10- Surat Yunus/Tafseer

109 Verses Meccan (revealed in Mecca)

A'auzu Bellahi mena alshaiytani alrajeem

I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed Satan

Besmi Ellahi Alrhmani Alraheem

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

Alif Lam Raa telka ayatuo alketabi alhakeem (1).
Alif Lam Raa these are the verses of the wise Book.

A-kana lel-nasi ajaban an awhaiyna ela rajulin menhum an anzeri alnasa wa bashsheri allazina amanuo anna lahum qadama sedqin enda Rabbehim qala alkaferuona inna haza la-saherun mubeen (2).
Is it a wonder to the people that We have revealed to a man from among them that Warn the people and Give glad tidings to those who believe that they will have a honorable position with their Lord?, the disbelievers said indeed, this is a clear magician.

Inna Rabbakumu Allahu allazi khalaqa alsamawati wa alarda fee settati ayyamin thumma estawa ala alarshi youdabberuo alamra ma men shafee-in ella men ba'di eznehi zalekumuo Allahu Rabbukum fa'buduhuo afala tazakkruon (3)
Indeed, your Lord is Allah, the One who has created the heavens and the earth in six days and then established Himself on the Throne, He manages the matter, there is no intercessor except after His permission, that is Allah, your Lord, so Worship Him, then Will you not be reminded?.

Elaiyhi marje-ukum jamee-an wa'da Allahi haqqan innahuo yabda-uo alkhalqa thumma youeduhuo le-yajziya allazina amanuo wa ameluo alsalehati bel-qesti wa allazina kafaruo lahum sharabun men hameemin wa azabun aleemun bema kanuo yakfuruon (4).
To Him is your return all together, the promise of Allah is true, indeed, He begins the creation and then He repeats it that He may reward those who believed and did righteous deeds in justice, and those who disbelieved for them there is a drink of boiling water and a painful punishment for what they used to disbelieve.

Huwa allazi ja-ala alshamsa deya-an wa alqamara nooran wa qaddarahuo manazela le-ta'lamuo adada alseneena wa alhesaba ma khalaqa Allahu zaleka ella bel-haqqi youfasseluo alayati le-qawmin ya'lamuon (5).
He is the One who has made the sun a shining light and the moon a derived light, and has ordained for it phases, that you may know the number of the years and the computation, Allah has not created this except in truth, He explains in details the signs for a people who know.

Inna fee ekhtelafi al-laili wa alnahari wa ma khalaqa Allahu fee alsamawati wa alardi la-ayatin le-qawmin yattaquon (6).
Indeed, in the alternation of the night and the day and in what Allah has created in the heavens and the earth, there are signs for a people who fear.

Inna allazina la yarjuona leqa-ana wa raduo bel-hayati alduonya watma-annuo beha wa allazina hum an ayatena ghafeluon (7).
Indeed, those who do not expect the meeting with Us, and are pleased with the worldly life, and feel secure therein, and those who are heedless of Our signs.

Aulaeka ma'wahumuo alnaruo bema kanuo yaksebuon (8).
Those are the ones whose abode is the Fire because of what they used to earn.

Inna allazina amanuo wa ameluo alsalehati yahdehim Rabbuhum be-imanehim tajree men tahtehemuo al-anharuo fee jannati alna-eem (9)
Indeed, those who believed and did righteous deeds, their Lord will guide them because of their faith, beneath them rivers will flow in the gardens of bliss.

Da'wahum feeha subhanaka allahumma wa tahiyyatuhum feeha salamun wa akheruo da'wahum ani alhamduo le-llahi Rabbi al-alamenn (10).
Their call therein will be Glory to be You O Allah, and their greeting therein will be Peace, and the last of their call is Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds. 

Wa-laww you-ajjeluo Allahu lel-nasi alsharra este'jalahum bel-khaiyri la-qudiya elaiyhim ajaluhum fa-nazaruo allazina la yarjuona leqa-ana fee tughyanehim ya'mahuon (11).
And if Allah were to hasten for the people the evil as He hastens for them the good, their term would have been fulfilled to them, but We leave the ones who do not expect the meeting with us in their transgression, wandering.

Wa iza massa alinsana aldurruo da-ana le-janbehi aww qa-edan aww qa-eman fa-lamma kashafna anhuo durrahuo marra ka-an lam yaduna ela durrin massahuo ka-zaleka zuyyina lel-musrefeena ma kanuo ya'maluon (12).
And when an adversity touches man, he calls upon us, whether lying on his side or sitting or standing, but when We remove from him his adversity, he passes on as if he had never called upon Us to an adversity that touched him, thus it was beautified to the transgressors what they used to do.

Wa laqad ahlakna alquruona men qablekum lamma zalamuo wa ja-at-hum rusuluhum bel-bayyinati wa ma kanuo leyou'menuo ka-zaleka najzee alqawma almujremeen (13).
And indeed, We had destroyed generations before You when they wronged, and their Messengers had come to them with clear proofs, but they were not to believe, thus We recompense the criminal people.

Thumma ja-alnakum khala-efa fee alardi men ba'dehim le-nanzura kaiyfa ta'maluon (14).
Then We made you successors on the earth after them so that We may see how you will do.

Wa iza tutla alaiyhim ayatuna bayyinatin qala allazina la yarjuona leqa-ana e'ti be-quranin ghaiyri haza aww baddelhuo qul ma yakunuo lee an  aubeddelahuo men telqa-ee nafsi in attabe-uo ella ma yuoha elayya inni akhafuo in asaiytuo Rabbi azaba yawmin azeem (15).
And when Our verses are recited to them as clear proofs, those who do not expect the meeting with Us say Bring us a Quran other than this or Change it, Say it is not for Me to change it on My own accord, I only follow what is revealed to Me, indeed, I fear if I disobey My Lord the punishment of a great day.

Qul laww sah-a Allahu ma talawtuhuo alaiykum wa la adrakum behi fa-qad labethtuo feekum aumuran men qablehi afa-la ta'qeluon (16).
Say if Allah had willed, I would not have recited it to you, nor would He have made it known to you, indeed, I had remained among you a lifetime before it, then will you not understand?.

Fa-man azlamuo memmani eftara ala Allahi kazeban aww kazzaba be-ayatehi innahuo la youflehuo almujremuon (17).
And Who is more unjust than he who invents a lie about Allah, or denies His signs, indeed, the criminals will not succeed.

Wa ya'buduona men duoni ellahi ma la yadurruhum wa la yanfa-uhum wa yaquluona haulaee shufa'auna enda Allahi qul atunabbe-uona Allaha bema la ya'lamuo fee alsamawati wa la fee alardi subhanahuo wa ta-ala amma youshrekuon (18).
And they worship besides Allah what does not benefit them or harm them, and they say these are our intercessors with Allah, Say Do you inform Allah of what He does not know in the heavens or on the earth?, Glory to be Him, and High is He above what they associate.

Wa ma kana alnasuo ella aummatan wahedatan fa-khtalafuo wa laww la kalematun sabaqat men Rabbeka la-qudiya baiynahum feema feehi yakhtalefuon (19).
And the people were not but one religion, but they differed and if not for a word that preceded from Your Lord, it would have been judged between them in that about which they differ.

Wa yaquluona lawla aunzela alaiyhi ayatun men Rabbehi fa-qul innama alghaiybuo le-llahi fa-ntazeruo inni maakum mena almuntazeren (20).
And they say Why not a sign is sent down to Him from His Lord?, Say the unseen is only for Allah, so Wait indeed, I am with you among those who are waiting.

Wa iza azaqna alnasa rahmatan men ba'di darra-a massat-hum iza lahum makrun fee ayatena quli ellahu asra-uo makran inna rusulana yaktubuona ma tamkuruon (21).
And when We make the people taste a mercy from Us after adversity has touched them, behold! They plotted against Our signs, Say Allah is swifter in plotting, indeed, Our Messengers record what you plot.

Huwa allazi yousayyirukum fee albarri wa albahri hatta iza kuntum fee alfulki wa jarayna behim be-reehin tayyibatin wa farehuo beha ja-at-ha reehun asefun wa ja-ahumuo almawjuo men kulli makanin wa zannuo annahum auheeta behim da-awuo Allaha mukhleseena lahuo aldeena la-in anjaiytana men hazehi la-nakunanna mena alshakereen (22).
He is the one who enables you to travel on the land and the sea until you are on ships, and they sail with them by a good wind and they rejoice therein, there comes to it a storm wind and the waves come upon them from every place and they were certain that they are surrounded, they called upon Allah, being sincere to Him in religion, if You should save us from this, we would surely be among the grateful.

Fa-lamma anjahum iza hum yabghuona fee alardi be-ghaiyri alhaqqi ya-ayyuha alnasuo innama baghyukum ala anfusekum mata-a alhayati alduonya thumma elaiyna merje-ukum fa-nunabbe-ukum bema kuntum ta'maluon (23).
But when He saved them, Behold! They commit tyranny on the earth without right, O people! Your tyranny is only against yourselves, the enjoyment of the worldly life, then to Us is your return, and We will inform you of what you used to do.

Innama mathaluo lahayati alduonya kama-in anzalnahuo mena alsama-e fa-khtalata behi nabatuo alardi memma ya'kuluo alnasuo wa alan'amuo hatta iza akhazati alarduo zukhrufuha wa-zzayyanat wa zanna ahluha annahum qaderuona alaiyha  ataha amruna lailan aww naharan faja'alnaha haseedan ka-an lam taghna bel-amsi ka-zaleka nufasseluo alayati le-qawmin yatafakkaruon (24).
The example of the worldly life is only like water which We send down from the sky, and the plants of the earth mixed with it, from which the people and the cattle eat, until when the earth has taken on its ornament and was adorned and its people suppose that they have capability over it, there comes to it Our command at night or by day, and We make it as a harvest, as if it had not flourished yesterday, thus We explain in details the verses for a people who give thought.

Wa Allahu yad-uo ela dari alsalami wa yahdi man yasha-uo ela seratin mustaqeem (25).
And Allah calls to the abode of peace, and guides whom He wills to a straight path.

Le-llazina ahsanuo alhusna wa ziyadatun wa la yarhaquo wujuhahum qatarun wa la zellatun aulaeka as-habuo aljannati hum feeha khaleduon (26).
For those who do good is the best and more, no darkness will cover their faces nor humiliation, those are the companions of Paradise, they will abide therein forever.

Wa allazina kasabuo alsayyi-ati jaza-uo sayyi-atin be-methleha wa tarhaquhum zellatun ma lahum mena Allahi men asemin ka-annama aughshiyat wujuhuhum qeta-an mena al-laili muzleman aulaeka as-habuo alnari hum feeha khaleduon (27).
But those who earned the evil deed, the recompense of an evil deed is evil like it, and humiliation will cover them, they will have from Allah no protector, it will be as if their faces are covered with pieces of the night, dark, those are the companions of the fire, they will abide therein forever.

Wa yawma nahshuruhum jamee-an thumma naquluo le-llazina ashrakuo makanakum antum wa shuraka-ukum fa-zayyalna baiynahum wa qala shuraka-uhum ma kuntum iyyana ta'buduon (28).
And the day We will gather them all together, then We will say to those who associated at your place, you and your partners, then We will separate them, and their partners will say it is not us that you worshipped.

Fa-kafa be-llahi shaheedan baiynana wa baiynakum in kunna an ebadatekum la-ghafeleen (29).
And Sufficient is Allah as a witness between us and you that we were of your worship unaware. 

Hunaleka tabluo kulluo nasfin ma aslafat wa rudduo ela Allahi mawlahumu alhaqqi wa dalla anhum ma kanuo yaftaruon (30).
There every soul will be put to trial for what it did previously, and they will be returned to Allah, their Protector, the Truth, and lost from them is that which they used to invent.

Qul man yarzuqukum mena alsama-e wa alardi am-man yamelkuo alsam-a wa alabsara wa man youkhrejuo alhayya mena almayyiti wa youkhrejuo almayyita mena alhayyi wa man youdabberuo al-amra fasa-yaquluona Allahu fa-qul afa-la tattaquon (31).
Say Who provides you from the heavens and the earth or Who controls the hearing and the sight and Who brings out the living from the dead, and brings out the dead from the living and who manages the matter, they will say Allah, so Say then Will you not fear?. 

