21- Surat Alanbiyaa/Tafseer
112 Verses Meccan (revealed in Mecca)
A'auzu Bellahi mena alshaiytani alrajeem
I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed Satan
Besmi Ellahi Alrhmani Alraheem
In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
Eqtaraba lelnasi hesabuhum wa hum fee ghaflatin mu'reduon (1).
Their reckoning has drown near to the people while they
are in heedlessness, turning away.
Ma ya'teehim men zekrin men Rabbehim muhdathin ella estama-uhuo wa hum
yal'abuon (2).
No reminder comes to them from their Lord, anew, except that they listen to it while they are playing.
Laheiyatan qulubuhum wa asarruo alnajwa allazina zalamuo hal haza ella basharun
methlukum afa-ta'tuona alsehra wa antum tubseruon (3).
Their hearts are distracted, and they conceal the secret counsel, those who wronged, Is this except a human being like
you, so would you approach the magic while you see?.
Qala Rabbi ya'lamuo alqawla fee alsama-e wa alardi wa huwa Alsamee-o
Al-aleem (4).
He said My Lord knows the word in the heavens and the earth, and He is
the All-Hearing, All-Knower.
Bal qaluo adghathuo ahlamin bali eftarahuo bal huwa sha-erun fal-ya'tena
be-ayatin kama aursela alawwaluon (5).
But they say a mixture of false dreams, but he has invented it, but He is a poet, so let Him
bring us a sign as the former ones were sent.
Ma amanat qablahum men qariyatin ahlaknaha afa-hum you'menuon (6).
Not a town which We destroyed did believe before them,
so Will they believe?.
Wa ma arsalna qablaka ella rejalan nuohi elaiyhim fas'aluo ahla alzekri
in kuntum la ta'lamuon (7).
And We did not send before You except men to whom We revealed, so Ask the
people of reminder if you do not know.
Wa ma ja'alnahum jasadan la ya'kuluona alta-ama wa ma kanuo khaledeen
And We did not make them bodies that do not eat food, nor were they
Thumma sadaqnahumuo alwa'da fa-anjaiynahum wa man nasha-uo wa ahlakna
almusrefeen (9).
Then We fulfilled for them the promise, and We saved them and whom We
willed, and destroyed the transgressors.
Laqad anzalna elaikum ketaban feehi zekrukum afala ta'qeluon (10).
Indeed, We have sent down to you a book in which is your reminder, then Will you not understand?.
Wa kam qasamna men qariyatin kanat zalematan wa ansha'na ba'daha qawman
akhareen (11).
And how many of a town that was wrongdoer, We have shattered, and We have
produced after it another people.
Fa-lamma ahassuo ba'sana iza hum menha yarkuduon (12).
And when they sensed Our punishment, behold! They fled from
La tarkuduo warje-uo ela ma autreftum feehi wa masakenekum la-allakum
tous'aluon (13).
Do not flee and Return to what you were given luxury therein, and to your
homes, so that you may be questioned.
Qaluo ya-waiylana inna kunna zalemeen (14).
They said O woe to us! Indeed, we were wrongdoers.
Fama zalat telka da'wahum hatta ja'alnahum haseedan khamedeen (15).
Then this continued to be their cry till We made
them a harvest, totally extinguished.
Wa ma khalaqna alsama-a wa alarda wa ma
baiynahuma la-ebeen (16).
And We did not create the heavens and the earth and whatever is between them to play.
Laww aradna an nattakheza lahwan la-ttakhaznahuo
men ladunna in kunna fa-eleen (17).
If We intended that We take amusement, We would have taken it from Us, If We would be doers.
Bal naqzefuo bel-haqqi ala albateli
fa-yadmaghuhuo fa-iza huwa zahequn wa lakumuo alwaiyluo memma tasefuon (18).
But We hurl the truth upon falsehood,
and it crushes it, then behold! It vanishes, and for you is woe from what you describe.
Wa lahuo man fee alsamawati wa alardi wa man
endahuo la yastakberuona an ebadatehi wa la yastahseruon (19).
And to Him belongs whoever is in the heavens and
the earth, and those who are with Him are not arrogant to worship Him, nor are they tired.
Yuosabbehuona al-laila wa alnahara la yafturuon
They glorify the night and the day, they do not
Ami ettakhazuo alehatan mena alardi hum
younsheruon (21).
Or have they taken gods from the earth who resurrect?.
Laww kana feehema alihatun ella Allahu
la-fasadata fa-subhana Allahi Rabbi alarshi amma yasefuon (22).
If there were gods in both of them other than
Allah, they would have been corrupted, so glory to
be Allah, the Lord of the Throne above what they describe.
La yous'luo amma yaf'aluo wa hum yous'aluon (23).
He is not questioned about what He does, but
they will be questioned.
Ami ettakhazuo men duonehi alihatan qul hatuo
burhanakum haza zekruo man ma-eiya wa zekruo man qabli bal aktharuhum la
ya'lamuona alhaqqa fahum mu'reduon (24).
Or have they taken gods besides Him, Say Bring
your proof, this is the reminder of those who are with Me and the reminder of
those who were before Me, but most of them do not know the truth, so they are
turning away.
Wa ma arsalna men qableka men rasulin ella
nuoheiy elaiyhi annahuo la illaha ella ana fa'buduon (25).
And We did not send before You any Messenger
except We revealed to Him that there is no god but Me, so Worship Me.
Wa qaluo ettakhaza alrahmanuo waladan subhanahuo
bal ebadun mukramuon (26).
And they say the Most Gracious has taken a son,
Glory to be Him, but they are honored servants.
La yasbequnahuo bel-qawli wa hum be-amrehi
ya'maluon (27).
They do not precede Him in word, and they act by His command.
Ya'lamuo ma baiyna aydehim wa ma khalfahum wa la
yashfa-uona ella le-mani ertada wa hum men khashyatehi mushfequon (28).
He knows what is before them and what is behind
them, and they cannot intercede except for whom He approves, and they are apprehensive from fear of Him.
Wa man yaqul menhum inni ilalhun men duonehi
fa-zaleka nazjehi jahannama ka-zaleka najze alzalemeen (29).
And whoever of them says indeed, I am a god besides
Him, that is the one whom We will recompense with Hellfire, thus, We recompense the
Awa-lam yara allazina kafaruo anna alsamawati wa
alarda Kanata ratqan fafa-taqnahuma wa ja'alna mena alma-e kulla shaiy-in
hayyin afa-la you'menuon (30).
