27- Surat Alnaml

93 Verses Meccan (revealed in Mecca)

A'auzu Bellahi mena alshaiytani alrajeem

I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed Satan

Besmi Ellahi Alrhmani Alraheem

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

Taa seen telka ayatuo alqurani wa ketabin mubeen (1).
Taa Seen these are the verses of the Quran and a clear book.

Hudan wa bushra lel-mu'meneen (2)
A guidance and glad tidings for the believers.

Allazina youqemuona alsalata wa you'tuna alzakata wa hum bel-akherati hum youqenuon (3).
Those who establish the prayer and give Zakah and they are certain of the Hereafter. 

Inna allazina la you'menuona bel-akerati zayyanna lahum a'malahum fa-hum ya'mahuon (4).
Indeed, those who do not believe in the Hereafter, We have adorned for them their deeds, so they wander. 

Aulaeka allazina lahum su-uo alazabi wa hum fee al-akherati humuo al-akhsaruon (5).
Those are the ones for whom is the worst of punishment, and in the Hereafter, they are the most losers.

Wa innaka la-tulaqqa alqurana men ladun Hakeemin Aleem (6).
And indeed, You receive the Quran from the All-Wise, the All-Knower.

Iz qala Musa le-ahlehi inni anastuo naran sa-ateekum menha be-khabarin aww ateekum be-shehabin qabasin la-allakum tastaluon (7).
When Moses said to His family, I have perceived a fire from which I will bring You news or a burning flame, so that you may warm yourselves. 
Fa-lamma ja-aha nuodeya an buoreka man fee alnnari wa man hawlaha wa subhana Allahi Rabbi al-alameen (8).
But when He came to it, He was called that blessed is he who at the fire and whoever is around it, and Glory to be Allah, the Lord of the worlds.

Ya Musa innahuo ana Allahu Alazeezu Alhakeem (9).
O Moses! indeed, I am Allah, the Almighty, the All-Wise.

Wa alqi asaka fa-lamma ra-aha tahtazzuo ka-annaha jannun walla mudberan wa lam you'aqeb ya Musa la takhaf inni la yakhafuo ladayya almursaluon (10).
And Throw Your stick, but when He saw it moving as if it were a snake, he turned fleeing, and did not return, O Moses! Do not fear, indeed, My Messengers do not fear.

Ella man zalama thumma baddala husnan ba'da su-in fa-inni Ghafurun Rahaam (11).
Except he who wrongs, then substitutes good after evil, then indeed, I am All-Forgiving, Most Merciful.

Wa adkhel yadaka fee jaiybeka takhruj baiyda-a men ghaiyri su-in fee tes-ee ayatin ela Fer'awna wa qawmehi innahum kanuo qawman faseqeen (12).
And Enter Your hand in Your pocket, it will come forth white without any harm, among nine signs to Pharaoh and His people, indeed, they were disobedient. 

Fa-lamma ja-at-hum ayatuna mubseratan qaluo haza sehrun mubeen (13).
But when Our signs came to them, visible, they said this is a clear magic.

Wa jahaduo beha wa-staiyqanat-ha anfusuhum zulman wa auluwwan fa-nzur kaiyfa kana aqebatuo almufsedeen (14).
And they rejected it though their selves were convinced with them out of injustice and exaltation, so See how was the end of the corrupters.
Wa laqad ataiyna Dawuda wa Sulaiymana elman wa qala alhamduo lellahi allazi faddalana ala katheerin men ebadehi almu'meneen (15)
And indeed, We gave David and Solomon knowledge, and they said praise be to Allah the One who has preferred Us over many of His believing servants.

Wa waretha Sulaiymanuo Dawuda wa qala ya ayyuha alnasuo aullemna manteqa altaiyri wa auteena men kulli shaiy-in inna haza la-huwa alfadluo almubeen (16).  
And Solomon inherited David, and He said O people! We have been taught the language of the birds, and We have been given from everything, indeed, this is the clear favor.

Wa hushera le-sulaiymana junuduhuo mena aljinni wa alinsi wa altaiyra fa-hum youza-uon (17).
And gathered to Solomon were His soldiers from the Jinn and mankind and the birds, so they were assembled in rows.

Hatta iza ataww ala wadi alnamli qalat namlatun ya ayyuha alnamluo audkhuluo masakenakum la yahtemannakum Sulaiymanuo wa junuduhuo wa hum la yash-uruon (18).
Until when they came to the valley of the ants, an ant said O ants! Enter your dwellings lest Solomon and His soldiers crush you while they do not perceive.

Fa-tabassama dahekan men qawleha wa qala Rabbi awz'ni an ashkura ne'mataka allati an'amta alayya wa ala waledayya wa an a'mala salehan tardahuo wa adkhelni be-rahmateka fee ebadeka alsaleheen (19).
So He smiled, laughing at her speech, and said My Lord Inspire Me that I may thank you for Your favor which You have bestowed upon Me and upon My parents, and that I do righteousness that will please You, and admit Me by Your mercy among Your righteous servants.

Wa tafaqqada altaiyra fa-qala ma liya la ara alhud-huda am kana mena algha-ebeen (20)
And He checked the birds and said Why do I not see the hoopoe or is he among the absent?.

La-au'zzebannahuo azaban shadeedan aww la-azbahannahuo aww le-ya'teyanni be-sultanin mubeen (21).
I will surely punish him with a severe punishment or I will surely slaughter him unless he brings Me a clear argument.

Fa-makatha ghaiyri ba-edin fa-qala ahattuo bema lam tuohet behi wa je'tuoka men saba-in benaba-in yaqeen (22).
Then he did not stay long and said I have encompassed that which You have not encompassed, and I have come to You from Saba' with certain news.
Inni wajadtuo emra-atan tamlekuhum wa auteiyat men kulli shaiy-in wa laha arshun azeem (23).
Indeed, I have found a woman ruling them, and she has been given of everything, and she has a great throne. 

Wajadtuha wa qawmaha yasjuduona lel-shamsi men douni ellahi wa zayyana lahumuo alshaiytanuo a'malahum fa-saddahum ani alsabeeli fa-hum la yahtaduon (24).
I have found her and her people prostrating to the sun instead of Allah and Satan has adorned for them their deeds, so he prevented them from the way, so they are not guided. 

Alla yasjuduo lellahi allazi youkhrejuo alkhab'a fee alsamawati wa alardi wa ya'lamuo ma toukhfuona wa ma tu'lenuon (25).
That is they do not prostrate to Allah the One who brings forth the hidden in the heavens and the earth and knows what you conceal and what you declare.

Allahu la illaha ella huwa Rabbu al-arshi al-azeem ۩ (26).
Allah, there is no god but He, the Lord of the great throne.
۩- Prostration of recitation.

Qala sa-nanzuruo a-sadaqta am kunta mena alkazebeen (27).
He said We will see whether you have told the truth or you are of the liars.

Ezhab be-ketabi haza fa-alqeh elaiyhim thumma tawalla anhum fa-nzur maza yarje-uon (28).
Go with this letter of mine and deliver it to them, then turn away from them and see what they return.

Qalat ya ayyuha almala-uo inni aulqeya elayya ketabun kareem (29).
She said O chiefs! indeed, there has been delivered to me a noble letter.
Innahuo men Sulaiymana wa innahuo besmi ellahi Alrahmani Alraheem (30).
It is from Solomon and it is in name of Allah the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

Alla ta'luo alaiyya wa'touni muslemeen (31).
That Do not exalt yourselves against Me and Come to Me in submission.

