20- Surat Ta Ha

135 Verses Meccan (revealed in Mecca)

A'auzu Bellahi mena alshaiytani alrajeem

I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed Satan

Besmi Ellahi Alrhmani Alraheem

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

Ta Ha (1).
Taa Haa.

Ma anzalna alaiyka alqurana le-tashqa (2).
We have not sent down the Quran to You to face hardship.

Ella tazkeratan leman yakhsha (3).
Except a reminder for he who fears.

Tanzeelan memman khalaqa alarda wa alsamawati al-aula (4).
A revelation from the One who created the earth and the highest heavens.

Alrahmanuo ala alarsi estawa (5).
The Most Gracious established Himself on the Throne.

Lahuo ma fee alsamawati wa ma fee alardi wa ma baiynahuma wa ma tahta althara (6).
To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth and whatever is between them and whatever is under the soil.

Wa in tajhar bel-qawli fa-innahuo ya'lamuo alserra wa akhfa (7).
And if You speak the word aloud, then indeed, He knows the secret and the more hidden.

Allahu la illaha ella huwa lahuo alasma-uo alhusna (8).
Allah, there is no God but He, to Him belongs the Most Beautiful Names.

Wa hal ataka hadeethuo Musa (9).
And Has there come to you the story of Moses?.

Iz ra-a naran fa-qala le-ahlehi emkuthuo inni anastuo naran la-alli ateekum menha be-qabasin aww ajeduo ala alnari huda (10).
When He saw a fire, and said to His family Stay here, indeed, I have perceived a fire, perhaps I can bring you a burning piece from it or I find a guidance at the fire.

Fa-lamma ataha nuodeiya ya-musa (11).
And when He came to it, He was called O Moses.

Inni ana Rabbuka fa-khla' na'laiyka innaka bel-wadi almuqaddasi tuwa (12).
Indeed, I am Your Lord, so Take off Your sandals, indeed, You are in the Sacred Valley of Tuwa.

Wa ana ekhtartuka fas-tame' lema youha (13).
And I have chosen You, so Listen to what is revealed.

Innani ana Allahu la ilaha ella ana fa'budni wa aqemi alsalata le-zekri (14).
Indeed, I am Allah, there is no god but M, so Worship Me and Establish the prayer for My remembrance.

Inna alsa-ata atiyatun akaduo aukhfeeha le-tuzja kulluo nafsin be-ma tas-a (15).
Indeed, the Hour is coming, I almost hide it, so that every soul may be recompensed for what it strives.

Fa-la yasuddannaka anha man la you'menuo beha wattaba-a hawahuo fa-tarda (16).
So Do not let the one who does not believe in it and follows his desire avert you from it, so you will perish.

Wa ma telka be-yameeneka ya-musa (17).
And what is that in Your right hand O Moses?.

Qala heiya asaya atawakka-uo alaiyha wa ahushshuo beha ala ghanami wa leiya feeha ma-arebuo aukhra (18).
He said it is My stick, I lean upon it and I bring down leaves for my sheep and for me in it other uses.

Qala alqeha ya-Musa (19).
He said Throw it down O Moses.

Fa-alqaha fa-iza heiya hayyatun tas-a (20).
So He threw it down, then behold! It was a snake, running.

Qala khuzha wa la takhaf sa-no-eduha serataha al-aula (21).
He said Seize it and Do not fear, We will return it to its former state.

Wa-dmum yadaka ela janaheka takhruj baiyda-a men ghaiyri su-in ayatan aukhra (22).
And Draw near Your hand to Your side, it will come forth white without any harm, another sign.

Lenureiyaka men ayatena alkubra (23).
That We may show You of Our greatest signs.

Izhab ela fer'awna innahuo tagha (24).
Go to Pharaoh, indeed, he has transgressed.

Qala Rabbi eshrah lee sadri (25).
He said My Lord! Expand for Me My breast.

Wa yassir lee amri (26).
And Ease for Me My task.

Wa-hlul auqdatan men lesani (27).
And Remove the knot from My tongue.

yafqahuo qawli (28).
That they may understand My speech.

Waj'al lee wazeeran men ahli (29)
And Make for Me a minister from My family.

Haruona akhi (30).
Aaron, My brother.

Aushdud behi azri (31).
Strengthen with Him My strength.

Wa ashrek-huo fe amri (32).
And let Him share in My mission.

Kaiy nusabbehaka katheeran (33).
That We may glorify You much.

Wa nazkuraka katheeran (34).
And remember You much.

Innaka kunta bena baseera (35).
Indeed, You are of us All-Seeing.

Qala qad auteta su'laka ya-Musa (36).
He said You have been granted Your request O Moses.

Wa laqad mananna alaiyka marratan aukhra (37).
And indeed, We have bestowed a favor upon you once more.

Iz awhaiyna ela aummeka ma youha (38).
When We inspired to Your mother what is inspired.

Ani eqzefeehi fee altabuti fa-qzefeehi fee alyammi fal-youlqehi alyammuo bel-saheli ya'khuzhuo aduwwun lee wa aduwwun lahuo wa alqaiytuo alaiyka mahabbatan menni wali-tusna-a ala aiyni (39).
That Cast Him in the coffin, then Cast it in the river, then let the river cast it on the coast, an enemy to Me and an enemy to Him will take Him, and I cast love over You from Me, and that you may be brought up under My eyes.

Iz tamshi aukhtuka fa-taquluo hal adullukum ala man yakfuluhuo faraja'naka ela aummeka kaiy taqarra aiynuha wa la tahzana wa qatalta nafsan fa-najjaiynaka mena alghammi wa fatannaka Futunan fa-labethta seneena fee ahli madyana thuma je'ta ala qadarin ya-Musa (40).
When Your sister was walking and she said Shall I direct you to someone who will take care of Him?, so We brought you back to your mother so that her eye might be comforted and she might not grieve, and you had killed a soul, then We saved You from the grief, and We tried you with a trial, then you remained for years with the people of Madyan, then you come to destiny O Moses.

Wa-stna'tuka le-nafsi (41).
And I have chosen You for Myself.

Izhab anta wa akhuka be-ayati wa la taneiya fee zekri (42).
Go, You and Your brother with My signs and Do not slacken in My remembrance.

Izhaba ela fer'awna innahuo tagha (43).
Go, both of You, to Pharaoh, indeed, he has transgressed.

Fa-qula lahuo qawlan laiyyinan la-allahuo yatazakkaruo aww yakhsha (44).
And Speak to him with gentle word that perhaps he may be reminded or fear.

Qala Rabbana innana nakhafuo an yafruta alaiyna aww an yatgha (45).
They said Our Lord, indeed, we fear that he will hasten against Us or that he will transgress.

Qala la takhafa innani ma-akuma asma-uo wa ara (46).
He said Do not fear, indeed, I am with you both, I hear and I see.

Fa'teiyahuo fa-qula inna rasula Rabbika fa-arsil ma-ana bani israela wa la tua'zzebhum qad je'naka be-ayatin men Rabbeka wa alsalamuo ala mani ettaba'a alhuda (47).
So Go, both of You, to him and Say, indeed, We both are Messengers of your Lord, so Send with Us the Children of Israel and Do not punish them, We have come to you with a sign from your Lord, and peace be upon he who follows the guidance.

Inna qad auheiya elaiyna anna alazaba ala man kazzaba wa tawalla (48).
Indeed, it has been revealed to Us that the punishment will be upon he who denies and turns away.

Qala fa-man Rabbukuma ya-Musa (49).
He said then Who is the Lord of both of You, O Moses?.

Qala Rabbuna allazi a'ta kulla shaiy-in khalqahuo thumma hada (50).
He said Our Lord is the One who gave everything its form and then He guided.

Qala fama baluo alquruoni al-aula (51).
He said then What is the case of the former generations?.

Qala elmuha enda Rabbi fe ketabin la yadilluo Rabbi wa la yansa (52).
He said the knowledge thereof is in a book with My Lord, My Lord does not err and does not forget.

Allazi ja'ala lakumuo alarda mahdan wa salaka lakum feeha subulan wa anzala mena alsama-e ma-an fa-akhrajna behi azwajan men nabatin shatta (53).
The One who has made the earth a bed for you, and has made for you pathways therein, and He has sent down water from the sky and then We have brought forth thereby varied pairs of one plant.

Kuluo wa-raww ana'makum inna fee zaleka la-ayatin le-auli alnuha (54).
Eat and Pasture your cattle, indeed, in that are signs for the possessors of understanding.

Meha khalqnakum wa feeha nu-edukum wa menha nukhrejukum taratan aukhra (55).
From it We created you, and to it We will return you back, and from it We will bring you out another time.

Wa laqad araiynahuo ayatena kullaha fa-kazzaba wa aba (56).
And indeed, We showed him Our signs, all of them, but he denied and refused.

Qala aje'tana le-tukhrejana men ardena be-sehreka ya-Musa (57).
He said Have You come to us to expel us from our land with Your magic O Moses?.

Fala-na'teiyannaka be-sehrin methlehi faj'al baiynana wa baiynaka maw-edan la nukhlefuhuo nahnuo wa la anta makanan suwa (58).
Then we will surely bring you magic like it, so make between us and You an appointment which we will not break and neither will You at an appointed place.

Qala maw-edukum yawmuo alzenati wa an youhshara alnasuo duha (59).
He said your appointment is on the day of the adornment and that the people will be assembled at forenoon.

Fa-tawalla fer'awnu fajama-a kaiydahuo thumma ata (60).
Then Pharaoh went away, and put together his plan and then came.

Qala lahum Musa waiylakum la taftaruo ala Allahi kazeban fa-yous-hetakum be-azabin wa qad khaba mani eftara (61).
Moses said to them Woe to you! Do not invent a lie against Allah, so He will exterminate you with a punishment, and indeed, he who invents has failed.

