35- Surat Fatir

45 Verses Meccan (revealed in Mecca)

A'auzu Bellahi mena alshaiytani alrajeem

I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed Satan

Besmi Ellahi Alrhmani Alraheem

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

Alhamdu lellahi fateri alsamawati wa alardi ja'ali almalaekati rusulan auli ajnehatin mathna wa thulatha wa ruba'a yazeeduo fee alkhalqi ma yasha-uo inna Allaha ala kulli shaiy-in qadeer (1).
Praise be to Allah, the Originator of the heavens and the earth, who makes the Angels Messengers having wings in two, three, and four, He increases in the creation what He wills, indeed, Allah is over everything All-Powerful.

Ma yaftahi ellahu lelnnasi men rahmatin fa-la mumseka laha wa ma youmsek fa-la mursela lahuo men ba'dehi wa huwa Alazeezuo Alhakeem (2).
Whatever Allah grants to mankind of mercy, then none can withhold it, and what He withholds then none can release it thereafter, and He is Almighty, All-Wise.

Ya-ayyuha alnnasuo auzkuruo ne'mata Allahi alaiykum hal men khaleqin ghaiyruo Allahi yarzuqukum mana alsama-ee wa alardi la illaha ella huwa fa-anna tu'fakuon (3).
O mankind! Remember the blessing of Allah upon you, Is there any creator other than Allah who provides you from the sky and the earth, there is no god but He, so how are you being turned away?. 

Wa in youkazzebuoka fa-qad kuzzebat rusulum men qableka wa ela Allahi turja-uo al-aumuor (4).
And if they deny You, then indeed, Messengers were denied before You, and to Allah all matters will be returned. 

Ya-ayyuha alnnasuo inna wa'da Allahi haqqun fala taghurrannakumuo alhayatuo alduonya wa la yaghurrannakum be-llahi algharuor (5).
O mankind! indeed, the promise of Allah is true, so Let not the worldly life deceive you and Let not the deceiver deceive you about Allah.

Inna alshaiytana lakum aduwwun fa-ttakhezuhuo aduwwan inama yad-uo hezbahuo leyakunuo men as-habi alsaeer (6).
Indeed, Satan is an enemy to you, so take him as an enemy, he only invites his party to be among the companions of the blaze. 

Allazina kafaruo lahum azabun shadeedun wa allazina amanuo wa ameluo alsalehati lahum meghferatun wa ajrun kabeer (7).
Those who disbelieve for them a severe punishment, and those who believe and do righteous deeds for them forgiveness and a great reward.

Afa-man zuyyena lahuo su-uo amalehi fara'ahuo hasanan fa-inna Allaha youdelluo man yasha-uo wa yahdi man yasha-uo fa-la tazhab nafsuka alaiyhim hasaratin inna Allaha Aleemun bema yasna-uon (8).
Is it the one who has been adorned for him the evil of his deed, so he sees it as good?, so indeed, Allah lets go astray whom He wills, and guides whom He wills, so Do not let Your soul go out in regrets for them, indeed, Allah is All-Knower of what they do.

Wa Allahu allazi arsala alrriyaha fa-tutheruo sahaban fa-suqnahuo ela baladin maiyytin fa-ahyayna behi alarda ba'da mawteha kazaleka alnushuor (9).
And Allah is the One who sends the winds, then they stir the clouds, and We drive them to a dead land so We revive thereby the earth after its death, thus is the resurrection.

Man kana youreduo alezzata fa-llellahi alezzatuo jamee-an elaiyhi yas'aduo alkalemuo alttaiyyebuo wa alamaluo alsalehuo yarfa'uhuo wa allazina yamkuruona alsaiyyi-ati lahum azabun shadeedun wa makruo aulaeka huwa yabuor (10).
Whoever desires the honor, then the honor belongs to Allah entirely, to Him ascends the good words and the righteous deed raises it, and those who plot the evil for them a severe punishment, and the plotting of those will be nullified.

Wa allahu khalaqakum men turabin thumma men nutfatin thumma ja'alakum azwajan wa ma tahmeluo men auntha wa la tada-uo ella be-elmehi wa ma you'ammaruo men mu'ammerin wa la younqasuo men aumurehi ella fee ketabin inna zaleka ala Allahi yaseer (11).
And Allah has created you from dust then from a sperm-drop then He made you couples, and no female gets pregnant, nor does she give birth except with His knowledge, nor does a person get long life, nor is lessened from his age except in a book, indeed, that is easy for Allah.
Wa ma yastawi albahrani haza azbun furatun sa-eghun sharabuhuo wa haza melhun aujajun wa men kullin ta'kuluona lahman tareyyan wa tastakhrejuona heliyatan talbasuonaha wa tara alfulka feehi mawakhera le-tabtaghuo men fadlehi wa la'allakum tashkuruon (12).
And the two seas are not alike, this is fresh, sweet, and its drink is pleasant and this is salty and bitter and from each, you eat tender meat, and extract ornaments that you wear them, and you see the ships cleaving it, so that you may seek of His bounty and that you may give thanks.

