33- Surat Alahzab/Tafseer
73 Verses Maddani (revealed in Medina)
A'auzu Bellahi mena alshaiytani alrajeem
I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed Satan
Besmi Ellahi Alrhmani Alraheem
In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
Ya-ayyuha alnnabeyyuo ettqqi ellaha wa la tute-e alkafereena wa almunafeqeena inna Allah kana Aleeman Hakeema (1).
O Prophet! Fear Allah, and Do not obey the disbelievers and the hypocrites, indeed, Allah is All-Knower, All-Wise.
Wa-ttabe' ma youha elaiyka men Rabbeka inna Allaha kana bema ta'maluona khabeera (2).
And Follow what is revealed to You from Your Lord, indeed, Allah is All-Aware of what you do.
Wa tawakkal ala Allahi wa kafa bellahi wakeela (3).
And Put Your trust upon Allah, and Sufficient is Allah as a Guardian.
Ma ja'ala Allahu le-rajulin men qalbaiyni fee jawfehi wa ma ja'ala azwajukumuo alla-e tuzaheruona menhunna aummahatekum wa ma ja'ala adeiya-akum abna-akum zalekum qawlukum be-afwahekum wa Allahu yaquluo alhaqqa wa huwa yahdi alsabeel (4).
Allah has not made for any man two hearts in his chest, and He has not made your wives whom you declare Zihar from them your mothers, and He has not made your adopted sons your sons, that is your saying by your mouths, but Allah says the truth, and He guides to the way.
Ed-uhum leaba-ehim huwa aqsatuo enda Allahi fa-in lam ta'lamuo aba-ahum fa-ekhwanukum fee alddini wa mawaleekum wa laiytha alaiykum junahun feema akhta'tum behi wa laken ma ta'ammadat qulubukum wa kana Allahu Ghafuran Raheema (5).
Call them by their fathers, it is more just with Allah, but if you do not know their fathers, then your brothers in the religion and your friends, and there is no blame upon you in what you made a mistake in it, but what your hearts intended, and Allah is All-forgiving, Most Merciful.
Alnabeyyuo awla bel-mu'meneena men anfusehim wa azwajuhuo aummahatuhum wa aulo alarhami ba'duhum awla beba'din fee ketabi ellahi mena almu'meneena wa almuhajereena ella an taf'aluo ela awleiya-ekum ma'rufan kana zaleka fee alketabi mastuora (6).
The Prophet is closer to the believers than themselves, and His wives are their mothers, and the possessors of womb relations, some of them are closer to others in the Book of Allah than the believers and the Muhajireen except that you do good to your allies, that is written in the book.
Wa iz akhazna mena alnnabeyyina methaqahum wa menka wa men Noohin wa Ibrahima wa Musa wa Eisa ibni Maryama wa akhazna menhum methaqan ghaleeza (7).
And when We took from the Prophets their covenant, and from You, and from Noah, and Abraham, and Muses, and Jesus, the son of Mary, and We took from them a strong covenant.
Le-yas'la alssadeqeena an sedqehim wa a'adda lel-kafereena azaban aleema (8).
That He may ask the truthful about their truthfulness, and He has prepared a painful punishment for the disbelievers.
Ya-ayyuha allazina amanuo ezkuruo ne'mata Allahi alaiykum iz ja'atkum junudun fa-arsalna alaiyhim reehan wa junudan lam tarawha wa kana Allahu bema ta'maluona Baseera (9).
O you who believe! Remember the favor of Allah upon you when the soldiers came to you, and We sent upon them a wind, and soldiers you did not see them, and Allah is All-Seeing of what you do.
Iz ja'ukum men fawqekum wa men asfala menkum wa iz zaghati alabsaruo wa balaghati alqulubuo alhanjera wa tazunnuna bellahi alzzununa (10).
When they came from above you and from below you, and when the eyes were distracted, and the hearts reached the throats, and you assumed about Allah assumption.
Hunaleka ebtuleiya almu'menuona wa zulzeluo zelzalan shadeeda (11).
There the believers were put to a trial, and were shaken with a severe shake.
Wa iz yaquluo almunafequona wa allazina fee qulubehim maradun ma wa'adana Allahu wa rasuluhuo ella ghuruora (12).
And when the hypocrites and those in whose hearts is disease said Allah and His Messenger did not promise us but delusion.
Wa iz qalat ta-efatun menhum ya ahla yathreba la muqama lakum farje-uo wa yasta'zenuo fareequn menhumuo alnnabeiyya yaquluona inna buyutana awratun wa ma heiya be-awratin in youreduona ella ferara (13).
And when a group of them said O people of Yathrib! There is no stand for you, so Go back, and a group of them asked permission from the Prophet saying, indeed, our houses are exposed while they were not exposed, they wanted nothing but fleeing.
Wa laww dukhelat aliyhim men aqtareha thumma su-eluo alfetnata la-atawwha wa ma talabbathuo beha ella yaseera (14).
And if it had been entered upon them from its regions and they had been asked the apostasy, they would have done it, and would not have hesitated over it except a little.
Wa-laqad kanuo ahaduo Allaha men qabluo la youwalluona aladbara wa kana ahduo Allahi mas-aula (15).
And they had made a covenant with Allah before that they would not turn their backs, and the covenant of Allah is to be questioned.
Qul lan yanfa'akum alferaruo in farartum mena almawti awi alqatli wa izan la tuomatta-uona ella qaleela (16).
Say never will the fleeing benefit you if you flee from death or killing, and then you will not to be allowed to enjoy except for a little.
Qul man za allazi ya'semukum mana Allahi in arada bekum su-an aww arada bekum rahmatan wa la yajeduona lahum men duoni ellahi waleyyan wa la naseera (17).
Say who will protect you from Allah if He intends for you a harm or if He intends for you a mercy?, and they will not find for them besides Allah any protector or helper.
Qad ya'lamuo Allahu almu'awweqeena menkum wa alqa-eleena le-ekhwanehim halumma elaiyna wa la ya'tuona alba'sa ella qaleela (18).
Indeed, Allah knows those who hinder among you, and those who say to their brothers Come to us, and they did not come to the fighting except a little.
Ashehhatan alaiykum fa-iza ja'a alkhawfuo ra'aytahum yanzuruona elaiyka taduruo a'ayunuhum ka-allazi yuoghsha aliayhi mena almawti fa-iza zahaba alkhawfuo salaqukum be-alsenatin hedadin ashehhatan ala alkhaiyri aulaeka lam yuo'menuo fa-ahbata Allahu a'amalahum wa kana zaleka ala Allahi yaseera (19).
Miserly against you, and when the fear comes, You see them looking at you, their eyes revolving like the one who faints from the death, but when the fear is gone, they assail you with sharp tongues, miserly towards the good, those have not believed so Allah has nullified their deeds, and that is easy for Allah.
Yahsabuona alahzaba lam yazhabuo wa in ya'ti alahzabuo yawadduo laww annahum baduona fee ala'rabi yas'aluona an anba-ekum wa laww kanuo feekum ma qataluo ella qaleela (20).
They think that the factions have not gone, and if the factions come, they would wish if they were living among the Bedouins, asking about your news, and if they should be among you, they would not fight except for a little.
Laqad kana lakum fee rasuli ellahi auswatun hasanatun leman kana yarjuo Allaha wa alyawma alakhera wa zakara Allaha katheera (21).
Indeed, there is for you in the Messenger of Allah a good example for he who has hope in Allah and the last day, and remembers Allah much.
Wa lamma ra'a almu'menuona alahzaba qaluo haza ma wa'dana Allahu wa rasuluhuo wa sadaqa Allahu wa rasuluhuo wa ma zadahum ella emanan wa tasleema (22).
And when the believers saw the factions, they said this is what Allah and His Messenger had promised us, and Allah and His Messenger had told the truth, and it only increases them in faith and submission.
Mena almu'meneena rejalun sadaquo ma ahaduo Allaha alaiyhi fa-menhum man qada nahbahuo wa menhum man yantaziruo wa ma baddaluo tabdeela (23).
Among the believers, there are men who have been true to their covenant with Allah, so among them is he who has fulfilled his vow, and among them is he who awaits, and they did not alter any alteration.
Le-yajzeiya Allahu alsadeqeena be-sedqehim wa you'azzeba almunafeqeena in sah-a aww yatuba alaiyhim inna Allaha kana Ghafuran Raheema (24).
That Allah may reward the truthful for their truthfulness, and punish the hypocrites if He wills, or turn to them, indeed, Allah is All-Forgiving, Most Merciful.
Wa radda Allahu allazina kafaruo be-ghaiyzehim lam yanaluo khaiyran wa kafa Allahu almu'meneea alqetala wa kana Allahu Qaweyyan Azeeza (25).
And Allah has turned back the disbelievers in their rage, they did not obtain any good, and Allah sufficed the believers the fighting, and Allah is All-Strong, Almighty.
Wa anzala allazina zaharuhum men ahli alketabi men sayaseehim wa qazafa fee qulubehimuo alru'ba fareeqan taqtuluona wa ta'seruona fareeqa (26).
And He brought down those who supported them among the people of the scripture from their fortresses, and cast terror into their hearts, a group you kill, and a group you take as captive.
Wa awrathakum ardahum wa deiyarahum wa amwalahum wa ardan lam tata-uoha wa kana Allahu ala kulli shaiy-in qadeera (27).
And He caused you to inherit their land, and their homes, and their wealth, and a land you have not trodden, and Allah is All-Powerful over everything.
Ya-ayyuha alnnabeyyuo qul le-azwajeka in kuntunna turedna alhayata alduonya wa zeenataha fata'alyyina aumatte-ukunna wa ausarre-hkunna sarahan jameela (28).
O Prophet! Say to your wives if you desire the worldly life and its adornment, then com, I will provide for you, and release you a good release.