Fatanaza-uo amrahum baiynahum wa asarruo alnajwa (62).
Then they disputed in their affair among themselves, and they conceal the secret counsel.

Qaluo in hazani la-saherani youredani an youkhrejakum men ardekum be-sehrehima wa yazhaba be-tareqatekumuo almuthla (63).
They said indeed, these are two magicians who wish to expel you from your land with their magic and do away with your most perfect way.

Fa-ajme-uo kaiydakum thumma atuo saffan wa qad aflaha alyawma mani esta'la (64).
So Put together your plan, then Come in one row, and indeed, will be successful today he who overcome.

Qaluo ya-Musa imma an tuolqeya wa imma an nakuna awwala man alqa (65).
They said O Moses! Either that You throw or that we will be the first to throw?.

Qala bal alquo fa-iza hebaluhum wa eseiyyuhum yuokhaiyyaluo elaiyhi men sehrehim annaha tas-a (66).
He said rather you throw, then behold! Their ropes and sticks seemed to Him by their magic that they were running.

Fa-awjasa fee nafsehi khefatan Musa (67).
So Moses felt an apprehension in Himself.

Qulna la takhaf innaka anta al-ala (68).
We said Do not fear, indeed, it is you who are superior.

Wa alqi ma fee yameeneka talqaf ma sana-uo innama sana-uo kaiyduo saherin wa la youflehuo alsaheruo haiythuo ata (69).
And Throw what is in You right hand, it will devour what they have made, what they have made is but the plan of a magician, and the magician will not succeed wherever he comes from.

Fa-aulqeiya alsaharatuo sujjadan qaluo amanna be-Rabbi Haruona wa Musa (70).
So the magicians fell down in prostration, they said we have believed in the Lord of Aaron and Moses.

Qala amantum lahuo qabla an azana lakum innahuo la-kaberukumuo allazi allamakumuo alsehra fala-auqatte-anna aiydeyakum wa arjulakum men khelafin wa la-ausallebannakum fee juzu-e alnakhli wa la-ta'lamunna ayyuna ashadduo azaban wa abqa (71).
He said you believed in Him before I permit you, indeed, He is surely your chief who has taught you the magic, so I will surely cut off your hands and your feet of opposite sides and I will surely crucify you on the trunks of palm-trees, and surely you will know which of us is more severe in punishment and more lasting.

Qaluo lan nu'theraka ala ma ja-ana mena albayyinati wa allazi fatarana fa-qdi ma anta qadin innama taqdi hazehi alhayata alduonya (72).
They said never will we prefer you over what has come to us of clear proofs and the One who created us, so Judge what you will judge, you can only judge in this worldly life.

Inna amanna be-Rabbena le-yaghfera lana khatayana wa ma akrahtana alaiyhi mena alsehri wa Allahu khaiyrun wa abqa (73).
Indeed, we have believed in our Lord so that He may forgive us our sins and what you compelled us on it of magic, and Allah is Best and Ever Lasting.

Innahuo man ya'ti Rabbahuo mujreman fa-inna lahuo jahannama la yamutuo feeha wa la yahya (74).
Indeed, whoever comes to his Lord as a criminal, then indeed, for him is Hellfire, he will neither die therein nor live.

Wa man ya'tehi mu'menan qad amela alsalehati fa-aulaeka lahumuo aldarajatuo al-aula (75).
But whoever comes to Him as a believer having done righteous deeds, then for those are the highest degrees.

Jannatuo Adnin tajree men tahteha alanharuo khaledeena feeha wa zaleka jaza-uo man tazakka (76).
Gardens of Eden beneath which rivers flow, abiding therein forever, and that is the reward for he who gets purified.

Wa laqad awhaiyna ela Musa an asri be-ebadi fa-dreb lahum tareeqan fe albahri yabasan la takhafuo darakan wa la takhsha (77).
And We inspired to Moses that Travel by night with My servants and Strike for them a dry path in the sea, you will not fear being overtaken nor be afraid. 

Fa-atba-ahum fer'awnuo be-junudehi fa-ghasheiyahum mena alyammi ma ghasheiyahum (78).
So Pharaoh followed them with his soldiers, and covered them from the sea what covered them. 

Wa adalla Fer'awnuo qawmahuo wa ma hada (79).
And Pharaoh led his people astray, and did not guide.

Ya-bani israela qad anjaiynakum men aduwwekum wa wa-adnakum janeba altuori al-aiymana wa nazzalna alaiykumuo almanna wa alsalwa (80).
O Children of Israel! We saved you from your enemy and appointed for you the right side of Altour, and We sent down to you the Mann and the Salwa.

Kuluo men tayyibati ma razaqnakum wa la tatghaww feehi fa-yahella alaiykum ghadabi wa man yahlil alaiyhi ghadabi fa-qad hawa (81).
Eat from the good things which We have provided you and Do not transgress therein lest My wrath should descend upon you, and he who upon whom My wrath descends, then indeed, he has certainly fallen.

Wa inni la-ghaffarun leman taba wa amana wa amela salehan thumma ehtada (82).
And indeed, I am Oft-Forgiving for he who repents and believes and does righteous deeds, and then he is guided.

Wa ma a'jalaka an qawmeka ya-Musa (83).
And What made You hasten from Your people O Moses?.

Qala hum aulae ala asari wa ajeltuo elaiyka Rabbi le-tarda (84).
He said they are close upon My track and I hastened to You My Lord so that You may be pleased.

Qala fa-innna qad fatanna qawmaka men ba'deka wa adallahumuo alsameriyy (85).
He said but indeed, We have tried Your people after You, and the Samaritan has led them astray.

Fa-raja-a Musa ela qawmehi ghadbana asefan qala ya-qawmi alam ya-edkum Rabbukum wa'dan hasanan afa-tala alaiykumuo al-ahduo am aradtum an yahella alaiykum ghadabun men Rabbekum fa-akhlaftum maw-edi (86).
Then Moses returned to His people, angry and grieved, He said O My people! Did your Lord not promise you a good promise?, Did the promise become long to you?, or Did you want that wrath from your Lord befalls you, so you broke the promise to Me?.

Qaluo ma akhlafna maw-edaka be-malkana wa lakenna hummelna awzaran men zenati alqawmi fa-qazafnaha fa-kazaleka alqa alsameriyy (87).
They said we did not break our promise to You by our will, but we were burdened with the burden of the ornaments of the people, so we threw them, and thus did the Samaritan throw.

Fa-akhraja lahum ejlan jasadan lahuo khuwarun fa-qaluo haza ilahukum wa ilahuo Musa fa-nasey (88).
Then he brought forth for them a calf, a body with a lowing sound, and they said this is your god and the god of Moses, but he forgot.

Afa-la yarawna alla yarje-uo elaiyhim qawlan wa la yamlekuo lahum darran wa la naf-a (89).
Do they not see that it could not return a word to them, and that it does not possess for them any harm or benefit.

Wa laqad qala lahum Haruonu men qabluo ya-qawmi innama futentum behi wa inna Rabbakumu Alrahmanuo fattabe-uoni wa atee-uo amri (90).
And Aaron had said to them before O My people! You are being tried by it, and indeed, your Lord is the Most Gracious, so Follow Me and Obey My command.

Qaluo lan nabraha alaiyhi akefeena hatta yarje-a elaiyna Musa (91).
They said we will never cease being devoted to it until Moses returns to us.

Qala ya-Haruonu ma mana-aka iz ra'aytahum dalluo (92).
He said O Aaron What prevented You when You saw them going astray.

Alla tattabe-ani afa-asaiyta amri (93).
That you did not follow Me, then Have you disobeyed My command?. 

Qala yabna-aumma la ta'khuz be-lehyati wa la be-ra'si inni khasheeto an taqula farraqta baiyna bani Israela wa lam tarqub qawli (94).
He said O son of My mother Do not seize by My beard or by My head, indeed, I feared that You would say You caused division among the Children of Israel, and You did not observe My word.

Qala fama khatbuka ya Sameriyy  (95).
He said then What is your case O Samaritan?.

Qala basurtuo bema lam yabsuruo behi fa-qabadtuo qabdatan men athari alrasuli fa-nabaztuha wa kazaleka sawwalat lee nafsi (96).
He said I saw what they did not see, so I took a handful from the track of the Messenger and threw it, and thus did my soul entice me.

Qala fa-zhab fa-inna laka fee alhayati an taquola la mesasa wa inna laka maw-edan lan tukhlafahuo wa-nzur ela ilaheka allazi zalta alaiyhi akefan la-nuharriqannahuo thumma la-nansefannahuo fee alyammi nasfa (97).
He said then Go, and indeed, it is for you in the life to say no touching, and indeed, for you an appointment you will not break, and look at your god to which you remained devoted, we will surely burn it and blow it into the sea, a total blow.

Innama ilahukumuo Allahu allazi la ilaha ella huwa wasea kulla shaiy-in elma (98).
Your god is only Allah, the One besides whom there is no god, He encompasses all things in knowledge.

Ka-zaleka naqussuo alaiyka men anba-ee ma qad sabaqa wa qad ataiynaka men ladunna zekra (99).
Thus We narrate to You from the news of what has preceded, and we have certainly given You from Us a reminder.

Man a'rada anhuo fa-innahuo yahmeluo yawma alqeiyamati wezra (100).
Whoever turns away from it, then indeed, he will bear on the day of resurrection a burden.

Khaledeena feehi wasa-a lahum yawma alqeiyamati hemla (101).
Abiding therein forever, and evil is for them on the day of resurrection as a load.

Yawma younfakhuo fee alsuori wa nahshuruo almujremeena yama-izin zurqa (102).
The day when the trumpet will be blown, and We will gather the criminal that day while turned blue.

