43- Surat Alzukhruf

89 Verses Meccan (revealed in Mecca)

A'auzu Bellahi mena alshaiytani alrajeem

I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed Satan

Bismi Ellahi Alrhmani Alraheem

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

Ha meem (1).
Ha meem.

Wa alketabi almubeen (2).
By the clear book.

Inna ja'alnahuo Quranan arabiyyan la'allakum ta'qeluon (3).
Indeed, We have made it an Arabic Quran, so that you may understand.

Wa innahuo fee aummi alketabi ladiyna la'aliyyun hakeem (4).
And indeed, it is in the Mother of the Book with Us, surely sublime, full of wisdom.

Afa-nadrebuo ankumuo alzekra safhan an kuntum qawman musrefeen (5).
Then should We remove the reminder from you, disregarding, because you are a transgressing people.

Wa kam arsalna men nabeyyin fee alawwaleen (6).
And how many a Prophet We sent among the former people.

Wa ma ya'teehim men nabeyyin ella kanuo behi yastahze-uon (7).
And no Prophet came to them, but they used to ridicule Him.

Fa-ahlakna ashadda menhum batshan wa mada mathaluo alawwaleen (8).
Then We destroyed stronger than them in power, and the example of the former people has passed.

Wala-in sa'altahum man qalakha alsamawati wa alarda la-yaqulunna khalaqahunna Alazizuo Al-aleem (9).
And If You ask them who created the heavens and the earth, they would say, The Almighty, The All-Knower.

Allazi ja'ala lakumuo alarda mahdan wa ja'ala lakum feeha subulan la'allakum tahtaduon (10).
The One Who has made the earth a bed for you, and has made for you pathways therein, so that you may be guided.

Wa allazi nazzala mena alsama-ee ma-an beqadarin fa-ansharna behi baldatan maytan kazaleka tukhrajuon (11).
And the One who has sent down water from the sky with a measure, then We revive with it the dead town, thus you will be brought out.

Wa allazi khalaqa alazwaja kullaha wa ja'ala lakum mena alfulki wa alan'ami ma tarkabuon (12).
And the One who has created the pairs, all of them, and has made for you the ships and the cattle that you ride.

Le-tastawuo ala zuhurehi thumma tazkuruo ne'mata Rabbekum iza estawaytum alaiyhi wa taquluo subhana allazi sakhkhara  lana haza wa ma kunna lahuo muqreneen (13).
So that you may sit firmly on their backs, and then remember the favor of your Lord when you sit firmly on them, and say Glory to be the One who has subjected this to us, and we were not capable of it.

Wa inna ela Rabbena la-munqalebuon (14).
And indeed, we to our Lord will surely return.

Wa ja'aluo lahuo men ebadehi juz-an inna alinsana la-kafurun mubeen (15).
And they attribute to him a part from His servants, indeed, man is clearly ungrateful.

Ami ettakhaza memma yakhluquo banatin wa asfakum bel-baneen (16).
Or has He taken of what He has created daughters, and has chosen for you sons?.

Wa iza bushshera ahaduhum bema daraba lel-rahmani mathalan zalla wajhuhuo muswaddan wa huwa kazeem (17).
And when one of them is given glad tidings of what he cites for the Most Gracious a likeness, his face becomes dark, and he filled with grief.

Awa man younashsha-uo fee alhelyati wa huwa fee alkhesami ghaiyruo mubeen (18).
Then who is brought up in ornaments and he is not clear in dispute.

Wa ja'aluo almalaekata allazina hum ebaduo Alrahmani inathan a-shaheduo khalqahum sa-tuktabuo shahadatuhum wa yous'aluon (19)
And they have made the Angels who are servants of the Most Gracious, females, Did they witness their creation, their testimony will be recorded, and they will be questioned.

Wa qaluo laww sha-a Alrahmanuo ma abadnahum ma lahum be-zaleka men elmin in hum ella yakhrusuon (20)
And they said, if the Most Gracious willed, we would not have worshipped them, they have not any knowledge of that but they do nothing but they lie.

Am ataynahum ketaban men qablehi fahum behi mustamsekuon (21).
Or have We given them a book before this, so they are holding fast to it.

Bal qaluo inna wajadna aba-ana ala aummatin wa inna ala atharehim muhtaduon (22).
But they say, we have found our fathers on a religion, and indeed, we on their footsteps are guided.

Wa kazaleka ma arsalna men qableka fee qaryatin men nazeerin ella qala mutrafuha inna wajadna aba-ana ala aummatin wa inna ala atharehim muqtaduon (23).
And similarly We did not send any warner before you in a town except its wealthy ones said we have found our fathers on a religion, and indeed, we on their footsteps are following.

Qala awa-laww je'tukum be-ahda memma wajadtum alaiyhi aba-akum qaluo inna bema aurseltum behi kaferuon (24).
He said, even if I brought to you better guidance than what you found your fathers on it, they said, we indeed disbelievers in what You are sent with.

Fan-taqamna menhum fan-zur kaiyfa kana aqebatuo almukazzebeen (25).
So We took vengeance on them, then see how was the consequence of the deniers.

Wa iz qala Ibrahimu le-abeehi wa qawmehi innani bara-on memma ta'buduon (26).
And when Abraham said to His father and His people, I am disavow that which you worship.

Ella allazi fatarani fa-innahuo sayahdeen (27).
Except the One who has created Me, so indeed, He will guide Me.

Wa ja'alaha kalematan baqeiyatan fee aqebehi la'allahum yarje-uon (28).
And He made it a word remaining among His posterity so that they may return.