Do those who disbelieve not see that the heavens
and the earth were a joined entity, then We separated them, and We made from the water every living thing, then Will they not believe?.
Wa ja'alna fee alardi rawasiya an tameeda behim
wa ja'alna feeha fejajan subulan la-allahum yahtaduon (31).
And We made in the earth firm mountains
lest it shakes with them, and We made therein wide paths, so that they may be guided.
Wa ja'alna alsama-a saqfan mahfuzan wa hum an
ayateha mu'reduon (32).
And We made the sky a protected ceiling, but they
from its signs, are turning away.
Wa huwa allazi khalaqa al-laila wa alnahara wa
alshamsa wa alaqamara kullun fee falakin yasbahuon (33).
And He is the One who created the night and the
day and the sun, and the moon, all of them are swimming in an orbit.
Wa ma ja'alna le-basharin men qableka alkhulda
afa-in metta fa-humuo alkhaleduon (34).
And We did not assign eternity to any human being before You, so, if You die, Will they be the immortals?.
Kullu nafsin za-eqatuo almawti wa nablukum
bel-sharri wa alkaiyri fetnatan wa elaiyna turja-uon (35).
Every soul will taste death, and We test you with
evil and with good as a trial, and to Us you will be returned.
Wa iza ra-aka allazina kafaruo in yattakhezunaka
ella huzuwan a-haza allazi yazkuruo alehatakum wa hum be-zekri alrahmani hum
kaferuon (36).
And when those who disbelieve see You, they take You not except in ridicule, Is this the one who mentions your gods?, and they are disbelievers of the mention of the
Most Gracious.
Khuleqa alinsanuo men ajalin sa-aurekum ayati
fala tasta'jeluon (37).
Man was created from haste, I will show you My
signs, so Do not ask Me to hasten.
Wa yaquluona mata haza alwa'duo in kuntum
sadeqeen (38).
And they say When is this promise if you are
Laww ya'lamuo allazina kafaruo heena la
yakuffuona an wujuhehimuo alnara wa la an zuhurehim wa la hum younsaruon (39).
If those who disbelieve knew when they
will not avert the fire from their faces, nor from their backs, and they will not be helped.
Bal ta'tehim baghtatan fa-tabhatuhum fa-la
yastate-uona raddaha wa la hum younzaruon (40).
But it will come to them suddenly, and
bewilder them, and they will not be able to repel it, nor will they be given any respite.
Wa laqadi estuhze-a be-rusulin men qableka
fa-haqa be-llazina sakheruo menhum ma kanuo behi yastahze-uon (41).
And indeed, Messengers were mocked before You, so those who mocked at them have been encircled by what they used to ridicule it.
Qul man yakla-ukum bel-laili wa alnahari mena
alrahmani bal hum an zekri Rabbehim mu'reduon (42).
Say who can protect you at night or by day from
the Most Gracious, but they are from the remembrance of their Lord are turning
Am lahum alehatun tamna-uhum men duonena la
yastate-uona nasra anfusehim wa la hum menna yous-habuon (43).
Or do they have gods to protect them besides Us?, they are not able to help themselves, nor can
they be protected from Us.
Bal matta-na haulae wa aba-ahum hatta tala
aliyhimuo alumuruo afa-la yarawna anna na'tee alarda nunqusuha men atrafeha
afa-humuo alghalebuon (44).
But We gave enjoyment to these and their
fathers until a long life extended for them, then Do
they not see that We come to the land, We reduce it from its borders, so Is it
they who will overcome?.
Qul innama aunzerukum bel-wahyi wa la yousma-uo
alsummuo aldu-a-a iza ma younzaruon (45).
Say I only warn you by revelation, and the
deaf do not hear the call when they are warned.
Wala-in massat-hum nafhatun men azabi Rabbeka
la-yaqulunna ya-waiylana inna kunna zalemeen (46).
And if a whiff of the punishment of Your Lord
should touch them, they would say O woe to us!, indeed, we were wrongdoers.
Wa nada-uo almawazeena alqesta le-yawmi
alqeiyamati fa-la tuzlamuo nafsun shaiy-an wa in kana methqala habbatin men
khardalin ataiyna beha wa kafa bena hasebeen (47).
And We set the scales of the justice for the day
of resurrection, so no soul will be wronged in anything, and if there is the weight of a grain of mustard, We will bring it forth, and Sufficient are We as Reckoners.
Wa laqad ataiyna Musa wa Haruona alfurqana wa
diya-an wa zekran lel-muttaqeen (48).
And We have given Moses and Aaron the Criterion, and a light and a reminder for the righteous.
Allazina yakhshawna Rabbahum bel-ghaiybi wa hum
mena alsa-ati mushfequon (49).
Those who fear their Lord unseen, and they are of
the Hour apprehensive.
Wa haza zekrun mubarakun anzalnahuo afa-antum
lahuo munkeruon (50).
And this is a blessed reminder which We have sent
down, then Are you deniers of it?.
Wa laqad ataiyna Ibrahima rushdahuo men qabluo wa
kunna behi Alemeen (51).
And indeed, We had given Abraham His guidance
before, and We were All-Knower of Him.
Iz qala le-abehi wa qawmehi ma hazehi
altamatheluo allati antum laha akefuon (52).
When He said to His father and His people What
are these statues to which you are devoted.
Qaluo wajadna aba-ana laha abedeen (53).
They said we found our father worshippers of
Qala laqad kuntum antum wa aba-ukum fee dalalin
mubeen (54).
He said indeed, you were, you and your
fathers, in a clear error.
Qaluo a-je'tana bel-haqqi am anta mena alla-ebeen
They said Have you come to us with the truth or
are you of those who play?.
Qala bal Rabbukum Rabbu alsamawati wa alardi
allazi fatarahunna wa ana ala zalekum mena alshahedeen (56).
He said, but your Lord is the Lord of the
heavens and the earth who created them, and I am of the witnesses to that.
Wa tallahi la-akedanna asnamakum ba'da an
tuwalluo mudbereen (57).
And by Allah, I will surely plan against your
idols after you turn back, fleeing.
Fa-ja'alahum juzazan ella kabeeran lahum
la-allahum elaiyhi yarje-uon (58).
So He made them into fragments except a large one of them, so that they might return to Him.
Qaluo man fa'ala haza be-alehatena innahuo
la-mena alzalemeen (59).
