28- Surat Alqasas/Tafseer
88 Verses Meccan (revealed in Mecca)
A'auzu Bellahi mena alshaiytani alrajeem
I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed Satan
Besmi Ellahi Alrhmani Alraheem
In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
Ta Seen Meem (1).
Taa Seen Meem.
Telka ayatuo alketabi almubeen (2).
These are the verses of the clear book.
Natluo alaiyka men naba-ee musa wa Fer'awna bel-haqqi le-qawmin you'menuon (3).
We recite to You from the news of Moses and Pharaoh in truth for a people who believe.
Inna Fer'awna ala fee alalrdi wa ja'ala ahlaha shieya-an yastad-efuo ta-efatan menhum youzabbehuo abna-ahum wa yastahyyi nesa-ahum innahuo kana mena almufsedeen (4).
Indeed, Pharaoh exalted himself in the land and made its people into sects, oppressing a group among them, slaughtering their sons and keeping their women alive, indeed, he was of the corrupters.
Wa nureeduo an namunna ala allazina estedefuo fee alalrdi wa naja'lahum a-emmatan wa naja'lahum alwaretheen (5).
And We want to confer favor upon those who have been deemed weak in the land, and make them leaders and make them inheritors.
Wa numakkena lahum fee alardi wa nuoriya Fer'awna wa Hamana wa junudahuma menhum ma kanuo yahzaruon (6).
And establish them in the land, and to make Pharaoh and Haman and their soldiers see through them what they used to fear.
Wa awhaiyna ela aummi Musa an arde-ehi fa-iza khefti alaiyhi fa-alqeehi fee alyammi wa la takhafi wa la tahzani inna radduhuo elaiyki wa ja-eluhuo mena almursaleen (7).
And We inspired to the mother of Moses Suckle Him and when you fear for Him, cast Him in the river, and do not fear and do not grieve, We will return Him to you and We will make Him of the Messengers.
Fal-taqatahuo aluo Fer'awna le-yakuona lahum aduwwan wa hazanan inna Fer'awna wa Hamana wa junudahuma kanuo khate-een (8).
Then the family of Pharaoh picked Him, so that He might become an enemy and a grief to them, indeed, Pharaoh and Haman and their soldiers were sinners.
Wa qalati emra-atuo Fer'awna qurratuo aiynin lee wa laka la taqtuluhuo asa an yanfa-ana aww nattakhezahuo waladan wa hum la yash-uruon (9).
And the wife of Pharaoh said a comfort to the eye for me and for you, Do not kill Him, perhaps, He may benefit us, or we may adopt Him as a son and they do not perceive.
Wa asbaha fu-aduo aummi Musa fareghan in kadat la-tubdi behi lawla an rabatna ala qalbeha letakuona mena almu'meneen (10).
And the heart of the Mother of Moses became empty that she was near to disclose about him, had We not strengthened her heart so that she would be of the believers.
Wa qalat le-aukhtehi qusseehi fa-basurat behi an junubin wa hum la yash-uruon (11).
And she said to His sister Keep track of Him, so she watched Him from the side while they do not perceive.
Wa harramna aliayhi almarade-a men qabluo fa-qalat hal adullukum ala ahli baiytin yakfulunahuo lakum wa hum lahuo nasehuon (12).
And We had prohibited Him from the suckling women before, so she said, Shall I direct you to the people of a household who will take care of Him for you while they are to Him sincere advisers?.
Fa-radadnahuo ela aumehi kai taqarra aiynuha wa la tahzana wa le-ta'lama anna wa'da Allahi haqqun wa lakenna aktharahum la ya'lamuon (13).
So We brought Him back to His mother so that her eye might be comforted and she might not grieve, and so that she might know that the promise of Allah is true, but most of them do not know.
So We brought Him back to His mother so that her eye might be comforted and she might not grieve, and so that she might know that the promise of Allah is true, but most of them do not know.
Wa lamma balagha ashuddahuo wa-stawa ataiynahuo hukman wa elman wa kazaleka najzee almuhseneen (14).
And when He reached His maturity and became perfect, We gave Him judgment and knowledge, and thus We reward the good doers.
Wa dakhala almadeenata ala heeni ghaflatin men ahleha fa-wajada feeha rajulaiyni yaqtatelani haza men she-atehi wa haza men aduwwehi fasta-ghathahuo allazi men she-atehi ala allazi men aduwwehi fa-wakazahuo Musa fa-qada alaiyhi qala haza men amali alshaiytani innahuo aduwwun mudellun mubeen (15).
And He entered the city at a time of heedlessness by its people, and found therein two men fighting, this is from His sect and that is from his enemy, and the one who is from His sect called for help to him against the one who is from his enemy, so Moses struck him and finished him, He said this is from the work of Satan, indeed, he is a clear misleading enemy.
Qala Rabbi inni zalamtuo nafsi fa-ghfir lee fa-ghafara lahuo innahuo huwwa Alghafuruo Alraheem (16).
He said My Lord! I have wronged Myself, so forgive Me, so He forgave Him, indeed, He is the All-forgiving, the Most merciful.
Qala Rabbi bema an'amta alaiyya fa-lan akuona zaheeran lel-mujremeen (17).
He said My Lord! because You have favored on Me, so I will not be a supporter of the criminals.
Fa-asbaha fee almadeenati kha-efan yataraqqabuo fa-iza allazi estansarahuo bel-amsi yastasrekhuhuo qala lahuo Musa innaka la-ghawiyyun mubeen (18).
Then in the morning He was fearful, waiting, then behold! the one who sought His help the day before cried out Him for help, Moses said to Him, indeed, you are a clear pervert.
Fa-lamma an arada an yabtesha bellazi huwa aduwwun lahuma qala ya Musa a-tureduo an taqtulani kama qatalta nafsan bel-amsi in tureduo ella an takuna jabbaran fee alardi wa ma tureduo an takuna mena almusleheen (19).
Then when that He wanted to seize the one who is an enemy to both of them, He said O Moses! Do you intend to kill me as You killed a soul yesterday? You intend nothing but to become a tyrant in the land, and You do not intend to be of the reformers.
Wa ja-a rajulun men aqsa almadeenati yas'a qala ya Musa inna almala-a ya'tameruona beka le-yaqtuluka fa-khruj inni laka mena alnaseheen (20).
And a man came from the farthest end of the city running, He said O Moses! indeed, the chiefs are taking counsel about you to kill you, so Get out, indeed, I am to You of the sincere advisers.
Fa-kharaja menha kha-efan yataraqqabuo qala Rabbi najjeni mena alqawmi alzalemeen (21).
So He went out of it, fearful, turning around, He said My Lord! save Me from the wrongdoers people.
Wa lamma tawajjaha telqa-a madiyana qala asa Rabbi an yahedyani sawa-a alsabeel (22).
And when He turned His face towards Madyan, He said Perhaps My Lord will guide Me to the straight way.
Wa lamma warada ma-a madiyana wajada alaiyhi aummatan mena alnasi yasquona wa wajada men dunehimuo emra-ataiyni tazudani qala ma khatbukuma qalata la nasqi hatta yousdera alrre-auo wa abuna shaiykhun kabeer (23).
And when He arrived at the water of Madyan, He found a group of people on it, watering, and He found besides them two women, keeping back, He said what is the matter with both of you?, they said, we cannot water until the shepherds move away and our father is a very old man.
Fa-saqa lahuma thumma tawalla ela alzzelli fa-qala Rabbi inni lema anzalta elaiyya men khaiyrin faqeer (24).
So He watered for them, then He turned back to the shade, and said My Lord! indeed, I am in need of whatever good You send down to Me.
Faja-at-huo ehdahuma tamshi ala estehya-in qalat inna abi yad-uoka le-yajzeyaka ajra ma saqaiyta lana fa-lamma ja-ahuo wa qassa aliyhi alqasasa qala la takhaf najawta mena alqawmi alzalemeen (25).
Then one of them came to Him, walking with shyness, she said, indeed, my father calls you so that he may reward you the reward for what you watered for us, so when He came to Him and narrated to him the story, He said Do not fear, You have escaped from the wrongdoers people.
Qalat ehdahuma ya abati esat'jerhuo inna khaiyra mani esat'jarta alqawyyuo alameen (26).
One of them said O My father! Hire Him, indeed, the best of whom you hire is the strong, the trustworthy.