Bal matta'tuo haulaee wa aba-ahum hatta ja'ahumuo alhaqquo wa rasulun mubeen (29).
But I gave enjoyment to these and their fathers until the truth came to them and a clear Messenger.

Wa lamma ja'ahumuo alhaqquo qaluo haza sehrun wa inna behi kaferuon (30).
And when the truth came to them, they said, this is magic and indeed, we are disbelievers in it.

Wa qaluo laww-la nuzzela haza alquranauo ala rajulin mena alqaryatayni azeem (31).
And they said, why was this Quran not sent down upon a great man from the two towns?.

A-hum yaqsemuona rahmata Rabbeka nahnuo qasamna baiynahum ma-eshatahum fee alhayati aldunya wa rafa'na ba'dahum fawqa ba'din darajatin le-yattakheza ba'duhum ba'dan sukhreyyan wa rahmatuo Rabbeka khaiyrun memma yajma-uon (32).
Do they distribute the mercy of Your Lord, We distribute their livelihood among them in the worldly life, and We raise some of them above the others in degrees, so that they may take some of them service others, but the mercy of Your Lord is better than what they amass.

Wa lawla an yakuna alnasuo aummatan wahedatan laja'alna leman yakfuruo bel-rahmani le-buyutehim suqufan men feddatin wa ma'areja alaiyha yazharuon (33)
And were it not that the people will become one religion, We would have made for those who disbelieve in the Most Gracious, roofs of silver for their houses, and stairways upon which they ascend.

Wa le-buyutehim abwaban wa sururan  alaiyha yattake-uon (34).
And doors for their houses, and couches upon which they recline.

Wa zukhrufan wa in kulluo zaleka lamma mata-uo alhayata aldunya wa alakheratuo enda Rabbeka lel-muttaqeen (35).
And ornaments of gold, and all that is nothing but an enjoyment of the worldly life, and the Hereafter with Your lord is for the righteous.

Wa man ya'shuo an zekri Alrahmani nuqayyid lahuo shaiytanan fa-huwa lahuo qareen (36).
And whoever turns away from the remembrance of the Most Gracious, We appoint for him a devil, then he is to him a companion.

Wa innahum la-yasuddunahum ani alsabeeli wa yahsabuona annahum muhtaduon (37).
And indeed, they prevent them from the path while they think that they are guided.

Hatta iza ja'ana qala yalaiyta baiyni wa baiynaka bu'da almashreqaiyni fa-be'sa alqareen (38).
Until when he comes to Us, he says, oh I wish that there were the distance of the east and the west between me and you, so wretched is the companion.

Wa lan yanfa'akumuo alyawma iz zalamtum annakum fee alazabi mushtarekuon (39).
And never will it benefit you today where you have wronged, that you are sharing in the punishment.

Afa-anta tusme-uo alsumma aww tahdi alaumya wa man kana fee dalalin mubeen (40).
Then Will You make the deaf hear, or guide the blind, and he who is in a clear error?.

Fa-imma nazhabanna beka fa-inna menhum muntaqemuon (41).
And even if We take you away, then indeed, We will take retribution from them.

Aww nureyannaka allazi wa'adnahum fa-inna alaiyhim muqtaderuon (42).
Or We show You that which We have promised them, then indeed, We have full power over them.

Fa-stamsek bel-lazi auheya elaiyka innaka ala seratin mustaqeem (43)
So Hold fast to that which is revealed to you, indeed, You are on a straight path.

Wa innahuo la-zakrun laka wa le-qawmeka wa sawfa tuos'aluon (44).
And indeed, it is a reminder to You and Your people, and you will be questioned.

Was'al man arsalna men qableka men rusulena a-ja'alna men duni Alrahmani alehatan you'baduon (45).
And ask those whom We sent before You of Our Messengers, did We make besides the Most Gracious, gods to be worshipped?.

Wa laqad arsalna Musa be-ayatena ela fer'awna wa mala'ehi fa-qala inni rasuluo rabbi al-alameen (46).
And indeed, We sent Moses with Our signs to Pharaoh and his courtiers, and He said indeed, I am the Messenger of the Lord of the worlds.

Fa-lamma ja'ahum be-ayatena iza hum menha yadhakuon (47).
So when He came to them with Our signs, behold! They laughed at them.

Wa ma nurehim men ayatin ella heiya akbaruo men aukhteha wa akhaznahum bel-azabi la'allahum yarje-uon (48).
And We did not show them a sign but it was greater than its sister, and We seized them with the punishment, so that they may return.

Wa qaluo ya ayyuha alsaheruo ed'uo lana Rabbaka bema aheda endaka innana la-muhtaduon (49).
And they said O magician! Invoke for us Your Lord by the covenant He has made with You, indeed, we will be guided.

Fa-lamma kashafna anhumuo alazaba iza hum yankuthuon (50)
But when We removed from them the punishment, behold they broke.

Wa nada fer'awnu fee qawmehi qala ya-qawmi a-laytha lee mulkuo mesra wa hazehi alanharuo tajree men tahti a-fala tubseruon (51).
And Pharaoh called out among his people, he said, O my people Does not the kingdom of Egypt belong to me, and these rivers are flowing underneath me, then do you not see?.

Am ana khaiyrun men haza allazi huwa muheen wa la yakaduo youbeen (52).
Or am I better than this who is insignificant and hardly clear.

Fa-lawla aulqeiya alaiyhi asweratun men zahabin aww ja'a ma'ahuo almalaekatuo muqtareneen (53).
Then why were the bracelets of gold not placed on Him, or did the Angels came with Him as companions.

Fastakhaffa qawmahuo fa-atauhuo innahum kanuo qawman faseqeen (54).
So he bluffed his people and they obeyed him, indeed, they were disobedient people.

