66- Surat Altahrim/Tafseer
12 Verses Maddani (revealed in Medina)
A'auzu Bellahi mena ash-shytani ar-rajim
I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed Satan
Bismi Ellahi Ar-rhmani Ar-rahim
In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
Ya ayyuha alnabiyyu lema tuharremuo ma ahalla Allahu laka tabtaghi mardata azwajeka wa Allahu ghafurun reheem (1).
O! Prophet, why do You forbid what Allah has made lawful for You seeking the pleasure of Your wives, and Allah is Most Forgiving, Most Merciful.
Qad farada Allahu lakum tahellata aymanekum wa Allahu mawlakum wa huwa alaleemu alhakeem (2).
Indeed, Allah has prescribed for you the dissolution of your oaths, and Allah is your Protector, and He is the All-Knower, the All-Wise.
Wa iz asarra alnabiyyu ela ba'di azwajehi hadethan falamma nabba'at behi wa azharahuo Allahu alaiyhi arrafa ba'dahuo wa a'rada an ba'din falamma nabba'aha behi qalat man anba'aka haza qala nbba'aniya alaleemu alkhabeer (3).
And when the Prophet confided to one of His wives a statement and when She informed about it, and Allah made it apparent to Him, He made known a part of it and ignored a part, then when He informed Her about it, She said: who informed You this?. He said The All-Knower, The All-Aware has informed Me.
In tatuba ela Allahi faqad saghat qulubukuma wa in tazahara alaiyhi fa-inna Allaha huwa mawlahuo wa Jebreeluo wa salehuo almu'meneena wa almla-ekatuo ba'da zaleka zaheer (4).
If both of you repent to Allah, so indeed your hearts are inclined, and if you backup each other against Him, then indeed, Allah is His Protector, and Gabriel, and the righteous believers, and the angels, after all that, are assistants.
Asa rabbuhu in tallaqakunna an youbdelahuo azwajan khaiyran menkunna muslematin mu'menatin qanetatin ta-ebatin abedatin sa-ehatin thayyebatin wa abkara (5).
Perhaps if He divorced you, His Lord will substitute for Him wives better than you, submissive, faithful, obedient, repentant, worshippers, fasting, previously married, and virgins.
Ya-ayyuha allazina amanuo quo anfusakum wa ahleekum naran waquduha alnasuo wal-hejaratuo aliyha mala-ekatun ghelazun shedadun la ya'suona Allaha ma amarahum wa yaf'aluna ma you'maruon (6).
O! you who believed, save yourselves, and your families from a fire whose fuel is people and stones, over which are Angels, harsh and severe, who never disobey Allah in what He commanded them, but they do what they are commanded.
Ya-ayyuha allazina kafaruo la ta'tazeruo alyawma innama toujzawna ma kuntum ta'maluon (7).
O! you who disbelieved, do not make excuses today, only you will be recompensed for what you used to do.
Ya-ayyuha allazina amanuo tubuo ela Allahi tawbatan nasuhan asa rabbukum an youkaffera ankum sayyi-atekum wa youdkhelakum jannatin tajree men tahteha alanharuo yawma la youkhzi ellahu alnabiya wa allazina amanuo ma'ahu nuruhum yas'a baiyna aydehim wa be-aymanehim yaquluna rabbana atmem lana nurana wa-ghfir lana innaka ala kulli shay-in qadeer (8).
O you who have believed!, repent to Allah in sincere repentance, perhaps your Lord will remove from you your sins, and admit you into gardens beneath which rivers flow, the day when Allah will not disgrace the Prophet and those who believed with Him, their light running before them and on their right, they will say, Our Lord, perfect for us our light, and forgive us, indeed, You are All-powerful over everything.
Ya-ayyuha alnabiyyuo jahedi elkuffara wal-munafeqeena wa-ghluz alaiyhim wa ma'wahum jahannamuo wa be'sa almaseer (9).
O Prophet! Strive against the disbelievers and the hypocrites, and Be harsh with them, and their abode is Hellfire, and wretched is the fate.
