78- Surat Alnaba'

40 Verses Meccan (revealed in Mecca)

A'auzu Bellahi mena ash-shytani ar-rajim

I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed Satan

Bismi Ellahi Ar-rhmani Ar-rahim

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

Amma yatasa'luon (1).
About what are they asking one another?.

Ani alnaba'i alazeem (2).
About the great news.

Allazi hum feehi mukhtalefuon (3).
In which they are different.

Kalla sa-ya'lamuon (4).
Nay! they will soon know.

Thumma kalla sa-ya'lamuon (5).
Then, nay! they will soon know.

Alam naj'ali alarda mehada (6).
Did we not make the earth a resting place?.

Wa aljebala awtada (7).
And the mountains as pegs.

Wa khalaqnakum azwaja (8).
And We have created you in pairs.

Wa ja'lna nawmakum subata (9).
And We have made your sleep a source of rest.

Wa ja'lna al-laila lebasa (10).
And We have made the night a covering.

Wa ja'lna alnahara ma'sha (11).
And We have made the day for livelihood.

Wa banayna fawqakum sab'an shedada (12).
And We have built above you seven, strong.

Wa ja'lna serajan wahhaja (13).
And We have made a burning lamp.

Wa anzalna mena almu'serati ma'an thajjaja (14)
And We have sent down from the clouds abundant water.

Le-nukhreja behi habban wa nabata (15).
That We may bring forth thereby grain and plants.

Wa jannaten alfafa (16)
And gardens of wrapped trees.

Inna yawma alfasli kana meqata (17).
Indeed, the day of judgment is an appointed time.

Yawma younfakhuo fee alssuori fata'tuona afwaja (18).
The day when the trumpet will be blown, so you will come in multitudes.

Wa futehati alsama'uo fakanat abwaba (19).
And the sky is opened, and becomes gates.

Wa suyyrrati aljebaluo fakanat saraba (20).
And the mountains are removed, and becomes mirage.

Inna jahannama kanat merssada (21).
Indeed, the Hellfire is prepared in wait.

Lee-tagheena ma'aba (22).
For the transgressors is the abode.

Labethena feeha ahqaba (23).
They will be remaining therein for ages.

La yazuquona feeha bardan wala sharaba (24)
They shall taste therein neither cool nor a drink.

Ella hameeman wa ghassaqa (25).
Except boiling water and pus.

Jaza'an wefaqa (26).
A befitting recompense.

Innahum kanuo la yarjuona hesaba (27).
Indeed, they were not expecting any reckoning.

Wa kazzabuo be-ayatena kezzaba (28).
And they had denied our signs, extreme denial.

Wa kulla shay'in ahssaynahuo ketaba (29).
And every thing we have enumerated it in a book.

Fa zuquo falan nazedakum ella azaba (30).
So taste, We will not increase you except torment.

Inna le-lmuttaqeena mafaza (31).
Indeed for the righteous there is a win.

Hadaeqa wa a'anaba (32).
Gardens and grapes.

Wa kawaeba atraba (33).
And women of equal age.

Wa ka'san dehaqa (34).
And an overflowing cups.

La yasma'uona feeha laghwan wala kezzaba (35).
They do not hear therein vain speech or falsehood.

Jaza'an men Rabbeka ata'an hesaba (36).
A reward from Your Lord, by gift, by reckoning.

Rabbi alsamawati wa alardi wama baynahuma Ar-rahmani la yamlekuna menhu khetaba (37).
The Lord of the heavens and the earth and whatever is between them, the Most Gracious, they have no power to address Him. 

Yawma yaqumuo Alruhuo wa almalaekatuo saffan, la yatakalamuona ella man azena lahu Ar-rahmanuo wa qala ssawaba (38).
The day, when the Spirit and the Angels will stand in rows, they will not speak except he who the Most Gracious grant him permission, and says aright.

Zaleka alyawmuo alhaqquo fa-man sha'a ettakhaza ela Rabbehi ma'aba (39).
That is the true day, so whoever wills, may take towards his Lord a return.

Inna anzarnakum azaban qareeban yawma yanzuruo almar'uo ma qaddamat yadahuo wa yaquluo alkaferuo ya-laytani kuntuo turaba (40).
Indeed, We have warned you of torment which is near, the day when the man will see what his hands have offered, and the disbeliever will say "O I wish I were dust".

Simplified interpretation: 

 Surat Alnab' comes as a denunciation from Allah to the polytheists who denies the day of resurrection and the reckoning, and Allah lists His great ability to create all creatures including man, and He shows how the rest of creatures are harnessed to serve mankind, and then Allah assures that the day of resurrection is an appointed time, and He describes some of its scenes, including that the Hellfire is prepared in wait for the transgressors who denies Allah's signs, and were not expecting any reckoning, and Allah describes the torment they will find in it, whereas the Paradise is for the righteous, and Allah describes what they will find from bliss with their Lord, and the day of resurrection is to Allah alone, no one have power to address Him, or to speak except by His permission, so He warns man in the last verse of that day, where man will see what he had sent forth from deeds, and the disbeliever will wish if he was a dust. 

 Allah says in the first five verses "About what are they asking one another?, about the great news, in which they are different, nay! they will soon know, then, nay! they will soon know", where Allah marvel at the polytheists's denial of the day of resurrection, and how Quraish differed regarding that day between a believer and a disbeliever, then Allah threatens those who deny the resurrection and says "nay! they will soon know" and he repeated it again as a serious and clear threat that the day of resurrection is inevitable.

