32- Surat Alsajdah/Tafseer
30 Verses Meccan (revealed in Mecca)
A'auzu Bellahi mena alshaiytani alrajeem
I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed Satan
Bismi Ellahi Alrhmani Alraheem
In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
Alif Lam Meem (1).
Alif Lam Meem.
Tanzeeluo alketabi la raiyba feehi men Rabbi al-alameem (2).
The revelation of the book, there is no doubt about it from the Lord of the worlds.
Am yaquluona eftarahuo bal huwa alhaqquo men Rabbeka le-tunzera qawman ma atahum men nazeerin men qableka la-allahum yahtaduon (3).
Or do they say, He invented it?, but it is the truth from Your Lord, so that You may warn a people to whom no warner has come to them before You, so that they may be guided.
Allahu allazi khalaqa alsamawati wa alarda wa ma baiynahuma fee settati ayyamin thumma estawa ala alarshi ma lakum men duonehi men waliyyin wa la shafee-in afa-la tatazakkaruon (4).
Allah is the One who has created the heavens and the earth and whatever is between them in six days, then He established Himself on the Throne, you have not besides Him any protector or intercessor, then Will you not remember?.
Youdabberuo al-amra mena alsama-ee ela alardi thumma ya'rujuo elaiyhi fee yawmin kana meqdaruhuo alfa sanatin memma ta-udduon (5).
He manages the matter from the heaven to the earth, then it ascends to Him in a day whose measure is a thousand years of what you count.
Zaleka alemuo alghaiybi wa alshahadati Alazeezuo Alraheem (6).
That is the Knower of the unseen and the witnessed, the Almighty, the Most Merciful.
Allazi ahsana kulla shaiy-in khalaqahuo wa bada-a khalqa alinsani men teen (7).
The One who perfected everything He created and began the creation of man from clay.
Thumma ja'ala naslahuo men sulalatin men ma-in maheen (8).
Then He made his progeny from an extract of disdained water.
Thumma sawwahuo wa nafakha feehi men ruohehi wa ja'ala lakumuo alsam'a wa alabsara wa alaf-edata qaleelan ma tashkuruon (9).
Then He perfected him, and breathed into him from His Spirit, and made for you the hearing and the vision and the the hearts, little what is you give thanks.
Wa qaluo a-iza dalalna fee alardi a-inna la-fee khalqin ghadeedin bal hum beleqa-ee Rabbehim kaferuon (10).
And they say, is it that when we are lost in the earth, indeed, we will be in a new creation, but, they are disbelievers of the meeting of their Lord.
Qul yatawaffakum malakuo almawti allazi wukkela bekum thumma ela Rabbekum turjauon (11).
Say, the Angel of death who has been assigned for you will take you in death, then to your Lord, you will be returned.
Wa laww tara izi almujremuona nakesuo ru-usehim enda Rabbehim Rabbana absarna wa same'na farje'na na'mal salehan inna muqenuon (12).
And if You could see when the criminals bowed their heads before their Lord, our Lord, we have seen and heard, so return us we will do righteous deeds, indeed, we are certain.
Wa laww she'na la-atayna kulla nafsin hudaha wa laken haqqa alqawluo menni la-amla-anna jahannama mena aljennati wa alnasi ajma-een (13).
And if We willed, We would have given every soul its guidance, but the word has come true from Me, that I will surely fill Hell with the Jinn and the men all together.
Fa-zuquo bema naseetun leqaa yawmekum haza inna nasenakum wa zuquo azaba alkhuldi bema kuntum ta'maluon (14).
So Taste because you had forgotten the meeting of this day of yours, indeed, We have forgotten you, and Taste the punishment of eternity for what you used to do.
Innama you'menuo be-ayatena allazian iza zukkeruo beha kharruo sujjadan wa sabbahuo be-hamdi Rabbehim wa hum la yastakberuon ۩ (15).
Only those who believe in Our verses when they are reminded of them, fall down in prostration and glorify with the praise of their Lord, and they are not arrogant.
۩- Prostration of recitation.
Tatajafa junubuhum ani almadaje-e yad-uona Rabbahum khawfan wa tama-an wa memma razqnahum younfequon (16).
Their sides remain apart from their beds, they call their Lord in fear and hope, and they spend from what We have provided them.
Fala ta'lamuo nafsun ma aukhfeiya lahum men qurrati a'yunin jaza-an bema kanuo ya'maluon (17).
