36- Surat Yaseen/Tafseer

83 Verses Meccan (revealed in Mecca)

A'auzu Bellahi mena alshaiytani alrajeem

I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed Satan

Bismi Ellahi Alrhmani Alraheem

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

Yaseen (1).
Ya Seen.

Wa alqurani alhakeem (2).
By the wise Quran.

Innaka la-mena almursaleen (3).
Indeed, You are of the Messengers.

Ala seratin mustaqeem (4).
On a straight path.

Tanzeela Alazeezi Alraheem (5).
A revelation from the Almighty, the Most Merciful.

Le-tunzera qawman ma aunzera aba-uhum fa-hum ghafeluon (6).
So that You may warn a people whose fathers were not warned, so they are heedless.
Laqad haqqa alqawluo ala aktharehim fa-hum la you'menuon (7).
Indeed, the word has come true upon most of them, so they do not believe. 

Inna ja'alna fee a'anaqehim aghlalan fa-heiya ela alazqani fa-hum muqmahuon (8).
Indeed, We have placed the shackles on their necks, and they are to their chins, so they are with raised heads.
Wa ja'alna men baiyni aiydehim saddan wa men khalfehim saddan fa-aghshaiynahum fa-hum la youbseruon (9).
And We have made a barrier before them and a barrier from behind them, and We covered their eyes, so they do not see.

Wa sawa-on alaiyhim a-anzartahum am lam tunzerhum la you'menuon (10).
And it is alike for them whether you warn them or do not warn them, they do not believe.

Innama tunzerup mani ettaba'a alzekra wa khasheiya Alrahmana bel-ghaiybi fa-bashsherhuo be-maghferatin wa ajrin kareem (11).
You can only warn he who follows the reminder and fears the Most Gracious, unseen, so Give him glad tidings of forgiveness and a noble reward.

Inna nahnuo nuheyi almawta wa naktubuo ma qaddamuo wa atharahum wa kulla shaiy-in ahsaiynahuo fee emamin mubeen (12).
Indeed, We give life to the dead, and We record what they have sent forth and their traces,  and everything, We have enumerated it in a clear register.

Wa-drib lahum mathalan as-haba alqaryati iz ja'aha almursaluon (13).
And Cite for them an example of the companions of the town, when the Messengers came to it.

Iz arsalna elaiyhumuo ethnaiyni fa-kazzabuhuma fa-azzazna be-thalethin fa-qaluo inna elaikum mursaluon (14).
When We sent to them two, but they denied both of them, so We strengthened them with a third, and they said, Indeed, We are Messengers to you.

Qaluo ma antum ella basharun methluna wa ma anzala alrahmanuo men shaiy-in in antum ella takzebuon (15).
They said, you are nothing but human beings like us, and the Most Gracious has not sent down anything, you are only telling lies.

Qaluo Rabbuna ya'lamuo inna elaiykum la-mursaluon (16).
They said, Our Lord knows that We are surely Messengers to you. 

Wa ma alaiyna ella albalaghuo almubeen (17).
And nothing upon Us except the clear conveyance.

Qaluo inna tatayyarna bekum la-in lam tantahuo lanarjumannakum wa la-yamassannakum menna azabun aleem (18).
They said, Indeed, we see a bad omen from you, if you do not desist, we will surely stone you, and surely will touch you, from us, a painful punishment.

Qaluo ta-erukum ma'akum a-in zukkertum bal antum qawmun musrefuon (19).
They said, your bad omen is with you, Is it because you were reminded?, but, you are a transgressing people.

Wa ja'a men aqsa almadenati rajulun yas'a qala ya qawmi ettabe-uo almursaleen (20).
And a man came from the farthest end of the city, running, he said, O my people! follow the Messengers.

Ettabe-uo man la yas'alukum ajran wa hum muhtaduon (21).
Follow those who do not ask you a wage, and they are guided.

Wa maleiya la a'buduo allazi fatarani wa elaiyhi turja-uon (22)
And what is with me that I do not worship the One who created and to whom you will be returned?. 

A-attakhezuo men dounehi alehatan in youredni Alrahmanu be-durrin la tuoghni anni shafa-atuhum shaiy-an wa la younqezuon (23).
Should I take gods besides Him, If the Most Gracious intends a harm for me, their intercession will not avail from me anything nor can they save me.

Inni izan la-fee dalalin mubeen (24).
Indeed, then I would be in a clear error.
Inni amantuo be-Rabbekum fasma-uon (25).
Indeed, I have believed in your Lord, so Listen to me.

Qeela edkhuli aljannata qala ya laiyta qawmi ya'lamuon (26).
It was said Enter the Paradise, He said, O I wish! my people knew.

Bema ghafara lee Rabbi wa ja'alani mena almukrameen (27).
Of how My Lord has forgiven me and place me among the honored.

Wa ma anzalna ala qawmehi men ba'dehi men jundin mana alsama-ee wa ma kunna munzeleen (28).
And We did not send upon His people after him any soldiers from the sky nor we were to send down.