Youleguo al-laila fee alnahari wa youleguo alnahara fee al-laili wa sakhkhara alshamsa wa alqamara kullun yagree le-ajalin musamman zalekumuo Allahu Rabbukum lahu almulkuo wa allazina tad-uona men duonehi ma yamlekuona men qetmeer (13)
He enters the night into the day and enters the day into the night, and He has subjected the sun and the moon, each running for an appointed time, that is Allah, your Lord, to Him belongs the kingdom, and those whom you call besides Him do not possess even the crust of a date-seed.

In tad-uhum la yasma-uo du-a-akum wa laww same-uo ma stajabuo lakum wa yawma alqeiyamati yakfuruona be-sherkekum wa la younabbe-uoka methluo khabeer (14)
If you call them, they do not hear your call and if they heard they will not respond to you, and the day of resurrection, they will deny your association, and none can inform you like All-Aware.

Ya-ayyuha alnnasuo antumuo alfuqara-uo ela Allahi wa Allahu huwa Alghaneyyuo Alhameed (15)
O mankind! you are in need of Allah, while Allah is Free of need, the Praiseworthy. 

In yasha' youzhebkum wa ya'ti be-khalqin jadeed (16).
If He wills, He can do away with you, and bring a new creation.

Wa ma zaleka ala Allahi be-azeez (17).
And that is not difficult for Allah.

Wa la tazeruo wazeratun wezra aukhra wa in tad-uo muthqalatun ela hemleha la youhmal menhuo shaiy-on wa laww kana za qurba innama tuonzeruo allazina yakhshawna Rabbahum bel-ghaiybi wa aqamuo alsalata wa man tazakka fa-innama yatazakka le-nafsehi wa ela Allahi almaseer (18).
And no bearer of burden shall bear the burden of another and if a soul heavily laden calls to its load, it will not be carried anything of it even if he was a near of kin, You can only warn those who fear their Lord, unseen, and establish the prayer, and whoever gets purified, he only gets purified for himself, and to Allah is the final return.

Wa ma yastawi al-a'ma wa albaseer (19).
And the blind and the seeing are not equal. 

Wa la alzulumatuo wa la alnnuor (20).
Nor are the darknesses and the light. 

Wa la alzzelluo wa la alharuor (21).
Nor are the shade and the heat.

Wa ma yastawi al-ahyauo wa la alamwatuo inna Allaha yousme-uo man yasha-uo wa ma anta bemusme-in man fee alqubuor (22).
And the living and the dead are not equal, indeed, Allah causes to hear whom He wills, and You can not make hear those who are in the graves.

In anta ella nazeer (23).
Your are but a warner.

Inna arsalnaka bel-haqqi basheeran wa nazeeran wa in men aummatin ella khala feeha nazeer (24).
Indeed, We have sent You with the truth, a bearer of glad tidings and a warner, and there was no nation without a warner having passed among them.

Wa in youkazzebuoka fa-qad kazzaba allazina men qablehim ja'at-hum rusuluhum bel-bayyinati wa bel-zzuberi wa bel-ketabi almuneer (25).
And if they deny You, then indeed those who were before them denied, their Messengers came to them with the clear signs and the Scriptures, and the enlightening book.

Thumma akhaztuo allazina kafaruo fa-kaiyfa kana nakeer (26).
Then I seized those who disbelieved, so how was My rejection.

Alam tara anna Allaha anzala mena alsama-ee ma-an fa-akhrajna behi thamaratin mukhtalefan alwanuha wa mena aljebali judadun beedun wa humrun mukhtalefun alwanuha wa gharabeeba suod (27).
Do you not see that Allah has sent down water from the sky, then We have brought forth thereby fruits of varying colors, and among the mountains are tracts white and red of varying colors, and intensely black.
Wa mena alnnasi wa alddawabbi wa alan'ami mukhtalefun alwanuhuo kazaleka innama yakhsha Allaha men ebadehi al-aulama-uo inna Allaha Azzezun ghafuor (28).
And among people and the moving creatures and the cattle are various colors as well, only those fear Allah from His servants are those who have knowledge, indeed, Allah is Almighty, All-Forgiving.

Inna allazina yatluona ketaba Allahi wa aqamuo alsalata wa anfaquo memma razaqnahum serran wa alaneiyatan yarjuona tejaratan lan tabuor (29).
Indeed, those who recite the book of Allah, and establish the prayer and spend from what We have provided them, secretly and openly, hope a trade that will never perish.

Le-youwaffeyahum aujurahum wa yazeedahum men fadlehi innahuo Ghafuorun Shakuor (30).
That He may give them their reward in full, and may increase for them of His bounty, indeed, He is All-Forgiving, Most Appreciative.

Wa allazi awhaiyna elaiyka mena alketabi huwa alhaqquo musaddeqan lema baiyna yadaiyhi inna Allaha be-ebadehi la-khabeerun Basser (31).
And that which We have revealed to You of the book is the truth, confirming what was before it, indeed, Allah is All-Aware, All-seeing of His servants.

Thumma awrathna alketaba allazina estafaiyna men ebadena fa-menhum zaleemun le-nafsehi wa menhum muqtasedun wa menhum sabequn bel-khaiyrati be-izni ellahi zaleka huwa alfadluo alkabeer (32).
Then We cause to inherit the book those We have chosen of Our servants, and among them is he who wrongs himself, and among them is he who is moderate and among them is he who is foremost in good deeds by the permission of Allah, that is the great bounty.

