11- Surat Hud/Tafseer
123 Verses Meccan (revealed in Mecca)
A'auzu Bellahi mena alshaiytani alrajeem
I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed Satan
Besmi Ellahi Alrhmani Alraheem
In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
Alif Lam Raa ketabun aukhkemat ayatuhuo thumma fussilat men ladun Hakeemin Khabeer (1).
Alif Lam Raa, a book whose verses are perfected then explained in details from All-Wise, All-Aware.
Alla ta'buduo ella Allaha innani lakum menhuo nazeerun wa basheer (2).
That Do not worship except Allah, indeed, I am to you from Him a warner and a bearer of glad tidings.
Wa ani estaghferuo Rabbakum thumma tubu elaiyhi youmattekum mata-an hasanan ela ajalin mussaman wa you'tee kulla zee fadlin fadlahuo wa in tawallaww fa-inni akhafuo alaiykum azaba yawmin kabeer (3).
And Seek forgiveness of your Lord then Repent to Him, He will let you enjoy a good provision to an appointed time, and give every doer of bounty his bounty, but if you turn away, then indeed, I fear for you the punishment of a great day.
Ela Allahi marje-ukum wa huwa ala kulli shaiy-in qadeer (4).
To Allah is your return, and He is All-Powerful over everything.
Ala innahum youthnuona sudurahum le-yastakhfuo menhuo ala heena yastaghshuna theiyabahum ya'lamuo ma youserruona wa ma you'lenuona innahu Aleemun be-zati alsuduor (5).
Unquestionably, they turn away their breasts to hide themselves from Him, unquestionably, when they cover themselves in their clothing, He knows what they conceal, and what they declare, indeed, He is All-Knower of what is in the breasts.
Wa ma men dabbatin fee alardi ella ala Allahi rezquha wa ya'lamuo mustaqarraha wa mustawda-aha kullun fee ketabin mubeen (6).
And there is no moving creature on the earth except that upon Allah is its provision, and He knows its place of residence and its place of storage, all is in a clear book.
Wa huwa allazi Khalaqa alsamawati wa alarda fee settati ayyamin wa kana arshuhuo ala alma-e le-yabluwakum ayyukum ahsanuo amalan wala-in qulta innakum mab-uthuona men ba'di almawti la-yaqulanna allazina kafaruo in haza ella sehrun mubeen (7).
And He is the One who has created the heavens and the earth in six days, and His Throne was on the water, so that He may test you which of you is best in deed, but if you say, indeed you will be resurrected after death, those who disbelieved would surely say this is nothing but a clear magic.
Wala-in akhkharna anhumuo alazaba ela aummatin ma'dudatin la-yaquluonna ma yahbesuhuo ala yawma ya'tehim laiysa masrufan anhum wa haqa behim ma kanuo behi yastahze-uon (8).
And if We delay from them the punishment for a limited time, they would surely say What is withholding it?, unquestionably, on the day it comes to them, it will not be averted from them, and they have been encircled by what they used to ridicule it.
Wala-in azaqna alinsana menna rahmatan thumma naza'naha menhuo innahuo laya-usun kafuor (9).
And if We make man taste a mercy from Us, then We removed if from him, indeed, he is despairing and ungrateful.
Wala-in azaqnahuo na'ma-a ba'da darra-a massat-huo layaqulanna zahaba alsayyi-atuo anni innahuo la-farehuon fakhuor (10).
But if We make him taste a favor after an adversity has touched him, he will surely say the evils have gone away from me, indeed, he is exultant, and boaster.
Ella allazina sabaruo wa ameluo alsalehati aulaeka lahum maghferatun wa ajrun kabeer (11).
Except those who are patient and did righteous deeds, those for them will be forgiveness and great reward.
Fala-allaka tarekun ba'da ma youha elaiyka wa da-equn behi sadruka an yaquluo laww-la aunzela alaiyhi kanzun aww ja-a ma-ahuo malakun innama anta nazeerun wa Allahu ala kulli shaiy-in Wakeel (12).
Then perhaps You would abandon some of what is revealed to You, and Your breast is straitened by it because they say Why not a treasure is sent down to Him or an Angel came with Him?, but You are only a warner, and Allah is a Guardian over everything.
Am Yaquluona eftarahuo qul fa'tuo be-ashri suwarin methlehi muftarayatin wa-duo mani estata'tum men duoni ellahi in kuntum sadeqeen (13).
Or Do they say He has invented it?, Say then Bring ten Surahs like it that have been invented and call upon whoever you can besides Allah, if you are truthful.
Fa-illam yastajeebuo lakum fa'lamuo annama aunzela be-elmi ellahi wa an la illaha ella huwa fa-hal antum muselmuon (14).
And if they do not respond to you, then know that it has been sent down with knowledge of Allah, and that there is no god but He, then Would you be Muslims?.
Man kana youreduo alhayata alduonya wa zenataha nuwaffi elaiyhim a'malahum feeha wa hum feeha la youbkhasuon (15).
Whoever should desire the worldly life and its adornment, We pay them in full for their deeds therein, and they therein will not be decreased.
Aulaeka allazina laiysa lahum fee alakherati ella alnaruo wa habeta ma sana-uo feeha wa batelun ma kanuo ya'maluon (16).
Those are the ones for whom there is nothing in the Hereafter except the Fire, and nullified is what they did therein, and void is what they used to do.
Afa-man kana ala baiyyinatin men Rabbehi wa yatluhuo shahedun menhuo wa men qablehi ketabuo musa imaman wa rahmatan aulaeka you'menuona behi wa man yakfur behi mena al-ahzabi fa-alnaruo maw-eduhuo fa-la taku fee meryatin menhuo innahuo alhaqquo men Rabbeka wa lakenna akthara alnasi la you'menuon (17).
Then is he who is on a clear proof from his Lord, and a witness from Him recites it, and before it was the book of Moses, a guide and a mercy, those believe in it, but whoever disbelieves in it from the factions, the fire is his appointment, so Do not be in doubt about it, indeed, it is the truth from Your Lord, but most of the people do not believe.
Wa man azlamuo memmani eftara ala Allahi kazeban aulaeka you'raduona ala Rabbehim wa Yaquluo al-ashhaduo haula-e allazina kazabuo ala Rabbehim ala la'natuo Allahi ala alzalemeen (18).
And who is more unjust than he who invents a lie about Allah, those will be presented before their Lord, and the witnesses will say these are the ones who lied against their Lord, unquestionably, the curse of Allah is upon the wrongdoers.
Allazina yasudduona an sabeeli ellahi wa yabghuonaha ewajan wa hum bel-akherati hum kaferuon (19).
Those who prevent from the way of Allah, seeking to make it crookedness while they are disbelievers in the Hereafter.
Aulaeka lam yakunuo mu'zejeena fee alardi wa ma kana lahum men duoni ellahi men awliyaa yuoda-afuo lahumuo alazabuo ma kanuo yastate-uona alsam-a wa ma kanuo youbseruon (20).
Those were not causing failure on the earth, nor did they have besides Allah any protectors, the punishment will be doubled for them, they were not able to hear, nor were they seeing.
Aulaeka allazina khaseruo anfusahum wa dalla anhum ma kanuo yaftaruon (21).
Those are the ones who have lost themselves, and lost from them is that which they used to invent.
La jarama annahum fee alakherati humuo al-akhsaruon (22).
Assuredly, it is they, in the Hereafter, are the most losers.
Inna allazina amanuo wa ameluo alsalehati wa akhbatuo ela Rabbehim aulaeka as-habuo aljannati hum feeha khaleduon (23).
Indeed, those who have believed and done righteous deeds and humbly submitted themselves to their Lord, those are the companions of Paradise, they will abide therein forever.
Mathaluo alfareqaiyni kal-a'ma wa alasammi wa albaseeri wa alsame-e hal yastawiyani mathalan afala tazakkaruon (24).
The example of the two parties is like the blind and the deaf, and the seeing and the hearing, Are they equal in comparison?, then Will you not be reminded?.
Wa laqad arsalna noohan ela qawmehi inni lakum nazeerun mubeen (25).
And indeed, We have sent Noah to His people, indeed, I am to you a clear warner.
An la ta'buduo ella Allaha inni akhafuo alaiykum azaba yawmin aleem (26).
That Do not worship except Allah, indeed, I fear for you the punishment of a painful day.
Fa-qala almala-uo allazina kafaruo men qawmehi ma naraka ella basharan methlana wa ma naraka ettaba-aka ella allazina hum arazeluona badiya alra'yi wa ma nara lakum alaiyna men fadlin bal nazunnukum kazebeen (27).
So the chiefs who disbelieved from among His people said we see You are nothing but a human being like us, and we do not see you followed except by those who are the lowest of us at first opinion, and we do not see in you over us any merit, rather we think you are liars.
Qala ya-qawmi ara-aiytum in kuntuo ala bayyinatin men Rabbi wa atani rahmatan men endehi fa-aummiyat alaiykum a-nulzemukumuha wa antum laha karehuon (28).
He said O My people! Do you see if I am upon clear proof from My Lord and He has given Me mercy from Him, but it has been hidden from your sight, Should we impose it upon you while you are averse to it.
Wa ya-qawmi la asalukum alaiyhi malan in ajriya ella ala Allahi wa ma ana be-taredi allazina amanuo innahum mulaquo Rabbehim wa lakinni arakum qawman tajhaluon (29).
And O My people! I do not ask you any wealth for it, My reward is only from Allah, and I am not to drive away those who have believed, indeed, they will meet their Lord, but I see that you are a people behaving ignorantly.
Wa ya-qawmi man yansuruni mena Allahi in taradtuhum afala tazakkaruon (30).
And O My people! Who would help Me against Allah if I drove them a way, then Will you not be reminded?.
Wa la aquluo lakum endi khaza-enuo Allahi wa la a'lamuo alghaiyba wa la aquluo inni malakun wa la aquluo lel-llazina tazdari a'yunukum lan you'teiyahumuo Allahu khaiyran Allahu a'lamuo bema fee anfusehim inni izan la-mena alzalemeen (31).
And I do not say to you that I have the treasures of Allah nor do I know the unseen, nor do I say that I am an Angel, nor do I say to those upon whom your eyes disdain that Allah will not give them any good, Allah knows best what is in their souls, indeed, I would then be among the wrongdoers.
Qaluo ya-noohuo qad jadaltana fa-aktharta jedalana fa'tena bema ta-eduna in kunta mena alsadeqeen (32).
They said O Noah! You have argued with us and been frequent in arguing with us, so Bring us what you promise us, if You are of the truthful.
Qala innama ya'tikum behi ellahuo in sha-a wa ma antum bemu'jezeen (33).
He said Allah only will bring it to you if He wills, and you will not cause failure.
Wa la yanfa-ukum nus-hi in aradtuo an ansaha lakum in kana Allahu youreduo an youghwiyakum huwa Rabbukum wa elaiyhi turja-uon (34).
And My advice will not benefit you if I wished to advise you, if Allah should intend to let you go astray, He is your Lord, and to Him you will be returned.
Am yaquluona eftarahuo qul ini eftaraiytuhuo fa-alayya ejrami wa na baree-on memma tujremuon (35).
Or Do they say He has invented it?, say if I have invented it, then upon Me is My sin, but I am disavowing the sins you commit.
Wa auheiya ela noohin annahuo lan you'mena men qawmeka ella man qad amana fa-la tabta-es bema kanuo yaf'aluon (36).
And it was revealed to Noah that no one will believe from your people except those who have believed, so Do not grieve for what they used to do.
Wa-sna'e alfulka be-a'younena wa wahyina wa la tukhatebni fee allazina zalamuo innahum mughraquon (37).
And Construct the ship under Our eyes and Our inspiration, and Do not address Me concerning those who have wronged, indeed, they are drowned.
Wa yasna-uo alfulka wa kullama marra alaiyhi mala-on men qawmehi sakheruo menhuo qala in taskharuo menna fa-inna naskharuo menkum kama taskharuon (38).
And He constructs the ship and whenever a chief of His people passed by Him, they mocked at Him, He said if you mocked at us, then We will mock at you just as you mock.
Fa-sawfa ta'lamuona man ya'teehi azabun youkhzeehi wa yahelluo alaiyhi azabun muqeem (39).
And you will know to whom will come a punishment disgracing him, and a constant punishment descends on him.
Hatta iza ja-a amruna wa fara altannuruo qulna ehmel feeha men kulli zawjaiyni ethnaiyni wa ahlaka ella man sabaqa alaiyhi alqawluo wa man amana wa ma amana ma-ahuo ella qaleel (40).
Until when Our command comes, and the oven gushes forth, We said Load upon it from every two pairs, two, and Your family except those against whom the word has preceded, and whoever has believed, but none had believed with Him except a few.
Wa qala erkabuo feeha besmi ellahi majraha wa mursaha inna Rabbi la-ghafurun Raheem (41).
And He said Embark therein, in the Name of Allah is its course and its anchorage, indeed, My Lord is All-Forgiving, Most Merciful.
