42- Surat Alshura/Tafseer

53 Verses Meccan (revealed in Mecca)

A'auzu Bellahi mena alshaiytani alrajeem

I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed Satan

Bismi Ellahi Alrhmani Alraheem

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

Ha meem (1).
Ha meem.

Ain Seen Qaaf (2).
Ain Seen Qaaf.

Kazaleka youhi elaiyka wa ela allazina men qableka Allahu Alazeezu Alhakeem (3).
Thus, Allah, the Almighty, the All-Wise reveals to You and to those before You.

Lahuo me fee alsamawati wa ma fee alardi wa huwa alaliyyu alazeem (4).
To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth and He is the Most High, the Most Great.

Takaduo Alsamawatuo yatafattarna men fawqehenna wa almalekatuo yousabbehuona be-hamdi Rabbehim wa yastaghferuona le-man fee alardi ala inna Allaha huwa Alghafuoru Alraheem (5).
The heavens almost cleft from above them, and the Angels glorify with the praise of their Lord, and ask forgiveness for those on the earth, unquestionably, Allah is the All-forgiving, the Most Merciful.

Wa allazina ettakhazuo men duonehi awliyaa Allahu Hafeezun alaiyhim wa ma anta alaiyhim be-wakeel (6).
And those who take protectors besides Him, Allah is Oft-Preserver over them, and You are not a guardian over them.

Wa kazaleka awhaiyna elaiyka quranan arabiyyan le-tunzera aumma alqura wa man hawlaha wa tunzera yawma aljam-ee la raiyba feehi fareequn fee aljannati wa fareequn fee alsa-eer (7).
And thus We have revealed to You an Arabic Quran, that You may warn the Mother of the towns and those around it, and that You warn the day of gathering about which there is no doubt, a group in the Paradise and a group in the blazing fire.

Wa laww sha-a Allahu laja'alahum aummatan wahedatan wa laken youdkheluo man yasha-uo fee rahmatehi wa alzaleemuona ma lahum men waliyyin wa la naseer (8)
And if Allah had willed, He would have made them one religion, but He admits whom He wills in His Mercy, and the wrongdoers, they have neither a protector nor a helper.

Ami ettakhazuo men duonehi awliyaa fa-Allahu huwa alwaliyyu wa huwa youhyi almawta wa huwa ala kulli shaiy-in qadeer (9).
Or have they taken allies besides Him?, but Allah, He is the Protector, and He gives life to the dead, and He is over everything All-powerful.

Wa ma ekhtalaftum feehi men shaiy-in fa-hukmuhuo ela Allahi, zalekumuo Allahu Rabbi alaiyhi tawakkaltuo wa elaiyhi auneeb (10).
And whatever you differ in it of a thing, then its ruling is to Allah, that is My Lord, upon Him I have put My trust, and to Him I turn.

Fateruo alsamawati wa alardi ja'ala lakum men anfusekum azwajan wa mena alana'mi azwajan yazra'ukum feehi laiytha ka-methlehi shaiy-on wa huwa Alsamee-u Albaseer (11).
The Originator of the heavens and the earth, He has made for you from yourselves, pairs, and among the cattle pairs, He raises you in it, nothing is like Him, And He is the All-Hearing, the All-Seeing.

Lahuo maqaleeduo alsamawati wa alardi yabsutuo alrezqa le-man yasha-uo wa yaqderuo innahu be-kulli shaiy-in Aleem (12)
To Him belongs the keys of the heavens and the earth, He extends the provision for whom He wills, and restricts, indeed, He is All-Knower of everything.

Shara'a lakum mena aldeeni ma wassa behi Noohan wa allazi awhaiyna elaiyka wa ma wassaiyna behi Ibrahima wa Musa wa Eisa an aqeemuo aldeena wa la tatafarraquo feehi, kabura ala almushrekeena ma tad-uhum elaiyhi Allahu yajtabi elaiyhi man yasha-uo wa yahdi elaiyhi man youneeb (13).
He has legislated for you of the religion what He enjoined upon Noah, and what which We have revealed to you, and what We enjoined upon Abraham, and Moses, and Jesus to establish the religion, and Do not divide therein, difficult upon the polytheists is what you call them to, Allah chooses to Himself whom He wills, and guides to Himself whoever turns.

Wa ma tafarraquo ella men ba'di ma ja'ahumuo alelmuo baghiyan baiynahum wa lawla kalematun sabaqat men Rabbeka ela ajalin musamman la-qudeiya baiynahum wa inna allazina aurethuo alketaba men ba'dehim la-fee shakkin menhuo mureeb (14).
And they did not become divided until after the knowledge had come to them, tyranny between them, and if not for a word that preceded from Your lord for a specified term, it would have been judged between them, and those who were made to inherit the book after them are in confusing doubt about it.

Falee-zaleka fad-uo wa-staqim kama aumerta wa la tatabe' ahwa-ahum wa qul amantuo bema anzala Allahu men ketabin wa aumertuo le-a'adela baiynakumuo Allahu Rabbuna wa Rabbukum lana a'amaluna wa lakum a'amalukum la hujjata baiynana wa baiynakumuo Allahu yajma-uo baiynana wa elaiyhi Almasser (15).
So to that, then Call and Be upright as You are commanded, and Do not follow their desires, but Say I believed in whatever book Allah has revealed, and I have been ordered that I do justice between you, Allah is our Lord and your Lord, for us are our deeds, and for you your deeds, there is no argument between Us and you, Allah will gather us together, and to Him is the final return.

