bring water for them, and when He let down his bucket, Joseph clung to the bucket, so he took him out the well, and rejoiced in Him saying O glad tidings! This is a boy. Then they bought Him from Joseph's brothers who were near the well, and they kept Him hidden as a merchandise for they intended to sell Him, and Allah is All-Knower of what Joseph's brothers, and those who bought Him were doing as nothing of their affair is hidden from Him, and that was due His destiny that He destined for Joseph, then Allah assures that Joseph's brothers sold Him for a low price, few Dirhams (Silver coins), and they were disinterested in Him; Because all their concern was to keep Joseph away from His father Jacob. 

 Allah says in the next two verses (21,22) "And the one from Egypt who bought Him said to his wife Honor His residence, perhaps He will benefit us or we will take Him as a son, and thus, We established Joseph in the earth that We might teach Him the interpretation of the statements, and Allah is Predominant over His affair, but most of the people do not know, and when He reached His maturity, We gave Him Judgment and knowledge, and thus We reward the good doers", that is, the one who bought Joseph from the travelers said to his wife Honor His residence in food, clothes, and resting place, perhaps He will benefit us or we will adopt Him as a son, and thus, Allah has established Joseph in the land as He has rescued Joseph from His brothers who were about to kill Him, He has taken Him out the well after He had been thrown into it,  He has made Him to be brought in a honorable and a high status in the house of Al-Aziz, and Al-Aziz was the title of the minister at that time, and He has established Him on the storehouses of the land of Egypt as will come later in Aya (55). So Allah has established Joseph in the land that He might teach Him the interpretation of the statements including visions, and Allah is Predominant over His affair as He is dominant over everything else and if He intends something, then there is none to prevent it, but most of the people do not know. And when Joseph reached His maturity and strength in the youth age, Allah bestowed upon Him judgment and knowledge before the prophethood, and thus Allah rewards the good doers who worship Allah as if they see Him, and if they can not see Him, then Allah sees them, so they act according to Allah's commands and prohibitions.

 Allah says in the next two verses (23,24) "And she, in whose house was He, sought to seduce Him about Himself, she closed the doors and said Come on, You! He said the refuge of Allah, indeed, He is My master, he has made good My residence, indeed, the wrongdoers will not succeed, and indeed, she determined Him, and He would have inclined to her, had He not seen the proof of His Lord, and thus, that We should avert from Him the evil and the immorality, indeed, He is of Our chosen servants", that is, the wife of Aziz, in whose house was Joseph became interested in Him, and she sought to seduce Him about Himself, so she closed the doors and asked Him to have intercourse with her by saying to Him Come on, You! But He abstain from that strictly and said to her the refuge of Allah, indeed, your husband is My master, and he has honored me and gave me a good residence, so I will not betray him, and repay his goodness to me with indecency with his wife, indeed, the wrongdoers will not succeed. But she determined Him, so she kept courting Him and seducing Him about Himself, and He would have inclined to her, but Allah has showed Him a proof that diverted Him from what was in Himself, and thus, Allah purified Him from the immorality and the evil, indeed, He is of Allah's chosen servants whom Allah has purified for His worship, and whom He has protected from misguidance.

 Allah says in the next three verses (25-27) "And they both raced to the door, and she tore his shirt from the back, and they both found her husband at the door, she said What is the recompense of the one who intended evil for your wife except that he be imprisoned or a painful punishment?, He said she who sought to seduce me about Myself, and a witness from her family testified, if the shirt is torn from the front, then she has told the truth, and He is of the liars, but if His shirt is torn from the back, then she has lied, and He is of the truthful", that is, Joseph and the wife of Al-Aziz raced towards the door, He ran away from her while she intended to bring Him back, and she caught him before he left, so she tore His shirt from the back, and they both found her husband at the door, then she tried to exonerate herself by accusing Joseph with betrayal and that He sought to seduce her about herself, and said "What is the recompense of the one who intended evil for your wife except that he be imprisoned or a painful punishment", then Joseph absolved Himself of the betrayal she accused Him of, so He said she who sought to seduce Me about Myself. But a witness from her family judged between them, and testified that if the shirt is torn from the front, then she has told the truth, and he is of the liars; Because if He sought to seduce her about herself, and she refused to do so, then she would push Him in His chest and would tear His shirt from the front side. And he said if His shirt is torn from the back, then she has lied, and He is of the truthful; Because if she sought to seduce Him about Himself, and He refused to do so, He would run away from her, and she would pursue Him, and grab His shirt from the back, so the shirt would be torn from behind.

 Allah says in the next two verses (28,29) "So when he saw His shirt is torn from the back, he said indeed, it is of your plan, indeed, your plan is great, Joseph Ignore this, and you Ask forgiveness for your sin, indeed, you were of the sinners", that is, when Al-Aziz realized that Joseph was telling the truth, and she was lying for His shirt is torn from the back, he said to her it is of your plot, indeed, your plot is great for she tried to get rid of her predicament by accusing him of what He was innocent of, so he said to Joseph ignore this, do not mention it to anyone, and keep it secret, and he said to his wife Ask forgiveness for your sin which happened on your part by intending shamefulness act and accusing Him of it, indeed, you were of the sinners and disobedient.