Qala inni aureduo an aunkehaka ehda ebnatayya hataiyni ala an ta'jurani thamaneiya hejajin fa-in atmamta ashran fa-men endeka wa ma aureduo an ashuqqa alaiyka sa-tajeduoni in sha-a Allahu mena alsaleheen (27).
He said I wish to marry You to one of these two daughters of mine on that You serve Me for eight years, but if You complete ten, then it is from You, and I do not want to make it difficult for You, indeed, You will find Me if Allah wills of the righteous.
Qala zaleka baiyni wa baiynaka ayyama al-ajalaiyni qadaiytuo fa-la audwana alaiyya wa Allahu ala ma naquluo wakeel (28).
He said this is between Me and you, whichever of the two terms I fulfill, then no injustice to Me and Allah is a Witness over what we say.
Fa-lamma qada Musa al-ajala wa sara be-ahlehi anasa men janebi altuori naran qala le-ahlehi emkuthuo inni anastuo naran la-alli ateekum menha be-khabarin aww jazwatin mena alnari la-allakum tastaluon (29).
Then when Moses fulfilled the term, and set forth with His family, He saw a fire in the direction of Altour, He said to His family Stay here, indeed, I have perceived a fire, perhaps I will bring You news from it or an ember from the fire, so that you may warm yourselves.
Fa-lamma ataha nudeiya men shat-ee alwadi al-aiymani fee albuq'ati almubarakati mena alshajarati an ya Musa inni ana Allahu Rabbu al-alameen (30).
So, when He came to it, He was called from a side of the right valley in the blessed spot from the tree O Moses! indeed, I am Allah, the Lord of the worlds.
Wa an alqi asaka fa-lamma ra-aha tahtazzuo ka-annaha jannun walla mudberan wa lam you-aqqeb ya Musa aqbel wa la takhaf innaka mena al-ameneen (31).
And Throw Your stick, but when He saw it moving as if it were a snake, he turned fleeing, and did not return, O Moses! Come and Do not fear, indeed, You are of the secure.
Ausluk yadaka fee jaiybeka takhruj baiyda-a men ghaiyri suo-in wa-dmum elaiyka janahaka mena alrahbi fa-zaneka burhanani men Rabbeka ela Fer'awna wa mala-ehi innahum kanuo qawman faseqeen (32).
Insert Your hand in Your pocket, it will come forth white without any harm, and Draw your hands near to yourself against fear, so these two evidences from Your Lord to Pharaoh and His chiefs, indeed, they were disobedient.
Qala Rabbi inni qataltuo menhum nafsan fa-akhafuo an yaqtuluon (33).
He said My Lord, I have killed a soul from them, so I fear that they will kill Me.
Wa akhi Haruonu huwa afsahuo menni lesanan fa-arselhuo ma-eiya red-an yousaddequni inni akhafuo an youkazzebuon (34).
And My brother Aaron is more eloquent than Me in speech, so send Him with Me, a helper who will confirm Me, indeed, I fear that they will deny Me.
Qala sa-nashudduo adudaka be-akheeka wa naj'aluo lakuma sultanan fa-la yaseluona elaiykuma be-ayatena antuma wa mani ettaba-akuma alghalebuon (35).
He said We will strengthen Your arm with Your brother, and We will make an authority for both of You, so they will not reach both of You, through Our signs, You both and those who follow You will be the victors.
Fa-lamma ja-ahum Musa be-ayatena bayyinatin qaluo ma haza ella sehrun muftaran wa ma same'na be-haza fee aba-ena al-awwaleen (36).
Then when Moses came to them with Our clear signs, they said this is nothing but an invented magic, and we did not hear of this among our forefathers.
Wa qala Musa Rabbi a'lamuo be-man ja-a bel-huda men endehi wa man takunuo lahuo aqebatuo alddari innahuo la youflehuo alzalemuon (37).
And Moses said My Lord knows best of he who has come with the guidance from Him, and he who is going to have the end of the abode, indeed, the wrongdoers will not succeed.
Wa qala Fer'awna ya ayyuha almala-uo ma alemtuo lakum men ilahin ghaiyri fa-awqed lee ya Hamanu ala alteeni fa-j'al lee sarhan la-alli attale-uo ela ilahi Musa wa inni la-azunnuhuo mena alkazebeen (38).
And Pharaoh said O chiefs! I do not know of any god for you other than me, so Kindle for Me O Haman! a fire upon on the clay, and Make for me a tower so that I may look at the God of Moses, and indeed, I think that He is of the liars.
Wa-stakbara huwa wa junuduhuo fee alardi be-ghaiyri alhaqqi wa zannuo annahum elaiyna la yourja-uon (39).
And he was arrogant and his soldiers in the earth without right, and they thought that they will not be returned to Us.
Fa-akhznahuo wa junudahuo fa-nabaznahum fee alyammi fa-nzur kaiyfa kana aqebatuo alzalemeen (40).
So We seized him and his soldiers and threw them in the sea, so See how was the end of the wrongdoers.
Wa ja'lnahum a-ematan yad-uona ela alnari wa yawma alqeiyamati la younsaruon (41).
And We made them leaders who invite to the fire and on the day of resurrection, they will not be helped.
Wa atba'nahum fee hazehi alduonya la'natan wa yawma alqeiyamati hum mena almaqbuheen (42).
And We caused a curse to follow them in this world, and on the day of resurrection, they will be among the despised ones.
Wa laqad ataiyna Musa alketaba men ba'di ma ahlakna alquruona al-aula basa-era lel-nasi wa hudan wa rahmatan la-allahum yatazakkaruon (43).
And We gave Moses the book, from after We destroyed the earlier generations, enlightenment for the people and a guidance and a mercy so that they may remember.
Wa ma kunta be-janebi algharbeyyi iz qadaiyna ela Musa alamra wa ma kunta mena alshahedeen (44).
And You were not on the western side when We decreed to Moses the matter, and You were not of the witnesses.
Wa lakenna ansha'na quruonan fa-tatawala alaiyhumuo alumuruo wa man kunta thawiyyan fee ahli madiyana tatluo alaiyhim ayatena wa lakenna kunna murseleen (45).
But We created generations, and a long life extended to them, and You were not a dweller among the people of Madyan reciting to them our verses, but We were the Senders.
Wa ma kunta be-janebi altuori iz nadaiyna wa laken rahmatan men Rabbeka le-tunzera qawman ma atahum men nazeerin men qableka la-allahum yatazakkaruon (46).
And You were not at the side of Altour when We called, but it is a mercy from Your Lord so that you may warn a people to whom no warner has come before You so that they may remember.
Wa lawla an tusebahum musebatun be-ma qaddamat aiydehim fa-yaquluo Rabbana lawla arsalta elaiyna rasulan fa-nattabe-a ayateka wa nakuna mena almu'meneen (47).
And if not that a calamity befalls them for what their hands had sent forth, and they would say Our Lord! Why did you not send a Messenger to us, so that we would follow Your verses, and would be among the believers.
Fa-lamma ja-ahumuo alhaqquo men endena qaluo lawla auteiya methla ma auteiya Musa awa-lam yakfuruo bema auteiya Musa men qabluo qaluo sehrani tazahara wa qaluo inna be-kullin kaferuon (48).
But when the truth came to them from Us, they said why was He not given like that which was given to Moses, Did they not disbelieve in that which was given to Moses before, they said two works of magic supporting each other, and they said, indeed, we are disbelievers in all.
Qul fa'tuo be-ketabin men endi ellahi huwa ahda menhuma attabe'huo in kuntum sadeqeen (49).
Say then Bring a book from Allah which is more guiding than both of them that I may follow it if you are truthful.
Fa-in lam yastajeebuo laka fa'lam annama yattabe-uona ahwa-ahum wa man adalluo memmani ettaba-a hawahuo be-ghaiyri hudan mena Allahi inna Allaha la yahdi alqawma alzalemeen (50).
But if they do not respond to You, then Know that they only follow their desires, and who is more astray then he who follows his desire without guidance from Allah, indeed, Allah does not guide the wrongdoing people.
Wa laqad wassalna lahumuo alqawla la-allahum yatazakkaruon (51).
And We have conveyed the word to them so that they may remember.
Allazina ataiynahumuo alketaba men qablehi hum behi you'menuon (52).
Those who We gave them the book before it, they believe in it.