Wa allazina youhajjuona fee ellahi men ba'di ma-stugheeba lahuo hujjatuhum dahedatun enda Rabbehim wa alaiyhim ghadabun wa lahum azabun shadeed (16).
And those who argue concerning Allah after it has been responded to Him, their argument is invalid with their Lord, and upon them is wrath, and for them a severe punishment.

Allahu Allazi anzala alketaba bel-haqqi wa almeezana wa ma youdreeka la'alla alsa-ata qareeb (17).
Allah is the One who has sent down the book with truth and the balance, and how do you know, perhaps the Hour is near. 

Yasta'jeluo beha allazina la you'menuona beha wa allazina amanuo mushfequona menh wa ya'lamuona annaha alhaqquo ala inna allazina youmaruona fee alsa-ati la-fee dalalin baeed (18).
Those who do not believe in it seek to hasten it, and those who believe in it are apprehensive from it, and know that it is the truth, unquestionably, indeed, those who dispute regarding the Hour in far error.

Allahu Lateefun be-ebadehi yarzuquo man yasha-uo wa huwa alqawiyyu Alazeez (19).
Allah is Gentle with His servants, He provides for whom He wills, and He is the All-Strong, the Almighty.

Man kana youreduo hartha alakherati nazed lahu fee harthehi wa man kana youreduo hartha aldunya nu'tehi menha wa ma lahuo fee alakherati men naseeb (20).
Whoever desires the harvest of the Hereafter, We will increase for him his harvest, and whoever desires the harvest of the worldly life, We will give him thereof, and there is no share for him in the Hereafter. 

Am lahum shuraka-uo shara-uo lahum mena alddini ma lam ya'zan behi ellahu wa lawla kalematuo alfasli la-qudeiya baiynahum wa inna alzalemeena lahum azabun aleem (21).
Or do they have partners who have legislated for them of the religion what Allah did not give permission of it?, and if not a decisive word, it would have been judged between them, and indeed, the wrongdoers for them, a painful punishment.

Tara alzalemeena mushfeqeena memma kasabuo wa huwa waqe-on behim wa allazina amanuo wa ameluo alsalehati fee rawdati aljannati lahum ma yasha-uona enda Rabbehim zaleka huwa alfadluo alkabeer (22).
You will see the wrongdoers fearful of what they have earned, and it will befall them, and those who believe and do righteous deeds will be in meadows of the gardens, for them whatever they wish with their Lord that is the great bounty.

Zaleka allazi youbashsheruo Allahu ebadahuo allazina amanuo wa amelo alsalehati qul la ass-alukum alaiyhi ajran ella almawaddata fee alqurba wa man yaqtarif hasanatan nazed lahu feeha husnan inna Allaha ghafurun shakuor (23).
That is of which Allah gives glad tidings to His servants who believe and do righteous deeds, Say I do not ask you a wage for it except the love among the relatives, and whoever commits a good deed We will increase for him good therein, indeed, Allah is All-Forgiving, Most-Appreciative.

Am yaquluona eftara ala Allahi kazeban fa-inn yasha'ee ellahu yakhtem ala qalbeka wa yamhuo Allahu albatela wa youheqquo alhaqqa be-kalematehi innahuo aleemun be-zati alssuduor (24).
Or do they say, He has invented against Allah a lie? but if Allah willed, He would seal over Your heart, and Allah eradicates the falsehood, and establishes the truth by His words, indeed He is All-Knower of what is in the breasts. 

Wa Huwa allazi yaqbaluo altawbata an ebadehi wa ya'fuo ani alsayyi-ati wa ya'lamuo ma tafa'luon (25).  
And He is the One who accepts the repentance from His servants and forgives evil deeds, and knows what you are doing.

Wa yastajeebuo allazina amanuo wa ameluo alsalehati wa yazeeduhum men fadlehi wa alkaferuona lahum azabun shadeed (26).
And He responses those who believe and do righteous deeds, and increases them from His bounty, and the disbelievers for them, a severe punishment.

Wa laww basata Allahu alrezqa le-ebadehi la-baghaww fee alardi wa laken younazzeluo be-qadarin ma yasha-uo innahu be-ebadehi khabeerun baseer (27).
And if Allah extended the provision for his servants, they would have transgressed on the earth, but He sends down what He wills in measure, indeed, He is of His servants All-Aware, All-Seeing.

Wa huwa Allazi younazzeluo alghaiytha men ba'di ma qanatuo wa yanshuru rahmatahu wa huwa Alwaliyyu Alhameed (28).
And He is the One who sends down the rain after they have despaired, and He spreads His mercy, and He is the Protector, the Praiseworthy.

Wa men ayatehi khalquo alsamawati wa alardi wa ma baththa feehema men dabbatin wa huwa ala jam-ehim iza yasha-uo qadeer (29).
And of His signs the creation of the heavens and the earth, and what He dispersed in both of them of a moving creature, and He is over their gathering when He wills All-Powerful.

Wa ma asabakum men museebatin fa-bema kasabat aiydekum wa ya'fuo an katheer (30).
And whatever afflicts you of calamity is because of what your hands have earned, but He pardons much.

Wa ma antum be-mu'jezeena fee alardi wa ma lakum men duoni ellahi men waliyyin wa la naseer (31).
And you will not cause failure on the earth, and besides Allah, you have neither a Protector nor a Helper. 

Wa men ayatehi aljawari fee albahri kal-a'alam (32).
And of His signs the ships in the sea like mountains.