 Allah says in the next two verses (30,31) "And women in the city said the wife of Aziz is seeking to seduce her young man about himself, the love for Him has impassioned her, indeed, we surely see her in clear error, so when she heard of their scheming, she sent for them and prepared for them a banquet and gave each one of them a knife, and said Come out before them, and when they saw Him, they greatly admired Him, and cut their hands and said Allah forbid! This is not a human being, this is none but a noble Angel", that is, the story of Joseph and the wife of Al-Aziz spread in the city, which is Egypt, till the women talked about it, and said that the wife of Al-Aziz is seeking to seduce her young boy about Himself, and that the love for Him has impassioned her and reached the depths of her heart, and they said we surely see her in clear error by betraying her husband and following her whims. When the wife of Al-Aziz heard of their scheming and what they said about her, she invited them to her house, and prepared a banquet for them, and then gave a knife to each one of them, and said to Joseph Come out before them, and when they saw Joseph, they greatly admired Him, and they started cutting their hands in astonishing at seeing Him, thinking that they were cutting the food with the knives, then they said Allah forbid! This is not a human being, this is none but a noble Angel, for Allah has given Joseph half of the world beauty, where Allah's Messenger (PBUH) said in narration of Anas bin Malik that He saw Joseph in the third heaven on the night journey, and said that Joseph had given half of the world beauty (Sahih Muslim 162 a).

 Allah says in the next four verses (32-35) "She said that is the one about whom you blamed me, and indeed, I sought to seduce Him about himself, but he firmly abstained, and if He will not do what I order Him, He will surely be imprisoned and will be of those despised, He said My Lord, the prison is more to My liking than that to which they invite Me, and if You do not avert from Me their plan, I might incline toward them and would be of the ignorant, so His Lord responded to Him, and averted from Him their plan, indeed, He is All-Hearing, All-Knower, then it appeared to them after they had seen the signs that they should surely imprison Him until a time", that is, the wife of Al-Aziz said to the women who cut their hands when they saw Joseph, that is the one whom you blamed me of his love and the passion of my heart for Him, then she confessed that she sought to seduce Him about Himself, but He firmly refused, and she threatened Joseph and said if He will not do what I order Him, He will surely be imprisoned and will be of those humiliated. But Joseph did not respond to her command, and sought refuge in Allah from their plot, and said to Allah the prison is more to My liking than that to which they invite Me of immorality, and if You do not avert from Me their plot, I might incline towards them and responded to them in what they desire, and then I would be of the ignorant who follow their whims and commit shamefulness, so Joseph chose imprisonment over committing indecency for fear of Allah and hope of His reward, thereupon, Allah responded to Him, and averted from Him their plot, and Allah is All-Hearing of the supplication, All-Knower where nothing in the heavens nor on the earth is hidden from Him. But it appeared to Al-Aziz and those consulted with him after they saw the signs of Joseph's innocence that they should imprison Him until a time lest what happened would become public.

 Allah says in the next three verses (36-38) "And there entered the prison with Him two young men, one of them said, indeed, I have seen myself pressing wine, the other said, indeed, I have seen myself carrying upon my head bread from which the birds were eating, Inform us of its interpretation, indeed, we see You to be of the good doers, He said you will not receive food that is provided to both of you except that I will inform you of its interpretation before it comes to both of you, that is from what My Lord has taught Me, indeed, I have left the religion of a people who do not believe in Allah, and they are disbelievers in the Hereafter, and I have followed the religion of my fathers Abraham and Isaac and Jacob, and it was not for us to associate anything with Allah, that is from the favor of Allah upon us and upon the people, but most of the people are not grateful'', that is, Joseph entered the prison, and there entered with Him two young men, and both of them has seen a dream, and asked Joseph to interpret it, one of them said that he has seen himself pressing wine, and Allah's Messenger said in narration of Ibn Umar that wine used to prepared from five things: grapes, dates, wheat, barely, and honey (Sahih Muslim 5588), and the other said that he has seen himself carrying upon his head bread from which the birds are eating, thereupon they said to Joseph Inform us of their interpretation, indeed, we see You to be of the good doers. Thereupon, Joseph assured them that Allah has given Him knowledge, and said to both of them that they will not provided of any food except that He describes it before it comes to both of them, and that was from what Allah has taught Him. Then He assured them that He had left the religion of a people who do not believe in Allah, and they are disbelievers in the Hereafter as they denied that Allah will resurrect them from the graves on the day of resurrection, so He abandoned the path of disbelief and polytheism, and followed the religion of His forefathers Abraham and Isaac, and His father Jacob, based on monotheism and acknowledging that there is no God but Allah, alone with no partner, so He said it was not for us to associate a partner with Allah, that this is from the favor of Allah upon us when He guided us to His way, and upon the people when He sent us to guide them to His way, but most of the people are not grateful to Allah as they deny His favor and associate partners with Him.  