Jannatuo adnin yadkhuluonaha youhallawna feeha men asawera men zahabin wa lu'lu'an wa lebasuhum feeha hareer (33).
The gardens of Eden, they will enter them, they will be adorned therein with bracelets of gold and pearls, and their wearing therein will be of silk.

Wa qaluo alhamduo le-llahi allazi azhaba anna alhazana inna Rabbana la-Ghafuorun Shakuor (34).
And they will say, Praise be to Allah who has removed the sorrow from us, indeed, our Lord is All-Forgiving, Most Appreciative.

Allazi ahallana dara almuqamati men fadlehi la yamassuna feeha nasabun wa la yamassuna feeha lughub (35).
The One who has settled us in the abode of eternity out of His bounty, no fatigue will touch us therein, nor will illness touch us therein.

Wa allazina kafaruo lahum naruo jahannama la youqda alaiyhim fa-yamutuo wa la yukhaffafuo anhum men azabeha kazaleka najzee kulla kafuor (36)
And those who disbelieve, for them the fire of Hell, it will not be decreed for them that they will die, and its torment will not be lightened for them, thus, We recompense every ungrateful. 

Wa hum yastarekhuona feeha Rabbana akhrejna na'mal salehan ghaiyra allazin kunna na'maluo awa-lam nu'ammerkum ma yatazakkaruo feehi man tazakkara wa ja'akumuo alnazeeruo fa-zuquo fama lel-zalemeena men naseer (37).
And they will cry therein, our Lord, Bring us out we will do righteous deed other than that we used to do, Did We not give you long life in which whoever would remember to remember?, and the warner came to you, so Taste, then there is no helper for the wrongdoers.

Inna Allaha Alemuo ghaiybi alsamawati  wa alardi innahuo Aleemun be-zati alsuduor (38).
Indeed, Allah is the All-Knower of the unseen of the heavens and the earth, indeed, He is All-knower of what is in the breasts. 

Huwa allazi ja'alakum khala-efa fee alardi fa-man kafara fa-aliyhi kufruhuo wa la yazeeduo alkafereena kufruhum enda Rabbehim ella maqtan wa la yazeeduo alkafereena kufruhum ella khasara (39).
He is the One who made you successors on the earth, so whoever disbelieves, then upon him his disbelief, and the disbelief of the disbelievers does not increase them with their lord except hatred, and the disbelief of the disbelievers does increase them except loss.
Qal ara'aytum shuraka-akum allazina tad-uona men duoni ellahi aruoni maza khalaquo mena alardi am lahum sherkun fee alsamawati am ataiynahum ketaban fa-hum ala bayyinatin menhuo bal in ya'eduo alzalemuona ba'duhum ba'dan ella ghuruora (40).
Say Have you seen your partners whom you call besides Allah, Show Me what they have created of the earth or do they have a share in the heavens, or Have We given them a book so they are on a clear proof therefrom?, but, the wrongdoers promise each other nothing but delusion.

Inna Allaha youmsekuo alsamawati wa alarda an tazuola wala-in zalata in amsakahuma men ahadin men ba'dehi innahuo kana Haleeman Ghafuora (41)
Indeed, Allah holds the heavens and the earth lest they cease, and if they cease, there is none can hold them after Him, indeed, He is Most Forbearing, All-forgiving.

Wa aqsamuo bellahi jahda aiymanehim la-in ja'ahum nazeerun la-yakununna ahda men ehda al-aumami fa-lamma ja'ahum nazeerun ma zadahum ella nufuora (42).
And they swore by Allah the strongest of their oaths that if a warner came to them, they would be more guided than one of the nations, but when a warner came to them, it did not increase them except aversion.

Estekbaran fee alardi wa makra alsaiyy-ee wa la yaheequo almakruo alsaiyy-uo ella be-ahlehi fa-hal yanzuruona ella sunnata alawwaleena fa-lan tajeda le-sunnati ellahi tabdeelan wa lan tajeda le-sunnanti ellahi tahweela (43).
Arrogance in the land and plotting of evil, and the plotting of evil does not surround except its people, so Do they wait except the rule of the former people?, and you will never find any change in the rule of Allah, and you will never find any alteration in the rule of Allah.

Awa-lam yaseeruo fee alardi fa-yanzuruo kaiyfa kana aqebatuo allazina men qablehim wa kanuo ashadda menhum quwwatan wa ma kana Allahu leyu'jezahuo men shaiy-in fee alsamawati wa la fee alardi innahuo kana Aleeman Qadeera (44).
Have they not traveled in the land and see how was the end of those before them, and they were greater in might than them, and there nothing in the heavens or on the earth can cause failure to Allah, indeed, He is All-Knower, All-Powerful. 

Wa laww you-akhezuo Allahu alnnasa bema kasabuo ma taraka ala zahreha men dabbatin wa lakin you-akhkheruhum ela ajalin musamman fa-iza ja'a ajaluhum fa-inna Allaha kana be-ebadehi Baseera (45).
And if Allah were to deal with mankind for what they have earned, He would not leave on its back any moving creature, but He delays them to an appointed time, and when their time comes, then indeed, Allah is All-Seeing of His servants.