 Then Allah enumerates his ability to create whatever is in the sky and whatever is on the earth in the next eleven verses (6-16) and says ''Did we not make the earth a resting place?, and the mountains as pegs, and We have created you in pairs, and We have made your sleep a source of rest, and We have made the night a covering, and We have made the day for livelihood, and We have built above you seven, strong, and We have made a burning lamp, and We have sent down from the clouds abundant water, that We may bring forth thereby grain and plants, and gardens of wrapped trees", where Allah has leveled the earth as a bed for man, and the mountain as pegs to remain anchored, and it is a great sign for Allah's power as mentioned in Surat Alghashyiah, and he created the male and the female, and He made sleep a source of comfort for man, and the night a covering for him, while the day is for livelihood and to fulfill his need, and Allah created seven strong heavens, and made the sun as a burning lamp to illuminate the universe, and He sent forth abundant rain from the clouds and bring forth thereby various kinds of grain, plants, and fruits from gardens of wrapped trees.

 Allah has enumerated his great ability to create all His creatures to assure them that the day of Judgement is an appointed time as mentioned in Aya (18), where as He says in Surat Alroom Aya (27) "And it is He who begins creation, then He repeats it, and that is even easier for Him". So Allah will resurrect man on the day of resurrection and He describes some of its scenes in the verses (18-20) and says "The day when the trumpet will be blown, so you will come in multitudes, and the sky is opened, and becomes gates, and the mountains are removed, and becomes mirage", that is, the trumpet will be blown twice (Alrajefah and Alradefah) as mentioned in Surat Alnazi'at , and then every nation which Allah has sent a Messenger will com with the one to whom He was sent where Allah says in Surat Yunus Aya (47) "and for every people there is a messenger, so when their Messenger comes, the matter will be decided between them with justice", and then the sky becomes gates and roads for the descending of the Angels, and Allah will blow the mountains up totally and it will disappear until it become a mirage.

 Then Allah says in the next ten verses (21-30) "Indeed, the Hellfire is prepared in wait, for the transgressors is the abode, they will be remaining therein for ages, they shall taste therein neither cool nor a drink, except boiling water and pus, a befitting recompense, indeed, they were not expecting any reckoning, and they had denied our signs, extreme denial, and every thing we have enumerated it in a book, so taste, We will not increase you except torment", where Allah has prepared the Hellfire for those who transgressed, disobeyed Him, and denied His Messengers, so it will be their abode and they will remain in it for ages as Allah wills, and they do not drink in it cool that cools the heat of the blaze fire except boiling water, and no drink that quenches them because of their severe thirst except pus, and this is a befitting and appropriate punishment for what they did from evil deeds in the worldly life, and because of their denial of the resurrection and the reckoning where they were not expecting any reckoning, and they had denied Allah's signs which He sent down to His Messengers, and their deeds were enumerated in their book by the noble and recording Angels as mentioned in Surat Alinfitar, then it will be said to them taste this punishment and We will not increase you except torment, so they are in more torment.

 But as for the righteous it is different, where Allah says in the next six verses (31-36) "Indeed for the righteous there is a win, gardens and grapes, and women of equal age, and an overflowing cups, they do not hear therein vain speech or falsehood, a reward from Your Lord, by gift, by reckoning", that is, there is a win because they did not meet the fate of the people of Hellfire and they entered paradise, and this win includes what they find in Paradise of gardens and grapes, and women of equal age and that women as mentioned in Surat Alwaqi'ah Aya (23) ''The likenesses of pearls well-protected", and the righteous will drink from full cups, one cup after another, unlike the people of Hellfire whose drink was mentioned above, and they will not hear therein any falsehood or ill speech, and this is a plentiful reward as a gift from their lord because Allah multiplies the reward for whomever He wills as mentioned in several verses of the Holy Quran such as (Alnisaa 40, Alan'am 160, Alnaml 89), and as a reckoning for their deeds and for their obedience to Him in the worldly life. 

 Then Allah says in the last four verses (37-40) "The Lord of the heavens and the earth and whatever is between them, the Most Gracious, they have no power to address Him, the day, when the Spirit and the Angels will stand in rows, they will not speak except he who the Most Gracious grant him permission, and says aright, that is the true day, so whoever wills, may take towards his Lord a return, indeed, We have warned you of torment which is near, the day when the man will see what his hands have offered, and the disbeliever will say "O I wish I were dust". That is, Allah tells us about His greatness and His power where He is the Lord of the heavens and the earth and whatever is between them , and He is the Most Gracious, And no one have power to address Him that on the day of resurrection the spirit and the Angels will stand in rows, and the spirit refers to Gabriel as mentioned in Surat Alqadr, and they will not speak except he who the Most Gracious grant him permission, and says aright, where as mentioned in Surat Taha Aya (109) "no intercession will benefit except that of one to whom the Most Gracious has given permission and has accepted his word".

 And then Allah assures that the day of resurrection is inevitable and it is the true day, so whoever wills may take towards his Lord a return by doing what He commanded and avoiding what He forbade, then Allah warns in the last verse of a near torment for the day of resurrection is near where Allah says in Surat Alanbiyaa Aya (1) "The time of their account has approached for the people", and then the man will see what he has offered for this day and this is the same of Aya (14) of Surat Altakwir, and the disbeliever will say because of what he has found from his evil deeds and for the horrors of that day "O I wish I were dust" like beasts and livestock which will turn on the day of resurrection into dust.

No one Knows its interpretation except Allah

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