 Allah says in the next two verses (39,40) "O two companions of prison! Are diverse lords better or Allah, the One, the Oft-Omnipotent?, you worship not besides Him except names you have named, you and your fathers, Allah has not sent down any authority for it, the judgment is not but for Allah, He has commanded that you worship not except Him, that is the straight religion, but most of the people do not know", that is, Joseph began to call the two young men who accompanied Him in the prison to worship Allah alone, and said to them Are different gods that not benefit nor harm you better or Allah, the One, the Oft-Omnipotent who has no equals and He who conquered everything by His power. Then Joseph said to them that the idols they worship are nothing but names they and their fathers named them, and Allah has not sent down any authority or proof for these idols that would make them worthy of worship, but they followed what their fathers followed, thinking that their fathers were right. Then Joseph said to both of them that the judgment and the dominion belong to Allah alone, that Allah commanded His servants not to worship none but Him, and that what he calls them to of monotheism and sincerity of worship for Allah is the straight religion in which there is no crookedness, and the truth in which there is no doubt, but most of the people do not know, so they associate partners with Him.

 Allah says in the next two verses (41,42) "O two companions of prison! As for one of you, he will give drink to his master of wine, but as for the other, he will be crucified, and the birds will eat from his head, the matter has been decreed about which you both inquire, and He said to the one who he knew would be saved Mention Me before your master, but Satan made him forget the mention to his master, so He remained in the prison Bed' years", that is, Joseph began to interpret the two dreams, and said to the one who had seen himself pressing wine that he would be released, and he would give his master wine to drink, but as for the other who had seen himself carrying upon his head bread from which the birds were eating that he will be crucified, and the birds will eat from his head, then Joseph said to both of them the matter has been decreed about which you both inquire for it is the decree of Allah for both of them which Allah has taught Joseph as shown above in Aya (37). Then Joseph said to the one who he knew would be saved from the prison, and from crucify Mention Me before your master, but Satan made him forget to mention the matter of Joseph to his master, so Joseph remained in the prison for Bed' years, and Bed' in Arabic language ranges from three to nine, where Allah's Messenger said to Abu Bakr in narration of Niyar Bin Mukram Alaslami: "Why were you not more cautious Abu Bakr?, for indeed, Bid' refers to what is from three to nine" (Jami' Altirmidhi 3191).

 Allah says in the next three verses (43-45) "And the king said indeed, I have seen seven fat cows being eaten by seven lean ones, and seven green spikes and others dry, O chiefs! Interpret to me my vision, if you should interpret visions, they said a mixture of false dreams, and we are not learned in the interpretation of dreams, but the one who was saved from among them and remembered after a time said I will inform you of its interpretation, so Send me forth", that is, the king of Egypt said that He had seen in the dream seven fat cows being eaten by seven lean cows, and seven green spikes and seven dry ones, so he narrated the dream to the chiefs of his people and said Interpret to me my vision, if you should interpret visions, but the chiefs said to him that his dream is a mixture of false dreams that have no reality, and said we are not learned in the interpretation of dreams, then the one who was released from the prison and from crucify remember Joseph after a time, and said to them I will inform you of the interpretation of that dream, so send me forth to Joseph in the prison.

 Allah says in the next four verses (46-49) "Joseph, O the truthful one! Inform us about seven fat cows eaten by seven lean ones, and seven green spikes and others dry, that I may return to the people, so that they will know, He said you will plant for seven years consecutively, and what you have harvested, Leave it in its spikes except a little from which you will eat, then will come after that seven difficult which will consume what you saved for them except a little from which you will store, then will come after that a year in which the people will be given rain and in which they will press", that is, the one who was saved from the prison went to Joseph in the prison and narrated to Him the dream of the king saying Joseph, O the truthful one! Inform us about seven fat cows eaten by seven lean ones, and seven green spikes and others dry, that I may return to the people, so that they will know its interpretation, so Joseph interpreted the seven fat cows and the seven green spikes as seven years of fertility and growth, and He interpreted the seven lean cows and the seven dry spikes as seven years of barrenness and hardships, thereupon He said to him you will plant for seven years consecutively, and what you have harvested, Leave it in its spikes except a little from which you will eat, if you take advantage of the seven fertile years, then Store the grain in its spikes so that it will last longer and will be far from spoiling, except for the amount that you eat, so let it be little by little and do not waste it, then Joseph said to him after these fertile years will come seven barren years which will consume what you saved for them of food except a little from which you will store. Then Joseph gave them a glad tidings of a year will come after the seven barren years in which the people will be given abundant rain, and in which they will press what they used to press, whether to extract wine, oil, or fat from different crops and fruits.