Wa iza youtla alaiyhim qaluo amanna behi innahuo alhaqquo men Rabbena inna kunna men qablehi muslemeen (53).
And when it is recited to them, they say We believe in it, indeed, it is the truth from our Lord, indeed, we were before it Muslims.
Aulaeka you'tawna ajrahum marrataiyni bema sabaruo wa yadra-uona bel-hasanati alsayyi-ata wa memma razqnahum younfequon (54).
Those will be given their reward twice for what they have been patient with, and they repel the evil with the good, and they spend from what We have provided them.
Wa iza same-uo al-laghwa a'raduo anhuo wa qaluo lana a'maluona wa lakum a'malukum salamun alaiykum la nabtaghi aljaheleen (55).
And when they hear the vain speech, they turn away from it, and say for us are our deeds and for you are your deeds, peace be upon you, we do not seek the ignorant.
Innaka la tahdi man ahbabta wa lakenna Allaha yahdi man yasha-uo wa huwa a'lamuo bel-muhtadeen (56).
Indeed, You can not guide whom You love, but Allah guides whom He wills, and He knows best the guided ones.
Wa qaluo in nattabe-e alhuda ma-aka nutakhattaf men ardena awa-lam numakken lahum haraman amenan youjba elaiyhi thamaratuo kulli shaiy-in rezqan men ladunna wa lakenna aktharahum la ya'lamuon (57).
And they said if we follow the guidance with you, we would be snatched away from our land, Do they not see that We established for them a secure sanctuary to which fruits of everything are brought, a provision from Us?, but most of them do not know.
Wa kam ahlakna men qaryatin baterat ma-eshataha fa-telka masakenuhum lam tuskan men ba'dehim ella qaleelan wa kunna nahnuo alwaretheen (58).
And How many a town have We destroyed that was ungrateful of its livelihood, and these are their dwellings which have not been inhabited after them except a little, and We were the inheritors.
Wa ma kana Rabbuka muhleka alqura hatta yab'atha fee aummeha rasulan yatluo alaiyhim ayatena wa ma kunna muhleki alqura ella wa ahluha zalemuon (59).
And Your Lord would not destroy the towns unless He sends to their mother a Messenger reciting to them Our verses, and We would not destroy the towns except when their people are wrongdoers.
Wa ma autetum men shaiy-in famata-uo alhayati alduonya wa zeenatuha wa ma enda Allahi khaiyrun wa abqa afala ta'qeluon (60).
And whatever of anything you are given is an enjoyment of the worldly life and its adornment, and what is with Allah is better and more lasting, so Will you not understand?.
Afa-man wa'dnahuo wa'dan hasanan fa-huwa laqeehi ka-man matta'nahuo mata-a alhayati alduonya thumma huwa yawma alqeiyamati mena almuhdareen (61).
Then Is he to whom We have promised him a good promise, and he will meet it, like the one whom We have given the enjoyment of the worldly life, then on the day of resurrection, he will be among those brought in.
Wa yawma younadehim fa-yaquluo aiyna shuraka-eya allazina kuntm taz-umuon (62).
And the day when He will call them and say Where are My partners whom you used to claim?.
Qala allazina haqqa alaiyhimuo alqawluo Rabbana haula-ee allazina aghwaiyna aghwaiynahum kama ghawaiyna tabarra'na elaiyka ma kanuo eyyana ya'buduon (63).
Those upon whom the word has come true will say our Lord! these are those whom we led astray, we led them astray as we were astray, we disavow to You, they did not used to worship us.
Wa qeela ed-uo shuraka-akum fada-awhum fa-lam yastageebuo lahum wa ra'awwuo alazaba laww annahum kanuo yahtaduon (64).
And it will be said Call your partners, and they will call them, but they will not respond to them, and they will see the punishment, if only they were guided.
Wa yawma younadehim fa-yaquluo maza ajabtumuo almursaleen (65).
And the day when He will call them and say What did you answer the Messengers?.
Fa-ameyat alaiyhemuo alanba-uo yawma-izin fa-hum la yatasa-aluon (66).
But the news will be obscured to them that day, so they will not ask one another.
Fa-amma man taba wa amana wa amela salehan fa-asa an yakuona mena almufleheen (67).
But as for he who repented and believed, and did righteousness, then is expected that he will be among the successful.
Wa Rabbuka yakhluquo ma yasha-uo wa yakhtaruo ma kana lahumuo alkheratuo subhana Allahi wa ta'ala amma youshrekuon (68).
And Your Lord creates what He wills and chooses, not for them was the choice, Glory to be Allah, and High is He above what they associate.
Wa Rabbuka ya'lamuo ma tukennuo suduruhum wa ma you'lenuon (69).
And Your Lord knows what their breasts conceal and what they declare.
Wa huwa Allahu la ilaha ella huwa lahuo alhamduo fee al-aula wa alakherati wa lahuo alhukmuo wa elaiyhi turja-uon (70).
And He is Allah, there is no god but He, to Him is the praise in the first and the last, and for Him is the judgment and to Him you will be returned.
Qul ara-aiytum in ja'ala Allahu alaiykumuo al-laila sarmadan ela yawmi alqeiyamati man ilahun ghaiyruo Allahi ya'tekum bedeya-in afala tasma-uon (71).
Say Do you see, if Allah makes the night continuous for you till the day of resurrection, Which god other than Allah could bring you light, then Will you not hear?.
Qul ara-aiytum in ja'ala Allahu alaiykumuo alnahara sarmadan ela yawmi alqeiyamati man ilahun ghaiyruo Allahi ya'tekum be-lailin taskunuona feehi afala tusberuon (72).
Say Do you see, if Allah makes the day continuous for you till the day of resurrection Which god other than Allah could bring you a night in which you may rest, then Will you not see?.
Wa men rahmatehi ja'ala lakumuo al-alila wa alnahara le-taskunuo feehi wa le-tabtaghuo men fadlehi wa la-allakum tashkuruon (73).
And of His mercy, He made for you the night and the day that you may rest therein, and that you may seek from His bounty, and so that you may give thanks.
Wa yawma younadehim fa-yaquluo aiyna shuraka-eya allazina kuntum taz-umuon (74).
And the day when He will call them and say Where are My partners whom you used to claim?.
Wa naza'na men kulli aummatin shaheedan fa-qulna hatuo burhanakum fa-alemuo anna alhaqqa lellahi wa dalla anhum ma kanuo yaftaruon (75).
And We will draw out a witness from every nation, and We will say Bring your proof?, then they will know that the truth belongs to Allah, and lost from them is that which they used to invent.
Inna Qaruona kana men qawmi Musa fa-bagha alaiyhim wa ataiynahuo mena alkunuzi ma inna mafateha-huo latan-uo bel-ausbati auli alquwwati iz qala lahuo qawmuhuo la tafrah inna Allaha la youhebbuo alfareheen (76).
Indeed, Qaruon was from the people of Moses, but he oppressed them, and We gave him such treasures whose keys would burden a troupe of possessors of strength, when his people said to him, Do not exult, indeed, Allah does not like the exultant.
Wa-btaghi feema ataka Allahu aldara alakherata wa la tansa naseebaka mena alduonya wa ahsen kama ahsana Allahu elaiyka wa la tabghi alfasada fee alardi inna Allaha la youhebbuo almufsedeen (77).
And Seek through what Allah has given you the abode of the Hereafter, and Do not forget your share of the world, and Do good as Allah has done good to you, and Do not seek corruption in the land, indeed, Allah does not like the corrupters.
Qala innama autetuhuo ala elmin endi awa-lam ya'lam anna Allaha qad ahlaka men qablehi mena alquruoni man huwa ashadduo menhuo quwwatan wa aktharuo jam-an wa la yous'aluo an zunubehimuo almujremuon (78).
He said I was only given it for the knowledge I have, Did he not know that Allah has destroyed before him of generations those who were greater than him in might and more in accumulation and the criminals will not be asked about their sins.
Fa-kharaja ala qawmehi fee zeenatehi qala allazina youreduona alhayata aldounya ya laiyta lana methla ma auteiya Qaruonu innahuo la-zuo hazzin azeem (79).
Then he went out to his people in his adornment, those who desire the worldly life said Would that we had the like of what Qaruon has been given!, indeed, he is a possessor of great fortune.
Wa qala allazina autuo alelma waiylakum thawabuo Allahi khaiyrun leman amana wa amela salehan wa la youlaqqaha ella alsaberuon (80).