Wa in kuntunna turedna Allaha wa rasulahuo wa aldara alakherati fa-inna Allaha a'adda lel-muhsenati menkunna ajran azeema (29).
But if you desire Allah and His Messenger and the home of the Hereafter, then Allah has prepared for the doers of good among you a great reward.
Ya nesa'a alnnabeyyi man ya'ti menkunna be-faheshatin mubayyinatin youda'f laha alazabuo de'faiyni wa kana zaleka ala Allahi yaseera (30).
O wives of the Prophet! whoever from among you commits a clear immorality, the punishment will be doubled for her two folds, and that is easy for Allah.
Wa man yaqnut menkunna lellahi wa rasulehi wa ta'mal salehan nuo'teha ajraha marrataiyni wa a'tadna laha rezqan kareema (31).
And whoever of you stays obedient to Allah and His Messenger and does righteousness, We will give her her reward twice and We have prepared for her a noble provision.
Ya nesa'a alnnabeyyi lastunna ka-ahadin mena alnesa-ee ini ettaqaytunna fa-la takhda'na bel-qawli fa-yatma'a allazi fee qalbehi maradun wa qulna qawlan ma'rufa (32).
O wives of the Prophet! You are not like anyone among the women, if you fear, then Do not be soft in speech lest the one in whose heart is a disease should covet, and Say an appropriate word.
Wa qarna fee buyutekunna wa la tabarrajna tabarruja aljaheliyati alaula wa aqemna alsalata wa ateena alzakata wa ate'na Allaha wa rasulahuo innama youreduo Allahu le-youzheba ankumuo alrejsa ahla albaiyti wa youtahherakum tat-heera (33).
And Stay in your houses, and Do not display yourselves like the display of the former Jahiliyyah, and Establish the prayer, and Give Zakat, and Obey Allah and His Messenger, Allah only intends to remove the filth from you, O people of the house, and to purify you, a purification.
Wa-zkurna ma youtla fee buyutekunna men ayati ellahi wa alhekmati inna Allah kana Lateefan Khabeera (34).
And Remember what is recited in your houses of the verses of Allah and the wisdom, indeed, Allah is All-Subtle, All-aware.
Inna almuslemeena wa almuslemati wa almu'meneena wa almu'menati wa alqaneteena wa alqanetati wa alsadeqeena wa alsadeqati wa alsabereena wa alsaberati wa alkhashe-eena wa alkhashe-ati wa almutasaddeqeena wa almutasaddeqati wa alsaemeena wa alsaemati wa alhafezeena furujahum wa alhafezati wa alzzakereena Allaha katheeran wa alzzakerati a'adda Allahu lahum maghferatan wa ajran azeema (35).
Indeed, the Muslim men and the Muslim women and the believing men and the believing women, and the obedient men and the obedient women, and the truthful men and the truthful women, and the patient men and the patient women, and the humble men and the humble women, and the men who give charity and the women who give charity, and the men who fast and the women who fast, and the men who guard their private parts and the women who guard, and the men who remember Allah much and the women who remember, Allah has prepared for them forgiveness and a great reward.
Wa ma kana le-mu'menin wa la mu'menatin iza qada Allahu wa rasuluhuo amran an yakuna lahumuo alkheratuo men amrehim wa man ya'si ellaha wa rasulahuo fa-qad dalla dalalan mubeena (36).
It is not for a believing man or a believing woman when Allah and His Messenger have decided a matter, that there should be for them any choice about their affair, and whoever disobeys Allah and His Messenger, then indeed, he has gone astray into a clear error.
Wa iz taquluo lellazi an'ama Allahu alaiyhi wa an'amta alaiyhi amsek alaiyka zawjaka wa-ttaqi ellaha wa tuokhfee fee nafseka ma Allahu mubdeehi wa takhsha alnasa wa Allahu ahaqquo an takhshahuo fa-lamma qada Zaidun menha wataran zawwajnakaha le-kai la yakuna ala almumeneena harajun fee azwaji ad-eya-ehim iza qadaww menhunna wataran wa kana amruo Allahi maf-uola (37).
And when You said to the one upon whom Allah bestowed favor and You bestowed favor upon him, Keep you wife to yourself and Fear Allah, and you were concealing within Yourself what Allah is going to disclose, and you fear the people while Allah has more right that You should fear Him, so when Zaid ended his need for her, We gave her to you in marriage, so that there may not be a blame upon the believers concerning the wives of their adopted sons when they have ended need from them, and the command of Allah is accomplished.
Ma kana ala alnnabeyyi men harajin feema farada Allahu lahuo sunnata Allahi fee allazina khalww men qabluo wa kana amruo Allahi qadaran maqduora (38).
There is no blame upon the Prophet in what Allah has imposed upon Him, the rule of Allah in those who passed away before, and the command of Allah is a destined decree.
Allazina youballeghuona resalati ellahi wa yakhshawnahuo wa la yakhshawna ahadan ella Allaha wa kafa bellahi haseeba (39).
Those who convey the messages of Allah, and fear him, and do not fear anyone except Allah, and sufficient is Allah as Accountant.
Ma kana Muhammadun aba ahadin men rejalekum wa laken rasula Allahi wa khatama alnnabeyyena wa kana Allahu be-kulli shaiy-in Aleema (40).
Muhammad is not a father of anyone of your men, but He is the Messenger of Allah and the seal of the Prophets, and Allah is All-Knower of everything.
Ya-ayyuha allazina amanuo ezkuruo Allaha zekran katheera (41).
O you who believe! Remember Allah, much remembrance.
Wa-sabbehuhuo bukratan wa aseela (42).
And Glorify Him morning and evening.
Huwa allazi yousali alaiykum wa malaekatuhuo le-youkhrejakum mena alzulumati ela alnuori wa kana bel-mu'meneena raheema (43).
It is He who sends blessings upon you and His Angels, so that He may bring you out of the darknesses to light, and He is Most-Merciful to the believers.
Taheyyatuhum yawma yalqawnahuo salamun wa a'adda lahum ajran kareema (44).
Their greeting, the day when they will meet Him will be Peace, and He has prepared for them a noble reward.
Ya-ayyuha alnnabeyyuo inna arsalnaka shahedan wa mubashsheran wa nazeera (45).
O Prophet! indeed, We have sent You as a witness and a bearer of glad tidings, and a warner.
Wa da-eiyan ella Allahi be-iznehi wa serajan muneera (46).
And a caller to Allah by His permission, and a luminous lamp.
Wa bashsheri almu'meneena be-anna lahum mena Allahi fadlan kabeera (47).
And Give glad tidings to the believers that for them a great bounty from Allah.
Wa la tute-ee alkafereena wa almunafeqeena wa da' azahum wa tawakkal ala Allahi wa kafa bellahi wakeela (48).
And Do not obey the disbelievers and the hypocrites, and Disregard their harm, and Put Your trust upon Allah, and Sufficient is Allah as a Guardian.
Ya-ayyuha allazina amanuo iza nakahtumuo almu'menati thumma tallaqtumuhunna men qabli an tamassuhunna fa-ma lakum alaiyhenna men eddatin ta'taddunaha famatte-uhunna wa sarrehuhunna sarahan jameela (49).
O you who believe! when you marry the believing women then divorce them before you have touched them, then there is no Iddah for you upon them that you may count, so Provide them and Release them a good release.
Ya-ayyuha alnnabeyyuo inna ahlalna laka azwajaka allati atayta aujurahunna wa ma malakat yameenuka memma afa-a Allahu alaiyka wa banati ammeka wa banati ammateka wa banati khaleka wa banati khalateka allati hajarna ma'aka wa emra-atan mu'mentatan in wahabat nafsaha lel-nnabeyyi in arada alnnabeyyuo an yastankehaha khalesatan laka men duoni almu'meneena qad alemna ma faradna alaiyhim fee azwajehim wa ma malakat aymanuhum le-kaila yakuna alaiyka harajun wa kana Allahu Ghafuran Raheema (50).
O Prophet! Indeed, We have made lawful to You Your wives whom You have given their dowries and those whom Your right hand possesses from those Allah has given to You, and the daughters of Your paternal uncles and the daughters of Your paternal aunts, and the daughters of Your maternal uncles, and the daughters of Your maternal aunts who have migrated with You and a believing woman if she gives herself to the Prophet if the Prophet wishes to marry her, only for you, excluding the believers, indeed, We know what We have imposed upon them concerning their wives and those whom their right hands possess lest there will be any blame upon You, and Allah is All-Forgiving, Most-Merciful.
Tuorjee man tasha-uo menhunna wa tu'wee elaiyka man tasha-uo wa mani ebtaghaiyta memman azalta fala junaha alaiyka zaleka adna an taqarra a'ayunuhunna wa la yahzanna wa yardeena bema ataytahunna kulluhunna wa Allahu ya'lamuo ma fee qulubekum wa kana Allahu Aleeman Haleema (51).
You may put aside whom You will of them and You may take to Yourself whom You will, and whoever You desire of those whom You have put aside, then there is no blame upon You, that is more suitable that their eyes may be cooled, and they do not grieve, and they may be pleased with what You have given them, all of them, and Allah knows what is in your hearts, and Allah is All-Knower, Most Forbearing.
La yahelluo
laka alnesa-uo men ba'du wa la an tabaddala behinna men azwajin walaww
a'ajabaka husnuhunna ella ma malakat yameenuka wa kana Allahu ala kulli
shaiy-in raqeeba (52).