Fa-zalekumuo Allahu Rabbukumu alhaqqu fa-maza ba'da alhaqqi ella aldalaluo fa-anna tusrafuon (32).
So, that is Allah, your Lord, the Truth, and What is after the truth except the error?, so How are you being turned away?.

Ka-zaleka haqqat kalematuo Rabbeka ala allazina fasaquo annahum la you'menuon (33).
Thus the word of Your Lord has come true upon those who disobeyed that they will not believe.

Qul hal men shuraka-ekum man yabda-uo alkhalqa thumma you-eduhuo quli ellahu yabda-uo alkhalqa thuma you-eduhuo fa-anna tu'fakuon (34).
Say Is there of your partners any who begins the creation and then repeats it?, Say Allah begins the creation and then repeats it, so How are you being turned away?.

Qul hal men shuraka-ekum man yahdi ela alhaqqi quli ellahu yahdi lel-haqqi afa-man yahdi ela alhaqqi ahaqquo an youttba-a am-man la yaheddi ella an youhda fa-ma lakum kaiyfa tahkumuon (35)
Say Is there of your partners any who guides to the truth, say Allah guides to the truth, so Is he who guides to the truth has more right to be followed, or he who does not guide unless he is guided, then What is with you, How do you judge?.

Wa ma yattabe-uo aktharuhum ella zannan inna alzanna la youghni mena alhaqqi shaiy-an inna Allaha aleemun bema yaf'aluon (36).
And most of them do not follow except conjecture, indeed, the conjecture does not avail anything against the truth, indeed, Allah is All-Knower of what they are doing.

Wa ma kana haza alqurana an youftara men duoni ellahi wa laken tasdeeqa allazi baiyna yadaiyhi wa tafseela alketabi la raiyba feehi men Rabbi al-alameen (37).
And it is not for this Quran to be produced by other than Allah, but it is a confirmation of what was before it and an explanation of the book about which there is no doubt, from the Lord of the worlds.

Am yaquluona eftarahuo qul fa'tuo be-suratin methlehi wa-duo mani estata'tum men duoni ellahi in kuntum sadeqeen (38).
Or Do they say He has invented it?, Say then Bring a Surah like it, and call upon whoever you can besides Allah, if you are truthful.

Bal kazzabuo bema lam youheetuo be-elmehi wa lamma ya'tehim ta'welelhi ka-zaleka kazzaba allazina men qablehim fa-nzur kaiyfa kana aqebatuo alzalemeen (39).
But they have denied what they do not encompass in knowledge and whose interpretation has not yet come to them, thus those who were before them denied, so See how was the end of the wrongdoers.

Wa menhum man you'menuo behi wa menhum man la you'menuo behi wa Rabbuka a'lamuo bel-mufsedeen (40).
And among them are those who believe in it, and among them those who do not believe in it, and Your Lord knows best of the corrupters.

Wa in kazzabuka fa-qul lee amali wa lakum amalukum antum baree-uona memma a'maluo wa ana baree-on memma ta'maluon (41)
And if they deny You, then Say for Me is My deed, and for you is your deed, you are disavowing what I do, and I am disavowing what you do.

Wa menhum man yastame-uona elaiyka afa-anta tusme-uo alsumma wa laww kanuo la ya'qeluon (42).
And among them are those who listen to You, then Will You make the deaf hear, even though they do not understand?.

Wa menhum man yanzuruo elaiyka afa-anta tahdi al'aumya wa laww kanuo la youbseruon (43).
And among them are those who look at You, then Will You guide the blind, even though they do not see?.

Inna Allaha la yazlemuo alnasa shaiy-an wa lakenna alnasa anfusahum yazlemuon (44).
Indeed, Allah does not wrong the people in anything, but the people are wronging themselves.

Wa yawma yahshuruhum ka-an lam yalbathuo ella sa-atan mena alnahari yata-arafuona baiynahum qad khasera allazina kazzabuo beleqa-e ellahi wa ma kanuo muhtadeen (45).
And the day when He will gather them as if they had not remained except for an hour of the day, getting to know each other, indeed, those who denied the meeting with Allah will lose, and they were not guided.

Wa-imma nuriyannaka ba'da allazi na-eduhum aww natawaffayannaka fa-elaiyna marje-uhum thumma Allahu shaheedun ala ma yaf'aluon (46).
And whether We show You some of what We have promised them or We take You in death, then to Us is their return, then Allah is a Witness over what they are doing.

Wa le-kulli aummatin rasulun fa-iza ja-a rasuluhum qudiya baiynahum bel-qesti wa hum la youzlamuon (47).
And for every nation is a Messenger, so when their Messenger comes, it will be judged between them in justice, and they will not be wronged.    

Wa yaquluona mata haza alwa'duo in kuntum sadeqeen (48).
And they say When is this promise if you are truthful?.

Qul la amlekuo le-nasfi darran wa la naf-an ella ma sha-a Allahu le-kulli aumatin ajalun iza ja-a ajaluhum fa-la yasta'kheruona sa-atan wa la yastaqdemuon (49).
Say I do not possess for Myself any harm or benefit except what Allah wills, for every nation there is a term, when their term comes, then they will not remain behind an hour nor will they precede.

Qul ara'aytum in atakum azabuhuo bayatan aww naharan maza yast'jeluo menhuo almujremuon (50).
Say Do you see if His punishment should come to you at night or by day, What is the criminals hasten for it?.

A-thumma iza ma waqa-a al-ana wa qad kuntum behi tasta'jeluon (51).
Then Is it when it has occurred you will believe in it?, Now? and indeed, you were asking it to be hastened.

Thumma qeela le-llazina zalamuo zuquo azaba alkhuldi hal tujzawna ella ma kuntum taksebuon (52).
Then it will be said to those who had wronged Taste the punishment of eternity, Are you recompensed except for what you used to earn?.

Wa yastanbe-uonaka a-haqqun huwa qul e wa Rabbi innahuo la-haqqun wa ma antum bemu'zejeen (53).
And they ask You to inform them, Is it true?, Say yes by My Lord, indeed, it is true, and you will not cause failure.

Wa laww anna le-kulli nafsin zalamat ma fee alardi la-ftadat behi wa asarruo alnadamata lamma ra'awuo alazaba wa qudiya baiynahum bel-qesti wa hum la youzlamuon (54).
And if each soul that has wronged had whatever is on the earth, it would ransom thereby, but they will conceal regret when they see the punishment, and it will be judged between them in justice, and they will not be wronged. 

Ala inna le-llahi ma fee alsamawati wa alardi ala inna wa'da Allahi haqqun wa lakenna aktharahum la ya'lamuon (55).
Unquestionably, to Allah belongs whatever is in the heavens and the earth, unquestionably, the promise of Allah is true, but most of them do not know.   

Huwa yuhyi wa youmetuo wa elaiyhi turjauon (56).
He gives life and causes death, and to Him you will be returned.

Ya-ayyuha alnasuo qad ja-atkum maw-ezatun men Rabbekum wa shefa-on lema fee alsuduri wa hudan wa rahmatan lel-mu'meneen (57).
O people! Indeed, there has come to you an admonition from your Lord and healing for what is in the breasts and guidance and mercy for the believers.

Qul be-fadli ellahi wa be-rahmatehi fa-bezaleka fal-yafrahuo huwa khaiyrun memma yajmauon (58).
Say in the bounty of Allah and in His mercy, so in that let them rejoice, it is better than what they amass.

Qul ara'aytum ma anzala Allahu lakum men rezqin faja-altum menhuo haraman wa halalan qul Allahu azena lakun am ala Allahi taftaruon (59).
Say Do you see what Allah has sent down to you of provision, and you have made of it unlawful and lawful?, Say Has Allah permitted you, or Do you invent about Allah?.

Wa ma zannuo allazina yaftaruona ala Allahi alkazeba yawma alqeiyamati inna Allaha la-zuo fadlin ala alnasi wa lakenna aktharahum la yashkuruon (60).
And what will be the supposition of those who invent the lie about Allah on the day of resurrection, indeed, Allah is a Possessor of bounty for the people, but most of them do not give thanks.

Wa ma takunuo fee shanin wa ma tatluo menhuo men quranin wa la ta'maluona men amalin ella kunna alaiykum shuhudan iz tufeduona feehi wa ma ya'zubuo an Rabbeka men methqali zarratin fee alardi wa la fee alsama-e wa la asghara men zaleka wa la akbara ella fee ketabin mubeen (61).
And you are not in any matter, and you do not recite any of the Quran and you do not do any deed except that We are witnesses over you when you are engaged in it, and nothing is hidden from Your Lord of an atom's weight on the earth, nor in the heaven, nor smaller than that, nor greater except in a clear book.

Ala inna awliyaa Allahi la khawfumn alaiyhim wa la hum yahzanuon (62).
Unquestionably, the allies of Allah there will be no fear for them, nor will they grieve.

Allazina amanuo wa kanuo yattaquon (63).
Those who have believed and used to fear.

Lahum albushra fee alhayati alduonya wa fee alakherati la tabdeela le-kalemati ellahi zaleka huwa alfawzuo alazeem (64).
For them are glad tidings in the worldly life and in the Hereafter, there is no change in the words of Allah, that is the great success.

Wa la yahzunka qawluhum inna al-ezzata le-llahi jamee-an huwa Alsamee-uo Al-aleem (65).
And their saying would not grieve You, indeed, the honor belongs to Allah entirely, He is the All-Hearing, the All-Knower.

Ala inna le-llahi man fee alsamawati wa man fee alardi wa ma yattabe-uo allazina yad-uona men duoni ellahi shuraka-a inna yattabe-uona ella alzanna wa in hum ella yakhrusuon (66).
Unquestionably, to Allah belongs whoever is in the heavens and whoever is on the earth, and those who invoke other than Allah do not follow partners, they do not follow except conjecture, and they do nothing but they lie.

Huwa allazi ja-ala lakumuo al-laila le-taskunuo feehi wa al-lnahara mubseran inna fee zaleka la-ayatin le-qawmin yasma-uon (67).
He is the One who has made for you the night so that you may rest therein, and the day giving light, indeed, in that there are signs for a people who listen.

Qaluo ettakhaza Allhu waladan subhanahu huwa alghaniyyu lahuo ma fee alsamawati wa ma fee alardi in endakum men sultanin be-haza a-taquluona ala Allahi ma la ta'lamuon (68).
They say Allah has taken a son, Glory to be Him, He is the Free of need, to Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth, you have no authority for this, Do you say about Allah what you do not know?.

Qul inna allazina yaftaruona ala Allahi alkazeba la youflehuon (69).
Say indeed, those who invent the lie about Allah will not succeed.

Mata-on fee alduonya thumma elaiyna marje-uhum thumma nuzequhumuo alazaba alshadeeda be-ma kanuo yakfuruon (70).
An enjoyment in the world, then to Us is their return, then We will make them taste the severe punishment for what they used to disbelieve. 

Wa-ttluo alaiyhim naba-a noohin iz qala le-qawmehi ya-qawmi in kana kabura alaiykum maqami wa tazkeeri be-ayati ellahi fa-ala Allahi tawakkaltuo fa-ajme-uo amrakum wa shuraka-akum thumma la yakun amrukum alaiykum ghummatan thumma eqduo ilayya wa la tunzeruon (71).
And Recite to them the news of Noah, when He said to His people O My people! If My residence and My reminding of the signs of Allah have become difficult to you, then I have put My trust upon Allah, so Put together your matter along with your partners, then let not your matter be obscure to you, then Carry it out against Me and Do not give Me respite.

Fa-in tawallaytum fa-ma sa-altukum men ajrin in ajreya ella ala Allahi wa aumertuo an akuna mena almuslemeen (72).
And if you turn away, then I did not ask you for it any wage, My reward is only from Allah, and I have been commanded to be of the Muslims.