Qalat ya ayyuha almala-uo aftuoni fee amri ma kuntuo qate-atan amran hatta tashhaduon (32).
She said O chiefs! Advise me in my affair, I am not decisive in a matter until you are present.

Qaluo nahnuo auluo quwwatin wa auluo ba'sin shadeedin wa alamruo elaiyki fa-nzuri maza ta'mureen (33).
They said we are possessors of might and possessors of strong fighting power, so the matter is to you, so look what you will command.

Qalat inna almuluka iza dakhaluo qaryatan afsaduoha wa ja'aluo a'ezzata ahleha azellatan wa kazaleka yaf-aluon (34)
She said indeed, if the kings enter a town, they ruin it, and make the honorable of its people humiliated, and thus they do.

Wa inni murselatun elaiyhim be-hadeyyatin fa-nazeratun bema yarje-uo almursaluon (35).
And indeed, I am going to send a gift to them and see with what the messengers will return.

Fa-lamma ja'a Sulaiymana qala a-tumedduonani be-malin fama ataniya Allahu khaiyrun memma atakum bal antum be-hadeyyatekum tafrahuon (36).
So when He came to Solomon, He said Do you provide Me with wealth?, but what Allah has given Me is better than what He has given you, but it is you who rejoice in your gift.

Erj' elaiyhim fala-na'teyannahum be-junudin la qebala lahum beha wala-nukhrejannahum menha azellatan wa hum sagheruon (37).
Return to them, and We will surely come to them with soldiers that they have no power to face, and We will surely drive them out from it in humiliation while they are despised.

Qala ya ayyuha almala-uo ayyukum ya'teeni be-arsheha qabla an ya'tuoni muslemeen (38).
He said O chiefs! Which one of you will bring Me her throne before they come to me in submission. 

Qala efreetun mena aljinni ana ateeka behi qabla an taquoma men maqameka wa inni alaiyhi la-qawiyyun ameen (39)
A goblin from the Jinn said, I will bring it to you before You rise up from your place, and indeed, I am for it strong, trustworthy.
Qala allazi endahuo elmun mena alketabi ana ateeka behi qabla an yartadda elaiyka tarfuka fa-lamma ra-ahuo mustaqerran endahuo qala haza men fadli Rabbi le-yabluwani a-ashkuruo am akfuruo wa man shakara fa-inamma yashkuruo le-nafsehi wa man kafara fa-inna Rabbi Ghanyyun Kareem (40)
Said the one who had the knowledge of the Book, I will bring it to You before Your glance returns to You, then when He saw it settled before Him, He said this is from the favor of My Lord that He may test Me whether I am grateful or I am ungrateful, and whoever is grateful then only he is grateful for himself, and whoever is ungrateful, then indeed, My Lord is Free of need, Noble. 

Qala nakkeruo laha arshaha nanzur a-tahtadi am takunuo mena allazina la yahtaduon (41).
He said Disguise for her her throne, We will see whether she will be guided or will be of those who are not guided.

Fa-lamma ja'at qeela a-hakaza arshuki qalat ka-annahuo huwa wa auteena al-elma men qableha wa kunna muslemeen (42).
So when she came, it was said Is your throne like this?, she said it seemed to be it, and We were given the knowledge before her and We have been Muslims.

Wa saddaha ma kanat ta'buduo men douni ellahi innaha kanat men qawmin kafereen (43)
And what she used to worship besides Allah has prevented her, indeed, she was from a disbelieving people.

Qeela laha audkhuli alssarha fa-lamma ra-at-huo hasebat-huo lujjatan wa kashafat an saqaiyha qala innahuo sarhun mumarradun men qawareera qalat Rabbi inni zalmtuo nasfi wa aslamtuo ma-a Sulaiymana lellahi Rabbi al-alameen (44)
It was said to her, Enter the palace, then when she saw it, she thought it to be flowing water and uncovered her shins He said indeed, it is a palace made of smooth glasses, she said my Lord, indeed, I have wronged myself and I submit with Solomon to Allah, the Lord of the worlds.

Wa laqad arsalna ela Thamuda akhahum Salehan ani e'buduo Allaha fa-iza hum fareeqani yakhtasemuon (45).
And We sent to Thamud their brother Salih that worship Allah, then behold! they became two parties quarreling.

Qala ya qawmi lema tasta'jeluona belsayyi-ati qabla alhasanati laww-la tastaghferuona Allaha la-allakum turhamuon (46).
He said O My people! Why do you seek to hasten the evil before the good, Why do you not ask forgiveness from Allah so that you may receive mercy?.

Qaluo ettayyarna beka wa be-man ma-aka qala ta-erukum enda Allahi bal antum qawmun tuftanuon (47).  
They said, Indeed, we see a bad omen from You and those with You, He said your bad omen is with Allah, but you are a people who are being tried.

Wa kana fee almadynati tes-atuo rahtin youfseduona fee alardi wala youslehuon (48).
And there were in the city nine men who used to cause corruption on the earth, and did not reform.

Qaluo taqasamuo bellahi la-nubaiyyitannahuo wa ahlahuo thumma la-naqulanna le-walliyyihi ma shahedna mahleka ahlehi wa inna la-sadequon (49).
They said Take a mutual oath by Allah that we will kill him by night, and his family, then we will surely say to his guardian we did not witness the destruction of his family, and indeed, we are truthful.

Wa makaruo makran wa makarna makran wa hum la yash-uruon (50).
And they plotted a plot and We plotted a plot while they do not perceive.

Fa-nzur kaiyfa kana aqebatuo makrehim anna dammarnahum wa qawmahum ajma-een (51)
So See How was the end of their plot that We destroyed them and their people, all of them.

Fa-telka buyutuhum khawiyatan be-ma zalamuo inn fee zaleka la-ayatan le-qawmin ya'lamuon (52).
So these are their houses lying empty because they wronged, indeed, in that is a sign for a people who know.

Wa anjaiyna allazina amanuo wa kanuo yattaquon (53).
And We saved those who believed and used to fear.

Wa Lutan iz qala le-qawmehi a-ta'tuona alfaheshata wa antum tubseruon (54).
And Lot when He said to His people Do you commit immorality while you see?.

A-innakum la-ta'tuona alrejala shahwatan men duoni alnisa-e bal antum qawmun tajhaluon (55).
Is it that you approach the men with lust instead of the women? but you are a people behaving ignorantly.

Fama kana jawaba qawmehi ella an qaluo akhrejuo ala Lutin men qaryatekum innahum aunasun yatatahharuon (56).
But the answer of His people was not except that they said Expel the family of Lot from your town, indeed, they are a people who keep themselves pure.

Fa-anjaiynahuo wa ahlahuo ella emra-atahuo qaddarnaha mena alghabereen (57).
So We saved Him and His family except His wife We destined her to be of those who remain behind.

Wa amtarna alaiyhem mataran fasa-a mataruo almunzareen (58).
And We rained upon them a rain, and evil was the rain of those who were warned.

Quli alhamduo lellahi wa salamun ala ebadehi allazina estafa A-Allahu khaiyrun amma youshrekuon (59).
Say praise be to Allah, and peace be upon His servants whom He has chosen, Is Allah better or what they associate?.