They said Who has done this to our gods?, indeed,
he is of the wrongdoers.
Qaluo same'na fatan yazkuruhum youqaluo lahuo
Ibrahim (60).
They said we heard a young man mentioning them, he is called Abraham.
Qaluo fa'tuo behi ala a'youni alnasi la-allahum
yashhaduon (61).
They said then Bring Him before the eyes of the
people, so that they may bear witness.
Qaluo a-anta fa'alta haza be-alehatena ya Ibrahim
They said Have you done this to our gods O
Qala bal fa'alahuo kabeeruhum haza fas'aluhum in
kanuo yantequon (63).
He said but this, the largest of them did it, so
Ask them if they should speak.
Faraja-uo ela anfusehim fa-qaluo innakum antum
alzalemuon (64).
So they returned to themselves and said indeed,
you are the wrongdoers.
Thumma nukesuo ala ru-usehim la-qad alemta ma
haulae yantequon (65).
Then they turned on their heads, indeed, You have
known that these do not speak!.
Qala afata'buduona men duoni ellahi ma la
yanfa-ukum shaiy-an wa la yadurrukum (66).
He said then Do you worship besides Allah what
does not benefit you anything nor harm you?.
Uffin lakum wa lema ta'buduona men duoni ellahi
afala ta'qeluon (67).
Uff to you and to what you worship besides
Allah, then Will you not understand?.
Qaluo harrequhuo wa-nsuruo alehatakum in kuntum
fa-eleen (68).
They said Burn Him and Help your gods if you would be doers.
Qulna ya-naruo kuoni bardan wa salaman ala
Ibrahim (69).
We said O Fire! Be coolness and safety upon Abraham.
Wa araduo behi kaiydan faja'alnahumuo
al-akhsareen (70).
And they intended for Him a plan, but We
made them the great losers.
Wa najjaiynahuo wa Lutan ela alardi allati barakna
feeha lel-alameen (71).
And We rescued Him and Lot to the land
which We blessed in it for the worlds.
Wa wahabna lahuo Ishaqa wa ya'quba nafelatan wa kullan
ja'alna saleheen (72).
And We granted Him Isaac and Jacob, a gift, and all We made righteous.
Wa ja'alnahum a-emmatan yahduona be-amrena wa
awhaiyna elaiyhim fe'la alkhaiyrati wa eqama alsalati wa ita-a alzakati wa
kanuo lana abedeen (73).
And We made them leaders who guide by Our command, and We inspire to them the doing of good, and establishing of the prayer, and giving the Zakah, and they were worshippers to Us.
Wa Lutan ataiynahuo hukman wa elman wa
najjaiynahuo mena alqariyati allati kant ta'maluo alkhaba-etha innahum kanuo
qawma saw-in faseqeen (74).
And Lot We gave Him judgment and knowledge, and
We saved Him from the town which used to do wicked deeds, indeed, they were a people of evil, disobedient.
Wa adkhalnahuo fee rahmatena innahuo mena
alsaleheen (75).
And We admitted Him into Our mercy, indeed, He
was of the righteous.
Wa noohan iz nada men qabluo fa-stajabna lahu fa-najjaiynahuo
wa ahlahuo mena alkarbi alazeem (76).
And Noah when He called before, so We responded
to Him, and saved Him and His family from the great distress.
Wa nasarnahuo mena alqawmi allazina kazzabuo
be-ayatena innahum kanuo qawma saw-in fa-aghraqnahum ajma-een (77).
And We saved Him from the people who denied Our
signs, indeed, they were a people of evil, so We drowned them, all of them.
Wa dawuoda wa sulaiymana iz yahkumani fe alharthi
iz nafashat feehi ghanamuo alqawmi wa kunna le-hukmehim shahedeen (78).
And David and Solomon, when they judged concerning
the field, when the goats of the
people pastured in it at night, and We were witnesses to
their judgment.
Fafa-hhamnaha sulaiymana wa kullan ataiyna hukman
wa elman wa sakhkharna ma-a dawuoda aljebala yousabbehna wa altaiyra wa kunna
fa-eleen (79).
And We gave understanding of it to Solomon, and all We gave judgment and knowledge, and We subjected with David the mountains
to glorify and the birds, and We were the doers.
Wa allamnahuo san-ata labusin lakum le-tuhsenakum
men ba'sekum fa-hal antum shakeruon (80).
And We taught Him the making of armor for you to protect you from your battle, then will you be grateful?.
Wa le-sulaiymana alreeha asefatan tajree be-amrehi
ela alardi allati barakna feeha wa kunna be-kulli shaiy-in alemeen (81).
And for Solomon the stormy wind that proceeding by His command to the land in which we
blessed, and We are All-Knowers of everything.
Wa mena alshaiyateni man yaghusuona lahuo wa
ya'maluona amalan duona zaleka wa kunna lahum hafezeen (82).
And of the devils were those who dive for Him,
and do work other than that, and We were of them Guardians.
Wa Ayyuba iz nada Rabbahu anni massaniya aldurruo
wa anta arhamu alrahemeen (83).
And Job when He called His Lord, indeed, the adversity has touched Me, and You are the Most
Merciful of the merciful.
Fa-stajabna lahuo fa-kashafna ma behi men durrin
wa ataiynahuo ahlahuo wa methlahum ma-ahum rahmatan men endna wa zekra
lel-abedeen (84).
So We responded to Him, and removed what was on Him of adversity, and We gave Him His family and the like thereof
along with them as a mercy from
Ourselves and a reminder for the worshippers.
Wa Ismaila wa Idrisa wa Za alkefli kullun mena
alsabereen (85).
And Ishmael and Idrees and Dhul-Kifl, all were of
the patient ones.
Wa adkhalnahum fee rahmatena innahum mena
alsaleheen (86).
And We admitted them to Our mercy, indeed, they
were of the righteous.
Wa Za alnooni iz zahaba mughadeban fa-zanna an
lan naqdera alaiyhi fanada fee alzulumati an la ilaha ella anta subhanaka inni
kuntuo mena alzalemeen (87).
And zunnoon when He walked away in anger,
and thought that We would not decree upon Him, then He called in the darknesseses that there
is no god but You, Glory to be You, indeed, I was of the
Fa-stajabna lahuo wa najjaiynahuo mena alghammi
wa kazaleka nunje almu'meneen (88).
So We responded to Him and saved Him from the
distress, and thus We save the believers.