No women are
lawful for you afterwards, and not
to exchange wives for them even if their beauty pleases You except those whom Your right hand possesses, and Allah
is Observer over everything.
allazina amanuo la tadkhuluo buyuta alnnabeyyi ella an you'zana lakun ela
ta-amin ghaiyra nazereena enahuo wa laken iza duo-etum fadkhuluo fa-iza
ta-emtum fantasheruo wa la musta'neseena le-hadithin inna zalekum kana you'zi
alnnabeyya fa-yastahyi menkum wa Allahu la yastahyi mena alhaqqi wa iza
sa'altumuhunna mata-an fas'aluhunna men wara-ee hejabin zalekum at-haruo
le-qulubekum wa qulubehenna wa ma kana lakum an tu'zuo rasula Allahi wa la an
tankehuo azwajahuo men ba'dehi Abadan inna zalekum kana enda Allahi azeema
O you who
believe! Do not enter the houses of the Prophet except when permission is given
to you for food without waiting its preparation, but when you are invited then enter and when you have eaten then
disperse and not seeking to remain for a conversation, indeed that was hurting the Prophet and He is shy of
you, but Allah is not shy of the truth and when you
ask them anything, then ask them from behind a curtain, that is more pure for your hearts and their hearts, and it is not for you that you hurt the Messenger of Allah nor that you ever marry His wives after Him, indeed, that is an enormity with Allah.
In tubduo
shaiy-an aww tukhfuhuo fa-inna Allaha kana be-kulli shaiy-in aleema (54).
Whether you declare a thing or conceal it, indeed, Allah is All-Knower of everything.
La junaha
alaiyhenna fee aba-ehenna wa la abna-ehenna wa la ekhwanehenna wa la abna-ee
ekhwanehenna wa la abna-ee akhawatehenna wa la nesa-ehenna wa la ma malakat
aymanuhunna wattaqeena Allaha inna Allaha kana ala kulli shaiy-in shaheeda
There is no
blame upon them concerning their fathers or their sons or their brothers or the
sons of their brothers or the sons of their sisters or their women or those whom their right hands possess, and fear
Allah indeed, Allah is a Witness over everything.
Inna Allaha
wa malaekatahuo yousalluna ala alnnabeyyi ya-ayyuha allazina amanuo salluo
alaiyhi wa sellemuo tasleema (56).
Indeed, Allah
and His Angels send blessings upon the Prophet, O you who believe! Send
blessings upon Him and greet Him with greetings.
Inna allazina
you'zuna Allaha wa rasulahuo la'anahumuo Allahu fee alduonya wa alakherati wa
a'adda lahum azaban muheena (57).
Indeed those
who hurt Allah and His Messenger Allah has cursed them in the worldly life and the Hereafter, and He has
prepared for them a humiliating punishment.
Wa allazina
you'zuna almu'meneena wa almu'menati be-ghaiyri ma ektasabuo fa-qadi ehtamaluo
buhtanan wa ethman mubeena (58).
And those who
hurt the believing men and the believing women for other than they have
earned, then indeed, they bear a slander and a clear sin.
alnnabeyyuo qul le-azwajeka wa banateka wa nesa-ee almu'meneena youdneena
alaiyhenna men jalabebehenna zaleka adna an you'rafna fa-la you'zaina wa kana
Allahu Ghafuran Raheema (59).
O Prophet!
Say to Your wives and Your daughters and the women of the believers that
they should draw down their garments over them, that is more suitable that they should be known and not be
harmed and Allah is All-Forgiving, Most Merciful.
La-in lam
yantahi almunafequona wa allazina fee qulubehim maradun wa almurjefuona fee
almadenati la-nughreyannaka behim thumma la yujawerunaka feeha ella qaleela
If the
hypocrites and those in whose hearts is disease and those who spread rumors in Madinah do not stop, We
will give You authority over them, then they will not remain Your neighbors therein except for a little.
aynama thuqefuo aukhezuo wa qutteluo taqteela (61).
wherever they are found, they shall be seized, and shall be killed
Allahi fee allazina khalaww men qabluo wa lan tajeda le-sunnati ellahi tabdeela
The rule of Allah on those who passed away before and You will not find any change in the rule of Allah.
alnasuo ani alsa-ati qul innama elmuha enda Allahi wa ma youdreeka la'alla
alsa-ata takunuo qareeba (63).
The people ask
You about the Hour, Say, its knowledge is only with Allah, and How do you know, perhaps the Hour is near.
Inna Allaha
la'ana alkafereena wa a'adda lahum sa-eera (64).
Indeed, Allah
has cursed the disbelievers and has prepared for them a blaze.
therein forever, finding no protector
nor a helper.
tuqallabuo wujuhuhum fee alnari yaquluona ya-laiytana ata'na Allaha wa ata'na
alrasula (66).
The day their faces will be turned
over in the fire, they will say Oh we wish that we had obeyed Allah and had
obeyed the Messenger.
Wa qaluo
Rabbana inna ata'na sadatana wa kubara-ana fa-adalluona alsabeela (67).
And they will
say our Lord, we obeyed our masters and our dignitaries and they led us astray
from the way.
atehim de'faini mena alazabi wal'anhum la'nan kebeera (68).
Our Lord! Give
them double punishment and curse them with a great curse.
allazina amanuo la takunuo kal-lazina azaww Musa fa-barra'ahuo Allahu memma
qaluo wa kana enda Allahi wajeeha (69).
O you who
believe! Do not be like those who hurt Moses,
then Allah cleared Him from what they said, and He was honorable with Allah.
allazina amanuo ettaquo Allaha wa quluo qawlan sadeeda (70).
O you who
believe! Fear Allah and Say a right word.
Yousleh lakum
a'amalakum wa yaghfir lakum zunubakum wa man youte-ee ellaha wa rasulahuo
fa-qad faza fawzan azeema (71).
He will
amend for you your deeds and forgive you your sins and
whoever obeys Allah and His Messenger, indeed, He has attained a great success.
Inna aradna
alamanata ala alsamawati wa alardi wa aljebali fa-abaiyna an yahmelnaha wa
ashfaqna menha wa hamalaha alinsanuo innahuo kana zaluman jahuola (72).
Indeed, We
offered the trust to the heavens and the earth and the mountains but
they refused to bear it, and they feared from it, and the man bore it,
indeed, he was unjust, ignorant.
Allahu almunafeqeena wa almunafeqati wa almushrekeena wa almushrekati wa yatuba
Allahu ala almu'meneena wa almu'menati wa kana Allahu Ghafuoran Raheema (73).
So that Allah
may punish the hypocrite men and the hypocrite women and the polytheist men and
the polytheist women, and Allah will turn to the believing men and the
believing women and Allah is All-forgiving, Most Merciful.
Simplified interpretation:
Surat Alahzab carries many rulings and acknowledgments beginning with the prohibition of obeying the hypocrites and the polytheists, the prohibition of Zihar, and the prohibition of adoption, then Allah cites some scenes of the battle of Alkhandaq, and how He had helped the believers with the wind and the Angels, and how was the condition of the hypocrites who conceal disbelief and declare belief, and the condition of the believers who put their trust in Allah, and Allah also cites some scenes of the battle of Banu Qurayza who broke their covenant with Allah's Messenger Muhammad (PBUH), and helped the polytheists in the battle of Alkhandaq. Surat Alahzab also deals with the story of the Prophet's marriage to Zainab Bint Jahsh, then Allah has set some rulings for the wives of Allah's Messenger, and how Muslims should deal with them during the life of Allah's Messenger and after His death, and then the obligation of hijab upon the Muslim women.
Allah says in the first three verses (1-3) "O Prophet! Fear Allah, and Do not obey the disbelievers and the hypocrites, indeed, Allah is All-Knower, All-Wise, and Follow what is revealed to You from Your Lord, indeed, Allah is All-Aware of what you do, and Put Your trust upon Allah, and Sufficient is Allah as a Guardian", that is, Allah commanded His Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) to fear Him by fulfilling His duties and avoiding His prohibitions, and not to obey the disbelievers and the hypocrites for they are enemies to the Muslims even if they show otherwise, and Allah alone knows what is in their hearts where He is All-Knower of His creation, All-Wise who manages His creation with wisdom in His laws and destiny, then Allah commanded His Messenger to follow the Holy Quran which He has revealed to Him, and He is All-Aware of what they do secretly and openly, and nothing is hidden from Him, and then Allah commanded Him to put His trust upon Him in all His affairs and conditions, and Allah is Sufficient as a Guardian for he who puts His trust upon Him and turns to Him.
Allah says in the next verse (4) "Allah has not made for any man two hearts in his chest, and He has not made your wives whom you declare Zihar from them your mothers, and He has not made your adopted sons your sons, that is your saying by your mouths, but Allah says the truth, and He guides to the way", that is, Allah did not make for any man two hearts in his chest, rather it is one heart that carries belief or disbelief, and follows the truth or the desires, and Allah did not make the wives whom they declare Zihar from them their mothers as they used to declare Zihar from their wives by saying "you are like my mother's back" viz he prevents sexual intercourse between them, so Allah has forbidden Zihar and has made the expiation of Zihar in Ayat (3,4) of Surat Almujadilah. Allah also did not make your adopted sons your sons, and that is your saying by your mouths for your wives are not your mothers, and the adoption does not make him a real son while he was created from another man, and it does not give the adopted son the rights of the real sons in terms of inheritance and other things, and Allah says the truth, and He guides to the straight path.
Allah says in the next verse (5) "Call them by their fathers, it is more just with Allah, but if you do not know their fathers, then your brothers in the religion and your friends, and there is no blame upon you in what you made a mistake in it, but what your hearts intended, and Allah is All-forgiving, Most Merciful", that is, Allah forbids the adoption and commands the Muslims to call their adopted sons to their real fathers, and as narrated by Abdullah Bin Umar: "We used not to call Zaid Bin Haritha, the freed slave of Allah's Messenger (PBUH) except Zaid Bin Muhammad till the Quranic verse was revealed "Call them by their fathers, it is more just with Allah", and if they did not know their real father, so they are their brothers in the religions and their friends not their sons, and there is no blame upon you in what you made a mistake in it, but the blame is upon those who deliberately call them to others while they know their real fathers, and our Prophet said in narration of Sa'd and Abu Bakra: ''He who claimed for another one his fatherhood besides his own father and he knows that he is not his father, the Paradise is forbidden to him". And Allah is All-Forgiving and Most Merciful for those who repent, believe, and do righteous deeds.