Yatakhafatuona baiynahum in labethtum ella ashra (103).
Whispering among themselves, you did not remain but ten.

Nahnuo a'alamuo bema yaquluona iz yaquluo amthaluhum tareqatan in labethtum ella yawma (104).
We know best what they will say when the most perfect of them in way will say you did not remain but a day.

Wa yas'alunaka ani aljebali fa-qul yansefuha Rabbi nasfa (105).
And they ask You about the mountains, so Say My Lord will blow them, a total blow.

Fa-yazaruha qa-an safsafa (106).
And He will leave it a leveled plain.

La tara feeha ewajan wa la amta (107).
You will not see therein a crookedness or an elevation.

Yawma-izin yattabe-uona alda-eya la ewaja lahuo wa khasha-ati alaswati lel-rahmani fala tasma-uo ella hamsa (108).
That day, they will follow the caller, no crookedness from him, and the voices will be humbled for the Most Gracious, so you will not hear except a whisper.

Yawma-izin la tanfa-uo alshafa-atuo ella man azena lahuo alrahmanuo wa radeiya lahuo qawla (109).
That day the intercession will not benefit except to whom the Most Gracious has given permission, and has accepted a word for him. 

Ya'lamuo ma baiyna aiydehim wa ma khalfahum wa la youheetuona behi elma (110).
He knows what is before them and what is behind them, and they do not encompass Him in knowledge.

Wa anati alwujuhuo lel-hayyi alqayyumi wa qad khaba man hamala zulma (111).
And all faces will be humbled before the Ever-Living, the Sustainer of existence, and indeed he who carries injustice has failed.

Wa man ya'mal mena alsalehati wa huwa mu'menun fa-la yakhafuo zulman wa la hadma (112).
But he who does of righteous deeds while he is a believer, then he will neither fear injustice nor deprivation.

Wa kazaleka anzalnahuo quranan arabiyyan wa sarrafna feehi mena alwaeedi la-allahum yattaquona aww youhdethuo lahum zekra (113).
And thus We have sent it down as an Arabic Quran and We have explained therein of the warnings, so that they may fear or it would cause for them a remembrance.

Fata-ala Allahu Almaleku Alhaqqu wa la ta'jal bel-qurani men qabli an youqda elaiyka wahyuhuo wa qul Rabbi zedni elma (114).
So Exalted is Allah, the King, the Truth, and Do not hasten with Quran before its revelation is completed to you, and Say My Lord Increase Me in knowledge.

Wa laqad ahedna ela Adama men qabluo fa-nasiya wa lam najed lahuo azma (115).
And indeed, We made a covenant with Adam before, but He forgot and We did not find determination in him.

Wa iz qulna lel-malaekati esjuduo le-adama fa-sajaduo ella iblessa aba (116).
And when We said to the Angels Prostrate to Adam, and they prostrate except Iblis, he refused.

Fa-qulna ya-adamu inna haza aduwwun laka wa le-zawjeka fa-la youkhrejannakuma mena aljannati fa-tashqa (117).
Then We said O Adam, indeed, this is an enemy to you and to your wife, then let him not expel you both from Paradise, so that you would face hardship.

Inna laka alla taju-a feeha wa la ta'ra (118).
Indeed, it is for you not to be hungry therein nor to be naked.

Wa annaka la tazma-uo feeha wa la tad-ha (119).
And indeed, you will not be thirsty therein nor be exposed to the sun.

Fa-waswasa elaiyhi alshaiytanuo qala ya-adamu hal adulluka ala shajarati alkhuldi wa mulkin la yabla (120).
Then Satan whispered to him, he said O Adam shall I direct you to the tree of eternity and a kingdom that will not deteriorate. 

Fa-akala menha fa-badat lahuma saw-atuhuma wa tafeqa yakhsefani alaiyhema men waraqi aljannati wa asa Adamu Rabbahu fa-ghawa (121).
And they both ate from it, and their private parts became apparent to both of them, and they both began to fasten on themselves from the leaves of Paradise, and Adam disobeyed His Lord and erred. 

Thumma ejtabahuo Rabbuhu fa-taba alaiyhi wa hada (122).
Then His Lord has chosen Him and has turned to Him and has guided.

Qala ehbata menha jamee-an ba'dukum le-ba'din aduwwun fa-imma ya'teiyannakum menni hudan fa-mani ettaba-a hudaya fa-la yadelluo wa la yashqa (123).
He said Go down from it, all of you, being enemies to one another, and if there should come to you a guidance from Me, then whoever follows My guidance will neither go astray nor face hardship.

Wa man a'rada an zekri fa-inna lahuo ma-eshatan dankan wa nahshuruhuo yawma alqeiyamati a'ma (124).
And whoever turns away from My remembrance, then indeed, for him is a straitened life, and We will gather him on the day of resurrection blind.

Qala Rabbi lema hashartani a'ma wa qad kuntuo baseera (125).
He will say My Lord Why have You gathered me blind while I was sighted?.

Qala kazaleka atatka ayatuna fa-nasitaha wa kazaleka alyawma tunsa (126).
He will say, thus our signs came to you, but you forgot them, and thus you will be forgotten today

Wa kazaleka najzi man asrafa wa lam you'men be-ayati Rabbehi wa la-azabuo alakherati ashadduo wa abqa (127).
And thus We recompense he who transgressed and did not believe in the signs of his Lord, and surely the punishment of the Hereafter is more severe and more lasting.

Afa-lam yahdi lahum kam ahlakna qablahum mena alquruoni yamshuona fee masakenehim inna fee zaleka la-ayatin le-auli alnuha (128).
Does it not guide them, how many generations We have destroyed before them, they walk in their dwellings?, indeed, in that are signs for the possessors of understanding.

Wa lawla kalematun sabaqat men Rabbeka la-kana lezaman wa ajalun musamma (129).
And if not for a word that preceded from Your lord, and an appointed time, the punishment would have been inevitable.

Fa-sbir ala ma yaquluona wa sabbeh be-hamdi Rabbeka qabla tulu-e alshamsi wa qabla ghurubeha wa men ana-e al-laili fa-sabbeh wa atrafa alnahari la-allaka tarda (130).
So Be patient over what they say, and Glorify with the praise of Your Lord before the rising of the sun and before its setting, and during periods of the night and the edges of the day, so that you may be pleased.

Wa la tamuddana aynaiyka ela ma matt'ana behi azwajan menhum zahrata alhayati alduonya le-naftenahum feehi wa rezquo Rabbeka khaiyrun wa abqa (131).
And do not extend your eyes towards that by which We gave enjoyment to pairs of them, the splendor of the worldly life by which We test them, and the provision of Your Lord is better and more lasting.

Wa'mur ahlaka be-alsalati wa-stabir alaiyha la nas'aluka rezqan nahnuo narzuquka wa alaqebatuo lel-taqwa (132).
And Enjoin the prayer upon Your family, and Be patient over it, We do not ask You for provision, We provide for You, and the end is for the righteousness.

Wa qaluo lawla ya'teena be-ayatin men Rabbehi awa-lam ta'teehim bayyinatuo ma fee alsuhufi al-aula (133).
And they say Why does He not bring us a sign from His Lord?, Has there not come to them the proof of what was in the former scriptures?.

Wa laww anna ahlaknahum be-azabin men qablehi la-qaluo Rabbana lawla arsalta elaiyna rasulan fanattabe-a ayateka men qabli an nazella wa nakhza (134).
And if We had destroyed them with a punishment before it, they would have said our Lord, Why did You not send to us a messenger, so we could have followed Your verses before We were humiliated and disgraced?.

Qul kullun mutarabbesun fa-tarabbasuo fasa-ta'lamuona man as-habuo alserati alsawiyyi wa mani ehtada (135).
Say everyone is waiting, so Wait, then you will know who are the companions of the straight path and who is guided. 

Simplified interpretation:

 Surat Ta Ha begins with two letters of the Arabic language, just like 28 Surahs of the Holy Quran that start with individual letters ranging from one to five letters. It is noticeable that in all 29 Surahs the book or the Holy Quran is mentioned whether it is immediately after these letters or it is included in the Surah or even at the end of it. It is a challenge from Allah, Almighty, to the infidels of Quraish, as if Allah says to them this is the book in the letters of the language you speak, but you will not be able to produce the like of it, and He has already challenged them in Aya (88) of Surat Alisraa "Say, if mankind and the Jinn gathered in order to produce the like of this Quran, they could not produce the like of it, even if they were to each other assistants". As for the current Surah, it begins with two letters "Taa Haa" or "T and H" in English followed by "We have not sent down the Quran to You to face hardship", but the knowledge of these letters remains with Allah, the Lord of the worlds.

 Allah says in the first four verses (1-4) "Ta Ha, We have not sent down the Quran to You to face hardship, except a reminder for he who fears, a revelation from the One who created the earth and the highest heavens", that is, Allah addresses His Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) and assures Him that He did not send down the Holy Quran to make Him face hardships or to be miserable, but rather He makes the Holy Quran a mercy, a guidance and a reminder for he who fears the punishment of Allah, and the Holy Quran is a revelation from Allah, the One who has created the earth and the Highest heavens, so Allah's Messenger has to convey the Message of Allah to His people and Allah lets go astray whom He wills, and guides whom He wills, and Allah commanded His Messenger not to let His soul go out in regret for the disbelievers, indeed, Allah is All-Knower of what they do as mentioned in Aya (8) of Surat Fatir.