Wa Zakariyya iz nada Rabbahu Rabbi la tazarni
fardan wa anta khairuo alwaretheen (89).
And Zechariah when He called His Lord, My Lord Do
not leave Me alone, and You are the Best of the inheritors.
Fa-satjabna lahuo wa wahabna lahuo Yahya wa
aslahna lahuo zawjahuo innahum kanuo yousareuona fee alkhaiyrati wa yad-uonana
raghaban wa rahaban wa kanuo lana khashe-een (90).
So We responded to Him, and We granted Him John,
and reformed for Him His wife, indeed they used to accelerate to the good and
supplicate Us in hope and fear, and they were to Us humble ones.
Wa allati ahsanat farjaha fa-nafakhna feeha men
ruohena wa ja'alnaha wa-bnaha ayatan lel-alameen (91).
And the one who guarded Her chastity, so We breathed into her of Our Spirit, and We made Her and Her son a sign for the worlds.
Inna hazehi aummatukum aummatan wahedatan wa-ana
Rabbukum fa'buduon (92).
Indeed, this your religion is one religion, and I
am Your Lord, so Worship Me.
Wa taqattauo amrahum baiynahum kullun elaiyna
reje-uon (93).
And they cut off their matter between them, all to Us will return.
Fa-man ya'mal mena alsalehati wa huwa mu'menun
fa-la kufrana lesa'yehi wa inna lahuo katebuon (94).
And whoever does of the righteous deeds, while he is a believer, then no denial will there be for his striving, and indeed, We are recorders of it.
Wa haramun ala qariyatin ahlaknaha annahum la
yarje-uon (95).
And there is prohibition upon a town which We
have destroyed that they will not return.
Hatta iza futehat ya'jujuo wa ma'jujuo wa hum men
kulli hadabin yanseluon (96).
Until when the Gog and Magog has been opened and
they descend from every elevation.
Wa-qtaraba alwa'duo alhaqquo fa-iza heiya
shakhesatun absaruo allazina kafaruo ya-waiylana qad kunna fee ghaflatin men
haza bal kunna zalemeen (97).
And the true promise has drawn near,
then behold! The eyes of those who disbelieve are staring, O woe to us! Indeed, we had been in heedlessness of this, but we were wrongdoers.
Innakum wa ta'buduona men duoni ellahi hasabuo
jahannama antum laha wareduon (98).
Indeed you and what you worship besides Allah are
the firewood of Hellfire, you will come to it.
Laww kana haulaee alehatan ma waraduoha wa kullun
feeha khaleduon (99).
If these were gods, they
would not have come to it, and all will abide therein forever.
Lahum feeha zafeerun wa hum feeha la yasma-uon
For them therein is an exhalation, and they will not hear therein.
Inna allazina sabaqat lahum menna alhusna aulaeka
anha mub-aduon (101).
Indeed, those for whom the best has
preceded from Us, they are removed from it.
La yasmauona hasesaha wa hum fee ma eshtahat anfusuhum
khaleduon (102).
They will not hear its sound, while they are in
what their souls desire, abiding forever.
La yahzunuhumuo alfaza-uo alakbaruo wa
tatalaqqahumuo almalaekatuo haza yawmukumuo allazi kuntum tu-aduon (103).
They will not be grieved by the greatest terror,
and the Angels will meet them, this is your day which you have been promised.
Yawma natwey alsama-a ka-tayyi alsejilli
lel-kutubi kama bada'na awwala khalqin nu-eduhuo wa'dan alaiyna inna kunna
fa-eleen (104).
The day when We will fold the heaven like the
folding of a sheet for the books, as We began the first creation, We will
repeat it, a promise upon Us, indeed, We will do it.
Wa laqad katabna fee alzabuori men ba'di alzekri
anna alarda yarethuoha ebadiya alsalehuon (105).
And We have written in the Psalms after the
reminder that the earth will be inherited by My righteous servants.
Inna fee haza la-balaghan le-qawmin abedeen
Indeed, in this is a notification for a
worshipping people.
Wa ma arsalnaka ella rahmatan lel-alameen (107).
And We have not sent You except as a mercy
to the worlds.
Qul innama youha elaiyya annama elahukum elahun
wahedun fa-hal antum muslemuon (108).
Say it is only revealed to Me that your god is one God, so Will you be Muslims?.
Fa-in tawallaww fa-qul azantukum ala sawa-in wa
in adri a-qareebun am ba-edun ma tuo-aduon (109).
But if they turn away, then say I have announced
to you equally, and I do not know whether near or far is what you are promised.
Innahuo ya'lamuo aljahra mena alqawli wa ya'lamuo
ma taktumuon (110).
Indeed, He knows the declared of the speech and
He knows what you conceal.
Wa in adri la-allahuo fetnatun lakum wa mata-on
ela heen (111).
And I do not know, perhaps it is a trial for you and an enjoyment for
a time.
Qala Rabbi auhkum bel-haqqi wa Rabbuna Alrahmanuo
almusta-anuo ala ma tasefuon (112).
He said My Lord Judge with truth, and
Our Lord is the Most Gracious, the One whose help is sought against what you
Simplified interpretation:
Surat Alanbiyaa begins with an affirmation that the day of resurrection is near compared to what has passed in time, and what is left of the world is less than what has passed, and it carries in many places an acquittal of Allah, Almighty, from having a son or a partner, and an acquittal of the Messenger of Allah Muhammad (PBUH) from being a magician or a poet, and an acquittal of the Holy Quran from being a lie or a falsehood. And Allah cites the news of the previous Prophets, peace be upon them, in order to assure that the rule of Allah is to destroy the disbelievers and to save the believers, and that the religion of Allah is one religion, including the Prophets Moses, Aaron, Abraham, Lot, Noah, David, Solomon, Job, Ishmael, Idrees, Dhul-Kifl, Yunus, and Zechariah, in addition to Mary and her son, the Prophet Jesus, and as narrated by Abdullah bin Mas'ud: ''The Surah of Bani Israel, Alkahf, Mariyam, Taha, and Alanbiyaa are from the very old Surahs which I learnt by heart, and they are my first property".