And those who were given the knowledge said Woe to you! the reward of Allah is better for he who believes and does righteousness, and none is granted it except the patient.
Fa-khasafna behi wa be-darehi alarda fama kana lahuo men fe-atin yansurunahuo men douni ellahi wa ma kana mena almuntasereen (81).
And We caused the earth to swallow him and his home, and there was for him no company to help him besides Allah, nor was he of those who defend themselves.
Wa asbaha allazina tamannaww makanahuo bel-amsi yaquluona wayka-anna Allaha yabsutuo alrezqa le-man yasha-uo men ebadehi wa yaqderuo lawla an manna Allahu alaiyna la-khasafa bena wayka-annahuo la youflehuo alkaferuon (82).
And those who wished his position the day before, began to say Oh! Do you not see that Allah extends the provision for whom He wills of His servants, and restricts it, if not that Allah had favored us, He would have caused it to swallow us, Oh! Do you not see that the disbelievers do not succeed.
Telka aldaruo alakheratuo naj'aluha le-llazina la youreduona auluwwan fee alardi wa la fasadan wa alaqebatuo lel-muttaqeen (83).
That abode of the Hereafter, We assign it for those who do not desire exaltation on the earth or corruption, and the end is for the righteous.
Man ja-a bel-hasanati fa-lahuo khaiyrun menha wa man ja-a belsayyi-ati fala youjza allazina ameluo alsayyi-ati ella ma kanuo ya'maluon (84).
Whoever comes with the good deed, then he will have better than it, and whoever comes with the evil deed, then those who do evils will not be recompensed except for what they used to do.
Inna allazi farada alaiyka alqurana la-radduka ela ma-adin qul Rabbi a'lamuo man ja-a bel-huda wa man huwa fee dalalin mubeen (85).
Indeed, the One who has imposed the Quran upon You, surely, will bring You back to a place of return, Say, My Lord knows best he who comes with the guidance and he who is in a clear error.
Wa ma kunta tarjuo an youlqa elaiyka alketabuo ella rahmatan men Rabbeka fala takunanna zaheeran lel-kafereen (86).
And You were not expecting that the book would be sent down to You, except a mercy from Your Lord, so Do not be a supporter of the disbelievers.
Wa la yasuddunnaka an ayati ellahi ba'da iz aunzelat elaiyka wad-uo ela Rabbeka wa la takunanna mena almushrekeen (87).
And Let them not prevent You from the verses of Allah after they are sent down to You, and Call to Your Lord, and Do not be of the polytheists.
Wa la tad-uo ma-a Allahi ilahan akhara la ilaha ella huwa kulluo shaiy-in halekun ella wajhahuo lahuo alhukmuo wa elaiyhi tuorja-uon (88).
And Do not invoke along with Allah another god, there is no god but He, everything will be perished except His countenance, to Him is the Judgment, and to Him you will be returned.
Simplified interpretation:
Surat Alqasas begins with three letters of the Arabic language, just like 28 Surahs of the Holy Quran that start with individual letters ranging from one to five letters. It is noticeable that in all 29 Surahs the book or the Holy Quran is mentioned whether it is immediately after these letters or it is included in the Surah or even at the end of it. It is a challenge from Allah, Almighty, to the infidels of Quraish, as if Allah says to them this is the book in the letters of the language you speak, but you will not be able to produce the like of it, and He has already challenged them in Aya (88) of Surat Alisraa "Say, if mankind and the Jinn gathered in order to produce the like of this Quran, they could not produce the like of it, even if they were to each other assistants". As for the current Surah, it begins with three letters "Taa, seen, and Meem" or "T, S, and M" in English followed by "These are the verses of the clear book", but the knowledge of these letters remains with Allah, the Lord of the worlds.
Allah says in the first three verses (1-3) "Taa Seen Meem, these are the verses of the clear book, We recite to You from the news of Moses and Pharaoh in truth for a people who believe", that is, Allah addresses His Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) and says that these are the verses of the Holy Quran which is a clear book whose verses show the truth from falsehood, the lawful from the forbidden, and the stories of the previous nations, so Allah cites to His Messenger from the news of the Prophet Moses and Pharaoh in truth for a people who believe in Allah, His Messenger, and His book, so they will be sure that the rule of Allah is to save the believers, and punish the disbelievers.
Allah says in the next three verses (4-6) "Indeed, Pharaoh exalted himself in the land and made its people into sects, oppressing a group among them, slaughtering their sons and keeping their women alive, indeed, he was of the corrupters, and We want to confer favor upon those who have been deemed weak in the land, and make them leaders and make them inheritors, and establish them in the land, and to make Pharaoh and Haman and their soldiers see through them what they used to fear", that is, Pharaoh exalted Himself in the land of Egypt, so he overwhelmed and made the Children of Israel into sects, oppressing a group among them by using them in the worst jobs, toiling them day and night, killing their sons and keeping their women alive; For he has been informed that there might be a boy of them who would be the cause of the destruction and the collapse of his kingdom, indeed, he was of the corrupters in the land. So Allah wants to confer His favor upon those who have been deemed weak from among the children of Israel, to make them leaders, to make them to inherit the kingdom of Pharaoh, to empower for them in the land after the destruction of Pharaoh and his soldiers, and to make Pharaoh and Haman and their soldiers see through them that what they used to fear has become a reality before their eyes, as the boy because of whom he killed their sons, shall be brought up in his house, and his destruction will be at his hands as will come later.
Allah says in the next two verses (7,8) "And We inspired to the mother of Moses Suckle Him and when you fear for Him, cast Him in the river, and do not fear and do not grieve, We will return Him to you and We will make Him of the Messengers, then the family of Pharaoh picked Him, so that He might become an enemy and a grief to them, indeed, Pharaoh and Haman and their soldiers were sinners", that is, when Moses was born, the soldiers of Pharaoh did not know about Him, so Allah inspired to His mother to breastfeed Him, but if someone of those whom she fears that He would kill Moses comes, she has to cast Him in the river, and Allah reassured her, and commanded her not to fear nor grieve because Allah will return Moses to her and He will make Him of the Messengers, thereupon, she took a coffin and laid a cradle in it, and put Him in the Nile river, then the water carried Him until the coffin passed by the house of Pharaoh and the family of Pharaoh picked Him from the river, and they do not know that this boy is the one whom Pharaoh feared, so He was an enemy and a grief to them, indeed, Pharaoh and Haman, and their soldiers were sinners and disobedient.
Allah says in the next two verses (9,10) "And the wife of Pharaoh said a comfort to the eye for me and for you, Do not kill Him, perhaps, He may benefit us, or we may adopt Him as a son and they do not perceive, and the heart of the Mother of Moses became empty that she was near to disclose about him, had We not strengthened her heart so that she would be of the believers", that is, when the family of Pharaoh picked Moses up from the river, they took Him to Pharaoh'a wife, Asia Bint Muzahim, and she said to Pharaoh a comfort to the eye for me and for you, so she asked them not to kill Him, and she tried to convince Pharaoh that Moses may benefit them or they may adopt Him as a son, and they do not perceive what Allah intends for them by bringing up of Moses in the house of Pharaoh as Allah guided Pharaoh's wife with Moses and made her dwell in Paradise as mentioned in Aya (11) of Surat Altahrim, and made the destruction of Pharaoh and Haman and their soldiers at His hands. And the heart of the mother of Moses became empty from mentioning anything except for mentioning Moses to the point that she was near to disclose about Moses, but Allah strengthened her heart and made her patient so that she would be of the believers.
Allah says in the next three verses (11-13) "And she said to His sister Keep track of Him, so she watched Him from the side while they do not perceive, and We had prohibited Him from the suckling women before, so she said, Shall I direct you to the people of a household who will take care of Him for you while they are to Him sincere advisers?, so We brought Him back to His mother so that her eye might be comforted and she might not grieve, and so that she might know that the promise of Allah is true, but most of them do not know", that is, the mother of Moses said to his sister follow him, so she watched Him with the people of Pharaoh from the side while they were not aware of her, and when Moses settled in the house of Pharaoh, they offered Him the nurseries in their house, but Allah prevented Him from all suckling women, so He did not accept to breastfeed from any of them, and that was a fatalistic prohibition as Allah prevented Him from suckling other than His mother's breast, thereupon, they went out looking for a woman to breastfeed Him, and when the sister of Moses saw Him with them, she said to them Shall I direct you to the people of a household who will take care of Him while they are sincere advisers to him, so they took Him to His mother to breastfeed Him, and He accepted breastfeeding from her, and thus Allah brought Him back to His mother to breastfeed Him while she was safe after she was afraid for Him, so that her eye might be comforted and she might not grieve for Him, and so that she might know that the promise of Allah is true when He promised to return Him to her as shown above in Aya (7), but most of them do not know that the promise of Allah is true.