 Allah says in the next four verses (5-8) "The Most Gracious established Himself on the Throne, to Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth and whatever is between them and whatever is under the soil, and if You speak the word aloud, then indeed, He knows the secret and the more hidden, Allah, there is no God but He, to Him belongs the Most Beautiful Names'', that is, Allah, the Most Gracious has established Himself on the throne as He manages the matter and judges between His creation with justice, so He is the Creator of everything, the Possessor of everything, and All-Powerful over everything, thereupon, to Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth and whatever is between them and whatever is under the soil, so nothing is hidden from Him, and if you speak aloud or conceal the word, then Allah knows the secret and what you conceal in yourself, and He knows the more hidden of what you will do before doing it, then Allah assures that there is no God but He and to Him belongs the Most Beautiful Names, and Allah's Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) said in narration of Abu Hurayrah: "There are ninety-nine names of Allah, whoever memorizes them shall enter Paradise, and indeed, Allah is Odd (One), and He loves odd number" (Sahih Muslim 2677 a).

 Allah says in the next four verses (9-12) "And Has there come to you the story of Moses?, when He saw a fire, and said to His family Stay here, indeed, I have perceived a fire, perhaps I can bring you a burning piece from it or I find a guidance at the fire, and when He came to it, He was called O Moses, Indeed, I am Your Lord, so Take off Your sandals, indeed, You are in the Sacred Valley of Tuwa", that is, Allah addresses His Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) and narrates to Him the story of the Prophet Moses, where the Prophet Moses fled from Egypt after killing a man, and He went to Madyan and resided therein and married from it, then He wanted to return to Egypt, but He lost His way and went to Altour mount in Sinai as mentioned at length in Surat Alqasas, so when He went towards the Mount of Altour, He found a burning fire, therefore, He said to His wife Stay where you are, I saw a fire, and I will go to it, perhaps I will bring you a burning wood from the fire, so that you may warm yourself, or I will find someone who will guide Me to the way. When the Prophet Moses arrived at the fire, Allah called Him saying "O Moses, Indeed, I am Your Lord, so Take off Your sandals, indeed, You are in the Sacred Valley of Tuwa", so Allah commanded Him to put off His shoes because He was in the Sacred Valley of Tuwa, Sinai, Egypt. And because shoes may carry impurity from the ground, it is not permissible to enter the holy places such as mosques, or pray in them except in the case of complete certainty of their purity where as narrated by Abu Sa'id Alkhudri: "While the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) was leading His companions in prayer, He took off His sandals and laid them on His left side, so when the people saw this, they removed their sandals, when the Messenger of Allah finished His prayer, He asked What made you remove your sandals?, they replied we saw you remove Your sandals, so we removed our sandals, the Messenger of Allah then said Gabriel came to Me and informed Me that there was filth in them. When any of you comes to the mosque, he should see if he finds filth on his sandals, he should wipe it off and pray in them" (Sunan Abu Dawood 650). And as narrated by Abu Hurayrah: ''Allah's Messenger said when any of you prays and takes off his sandals, he should not harm anyone by them, he should place them between his feet or pray with them on"(Sunan Abu Dawood 655) .

 Allah says in the next four verses (13-16) "And I have chosen You, so Listen to what is revealed, indeed, I am Allah, there is no god but M, so Worship Me and Establish the prayer for My remembrance, indeed, the Hour is coming, I almost hide it, so that every soul may be recompensed for what it strives, so Do not let the one who does not believe in it and follows his desire avert you from it, so you will perish", that is, Allah has spoken to the Prophet Moses at the Sacred Valley of Tuwa and said to Him that He has chosen Him over all the people of His time with the message, so He commanded Him to listen to what Allah will reveal to Him, then Allah said to Him that there is no god but Him, and commanded Him to worship Him alone, with no partner, and to establish the prayer for Allah's remembrance, and as narrated by Anas bin Malik that Allah's Messenger said: "When any one of you omits the prayer due to sleep or he forgets it, he should pray it when he remembers it for Allah has said and Establish the prayer for My remembrance"(Sahih Muslim 684), and as narrated by Abu Hurayrah: "While the Messenger of Allah was returning from Khaibar, He traveled during the night until He became sleepy, and He sat down to rest. Then He said O Bilal! Stand guard for Us for the night, He said so Bilal performed the prayer, then He leaned against his ride facing the direction of Fajr, his eyes overcame him until he slept, and no one of them awoke, the first of them to awaken was the Prophet (PBUH) who said O Bilal! Bilal said may my father be ransomed for you O Messenger of Allah! I was overtaken just as You were overtaken, so the Messenger of Allah said Move out! Then he kneeled to perform Wudu' and to announce the standing for the prayer, then He performed the prayer the same as he would when not traveling, then He said "And Establish the prayer for My remembrance" (Jami' Altermidhi 3163).

 Then Allah said to the Prophet Moses that the Hour (The day of resurrection) will inevitably happen and no doubt about its occurrence, and He almost hides its knowledge from all creatures, and it is one of the five keys of the unseen that Allah only knows as mentioned in Aya (34) of Surat Luqman, so Allah hides its arrival and it will come suddenly so that every soul may be recompensed for what it does of evil or good, of obedience or disobedience. Then Allah commanded the Prophet Moses not to let the one who did not believe in the Hour, disobeyed Allah, and followed His whims and desires avert Him from believing in it, and if He followed their path of denial and disbelief, He will perish.

 Allah says in the next seven verses (17-23) "And what is that in Your right hand O Moses?,He said it is My stick, I lean upon it and I bring down leaves for my sheep and for me in it other uses, He said Throw it down O Moses, so He threw it down, then behold! It was a snake, running, He said Seize it and Do not fear, We will return it to its former state, and Draw near Your hand to Your side, it will come forth white without any harm, another sign, that We may show You of Our greatest signs'', that is, Allah asked the Prophet Moses about His stick which was in His right hand, so that Moses acknowledges that it is His stick in order to show Him Allah's ability to do whatever He wills, and to make it a sign for Pharaoh and his people, so the Prophet Moses said that it is His stick that He leans upon it when walking, that He shakes the trees with it to drop its leaves on which His sheep graze, and that He has other benefits in it, then Allah commanded the Prophet Moses to throw His stick on the ground, and the stick turned into a snake moving on the ground, so Moses turned fleeing for fear, but Allah reassured Him and commanded Him to pick it up and not to fear, and He will return it to its former state, Then Allah commanded Moses to insert His Hand in His pocket as mentioned in Aya (12) of Surat Alnaml and Aya (32) of Surat Alqasas, so His hand will come forth white without any harm, and it is another sign to Pharaoh and his people, and it was of Allah's greatest signs that He showed to Moses.

 Allah says in the next thirteen verses (24-36) "Go to Pharaoh, indeed, he has transgressed, He said My Lord! Expand for Me My breast, and Ease for Me My task, and Remove the knot from My tongue, that they may understand My speech, and Make for Me a minister from My family, Aaron, My brother, Strengthen with Him My strength, and let Him share in My mission, that We may glorify You much, and remember You much, indeed, You are of us All-Seeing, He said You have been granted Your request O Moses", that is, Allah ordered the Prophet Moses to go to Pharaoh in order to call him to worship Allah alone where He has transgressed in the land and used to punish the Children of Israel as will come later in Aya (47), so the Prophet Moses asked Allah to expand His breast, to ease His task of conveying the message to Pharaoh, to remove the knot from His tongue so that they may understand His speech as this knot prevents Him from expressing clearly what he intends to say, and to appoint for Him a minister from His family, specifically His brother Aaron, where He said to Allah that His brother Aaron is more eloquent than Him in speech, so He asked Allah to send Aaron with Him as a helper who will confirm Him as mentioned in Aya (34) of Surat Alqasas, and He asked Allah to strengthen His strength with Aaron and to let Aaron share in His mission of Prophecy and conveying the message so that they may glorify and remember Allah much, and then Moses said to Allah "Indeed, You are of us All-seeing", as nothing of their affair is hidden from Him, so Allah granted Him His request and strengthened Him with His brother Aaron.

 Allah says in the next five verses (37-41) "And indeed, We have bestowed a favor upon you once more, when We inspired to Your mother what is inspired, that Cast Him in the coffin, then Cast it in the river, then let the river cast it on the coast, an enemy to Me and an enemy to Him will take Him, and I cast love over You from Me, and that you may be brought up under My eyes, when Your sister was walking and she said Shall I direct you to someone who will take care of Him?, so We brought you back to your mother so that her eye might be comforted and she might not grieve, and you had killed a soul, then We saved You from the grief, and We tried you with a trial, then you remained for years with the people of Madyan, then you come to destiny O Moses, and I have chosen You for Myself'', that is, Allah reminds the Prophet Moses of His blessings upon Him as He has bestowed a favor upon Him another time, where Pharaoh has been informed that there might be a boy from the Children of Israel who would be the cause of the destruction and the collapse of his kingdom, so he ordered his soldiers to kill their sons and to keep their women alive, so Allah inspired to Moses' mother to cast Him in the coffin, and if someone of those whom she fears that He would kill Moses comes, she has to cast Him in the river, then the river will cast Him on the shore in front of Pharaoh's house, and Pharaoh who is an enemy to Him and to Allah will pick Him up, and Allah has cast love on Him from Himself, so whoever saw Moses loved Him, therefore Pharaoh'a wife, Asia Bint Muzahim, loved Moses when she saw Him and she said to Pharaoh a comfort to the eye for me and for you, and she asked them not to kill Him as mentioned in Aya (9) of Surat Alqasas, so Allah made Moses to be brought up under His eyes and protection in the house of Pharaoh.