Daraba Allahu mathalan lellazina kafaruo emra'ata noohin wa emra'ata lutin kanata tahta abdayni men ebadena saleehyni fa-khnatahuma falam youghniya anhuma mena Allahi shay-an waqeela audkhula alnara ma'a aldakhelin (10).
Allah has cited for the disbelievers the example of the wife of Noah, and the wife of Lot, they were under two of Our righteous servants but betrayed them, so they did not avail them from Allah in anything, and it was said: enter the Fire with those who enter.
Wa daraba Allahu mathalan lellazina amanuo emra'ata fer'awna iz qalat rabbi ebni lee endaka baiytan fee eljannati wa najjeni men fer'awna wa amalehi wa najjeni mena alqawmi alzalemeen (11).
And Allah has cited for the believers the example of the wife of Pharaoh, when She said: My Lord, build for me with You, a house in Paradise, and save me from Pharaoh, and his deeds, and save me from the wrongdoers people.
Wa Maryama ebnata emrana allati ahsanat farjaha fa nafakhna feehi men ruhena wa saddaqat bekalemati rabbeha wa kutubehi wa kant mena alqaneteen (12).
And Mary, the daughter of Imran, who guarded Her chastity, so We breathed into it of Our Spirit, and She believed in the words of Her Lord, and His books, and She was of the devoutly obedient.
Simplified interpretation:
Surat Altahrim came as a blame from Allah to His Messenger Muhammad (PBUH), where He prohibited what Allah has made lawful for Him seeking the pleasure of His wives, and He made an oath for that, and this was a reaction to what Aisha and Hafsa had done where they abetted each other against Him, thereupon Allah threatens them that He is Able to substitute for Him wives better than them. And then Allah assures the disbelievers that their association with the Muslims does not benefit them at all if the faith is not in their hearts as happened with the wife of Noah, and the wife of Lot, and He gave the believers the example of the wife of Pharaoh, and Maryam (Mary) in order to encourage them to adhere to obedience and to be steadfast in the religion.
Zainab Bint Jahsh (May Allah be blessed with Her) as narrated by Anas used to boast before the wives of The Prophet (PBUH), and used to say: "You were given in Marriage by your families, while I was married (to the Prophet) by Allah from over seven heavens", and out of their jealously, Aisha and Hafsa (May Allah be blessed with them) abetted each other against the Prophet where Aisha said: "Allah's Messenger (PBUH) used to drink honey in the house of Zainab Bint Jahsh, and would stay there with her, so Hafsa and I agreed secretly that if He come to either of Us, she would say "It seems You have eaten Maghafir (bad-smelling resin), For I smell in You the smell of Maghafir, He replied: "No, but I was drinking honey in the house of Zainab Bint Jahsh", and I shall never take it again. I have taken an oath as to that, and you should not tell anybody about it".
So Aisha and Hafsa tried to back each other against Our Prophet, and when the Prophet confided to one of them the statement of honey as a secret, She informed about it, and Allah made it apparent to Him, thereupon He swore that He would not enter upon His women for a month, where Ibn Abbas said: "I was determined to ask Umar about the two women, among the wives of the Prophet, about whom Allah Almighty said "If both of you repent to Allah, so indeed your hearts are inclined", until once when Umar performed Hajj and I performed Hajj along with Him, I poured water for His Wudu' from a water holder, and I said: O! commander of the believers, who are the two women among the wives of the Prophet about whom Allah said: "If both of you repent to Allah, so indeed your hearts are inclined", He said to Me "I am astonished at you O Ibn Abbas", Alzubair said by Allah that Umar disliked what He asked Him, but He did not withhold it from Him. Ibn Abbas said: He said to Me ''It was Aisha and Hasfa".
Then Umar began narrating the Hadith to Ibn Abbas and said: "We, the people of Quraish used to have the upper hand over our women, so when we arrived in Almadinah, We found a people whose women had the upper hand over them, Our women began acquiring the habits of their women. One day I became angry with My wife when she started talking back to Me, she said ''What brothers you about that?, By Allah! the wives of the Prophet talk back to Him, and one of them may stay away from Him a whole day until the night. He said: I said to myself "Whoever among them has done that, then she has thwarted herself and lost".