In kanat ella saiyhatan wahedatan fa-iza hum khameduon (29).
It was not but a one shout then behold! they were extinguished.

Ya hasratan ala alebadi ma ya'tehim men rasulin ella kanuo behi yastahze-uon (30).
Alas for the servants! There never comes to them a Messenger except they used to ridicule Him.

Alam yaraww kam ahlakna qablahum mena alquruoni annahum elaiyhim la yarje-uon (31).
Do they not see how many generations We destroyed before them that they will not return to them?.

Wa in kullun llamma jamee-on ladaiyna muhdaruon (32)
And all of them together will be brought before Us.
Wa ayatun lahumuo alarduo almaiytatuo ahyaynaha wa akhrajna menha habban fa-mehuo ya'kuluon (33).
And a sign for them is the dead earth, We give it life, and bring forth grain from it, so from it they eat.

Wa ja'alna feeha jannatin men nakheelin wa a'anabin wa fajjarna feeha mena al-auyuon (34).
And We made therein gardens of date-palms and grapes, and We gushed forth therein of the springs.

Leya'kuluo men thamarehi wa ma amelat-huo aiydehim afala yashkuruon (35).
So that they may eat from its fruits, and their hands did not make it, so Will they not give thanks?. 

Subhana allazi khalaqa alazwaja kullaha memma tunbetuo alarduo wa men anfusehim wa memma la ya'lamuon (36).
Glory to be the One who has created all the pairs from what the earth grows, and from themselves and from what they did not know. 

Wa ayatun lahumuo al-lailuo naslakhuo menhuo alnahara fa-iza hum muzlemuon (37).
And a sign for them is the night, We withdraw the day from it, then behold! they are in darkness.

Wa alshamsuo tajree le-mustaqarrin laha zaleka taqdeeruo Alazeezi Alaleem (38).
And the sun runs to a place of residence for it, that is the decree of the Almighty, the All-Knower.

Wa alqamara qaddarnahuo manazela hatta ada kal-aurjuoni alqadeem (39).
And the moon, We have ordained for it phases, until it returns like the old cluster of date-palm.

La alshamsuo yanbaghi laha an tuodreka alqamara wa la al-lailuo sabequo alnahari wa kullun fee falakin yasbahuon (40)
It is not for the sun that it reaches the moon, nor does the night overtake the day, and all of them are swimming in an orbit.
Wa ayatun lahum anna hamalna zurreyyatahum fee alfulki almashhuon (41).
And a sign for them is that We carried their progeny on the laden ship.

Wa khalqna lahum men methlehi ma yarkabuon (42).
And We created for them from the likes of it what they ride.

Wa in nasha' nughreqhum fa la sareekha lahum wa la hum younqazuon (43).
And if We will, We could drown them, so it would not be a responder to a cry for them, nor would they be rescued.

Ella rahmatan menna wa mata-an ela heen (44).
Except a mercy from Us and an enjoyment for a time.

Wa iza qeela lahumuo ettaquo ma baiyna aiydekum wa ma khalfakum la-allakum turhamuon (45)
And when it was said to them Fear what is before you and what is behind you, so that you may receive mercy.

Wa ma ta'tehim men ayatin men ayati Rabbehim ella kanuo anha mu'redeen (46).
And there never comes to them a sign from the signs of their Lord, except that they turned away from it.

Wa iza qeela lahum anfequo memma razaqakumuo Allahu qala allazina kafaruo lellazina amanuo a-nuot-emuo man laww yasha-uo Allahu at-amahuo in antum ella fee dalalin mubeen (47).
And when it was said to them Spend from what Allah has provided for you, those who disbelieved said to those who believed Should we feed he who, if Allah willed, He would have fed him?, you are except in a clear error.
Wa yaquluona mata haza alwa'duo in kuntum sadeqeen (48).
And they say When is this promise if you are truthful?.

Ma yanzuruona ella saiyhatan wahedatan ta'khuzuhum wa hum yakhessemuon (49).
And they await nothing but a one shout, that will seize them while they are quarreling.
Fa-la yastate-uona tawseiyatan wa la ela ahlehim yarje-uon (50)
So they will not be able to make a will nor will they return to their people. 

Wa nufekha fee alsuori fa-iza hum mena alajdathi ela Rabbehim yanseluon (51).
And the trumpet will be blown, then behold! they will hasten from the graves to their Lord. 

Qaluo ya wailana man ba'athana men marqadena haza ma wa'ada Alrahmanu wa sadaqa almursaluon (52).
They will say Woe to us! Who has raised us from our sleeping place? this is what the Most Gracious promised, and the Messengers told the truth.
In kanat ella saiyhatan wahedatan fa-iza hum jamee-on ladaiyna muhdaruon (53).
It will not be but a one shout, so behold! they all will be brought before Us.

Fal-yawma la tuzlamuo nafsun shaiy-an wa la tujzawna ella ma kuntum ta'maluon (54).
So this day, a soul will not be wronged in anything, and you will not be recompensed except for what you used to do.