Simplified interpretation:

 Surat Fatir is one of the five Surahs of the Holy Quran that begin with Praise, and it carries many acknowledgments of Allah's great Ability and the perfection of His power as He creates various and different forms from one kind such as Angels, seas, fruits, mountains, humans, moving creatures, and cattle. And Allah assures that He causes Muslims to inherit the Holy Quran, and He divided them into three categories including those who wrong themselves, those who are moderate in worship and those who are foremost in good deeds by the permission of Allah, and Allah has given them the glad tidings of the gardens of Eden, but as for the disbelievers, they will enter Hellfire and they will abide therein forever as it will not be decreed for them that they will die, and its torment will not be lightened for them.

Allah says in the first three verses (1-3) "Praise be to Allah, the Originator of the heavens and the earth, who makes the Angels Messengers having wings in two, three, and four, He increases in the creation what He wills, indeed, Allah is over everything All-Powerful, whatever Allah grants to mankind of mercy, then none can withhold it, and what He withholds then none can release it thereafter, and He is Almighty, All-Wise, O mankind! Remember the blessing of Allah upon you, Is there any creator other than Allah who provides you from the sky and the earth, there is no god but He, so how are you being turned away?", that is, Allah praises Himself and says Praise be Allah, the Creator of the heavens and the earth, the One who makes the Angels Messengers between Him and His Prophets, and the Angels have wings with which they fly in order to reach what they are commanded to do quickly, so some of them have two wings, some of them have three wings, some of them have four wings, and some of them have more than that, and as narrated by Zirr Bin Hubaish from Abdullah Bin Mas'ud that Allah's Messenger (PBUH) saw Gabriel in His original form and He had six hundred wings, so Allah is Able to do whatever He wants, and neither impediment nor inability can prevent Him from doing whatever He wills, thereupon, if Allah intends a mercy for mankind, then there is none can prevent it, and if He withholds His mercy, then there is none can release it, where if Allah should touch man with adversity, there is no remover of it except Him, and if He intends for Him good, then there is no preventer of His bounty as mentioned in Aya (107) of Surat Yunus, and Allah is All-Mighty who is Severe in His revenge on those who disobeyed Him, and He is All-Wise who manages His creation with wisdom in His laws and destiny, and then Allah commanded mankind to remember His blessings upon them and to acknowledge His oneness, as just He is the Creator and the Provider, and there is no Creator other than Him, who provides them the rain from the sky, and the good from the earth, so Do not worship other than Him, and Do not associate idols with him, then How the infidels turned away and associated idols with Him, which do not create any thing, and do not benefit nor harm.

 Allah says in the next three verses (4-6) "And if they deny You, then indeed, Messengers were denied before You, and to Allah all matters will be returned, O mankind! indeed, the promise of Allah is true, so Let not the worldly life deceive you and Let not the deceiver deceive you about Allah, indeed, Satan is an enemy to you, so take him as an enemy, he only invites his party to be among the companions of the blaze", that is, Allah addresses His Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) and says if the infidels of Quraish denied Him, this is the condition of the infidels all the time for Messengers were denied before Him, so Do not grieve where all affairs will be returned to Allah on the day of resurrection, and He will judge between His creation with truth and justice, then Allah addresses the infidels and assures them that His promise of the resurrection and reckoning is true, and it will inevitably happen, so Let not the worldly life deceive you with its falsehoods, illusions and enjoyments, and Let not Satan deceive and tempt you from believing in Allah and from following His Messenger for Satan is an enemy to mankind, so Allah commanded mankind to take him as an enemy, oppose him, and deny him in what he deceives them with, where he only intends to lead them astray so that they enter the blaze of Hellfire with him, and his mission is to invite his companions to be among the companions of the blaze of Hellfire.

 Allah says in the next two verses (7,8) "Those who disbelieve for them a severe punishment, and those who believe and do righteous deeds for them forgiveness and a great reward, Is it the one who has been adorned for him the evil of his deed, so he sees it as good?, so indeed, Allah lets go astray whom He wills, and guides whom He wills, so Do not let Your soul go out in regrets for them, indeed, Allah is All-Knower of what they do", that is, Allah confirms that those who disbelieve in Him and follow Satan, will enter Hellfire that in which a severe punishment awaits them, but as for those who believe in Allah and do righteous deeds will have forgiveness of their sins, and will have a great reward which is Paradise, abiding therein forever. Unquestionably, the companions of Hellfire and the companions of Paradise are not equal; because the disbeliever whose evil deed has been adorned for him, so he sees the evil deed as good deed, is not equal to the believer who believes in Allah, His Messengers, and His books, and does righteous deeds, so the effort of the disbelievers in the worldly life has gone in vain while they think that they were doing well as mentioned in Aya (104) of Surat Alkahf, then Allah assures that He lets go astray whom He wills, and guides whom He wills, thereupon, their guidance is not upon Allah's Messenger, so Allah commanded Him not to let His soul go out in regret for them, where Allah is All-Knower of what they do, and He knows best whoever deserves guidance and whoever deserves misguidance.