Wa heiya tajree behim fee mawjin kal-jebali wa nada noohun ebnahuo wa kana fe ma'zalin ya-bunayya erkab ma-ana wa la takun ma-a alkafereen (42).
And it sails with them through waves like mountains, and Noah called out to His son who was apart O My son! Come Embark with Us, and Do not be with the disbelievers.
Qala sa-awi ela jabalin ya'semuni mena alma-e qala la asema alyawma men amri ellahi ella man rahema wa hala baiynahuma almawjuo fa-kana mena almughraqeen (43).
He said I will take shelter on a mountain that will protect me from the water, He said there is no protector today from the command of Allah except for whom He has mercy, and the waves came between them, and he was among the drowned.
Wa qeela ya-arduo ebla-e ma-aki wa ya-samauo aqle-e wa gheda alma-uo wa qudiya alamruo wa-stawat ala algudiyyi wa qeela bu'dan lel-qawmi alzalemeen (44).
And it was said O earth! Swallow your water, and O sky! Withhold, and the water subsided, and the matter was accomplished, and it came to rest on the Judiyy, and it was said away with the wrongdoing people.
Wa nada noohun Rabbahuo fa-qala Rabbi inna ebni men ahli wa inna wa'daka alhaqquo wa anta ahkamuo alhakemeen (45).
And Noah called to His Lord and said My Lord, indeed, My son is of My family, and indeed, Your promise is true, and You are the Most Judge of the Judges.
Qala ya-noohuo innahuo laiysa men ahleka innahuo amalun ghaiyruo salehin fala tas'alni ma laiysa laka behi elmun inni a'ezuka an takuna mena aljaheleen (46).
He said O Noah! Indeed, he is not of your family, indeed, he is a deed other than righteous, so Do not ask Me that of which you have no knowledge, indeed, I admonish You lest You be among the ignorant.
Qala Rabbi inni a-auzuo beka an as'alaka ma laiysa lee behi elmun wa ella taghfir lee wa tarhamni akun mena alkhasereen (47).
He said My Lord I seek refuge in You from asking You that of which I have no knowledge, and if You do not forgive Me and have mercy upon Me, I will surely be among the losers.
Qeela ya-noohu ehbit be-salamin menna wa barakatin alaiyka wa ala aumamin memman ma-aka wa aumamun sa-numatte-uhum thumma yamassuhum menna azabun aleem (48).
It was said O Noah Disembark in peace from Us and blessings upon You and upon nations from those with You, and nations We will let them enjoy, then there will touch them from Us a painful punishment.
Zaleka men anba-e alghaiybi nuheha elaiyka ma kunta ta'lamuha anta wa la qawmuka men qabli haza fa-sbir inna alaqebata lel-muttaqeen (49).
That is from the news of the unseen which We reveal to You, You did not know it, neither You nor Your people before this, so Be patient, indeed, the end is for the righteous.
Wa ela Adin akhahum Hudan qala ya-qawmi e'buduo Allaha ma lakum men elahin ghaiyruhuo in antum ella muftaruon (50).
And to Ad their brother Hud, He said O My people! Worship Allah, you have no god other than Him, you are nothing but inventors.
Ya-qawmi la as'alukum alaiyhi ajran in ajreya ella ala allazi fatarani afa-la ta'qeluon (51).
O My people! I do not ask you for it any wage, My reward is only from the One who created Me, so Will you not understand?.
Wa ya-qawmi estaghferuo Rabbakum thumma tubuo elaiyhi yourseli alsama-a alaiykum medraran wa yazedkum quwwatan ela quwwatekum wa la tatawallaww mujremeen (52).
And O My people! Ask forgiveness from your Lord, then repent to Him, so that He will send the sky upon you in abundance and increase you in strength to your strength, and Do not turn away as criminals.
Qaluo ya-huduo ma je'tana be-bayyinatin wa ma nahnuo be-tareki alehatena an qawleka wa ma nahnuo laka be-mu'meneen (53).
They said O Hud! You have not brought us a clear proof, and we are not to leave our gods on your saying, nor are we believers in You.
In naquluo ella e'taraka ba'duo alehatena besu-in qala inni aushheduo Allaha wa-shhaduo anni baree-on memma tushrekuon (54).
We do not say except that some of our gods have afflicted you with evil, He said indeed, I call Allah to bear witness, and you bear witness that I am disavowing what you associate.
Men duonehi fa-keduoni jamee-an thumma la tunzeruon (55).
Other than Him, so Plan against Me, all together, then Do not give Me respite.
Inni tawakkaltuo ala allahi Rabbi wa Rabbekum ma men dabbatin ella huwa akhezun be-nasiyateha inna Rbbi ala seratin mustaqeem (56).
Indeed, I have put My trust upon Allah, My Lord and Your Lord, there is no moving creature except that He takes hold of its forelock, indeed, My Lord is on a straight path.
Fa-in tawallaww fa-qad ablaghtukum ma aurseltuo behi elaiykum wa yastakhlefuo Rabbi qawman ghaiyrakum wa la tadurrunahuo shaiy-an inna Rabbi ala kulli shaiy-in Hafeez (57).
But if they turn away, then indeed, I have conveyed to you what I was sent to you with, and My Lord will grant succession to a people other than you, and you will not harm Him in anything, indeed, My Lord is Oft-Preserver over everything.
Wa lamma ja-a amruna najjaiyna hudan wa allazina amanuo ma-ahuo be-rahmatin menna wa najjaiynahum men azabin ghaleez (58).
And when Our command came, We saved Hud and those who believed with Him by mercy from Us, and We saved them from a severe punishment.
Wa telka adun jahaduo be-ayati Rabbehim wa asaww rusulahuo wa-ttaba-uo amra kulli jabbarin aneed (59).
And that was Ad, they rejected the signs of Allah and disobeyed His Messengers, and followed the command of every stubborn tyrant.
Wa-autbeuo fee hazehi alduonya la'natan wa yawma alqeiyamati ala inna adan kafaruo Rabbahum ala bu'dan la-adin qawmi hud (60).
And they were followed in this world with a curse and on the day of resurrection, unquestionably, Ad disbelieved their Lord, unquestionably, away with Ad, the people of Hud.
Wa ela thamuda akhahum salehan qala ya-qawmi e'buduo Allaha ma lakum men elahim ghaiyruhuo huwa ansha-akum mena alardi wa-sta'marakum feeha fa-staghferuhuo thumma tubuo elaiyhi inna Rabbi qareebun mujeeb (61).
And to Thamud their brother Salih, He said O My people! Worship Allah, you have no god other than Him, He has produced you from the earth and settled you therein, so Ask forgiveness from Him, and then repent to Him, indeed, My lord is Ever-Near, All-Responsive.
Qaluo ya-saelhuo qad kunta feena marjuwwan qabla haza a-tanhana an na'buduo ma ya'buduo aba-uona wa innana la-fee shakkin memma taduona elaiyhi mureeb (62).
They said O Salih! You were hoped for among us before this, Do you forbid us to worship what our fathers worshipped?, and indeed, we are, about what you call us to, in confusing doubt.
Qala ya-qawmi ara-aytum in kuntuo ala bayyinatin men Rabbi wa atani menhuo rahmatan fa-man yansuruoni mena Allahi in asaiytuhuo fa-ma tazedunani ghaiyra takhseer (63).
He said O My people! Do you see if I am upon clear proof from My Lord and He has given Me mercy from Him, so Who would help Me against Allah if I disobeyed Him?, so you would not increase Me except in loss.
Wa ya-qawmi hazehi naqatuo Allahi lakum ayatan fa-zaruha ta'kul fee ardi ellahi wa la tamassuha besu-in fa-ya'khuzakum azabun qareeb (64).
And O My people! This is the she-camel of Allah, a sign for you, so Leave her to eat in the land of Allah, and Do not touch her with harm, lest you should be seized by a near punishment.
Fa-aqaruha fa-qala tamatta-uo fee darekum thalathata ayyamin zaleka wa'dun ghaiyruo makzuob (65).
But they slaughtered her, so He said Enjoy in your homes for three days, that is a promise not going to be false.
Fa-lamma ja-a amruna najjaiyna salihan wa allazina amanuo ma-ahuo be-rahmatin menna wa men khizyi yawma-izin inna Rabbaka huwa Alqawiyyu Alazeez (66).
So when Our command came, We saved Salih, and those who believed with Him by mercy from Us, and from the disgrace of that day, indeed, Your Lord is the All-Strong, the Almighty.
Wa akhaza allazina zalamuo alsaiyhato fa-asbahuo fee diyarehim jathemeen (67).
And the blast seized those who had wronged, and they became within their homes, fallen recumbent.
Ka-an lam yaghnaww feeha ala inna thamuda kafaruo Rabbahum ala bu'dan le-thamud (68).
As if they had not settled therein, unquestionably, Thamud disbelieved their Lord, unquestionably, away with Thamud.
Wa laqad ja-at rusuluna ibrahima bel-bushra qaluo salaman qala salamun fama labetha an ja-a be-ejlin haneez (69).
And indeed, Our Messengers came to Abraham with glad tidings they said peace, He said peace, and He did not delay in bringing a roasted calf.
Fa-lamma ra-a aiydiyahum la taseluo elaiyhi nakerahum wa awjasa menhum khifatan qaluo la takhaf inna aurselna ela qawmi lut (70).
But when He saw their hands not reaching for it, He distrusted them, and felt apprehension from them, they said Do not fear, We have been sent to the people of Lot.
Wa-mra-atuhuo qa-ematan fa-dahekat fa-bashsharnaha be-ishaka wa men wara-e ishaqa ya'quob (71).
And His wife was standing, and she laughed then We gave her glad tidings of Isaac, and after Isaac Jacob.
Qalat ya-waiylata a-aleduo wa ana ajuzun wa haza ba'li shaiykhan inna haza la-shaiy-on ajeeb (72).
She said Woe to me! Shall I give birth while I am an old woman and this, my husband is an old man?, indeed, this is amazing thing.
Qaluo a-ta'jabeena men amri ellahi rahmatuo Allahi wa barakatuhuo alaiykum ahla albaiyti innahuo Hameedun Majeed (73).
They said Do you marvel at the command of Allah?, may the mercy of Allah and His blessings be upon You, people of the house, indeed, He is All-Praiseworthy, All-Glorious.
Fa-lamma zahaba an ibrahima alraw-uo wa ja-at-huo albushra youjadeluna fee qawmi lut (74).
And when the fright had left Abraham and the glad tidings came to Him, He argued with us concerning the people of Lot.
Inna ibrahima la-haleemun awwahun muneeb (75).
Indeed, Abraham was forbearing, submissive, and oft-returning.
Ya-ibrahimu a'red an haza innahuo qad ja-a amruo Rabbeka wa innahum atihim azabun ghaiyruo marduod (76).
O Abraham! Ignore this, indeed, the command of your Lord has come, and indeed, there will reach them a punishment that cannot be repelled.
Wa lamma ja-at rusuluna lutan see-a behim wa daqa behim zar-an wa qala haza yawmun aseeb (77).
And when Our Messengers came to Lot, He was distressed for them and felt straitened for them, uneasy, and said this is a hard day.
Wa ja-ahuo qawmuhuo youhra-uona elaiyhi wa men qabluo kanuo ya'maluona alsayyi-ati qala ya-qawmi haulae banati hunna at-haruo lakum fa-ttaquo Allaha wa la tukhzuni fee daiyfi a-laiysa menkum rajulun rasheed (78).
And His people came to Him, hastened to Him, and before, they had done evil deeds, He said O My people! These are My daughters, they are purer for you, so Fear Allah, and Do not disgrace Me concerning My guests, Is there not among you a right-minded man?.
Qaluo la-qad alemta ma lana fee banateka men haqqin wa innaka la-ta'lamuo ma nureed (79).
They said indeed, You have known that we have not any claim concerning your daughters, and indeed, You know what we want.
Qala laww anna lee bekum quwwatan aww awi ela ruknin shadeed (80).
He said if only I had against you any power or could take refuge in a strong support.
Qaluo ya-lutuo inna rusuluo Rabbeka lan yaseluo elaiyka fa-asri be-ahleka be-qet-in mena al-laili wa la yaltafet menkum ahadun ella emra-ataka innahuo musebuha ma asabahum inna maw-edahumuo alsubhuo a-laiysa alsubhuo be-qareeb (81).
The Angels said O Lot! Indeed, We are Messengers of Your Lord, they will not reach You, so Set out with Your family during a portion of the night, and Let not anyone among you look back, except your wife, indeed, she will be struck by that which strikes them, indeed, their appointment is the morning, Is not the morning near?.
Fa-lamma ja-a amruna ja-alna aliyaha safelaha wa amtarna alaiyha hejaratan men sejjilin manduod (82).
So when Our command came, We made the highest of it its lowest, and rained upon them stones of layered hard clay.
Musawwamatan enda Rabbeka wa ma heiya mena alzalemeena beba-eed (83).
Marked with Your Lord, and it is not from the wrongdoers, far.