Allah says in the next three verses (1-3) "Their reckoning has drown near to the people while they are in heedlessness, turning away, no reminder comes to them from their Lord, anew, except that they listen to it while they are playing, their hearts are distracted, and they conceal the secret counsel, those who wronged, Is this except a human being like you, so would you approach the magic while you see?", that is, Allah warns the people and says that the day of resurrection is approaching and their reckoning has drown near while they are heedless of it, and do not prepare for it, but rather they turned away from the truth when it came to them from their Lord. Although the Holy Quran was sent down Surah after Surah, and verse after verse; for Allah has sent it down to His Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) little by little in twenty-three years, but no new revelation comes to the polytheists of Quraish from Allah except that they listen to it while they are playing and they took the verses of Allah as a ridicule for their hearts are distracted from reflection on it, and those who wronged conceal their secret counsel, secretly saying among themselves that the Prophet Muhammad is nothing but a human being like them, so How did Allah reveal the message to Him from among them?, then they said to each other would you approach the magic, follow Him, and accept the Holy Quran while you know that it is magic?.
Allah says in the next three verses (4-6) "He said My Lord knows the word in the heavens and the earth, and He is the All-Hearing, All-Knower, but they say a mixture of false dreams, but he has invented it, but He is a poet, so let Him bring us a sign as the former ones were sent, not a town which We destroyed did believe before them, so Will they believe?", that is, Allah's Messenger said to the polytheists of Quraish that Allah knows the word and what is said in the heavens and the earth and He knows what they conceal and what they declare, and He is All-Hearing, All-Knower where nothing in the heavens nor on the earth is hidden from Him, but they said out of their arrogance and stubbornness that the Holy Quran is a mixture of false dreams that the Prophet saw in His sleep, they said that the Prophet Muhammad has invented it, and they said that the Prophet Muhammad is a poet, so if He is truthful in His saying that Allah has sent Him to us, then let Him bring us a sign as the former ones were sent such as the she-camel of the Prophet Salih, the signs of the Prophet Moses, or the signs of the Prophet Jesus, then Allah assures that He did not give any town to whom the Messengers were sent a sign except they denied it, so He destroyed them, so Do the polytheists of Quraish believe in the signs if they saw them?.
Allah says in the next four verses (7-10) "And We did not send before You except men to whom We revealed, so Ask the people of reminder if you do not know, and We did not make them bodies that do not eat food, nor were they immortals, then We fulfilled for them the promise, and We saved them and whom We willed, and destroyed the transgressors, indeed, We have sent down to you a book in which is your reminder, then Will you not understand?", that is, Allah assures His Messenger that all the Messengers who came before Him were human men and none of them was an Angels, and Allah has revealed His message to them in order to convey it to His servants, so if you do not know, then Ask the people of reminder before you such as the Jews and the Christians Were the Messengers who came to them human beings or Angels? unquestionably, they were human beings and Allah did not make them bodies that do not eat food nor were they immortals that do not die, where the polytheists of Quraish said Why does this Messenger eat food and walk in the markets as mentioned in Surat Alfurqan Aya (7), then Allah has made His promise true to His Messengers as He has helped them, saved them and whom He willed from their followers, and destroyed the transgressors who denied them, then Allah confirms that He has sent down to you the Holy Quran in which there are your reminder, the matter of your religion, and the rulings of your law (Shari'ah), so Will you not understand and reflect on it?.
Allah says in the next five verses (11-15) "And how many of a town that was wrongdoer, We have shattered, and We have produced after it another people, and when they sensed Our punishment, behold! They fled from it, Do not flee and Return to what you were given luxury therein, and to your homes, so that you may be questioned, they said O woe to us! Indeed, we were wrongdoers, then this continued to be their cry till We made them a harvest, totally extinguished", that is, How many of a town did Allah destroy when its people were wrongdoers and denied their Messenger and persisted on disbelief, then Allah has produced another people after them, and when they sensed Allah's punishment and they were certain that the punishment would befall them, they ran from it, and it was said to them as a sarcasm Do not run, fleeing from the punishment, and return to what you used to have of blessings, pleasure, good living, and good dwellings so that you may be questioned about what you did in what the Messengers brought you of Allah's commands and prohibitions, and the Messengers will also be asked about the conveyance of the message of Allah as He has stated in Aya (6) of Surat Ala'araf, then they said "O woe to us! Indeed, we were wrongdoers", so they confessed their wrongdoing, and this saying continued to be their cry till Allah made them a harvest, totally extinguished as they perished and their movements and sounds were stopped.
Allah says in the next three verses (16-18) "And We did not create the heavens and the earth and whatever is between them to play, if We intended that We take an amusement, We would have taken it from Us, if We would be doers, but We hurl the truth upon falsehood, and it crushes it, then behold! It vanishes, and for you is woe from what you describe", that is, Allah confirms that He did not create the heavens and the earth and whatever is between them in vain, but rather He created them in truth in order to put man in a test where He says in Aya (31) of Surat Alnajm "And to Allah belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth, so that He may recompense those who do evil with what they have done, and reward those who do good with the best", and if Allah intends that He takes an amusement or a son, He would have taken Him from Himself, and He would not have taken Him from the human beings or from the Angels as the polytheists claim, and He would not have created Paradise, Hellfire, death, nor resurrection, but He would not have done that, rather He hurls the truth upon the falsehood, so the falsehood will disappear and the truth will remain, then Allah threatens those who claim that He has a son with Punishment of Hellfire and says "For you is woe from what you describe".
Allah says in the next two verses (19,20) "And to Him belongs whoever is in the heavens and the earth, and those who are with Him are not arrogant to worship Him, nor are they tired, they glorify the night and the day, they do not slacken", that is, Allah assures that to Him belongs whoever is in the heavens and the earth, and that the Angels are not arrogant to worship Him, and they do not get tired or bored, but rather they glorify Allah by night and by day, and they do not slacken, so How the Angels be the daughters of Allah as the polytheists claim when they are of His creation and they never disobey Allah in what He commanded them, but they do what they are commanded as mentioned in Aya (6) of Surat Altahrim.