So no soul knows what is hidden for them of the comfort of eyes as a reward for what they used to do.
Afa-man kana mu'menan ka-man kana faseqan la yastawuon (18).
Then is he who is a believer like he who is disobedient?, they are not equal.
Amma allazina amanuo wa ameluo alsalehati fa-lahum jannatuo alma'wa nuzulan bema kanuo ya'maluon (19).
As for those who believe and do righteous deeds, then for them the gardens of refuge as a hospitality for what they used to do.
Wa amma allazina fasaquo fama'wahumuo alnaruo kullama araduo an yakhrujuo menha au-eduo feeha wa qeela lahum zuquo azaba alnari allazi kuntum behi tukazzebuon (20).
But as for those who disobeyed, then their abode is the fire, whenever they wish to come out from it, they will be returned in it, and it will be said to them Taste the punishment of the fire which you used to deny.
Wala-nuzeqannahum mena alazabi aladna duona alazabi alakbari la'allahum yarje-uon (21).
And We will certainly make them taste of the nearer punishment before the greater punishment so that they may return.
Wa man azlamuo memman zukkera be-ayati Rabbehi thumma a'rada anha inna mena almujremeena muntaqemuon (22).
And who is more unjust than he who was reminded of the verses of his Lord, then he turned away from them, indeed, We will take vengeance from the criminals.
Wa laqad atayna Musa alketaba fa-la takun fee meryatin men leqa-ehi wa ja'alnahuo hudan le-bani Israil (23).
And indeed, We gave Moses the book, so Do not be in doubt about meeting Him and We made it a guidance for the children of Israel.
Wa ja'alna menhum a-emmatan yahduona be-amrena lamma sabaruo wa kanuo be-ayatena youqenuon (24).
And We made from among them leaders guiding by Our command when they were patient and they were certain of Our signs.
Inna Rabbaka huwa yafseluo baiynahum yawma alqeiyamati feema kanuo feehi yakhtalefuon (25).
Indeed, Your Lord is the one who will judge between them on the day of resurrection in what they used to differ in it.
Awa lam yahdi lahum kam ahlakna men qablehim mena alquruoni yamshuona fee masakenehim inna fee zaleka la-ayatin afa-la yasma-uon (26).
Does it not guide them, how many generations We have destroyed before them, they walk in their dwellings, indeed, in that are signs, then do they not hear?.
Awa lam yaraww anna nasuquo alma-a ela alardi aljuruzi fa-nukhrejuo behi zar-an ta'kuluo menhuo an'amuhum wa anfusuhum afa-la youbseruon (27).
Do they not see that We drive water to the barren land then We bring forth thereby crops from which their cattle eat and themselves, then do they not see?.
Wa yaquluona mata haza alfat-huo in kuntum sadeqeen (28).
And they say when will be this conquest if you are truthful?.
Qul yawma alfat-hi la yanfa'uo allazina kafaruo emanuhum wa la hum younzaruon (29).
Say, on the day of conquest their faith will not benefit those who disbelieve nor will they be given any respite.
Fa-a'red anhum wa-ntazer innahum muntazeruon (30).
So Turn away from them and Wait, indeed, they are waiting.
Simplified interpretation:
Surat Alsajdah begins with three letters of the Arabic language, just like 28 Surahs of the Holy Quran that start with individual letters ranging from one to five letters. It is noticeable that in all 29 Surahs the book or the Holy Quran is mentioned whether it is immediately after these letters or it is included in the Surah or even at the end of it. It is a challenge from Allah, Almighty, to the infidels of Quraish, as if Allah says to them this is the book in the letters of the language you speak, but you will not be able to produce the like of it, and He has already challenged them in Aya (88) of Surat Alisraa "Say, if mankind and the Jinn gathered in order to produce the like of this Quran, they could not produce the like of it, even if they were to each other assistants". As for the current Surah, it begins with three letters "Alif, Lam, and Meem" or "A, L, and M" in English followed by "The revelation of the book, there is no doubt about it from the Lord of the worlds", but the knowledge of these letters remains with Allah, the Lord of the worlds. And as narrated by Abu Hurayrah, Allah's Messenger used to recite Surat Alsajdah in the first Rak'ah of the dawn prayer (Alfajr) on Friday, and Surat Alinsan in the second Rak'ah.