In yasha' youskeni alreeha fa-yazlalna rawakeda ala zahrehi inna fee zaleka la-ayatin le-kulli sabbarin shakuor (33).
If He willed, He can cause the wind to become still, then they would remain motionless on its back, indeed, in that there are signs for everyone who is very patient, grateful. 

Aww youbekhunna  bema kasabuo wa ya'fuo an katheer (34).
Or He could destroy them for what they have earned, but He pardons much.

Wa ya'lama allazina youjadeluona fee ayatena ma lahum men mahees (35).
And those who dispute concerning Our signs may know that for them there is no refuge.

Fa-ma autetum men sahy-in famata-uo alhayati alduonya wa ma enda Allahi khaiyrun wa abqa le-llazina amanuo wa ala Rabbehim yatawakkaluon (36).
So whatever you have given of a thing is an enjoyment of the worldly life, and what is with Allah is better and more lasting for those who believe and put their trust upon their Lord.

Wa allazina yajtanebuona kaba-era alethmi wa alfawahesha  wa iza ma ghadebuo hum yaghferuon (37).
And those who avoid the major sins and immoralities, and when they get angry, they forgive.

Wa allazina estaghabuo le-rabbehim wa aqamuo alsalata wa amruhum shura baiynahum wa memma razaqnahum younfequon (38).
And those who have responded to their Lord, and established the prayer, and their matter is conducted by consultation among them, and from what We have provided them, they spend.

Wa allazina iza asabahumuo albaghyuo hum yantaseruon (39).
And those who when tyranny befalls them, they defend themselves.

Wa jaza-uo sayyi-atin sayyi-atun methluha fa-man afa wa aslaha fa-ajruhuo ala Allahi innahu la youhebbuo alzalemeen (40).
And the recompense of an evil deed is evil deed like it, but whoever pardons and makes reconciliation, then his reward is upon Allah, indeed, He does not like the wrongdoers.

Wa le-mani entasara ba'da zulmehi fa-aulaeka ma aliyhim men sabeel (41)
And whoever defends himself after he has been wronged, then those have not upon them any way.

Innama alsabeeluo ala allazina yazlemuona alnasa wa yabghuona fee alardi be-ghaiyri alhaqqi aulaeka lahum azabun aleem (42).
The way is only upon those who wrong the people, and commit tyranny on the earth without right, those for them a painful punishment.

Wa le-man sabara wa ghafara inna zaleka la-men azmi alaumuor (43).
And who ever is patient and forgives, indeed, that is of matters of determination.

Wa man youdleli ellahuo fama lahuo men waliyyin men ba'dehi wa tara alzalemeena lamma ra'awuo alazaba yaquluona hal ela maraddin  men sabeel (44).
And whoever Allah lets go astray, then for him, there is no protector after Him, and You will see the wrongdoers when they see the punishment saying is there any way to  return.

Wa tarahum you'raduona alaiyha khashe-ena mena alzulli yanzuruona men tarafin khafiyyin wa qala allazina amanuo inna alkhasereena allazina khaseruo anfusahum wa ahleehim yawma alqeiyamati ala inna alzalemeena fee azabin muqeem (45).
And You will see them being exposed to it, humbled from humiliation, looking with a stealthy glance, and those who believe will say indeed, the losers are those who lost themselves and their families on the day of resurrection, unquestionably, indeed, the wrongdoers are in constant punishment.

Wa ma kana lahum men awliyaa yansurunahum men duoni ellahi wa man youdleli ellahu fa ma lahu men sabeel (46).
And for them there will not be any protectors to help them besides Allah, and whoever Allah lets go astray for him there is no way.

Estajeebuo le-rabbekum men qabli an ya'teya yawmun la maradda lahu mena Allahi ma lakum men malja-in yawma-izin wa ma lakum men nakeer (47).
Respond to Your Lord before that comes a day, there is no averting for it from Allah, there is no refuge for you that day, nor will there be any denial for you.

Fa-in a'araduo fama arsalnaka alaiyhim hafeezan in alaiyka ella albalaghuo wa inna iza azaqna alinsana menna rahmatan fareha beha wa in tuosebhum sayyi-atun bema qaddamat aiydehim fa-inna alinsana kafuor (48).
So if they turn away, then We did not send you as a preserver over them, upon You is only the conveyance, and when We make man taste a mercy from Us he rejoices in it, but if an evil befalls them for what their hands have sent forth, then indeed, man is ungrateful.

Le-llahi mulkuo alsamawati wa alardi yakhluquo ma yasha-uo yahabuo leman yasha-uo enathan wa yahabuo leman yasha-uo alzukuor (49).
To Allah belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth, He creates what He wills, He grants females to whom He wills, and He grants the males to whom He wills.

Aww youzawwejuhum zukranan wa enathan wa yaja'luo man yasha-uo aqeeman innahu Aleemun Qadeer (50).
Or He grants them males and females, and He makes whom He wills barren, indeed, He is All-Knower, All-Powerful.

Wa ma kana le-basharin an youkallemahuo Allahu ella wahyan aww men wara-ee hejabin aww yoursela rasulan fa-youhiya be-eznehi ma yasha-uo innahu Aliyyun Hakeem (51).
And it is not for a human being that Allah speaks to him except by revelation, or from behind a barrier or that He sends a Messenger, then He reveals by His permission what He wills, indeed, He is Most High, All-Wise.

