30- Surat Alroom

60 Verses Meccan (revealed in Mecca)

A'auzu Bellahi mena alshaiytani alrajeem

I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed Satan

Besmi Ellahi Alrhmani Alraheem

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

Alif Lam Meem (1).
Alif Lam Meem.

Ghulebati Alroom (2).
The Romans have been defeated.

Fee adna alardi wa hum men ba'di ghalabehim sayaghlebuon (3).
In the nearest land, but they after their defeat will overcome.

Fee bid-ee seneena lellahi alamruo men qabluo wa men ba'duo wa yawma-izin yafrahuo almu'menuon (4).
Within Bid' years, to Allah belongs the matter before and afterwards and that day the believers will rejoice.

Be-nasri ellahi yansuruo man yasha-uo wa huwa Alazeezuo Alraheem (5).
With the victory of Allah, He gives victory to whom He wills, and He is Almighty, the Most Merciful.

Wa'da Allahi la youkhlefuo Allahu wa'dahuo wa lakenna akthara alnasi la ya'lamuon (6).
The promise of Allah, Allah does not break His promise, but most of people do not know.

Ya'lamuona zaheran mena alhayati alduonya wa hum ani alakherati hum ghafeluon (7).
They know an apparent of the worldly life, but of the hereafter they are heedless.

Awa lam yatafakkaruo fee anfusehim ma khalaqa Allahu alsamawati wa alarda wa ma baiynahuma ella bel-haqqi wa ajalin musamman wa inna katheran mena alnasi be-leqaee Rabbehim la-kaferuon (8)
Do they not give thought within themselves, Allah did not create the heavens and the earth and what is between them except in truth and an appointed time, and indeed, most of the people are disbelievers of the meeting of their Lord. 

Awa-lam yaseeruo fee alardi fa-yanzuruo kaiyfa kana aqebatuo allazzina men qablehim kanuo ashadda menhum quwwatan wa atharuo alarda wa amaruoha akthara memma amaruoha wa ja'at-hum rusuluhum bel-bayyinati fama kana Allahu le-yazlemahum wa laken kanuo anfusahum yazlemuon (9).
Have they not traveled in the land and see how was the end of those before them?, they were greater than them in might and they had tilled the land, and built it up more than they have built it up, and their Messengers came to them with clear proofs, and Allah was not to wrong them, but they were wronging themselves.

Thumma kana aqebata allazina asa-uo alsu-a an kazzabuo be-ayati ellahi wa kanuo beha yastahze-uon (10)
Then the consequence of those who did evil was the evil because they denied the signs of Allah, and they used to ridicule them.

Allahu yabda-uo alkhalqa thumma you-eduhuo thumma elaiyhi tuorja-uon (11).
Allah begins the creation, then He repeats it, then to Him you will be returned.

Wa yawma taqumuo alsa-atuo youblesuo almujremuon (12).
And the day, the Hour will be established, the criminal will despair. 

Wa lam yakun lahum men shuraka-ehim shufa-auo wa kanuo be-shuraka-ehim kafereen (13).
And there will not be for them any intercessors among their partners, and they will be disbelievers of their partners. 

Wa yawma taqumuo alsa-atuo yawma-izin yatafarraquon (14).
And the day, the Hour will be established, that day, they will become separated.

Fa-amma allazina amauo wa ameluo alsalehati fa-hum fee rawdatin youhbaruon (15).
And as for those who believed and did righteous deeds, so they will be delighted in a garden.

Wa amma allazina kafaruo wa kazzabuo be-ayatena wa leqa-ee alakherati fa-aulaeka fee alazabi muhdaruon (16)
But as for those who disbelieved and denied Our signs and the meeting of the Hereafter, then those will be brought into the punishment. 

Fa-subhana Allahi heena tumsuona wa heena tusbehuon (17).
So glory to be Allah when you reach the evening, and when you reach the morning.

Wa lahuo alhamduo fee alsamawati wa alardi wa asheyyan wa heena tuzheruon (18).
And to Him is the praise in the heavens and the earth and at night and when you reach noon.

Youkhrejuo alhayya mena almayyeti wa youkhrejuo almayyeta mena alhayyi wa youhyi alarda ba'da mawteha wa kazaleka tukhra-juon (19).
He brings out the living from the dead, and He brings out the dead from the living, and He gives life to the earth after its death, and thus you will be brought out.

Wa men ayatehi an khalaqakum men turabin thumma iza antum basharun tantasheruon (20).
And of His signs is that He created you from dust, then behold! You are human beings, dispersed.

Wa men ayaytehi an khalaqa lakum men anfusekum azwajan le-taskunuo elaiyha wa ja'ala baiynakum mawaddatan wa rahmatan inna fee zaleka la-ayatin le-qawmin yatafakkaruon (21).
And of His signs is that He created for you from yourselves spouses, so that you may find tranquility in them, and he made love and mercy between you, indeed, in that are signs for a people who give sought.

Wa men ayatehi khalquo alsamawati wa alardi wa-khtelafuo alsenatekum wa alwanekum inna fee zaleka la-ayatin lel-alemeen (22).
And of His signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the diversity of your tongues and your colors, indeed, in that are signs for those of knowledge.

Wa men ayatehi manamukum bel-laili wa alnahari wa-btegha-ukum men fadlehi inna fee zaleka la-ayatin le-qawmin yasma-uon (23).
And of His signs is your sleep by night and day, and your seeking of His bounty, indeed, in that are signs for a people who listen.