Fa-kazzabuhuo fa-najjaiynahuo wa man ma-ahuo fee alfulki wa ja-alnahum khala-efa wa aghraqna allazina kazzabuo be-ayatena fa-nzur kaiyfa kana aqebatuo almunzareen (73).
But they denied Him, so We saved Him and those with Him in the ship, and made them successors, and We drowned those who denied Our signs, then See how was the end of those who were warned.

Thumma ba-athna men ba'dehi rusulan ela qawmehim faja-uhum bel-bayyinati fa-ma kanuo le-you'menuo bema kazzabuo behi men qabluo ka-zaleka natba-uo ala quluobi almu'tadeen (74).
Then We sent after Him Messengers to their people, then they came to them with clear proofs, but they were not to believe in what they had denied it before, thus We seal on the hearts of the aggressors.

Thumma ba-athna men ba'dehim musa wa haruona ela fer'awna wa mala-ehi be-ayatena fastakbaruo wa kanuo qawman mujremeen (75).
Then We sent after them Moses and Aaron to Pharaoh and his chiefs with Our signs, but they were arrogant, and were a criminal people.

Fa-lamma ja-ahumuo alhaqquo men endena qaluo inna haza la-sehrun mubeen (76).
So when there came to them the truth from Us, they said indeed, this is a clear magic.

Qala musa a-taquluona le-haqqi lamma ja-akum a-sehrun haza wa la youflehuo alsaheruon (77).
Moses said Do you say about the truth when it came to you Is this magic?, but the magicians will not succeed.

Qaluo aje'tana le-tafletana amma wajadna alaiyhi aba-ana wa takuna lakuma alkebriya-uo fee alardi wa ma nahnuo lakuma bemu'meneen (78).
They said Have You come to us that you may turn us away from what we found our fathers on it, and that You both may have greatness on the land, and we are not believers in both of You.

Wa qala fer'awnuo e'tuni be-kulli saherin aleem (79).
And Pharaoh said Bring to me every learned magician.

Fa-lamma ja-a alsaharatuo qala lahum musa alquo ma antum mulquon (80).
So when the magicians came, Moses said to them Throw whatever you will throw.

Fa-lamma alqaww qala musa ma je'tum behi alsehruo inna Allaha sa-youbteluhuo inna Allaha la youslehuo amala almufsedeen (81).
And when they threw, Moses said what you have brought is magic, indeed, Allah will nullify it, indeed, Allah does not amend the work of the corrupters.

Wa yuheqquo Allahu alhaqqa be-kalematehi wa laww kareha almujremuon (82).
And Allah establishes the truth with His words even if the criminals dislike.

Fa-ma amana le-musa ella zurriyyatun men qawmehi ala khawfin men fer'awna wa mala-ehim an yaftenahum wa inna fer'awna la-alin fee alardi wa innahuo le-mena almusrefeen (83).
But no one believed in Moses except a progeny of his people for fear of Pharaoh and their chiefs that they would persecute them, and indeed, Pharaoh was a haughty within the land and indeed, he was of the transgressors. 

Wa qala musa ya-qawmi in kuntum amantum be-llahi fa-alaiyhi tawakkaluo in kuntum muslemeen (84).
And Moses said O My people! if you have believed in Allah, then Put your trust upon Him if you are Muslims. 

Fa-qaluo ala Allahi tawakkalna Rabbana la taj-alna fetnatan lel-qawmi alzalemeen (85).
So they said upon Allah we have put our trust, our Lord! Do not make us a trial for the wrongdoing people.

Wa-najjena be-rahmateka mena alqawmi alkafereen (86).
And Save us by Your mercy from the disbelieving people.

Wa awhaiyna ela musa wa akhehi an tabawwa-a le-qawmekuma be-mesra buyutan waj'aluo buyutakum qeblatan wa aqeemuo alsalata wa bashsheri almu'meneen (87).
And We revealed to Moses and His brother that Settle your people in Egypt in houses, and Make your houses places of worship, and Establish the prayer and Give glad tidings to the believers.

Wa qala musa Rabbana innaka ataiyta fer'awna wa mala-ahuo zeenatan wa amwalan fee alhayati alduonya Rabbana le-youdelluo an sabeeleka Rabbana atmes ala amwalehim wa-shdud ala qulubehim fa-la you'menuo hatta yarawuo alazaba al-aleem (88).
And Moses said Our Lord indeed, You have given Pharaoh and his chiefs adornment and wealth in the worldly life, Our Lord that they may lead astray from Your way, Our Lord! Obliterate their wealth and Harden their hearts so that they will not believe until they see the painful punishment.

Qala qad aujebat da'watukuma fas-taqeema wa la tattabe-anni sabeela allazina la ya'lamuon (89).
He said indeed, the supplication of both of You has been answered, so You both Be upright and Do not follow the way of those who do not know.

Wa jawazna be-bani israela albahra fa-atba-ahum fer'awnuo wa junuduhuo baghyan wa adwan hatta iza adrakahuo algharaquo qala amantuo annahuo la illaha ella allazi amant behi banuo israela wa ana mena almuslemeen (90).
And we took the Children of Israel across the sea, and Pharaoh and his soldiers followed them in tyranny and enmity until when the drowning overtook him, he said I believe that there is no god except the One in whom the Children of Israel believed, and I am of the Muslims.

A-lana wa qad asaiyta qabluo wa kunta mena almufsedeen (91).
Now? and indeed, you had disobeyed before, and were of the corrupters?. 
Fal-yawma nunajjeeka be-badaneka le-takuna le-man khalfaka ayatan wa inna katheeran mena alnasi an ayatena la-ghafeluon (92).
So today We will save you in body that you may be to those who succeed you a sign, and indeed, most of the people are heedless of Our signs.

Wa laqad bawa'na bani Israela mubawwa-a sedqin wa razqnahum mena altayyibati fa-ma ekhtalafuo hatta ja-ahumuo al-elmuo inna Rabbaka yaqdi baiynahum yawma alqeiyamati feema kanuo feehi yakhtalefuon (93).
And indeed, We have settled the Children of Israel in a honorable settlement and provided them with the good things, and they did not differ until the knowledge had come to them, indeed, Your Lord will judge between them on the day of resurrection in that about which they used to differ.

Fa-in kunta fee shakkin memma anzalna elaiyka fas'ali allazina yaqra-uona alketaba men qableka laqad ja-aka alhaqquo men Rabbeka fa-la takunanna mena almumtareen (94).
So if You are in doubt about what We have sent down to You, then Ask those who read the book before You, indeed, the truth has come to You from Your Lord, so Do not be among the doubters.

Wa-la takunanna mena allazina kazzabuo be-ayati ellahi fa-takuna mena alkhasereen (95).
And Do not be of those who deny the signs of Allah, so You will be among the losers.

Inna allazina haqqat alaiyhim kalematuo Rabbeka la you'menuon (96).
Indeed, those upon whom the word of Your Lord has come true will not believe.

Wa laww ja-at-hum kulluo ayatin hatta yarawuo alazaba al-aleem (97).  
Even if every sign comes to them until they see the painful punishment.

Fa-lawla kanat qaryatun amanat fa-nafa-aha emanuha ella qawma yunusa lamma amanuo kashafna anhum azaba alkhezyi fe alhayati alduonya wa matta'nahum ela heen (98).
So Why was there not a town that believed so its faith benefited it except the people of Jonah?, when they believed, We removed from them the punishment of disgrace in the worldly life, and gave them enjoyment for a time.

Wa laww sha-a Rabbuka la-amana man fee alardi kulluhum jamee-an afa-anta tukrehuo alnasa hatta yakunuo mu'meneen (99).  
And If Your Lord had willed, those on the earth would have believed, all together, then Would You compel the people until they become believers?.

Wa ma kana le-nafsin an tu'mena ella be-izni ellahi wa yaj-aluo alrejsa ala allazina la ya'qeluon (100).
And it is not for a soul to believe except by the permission of Allah, and He will place the filth upon those who do not understand. 

Quli enzuruo maza fee alsamawati wa alardi wa ma tughni alayatuo wa alnuzuruo an qawmin la you'menuon (101).
Say See what is in the heavens and the earth, but the signs and the warners do not avail a people who do not believe.

Fa-hal yantazeruona ella methla ayyami allazina khalaww men qablehim qul fan-tazeruo inni ma-akum mena almuntazereen (102).
So Do they wait except for like the days of those who passed on before them, Say Wait indeed, I am with you among those who are waiting.

Thumma nunajji rusulana wa allazina amanuo ka-zaleka haqqan alaiyna nunje almu'meneen (103).
Then We will save Our Messengers and those who have believed, thus, it is an incumbent upon Us that We save the believers.

Qul ya-ayyuha alnasuo in kuntum fee shakkin men deeni fa-la a'buduo allazina ta'buduona men duoni ellahi wa laken a'buduo Allaha allazi yatawaffakum wa aumertuo an akuona mena almuslemeen (104).
Say O People! If you are in doubt about My religion, then I do not worship those whom you worship besides Allah, but I worship Allah, the One who takes you in death, and I have been commanded to be of the believers.

Wa-an aqem wajhaka lel-deeni haneefan wa la takunanna mena almushrekeen (105).
And that Set your face for the religion, upright, and Do not be of the polytheists.

Wa la tad-uo men duoni ellahi ma la yanfa-uka wa la yadurruka fa-in fa-alta fa-innaka izan mena alzalemeen (106).
And Do not invoke besides Allah what does not benefit You or harm You, for if You did, then indeed, You would be among the wrongdoers. 

Wa-in yamsaska Allahu be-durrin fa-la kashefa lahuo ella huwa wa in yourdka be-khaiyrin fa-la radda le-fadlehi youseebuo behi man yasha-uo men ebadehi wa huwa Alghafuoru Alraheem (107).
And if Allah should touch You with an adversity, there is no remover of it except Him, and if He intends for You good, then there is no one to repel His bounty, He causes it to fall on whom He wills of His servants, and He is the All-Forgiving, the Most Merciful. 

Qul ya-ayyuha alnasuo qad ja-akumuo alhaqquo men Rabbekum fa-mani ehtada fa-innama yahtadi le-nafsehi wa man dalla fa-innama yadelluo alaiyha wa ma ana alaiykum be-wakeel (108).
Say O people! Indeed, the truth has come to you from your Lord, so whoever is guided, then only he is guided for himself, and whoever goes astray, then only he goes astray against it, and I am not a guardian over you.

Wa-ttabe' ma yuha elaiyka wa-sbir hatta yahkuma Allahu wa huwa khaiyruo alhakemeen (109).
And Follow what is revealed to You, and Be patient until Allah will judge, and He is the Best of the Judges. 

Simplified interpretation:

 Surat Yunus begins with three letters of the Arabic language, just like 28 Surahs of the Holy Quran that start with individual letters ranging from one to five letters. It is noticeable that in all 29 Surahs the book or the Holy Quran is mentioned whether it is immediately after these letters or it is included in the Surah or even at the end of it. It is a challenge from Allah Almighty to the infidels of Quraish, as if Allah says to them this is the book in the letters of the language you speak, but you will not be able to produce the like of it, and He has already challenged them in Aya (88) of Surat Alisraa "Say, if mankind and the Jinn gathered in order to produce the like of this Quran, they could not produce the like of it, even if they were to each other assistants". As for the current Surah, it begins with three letters "Alif, Lam, and Raa" or "A, L, and R" in English followed by "These are the verses of the wise Book", but the knowledge of these letters remains with Allah, the Lord of the worlds. 

 Allah Almighty says in the first two verse (1,2) "Alif Lam Raa these are the verses of the wise Book, Is it a wonder to the people that We have revealed to a man from among them that Warn the people and Give glad tidings to those who believe that they will have a honorable position with their Lord?, the disbelievers said indeed, this is a clear magician", that is, Allah confirms that these are the verses of the wise Quran whose rulings and arguments are full of wisdom and decisive, and it is saved from deficiency or alteration, so falsehood does not reach it, then Allah says as a denunciation Is it a wonder to the polytheists of Quraish that He has sent His Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) from among them in order to warn the people from Allah's punishment for those who disobey Him, and to give glad tidings to the believers that they will have a honorable position with Allah in the worldly life and on the day of resurrection as a reward for their belief and their good deeds, but the disbelievers denied that Allah has sent a human being like them as a warner and a bearer of glad tidings to them, and accused him of magic and said this is a clear magician.