Inna as-haba aljannati alyawma fee shughulin fakehuon (55).
Indeed, the companions of Paradise this day will be occupied, enjoying. 

Hum wa azwajuhum fee zelalin ala alaraeki muttake-uon (56).
They and their spouses in shades, reclining on the couches.

Lahum feeha fakehatun wa lahum ma yadda-uon (57).
For them therein are fruits and for them whatever they ask for.

Salamun qawlan men Rabbin Raheem (58).
Peace, a word from a Merciful Lord.

Wa-mtazuo alyawma ayyuha almujremuon (59).
And Stand apart today O criminals!.

Alam a'had elaiykum ya bani adama an la ta'buduo alshaiytana innahuo lakum aduwwun mubeen (60).
Did I not enjoin upon you O children of Adam! that Do not worship Satan indeed, he is a clear enemy to you.

Wa ani e'buduoni haza seratun mustaqeem (61).
And that you worship Me?, this is a straight path.

Wa laqad adalla menkum jebellan katheeran afa-lam takunuo ta'qeluon (62).
And He had led astray many creation from among you, so Do you not understand?.

Hazehi jahannamuo allati kuntum tu'aduon (63).
This is the Hellfire which you were promised. 

Eslawha alyawma bema kuntum takfuruon (64).
Burn therein today for what you used to disbelieve.

Alyawma nakhtemuo ala afwahehim wa tukallemuna aiydehim wa tashhaduo arjuluhum bema kanuo yaksebuon (65).
This day We will seal upon their mouths, and their hands will speak to Us, and their feet will testify about what they used to earn.

Wa laww nasha-uo la-tamasna ala a'ayounehim fastabaquo alserata fa-anna youbseruon (66).
And if We willed, We would have obliterated their eyes, so they would race to the path then How would they see?.
Wa laww nasha-uo la-masakhnahum ala makanatehim fama estata-uo mudeyyan wa la yarje-uon (67).
And if We willed, We would have transformed them at their places, then they would not have been able to proceed, nor would they return.

Wa man nu-ammerhuo nunakks-huo fee alkhalqi afala ya'qeluon (68).
And whoever We grant him long life, We weaken him in creation, so Do they not understand?.

Wa ma allamnahuo alshe'ra wa ma yanbaghi lahuo in huwa ella zekrun wa quranun mubeen (69).
And We did not teach Him poetry, and it is not proper for Him, it is nothing but a reminder, and a clear Quran.

Le-younzera man kana haiyyan wa yaheqqa alqawluo ala alkafereen (70).
To warn he who is alive, and the word becomes true against the disbelievers. 

Awa-lam yaraww anna khalaqna lahum memma amelat aiydena ana'aman fa-hum laha malekuon (71).
Do they not see that We have created for them from what Our hands have made, cattle, so they are the owners of them.

Wa zallalnaha lahum fa-menha rakubuhum wa menha ya'kuluon (72).
And We have tamed them for them, so some of them they ride and some of them they eat.

Wa lahum feeha manafe-uo wa masharebuo afala yashkuruon (73).
And for them therein are benefits and drinks, so Will they not give thanks?.

Wa-ttakhazuo men duoni ellahi alehatan la'allahum younsaruon (74)
And they have taken gods besides Allah, so that they may be helped.

La yastate-uona nasrahum wa hum lahum jundun muhdaruon (75).
They are not able to help them and they are soldiers brought for them.

Fala yahzunka qawluhum inna na'lamuo ma youserruona wa ma you'lenuon (76).
So their saying would not grieve You, indeed, We know what they conceal and what they declare.
Aw-lam yara alinsanuo anna khalaqnahuo men nutfatin fa iza huwa khaseemun mubeen (77).
Does man not see that We have created him from a sperm-drop, then behold! He is a clear adversary?.

Wa daraba lana mathalan wa naseiya khalqahuo qala man youhyyi alezama wa heiya rameem (78).
And he cites for Us an example and forgot his creation, he says Who will revive the bones when they are decayed?. 

Qul youheyyha allazi ansha-aha awwala marratin wa huwa be-kulli khalqin aleem (79).
Say He will revive them who produced them the first time and He is All-Knower of every creation. 

Allazi ja'ala lakum mena alshajari alakhdari naran fa-iza antum menhuo tuoqeduon (80).
The One who made for you fire from the green trees, then behold! you ignite from it.

Awa-laiysa allazi khalaqa alsamawati wa alarda be-qaderin ala an yakhluqa methlahum bala wa huwa Alkhallaquo Al-aleem (81).
Is it not the One who has created the heavens and the earth Able to create the like of them?, yes, and He is the Supreme Creator, the All-Knower.

Innama amruhuo iza arada shaiy-an an yaquola lahuo kun fa-yakuon (82).
His command is only when He intends a thing, that he says to it Be, and it comes to be.

Fa-subhana allazi be-yadehi malakutuo kulli shaiy-in wa elaiyhi turja-uon (83).
So glory be to the One who in whose Hand the kingdom of all things, and to Him you will be returned.