Allah says in the next verse (9) "And Allah is the One who sends the winds, then they stir the clouds, and We drive them to a dead land so We revive thereby the earth after its death, thus is the resurrection", that is, Allah cites an example of His Ability to revive the dead on the day of resurrection, where when the land dies and becomes with no vegetation, Allah sends the winds in order to stir the clouds, and then He drives the clouds to rain on the dead land, so He revives by the rain the land after its death, likewise, the resurrection will be in a same manner, where the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said in narration of Abu Hurayrah: "Between the two blows of the trumpet, there will be forty, the people said O Abu Hurayrah! Forty days?, I refused to reply, they said forty months?, I refused to reply, they said forty years?, I refused to reply, then Allah will send water from the sky and then the dead bodies will grow like vegetation grows, there is nothing of the human body that does not decay except one bone, that is, the little bone at the end of the coccyx of which the human body will be resurrected on the day of resurrection" (Sahih Muslim 2955 a).

Allah says in the next verse (10) "Whoever desires the honor, then the honor belongs to Allah entirely, to Him ascends the good words and the righteous deed raises it, and those who plot the evil for them a severe punishment, and the plotting of those will be nullified", that is, whoever likes to be honorable in the worldly life and in the Hereafter, so let him obey Allah; because all the honor belongs to Allah and He gives it to His believing servants as mentioned in Surat Almunafiquon Aya (8) "But the honor belongs to Allah, and to His Messenger, and to the believers, but the hypocrites do not know", and the good words of remembrance, recitation and supplication ascend to Allah, and the righteous deed of prayer, fasting and other obligations raises the good words, therefore, the good saying require a god deed to raise it where saying without action does not benefit man, so Allah threatens the polytheists who plot the evil with a severe punishment in the Hereafter, and their plotting will be nullified and will turn against them.

 Allah says in the next verse (11) "And Allah has created you from dust then from a sperm-drop then He made you couples, and no female gets pregnant, nor does she give birth except with His knowledge, nor does a person get long life, nor is lessened from his age except in a book, indeed, that is easy for Allah", that is, Allah began the creation of Adam from dust, then He made the creation of Adam's progeny from a sperm-drop, then He made them couples, male and female, so that they may find tranquility in each other as mentioned in Surat Alroom Aya (21), and so that the progeny continues on the earth for an appointed time that Allah only knows. And nothing is hidden from Allah in the heavens nor on the earth, there is no female gets pregnant, nor does she give birth to her child except with the knowledge of Allah, and there is no one is destined for longevity except he reaches the length of his life that Allah has destined for him, and no one is destined to be short-lived except he reaches the length of his life that Allah has destined for him, and both of them end up with the book written with Allah, and if a person's life span is increased, then it is written with Allah that his life will be increased by doing such and such where as narrated by Abu Hurayrah: "I heard Allah's Messenger saying: Whoever is pleased that he be granted more wealth and that his lease of life be prolonged, then He should keep good relation with his kith and kin", and that is easy for Allah; because His knowledge encompasses everything and nothing is hidden from Him.

Allah says in the next verse (12) "And the two seas are not alike, this is fresh, sweet, and its drink is pleasant and this is salty and bitter and from each, you eat tender meat, and extract ornaments that you wear them, and you see the ships cleaving it, so that you may seek of His bounty and that you may give thanks.", that is, Allah cites His bounty upon man as He has created the two seas, and they are not alike for one of them is fresh, sweet, and its drinks is pleasant and the other is salty and bitter, and he eats from each of them tender meat of fish and seafood; because whatever the age of the fish is, it remains a tender and soft meat and does not take much time to be cooked compared to the animal meat which gets tougher and increases in cooking as the age of the animal increases, so glory to be Allah, in addition to, man extracts ornaments that he wears from the two seas like the pearl and the coral as mentioned in Surat Alrahman Aya (22), and you see the ships cleaving the water of the sea, so that man may seek Allah's bounty whether by travelling across the sea for trade from one place to another or by fishing and extracting ornaments, and that man may give thanks to Allah, the One who has subjected the two seas for him.

Allah says in the next two verses (13,14) "He enters the night into the day and enters the day into the night, and He has subjected the sun and the moon, each running for an appointed time, that is Allah, your Lord, to Him belongs the kingdom, and those whom you call besides Him do not possess even the crust of a date-seed, If you call them, they do not hear your call and if they heard they will not respond to you, and the day of resurrection, they will deny your association, and none can inform you like All-Aware", that is, Allah enters the missing hours of the night into the day, so it become an increase in the hours of the day, and He enters the missing hours of the day into the night, so it become an increase in the hours of the night, therefore, sometimes the night is long and the day is short, sometimes vise versa , and sometimes they are equal. As a result, the four seasons of the year are determined which are winter, spring, summer, and autumn. And Allah has subjected the sun and the moon for sunrise and sunset, each running for an appointed term which is the day of resurrection, that is Allah, the Creator of everything and to Him belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth and whatever is between them, but the idols whom the polytheists invoke besides Allah do not possess anything, and they are not able to create anything even the membrane of a date-seed. And these idols whom they invoke besides Allah do not hear their supplication; because they are inanimate objects, and if they were to hear they will not respond to them because they are unaware of their supplication, but rather on the day of resurrection, these idols whom they invoke in the worldly life will be their enemies and will disavow them and will be deniers of their worship, and this is similar to Aya (5) of Surat Alahqaf, and none can inform you of the consequence of their association and what will happen on the day of resurrection like Allah who is All-Aware of everything.