Wa ela madyana akhahum shu'ayban qala ya-qawmi au'buduo Allaha ma lakum men elahin ghaiyruhuo wa la tanqusuo almekyala wa almeezana inni arakum be-khaiyrin wa inni akhafuo alaiykum azaba yawmin muheet (84).
And to Madyan their brother Shu'ayb, He said O My people! Worship Allah, You have no god other than Him, and Do not decrease from the measure and the balance, indeed, I see you in prosperity, but indeed, I fear for you the punishment of a surrounding day.
Wa ya-qawmi awfuo almekyala wa almeezana bel-qesti wa la tabkhasuo alnasa ashya-ahum wa la ta'thaww fee alardi mufsedeen (85).
And O my people! Give full measure and balance in justice, and Do not decrease people from their things, and Do not roam in the earth as corrupters.
Baqiyyatuo Allahi khaiyrun lakum in kuntum mu'meneena wa ma ana alaiykum be-hafeez (86).
What remains from Allah is better for you, if you would be believers but I am not a preserver over you.
Qaluo ya-shu'aybu a-salatuka ta'muruka an natruka ma ya'buduo aba-una aww an naf'ala fee amwalena ma nasha-uo innaka la-anta alhaleemuo alrasheed (87).
They said O Shu'ayb! Does Your prayer command You that we should leave what our fathers worship or that we do with our wealth what we will, indeed, You are the forbearing, the right-minded.
Qala ya-qawmi ara-aytum in kuntuo ala bayyinatin men Rabbi wa razaqani menhuo rezqan hasanan wa ma aureduo an aukhalefakum ela ma anhakum anhuo in aureduo ella aleslaha ma-stata'tuo wa ma twfeeqi ella be-llahi alaiyhi tawakkaltuo wa elaiyhi auneeb (88).
He said O My people! Do you see if I am upon clear proof from My Lord, and He has provided Me with a good provision from Him, and I do not intend to differ from you to what I have forbidden you, I only intend reform as much as I am able, and My success is not but through Allah, upon Him I have put Mu trust, and to Him I turn.
Wa ya-qawmi la yajremannakum sheqaqi an yousebakum methluo ma asaba qawma noohin aww qawma hudin aww qawma salehin wa ma qawmuo lootin menkum beba-eed (89).
And O My people! Let not your opposition to Me lead you to be struck by that similar to what struck the people of Noah or the people of Hud, or the people of Salih, and the people of Lot are not far from you.
Wa-staghferuo Rabbakum thumma tubuo elaiyhi inna Rabbi Raheemun Wadood (90).
And Ask forgiveness from your Lord, and then repent to Him, indeed, My Lord is Most Merciful, and Ever Affectionate.
Qaluo ya-shu'aybu ma nafqahuo katheeran memma taquluo wa inna la-naraka feena da-efan wa lawla rahtuka la-rajamnaka wa ma anta alaiyna be-azeez (91).
They said O Shu'ayb! We do not understand much of what you say, and indeed, we consider You among us as weak, and if not for your group, we would have stoned You and you are not honorable to us.
Qala ya-qawmi a-rahti a-azzuo alaiykum mena Allahi wa-ttakhaztumuhuo wara-akum zehriyyan inna Rabbi be-ma ta'maluona muheet (92).
He said O My people! Is my group more honorable to you than Allah?, and you have taken Him behind your backs, indeed, My Lord is Encompassing of what you do.
Wa ya-qawmi e'maluo ala makanatekum inni amelun sawfa ta'lamuona man ya'teehi azabun youkhzehi wa man huwa kazebun wa-rtaqebuo inni ma-akum raqeeb (93).
And O My people! Do at your position, indeed, I am doing, but you will know to whom will come a punishment that will disgrace Him, and who is a liar, so Observe, indeed, I am with you an observer.
Wa lamma ja-a amruna najjayna shu-ayban wa allazina amanuo ma-ahuo be-rahmatin menna wa akhazati allazina zalamuo alsaiyhatuo fa-asbahuo fee diyarehim jathemeen (94).
And when Our command came, We saved Shu'ayb and those who believed with Him by mercy from Us, and the blast seized those who had wronged, and they became within their homes, fallen recumbent.
Ka-an lam yaghnaww feeha ala bu'dan le-madyana kama ba-edat thamud (95).
As if they had not settled therein, unquestionably, away with Madyan as Thamud was taken away.
Wa laqad arsalna musa be-ayatena wa sultanin mubeen (96).
And We have sent Moses with Our signs and a clear authority.
Ela fer'awna wa mala-ehi fa-ttabauo amra fer'awna wa ma amruo fer'awna be-resheed (97).
To Pharaoh and his chiefs, but they followed the command of Pharaoh, and the command of Pharaoh was not right.
Yaqdumuo qawmahuo yawma alqeiyamati fa-awradahumuo alnara wa be'sa alwerduo almawruod (98).
He will precede his people on the day of resurrection, and lead them into the fire, and wretched is the entrance which will be entered.
Wa-autbe-uo fee hazehi la'natan wa yawma alqiyamati be'sa alrefduo almarfuod (99).
And they were followed in this world with a curse and on the day of resurrection, and wretched is the gift which will be given.
Zaleka men anba-e alqura naqussuhuo alaiyka menha qa-emun wa haseed (100).
That is from the news of the towns which We narrate to You, of them some are standing and some are harvested.
Wa ma zalamnahum wa laken zalamuo anfusahum fa-ma aghnat anhum alehatuhumuo allati yad-uona men duoni ellahi men shaiy-in lamma ja-a amruo Rebbeka wa ma zaduhum ghaiyra tatbeeb (101).
And We did not wrong them, but they wronged themselves, and their gods which they invoked besides Allah did not avail them in anything when there came the command of Your Lord, and they did not increase them other than loss.
Wa kazaleka akhzuo rabbeka iza akhaza alqura wa heiya zalematun inna akhzahuo aleemun shadeed (102).
And thus is the seizure of Your Lord when He seizes the towns while they were wrongdoers, indeed, His seizure is painful and severe.
Inna fee zaleka la-ayatan le-man khafa azaba alakherati zaleka yawmun majmu-on lahuo alnasuo wa zaleka yawmun mashhuod (103).
Indeed, in that there is a sign for the one who fears the punishment of the Hereafter, that is a day for which the people will be gathered, and that is a day is witnessed.
Wa ma nu-akhkheruhuo ella le-ajalin ma'duod (104).
And We do not delay it except for a limited time.
Yawma ya'ti la tukallamuo nafsun ella be-iznehi fa-menhum shaqiyyun wa sa-eed (105).
The day it comes no soul will speak except by His permission, and among them will be the unhappy and the happy.
Fa-amma allazina shaquo fa-fee alnari lahum feeha zafeerun wa shaheeq (106).
As for those who were unhappy, they will be in the fire, for them therein, there is an exhalation and an inhalation.
Khaledeena feeha ma damati alsamawatuo wa alarduo ella ma sha-a Rabbuka inna Rabbaka fa-alun lema youreed (107).
Abiding therein as long as the heavens and the earth remain, except what Your Lord wills, indeed, Your Lord is Doer of what He intends.
Wa amma allazina su-eduo fa-fee aljannati khaledeena feeha ma damati alsamawatuo wa alarduo ella ma sha-a Rabbuka ata-an ghaiyra majzuoz (108).
And as for those who were happy, they will be in Paradise, abiding therein as long as the heavens and the earth remain, except what Your Lord wills, a gift uninterrupted.
Fa-la taku fee meryatin memma ya'buduo haula-e ma ya'buduona ella kama ya'buduo aba-uhum men qabluo wa inna la-muwaffuhum nasebahum ghaiyra manquos (109).
So Do not be in doubt about what these are worshipping, they worship not except as their fathers worshipped before, and indeed, We will pay them in full their share undiminished.
Wa laqad ataiyna musa alketaba fa-khtulefa feehi wa lawla kalematun sabaqat men Rabbeka la-qudiya baiynahum wa innahum la-fee shakkin menhuo mureeb (110).
And indeed, We have given Moses the Book, but dispute arose therein, and if not for a word that preceded from Your lord it would have been judged between them, and indeed they are in confusing doubt about it.
Wa inna kullan lamma la-youwaffiyannahum Rabbuka a'malahum innahuo bema ya'maluona Khabeer (111).
And indeed, each, Your Lord will pay them in full for their deeds, indeed, He is All-Aware of what they do.
Fa-staqim kama aumerta wa man taba ma-aka wa la tatghaww innahuo bema ta'maluona baseer (112).
So Remain steadfast as you are commanded, and those who have repented with you, and Do not transgress, indeed, He is All-Seeing of what you do.
Wa la tarkanuo ela allazina zalamuo fa-tamassakumuo alnaruo wa ma lakum men duoni ellahi men awliyaa thumma la tunsaruon (113).
And Do not incline to those who have wronged lest you be touched by the fire, and you will not have any protectors besides Allah, then you will not be helped.
Wa aqemi alsalata tarafayi alnahari wa zulufan mena al-laili inna alhasanati youzhebna alsayyi-ati zaleka zekra lel-zakereen (114).
And Establish the prayer at the two edges of the day and at the approach of the night, indeed, the good deeds do away with the evil deeds, that is a reminder for those who remember.
Wa-sbir fa-inna Allaha la youde-uo ajra almuhseneen (115).
And Be patient for indeed, Allah does not waste the reward of the good doers.
Fa-lawla kana mena alquruoni men qablekum auluo baqiyyatin yanhawna ani alfasadi fee alardi ella qaleelan memman anjaiyna menhum wa-ttaba-a allazina zalamuo ma autrefuo feehi wa kanuo mujremeen (116).
So Why were there not among the generations before You possessors of remnant, forbidding corruption on the earth except a few of those we saved from among them?, but those who wronged followed what they were given luxury therein, and they were criminals.
Wa ma kana Rabbuka le-youhleka alqura be-zulmin wa ahluha muslehuon (117).
And Your Lord would not destroy the towns unjustly while their people were reformers.
Wa laww sha-a Rabbuka laja-ala alnasa aumattan wahedatan wa la yazaluona mukhtalefeen (118).
And If your Lord had willed, He would have made the people one religion, but they will not cease to differ.
Ella man rahema Rabbuka wa lezaleka khalaqahum wa-tammat kalematuo Rabbuka la-amla-anna jahannama mena aljinnati wa alnasi ajma-een (119).
Except those upon whom Your Lord has mercy, and for that He created them, but the word of Your Lord will be fulfilled that I will surely fill Hellfire with the Jinn and the men all together.
Wa-kullan naqussuo alaiyka men anba-e alrusuli ma nuthabbetuo behi fu-adaka wa ja-aka fee hazehi alhaqquo wa maw-ezatun wa zekra lel-mu'meneen (120).
And each we narrate to you from the news of the Messengers is that by which We strengthen Your heart, and there has come to You in this the truth and an admonition and a reminder for the believers.
Wa qul la-llazina la you'menuona e'maluo ala makanatekum inna ameluon (121).
And Say to those who do not believe Do at your position, indeed, we are doing.
Wa-ntazeruo inna muntazeruon (122).
And Wait, indeed, we are waiting.
Wa le-llahi ghaiybuo alsamawati wa alardi wa elaiyhi yourja-uo al-amruo kulluhuo fa'bud-huo wa tawakkal elaiyhi wa ma Rabbuka be-ghafelin amma ta'maluon (123).
And to Allah belongs the unseen of the heavens and the earth, and to Him will be returned the matter entirely, so Worship Him and Put Your trust upon Him, and Your Lord is not unaware of what you do.
Simplified interpretation:
Surat Hud begins with three letters of the Arabic language, just like 28 Surahs of the Holy Quran that start with individual letters ranging from one to five letters. It is noticeable that in all 29 Surahs the book or the Holy Quran is mentioned whether it is immediately after these letters or it is included in the Surah or even at the end of it. It is a challenge from Allah Almighty to the infidels of Quraish, as if Allah says to them this is the book in the letters of the language you speak, but you will not be able to produce the like of it, and He has already challenged them in Aya (88) of Surat Alisraa "Say, if mankind and the Jinn gathered in order to produce the like of this Quran, they could not produce the like of it, even if they were to each other assistants". As for the current Surah, it begins with three letters "Alif, Lam, and Raa" or "A, L, and R" in English followed by "A book whose verses are perfected then detailed from All-Wise, All-Aware", but the knowledge of these letters remains with Allah, the Lord of the worlds. And as narrated by Abu Ishaq from Ikrimmah: "Abu Bakr (May Allah be pleased with Him) said: "O Messenger of Allah! You have become gray, He said: I have become gray from Hud, Alwaqi'ah, Almursalaat, Amma yatasa'luon (Alnab'), and Iza alshamsuo kauwweratt (Altakwir) (Jami' Altirmidhi 3297).