Wa kazaleka awhaiyna elaiyka ruhan men amrena ma kunta tadri ma alketabuo wa la alimanuo wa laken ja'alnahuo nuran nahdi behi man nasha-uo men ebadena wa innaka latahdi ela seeratin mustaqeem (52).
And thus, We have revealed to You a Spirit from Our command, You did not know what the book is nor the faith, but We have made it a light with which We guide whoever we will from among Our servants, and indeed, You  guide to a straight path.

Seerati ellahi allazi lahu ma fee alsamawati wa ma fee alardi ala ela Allahi taseeruo alaumuor (53).
The path of Allah, the One to whom belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth, unquestionably, to Allah all matters return.


Simplified interpretation:

 Surat Alshura begins with five letters of the Arabic language, just like 28 Surahs of the Holy Quran that start with individual letters ranging from one to five letters. It is noticeable that in all 29 Surahs the book or the Holy Quran is mentioned whether it is immediately after these letters or it is included in the Surah or even at the end of it. It is a challenge from Allah, Almighty, to the infidels of Quraish, as if Allah says to them this is the book in the letters of the language you speak, but you will not be able to produce the like of it, and He has already challenged them in Aya (88) of Surat Alisraa "Say, if mankind and the Jinn gathered in order to produce the like of this Quran, they could not produce the like of it, even if they were to each other assistants". As for the current Surah, it begins with five letters "Ha, Meem, Ain, Seen, and Qaaf" or "H, M, Ain (it has no equivalent), S, And Q" in English followed by "Thus, Allah, the Almighty, the All-Wise reveals to You and to those before You", and in Aya (7) "And thus We have revealed to You an Arabic Quran", but the knowledge of these letters remains with Allah, the Lord of the worlds.

 Allah says in the first five verses (1-5) "Ha, Meem, Ain, Seen, Qaaf, thus, Allah, the Almighty, the All-Wise reveals to You and to those before You, to Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth and He is the Most High, the Most Great, the heavens almost cleft from above them, and the Angels glorify with the praise of their Lord, and ask forgiveness for those on the earth, unquestionably, Allah is the All-forgiving, the Most Merciful", that is, Allah addresses His Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) and says that just as He revealed the Holy Quran to Him, He also revealed the scriptures to the Messengers before Him, and He is All-Mighty who is Severe in His revenge on those who disobeyed Him, and He is the All-Wise who manages His creation with wisdom in His laws and destiny. To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth, where He disposes all creatures as He wills for He is the Most High who is sublime over everything, and all things are below Him where His authority and His power is over them, and He is the Most Great who has greatness and pride that make the heavens almost break up above mankind, and the Angles glorify with the praise of their Lord out of His greatness and majesty, and they ask Allah for forgiveness for those on the earth who believe in Him, where He is All-forgiving and Most Merciful for those who repent and believe.

 Allah continues to address His Messenger and says in the next four verses (6-9) "And those who take protectors besides Him, Allah is Oft-Preserver over them, and You are not a guardian over them, and thus We have revealed to You an Arabic Quran, that You may warn the Mother of the towns and those around it, and that You warn the day of gathering about which there is no doubt, a group in the Paradise and a group in the blazing fire, and if Allah had willed, He would have made them one religion, but He admits whom He wills in His Mercy, and the wrongdoers, they have neither a protector nor a helper, Or have they taken allies besides Him?, but Allah, He is the Protector, and He gives life to the dead, and He is over everything All-powerful", that is, Allah addresses His Messenger saying that He counts and preserves the deeds of the polytheists of Quraish who took gods they worship, so that He will recompense them for their evil deeds, but Allah's Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) is not a guardian over them in order to force them to believe, but Allah is their Guardian, so He guides whom He wills, and lets go astray whom He wills. where Allah has revealed to Him the Holy Quran in Arabic tongue to warn of Allah's punishment the people of Mecca "The mother of the towns'', the rest of the country around it, east and west, and all human beings as Allah has stated in Aya (28) of Surat Saba', and to warn them the day of resurrection on which Allah will gather the first and the last people in one place, and there is no doubt about it for it will inevitably happen.

 On the day of resurrection, the people will be divided into two groups, one of them is the group of Paradise, and they are those who believe in Allah, His Messengers, and His books whereas the other is the group of Hellfire, and they are those who disbelieve in Allah and go astray from the path of the truth, and if Allah had willed, He would have made the people on one religion either on guidance or on misguidance, but He made them different, so He guides whom He wills to the truth and leads astray whom He wills, therefore, those whom Allah has guided will enter to His Mercy, but as for the wrongdoers whom Allah has led astray, they will not find a protector nor a helper to save them from Allah's punishment on the day of resurrection. The polytheists of Quraish have taken idols which they worship besides Allah, although He is the true guardian, He alone is worthy of worship, He is the Able to revive the dead, and He He is All-Powerful over everything.  

 Allah says in the next three verses (10-12) "And whatever you differ in it of a thing, then its ruling is to Allah, that is My Lord, upon Him I have put My trust, and to Him I turn, the Originator of the heavens and the earth, He has made for you from yourselves, pairs, and among the cattle pairs, He raises you in it, nothing is like Him, And He is the All-Hearing, the All-Seeing, to Him belongs the keys of the heavens and the earth, He extends the provision for whom He wills, and restricts, indeed, He is All-Knower of everything", that is, Allah lays down a rule that anything about which people differ, its judgement is to Allah, He judges it according to what He revealed in His book and the Sunnah of His Prophet as Allah says in Ayat (3,4) of Surat Alnajm "Nor does He speaks out of desire, it is not but revelation, revealed", then Allah commanded His Messenger to say to the polytheists that the One who has the above-mentioned attributes is His Lord alone, therefore, He relies upon Him in all affairs and turns to Him all the time. There is nothing like Allah for He is the Creator of the heavens and the earth, and He has made mankind pairs, the male and the female, likewise, the cattle are pairs, so He raises all in the womb and multiplies them in this way, there is nothing like Allah, the All-Hearing, the All-Seeing, whose hearing and sight encompass everything, and nothing in the heavens nor on the earth is hidden from Him, and He is the One who has the treasures of the heavens and the earth, so He disposes and rules over both of them as He wills, and extends the provision for whom He wills, and limits it to whom He wills, and He has wisdom in that as it will come later in Aya (27), and He is All-Knower of everything. 