Fa-lamma asafuona entaqamna menhum fa-aghraqnahum ajma-een (55).
So when they angered Us We took vengeance on them, and drowned all of them.

Fa-ja'alnahum salafan wa mathalan lel-akhereen (56).
And We made them a precedent and an example for the later ones.

Wa lamma dureba ibnuo Maryama mathalan iza qawmuka menhuo yasedduon (57).
And when the example of the son of Mary was cited, behold Your people laughed aloud.

Wa qaluo a-alehatuna khayrun am huwa ma darabuhu laka ella jadalan bal hum qawmun khasemuon (58).
And they said, are our gods better or He?, and they did not cite it for You except for disputation, but they are a contentious people.

In huwa ella abdun an-amna alaiyhi wa ja'alnahuo mathalan lebani israil (59).
He is none other than a slave whom We bestowed favor upon him, and made Him an example for the children of Israel.

Wa laww nasha-uo la-ja'alna menkum malaekatan fee alardi yakhlufuon (60)
And if we willed, We would have made from you Angels who succeed on the earth.

Wa innahuo la-elmun lelsa-ati fala tamtarunna beha wattabe-uoni haza seratun mustaqeem (61).
And indeed, He is a knowledge of the Hour, so Do not be doubtful about it, and Follow Me, this is a straight path.

Wa la yasuddannakumuo alshaiytanuo innahuo lakum aduwwun mubeen (62).
And do not let the Satan prevent you, indeed, he is a clear enemy to you.

Wa lamma ja'a isa bel-baiyyinati qala qad je'tukum bel-hekmati wale-aubaiyyina lakum ba'da allazi takhtalefuona feehi fa-ttaquo Allaha wa ate-uon (63).
And when Jesus came with clear proofs, He said indeed, I have come to you with wisdom, and that I make clear to you some of that in which you differ, so fear Allah and obey Me.

Inna Allaha huwa Rabbi wa Rabbukum fa'buduhuo haza seratun mustaqeem (64).
Indeed, Allah is My Lord and your Lord, so worship Him, this is a straight path.

Fa-khtalafa alahzabuo men baiynehim fa-waiylun lel-lazina zalamuo men azabi yawmin aleem (65).
But the factions from among them differed, so woe to those who wronged from the punishment of a painful day.

Hal yanzuruona alla alsa'ata an ta'teyahum baghtatan wa hum la yash-uruon (66).
Do they only wait for the Hour to come to them suddenly while they do not perceive.

Alakhellauo yawma-izin ba'duhum leba'din aduwwun ella almuttaqeen (67).
Friends, that day, some of them are enemies to others except the righteous.

Ya-ebadi la khawfun alaiykumuo alyawma wa la antum tahzanuon (68).
O My servants, there will be no fear for you this day nor will you grieve.

Allazina amanuo be-ayatena wa kanuo muslemeen (69).
Who believed in Our verses and they were Muslims.

Audkhuluo aljannata antum wa azwajukum tuhbaruon (70).
Enter Paradise, you and your spouses, delighted.

Youtafuo alaiyhim be-sehafin men zahabin wa akwabin wa feeha ma tashtahehi alanfusuo wa talazzuo ala'yunuo wa antum feeha khaleeduon (71).
Circulated among them will be the plates of gold and cups, and therein whatever the souls desires, and that delights the eyes, and you will abide therein forever.

Wa telka aljannatuo allati aurestumuha bema kuntum ta'maluon (72).
And that is Paradise which you are made to inherit for what you used to do.

Lakum feeha fakehatun katheratun menha ta'kuluon (73).
For you therein are much fruits from which you will eat.

Inna almujremeena fee azabi jahannama khaleduon (74).
Indeed, the criminals will be in the punishment of Hellfire, abiding forever.

La youfattaruo anhum wa hum feehi mublesuon (75).
It will not be subside for them, and they will despair in it.

Wa ma zalamnahum wa laken kanuo humuo alzalemeen (76).
And We did not wrong them, but they themselves were the wrongdoers.
Wa nadaww ya-maliku le-yaqdi alaiyna Rabbuka qala innakum makethuon (77).
And they will call O Malik! let Your Lord put an end to us, He will say indeed, you will remain.

Laqad je'nakum bel-haqqi wa lakenna aktharakum lel-haqqi karehuon (78).
Indeed, We have brought to you the truth, but most of you are averse to the truth.

Am abramuo amran fa-inna mubremuon (79).
Or have they determined a matter, then indeed, We determined the matter.

Am yahsabuona anna la nasma-uo serrahum wa najwahum bala wa rusuluna ladaiyhim yaktubuon (80).
Or do they think that We do not hear their secrets and their secret counsels, yes, and our Messengers are with them, recording.

Qul in kana lel-rahmani waladun fa-ana awwaluo alabedeen (81)
Say if the Most Gracious had a son then I am the first of the worshippers.

Subhana Rabbi alsamawati wa alardi Rabbi alarshi amma yasefuon (82).
Glory to be the Lord of the heavens and the earth, the Lord of the Throne above what they describe.

Fa-zarhum yakhuduo wa yal'abuo hatta youlaquo yawmahumuo allazi you'duon (83).
So leave them to indulge and play until they meet their day which they are promised.

Wa huwa allazi fee alsama-ee ilahun wa fee alardi ilahun wa huwa Alhakeemu Alaleem (84).
And He is the One who is God in the heaven and God on the earth, and He is All-Wise, All-Knower.

Wa tabaraka allazi lahuo mulku alsamawati wa alardi wa ma baiynahuma wa endahuo elmuo alsa'ati wa elaiyhi turja-uon (85).
And blessed is the one to whom belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth and whatever is between them, and with Him is the knowledge of the Hour, and to Him, you will be returned.