Allah Almighty says in the first three verses (1-3) "Alif Lam Raa, a book whose verses are perfected then explained in details from All-Wise, All-Aware, that Do not worship except Allah, indeed, I am to you from Him a warner and a bearer of glad tidings, and Seek forgiveness of your Lord then Repent to Him, He will let you enjoy a good provision to an appointed time, and give every doer of bounty his bounty, but if you turn away, then indeed, I fear for you the punishment of a great day", that is, Allah assures that the Holy Quran is a book whose verses are perfected without any defect, error, or contradictions, then explained in details so its meanings and rulings are clarified for those of understanding from Allah, the All-Wise who manages His creation with wisdom in His laws and destiny, the All-Aware of their deeds. And Allah has sent down Holy Quran detailed in a clear Arabic tongue in order to call mankind to acknowledge Allah's Oneness and that there is no one is worthy of worship except Allah, so He commanded His Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) to say to the people of Quraish that Allah has sent Him as a warner of Hellfire for those who disobey Allah, and a bearer of glad tidings of Paradise for those who obey Allah, and to say to them ask forgiveness from Allah for your sins, then Repent to Him so that you will never return to them, and continue in that, and if you do so, He will let you enjoy a good provision and a comfortable life in the worldly life to an appointed term which is the term of your death or the day of resurrection, then He will give every doer of good deeds His reward on the day of resurrection, where Allah has promised whoever does righteous deeds whether male or female while he is a believer that He will surely make him to live a good life, and He will give them their reward according to the best of what they used to do in the worldly life as mentioned in Aya (97) of Surat Alnahl, then Allah addresses His Messenger and says if they turn away from what you called them of sincere worship of Allah, abandoning the worship of false gods and idols, and refrain from seeking forgiveness from Allah and repenting to Him, so Say to them I fear for you the punishment of the day of resurrection whose horrors are great and terrifying.
Allah Almighty says in the next two verses (4,5) "To Allah is your return, and He is All-Powerful over everything, unquestionably, they turn away their breasts to hide themselves from Him, unquestionably, when they cover themselves in their clothing, He knows what they conceal, and what they declare, indeed, He is All-Knower of what is in the breasts", that is, Allah assures that to Him is your return on the day of resurrection, and He is All-powerful to do whatever He wills, so neither impediment nor inability can prevent Him from doing whatever He wills. Then Allah tells about the polytheists who used to turn away their breasts to hide themselves from Allah when they said or did anything thinking that they were hiding from Allah by doing so, but Allah informed them that when they cover themselves in their garments in the darkness of the night and in the interiors of their homes, He knows what they conceal and what they declare of words and deeds, and Allah is All-Knower of everything where nothing is hidden from Him even the secrets that the breasts conceal.
Allah Almighty says in the next two verses (6,7) "And there is no moving creature on the earth except that upon Allah is its provision, and He knows its place of residence and its place of storage, all is in a clear book, and He is the One who has created the heavens and the earth in six days, and His Throne was on the water, so that He may test you which of you is best in deed, but if you say, indeed you will be resurrected after death, those who disbelieved would surely say this is nothing but a clear magic", that is, Allah is the Provider of all creation including all animals, big and small, on the land or in the sea, so there is no moving creature on the earth except that upon Allah is its provision, where it does not collect or save anything for tomorrow, but Allah provides for it the sustenance despite its weakness and makes it easy for it, and He knows its place of dwelling and where its path ends on the earth, and its place of storage in which it is buried when it dies, and nothing is hidden from Allah, all is in a clear book in which Allah enumerated everything that exists from the beginning of the creation until the day of resurrection, and Allah's Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) said in narration of Ubadah bin Alsamit: ''Verily, the first of what Allah created was the pen, He said to it Write, so it wrote what will be forever" (Jami' Altirmidhi 3319). Then Allah assures that He is the One who has created the heavens and the earth in six days as the creation of the earth and whatever is on it took place in four days, then Allah completed the creation of the sky as seven skies in another two days as mentioned in Surat Fussilat Ayat (9-12), then He established Himself on the throne as mentioned in Aya (59) of Surat Alfurqan, and His Throne was on the water, and Allah's Messenger said in narration of Abdullah bin Al'as: "Allah determined the destinies of creation fifty thousand years before He created the heavens and the earth, and His Throne was on the water" (Sahih Muslim 2653). And Allah has created the heavens and the earth and has subjected both of them for mankind so that He may test them which of them is best in deed because whoever believes in Allah and the day of resurrection will send forth righteous deeds for that day, and the infidels do the opposite, then Allah addresses His Messenger and says if You say to the polytheists of Quraish that Allah will resurrect them after death on the day of resurrection just as He created them the first time, they will deny the resurrection, and will say out of their disbelief and stubbornness that the Holy Quran is a clear magic.
Allah Almighty says in the next four verses (8-11) "And if We delay from them the punishment for a limited time, they would surely say What is withholding it?, unquestionably, on the day it comes to them, it will not be averted from them, and they have been encircled by what they used to ridicule it, and if We make man taste a mercy from Us, then We removed if from him, indeed, he is despairing and ungrateful, but if We make him taste a favor after an adversity has touched him, he will surely say the evils have gone away from me, indeed, he is exultant, and boaster, except those who are patient and did righteous deeds, those for them will be forgiveness and great reward", that is, Allah addresses His Messenger (PBUH) and says if He would delay the punishment for the polytheists of Quraish, so He would not hasten it for them, but rather would prolong their term for a limited time and a known years, they would say out of their denial What is withholding the punishment from us?, thereupon, Allah says as a confirmation of His promise that the day when the punishment which they deny will come to them, there is none to avert the punishment from them, and they will be surrounded by what they were mocking of Allah's torment, therefore, it will be said to them on the day of resurrection "This is the Fire which you used to deny" as mentioned in Aya (14) of Surat Altuor. Allah affirms that if He gave man prosperity and grace, he will rejoice in it, but if He removed his blessings from him and an evil such as misfortune or poverty touches him, he will become hopeless where he thinks that he will not get any good after that, and will be ungrateful as he denies all the blessings that Allah has bestowed upon him and only mentions the calamity. But if Allah blessed him with good and sustenance after he was in hardship and poverty, he will say that the hardships have gone away from him and no harm will befall him, he rejoices in the abundance he has been given and forgets to thank Allah, and boasts on people of what Allah has given him, but these are not the characteristics of the believers; For those who are patient and do righteous deeds in times of adversity and hardships and in times of prosperity and well-being, will have forgiveness from Allah and will have a great reward in the Hereafter, which is Paradise, abiding therein forever.
Allah Almighty says in the next three verses (12-14) "Then perhaps You would abandon some of what is revealed to You, and Your breast is straitened by it because they say Why not a treasure is sent down to Him or an Angel came with Him?, but You are only a warner, and Allah is a Guardian over everything, or Do they say He has invented it?, Say then Bring ten Surahs like it that have been invented and call upon whoever you can besides Allah, if you are truthful, and if they do not respond to you, then know that it has been sent down with knowledge of Allah, and that there is no god but He, then Would you be Muslims?", that is, Allah addresses His Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) saying perhaps He would abandon some of the verses that Allah has revealed to Him, and His breast is straitened by it, so He does not convey it to the people because the polytheists of Quraish say Why not a treasure of silver or gold be given to Him, so that He would not need to strive for sustenance, or an Angel is sent down to Him from the heaven, confirming what he says, thereupon, Allah says to His Messenger You are only a warner, so He have no power over them, He only has to inform and warn of Allah's punishment, but Allah lets go astray whom He wills, and guides whom He wills, and He is a Guardian over everything, and every thing is under His control and authority, so the signs that they ask Him are in the authority of Allah, if He wills, He could sent it down to them. And they say that Allah's Messenger has invented the Holy Quran, but Allah guides His Messenger not to be distressed by what they say because the Holy Quran is the greatest sign of the truthfulness of what He brought them and an indication of His prophecy due to the inability of all creation to produce anything like it, thereupon, Allah commanded His Messenger to say to those who said that He fabricated the Holy Quran as a challenge Bring only ten Surahs like it that have been invented, and call upon whoever you can of false gods and idols besides Allah in order to help you if you are truthful, but Allah assures that if mankind and the Jinn gathered in order to produce the like of this Quran, they could not produce the like of it, even if they were to each other assistants as mentioned in Aya (88) of Surat Alisraa. Then Allah says if they did not respond to Allah's Messenger and did not bring ten fabricated Surah like the Holy Quran as they claim, then know that they are incapable of that, that the Holy Quran has been sent down with Allah's knowledge and permission and Muhammad (PBUH) did not invent it, nor is He able to invent it, and that no one is worthy of worship except Allah, then, Would you be Muslims? and submit to Allah in obedience and be sincere in worship to Him after the proof has been established against you.
Allah Almighty says in the next two verses (15,16) "Whoever should desire the worldly life and its adornment, We pay them in full for their deeds therein, and they therein will not be decreased, those are the ones for whom there is nothing in the Hereafter except the Fire, and nullified is what they did therein, and void is what they used to do", that is, Allah assures that whoever desires the worldly life and its adornment and pleasures, and forgets the Hereafter, Allah will pay them in full for their deeds in the worldly life for He will make them enjoy in the worldly life as a reward for their good deeds, and they will not be decreased anything from the reward of their deeds, so those are the ones for whom there is nothing in the Hereafter except Hellfire for their deeds will be nullified in the Hereafter, and void is what they used to do, so they will not find any good deed in the Hereafter, and it will be said to them you exhausted your good things in your worldly life, and you have enjoyed them as mentioned in Aya (20) of Surat Alahqaf.
And as narrated by Alwalid bin Alwalid from Uqbah bin Muslim: "Shufaiy Alasbahi narrated that he entered Medina and saw a man around whom the people had gathered, he asked Who is this?, they said Abu Hurayrah, he said so I got close to him until I was sitting in front of him as he was narrating to the people, when he was silent and was alone, I said to him I appeal to you truly and truly, if you would narrate to me a Hadith which you heard from the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) that you understand and know, so Abu Hurayrah said you want me to narrate a Hadith to you which the Messenger of Allah narrated to me that I understand and know, then Abu Hurayrah began sobbing profusely, we sat for a while, then he recovered and said I shall narrate to you a Hadith which the Messenger of Allah narrated in this house while there was no one with us other than He and I, then again, Abu Hurayrah began sobbing severely, then he recovered and wiped his face and said you want me to narrate to you a Hadith which the Messenger of Allah narrated while He and I were sitting in this house, and no one was with us but He and I, then Abu Hurayrah began sobbing severely, then he bent, falling on his face, so I supported him for a long time, then he recovered and said the Messenger of Allah narrated to me that on the day of resurrection, Allah, the Most High, will descend to His servants to judge between them, every nation shall be kneeling.
The first of those who will be called before Him will be a man who memorized the Quran, and a man who was killed in the way of Allah, and a wealthy man, Allah will say to the reciter Did I not teach you what I revealed to My Messenger?, He will say of course O Lord! He will say then What did you do with what you learned?, he will say I used to stand with it during all hours of the night and all hours of the day, then Allah will say to him you have lied, and the Angels will say you have lied, Allah will say to him rather, you wanted it to be said that so-and-so is a reciter, and that was said. The person with the wealth will be brought, and Allah will say to him Was I not so Generous with you such that I did not leave you having any need from anyone?, he will say of course O Lord! He will say, then What did you do with what I gave to you?, he will say I used to nurture the ties of kinship and give charity, then Allah will say to him you have lied, and the Angels will say you have lied, Allah, the Most High, will say to him rather, you wanted it to be said that so-and-so is so generous, and that was said. Then the one who was killed in the way of Allah shall be brought, and Allah will say to him For what were you killed, he will say I was commanded to fight in your way, so I fought until I was killed, Allah, the Most High, will say to him you have lied, and the Angels will say you have lied, Allah will say rather, you wanted it to be said that so-and-so is brave, and that was said, then the Messenger of Allah hit me on my knees and said O Abu Hurayrah! These first three are the creatures of Allah with whom the Fire will be inflamed on the day of resurrection.
Alwalid, Abu Uthman, said so Uqbah bin Muslim informed me that shaufaiy is the one who entered upon Mu'awiyah to inform him about this, Mu'awiyah said this has been done with theses people, then How about with those who remain among the people?, then Mu'awiyah began weeping so intensely that we thought that he will kill himself with excessive weeping, we said this man came to us to cause evil, then Mu'awiyah recovered, wiped off his face and said Allah and His Messenger had told the truth Whoever should desire the worldly life and its adornment, We pay them in full for their deeds therein, and they therein will not be decreased, those are the ones for whom there is nothing in the Hereafter except the Fire, and nullified is what they did therein, and void is what they used to do" (Jami' Altirmidhi 2382).