Wa men ayatehi yourekumuo albarqa khawfan wa tama-an wa younazzeluo mena alsama-ee ma-an fa-youhyi behi alarda ba'da mawteha inna fee zaleka la-ayatin le-qawmin ya'qeluon (24).
And of His signs is that He shows you the lightening, fear and hope, and He sends down water from the sky, and gives life thereby to the earth after its death, indeed, in that are signs for a people who understand.

Wa men ayatehi an taqumuo alsama-uo wa alarduo be-amrehi thumma iza da-akum da'watan mena alardi iza antum takhrujuon (25)
And of His signs is that the heaven and the earth stand by His command, then when He calls you a call from the earth, then behold! you will come forth.

Wa lahuo man fee alsamawati wa alardi kullun lahuo qanetuon (26).
And to Him belongs whoever is in the heavens and the earth, all are obedient to Him.

Wa huwa allazi yabda-uo alkhalqa thumma you-eduhuo wa huwa ahwanuo alaiyhi wa lahuo almathaluo ala'la fee alsamawati wa alardi wa huwa Alazeezuo lahakeem (27).
And He is the One who begins the creation then He repeats it, and it is easier for Him, and to Him is the highest attribute in the heavens and the earth, and He is the Almighty, All-Wise.

Daraba lakum mathalan men anfusekum hal lakum men ma malakat aymanukum men shuraka-a fee ma razaqnakum fa-antum feehi sawa-on takhafunahum ka-khefatekum anfusakum ka-zaleka nufasseluo alayati le-qawmin ya'qeluon (28).
He cites for you an example from yourselves, Is there for you among those whom your right hands possess any partners in what We have provided you, so you are equal in it, you fear them as you fear yourselves?, thus, We explain in details the verses for a people who understand.

Bali ettaba-a allazina zalamuo ahwa-ahum be-ghaiyri elmin fa-man yahdi man adalla Allahu wa ma lahum men nasereen (29).
But those who wronged followed their desires without knowledge, so who can guide the one whom Allah has let go astray?, and for them there are no helpers.

Fa-aqem wajhaka lel-deeni haneefan fetrata Allahi allati fatara alnasa alaiyha la tabdeela le-khalqi ellahi zaleka aldeenuo alqayyimuo wa lakenna akthara alnasi la ya'lamuon (30).
So Set your face for the religion, upright, the nature of Allah upon which He has created people, there is no change in the creation of Allah, that is the straight religion, but most of people do not know.

Munebeena elaiyhi wa-ttaquhuo wa aqeemuo alsalata wa la takunuo mena almushrekeen (31).
Oft-returning to Him, and Fear Him, and Establish the prayer and Do not be of the polytheists.

Mena allazina farraquo deenahum wa kanuo sheiya-an kulluo hezbin bema ladaiyhim farehuon (32).
Of those who have divided their religion, and become sects, each faction rejoicing in what they have. 

Wa iza massa alnasa durrun da-aww Rabbahum munebeena elaiyhi thumma iza azaqahum menhuo rahmatan iza fareequn menhum be-rabbehim youshrekuon (33).
And when an adversity touches people, they call their Lord, turning to Him, then when He causes them to taste a mercy from Him, then behold! a party of them associate others with their Lord. 

Le-yakfuruo bema ataiynahum fa-tamatta-uo fa-sawfa ta'lamuon (34).
That they deny what We have granted them, so Enjoy, but you will know. 

Am anzalna alaiyhim sultanan fa-huwa yatakallamuo be-ma kanuo behi youshrekuon (35).
Or have We sent upon them an authority, so it speaks of what they were associating with Him?.

Wa iza azaqna alnasa rahmatan farehuo beha wa in tusebhum sayyiatun bema qaddamat aiydehim iza hum yaqnatuon (36).
And when We cause people taste a mercy, they rejoice therein, but if an evil afflicts them for what their hands have sent forth, then behold! they despair.

Awa lam yaraww anna Allaha yabsutuo alrezqa leman yasha-uo wa yaqderuo inna fee zaleka la-ayatin le-qawmin you'menuon (37)
Do they not see that Allah extends the provision for whom He wills, and restricts, indeed, in that are signs for a people who believe. 

Fa-ati za alqurba haqqahuo wa almeskeena wa-bna alsabeeli zaleka khaiyrun le-llazina youreduona wajha Allahi wa aulaeka humuo almuflehuon (38)
So Give the near of kin his right, and the needy, and the wayfarer, that is better for those who desire the Countenance of Allah, and those are the successful. 

Wa ma ataiytum men reban le-yarbuwa fee amwali alnasi fa-la yarbuo enda Allahi wa ma ataiytum men zakatin tuoreduona wajha Allahi fa-aulaeka humuo almud-efuon (39).
And whatever you give of usury so that it may increase in the wealth of the people, so it does not increase with Allah, but what you give of Zakah, desiring the Countenance of Allah, then those will have multiples.

Allahu allazi khalaqakum thumma razaqakum thumma youmeetukum thumma youhyekum hal men shuraka-ekum man yaf'aluo men zalekum men shay-in subhanahuo wa ta'ala amma youshrekuon (40).
Allah is the one who created you, then He provided for you, then He will cause you to die, then He then will give you life, Is there of your partners any who does anything of that?, Glory be to Him, and High is He above what they associate.