Wa la yamlekuo allazina yad-una men dunehi alshafa-ata ella man shaheda bel-haqqi wa hum ya'lamuon (86).
And those whom they invoke beside Him do not have intercession except he who testifies to the truth, and they know.

Wa la-in sa'altahum man khalaqahum la-yaqulunna Allahu fa-anna you'fakuon (87)
And if You asked them who created them, they would say Allah, so how are they being turned away?.

Wa qeelehi ya Rabbi inna haulae qawmun la you'menuon (88)
And His saying, O My Lord, indeed, they are a people who do not believe.

Fasfah anhum wa qul salamun fa-sawfa ya'lamuon (89).
So Leave them and Say peace, but they will know.

Simplified interpretation:

 Surat Alzukhruf begins with two letters of the Arabic language, just like 28 Surahs of the Holy Quran that start with individual letters ranging from one to five letters. It is noticeable that in all 29 Surahs the book or the Holy Quran is mentioned whether it is immediately after these letters or it is included in the Surah or even at the end of it. It is a challenge from Allah, Almighty, to the infidels of Quraish, as if Allah says to them this is the book in the letters of the language you speak, but you will not be able to produce the like of it, and He has already challenged them in Aya (88) of Surat Alisraa "Say, if mankind and the Jinn gathered in order to produce the like of this Quran, they could not produce the like of it, even if they were to each other assistants". As for the current Surah, it begins with two letters "Ha and Meem" or "H and M" in English followed by "By the clear book, indeed, We have made it an Arabic Quran, so that you may understand", but the knowledge of these letters remains with Allah, the Lord of the worlds.

 Allah says in the first five verses "Ha Meem, by the clear book, indeed, We have made it an Arabic Quran, so that you may understand, and indeed, it is in the Bother of the Book with Us, surely sublime, full of wisdom, then should We remove the reminder from you, disregarding, because you are a transgressing people", that is, Allah swears by the Holy Quran which He sent down in eloquent and clear Arabic tongue so that Quraish may understand its rulings and meanings, and it was sent down from the Mother of the Book ( Al-lawh Al-mahfuoz) which is with Allah, and it is of great position, full of wisdom, and saved from deficiency or alteration. Then Allah addresses the infidels and said "Should We remove the reminder from you, disregarding, because you are a transgressing people", it is from Allah's mercy of His creation that He did not abandon reminding them of the Holy Quran, even if they were transgressors and turned away from it.

 Allah says in the next three verses (6-8) "And how many a Prophet We sent among the former people, and no Prophet came to them, but they used to ridicule Him, then We destroyed stronger than them in power, and the example of the former people has passed", that is, Allah confirms that He has sent many Prophets to the previous nations, and their condition did not differ from that of Quraish, where no Prophet came to them but they used to deny Him, and ridicule and mock at Him, then Allah threatens them that He destroyed those who are greater than them in might, so He is Able to inflict His Punishment on them like those before them, and their example is a lesson for those who deny lest what happened to the former people befall them. 

 Allah says in the next six verses (9-14) "And If You ask them who created the heavens and the earth, they would say, The Almighty, The All-Knower, the One Who has made the earth a bed for you, and has made for you pathways therein, so that you may be guided, and the One who has sent down water from the sky with a measure, then We revive with it the dead town, thus you will be brought out, and the One who has created the pairs, all of them, and has made for you the ships and the cattle that you ride, so that you may sit firmly on their backs, and then remember the favor of your Lord when you sit firmly on them, and say Glory to be the One who has subjected this to us, and we were not capable of it, and indeed, we to our Lord will surely return", that is, Allah addresses His Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) and says if He asked them who created the heavens and the earth, they would acknowledge that Allah created them, The Almighty who takes revenge on those who disobey Him, The All-Knower where nothing in the heavens or on the earth is hidden from Him. But despite their acknowledgment of that fact, they worshiped idols besides Him.

 Then Allah enumerates His blessings upon man, where He is the One who made the earth like a firm bed on which they walk, get up, and sleep, and made roads between mountains and valleys to guide them in their travels by moving from one place to another, and He is the One who has sent down the rain from the sky with a measure according to the need, not too much which spoils the earth, and not too little, rather it is sufficient for man, plants, and animals, and then He revives with that water the dead earth, likewise, water has a role in the revival of man after his death where our Prophet said in narration of Abu Hurayrah: "Between the two blows of the trumpet, there will be forty, then Allah will send water from the sky and then the dead bodies will grow like vegetation grows, there is nothing of the human body that does not decay except one bone, that is the little bone at the end of coccyx of which the human body will be recreated on the day of resurrection". Allah also created all pairs include what the earth grows from plants, crops, fruits, and animals of different types and He subjected the ships that man rides on the sea to wherever he intends for his livelihood, and from the livestock that he rides on the land to wherever he wants such as horses, mules, and donkeys as mentioned in Aya (8) of Surat Alnahl. 