Allah says in the next verse (6) "The Prophet is closer to the believers than themselves, and His wives are their mothers, and the possessors of womb relations, some of them are closer to others in the Book of Allah than the believers and the Muhajireen except that you do good to your allies, that is written in the book", that is, Allah declares that His Messenger is closer to the believers than themselves, and as narrated by Abu Hurayrah: "The Prophet said there is no believer but I, of all the people, I am the closest to him both in the worldly life and in the Hereafter, Recite if you wish "The Prophet is closer to the believers than themselves", so if a believer leaves some property then his relatives will inherit that property, but if he is in debt or he leaves poor children, let those come to Me, for them I am his sponsor". So Allah's Messenger used to pay the debt to the creditors and provide the children of the poor believers. Allah declares that the wives of Allah's Messenger are the mothers of the believers, so they must revere and respect them, and it is not permissible to marry them after the death of Allah's Messenger as will come later in Aya (53). And Allah declares that the possessors of womb relations inherit each other as some of them are closer to others in the Book of Allah than the believers and the the Muhajireen (Emigrants), where the Muhajireen used to inherit the Ansar after the emigration of Allah's Messenger to Medina when Allah's Messenger established the bonds of brotherhood between the Ansar and the Muhajireen, so Allah restored the inheritance to its normal rule, and it remained to them to do a favor to their allies from among the Muhajireen with a charity or a will where Allah assured that the Ansar and the Muhajireen are allies of one another as mentioned in Aya (72) of Surat Ala'raf, and that is written in the book with Allah that the inheritance is for the womb relations, and they are closer to each other.
Allah says in the next two verses (7,8) "And when We took from the Prophets their covenant, and from You, and from Noah, and Abraham, and Muses, and Jesus, the son of Mary, and We took from them a strong covenant, that He may ask the truthful about their truthfulness, and He has prepared a painful punishment for the disbelievers", that is, Allah has taken from all the prophets their covenant to establish the religion and to convey His message to His servants, and He has taken the covenant in particular from those of determination of the Messengers, who are Muhammad, Noah, Abraham, Muses, and Jesus peace be upon them, to establish the religion, and do not divided therein as He has legislated for them one religion as mentioned in Aya (13) of Surat Alshura, and Allah has taken from them a strong covenant so that He may ask the Messengers who are the truthful on the day of resurrection about their truthfulness in conveying Allah's message to their people, about what their people answered them with, and about what they did in what they conveyed to them, and Allah has prepared a painful torment for the disbelievers who denied and opposed their Messengers.
Allah says in the next three verses (9-11) "O you who believe! Remember the favor of Allah upon you when the soldiers came to you, and We sent upon them a wind, and soldiers you did not see them, and Allah is All-Seeing of what you do, when they came from above you and from below you, and when the eyes were distracted, and the hearts reached the throats, and you assumed about Allah assumption, there the believers were put to a trial, and were shaken with a severe shake", that is, Allah commanded the believers to remember His favor upon them in the battle of Alkhandaq (The trench) in the month of Shawwal in the fifth year of Hijrah, where the Jews of Banu Alnadir, whom Allah's Messenger had expelled from Almadinah as mentioned in Surat Alhashr, went to the nobles of Quraish, and called them to war against Allah's Messenger and promised them victory and help, so Quraish answered them to that, then they went to Ghatfan tribe and they answered them as well, thereupon, Quraish went out under the leadership of Abu Sufyan Sakhr Bin Harb, while Ghatfan went out under the leadership of auyaynah Bin Hisn Bin Badr, and they all were about ten thousands. When Allah's Messenger heard of their march, He went out in an army of about three thousands and encamped in Sal', leaving the women and the children in Almadinah under the leadership of Ibn Umm Maktom, then He ordered the Muslims to dig a trench around Almadinah in the direction of the east, and that was the proposal of Salman Alfarisi, so the Muslims worked hard and Allah's Messenger transported the dust and dug with them, then the polytheists came and encamped to the east of Madinah near the mount of Uhud, and a group of them encamped in the highlands of Madinah.
Banu Qurayza was a group of Jews living in the east of Madinah under the leadership of Ka'b Bin Asad Alqurazi, and they had a covenant with Allah's Messenger, but Huyay Bin Akhtab Alnadri (A Jew from Banu Alnadir) went to them and stayed with them till they broke their covenant with Allah's Messenger, then they joined Quraish and Ghatfan, thus, Quraish and Ghatfan came to the Muslims from above them and Banu Qurayza came to the Muslims from blow them, so it was also called the battle of Alahzab (The factions); because they gathered to fight the Muslims, so as narrated By Ibn Abu Awfa, Allah's Messenger cursed them and said: "O Allah! Revealer of the book, Swift in reckoning, Put the factions to rout, O Lord! defeat them and shake them". So when the Muslims saw them, their eyes were distracted, and their hearts reached the throats from the intensity of fear, and they assumed about Allah different assumptions for the believers were put to a trial, and were shaken with a severe shake with fear and fighting till the believers are distinguished from the hypocrites as the hypocrites thought that Allah will not help them.
The siege remained for nearly a month without fighting except that Amr Bin Abd Wud Alameri and some cavalry stormed the trench and reached the Muslims' side in Sal', then Ali Bin Abi Talib went out with a group of Muslims and they fought for an Hour, and Ali killed Amr and when his companions saw that Ali had killed him, they stormed the trench, returning with their horses, and were defeated and fled, and that was a sign of the victory of Muslims, then Allah sent upon them a strong wind until there was no tent left for them or anything, and no fire was kindled for them, and Our Prophet said in narration of Ibn Abbas: "I have been helped by the east wind (Alsaba) and Ad were destroyed by the west wind (Alddabour). Allah also sent the Angels to help the Muslims, and they cast terror and fear into their hearts until they set out disappointed and losers.
Allah says in the next three verses (12-14) ''And when the hypocrites and those in whose hearts is disease said Allah and His Messenger did not promise us but delusion, and when a group of them said O people of Yathrib! There is no stand for you, so Go back, and a group of them asked permission from the Prophet saying, indeed, our houses are exposed while they were not exposed, they wanted nothing but fleeing, and if it had been entered upon them from its regions and they had been asked the apostasy, they would have done it, and would not have hesitated over it except a little", that is, the hypocrites who show belief and conceal disbelief and those in whose hearts is doubt about the religion of Allah assumed about Allah bad assumption and said that the promise of Allah and His Messenger that victory will be for the believers is nothing but delusion, and some of them said to the people of Yathrib (Medina), there is no place for you in the battlefield, so return to your homes, and some of them claimed that their homes are at risk, but they are not, they just want to flee from the battlefield. Then Allah assured that if the enemy entered Almadinah upon them from every side, and asked them to apostate from their religion and return to disbelief, they would have done it, and would not have been hesitated over it except a little for they will disbelieve quickly, and will not cling to the faith.
Allah says in the next three verses (15-17) "And they had made a covenant with Allah before that they would not turn their backs, and the covenant of Allah is to be questioned, Say never will the fleeing benefit you if you flee from death or killing, and then you will not to be allowed to enjoy except for a little, Say who will protect you from Allah if He intends for you a harm or if He intends for you a mercy?, and they will not find for them besides Allah any protector or helper", that is, the hypocrites had made a covenant with Allah before that they will not flee from the battlefield and they will fight in the cause of Allah, but they broke their covenant and Allah will ask them about it on the day of resurrection, then Allah assures them that their fleeing from death or killing will not benefit them as it will not prolong their lives, and they will not enjoy the worldly life except for a little till their lives end. And there is no one to save them from Allah if He intends to them harm or death, or if He intends for them a mercy or victory, they just will face what Allah has destined for them, and they will not find for them besides Allah any protector or helper.
Allah says in the next three verses (18-20) "Indeed, Allah knows those who hinder among you, and those who say to their brothers Come to us, and they did not come to the fighting except a little, miserly against you, and when the fear comes, You see them looking at you, their eyes revolving like the one who faints from the death, but when the fear is gone, they assail you with sharp tongues, miserly towards the good, those have not believed so Allah has nullified their deeds, and that is easy for Allah, they think that the factions have not gone, and if the factions come, they would wish if they were living among the Bedouins, asking about your news, and if they should be among you, they would not fight except for a little", that is, Allah knows those who prevent others from fighting with Allah's Messenger, and those who say to their brothers and companions Come to us and Leave the battlefield, and they did not come to the fighting except a little out of their fear of death. They are stingy and cowardly, as when the time of fighting comes, they are cowardly, as their eyes revolving out of intensity fear like the one who gets faint from the death, but when the fear is gone, they assail the Muslims with sharp tongues, and they are stingy with good and there is no good in them as they do not believe, so Allah nullified their deeds, and that easy for Allah. They think that the factions (Quraish, Ghatfan, and Qurayza) did not leave the battlefield, but they did, and if the factions return to fight again, they wish that they would not be in Almadinah, but rather in the desert among the Bedouins, asking about Muslims news and what was their affair with their enemy, and if they were among the Muslims, they would not fight except for a little for their cowardice and fear of killing.
Allah says in the next two verses (21,22) "Indeed, there is for you in the Messenger of Allah a good example for he who has hope in Allah and the last day, and remembers Allah much, and when the believers saw the factions, they said this is what Allah and His Messenger had promised us, and Allah and His Messenger had told the truth, and it only increases them in faith and submission", that is, Allah blames the believers who lag behind Allah's Messenger and His encampment as there is a good example for them in Allah's Messenger in His words, His deeds, and His conditions, so they should be with Him wherever He is, and do not lag behind Him, and that for he who has hope in Allah's mercy, and the reward on the day of resurrection, and remembers Allah much in fear, distress, and prosperity. But as for the believers, when they saw the factions, they said this is what Allah and His Messenger had promised us of hardship and trial that will be followed by the near victory, and Allah and His Messenger had told the truth, and that trial did not increase them except in faith and submission to Allah, in compliance to His commands, and obedience to His Messenger.