Zahara alfasaduo fee albarri wa albahri bema kasabat aiydi alnasi le-youzeqahum ba'da allazi ameluo la'allahum yarje-uon (41).
The corruption has appeared in the land and the sea because of what the hands of people have earned, so that He may let them taste some of what they have done, so that they may return.

Qul seeruo fee alardi fa-nzuruo kaiyfa kana aqebatuo allazina men qabluo kana aktharuhum mushrekeen (42).
Say Travel in the land, and See how was the end of those before, most of them were polytheists.

Fa-aqem wajhaka lel-deeni alqayyemi men qabli an ya'teiya yawmun la maradda lahuo mena Allahi yawma-izin yassada-uon (43).
So set your face for the right religion, before a day comes, can not be repelled by Allah, that day, they will become separated.

Man kafara fa-alaiyhi kufruhuo wa man amela salehan fa-le-anfusehim yamhaduon (44).
Whoever disbelieves, then upon him is his disbelief, and whoever does righteousness, then those are paving for themselves.

Le-yajzeya allazina amanuo wa ameluo alsalehati men fadlehi innahuo la youhebbuo alkafereen (45).
That He may reward those who believed and did righteous deeds from his bounty, indeed, He does not like the disbelievers.

Wa men ayatehi an yuorsela alriyaha mubashsheratin wa le-youzeqakum men rahmatehi wa le-tajree-ya alfulkuo be-amrehi wa le-tabtaghuo men fadlehi wa la'allakum tashkuruon (46).
And of His signs is that He sends the winds, bearers of glad tidings and to let you taste of His mercy, and that may the ships sail by His command, and that you may seek of His bounty, and that you may give thanks.

Wa laqad arsalna men qableka rusulan ela qawmehim fa-jauhum bel-bayyinati fa-ntaqamna mena allazina ajramuo wa kana haqqan alaiyna nasruo almu'meneen (47).
And indeed, We have sent Messengers before You to their people, and they came to them with clear proofs, then We took vengeance on those who committed crimes, and it was incumbent upon Us to help the believers.

Allahu allazia yourseluo alriyaha fa-tutheeruo sahaban fa-yabsutuhuo fee alsama-ee kaiyfa yashauo wa yaj'aluhuo kesafan fa-tara alwadqa yakhrujuo men khelalehi fa-iza asaba behi man yashauo men ebadehi iza hum yastabsheruon (48).
Allah is the one who sends the winds so they stir up the clouds then He spreads them in the sky however He wills and He makes them into fragments, then you see the rain coming out through it, then when He causes it to fall on whom He wills of His servants, then behold! they rejoice.

Wa in kanuo men qabli an younazzala alaiyhim men qablehi la-mubleseen (49).
And indeed, they were before it was sent down upon them before that in despair.

Fa-nzur ela athari rahmati ellahi kaiyfa youhyi alarda ba'da mawteha inna zaleka la-muhyi almawta wa huwa ala kulli shaiy-in qadeer (50).
So look at the effect of the mercy of Allah how He gives life to the earth after its death, indeed, that is the One who will give life to the dead, and He is All-Powerful over everything.

 Wala-in arsalna reehan fara-awhuo musfarran la-zalluo men ba'dehi yakfuruon (51).
 And if We sent a wind and they see it turning yellow, after that they would continue to disbelieve.

Fa-innaka la tusme-uo almawta wa la tusme-uo alsumma aldua-a iza wallaww mudbereen (52).
So indeed, Yo can not make the dead hear nor can you make the deaf hear the call when they turn back fleeing.

Wa ma anta be-hadi al-aumeyi an dalalatehim in tusme-uo ella man you'menuo be-ayatena fa-hum muslemuon (53).  
And You can not guide the blind from their error, nor can you make hear except whoever believes in Our verses, so they are Muslims.

Allahu allazi khalaqakum men da'fin thumma ja'ala men ba'di da'fin quwwatan thumma ja'ala men ba'di quwwatin da'fan wa shaiybatan yakhluquo ma yashauo wa huwa Alaleemu Alqadeer (54)
Allah is the One who created you from weakness then He made after weakness strength, them He made after strength weakness and gray hair, He creates what He wills and He is the All-Knower, All-Powerful.  

Wa yawma taqumuo alsa-atuo yuqsemuo almujremuona ma labethuo khaiyra sa-atin ka-zaleka kanuo you'fakuon (55).
And the day, the Hour will be established, the criminals will swear that they did not remain but an hour, thus, they were being turned away.

Wa qala allazina auto alelma wa alimana laqad labethtum fee ketabi ellahi ela yawmi alba'thi fa-haza yawmuo alba'thi wa lakennakum kuntum la ta'lamuon (56).
And those who were given the knowledge and the faith will say, indeed, you remained by the decree of Allah until the day of resurrection, and this is the day of resurrection, but you were not knowing.

Fayawma-izin la yanfa-uo allazina zalamuo ma'zeratuhum wa la hum yusta'tabuon (57).
So that day the excuse will not benefit those who wronged, nor will they be asked to appease.

Wa laqad darabna lel-nasi fee haza alqurani men kulli mathalin wa la-in je'tahum be-ayatin la-yaqu-lanna allazina kafaruo in antum ella mubteluon (58).
And We have cited for people in this Quran of every example, but if You bring them a sign, those who disbelieve will say you are nothing but adherents of falsehood.

Ka-zaleka yatba-uo Allahu ala qulubi allazina la ya'lamuon (59).
Thus Allah seals on the hearts of those who do not know.