 When Moses settled in the house of Pharaoh, they offered Him the suckling women in their house, but Allah prevented Him from all suckling women, so He did not accept to breastfeed from any of them, and that was a fatalistic prohibition as Allah prevented Him from suckling other than His mother's breast as mentioned in Aya (12) of Surat Alqasas, thereupon, they went out looking for a woman to breastfeed Him, and when the sister of Moses saw Him with them, she said to them Shall I direct you to he who will take care of Him, so they took Him to His mother to breastfeed Him, and He accepted breastfeeding from her, and thus Allah brought Him back to His mother to breastfeed Him while she was safe after she was afraid for Him, so that her eye might be comforted and she might not grieve for Him. Then Allah reminds the Prophet Moses that He saved Him from grief and killing when He killed a man from the People of Pharaoh and left Egypt fleeing to Madyan as mentioned at length in Surat Alqasas Ayat (15-22)

 Then Allah assures that He put the Prophet Moses in a trial, So He fled from Egypt and turned His face towards Madyan, and He remained ten years among its people serving the family of His wife, then He came at the decreed time as He walked with His wife towards Egypt, but He lost His way and went to the Sacred valley of Tuwa in Sinai as shown above in Ayat (10-12), and Allah has chosen Him for Himself as He is the only Prophet with whom Allah spoke, and Allah has chosen Him for prophecy and conveying His message to Pharaoh and his people. And as narrated by Abu Hurayrah: "Allah's Messenger (PBUH) said Moses argued with Adam, and said to Him You are the one who got the people out of Paradise by Your sin, and made them miserable, Adam said O Moses! You are the one whom Allah has chosen for His message and His words, Do you blame me for a thing which Allah had written for Me before He created Me?, Allah's Messenger said so Adam overcame Moses by this argument" (Sahih Bukhari 4736).

 Allah says in the next five verses (42-46) "Go, You and Your brother with My signs and Do not slacken in My remembrance, Go, both of You, to Pharaoh, indeed, he has transgressed, and Speak to him with gentle word that perhaps he may be reminded or fear, they said Our Lord, indeed, we fear that he will hasten against Us or that he will transgress, He said Do not fear, indeed, I am with you both, I hear and I see", that is, Allah commanded the Prophet Moses to go with His brother Aaron to Pharaoh with the signs that Allah gave him, the stick and the hand as shown above Ayat (19-22), and not to slacken in the remembrance of Allah, rather they remember Allah when they confront Pharaoh so that the remembrance of Allah may help them, and give them strength and authority against Him, and Allah commanded both of them again to go to Pharaoh for he has transgressed, then Allah commanded both of them to address Pharaoh with kindness and softness so that he may return from what he is in of misguidance and disbelief or fear Allah's punishment, but they said to Allah that they fear that he would hasten a punishment against them, or that he would assault them and commit excess against them, but Allah reassured both of them and said "Do not fear, indeed, I am with you both, I hear and I see", so Allah is with both of them, He hears their words and his words, and He is with them with His protection, support, and victory.

 Allah says in the next four verses (47-50) "So Go, both of You, to him and Say, indeed, We both are Messengers of your Lord, so Send with Us the Children of Israel and Do not punish them, We have come to you with a sign from your Lord, and peace be upon he who follows the guidance, indeed, it has been revealed to Us that the punishment will be upon he who denies and turns away, He said then Who is the Lord of both of You, O Moses?, He said Our Lord is the One who gave everything its form and then He guided", that is, Allah commanded Moses and Aaron to go to Pharaoh and to tell him that Allah has sent both of them to him, commanding him to send the Children of Israel with them, and not to punish them with the hard and bad works that he used to force them to do, and they said to Pharaoh that they have come to Him with a sign from Allah, that peace be upon whoever follows the guidance as he will be saved from Allah's wrath and punishment, and that Allah's punishment will be upon whoever denies Allah's signs and turns away from the truth, then Pharaoh said to Moses as a denial of the existence of Allah "Who is the Lord of both of You, O Moses?", thereupon Moses said to him that their Lord is the One who has created everything in the best from, then guided all creation to the endeavor that corresponds to their destiny.

 Allah says in the next six verses (51-56) ''He said then What is the case of the former generations?, He said the knowledge thereof is in a book with My Lord, My Lord does not err and does not forget, the One who has made the earth a bed for you, and has made for you pathways therein, and He has sent down water from the sky and then We have brought forth thereby varied pairs of one plant, Eat and Pasture your cattle, indeed, in that are signs for the possessors of understanding, from it We created you, and to it We will return you back, and from it We will bring you out another time, and indeed, We showed him Our signs, all of them, but he denied and refused'', that is, Pharaoh asked Moses about the case of the former generations who did not worship Allah and worshipped idols besides Him, so the Prophet Moses assured him that the knowledge of these generations is in the book of deeds in which Allah has enumerated their deeds, and He will recompense them according to their deeds, and Allah does not err, miss anything, nor forget anything, that Allah is the One who made the earth like a firm bed on which they walk, get up, and sleep, and made roads between mountains and valleys to guide them in their travels by moving from one place to another, and that He has sent down water from the sky, then Allah says that He has brought forth thereby different pairs of one plant where there are many types of different colors, shapes and tastes in one plant, such as mangoes, peaches, grapes and rice, then Allah commanded people to eat from what He has brought out for them from the earth and to graze their cattle from the green fodder, and in that are signs for those of sound minds that Allah is the Creator of everything, then Allah assures that He has created man from the earth for He has created Adam from clay, and He returns man to it when he dies, the He will bring him out another time on the day of resurrection. Although Allah showed Pharaoh His signs and proofs that indicate the truth of what He has sent Moses and Aaron with, but Pharaoh denied and refused to accept from Moses and Aaron what they came with, so Allah showed Pharaoh and his people nine signs, but they denied all of them though their selves were convinced with them out of their injustice and exaltation as mentioned in Aya (14) of Surat Alnaml.  

 Allah says in the next four verses (57-60) "He said Have You come to us to expel us from our land with Your magic O Moses?, then we will surely bring you magic like it, so make between us and You an appointment which we will not break and neither will You at an appointed place, He said your appointment is on the day of the adornment and that the people will be assembled at forenoon, then Pharaoh went away, and put together his plan and then came", that is, when the Prophet Moses showed Pharaoh the signs of the stick and the hand, Pharaoh said to the chiefs around him that Moses is a learned magician, as mentioned in Aya (34) of Surat Alshu'araa, so he said to the Prophet Moses "Have You come to us to expel us from our land with Your magic O Moses?", and he said that he will bring a magic like it in order to make clear to the people that what Moses came with is not from Allah, but rather it is the magic of Moses, so he asked Moses for an appointed time and place which they will not break and neither will Moses, whereupon, Moses said to them that their appointment is the day of adornment which is the day of feast, so they are free from their work, and are gathered together, and that the people will be gathered at forenoon in order to be more visible and clearer, and then Pharaoh proceeded to collect every learned magician from all the cities of his kingdom, and then he came on the day of adornment with the magicians, and he promised them with a reward and that he will draw them closer to him if they defeated Moses as mentioned in Ayat (41,42) of Surat Alshu'araa.    

 Allah says in the next four verses (61-64) "Moses said to them Woe to you! Do not invent a lie against Allah, so He will exterminate you with a punishment, and indeed, he who invents has failed, then they disputed in their affair among themselves, and they conceal the secret counsel, they said indeed, these are two magicians who wish to expel you from your land with their magic and do away with your most perfect way, so Put together your plan, then Come in one row, and indeed, will be successful today he who overcomes", that is, the Prophet Moses said to the magicians Woe to you! Do not invent a lie against Allah, so He will destroy you with a punishment that none of you will remain, and he who forges a lies against Allah will perish, thereupon, the magicians disputed in their affair and conceal their secret counsel, and said to each other that Moses and Aaron are two magicians who intend to expel them from their land, and that they intend to do away with their most exemplary way and their religion that they are on, and they said to each other put together your plot, gather in one row, and throw what is in your hand at once in order to dazzle the eyes and defeat Moses and Aaron, and he who overcomes today will be the successful.

 Allah says in the next six verses (65-70) "They said O Moses! Either that You throw or that we will be the first to throw?, He said rather you throw, then behold! Their ropes and sticks seemed to Him by their magic that they were running, so Moses felt an apprehension in Himself, We said Do not fear, indeed, it is you who are superior, and Throw what is in You right hand, it will devour what they have made, what they have made is but the plan of a magician, and the magician will not succeed wherever he comes from, so the magicians fell down in prostration, they said we have believed in the Lord of Aaron and Moses", that is, the magicians said to Moses either You throw or we will be the first to throw, so the Prophet Moses said to them Throw whatever you will throw, then they threw their ropes and their sticks and they said by the might of Pharaoh we are going to be the victors as mentioned in Aya (44) of Surat Alshu'araa, then behold! Their ropes and sticks seemed to Moses by their magic that they were moving, and He sensed within Himself apprehension but Allah reassured Him that He will be the superior and commanded Him to throw His stick, and that what the magicians have falsified is nothing but the trick and sleight of a magician, and the magician will not succeed wherever he comes from, so when Moses threw His stick, it began to swallow what they falsified, leaving nothing of it, and because they have an experience in the methods and aspects of magic, they knew with certainty that what Moses did is not magic and tricks, thereupon, they fell down with their faces prostrating to Allah, submitting to Him in obedience, acknowledging that what Moses brought to them is the truth from Allah, and what they used to do of magic is false, so they said "We have believed in the Lord of Aaron and Moses".