Allah Almighty says in the next verse (17) "Then is he who is on a clear proof from his Lord, and a witness from Him recites it, and before it was the book of Moses, a guide and a mercy, those believe in it, but whoever disbelieves in it from the factions, the fire is his appointment, so Do not be in doubt about it, indeed, it is the truth from Your Lord, but most of the people do not believe", that is, Allah assures that those who are on a clear proof and certainty, and believe in the Holy Quran which Gabriel recited to Allah's Messenger from Allah and Allah's Messenger in turn recited to His companions, and before the Holy Quran was the Torah which Allah has sent down to the Prophet Moses as a guidance and a mercy to the Children of Israel, those who believed in the Prophet Moses and the Torah will believe in the Holy Quran because it confirms their scripture, then Allah threatens whoever disbelieves in the Holy Quran whether from the people of the scriptures like the Christians and the Jews or from the polytheists to whom the Holy Quran has reached, that the Hellfire will be his abode on the day of resurrection, and Allah's Messenger said in narration of Abu Hurayrah: "By Him in whose Hand is the soul of Muhammad, no one of this nation, whether Jew or Christian, hears of Me then dies while he does not believe in what I was sent with, except that he will be among the companions of Hell" (Sahih Muslim 153). Then Allah commanded His Messenger not to be in doubt about the Holy Quran for it the truth from Allah, but most of the people do not believe in it.
Allah Almighty says in the next two verses (18,19) "And who is more unjust than he who invents a lie about Allah, those will be presented before their Lord, and the witnesses will say these are the ones who lied against their Lord, unquestionably, the curse of Allah is upon the wrongdoers, those who prevent from the way of Allah, seeking to make it crookedness while they are disbelievers in the Hereafter", that is, Allah confirms that there is no one who is more unjust than the one who invents a lie about Allah and claims that the Holy Quran is invented, so they will be presented before Allah on the day of resurrection, and He will ask them about their deeds in the worldly life, and the witnesses from among the Angels who wrote their deeds, and the Messengers who conveyed Allah's message to them will say these are the ones who lied against Allah, unquestionably, the curse and the expulsion from Allah's mercy is upon the wrongdoers who wronged themselves with disbelief and tyranny, and as narrated of Safwan bin Muhriz Almazini: "While I was walking with Ibn Umar holding his hand, a man came in front of us, and asked What have you heard from Allah's Messenger about Alnajwa?, Ibn Umar said I heard Allah's Messenger saying Allah will draw the believer near Him and shelter him with His screen and ask him Do you know the sin of such-and-such?, Do you know the sin of such-and-such?, so he will say yes O Lord! Until he confesses his sin and thinks that he is perished, Allah will say I did screen it for you in the world, and I will forgive them for you today, and then he will be given the book of his good deeds, but as for the disbelievers and the infidels, the witnesses will say these are the ones who lied against their Lord" (Sahih Albukhari 2441). Then Allah describes the wrongdoers and says that they prevent others from the way of Allah, seeking the path of Allah to be crooked and be distorted in order to agree with their desires and fulfill their needs and purposes, and they are disbelievers in the Hereafter as they denied that Allah will resurrect them from the graves on the day of resurrection.
Allah Almighty says in the next three verses (20-22) "Those were not causing failure on the earth, nor did they have besides Allah any protectors, the punishment will be doubled for them, they were not able to hear, nor were they seeing, those are the ones who have lost themselves, and lost from them is that which they used to invent, assuredly, it is they, in the Hereafter, are the most losers", that is, Allah assures that the wrongdoers can not cause failure on the earth nor can they escape from Allah's authority, and they have not any protectors who will support them besides Allah when He intends to punish them in the worldly life, but He delays them for the day of resurrection, and then the punishment will be doubled for them, for they were like the deaf, so they did not hear the call when they are warned, where when Allah's verses are recited to them, they turn away in arrogance as if they had not heard them, and they were like the blind, so they did not see anything, and did not contemplate the signs of Allah with their eyes, so they did not reflect on them and did not know Allah's ability to create whatever He wills. Those are the ones who will lose themselves in Hellfire on the day of resurrection, abiding therein forever, and what they used to invoke of false gods and idols will gone away from them, and will not benefit them, but rather these idols whom they invoked in the worldly life will be their enemies and will disavow them as mentioned in Ayat (81,82) of Surat Maryam, assuredly, they will be the most losers in the Hereafter for they will lose the Paradise and its eternal bliss, and their abode will be Hellfire, abiding therein forever.
Allah Almighty says in the next two verses (23,24) "Indeed, those who have believed and done righteous deeds and humbly submitted themselves to their Lord, those are the companions of Paradise, they will abide therein forever, the example of the two parties is like the blind and the deaf, and the seeing and the hearing, Are they equal in comparison?, then Will you not be reminded?", that is, the believers who believe in Allah , His Messengers, and His books, do righteous deeds and abandon evil deeds, and humbly submit themselves to Allah, those are the companions of Paradise, abiding therein forever, then Allah cites an example for the wrongdoers who were mentioned above, and the believers, and He has likened the wrongdoers who wrong themselves with disbelief to the blind and the deaf who does not see anything nor does he hear anything, so he does not see the truth and follow it, nor does he hear the caller to guidance and follow him, therefore, he remains in his misguidance and disbelief, and Allah has likened the believers to the seeing and the hearing who sees the truth and distinguish between it and the falsehood, and hears Allah's argument and believe in it, so he follows the path of guidance, and is not deceived by falsehood, so Are those who are upon guidance of Allah equal to those who are upon error in comparison?, then Will you not be reminded?, so you will differentiate between the disbelievers and the disbelievers, between the deeds of the two parties in the worldly life, and between the recompense of both of them in the Hereafter.
Allah Almighty says in the next three verses (25-27) "And indeed, We have sent Noah to His people, indeed, I am to you a clear warner, that Do not worship except Allah, indeed, I fear for you the punishment of a painful day, so the chiefs who disbelieved from among His people said we see You are nothing but a human being like us, and we do not see you followed except by those who are the lowest of us at first opinion, and we do not see in you over us any merit, rather we think you are liars", that is, Allah has sent His Messenger Noah, peace be upon Him, to His people, and commanded Him to say to them indeed I am to you a clear warner of Allah's punishment if you worship other than Allah, so Do not worship except Allah, with no partner, and Abandon the false idols and gods which you worship besides Him, indeed, I fear for you the punishment of the day of resurrection whose punishment is painful if you do not single out Allah for worship and monotheism, but the chiefs and the leaders of His people said to Him we see you are nothing but a human being like us, so How did Allah reveal the message to You from among us?, and we do not see at first opinion and what is apparent to us that anyone following you except those who are the lowest among us of the poor and the weak, not the rich and the noble, and we did not see any superiority to you over us in character, provision, or condition when you entered into this religion of yours, and opposed us in worshipping idols, rather we think you are liars in what you claim of monotheism and Allah's punishment if we opposed you.
Allah Almighty says in the next three verses (28-30) "He said O My people! Do you see if I am upon clear proof from My Lord and He has given Me mercy from Him, but it has been hidden from your sight, Should we impose it upon you while you are averse to it, and O My people! I do not ask you any wealth for it, My reward is only from Allah, and I am not to drove away those who have believed, indeed, they will meet their Lord, but I see that you are a people behaving ignorantly, and O My people! Who would help Me against Allah if I drive them a way, then Will you not be reminded?", that is, the Prophet Noah said to the chiefs of His people who denied Him, Do you see if I am upon a clear proof from Allah, and I have knowledge from Him, and He has given Me mercy from Him by prophethood and wisdom, so I have believed in Him and obeyed His commands, but it was hidden from you, so you were not guided to it, but rather you hastened to reject it, so Should we force you to accept it while you hate it. And the Prophet Noah said to them I do not ask you a wage for conveying the message of Allah, but My reward is only from Allah and I am not going to drive away the believers whom you see less than you in wealth and prestige, indeed, they will meet Allah on the day of resurrection, and He will reward them for their belief, but I see that you are ignorant people for you ask me to expel those who believe in Allah while neither wealth nor prestige will be of use when meeting Allah, rather belief is the path of salvation on the day of resurrection, and then He said to them Who would help Me against Allah and save Me from His punishment if I drove away those who believed, so Will you not be reminded, then you think about what you say, realize your error, and refrain from it.
Allah Almighty says in the next verse (31) "And I do not say to you that I have the treasures of Allah nor do I know the unseen, nor do I say that I am an Angel, nor do I say to those upon whom your eyes disdain that Allah will not give them any good, Allah knows best what is in their souls, indeed, I would then be among the wrongdoers", that is, the prophet Noah assured the chiefs of His people that He is a human being like them, but Allah has singled Him out of prophecy from among them, so He did not say that He has the treasures of Allah nor did He know the unseen, nor did He claim that He is an Angel, so He will not say to those whom their eyes despise that they have no reward from Allah for their belief, Allah knows best what is in their souls, so if they are believers inwardly as well as outwardly, they will have the best reward from Allah, and if He did so, and said to those who showed faith in Allah and believed in Him that Allah will not give them any good, and if He judged on their faith without any knowledge of what was in their souls and drove them away, then He would be among the wrongdoers who transgress what Allah has commanded them to do.
Allah Almighty says in the next three verses (32-34) "They said O Noah! You have argued with us and been frequent in arguing with us, so Bring us what you promise us, if You are of the truthful, He said Allah only will bring it to you if He wills, and you will not cause failure, and My advice will not benefit you if I wished to advise you, if Allah should intend to let you go astray, He is your Lord, and to Him you will be returned'', that is, the people of the Prophet Noah said to Him O Noah! You have argued with us, and you have argued with us a lot, but we will not believe in what you came with, so Bring us what you threaten us of Allah's punishment and vengeance if you are of the truthful in your claim that You are the Messenger of Allah, thereupon, the Prophet Noah said to them Allah only will bring the punishment to you if He intended to destroy you, and then you can not cause failure on the earth nor can you escape from Allah's authority, and My advise will not benefit you if I wished to advise you and warn you from Allah's punishment, if Allah wished to let you go astray and destroy you with His punishment, He is your Lord, and to Him you will be returned on the day of resurrection whether He destroyed you in the worldly life or not.
Allah Almighty says in the next three verses (35-37) "Or Do they say He has invented it?, say if I have invented it, then upon Me is My sin, but I am disavowing the sins you commit, and it was revealed to Noah that no one will believe from your people except those who have believed, so Do not grieve for what they used to do, and Construct the ship under Our eyes and Our inspiration, and Do not address Me concerning those who have wronged, indeed, they are drowned", that is, Allah says Or do the Polytheist of Quraish say that the Prophet Muhammad has invented the Holy Quran, so Allah commanded Him to say to them If I have invented and fabricated it, then upon Me is My sin regarding what I slandered against My Lord, but I am disavowing the sins you commit, so you will not be held accountable for My sin, nor will I be held accountable for your sins. The Prophet Noah stayed with His people for a thousand years minus fifty years calling them to worship Allah alone as mentioned in Aya (14) of Surat Alankaboot, and when He despaired of their faith, He called Allah saying My lord do not leave on the earth any inhabitant from among the disbelievers as mentioned in Aya (26) of Surat Nooh, so Allah responded to His supplication and informed Him that none will believe from His people except those who have believed, and commanded Him not to grieve for what they used to do, and not to care about them, then Allah commanded Him to make a ship (The Ark) under Allah's sight and observation, and by Allah's inspiration of how to make it, and commanded Noah not to address Him concerning those who have wronged, and ask respite for them, indeed, they are drowned in the flood.
Allah Almighty says in the next two verses (38,39) "And He constructs the ship and whenever a chief of His people passed by Him, they mocked at Him, He said if you mocked at us, then We will mock at you just as you mock, and you will know to whom will come a punishment disgracing him, and a constant punishment descends on him", that is, the prophet Noah began to construct the Ark, and whenever a chief of His people passed by Him, they mocked at Him for they denied what He threatened them of Allah's punishment, so He said to them as a threat if you mocked at Us, then We will mock at you just as you mock, and you will soon know to whom will come a torment disgracing and humiliating him in the worldly life, and a constant punishment that neither ends nor be lightened will befall him on the day of resurrection.
Allah Almighty says in the next two verses (40,41) "Until when Our command comes, and the oven gushes forth, We said Load upon it from every two pairs, two, and Your family except those against whom the word has preceded, and whoever has believed, but none had believed with Him except a few, and He said Embark therein, in the Name of Allah is its course and its anchorage, indeed, My Lord is All-Forgiving, Most Merciful", that is, Allah gave the Prophet Noah a sign and said when Our command comes and the oven gushes forth, then He has to load upon the ship two of every pair, a male and a female from every kind of animals, plants, fruits, to carry His family except those against whom the word of punishment has preceded including His son and His wife, and to carry whoever has believed on the Ark, and none has believed with Him except a few, then the Prophet Noah said to those whom He commanded to be carried with Him on the Ark Embark on the Ark, in the Name of Allah is its sailing on the surface of the water, and its anchorage on the land, indeed, Allah is All-Forgiving, Most Merciful for those who repent, believe, and do righteous deeds.