 Allah says in the next two verses (13,14) "He has legislated for you of the religion what He enjoined upon Noah, and what which We have revealed to you, and what We enjoined upon Abraham, and Moses, and Jesus to establish the religion, and Do not divided therein, difficult upon the polytheists is what you call them to, Allah chooses to Himself whom He wills, and guides to Himself whoever turns, and they did not become divided until after the knowledge had come to them, tyranny between them, and if not for a word that preceded from Your lord for a specified term, it would have been judged between them, and those who were made to inherit the book after them are in confusing doubt about it", that is, Allah has made it clear that the heavenly religion is one, as what He has legislated for Noah, Muhammad, Abraham, Moses, and Jesus is one law which is the worship of Allah alone, and Allah commanded them to act according to what He has legislated and imposed upon them, and not to differ in it, but it was difficult for the polytheists of Quraish to acknowledge the oneness of Allah and to abandon their idols, thereupon, Allah confirms that He chooses to Himself whom He wills where He destines guidance and monotheism for those who deserve it, and those who turn to Him, repent from polytheism, and follow Allah's Messenger. The previous nations who were given the book did not become divided until after the clear proof had come to them, and this is similar to Aya (4) of Surat Albayyinah, and what made them differ is their stubbornness and tyranny for the sake of the worldly life, and if not for a word that preceded from Allah that He will establish the reckoning on the day of resurrection, the punishment would have been hastened for them in the worldly life. The later generations who came after those who differ in the truth were similar to them as well; Because they were not certain of the truth and were in doubt about it, and they imitated their forefathers and followed their footsteps with no evidence or proof.  

 Allah addresses His Messenger in the next verse (15) and says "So to that, then Call and Be upright as You are commanded, and Do not follow their desires, but Say I believed in whatever book Allah has revealed, and I have been ordered that I do justice between you, Allah is our Lord and your Lord, for us are our deeds, and for you your deeds, there is no argument between Us and you, Allah will gather us together, and to Him is the final return", this verses carries five commands given to the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and five acknowledgments where Allah commanded Him to call to the religion that He has legislated to Him and the Prophets before Him, to adhere to the worship of Allah alone, not to follow the whims of the polytheists in what they fabricated, to say I believed in whatever book Allah has revealed, whatever it was the Torah, the Gospel, the Psalms, or the book of Abraham, we do not differentiate between any of them, and to say I have been ordered to judge between you with truth. And Allah commanded Him to acknowledge that Allah is our Lord and their Lord where there is no god but Him, that we have the reward for what we earn from the deeds and they have the reward for what they earn from the deeds, that there is no animosity between us and them, that Allah will gather us together on the day of resurrection, and that the final destiny is to Him alone and He will judge between us with truth and justice.  

 Allah says in the next three verses (16-18) "And those who argue concerning Allah after it has been responded to Him, their argument is invalid with their Lord, and upon them is wrath, and for them a severe punishment, Allah is the One who has sent down the book with truth and the balance, and how do you know, perhaps the Hour is near, those who do not believe in it seek to hasten it, and those who believe in it are apprehensive from it, and know that it is the truth, unquestionably, indeed, those who dispute regarding the Hour in far error", that is, Allah threatens those who prevent from the way of Allah and argue with the believers who responded to Allah and His Messenger in order to turn them away from the path of guidance, that their argument is invalid, His wrath is upon them, and for them the punishment of Hellfire on the day of resurrection. Then Allah confirms that He is the One who has sent down the Holy Quran and all other scriptures with truth and justice so that may the people establish justice as mentioned in Aya (25) of Surat Alhadid, and Allah addresses His Messenger and says how do you know, perhaps the day of resurrection (the Hour) is near, and those who do not believe in the Hour seek to hasten it; because they ruled out its occurrence and think that it will not happen, but those who believe in it are fearful of its coming because they do not know how their fate will be like, although they know that it is the truth and it will inevitably happen, so unquestionably, those who argue about its existence and its occurrence are in extreme astray from the truth and the path of guidance. 

 Allah says in the next two verses (19,20) "Allah is Gentle with His servants, He provides for whom He wills, and He is the All-Strong, the Almighty, whoever desires the harvest of the Hereafter, We will increase for him his harvest, and whoever desires the harvest of the worldly life, We will give him thereof, and there is no share for him in the Hereafter", that is, Allah informs His Kindness to His creation in His provision to them till the last of them, he does not forget any of them, they are equal in His provision, the righteous and the immoral, but He extends the provision for whom He wills, and limits it to whom He wills as shown above in Aya (12), and He is the All-Strong who is Capable of everything in the heavens and on the earth, and He is All-Mighty who is Severe in His revenge on those who disobeyed Him. Then Allah confirms that whoever intends the work for the Hereafter, He will strengthen him, will help him in what he is doing, and will multiply His reward, but as for whoever is only striving to obtain something from the worldly life, and he has no desire for the Hereafter at all, Allah will give him the enjoyment of the worldly life, and he will not have a share in the Hereafter as Allah will give him the reward for what he has done of good deeds by making him enjoys in the worldly life, where as mentioned in Surat Alahqaf Aya (20), it will be said to the disbelievers on the day of resurrection "You exhausted your good things in your worldly life, and you have enjoyed them".