 Allah Almighty says in the next two verses (3,4) "Indeed, your Lord is Allah, the One who has created the heavens and the earth in six days and then established Himself on the Throne, He manages the matter, there is no intercessor except after His permission, that is Allah, your Lord, so Worship Him, then Will you not be reminded?, to Him is your return all together, the promise of Allah is true, indeed, He begins the creation and then He repeats it that He may reward those who believed and did righteous deeds in justice, and those who disbelieved for them there is a drink of boiling water and a painful punishment for what they used to disbelieve", that is, Allah assures mankind that their Lord is Allah, the One who has created the heavens and the earth and whatever is between them in six days, where the creation of the earth and whatever is on it took place in four days, then Allah completed the creation of the sky as seven skies in another two days as mentioned in Surat Fussilat Ayat (9-12), then He established Himself on the throne as He manages the matter and judges between His creation with justice, so He is the Creator of everything, the Possessor of everything, and All-Powerful over everything, so He manages the matter of decrees and destiny for His creation from the heaven to the earth, and there is no intercessor for man on the day of resurrection except by His permission, then Allah assures that the One who has the great Ability to do whatever He wills is Allah, your Lord, so Worship Him alone, and Single Him out of Oneness and Divinity, then Will you not be reminded and abandon the idols that you worship besides Him that do not possess anything in the heavens nor on the earth. Allah confirms that to Him is your return all together on the day of resurrection, that the promise of Allah is true and will inevitably happen, and that Allah begins the creation of mankind, then He will repeat their creation and resurrect them from the graves on the day of resurrection so that He may reward those who believed and did righteous deeds in the worldly life in justice, and the disbelievers will have a drink of very hot water in Hellfire that will cut their intestines as mentioned in Aya (16) of Surat Muhammad, and they will have a painful torment in Hellfire for what they used to disbelieve, and deny Allah's Oneness and the resurrection. 

 Allah Almighty says in the next two verses (5,6) "He is the One who has made the sun a shining light and the moon a derived light, and has ordained for it phases, that you may know the number of the years and the computation, Allah has not created this except in truth, He explains in details the signs for a people who know, indeed, in the alternation of the night and the day and in what Allah has created in the heavens and the earth, there are signs for a people who fear", that is, Allah assures that He is the One who has made the sun a shining light by day, and the moon a derived light at night, and He has ordained phases for the moon as it rises on the first night of the Hijri month with little light, then increases in light on the second night, then as it rises the brightness increases until its light is complete on the fourteenth night, then it begins to decrease until the last day of the month and then it becomes useless as if it is like the old cluster of a date-palm tree as mentioned in Aya (39) of Surat Yaseen, then it repeats the cycle in the next month. And Allah has subjected the sun and the moon for mankind so that they may know the number of days, months, and years, the times of worship such as prayer, fasting, and Hajj, and life matters such as agricultural times, work times, and other things. Allah did not create this in vain, but rather He created it in truth, and Allah explains in details the signs and the arguments which indicate that there is no God but Him for a people who know; For they will reflect on them and acknowledge Allah's ability to create whatever He wills. Then Allah assures that in the alternation of the night and the day are signs for the people, where He is the One who has made the night and the day in succession, if one of them comes, the other goes, and it is not permissible for the night to overtake the day, nor is permissible for the day to overtake the night, and in what Allah has created in the heavens and the earth of the sun, moon, stars, planets, mountains, valleys, seas, rivers, animals, and trees, there are signs for a people who fear Allah's punishment for they will acknowledge His greatness and great power in His creation, so they follow his commands and avoid His prohibitions.

 Allah Almighty says in the next two verses (7,8) "Indeed, those who do not expect the meeting with Us, and are pleased with the worldly life, and feel secure therein, and those who are heedless of Our signs, those are the ones whose abode is the Fire because of what they used to earn", that is, those who do not expect the meeting with Allah on the day of resurrection and do not fear His punishment, so they are pleased with the worldly life and preferred it over the Hereafter, and they feel secure and rejoice in the worldly life and its adornment, and those who are heedless of Allah's sign, so they do not reflect on it and acknowledge that Allah is the Creator of everything, those are the ones whose abode is Hellfire, abiding therein forever as a recompense of what they used to earn in the worldly life of disbelief, stubbornness, and tyranny. 

 Allah Almighty says in the next two verses (9,10) "Indeed, those who believed and did righteous deeds, their Lord will guide them because of their faith, beneath them rivers will flow in the gardens of bliss, their call therein will be Glory to be You O Allah, and their greeting therein will be Peace, and the last of their call is Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds", that is, those who believe in Allah, His Messengers and His books, and did righteous deeds in the worldly life, Allah will guide them on the day of resurrection because of their faith before, where Allah will make the light of the believing men and the believing women to run before them and on their right on the day of resurrection as mentioned in Aya (12) of Surat Alhadid, so they will enter the gardens of bliss, beneath them rivers will flow, and their call in Paradise will be Glory to be You O Allah, and their greeting therein will be Peace, and the last of their call will be Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds, and Allah's Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) said in narration of Jabir: "The people of Paradise will eat and drink therein, but they neither spit, nor urinate, nor defecate, nor spit out mucus, it was said then What about food?, thereupon, He said belching and sweat like the sweat of musk, and they will inspire the glorification and the praise as you inspire the breath" (Sahih Muslim 2835 a).

 Allah Almighty says in the next two verses (11,12) "And if Allah were to hasten for the people the evil as He hastens for them the good, their term would have been fulfilled to them, but We leave the ones who do not expect the meeting with us in their transgression, wandering, and when an adversity touches man, he calls upon us, whether lying on his side or sitting or standing, but when We remove from him his adversity, he passes on as if he had never called upon Us to an adversity that touched him, thus it was beautified to the transgressors what they used to do", that is, if Allah were to hasten in responding to the call of the people if they call against themselves when they are angry as He hasten in responding to them when they call for good, He would hasten to destroy them and hasten for their death, but He leaves those who do not expect the meeting with Allah on the day of resurrection and do not fear His punishment wandering blindly in their transgression, stubbornness, and disbelief, so they will not be guided to any guidance, nor will they see any way of truth, and thus they deserve Allah's punishment that He has decreed for them. Then Allah assures that when an adversity touches man, and he is in a need, he supplicates and seeks help from Allah alone in all his conditions whether lying on his side or sitting or standing, but when Allah bestows a favor upon Him and saves him from the adversity and the hardship, he forgets that supplication and forgets Allah's favor upon him, so he passes on as if had not called upon Allah to an adversity that touched him, thus it was beautified to the transgressors what they used to do of disbelief and tyranny, so they did not acknowledge Allah's favor upon them but rather they make equals to Allah and worship others than Him as mentioned in Aya (8) of Surat Alzumar

 Allah Almighty says in the next two verses (13,14) "And indeed, We had destroyed generations before You when they wronged, and their Messengers had come to them with clear proofs, but they were not to believe, thus We recompense the criminal people, then We made you successors on the earth after them so that We may see how you will do", that is, Allah threatens the Polytheists of Quraish and says to them that He had destroyed many generation before them when they wronged themselves and insisted on disbelief and denied their Messengers such as the people of Noah, the companions of the Rass, Thamud,  Ad, Pharaoh, the brothers of Lot, the companions of the Aykah, and the people of Tubba' as mentioned in Ayat (12-14) of Surat Qaaf. Their Messengers came to them with the clear proofs and the arguments that indicate Allah's Oneness and the truthfulness of what they came with, but they were not to believe in Allah, so Allah's punishment came true against them, and thus Allah recompensed the criminal people who denied His Messengers, and disobeyed His commands. Then Allah assures that He made the people successors on the earth after the destruction of the previous nations, where a people succeeds others before them and a generation succeeds other generations, so that Allah may see how they will do in the worldly life whether they disbelieve and follow the footsteps of the previous nations, so they deserve the punishment like their ancestors, or believe in Allah, His Messengers, and His books, and believe in the resurrection after death, so they deserve a great reward from Allah, and Allah's Messenger said in narration of Abu Sa'id Alkhudri: "The world is sweet and green, and indeed, Allah made you successors in it, so that He may see how you will do, so Fear the world, and Fear the women, indeed, the first trial for the Children of Israel was with the women" (Sahih Muslim 2742). 

 Allah Almighty says in the next two verses (15,16) "And when Our verses are recited to them as clear proofs, those who do not expect the meeting with Us say Bring us a Quran other than this or Change it, Say it is not for Me to change it on My own accord, I only follow what is revealed to Me, indeed, I fear if I disobey My Lord the punishment of a great day, Say if Allah had willed, I would not have recited it to you, nor would He have made it known to you, indeed, I had remained among you a lifetime before it, then will you not understand?", that is, when Allah's Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) recited the Holy Quran to the polytheists of Quraish as a clear proof that indicates Allah's Oneness and the truthfulness of what He came with, they said to Him Bring us a Quran other than this or Change it for they do not expect the meeting with Allah on the day of resurrection and do not fear His punishment, thereupon, Allah commanded His Messenger to say to them it is not for Me to change it on My own accord, I only follow what Allah has revealed to Me and recite it to you, indeed, I fear Allah, if I disobey His commands, alter His revelation, and change His rulings, so I will face the punishment of the day of resurrection which is great and terrible. Then Allah commanded His Messenger to say to them in order to establish the argument against them If Allah had willed, I would not have recited the Holy Quran to you, nor would He have made it known to you, so I am not saying it on My own accord, nor am I fabricating it, and I have remained among you a lifetime before the Holy Quran, and you know My honesty and sincerity since I grew up among you, so Will you not understand that I do not stop lying to people all My life, then now I invent a lie about Allah.

 Allah Almighty says in the next two verses (17,18) "And Who is more unjust than he who invents a lie about Allah, or denies His signs, indeed, the criminals will not succeed, and they worship besides Allah what does not benefit them or harm them, and they say these are our intercessors with Allah, Say Do you inform Allah of what He does not know in the heavens or on the earth?, Glory to be Him, and High is He above what they associate", that is, Allah assures that there is no one is more unjust than he who invents a lie about Allah by changing His words, alternating it, or adding something that Allah did not reveal, likewise, there is no one is more unjust than he who denies Allah's signs and proofs and denied the Holy Quran, indeed, the criminals will not succeed on the worldly life nor in the Hereafter. And Allah assures that the polytheists worshipped idols besides Allah, which have no power to benefit or harm them, and they have no evidence or proof to worship these idols except that they follow their whims and the footsteps of their forefathers, and they say these are our intercessors with Allah, thinking that they would benefit from their intercession on the day of resurrection, thereupon, Allah nullified their claim and commanded His Messenger to say to them Do you inform Allah of what He does not know in the heavens or on the earth?, so Do you inform Allah that He has a partner in His kingdom or that there will be an intercessor without His permission?, so Allah glorifies Himself and says Glory to be Him, and High is He above what they associate with Him of partners and idols.

 Allah Almighty says in the next three verses (19-21) "And the people were not but one religion, but they differed and if not for a word that preceded from Your Lord, it would have been judged between them in that about which they differ, and they say Why not a sign is sent down to Him from His Lord?, Say the unseen is only for Allah, so Wait indeed, I am with you among those who are waiting, and when We make the people taste a mercy from Us after adversity has touched them, behold! They plotted against Our signs, Say Allah is swifter in plotting, indeed, Our Messengers record what you plot", that is, all people were on one religion which is the worship of Allah alone with no partner, but they differed and disagreed regarding the matter of their religion, then idols and false gods were worshipped besides Allah, thereupon, Allah sent His Messengers with His signs and clear proofs, but if not for a word that preceded from Allah that He will establish the reckoning on the day of resurrection, the judgment would have been hastened for them in the worldly life in what they used to differ therein of beliefs and deeds. The polytheists of Quraish who disbelieved in Allah and opposed His Messenger (PBUH) said Why not a sign is sent down to Allah's Messenger from Allah?, in order to indicate the truthfulness of what He came with, thereupon, Allah commanded His Messenger to say that the unseen is only for Allah, so if He wills He will send a sign to them, but Allah knows that the disbelievers upon whom the word of punishment has come true will not believe even if every sign comes to them until they see the painful punishment as will come later in Ayat (95,96). So Allah commanded His Messenger to say to them Wait, indeed, I am waiting with you, and Allah will judge between us. Allah says that if He blessed mankind with good and sustenance after they were in hardship and poverty, behold! Instead of thanking Allah, they mocked and denied Allah's signs that He has made clear to them in the blessings that He has bestowed upon them, thereupon, Allah threatened the polytheists of Quraish and commanded His Messenger to say to them Allah is Swifter in plotting, so if He wills, the punishment will come to them while they do not perceive in the worldly life, but the Honorable Angels record what they plot and everything they do, and Allah will recompense them for their deeds in the Hereafter.