Amman khalaqa alsamawati wa alarda wa anzala lakum mena alsama-e ma-an fa-anbatna behi hada-eqa zata bahjatin ma kana lakum an tunbetuo shajaraha a-ilahun ma-a Allahi bal hum qawmun ya'deluon (60).
Or the One who created the heavens and the earth and sent down for you water from the sky, and We caused to grow thereby gardens of delight, it is not for you that you cause to grow its trees, Is there any god with Allah, but they are a people who ascribe equals.

Amman ja'ala alarda qararan wa ja'ala khelalaha anharan wa ja'ala laha rawaseiya wa ja'ala baiyna albahraiyni hajezan a-ilahun ma-a Allahi bal aktharuhum la ya'lamuon (61).
Or the One who made the earth a settlement and made rivers amidst it and made firm mountains for it, and made a barrier between the two seas, Is there any god with Allah?, but most of them do not know.

Amman youjeebuo almudtarra iza da-ahuo wa yakshefuo alsou-a wa yaj'alukum khulafa-a alardi a-ilahun ma-a Allahi qaleelan ma tazakkaruon (62).
Or the One who responds to the distressed one when he calls Him, and removes the evil and makes you successors of the earth, Is there any god with Allah?, little is what you be reminded.

Amman yahdeekum fee zulumati albarri wa albahri wa man yourseluo alreiyaha bushran baiyna yadaiy rahmatehi a-ilahun ma-a Allahi ta'ala Allahu amma youshrekuon (63).
Or the One who guides you in the darkenesses of the land and the sea, and who sends the winds as glad tidings of His Mercy?, Is there any god with Allah, Exalted is Allah above what they associate.

Amman yabda-uo alkhalqa thumma you-eduhuo wa man yarzuqukum mena alsama-e wa alardi a-ilahun ma-a Allahi qul hatuo burhanakum in kuntum sadeqeen (64).
Or the One who begins the creation then repeats it and who provides you from the heaven and the earth?, Is there any god with Allah, say Bring your proof if you are truthful. 

Qul la ya'lamuo man fee alsamawati wa alardi alghaiyba ella Allahu wa ma yash-uruona ayyana youb'asuon (65).
Say no one in the heavens and the earth knows the unseen except Allah, and they do not perceive when they will be resurrected.

Bali eddaraka elmuhum fee al-akherati bal hum fee shakkin menha bal hum menha amuon (66).
But their knowledge failed concerning the Hereafter, but they are in doubt about it, but they are blind about it.

Wa qala allazina kafaruo a-iza kunna turaban wa aba-uona a-inna la-mukhrajuon (67).
And those who disbelieve say Is it that when we and our fathers become dust, shall we be brought out?.

La-qad wu-edna haza nahnuo wa aba-uona men qabluo in haza ella asateeruo alawaleen (68).
Indeed, we have been promised this, we and our fathers before, this is nothing but the legends of the former people.

Qul seeruo fee alardi fanzuruo kaiyfa kana aqebatuo almujremeen (69).
Say Travel in the land and See how was the end of the criminals.

Wa la tahzan alaiyhim wa la takun fee daiyqin memma yamkuruon (70).
And Do not grieve over them and Do not be in distress from what they plot.

Wa yaquluona mata haza alwa'duo in kuntum sadeqeen (71).
And they say When is this promise if you are truthful?.

Qul asa an yakuna radefa lakum ba'duo allazi tasta'jeluon (72).
Say perhaps it is close to you some of that which you seek to hasten.

Wa inna Rabbaka la-zuo fadlin ala alnasi wa lakenna aktharahum la yashkuruon (73).
And indeed, Your Lord is a Possessor of bounty for the people, but most of them do not give thanks.

Wa inna Rabbaka la-ya'lamuo ma tukennuo suduruhum wa you'lenuon (74).
And indeed, You Lord surely knows what their breasts conceal and what they declare.

Wa ma men gha-ebatin fee alsama-e wa alardi ella fee ketabin mubeen (75).
And there is nothing is hidden in the heaven and the earth except in a clear book.

Inna haza alqurana yaqussuo ala bani israela akthara allazi hum feehi yakhtalefuon (76).
Indeed, this Quran narrates to the Children of Israel most of that in which they differ.

Wa innahuo la-hudan wa rahmatun lel-mu'meneen (77).
And indeed, it is a guidance and a mercy for the believers.

Inna Rabbaka yaqdi baiynahum be-hukmehi wa huwa Al-azeezuo Al-aleem (78).
Indeed, Your Lord will judge between them with his judgment, and He is Almighty, All-Knower.

Fa-tawakkal ala Allahi innaka ala alhaqqi almubeen (79).
So Put Your trust upon Allah, indeed, You are on the clear truth.

Innaka la tusme-uo almawata wa la tusme-uo alsumma aldua-a iza wallaww mudbereen (80).
Indeed, Yo can not make the dead hear nor can you make the deaf hear the call when they turn back fleeing.

Wa ma anta be-hadi al-aumeyi an dalalatehim in tusme-uo ella man you'menuo be-ayatena fa-hum muslemuon (81).  
And You can not guide the blind from their error, nor can you make hear except whoever believes in Our verses, so they are Muslims.    

Wa iza waqa-a alqawluo alaiyhim akhrajna lahum dabbatan mena alardi tukallemuhum anna alnasa kanuo be-ayatena la youqenuon (82).
And when the word is fulfilled upon them, We will bring forth for them the moving creature from the earth speaking to them that the people were uncertain of Our verses.

Wa yawma nahshuruo men kulli aummatin fawjan memman youkazzebuo be-ayatena fa-hum youza-uon (83).
And the day when We will gather from every nation a regiment of those who deny Our verses, so they will be assembled in rows. 

Hatta iza ja-uo qala a-kazzabtum be-ayati wa lam tuheetuo beha elman ammaza kuntum ta'maluon (84).
Until when they will come, He will say Did you deny My verses while you did not encompass them with knowledge or What were you doing?.

Wa waqa-a alqawluo alaiyhim bema zalamuo fa-hum la yantequon (85).
And the word will be fulfilled against them because they wronged, so they will not speak. 

A-lam yaraww anna ja'alna al-laila le-yaskunuo feehi wa alnahara mubseran ina fee zaleka la-ayatin le-qawmin you'menuon (86).
Do they not see that We made the night so that they may rest therein and the day giving light, indeed, in that are signs for a people who believe?. 

Wa yawma younfakhuo fee alsuori fafaze-a man fee alsamawati wa man fee alardi ella ma sha-a Allahu wa kullun atawhuo dakhereen (87).
And the day the trumpet will be blown and whoever is in the heavens and whoever is on the earth will be terrified except whom Allah wills, and all will come to Him humiliated.

Wa tara aljebala tahsabuha jamedatan wa heiya tamurruo marra alsahabi suon-a ALlahi allazi atqana kulla shaiy-in innahuo khabeerun bema taf'aluon (88).
And You see the mountains thinking them fixed while they pass as the passing of the clouds, the work of Allah who perfected everything, indeed, He is All-Aware of what you are doing.

Man ja-a bel-hasanati fa-lahuo khaiyrun menha wa hum men faza-in yawma-izin amenuon (89).
Whoever comes with the good deed will have better than it, and they will be secure from the terror of that day.

Wa man ja-a belsayyi-ati fa-kubbat wujuhuhum fee alnari hal tujzawna ella ma kuntum ta'maluon (90).
And whoever comes with the evil deed, their faces will be thrown down in the fire, Are you recompensed except for what you used to do?. 