 So when man sits firmly on the ships and the cattle, he has to remember the favor of His Lord, and to realize that He will return to Him after death, and it is desirable to say this remembrance where as narrated by Ali Bin Rabi'ah: "I witnessed Ali having an animal brought to Him to ride, when He placed his foot on the stirrup He said "Bismi ellah "In the name of Allah" three times, so then, once He had ascended upon its back He said Alhamdu lellah "Praise be to Allah", then He said "Subhana allazi sakhkhara lana haza wa ma kunna lahuo muqreneen, wa inna ela Rabbena la-munqalebuon Glory to be the One who has subjected this to us, and we were not capable of it, and indeed, we to our Lord will surely return" then He said Alhamdu lellah "Praise be to Allah" three times, and Allahu Akbar "Allah is the Greatest" three times, Subhanaka inni qad zalamtuo nafsi fa-ghfir lee fa-innahuo la yaghfiruo alzunuba ella anta" Glory is to You, indeed, I have wronged myself, so forgive me, for indeed, none forgives sins except You", then He laughed, so I said O commander of the believers! What caused You to laugh?, He said I saw the Messenger of Allah do as I did, then He laughed, so I said What cause You to laugh?, He said ''Indeed, Your Lord is very pleased with His worshipper when He says O my Lord forgive me my sins, indeed, no One other than You forgives sins". 

 Allah says in the next five verses (15-19) "And they attribute to him a part from His servants, indeed, man is clearly ungrateful, or has He taken of what He has created daughters, and has chosen for you sons?, and when one of them is given glad tidings of what he cites for the Most Gracious a likeness, his face becomes dark, and he filled with grief, then who is brought up in ornaments and he is not clear in dispute, and they have made the Angels who are servants of the Most Gracious, females, Did they witness their creation, their testimony will be recorded, and they will be questioned", that is, Allah describes the polytheists who attribute to Him a part from His slaves, and they are ungrateful for despite their acknowledgment that Allah has created the heavens and the earth as mentioned above, they described Him with the attributes of human beings, as they made for Him females who are from His creation and made for themselves sons, therefore, Allah says to them as a denunciation "Or has He taken of what He has created daughters, and has chosen for you sons?", and this is similar to Aya (21) of Surat Alnajm "Is the male for you, and the female for Him?". They do not accept girls for themselves and when one of them is given good tidings of girls that he attributed to Allah, his face becomes black and he filled with grief of the ill of which he has been informed, and then Allah denounces making females for him while they raise in ornaments and can not express themselves in debate clearly. They also claimed that the Angels are females and Allah confirms that they are His servants, and He says Did they witness the Angels's creation so that they judge that they are females, so Allah threatens them that their testimony will be recorded, and they will be questioned on the day of resurrection. 

 Allah says in the next six verses (20-25) "And they said, if the Most Gracious willed, we would not have worshipped them, they have not any knowledge of that but they do nothing but they lie, Or have We given them a book before this, so they are holding fast to it, but they say, we have found our fathers on a religion, and indeed, we on their footsteps are guided, and similarly We did not send any warner before you in a town except its wealthy ones said we have found our fathers on a religion, and indeed, we on their footsteps are following, He said, even if I brought to you better guidance than what you found your fathers on it, they said, we indeed disbelievers in what You are sent with, so We took vengeance on them, then see how was the consequence of the deniers", that is, they claimed that if Allah willed, He would have prevented them from worshipping the Angels who claimed that they are the daughters of Allah, they have no knowledge of the truth of what they say, but they only invent lie and falsehood against Allah, thereupon, Allah denounces their adherence to the worship of others, and says Did a book come to them before the Holy Quran inviting them to hold fast to their worship. They have no basis of what they are in of the polytheism except for the imitation of their forefathers for they claimed that they were on a religion and they on their footsteps are guided.

 They did not differ from the previous nations for they said as the same the previous nations said, where Allah did not send any warner before Muhammad (PBUH) in a town except its wealthy ones said that they have found their fathers on a religion, and they on their footsteps are following, and although all Messengers said to their people "Even if I brought to you better guidance than what you found your fathers on it", but they insisted on their disbelief and said "We indeed disbelievers in what You are sent with", so Allah took revenge on them and inflicted torment upon them, and He commanded His Messenger Muhammad to see the consequence of their disbelief as they disbelieved in Allah, His signs, and His Messengers.

 Allah says in the next three verses (26-28) "And when Abraham said to His father and His people, I am disavow that which you worship, except the One who has created Me, so indeed, He will guide Me, and He made it a word remaining among His posterity so that they may return", where the Prophet Abraham called His father and His people to worship Allah alone, but they insisted on their disbelief, and when it became apparent to Him that His father was an enemy to Allah as mentioned in Aya (114) of Surat Altawbah, He disavowed from His father and His people in connection with their idolatry, He disavowed that which His people worship except Allah, the One who has created Him, and He said to them that Allah will guide Him to the straight path, and He made the word of monotheism to remain in His offspring, so that they may return to the worship of Allah, and repent of their disbelief.

 Allah says in the next four verses (29-32) "But I gave enjoyment to these and their fathers until the truth came to them and a clear Messenger, And when the truth came to them, they said, this is magic and indeed, we are disbelievers in it, and they said, why was this Quran not sent down upon a great man from the two towns?, Do they distribute the mercy of Your Lord, We distribute their livelihood among them in the worldly life, and We raise some of them above the others in degrees, so that they may take some of them service others, but the mercy of Your Lord is better than what they amass", that is, Allah gave enjoyment to the polytheists and their fathers in the worldly life and did not hasten their punishment until He sent down the Holy Quran to them, and sent the Prophet Muhammad with the truth but they disbelieved in the Holy Quran when it came to them and said that it is a magic, and they objected to the revelation of the Holy Quran upon the Prophet Muhammad as they used to desdain Allah's Messenger (PBUH) out of their arrogance and stubbornness as Allah has stated in Aya (41) of Surat Alfurqan "And when they saw You, they take You not except in ridicule Is this the one whom Allah has sent as a Messenger?", so they said Why was this Quran not sent down upon a great man from the two towns namely Mecca and Altaef, therefore, Allah responded to their objection and said to His Messenger that the matter is in His Hands, where He divides His Mercy between them, so He made whoever He wants a Messenger as He divides between them their livelihood of sustenance and wealth, so He made some of them higher than others, among them are the rich and the poor, the king and the owned, so that some of them may serve the others, and because wealth is not a measure of man's status with Allah and it is nothing but the adornment of the worldly life, Allah said to His Messenger that His Mercy of Prophecy, the Holy Quran and guidance is better than what the disbelievers accumulate of wealth and the enjoyment of the worldly life. 