Allah says in the next four verses (21-24) "Or have they taken gods from the earth who resurrect?, if there were gods in both of them other than Allah, they would have been corrupted, so glory to be Allah, the Lord of the Throne above what they describe, He is not questioned about what He does, but they will be questioned, Or have they taken gods besides Him, Say Bring your proof, this is the reminder of those who are with Me and the reminder of those who were before Me, but most of them do not know the truth, so they are turning away", that is, Allah says as a denunciation of those who have taken gods besides Him Do they have taken gods from the earth who resurrect the dead from the graves?, then Allah assures that if there were gods in the heavens and the earth other than Him, the heavens and the earth would have been corrupted where as mentioned in Aya (91) of Surat Almu'minun, if there any god along with Him, every god would have gone with what he created and some of them would have prevailed over the others, thereupon, Allah absolves Himself from having a partner and says "Glory to be Allah, the Lord of the Throne above what they describe", and He is not questioned about what He does regarding His judgment in His creation, but He will ask His creation on the day of resurrection about their deeds in the worldly life, and He will reckon each for his deeds, then Allah says again as a denunciation "Or have they taken gods besides Him", thereupon, He commanded His Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) to ask them for a proof that there are gods other than Allah worthy of worship, and this Holy Quran is the reminder of those who are with Him and the reminder of those who were before Him that there is no God but Allah, but most of the polytheists do not know the truth, so they turning away from the Holy Quran.
Allah says in the next three verses (25-27) "And We did not send before You any Messenger except We revealed to Him that there is no god but Me, so Worship Me, and they say the Most Gracious has taken a son, Glory to be Him, but they are honored servants, they do not precede Him in word, and they act by His command", that is, Allah did not send any Messenger before Muhammad (PBUH) except that Allah has revealed to Him that there is no God but He, although the rulings are different in the Torah, Gospel, and the Holy Quran, but all of them based on monotheism, so Allah commanded them all to worship Him alone, and to single out Divinity for Him, then Allah absolves Himself from having a son where the disbelievers claim that the Angels are the daughters of Allah, so Glory to be Allah, but the Angels are honored servants with Allah in lofty and sublime stations, and they are obedient to Him in the utmost in word and deed, so they do not precede Him with an order, and they do not oppose Him in what He commands, but rather they hasten to do it.
Allah says in the next two verses (28,29) "He knows what is before them and what is behind them, and they cannot intercede except for whom He approves, and they are apprehensive from fear of Him, and whoever of them says indeed, I am a god besides Him, that is the one whom We will recompense with Hellfire, thus, We recompense the wrongdoers", that is, Allah knows what the Angels did, what they are doing, and what they will do, and nothing of their affair is hidden from Him, and they can not intercede on the day of resurrection except for whom Allah approves, and they in awe from fear of Allah and fear His punishment that it will befall them, and whoever of the Angels claims that he is a god besides Allah, then his recompense is Hellfire, abiding therein forever, and thus Allah recompense the wrongdoers.
Allah says in the next four verses (30-33) "Do those who disbelieve not see that the heavens and the earth were a joined entity, then We separated them, and We made from the water every living thing, then Will they not believe?, and We made in the earth firm mountains lest it shakes with them, and We made therein wide paths, so that they may be guided, and We made the sky a protected ceiling, but they from its signs, are turning away, and He is the One who created the night and the day and the sun, and the moon, all of them are swimming in an orbit", that is, Do those who disbelieve not see that the heavens and the earth were connected to each other, sticky and accumulating in the beginning, then Allah made the heavens seven, and the earth seven and separated between the lower sky and the earth with air, so the sky rains and the earth grows plants, and Allah made from the water every living thing, where all living creatures were created from water and need water for their survival such as humans, animals, insects, trees, fish, and many others, so will the disbelievers not believe, and acknowledge that Allah is the Creator and He alone is worthy of worship, so How is appropriate to associate other gods along with Him?, and He cast in the earth firm mountains lest it shakes with its people, and made therein wide paths from region to region and one country to another so that they may be guided by it, and Allah has made the sky a protected roof upon man, but the disbelieves do not reflect on its signs and what the sky is adorned with of the planets, the stars, the sun, and the moon, and if they looked at it, they would know that it has a Great Creator, so it is impossible for Him to have a partner, but they turning away from its signs, thereupon, Allah assures that He is the Creator of the night, the day, the sun, and the moon, and all of them are swimming in an orbit, so it is not for the sun that it reaches the moon, nor does the night overtake the day as Allah has stated in Aya (40) of Surat Yaseen.
Allah says in the next three verses (34-36) "And We did not assign eternity to any human being before You, so, if You die, Will they be the immortals?, every soul will taste death, and We test you with evil and with good as a trial, and to Us you will be returned, and when those who disbelieve see You, they take You not except in ridicule, Is this the one who mentions your gods?, and they are disbelievers of the mention of the Most Gracious", that is, Allah addresses His Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) and says that He did not immortalize anyone from the children of Adam before Him in the worldly life, so He will die as the Messengers before Him died, so if You dies, then Will the polytheists be the immortals?, no, they will inevitably die for every soul will taste death, and Allah tests man with misfortunes, hardships, disease, and poverty at times, and blessings, prosperity, health, and wealth at other times as a trial in order to see who is grateful and who is ungrateful, who is patient and who is not, and as narrated by Suhaib that Allah's Messenger said: "How amazing is the matter of the believer that his affairs are all good, and that is not for anyone except for the believer, if he was bestowed with a blessing, he thanks, and this is good for him, and if a calamity befell him, he was patient, and that is good for him" (Sahih Muslim 2999). And Allah has created death and life so that He may test humans, which of them is best in deed as mentioned in Aya (2) of Surat Almulk, so they will be returned to Him on the day of resurrection and He will reckon each for his deeds. Then Allah addresses His Messenger again and says that when the disbelievers of Quraish see Allah's Messenger, they mock and belittle Him, saying Is this the one who insults your gods?, they marvel at the mentioning of their gods which neither benefit nor harm badly, while they are disbelievers of the mentioning of Allah, the Most Gracious, the One who created them and bestowed His favor upon them, and in His Hands are their harm and benefit, and to Him is their return on the day of resurrection.
Allah says in the next two verses (37,38) "Man was created from haste, I will show you My signs, so Do not ask Me to hasten, and they say When is this promise if you are truthful?", that is, the polytheists of Quraish who used to mock Allah's Messenger ask Him to hasten the punishment of Allah, so Allah assures that man was created from haste, and he cannot wait, but Allah gives them respite till a while, then He will show them His torment and revenge, so He commanded them not to hasten His punishment, but they say as a denial of the resurrection "When is this promise if you are truthful", and Allah responds to their saying in Aya (47) of Surat Alhajj when He said "And they ask You to hasten the punishment, and Allah will never break His promise, and indeed, a day with Your Lord is like a thousand years of what you count".