Simplified interpretation:

 Surat Yaseen begins with two letters of the Arabic language, just like 28 Surahs of the Holy Quran that start with individual letters ranging from one to five letters. It is noticeable that in all 29 Surahs the book or the Holy Quran is mentioned whether it is immediately after these letters or it is included in the Surah or even at the end of it. It is a challenge from Allah, Almighty, to the infidels of Quraish, as if Allah says to them this is the book in the letters of the language you speak, but you will not be able to produce the like of it, and He has already challenged them in Aya (88) of Surat Alisraa "Say, if mankind and the Jinn gathered in order to produce the like of this Quran, they could not produce the like of it, even if they were to each other assistants". As for the current Surah, it begins with two letters "Ya Seen" or "Y and S" in English followed by "By the wise Quran", but the knowledge of these letters remains with Allah, the Lord of the worlds.

 Allah says in the first six verses (1-6) "Ya Seen, By the wise Quran, indeed, You are of the Messengers, on a straight path, a revelation from the Almighty, the Most Merciful, So that You may warn a people whose fathers were not warned, so they are heedless", that is, Allah swears by the wise Quran whose rulings and arguments are full of wisdom and decisive, and it is saved from deficiency or alteration, so falsehood does not reach it to confirm that Muhammad (PBUH) of the Messengers, and He is on a straight path which is the path of the Holy Quran where Allah addresses His Messenger in Ayat (43,44) of Surat Alzukhruf and says "So hold fast to that which is revealed to you, indeed, You are on a straight path, and indeed, it is a reminder to You and Your people, and you will be questioned", then Allah says that the Holy Quran is a revelation from the Almighty who is Severe in His revenge on those who disobeyed Him, the Most-Merciful to those who obey Him, and He revealed the Holy Quran to His Messenger in order to warn the people of Quraish whose fathers were not warned, where Allah did not send them a Messenger before Muhammad as mentioned in Aya (3) of Surat Alsajdah "So that You warn a people to whom no warner has come before You so that they may be guided", and because they were not warned before, they are heedless of Allah's path, and of Allah's ability to inflict His vengeance on those who disobey Him. 

 Allah says in the next five verses (7-11) "Indeed, the word has come true upon most of them, so they do not believe, indeed, We have placed the shackles on their necks, and they are to their chins, so they are with raised heads, and We have made a barrier before them and a barrier from behind them, and We covered their eyes, so they do not see, and it is alike for them whether you warn them or do not warn them, they do not believe, You can only warn he who follows the reminder and fears the Most Gracious, unseen, so Give him glad tidings of forgiveness and a noble reward", that is, the word of the punishment has come true upon most of the people of Quraish; because they do not believe in Allah and His Messenger, so Allah has put the shackles on their necks up to their chins, so their heads are raised up in order to chain them from doing good, and Allah have made a barrier in front of them and a barrier from behind them, and He made a veil over their eyes, so they do not see guidance nor are they benefit from good, and then Allah addresses His Messenger and says that it is the same for them whether He warns them or not, they will not believe, and this is similar to Ayat (6,7) of Surat Albaqarah "Indeed, those who disbelieve, it is alike for them whether you warn them or do not warn them, they do not believe, Allah has set a seal upon their hearts and upon their hearing and over their vision is a veil, and for them is a great punishment", and Allah says to His Messenger that He can only warn he who follows the Holy Quran and fears Allah before meeting Him so that he obeys Him, follows His commands, and fears Allah when no one but Allah sees him, so Allah commanded His Messenger to give the glad tidings of forgiveness and a noble reward for whoever does so.

 Allah says in the next verse (12) "Indeed, We give life to the dead, and We record what they have sent forth and their traces, and everything, We have enumerated it in a clear register", that is, Allah will give life to the dead on the day of resurrection and He records what they have sent forth for themselves whether good or evil deeds, and even their footsteps on the ground are recorded, where as narrated By Jabir Bin Abdullah: "There were some plots vacant around the mosque, Banu Salama decided to shift and come near the mosque, this reached the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) and He said to them: I have received that you intend to shift near the mosque, they said, yes O Allah's Messenger! We have taken this decision, thereupon, He said O Banu Salama! live in your houses for your steps are recorded, live in your houses for your steps are recorded", then Allah assures that everything is recorded in a clear register that will testify against man on the day of resurrection as mentioned in Surat Aljathiyah Aya (29) "This Our record, speaks against you in truth, indeed, We used to transcribe what you used to do". 