Allah says in the next three verses (15-17) "O mankind! you are in need of Allah, while Allah is Free of need, the Praiseworthy, If He wills, He can do away with you, and bring a new creation, and that is not difficult for Allah", that is, Allah addresses mankind saying that they are in need of Him, while He is Free of need of anyone as to Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth, and all mankind need their Creator because in His Hand is their life, their sustenance, and their death, so He did not create them out of need of themand He is the Praiseworthy of all what He decrees, and if Allah wills, He can do away with the polytheists and bring a new creation, and they will not be the likes of them as mentioned in Aya (38) of Surat Muhammad, rather they will be more obedient to Him, and that is not difficult for Allah; Because the creation of the heavens and the earth is greater than the creation of mankind, but most of people do not know as Allah has stated in Aya (57) of Surat Ghafir.

 Allah says in the next verse (18) "And no bearer of burden shall bear the burden of another and if a soul heavily laden calls to its load, it will not be carried anything of it even if he was a near of kin, You can only warn those who fear their Lord, unseen, and establish the prayer, and whoever gets purified, he only gets purified for himself, and to Allah is the final return", that is, Allah confirms that everybody who wrongs himself by disbelief or some sins, it is upon him to bear his sin, and no one can bear it from him, and if a soul burdened with its sins call to all or some of its burdens to be lifted from it, it will not be carried anything of it even if he was a near of kin, he will not carry anything of it; because on the day of resurrection, man will flee from his brother, his mother, his father, his wife, and his children for every man among them that day have a matter occupying him as Allah has stated in Ayat (34-37) of Surat Abasa. Then Allah says to His Messenger that He can only warn he who fears Allah before meeting Him so that he obeys Him, follows His commands, and fears Allah when no one but Allah sees him, and establishes the prayer, and whoever gets purified himself by believing in Allah and doing good deeds, he only purified himself; because Allah is free of need for man as shown above, but He does not like disbelief for His servants as mentioned in Aya (7) of Surat Alzumar, and to Allah is the final return on the day of resurrection, so He will recompense every man for what he used to do in the worldly life. 

Allah says in the next five verses (19-23) "And the blind and the seeing are not equal, nor are the darknesses and the light, nor are the shade and the heat, and the living and the dead are not equal, indeed, Allah causes to hear whom He wills, and You can not make hear those who are in the graves, Your are but a warner", that is, Allah cites examples of something and its opposite to assure that the one who is upon guidance from His Lord is not equal to the one who is upon error, just as blindness and seeing are not equal, nor are darknesses and the light, nor are the shade and the heat, nor are the living and the dead, likewise, the believer and the disbeliever are not equal, nor are the belief and the disbelief equal, and Allah causes to hear whom He wills, so He guides Him and opens his heart to faith, thereupon, Allah says to His Prophet that as He can not make hear those who are in the graves, likewise, He can not make hear those who disbelieve and can not guide them; because they are like the dead for they do not hear the guidance nor see the truth. So Allah's Messenger is only a warner and He have no power over them, He only has to inform and warn of Allah's punishment, and Allah leads astray whom He wills, and guides whom He wills.

 Allah says in the next three verses (24-26) "Indeed, We have sent You with the truth, a bearer of glad tidings and a warner, and there was no nation without a warner having passed among them, and if they deny You, then indeed those who were before them denied, their Messengers came to them with the clear signs and the Scriptures, and the enlightening book, then I seized those who disbelieved, so how was My rejection", that is, Allah addresses His Messenger and says that He has sent Him with the truth, a bearer of glad tidings of Paradise for those who obey Allah, and a warner of Hellfire for those who disobey Him, and there was no nation without a Prophet having passed among them, and if Quraish denied Allah's Messenger, then indeed, those who were before them denied their Messengers; because the denial is the situation of the infidels at all times, where when their Messengers came to them with the clear signs and proofs, the Scriptures, and the enlightening book, they persisted on their disbelief, so Allah seized them and How was Allah's rejection of their denial?, unquestionably, Allah punished them with a severe and painful torment.

 Allah says in the next two verses (27,28) "Do you not see that Allah has sent down water from the sky, then We have brought forth thereby fruits of varying colors, and among the mountains are tracts white and red of varying colors, and intensely black, and among people and the moving creatures and the cattle are various colors as well, only those fear Allah from His servants are those who have knowledge, indeed, Allah is Almighty, All-Forgiving", that is, Allah cites His great Ability and the perfection of His power as He creates various and different forms from one kind, the first of which is the water that He sends down from the sky, then He produces with which fruits of different colors including red, green, yellow, orange and other colors, and as their colors vary, their tastes and smells also vary, and Allah has created tracts in the mountains which differ from the color of the mountains, and they look like roads inside the mountains in different colors including white, red, and intensely black as in the mountain ranges in western and southern China, and Allah has created people, the moving creatures, and the cattle in various colors as well. Then Allah assures that only those who have knowledge about Him are those who fear Him from among His servants; because the greater the knowledge about Allah, the greater the fear of Him, so since those who have knowledge about Allah knew that He is All-Powerful over everything, they obey Him in what He commands, they avoid what He forbids, and they fear Him and His punishment as Allah is the Almighty who is Severe in His revenge on those who disobeyed Him but at the same time He is All-Forgiving who forgives those who repent, believe, and do righteous deeds.