 Allah says in the next six verses (71-76) "He said you believed in Him before I permit you, indeed, He is surely your chief who has taught you the magic, so I will surely cut off your hands and your feet of opposite sides and I will surely crucify you on the trunks of palm-trees, and surely you will know which of us is more severe in punishment and more lasting, they said never will we prefer you over what has come to us of clear proofs and the One who created us, so Judge what you will judge, you can only judge in this worldly life, indeed, we have believed in our Lord so that He may forgive us our sins and what you compelled us on it of magic, and Allah is Best and Ever Lasting, indeed, whoever comes to his Lord as a criminal, then indeed, for him is Hellfire, he will neither die therein nor live, but whoever comes to Him as a believer having done righteous deeds, then for those are the highest degrees, gardens of Eden beneath which rivers flow, abiding therein forever, and that is the reward for he who gets purified", that is, Pharaoh brought the magicians to help him, but they failed him and believed in the Lord of Aaron and Moses when they saw the signs of Allah, but he persisted on his disbelief and stubbornness, and said to them you believed in Him before I permit you, and he accused Moses of magic and He is their chief who has taught them the magic, so he threatened them that he will cut their hands and their feet of opposite sides, where he will cut off the right hand and the left leg or vise versa, and he will crucify them on the trunks of palm-trees, and then they will know who is more severe in punishment and more lasting, he or the Lord of Aaron and Moses in whom they believed, but his threat did not discourage them from faith, and they said to him that they will not prefer him over the clear evidences and proofs that have come to them nor will they prefer him over Allah, the One who has created them, then they said to him, do whatever you intend, you are only able to punish us in the worldly life. 

 Then the magicians said to Pharaoh we have believed in our Lord so that He may forgive us our sins and what you compelled us on it of magic, and Allah is Best and Ever Lasting than you, and they said that whoever comes to Allah as a criminal, then He will enter Hellfire in which he will neither die nor live, rather he will abide therein forever, and Allah's Messenger (PBUH) said in narration of Abu Sa'id: "The inhabitants of the Fire who are doomed to it, they would neither die nor live in it, but the people whom the Fire would afflict on account of their sins, or He said on account of their misdeeds, He would cause them to die till they would be turned into charcoal, then they would be granted intercession and would be brought into groups and would be spread on the rivers of Paradise, then it would be said O inhabitants of Paradise, pour water over them, then they would sprout forth like the sprouting of seeds in the silt carried by flood" (Sahih Muslim 185 a). But whoever comes to Allah as a believer having done righteous deeds, then he will have the highest degrees in Gardens of Eden beneath which rivers flow, and Eden is one of the names of Paradise, and they will abide therein forever, and that is the reward for he who purified himself from filth and polytheism, worshipped Allah alone, and believed the Messengers in what they brought, and Allah's Messenger said in narration of Ubadah bin Alsamit: "In Paradise, there are a hundred degrees, what is between every two degrees is like what is between the heavens and the earth, the Firdaws is its highest degree, and from it the four rivers of Paradise are made to flow forth, so when you ask Allah, Ask Him for the Firdaws" (Jami' Altirmidhi 2531).

 Allah says in the next three verses (77-79) "And We inspired to Moses that Travel by night with My servants and Strike for them a dry path in the sea, you will not fear being overtaken nor be afraid, so Pharaoh followed them with his soldiers, and covered them from the sea what covered them, and Pharaoh led his people astray, and did not guide", that is, when Pharaoh refused to send the Children of Israel with the Prophet Moses, persisted on his tyranny after seeing Allah's signs, and intended to punish those who believed in the Prophet MosesAllah commanded the Prophet Moses to take the Children of Israel out of Egypt by night and to lead them where He was commanded, so Moses and those with Him walked towards the sea, and when they reached it, Allah inspired to Moses to Strike the sea with His stick, so the sea parted, and each part became like the great mountain as mentioned in Aya (63) of Surat Alshu'araa, and there was a dry path for Moses and His companions, and Allah assured Him that Pharaoh and his soldiers would not overtake them, nor would the sea drown them, and Allah saved the Prophet Moses and those with Him where they passed to the other side of the sea.

 When Pharaoh and his soldiers followed the Prophet Moses and His companions, Allah commanded the sea to return to its natural state, and Allah drowned Pharaoh and His soldiers in the sea, thereupon, Pharaoh led his people astray and did not guide them; because he bluffed them and said to them "I do not show you except what I see, and I do not guide you except to the right path" as mentioned in Aya (29) of Surat Ghafir, and they, in turn, believed him, so they all deserved the punishment that befell them. And as narrated by Ibn Abbas: "When the Messenger of Allah arrived at Medina, He found the Jews observing the fast on the day of Ashura (10th of Muharram month), the Prophet asked them and they replied this is the day when Moses became victorious over Pharaoh, the Prophet said We are nearer to Moses than they, so Fast on this day" (Sahih Bukhari 4680), and Ibn Abbas reported that when the Messenger of Allah fasted on the day of Ashura, and commanded that it should be observed as a fast, His companions said to Him ''Messenger of Allah, it is a day which the Jews and the Christians hold in high esteem, thereupon, the Messenger of Allah said when the next year comes, if Allah wills, We would observe fast on the 9th (Of Muharram), but the Messenger of Allah died before the advent of the next year" (Sahih Muslim 1134 a).

 Allah says in the next three verses (80-82) "O Children of Israel! We saved you from your enemy and appointed for you the right side of Altour, and We sent down to you the Mann and the Salwa, Eat from the good things which We have provided you and Do not transgress therein lest My wrath should descend upon you, and he who upon whom My wrath descends, then indeed, he has certainly fallen, and indeed, I am Oft-Forgiving for he who repents and believes and does righteous deeds, and then he is guided", that is, Allah addresses the Children of Israel and reminds them of His favor upon them as He saved them from their enemy, Pharaoh and his soldiers, so none of them was saved, then Allah appointed for Moses and the Children of Israel the right side of the mount of Altour in Sinai on which Allah spoke to Moses as shown above in Ayat (11,12), and Allah gave Moses the Torah there, and because they were in the desert on the right side of Altour mount, they did not have food, so Allah sent down to them the Mann which is sweet resin like honey without sowing or toiling, and the quails (Salwa) that fall on them, and they take from them as much as they need. Then Allah commanded them to eat from the good provision that He has bestowed upon them, and Allah commanded them not to transgress in His blessings, and oppress each other, and not to forgot to thank Allah lest Allah's wrath should descend upon them, and whoever upon whom Allah's wrath descend, he has perished and fallen in destruction, but at the same time, Allah is Oft forgiving for he who repents, believes, and does righteous deeds, then he follows guidance and clings to faith.  

 Allah says in the next three verses (83-85) "And What made You hasten from Your people O Moses?, He said they are close upon My track and I hastened to You My Lord so that You may be pleased, He said but indeed, We have tried Your people after You, and the Samaritan has led them astray", that is, the Prophet Moses hastened to Altour mount for the appointed time with Allah, and He appointed His brother Aaron as a caliph over the children of Israel as mentioned in Aya (142) of Surat Ala'raf, so Allah asked Moses what made Him hasten from His people, and He said to Allah that they follow His footsteps, and wait His return to them, and that He has hastened to Allah so that He may be pleased with Him, but Allah informed Moses that He has put His people in a trial, and that the Samaritan misled them and called them to worship the calf as will come later in Aya (88), and Allah has tested them so that it may become clear who strays from His way by worshipping the calf and who is guided and abandoning its worship.

 Allah says in the next four verses (86-89) "Then Moses returned to His people, angry and grieved, He said O My people! Did your Lord not promise you a good promise?, Did the promise become long to you?, or Did you want that wrath from your Lord befalls you, so you broke the promise to Me?, they said we did not break our promise to You by our will, but we were burdened with the burden of the ornaments of the people, so we threw them, and thus did the Samaritan throw, then he brought forth for them a calf, a body with a lowing sound, and they said this is your god and the god of Moses, but he forgot, Do they not see that it could not return a word to them, and that it does not possess for them any harm or benefit", that is, the Prophet Moses returned to His people, angry and sad about what His people made after Him, and He said to them Did Allah not promise you on My tongue a good promise?, Did the promise become long to you and you cannot wait for what Allah promised you, and forgot the blessings that He has bestowed upon you, or did you intend by doing this that wrath and anger should come upon you, so you broke the promise to Me?, they said to Moses that they did not break the promise by their own free will, but they were burdened with the jewelry that they had borrowed from the people of Pharaoh when they left Egypt, so they threw the jewelry away, then the Samaritan took the jewelry and made a calf from them as mentioned in Aya (148) of Surat Ala'raf, and he made it in such a way that it would make a sound, so the Samaritan made a god for them as they asked Moses for as mentioned in Aya (138) of Surat Ala'raf, thereupon, they said that the calf is their god and the god of Moses, and the Samaritan forgot his Lord and left what he was upon of belief, thereupon, Allah marvels at them saying Do they not see that the calf does not answer them when they ask or address it, and that it does not possess for them any harm or benefit.   

 Allah says in the next two verses (90-91) "And Aaron had said to them before O My people! You are being tried by it, and indeed, your Lord is the Most Gracious, so Follow Me and Obey My command, they said we will never cease being devoted to it until Moses returns to us", that is, the Prophet Aaron said to the Children of Israel before His brother Moses returns to them that the calf is a trial for them, and Allah has only tested them in order to distinguish the believers from the disbelievers, and He forbade them from worshipping it, and that Allah, the Most Gracious, is their Lord, and He commanded them to follow Him and to obey Him in what He commanded them to do and avoid what He forbade them from, but they disobeyed Him and said that they will not leave worshipping it until Moses returns to them, and says His word about it.     

 Allah says in the next three verses (92-94) "He said O Aaron What prevented You when You saw them going astray, that you did not follow Me, then Have you disobeyed My command?, He said O son of My mother Do not seize by My beard or by My head, indeed, I feared that You would say You caused division among the Children of Israel, and You did not observe My word", that is, when the Prophet Moses returned to His people, He seized His brother Aaron by His bread and head, and began to blame His brother Aaron, and said to Him What prevented Him from following Him when He saw them astray in order to tell Him about their affair, or that Aaron disobeyed His command when He appointed Him as a caliph over the children of Israel saying "Take My place among My people, and Do right by them, and Do not follow the way of the corrupters" as mentioned in Aya (142) of Surat Ala'raf. Then Aaron said to Moses "O son of My mother Do not seize by My beard or by My head", then Aaron said that He feared that Moses would say that He caused division among the Children of Israel and He did not observe His word, whether by preventing them forcibly from worshipping the calf or by leaving them and going to Moses with the believers. 