 Allah says in the next two verses (50,51) "And the king said Bring Him to me, but when the messenger came to Him, He said Return to your master and Ask him what about the women who cut their hands?, indeed, My Lord is All-Knower of their plan, he said What was your condition when you sought to seduce Joseph about Himself?, they said Allah forbid! We know about Him no evil, the wife of Aziz said now the truth has become evident, it was I who sought to seduce Him about Himself, and indeed, He is of the truthful'', that is, when the king was informed of the interpretation of his dream, he recognized the knowledge and the virtue of Joseph, so He said to them Bring Joseph to me, but when his messenger went to Joseph, he refused to leave the prison, until he proved his innocence of what he accused of regarding the wife of Al-Aziz, and to prove that the imprisonment was not due His fault, but it was injustice and oppression against Him, and Allah's Messenger said in narration of Abu Hurayrah: "Had I stayed in the prison as long as Joseph stayed, I would have responded to he who invited Me" (Sahih Muslim 151 a). So Joseph said to the messenger of the king Return to your master and Ask him what about the women who cut their hands?, then Joseph said that Allah is All-Knower of their plot, and nothing of their affair is hidden from Him. Thereupon, the king sent to the women and the wife of Al-Aziz, and said to them What was your condition when you sought to seduce Joseph about Himself?, the women said Allah forbid! That Joseph should be accused, we do not know of any evil He committed, then the wife of Al-Aziz said now the truth has become apparent, and she confessed that she was the one who sought to seduce Joseph about Himself, and that Joseph of the truthful.

 Allah says in the next two verses (52,53) "That is so he will know that I did not betray him in the absence and that Allah does not guide the plan of the betrayers, and I do not absolve myself, indeed, the soul incites to evil, except those upon which my Lord has mercy, indeed, my Lord is All-Forgiving, Most Merciful", that is, the wife of Al-Aziz confessed that she accused Joseph that He sought to seduce her about herself, so that her husband will know that she did not betray him in his absence, but Allah does not guide the plot of the betrayers for the truth will prevail against the falsehood even if after a while, and then she said I do not absolve myself, indeed, the soul incites man to do evil, and commands him to do whatever it desires even if it does not please Allah, except those upon which Allah has mercy, so He saves them from following its desires and obeying it in whatever evil it commands him to do, indeed, Allah is All-Forgiving, Most Merciful for those who repent, believe, and do righteous deeds.

 Allah says in the next two verses (54,55) "And the king said Bring Him to me, I will appoint Him exclusively for myself, and when he spoke to Him, he said indeed, You will be today in a glorious position and trustworthy, He said Appoint Me over the storehouses of the land, indeed, I am a knowledgeable keeper", that is, when it became clear to the king of Egypt that Joseph was innocent, he said Bring Joseph to me, I will appoint Him exclusively for myself, and when Joseph came to the king, the king spoke to him, saying you will be today in a glorious position, and trustworthy, thereupon, Joseph asked the king for being the minister of the storehouses (Al-Aziz), so He said to the king Put Me in charge of the storehouses of the land in which crops are collected for the seven barren years, and He said to the king indeed, I am a knowledgeable keeper of what you have entrusted to Me.

 Allah says in the next two verses (56,57) "And thus we established Joseph in the earth to settle therein wherever He wished, We touch with Our mercy whom We will, and We do not waste the reward of the good doers, and the reward of the Hereafter is better for those who believed and used to fear", that is, Allah has bestowed His favor upon Joseph when He saved Him from the prison, and bringing Him closer to the king, and thus Allah established Joseph in the land of Egypt to dwell therein wherever He wished after prison and hardships, and Allah bestows His favor and His mercy upon whom He wills, and Allah does not waste the reward of the good doers who were patient over the hardships they met in order to obey Allah, then Allah assures that the reward of the Hereafter is better than what He has given Joseph in the worldly life, and His reward is for those who believed and used to fear Allah and His punishment, so they followed His commands, and avoided his prohibitions.  

 Allah says in the next three verses (58-60) "And the brothers of Joseph came, and they entered upon Him, and He recognized them, but He was unknown to them, and when He had furnished them with their supplies, He said Bring Me a brother of yours from your father Do not you see that I give full measure, and that I am the best of the hosts?, but if you do not bring him to Me, then no measure will there be for you from Me, nor will you approach Me", that is, when the seven fertile years passed and the seven barren ones came, the people came to Joseph from all regions seeking food for themselves and their families, so the brothers of Joseph came to Him and left His full brother with His father the Prophet Jacob, and when they entered upon Joseph, He recognized them while they did not recognize Him, and when Joseph has furnished His brothers with their supplies of food, He said to them Bring Me a brother of yours from your father, and He encouraged them to return back saying Do you not see that I give full measure, and that I am the best of the hosts?, but if they do not bring their step brother to Him, then they will have no food from Him, nor will they approach Him.      

 Allah says in the next three verses (61-63) "They said we will attempt to persuade his father about Him, and indeed, we will surely do, and He said to His young boys Put their merchandise into their saddlebags, so they might recognize it when they have gone back to their people, so that they may return, so when they returned to their father, they said O our father! The measure has been withheld from us, so Send with us our brother, so that we will be given measure, and indeed, we will surely be His guards", that is, Joseph's brothers said to Him that they will attempt to persuade the Prophet Jacob about His full brother, and they will spare no effort in bringing His brother to Him, so they assured Joseph that they will surely do that. Then Joseph commanded His young boys to put the goods they have taken from His brothers as a barter in their saddlebags, so that they may recognize it when they have gone back to their family, so that they may return with His full brother. When Joseph's brothers returned to their father, they said to Him O our Father! The measure will be withheld from us if you do not send our brother with us, and then they asked Him to send him with them, so that they will be given measure, then they said we will be His guardians and will protect Him from anything that harms Him.   