 Allah says in the next two verses (29,30) ''Indeed, those who recite the book of Allah, and establish the prayer and spend from what We have provided them, secretly and openly, hope a trade that will never perish, that He may give them their reward in full, and may increase for them of His bounty, indeed, He is All-Forgiving, Most Appreciative", that is, Allah encourages the believers to recite the Holy Quran, and Allah's Messenger also said in narration of Abu Musa Alash'ari: "The example of the one who recites the Quran is like that of a citron (citrus medica) which tastes good and smells good, and the one who does not recite the Quran is like a date which is good in taste but has no smell, and the example of the wretched one who recites the Quran is like the basil which smells good but tastes bitter, and the example of the wretched one who does not recite the Quran is like the bitter gourd (Citrullus colocynthis) which tastes bitter and has no smell". So the believers who recite the Holy Quran and act according to it, establish the obligatory prayers in its prescribed times, and spend in the way of Allah from what Allah has provided them, whether obligatory charity (Zakah) or alms, secretly and publicly, they hope a commerce with Allah that will never perish for He will give them their reward in full, and will multiply the reward for them from His bounty where Allah is All-Forgiving of sins, Most-Appreciative of good deeds by doubling its reward. 

Allah says in the next two verses (31,32) "And that which We have revealed to You of the book is the truth, confirming what was before it, indeed, Allah is All-Aware, All-seeing of His servants, then We cause to inherit the book those We have chosen of Our servants, and among them is he who wrongs himself, and among them is he who is moderate and among them is he who is foremost in good deeds by the permission of Allah, that is the great bounty", that is, Allah addresses His Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) and says that the Holy Quran which He has revealed to Him is the truth, and the Holy Quran confirms what was before it of the books that Allah has revealed to the Messengers before Muhammad,  and Allah is All-Aware, All-Seeing of who deserves His bounty from among His servants, so the Messengers were preferred over all human beings, and some of them are preferred over others, and He made Muhammad (PBUH) over all of them. And Allah causes His Ummah (Muslims) to inherit the Holy Quran, those Allah has chosen of His servants, then He divided them into three groups: the first of which is he who wrongs himself by not committing to doing some duties and committing some forbidden things but he does not wrong himself by disbelief, where as narrated by Abdullah Bin Mas'ud: "When Allah has revealed to His Messenger Aya (82) of Surat Alana'am "It is those who believe and confound not their belief with wrongdoing'', the companions of Allah's Messenger were greatly perturbed, they said: Who among us that he does not wrong himself?, upon this Allah's Messenger remarked: It does not mean that which you presume, it implies that which Luqman said to his son ''O my son! Do not associate anything with Allah, indeed, association is a great wrongdoing", the second is he who is moderate in worship as he performs the obligatory duties, avoids the forbidden things, and he may leave some desirable things and commits some sins, and the third is he who is foremost in good deeds by the permission of Allah as he is forerunner in doing good, he does the obligatory and the desirable duties, and he abandons the forbidden and some of the permissible, and that is the great bounty of Allah for those whom He has chosen from among His servants.  

 Allah says in the next three verses (33-35) "The gardens of Eden, they will enter them, they will be adorned therein with bracelets of gold and pearls, and their wearing therein will be of silk, and they will say, Praise be to Allah who has removed the sorrow from us, indeed, our Lord is All-Forgiving, Most Appreciative, the One who has settled us in the abode of eternity out of His bounty, no fatigue will touch us therein, nor will illness touch us therein", that is, the chosen servants of Allah will enter the gardens of Eden, and Eden is one of the names of Paradise, and they will be adorned therein with bracelets of gold and pearls, and their wearing therein will be of silk, and the men are forbidden from wearing silk in the worldly life where as narrated by Ibn Umar who said: ''I heard Umar mentioning that The Prophet said Whoever wears silk in the worldly life, he shall not wear it in the Hereafter", and they will offer praise and gratitude to Allah when they enter paradise for He has removed the sorrow of Hellfire and other calamities from them, and they will say indeed our Lord is All-Forgiving of sins, Most-Appreciative of good deeds by doubling its reward, the one who has settled us in the abode of eternity in Paradise where neither fatigue nor illness will touch us therein.