 Allah says in the next seven verses (13-19) ''And Cite for them an example of the companions of the town, when the Messengers came to it, when We sent to them two, but they denied both of them, so We strengthened them with a third, and they said, Indeed, We are Messengers to you, they said, you are nothing but human beings like us, and the Most Gracious has not sent down anything, you are only telling lies, they said, Our Lord knows that We are surely Messengers to you, and nothing upon Us except the clear conveyance, they said, Indeed, we see a bad omen from you, if you do not desist, we will surely stone you, and surely will touch you, from us, a painful punishment, they said, your bad omen is with you, Is it because you were reminded?, but, you are a transgressing people", that is, Allah commanded His Messenger to cite to the infidels of Quraish the story of the people of the town who denied their Messengers and how Allah destroyed them so that it would be a lesson for them in order not to be afflicted by what afflicted the people of the town, where Allah sent to them two of His Messengers to call them to worship Allah alone, and to abandon their idols, but they denied both of them, so Allah strengthened them by a third Messenger, but they insisted on their disbelief and said to them that they are only human beings like them and Allah has not revealed anything to them, and they are only telling lies, but their Messengers assured them that Allah knows that they are Messengers to them, and nothing upon them except to convey Allah's message to them, but they saw Allah's Messengers as an evil omen, so if the evil befalls them, it will because of them, so they threatened their Messengers that they will stone them to death if they did not desist what they came with, and that they will punish them with a painful torment, then their Messengers said that their evil omen is with them; because their decree of good or evil is with them, and if evil befalls them, it is not because of the bad omen, but rather because of their evil deeds and of what Allah has decreed for them, then their Messengers marveled at them and said Is it because we commanded you to worship Allah alone, you met us with pessimism and threat, but you are a transgressing people.     

 Allah says in the next eight verses (20-27) "And a man came from the farthest end of the city, running, he said, O my people! follow the Messengers, Follow those who do not ask you a wage, and they are guided, and what is with me that I do not worship the One who created me and to whom you will be returned?, Should I take gods besides Him, If the Most Gracious intends a harm for me, their intercession will not avail from me anything nor can they save me, indeed, then I would be in a clear error, indeed, I have believed in your Lord, so Listen to me, it was said Enter the Paradise, He said, O I wish! my people knew, Of how My Lord has forgiven me and place me among the honored", that is, when the people of the town denied their Messengers, there came to them a rushing man from the farthest end of the city to call them to believe in Allah and to follow His Messengers who are truthful; because they did not ask them a wage for conveying Allah's message and they are guided to the straight path, and he said to them what prevents me from worshiping the One who has created me and to whom you will be returned on the day of resurrection and He will reward you for you deeds, then he said to them as a denunciation "Should I take gods besides Him, If the Most Gracious intends a harm for me, their intercession will not avail from me anything nor can they save me", he believed that these idols do not possess anything besides Allah for they do not provide good nor prevent evil in the worldly life, and it will not save him from Allah's punishment in the Hereafter, and if he took them as gods besides Allah, then he would be in a clear error, and then He assures them that He has believed in Allah, and commanded them to listen to Him and to follow Allah's Messengers, but they persisted on their disbelief and were not content with threatening him as they threatened their Messengers, but rather they killed him, so it was said to him ''Enter the Paradise", and when he saw the bliss that Allah has prepared for him, he said "O I wish! my people knew, Of how My Lord has forgiven me and place me among the honored".

 Allah says in the next three verses (28-30) "And We did not send upon His people after him any soldiers from the sky nor we were to send down, It was not but a one shout then behold! they were extinguished, Alas for the servants! There never comes to them a Messenger except they used to ridicule Him.", that is, the believing man wished that his people would believe during his life and he wished after his death that if they had known the bliss in which he is, they would have believed, but they are a transgressing people as their Messengers said to them, so Allah did not send to them any soldiers from the sky after his death in order to destroy them, and He did not need an army of the Angels to descend upon them with the punishment, rather the matter was easier than that for Allah destroyed them with one shout so they all died and were like a fire extinguished, then Allah says ''Alas for the servants" viz how regretful they will be on the day of resurrection when they face the torment, and how could they disobey Allah and deny His Messengers where no Messenger came to them except they used to ridicule Him and deny the truth with which He was sent.

 Allah says in the next six verses (31-36) "Do they not see how many generations We destroyed before them that they will not return to them?, and all of them together will be brought before Us, And a sign for them is the dead earth, We give it life, and bring forth grain from it, so from it they eat, And We made therein gardens of date-palms and grapes, and We gushed forth therein of the springs, so that they may eat from its fruits, and their hands did not make it, so Will they not give thanks?, glory to be the One who has created all the pairs from what the earth grows, and from themselves and from what they did not know", that is, Do the infidels of Quraish not see how many generations from the past centuries Allah has destroyed before them in order to understand that they did not return and will not return to the worldly life again, and all past and future generations will be brought before Allah for reckoning on the day of resurrection, and He will recompense them for their deeds, good and evil. Then Allah cites for them an example of His ability to revive the dead, where He gives them a sign of the dead earth when Allah sends down water on it, so it grows from every pleasant kind, and brings forth grain so they eat from it, and Allah made in the dead earth after its revival gardens of palm trees, grapes, and springs of water so that they may eat from its fruits which come forth with the ability of Allah and the greatness of His making in the diversity of its shapes and colors, while their hands did not make it; Because it is not for them that they cause to grow its trees as Allah has stated in Aya (60) of Surat Alnaml, so all they have to do is to start planting by throwing the seeds, but they do not have the ability to grow and to reap the plants as they like, and if Allah wills, He can certainly make it debris as mentioned in Aya (65) of Surat Alwaqi'ah, so Will they not offer gratitude and give thanks to the One who has bestowed these blessings upon them?, so glory be to the One who has created all the pairs from what the earth grows of crops, fruits, grain, and plants, and from themselves of male and female, and from what they did not know of various creatures.