Fa-sbir inna wa'da Allahi haqqun wa la yastakheffannaka allazina la youqenuon (60).
So be patient, indeed, the promise of Allah is true, and let not those who are not certain make you impatient.

Simplified interpretation:

 Surat Alroom begins with three letters of the Arabic language, just like 28 Surahs of the Holy Quran that start with individual letters ranging from one to five letters. It is noticeable that in all 29 Surahs the book or the Holy Quran is mentioned whether it is immediately after these letters or it is included in the Surah or even at the end of it. It is a challenge from Allah, Almighty, to the infidels of Quraish, as if Allah says to them this is the book in the letters of the language you speak, but you will not be able to produce the like of it, and He has already challenged them in Aya (88) of Surat Alisraa "Say, if mankind and the Jinn gathered in order to produce the like of this Quran, they could not produce the like of it, even if they were to each other assistants". As for the current Surah, it begins with three letters "Alif, Lam, and Meem" or "A, L, and M" in English, then Allah says in Aya (58) "And We have cited for people in this Quran of every example, but if You bring them a sign, those who disbelieve will say you are nothing but adherents of falsehood", but the knowledge of these letters remains with Allah, the Lord of the worlds.

 Allah says in the first six verses (1-6) "Alif Lam Meem, the Romans have been defeated, in the nearest land, but they after their defeat will overcome, within Bid' years, to Allah belongs the matter before and afterwards and that day the believers will rejoice, with the victory of Allah, He gives victory to whom He wills, and He is Almighty, the Most Merciful, the promise of AllahAllah does not break His promise, but most of people do not know", that is, these verses were revealed when Sapur the Persian king (Khosrau) defeated Heraclius, the Roman king (Caesar), and forced Heraclius to take refuge in Constantinople and besieged him there for a long time, then Allah gave the Muslims the glad tidings of victory of the Romans over Persians in Bid' years, and Bed' in Arabic language ranges from three to nine, where as narrated by Niyar Bin Mukram Alaslami: "On the day that these Ayat were revealed, the Persians had defeated the Romans, and the Muslims had wanted the Romans to be victorious over them; because they were the people of the book, so Allah says "And that day the believers will rejoice, with the victory of Allah, He gives victory to whom He wills, and He is Almighty, the Most Merciful", Quraish wanted the Persians to be victorious since they were not people of the book, nor did they believe in the resurrection, so when Allah revealed this Ayat, Abu Bakr Alsiddiq, may Allah be pleased with Him, went out proclaiming throughout Mecca "Alif Lam Meem, the Romans have been defeated, in the nearest land, but they after their defeat will overcome, within bid' years", some of the Quraish said then this is between us and you, your companion claims that the Romans will defeat the Persians in bid' years, so Let's bet you on that, Abu Bakr said yes, this was before the betting has been forbidden, so Abu Bakr and the idolaters made a bet, and they said to Abu Bakr What do you think, Bid' means something between three and nine years, so let us agree on the middle, so they agreed on six years, then six years passed without the Romans being victorious, the idolaters took what they won in the bet from Abu Bakr, when the seventh year came and the Romans were finally victorious over the Persians, the Muslims rebuked Abu Bakr for agreeing to six years because Allah said in Bid' years, at that time, many people became Muslims" (Jami' Altirmidhi 3194), and as narrated by Ibn Abbas, Allah's Messenger (PBUH) said to Abu Bakr "Why were you not more cautious Abu Bakr?, for indeed, Bid' refers to what is from three to nine" (Jami' Altirmidhi 3191). 

 So the believers rejoiced with victory of Allah, and He gives victory to whom He wills, and He is the Almighty who is Severe in His revenge on those who disobeyed Him, and the Most-Merciful to those who obey Him. Thus, the promise of Allah regarding the victory of the Romans has come true, and Allah does not break his promise to the believers, but most of people do not know.

 Allah says in the next two verses (7,8) "They know an apparent of the worldly life, but of the hereafter they are heedless, Do they not give thought within themselves, Allah did not create the heavens and the earth and what is between them except in truth and an appointed time, and indeed, most of people are disbelievers of the meeting of their Lord", that is, most of the people do not know that the promise of Allah is true as shown above, rather they know what is apparent of the worldly life as most people have no knowledge except of the worldly life, and its earnings and affairs, so they preoccupied with collecting its gains, and they are heedless of the matters of the religion and of what will benefit them in the Hereafter. Then Allah marvels at those who disbelieve as they did not give thought of the creation of themselves that indicates the greatness of Allah's power, and the blessings that He has bestowed upon them including the hearing, the vision and the hearts, so they will realize that Allah is Able to resurrect them on the day of resurrection and  Allah did not create the heavens and the earth and what is between them in vain, but rather He created them in truth and appointed for them an appointed time, which is the day of resurrection, and it will neither increase nor decrease, but most of the people are disbelievers of the meeting of Allah on the day of resurrection so they marveled that when their bodies are dispersed in the earth and every bone is lost in it, they will be resurrected in a new creation as mentioned in Aya (10) of Surat Alsajdah.