Allah says in the next verse (23) "Among the believers, there are men who have been true to their covenant with Allah, so among them is he who has fulfilled his vow, and among them is he who awaits, and they did not alter any alteration", that is, Allah describes the believers who have been true to their covenant with Him that not to turn their backs, to fight in His cause, and to be patient in adversity, so among them is he who has fulfilled his vow, and martyred in the cause of Allah, and among them is he who awaits to fulfill his vow, and they did not change their covenant with Allah. This Aya was lost at the time of collecting the Holy Quran where as narrated by Zaid Bin Thabit: "When we collected the fragmentary manuscripts of the Quran into copies, I missed one of the verses of Surat Alahzab which I used to hear Allah's Messenger reading, finally I did not find it with anybody except Khuzaima Alansari whose witness was considered by Allah's Messenger equal to the witness of two men, and that verse was "Among the believers, there are men who have been true to their covenant with Allah". And Anas Bin Malik said about the cause of its revelation: "My paternal uncle Anas Bin Alnadr, after whom I was named, did not participate in the battle of Badr with the Messenger of Allah, this distressed him and he said I was absent from the first battle which the Messenger of Allah attended "By Allah! If Allah gives me the opportunity to participate in another battle along with the Messenger of Allah, then Allah will see what I will do", He said he did not want to say more than that, a year later, he attended the battle of Uhud, where he saw Sa'd Bin Muaz and said O Abu Amr where are you going?, he said I long for the fragrance of Paradise and I have found it near the mountains of Uhud, he fought them until he was killed, they found more than eighty wounds on his body, be they from the blows of a sword, puncture wounds or arrows, my paternal aunt Alruba'i Bint Alnadr said I could not recognize my brother except by his finger tips, and this Aya was revealed ''Among the believers, there are men who have been true to their covenant with Allah, so among them is he who has fulfilled his vow, and among them is he who awaits, and they did not alter any alteration". And also as narrated by Musa Bin Talhah: "I entered upon Mu'awiyah and he said Shall I not give you some good news?, I said of course! he said I heard the Messenger of Allah saying Talhah is among those who fulfilled their vow".
Allah says in the next two verses (24,25) "That Allah may reward the truthful for their truthfulness, and punish the hypocrites if He wills, or turn to them, indeed, Allah is All-Forgiving, Most Merciful, and Allah has turned back the disbelievers in their rage, they did not obtain any good, and Allah sufficed the believers the fighting, and Allah is All-Strong, Almighty", that is, Allah had put the Muslims in the trial in order to distinguish the believers from the hypocrites so that He may reward the truthful for their truthfulness as they fulfilled their covenant with Allah, and that He may punish the hypocrites who broke their covenant as they had made a covenant with Allah before that they would not turn their backs as shown above in Aya (15), so they deserved Allah's punishment, but they under His will, if He wills, He will punish them or He will turn to them in mercy and forgiveness by accepting their repentance and guiding them to turn away from hypocrisy to faith for He is All-Forgiving and Most Merciful for those who repent, believe, and do righteous deeds. Allah has turned back the disbelievers (the factions) from Almadinah in their wrath when the wind and the divine soldiers were sent upon them, so they dispersed and became losers, and they did not obtain any good in terms of victory or spoils, thus, Allah sufficed the believers, so they did not enter into a battle in order to be victorious over their enemy, and Allah is the All-Strong who is Capable of everything in the heavens and on the earth, and He is All-Mighty who is Severe in His revenge on those who disobeyed Him.
Allah says in the next two verses (26,27) "And He brought down those who supported them among the people of the scripture from their fortresses, and cast terror into their hearts, a group you kill, and a group you take as captive, and He caused you to inherit their land, and their homes, and their wealth, and a land you have not trodden, and Allah is All-Powerful over everything", that is, Banu Qurayza had broken their covenant with Allah's Messenger and joined the factions in the war against Muslims as shown above, so when they were defeated, they returned to Almadinah, and the Muslims also returned to Almadinah, but Allah commanded them to fight Banu Qurayza, where as narrated by Aisha and Abu Sa'id Alkhudri, When Allah's Messenger returned from Alkhandaq and laid down his arms and took a bath, the Angel Gabriel appeared to Him and was removing dust from His hair (As if Gabriel had just returned from a battle), and Gabriel said: You have laid down arms, by Allah! We have not yet laid them down, so March against them, Allah's Messenger asked Where?, He pointed to Banu Qurayza, so Allah's Messenger fought against them, they surrendered at the command of the Messenger of Allah, but He referred the decision about them to Sa'd Bin Mu'az, and they surrendered accepting the decision of Sa'd, accordingly, Allah's Messenger sent for Sa'd who came to them riding a donkey, when he approached the mosque, the Messenger of Allah said to Alansar Stand to your chieftain, then He said to Sa'd: These people have surrendered accepting your decision, He said, You will kill their fighters, and capture their women and children, and their properties distributed, the Prophet said to him you have adjudged by the command of Allah, thus, Allah brought down the Jews of Banu Qurayza from their fortresses, and cast terror into their hearts, and the Muslims killed those of them who can fight, and take their women and children as captives, and Allah cause them to inherit their land, their homes, and their properties, and Allah promised them a land they have not trodden before in other conquests, and He is Able to do whatever He wants, and neither impediment nor inability can prevent Him from doing whatever He wills.
Allah says in the next two verses (28,29) "O Prophet! Say to your wives if you desire the worldly life and its adornment, then com, I will provide for you, and release you a good release, but if you desire Allah and His Messenger and the home of the Hereafter, then Allah has prepared for the doers of good among you a great reward", that is, Allah commanded His Messenger to give His wife the choice of the worldly life and its adornment, so He will divorce them, then they will go to someone else with whom the worldly life and its adornment will be obtained for them, or the choice of Allah, His Messenger, and the Hereafter by being patient with what He has of hardships, then they will have a great reward with Allah, and when Allah's Messenger did that, all of them chose Allah, His Messenger, and the Hereafter, thereupon, Allah has combined for them the good of the worldly life, and the happiness of the Hereafter, and as narrated by Aisha: ''Allah's Messenger came to me when Allah ordered Him to give option to His wives, so Allah's Messenger started with me, saying, I am going to mention to you something but you should not hasten (to give your reply) unless you consult your parents, He knew that my parents would not order me to leave him, then He said Allah says: "O Prophet! Say to your wives if you desire the worldly life and its adornment, then com, I will provide for you, and release you a good release, but if you desire Allah and His Messenger and the home of the Hereafter, then Allah has prepared for the doers of good among you a great reward", on that I said to Him, then Why should I consult my parents?, verily, I seek Allah, His Messenger and the Home of the Hereafter, then all the other wives of the Prophet did the same as I did".
Allah says in the next two verses (30,31) "O wives of the Prophet! whoever from among you commits a clear immorality, the punishment will be doubled for her two folds, and that is easy for Allah,and whoever of you stays obedient to Allah and His Messenger and does righteousness, We will give her her reward twice and We have prepared for her a noble provision", that is, Allah had admonished the wives of Allah's Messenger who had chosen Allah, His Messenger, and the Hereafter of their own ruling without other women that whoever from among them commits a clear immorality such as arrogance, disobedience, and bad behavior, the punishment will be doubled for her two folds out of their honorable status and their superiority over all other women, and that is easy for Allah, but on the other hand, whoever of them stays obedient to Allah and His Messenger and does righteous deeds, Allah will double her reward, and He has prepared for her a noble provision in Paradise.
Allah says in the next three verses (32-34) "O wives of the Prophet! You are not like anyone among the women, if you fear, then Do not be soft in speech lest the one in whose heart is a disease should covet, and Say an appropriate word, and Stay in your houses, and Do not display yourselves like the display of the former Jahiliyyah, and Establish the prayer, and Give Zakat, and Obey Allah and His Messenger, Allah only intends to remove the filth from you, O people of the house, and to purify you, a purification, and Remember what is recited in your houses of the verses of Allah and the wisdom, indeed, Allah is All-Subtle, All-aware", that is, Allah assures that the wives of His Messenger are not like anyone among the women, so He forbade them from bad manners and enjoined upon them some good manners, and the Muslim women should follow them, so if they fear Allah, they should not speak softly when addressing Non-mahram men lest the one who is weak in faith should covet them, rather, they should say an appropriate and good saying. Allah also ordered them to stay at their houses and do not go out without need, and not to display themselves like the display of the former Jahiliyyah (Pre-Islamic era) whether with clothes, adornment or walking that seduces men, then Allah ordered them to establish the prayer, to give Zakat (obligatory charity), to obey Allah and His Messenger for Allah intends to do away with the filth from the people of the house of Allah's Messenger and to purify them a good purification, and as narrated by Umar Bin Abi Salamah, the step-son of the Prophet: "When these Ayat were revealed to the Prophet "Allah only intends to remove the filth from you, O people of the house, and to purify you, a purification", in the house of Umm Salama (The wife of the Prophet), Allah's Prophet called for Fatimah, Hassan, and Husain, and wrapped them in the cloak, and Ali was behind Him, so He wrapped Him in the cloak, then He said O Allah! These are the people of My house, so remove the filth (rejs) from them, and purify them with a thorough purification, so Umm Salalmah said and I Prophet of Allah?, He said you are in your place (meaning you are already a member of My household), and you are goodness". Then Allah commanded the wives of Allah's Messenger to remember what is recited in their houses of the verses of Allah and the wisdom which is a blessing that they are singled out with from among the people, so they must act according to what Allah has revealed in their houses of the Holy Quran and the Sunnah, and Allah is All-Subtle in what He wills; For if He decrees a matter, He places reasons for it, and facilitates it, All-Aware whose ability and knowledge encompass everything, so Allah is All-Subtle to them with the blessings that He gave them, All-Aware of what is good for His servants.