 Allah says in the next four verses (95-98) "He said then What is your case O Samaritan?, he said I saw what they did not see, so I took a handful from the track of the Messenger and threw it, and thus did my soul entice me, He said then Go, and indeed, it is for you in the life to say no touching, and indeed, for you an appointment you will not break, and look at your god to which you remained devoted, we will surely burn it and blow it into the sea, a total blow, your god is only Allah, the One besides whom there is no god, He encompasses all things in knowledge", that is, the Prophet Moses asked the Samaritan what prompted him to do what he did, so he said to Moses that he saw what the Children of Israel did not see, and that he took a handful from the track of the Messenger and threw it in the calf, and thus his soul enticed him to do so, and it was said that He saw Gabriel and he took a handful from the track of His horse and threw it in the calf, thereupon, the Prophet Moses said to him go, and it is for him in the worldly life to say no touching as He commanded the Children of Israel not to contact with him, not to approach him, and not to speak with him as a punishment for him, and for him an appointment he will not break, which is the day of resurrection, and then the Prophet Moses said to him look at your god (The calf) to which you remained devoted, and assured him that He will burn it, and will blow it totally in the sea, then Moses assured the Children of Israel that the calf is not their god, and their god is only Allah, the One besides whom there is no god, and none is worthy of worship except Him, and He encompasses all things in knowledge as nothing is hidden from Him in the heavens nor on the earth, and He knows what has passed, what is present, and what will happen until the day of resurrection.

 Allah says in the next six verses (99-104) "Thus We narrate to You from the news of what has preceded, and we have certainly given You from Us a reminder, whoever turns away from it, then indeed, he will bear on the day of resurrection a burden, abiding therein forever, and evil is for them on the day of resurrection as a load, the day when the trumpet will be blown, and We will gather the criminal that day while turned blue, whispering among themselves, you did not remain but ten, We know best what they will say when the most perfect of them in way will say you did not remain but a day", that is, Allah addresses His Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) and says just as He has narrated to Him the news of Moses and what happened to Him with Pharaoh and his soldiers, he will narrate to Him the news of the nations that preceded Him, then Allah assures Him that He has given Him the Holy Quran which is a reminder, and it was not given to any of the Prophets a book like it, where it gathers the news of what preceded, the news of what is happening, and the news of what will happen, so whoever denies the Holy Quran and turns away from it, he will bear a great sin and a heavy burden on the day of resurrection, abiding in the recompense of that sin forever; for this sin will lead them to enter Hellfire, and they will abide therein forever, so is evil the burden they will carry on the day of resurrection, and the day of resurrection will begin with the second blowing of the trumpet where after the first blowing of the trumpet, whoever is in the heavens, and whoever is on the earth will fall dead except whom Allah wills as mentioned in Aya (68) of Surat Alzumar, so the second blowing is the blowing of resurrection from the graves, and Allah will gather the disbelievers that day while turned blue from the severity of the horrors they are in, and they will whisper to each other saying you did not remain in the worldly life but ten days, and Allah knows best what they will say when whispering to each other when the sane and the perfect among them will say you did not remain but a day in the worldly life.

 Allah says in the next four verses (105-108) "And they ask You about the mountains, so Say My Lord will blow them, a total blow, and He will leave it a leveled plain, You will not see therein a crookedness or an elevation, that day, they will follow the caller, no crookedness from him, and the voices will be humbled for the Most Gracious, so you will not hear except a whisper", that is, Allah addresses His Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) saying that His people ask Him about the mountains on the day of resurrection, Will they remain or Will they disappear, so Allah ordered Him to say that He will blow the mountains up totally and it will disappear until it become a mirage as mentioned in Aya (20) of Surat Alnaba', and He will leave it a flat land,  so you will not see therein a crookedness, a slope, nor an elevation, so when they see these conditions and horrors, they will respond hastily to the caller of resurrection, no crookedness from him where they will not deviate from him, and the voices will be humbled for Allah, the Most Gracious, so you will not hear anything but a whisper and a hidden sound. 

 Allah says in the next two verses (109,110) "That day the intercession will not benefit except to whom the Most Gracious has given permission, and has accepted a word for him, He knows what is before them and what is behind them, and they do not encompass Him in knowledge", that is, on the day of resurrection, the intercession will not benefit except to whom Allah has given permission and accepted a word for him in the intercession, and Allah knows what His servants did, what they are doing, and what they will do, and nothing of their affair is hidden from Him, while they do not encompass Allah in knowledge, rather they do not encompass anything of His knowledge except for what He wills as mentioned in Aya (255) of Surat Albaqarah.

 The Messenger of Allah said in narration of Anas bin Malik: "Allah would gather people on the day of resurrection, and they would be concerned about it, and they would say if we could seek intercession with our Lord, we may relieved from this predicament of ours, he said, they would come to Adam and say You are Adam, the father of mankind, Allah created you with His own hand and breathed unto you of His Spirit and commanded the Angels, so they prostrated before you, so Intercede for us with Your Lord, that He may relieve us from this position of ours, He would say I am not in a position to do this, and would recall His error, and would feel shy of His Lord on account of that, but Go to Noah the first Messenger sent by Allah, He said so they would come to Noah peace be upon Him, He would say I am not in a position to do that for you, and recall His fault which He had committed, and would feel shy of His Lord on account of that, but Go to Abraham peace be upon Him whom Allah took as a friend, they would come to Abraham, He would say I am not in a position to do that for you, and recall His fault which He had committed, and would feel shy of His Lord on account of that, but Go to Moses peace be upon Him with whom Allah spoke and conferred Torah upon Him, they would come to Moses peace be upon Him, He would say I am not in a position to do that for you, and recall His fault which He had committed, and would feel shy of His Lord on account of that, but Go to Jesus, the Spirit of Allah and His word, they would come to Jesus peace be upon Him, He would say I am not in a position to do that for you, but Go to Muhammad (PBUH), a servant whose former and later sins have been forgiven. The Messenger of Allah observed: so they would come to Me and I would ask the permission of My Lord and it would be granted to Me, and when I would see Him, I would fall down in prostration, and Allah would leave Me thus as long as He would wish, and then it would be said O Muhammad Raise Your head, Say and You would be heard, Ask and it would be granted, Intercede and intercession would be granted, I would raise My head and praise My Lord with the praise which My Lord would teach Me, I shall then intercede, but a limit would be set for Me, I would bring them out from the fire and make them inter Paradise, I shall return and fall down in prostration, and Allah would leave Me thus as long as He would wish, and then it would be said O Muhammad Raise Your head, Say and You would be heard, Ask and it would be granted, Intercede and intercession would be granted, I would raise My head and praise My Lord with the praise which My Lord would teach Me, I shall then intercede, and a limit would be set for Me, I would bring them out from the fire and make them inter Paradise. The narrator said I do not remember whether the Prophet said at the third time or at the fourth time O My Lord, none has been left in the fire, but these restrained by the Holy Quran viz those who were eternally doomed" (Sahih Muslim 193 a).

 Allah says in the next two verses (111,112) "And all faces will be humbled before the Ever-Living, the Sustainer of existence, and indeed he who carries injustice has failed, but he who does of righteous deeds while he is a believer, then he will neither fear injustice nor deprivation", that is, all faces will be humbled on the day of resurrection before Allahthe Ever-Living, the One who does not die, the Sustainer of existence, the One who is in charge of his creation by managing their affair, directing them, and preserving them, then Allah assures that he who carries injustice and associates idols with Allah has failed, where the polytheism is a great sin, and Allah does not forgive association with Him, but He forgives what is less than that for whom He wills as He has stated in Aya (48) of Surat Alnisaa. But as for whoever does righteous deeds while he is a believer, then he will neither fear injustice nor deprivation where nothing will be added to his sins, and nothing will be deprived from his reward.

 Allah says in the next two verses (113,114) ''And thus We have sent it down as an Arabic Quran and We have explained therein of the warnings, so that they may fear or it would cause for them a remembrance, so Exalted is Allah, the King, the Truth, and Do not hasten with Quran before its revelation is completed to you, and Say My Lord Increase Me in knowledge", that is, Allah assures that He has sent down the Holy Quran in a clear Arabic tongue, and He has showed therein of the warnings and has frightened the polytheists with various kinds of threat, so that they may fear Allah or remember and take admonition lest they be afflicted by what befell those before them, so Exalted is Allah, the King, the Truth, the One in whose Hand is the kingdom of the heavens and the earth, the One whose threat is true and His promise is true, then Allah commanded His Messenger not to hasten to recite the Holy Quran before Gabriel, the Angel, completes its recitation, and to ask Allah to increase Him knowledge, So whenever Gabriel came to Allah's Messenger, He would keep quiet and listen, and when the Angel left, the Prophet would recite that revelation as Allah promised Him in Aya (17) of Surat Alqiyamah "Indeed upon Us its collection and its recitation".

 Allah says in the next two verses (115,116) "And indeed, We made a covenant with Adam before, but He forgot and We did not find determination in him, and when We said to the Angels Prostrate to Adam, and they prostrate except Iblis, he refused", that is, Allah has made a covenant with Adam when He said to Adam, Dwell, You and Your wife (Eve), in Paradise, and eat from it as much as you wish but do not approach this tree lest you be among the wrongdoers as mentioned in Aya (35) of Surat Albaqarah, but Adam forgot Allah's command, and Allah did not find determination in Him; for if he had a determination, He would not obey and follow the command of Satan who refused to prostrate to Him when Allah commanded the Angels to prostrate to Adam, so the Angels all prostrated except Iblis (Satan) because he was arrogant, and he was of the Jinn and departed from the command of his Lord as stated in Surat Alkahf Aya (50).