And Umar said: "My house was in Alawali among those of Banu Umayyah, and I had a neighbor among Alansar, and He and I would take turns visiting the Messenger of Allah, He said: one day I would visit Him, and bring the news of revelation and other than that, and one day he would visit Him and bring the same. We heard stories that Ghassan were preparing their horses to attack Us, He said; one day he came to me in the evening and knocked on My door, so I went out to Him, he said: a horrible thing has happened", I said "Ghassan has come?", he said "Worse than that", the Messenger of Allah has divorced His wives.
Umar said: "I said to Myself Hafsa has thwarted herself and is a loser, I though this would happen some day, He said After we prayed Alfajr, I put on My clothes, then went to visit Hafsa, there I found her crying, I said: "Has the Messenger of Allah divorced all of You? she said: "I do not know, He has secluded Himself in the upper room", He said: so I went, and came upon a black slave, I said: "seek permission for Umar", He said, So he entered then came out to Me, He said I mentioned You to Him, but He did not say anything, Umar said: so I went to the masjid, therefore I found a group of people sitting around the minhar weeping, so I sat down with them, then it became too much for Me, so I went to the slave and said: ''Seek permission for Umar", he went in, then he came out to Me and said: I mentioned You to Him, but He did not say anything, He said: so I went to the Masjid again, and sat there until I could not take it any more, and I went back to the slave and said: ''Seek permission for Umar", he went in, then he came out to Me and said: I mentioned You to Him, but He did not say anything", He said: so I turned to leave, when the slave called Me back, he said: enter for He has given You permission. He said So I entered and I found the Prophet reclining upon a woven mat, and I saw the marks it left on His side.
Umar said O! Messenger of Allah, have you divorced Your women?, He said: No, I said "Allahu Akbar", If You only saw us O Messenger of Allah! We the people of Quraish used to have the upper hand over our women, but when We came to Almadinah We found a people whose women had the upper hand over them. Our women began acquiring the habits of their women. One day I became angry with My wife when she started talking back to Me, I rebuked her and she said ''What brothers you about that?, By Allah! the wives of the Prophet talk back to Him, and one of them may stay away from Him a whole day until the night. He said: I said to myself "Whoever among them has done that, then she has thwarted herself and lost". Umar said: I said to Hafsa ''Do You talk back to the Messenger of Allah?, She said: Yes, and one of Us may stay away from Him all day until the night", He said: I said : whoever among them has done that, then she has thwarted herself and lost. So any of you feel so secure against Allah becoming angry with you because the anger of the Messenger of Allah, then she will be ruined? He said: So the Prophet smiled, He said so I said to Hafsa ''Do not talk to the Messenger of Allah, and do not ask Him for anything. ask Me for whatever you want, and do not be tempted by the behavior of Your companions, for she is more beautiful than you, and more loved by the Messenger of Allah, Umar said: so He smiled again, Umar said: O! Messenger of Allah may I speak candidly?, He said: yes, and Umar said that He swore that He would not enter upon His women for a month, so Allah censured him for that and He made the atonement of an oath.
Thereupon Allah says to them in the forth verse "If both of you repent to Allah, so indeed your hearts are inclined, and if you backup each other against Him, then indeed, Allah is His protector, and Gabriel, and the righteous believers, and the angels, after all that, are assistants", and Umar said that He said to the wives of the Prophet when they abetted each other against Him out of their jealously "It may be, if He divorced you all, that Allah will give Him, instead of you wives better than you", and so the fifth verse was revealed "Perhaps if He divorced you, His Lord will substitute for Him wives better than you, submissive, faithful, obedient, repentant, worshippers, fasting, previously married, and virgins.