 Allah says in the next four verses (37-40) "And a sign for them is the night, We withdraw the day from it, then behold! they are in darkness, and the sun runs to a place of residence for it, that is the decree of the Almighty, the All-Knower, and the moon, We have ordained for it phases, until it returns like the old cluster of date-palm, it is not for the sun that it reaches the moon, nor does the night overtake the day, and all of them are swimming in an orbit", that is, Allah gives the infidels of Quraish a second sign of His ability and greatness for He separates the day from the night then behold! they are in darkness so that they rest in it from the tiredness of the day, and no one has the ability to bring night or day other than Allah as mentioned in Surat Alqasas Ayat (71-73), so the sun runs to its setting place with the decree of Allah, Almighty, All-Knower, and as narrated by Abu Zarr: "Once I was with the Prophet in the mosque at the time of sunset, the Prophet said O Abu Zarr! Do you know where the sun sets?, I replied Allah and His Messenger know best, He said it goes and prostrates underneath the throne and that is Allah's saying "And the sun runs to a resting place for it, the decree of the Almighty, All-Knower", and in another narration of Abu Zarr also ''Indeed, it goes to seek permission to prostrate, so it is permitted, and it is as if it has been said to it rise from its setting place". And Allah has ordained phases for the moon as it rises on the first night of the Hijri month with little light, then increases in light on the second night, then as it rises the brightness increases until its light is complete on the fourteenth night, then it begins to decrease until the last day of the month and then it becomes useless as if it is like the old cluster of a date-palm tree, then it repeats the cycle in the next month, and Allah has subjected the sun and the moon, each with a specific role so that it does not infringe on the other, where it is not permissible for the sun that it reaches the moon, nor does the night overtake the day, and all of them are swimming in an orbit.

 Allah says in the next four verses (41-44) "And a sign for them is that We carried their progeny on the laden ship, and We created for them from the likes of it what they ride, and if We will, We could drown them, so it would not be a responder to a cry for them, nor would they be rescued, except a mercy from Us and an enjoyment for a time", that is, Allah gives the infidels of Quraish a third sign of His ability and greatness where He has subjected the sea for them as He carried the Prophet Noah ans His family except His wife and His son on the laden ship where as mentioned in Aya (40) of Surat Hud Allah commanded the Prophet Noah to load upon the ship of each creatures two pairs and His family except those whom about the word of punishment has preceded including His wife and His son, and to carry whoever has believed but none had believed with Him except a few, then Allah drowned His people in the flood, so His descendants are the ones who remained on the earth after the destruction of His people as mentioned in Aya (77) of Surat Alsaffat, and Allah created for them from other ships like Noah's ark that which they ride, and if Allah willed, He could drown the infidels as He has drowned those before them, and then no one will respond to their cry, nor will they be saved from drowning, but Allah saves them from drowning in the sea as a mercy from Him and an enjoyment for an appointed time that only he knows.

 Allah says in the next four verses (45-48) "And when it was said to them Fear what is before you and what is behind you, so that you may receive mercy, and there never comes to them a sign from the signs of their Lord, except that they turned away from it, and when it was said to them Spend from what Allah has provided for you, those who disbelieved said to those who believed Should we feed he who, if Allah willed, He would have fed him?, you are except in a clear error, and they say When is this promise if you are truthful?", that is, the polytheists of Quraish persisted on their disbelief, and when it was said them fear your previous and future sins by repentance so that you may receive Allah's mercy and be saved from His punishment on the day of resurrection, yet they turned away, and there never comes to them a sign that indicates Allah's oneness and the truthfulness of His messenger except they turned away from it and did not reflect on it, and when it was said to the infidels Spend in the way of Allah from what Allah has provided for you, they said to the believers as a mockery "Should we feed he who, if Allah willed, He would have fed him?", that is because they do not believe that Allah is the Provider, if so, as you claim, He would provide the poor Muslims, you are only in a clear error when you commanded us to spend on you, in addition, they ruled out the occurrence of the day of resurrection and said to the believers as a mockery "When is this promise if you are truthful?".