 Allah says in the next three verses (36-38) "And those who disbelieve, for them the fire of Hell, it will not be decreed for them that they will die, and its torment will not be lightened for them, thus, We recompense every ungrateful, and they will cry therein, our Lord, Bring us out we will do righteous deed other than that we used to do, Did We not give you long life in which whoever would remember to remember?, and the warner came to you, so Taste, then there is no helper for the wrongdoers, indeed, Allah is the All-Knower of the unseen of the heavens and the earth, indeed, He is All-knower of what is in the breasts", that is, the disbelievers will enter Hellfire and they will abide therein forever as it will not be decreed for them that they will die, and its torment will not be lightened for them and they will ask Malik, the warden of Hellfire, that Allah judges them with death, so that they may rest from what they are in, but Malik will disappoint them and will tell them that they will remain in the Hellfire as mentioned in Aya (77) of Surat Alzukhruf, so thus Allah recompense every ungrateful who denies Allah's blessings and worships other than Him, and they will cry in Hellfire and will ask Allah to bring them out the Hellfire and to return them to the worldly life in order to do righteous deeds other than what they used to do, then Allah will answer them by saying that Have they not lived for ages in the worldly life, and if they were among those who accept the truth, they would have benefited from it during the duration of their life, likewise, the warner came to them but they persisted on their disbelief, thereupon, there is no way to return to the worldly life because their nature does not accept the truth but rather it denies it, and if they were returned they would return to that which they were forbidden as Allah stated in Aya (28) of Surat Alana'am, so it will be said to them Taste the torment of Hellfire, and there is neither helper nor protector for the wrongdoers on the day of resurrection, and then Allah assures that nothing on the earth or in the sky is hidden from Him where He knows the unseen of the heavens and the earth and He is All-Knower of everything where nothing is hidden from Him even the secrets that the breasts conceal. 

Allah says in the next two verses (39,40) "He is the One who made you successors on the earth, so whoever disbelieves, then upon him his disbelief, and the disbelief of the disbelievers does not increase them with their lord except hatred, and the disbelief of the disbelievers does increase them except loss, Say Have you seen your partners whom you call besides Allah, Show Me what they have created of the earth or do they have a share in the heavens, or Have We given them a book so they are on a clear proof therefrom?, but, the wrongdoers promise each other nothing but delusion", that is, Allah made people successors on the earth where a people succeeds others before them and a generation succeeds other generations, so whoever disbelieves, then the affliction of his disbelief will turn against himself, and the disbelief of the disbelievers does not increase them except hatred and loss with Allah; because the more they persist on their disbelief, Allah will hate them, and the more they persist on their disbelief, they will lose themselves on the day of resurrection, and because the disbelievers did not believe that Allah has created the heavens and the earth and what is between them, Allah commanded His Messenger to ask them to see what their gods and idols have created of the earth or Do these idols have a share in the heavens, or Have Allah revealed to them a book of what they say of disbelief, so they are on a clear proof therefrom, unquestionably, the idols whom the disbelievers call besides Allah do not posses anything, and they are not able to create anything even the membrane of a date-seed as shown above in Aya (13), so the wrongdoers promise each other nothing but delusion and falsehood.

Allah says in the next verse (41) "Indeed, Allah holds the heavens and the earth lest they cease, and if they cease, there is none can hold them after Him, indeed, He is Most Forbearing, All-forgiving", that is, Allah is the Creator of the heavens and the earth, and He has placed the force holding both of them lest they move away from their place, and He only can keep them where if they were to cease, there is none who can hold them after Allah, and Allah is Most Forbearing for those who disobey him by not hastening His punishment, and He is All-Forgiving who forgives those who repent, believe, and do righteous deeds. 

 Allah says in the next two verses (42,43) "And they swore by Allah the strongest of their oaths that if a warner came to them, they would be more guided than one of the nations, but when a warner came to them, it did not increase them except aversion, arrogance in the land and plotting of evil, and the plotting of evil does not surround except its people, so Do they wait except the rule of the former people?, and you will never find any change in the rule of Allah, and you will never find any alteration in the rule of Allah", that is, the polytheists of Quraish swore by Allah with the strongest of their oaths that if a warner came to them, they would be more guided than one of the nations and they would have been the chosen servants of Allah as mentioned in Aya (169) of Surat Alsaffat, but when Allah sent His Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) to them, they opposed and denied Him, and that did not increase them except aversion from the truth out of their arrogance in the land and plotting of evil as they used to prevent people from the way of Allah, but the plotting of evil will turn against themselves, and they will be surrounded by the consequence of their disbelief for they wait nothing but the punishment that Allah has inflicted upon the former people who disbelieved in Allah and denied their Messengers, and this is the rule of Allah which has passed before in the previous nations, and you will not find any alteration or change in the rule of Allah, and if He intends the punishment for a people, there is no repelling of it.

 Allah says in the last two verses (44,45) "Have they not traveled in the land and see how was the end of those before them, and they were greater in might than them, and there nothing in the heavens or on the earth can cause failure to Allah, indeed, He is All-Knower, All-Powerful, and if Allah were to deal with mankind for what they have earned, He would not leave on its back any moving creature, but He delays them to an appointed time, and when their time comes, then indeed, Allah is All-Seeing of His servants", that is, Allah marvels at the fact that the polytheists of Quraish traveled across the land, and saw the torment that Allah had inflicted upon the previous nations though they were greater than them in might, and nothing prevented them from Allah's punishment for nothing in the heavens or on the earth can cause failure to Allah just when He decrees a matter, He only say to it "Be", and it comes to be as mentioned in many places of the Holy Quran including Surat Albaqarah Aya (117) and Surat Ghafir Aya (68), and Allah is All-Knower of His creation, and He is Able to do whatever He wills, and if He were to punish mankind for what they have earned of sins, He would destroy all the people of the earth and would not leave on its back any moving creature, but He delays them to the day of resurrection, and when their time comes, He will recompense them for their deeds, and He is All-Seeing of His servants as He knows who among them deserves to be punished, and who deserves to be rewarded.

No one Knows its interpretation except Allah

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