 Allah says in the next two verses (21,22) "Or do they have partners who have legislated for them of the religion what Allah did not give permission of it?, and if not a decisive word, it would have been judged between them, and indeed, the wrongdoers for them, a painful punishment, You will see the wrongdoers fearful of what they have earned, and it will befall them, and those who believe and do righteous deeds will be in meadows of the gardens, for them whatever they wish with their Lord, that is the great bounty", that is, Allah says as a denunciation, or do the polytheists have idols who have legislated for them of the religion what Allah did not give permission of it?, they follow what Allah has not commanded, and do what he forbade, so if not a decisive word that preceded from Allah that He will establish the reckoning on the day of resurrection, the punishment would have been hastened for them in the worldly life, but the wrongdoers will face a painful torment on the day of resurrection, therefore, Allah addresses His Messenger and says that He will see them fearful of Allah's punishment on the day of resurrection for what they have earned in the worldly life of evil deeds, and what they are afraid of will inevitably befall them, but as for those who believe in Allah and do righteous deeds will be in eternal bliss as they will be in orchards and rivers, and they will have what their souls desire, and that is the great, complete, and indescribable bounty from their Lord. 

 The eternal bliss and the great bounty mentioned in the previous verse is glad tidings to the righteous where Allah says in the next verse Aya (23) "That is of which Allah gives glad tidings to His servants who believe and do righteous deeds, Say I do not ask you a wage for it except the love among the relatives, and whoever commit a good deed We will increase for him good therein, indeed, Allah is All-Forgiving, Most-Appreciative", that is, Allah promises the righteous that they will undoubtedly be in that bliss, then Allah commanded His Messenger to say to the polytheists that He does not ask them a wage for conveying the message of Allah, rather He asks them to stop their evil from Him, and to leave Him to convey the Message of His Lord, and if they do not help Him, then they do not harm Him with what is between Him and them of kinship, where as narrated by Ibn Abbas that He was asked regarding this Aya, Sa'id Bin Zubair who was presented then, said: it means here "to show what is due for the relatives of Muhammad", on that Ibn Abbas said: you have hurried in giving the answer! There was no branch of the tribe of Quraish but the Prophet had relatives therein, the Prophet said I do not want anything from you except to be kind to me for My kinship with You". Then Allah confirms that whoever commits a good deed He will increase for him good, where He will multiply his reward, and He is All-Forgiving of sins, Most-Appreciative of good deeds by doubling its reward. 

 Allah says in the next three verses (24-26) "Or do they say, He has invented against Allah a lie? but if Allah willed, He would seal over Your heart, and Allah eradicates the falsehood, and establishes the truth by His words, indeed He is All-Knower of what is in the breasts, and He is the One who accepts the repentance from His servants and forgives evil deeds, and knows what you are doing, and He responses those who believe and do righteous deeds, and increases them from His bounty, and the disbelievers for them, a severe punishment", that is, Allah addresses His Messenger and says if He forged a lie about Allah, as the polytheists claim, He would have sealed over His Heart, and made Him forget what He gave Him of the Holy Quran, and He would punish Him with a severe punishment as mentioned in Ayat (44-47) of Surat Alhaqqah, Allah would do this because He erases the falsehood and establishes the truth with His words, and Allah is All-Knower of everything where nothing is hidden from Him even the secrets that the breasts conceal. Then Allah confirms that He is the One who accepts the repentance from His servants and forgives their evil deeds, and knows what they do, it is from His generosity that He pardons their evil deeds even though He knows what good and evil they do, and more than that, He rejoices in the repentance of His servant as narrated by Anas Bin Malik: ''Allah's Messenger said: Allah is more pleased with the repentance of His servant than anyone of You is pleased with finding His camel which he had lost in the desert". And Allah responses to the supplication of those who believe and do righteous deeds, and He increases them from His bounty, but as for the disbelievers they will be severely tormented in the Hereafter.

 Allah says in the next two verses (27,28) ''And if Allah extended the provision for his servants, they would have transgressed on the earth, but He sends down what He wills in measure, indeed, He is of His servants All-Aware, All-Seeing, and He is the One who sends down the rain after they have despaired, and He spreads His mercy, and He is the Protector, the Praiseworthy", that is, If Allah had given all His servants more than they need of sustenance, that would have caused them to commit tyranny and oppression against each other, rather He sends down as much as He wills, so He makes whoever He wills rich, and whoever He wills poor for He is All-Aware, All-Seeing of what is good for His servants and what corrupts them of richness and poverty. Then Allah assures that He is the One who sends down rain from the sky after the people have despaired of its descending, and He spreads His mercy by the blessings and benefits of the rain, and He is the Protector who disposes of what benefits His creation, and He is the Praiseworthy of all what He decrees. 