 Allah says in the next two verses (9,10) "Have they not traveled in the land and see how was the end of those before them?, they were greater than them in might and they had tilled the land, and built it up more than they have built it up, and their Messengers came to them with clear proofs, and Allah was not to wrong them, but they were wronging themselves, then the consequence of those who did evil was the evil because they denied the signs of Allah, and they used to ridicule them", that is, Allah marvels at the fact that the polytheists of Quraish traveled across the land, and saw the torment that Allah had inflicted upon the previous nations though they were greater than them in might, and they were empowered in the worldly life so they had tilled the land and built it up more than Quraish have built it up, and the people of Quraish were not given the tenth of what they were given as Allah has stated in Aya (45) of Surat Saba', but when their Messengers came to them with clear proofs and the arguments that indicate the oneness of Allah, they denied it and disbelieved, so Allah punished them with the painful punishment and He was not to wrong them, but they used to wrong themselves with disbelief and disobedient, so they deserved the punishment; because evil is the consequence of their evil deeds and their denial of Allah's signs and proofs, and they not only denied them, but used to ridicule them.   

 Allah says in the next three verses (11-13) "Allah begins the creation, then He repeats it, then to Him you will be returned, and the day, the Hour will be established, the criminal will despair, and there will not be for them any intercessors among their partners, and they will be disbelievers of their partners", that is, Allah begins the creation of mankind, then He will repeat their creation and resurrect them from the graves on the day of resurrection, so all mankind will be returned to Him, and He will recompense them each according to his deed, so when the day of resurrection (The Hour) will be established, the criminals who associated others with Allah and did evil deeds in the worldly life will despair for they will not find any excuse to prevent them from Allah's punishment, nor will they find any intercessors among the idols whom they worshipped besides Allah, rather these idols will disavow and betray them when they will be most in need of them.

 Allah says in the next three verses (14-16) "And the day, the Hour will be established, that day, they will become separated, and as for those who believed and did righteous deeds, so they will be delighted in a garden, but as for those who disbelieved and denied Our signs and the meeting of the Hereafter, then those will be brought into the punishment", that is, when the day of resurrection (The Hour) will be established, Allah will judge between His creation with the truth, so mankind will be separated and divided into two groups, the companions of Paradise and the companions of Hellfire, so those who believed in Allah, His Messengers, and His books, and did righteous deeds will be the companions of Paradise and they will be delighted in the garden of bliss, but those who denied Allah's signs, opposed His Messenger, and denied the resurrection and the meeting of the Hereafter will be the companions of Hellfire, and they will be brought into the punishment on the day of resurrection.

 Allah says in the next three verses (17-19) "So glory to be Allah when you reach the evening, and when you reach the morning, and to Him is the praise in the heavens and the earth and at night and when you reach noon, He brings out the living from the dead, and He brings out the dead from the living, and He gives life to the earth after its death, and thus you will be brought out", that is, Allah glorifies Himself and guides His servant to glorify Him in the evening and in the morning, and to Him the praise in the heavens and the earth, and at night and at noon, so Allah urges His servants to glorify and praise Him in these successive times to be in constant contact with their Lord. Allah alone is the Praiseworthy as He brings out the living from the dead and He brings out the dead from the living where He brings out plants from seeds and seeds from plants, eggs from chickens and chickens from eggs, and man from semen drop and semen drop from man, and this indicates the perfection of His power and His Ability to create things from their opposites, and He gives life to the earth after its death, just as He revives the earth after its death and brings forth its vegetation, fruits and crops, He will resurrect mankind and bring them forth from their graves on the day of resurrection.    

 Allah says in the next two verses (20,21) "And of His signs is that He created you from dust, then behold! You are human beings, dispersed, and of His signs is that He created for you from yourselves spouses, so that you may find tranquility in them, and he made love and mercy between you, indeed, in that are signs for a people who give sought", that is, Allah cites for man some of His signs that indicate the greatness of His creation, the first of them is the creation man from dust where Allah began the creation of man (Adam) from clay then He made his progeny from an extract of disdained water as mentioned in Ayat (7,8) of Surat Alsajdah, and Allah's Messenger said in narration of Abu Musa Alash'ari: "Allah created Adam from a handful which He took from the whole of the earth, so the children of Adam are in accordance with the earth, some red, some white, some black, some mixture, also smooth and rough, bad and good"(Abu Dawood 4693), therefore, people spread all over the earth, traveling by land, sea, and air in pursuit of their livelihood and making a living. The second sign of the greatness of Allah's creation is that He created for mankind from themselves wives, where Allah created Eve from Adam, then He made their progeny males and females, so that man may find tranquility in his spouse, and Allah made love and mercy between them, and in that there are many signs for those who reflect and give reason, and then believe in Allah the Creator who is Able to do everything.

 Allah says in the next two verses (22,23) "And of His signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the diversity of your tongues and your colors, indeed, in that are signs for those of knowledge, and of His signs is your sleep by night and day, and your seeking of His bounty, indeed, in that are signs for a people who listen", that is, the third sign of the greatness of Allah's creation is the creation of the heavens and the earth in their height and breadth and what is in both of them of the sun, moon, stars, planets, mountains, valleys, seas, rivers, animals, and trees. The fourth sign of the greatness of Allah's creation is the diversity of languages as there are different languages including Arabic, English, Russian, Spanish, Persian, French, Chinese, and many others, likewise, there is a difference of the colors of people, ranging from the intensity of whiteness to the intensity of blackness, and redness, and in that there are signs of those of knowledge; because they reflect on the creation of the heavens, the earth, and themselves, so they became certain of Allah's power and greatness. Allah cites the fifth sign of the greatness of His creation as He made for man sleep by night and day in which he can rest from the hardship of work, and He made for him the day luminous in order to earn sustenance and seek of Allah's bounty, and in that there are signs for a people who listen the truth, so they follow it and act according to it.