 Allah Almighty says in the next two verses (22,23) "He is the one who enables you to travel on the land and the sea until you are on ships, and they sail with them by a good wind and they rejoice therein, there comes to it a storm wind and the waves come upon them from every place and they were certain that they are surrounded, they called upon Allah, being sincere to Him in religion, if You should save us from this, we would surely be among the grateful, but when He saved them, Behold! They commit tyranny on the earth without right, O people! Your tyranny is only against yourselves, the enjoyment of the worldly life, then to Us is your return, and We will inform you of what you used to do", that is, Allah is the One who enables mankind to travel on the land on camels, horses, mules, cars, and airplanes, and also at sea on ships, large and small, until they are on ships, and the ships sail with them by a good wind, they rejoice therein for they are safe, but when a violent wind and the waves come upon them from everywhere and they were certain that they are drowned, they call upon Allah alone, being sincere to Him in religion, and not associating anything with Him, saying to Allah if You should save us from drowning, we would surely be among the grateful who obey Allah in His commands and prohibitions and hasten to please Him; For gratitude does not occur through tongue, but rather through actions and obedience, while praising Allah occurs through the tongue, therefore, Allah says in Aya (13) of Surat Saba' "O family of David! Work in gratitude". But when Allah saved them from drowning and perishing at sea and brought them safely to the land, they did not thank Him, but rather they turned away from Him as Allah has stated in Aya (67) of Surat Alisraa, and they commit tyranny and corruption on the earth without right, thereupon, Allah addresses mankind and says your tyranny is only against yourselves as you alone will taste the evil of your tyranny and corruption on the land, and Allah's Messenger said in narration of Abu Bakrah bin Alharith: "There is no sin is more fitted to have punishment hastened by Allah to its perpetrator in the world along with what He stores for him in Hereafter than tyranny and severing ties of kinship" (Abu Dawood 4902), so Allah assures that their tyranny and oppressing others in order to show superiority over them is nothing but the enjoyment of the worldly life, and they will return to Him on the day of resurrection, then He will inform them of what they used to do in the worldly life of good and evil, and will recompense them with the painful punishment.

 Allah Almighty says in the next two verses (24,25) "The example of the worldly life is only like water which We send down from the sky, and the plants of the earth mixed with it, from which the people and the cattle eat, until when the earth has taken on its ornament and was adorned and its people suppose that they have capability over it, there comes to it Our command at night or by day, and We make it as a harvest, as if it had not flourished yesterday, thus We explain in details the verses for a people who give thought, and Allah calls to the abode of peace, and guides whom He wills to a straight path'', that is, Allah cites an example of the worldly life and its fleeting pleasures, and says that the example of the worldly life in its demise is like rain which Allah sends down from the sky, and the vegetation of the earth mixes with it, so it brings forth plants of different shapes and colors from which the people and the cattle eat, until when the earth has taken its ornament and was adorned by its greenness and freshness, and its people suppose that they have capability over it and that they will reap it, and while they are like that, the command of Allah regarding its destruction came to it at night or by day, so Allah destroyed it by a stormy wind or a cold wind, so its leaves withered and its fruits were destroyed and it became as a harvest after greenery and freshness, as if it had not flourished yesterday, thus Allah explain the verses for a people who give thought, so they will not be deceived by the worldly life for it will quickly end when the command of Allah comes, and it will be as if it did not exist yesterday for its destiny is to annihilation and disappearance.

 Thereupon, Allah urges the people not to seek the worldly life and its adornment but to seek the Hereafter and its eternal bliss and says that He calls to the abode of peace which is Paradise that He has prepared for the righteous people, and Allah guides whom He wills from among His creation to a straight path with is the path of Islam. And as narrated By Jabir bin Abdullah: "Some Angels came to the Prophet (PBUH) while He was sleeping, some of them said He is sleeping, others said His eyes are sleeping but His heart is awake, then they said there is an example for this companion of yours, one of them said then Set forth an example for Him, some of them said He is sleeping, the others said His eyes are sleeping but His heart is awake, then they said His example is that of a man who has built a house and then offered therein a banquet and sent a caller to invite the people. So whoever accepted the invitation of the caller, entered the house and ate from the banquet, and whoever did not accept the invitation of the caller, did not enter the house, and did not eat from the banquet, then the Angels said Interpret this example to Him so that He may understand it, some of them said He is sleeping, the others said His eyes are sleeping but His heart is awake, and then they said the houses stands for Paradise and the caller is Muhammad, and whoever obeys Muhammad, obeys Allah, and whoever disobeys Muhammad, disobeys Allah, Muhammad separated the people (i.e., the believers and the disbelievers" (Sahih Albukhari 7281).

 Allah Almighty says in the next two verses (26,27) "For those who do good is the best and more, no darkness will cover their faces nor humiliation, those are the companions of Paradise, they will abide therein forever, but those who earned the evil deed, the recompense of an evil deed is evil like it, and humiliation will cover them, they will have from Allah no protector, it will be as if their faces are covered with pieces of the night, dark, those are the companions of the fire, they will abide therein forever", that is, for those who do good deeds in the worldly life is the best reward in the Hereafter, which is Paradise and its eternal bliss and more, which is looking at the Countenance of Allah in Paradise, where Allah's Messenger (PBUH) said in narration of Suhaib: "When the people of Paradise will enter Paradise, Allah, the Blessed and the Exalted, will say Do you wish Me to give you anything more?, they will say Has You not brightened our faces?, Has You not made us to enter Paradise, and saved us from the Fire?, He said (The narrator) He will lift the veil, and they have not been given anything is more dearer to them than looking at their Lord, the Almighty, the Glorious, and in another narration of Hammad bin Salamah, Allah's Messenger then recited For those who do good is the best and more" (Sahih Muslim 181 A,B), and neither darkness nor humiliation will cover their faces on the day of resurrection for Allah will save them from the evil of that day, so their faces will be bright, Laughing, and upbeat as mentioned in Ayat (38,39) of Surat Abasaso they will be the companions of Paradise, abiding therein forever. But as for those who used to do evil deeds in the worldly life, the evil of what they did will befall them for Allah will recompense them for the evil deeds with evil like their evil deeds, and Allah will double the punishment for whom He wills, and humiliation and disgrace will cover them from the horrors of the day of resurrection, and they will have no protector in order to save them from Allah's punishment, and it will be as if their faces are covered with very dark pieces of the night, and they will be the companions of Hellfire, abiding therein forever.

 Allah Almighty says in the next three verses (28-30) "And the day We will gather them all together, then We will say to those who associated at your place, you and your partners, then We will separate them, and their partners will say it is not us that you worshipped, and Sufficient is Allah as a witness between us and you that we were of your worship unaware, there every soul will be put to trial for what it did previously, and they will be returned to Allah, their Protector, the Truth, and lost from them is that which they used to invent", that is, on the day of resurrection, Allah will gather all mankind for reckoning, and Allah will say to those who used to associate partners with Allah of false gods and idols Stay in your place, you and your partners, and Allah will separate them, and their partners will disavow them and say it is not us that you worshipped, and they will say to them Sufficient is Allah as a witness between us for we did not call you to worship us, nor did we know that you worship us, and there in the position of reckoning, every soul will be put to trial, for it will be informed of what it used to do in the worldly life of good and evil, and they will be returned to Allah, their Protector, the Truth whose promise is the truth, and whose reckoning is justice, and what they used to invoke of false gods and idols will gone away from them, and will not benefit them, but rather they will be enemies to them as mentioned in Aya (6) of Surat Alahqaf.

 Allah Almighty says in the next three verses (31-33) "Say Who provides you from the heavens and the earth or Who controls the hearing and the sight and Who brings out the living from the dead, and brings out the dead from the living and who manages the matter, they will say Allah, so Say then Will you not fear?, so, that is Allah, your Lord, the Truth, and What is after the truth except the error?, so How are you being turned away?, thus the word of Your Lord has come true upon those who disobeyed that they will not believe", that is, Allah commanded His Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) to ask the polytheists of Quraish Who sends down water from the sky, and brings forth thereby various colors and shapes of fruits and grain, Who gives you the hearing by which you hear voices, the sight by which you see and recognize the world around you, and if He wills, He will make you deaf so that you can not hear and blind so that you can not see, Who brings out the living from the dead and He brings out the dead from the living, where Allah brings out plants from seeds and seeds from plants, eggs from chickens and chickens from eggs, and man from semen drop and semen drop from man, and Who manages the matter of decrees and destiny for His creation from the heaven to the earth, thereupon, Allah assures that they will acknowledge that Allah is the Creator of everything, the Possessor of everything, and All-Powerful over everything, so Allah commanded His Messenger to say to them Will you not fear Allah's punishment and vengeance in the worldly life and the Hereafter when you associate partners with Him that do not possess anything in the heavens nor on the earth. So, that is Allah, your Lord, the Truth, and what is after the Truth except the error?, so Allah is the Truth, and every god other than Him is falsehood, and there is no god but Him, so How you are being turned away from Him, and worshipped other than Him, but the word of Allah has come true upon those who disobeyed and insisted to associate partners with Him, that they will not believe even though they acknowledge that Allah is the Creator and the Sustainer, but belief depends on acknowledging Allah's Oneness and that there is no god but Him.

 Allah Almighty says in the next three verses (34-36) "Say Is there of your partners any who begins the creation and then repeats it?, Say Allah begins the creation and then repeats it, so How are you being turned away?, Say Is there of your partners any who guides to the truth, say Allah guides to the truth, so Is he who guides to the truth has more right to be followed, or he who does not guide unless he is guided, then What is with you, How do you judge?, and most of them do not follow except conjecture, indeed, the conjecture does not avail anything against the truth, indeed, Allah is All-Knower of what they are doing", that is, Allah nullified the claim of the polytheists in associating partners with Him, so He commanded His Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) to ask the polytheists of Quraish who associate partners with Allah Is there of your partners of false gods and idols any who begins the creation and then repeats it?, then Allah commanded Him to say that Allah begins the creation of mankind, then He will repeat their creation and resurrect them from the graves on the day of resurrection, so How are you being turned away from the truth to error and associate others with Allah?. And Allah commanded His Messenger to ask them Is there of your partners any who guides to the truth and the straight path, and to assure them that Allah is the One who guides to the truth, so Is Allah who guides to the truth has more right to be followed and be worshipped or the idol who does not guide anyone unless it is guided for this idol does not hear nor see, so it does not possess anything even for itself, then What is with your minds, How do you judge and How do you equate these idols with Allah, and associate them with Him while they do not benefit you nor harm you. Allah assures that most of them do not follow except conjecture and delusion because they worshipped these idols without any knowledge or proof that makes these idols worthy of worship, and the conjecture will never take the place of the truth, and will not avail them from Allah's punishment on the day of resurrection for these idols will disavow their worship on the day of resurrection as shown above in Aya (28), then Allah said to them as a threat that He is All-Knower of what they are doing as nothing of their deeds is hidden from Him, so He will punish them with a painful punishment on the day of resurrection.