Allah says in the first three verses (1-3) "Alif Lam Meem, the revelation of the book, there is no doubt about it from the Lord of the worlds, Or do they say, He invented it?, but it is the truth from Your Lord, so that You may warn a people to whom no warner has come to them before You, so that they may be guided", that is, Allah assures that the Holy Quran is a revelation from the Lord of the worlds, and there is no doubt about it, but the polytheists of Quraish say that Muhammad (PBUH) has invented the Holy Quran, thereupon, Allah said to His Messenger that it is the truth from Your lord in order to warn the people of Quraish to whom no Messenger has come to them before You, nor a Messenger has come to their forefathers as mentioned in Surat Yaseen Aya (6), and Allah has sent His Messenger to them so that they may be guided to the truth from their Lord, so they follow it and believe in it.
Allah says in the next three verses (4-6) "Allah is the One who has created the heavens and the earth and whatever is between them in six days, then He established Himself on the Throne, you have not besides Him any protector or intercessor, then Will you not remember?, He manages the matter from the heaven to the earth, then it ascends to Him in a day whose measure is a thousand years of what you count, that is the Knower of the unseen and the witnessed, the Almighty, the Most Merciful", that is, Allah assures that He is the One who has created the heavens and the earth and whatever is between them in six days as the creation of the earth and whatever is on it took place in four days, then Allah completed the creation of the sky as seven skies in another two days as mentioned in Surat Fussilat Ayat (9-12), then He established Himself on the throne as He manages the matter and judges between His creation with justice, so He is the Creator of everything, the Possessor of everything, and All-Powerful over everything, thereupon, there is no Guardian for His creation other than Him, and there is no intercessor for them on the day of resurrection except by His permission, then Will you not remember His Ability to do whatever He wills?, as none can save you from His punishment, so you acknowledge His Oneness and abandon the idols that you worship besides Him. Then Allah assures that He manages the matter of decrees and destiny for His creation from the heaven to the earth, then the deeds of His servants ascend to Him in a day whose duration is a thousand years of what mankind count, so the descent of the Angel takes five-hundred years and his ascent takes another five-hundred years, and the One who manages all affairs is the Knower of the unseen and the witnessed who knows everything that His servants see, and what is hidden from them, and nothing is hidden from Him, and He is the Almighty who is Severe in His revenge on those who disobeyed Him, and the Most-Merciful to those who obey Him.
Allah says in the next three verses (7-9) "The One who perfected everything He created and began the creation of man from clay, then He made his progeny from an extract of disdained water, then He perfected him, and breathed into him from His Spirit, and made for you the hearing and the vision and the the hearts, little what is you give thanks", that is, Allah assures that He is the One who perfected and mastered everything He created, and He began the creation of Adam from clay, then He made His progeny from an extract of disdained water coming out from between the backbone of a man and the ribs of a woman as mentioned in Surat Altariq Aya (7), and Allah perfected the creation of Adam and breathed into Him from His Spirit so it became a life in his body, then Allah completed His creation by hearing, vision, and hearts, but little is what mankind give thanks to their Lord for what He has bestowed upon them, and they have not appraised Him with true appraisal.
Allah says in the next two verses (10,11) "And they say, is it that when we are lost in the earth, indeed, we will be in a new creation, but, they are disbelievers of the meeting of their Lord, Say, the Angel of death who has been assigned for you will take you in death, then to your Lord, you will be returned", that is, the polytheists deny the resurrection and they say out of their denial of the day of resurrection "Is it that when we are lost in the earth, indeed, we will be in a new creation", they ruled out the occurrence of the day of resurrection and used to mock Allah's Messenger when He assured them that the resurrection is true and it will inevitably happen as mentioned in Aya (7) of Surat Saba' "And those who disbelieve say Shall we direct you to a man who informs you that when you are torn, total torn, you will be in a new creation?". They marveled that when their bodies are dispersed in the earth and every bone is lost in it, they will be resurrected in a new creation, they said that because they are disbelievers of the meeting of Allah on the day of resurrection, so Allah commanded His Messenger to assure them that the Angel of death who has been assigned for them will take their souls, and then they will returned to their Lord and will find what they used to deny is present before their eyes.