Allah Almighty says in the next three verses (42-44) "And it sails with them through waves like mountains, and Noah called out to His son who was apart O My son! Come Embark with Us, and Do not be with the disbelievers, he said I will take shelter on a mountain that will protect me from the water, He said there is no protector today from the command of Allah except for whom He has mercy, and the waves came between them, and he was among the drowned, and it was said O earth! Swallow your water, and O sky! Withhold, and the water subsided, and the matter was accomplished, and it came to rest on the Judiyy, and it was said away with the wrongdoing people", that is, the Ark was sailing with Noah and those with Him on the surface of the water which covered the entire earth, and the waves were like mountains, and the Prophet Noah called out to His son who was a disbeliever, and was at an isolated place to believe and to embark with them on the Ark lest he would drown like the disbelievers, but he thought the flood would not reach the tops of the mountains, so he said to his father, the Prophet Noah, I will take shelter on a mountain that will save me from the water, but the Prophet Noah said to him there is no protector today from the command of Allah except for those whom He has mercy and saved them, so the mountain will not save him from drowning, but he refused to answer Noah's call, and the waves came between them, and he was among the drowned. After the people of the earth drowned except for the companions of the Ark, Allah commanded the earth to swallow the water, and commanded the sky to stop raining, so the water began to decrease, and the matter was accomplished, and all the disbelievers drowned in the flood, the Ark landed on the Judiyy mountain, then it was said away with the wrongdoing people from Allah's mercy for they have wronged themselves with denial, stubbornness, and disbelief.
Allah Almighty says in the next three verses (45-47) "And Noah called to His Lord and said My Lord, indeed, My son is of My family, and indeed, Your promise is true, and You are the Most Judge of the Judges, He said O Noah! Indeed, he is not of your family, indeed, he is a deed other than righteous, so Do not ask Me that of which you have no knowledge, indeed, I admonish You lest You be among the ignorant, He said My Lord I seek refuge in You from asking You that of which I have no knowledge, and if You do not forgive Me and have mercy upon Me, I will surely be among the losers", that is, the Prophet Noah called to Allah and said My son is of My family whom You promised to save from drowning, and Your promise is true that can not be broken, so How can My son drown while You are the Most Judge of the Judges, thereupon, Allah said to Noah indeed, He is not of Your family whom I promised to save; Because I only promised you that those of Your family who believed would be saved, and Your son is a deed other than righteous for he wronged himself with disbelief and denial, and he was of those against whom the word has preceded as shown above in Aya (40). Then Allah said to Noah Do not ask Me that of which You have no knowledge for Allah knows what is in the breasts of His servants, and knows that His son is a disbeliever even if he showed other than that, and Allah said to Noah I admonish You lest You be among the ignorant who think that I will not fulfill My promise, thereupon, the Prophet Noah returned to Allah in repentance and said I seek refuge in You from asking that of which I have no knowledge, and if You do not forgive Me and have mercy upon Me, I will be among the losers.
Allah Almighty says in the next two verses (48,49) "It was said O Noah Disembark in peace from Us and blessings upon You and upon nations from those with You, and nations We will let them enjoy, then there will touch them from Us a painful punishment, that is from the news of the unseen which We reveal to You, You did not know it, neither You nor Your people before this, so Be patient, indeed, the end is for the righteous'', that is, it was said to Noah when the Ark landed on the Judiyy mountain Disembark in peace from Us, and blessings upon You and upon the believers with you, and upon nations from those with you, so every believer from the descendants of the Prophet Noah and the companions of the Ark will have peace and blessings until the day of resurrection, but other nations who disbelieved in Allah, His Messengers, and His books, Allah will let them enjoy in the worldly life, then they will be returned to Allah in the day of resurrection and will have a painful torment, so the enjoyment in the worldly life and the painful torment in the Hereafter will be for every disbeliever. Then Allah addresses His Messenger Muhammad saying that the story of the Prophet Noah with His people is from the news of the unseen which Allah has revealed to Him, and He did not know it before, neither He nor His people, then Allah commanded Him to be patient with the denial and the harm of His people; For Allah will help Him and the believers with Him as the good end in the worldly life and the Hereafter will be for the righteous who follow Allah commands and avoid His prohibitions.
Allah Almighty says in the next three verses (50-52) "And to Ad their brother Hud, He said O My people! Worship Allah, you have no god other than Him, you are nothing but inventors, O My people! I do not ask you for it any wage, My reward is only from the One who created Me, so Will you not understand?, and O My people! Ask forgiveness from your Lord, then repent to Him, so that He will send the sky upon you in abundance and increase you in strength to your strength, and Do not turn away as criminals", that is, Allah has sent the Prophet Hud to His people (Ad), and He commanded them to worship Allah alone, with no partner, and said to them you have no god other than Allah as none is worthy of worship other than Him, and you are nothing but inventors of false gods and idols and inventors of falsehood against Allah for there is no god but Him, then He said to them I do not ask you for any wage for My advice but rather My reward is only from Allah, the One who has created Me, so Will you not understand that if I had intended by calling you to worship Allah alone other than advice for you, I would ask you a wage for that. Then the Prophet Hud said to them Ask forgiveness from your Lord for your sins, then repent to Him from disbelief and polytheism, so that He will send down a successive rain from the sky which is the cause of abundant sustenance for you, and will increase you in strength to your strength, and Do not turn away like the disbelievers from what I calling you regarding the monotheism of Allah and disavowal of false gods and idols.
Allah Almighty says in the next three verses (53-55) "They said O Hud! You have not brought us a clear proof, and we are not to leave our gods on your saying, nor are we believers in You, we do not say except that some of our gods have afflicted you with evil, He said indeed, I call Allah to bear witness, and you bear witness that I am disavowing what you associate, other than Him, so Plan against Me, all together, then Do not give Me respite'', that is, the people of the Prophet Hud said to Him You have not brought us a clear proof for what you claim, so we would submit to you and acknowledge that you are truthful in what you call us to, so we will not abandon our gods because of Your saying for which there is no evidence, nor will we believe in what you claim of prophecy. Then they said to the Prophet Hud that they only think that some of their false gods have afflicted Him with evil, and have made Him mad, so He disgraces their false gods, and prohibits them from worshipping them, thereupon, He said to them I call Allah to bear witness against Myself, and you bear witness against Me that I am disavowing your false gods and idols whom you worship besides Allah, so Plot against Me, you and your gods, in enmity and harm against Me, then Do not give Me any respite, then See if you can afflict Me with the evil you claimed that your gods afflicted Me with.
Allah Almighty says in the next two verses (56,57) "Indeed, I have put My trust upon Allah, My Lord and Your Lord, there is no moving creature except that He takes hold of its forelock, indeed, My Lord is on a straight path, but if they turn away, then indeed, I have conveyed to you what I was sent to you with, and My Lord will grant succession to a people other than you, and you will not harm Him in anything, indeed, My Lord is Oft-Preserver over everything", that is, the Prophet Hud assured His people that He has put His trust upon Allah, His Lord and their Lord, so they can not cause harm to Him, and that their false gods can not benefit nor harm anyone, only Allah is the Dominion of the heavens and the earth, and nothing except under His authority and subjugation, and there is no moving creature on the earth except that Allah takes hold of its forelock, so it is under Allah's control and authority, then He said that Allah is on a straight path which is the path of truth, and He does accept except belief in Him, His Messengers, and His books, so if you turned away from what I have brought to you, then I have conveyed what I was sent to you with, and the argument has been established against you by conveying Allah's Message, and Allah will give succession to a people other than you who will worship Him alone, not associating anything with Him, so He will replace you with others and will not care of you and you will not harm Him in anything with your disbelief, but rather you will only wrong yourself for the consequence of your disbelief will afflict you, and Allah is Oft-Preserver over everything as He preserves your deeds, and He will recompense you on the day of resurrection for what you earned in the worldly life of good and evil.
Allah Almighty says in the next three verses (58-60) "And when Our command came, We saved Hud and those who believed with Him by mercy from Us, and We saved them from a severe punishment, and that was Ad, they rejected the signs of Allah and disobeyed His Messengers, and followed the command of every stubborn tyrant, and they were followed in this world with a curse and on the day of resurrection, unquestionably, Ad disbelieved their Lord, unquestionably, away with Ad, the people of Hud", that is, when the command of Allah regarding the destruction of the people of Ad came, Allah saved the Prophet Hud and the believers with Him by Allah's mercy and grace, and Allah saved them from a severe punishment where Allah has sent upon them the barren wind that did not leave anything that it came upon except that it made it like a rubble as mentioned in Ayat (41,42) of Surat Aldhariyat, then Allah says that was Ad upon whom His vengeance and punishment befell, for they denied Allah's signs and arguments, and denied His Messengers whom He sent to call for monotheism and Divinity of Allah, and they followed the command of every stubborn tyrant who deviated from acknowledging the monotheism of Allah, and Allah caused a curse to follow them in the worldly life on the tongues of the Prophet and the believers, likewise, a curse will follow them on the day of resurrection, unquestionably, Ad disbelieved in Allah, so away with Ad, the people of Hud, from Allah's Mercy for they have wronged themselves with denial, stubbornness, and disbelief.
Allah Almighty says in the next two verses (61,62) "And to Thamud their brother Salih, He said O My people! Worship Allah, you have no god other than Him, He has produced you from the earth and settled you therein, so Ask forgiveness from Him, and then repent to Him, indeed, My lord is Ever-Near, All-Responsive, they said O Salih! You were hoped for among us before this, Do you forbid us to worship what our fathers worshipped?, and indeed, we are, about what you call us to, in confusing doubt", that is, Allah has sent the Prophet Salih to His people (Thamud), and He commanded them to worship Allah alone, with no partner, and said to them you have no god other than Allah as none is worthy of worship other than Him, and then He assured them that Allah is the one who has created them from the earth, and made them its inhabitants; For Allah began the creation of Adam from clay, then He made His progeny from an extract of disdained water coming out from between the backbone of a man and the ribs of a woman as mentioned in Surat Altariq Aya (7), and the Prophet Salih said to them Ask forgiveness from Allah for your sins, and Repent to Him from disbelief and polytheism, indeed, My Lord is Ever-Near to His servants and He is with them wherever they are, All-Responsive who answers the call of the supplicant if he calls upon Him. But His people refused to respond to Him and said we had hopes in You before this, but our hope in You was lost, Do you forbid us to worship the gods that our forefathers worshipped, and indeed, we are in confusing doubt about you call us to, and we do not know the validity of what you call us of monotheism and Divinity of Allah.
Allah Almighty says in the next three verses (63-65) "He said O My people! Do you see if I am upon clear proof from My Lord and He has given Me mercy from Him, so Who would help Me against Allah if I disobeyed Him?, so you would not increase Me except in loss, and O My people! This is the she-camel of Allah, a sign for you, so Leave her to eat in the land of Allah, and Do not touch her with harm, lest you should be seized by a near punishment, but they slaughtered her, so He said Enjoy in your homes for three days, that is a promise not going to be false'', that is, the Prophet Salih said to His people who denied Him, Do you see if I am upon a clear proof from Allah, and I have knowledge from Him, and He has given Me mercy from Him by prophethood and wisdom, so I have believed in Him and obeyed His commands, so Who would help Me against Allah and save Me from His punishment if I disobeyed Him, and abandoned calling you to the truth and the worship of Allah alone, and if I did so, you would not then benefit Me, but rather, you would not increase Me except in loss and deviation from the path of guidance. The people of the Prophet Salih asked Him for a sign from Allah so that they may know His truthfulness in what He has brought to them as mentioned in Aya (154) of Surat Alshu'araa, thereupon, Allah gave them a she-camel as a sign, and the Prophet Sahih said to them this is the she-camel of Allah, a sign for you, so leave her to eat in the land of Allah, and He said to them that she has to drink from the water on one day, and they have the same amount of the water on another day as mentioned in Aya (155) of Surat Alshu'araa, then the Prophet Salih warned them of a near punishment if they touched her with harm. But they denied Him and slaughtered the she-camel, so the Prophet Salih said to them Enjoy yourselves in your homes for three days, and that is a promise of Allah that you will be destroyed after these three days, and the torment will descend upon you, and that is a promise not going to be false for Allah does not break His promise.
Allah Almighty says in the next three verses (66-68) "So when Our command came, We saved Salih, and those who believed with Him by mercy from Us, and from the disgrace of that day, indeed, Your Lord is the All-Strong, the Almighty, and the blast seized those who had wronged, and they became within their homes, fallen recumbent, as if they had not settled therein, unquestionably, Thamud disbelieved their Lord, unquestionably, away with Thamud'', that is, when the command of Allah regarding the destruction of the people of Thamud came, Allah saved the Prophet Salih and the believers with Him by Allah's mercy and grace, and Allah saved them from the disgrace of that day, indeed, Allah is the All-Strong who is Capable of everything in the heavens and on the earth, and He is All-Mighty who is Severe in His revenge on those who disobeyed Him. So in the early morning of the fourth day as mentioned in Aya (83) of Surat Alhijr, the punishment seized them and Allah destroyed them by the overpowering blast that shook their land, and they fell dead in their homes. So they perished altogether and their homes became empty as if they did not live or settle therein, unquestionably, Thamud disbelieved in Allah, so away with Thamud from Allah's Mercy for they have wronged themselves with denial, stubbornness, and disbelief.