 Allah says in the next two verses (24,25) "And of His signs is that He shows you the lightening, fear and hope, and He sends down water from the sky, and gives life thereby to the earth after its death, indeed, in that are signs for a people who understand, and of His signs is that the heaven and the earth stand by His command, then when He calls you a call from the earth, then behold! you will come forth", that is, the sixth sign of the greatness of Allah's creation is that He shows man the lightening, so sometimes he is afraid of the thunderbolts that will happen after it, and other times he hopes its flash and what it will come after it of the rain that he needs, and the seventh sign is that Allah sends down water from the sky, and gives life thereby to the earth after its death, so it brings forth its vegetation, fruits and crops, and in that are signs for those who understand; because they will realize that the resurrection will be in a manner similar to the reviving of the dead earth as shown above in Aya (19). The eighth sign of the greatness of Allah's creation is that the heaven and the earth stand firmly by His command as He created the heavens without pillars that man can see, and He cast in the earth firm mountains lest it shakes with them as mentioned in Aya (10) of Surat Luqman, then on the day of resurrection, Allah will call mankind from the earth, then they will come forth from the graves.

 Allah says in the next two verses (26,27) "And to Him belongs whoever is in the heavens and the earth, all are obedient to Him, and He is the One who begins the creation then He repeats it, and it is easier for Him, and to Him is the highest attribute in the heavens and the earth, and He is the Almighty, All-Wise", that is, to Allah belongs whoever is in the heavens and the earth, all are obedient and submissive to Him, willingly or unwillingly, and Allah begins the creation of mankind, then He will repeat their creation and resurrect them from the graves, so all mankind will be returned to Him on the day of resurrection, and it is easier for Him, and to Allah is the highest attribute in the heavens and the earth as there is no god but Him, and nothing is like Him as mentioned in Aya (11) of Surat Alshuraand He is All-Mighty who is Severe in His revenge on those who disobeyed Him, and He is the All-Wise who manages His creation with wisdom in His laws and destiny.

 Allah says in the next two verses (28,29) "He cites for you an example from yourselves, Is there for you among those whom your right hands possess any partners in what We have provided you, so you are equal in it, you fear them as you fear yourselves?, thus, We explain in details the verses for a people who understand, but those who wronged followed their desires without knowledge, so who can guide the one whom Allah has let go astray?, and for them there are no helpers", that is, Allah cites an example for the polytheists who associated others with Him and says to them Does anyone of you share with his slave the sustenance that Allah has bestowed upon him, so they are equal in it, rather, you fear that they will share the money with you, thus Allah explains the verses for a people who understand as how do you not accept that your slaves share with you what you possess, and you make equals and partners to Allah?, unquestionably, there is no god but Allah, with no partner, but those who wronged themselves with disbelief and making equals to Allah follow their desires without knowledge or a clear proof, so who can guide the one whom Allah has let astray?, no one can guide him, and he will not find any helper to save him from Allah's punishment.

 Allah says in the next three verses (30-32) "So Set your face to the religion, upright, the nature of Allah upon which He has created people, there is no change in the creation of Allah, that is the straight religion, but most of people do not know, oft-returning to Him, and Fear Him, and Establish the prayer and Do not be of the polytheists, of those who have divided their religion, and become sects, each faction rejoicing in what they have", that is, Allah commanded His servants to direct their faces to the religion that He has directed them to, and to be upright and obedient to Him, where the religion of Islam is the nature upon which Allah has created people, and as narrated by Abu Hurayrah: "Allah's Messenger said no child is born except on the Fitrah (Nature) and then his parents make him Jewish, Christian or Magian (Magi) as an animal produces a perfect young animal do you see any of its body amputated?, then He recited "The nature of Allah upon which he has created people, there is no change in the creation of Allah, that is the straight religion", so Islam is the nature of Allah since He created Adam, and that is the straight religion but most of people do not know, so they turned away from it and refused to acknowledge Allah's oneness. Then Allah urges man to turn to Him in repentance and sincerity, to fear Him, to establish the prayer in its prescribed time, and not to be of those who have divided their religion, changed it, believed in some and disbelieved in some, just like the Christians and the Jews did with their religion as they became sects and differed among themselves on false opinions, and each faction of them rejoicing in what they have, where each of them claimed that he is right and none else is.

 Allah says in the next three verses (33-35) "And when an adversity touches people, they call their Lord, oft-returning to Him, then when He causes them to taste a mercy from Him, then behold! a party of them associate others with their Lord, that they deny what We have granted them, so Enjoy, but you will know, Or have We sent upon them an authority, so it speaks of what they were associating with Him?", that is, when an adversity touches people, and they are in a need, they supplicate, seek help from Allah alone, and turn to Him in repentance, but when Allah causes them to taste a mercy from him and saves them from the adversity and the hardship, a party of them forget that supplication, make equals and partners besides Allah and worship other than Him, thereupon, Allah threatens them as they deny what He has granted them and says enjoy a little in the worldly life, then you will know on the day of resurrection the consequence of your disbelief, then Allah says, as a sarcasm, Or have We sent upon those who associate other idols with Us a book confirming what they say and speaking of the validity of their polytheism?, certainly, Allah did not send them any book nor was a messenger sent to them with what they claim, rather, it is something they invented, and they followed their whims.