Allah says in the next three verses (12-14) "And if You could see when the criminals bowed their heads before their Lord, our Lord, we have seen and heard, so return us we will do righteous deeds, indeed, we are certain, and if We willed, We would have given every soul its guidance, but the word has come true from Me, that I will surely fill Hell with the Jinn and the men all together, so Taste because you had forgotten the meeting of this day of yours, indeed, We have forgotten you, and Taste the punishment of eternity for what you used to do", that is, Allah describes the condition of the disbelievers who used to deny the resurrection when they saw the resurrection, where they will stand before their Lord, and will bow their heads out of humiliation and regret, then they will say to Allah we have seen and heard what we used to deny, so return us to the worldly life we will do righteous deeds, we are certain that Your promise is true and Your meeting is true, thereupon, Allah confirms that if He willed, He would have given every soul its guidance, but the word of Allah has come true that He will fill Hellfire from the Jinn and mankind all together, so the disbelievers will not be returned to the worldly life, rather, Hellfire will be their abode from which they have no escape nor refuge, and Allah knows that even if they were returned, they would return to that which they were forbidden as mentioned in Aya (28) of Surat Ala'araf, so it will be said to them as a reprimand Taste the punishment because you had forgotten the meeting of this day, so Allah will forget and leave them in the torment of Hellfire just as they forget the meeting of the day of resurrection and did not prepare faith and good deeds for it, where as narrated by Abu Hurayrah and Abu Sa'eed that Allah's Messenger said: "The servant will be brought on the day of resurrection, and Allah will say to him, Did I not give you hearing, sight, wealth, children, and did I not make the cattle and tillage subservient to you, and did I not leave you as the head of people taking from their wealth, Did you not think that you would have to meet this day of yours?, so he will say, no, so He will say to him Today you shall be forgotten just as you have forgotten Me" (Jami' Altirmidhi 2428). And it will be said to them taste the punishment of eternity for what they used to do as they will be abide in the Hellfire forever as a recompense of their disbelief and denial of the resurrection.
Allah says in the next two verses (15,16) "Only those who believe in Our verses when they are reminded of them, fall down in prostration and glorify with the praise of their Lord, and they are not arrogant, their sides remain apart from their beds, they call their Lord in fear and hope, and they spend from what We have provided them", that is, only those who believe in the verses of the Holy Quran when they are reminded of them, they fall down in prostration, and glorify with the praise of their Lord, and they are not arrogant to follow it and to submit to it, and their sides forsake their beds at night to remember Allah whether during the night prayer or without prayer and they call their Lord in fear of His punishment and hope of His reward, and they also spend from what Allah has provided them of good provision whether on their families, in the way of Allah, or for alms, and as narrated by Thawban that Allah's Messenger said: "The most excellent Dinar (currency) is a Dinar that a person spends on his family, and the Dinar which a person spends on his animal in the way of Allah, and the Dinar he spends on his companions in the way of Allah" (Sahih Muslim 994).
Allah says in the next verse (17) "So no soul knows what is hidden for them of the comfort of eyes as a reward for what they used to do", that is, no soul knows the greatness of what Allah has hidden for the believers whom Allah has described in the two previous verses as He has prepared from the eternal and the pleasure that no one has ever seen as a reward for what they used to do in the worldly life, where as narrated by Abu Hurayrah that Allah's Messenger said: "Allah said I have prepared for My righteous servants such things as no eye has ever seen, no ear has ever heard, and nobody has ever thought of, Abu Hurayrah added if you wish you can read "So no soul knows what is hidden for them of the comfort of eyes as a reward for what they used to do", and as narrated by Alasha'bi: "I heard Almugherah Bin Shu'bah saying while He was on the pulpit, and he attributed it to Allah's Messenger (PBUH), indeed, Moses asked His Lord, O Lord! Who is the lowest in rank among the people of Paradise?, He said: A man who comes after the people of Paradise have been admitted to Paradise, and he is told to enter, he says, How can I enter when they have gotten all of their abodes, and all that is to be had?, he said, so it is said to him would you accept if you were to have what a king of the worldly life has?, he says: yes O Lord! I accept, so it is said to him: then for you is this and its like, and its like again, and its like again, so he says I accept O Lord! so it is said to him: then for you is this and ten the like thereof, so he says I accept O Lord! so it is said, indeed, you shall have this, and whatever your soul desires, and whatever delights your eyes".
Allah says in the next three verses (18-20) "Then is he who is a believer like he who is disobedient?, they are not equal, as for those who believe and do righteous deeds, then for them the gardens of refuge as a hospitality for what they used to do, but as for those who disobeyed, then their abode is the fire, whenever they wish to come out from it, they will be returned in it, and it will be said to them Taste the punishment of the fire which you used to deny", that is, Allah will not make those who believe in Him, His Messengers, and His books equal to those who disobey Him and deny His Messenger on the day of resurrection, so those who believe and do righteous deeds will be in the gardens of refuge as hospitality for what they used to do in the worldly life of belief and obedience, but as for those who disbelieved and disobeyed Allah, they will be in the Hellfire, whenever they wish to come out from it, they will be returned to it, and it will be said to them as a reprimand Taste the punishment of Hellfire which you used to deny.