 Allah says in the next three verses (33-35) "And were it not that the people will become one religion, We would have made for those who disbelieve in the Most Gracious, roofs of silver for their houses, and stairways upon which they ascend, and doors for their houses, and couches upon which they recline, and ornaments of gold, and all that is nothing but an enjoyment of the worldly life, and the Hereafter with Your lord is for the righteous", that is, many ignorant people may think that wealth is an evidence of Allah's love, so they disbelieve for the sake of wealth, and if it is otherwise, Allah would have made for those who disbelieve in Him roofs of silver for their houses, stairways upon which they ascend, doors for their houses, couches upon which they recline, all of silver, and ornaments of gold, and all these things are nothing but the enjoyment of the worldly life, but the Hereafter and its adornment are for the righteous who fear their Lord, follow His commands, and avoid His prohibitions. 

 Allah says in the next four verses (36-39) "And whoever turns away from the remembrance of the Most Gracious, We appoint for him a devil, then he is to him a companion, and indeed, they prevent them from the path while they think that they are guided, until when he comes to Us, he says, oh I wish that there were the distance of the east and the west between me and you, so wretched is the companion, and never will it benefit you today where you have wronged, that you are sharing in the punishment", that is, whoever turns away from the remembrance of Allah, He will assign for him a devil, and he will be his companion who prevents him from what is lawful, encourages him to do what is unlawful, forbids him from obedience, and orders him to disobey, so he prevents him from the path of the truth, and beautifies misguidance for them until they think that they are on the right path and guidance. When the infidel will be resurrected on the day of resurrection, he will wish that the distance between the east and the west would be between him and his Satan, so how wretched is the companion who leads his companion to Hellfire, the wishing is too late, because the time has come for reckoning for their wrongdoing in the worldly life, and their participation in the torment will not benefit them, because everyone has his share of it.   

 Then Allah addresses His Messenger in the next six verses (40-45) "Then Will You make the deaf hear, or guide the blind, and he who is in a clear error?, and even if We take you away, then indeed, We will take retribution from them, or We show You that which We have promised them, then indeed, We have full power over them, so Hold fast to that which is revealed to you, indeed, You are on a straight path, and indeed, it is a reminder to You and Your people, and you will be questioned, and ask those whom We sent before You of Our Messengers, did We make besides the Most Gracious, gods to be worshipped?", that is, Allah said to His Messenger that He will not guide the one whom Allah has made deaf, and has blinded his heart so He does not listen to guidance and does not follow the path of truth, and He will not guide the infidel who is in a clear error and this is similar to Aya (23) of Surat Aljathiyah, so Allah will take revenge on them and will destroy them if He take His Messenger away, where Allah says to His Messenger in Aya (33) of Surat Alanfal "But Allah would not punish them while You are among them", or Allah will take revenge of them during the life of Allah's Messenger by supporting Him and His companions, and in both cases Allah have full power over them, so He commanded His Messenger to adhere to the Holy Quran because He is on a straight path, and the Holy Quran is a reminder to Allah's Messenger and His people and they will be questioned about their commitment and their response to it, then Allah makes it clear to His Messenger that all heavenly religions and all Messengers called to what he called people to, for they all called to worshipping Allah alone with no partner, and forbade worshipping idols "And ask those whom We sent before You of Our Messengers, did We make besides the Most Gracious, gods to be worshipped?".   

 Allah cites the story of the Prophet Moses with Pharaoh in the next five verses (46-50) ''And indeed, We sent Moses with Our signs to Pharaoh and his courtiers, and He said indeed, I am the Messenger of the Lord of the worlds, so when He came to them with Our signs, behold! They laughed at them, and We did not show them a sign but it was greater than its sister,  and We seized them with the punishment, so that they may return, and they said O magician! Invoke for us Your Lord by the covenant He has made with you, indeed, we will be guided, but when We removed from them the punishment, behold! They broke", that is, Allah sent His Messenger Moses to Pharaoh and his courtiers of princes, ministers, leaders, and followers, and He commanded them to worship Allah alone who has no partner, and forbade them from worshipping anything besides Him, and Allah sent with Him great signs which are nine signs as mentioned in Aya (101) of Surat Alisraa, but when He came to them with Allah's signs they were arrogant to follow it, ridiculed it, and laughed at it. Every sign was greater than the one before it, and some signs carried a torment for them such as locusts,  pests, and frogs as mentioned in Aya (133) of Surat Ala'araf, so that they may return from disbelief in Allah to the monotheism and obedience, but when they saw the signs that carry a torment for them, they asked Moses to supplicate His Lord by the covenant that was between Allah and Him, that if they believed in Allah the torment would be removed from them, and they would be guided if the torment was removed from them, and when Allah removed the torment from them, they broke their covenant and insisted on disbelief.