Innama aumertuo an a'abuda Rabba hazehi albaldati allazi harramaha wa lahuo kulluo shaiy-in wa aumertuo an akuna mena almuslemeen (91).
I have only been commanded to worship the Lord of this city, the One who made it sacred, and to Him belongs everything, and I have been commanded to be of the Muslims.

Wa an atluwa alqurana fa-mani ehtada fa-innama yahtadi le-nafsehi wa man dalla fa-qul innama ana mena almunzereen (92).
And to recite the Quran and whoever is guided, then only he is guided for himself, and whoever goes astray then Say I am only of the warners.

Wa quli alhamduo lellahi sa-youreekum ayatehi fata'refuonaha wa ma Rabbuka be-ghafilin amma ta'maluon (93).
And Say praise be to Allah, He will show you His signs and you will recognize them, and Your Lord is not unaware of what you do.

Simplified interpretation:

 Surat Alnaml begins with two letters of the Arabic language, just like 28 Surahs of the Holy Quran that start with individual letters ranging from one to five letters. It is noticeable that in all 29 Surahs the book or the Holy Quran is mentioned whether it is immediately after these letters or it is included in the Surah or even at the end of it. It is a challenge from Allah, Almighty, to the infidels of Quraish, as if Allah says to them this is the book in the letters of the language you speak, but you will not be able to produce the like of it, and He has already challenged them in Aya (88) of Surat Alisraa "Say, if mankind and the Jinn gathered in order to produce the like of this Quran, they could not produce the like of it, even if they were to each other assistants". As for the current Surah, it begins with two letters "Taa and seen" or "T and S" in English followed by "These are the verses of the Quran and a clear book.", but the knowledge of these letters remains with Allah, the Lord of the worlds.

 Allah says in the first three verses (1-3) "Taa Seen these are the verses of the Quran and a clear book, a guidance and glad tidings for the believers, those who establish the prayer and give Zakah and they are certain of the Hereafter", that is, Allah confirms that these are the verses of the Holy Quran which is a clear book whose verses show the truth from falsehood, the lawful from the forbidden, and the stories of the previous nations,  and Allah has made the Holy Quran a guidance and a glad tidings of Allah's mercy for the believers who believe in Allah, His Messengers, and His books, so they act according to Allah's commands and prohibitions, they establish the obligatory prayers in its prescribed times, they give the obligatory Zakah (charity), and they are certain of the Hereafter and the meeting with Allah, and believe in Allah's reward for those who obey Him, and His recompense for those who disobey Him.

 Allah says in the next two verses (4,5) "Indeed, those who do not believe in the Hereafter, We have adorned for them their deeds, so they wander, those are the ones for whom is the worst of punishment, and in the Hereafter, they are the most losers", that is, those who do not believe in the resurrection and the meeting with Allah in the Hereafter, Allah has adorned for them their evil deeds, so they see the evil deed as it is good deed and wander blindly in their misguidance, thereupon Allah threatens them with the worst punishment in the Hellfire on the day of resurrection, and they will be the most losers who will lose themselves and their families on the day of resurrection, unquestionably, that is the clear loss as mentioned in Aya (15) of  Surat Alzumar.

 Allah says in the next four verses (6-9) "And indeed, You receive the Quran from the All-Wise, the All-Knower, when Moses said to His family, I have perceived a fire from which I will bring You news or a burning flame, so that you may warm yourselves, but when He came to it, He was called that blessed is he who at the fire and whoever is around it, and Glory to be Allah, the Lord of the worlds, O Moses! indeed, I am Allah, the Almighty, the All-Wise", that is, Allah addresses His Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) and assures Him that He receives the Holy Quran from Him and He is All-Wise who manages His creation with wisdom in His laws and destiny, the All-Knower of everything as nothing is hidden from Him in the heavens or on the earth, so He cites to Him the story of the Prophet Moses with Pharaoh. The Prophet Moses fled from Egypt after killing a man, and He went to Madyan and resided therein and married from it, then He wanted to return to Egypt, but He lost His way and went to Altour mount in Sinai as mentioned at length in Surat Alqasas, so when He went towards the Mount of Altour, He found a burning fire, therefore, He said to His wife Stay where you are, I saw a fire, and I will go to it, perhaps I will find someone who will guide Me to the way as mentioned in Aya (10) of Surat Taha or I will bring you a burning wood so that you may warm yourself. When the Prophet Moses arrived at the fire, Allah called Him and said blessed is whatever is in the fire, which is the blessed spot from the tree as mentioned in Aya (30) of Surat Alqasas "So, when He came to it, He was called from a side of the right valley in the blessed spot from the tree O Moses! indeed, I am Allah, the Lord of the worlds", and blessed is the Prophet Moses, who was around the fire, and Glory to be Allah, the Lord of the worlds, then Allah said to Him O Moses! indeed, I am Allah, the Almighty who is Severe in His revenge on those who disobeyed Him, and He is the All-Wise who manages His creation with wisdom in His laws and destiny.

 Allah says in the next three verses (10-12) ''And Throw Your stick, but when He saw it moving as if it were a snake, he turned fleeing, and did not return, O Moses! Do not fear, indeed, My Messengers do not fear, except he who wrongs, then substitutes good after evil, then indeed, I am All-Forgiving, Most Merciful, and Enter Your hand in Your pocket, it will come forth white without any harm, among nine signs to Pharaoh and His people, indeed, they were disobedient", that is, Allah commanded the Prophet Moses to throw His stick on the ground, and the stick turned into a snake moving on the ground, so Moses turned fleeing for fear, and did not return, then Allah called Him again and said Do not fear, My Messengers do not fear, except he who wrongs then he repented from His evil deeds and replaced it with good deeds, and Allah is All-Forgiving, Most Merciful for those who repent, believe, and do righteous deeds. Then Allah commanded Moses to insert His Hand in His pocket, so it will come forth white without any harm, and these are two signs from nine signs to Pharaoh and his people for they were disobedient to Allah as these signs indicate the ability of Allah, the Creator of everything, and the validity of the prophecy of Moses, peace be upon Him.

 Allah says in the next two verses (13,14) "But when Our signs came to them, visible, they said this is a clear magic, and they rejected it though their selves were convinced with them out of injustice and exaltation, so See how was the end of the corrupters", that is, when the Prophet Moses went to Pharaoh with the clear signs which was visible to them, they accused Him with magic, and said that these signs are nothing but a clear magic, so they denied it out of their injustice, exaltation, and arrogance though they were convinced that they are the truth from Allah, so Allah addresses His Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) and said to Him "See how was the end of the corrupters" where Allah seized Pharaoh and his soldiers and threw them in the sea as mentioned in Aya (40) of Surat Alqasas.

 Allah says in the next two verses (15,16) "And indeed, We gave David and Solomon knowledge, and they said praise be to Allah the One who has preferred Us over many of His believing servants, and Solomon inherited David, and He said O people! We have been taught the language of the birds, and We have been given from everything, indeed, this is the clear favor", that is, Allah gave the Prophet David and His son the Prophet Solomon knowledge and great blessings as they combined kingship, empowerment in the worldly life and the prophecy, therefore, they acknowledged Allah's favor upon them and said praise be to Allah the One who has singled them out of knowledge over many of His believing servants in their time, and Solomon inherited His father David in kingship and prophecy, and He said to His people that Allah has taught Him the language of the birds and it is a favor that no one else has been given, and Allah has given Him from every good thing, and this is the clear favor that does not have any doubt.