 Allah says in the next two verses (36,37) "And when We cause people taste a mercy, they rejoice therein, but if an evil afflicts them for what their hands have sent forth, then behold! they despair, Do they not see that Allah extends the provision for whom He wills, and restricts, indeed, in that are signs for a people who believe", that is, If Allah causes people taste a mercy from Him and granted them prosperity, health, and wealth, they rejoice therein, but they despair from Allah's mercy if a hardship befalls them in their wealth or in their bodies because of the evil deeds they have done for Allah says in Aya (30) of Surat Alshura "And whatever befalls you of calamity is because of what your hands have earned, but He pardons much". Then Allah assures that He extends the provision for whom He wills, and restricts it for whom He wills as He makes whoever He wills rich, and whoever He wills poor, and in that are signs for a people who believe; for they will reflect and understand that the abundance of livelihood may be a trial, and the restriction may be a blessing from Allah.

 Allah says in the next two verses (38,39) "So Give the near of kin his right, and the needy, and the wayfarer, that is better for those who desire the Countenance of Allah, and those are the successful, And whatever you give of usury so that it may increase in the wealth of the people, so it does not increase with Allah, but what you give of Zakah, desiring the Countenance of Allah, then those will have multiples", that is, Allah urges people to spend in His way, so He commanded to give the relatives their right of charity, and the best charity is what is given to the poor relative where Allah's Messenger said in narration of Salman Bin Amer: "Charity given to the needy is charity, and if it is given to relatives, it is two charity and ties of kinship" (Sunan Ibn Majah 1844), He commanded to give charity to the needy and Allah's Messenger said in narration of Abu Hurayrah: "The needy is not the one who asks a morsel or two from the others, but the needy is the one who has nothing and is shamed to beg from people" (Sahih Albukhari 1476), and He commanded to give the wayfarer who is in need of maintenance and what he needs on his travel, and that is better for those who desire the Countenance of Allah as they give their wealth without any purpose or any benefit except seeking the countenance of Allah and drawing closer to Him, so those are the successful ones in the worldly life and in the Hereafter. Then Allah assures that He only accepts what is in His way and  purely for Him, so whoever gives money or a gift and wants people to return to him more than he gave them, he has no reward with Allah, but whoever gives Zakah (Charity), desiring the countenance of Allah, then He will accept it, and will multiply its reward for him many times over, where as narrated by Abu Hurayrah that Allah's Messenger said: "Indeed, Allah accepts Charity, and He accepts it with His Right Hand to nurture it for one of you, just like one of you would nurture his foal, until the morsel becomes as large as Uhud (mount)".

 Allah says in the next verse (40) "Allah is the one who created you, then He provided for you, then He will cause you to die, then He then will give you life, Is there of your partners any who does anything of that?, Glory be to Him, and High is He above what they associate", that is, Allah is the One who created man, then He provides him from His bounty including food, drink, clothes, property, and many others, then He will cause him to die, and then He will resurrect him from the grave and will give him life again on the day of resurrection, but the polytheists did not acknowledge that Allah is the Creator and the Provider, so Allah asks them if there of the idols whom they worship besides Allah any who can do anything of that, unquestionably, they did not possess anything in the heavens or on the earth and they do not possess even the crust of a date-seed as Allah has stated in Aya (13) of Surat Fatir, so Allah glorifies Himself and says Glory be to Him, and High is He above what they associate with Him of partners and idols.

 Allah says in the next two verses (41,42) "The corruption has appeared in the land and the sea because of what the hands of people have earned, so that He may let them taste some of what they have done, so that they may return, Say Travel in the land, and See how was the end of those before, most of them were polytheists", that is, the corruption has appeared in the land and the sea because of the hands of people have earned, so the more corruption and disobedience of man, the greater the trial, the less sustenance, and the less rain where the provision is prevented by the sins committed by man as shown above in Aya (36), then Allah assures that He afflicts them with the trials as a recompense of what they have done, so that they may repent and return to His path. Then Allah commanded His Messenger to order them to travel in the land in order to see the end of those before them who disbelieved in Allah and denied their Messengers, and what befell them of torment and destruction because most of them were polytheists just like them although they were greater than them in might as shown above in Aya (9), so that they fear that the torment will befall them as it befell those before them.

 Allah says in the next three verses (43-45) "So set your face for the right religion, before a day comes, can not be repelled by Allah, that day, they will become separated, whoever disbelieves, then upon him is his disbelief, and whoever does righteousness, then those are paving for themselves, that He may reward those who believed and did righteous deeds from his bounty, indeed, He does not like the disbelievers", that is, Allah commanded His servants to direct their faces to the straight religion that He has directed them to and hastening to uprightness and doing good deeds before the day of resurrection comes from which there is no repelling by Allah; because it will inevitably happen, then mankind will be separated and divided into two groups, the companions of Paradise and the companions of Hellfire, so whoever disbelieves, then against himself is the recompense of his disbelief, and whoever does righteous deeds, then those are paving for themselves their abode in the Hereafter as Allah will reward those who believed and did righteous deeds from His bounty in the Hereafter, indeed, He does not like the disbelievers.

 Allah says in the next two verses (46,47) "And of His signs is that He sends the winds, bearers of glad tidings and to let you taste of His mercy, and that may the ships sail by His command, and that you may seek of His bounty, and that you may give thanks, and indeed, We have sent Messengers before You to their people, and they came to them with clear proofs, then We took vengeance on those who committed crimes, and it was incumbent upon Us to help the believers", that is, Allah cites the ninth sign of the greatness of His creation as He sends the winds as bearers of glad tidings of rain, and to let man tastes of His mercy that rain brings including reviving the dead land and germination of various crops and fruits, likewise, and that may the ships run through the sea by Allah's command when the winds blow, so man seeks of Allah's bounty whether they are ships for trade or for fishing, and that man may give thanks to Allah for His bounty and blessings. Then Allah addresses His Messenger Muhammad saying that He has sent Messengers before Him to their people and they came to them with clear proofs and signs, but they disbelieved, so Allah took revenge on them for they disbelieved and did evil deeds, and it was incumbent upon Allah to help the believers in the worldly life and in the Hereafter.