 Allah says in the next two verses (64,65) "He said Should I trust you with him except as I trusted you with his brother before?, but Allah is the Best Guardian, and He is the Most Merciful of the merciful, and when they opened their luggage, they found their merchandise had been returned to them, they said O our father! What could we desire?, this is our merchandise had been returned to us, and we will get provision for our family and will protect our brother and will get an increase of a measure of one camel, that is an easy measure", that is, the Prophet Jacob said to His sons Should I trust you with him as I trusted you with his brother Joseph, but Allah is the Best Guardian, and He is the Most Merciful of the merciful, so Allah will have mercy upon Me, and will protect him better than you protect Him until he returns to Me. And when they opened their luggage, they found that their goods had been returned to them, so they said to their father What could we desire more than that?, this is our goods had been returned to us, so they asked their father to send Joseph's brother with them so that they will bring food for them, and they promised Him that they will protect their brother, and they will get an increase of a measure of one camel, and that is an easy measure for it does not cost them anything. 

 Allah says in the next two verses (66,67) "He said I will never send him with you until you give Me a covenant by Allah that you will bring him to me unless that you are surrounded, and when they had given Him their covenant, He said Allah is a Witness over what we say, He said O My sons! Do not enter from one gate but enter from different gates, and I can not avail you in anything from Allahthe judgment is not but for Allah, upon Him I have put My trust, and upon Him let those who would rely put their trust", that is, the Prophet Jacob said to His sons I will never send Joseph's full brother with you until you give me a covenant or an oath by Allah that you will bring him to Me, unless that you are surrounded, defeated, and unable to save him, so when they gave Him their covenant, He said to them that Allah is a Witness over what they all say. The prophet Jacob said to His sons when they intended to go to Egypt Do not enter Egypt from one gate, but enter from different gates, He may was afraid that they would be envied or that they all would be exposed to evil, but He assured them that He can not avail them in anything from Allah if He decreed an evil for them, and that the judgment belongs to none but Allah, so He decrees what He wills, and His decree can not be rejected. Therefore, He said to His sons that He put His trust upon Allah regarding their protection until He returns them to Him while they are safe and sound, so let those who trust put their trust upon Allah alone. 

 Allah says in the next two verses (68,69) "And when they entered from where their father had ordered them, that was not to avail them in anything from Allah except a need within the soul of Jacob which He fulfilled, and indeed, He was a possessor of knowledge because of what We had taught Him, but most of the people do not know, and when they entered upon Joseph, He took His brother to himself, He said indeed, I am your brother, so Do not grieve for what they used to do", that is, Joseph's brothers entered Egypt from where their father had ordered them, and the entrance from different gates was not to avail them in anything from Allah if He intended harm to them, but it was a need in Jacob's soul, that He has fulfilled out of fear for them, then Allah assures that Jacob wa a possessor of knowledge because what Allah has taught Him regarding the matter of His religion, but most of the people do not know what Jacob knows. And when they entered upon, Joseph, He took His full brother to Himself, and when He was alone with his brother, He told him that He is his brother, and He said to him Do not grieve for what they did before.

 Allah says in the next three verses (70-72) "So when He had furnished them with their supplies, He placed the drinking cup into the saddlebag of His brother, then an announcer announced O caravan! Indeed, you are thieves, they said while approaching them What do you miss?, they said We are missing the cup of the king, and for he who brings it a camel's load, and I am responsible for it", that is, when Joseph has furnished His brother with their supplies of food, He put the drinking cup of the king into the saddlebag of His full brother, then a caller called them O Caravan! Indeed, your are thieves, so Joseph's brothers said to the caller while approaching them What do you miss?, they said to them we are missing the cup of the king, and whoever brings it will have a camel's load, and the caller gave them a guarantee for that, and said I am responsible for it.

 Allah says in the next three verses (73-75) "They said By Allah! You have certainly known that we did not come to cause corruption in the land, nor have we been thieves, they said then What would be its recompense if you should be liars?, they said its recompense is that he in whose saddlebag it is found, shall himself be its recompense, thus we recompense the wrongdoers", that is, Joseph's brothers acquitted themselves of theft and swore by Allah saying to those accused them of theft you have certainly known that we did not come to cause corruption in the land, nor have we been thieves, so they do not oppress anyone, nor do they take what is not theirs, then they said to them What would be its recompense if you should be liars, and one of you stole the cup, so Joseph's brothers said to them the rule of theft in their country will be his recompense, and it was that whoever steals will be taken as a slave to the one who stole from him, so they said its recompense is that he in whose saddlebag it is found, shall himself be its recompense, thus we recompense the wrongdoers.