 Allah Almighty says in the next two verses (37,38) "And it is not for this Quran to be produced by other than Allah, but it is a confirmation of what was before it and an explanation of the book about which there is no doubt, from the Lord of the worlds, or Do they say He has invented it?, Say then Bring a Surah like it, and call upon whoever you can besides Allah, if you are truthful", that is, it is not for the Holy Quran to be produced by other than Allah, and it is not invented, where as Allah has stated in Aya (82) of Surat Alnisaa "If it had been from any other than Allah, they would have been found within it much contradiction", thereupon, Allah assures that the Holy Quran is a confirmation of what was before it of the scriptures sent down from Allah like the Torah, the Gospel, and other scriptures as the Holy Quran confirms what has not been distorted in them, and denied what is in them of distortion, alternation, and change, and the Holy Quran is an explanation of everything as Allah has explained therein the commands, the prohibitions, the lawful, the forbidden, the obedience, and the disobedience, so the Holy Quran is a revelation from the Lord of the worlds, and there is no doubt about it, but the polytheists of Quraish say that Muhammad (PBUH) has invented the Holy Quran, so Allah commanded Him to say to them as a challenge Bring only one Surah like it, and call upon whoever you can of false gods and idols besides Allah in order to help you if you are truthful, unquestionably, they are not able to produce the like of this Quran as Allah has challenged them in Aya (88) of Surat Alisraa, or to bring ten Surahs like it as He has challenged them in Aya (13) of Surat Hud, or even to produce one Surah as He has challenged them in this Aya.

 Allah Almighty says in the next three verses (39-41) "But they have denied what they do not encompass in knowledge and whose interpretation has not yet come to them, thus those who were before them denied, so See how was the end of the wrongdoers, and among them are those who believe in it, and among them are those who do not believe in it, and Your Lord knows best of the corrupters, and if they deny You, then Say for Me is My deed, and for you is your deed, you are disavowing what I do, and I am disavowing what you do", that is, the infidels of Quraish denied the Holy Quran while they do not encompass it in knowledge, and the interpretation of the Holy Quran has not come yet to them, but they denied it out of their ignorance and foolishness, so they did not understand it, nor did they obtain what is in it of guidance, truth, and threat, thus those before them from among the previous nations denied their Messengers and their books, so Allah has destroyed them, then Allah says to His Messenger then See how was the end of the wrongdoers who wronged themselves with disbelief, stubbornness, and tyranny, and from the people of Quraish are those who believe in the Holy Quran, so they follow You, but among them are those who do not believe in it, so they oppose and deny You, then Allah threatens them saying that He knows best the corrupters who insist on disbelief and tyranny as nothing of their affair is hidden from Him. Then Allah urges His Messenger to disavow them saying if they deny You and insist on disbelief, then Say to them for Me is My deed, and for you is your deed, you are disavowing what I do, and I am disavowing what you do, so you will not be held accountable for My sin, nor will I be held accountable for your sins.  

 Allah Almighty says in the next three verses (42-44) "And among them are those who listen to You, then Will You make the deaf hear, even though they do not understand?, and among them are those who look at You, then Will You guide the blind, even though they do not see?, indeed, Allah does not wrong the people in anything, but the people are wronging themselves'', that is, Allah addresses His Messenger and says that among the polytheists of Quraish are those who listen to Him but they are like the deaf who do not hear any thing, so Allah says Will You make the deaf hear even thought they do not understand? and among them are those who see Him but they are like the blind who do not see anything, so it is not for Allah's Messenger to guide the one whom Allah has made deaf, and has blinded his heart, so He does not listen to guidance and does not follow the path of truth, indeed, Allah does not wrong the people in anything, but they used to wrong themselves with disbelief and disobedient, therefore, he who has taken his desire as his god and turned away from the path of guidance, Allah will seal his hearing and his heart and will put a covering over his sight for His foreknowledge that he would not be guided as mentioned in Aya (23) of Surat Aljathiyah

 Allah Almighty says in the next two verses (45,46) "And the day when He will gather them as if they had not remained except for an hour of the day, getting to know each other, indeed, those who denied the meeting with Allah will lose, and they were not guided, and whether We show You some of what We have promised them or We take You in death, then to Us is their return, then Allah is a Witness over what they are doing", that is, on the day of resurrection, Allah will gather all mankind for reckoning, and they will see what they are promised as if they did not remain in the worldly life except for an hour of the day getting to know each other, but soon this hour passed, and the time of reckoning came, so those who denied the meeting with Allah on the day of resurrection will lose their deal by selling faith for disbelief and the Hereafter for the worldly life, so they will be the companions of Hellfire for they did not fear Allah's punishment, and did not work for that day, so they have gone astray from the path of Allah, and they were not guided to any path of guidance, thereupon, Allah addresses His Messenger saying whether Allah shows His Messenger some of what He has promised them of torment in the worldly life or He causes His Messenger to die before that, they will be returned to Him on the day of resurrection, and then He will judge between them, and He is a Witness over what they are doing as nothing is hidden from Him, and He will recompense everyone for his deeds.  

 Allah Almighty says in the next three verses (47-49) "And for every nation is a Messenger, so when their Messenger comes, it will be judged between them in justice, and they will not be wronged, and they say When is this promise if you are truthful?, Say I do not possess for Myself any harm or benefit except what Allah wills, for every nation there is a term, when their term comes, then they will not remain behind an hour nor will they precede", that is, Allah has sent into every nation a Messenger in order to call the people to worship Allah alone, and abandon the false idols, and every messenger will be a witness against His nation on the day of resurrection regarding what He has conveyed to them, so when their Messenger comes to bear witness, it will be judged between them in justice, and they will not be wronged, each according to his deeds, where the wrongdoers will be recompensed for their evil deeds and nothing will be added to their sins, whereas nothing will be deprived from the reward of the good-doers, but the disbelievers say as a denial of the resurrection "When is this promise if you are truthful?, thereupon, Allah commanded His Messenger to say to them I do not possess any harm or benefit for Myself except what Allah wills, so I only say what Allah has revealed to Me, and I do not know the unseen, and Allah did not inform Me about its arrival for the knowledge of the Hour is one of the five keys of the unseen that Allah only knows as mentioned in Aya (34) of Surat Luqman, and Allah has appointed for every nation an appointed term which is the term of their death, then when their time comes, they will not remain behind an hour, nor will they precede.

 Allah Almighty says in the next three verses (50-52) "Say Do you see if His punishment should come to you at night or by day, What is the criminals hasten for it?, then Is it when it has occurred you will believe in it?, Now? and indeed, you were asking it to be hastened, then it will be said to those who had wronged Taste the punishment of eternity, Are you recompensed except for what you used to earn?", that is, Allah commanded His Messenger to say to those who hasten for Allah's punishment Do you see if the punishment should come to you at night or by day, What is the criminal hasten for it?, you do not estimate or know the horrors of what you hasten for, and you can not repel it from yourselves, Is it when it has occurred and you saw the punishment, you will believe in it?, Now?, and indeed, you were asking it to be hastened, but their faith will not benefit them at that time, where the rule of Allah that has passed among His servants is that the repentance will not be accepted at the time of death or on the day of resurrection as Allah has stated in Aya (84,85) of Surat Ghafir, so it will be said to those who have wronged themselves with disbelief, stubbornness, and tyranny on the day of resurrection Taste the punishment of eternity in Hellfire, and they will be recompensed for what they used to earn of evil deeds in the worldly life.

 Allah Almighty says in the next two verses (53,54) "And they ask You to inform them, Is it true?, Say yes by My Lord, indeed, it is true, and you will not cause failure, and if each soul that has wronged had whatever is on the earth, it would ransom thereby, but they will conceal regret when they see the punishment, and it will be judged between them in justice, and they will not be wronged", that is, Allah addresses His Messenger saying that the polytheists of Quraish ask Him to inform them Is the day of resurrection true?, thereupon, Allah commanded His Messenger for the first time throughout the Holy Quran to swear by His Lord for the occurrence and the existence of the resurrection, and the other two times are in Aya (3) of Surat Saba', and Aya (7) of Surat Altaghabunand then you can not cause failure on the earth nor can you escape from Allah's authority, then Allah assures that if each soul that has wronged itself with disbelief and arrogance had whatever is on the earth of wealth and adornment, it would ransom itself thereby in order to be saved from the punishment on the day of resurrection, but the ransom will not be accepted from it even if it had whatever is on the earth, all, and its like with it as Allah has stated in Aya (47) of Surat Alzumar, so the disbelievers will conceal the regret when they see the punishment of the Hellfire, and it will be judged between them in justice, and they will not be wronged, each according to his deeds, where the wrongdoers will be recompensed for their evil deeds and nothing will be added to their sins, whereas nothing will be deprived from the reward of the good-doers.

 Allah Almighty says in the next two verses (55,56) "Unquestionably, to Allah belongs whatever is in the heavens and the earth, unquestionably, the promise of Allah is true, but most of them do not know, He gives life and causes death, and to Him you will be returned", that is, Allah assures that whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth belongs to Him alone, and that the promise of Allah is true, so the day of resurrection will inevitably happen, and then every soul will be recompensed for what it used to do of good or evil, but most of the people of Quraish and their likes do not know that the promise of Allah is true, so they deny the resurrection, while Allah is the only One who gives life and causes death, and to Him, all mankind will be returned on the day of resurrection, then behold! the disbelievers will find what they used to deny of Allah's punishment is present before their eyes.

 Allah Almighty says in the next two verses (57,58) "O people! Indeed, there has come to you an admonition from your Lord and healing for what is in the breasts and guidance and mercy for the believers, Say in the bounty of Allah and in His mercy, so in that let them rejoice, it is better than what they amass", that is, Allah addresses mankind saying that He has sent down the Holy Quran as an admonition for the believers of Allah's punishment and vengeance on those who disobey Him, so they will be admonished by it, obey Allah's commands, and avoid His prohibitions, and it is a healing for what is in the breasts of the believers who believe in it and follow it; For it removes the diseases in the heart of doubt, hypocrisy, polytheism, and deviation from the right path. The Holy Quran is also a guidance to the straight path, and a mercy in which there are faith, wisdom, and goodness for the believers, so when the believers hear the Holy Quran, they benefit from it, memorize it, and become aware of it, thereupon, there is no human being who recites the Holy Quran except that he will see goodness in the worldly life and the Hereafter, thereupon, Allah commanded His Messenger to urges the believers to rejoice in the path of Islam to which He has guided them, and in the Holy Quran which He has taught them, and that is better than what the disbelievers accumulate of wealth and the enjoyment of the worldly life.  

 Allah Almighty says in the next two verses (59,60) "Say Do you see what Allah has sent down to you of provision, and you have made of it unlawful and lawful?, Say Has Allah permitted you, or Do you invent about Allah?, and what will be the supposition of those who invent the lie about Allah on the day of resurrection, indeed, Allah is a Possessor of bounty for the people, but most of them do not give thanks", that is, Allah ordered His Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) to say to the polytheists of Quraish Do you see what Allah has sent down to you of provision, and you have made of it unlawful and lawful?, where Allah has sent down water from the sky, and He caused to grow thereby gardens of delight including grain, crops, and fruits of different varieties, shapes, and colors, and to drink therefrom the cattle including camels, cows, sheep, and goats, but the polytheists had made some cattle and crops lawful, and some unlawful as they used to vow some cattle and crops to their false idols, so they did not eat from it, they did not drink their milk, and they did not ride it, where as mentioned in Aya (138) of Surat Alan'am they said these cattle and crops are forbidden, no one may eat from them except whom we will, and cattle whose backs are forbidden, and cattle upon which they do not mention the name of Allah, thereupon, Allah commanded His Messenger to say to them Has Allah permitted you in making some of his provision lawful, and the other unlawful, or Do you invent a lie about Allah?, so you have forbidden what Allah has made lawful, or made lawful what Allah has forbidden, so what will be the supposition of those who invent a lie about Allah on the day of resurrection, Do they think that Allah will not punish them?, assuredly, He will punish them for what they were inventing, and Allah assures that He is a Possessor of bounty for all people as He does not hasten their punishment but He provides for them all, the believers and the disbelievers, but most of them do not thank Him for His bounty and blessings.