Allah says in the next two verses (21,22) "And We will certainly make them taste of the nearer punishment before the greater punishment so that they may return, and who is more unjust than he who was reminded of the verses of his Lord, then he turned away from them, indeed, We will take vengeance from the criminals", that is, Allah will make the disbelievers taste the nearer punishment before the greater punishment in the Hereafter in terms of the afflictions of the worldly life such as misfortunes, sicknesses, and what befalls its people from other calamities, so that they may repent and turn to their Lord, then Allah assures that there is no one is more unjust than he who was reminded of the verses of Allah, then he denied them and turned away from them, so Allah will take vengeance from the criminal as a recompense for their denial of Allah's verses, signs, and Messengers.
Allah says in the next three verses (23-25) "And indeed, We gave Moses the book, so Do not be in doubt about meeting Him and We made it a guidance for the children of Israel, and We made from among them leaders guiding by Our command when they were patient and they were certain of Our signs, indeed, Your Lord is the one who will judge between them on the day of resurrection in what they used to differ in it", that is, Allah gave Moses the Torah, and He said to His Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) not to be in doubt about meeting Moses, and He already met Him on the journey of Israa, where as narrated by Ibn Abbas: ''The Prophet said, on the night of My ascent to the heaven, I saw Moses who was a tall brown curly haired man as if He was one of the men of Shan'awa tribe, and I saw Jesus, a man of medium height and moderate complexion inclined to the red and white colors and of lank hair, and I saw Malik, the warden of Hellfire, and Aldajjal amongst the signs which Allah showed Me, the Prophet then recited the current Aya "So Do not be in doubt about meeting Him". Allah gave Moses Torah and made it a guidance for the children of Israel, then Allah made from among them leaders guiding by Allah's command to the truth and goodness, and Allah gave them this lofty position because they were patient in following Allah's command, abandoning His prohibitions, and believing in His Messengers, they also were certain of Allah's verses and signs. So Allah will judge between His servants on the day of resurrection in what they used to differ therein of beliefs and deeds.
Allah says in the next two verses (26,27) "Does it not guide them, how many generations We have destroyed before them, they walk in their dwellings, indeed, in that are signs, then do they not hear?, Do they not see that We drive water to the barren land then We bring forth thereby crops from which their cattle eat and themselves, then do they not see?", that is, Allah addresses the polytheists of Quraish and says Has it not become clear to them how may generations Allah has destroyed before them even though they walk in their dwellings as they used to pass by the tracks of the people of the Prophet Lot in the morning and at night as Allah has stated in Surat Alsaffat Aya (133-138), and in their destruction are signs of Allah's power to destroy those who disbelieve in Him and deny His Messengers, then do the Polytheists not hear and realize that Allah is Able to inflict the punishment upon them as those before them. Then Allah says that do the polytheists not see that Allah drives water from the sky to the barren land that has no life nor vegetation, then He brings forth thereby green crops from which their cattle eat and themselves, so it gives them life, then do they not see that Allah is Able to revive and raise the dead from their graves just as He revived the earth after its death.
Allah says in the last three verses (28-30) "And they say when will be this conquest if you are truthful?, Say, on the day of conquest their faith will not benefit those who disbelieve nor will they be given any respite, so Turn away from them and Wait, indeed, they are waiting", that is, the polytheists of Quraish say to Muslims, as a denial of the occurrence of the day of resurrection, when will be this conquest if you are truthful?, they seek to hasten the day of resurrection, and say to Muslims when will be this judgment when Allah will make you victorious over us as you claim?, thereupon, Allah commanded His Messenger (PBUH) to assure them that if Allah's punishment and wrath befall them in the worldly life or in the Hereafter, their faith will not benefit them nor will they be given any respite to repent and believe; because the rule of Allah that has passed among His servants is that repentance will not be accepted at the time of death or on the day of resurrection as mentioned in Aya (85) of Surat Ghafir, then Allah commanded His Messenger to turn away from them and to wait for Allah will accomplish what He promised Him, and will give Him victory over them, likewise, they are waiting for what Allah promised them of destruction and punishment.
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