 Allah says in the next six verses (49-54) "And they await nothing but a one shout, that will seize them while they are quarreling, so they will not be able to make a will nor will they return to their people, and the trumpet will be blown, then behold! they will hasten from the graves to their Lord, they will say Woe to us! Who has raised us from our sleeping place? this is what the Most Gracious promised, and the Messengers told the truth, it will not be but a one shout, so behold! they all will be brought before Us, so this day, a soul will not be wronged in anything, and you will not be recompensed except for what you used to do", that is, the infidels await nothing but the the first blowing of the trumpet that will befall them while they are quarreling over worldly matters as usual, so they will not be able to make a bequest nor will they return to their people; because whoever is in the heavens, and whoever is on the earth will fall dead except whom Allah wills as mentioned in aya (68) of Surat Alzumar, then the trumpet will be blown again, and it will be the blowing of the resurrection, so they will hasten from the graves to their Lord, and then they will realize that what they used to deny about resurrection has become a reality, so they will say "Woe to us!", Who has resurrected us from our graves, this is what the Most Gracious promised, and the Messengers told the truth, then Allah confirms that their resurrection will be with one shout, so they all will be brought before Him for reckoning with justice as no soul will be wronged in anything where nothing will be detracted from the good-doer, and no one shall be punished for a sin he did not commit, they will only be recompensed for what they used to do in the worldly life whether it was good or evil and this is similar to Aya (17) of Surat Ghafir.  

 Allah says in the next four verses (55-58) "Indeed, the companions of Paradise this day will be occupied, enjoying, they and their spouses in shades, reclining on the couches, for them therein are fruits and for them whatever they ask for, Peace, a word from a Merciful Lord", that is, Allah describes the bliss that the companions of Paradise will have on the day of resurrection as they will be preoccupied and enjoying it, and they and their spouses will be in the shades of garden trees, reclining on the couches, and for them therein all kinds of fruits, and whatever they ask for, they will find, and then Allah will greet the companions of Paradise by saying ''Peace", and it is a word from a Merciful Lord to His servants where Allah says in Aya (44) of Surat Alahzab "Their greeting the day they meet Him will be Peace" and it will be said to them on the day of resurrection Enter Paradise in peace, that is the day of eternity as mentioned in Aya (34) of Surat Qaaf.

 Allah says in the next six verses (59-64) "And Stand apart today O criminals!, Did I not enjoin upon you O children of Adam! that Do not worship Satan indeed, he is a clear enemy to you, and that you worship Me?, this is a straight path, and He had led astray many creation from among you, so Do you not understand?, this is the Hellfire which you were promised, Burn therein today for what you used to disbelieve", that is, the criminals who disbelieved in Allah and opposed His Messengers will be separated from the believers on the day of resurrection; because each of them have a path other than the other, whereupon, Allah will say to the disbelievers as a reprimand "Did I not enjoin upon you O children of Adam! that Do not worship Satan indeed, he is a clear enemy to you, and that you worship Me?, this is a straight path", viz, I directed you in the worldly life to disobey Satan and I commanded you to worship Me alone and this is the straight path, but you followed other than that and followed the Satan in what he commanded you to do, and Satan has led astray many creation from among you and has prevented many of you from belief and monotheism to the extent that you obeyed him and took idols besides Allah to worship, so Do you not understand that Satan is a clear enemy to you and that his mission is to make you disbelieve like him?. Thereupon, it will be said to them on the day of resurrection, as a reprimand, this is the Hellfire which you were promised in the worldly life, so Burn therein today for what you used to disbelieve and deny Allah's Oneness and the resurrection

 Allah says in the next verse (65) ''This day We will seal upon their mouths, and their hands will speak to Us, and their feet will testify about what they used to earn", that is, on the day of resurrection, Allah will seal upon the mouths of the infidels, so their hands will speak to Allah, and their feet will testify about what they used to earn in the worldly life, likewise, their hearing, their sights and their skins will testify against them as mentioned in Aya (20) of Surat Fussilat, and as narrated by Anas Bin Malik: "We were in the company of Allah's Messenger when He smiled, and said: Do you know why I laughed, We said Allah and His Messenger know best, thereupon He said  It was because the talk which the servant would have with His Lord, he would say my Lord! Have You not guaranteed me protection against injustice, He would say yes, then the servant would say I do not deem valid any witness against me but my own self, and He would say well, enough would be the witness of yourself against you and that of the two Angels who had been appointed to record your deeds, then the seal would be set upon his mouth and it would be said to his hands, and feet to speak and they would speak of his deeds, then the mouth would be make free to talk, he would say Be away, let there be curse upon you, it was for your safety that I contended".

 Allah says in the next three verses (66-68) "And if We willed, We would have obliterated their eyes, so they would race to the path then How would they see?, and if We willed, We would have transformed them at their places, then they would not have been able to proceed, nor would they return, and whoever We grant him long life, We weaken him in creation, so Do they not understand?", that is, Allah says to the infidels as a threat that if He willed, He would have obliterated their eyes and would have led them astray from the guidance, so they would race to the path, then how would they see as He made them blind, not seeing a way, nor being guided by it, and if He willed, He would have transformed their image into another one, and made them lose their own nature so they stay in one place like inanimate objects, thereupon, they would not have been able to proceed, nor would they return. And whoever Allah grants him long life, He weakens him in creation as he returns to weakness after strength like a child, and he knows nothing after having knowledge as mentioned in Aya (5) of Surat Alhajj, so Do they not understand that Allah is Able to do whatever He wills.