 Allah says in the next three verses (29-31) "And of His signs the creation of the heavens and the earth, and what He dispersed in both of them of a moving creature, and He is over their gathering when He wills All-Powerful, and whatever afflicts you of calamity is because of what your hands have earned, but He pardons much, and you will not cause failure on the earth, and besides Allah, you have neither a Protector nor a Helper", that is, Allah cites His great power in the creation of the heavens and the earth, and every creature that moves on the earth including animals, birds, beasts, insects and what is in the sea of various kinds, although He has scattered all creatures throughout the heavens and the earth, but He is capable of gathering them on the day of resurrection. Allah confirms that whatever calamity afflicts man in the worldly life in himself, his family, or his money is because of what his hands have earned of evil deeds, so it is Allah's punishment for the sins he committed, and Allah forgives much sins, so He will not punish man for them, thereupon, Allah assures man that he can not cause failure on the earth nor escape from Allah's authority, and He has neither a Protector nor a Helper besides Allah if He wants to inflict punishment upon him.

 Allah continues to cite His blessings upon man and says in the next three verses (32-34) "And of His signs the ships in the sea like mountains, if He willed, He can cause the wind to become still, then they would remain motionless on its back, indeed, in that there are signs for everyone who is very patient, grateful, Or He could destroy them for what they have earned, but He pardons much", that is, among Allah's signs that indicates His power and greatness is the subjugation of the sea so that ships can run on it by His command, and they are in the sea like mountains on the land, and if Allah willed, He can cause the wind to become still, so that the ships would remain motionless and stagnant on surface of the sea, indeed, the subjugation of the sea and the wind that moves the ships as much as needed indicates Allah's signs for every patient, grateful, for he must be thankful for Allah's blessings when He bestowed upon him, and must be patient with the trial if Allah tried him with a calamity, where as narrated by Suhaib that Allah's Messenger said: "How amazing is the matter of the believer that his affairs are all good, and that is not for anyone except for the believer, if he was bestowed with a blessing, he thanks, and this is good for him, and if a calamity befell him, he was patient, and that is good for him" (Sahih Muslim 2999). And if Allah willed, He would have destroyed the ships and drowned them for what they have earned of evil deeds, but He forgives much sins, so He will not destroy and drown them in the sea.

 Allah says in the next three verses (35-37) "And those who dispute concerning Our signs may know that for them there is no refuge, so whatever you have given of a thing is an enjoyment of the worldly life, and what is with Allah is better and more lasting for those who believe and put their trust upon their Lord, and those who avoid the major sins and immoralities, and when they get angry, they forgive", that is, Allah makes clear His signs to the people so that the polytheists who argue and doubt them know that they have no refuge from Allah's torment, then Allah assures them that whatever they have given is nothing but the enjoyment of the worldly life and it will not benefit them in the Hereafter, and what is with Allah of bliss in the Hereafter is better and more lasting than what they have given in the worldly life where those who preferred the worldly life and its enjoyment will not have a share in the Hereafter as shown above in Aya (20). What is with Allah of bliss in the Hereafter will be for those who believe in Allah, and rely upon Him in all their affairs, and those who avoid the major sins, and as narrated by Abu Hurayrah that the Prophet (PBUH) said: "Avoid the seven great destructive sins, the people said O Allah's Messenger! What are they?, He said to join other in worship along with Allah, to practice sorcery, to kill the life which Allah has forbidden except by right, to eat up usury, to eat up the orphan's wealth, to flee from the battlefield at the time of fighting, to accuse chaste women who never think of anything touching chastity and are good believers" (Sahih Albukhari 2766). They also avoid immoralities such as adultery, shameful acts, and forbidden deeds, and they forgive people when they are offended and being angry with them where their nature is not to take revenge on people, and Allah's Messenger (PBUH) said in narration of Abu Hurayrah: "The strong is not the one who overcomes the people by his strength, but the strong is the one who controls himself while in anger". 

 Allah continues to describe those who deserve the bliss in the Hereafter in the next two verses and says (38,39) "And those who have responded to their Lord, and established the prayer, and their matter is conducted by consultation among them, and from what We have provided them, they spend, and those who when tyranny befalls them, they defend themselves", that is, those who responded to their Lord when He called them to monotheism, and established the prayers and performed it in its prescribed times, and they did not decide a matter until they consult and agree on it, and they spend from what Allah has provided them of good provision whether on their families, in the way of Allah, or for alms, and as narrated by Abu Hurayrah that Allah's Messenger said: "Of the Dinar (currency) you spend in the way of Allah, and a Dinar you spend to set fee a slave, and a Dinar you gave as a charity to a needy, and a Dinar you spend on your family, the one yielding the greatest reward is that which you spend on your family" (Sahih Muslim 995). Although they forgive who offended them as shown above, but when they are subjected to injustice and aggression, they have the power of victory over those who wronged them and they are neither helpless or humiliated, rather they are able to take revenge on them.  

 Allah has set some rulings for those who are subjected to aggression in the next four verses (40-43) "And the recompense of an evil deed is evil deed like it, but whoever pardons and makes reconciliation, then his reward is upon Allah, indeed, He does not like the wrongdoers, and whoever defends himself after he has been wronged, then those have not upon them any way, the way is only upon those who wrong the people, and commit tyranny on the earth without right, those for them a painful punishment, and who ever is patient and forgives, indeed, that is of matters of determination", that is, Allah has legislated for those who have been subjected to oppression the retribution of those who have wronged them, but on the condition that it be of the same degree of oppression, and this is similar to Aya (194) of Surat Albaqarah "So whoever has assaulted you, then assault him in the same way that he has assaulted you". But whoever abandons retribution and reconciles between him and the oppressor by pardoning, then Allah will reward Him for that, and Allah does not like the wrongdoers who oppress people even in retribution, and there is no blame on whoever defends himself after he has been wronged as long as he does not wrong the oppressor, rather he takes revenge on him justly, but the blame is only upon those who wrong the people, commit tyranny, and corrupt on the earth without right, so Allah threatens them with a painful torment on the day of resurrection, and Allah encourages people to be patient with the harm of others and to forgive for that is a matter of great resolve and its reward is great with Allah