 Allah says in the next three verses (17-19) "And gathered to Solomon were His soldiers from the Jinn and mankind and the birds, so they were assembled in rows, until when they came to the valley of the ants, an ant said O ants! Enter your dwellings lest Solomon and His soldiers crush you while they do not perceive, so He smiled, laughing at her speech, and said My Lord Inspire Me that I may thank you for Your favor which You have bestowed upon Me and upon My parents, and that I do righteousness that will please You, and admit Me by Your mercy among Your righteous servants", that is, one day, the Prophet Solomon went out with His soldiers from the Jinn, human beings, and the birds, and they were assembled in rows until Solomon and His soldiers passed by the valley of the ants, an ant feared for other ants that they would crush them under their feet, so she ordered the ants to enter their dwellings lest they crush them while they do not perceive, so the Prophet Solomon understood what she said and He smiled laughing at her speech, thereupon, He said My Lord Inspire Me that I may thank you for Your favor which You have bestowed upon Me and upon My parents, and that I do righteousness that will please You, and admit Me by Your mercy among Your righteous servants, and as narrated by Abdullah Bin Abbas: "The Prophet prohibited to kill four creatures: ants, bees, hoopoes, and sparrow-hawks", but it permissible to kill the harmful ant not all ants where as narrated by Abu Hurayrah: "When a Prophet from amongst the Prophets came to sit under a tree an ant bit Him, He commanded his luggage to be removed from under the tree and He commanded it to be burnt in the fire, and Allah revealed to Him Why one ant was not killed?".

 Allah says in the next three verses (20-22) "And He checked the birds and said Why do I not see the hoopoe or is he among the absent?, I will surely punish him with a severe punishment or I will surely slaughter him unless he brings Me a clear argument, then he did not stay long and said I have encompassed that which You have not encompassed, and I have come to You from Saba' with certain news", that is, when the Prophet Solomon checked the birds, He did not see the hoopoe, so He said Did My sight miss him among the birds or was he among the absent and did not come?, and when He was sure of his absence, He threatened that He will punish the hoopoe or He will slaughter him unless he gives a clear reason of his absence, then the hoopoe disappeared for a short time, and came to the Prophet Solomon and said to Him "I have encompassed that which You have not encompassed, and I have come to You from Saba' with certain news".

 Allah says in the next four verses (23-26) "Indeed, I have found a woman ruling them, and she has been given of everything, and she has a great throne, I have found her and her people prostrating to the sun instead of Allah and Satan has adorned for them their deeds, so he prevented them from the way, so they are not guided, that is they do not prostrate to Allah the One who brings forth the hidden in the heavens and the earth and knows what you conceal and what you declare, Allah, there is no god but He, the Lord of the great throne", that is, the hoopoe went to the kingdom of Saba', and He found a woman ruling them, and she has been given of everything of the enjoyment of the worldly life and she has a great throne on which she sits, but she and her people worshiped the sun and prostrated to it instead of Allah, and Satan has adorned for them the worship of the sun besides Allah, so they thought that they were right, so he prevented them from the straight path, thereupon, they are not guided to the truth nor do they follow it, then the hoopoe marveled at that they do not prostrate to Allah,  the One who brings forth the hidden in the heavens and the earth of water and provision, and He knows what mankind conceal and what they declare of words and deeds, and Allah alone is worthy of worship as there is no god but Him, the Lord of the great throne, and since the hoopoe is a caller to worshipping Allah alone and prostrating to Him, it was forbidden to kill him as shown above.

 Allah says n the next five verses (27-31) "He said We will see whether you have told the truth or you are of the liars, Go with this letter of mine and deliver it to them, then turn away from them and see what they return, she said O chiefs! indeed, there has been delivered to me a noble letter, it is from Solomon and it is in name of Allah the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful, that Do not exalt yourselves against Me and Come to Me in submission", that is, the Prophet Solomon said to the hoopoe we will see whether you have told the truth about the argument of your absence and the news of the Saba' or you are of the liars, so Solomon wrote a letter to the queen of Saba' and her people, and He ordered the hoopoe to go with His letter and to deliver it to them, and commanded him to see what they would do after delivering the letter to them, so she gathered her chiefs and said to them there has been delivered to me a noble letter from the Prophet Solomon, and He begins the letter with in name of Allah the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful, then He called them to believe in Allah and do not turn away in arrogance, and to submit to Allah with monotheism and obedience. 

 Allah says in the next four verses (32-35) ''She said O chiefs! Advise me in my affair, I am not decisive in a matter until you are present, they said we are possessors of might and possessors of strong fighting power, so the matter is to you, so look what you will command, she said indeed, if the kings enter a town, they ruin it, and make the honorable of its people humiliated, and thus they do, and indeed, I am going to send a gift to them and see with what the messengers will return", that is, the queen of Saba' called the chiefs of her people to consult with her about the matter of Solomon as she would not to decide any matter unless they are present with her, so they said to her that they are possessors of might to fight and possessors of strong fighting power in war and the matter is up to her in fighting or not, so they gave her the choice and they will obey her command, but she was wiser than them and knew that they had no power to confront Solomon and His soldiers and what was subjected to Him from the Jinn, the men, and the birds, and she saw that in the case of the hoopoe and the letter, therefore, she said to them that she is afraid that if they fight Him, He will come with his soldiers and will destroy them where she knows that if the kings enter a town by force, they ruin and destroyed it, and they insult its honorable people with extreme humiliation whether by killing or capturing, and thus they do, then she said to them that she is going to send Solomon a gift worthy of Him, and see what His answer will be, perhaps He will accept the gift and stop fighting them.

 Allah says in the next two verses (36,37) "So when He came to Solomon, He said Do you provide Me with wealth?, but what Allah has given Me is better than what He has given you, but it is you who rejoice in your gift, Return to them, and We will surely come to them with soldiers that they have no power to face, and We will surely drive them out from it in humiliation while they are despised", that is, when the envoy of the queen of Saba' went to Solomon with her gift, He refused to accept it, and said to them as a denunciation Do you provide Me with wealth so that I leave you in your polytheism, then He assured them that what Allah has given Him of the knowledge, kingdom, wealth, and soldiers is better than what they have, but it is them who rejoice in their gift and He has no need for their gift, then He said to the envoy return to them with your gift, and threatened them that He will come to them with soldiers that they have no power to fight them, and He will drive them out from Saba' in humiliation while they are despised if they did not come to Him in submission.

 Allah says in the next three verses (38-40) "He said O chiefs! Which one of you will bring Me her throne before they come to me in submission, a goblin from the Jinn said, I will bring it to you before You rise up from your place, and indeed, I am for it strong, trustworthy, said the one who had the knowledge of the Book, I will bring it to You before Your glance returns to You, then when He saw it settled before Him, He said this is from the favor of My Lord that He may test Me whether I am grateful or I am ungrateful, and whoever is grateful then only he is grateful for himself, and whoever is ungrateful, then indeed, My Lord is Free of need, Noble", that is, when the envoy returned to the queen of Saba' with her gift, she went out with her people heading to the Prophet Solomon, and He knew that, so He wanted to show them the greatness of what Allah gave Him of the kingdom that does not belong to anyone before Him or after Him, then He said to His chiefs Which of you will bring Me her throne before they come to Me in submission, and a goblin from the Jinn said to Him I will bring it to You before You rise up from Your place, indeed, I am strong to carry it, trustworthy with what is in it, then the one who had the knowledge of the Book said to Him, I will bring it to You before your glance returns to You, so he supplicated Allah and asked Him to bring the throne with His greatness in front of Solomon, then when Solomon saw the throne settled before Him, He said that this is from the favor of My Lord that He may test Me whether I am grateful or I am ungrateful and whoever gives thanks, then he only gives thanks for himself; because the benefit and reward of gratitude is only for himself, and whoever disbelieves in Allah and His bounty upon him and he was ungrateful, then this will not harm Allah at all for all human beings need their Lord for He is the Creator and the Provider while He is Free of need of them, and He is Noble who bestows His bounty upon His creation whether they are grateful or not while they do not bestow anything upon Him.