 Allah says in the next two verses (76,77) "Then He began with their bags before the bag of His brother, then He brought it out from the bag of his brother, thus We planned against Joseph, He could not have taken His brother within the rule of the king except that Allah should willed, We raise in degrees whom We will, but over every possessor of knowledge is one more knowing, they said if he steals, then indeed, a brother of his has stolen before, but Joseph kept it secret within himself and did not reveal it to them, He said you are worst in position, and Allah knows best of what you describe", that is, Joseph searched the bags of his step brothers looking for the king's cup before searching the bag of His full brother to ward off the suspicion from their hearts if He started with His brother's bag, then He brought the king's cup out from the bag of His brother, thus Allah has plotted for Joseph so that His brother would stay with Him in a way that seemed legitimate to their step brothers when they judged that the thief would be taken as a slave , and Joseph could not has taken His brother within the authority of the king except that Allah willed, then Allah assures that He raises in degrees whom He wills with faith and knowledge, and that over every possessor of knowledge is one more knowing than him, and Allah is above them all as he is the All-Knower. Then Joseph's step brothers disavowed their brother and said that if had committed theft, then his full brother has committed theft before, so they accused Joseph of theft, so He said you are worst in position and Allah knows best of what you describe of lies, but Joseph kept His saying secret within Himself, and did not reveal it to them.

 Allah says in the next two verses (78,79) "They said O Aziz! Indeed, he has a father, a very old man, so Take one of us in place of him, indeed, we see you of the good doers, He said the refuge of Allah, that we take except the one with whom we found our possession, indeed, we would then be unjust", that is, Joseph's brothers asked Him compassion towards them and said to Him O Aziz! he has father who is very old man, so Take one of us instead of him, indeed, we see you of the good doers, but Joseph said to them the refuge of Allah that we take except the one with whom we found the king's cup, and if we take the innocent instead of the thief, then we would then be unjust.

 Allah says in the next three verses (80-82) "So when they had despaired of Him, they secluded themselves for secret counsel, the eldest of them said Do you not know that your father has taken upon you a covenant by Allah, and you have defaulted before in Joseph?, so I will never leave the land until my father permits me or Allah judges for me, and He is the Best of Judges, Return back to your father and Say O our father! Indeed, your son has stolen, and we did not testify except to what we knew, and we were not guardians of the unseen, and Ask the town in which we have been, and the caravan with which we have come, and indeed, we are truthful", that is, when Joseph refused to take one of His brothers instead of His full brother, and His brothers had despaired of Him, they secluded themselves for secret counsel, and the eldest one of them said Do you not know that Your father has taken upon you a covenant by Allah that you will bring him back to Him unless that you are surrounded, and you have defaulted before in Joseph, so I will never leave the land of Egypt until my father gives me permission to return to Him, or Allah judges for me, and Allah is the best of judges as He is the Most Judge of the Judges and He is not unjust to the servants. Then the eldest of them commanded them to return to Jacob, and to said o Him your son has stolen the cup of the king, and we only testified what we knew of the legal punishment of the theft, and we did not know the unseen and that he actually stole, and if you do not believe us, then Ask the people of Egypt in which we have been, and the caravan with which we have come, regarding the news of your son, and they will told you that we have told you the truth.

 Allah says in the next two verses (83,84) "He said, rather your souls have enticed you a matter, so patience is most fitting, hopefullyAllah will bring them to Me all together, indeed, He is All-Knower, All-Wise, and He turned away from them and said O My sorrow for Joseph, and His eyes became white from the grief, for He was a suppressor", that is, the Prophet Jacob said to His sons rather your souls have enticed you a matter, and patience is most fitting over this matter, patience without complaining to anyone except Allah, hopefully, Allah will bring Joseph, His full brother, and eldest one of them to Me, all together, indeed, Allah is the All-Knower of everything as nothing is hidden from Him in the heavens or on the earth, the All-Wise who manages His creation with wisdom in His laws and destiny, then the Prophet Jacob turned away from His sons, and said O My sorrow for Joseph, and His eyes became white from the grief for He used to suppress His grief, and does not complain to anyone His sadness.

 Allah says in the next three verses (85-87) "They said By Allah! You will not cease remembering Joseph until You become fatally ill or become of those who perish, He said I only complain of My suffering and My grief to Allah, and I know from Allah what you do not know, O My sons! Go and inquire about Joseph and His brother, and Do not despair of the relief of Allah, indeed, no one despairs of the relief of Allah except the disbelieving people", that is, when Joseph's brothers saw their father's sadness over Joseph, they said to Him out of compassion for Him By Allah! You will not cease remembering Joseph until You will get sick and become on the verge of death or Yo will be among the dead. So their father said to them I only complain My suffering and My grief to Allah, and I know from Allah what you do not know as He will not disappoint Me, then He commanded them to go and inquire about news of Joseph and His brother, and not to despair of the relief of Allah and lose hope in the mercy of Allah as no one despairs of the relief of Allah except the disbelievers. 