Allah says in the three verses (39-41) "If those who disbelieve knew when they will not avert the fire from their faces, nor from their backs, and they will not be helped, but it will come to them suddenly, and bewilder them, and they will not be able to repel it, nor will they be given any respite, and indeed, Messengers were mocked before You, so those who mocked at them have been encircled by what they used to ridicule it", that is, if only those who disbelieve knew the time when they will not avert the Fire from their faces and their backs on the day of resurrection, they would not have hastened it, and they would be certain of its occurrence, so the torment will surround them from all sides and they will not find any helper in order to save them from Allah's punishment, but the Hour (The day of resurrection) will come to them suddenly while they do not perceive, so they are panic, surrender to it, confused, not knowing what to do, and they will not be able to repel it, nor will they be given any respite to repent and believe; because the rule of Allah that has passed among His servants is that repentance will not be accepted at the time of death or on the day of resurrection as mentioned in Aya (85) of Surat Ghafir, then Allah reassured His Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) and confirmed that they will perish as those before them who used to mock at the Messengers before Him as they have been encircled by the punishment they used to mock.
Allah says in the next three verses (42-44) "Say who can protect you at night or by day from the Most Gracious, but they are from the remembrance of their Lord are turning away, Or do they have gods to protect them besides Us?, they are not able to help themselves, nor can they be protected from Us, but We gave enjoyment to these and their fathers until a long life extended for them, then Do they not see that We come to the land, We reduce it from its borders, so Is it they who will overcome?", that is, Allah commanded His Messenger to ask the disbelievers Who can protect them at night when they sleep, or during the day when they work from the command of Allah if His punishment befell them, unquestionably, none can protect them against Allah, but they do not acknowledge His blessings and favors, rather they turn away from the remembrance of of their Lord, and from His signs. Then Allah says as a denunciation Or do they have gods to prevent them from Our punishment?, it is not as they imagined nor as they claimed, these gods whom they worship besides Allah can not help themselves, nor can they be protected from Allah, so How can they help their worshippers?, and Allah assures that what led them to what they were in of misguidance is that Allah gave them and their fathers the enjoyment of the worldly life of health, wealth, and long life till they thought that they are on the right path and turned away from the truth when it came to them, so Allah says Do they not see that He diminishes the earth from its sides by subjugating its people, defeating them, expelling them from it, killing them by swords, and conquering it region after region around Mecca, so that they may be admonished by this, and fear that the punishment will befall them as it befell the people of the borders, or Do they think that they will overcome the believers?, rather they will be the losers, the lowest, and the most humiliated.
Allah says in the next three verses (45-47) "Say I only warn you by revelation, and the deaf do not hear the call when they are warned, and if a whiff of the punishment of Your Lord should touch them, they would say O woe to us!, indeed, we were wrongdoers, and We set the scales of the justice for the day of resurrection, so no soul will be wronged in anything, and if there is the weight of a grain of mustard, We will bring it forth, and Sufficient are We as Reckoners", that is, Allah commanded His Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) to say to the polytheists of Quraish that He only warns them of Allah's punishment by the revelation which is the Holy Quran, but the deaf do not hear the call when they are warned, where when Allah's verses are recited to them, they turn away in arrogance as if they had not heard them as if in their ears is deafness as mentioned in Aya (7) of Surat Luqman, so the polytheists are like the deaf, and Allah's Messenger cannot guide them to the right path, and if just a whiff of the punishment of Allah should touch them as a recompense of their denial and disbelief, they will confess their wrongdoing and will say "O woe to us!, indeed, we were wrongdoers", and Allah will set the scales for reckoning with justice on the day of resurrection, so no soul will be wronged in anything where nothing will be detracted from the good-doer, and no one shall be punished for a sin he did not commit, and if man's deed of obedience or disobedience was the weight of a grain of mustard seed, Allah will bring it forth, and Sufficient is Allah as the One who reckons His creation.
And as narrated by Abdullah bin Amro bin Alas that the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said: "Indeed, Allah will distinguish a man from My Ummah before all of creation on the day of resurrection, ninety-nine scroll will be laid out for him, each scroll is as far as the eye can see, then He will say Do you deny any of this?, Have those who recorded this wronged you?, he will say No, O Lord! He will say Do you have an excuse?, He will say No O Lord! So He will say rather you have a good deed with Us, so you shall not be wronged today, then He will bring out a card ''Bitaqah''; on it will be ''I testify that there is no god but Allah, and I testify that Muhammad is His servant and Messenger", He will say Bring your scales, he will say O Lord! What good is this card next to these scrolls, He will say you shall not be wronged, He said the scrolls will be put on a pan (of the scale) and the card on the other pan, the scrolls will be light, and the card will be heavy, nothing is heavier than the Name of Allah" (Jami' Altirmidhi 2639).
Allah says in the next three verses (48-50) "And We have given Moses and Aaron the Criterion, and a light and a reminder for the righteous, those who fear their Lord unseen, and they are of the Hour apprehensive, and this is a blessed reminder which We have sent down, then Are you deniers of it?", that is, Allah has given the Prophet Moses and His brother Aaron the Torah which Allah called the Criterion (Alfurqan); because it distinguishes between truth and falsehood, between guidance and misguidance, and between lawful and forbidden, and Allah has also called the Holy Quran Alfurqan as mentioned in Surat Alfurqan Aya (1); Because all the heavenly books include distinction between truth and falsehood, guidance and error, lawful and forbidden, and Allah has sent down the Torah as a light and a reminder for the righteous, those fear Allah before meeting Him so that they obey Him, follow His commands, and fear Allah when no one but Allah sees them, and they are apprehensive of the Hour (The day of resurrection), and this, the Holy Quran, is a blessed reminder whose rulings and arguments are decisive and falsehood does not reach it, and Allah has sent it down upon His Messenger Muhammad (PBUH), so Will you deny it?.
Allah says in the next four verses (51-54) "And indeed, We had given Abraham His guidance before, and We were All-Knower of Him, when He said to His father and His people What are these statues to which you are devoted?, they said we found our father worshippers of them, He said indeed, you were, you and your fathers, in a clear error", that is, Allah has given His Prophet Abraham His guidance before the Prophet Moses and Aaron, and Allah inspired Him with the truth and argument against His people, and He saved Him from worshiping idols, and Allah was All-Knower of Him as He knows that the Prophet Abraham is qualified to guidance and suitable for prophecy, so He was given guidance from childhood where He denounced His people's worship of idols besides Allah and He said to His people What are these statues that you are devoted to worship them?, but their argument is nothing but they said we found our father worshippers of them, then the Prophet Abraham said to them, you and your fathers are in a clear error and on a path other than the straight path.