 They refused to follow Mosses and they obeyed Pharaoh out of their ignorance and the stupidity of their minds, where Allah says in the next six verses (51-56) "And Pharaoh called out among his people, he said, O my people Does not the kingdom of Egypt belong to me, and these rivers are flowing underneath me, then do you not see?, Or am I better than this who is insignificant and hardly clear, then why were the bracelets of gold not placed on Him, or did the Angels came with Him as companions, so he bluffed his people and they obeyed him, indeed, they were disobedient people, so when they angered Us We took vengeance on them, and drowned all of them, and We made them a precedent and an example for the later ones", that is, Pharaoh insisted on disbelief and stubbornness, and he called out his people to show them the greatness in which he is of the kingdom of Egypt and what he possesses of gardens and rivers, while Moses and those with Him are poor and worthless, so he put himself in a comparison with Moses and said to them "Or am I better than this who is insignificant and hardly clear", as there was a knot in Moses' tongue which prevents Him from expressing clearly what he intends to say as mentioned in Aya (27) of Surat Taha, then Pharaoh said to his people if Moses truthful why were the bracelets of gold not placed on Him from the heavens, or the Angels would come with Him as companions to support Him and bear witness to His prophethood. Pharaoh bluffed his people, and they obeyed him because the lack of their understanding, and their ignorance, and because they were disobedient to Allah, thereupon, when they angered Allah, He took revenge on them, and drowned them all in the sea and saved Moses and those with Him as mentioned in Ayat (23,24) of Surat Aldukhan, so Allah made them a precedent of the infidels who followed their footsteps, and a lesson for those who give reason.

 Allah says in the next six verses (57-62) "And when the example of the son of Mary was cited, behold Your people laughed aloud, And they said, are our gods better or He?, and they did not cite it for You except for disputation, but they are a contentious people, He is none other than a slave whom We bestowed favor upon him, and made Him an example for the children of Israel, and if we willed, We would have made from you Angels who succeed on the earth, and indeed, He is a knowledge of the Hour, so Do not be doubtful about it, and Follow Me, this is a straight path, and do not let the Satan prevent you, indeed, he is a clear enemy to you", that is, Allah informs about the intransigence of Quraish in their disbelief, stubbornness, and controversy; because when the example of Jesus "The Son of Mary" was cited in the Holy Quran, they laughed aloud for they see the Christians worship Jesus, and Muhammad calls them to worship Allah alone, so they argued with Allah's Messenger and said are their gods better or Jesus who is worshipped besides Allah, then Allah assures that they did not cite this except for disputation were they are a contentious people who argue falsehood, and He acquitted Jesus of what they say and said that Jesus is none other than a slave whom Allah has blessed Him with prophethood and Message, and He is an example of Allah's power, where Jesus was born without a father, and He had many miracles such as reviving the dead, and curing the blind and the leper as mentioned in Aya (49) of Surat Aliemran. If Allah had willed, He would have made Angels on the earth who will succeed one another, will not cause corruption on the earth, and will not worship anyone but Allah.

 Then Allah confirms that Jesus' descent to the earth again is a sign of the Hour where our Prophet said in narration of Abu Hurayrah "The Hour will not be established until the son of Mary (Juses) descends amongst you as a just ruler, He will break the cross, kill the pigs, and abolish the Jizya tax. Money will be in abundance so that nobody will accept it (as alms)". So Allah commanded His Messenger to order them not to doubt about the Hour for it will inevitably happen, to follow Him because what He brought to them is the straight path and the clear truth, and do not let Satan prevent them from the truth for he is a clear enemy to them. 

 Allah says in the next three verses (63-65) "And when Jesus came with clear proofs, He said indeed, I have come to you with wisdom, and that I make clear to you some of that in which you differ, so fear Allah and obey Me, indeed, Allah is My Lord and your Lord, so worship Him, this is a straight path, but the factions from among them differed, so woe to those who wronged from the punishment of a painful day", that is, when Jesus was sent to the children of Israel, He said to them that He has come to them with prophecy and proofs, and to make clear to them some of what they differ about in the matter of their religion, and He commanded them to fear Allah, to follow Him, and to worship Allah alone, the Lord of Him and them, and that what he has brought them of monotheism is the straight path, but the denominations differed and they split into factions; some of them believed that Jesus is the servant of Allah and His Messenger, some claimed that He is the son of Allah, some claimed that He is Allah, and some claimed that He is the third of three as mentioned in Ayat (72,73) of Surat Almaedah, so Allah threatens those who wronged and claimed falsehood with the painful torment on the day of resurrection, where the word woe (Wail) idiomatically carries the meaning of destruction and perishing and means that the torment will be theirs as a recompense for their deeds. 

 Allah says in the next four verses (66-69) "Do they only wait for the Hour to come to them suddenly while they do not perceive, friends, that day, some of them are enemies to others except the righteous, O My servants, there will be no fear for you this day nor will you grieve, who believed in Our verses and they were Muslims", that is, the polytheists who refuse to follow the truth and argue falsehood regarding the Prophet Juses as mentioned above, they only wait for the day of resurrection which will inevitably happen and will come to them suddenly while they do not realize, at that time, neither a friend nor a relative will benefit them for those who helped them in the worldly life will be their enemies on the day of resurrection, but as for the good companionship, they are the righteous who help each other in obedience and doing good in the worldly life so they will be together in Paradise on the day of resurrection and it will be said to them that day "O My servants, there will be no fear for you this day nor will you grieve", where there will be no fear for them for what they will face later and they will not grieve for what they missed before, for they believed in Allah, His books, and his Messengers, likewise, their hearts submitted to Allah openly and secretly. 