Then Allah commanded the believers in the sixth verse "O! you who believed, save yourselves, and your families from a fire whose fuel is people and stones, over which are Angels, harsh and severe, who never disobey Allah in what He commanded them, but they do what they are commanded", that is, to act in obedience to Allah, to fear Him, and to command their families to do what Allah has commanded and to avoid what Allah has forbade, so Allah will save them from the Hellfire whose fuel is people and stones, and over which are angels who are hard-hearted and they will not be merciful, if they are asked for mercy, and they do not contradict Allah in His command, neither by increase nor by decrease, rather they do what they are commanded. And it will be said to the disbelievers on the day of resurrection "O! you who disbelieved, do not make excuses today, only you will be recompensed for what you used to do" Aya (7).
And Allah commanded the believers again in Aya (8) to repent to Allah in sincere repentance, and never return to evil deeds, so Allah will remove from them their sins, and He will admit them into gardens beneath which rivers flow, and this will be on the day of resurrection, the day when Allah will not disgrace the Prophet and those who believed with Him, their light will run before them and on their right, they will say, Our Lord, perfect for us our light, and forgive us, indeed, You are All-powerful over everything, this will be the supplication of the believers when Allah extinguishes the light of the hypocrites, where as mentioned in Surat Alhadid Aya (13) "The day when the hypocrite men and hypocrite women say to those who believed, wait for us that we may acquire of your light".
Then Allah commanded His Messenger in Aya (9) and said: "O Prophet! Strive against the disbelievers and the hypocrites, and Be harsh with them, and their abode is Hellfire, and wretched is the fate", where He commanded Him to wage Jihad against the infidels and the hypocrites, the infidels with weapons and fighting and the hypocrites by being harsh and establishing the legal punishment (Alhudud) on them, and Allah assures them that their abode is the Hellfire which is a miserable fate.
And Allah says in Aya (10) "Allah has cited for the disbelievers the example of the wife of Noah, and the wife of Lot, they were under two of Our righteous servants but betrayed them, so they did not avail them from Allah in anything, and it was said: enter the Fire with those who enter", where Allah assures the disbelievers that their association with the Muslims does not benefit them at all if the faith is not in their hearts as happened with the wife of Noah, and the wife of Lot, it was of no use that they are the wives of two Prophets, and because they betrayed them by not believing and cooperating with their people against them, so their recompense is the Hellfire on the day of resurrection.
And on the contrary, Allah says in the last two verses (11,12) "Allah has cited for the believers the example of the wife of Pharaoh, when She said: My Lord, build for me with You, a house in Paradise, and save me from Pharaoh, and his deeds, and save me from the wrongdoers people, and Mary, the daughter of Imran, who guarded Her chastity, so We breathed into it of Our Spirit, and She believed in the words of Her Lord, and His books, and She was of the devoutly obedient", where Allah gave the believers the example of the wife of Pharaoh, and Maryam (Mary), the daughter of Imran in order to encourage them to adhere to obedience and to be steadfast in the religion.
The wife of Pharaoh (Asiya Bint Muzahem) believed in Allah and in His Prophet Moses, and She was under one of Allah's enemy, and Her husband's infidelity did not harm Her as She was a believer in Allah, and it was from the decree of Allah in His creation what was mentioned in Surat Fatir Aya (18) "And no bearer of burdens will bear the burden of another", thereupon Her reward is a house with Allah in Paradise, and Allah saved Her from Pharaoh and his deeds, and from the wrongdoers people. And as for Mary, She guarded her chastity, and Allah sent Gabriel to Her, and He represented himself to her as a well-proportioned man as mentioned in Aya (17) of Surat Maryam, then Allah commanded Him to breathe into her garment from His spirit, then the blow came down and penetrated her vagina, and from it was the pregnancy of Jesus, peace be upon Him, and She believed in the words of Her Lord, and His books, and She was of the devoutly obedient. And Allah's Messenger (PBUH)) said in narration of Abu Musa: "There are many persons amongst men who are quite perfect, but there are none perfect amongst women except Mary, daughter of Imran, Asiya, wife of Pharaoh, and the excellence of Aisha as compared to women is that of Tharid over all other foods".
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