 Allah says in the next three verses (117-119) "Then We said O Adam, indeed, this is an enemy to you and to your wife, then let him not expel you both from Paradise, so that you would face hardship, indeed, it is for you not to be hungry therein nor to be naked, and indeed, you will not be thirsty therein nor be exposed to the sunthat is, Allah said to Adam that Iblis is an enemy to Him and to His wife, so He commanded them not to let Iblis expel them both from Paradise lest He would face hardships in seeking His sustenance after having a comfortable life without any cost or hardship as for Him in Paradise that He will not be hungry, be naked, be thirsty, nor be exposed to the sun, and Eve, in turn, would face hardships with her husband. 

 Allah says in the next four verses (120-123) "Then Satan whispered to him, he said O Adam shall I direct you to the tree of eternity and a kingdom that will not deteriorate, and they both ate from it, and their private parts became apparent to both of them, and they both began to fasten on themselves from the leaves of Paradise, and Adam disobeyed His Lord and erred, then His Lord has chosen Him and has turned to Him and has guided, He said Go down from it, all of you, being enemies to one another, and if there should come to you a guidance from Me, then whoever follows My guidance will neither go astray nor face hardship", that is, although Allah forbade Adam and his wife to eat from a certain tree as shown above, but Satan deceived both of them and said to Adam "Shall I direct you to the tree of eternity and a kingdom that will not deteriorate", so he convinced Adam that he will be immortal, and will have a kingdom that would not decay. Thereupon, Adam and Eve ate from the tree, and their private parts became apparent to them, and they began to cover their private parts by the leaves of Paradise, so Adam disobeyed the command of Allah, erred and transgressed by eating from the tree that He forbade eating from, then Allah chose Adam, allowed Him to return to His Lord, turned to Him in mercy and forgiveness, accepted His repentance, and gave him guidance, then Allah ordered Adam, Eve, and Satan to descend from Paradise to the earth, all of them, they are enemies to one another, Adam and His offspring and Satan and His offspring, and Allah assures them that if there should come to them a guidance from Him through the Messengers and the Prophets, then whoever follows Allah's guidance will neither go astray in the worldly life, nor face hardships in the Hereafter for he will be saved from the punishment of Allah.

 Allah says in the next four verses (124-127) "And whoever turns away from My remembrance, then indeed, for him is a straitened life, and We will gather him on the day of resurrection blindHe will say My Lord Why have You gathered me blind while I was sighted?, He will say, thus our signs came to you, but you forgot them, and thus you will be forgotten today, and thus We recompense he who transgressed and did not believe in the signs of his Lord, and surely the punishment of the Hereafter is more severe and more lasting", that is, whoever turns away from the remembrance of Allah, and turned away from the guidance that Allah has sent down to His Messengers, then for him is a straitened life in the worldly life even if he is blessed, wears what he wills, eats what he wills, and live where he wills, but he has no peace of mind nor comfort, and his heart does not reach guidance or certainty, rather it is in doubt and confusion, and Allah will gather him to Hellfire on the day of resurrection blind sight, so he will say to Allah Why have You gathered me blind while I was sighted in the worldly life?, thereupon, Allah will say to him just as you turned away from the signs of Allah after they were came to you, forgetting and neglecting them, We treat you today in the same way and you will be forgotten in the torment of Hellfire, and thus Allah recompense the transgressors and those who deny Allah's signs, and the punishment of the Hereafter is more severe and more lasting than the punishment of the worldly life as they will abide therein forever.

 Allah says in the next two verses (128,129) "Does it not guide them, how many generations We have destroyed before them, they walk in their dwellings?, indeed, in that are signs for the possessors of understanding, and if not for a word that preceded from Your lord, and an appointed time, the punishment would have been inevitable", that is, Allah addresses the polytheists of Quraish and says Has it not become clear to them how may generations Allah has destroyed before them even though they walk in their dwellings as they used to pass by the tracks of the people of the Prophet Lot in the morning and at night as Allah has stated in Surat Alsaffat Aya (133-138), and in their destruction are signs for those of sound minds that Allah is Able to inflict the punishment upon them as those before them. But if not for a word that preceded from Allah that He will establish the reckoning on the day of resurrection, the punishment would inevitably befall them in the worldly life. 

 Allah says in the next verse (130) "So Be patient over what they say, and Glorify with the praise of Your Lord before the rising of the sun and before its setting, during periods of the night and the edges of the day, so that you may be pleased", that is, Allah commanded His Messenger to be patient over what the polytheists of Quraish say and accuse him of, where they used to say that He is a magician, a poet, or a madman, then Allah commanded Him to glorify with the praise of His Lord before the rising of the sun and before its setting, and during periods of the night and the edges of the day, and this verse may refer to the five daily prayers: the dawn prayer (Fajr), the noon prayer (Dhuhr), the afternoon prayer (Asr), the sunset prayer (Maghrib), and the night prayer (Ishaa), where as narrated by Jarir Bin Abdullah: "We were in the company of the Prophet (PBUH) on a fourteenth night (Of the Hijri month), and He looked at the moon and said: "You will see Your Lord as you see this moon, and you will have no trouble in looking at Him, so, whoever can, should not miss the offering of prayers before sunrise (Fajr prayer) and before sunset (Asr prayer), then the Prophet recited "And glorify with the praise of Your lord before sunrise, and before sunset" (Sahih Bukhari 554), thereupon, Allah commanded His Messenger to seek help through patience and prayer so that He may be pleased with Allah's reward. 

 Allah says in the next two verses (131,132) "And do not extend your eyes towards that by which We gave enjoyment to pairs of them, the splendor of the worldly life by which We test them, and the provision of Your Lord is better and more lasting, and Enjoin the prayer upon Your family, and Be patient over it, We do not ask You for provision, We provide for You, and the end is for the righteousness", that is,  Allah commanded His Messenger not to look at the affluent people of Quraish because the bliss they enjoy is nothing but the adornment of the worldly life for it is impermanent, and it is a trial for them in order to distinguish the grateful from the ungrateful, and the provision and the reward of Allah is better and more lasting, and Allah's Messenger feared for His Ummah from the adornment of the worldly life, and He likened the adornment of the worldly life to the earth that grows poisonous and non-poisonous plants, so the animal that feeds on poisonous plants dies, and the animal that feeds on non-poisonous survives, where He said to His companions in narration of Abu Sa'id Alkhudri: "The most dreadful thing I fear in your case is what Allah brings forth for you in the form of the adornment of the world, they said Messenger of Allah, What is the adornment of the world?, He said blessings of the earth, they said Messenger of Allah Does good produce evil, He said no only good comes out of good, no only good comes out of good, no only good comes out of good, all that which the spring rains helps to grow kills or about to kill, but (animal) which feeds on vegetation, it eats and when its flanks are distended, it faces the sun, it chews the cud, it has dunged and urinated, it returns and eats, this wealth is green and sweet, and he who accepts it and applies it rightly, finds it a good help, but he who takes it wrongfully is like one who eats without being satisfied" (Sahih Muslim 1052 b). Then Allah commanded His Messenger to order His family to pray in order to save them from Allah's punishment, and to be patient over establishing the prayer, and then Allah said to His Messenger "We do not ask You for provision, We provide for You", so Allah assures that He is Free of need of His creation while they are in need of Him, He created them to worship Him alone, and He provides for them while He does not want from them any provision, nor does He want that they feed Him as mentioned in Aya (56-58) of  Surat Aldhariyat, and the good end which is Paradise is for the people of righteousness.

 Allah says in the next three verses (133-135) "And they say Why does He not bring us a sign from His Lord?, Has there not come to them the proof of what was in the former scriptures?, and if We had destroyed them with a punishment before it, they would have said our Lord, Why did You not send to us a messenger, so we could have followed Your verses before We were humiliated and disgraced?, Say everyone is waiting, so Wait, then you will know who are the companions of the straight path and who is guided", that is, the Polytheists of Quraish said out of their stubbornness and arrogance Why does Muhammad (PBUH) not bring them a sign from Allah such as the she-camel for the Prophet Saleh, the stick for the Prophet Moses, or the revival of the dead for the Prophet Jesus, so Allah assures that they were given the Holy Quran which is the greatest of the signs ever given, where Allah has revealed the Holy Quran to His Messenger while He is illiterate, He can not read nor write, and He has not studied the former scripture, but the Holy Quran came to them with the proof of what is in the former scripture such as the scriptures of Abraham, the Torah, and the Gospel, confirming what is correct, and showing what is false, and Allah's Messenger said in narration of Abu Hurayrah: "There was no prophet among the prophets but was given miracles because of which people had security or had belief, but I was given was the Divine inspiration which Allah revealed to Me, so I hope that My followers will be more than those of any other prophet on the day of resurrection" (Sahih Bukhari 7274).

 Thereupon, Allah assures that if He had destroyed these deniers with a punishment before He sent them Muhammad (PBUH) and the Holy Quran, they would have said our Lord Why did You not send to us a messenger before You destroyed us, so we could have followed Your verses before We were humiliated and disgraced in Your punishment?, then Allah commanded His Messenger to say that each is waiting for Allah's judgment, so Wait, and you will know on the day of resurrection who are the companions of the straight path, and who is guided to the way of Allahand they will know when they will see the punishment who is more astray in the way as mentioned in Aya (42) of Surat Alfurqan.


No one Knows its interpretation except Allah

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