 Allah says in the next three verses (44-46) "And whoever Allah lets go astray, then for him, there is no protector after Him, and You will see the wrongdoers when they see the punishment saying is there any way to return, and You will see them being exposed to it, humbled from humiliation, looking with a stealthy glance, and those who believe will say indeed, the losers are those who lost themselves and their families on the day of resurrection, unquestionably, indeed, the wrongdoers are in constant punishment, and for them there will not be any protectors to help them besides Allah, and whoever Allah lets go astray for him there is no way", that is, whoever Allah lets go astray, he will not find a guide nor a protector besides Allah, and Allah addresses His Messenger and says that He will see the wrongdoers when they see the torment on the day of resurrection, wishing to return to the worldly life so that they believe in Allah and do righteous deeds, but the wishing is too late, for they will expose to Hellfire, humbled from humiliation that has befallen them due to their disobedience to Allahlooking with a stealthy glance because they are fearful of it. The believers will say on the day of resurrection that the losers are those who lost themselves and their families; because they went to Hellfire and lost themselves and their pleasure in the abode of eternity, and lost their families, their relatives, and their companions, unquestionably, the wrongdoers will be in constant punishment in Hellfire that neither ends nor be lightened for them, and they will not find any allies to save them from Allah's punishment for whoever Allah lets go astray will not find any way to escape nor the punishment will be lightened for him. 

 Allah says in the next two verses (47,48) "Respond to Your Lord before that comes a day, there is no averting for it from Allah, there is no refuge for you that day, nor will there be any denial for you, so if they turn away, then We did not send you as a preserver over them, upon You is only the conveyance, and when We make man taste a mercy from Us he rejoices in it, but if an evil befalls them for what their hands have sent forth, then indeed, man is ungrateful", that is, after Allah has made clear the conditions of the wrongdoers on the day of resurrection, He warned the people that the matter is still in their hands, they only have to respond to Him, and to believe in Him before the day of resurrection comes which will inevitably happen and there is no averting for it from Allah, and at that time they will not find any refuge besides Allah, nor will there be any denial of the torment that will befall them. Then Allah addresses His Messenger and says if they turn away from responding to Allah and believing in Him, so Allah did not send Him as a preserver over them, so He is not in charge to preserve their deeds, He is a warner informing them what He was sent with, and all He has to do is conveying the message of Allah to them, and Allah guides whom He wills, and lets go astray whom He wills. And Allah affirms that if He gave man prosperity and grace, he will rejoice in it, but if an affliction or poverty befalls him for what he has done of evil deeds, although he is the cause of the calamity that befell him, he denies all the blessings that Allah has bestowed upon him and only mentions the calamity.

 Allah says in the next two verses (49,50) "To Allah belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth, He creates what He wills, He grants females to whom He wills, and He grants the males to whom He wills, or He grants them males and females, and He makes whom He wills barren, indeed, He is All-Knower, All-Powerful", that is, Allah confirms that the kingdom of the heavens and the earth belongs to Him alone, and He disposes them as He wills and creates what He wills, so He gives whom He wills daughters, whom He wills sons, and whom He wills sons and daughters, and He makes whom He wills barren and has no offspring, and Allah is All-Knower of His creation and what is suitable for them from offspring, All-Powerful who is Able to do whatever He wills.

 Allah says in the last three verses (51-53) "And it is not for a human being that Allah speaks to him except by revelation, or from behind a barrier or that He sends a Messenger, then He reveals by His permission what He wills, indeed, He is Most High, All-Wise, and thus, We have revealed to You a Spirit from Our command, You did not know what the book is nor the faith, but We have made it a light with which We guide whoever we will from among Our servants, and indeed, You guide to a straight path, the path of Allah, the One to whom belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth, unquestionably, to Allah all matters return", that is, Allah affirms that no human being has ever seen Him, where there are three ways in which Allah spoke to His Messengers, the first is by direct revelation from Allah to His Messenger either by inspiration or otherwise, the second is that Allah spoke to His Messenger from behind a barrier as He spoke to His Messenger Moses, and when Moses said to Allah "Show Me Yourself that I may look at You" Allah said to Him ''You will not see Me" as mentioned in Aya (143) of Surat Ala'araf, and the third way is that Allah sends from His Angels a Messenger either Gabriel or someone else, so He revealed to the Messenger whatever Allah wills of the Message and the revelation, and Allah is the Most High who is sublime over everything, and all things are below Him because His authority and His power is over them, and He is the All-Wise who manages His creation with wisdom in His laws and destiny.     

 Then Allah addresses His Messenger Muhammad and says that He has bestowed upon Him the prophethood as well as the Messengers before Him, and He has revealed to Him the Holy Quran as a mercy from Him while He did not know what the book is nor the faith, and He was not familiar with the rulings and laws that Allah had sent down to Him,  and Allah has made the Holy Quran a light and a guidance with which He guides whom He wills from among His servants, then Allah assures that His Messenger guides to a straight path which is the Path of Allah, the Lord of the heavens and the earth, and the One who disposes them, and all affairs will return to Him on the day of resurrection, and He will judge between His creation with truth and justice.  

No one Knows its interpretation except Allah

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