Allah says in the next four verses (14-17) "And when He reached His maturity and became perfect, We gave Him judgment and knowledge, and thus We reward the good doers, and He entered the city at a time of heedlessness by its people, and found therein two men fighting, this is from His sect and that is from his enemy, and so the one who is from His sect called for help to him against the one who is from his enemy, so Moses struck him and finished him, He said this is from the work of Satan, indeed, he is a clear misleading enemy, He said My Lord! I have wronged Myself, so forgive Me, so He forgave Him, indeed, He is the All-forgiving, the Most merciful, He said My Lord! because You have favored on Me, so I will not be a supporter of the criminals", that is, when the Prophet Moses reached His maturity and strength in the youth age, and reached the age of perfection of reason and perfection of understanding, Allah bestowed upon Him judgment and knowledge before the prophethood, and thus Allah reward the good doers for their patient and obedience. When the Prophet Moses entered the city at a time of inattention by its people, He found two men fighting, one of them is from the children of Israel, and the other from the people of Pharaoh, so the one who is from His group called for help to him against the one who is from his enemy, so the Prophet Moses struck him and killed him, then He said when He killed him that this is from the act of Satan, indeed, he is a clear misleading enemy, then the Prophet Moses regretted that beating in which the soul was lost, so He submitted to Allah and asked forgiveness from Him, so Allah forgave Him, and Allah is All-Forgiving and Most Merciful for those who repent, believe, and do righteous deeds, then Moses acknowledged Allah's grace upon Him, and He promised Allah that He will not be a supporter of the criminals and He will not help an oppressor for his wrongdoing.
Allah says in the next two verses (18,19) "Then in the morning He was fearful, waiting, then behold! the one who sought His help the day before cried out Him for help, Moses said to Him, indeed, you are a clear pervert, then when that He wanted to seize the one who is an enemy to both of them, He said O Moses! Do you intend to kill me as You killed a soul yesterday? You intend nothing but to become a tyrant in the land, and You do not intend to be of the reformers", that is, the next day Moses was afraid of the consequences of the murder he had committed and was waiting for what would happen to Him, then behold! the one who sought the help yesterday is fighting another one, and when Moses passed by him, he cried out to Him against the other, so Moses said to him you are a clear pervert, fighting a man yesterday and another today. And when that Moses wanted to help him again against the one who is an enemy to both of them, he thinks that Moses intends to kill him rather than help him as He did yesterday, so He said to Moses "Do you intend to kill me as You killed a soul yesterday?, You intend nothing but to become a tyrant in the land, and You do not intend to be of the reformers", thereupon, Moses' killing of the man yesterday was no longer a secret until it reached Pharaoh and his assembly.
Allah says in the next two verses (20,21) ''And a man came from the farthest end of the city running, He said O Moses! indeed, the chiefs are taking counsel about you to kill you, so Get out, indeed, I am to You of the sincere advisers, So He went out of it, fearful, turning around, He said My Lord! save Me from the wrongdoers people", that is, Pharaoh and his people intend to kill Moses as a recompense of killing one of them, so a man came running to Moses from the farthest end of the city, and said to Him that the leaders are taking counsel to kill Him, so he said to Him Get out from the land of Egypt, indeed, I am to You of the sincere advisers, thereupon, Moses took his advice and went out from Egypt, fearing that he would be killed, turning around for fear of them, then He asked Allah to save Him from Pharaoh and his people.
Allah says in the next three verses (22-24) "And when He turned His face towards Madyan, He said Perhaps My Lord will guide Me to the straight way, and when He arrived at the water of Madyan, He found a group of people on it, watering, and He found besides them two women, keeping back, He said what is the matter with both of you?, they said, we cannot water until the shepherds move away and our father is a very old man, So He watered for them, then He turned back to the shade, and said My Lord! indeed, I am in need of whatever good You send down to Me", that is, when the Prophet Moses escaped from Egypt, He turned His face towards Madyan, and went to it, and then He said perhaps Allah will guide Him to the straight way, so when He arrived at the water of Madyan, He found a group of people on its well, watering their livestock, and He found besides them two women keeping back from the shepherds, so Moses asked them what is the matter with both of them that they do not water with the shepherds, they said to Him that they cannot water until the shepherds move way, and their father is a very old man so he cannot water his cattle. Then the Prophet Moses watered for them, then He turned His back to the shade of a tree, and said to Allah I am in need of whatever good You send down to Me.
Allah says in the next two verses (25,26) "Then one of them came to Him, walking with shyness, she said, indeed, my father calls you so that he may reward you the reward for what you watered for us, so when He came to Him and narrated to him the story, He said Do not fear, You have escaped from the wrongdoers people, one of them said O My father! Hire Him, indeed, the best of whom you hire is the strong, the trustworthy", that is, one of the two women came to Moses, walking with shyness, and she said to Him that her father calls Him, so that He may reward Him the reward of what He watered for them, so when Moses came to their father, and narrated to Him the story of His flight from Egypt, then their father reassured Him and said to Him Do not fear, You have escaped from the wrongdoers people. Then one of the two women said to her father Hire Him, indeed, the best of whom you hire is the strong, the trustworthy.
Allah says in the next three verses (27-29) "He said I wish to marry You to one of these two daughters of mine on that You serve Me for eight years, but if You complete ten, then it is from You, and I do not want to make it difficult for You, indeed, You will find Me if Allah wills of the righteous, He said this is between Me and you, whichever of the two terms I fulfill, then no injustice to Me and Allah is a Witness over what we say, then when Moses fulfilled the term, and set forth with His family, He saw a fire in the direction of Altour, He said to His family Stay here, indeed, I have perceived a fire, perhaps I will bring You news from it or an ember from the fire, so that you may warm yourselves", that is, the father of the two women said to Moses I wish to marry You to one of these two daughters of mine on that you serve me for eight years, but if You complete ten years, then it is from You, and I do not want to make it difficult for you, you will find me if Allah wills me of the righteous, and I will not harm You, on that, Moses said to Him, this covenant is between Me and you, and whichever of the two periods I fulfill whether eight or ten years, then no injustice to Me, and Allah is a Witness over what we say, and as narrated by Sa'd Bin Jubair: "A Jew from Alhira asked me which one of the two periods Moses completed, I said I do not know, till I see the most learned Arab and inquire him about it, so I went to Ibn Abbas and asked him, he replied Moses completed the longer and better period, Ibn Abbas added, No doubt, an apostle of Allah always does what he says". So when Moses fulfilled ten years serving the family of His wife, He walked with His wife towards Egypt, but He lost His way, so He went towards the Mount of Altour in Sinai, and He found a burning fire, therefore, He said to His wife Stay where you are, I saw a fire, and I will go to it, perhaps I will find someone who will guide Me to the way as mentioned in Aya (10) of Surat Ta Ha, or I will bring you a burning wood so that you may warm yourself.
Allah says in the next three verses (30-32) "So, when He came to it, He was called from a side of the right valley in the blessed spot from the tree O Moses! indeed, I am Allah, the Lord of the worlds, and Throw Your stick, but when He saw it moving as if it were a snake, he turned fleeing, and did not return, O Moses! Come and Do not fear, indeed, You are of the secure, Insert Your hand in Your pocket, it will come forth white without any harm, and Draw your hands near to yourself against fear, so these two evidences from Your Lord to Pharaoh and His chiefs, indeed, they were disobedient", that is, When the Prophet Moses arrived at the fire, Allah called Him from a side of the right valley in the blessed spot from the tree, and said to Him ''O Moses! indeed, I am Allah, the Lord of the worlds", then Allah commanded Him to throw His stick on the ground, and the stick turned into a snake moving on the ground, so Moses turned fleeing for fear, and did not return, then Allah called Him again and said "Come and Do not fear, indeed, You are of the secure", thereupon, Moses returned when Allah reassured Him, then Allah commanded Him to insert His Hand in His pocket, so it will come forth white without any harm, and Allah commanded Him to draw His hands near to Himself against fear, so if He fears something, He has to join His hands to Himself, so His fear goes away, then Allah said to Moses that the stick which turned into a snake, and His hand that came out white without any harm are two clear evidences to Pharaoh and his chiefs for they were disobedient to Allah as these two evidences indicated the ability of Allah, the Creator of everything, and the validity of the prophecy of Moses, peace be upon Him.