 Allah says in the next four verses (88-91) "So when they entered upon Him, they said O Aziz! Adversity has touched us and our family, and we have come with goods poor in quality, but Give us full measure and Give charity to us, indeed, Allah rewards those who give charity, He said Do you know what you did to Joseph and His brother when you were ignorant?, they said Are you Joseph?, He said I am Joseph and this is My brother, Allah has certainly favored Us, indeed, he who fears and is patient, then indeed, Allah does not waste the reward of the good doers, they said By AllahAllah has certainly preferred You over us, and indeed, we have been sinners", that is, Joseph's brothers went to Egypt, and when they entered upon Joseph, they said to Him that they and their family are afflicted of adversity and suffering from lack of food, and that they have come with goods poor in quality and of very little worth, and they asked Him for full measure by giving them at this little price what He gave them before, then they asked Him to give charity to them and not to reduce the food because of the poor quality of their goods, indeed, Allah rewards those who give charity to those in need. Allah has promised Joseph that He will surely inform them of what they did to Him while they do not perceive as shown above in Aya (15), so when He knew their condition and the hardships they were suffering, He felt compassion and mercy towards His family, and then He revealed His identity and reminded them of how they had separated Him from His full brother while they are ignorant of the extent of the sin they committed, saying Do you know what you did to Joseph and His brother when you were ignorant?, thereupon, His brothers said Are you Joseph?, He said I am Joseph and this is My brother, Allah has certainly favored us by bringing us together after all these years. Then Joseph said to them indeed, he who fears Allah and His punishment so He acts according His commands and prohibitions, and is patient over the hardships in order to obey Allah, then Allah does not waste the reward of the good doers, so they said to Joseph By AllahAllah has certainly favored you over us with knowledge, wisdom, and dominion, and they confessed that they has wronged Him saying, and indeed, we have been sinners.

 Allah says in the next four verses (92-95) "He said no reproach will there be upon you today, May Allah forgive you, and He is the Most Merciful of the merciful, Go with this shirt of Mine, and cast it over the face of My father, He will become seeing, and Bring Me your family, all together, and when the caravan departed, their father said indeed, I find the smell of Joseph if you do not think Me weakened in mind, they said By Allah! indeed, You are in Your old error", that is, Joseph did not rebuke His brothers, but He pardoned them saying no reproach will there be upon you today, and He supplicated for forgiveness for them saying May Allah forgive you, and He is the Most Merciful of the merciful, then He gave them His shirt, and said to them Go with this shirt of Mine, and cast it over the face of My father, so He will turn into a sighted man, and Bring Me all your family. And when the Caravan departed from Egypt heading for their country, the wind blew and carried the scent of Joseph to His father Jacob, so Jacob said to the rest of His family I smell the scent of Joseph if you do not think Me weakened in mind and senile, then they said to Him By Allah! You are in Your old error of loving of Joseph, and do not forget Him.  

 Allah says in the next three verses (96-98) "And when the bearer of glad tidings arrived, he cast it over His face, and He returned seeing, He said Did I not tell you that I know from Allah what you do not know, they said O our father! Ask for us forgiveness of our sins, indeed, we have been sinners, He said I will ask forgiveness for you from My Lord, indeed, He is the All-Forgiving, the Most Merciful'', that is, when the bearer of glad tidings came to Jacob from His son Joseph, he cast Joseph's shirt over His face, so Jacob returned seeing, then He said to His sons Did I not tell you that I know from Allah what you do not know and that He will not disappoint Me, thereupon, Jacob's sons said to Him O our father! Ask for us forgiveness of our sins, indeed, we have been sinners, then Jacob promised them that He will ask forgiveness for them from Allah, indeed, Allah is the All-Forgiving, the Most Merciful for those who repent, believe, and do righteous deeds.

 Allah says in the next three verses (99-101) "And when they entered upon Joseph, He took His parents to himself and said Enter Egypt, if Allah wills, secure, and He raised His parents upon the throne, they all fell before Him in prostration and He said O My father! This is the interpretation of My vision of before, My Lord has made it true, and He was certainly good to Me when He took Me out of the prison, and brought you from Bedouin life after Satan has sown discord between Me and My brothers, indeed, My Lord is All-Subtle in what He wills, indeed, He is the All-Knower, the All-Wise, My Lord! You have given Me of sovereignty, and taught Me of the interpretation of statements, the Creator of the heavens and the earth, You are My Protector in the world and in the Hereafter, Cause Me to die as a Muslim and Join Me with the righteous", that is, the Prophet Jacob went with His family to Joseph in Egypt, so Joseph took His parents to Himself and welcomed them saying Enter Egypt, if Allah wills, secure, then Joseph made His parents sit upon the throne, then His parents, and His eleven brothers fell before Him in prostration, and Joseph remembered the vision He had seen and narrated to His father as shown above in Aya (4), so He said to His father Jacob this is the interpretation of My vision of before, My Lord has made it true, and He said that Allah was certainly good to Him when He took Him out of the prison, and brought His family from Bedouin life after Satan has sown discord between Him and His brothers, indeed, Allah is All-Subtle in what He wills; For if He decrees a matter, He places reasons for it, and facilitates it, and He is the All-Knower of everything as nothing is hidden from Him in the heavens or on the earth, the All-Wise who manages His creation with wisdom in His laws and destiny. Joseph said after Allah had gathered Him with His parents and brothers, and established Him on the earth O My Lord! You have given Me of sovereignty of Egypt, and taught Me of the interpretation of statements including visions, the Creator of the Heavens and the earth, You are My Protector in the worldly life with Your help over those who intend harm to Me, and My Protector in the Hereafter with Your grace and mercy, Cause Me to die as a Muslim, and Join Me to the righteous of My forefathers Abraham, Isaac, and those before them of Your Prophets and Messengers.