Allah says in the next verse (35) "Indeed, the Muslim men and the Muslim women and the believing men and the believing women, and the obedient men and the obedient women, and the truthful men and the truthful women, and the patient men and the patient women, and the humble men and the humble women, and the men who give charity and the women who give charity, and the men who fast and the women who fast, and the men who guard their private parts and the women who guard, and the men who remember Allah much and the women who remember, Allah has prepared for them forgiveness and a great reward", that is, Allah did not differentiate between the men and the women in forgiveness and reward if they believed and did righteous deeds, so the Muslim men and the Muslim women, the believing men and the believing women who are higher in faith than the Muslim men and Muslim women, the obedient men and the obedient women to Allah in what He commands and forbids, the truthful men and the truthful women in their sayings and deeds, the patient men and the patient women over hardships and calamities and over performing acts of obedience and avoiding acts of disobedience, , the humble men and the humble women whose hearts fear Allah and His punishment, the men who give charity and the women who give charity in the way of Allah to the needy and the poor whether obligatory charity (Zakat) or alms, and the men who fast and the women who fast the month of Ramadan and voluntary fasting, the men who guard their private parts and the women who guard it from adultery and shameful acts, the men who remember Allah much and the women who remember Allah much, Allah has prepared for them forgiveness and a great reward in Paradise.
Allah says in the next verse (36) "It is not for a believing man or a believing woman when Allah and His Messenger have decided a matter, that there should be for them any choice about their affair, and whoever disobeys Allah and His Messenger, then indeed, he has gone astray into a clear error", that is, when Allah and His Messenger decided a matter, then it is not for a believing man or a believing women to choose form their affairs other than Allah and His Messenger have decided, and it is not for them to disobey Allah and His Messenger as whoever disobeys Allah and His Messenger regarding a matter or a prohibition, certainly, he has went astray into a clear error, so he has taken a path other than the path of guidance.
Allah says in the next verse (37) "And when You said to the one upon whom Allah bestowed favor and You bestowed favor upon him, Keep you wife to yourself and Fear Allah, and you were concealing within Yourself what Allah is going to disclose, and you fear the people while Allah has more right that You should fear Him, so when Zaid ended his need for her, We gave her to you in marriage, so that there may not be a blame upon the believers concerning the wives of their adopted sons when they have ended need from them, and the command of Allah is accomplished", that is, this verse was revealed concerning Zainab Bint Jahsh and Zaid Bin Haritha as narrated by Anas Bin Malik, and Aisha said: "If the Prophet (PBUH) was to have hidden anything from the revelation, then He would have hidden this Aya. Zaid Bin Haritha was the freed slave of Allah's Messenger, and the companions used to call him Zaid Bin Muhammad as shown above in Aya (5), and Allah has bestowed upon him with guidance to Islam, and Allah's Messenger has bestowed upon him with freeing from slavery, thereafter, Zaid married Zainab Bint Jahsh, the daughter of the Prophet's aunt ''Aumayma Bint abdualmuttalib", and as narrated by Anas, Zaid had come to the Prophet complaining Zainab, and He wanted to divorce her, so he consulted with the Prophet, the Prophet said "Keep your wife to yourself, and Fear Allah", so Allah said to His Messenger "You were concealing within Yourself what Allah is going to disclose", as He knew that she will be one of His wives but He hid that and ordered Zaid not to divorce her, and Allah is going to disclose that matter, Allah's Messenger was afraid that people would say, He ordered Zaid to divorce His wife in order to marry her, or they would say He has married the ex-wife of His son as they claimed, but Allah has more right that His Messenger should fear Him, so when Zaid ended his need for Zainab, Allah gave her to Allah's Messenger in marriage, and as narrated by Anas when this Aya was revealed, Zainab used to boast to the wives of the Prophet and said "Your families married you to Him while Allah married me to Him from above the seven heavens". Allah has permitted His Messenger to marry Zainab in order not to be a blame upon the believers in marrying the divorced women of their adopted sons when they have ended need from them, and the command of Allah is accomplished regarding the marriage of Allah's Messenger to Zainab Bint Jahsh.
Allah says in the next three verses (38-40) "There is no blame upon the Prophet in what Allah has imposed upon Him, the rule of Allah in those who passed away before, and the command of Allah is a destined decree, those who convey the messages of Allah, and fear him, and do not fear anyone except Allah, and sufficient is Allah as Accountant, Muhammad is not a father of anyone of your men, but He is the Messenger of Allah and the seal of the Prophets, and Allah is All-Knower of everything", that is, there is no blame upon Allah's Messenger in what Allah has imposed upon Him regarding marrying Zainab after Zaid divorced her, and that is the rule of Allah in the Prophets who passed away before as He would not blame His Prophet for what He has made lawful for Him, and the command of Allah is a destined decree for it will inevitably happen, and the rule of Allah has come true upon His Prophets who convey His messages to His servants, and fear Allah and do not fear anyone but Him, and no one can prevent them from conveying Allah's message, and sufficient is Allah as Accountant of the deeds of His servants, so He will judge between them and will support and help His Messengers over those who deny them. Then Allah assures that Muhammad is not a father of anyone of your men, but He is the Messenger of Allah and the seal of the Prophets, so He is not the father of Zaid or anyone else, where as narrated by Dawud Bin Abi Hind from Alsha'bi regarding this Aya, he said ''No male children of His would live among them'' for Alqasem and Abdullah were born to Him from Khadija and both died before reaching puberty, and Ibrahim was born to Him from Maria Alqebteyyah, and He also died while he was an infant.
Allah says in the next four verses (41-44) "O you who believe! Remember Allah, much remembrance, and Glorify Him morning and evening, it is He who sends blessings upon you and His Angels, so that He may bring you out of the darknesses to light, and He is Most-Merciful to the believers, their greeting, the day when they will meet Him will be Peace, and He has prepared for them a noble reward", that is, Allah commanded the believers to remember Him abundantly at all times and conditions, and Allah has promised the men and the women who remember Him much with forgiveness and a noble reward as shown above in Aya (35), then Allah commanded the believers to glorify Him morning and evening, and how the believers not remember their Lord while He sends His blessings upon them, and the Angles ask forgiveness for those who repent and follow Allah's way as mentioned in Aya (7) of Surat Ghafir, thereupon, Allah and His Angels sends blessings upon the believers so that Allah may bring them out of the darknesses of misguidance into the light of guidance and belief, and He is Most Merciful to the believers in the worldly life and in the Hereafter, just as He brought them out of the darknesses into the light in the worldly life, He will save them from the punishment of Hellfire on the day of resurrection, and He will greet them that day with "Peace", and it is a word from a Merciful Lord as mentioned in Aya (58) of Surat Yaseen, and Allah has prepared for them a noble reward which Paradise and its bliss.
Allah says in the next four verses (45-48) "O Prophet! indeed, We have sent You as a witness and a bearer of glad tidings, and a warner, and a caller to Allah by His permission, and a luminous lamp, and Give glad tidings to the believers that for them a great bounty from Allah, and Do not obey the disbelievers and the hypocrites, and Disregard their harm, and Put Your trust upon Allah, and Sufficient is Allah as a Guardian", that is, Allah addresses His Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) and says that He is a witness to His Ummah that He has conveyed to them the message of His Lord in the fullest way, a bearer of glad tidings of Paradise for those who obey Allah, a warner of Hellfire for those who disobey Him, and as narrated by Ata' bin Yasar: "I met Abdullah bin Amr bin Alas and asked Him Tell me about the description of Allah's Messenger (PBUH) in the Torah, he said yes, By Allah! He is described in the Torah by some of His description in the Quran, O Prophet! Indeed, We have sent You as a witness and a bearer of glad tidings, and a warner, and the Guardian of the illiterate, You are My servant and My Messenger, I have named you Almutawakkil (who puts His trust upon Allah), He is not discourteous, harsh, nor does He speak loudly in the markets, and He does not repel evil with evil, but rather, He pardons and forgives, and Allah will not let Him die until He makes straight the crooked religion through Him by making them say there is no God but Allah, by which He will open blind eyes, and deaf ears and enveloped hearts" (Sahih Albukhari 2125). And Allah has sent His Messenger as a caller to Allah by His permission, so He invites people to acknowledge Allah's oneness and to abandon other gods and idols, and He is a luminous lamp who lights the way to Allah with the truth He was sent with from His Lord, thereupon, Allah commanded Him to give the believers glad tidings of a great bounty from Allah as a reward of their obedience, then Allah commanded Him for the second time, as mentioned above in Ayat (1,3), not to obey the disbelievers and the hypocrites for they are enemies to the Muslims even if they show otherwise, to disregard their harm, and to put His trust in Allah in all His affairs and conditions, and Allah is Sufficient as a Guardian for he who puts his trust in Him and turns to Him.
Allah says in the next verse (49) "O you who believe! when you marry the believing women then divorce them before you have touched them, then there is no Iddah for you upon them that you may count, so Provide them and Release them a good release", that is, if a man contracts his marriage, and he does not have sexual intercourse with his wife yet, then he divorced her, so there is no Iddah for him upon her, which is the waiting period for three menstrual cycles before marrying from another man as mentioned in Surat Albaqarah Aya (228), so if a woman is divorced before having sexual intercourse with her husband, she does not have to wait for Iddah as she can marry whomever she wants immediately, and there is no exception is made from this except for the woman whose husband had died, where she should wait for iddah (four months and ten days) even if she had not intercourse with her husband. Then Allah commanded man, if he divorced his wife in this case, to compensate her and to release her a good release, where if he named a dowry for her, she entitled to only half, but if he did not name a dowry for her, then he gives her a gift of compensation according to his capability as mentioned in Ayat (236,237) of Surat Albaqarah.