Allah says in the next three verses (33-35) "He said My Lord, I have killed a soul from them, so I fear that they will kill Me, and My brother Aaron is more eloquent than Me in speech, so send Him with Me, a helper who will confirm Me, indeed, I fear that they will deny Me, He said We will strengthen Your arm with Your brother, and We will make an authority for both of You, so they will not reach both of You, through Our signs, You both and those who follow You will be the victors", that is, the Prophet Moses said to Allah when He sent Him to Pharaoh and His chiefs that He killed a man from them as shown above in Aya (15), so He fears that they will kill Him if they saw Him, then Moses asked Allah to send His brother Aaron with Him as there was a knot in His tongue that prevents Him from expressing clearly what he wants to say as mentioned in Aya (27) of Surat Taha "And unite the knot from My tongue", and His brother Aaron is more eloquent than Him in speech as He explains better what He wants to say than Moses, so He wants Him as a helper who will confirm what Moses says as Moses fears that they will deny Him because the news of two is more effective in their souls that the news of one, thereupon, Allah said to Him that He will strengthen Him with His brother, and will give them an authority and clear evidences and signs, so Pharaoh and his chiefs would not have any way to harm Moses and Aaron, then Allah gave Him the glad tidings of victory over Pharaoh and his people through Allah's signs and proofs, so both of them and those who follow them will be the victors in the worldly life and the Hereafter.
Allah says in the next two verses (36,37) "Then when Moses came to them with Our clear signs, they said this is nothing but an invented magic, and we did not hear of this among our forefathers, and Moses said My Lord knows best of he who has come with the guidance from Him, and he who is going to have the end of the abode, indeed, the wrongdoers will not succeed", that is, when the Prophet Moses came to Pharaoh and his people with Allah's clear signs and miracles that indicate Allah's oneness and the truthfulness of what they say, they denied them and said that these signs are nothing but an invented magic, and they did not hear about worshipping Allah alone among their forefathers, so Moses said to them that Allah knows best of the one who has come with the guidance from Him, and the one who will have the good end in the abode of the Hereafter, and assured them that the wrongdoers who wronged themselves with disbelief and associated other partners with Allah will not succeed in the worldly life or in the Hereafter.
Allah says in the next two verses (38,39) "And Pharaoh said O chiefs! I do not know of any god for you other than me, so Kindle for Me O Haman! a fire upon on the clay, and Make for me a tower so that I may look at the God of Moses, and indeed, I think that He is of the liars, and he was arrogant and his soldiers in the earth without right, and they thought that they will not be returned to Us", that is, Pharaoh persisted on his disbelief and claimed divinity for himself as he said to His people "I am your lord, the most high" as mentioned in Aya (24) of Surat Alnazi'at, so when Moses called them to worship Allah alone, he said to his people "I do not know of any god for you other than me", then he continued in his tyranny and commanded his minister Haman to kindle fire on the clay in order to build a lofty tower for him, so that he may look at Allah, the God of Moses, and he said that Moses is a liar and He has no God, so he was arrogant and his soldiers in the land without right as they transgressed in the lands and increased therein the corruption as Allah has stated in Ayat (11,12) of Surat Alfajr, and they thought that they will not be returned to Allah on the day of resurrection.
Allah says in the next four verses (40-43) "So We seized him and his soldiers and threw them in the sea, so See how was the end of the wrongdoers, and We made them leaders who invite to the fire and on the day of resurrection, they will not be helped, and We caused a curse to follow them in this world, and on the day of resurrection, they will be among the despised ones, and We gave Moses the book, from after We destroyed the earlier generations, enlightenment for the people and a guidance and a mercy so that they may remember", that is, Allah seized Pharaoh and his soldiers and threw them in the sea, then Allah addresses His Messenger Muhammad and says to Him See how was the end of the wrongdoers who wrongs themselves with disbelief, tyranny, and arrogance, and Allah made them leaders who invite those who followed their path, and disbelieved in Allah to the fire, and on the day of resurrection, they will not be helped, and Allah caused a curse to follow them in the worldly life on the tongues of the Prophet and the believers, and on the day of resurrection, they will be among the despised and detested ones. Then Allah gave the Prophet Moses the Torah after He has destroyed Pharaoh and his people, and the Torah was an enlightenment of the truth, the rulings, and the limits for the people, a guidance to the straight path, and a mercy from Allah, so that they may remember and be guided thereby.
Allah says in the next three verses (44-46) "And You were not on the western side when We decreed to Moses the matter, and You were not of the witnesses, but We created generations, and a long life extended to them, and You were not a dweller among the people of Madyan reciting to them our verses, but We were the Senders, and You were not at the side of Altour when We called, but it is a mercy from Your Lord so that you may warn a people to whom no warner has come before You so that they may remember", that is, after Allah has cited the story of the Prophet Moses and Pharaoh in truth, He addresses the Prophet Muhammad and assures that He was not on the western side of the right valley in the blessed spot from the tree when He decreed to the Prophet Moses the matter of His prophecy as shown above in Aya (30), and He was not of the witnesses, but Allah created generations after Him, and a long life extended to them until they forgot the remembrance of Allah and his commands and prohibitions, then Allah assures that the Prophet Muhammad was not a dweller among the people of Madyan reciting to them Allah's verses when He told the story of the Prophet Moses in Madyan, but Allah is the Sender, and He was not at the side of Altour Mount when Allah called the Prophet Moses, but it is a mercy from Allah as He sends Him with the news of the previous nations to the people of Mecca to whom no warner has come before Muhammad (PBUH) so that they may remember and be guided by what He came with lest the punishment befalls them as it befell those before them.
Allah says in the next two verses (47,48) "And if not that a calamity befalls them for what their hands had sent forth, and they would say Our Lord! Why did you not send a Messenger to us, so that we would follow Your verses, and would be among the believers, but when the truth came to them from Us, they said why was He not given like that which was given to Moses, Did they not disbelieve in that which was given to Moses before, they said two works of magic supporting each other, and they said, indeed, we are disbelievers in all", that is, Allah sent His Messenger Muhammad to the people of Quraish in order to establish the argument against them and to cut off their excuse when a punishment comes to them; because if a calamity befalls them or Allah's punishment comes to them for their disbelief and what their hands had sent forth of sins and disobedience, they would argue that neither a Messenger nor a warner came to them, and would say "Our Lord! why did you not send a Messenger to us, so that we would follow Your verses, and would be among the believers, so Allah sends His messengers so that mankind will have no argument against Allah after the Messengers as He has stated in Aya (165) of Surat Alnisaa, but when Allah sent His Messenger Muhammad to them with the truth, they said out of their stubbornness and arrogance why was Muhammad not given like that which was given to Moses of Allah's signs such as the stick and the white hand as shown above in Ayat (31,32), then Allah says Did they not disbelieve in that which was given to Moses before, they disbelieved in that which was given to Moses and that which was given to Muhammad and said that the Torah and the Holy Quran are two works of magic supporting each other, and they disbelieve in both of them.
Allah says in the next two verses (49,50) "Say then Bring a book from Allah which is more guiding than both of them that I may follow it if you are truthful, but if they do not respond to You, then Know that they only follow their desires, and who is more astray then he who follows his desire without guidance from Allah, indeed, Allah does not guide the wrongdoing people", that is, since the polytheist of Quraish accused the Torah and the Holy Quran of being two works of magic, Allah ordered His Messenger to say to them Bring a book from Allah which is better in guidance that both of them that He may follows it if they are truthful, and if they did not respond to Allah's Messenger, then they only follow their desires without any proof or argument, and who is more astray than he who follows his desire without guidance from Allah, and Allah does not guide the wrongdoers who wrong themselves with disbelief, stubbornness, and arrogance.