 Allah Almighty says in the next verse (61) "And you are not in any matter, and you do not recite any of the Quran and you do not do any deed except that We are witnesses over you when you are engaged in it, and nothing is hidden from Your Lord of an atom's weight on the earth, nor in the heaven, nor smaller than that, nor greater except in a clear book", that is, Allah assures His Messenger that He knows all of His condition, and the condition of all creation at every hour and moment whether they are in worship or other deeds, so they are not in any condition, they do not recite any of the Holy Quran, and they do not do any deed, except that Allah is a witness over them when they are engaged in their deed, good or evil, so He enumerates their deeds, and will recompense each for his deeds, and nothing is hidden from Him of an atom's weight in the heavens, nor on the earth, nor smaller than that, nor greater except in a clear book where Allah's Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) said in narration of  Ubadah bin Alsamit: ''Verily, the first of what Allah created was the pen, He said to it Write, so it wrote what will be forever" (Jami' Altirmidhi 3319). 

 Allah Almighty says in the next four verses (62-65) "Unquestionably, the allies of Allah there will be no fear for them, nor will they grieve, those who have believed and used to fear, for them are glad tidings in the worldly life and in the Hereafter, there is no change in the words of Allah, that is the great success, for them are glad tidings in the worldly life and in the Hereafter, there is no change in the words of Allah, that is the great success, so their saying would not grieve You, indeed, the honor belongs to Allah entirely, He is the All-Hearing, the All-Knower", that is, Allah assures that there will be no fear for His allies for what they will face later and they will not grieve for what they missed before, and the allies of Allah are those who believed and used to fear Allah and His punishment, so they followed His commands, and avoided his prohibitions, thereupon, for them is the glad tidings in the worldly life, and in the Hereafter of Allah's forgiveness and the gardens of eternal bliss, where the Angels will descend on them at the time of death saying Do not fear nor grieve, and Receive the glad tidings of Paradise which you were promised as mentioned in Aya (30) of Surat Fussilat, and there is no change in the words of Allah as Allah does not break His promise for His believing servants that He will admit them into gardens beneath which rivers flow, abiding therein forever and that is the great success. And Allah's Messenger (PBUH) said in narration of Umar bin Alkhattab: "There are people from the servants of Allah who are neither Prophets nor martyrs, the Prophets and the martyrs will envy them on the day of resurrection for their rank from Allah, the Most High, the people asked Tell us, Messenger of Allah Who are they?, He replied they are people who love one another for the spirit of Allah, without having any mutual kinship and giving property to one, I swear by Allah their faces will glow and they will be in light, they will not fear when the people will have fear, and they will not grieve when the people will grieve, then He recited "Unquestionably, the allies of Allah there is no fear for them, nor shall they grieve" (Sunan Abu Dawood 3527). Then Allah addresses His Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) saying Do not be saddened by what they say and their denial of You, indeed, the honor belongs to Allah entirely, and He has the complete power, so He will help you, and will take revenge on them, and He is the All-Hearing, the All-Knower of their saying and deeds whether they declare or conceal it.

 Allah Almighty says in the next two verses (66,67) "Unquestionably, to Allah belongs whoever is in the heavens and whoever is on the earth, and those who invoke other than Allah do not follow partners, they do not follow except conjecture, and they do nothing but they lie, He is the One who has made for you the night so that you may rest therein, and the day giving light, indeed, in that there are signs for a people who listen", that is, Allah assures that to Him belongs whoever is in the heavens and whoever is on the earth, and He has not taken a son and has not had a partner in the kingdom as He has stated in Aya (2) of Surat Alfurqan, so those who invoke other than Allah do not follow partners for Allah has no partners, He is the Creator of everything in the Heavens and the earth, but they do not follow except conjecture and delusion because they worshipped these idols without any knowledge or proof that makes these idols worthy of worship, and they only invent lie and falsehood against AllahThen Allah shows that the worship is not suitable for anyone else, where He is the One who made the night in which man rests from the hardship of seeking livelihood during the day, and He is the One who made the day luminous so that man can see and work in order to fulfill his needs, indeed, in that there are signs for a people who listen the truth, so they follow it and act according to it.

 Allah Almighty says in the next three verses (68-70) "They say Allah has taken a son, Glory to be Him, He is the Free of need, to Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth, you have no authority for this, Do you say about Allah what you do not know?, Say indeed, those who invent the lie about Allah will not succeed, an enjoyment in the world, then to Us is their return, then We will make them taste the severe punishment for what they used to disbelieve", that is, Allah absolves Himself from having a son, where the Jews say Ezra is the son of Allah and the Christians say the Messiah is the son of Allah as mentioned in Aya (30) of Surat Altawba, while the disbelievers have made the Angels who are servants of Allah females as Allah has stated in Aya (19) of Surat Alzukhruf, and claimed that the Angels are the daughters of Allah, so Allah assures that He is Free of need of anyone, and to Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth, so He owns all things and all human beings need their Lord for He is the Creator and the Provider, but they have not any authority or proof for the lies and the slander they invent about Allah, thereupon, Allah says to them as a denunciation Do you say about Allah what you do not know?, and Allah threatens those who invented the lie about Him, and claimed that He has a son and says that they will not succeed, and they will enjoy a little in the worldly life, then they will be returned to Allah on the day of resurrection, and He will make them to taste the severe and painful punishment in Hellfire for what they used to disbelieve, and deny Allah's Oneness and the resurrection.

 Allah Almighty says in the next verse (71) "And Recite to them the news of Noah, when He said to His people O My people! If My residence and My reminding of the signs of Allah have become difficult to you, then I have put My trust upon Allah, so Put together your matter along with your partners, then let not your matter be obscure to you, then Carry it out against Me and Do not give Me respite'', that is, Allah ordered His Messenger Muhammad to recite to the polytheists of Quraish the news of the Prophet Noah with His people and how Allah destroyed those who denied Him, and saved the prophet Noah and the believers with Him lest what befell the People of Noah will befall them. The Prophet Noah stayed with His people for a thousand years minus fifty years calling them to worship Allah alone as mentioned in Aya (14) of Surat Alankaboot, but they denied Him, and none has believed with Him except a few as mentioned in Aya (40) of Surat Hud, so the Prophet Noah said to His people if My residence among you, and My reminding of the signs and the arguments of Allah have become difficult to you, then I have put My trust upon Allah, so you can not cause harm to Me, so Put together your matter along with your partners of idols and false gods whom you worship besides Allah and Plot against Me, then Resolve to do what you intend regarding My matter, and let not your matter be obscure to you, but rather judge for Me, and carry your judgment out against Me, and Do not give Me any respite, then See if you can afflict me with any evil.

 Allah Almighty says in the next two verses (72,73) "And if you turn away, then I did not ask you for it any wage, My reward is only from Allah, and I have been commanded to be of the Muslim, but they denied Him, so We saved Him and those with Him in the ship, and made them successors, and We drowned those who denied Our signs, then See how was the end of those who were warned", that is, the Prophet Noah said to His people if you turned away from what I called you to of the truth, acknowledging Allah's Oneness, and abandon the false gods, so I did not ask you for any wage for My advice but rather My reward is only from Allah, and I have been commanded to be of the Muslims who submit to Allah alone and acknowledge His oneness. But they denied the Prophet Noah, thereupon, Allah commanded Him to construct the Ark, and commanded Him to Load upon it from every two pairs, two, and His family except those against whom the word has preceded, and whoever has believed with Him as mentioned in Aya (40) of Surat Hud, then Allah saved the Prophet Noah and those with Him in the Ark, and Allah has made them successors on the earth, and drowned those who denied Allah's signs in the flood, then Allah commanded His Messenger Muhammad to see how was the end of those who were warned of Allah's punishment and vengeance against those who disbelieved in Him and worshipped others, and how Allah saved the believers and destroyed the disbelievers.

 Allah Almighty says in the next three verses (74-76) "Then We sent after Him Messengers to their people, then they came to them with clear proofs, but they were not to believe in what they had denied it before, thus We seal on the hearts of the aggressors, then We sent after them Moses and Aaron to Pharaoh and his chiefs with Our signs, but they were arrogant, and were a criminal people, so when there came to them the truth from Us, they said indeed, this is a clear magic", that is, Allah has sent after the Prophet Noah Messengers to their people calling them to worship Allah alone, and they came to them with the clear proofs and the signs that indicate Allah's Oneness and the truthfulness of what they came with, but they denied them and persisted on disbelief even after they brought them the clear proofs, and they were not to believe in what they had denied of Allah's oneness before the signs of Allah or after the signs of Allah, and thus Allah sets a seal on the hearts of the aggressors and the tyrants, so that their hearts do not accept the truth and the guidance does not reach it, where the heart is a metaphor for the person; because it is the source of arrogance and tyranny and the rest of organs follow it. Then Allah has sent the Prophet Moses and His brother Aaron after those Messengers who came after the Prophet Noah to Pharaoh and his chiefs with the clear proofs and Allah's signs, which are nine signs as Allah has stated in Surat Alisraa Aya (101), but they were arrogant and were a criminal people, so when there came to Pharaoh and his chiefs the truth and the clear signs from Allah, they said that Allah's signs are a clear magic.

 Allah Almighty says in the next two verses (77,78) "Moses said Do you say about the truth when it came to you Is this magic?, but the magicians will not succeed, they said Have You come to us that you may turn us away from what we found our fathers on it, and that You both may have greatness on the land, and we are not believers in both of You'', that is, the Prophet Moses said to Pharaoh and his chiefs as a denunciation, Do you say about the truth and the signs which I brought to you from Allah that they are magic while the magicians will not succeed, but they said to the Prophet Moses Have You come to us that you may turn us from the religion upon which we found our fathers, and that You both may have greatness and authority in the land of Egypt, and will not believe in both of You nor will we believe in what You claim of prophecy.

 Allah Almighty says in the next four verses (79-82) "And Pharaoh said Bring to me every learned magician, so when the magicians came, Moses said to them Throw whatever you will throw, and when they threw, Moses said what you have brought is magic, indeed, Allah will nullify it, indeed, Allah does not amend the work of the corrupters, And Allah establishes the truth with His words even if the criminals dislike", that is, the chiefs advised pharaoh and said to Him Postpone Moses and Aaron, and Send gatherers to the cities in order to bring every learned magician to nullify the magic that He came with as mentioned in Ayat (36,37) of Surat Alshu'araa, so Pharaoh said Bring to me every learned magician, so when the magicians came on the day of adornment at afternoon, the Prophet Moses said to them Throw whatever you will throw, and when they had thrown their ropes and their sticks as mentioned in Aya (44) of Surat Alshu'araa, the Prophet Moses said to them what you have brought is magic, indeed, Allah will nullify it where Allah ordered the Prophet Moses to throw His stick, and it began to devour what they had made of magic, then the Prophet Moses assured them that Allah does not amend the work of the corrupters who cause corruption on the earth, and Allah establishes the truth with His words as He made it clear by His signs and nullified the falsehood, even if the criminals dislike the truth, and adhere to falsehood, where the rule of Allah is to hurl the truth upon the falsehood, so the falsehood will disappear and the truth will remain as He has stated in Aya (18) of Surat Alanbiyaa.

 Allah Almighty says in the next four verses (83-86) "But no one believed in Moses except a progeny of his people for fear of Pharaoh and their chiefs that they would persecute them, and indeed, Pharaoh was a haughty within the land and indeed, he was of the transgressors, and Moses said O My people! if you have believed in Allah, then Put your trust upon Him if you are Muslims, so they said upon Allah we have put our trust, our Lord! Do not make us a trial for the wrongdoing people, and Save us by Your mercy from the disbelieving people", that is, Although the Prophet Moses had come to the Children of Israel with the clear signs from Allah, but no one believed in Him except a few descendants of Pharaoh's people for fear of Pharaoh and their chiefs lest they persecute them and force them to return to disbelief they were in, because Pharaoh was tyrant and a haughty in the land, and he was of the transgressors who cross all limits of disbelief and tyranny. Then the Prophet Moses said to His people if you have believed in Allah and acknowledged His Oneness, then Put your trust upon Allah, and be sure that they can not cause harm to you, if you are of the Muslims who submit to Allah alone, and rely upon Him in all their affairs. Thereupon, they said to the Prophet Moses that they have put their trust upon Allah, and supplicated Allah not to make them a trial for the disbelievers by supporting the disbelievers over them lest the disbelievers think that they were given victory because they are upon the truth, and the believers are upon falsehood, and they supplicated Allah to save them by His mercy from Pharaoh and his chiefs who were disbelieving people.     