 Allah says in the next four verses (41-44) "He said Disguise for her her throne, We will see whether she will be guided or will be of those who are not guided, so when she came, it was said Is your throne like this?, she said it seemed to be it, and We were given the knowledge before her and We have been Muslims, and what she used to worship besides Allah has prevented her, indeed, she was from a disbelieving people, it was said to her, Enter the palace, then when she saw it, she thought it to be flowing water and uncovered her shins He said indeed, it is a palace made of smooth glasses, she said my Lord, indeed, I have wronged myself and I submit with Solomon to Allah, the Lord of the worlds", that is, when the throne settled in front of the Prophet Solomon before her arrival, He commanded His soldiers to change the appearance of the throne in order to test her knowledge whether she will know her throne or not, so when she came, her throne was shown to her and she was asked if it was her throne or not, but she did not say that it was her throne because of its distance from her, nor that it was another throne, rather she said it seemed to be it, then the Prophet Solomon said We were given the knowledge of Allah's great ability before her and we have been Muslims in complete submission to Allah, but what she used to worship besides Allah prevented her from worshipping Allah alone for she was from a disbelieving people. Then it was said to her Enter the palace, but when she saw the palace, she thought that it is a flowing water, so she uncovered her legs so that her clothes would not get wet from the water, but the Prophet Solomon said to her that it is a palace made of smooth glass, so when she saw the greatness of what Allah gave Him of authority and power, she confessed that she had wronged herself with disbelief, and she knew that Solomon is a noble Messenger and a great king, so she believed with Him in Allah, the Lord of the worlds.

 Allah says in the next three verses (45-47) "And We sent to Thamud their brother Salih that worship Allah, then behold! they became two parties quarreling, He said O My people! Why do you seek to hasten the evil before the good, Why do you not ask forgiveness from Allah so that you may receive mercy?, they said, Indeed, we see a bad omen from You and those with You, He said your bad omen is with Allah, but you are a people who are being tried", that is, Allah has sent the Prophet Salih to the people of Thamud in order to call them to worship Allah alone, but they divided into two groups, believers and disbelievers, and they used to quarrel with each other as those who were arrogant said to those who had been deemed weak we disbelieve in what you have believed in it as mentioned in Surat Ala'raf Ayat (75,76), so the Prophet Salih said to them Why do you hasten the punishment by insisting on disbelief, and not asking Allah's forgiveness, then He commanded them to repent and ask forgiveness from Allah so that they may receive Allah's mercy and be saved from His punishment on the day of resurrection, but they saw the Prophet Salih and those who believed with Him as an evil omen, so if the evil befalls them, it will because of the Prophet Salih and those with Him, thereupon, the Prophet Salih assured them that their decree of good or evil is with Allah, and if evil befalls them, it is not because of the bad omen, but rather because of their evil deeds and of what Allah has decreed for them, and that they are a people who are being tried as Allah will put them into a trial and will test them whether they will obey Him so He will reward them the best reward or they will disobey Him, so He will punishment the painful punishment. The pessimism is a bad opinion about Allah, therefore, Allah's Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) warned against bad omen three time when He said in narration of Abdullah bin Mas'ud: "Taking omens is polytheism, taking omens is polytheism, He said it three times, every one of us has some, but Allah removes it by putting trust upon Him" (Sunan Abu Dawood 3910). But on the other hand, Allah's Messenger loved a good omen which is a good word (Fa'l) that makes a person optimistic, where He said in narration of Abu Hurayrah: "There is no omens, and the best of which is Fa'l, they asked What is Fa'?, He said a good word that ones of you hears" (Sahih Albukhari 5754).

 Allah says in the next three verses (48-50) "And there were in the city nine men who used to cause corruption on the earth, and did not reform, they said Take a mutual oath by Allah that we will kill him by night, and his family, then we will surely say to his guardian we did not witness the destruction of his family, and indeed, we are truthful, and they plotted a plot and We plotted a plot while they do not perceive", that is, there were nine men (Raht), where Raht in Arabic language ranges from three to nine men, and they were nine tyrants of Thamud who used to cause corruption in the land and did not reform as they used to call their people to deny the Prophet Salih, and they intended to kill the Prophet Salih, so they urged each other to swear a mutual oath by Allah that they will kill Him and His family at night, then they will say to His guardian among His relatives that they did not witness the destruction of His family, they did not know anything about Him, and they are truthful in what they told them, thereupon, they plotted a plot to kill the Prophet Salih, but their plot was in vain because Allah has plotted a plot for them while they do not perceive.

 Allah says in the next three verses (51-53) "So See How was the end of their plot that We destroyed them and their people, all of them, so these are their houses lying empty because they wronged, indeed, in that is a sign for a people who know, and We saved those who believed and used to fear", that is, Allah addresses His Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) and says See how was the end of their plot that Allah destroyed the nine men and their people, all of them, where the thunderbolt of the humiliating punishment seized them for what they used to earn as mentioned in Aya (17) of Surat Fussilat, so their houses ruined and became empty without inhabitants because they wronged themselves as they did not accept the truth from Allah and denied the Prophet Salih, and in that there is a sign for a people who know that the rule of Allah is to punish the disbelievers and to reward the believers with the best reward, then Allah saved the Prophet Salih and those who believed, and feared Allah and His punishment.

 Allah says in the next two verses (54,55) "And Lot when He said to His people Do you commit immorality while you see?, Is it that you approach the men with lust instead of the women? but you are a people behaving ignorantly", that is, the Prophet Lot denounced the shameful deeds of His people as they used to do sodomy, and no one of the sons of Adam has ever preceded them to this act as Allah has stated in Aya (28) of Surat Alankaboot, and He said to them as a denunciation, Do you commit male homosexuality while you see each other and Is it that you approach the men lustfully instead of the women?, then the Prophet Lot threatened them and said that they are ignorant people for they did not know the consequences of their shameful deeds. 

 Allah says in the next three verses (56-58) ''But the answer of His people was not except that they said Expel the family of Lot from your town, indeed, they are a people who keep themselves pure, so We saved Him and His family except His wife We destined her to be of those who remain behind, and We rained upon them a rain, and evil was the rain of those who were warned", that is, when the Prophet Lot forbade His people from having intercourse with men, they did not respond to Him and intended to expel the Prophet lot and His family from their town for they are a people who keep themselves pure of the shameful acts, so Allah saved the Prophet Lot and His family except His wife, Allah destined her to be of those who remained behind; because she betrayed the Prophet Lot by not believing and cooperating with His people against Him as mentioned in Aya (10) of Surat Altahrim, then Allah rained upon them a rain of stones of clay, and evil was the rain of those against whom the argument was established for the warning reached them, but they turned away from it and opposed their Messenger.