Allah says in the next three verses (51-53) "And We have conveyed the word to them so that they may remember, those who We gave them the book before it, they believe in it, and when it is recited to them, they say We believe in it, indeed, it is the truth from our Lord, indeed, we were before it Muslims", that is, Allah has revealed the word and the news of the previous nations to His Messenger so that Quraish may remember and be admonished by it, and those whom Allah gave the scripture before the Holy Quran whether from Jews or Christians believe in the Holy Quran and when it is recited to them, they say we believe in it, indeed, it is the truth from Allah, and we were Muslims before it.
Allah says in the next two verses (54,55) "Those will be given their reward twice for what they have been patient with, and they repel the evil with the good, and they spend from what We have provided them, and when they hear the vain speech, they turn away from it, and say for us are our deeds and for you are your deeds, peace be upon you, we do not seek the ignorant", that is, the people of the scripture who believe in their Messenger then believe in Allah's Messenger Muhammad (PBUH), will be given their reward twice, and Allah's Messenger said in narration of Alsha'bi from Abu Burda's father: ''Three persons will have a double reward: a person from the people of the scriptures who believe in His Prophet and then believed in the Prophet Muhammad, a slave who discharged his duties to Allah and his master, and a master of a slave-girl who teaches her good manners and educated her in the best possible way and manumits her and then marries her", so Allah will give them their reward twice because they are patient over the hardships they faced on the worldly life in order to obey Allah and His Messenger, they repel the evil with the good for they do not meet the bad with the same but they forgive, and they spend from what Allah has provided them of good provision whether on their families, in the way of Allah, or for alms, and as narrated by Abu Hurayrah that Allah's Messenger said: "Of the Dinar (currency) you spend in the way of Allah, and a Dinar you spend to set fee a slave, and a Dinar you gave as a charity to a needy, and a Dinar you spend on your family, the one yielding the greatest reward is that which you spend on your family" (Sahih Muslim 995), and when they hear the vain speech, and the slander of the disbelievers and the deniers against Allah, His Messenger, and the Holy Quran, they do not indulge therein, rather, they turn away from it, and say to the disbelievers "For us are our deeds and for you are your deeds, peace be upon you, we do not seek the ignorant".
Allah says in the next verse (56) "Indeed, You can not guide whom You love, but Allah guides whom He wills, and He knows best the guided ones", that is, Allah addresses His Messenger and assures Him that He cannot guide whom He love because of kinship but Allah guides whom He wills, where as narrated Almusaiyab: "When Abu Talib was on his death bed, Allah's Messenger came to Him and found with him Abu Jahl and Abdullah Bin Abi Umaiya Bin Almughirah, Allah's Messenger said O uncle! Say there is no God but Allah, a word with which I will defend you before Allah, on that Abu Jahl and Abdullah bin Abi Umaiya said to Abu Talib, Will you now leave the religion of Abdul Muttalib?, Allah's Messenger kept on inviting him to say that sentence while the other two kept on repeating their sentence before him till Abu Talib said as the last thing he said to them I am on the religion of Abdul Muttalib, and refused to say there is no God but Allah, on that Allah's Messenger said By Allah! I will keep on asking Allah's forgiveness for you unless I am forbidden to do so, so Allah revealed Aya (113) of Surat Altawbah "It is not for the Prophet and those who believe to ask forgiveness for the polytheists", and then Allah revealed especially about Abu Talib ''Indeed, You can not guide whom You love, but Allah guides whom He wills, and He knows best the guided ones'", and in narration of Abu Hurayrah, Abu Talib said to Allah's Messenger "If it were not that Quraish would insult me saying he only said it out of fright, then I would delight Your eyes with it".
Allah says in the next verse (57) "And they said if we follow the guidance with you, we would be snatched away from our land, Do they not see that We established for them a secure sanctuary to which fruits of everything are brought, a provision from Us?, but most of them do not know", that is, the polytheists of Quraish said to Allah's Messenger that if they follow the guidance with Him and oppose other Arab tribes, then they will fight them and snatch them away from their land, so Allah assures that their excuse is a lie and a falsehood as He made for them a secure sanctuary and they are in a great security while the people around them are being snatched away as mentioned in Aya (67) of Surat Alankaboot, So Mecca is a secure sanctuary for the presence of the Sacred House (Alka'bah) therein, and fruits from all things are brought to them from everywhere as a provision from Allah, but most of them do not know as they follow their whims without any proof or argument.
Allah says in the next two verses (58,59) "And How many a town have We destroyed that was ungrateful of its livelihood, and these are their dwellings which have not been inhabited after them except a little, and We were the inheritors, and Your Lord would not destroy the towns unless He sends to their mother a Messenger reciting to them Our verses, and We would not destroy the towns except when their people are wrongdoers", that is, Allah has bestowed upon Quraish the blessings of security and provision, but they denied Allah's favor, so Allah confirms them that He has destroyed many towns that were ungrateful to Allah for what He has bestowed upon them of means of livelihood, so their dwellings have not been inhabited after the destruction of its people except for a little and it turned to ruins and was not bequeathed to anyone else, rather, Allah was the inheritor, then Allah assures that He would not destroy the towns that disbelieved in Him until He sends a Messenger to Mecca which is the Mother of the towns as mentioned in Aya (7) of Surat Alshura, So Allah sent His Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) to Mecca and all towns reciting to them Allah's verses in order to establish the argument against them lest they say ''Our Lord! why did you not send a Messenger to us" as shown above in Aya (47), and Allah would not destroy the towns except when their people are wrongdoers as they deserve the punishment for their insistence on disbelief and tyranny.
Allah says in the next two verses (60,61) "And whatever of anything you are given is an enjoyment of the worldly life and its adornment, and what is with Allah is better and more lasting, so Will you not understand?, then Is he to whom We have promised him a good promise, and he will meet it, like the one whom We have given the enjoyment of the worldly life, then on the day of resurrection, he will be among those brought in", that is, Allah assures mankind that whatever they have given is nothing but the enjoyment of the worldly life and its adornment and it will not benefit them in the Hereafter, and what is with Allah of bliss in the Hereafter is better and more lasting than what they have given in the worldly life where those who preferred the worldly life and its adornment will not have a share in the Hereafter as mentioned in Aya (20) of Surat Alshura, so will they not understand the insignificance of the worldly life compared to what Allah has prepared for the righteous in the Hereafter from the lasting bliss, and Allah's Messenger said in narration of Mustawred Bin Shaddad: "By Allah! This world compared to the Hereafter is nothing but like that one of you puts his finger (and Yahya pointed with his forefinger) in the sea, so let him see what it returns with?", so Is he who believes in what Allah has promised him for his good deeds in the Hereafter and he will inevitably meet it like the one who denies the Hereafter and the meeting with Allah, so he enjoys the worldly life for a little till the end of his life then he will be brought in the Hellfire on the day of resurrection.
Allah says in the next three verses (62-64) "And the day when He will call them and say Where are My partners whom you used to claim?, those upon whom the word has come true will say our Lord! these are those whom we led astray, we led them astray as we were astray, we disavow to You, they did not used to worship us, and it will be said Call your partners, and they will call them, but they will not respond to them, and they will see the punishment, if only they were guided", that is, Allah will call the polytheists on the day of resurrection and will say to them as a reprimand Where are the gods and the idols that you used to worship in the worldly life and claim that they are My partners?, so those upon whom the word of the punishment had come true whether from the devils or their leaders who called them to disbelief, will confess before Allah that they led their followers astray as they were astray, but they will disavow them and say that they did not worship them, and it will be said to the followers Call your partners to save you from the punishment, so they will call them, but they will not respond to them, and they will see the punishment and will be certain that they will face the punishment, so they will wish that they were guided in the worldly life.
Allah says in the next three verses (65-67) "And the day when He will call them and say What did you answer the Messengers?, but the news will be obscured to them that day, so they will not ask one another, but as for he who repented and believed, and did righteousness, then is expected that he will be among the successful", that is, Allah will call the disbelievers and ask them What did you answer the Messengers when they conveyed My message to you, but the arguments will be obscured to them, so they will not know what to answer as they will not have any excuse on the day of resurrection nor will they ask one another, but as for he who repented, believed in Allah, and did righteous deeds, he will be among the successful on the day of resurrection and will be among the companions of Paradise.