 Accordingly, Allah describes the bliss in which the righteous will be in the next four verses (70-73) "Enter Paradise, you and your spouses, delighted, circulated among them will be the plates of gold and cups, and therein whatever the souls desires, and that delights the eyes, and you will abide therein forever, and that is Paradise which you are made to inherit for what you used to do, for you therein are much fruits from which you will eat", that is, it will be said to the righteous "Enter Paradise, you and your spouses, delighted", where they will enjoy therein, they will eat and drink in bowls and cups made of gold, and they will find what their souls desire and what pleases their eyes, and Allah's Messenger (PBUH) said narration of Abu Hurayrah: "A caller will call out: You shall be healthy and never be ill, you shall have life and never die, you shall be young and never grow old, you shall live in favor and never suffer difficult circumstances, that is the saying of Allah, Most High: "And they will be called, This is Paradise which you are made to inherit for what you used to do" (Sahih Muslim 2837), they also will have many fruits as a complement to the blessings they get therein. 

 But as for the companions of Hellfire, Allah says in the next four verses (74-77) "Indeed, the criminals will be in the punishment of Hellfire, abiding forever, it will not be subside for them, and they will despair in it, and We did not wrong them, but they themselves were the wrongdoers, and they will call O Malik! let Your Lord put an end to us, He will say indeed, you will remain", that is, the polytheists will be in the punishment of Hellfire, and it will not be allowed to abate for them, and they will despair of salvation and will surrender to torment and affliction. They deserved that torment because they worshipped other than Allah in the worldly life, they refused the truth, and they denied His Messengers, so Allah did not wrong them but they wronged themselves by their evil deeds, and because of the severity of the torment they find, they will call Malik, who is the warden of Hellfire, and will ask Him that Allah judges them with death, so that they may rest from what they are in, but Malik will disappoint them and will tell them that they will remain in Hellfire, where the rule of Allah is that it will not be decreed for the disbelievers that they will die in Hellfire, and that its torment will not be lightened for them as Allah has stated in Aya (36) of Surat Fatir, so they will remain in constant punishment in which they will not die, nor will they live as mentioned in Aya (13) of Surat Ala'la

 Allah says in the next three verses (78-80) "Indeed, We have brought to you the truth, but most of you are averse to the truth, Or have they determined a matter, then indeed, We determined the matter, Or do they think that We do not hear their secrets and their secret counsels, yes, and our Messengers are with them, recording", that is, it will be said to the polytheists of Quraish that Allah has sent to them His Messenger Muhammad with the truth, which is the Holy Quran, but most of them hated the truth and did not accept it, and they did not stop there, but they used to refute the truth with falsehood as mentioned above, therefore, Allah says if they plan a cunning, it will only be against themselves because Allah has decided their matter and this is similar to Aya (42) of Surat Altuor, they think that Allah does not hear their secrets and their secret counsels they hold, but He knows what they conceal and what they declare, and the Honorable Angels also write their deeds, small and large.

 Allah addresses His Messenger in the next three verses (81-83) "Say if the Most Gracious had a son then I am the first of the worshippers, Glory to be the Lord of the heavens and the earth, the Lord of the Throne above what they describe, so leave them to indulge and play until they meet their day which they are promised", that is, Allah commanded His Messenger to assure the polytheists of Quraish that if Allah had a son as they claimed, He would be the first of the worshipper, this is an assumption not the truth to show them that He is obedient to Allah in all matters, therefore, Allah purifies Himself from what they say that He has a son for He is the Lord of the heavens, the earth, and the throne, and He neither begets, nor is born, so Allah commanded His Messenger to let them indulge in their false claims until they meet the day of resurrection, and the torment that awaits them. 

 Allah continues to glorify Himself in the next three verses (84-86) and says "And He is the One who is God in the heaven and God on the earth, and He is All-Wise, All-Knower, And blessed is the one to whom belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth and whatever is between them, and with Him is the knowledge of the Hour, and to Him, you will be returned, and those whom they invoke beside Him do not have intercession except he who testifies to the truth, and they know", that is, Allah is the One who is God in the heaven and on the earth and He is the only One worthy of worship where He is All-Wise who manages His creation with wisdom in His laws and destiny, and He is the All-Knower where nothing in the heavens or on the earth is hidden from Him. Allah also glorifies Himself by saying that He is the Creator and the Owner of the heavens, the earth, and whatever is between them, and with Him is the knowledge of the day of resurrection (the Hour), none will reveal its time except Him as He stated in Aya (187) of Surat Ala'araf, and man will return to him after death, and each man will be held accountable to his deeds, and what he worshipped besides Allah will not benefit him, because idols do not have intercession, and it will only be given to those who testify to the truth with insight and knowledge.

 Allah says in the last three verses (87-89) "And if You asked them who created them, they would say Allah, so how are they being turned away?, and His saying, O My Lord, indeed, they are a people who do not believe, so Leave them and Say peace, but they will know", that is, Allah addresses His Messenger and says if He asked the polytheists of Quraish who worshipped other than Allah about the One who created them, they would say that Allah is the One who created them, and this is similar to their acknowledgement that Allah is the One who created the heavens and the earth as shown above in Aya (9), nevertheless, they are extremely ignorant and fools where they are led astray and diverted from guidance to error, although they acknowledge the truth. And when Allah's Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) complained to His Lord that they are a people who do not believe, Allah commanded Him to turn away from them, and to say peace which means farewell because they will face calamity and torment as a recompense for their disbelief. And it was said that this verse was abrogated later when Allah commanded the believers to fight the polytheists in more than one verse as in Surat Alhajj Aya (39), Surat Altawbah Aya (36), and Surat Alanfal Aya (57), where Allah's Messenger (PBUH) said in narration of Ibn Umar "I have been ordered to fight against the people until they testify that none has the right to be worshipped but Allah, and that Muhammad is Allah's Messenger, and offer the prayers perfectly, and give the obligatory charity, so if they perform that, then they save their lives and property from Me except for Islamic laws, and then their reckoning will be done by Allah" (Sahih Albukhari 25).  

No one Knows its interpretation except Allah

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