Allah says in the next verse (50) "O Prophet! Indeed, We have made lawful to You Your wives whom You have given their dowries and those whom Your right hand possesses from those Allah has given to You, and the daughters of Your paternal uncles and the daughters of Your paternal aunts, and the daughters of Your maternal uncles, and the daughters of Your maternal aunts who have migrated with You and a believing woman if she gives herself to the Prophet if the Prophet wishes to marry her, only for you, excluding the believers, indeed, We know what We have imposed upon them concerning their wives and those whom their right hands possess lest there will be any blame upon You, and Allah is All-Forgiving, Most-Merciful", that is, Allah has made lawful to His Messenger His wives whom He has given their dowries, the captive women whom Allah has given to Him, the daughters of His paternal uncles, paternal aunts, maternal uncles, and maternal aunts who have migrated with Him to Madinah, and a believing woman if she offers herself to Him if He wishes to marry her, and Allah has made this lawful to Him alone not for the believers as it not permissible for a woman to give herself to a man without the consent of her guardian, nor a dowry, and nor witnesses except for the Prophet, but as for the believers Allah has restricts them to four free wives, and whatever they wants of their slave women, and stipulates the presence of a guardian, a dowry, and witnesses for the validity of the marriage, and Allah has made these women lawful to His Messenger lest there will be any blame or sin upon Him in marrying whomever He wants, And Allah is All-Forgiving and Most Merciful for those who repent, believe, and do righteous deeds.
Allah says in the next verse (51) "You may put aside whom You will of them and You may take to Yourself whom You will, and whoever You desire of those whom You have put aside, then there is no blame upon You, that is more suitable that their eyes may be cooled, and they do not grieve, and they may be pleased with what You have given them, all of them, and Allah knows what is in your hearts, and Allah is All-Knower, Most Forbearing", that is, Allah has given His Prophet the freedom to deal with His wives as He put aside whom He wills, take whom He wills, and whomever He desires of those whom He have put aside, and there is no blame upon Him in what He chooses from His wives, and if they knew that is an exception for Him from Allah to do whatever He wills, their eyes will be cooled and they will not grieve and they will be pleased with what Allah's Messenger has given to all of them, and Aisha said: "I used to look down upon those ladies who had given themselves to Allah's Messenger, and I used to say ''Can a lady give herself?", but when Allah revealed (You may put aside whom You will of them and You may take to Yourself whom You will, and whoever You desire of those whom You have put aside, then there is no blame upon You", I said to the Prophet ''I feel that Your Lord hastens in fulfilling Your wishes and desires", and as narrated by Muaza: "Aisha said Allah's Messenger used to take the permission of that wife with whom He was supposed to stay overnight if He wanted to go to one other than her, after this verse was revealed, Muaza asked Aisha What did you use to say?, She said I used to say to Him, If I could deny you the permission, I would not allow Your favor to be bestowed on any other person". Then Allah assures that He knows what is in their hearts of their inclination towards some women rather than other with love, so as narrated by Aisha: "Allah's Messenger would divide equally between His wives and said O Allah! This is My division in what I have control over, so do not punish Me for what You have control over which I do not have control over", and Allah is All-Knower of everything, Most Forbearing for those who disobey Him by not hastening His punishment.
Allah says in the next verse (52) "No women are lawful for you afterwards, and not to exchange wives for them even if their beauty pleases You except those whom Your right hand possesses, and Allah is Observer over everything", that is, it is forbidden for Allah's Messenger to marry other women, or to replace His wives with other wives even if their beauty pleases Him, except for those whom His right hand possesses of captive women and there is no restriction on Him on His slave women, and Allah is Observer over what He has made lawful for Him, and what He has made forbidden.
Allah says in the next verse (53) "O you who believe! Do not enter the houses of the Prophet except when permission is given to you for food without waiting its preparation, but when you are invited then enter and when you have eaten then disperse and not seeking to remain for a conversation, indeed that was hurting the Prophet and He is shy of you, but Allah is not shy of the truth and when you ask them anything, then ask them from behind a curtain, that is more pure for your hearts and their hearts, and it is not for you that you hurt the Messenger of Allah nor that you ever marry His wives after Him, indeed, that is an enormity with Allah", that is, this verse was revealed in the occasion of the marriage of Allah's Messenger to Zainab Bint Jahsh as narrated by Anas Bin Malik: "A banquet of bread and meat was held on the occasion of the marriage of the Prophet to Zainab Bint Jahsh, I was sent to invite the people, so the people started coming, they would eat and then leave, another batch would come, eat and leave, so I kept on inviting the people till I found nobody to invite, then I said O Allah's Prophet! I do not find anyone to invite, He said Carry away the remaining food, then a batch of three persons stayed in the house chatting, the Prophet left and went towards the dwelling place of Aisha and said "Peace and Allah's mercy be upon you, O the people of the house!, she replied ''Peace and Allah's mercy be upon You too", How did You find Your wife? may Allah bless You, then He went to the dwelling places of all His other wives and said to them the same as He said to Aisha and they said to Him the same as Aisha had said to Him, then the Prophet returned and found a group of three persons still in the house chatting, the Prophet was a very shy person, so He went out again and went towards the dwelling place of Aisha, I do not remember whether I informed Him that the people have gone away, so He returned and as soon as He entered the gate, He drew the curtain between me and Him, and then the verse of Alhijab was revealed". So Allah commanded the believers, when they ask anything from the wives of Allah's Messenger or any woman who are not lawful for them, to ask them from behind a curtain, that is more pure for their hearts and the women hearts lest the devil will have away upon them, so it is not permissible to a woman and a man who is non-mahram to her to be alone with each other. And it is not for the believers that they hurt the Messenger of Allah nor that they ever marry His wives after Him because they are their mothers as shown above in Aya (6), and that is an enormity and a great sin with Allah.
But Allah has permitted women to go out for their need as narrated by Aisha: "Sawda, the wife of the Prophet, went out to answer the call of nature after it was made obligatory (for all the Muslim ladies) to observe the veil, she had a large frame and everybody who knew her before could recognize her, so Umar Bin Alkhattab saw her and said O Sawda! by Allah! you cannot hide yourself from us, so think of a way by which you should not be recognized on going out, Sawda returned while Allah's Messenger was in my house taking His supper and a bone covered with meat was in His hand, she entered and said O Allah's Messenger! I went out to answer the call of nature and Umar said to Me such-and-such, then Allah revealed to Him, and when the state of revelation was over and the bone was still in His hand as he had not put it down, He said (to Sawda) you have been allowed to go out for your needs".
Allah says in the next two verses (54,55) "Whether you declare a thing or conceal it, indeed, Allah is All-Knower of everything, there is no blame upon them concerning their fathers or their sons or their brothers or the sons of their brothers or the sons of their sisters or their women or those whom their right hands possess, and fear Allah indeed, Allah is a Witness over everything", that is, Allah has forbidden the believers from hurting His Messenger in the previous verse, so He assures them that if they intend to hurt His Messenger whether they declare or conceal it, He is All-Knower of everything and nothing is hidden from Him. When Allah forbade the believers from asking anything from the wives of His Messenger without a curtain as shown above in Aya (53), He specified for the Prophet's wives those who are entitled to be alone with them without a curtain, and they are: their fathers, their sons, their brothers, the sons of their brothers, the sons of their sisters, the believing women, and those whom their right hands possess, then Allah commanded the Prophet's wives to fear Him, viz not to transgress the limits that Allah has specified for them, not to leave the curtain that Allah commanded them to adhere to, and not to display their adornment to non-mahram men, and Allah is a witness over everything whether they obeyed Him or opposed His command. Likewise, the brothers of father and mother, whether through blood relations or suckling relations, are included in this verse, where as narrated by Urwa that Aisha said: "Aflah, the brother of Abu Alqu'ais asked permission to visit me after the order of Alhijab was revealed, Aisha said By Allah! I will not permit him unless I take the permission of the Prophet about Him for it was not the brother of Abu Alqu'ais but the wife of Abu Aqu'ais that suckled me, the Prophet entered upon me and I said to Him, O Allah's Messenger! Aflah, the brother of Abu Alqu'ais asked permission to visit me, but I refused to permit him unless I took your permission, the Prophet said Grant him permission, Urwa said for that Aisha used to say: Consider those things which are illegal because of blood relations as illegal because of the suckling relations" (Sahih Muslim 1445 c).
Allah says in the next verse (56) "Indeed, Allah and His Angels send blessings upon the Prophet, O you who believe! Send blessings upon Him and greet Him with greetings", that is, Allah's Messenger has a great honor with His Lord, and with the exalted assembly as Allah and His Angels send blessings upon Him, so Allah commanded the believers to send blessings upon Him and to greet Him, and as narrated by Ka'b Bin Ujra: "It was said O Allah's Messenger! We knew how to greet You, but How to send blessing upon You?, the Prophet said: Say ''Allahumma salli ala Muhammadin wa ala ali Muhammadin kama sallaiyta ala ali Ibrahima innaka hameedun majeed, allahumma barek ala Muhammadin wa ala ali Muhammadin kama barakta al ali Ibrahima innaka hameedun majeed" O Allah! Send blessings upon Muhammad and Upon the family of Muhammad as You have sent Your blessings upon the family of Abraham, You are Praiseworthy, Most Glorious, O Allah! Bless Muhammad and the family of Muhammad as You have blessed the family of Abraham, You are Praiseworthy, Most Glorious". And whomever adheres to send blessing upon Allah's Messenger, he will have a great reward with Allah for Allah's Messenger said in narration of Abdullah Bin Umar: "Whoever sends blessings upon Me, Allah will send blessings upon him ten times due to it".