 Allah says in the next two verses (59,60) "Say praise be to Allah, and peace be upon His servants whom He has chosen, Is Allah better or what they associate?, Or the One who created the heavens and the earth and sent down for you water from the sky, and We caused to grow thereby gardens of delight, it is not for you that you cause to grow its trees, Is there any god with Allah, but they are a people who ascribe equals", that is, Allah commanded His Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) to say praise be to Allah for the blessings that He has bestowed upon His creation, and peace be upon His Messengers whom He has chosen from among His servants, then Allah says as a sarcasm of the polytheists who worshiped other gods besides Allah Is He better or what they associate with Him of false gods that do not benefit them or harm and do not defend themselves, so Are the false gods better or is Allah, the One who created the heavens and the earth and what He has placed in both of them of the luminous planets, the shining stars, mountains, rivers, trees, animals, seas, and many others, and He sent down water from the sky, and He caused to grow thereby gardens of delight including grain, crops, and fruits of different varieties, shapes, and colors, and it not for man that he causes to grow its trees for he plants the seed, and only Allah can germinate it, nevertheless, they make equals for Him who do not create or provide anything, thereupon, Allah says to them "Is there any god with Allah, but they are a people who ascribe equals", unquestionably, Allah is better than what they associate, and there is no god but Him, without any partners or equals.

 Allah says in the next two verses (61,62) "Or the One who made the earth a settlement and made rivers amidst it and made firm mountains for it, and made a barrier between the two seas, Is there any god with Allah?, but most of them do not know, Or the One who responds to the distressed one when he calls Him, and removes the evil and makes you successors of the earth, Is there any god with Allah?, little is what you be reminded", that is, Are the false gods whom they worship besides Allah better or is Allah, the One who made the earth a settlement so that man can live above it and move wherever he wants, the One who made rivers amidst the earth, the One who cast in the earth firm mountains lest it shakes with its people, and the One who made a barrier between the fresh sea, and the salty sea so that they do not mix with each other as in the confluence of the Nile River and the Mediterranean Sea in Damietta governorate, Egypt, so Allah says to those who made equals for Him "Is there any god with Allah?", but most of them do not know that Allah is the Creator of everything so they worship others besides Him. Are the false gods whom they worship besides Allah better or is Allah, the One who responds to the distressed one when he supplicates Him, the One who reveals the evil, and the One who makes man successor of the earth, generation after generation, century after century, and successor after predecessor, Is there any god with Allah?, but little is what they be reminded and reflect on Allah's blessings upon them where most of them did not thank Allah for it, rather they pass as if they had not called Allah to remove the harm that had touched them as mentioned in Aya (12) of Surat Yunus.

 Allah says in the next two verses (63,64) "Or the One who guides you in the darkenesses of the land and the sea, and who sends the winds as glad tidings of His Mercy?, Is there any god with Allah, Exalted is Allah above what they associate, Or the One who begins the creation then repeats it and who provides you from the heaven and the earth?, Is there any god with Allah, say Bring your proof if you are truthful", that is, Are the false gods whom they worship besides Allah better or is Allah, the One who guides man in the darkenesses of the land and the sea as He placed the stars in the sky that man may be guided by them through the darkenesses of the land and the sea as mentioned in Aya (97) of Surat Alan'am, and who sends the winds as glad tidings of Allah's mercy when they have carried heavy clouds, Allah drives them to a dead land and He sends down rain thereby and brings forth thereby from all the fruits as mentioned in Aya (57) of Surat Ala'raf, so Is there any god with Allah?, unquestionably, Exalted and High is Allah above what they associate with Him of partners and idols who do not create anything in the heavens or on the earth.  Are the false gods whom they worship besides Allah better or is Allah, the One who begins the creation and will repeat it on the day of resurrection, and the One who provides for man from the sky and the earth where Allah sends down the rain from the sky, then He brings forth thereby grain, fruits, and crops from the earth, so "Is there any god with Allah?", thereupon, Allah commanded His Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) to say to them Bring your proof of what you claim of other gods if you are truthful.

 Allah says in the next two verses (65,66) "Say no one in the heavens and the earth knows the unseen except Allah, and they do not perceive when they will be resurrected, but their knowledge failed concerning the Hereafter, but they are in doubt about it, but they are blind about it", that is, Allah commanded His Messenger to say to the polytheists who ask about the day of resurrection that no one in the heavens and the earth knows the unseen except Allah, and they do not perceive when they will be resurrected from the grave because it will surely come to them suddenly while they do not perceive as mentioned in Aya (53) of Surat Alankaboot, so their knowledge ended about the Hereafter and they are unable to know its time, but they are in doubt about its arrival, and they are in great blindness and ignorance about it and its affair and horror. 

 Allah says in the next three verses (67-69) "And those who disbelieve say Is it that when we and our fathers become dust, shall we be brought out?, indeed, we have been promised this, we and our fathers before, this is nothing but the legends of the former people, Say Travel in the land and See how was the end of the criminals", that is, the polytheists of Quraish denied the resurrection and ruled out that Allah will revive them and their former fathers after they had turned into bones and dust, so they said that they and their fathers have been promised the resurrection, and this is nothing but the legends of the former people that pass from one generation to another and it has no reality and will not occur, thereupon, Allah commanded His Messenger to order them to travel in the land in order to see the end of the criminals who disbelieved in Allah and denied their Messenger, and what befell them of torment and destruction as the people of Quraish used to pass by the tracks of the people of the Prophet Lot in the morning and at night as mentioned in Ayat (137,138) of  Surat Alsaffat.

 Allah says in the next three verses (70-72) "And Do not grieve over them and Do not be in distress from what they plot, and they say When is this promise if you are truthful?, Say perhaps it is close to you some of that which you seek to hasten", that is, Allah commanded His Messenger not to grieve over the polytheists who denied and turned away from Him, and not to be distressed by what they plot for Him and the believers in order to prevent people from the way of Islam, and they said as a denial of the occurrence of the day of resurrection "When is this promise if you are truthful?", therefore, Allah commanded His Messenger to tell them that perhaps it is close to them some of the punishment that they seek to hasten.

 Allah says in the next three verses (73-75) "And indeed, Your Lord is a Possessor of bounty for the people, but most of them do not give thanks, and indeed, You Lord surely knows what their breasts conceal and what they declare, and there is nothing is hidden in the heaven and the earth except in a clear book", that is, Allah assures His Messenger that He is a Possessor of bounty for all people as He does not hasten their punishment but He provides for them all, the believers and the disbelievers, but most of people do not thank Him for His bounty and blessings, and Allah knows what His creation conceal in their breasts and what they declare, and nothing is hidden from Him, and there is nothing is hidden from people in the heavens and the earth except it is in a clear book in which Allah enumerated everything that exists from the beginning of the creation until the day of resurrection, and Allah's Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) said in narration of Ubadah bin Alsamit: ''Verily, the first of what Allah created was the pen, He said to it Write, so it wrote what will be forever"(Jami' Altirmidhi 3319).

 Allah says in the next three verses (76-78) " Indeed, this Quran narrates to the Children of Israel most of that in which they differ, and indeed, it is a guidance and a mercy for the believers, indeed, Your Lord will judge between them with his judgment, and He is Almighty, All-Knower", that is, Allah confirms that the Holy Quran narrates to the Children of Israel most of that in which they differ about their Messengers and their scriptures, and the Holy Quran is a guidance to the right path and a mercy from Allah for the believers where Allah has clarified the truth regarding what His creation differed therein, and a mercy for the believers who believe in it and act according it, and Allah will judge between them with His judgment on the day of resurrection, so He will recompense the disbelievers and reward the believers each according his deeds, and He is the All-Mighty who is Severe in His revenge on those who disobeyed Him, and He is All-Knower of everything.  