 Allah says in the next three verses (102-104) "This is from the news of the unseen which We reveal to You, and You were not with them when they agreed upon their affair while they were plotting, and most of the people, even though You strive, are not believers, and You do not ask them a wage for it, it is nothing but a reminder to the worlds'', that is, Allah addresses His Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) and says to Him that what He has revealed to Him of the the news of Joseph, His father, His brothers, and everything else in this Surah is from the news of the unseen that He has not seen, and He said to Him You were not with Joseph's brothers when they agreed to cast Him in the bottom of the well while they were plotting a plot for Joseph, and then Allah said to His Messenger that most of the people will not believe even though He strives for their guidance, that He does not ask them a wage for conveying Allah's message to them, and that the Holy Quran is a reminder to the worlds in which there are lessons from the previous nations and ways of salvation in the worldly life and the Hereafter.

 Allah says in the next three verses (105-107) "And how many of a sign within the heavens and the earth do they pass over it while they, therefrom, are turning away, and most of them do not believe in Allah except while they associate, then Do they feel secure that there will not come to them an overwhelming of the punishment of Allah, or that the Hour will not come to them suddenly while they do not perceive?", that is, there are many signs in the heavens and the earth like the sun, the moon, the stars, the mountains, the seas, the plants, the trees, and other signs in both of them, but most of the people pass over any sign of the heavens and the earth while they are turning away from it as they do not reflect on it and what it indicates of the Oneness of their Creator, and the greatness of His creation. And most of them do not believe in Allah except while associating partners with Him of false gods and idols, although they acknowledge that Allah is their Creator as mentioned in Aya (87) of Surat Alzukhruf, thereupon, Allah threatens those who associate partners with Him saying Do they feel secure that there will not come to them an overwhelming of the punishment of Allah in the worldly life, or that the day of resurrection (The Hour) will not come to them suddenly while they do not perceive?. 

 Allah says in the next two verses (108,109) "Say this is My way, I call to Allah with insight, I and those who follow Me, and Glory to be Allah, and I am not of the polytheists, and We did not send before You except men to whom We revealed from among the people of the towns, so Have they not traveled in the land and see how was the end of those before them?, and the abode of the Hereafter is better for those who fear, then Will you not understand", that is, Allah commanded His Messenger to say to the polytheists of Quraish that the way He is following is the calling to the monotheism and that there is no god but Allah, with no partner, that He and those who follow Him call to Allah with insight, certainty, and proofs, and Glory to be Allah from having a partner or an equal, and that He is not of the polytheists. Then Allah assures His Messenger that all the Messengers who came before Him were human beings and none of them was an Angels, and Allah has revealed His message to them from among the people of the towns in order to convey it to His servants, and then Allah marvels at the fact that the polytheists of Quraish traveled across the land, and saw the torment that Allah had inflicted upon the previous nations, but they persisted on disbelief, tyranny, and stubbornness. Allah assures that the abode of the Hereafter is better for those who fear Allah and fear His punishment; For the reward they will receive in the Hereafter is better and more lasting, so Will you not understand that the rule of Allah is to save the believers, and punish the disbelievers.

 Allah says in the last two verses (110,111) "Until when the Messengers despaired and were certain that they were denied, there came to them Our victory and whoever we willed was saved, and Our punishment can not be repelled from the criminal people, there was certainly in their stories a lesson for those of understanding, it is not a statement invented, but a confirmation of what was before it, and an explanation of everything and a guidance and a mercy for a people who believe", that is, when the Messengers despaired of the belief of their people, and were certain that they had been denied, there came to them Allah's victory, and Allah saved the Messengers and those who followed them, and there is none to repel Allah's punishment from those who disbelieved and denied their Messengers. Then Allah assures that there was in the story of the Messengers and their people a lesson for those of understanding for they will be admonished by these stories, and the Holy Quran is not a statement invented, but rather it is a confirmation of what was before it of the Scriptures sent down from Allah like the Torah, the Gospel, and other Scriptures as the Holy Quran confirms what has not been distorted in them, and denied what is in them of distortion, alternation, and change, and the Holy Quran is an explanation of everything as Allah has explained therein the commands, the prohibitions, the lawful, the unlawful, the obedience, and the disobedience, so the Holy Quran is a guidance to the straight path and a mercy from Allah for the believers as they believe in it, follow its commands, and act according to its rulings and prohibitions. 

No one Knows its interpretation except Allah

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