Allah Almighty says in the next two verses (69,70) "And indeed, Our Messengers came to Abraham with glad tidings they said peace, He said peace, and He did not delay in bringing a roasted calf, but when He saw their hands not reaching for it, He distrusted them, and felt apprehension from them, they said Do not fear, We have been sent to the people of Lot", that is, the Angels came to the Prophet Abraham in the form of good human beings with glad tidings of a knowledgeable boy, they greeted Him with peace and He greeted them saying Peace, and He went quickly to His family and brought them their hospitality which is a roasted calf and placed it in front of them, but when He saw their hands do not reach it, and they do not eat, He distrusted them and felt afraid of them, thinking that they intend evil for Him, but the Angels reassured Him and said Do not fear, We have been sent to the people of Lot in order to destroy them.
Allah Almighty says in the next three verses (71-73) "And His wife was standing, and she laughed then We gave her glad tidings of Isaac, and after Isaac Jacob, she said Woe to me! Shall I give birth while I am an old woman and this, my husband is an old man?, indeed, this is amazing thing, they said Do you marvel at the command of Allah?, may the mercy of Allah and His blessings be upon You, people of the house, indeed, He is All-Praiseworthy, All-Glorious", that is, the wife of the Prophet Abraham, Sarah, was standing, and she laughed, then Allah gave her glad tidings on the tongue of the Angels of her son Isaac, and after Isaac, her grandson Jacob, then she marveled at that; Because she was a barren old woman as mentioned in Aya (29) of Surat Aldhariyat, so she said Woe to me! Shall I give birth while I am an old woman and this, my husband is an old man?, indeed, this is amazing thing, then the Angels said to her Do you marvel at the decree of Allah that you will have a son, may Allah's mercy and blessings be upon you, O people of the house, indeed, Allah is All-Praiseworthy of all what He decrees, All-Glorious in His attributes and deeds, and if He intends a thing, He just says to it Be and it comes to be.
Allah Almighty says in the next three verses (74-76) "And when the fright had left Abraham and the glad tidings came to Him, He argued with us concerning the people of Lot, indeed, Abraham was forbearing, submissive, and oft-returning, O Abraham! Ignore this, indeed, the command of your Lord has come, and indeed, there will reach them a punishment that cannot be repelled", that is, when the fear that the Prophet Abraham felt in Himself from the Angels went away, and the glad tidings came to Him of His son Isaac, He began to argue with the Angels regarding the destruction of the people of Lot, as He said to the Angels that Lot is in this town, and the Angels said to Him we know best who is in it, we will surely save Him and His family except His wife, she is of those who remain behind as mentioned in Aya (32) of Surat Alankaboot, then Allah says that Abraham was forbearing with those who wronged Him, and caused harm to Him, submissive and frequently supplicates Allah, and oft-returning to Him in repentance, then the Angels said to Abraham Leave aside arguing about the people of Lot, indeed, the command of Your Lord has come, and the decree of destruction has come true against them, and there will afflict them a punishment that can not be repelled from the criminal people.
Allah Almighty says in the next three verses (77-79) "And when Our Messengers came to Lot, He was distressed for them and felt straitened for them, uneasy, and said this is a hard day, and His people came to Him, hastened to Him, and before, they had done evil deeds, He said O My people! These are My daughters, they are purer for you, so Fear Allah, and Do not disgrace Me concerning My guests, Is there not among you a right-minded man?, they said indeed, You have known that we have not any claim concerning your daughters, and indeed, You know what we want", that is, the Angels went to the Prophet Lot, and He did not know them, so when He saw them, He was distressed for them and felt strained for them; Because He feared that His people would harm them if He hosted them, so He said this is a very difficult day, and when the people of Lot knew about His male guests, they walked swiftly to Him, and before they used to commit evil deeds as they used to do sodomy, and leave what Allah has created for them of their spouses as mentioned in Ayat (165,166) of Surat Alshu'araa, then the Prophet Lot commanded them to marry women, and not to have sexual intercourse with men, and said these are My daughters, they are purer for you than sodomy, and then He commanded them to fear Allah lest His punishment befalls them, and not to disgrace Him by harming His guests with unpleasant things and demanding shameful acts, and He said to them Is there not among you a right minded man who enjoins good and forbids evil?, but they persisted on their evil deeds, and said to the Prophet Lot You have already known that we have not any claim concerning your daughters and we do not desire women, we have no desire except for males, so you know what we want from Your guests.
Allah Almighty says in the next two verses (80,81) "He said if only I had against you any power or could take refuge in a strong support, the Angels said O Lot! Indeed, We are Messengers of Your Lord, they will not reach You, so Set out with Your family during a portion of the night, and Let not anyone among you look back, except your wife, indeed, she will be struck by that which strikes them, indeed, their appointment is the morning, Is not the morning near?", that is, the Prophet Lot said to His people when they refused except shameful acts, if I had any power over you or could take refuge in a strong support who will help me against you and prevent you from what you seek from My guests, and Allah's Messenger (PBUH) said in narration of Abu Hurayrah: "May Allah bestows His mercy on Lot, He wished if he could betake Himself to some powerful support" (Sahih Albukhari 4694). But the Angels reassured the Prophet Lot and said to Him We are Messengers of Your Lord, they will not reach you, and will not harm You for Allah blinded their eyes as mentioned in Aya (37) of Surat Alqamar, and then the Angels commanded Him to walk with His family when a part of the night will pass and to follow their backs lest any of them fall behind and be punished as mentioned in Aya (65) of Surat Alhijr, and the Angels commanded them not to look back so that they move far away from the town before the dawn comes upon them, but Allah destined His wife to be of those who left behind; because she betrayed the Prophet Lot by not believing and cooperating with His people against Him as mentioned in Surat Altahrim Aya (10), so she will be afflicted with the same punishment that will afflict His people, and the Angels said to the Prophet Lot that the appointed time of their destruction is the morning, Is not the morning near?.
Allah Almighty says in the next two verses (82,83) "So when Our command came, We made the highest of it its lowest, and rained upon them stones of layered hard clay, marked with Your Lord, and it is not from the wrongdoers, far", that is, when Allah's command of the destruction of the people of Lot came in the morning, Allah made the higher part of their town is the lowest, and rained upon them stones of layered hard clay which followed each other when descending upon them, and it was marked with Allah for the transgressors, then Allah threatened the polytheists of Quraish and said that it is not far from the wrongdoers, so these stones that rained on the people of Lot are not far from being rained upon them if they did not repent and believe.
Allah Almighty says in the next three verses (84-86) "And to Madyan their brother Shu'ayb, He said O My people! Worship Allah, You have no god other than Him, and Do not decrease from the measure and the balance, indeed, I see you in prosperity, but indeed, I fear for you the punishment of a surrounding day, and O my people! Give full measure and balance in justice, and Do not decrease people from their things, and Do not roam in the earth as corrupters, What remains from Allah is better for you, if you would be believers but I am not a preserver over you", that is, Allah has sent the Prophet Shu'ayb to the people of Madyan whom Allah named the companions of the Ayka as mentioned in Aya (176) of Surat Alshu'araa, so He commanded them to worship Allah alone, with no partner, and said to them you have no god other than Allah as none is worthy of worship other than Him, and the Prophet Shu'ayb commanded them not to make the measure and the weight deficient, and He said Indeed, I see you in prosperity of livelihood and blessings, but indeed, I fear for you the punishment of a surrounding day from which there in no escape, and then He commanded them to give full measure and weight by observing the correct weight with fairness for they used to take the weight from people in full, but they used to give them less when they weigh for them, and commanded them not to deceive people by decreasing their things, and forbade them from spreading corruption in the land, oppressing its people, and cutting off the roads. Then the Prophet Shu'ayb said to them what remains from Allah of the profit after giving the measure and the weight in full is better and more blessed than taking people's money wrongfully, if you should be believers, but I am not a preserver over you, so I am not in charge to preserve your deeds, I am a warner informing you what I have been sent with, I only have to convey Allah's message to you, and Allah is your Guardian and nothing of your deeds is hidden from Him.
Allah Almighty says in the next two verses (87,88) "They said O Shu'ayb! Does Your prayer command You that we should leave what our fathers worship or that we do with our wealth what we will, indeed, You are the forbearing, the right-minded, He said O My people! Do you see if I am upon clear proof from My Lord, and He has provided Me with a good provision from Him, and I do not intend to differ from you to what I have forbidden you, I only intend reform as much as I am able, and My success is not but through Allah, upon Him I have put Mu trust, and to Him I turn", that is, the people of the Prophet Shu'ayb said to Him Does your prayer command you that we should leave the idols that our forefathers worshipped, or that we should do with our wealth what we will regarding the measure and the weight, then they said to Him as a mockery indeed, You are the forbearing, the right-minded man, thereupon, He said to them when they denied Him Do you see if I am upon a clear proof from Allah, and I have knowledge from Him, and He has provided Me a good and lawful provision, and I do not intend to differ from you to what I have forbidden you, so I do not forbid you from anything and then do the opposite secretly, but rather I only do what I commanded you to do, and not doing what I forbid you to do, I only intend reform as much as I can in what I command you and forbid you lest a punishment befalls you from your Lord for disobeying His commands, and disobeying Me, and My success is not but through Allah, and He is the One who is sought help for that, upon Him I rely in all affairs and to Him I turn all the time.
Allah Almighty says in the next two verses (89,90) "And O My people! Let not your opposition to Me lead you to be struck by that similar to what struck the people of Noah or the people of Hud, or the people of Salih, and the people of Lot are not far from you, and Ask forgiveness from your Lord, and then repent to Him, indeed, My Lord is Most Merciful, and Ever Affectionate", that is, the Prophet Shu'ayb said to His people Do not let your opposition and hostility towards Me make you insist on disbelief and corruption you are upon, lest you be afflicted with vengeance and punishment that similar to the punishment of the people of Noah by drowning as shown above in Aya (37), or Ad, The people of Hud by a severe punishment as shown above in Aya (58), or Thamud, the people of the Prophet Salih by the blast as shown above in Aya (67), and the people of the Prophet Lot are not far from you who were destroyed by stones of layered hard clay as shown above in Aya (82). Then the Prophet Shu'ayb said to them Ask forgiveness from Allah for your sins and Repent to Him from disbelief and polytheism, indeed, My Lord is Most Merciful, Ever Affectionate for those who repent and believe.
Allah Almighty says in the next three verses (91-93) "They said O Shu'ayb! We do not understand much of what you say, and indeed, we consider You among us as weak, and if not for your group, we would have stoned You and you are not honorable to us, He said O My people! Is my group more honorable to you than Allah?, and you have taken Him behind your backs, indeed, My Lord is Encompassing of what you do, and O My people! Do at your position, indeed, I am doing, but you will know to whom will come a punishment that will disgrace Him, and who is a liar, so Observe, indeed, I am with you an observer", that is, the people of the Prophet Shu'ayb turned away from Him and said to Him we do not understand much of what you say, and we do not know the truth of what you say as you admonish us of something the likes of which we are not familiar with, and we consider you among us as weak, and if not for your clan (Raht), and Raht in Arabic language ranges from three to nine men, we would have stoned you to death, and you are not honorable to us, so it is not difficult for us to humiliate and disgrace you, but rather it is easy for us, and if were not for Your clan, we would have done that. Thereupon, the Prophet Shu'ayb said to His people Is My clan more honorable to you than Allah?, and you have put Allah behind your backs, so neither obeying His commands, nor fearing His punishment, nor glorifying Him as He deserves, but rather you fear My clan more than Him, and Allah is Encompassing of what you do of disbelief and tyranny and nothing of your deeds is hidden from Him. Then the Prophet Shu'ayb said to them as a threat Do according to your position and your method, and I am doing according to My position and method, and you will know to whom will come a torment disgracing and humiliating him in the worldly life and the Hereafter, and who is a lair, I or you, so Observe what Allah promised you of punishment, indeed, I am with you an observer for the punishment that will befall you.
Allah Almighty says in the next two verses (94,95) "And when Our command came, We saved Shu'ayb and those who believed with Him by mercy from Us, and the blast seized those who had wronged, and they became within their homes, fallen recumbent, as if they had not settled therein, unquestionably, away with Madyan as Thamud was taken away", that is, when the command of Allah regarding the destruction of the people of Madyan came, Allah saved the Prophet Shu'ayb and the believers with Him by Allah's mercy and grace, and the punishment seized the disbelievers and Allah destroyed them by the overpowering blast that shook their land, and they fell dead in their homes, and it was a punishment of a great day as mentioned in Aya (189) of Surat Alshu'araa, for Allah has combined three types of punishment for the people of Shu'ayb, and they were the blast as mentioned in this Aya, the earthquake as mentioned in Aya (91) of Surat Ala'raf, and the punishment of the day of shadow as mentioned in Aya (189) of Surat Alshu'araa. So they perished altogether and their homes became empty as if they did not live or settle therein, unquestionably, away with Madyan from Allah's Mercy as Thamud was taken away for they all have wronged themselves with denial, stubbornness, and disbelief.