 Allah says in the next three verses (79-81) "So Put Your trust upon Allah, indeed, You are on the clear truth, indeed, Yo can not make the dead hear nor can you make the deaf hear the call when they turn back fleeing, and You can not guide the blind from their error, nor can you make hear except whoever believes in Our verses, so they are Muslims", that is, Allah commanded His Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) to put His trust in Him in all His affairs and conditions, and He is on the clear truth, then Allah addresses His Messenger and says to Him You are not able to hear the dead in their graves, and You are not able to convey your words to the deaf who do not hear, and they turning away from You, likewise You are not able to guide the blind to the truth and to turn them away from their misguidance, so the polytheists of Quraish are like the dead, the deaf, and the blind, and You can not guide them to the truth, You can only make hear those who believe in Allah's verses as when they listen to the truth, they are Muslims, submissive, and obedient, and these two verses are the same of Ayat (52,53) of Surat Alroom.

 Allah says in the next four verses (82-85) "And when the word is fulfilled upon them, We will bring forth for them the moving creature from the earth speaking to them that the people were uncertain of Our verses, and the day when We will gather from every nation a regiment of those who deny Our verses, so they will be assembled in rows, until when they will come, He will say Did you deny My verses while you did not encompass them with knowledge or What were you doing?, and the word will be fulfilled against them because they wronged, so they will not speak", that is, when the word of punishment is fulfilled upon mankind, Allah will bring forth for them a moving creature (Alddabah) from the earth, and it will emerge at the end of time when people corrupt, abandon Allah's commands and change the true religion, and when they do not enjoin good nor forbid evil, and it will speak to them that the people were uncertain of Allah's verses, and Allah's Messenger said in narration of Abu Hurayrah: "When three things appear faith will not benefit one who has not previously believed or has derived no good from his faith, the rising of the sun in its place of setting, the Dajjal, and the moving creature of the earth", so Allah's Messenger said in narration of Abu Hurayrah: "Hasten to do good deeds before six things happen the rising of the sun in its place of setting, the smoke, the Dajjal, the moving creature (Alddabah), the death of one of you, or the general turmoil". Then on the day of resurrection Allah will gather a company from every nation who used to deny Allah's verses, and they will be assembled in rows, and they will stand before Allah in the position of reckoning, and He will say to them "Did you deny My verses while you did not encompass them with knowledge or What were you doing?", so they will have no answer or argument that would save them from the punishment because they have wronged themselves in the worldly life with disbelief, stubbornness, and arrogance, so they will not speak.

 Allah says in the next two verses (86,87) "Do they not see that We made the night so that they may rest therein and the day giving light, indeed, in that are signs for a people who believe?, and the day the trumpet will be blown and whoever is in the heavens and whoever is on the earth will be terrified except whom Allah wills, and all will come to Him humiliated", that is, Allah marvels at those who deny His verses saying Do they not see that He made the night in which they rest from the hardship of seeking livelihood during the day, and He made the day luminous so that they can see and work in order to fulfill their needs, then Allah assures that in that are signs for a people who believe in Allah and the greatness of His creation, then Allah cites one of the scenes of the day of resurrection which is the second blowing of the trumpet where after the first blowing of the trumpet, whoever is in the heavens, and whoever is on the earth will fall dead except whom Allah wills as mentioned in Aya (68) of Surat Alzumar, so the second blowing is the blowing of resurrection from the graves, so whoever is in the heavens from the Angels and whoever is on the earth from the Jinn and the men will be terrified from the horrors of that day except whom Allah wills, and they will be those who will come with the good deeds as will come later in Aya (89), and all mankind will come to Allah humiliated.  

 Allah says in the next three verses (88-90) "And You see the mountains thinking them fixed while they pass as the passing of the clouds, the work of Allah who perfected everything, indeed, He is All-Aware of what you are doing, whoever comes with the good deed will have better than it, and they will be secure from the terror of that day, and whoever comes with the evil deed, their faces will be thrown down  in the fire, Are you recompensed except for what you used to do?", that is, Allah addresses His Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) saying You see the mountains thinking them fixed whereas they pass like the passing of the clouds where the mountains and the earth revolve around the sun, but man does not see the rotation of both of them but he can see the passing of the clouds above him, and that is the work of Allah, the One who perfected everything that He has created, and He is All-aware of what His servants do of good or evil and nothing of their deeds is hidden from Him, so He will recompense them for their deeds, therefore, whoever comes with the good deeds will have better than it, and they will be secured from the terror of the day of resurrection, and whoever comes with the evil deeds and do not believe in Allah will be thrown down in the Hellfire, and they will be recompensed for what they used do in the worldly life, where as mentioned in Aya (160) of Surat Alan'am "Whoever comes with the good deed will have ten times the like of it, and whoever comes with the evil deed, then he will not be recompensed except the like of it, and they will not be wronged".

 Allah says in the next verse (91) "I have only been commanded to worship the Lord of this city, the One who made it sacred, and to Him belongs everything, and I have been commanded to be of the Muslims" that is, Allah commanded His Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) to assure the polytheists of Quraish that he has been commanded to worship Allah, the Lord of Mecca, the One who made Mecca a sacred place as no blood will be shed therein, no one will be wronged, no game will be hunted, and no trees will be cut down, so Mecca is a secure sanctuary, while the people around it are being snatched away as mentioned in Aya (67) of Surat Alankaboot, and Allah's Messenger said in narration of Ibn Abbas: "Allah has made this place (Mecca) a sanctuary since the creation of the heavens and the earth and will remain a sanctuary by the sanctity of Allah till the day of resurrection, fighting was not permissible for anyone before Me, and even for Me it was allowed only for a portion of a day, so it is a sanctuary by the sanctity of Allah till the day of resurrection, its thrones should not be uprooted and its game should not be chased, and its fallen things (Luqata) should not be picked up except by one who would announce that publicly, and its vegetation should not be cut", and Allah is the Lord of Mecca and the Lord of everything, then Allah commanded His Messenger to assure them that He has been commanded to be of the Muslims who submit to Allah alone and acknowledge His oneness.

 Allah says in the last two verses (92,93) "And to recite the Quran and whoever is guided, then only he is guided for himself, and whoever goes astray then Say I am only of the warners, and Say praise be to Allah, He will show you His signs and you will recognize them, and Your Lord is not unaware of what you do", that is, Allah commanded His Messenger to recite and convey the Holy Quran to the people of Mecca, so whoever believes in it and follows the truth from his Lord, then only He is guided for himself; because the benefit of his guidance will only return to Him as Allah will reward Him with the best reward, and whoever goes a stray and deviated from the truth from his Lord, then Allah's Messenger is only a warner of the punishment, and Allah will recompense him on the day of resurrection, then Allah commanded His Messenger to say praise be to Allah for His blessings, and He will show them His signs and proofs that indicate Allah's oneness and greatness of His creation in themselves, and in the heavens and the earth, and they will recognize it in order to establish the argument against them, and He is not unaware of what they do as He knows what they declare and what they conceal and nothing is hidden from Him, so He will recompense each for his deeds.

No one Knows its interpretation except Allah

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