 Allah says in the next four verses (48-51) "Allah is the one who sends the winds so they stir up the clouds then He spreads them in the sky however He wills and He makes them into fragments, then you see the rain coming out through it, then when He causes it to fall on whom He wills of His servants, then behold! they rejoice, and indeed, they were before it was sent down upon them before that in despair, so look at the effect of the mercy of Allah how He gives life to the earth after its death, indeed, that is the One who will give life to the dead, and He is All-Powerful over everything, and if We sent a wind and they see it turning yellow, after that they will continue to disbelieve", that is, Allah is the one who sends the winds, so they stir up the clouds, then Allah spreads the clouds in the sky however He wills, and He makes the clouds into pieces, then you see the rain coming out from the clouds, then when Allah causes the rain to fall on whom He wills of His servants, they rejoice when it rains on them, after they were despaired because the lack of rain, so look at the effect of rain, and how Allah gives life thereby to the earth after its death, so indeed, He will give life to the dead on the day of resurrection, and He is All-Powerful over everything where He is Able to do whatever He wants, and neither impediment nor inability can prevent Him from doing whatever He wills. But if Allah sends a wind and it spoil the crops that the earth grows, and it turns yellow after its greenery, they will continue to disbelieve and deny Allah's blessings upon them.

 Allah says in the next two verses (52,53) "So indeed, Yo can not make the dead hear nor can you make the deaf hear the call when they turn back fleeing, and You can not guide the blind from their error, nor can you make hear except whoever believes in Our verses, so they are Muslims", that is, Allah addresses His Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) and says to Him You are not able to hear the dead in their graves, and You are not able to convey your words to the deaf who do not hear, and they turning away from You, likewise You are not able to guide the blind to the truth and to turn them away from their misguidance, so the polytheists of Quraish are like the dead, the deaf, and the blind, and You can not guide them to the truth, You can only make hear those who believe in Allah's verses as when they listen to the truth, they are Muslims, submissive, and obedient.

 Allah says in the next verse (54) "Allah is the One who created you from weakness then He made after weakness strength, them He made after strength weakness and gray hair, He creates what He wills and He is the All-Knower, All-Powerful", that is, Allah began the creation of man from dust as shown above in Aya (20), then He made his progeny from a disdained water, then when his creation completes in his mother's womb, he comes out to the worldly life in extreme weakness, then he grows up little by little until he becomes young, then a juvenile, then a teenager, then a young man and this is the strength after weakness, then the strength begins to decrease, and he weakens little by little until he becomes gray and an old man, then his strength and movement weaken and his outward and inward qualities change, and that is the weakness after strength, and Allah creates what He wills, and He is All-Knower of His creation and what is suitable for them, All-Powerful who is Able to do whatever He wills.

 Allah says in the next three verses (55-57) "And the day, the Hour will be established, the criminals will swear that they did not remain but an hour, thus, they were being turned away, and those who were given the knowledge and the faith will say, indeed, you remained by the decree of Allah until the day of resurrection, and this is the day of resurrection, but you were not knowing, so that day the excuse will not benefit those who wronged, nor will they be asked to appease", that is, when the day of resurrection (The Hour) be established, the criminals who associated others with Allah and did evil deeds in the worldly life will swear that they did not remain in the worldly life but an hour, so they are being turned away from the truth as they were led astray and diverted from guidance to error in the worldly life, thereupon, those who were given the knowledge and the faith in Allah, His Messengers, and His books will refute their argument, and will say to them, you remained by the decree of Allah until the day of resurrection, and this is the day of resurrection, but you did not know that it will inevitably happen, so on the day of resurrection, their excuse will not benefit them, nor will they be asked to appease by offering excuses, and even if they ask to appease, they will not be of those who allowed to appease as mentioned in Aya (24) of Surat Fussilat

 Allah says in the last three verses (58-60) "And We have cited for people in this Quran of every example, but if You bring them a sign, those who disbelieve will say you are nothing but adherents of falsehood, thus Allah seals on the hearts of those who do not know, So be patient, indeed, the promise of Allah is true, and let not those who are not certain make you impatient", that is, Allah has cited for people in the Holy Quran of every example, and He has made the truth clear to them so that they may follow it, but if Allah's Messenger brings to them a sign that proves the truth that He brought, those who disbelieve will accuse Him and the believers with magic and falsehood, so Allah seals on the hearts of those who do not know the reality of Allah's signs and proofs, so that they will not reflect on any sign nor will they understand Allah's verses, thereupon, Allah commanded His Messenger to be patient over their disbelief, stubbornness, and opposition; for Allah will fulfill what He promised Him of victory over them, and He will help Him and those who follow Him in the worldly life and in the Hereafter and the promise of Allah is true, then He commanded Him not to let those who are not certain of the Hereafter make Him impatient, and diverted Him from conveying Allah's message, rather, to remain steadfast on what Allah has sent Him with for it is the truth about which there is no doubt.

No one Knows its interpretation except Allah

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