Allah says in the next four verses (96-99) "And We have sent Moses with Our signs and a clear authority, to Pharaoh and his chiefs, but they followed the command of Pharaoh, and the command of Pharaoh was not right, he will precede his people on the day of resurrection, and lead them into the fire, and wretched is the entrance which will be entered, and they were followed in this world with a curse and on the day of resurrection, and wretched is the gift which will be given", that is, Allah has sent the Prophet Moses to Pharaoh and his chiefs with the clear proofs and Allah's signs, which are nine signs but Pharaoh said to the Prophet Moses indeed, I think O Moses that You are bewitched as Allah has stated in Surat Alisraa Aya (101), and Pharaoh's chiefs followed the command of Pharaoh and denied the Prophet Moses, and the command of Pharaoh was not right as it neither guides to guidance nor good, but rather guides to misguidance and evil, and just as they followed him in the worldly life, they will follow him in the Hereafter, and he will be their leader and will precede them on the day of resurrection, and will lead them into Hellfire, and wretched is the entrance of Hellfire which they will enter, and Allah caused a curse to follow them in the worldly life on the tongues of the Prophet and the believers, likewise, a curse will follow them on the day of resurrection, so wretched is the recompense which they will receive.
Allah Almighty says in the next two verses (100,101) "That is from the news of the towns which We narrate to You, of them some are standing and some are harvested, and We did not wrong them, but they wronged themselves, and their gods which they invoked besides Allah did not avail them in anything when there came the command of Your Lord, and they did not increase them other than loss", that is, Allah addresses His Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) saying that the stories He has narrated to Him in this Surah were from the news of the towns whose people were destructed because of their disbelief in Allah and their denial of His Messengers, and among these towns are some whose buildings and traces are standing, and some whose buildings and traces are harvested, so there were no traces for them nor for their people. And Allah did not wrong them, but they used to wrong themselves with disbelief and disobedient, so they deserved the torment which had befallen them, and their false gods which they used to invoke besides Allah did not avail them in anything when there came the command of Allah regarding their destruction, but rather these gods did not increase them other than loss and destruction in the worldly life, and awaits them another destruction in the Hereafter for these false gods do not possess benefit nor harm even to themselves, so they will not avail them in anything.
Allah Almighty says in the next three verses (102-104) "And thus is the seizure of Your Lord when He seizes the towns while they were wrongdoers, indeed, His seizure is painful and severe, indeed, in that there is a sign for the one who fears the punishment of the Hereafter, that is a day for which the people will be gathered, and that is a day is witnessed, and We do not delay it except for a limited time", that is, the torment which Allah has inflicted on the previous nations is the seizure of Allah when He seizes the towns while their people were wrongdoers by denying their Messengers and persisting on disbelief, indeed, Allah's seizure for the disbelieves and their likes is painful and severe, and Allah's Messenger said in narration of Abu Musa: "Allah gives respite to the wrongdoer, but when He seizes him, He never releases him, then He recited and thus is the seizure of Your Lord when He seizes the towns while they were wrongdoers, indeed, His seizure is painful and severe" (Sahih Albukhari 4686). And in the destruction of these towns is a sign and a lesson for the one who fears the punishment of Allah on the day of resurrection for he will be admonished by it, so he will obey Allah's commands and avoid His prohibitions, and on the day of resurrection, Allah will gather all people from the graves for reckoning, the first and the last and none of them will be left, and the the people of the Heavens and the earth will witness the day of resurrection, and Allah did not delay the day of resurrection except that He has determined a limited term for it, so it will not come before or after its known time.
Allah Almighty says in the next three verses (105-107) "The day it comes no soul will speak except by His permission, and among them will be the unhappy and the happy, as for those who were unhappy, they will be in the fire, for them therein, there is an exhalation and an inhalation, abiding therein as long as the heavens and the earth remain, except what Your Lord wills, indeed, Your Lord is Doer of what He intends", that is, when the day of resurrection comes, no soul will speak except by the permission of Allah for the voices will be humbled for the Most Gracious, so you will not hear except a whisper as mentioned in Aya (108) of Surat Ta Ha, and the people will be divided into two groups, the unhappy ones upon whom misery is written, and the happy ones upon whom happiness is written. As for the unhappy ones, they will enter Hellfire, and for them therein is an exhalation and an inhalation which express the grief that they are in, and they will abide in Hellfire forever as long as the heavens and the earth remain by the will and the permission of Allah, and Allah will bring out Hellfire the disobedient people who believe in Him, but they have committed major sins through the intercession of the Angels, the Prophets, and the believers, where as narrated by Anas bin Malik: "The Prophet (PBUH) said some people will come out of the fire after they have received a touch of the fire, changing their color, and they will enter Paradise, and the people of Paradise will name them Aljuhannamiyuon: the Hellfire people" (Sahih Albukhari 6559). And none will remain in Hellfire except those who are decreed for eternity therein, and Allah is Doer of what He intends as nothing prevents Him from doing what He wills, and His decree will be fulfilled for whom He wills from among His creation.
Allah Almighty says in the next two verses (108,109) "And as for those who were happy, they will be in Paradise, abiding therein as long as the heavens and the earth remain, except what Your Lord wills, a gift uninterrupted, So Do not be in doubt about what these are worshipping, they worship not except as their fathers worshipped before, and indeed, We will pay them in full their share undiminished", that is, as for the happy ones, they will enter Paradise, abiding therein forever as long as the heavens and the earth remain by the will and the permission of Allah, and Allah has promised them in Paradise abundant bliss that will not be interrupted nor forbidden. Then Allah addresses His Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) saying Do not be in doubt about what the polytheists of Quraish worship of idols and false gods, they worship not except as their forefathers worshipped before, so they followed what their fathers followed, thinking that their fathers were right without any authority or proof for these idols that would make them worthy of worship, so indeed, Allah will pay them in full their share of Hellfire, and then their recompense will be undiminished, each according to his deeds, and they will not be wronged in anything.
Allah Almighty says in the next two verses (110,111) "And indeed, We have given Moses the Book, but dispute arose therein, and if not for a word that preceded from Your lord it would have been judged between them, and indeed they are in confusing doubt about it, and indeed, each, Your Lord will pay them in full for their deeds, indeed, He is All-Aware of what they do", that is, Allah gave the Torah to His Prophet Moses, but His people differed in it where some people believed, while others disbelieved and denied it, so Allah confirms that if not for a word that preceded from Him that He will establish the reckoning on the day of resurrection, the punishment would have been hastened for them in the worldly life, and they are in confusing doubt; Because they were not certain of the truth and their denial was not out of insight, but rather they said it without any proof or evidence. So Allah will reckon each soul on the day of resurrection, and He will pay them in full their recompense for their deeds, and He is All-Aware of what His servants do of good or evil, and nothing of their deeds is hidden from Him.
Allah Almighty says in the next two verses (112,113) "So Remain steadfast as you are commanded, and those who have repented with you, and Do not transgress, indeed, He is All-Seeing of what you do, and Do not incline to those who have wronged lest you be touched by the fire, and you will not have any protectors besides Allah, then you will not be helped", that is, Allah addresses His Messenger (PBUH) saying Remain steadfast and Adhere to the worship of Allah alone and the religion that He has legislated to You as You have been commanded, and those who have repented with You from polytheism and believed in Allah, and Do not transgress His commands and exceed it to what He has forbidden you from, indeed, Allah is All-Seeing of what you do, and nothing of your deeds is hidden from Him, so fear that your Lord sees you while you act contrary to His command. Then Allah commanded the believers not to incline to those who wronged themselves with disbelief and polytheism, and Do not accept their words or deeds, but rather Abandon the people of polytheism, sins, and heresy lest the Hellfire should touch you, then You will not find any protectors who will support you besides Allah when He intends to punish you on the day of resurrection, then you will not be helped nor be saved from that punishment.
Allah Almighty says in the next two verses (114,115) "And Establish the prayer at the two edges of the day and at the approach of the night, indeed, the good deeds do away with the evil deeds, that is a reminder for those who remember, and Be patient for indeed, Allah does not waste the reward of the good doers", that is, Allah commanded His Messenger (PBUH) to establish the obligatory prayers at the two edges of the day which are the Dawn prayer (Fajr) at morning, the Noon prayer (Dhuhr), and the afternoon prayer (Asr), and at the approach of the night which are the sunset prayer (Maghrib), and the night prayer (Ishaa), and then Allah affirms that the good deeds do away with the evil deeds, so the five daily prayer erase the sins until nothing remains of them, where as narrated by Abu Hurayrah that He heard Allah's Messenger saying: "Have you seen if there was a river at the door of one of you in which he washed himself five times every day, Is there anything of his dirt will remain?, they said nothing of his dirt will remain, He said that is like the five daily prayers by which Allah erases the sins" (Sahih Muslim 667), and as narrated by Abdullah: "A man came to the Prophet (PBUH) and said I fondled a woman who lives on the edge of Madinah, and I did with her what is less than fornication, and here I am, so Judge in my case as You will, so Umar said to him Allah screened you, so you should have screened yourself, the Messenger of Allah did not give him any reply, the man left but the Messenger of Allah sent a man after him to call him, then He recited and Establish the prayer at the two edges of the day and at the approach of the night, indeed, the good deeds do away with the evil deeds, that is a reminder for those who remember, a man among the people said Is this specific for him?, He (PBUH) said no, rather for all of the people" (Jami' Altirmidhi 3112). Then Allah assures that this is a reminder and an admonition for those who remember and benefit from the admonition, and Allah commanded His Messenger to be patient over the harm He met from His people, indeed, Allah does not waste the reward of the good doers who worship Allah as if they see Him, and if they can not see Him, then Allah sees them, so they act according to Allah's commands and prohibitions.
Allah Almighty says in the next two verses (116,117) "So Why were there not among the generations before You possessors of remnant, forbidding corruption on the earth except a few of those we saved from among them?, but those who wronged followed what they were given luxury therein, and they were criminals, and Your Lord would not destroy the towns unjustly while their people were reformers", that is, Allah has destroyed many generations who passed before the people of Quraish, so why were there not among them possessors of remnant of understanding, insight, and obedience, so that they enjoin good, and forbid evils and corruption that were occurring on the earth, only a few of those who enjoined good and forbade evil were found, and they were the ones whom Allah has saved when His torment and vengeance came to the others who wronged themselves with disbelief and tyranny, and followed what Allah has given them of luxury in the worldly life of blessings, pleasure, good living, and good dwellings, so they preferred the worldly life over the Hereafter, and they were criminals as they refused to acknowledge Allah's blessings upon them and insisted on disbelief, so they deserved Allah's punishment, and Allah would not destroy the people of the towns unjustly while they were reformers and sincere in faith, so Allah did not wrong them, but they wronged themselves as shown above in Aya (101).
Allah Almighty says in the next three verses (118-120) "And If your Lord had willed, He would have made the people one religion, but they will not cease to differ, except those upon whom Your Lord has mercy, and for that He created them, but the word of Your Lord will be fulfilled that I will surely fill Hellfire with the Jinn and the men all together, and each we narrate to you from the news of the Messengers is that by which We strengthen Your heart, and there has come to You in this the truth and an admonition and a reminder for the believers", that is, Allah addresses His Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) and says that if He had willed, He would have made the people on one religion either on guidance or on misguidance, but they will not cease to differ and will continue to be disagreement regarding their religion and belief, except those upon whom Allah has mercy, so they followed the Messengers, adhered to what they were commanded in the matter of their religion, and devoted their worship to Allah alone, with no partner, and for that Allah has created them for Allah did not create the Jinn and mankind except that they worship Him as mentioned in Aya (56) of Surat Aldhariyat, but Allah knows that they will differ and that among those whom He has created are those who deserve Paradise and among them are those who deserve Hellfire, so His decree will be fulfilled that He will fill Hellfire from the Jinn and the men all together. Then Allah said to His Messenger that He narrates to Him from the news of the Messengers before Him regarding the harm and the denial they met from their people, and how Allah saved the believers and destroyed the disbelievers, in order to strengthen His heart in conveying the message and to be patient over the harm that befalls Him from the polytheists of Quraish, and that there has come to Him in this Surah the truth from Allah, and an admonition and a reminder for the believers as they will be admonished and reminded by the destruction of the previous nations who disbelieved in Allah and denied His Messengers, so they will adhere to worship Allah alone, obey His Messenger, and obey Allah's commands and avoid His prohibitions.
Allah Almighty says in the last three verses (121-123) "And Say to those who do not believe Do at your position, indeed, we are doing, and Wait, indeed, we are waiting, and to Allah belongs the unseen of the heavens and the earth, and to Him will be returned the matter entirely, so Worship Him and Put Your trust upon Him, and Your Lord is not unaware of what you do", that is, Allah commanded His Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) to say to those who disbelieved in Allah and denied Him as a threat Do according to your position and your method, and I am doing according to My position and method, and Wait for what Allah promised you of destruction and punishment, indeed, we are waiting for what Allah has promised us of victory and mercy. Then Allah assures that He has the unseen of the Heavens and the earth as nothing is hidden from Him in both of them, and the matter entirely will be returned to Allah on the day of resurrection, so Allah commanded His Messenger to worship Him alone with no partner, and to put His trust upon Allah in all affairs, and Allah is not unaware of what you do as He knows what you declare and what you conceal and nothing is hidden from Him, so He will recompense each for his deeds.
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