Allah says in the next two verses (57,58) "Indeed those who hurt Allah and His Messenger Allah has cursed them in the worldly life and the Hereafter, and He has prepared for them a humiliating punishment, and those who hurt the believing men and the believing women for other than they have earned, then indeed, they bear a slander and a clear sin", that is, those who harm Allah with their disbelief and association of other gods with Him, and harm His Messenger with sayings and acts, Allah will curse them and keep them away from His mercy in the worldly life and the Hereafter, and He has prepared for them a humiliating punishment in the Hellfire, then Allah warns of harming the believing men and the believing women as He protects them and becomes angry for their anger, so those who hurt them by claiming falsehood and narrating what they did not do as a way of defaming and belittling them, they bear the most obscene lie, false accusation and outrageous slander, and a manifest sin. And Allah's Messenger (PBUH) said in narration of Abu Hurayrah: "Do you know what is backbiting?, they said Allah and His Messenger know best, thereupon, He said backbiting implies your talking about your brother in a manner which he does not like, it was said What is Your opinion about this if I actually find in my brother what I made mention of?, He said if it is actually found in him what you assert, then indeed, you have backbitten him, and if that is not in him, then you have accused him falsely" (Sahih Muslim 2589).
Allah says in the next verse (59) "O Prophet! Say to Your wives and Your daughters and the women of the believers that they should draw down their garments over them, that is more suitable that they should be known and not be harmed and Allah is All-Forgiving, Most Merciful", that is, Allah commanded His Messenger to order His wives, His daughters, and the women of the believers to draw down their Outer garments over them where as narrated by Umar: "I said O Allah's Messenger! good and bad persons enter upon You, so I suggest that You order the mothers of the believers (Your wives) to observe veils, then Allah revealed the verse of Alhijab", thereupon, Allah ordered the women to draw down their garments and to lengthen the garment so that nothing of the women's bodies is visible except their faces and their hands for the command of drawing down their garments completes the command of covering the hair, neck and chest in Aya (31) of Surat Alnoor "And let them draw their head covers over their chests'', and as narrated by Aisha: "Asma', the daughter of Abu Bakr, entered upon Allah's Messenger wearing thin clothes, the Messenger of Allah turned His attention from her and said O Asma'! When a woman reaches the age of menstruation, it does not suit her that she displays her parts of body except this and this, and He pointed to His face and hands", and Allah's Messenger gave His wives the licence to hang down their lower garment one forearm's length as narrated by Safiyyah bint Abu Ubayd: "When the Messenger of Allah mentioned lower garment, Umm Salamah, the wife of Allah's Messenger asked Him And a woman, O Allah's Messenger?, He replied she may hang down a span, Umm Salamah said Still it (foot) will be uncovered, He said then a forearm's length, not exceeding it".
So the Muslim women are commanded to adhere to Islamic Hijab so that they may be distinguished from the women of Jahiliyyah (Pre-Islamic era) and the slave-girls, and that they not be harmed by men by a saying or an act, and Allah is All-Forgiving, Most Merciful for those who repent, believe, and do righteous deeds. The scholars differed about the obligation of covering a woman's face and hands in front of Non-mahram men, as some of them said that it is not obligatory, some said it is obligatory according to this Aya for they interpreted "Jalabebehenna" or their garments as what covers the face and the whole body, while some scholars said that it is not obligatory but it a desirable thing, and some said that she must cover them when there is a fear of temptation such as if the woman is of extraordinary beauty or there is an abundance of corruption and spread of immorality.
Allah says in the next three verses (60-62) "If the hypocrites and those in whose hearts is disease and those who spread rumors in Madinah do not stop, We will give You authority over them, then they will not remain Your neighbors therein except for a little, accursed wherever they are found, they shall be seized, and shall be killed thoroughly, the rule of Allah on those who passed away before and You will not find any change in the rule of Allah", that is, Allah threatens the hypocrites who show belief and conceal disbelief and those in whose hearts is doubt about Allah who said that Allah and His Messenger did not promise us but delusion as shown above in Aya (12), and those who spread rumors in Madinah in order to scare the Muslims, that if they do not stop what they are in of hypocrisy, doubt, and confusion for Muslims, and if they do not return to the truth, He will give His Messenger an authority over them, and they will not stay in Madinah except for little for they will be accursed, and wherever they are found, they shall be seized and shall be killed thoroughly for their disbelief, and that is the rule of Allah regarding the hypocrites who passed away before, if they persist on their hypocrisy, and do not return back from what they are in, so the believers will overpower them and the rule of Allah cannot be altered or changed.
Allah says in the next three verses (63-65) "The people ask You about the Hour, Say, its knowledge is only with Allah, and How do you know, perhaps the Hour is near, indeed, Allah has cursed the disbelievers and has prepared for them a blaze, abiding therein forever, finding no protector nor a helper", that is, the polytheists of Quraish used to ask Allah's Messenger (PBUH) about the day of resurrection (The Hour) as a denial of it occurrence for those who do not believe in the Hour seek to hasten it; because they ruled out its occurrence and think that it will not happen as mentioned in Aya (18) of Surat Alshura, so Allah commanded His Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) to assure them that its knowledge is only with Allah as none knows its arrival except Him, then He addresses His Messenger saying How do you know, perhaps the day of resurrection (the Hour) is near, and Allah has cursed the disbelievers and kept them away from His mercy in the worldly life and He has prepared for them the fire of the blaze in the Hereafter, they will abide therein forever, and will not find a protector or a helper to save them form the Hellfire.
Allah says in the next three verses (66-68) "The day their faces will be turned over in the fire, they will say Oh we wish that we had obeyed Allah and had obeyed the Messenger, and they will say our Lord, we obeyed our masters and our dignitaries and they led us astray from the way, Our Lord! Give them double punishment and curse them with a great curse", that is, on the day of resurrection, the disbelievers will be dragged on their faces in the Hellfire, so they will regret and wish if they had obeyed Allah and His Messenger in what He brought to them of commands and prohibitions, then they will addresses Allah and will confess that they had obeyed their masters and their dignitaries in what they invited them to of polytheism and opposing the Messenger till they led them astray from Allah's path, so they will ask Allah to double the punishment for them and to curse them a great curse.
Allah says in the next verse (69) "O you who believe! Do not be like those who hurt Moses, then Allah cleared Him from what they said, and He was honorable with Allah", that is, Allah has threatens those who hurt His Messenger with curse and a severe punishment as shown above in Aya (57), so He commanded the believers not to hurt His Messenger as the children of Israel had hurt His Messenger Moses, where as narrated by Abu Hurayrah: "The Prophet said verily Moses, peace be upon Him, was a shy and a modest man, who would never show anything of His skin out of modesty, some of the children of Israel annoyed Him by saying, He only keeps Himself covered because of some defect in His skin, either leprosy, a scrotal hernia or some other defect, Allah, Almighty wanted to free Moses from what they were saying about Him, one day Moses was alone, He took off His garment, and put it on a rock, then He took a bath, when He had finished, He turned back to pick up His garment, but the rock moved away, taking His garment with it, Moses picked up His staff, and chased the rock saying My garment O you rock! My garment O you rock! until He reached a group of the children of Israel who saw Him naked, and discovered that He was the best of those whom Allah had created, He said the rock stood still, He took His garment and put it on, He started striking the rock with His staff, and by Allah! the marks of that beating were left on the rock three, four or five, this is what is referred to in this Aya.
Allah says in the next two verses (70,71) "O you who believe! Fear Allah and Say a right word, He will amend for you your deeds and forgive you your sins and whoever obeys Allah and His Messenger, indeed, He has attained a great success", that is, Allah commanded the believers to Fear Him, and to say a right word, and if they do so, He will guide them to the right in order to amend their deeds, and He will forgive their sins, and whoever obeys Allah and His Messenger, indeed, he has attained a great success which is Paradise, abiding therein forever.
Allah says in the last two verses (72,73) "Indeed, We offered the trust to the heavens and the earth and the mountains but they refused to bear it, and they feared from it, and the man bore it, indeed, he was unjust, ignorant, so that Allah may punish the hypocrite men and the hypocrite women and the polytheist men and the polytheist women, and Allah will turn to the believing men and the believing women and Allah is All-forgiving, Most Merciful", that is, Allah has offered the trust to the heavens, the earth, and the mountains that He will impose on them the religion, make reward and punishment, and entrust them with the religion, but they refused to bear it, they feared from it, and they preferred to be subjected to His command without reward or punishment, but the man bore the trust, and he was unjust for himself, ignorant, and unaware of what he has placed upon himself of the responsibility that he will be held accountable for it, so Allah will punish the hypocrite men and the hypocrite women who conceal disbelief and declare belief and the polytheist men and the polytheist women who conceal and declare disbelief, and He will turn in mercy and forgiveness to the believing men and the believing women who believe in Allah, His Messengers, and His Books, so He will accept their repentance for He is All-forgiving, Most Merciful for those who repent, believe, and do righteous deeds.
And as narrated by Hudhaifa bin Alyaman: "The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) narrated to us two narration, one of which I have seen, and I am waiting for the other, He narrated that the trust was preserved in the roots of the hearts of men, and then they learn it from the Quran, and then they learn it from the Sunnah. He also told us about its disappearance saying a man will go to sleep whereupon trust will be taken away from his heart, and only its trace will remain, resembling the traces of fire, he then will sleep whereupon the reminder of the trust will also be taken away and its trace will resemble a blister which is raised over the surface of skin when an ember touches one's foot, and indeed, this blister dos not contain anything, so there will come a day when people will deal in business with each other, but there will hardly be any trustworthy persons among them. Then it will be said that is such-and-such tribe, there is a person who is trustworthy, and a man will be admired for his intelligence, good manners, and strength, though indeed, he will not have belief equal to a mustard seed in his heart. The narrator added, there came upon me a time when I did not mind dealing with anyone of you, for if he was a Muslim, his religion would prevent him from cheating, and if he was a Christian, his Muslim ruler would prevent him from cheating, but today I cannot deal except with so-and-so, and so-and-so" (Sahih Albukhari 6497).
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