Allah says in the next three verses (68-70) "And Your Lord creates what He wills and chooses, not for them was the choice, Glory to be Allah, and High is He above what they associate, and Your Lord knows what their breasts conceal and what they declare, and He is Allah, there is no god but He, to Him is the praise in the first and the last, and for Him is the judgment and to Him you will be returned", that is, Allah addresses His Messenger Muhammad and assures Him that He creates what He wills and chooses what He wills as all matters good and bad are in His hands so whatever He wills happens and whatever He does not will does not happen, and they have no choice in that, so Glory to be Allah, and High is He above what they associate with Him of partners and idols who do not create nor choose anything in the heavens or on the earth, and Allah knows what His creation conceal and what they declare, and nothing is hidden from Him, and He is Allah, there is no god but Him, and to Him is the praise in the worldly life and the Hereafter, to Him is the judgment and you will be returned to Him on the day of resurrection, then He will judge between His creation with justice.
Allah says in the next three verses (71-73) "Say Do you see, if Allah makes the night continuous for you till the day of resurrection, Which god other than Allah could bring you light, then Will you not hear?, Say Do you see, if Allah makes the day continuous for you till the day of resurrection Which god other than Allah could bring you a night in which you may rest, then Will you not see?, and of His mercy, He made for you the night and the day that you may rest therein, and that you may seek from His bounty, and so that you may give thanks", that is, Allah has subjected the night and the day for man, so if He made the night continuous for them till the day of resurrection, there is no god besides Him who can bring them light in which they seek their livelihood, then Will they not hear the truth, so they follow it and act according to it. And if Allah makes the day continuous till the day of resurrection, there is no god besides Allah who can bring a night in which they may rest from the hardship of seeking livelihood during the day, so Will they not see that Allah is Able to do whatever He wills, and out of His mercy, He made the succession of the night and the day so that mankind may rest therein, and that they may seek from Allah's bounty, and so that they may give thanks to Allah for the blessings He has bestowed upon them.
Allah says in the next two verses (74,75) "And the day when He will call them and say Where are My partners whom you used to claim?, and We will draw out a witness from every nation, and We will say Bring your proof?, then they will know that the truth belongs to Allah, and lost from them is that which they used to invent", that is, Allah will call the polytheists on the day of resurrection and will say to them as a reprimand Where are the gods and the idols that you used to worship in the worldly life and claim that they are My partners?, and Allah will bring a witness from every nation, and the witness of every nation will be the Messenger to whom was sent as mentioned in Aya (41) of Surat Alnisaa, then it will be said to the polytheists Bring your proof that proves what you claimed that Allah has partners, so they will realize that the truth belongs to Allah alone, and there is no god but Him, and they will know the truthfulness of what their Messengers brought, and what they used to invoke of false gods and idols will gone away from them, and will not benefit them.
Allah says in the next two verses (76,77) ''Indeed, Qaruon was from the people of Moses, but he oppressed them, and We gave him such treasures whose keys would burden a troupe of possessors of strength, when his people said to him, Do not exult, indeed, Allah does not like the exultant, and Seek through what Allah has given you the abode of the Hereafter, and Do not forget your share of the world, and Do good as Allah has done good to you, and Do not seek corruption in the land, indeed, Allah does not like the corrupters", that is, Qaruon was from the people of the Prophet Moses, but he transgressed and oppressed them, and Allah gave him such treasures whose keys would burden a troupe (Ausbah) of possessors of strength, and ausbah in Arabic ranges from ten to forty men. His people said to him, Do not exult with what you have of wealth, indeed, Allah does not like the exultant who does not thank Allah for what He has given him, Seek through what Allah has given you of abundant wealth and bounty the reward of the Hereafter by spending in the way of Allah and drawing closer to Him, Do not forget your share of the worldly life such as food, drink, dwellings, clothes, and others needs, Do good to the people as Allah has done good to you, and Do not seek corruption in the land nor offend the people, indeed, Allah does not like the corrupters.
Allah says in the next verse (78) "He said I was only given it for the knowledge I have, Did he not know that Allah has destroyed before him of generations those who were greater than him in might and more in accumulation and the criminals will not be asked about their sins", that is, Qaruon said to His people when they advised him and guided Him to goodness that Allah gave him the wealth for the knowledge he has, so he deserves it, thereupon, Allah assures that the abundant wealth is not a sign of Allah's love, and it can not save man from the punishment so Allah said that Did Qaruon not know that Allah has destroyed before him of generations those who were greater than him in might and more in accumulation of wealth, Allah destroyed them because of their disbelief and ungratefulness, so on the day of resurrection, the Angels will not ask the criminals about their sins because the criminals will be known by marks on their faces, and the Angels will take them by their forelocks and their feet, and will throw them into Hellfire as mentioned in Ayat (41-43) of Surat Alrahman.
Allah says in the next two verses (79,80) "Then he went out to his people in his adornment, those who desire the worldly life said Would that we had the like of what Qaruon has been given!, indeed, he is a possessor of great fortune, and those who were given the knowledge said Woe to you! the reward of Allah is better for he who believes and does righteousness, and none is granted it except the patient", that is, one day Qaruon went out to his people in great adornment, and when those who desire the worldly life and its adornment saw him, they wished that they had the same as he has been given, and said that he had a abundant fortune, and when those who were given the knowledge heard them, they said Woe to you! Allah's reward for those who believe and do righteous deeds in the Hereafter is better than you see, and none will be given it except the patient, those who preferred what Allah has of abundant reward over the pleasures and desires of the worldly life.
Allah says in the next three verses (81-83) And We caused the earth to swallow him and his home, and there was for him no company to help him besides Allah, nor was he of those who defend themselves, and those who wished his position the day before, began to say Oh! Do you not see that Allah extends the provision for whom He wills of His servants, and restricts it, if not that Allah had favored us, He would have caused it to swallow us, Oh! Do you not see that the disbelievers do not succeed, that abode of the Hereafter, We assign it for those who do not desire exaltation on the earth or corruption, and the end is for the righteous", that is, Allah caused the earth to swallow Qaruon and His home so his treasures did not avail him from Allah's vengeance, and there was no company to help him besides Allah, nor was he of those who defend themselves, then those who wished his position the day before, by saying "Would that we had the like of what Qaruon has been given!", became certain that Allah extends the provision for whom He wills of His servants and restricts it for whom He wills, and they realized that had it not been for Allah's favor, He would cause the earth tho swallow them just as Qaruon, and they were certain that the disbelievers will not succeed in the worldly life or in the Hereafter. Then Allah confirms that the abode of the Hereafter and its everlasting bliss will be for those who do not desire exaltation, arrogance, or corruption on the earth, and the good end will be for the righteous in Paradise.
Allah says in the next two verses (84,85) ''Whoever comes with the good deed, then he will have better than it, and whoever comes with the evil deed, then those who do evils will not be recompensed except for what they used to do, indeed, the One who has imposed the Quran upon You, surely, will bring You back to a place of return, Say, My Lord knows best he who comes with the guidance and he who is in a clear error", that is, Allah confirms that of His bounty that He will reward whoever comes with a good deed on the day of resurrection with which is better than it, and of His justice that He will recompense those who do evil deeds for what they used to do in the worldly life, and as mentioned in Aya (160) of Surat Alan'am "Whoever comes with the good deed will have ten times the like of it, and whoever comes with the evil deed, then he will not be recompensed except the like of it, and they will not be wronged". Then Allah addresses His Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) saying that as He has imposed the Holy Quran upon Him, He will bring Him back to Mecca, and He commanded Him to say to the polytheists of Mecca that Allah knows best he who comes with the guidance and he who is in a clear error.
Allah says in the last three verses (86-88) "And You were not expecting that the book would be sent down to You, except a mercy from Your Lord, so Do not be a supporter of the disbelievers, and Let them not prevent You from the verses of Allah after they are sent down to You, and Call to Your Lord, and Do not be of the polytheists, and Do not invoke along with Allah another god, there is no god but He, everything will be perished except His countenance, to Him is the Judgment, and to Him you will be returned", that is, Allah assures that His Messenger Muhammad did not expect that the Holy Quran would be sent down to Him, but Allah sent it down out of His mercy upon Him, so He said to Him Do not be a supporter of the disbelievers, rather, turn away from their harm and lie, and Let them not prevent you from conveying the verses of Allah after they are sent down to you, and Call to worship Allah alone, with no partner, Do not be of the polytheists, and Do not invoke another god along with Allah, there is no God but Him, everything will be perished except Allah, and the judgment belongs to Him alone, so all mankind will be returned to Him on the day of resurrection, then He will reward each for his deeds.
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