 Allah says in the next two verses (69,70) "And We did not teach Him poetry, and it is not proper for Him, it is nothing but a reminder, and a clear Quran, to warn he who is alive, and the word becomes true against the disbelievers", that is, the polytheists of Quraish accused Allah's Messenger of being a poet and claimed that the Holy Quran is a poetry,  thereupon, Allah acquitted Him of what they said by saying that He did not teach Him poetry, and poetry is not proper for Him, and what He recites to them is nothing but a reminder and a clear Quran that Allah revealed to His Messenger in order to warn he who has alive heart and a sound mind to understand its verses, and in order to the word of punishment becomes true against the polytheists, so it is a mercy for the believers, and an argument against the polytheists.

 Allah says in the next three verses (71-73) "Do they not see that We have created for them from what Our hands have made, cattle, so they are the owners of them, and We have tamed them for them, so some of them they ride and some of them they eat, and for them therein are benefits and drinks, so Will they not give thanks?", that is, Allah cites His favor upon mankind as He has created cattle from what His hands have made, and He has subjected these cattle for them, so they own camels, cows, and sheep, and they are tamed for them, so they ride some of them like camels on travels and carry loads on them, and they eat some of them, in addition to, they have other benefits in the cattle where they benefit from their wool, fur and hair, and they drink their milk, so Will they not offer gratitude and give thanks to the One who has bestowed these blessings upon them, and has tamed the cattle for them?.

 Allah says in the next three verses (74-76) "And they have taken gods besides Allah, so that they may be helped, they are not able to help them and they are soldiers brought for them, so their saying would not grieve You, indeed, We know what they conceal and what they declare", that is, the polytheists have taken gods besides Allah so that they may save them from Allah's punishment where they claimed that these idols which neither harm them nor benefit them are their intercessors with Allah as mentioned in Aya (18) of Surat Yunus, so Allah assures them that they will not be able to help them even though they are the soldiers of these idols who defend and support them in the worldly life, but on the day of resurrection they and their idols will enter Hellfire as mentioned in Surat Alsaffat Ayat (22,23) and as narrated by Abu Hurayrah that Allah's Messenger said: "Allah will gather mankind on the day of resurrection on one level, then the Lord of the worlds will come to them and say Let every person follow what they used to worship, so the worshipper of the cross, his cross shall be symbolized to him, and to the worshipper of idol his idol, and to the worshipper of fire his fire, they follow what they used to worship". Then Allah addresses His Messenger and says to Him Do not be saddened by what they say when they accused you of being poet and their denial of you, indeed, We know what they declare and what they conceal of their sayings and their deeds, so they will be recompensed for what they used to do.

 Allah says in the next four verses (77-80) "Does man not see that We have created him from a sperm-drop, then behold! He is a clear adversary?, and he cites for Us an example and forgot his creation, he says Who will revive the bones when they are decayed?, Say He will revive them who produced them the first time and He is All-Knower of every creation, the One who made for you fire from the green trees, then behold! you ignite from it", that is, Allah marvels at man who deny the resurrection and Allah's Ability to revive the dead as how he did not see that Allah has created him from a weak thing which is a sperm-drop, then he came to argue in the signs of Allah as if he has strong arguments and proofs, where he cited an example of the decayed bones, and he forgot his creation and that Allah has created him from nothing, and said as a denial of Allah's ability to revive it "Who will revive the bones when they are decayed?", thereupon, Allah commanded His Messenger to assure him that the One who has created them the first time will revive them on the day of resurrection, and He is All-Knower of every creation where He will reconstruct them again from all parts of the earth wherever they scattered and torn. Then Allah assures them that the One who made fire from the green trees, so they kindle from it, is Able to revive the dead, where they used to extract fire from the trees of Almarkh (Leptadenia) and Alafar (Buddleja), which grow in the desert, by rubbing two green branches from both trees together, so the sparks of fire would come out.

 Allah says in the last three verses (81-83) "Is it not the One who has created the heavens and the earth Able to create the like of them?, yes, and He is the Supreme Creator, the All-Knower, His command is only when He intends a thing, that he says to it Be, and it comes to be, so glory be to the One who in whose Hand the kingdom of all things, and to Him you will be returned", that is, Allah confirms His great ability in the creation of the heavens and the earth, and says to those who deny the resurrection as a denunciation "Is it not the One who has created the heavens and the earth Able to create the like of them?; because the creation of the heavens and the earth is greater than the creation of mankind, but most of people do not know as mentioned in Aya (57) of Surat Ghafir, then Allah says yes He is Able to create the like of them and to revive them on the day of resurrection as He is the Supreme Creator, the All-Knower, and He commands anything once for He does not need to repeat, He just says to anything Be, and it comes to be, so their resurrection will be with one shout, then they all will be brought before Him as shown above in Aya (53), then Allah glorify Himself, the One who in whose Hand the kingdom of all things, and to whom all mankind, the first and the last, will be returned on the day of resurrection. 

No one Knows its interpretation except Allah

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