 Allah Almighty says in the next three verses (87-89) "And We revealed to Moses and His brother that Settle your people in Egypt in houses, and Make your houses places of worship, and Establish the prayer and Give glad tidings to the believers, and Moses said Our Lord indeed, You have given Pharaoh and his chiefs adornment and wealth in the worldly life, Our Lord that they may lead astray from Your way, Our Lord! Obliterate their wealth and Harden their hearts so that they will not believe until they see the painful punishment, He said indeed, the supplication of both of You has been answered, so You both Be upright and Do not follow the way of those who do not know", that is, Allah has revealed to the Prophet Moses and His brother Aaron to take houses for those who believed with them in Egypt, to make their houses places of worship, to establish the prayer in their houses for fear of Pharaoh, and to give the glad tidings to the believers that Allah will support them over their enemy. The Prophet Moses said to Allah Our Lord, indeed, You have given Pharaoh and his chiefs adornment and wealth in the worldly life, but they were arrogant, and refused to accept the truth, and they led their people astray from Your way, where Pharaoh led his people astray, and did not guide as mentioned in Aya (69) of Surat Ta Ha, and when it became clear to the Prophet Moses that there is no good in them, and that they will not believe, He supplicated Allah to obliterate their wealth and change it to a state other than the state it was in until it become worthless, and to harden their hearts so that they do not soften to faith, so that they will not believe until they see the painful punishment, thereupon, Allah reassured Moses and Aaron that their supplication has been responded, and commanded both of them to remain steadfast and adhere to the worship of Allah alone and the religion that He has legislated to both of then, and not to follow the path of those who do not know that His promise is true and His threat is true.

 Allah says in the next three verses (90-92) "And we took the Children of Israel across the sea, and Pharaoh and his soldiers followed them in tyranny and enmity until when the drowning overtook him, he said I believe that there is no god except the One in whom the Children of Israel believed, and I am of the Muslims, now? and indeed, you had disobeyed before, and were of the corrupters?, so today We will save you in body that you may be to those who succeed you a sign, and indeed, most of the people are heedless of Our signs", that is, Allah ordered the Prophet Moses to go out and those who believed with Him from among the Children of Israel at night towards the sea, then Allah inspired to Moses that Strike the sea with your stick, so it parted, and each part became like the great mountain as mentioned in Aya (63) of Surat Alshu'araa, so Allah took them across the sea and they passed to the other side of the sea, then Pharaoh and his soldiers followed them at sunrise, and when they entered the sea to pursued Moses and His companions out of their tyranny and enmity, Allah commanded the sea to return to its natural state, and then the supplication of Moses has been responded, where when Pharaoh was about to drown, he said I believe that there is no god except the One in whom the Children of Israel believed, and I am of the Muslims who submit to Allah alone and acknowledge His oneness. Then Allah said as denunciation now?, you submit to Allah in humiliation, and acknowledge your servitude to Him, while you had disobeyed Him before His vengeance befalls you, and you were of those who cause corruption on the land and prevent the people from the way of Allah, so today We will save you in body that you be a sign to those who succeed you, where the sea threw him out, and the Children of Israel were certain of his destruction so that they may be admonished by his destruction and know the end of the transgressors, but most of the people are heedless of Allah's signs as they turn away from them, and do not reflect on them.

 Allah Almighty says in the next three verses (93-95) "And indeed, We have settled the Children of Israel in a honorable settlement and provided them with the good things, and they did not differ until the knowledge had come to them, indeed, Your Lord will judge between them on the day of resurrection in that about which they used to differ, so if You are in doubt about what We have sent down to You, then Ask those who read the book before You, indeed, the truth has come to You from Your Lord, so Do not be among the doubters, and Do not be of those who deny the signs of Allah, so You will be among the losers", that is, the people of Pharaoh left behind gardens, springs, crops, noble places, and a luxury they used to take delight therein, then Allah caused to inherit it the Children of Israel as Allah has stated in Ayat (25-28) of Surat Aldukhan, so Allah has settled the Children of Israel in a honorable settlement in the land of Egypt, and provided them with good and lawful sustenance of foods and fruits, but they did not differ regarding the prophecy of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) until the knowledge had come to them and the Prophet Muhammad became present before their eyes, some believed and others disbelieved, so Allah reassured His Messenger and said to Him Your Lord will judge between them on the day of resurrection about what they used to differ regarding Your matter. Then Allah addresses His Messenger Muhammad saying if You are in doubt about the Holy Quran which We have sent down to You, then Ask those who read the book before You of the Jews and the Christians, where Allah gave them clear arguments and proofs related to the Prophet Muhammad whom they find written in what they have of the Torah and the Gospel as mentioned in Aya (157) of Surat Ala'raf, and they know that the Holy Quran is sent down from Allah in truth as Allah has stated in Aya (114) of Surat Alan'am. Then Allah assures His Messenger (PBUH) that the truth has come to Him from Allah, and commanded Him not to be of the doubters, and not to be of those who deny the signs and the proofs of Allah lest He will be among the losers and will gain the recompense of the polytheists in the worldly life and in the Hereafter. Although the speech is directed to Allah's Messenger, but it is for His Ummah so that they will not be in doubt about the truth that has come to them from their Lord.

 Allah Almighty says in the next three verses (96-98) "Indeed, those upon whom the word of Your Lord has come true will not believe, even if every sign comes to them until they see the painful punishment, So Why was there not a town that believed so its faith benefited it except the people of Jonah?, when they believed, We removed from them the punishment of disgrace in the worldly life, and gave them enjoyment for a time", that is, Allah addresses His Messenger Muhammad saying those upon whom Allah's wrath has come true will not believe for they have wronged themselves with disbelief, stubbornness, and tyranny, so they will not believe even if every sign comes to them until they see the painful punishment, like Pharaoh who did not believe until he saw the painful punishment as shown above in Aya (90), and there was not a town that believed in Allah, so its faith benefited it when the punishment descended upon its people, except the people of Jonah (Yunus) who were a hundred thousand or more as mentioned in Aya (147) of Surat Alsaffat, and they believed in Allah, thereupon, Allah has made an exception for the people of Jonah from among other nations whose their faith did not benefit them after the torment descended on them, so Allah removed the punishment of disgrace from them and gave them enjoyment until the end of their lives.

 Allah Almighty says in the next two verses (99,100) "And If Your Lord had willed, those on the earth would have believed, all together, then Would You compel the people until they become believers?, and it is not for a soul to believe except by the permission of Allah, and He will place the filth upon those who do not understand", that is, Allah addresses His Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) and says that if He had willed, He would have guided all mankind, so all those on the earth would have believed, but the word of Allah will be fulfilled that He will surely fill Hellfire with the Jinn and the men all together as mentioned in Aya (119) of Surat Hud, and Allah's Messenger was keen that all people would believe and follow Him, but Allah says to Him Would You compel the people until they become believers?, so Allah assures Him that their guidance in not upon Him, but rather it is upon Allah, He has to convey Allah's message to them, and Allah guides whom He wills, and lets go astray whom He wills, and Allah addresses Him in Aya (8) of Surat Fatir "So indeed, Allah lets go astray whom He wills, and guides whom He wills, so Do not let Your soul go out in regrets for them, indeed, Allah is All-Knower of what they do". So it is not for a soul to believe except by the permission of Allah, and Allah will place His wrath upon those who do not understand Allah's arguments, and signs with which He indicated the Prophecy of Muhammad (PBUH) and the realty of what He called them to of monotheism and belief.

 Allah Almighty says in the next three verses (101-103) "Say See what is in the heavens and the earth, but the signs and the warners do not avail a people who do not believe, so Do they wait except for like the days of those who passed on before them, Say Wait indeed, I am with you among those who are waiting, then We will save Our Messengers and those who have believed, thus, it is an incumbent upon Us that We save the believers", that is, Allah commanded His Messenger to urge the disbelievers to reflect on what is in the heavens and the earth of Allah's signs that indicate Allah's Oneness, where there are signs and proofs in the creation of the heavens and the earth and in what is in both of them of the sun, moon, stars, planets, mountains, valleys, seas, rivers, animals, and trees. But Allah's signs in the creation of the heavens and the earth and Allah's Messengers with their signs and arguments will not be of use to a people who do not believe even if every sign comes to them until they see the painful punishment as shown above in Aya (97). Then Allah threatens the polytheists of Quraish saying Do they wait except that Allah's vengeance befalls them like those who passed before them of the previous nations who insisted on disbelief and disobeyed their Messengers, so they wait for a day in which Allah's punishment afflicted them like the days of their ancestors who were on the same path as they are of polytheism and denial like the people of Noah, Ad, and Thamud. Thereupon, Allah commanded His Messenger to say to them Wait for Allah's punishment, and the descent of His wrath upon you, indeed, I am waiting for your destruction by the punishment that will befall you. And Allah assures that when His punishment comes, no one will be destroyed except them, as the rule of Allah is to save the Messengers and those who have believed with them, so Allah will save His Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) and the believers, and it is incumbent upon Allah that He will save the believers from His punishment in the worldly life and in the Hereafter.     

 Allah Almighty says in the next three verses (104-106) "Say O People! If you are in doubt about My religion, then I do not worship those whom you worship besides Allah, but I worship Allah, the One who takes you in death, and I have been commanded to be of the believers, and that Set your face for the religion, upright, and Do not be of the polytheists, and Do not invoke besides Allah what does not benefit You or harm You, for if You did, then indeed, You would be among the wrongdoers", that is, Allah commanded His Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) to say to the people of Quraish if you are in doubt about what I have brought to you of the religion that Allah has revealed to Me, then I do not worship the idols whom you worship besides Allah, but I worship Allah alone, the One who causes you to die, and will resurrect you just as He has created you the first time, and I have been commanded to be of the believers who believe in Allah's signs and arguments. And that Allah commanded His Messenger to direct His face to the religion that He has directed Him to, to be upright and obedient to Him, not to be of the polytheists who worship idols and false gods besides Allah, and not to invoke besides Allah the false idols that have no power to benefit Him or harm Him, and if He did so, He would be among the wrongdoers who transgress what Allah has commanded them to do. 

 Allah Almighty says in the last three verses (107-109) "And if Allah should touch You with an adversity, there is no remover of it except Him, and if He intends for You good, then there is no one to repel His bounty, He causes it to fall on whom He wills of His servants, and He is the All-Forgiving, the Most Merciful, Say O people! Indeed, the truth has come to you from your Lord, so whoever is guided, then only he is guided for himself, and whoever goes astray, then only he goes astray against it, and I am not a guardian over you, and Follow what is revealed to You, and Be patient until Allah will judge, and He is the Best of the Judges", that is, Allah assures that He is the One in whose Hand are good and evil to the exclusion of anything else such as idols and false gods, so Allah says to His Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) If Allah should touch You with an adversity, there is none to remove it from You except Allah, and if He intends for You good, then there is none to repel His bounty, He causes to afflict adversity and hardships upon whom He wills, and bestows good and bounty upon whom He wills, and He is the All-Forgiving, the Most Merciful for those who believe, repent, and do righteous deeds. Then Allah commanded His Messenger to say to the people of Quraish that the truth has come to them from Allah, which is the Holy Quran, so whoever follows the guidance of Holy Quran, then he benefits himself and gains the pleasure of Allah, and whoever goes astray from the guidance, then he misleads himself and gains Allah's wrath, then Allah assures His Messenger that He is not in charge of them, He only has to convey Allah's message and upon Allah is the reckoning as mentioned in Aya (40) of Surat Alra'd. And Allah commanded His Messenger to follow the revelation which is revealed to Him, adhere to it, and act according to it, and to be patient over the harm He met from the polytheists of Quraish until Allah will judge between Him and them, and Allah is the Best of Judges as He is the Most Judge of the Judges and He is not unjust to the servants. 

No one Knows its interpretation except Allah

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