Allah says in the next four verses (55-58) "They said Have you come to us with the truth or are you of those who play?, He said, but your Lord is the Lord of the heavens and the earth who created them, and I am of the witnesses to that, and by Allah, I will surely plan against your idols after you turn back, fleeing, so He made them into fragments except a large one of them, so that they might return to Him", that is, the people of the Prophet Abraham said to Him Have you come to us with the truth and you are truthful in what you say, or are you of those who play as they did not hear of this before, thereupon, the Prophet Abraham assures them that their Lord is the One who created the heavens and the earth, and that He is of the witnesses that there is no god but Allah, and He is the Creator of everything, then the Prophet Abraham swore an oath by Allah that He will break their idols after they run away, so He made them into pieces except a large one of them, so that they might return to Him where it is an argument against them for these idols do not harm or benefit, and they are not even be able to defend themselves.
Allah says in the next five verses (59-63) "They said Who has done this to our gods?, indeed, he is of the wrongdoers, they said we heard a young man mentioning them, he is called Abraham, they said then Bring Him before the eyes of the people, so that they may bear witness, they said Have you done this to our gods O Abraham?, He said but this, the largest of them did it, so Ask them if they should speak", that is, when the people of the Prophet Abraham returned and saw what the Prophet Abraham has done to their idols, they said "Who has done this to our gods?, indeed, he is of the wrongdoers", then those who heard Him when He swore that He will destroy them said "We heard a young man mentioning them, he is called Abraham", thereupon, they intended to punish Him and said to each other Bring Him before the eyes of the people so that they may bear witness the punishment He deserves, so they asked Him in the presence of all the people and said "Have you done this to our gods O Abraham?", but the Prophet Abraham told them that the largest statue destroyed the others, and He said to them ''so Ask them if they should speak", He intended to prove to them that these statues do not speak, benefit, nor harm, so How do they worship them besides Allah?.
Allah's Messenger (PBUH) said in narration of Abu Hurayrah: "The Prophet Abraham, peace be upon Him, never told a lie but only thrice, two times for the sake of Allah, His saying "I am sick, Surat Alsaffat Aya (89)", and His saying "But this, the largest of them did it Aya (63) of the current Surah", and because of Sarah (His wife), He had come in a land inhabited by haughty and cruel men along with Sarah, she was very good-looking amongst the people, so He said to her if these people were to know that you are My wife, they would snatch you away from Me, so if they ask you tell them that you are My sister and in fact you are My sister in Islam, and I do not know of any other Muslim in this land besides I and you, and when they entered that land the tyrants came to see her and said to Him (the king) there came to your land a woman whom you alone deserve to possess, so he sent someone and she was brought to him, and Abraham stood in prayer, when she visited him, he could not control himself and extended his hand towards her and his hand was tied up, he said Supplicate to Allah so that He may release my hand and I will not harm you, she did that and the man repeated his action, and his hand was again tied up more tightly than on the first occasion, he said the same thing to her again, and she again did that, but he repeated his action, and his hand were tied up more tightly than on the previous occasions, he then again said Supplicate Allah so that He may set my hand free, by Allah I shall do no harm to you, she did and his hand was freed, then he called the person who had brought her and said to him you have brought to me the Satan and you have not brought to me a human being, so turn them out from my land, and he gave Hajar as a gift to her, she returned and when Abraham peace be upon Him saw her, He said How have you returned?, she said with full safety, Allah held the hand of that debauch and he gave me a maid-servant", Abu Hurayrah said O sons of the rain of the sky, she is your mother" (Sahih Muslim 2371).
Allah says in the next four verses (64-67) "So they returned to themselves and said indeed, you are the wrongdoers, then they turned on their heads, indeed, You have known that these do not speak!, He said then Do you worship besides Allah what does not benefit you anything nor harm you?, Uff to you and to what you worship besides Allah, then Will you not understand?", that is, the people of the Prophet Abraham returned to themselves and began to think about what Abraham said, and they confess for a while that they were the wrongdoers by worshiping these statues, but they quickly returned to their delusion that fixed in their heads and said to the Prophet Abraham "You have known that these do not speak!", so How do You say Ask them when You know that they can not speak?, then the Prophet Abraham said to them Do you worship besides Allah what does not benefit you anything nor harm you?, they neither harm nor benefit, so why do you worship them while you know that they do not speak?, then He said to them Uff to you and to what you worship besides Allah, which is a word that expresses something disgusting, so Will you not understand that they did not defend themselves from the harm that befell them, and they can not speak in order to tell you who did that to them, so How can they benefit you or harm you?.
Allah says in the next three verses (68-70) "They said Burn Him and Help your gods if you would be doers, We said O Fire! Be coolness and safety upon Abraham, and they intended for Him a plan, but We made them the great losers", that is, the people of Abraham wanted revenge for their gods from Abraham, therefore they said to each other "Burn Him and Help your gods if you are doers", so they gathered a lot of wood and burned it, then they threw Abraham into it, and as narrated by Ibn Abbas: "The last statement of Abraham when He was thrown into the fire was "Hasbeiya Allahu wa ne'ma alwakeel viz Allah is Sufficient for Me and He is the Best Disposer" (Sahih Albukhari 4564), so Allah commanded the fire to be cold and safe upon Abraham and Allah removed the characteristic of burning from it especially for Abraham, so it remained lit but did not burn Him, and Allah saved His Prophet Abraham from their plot and made them the great losers, and as narrated by Um Sharik: Allah's Messenger ordered that the salamander should be killed and said it blew the fire on Abraham" (Sahih Albukhari 3359).
Allah says in the next three verses (71-73) "And We rescued Him and Lot to the land which We blessed in it for the worlds, and We granted Him Isaac and Jacob, a gift, and all We made righteous, and We made them leaders who guide by Our command, and We inspire to them the doing of good, and establishing of the prayer, and giving the Zakah, and they were worshippers to Us", that is, the Prophet Lot believed in Abraham, and Abraham said I am emigrating to My lord, so He migrated from the land of infidelity to a land where He could worship Allah and establish the religion as mentioned in Aya (26) of Surat Alankaboot, so Allah rescued the Prophet Abraham and the Prophet Lot to the land which He blessed in it for the worlds, and then Allah rewarded the Prophet Abraham for his obedience and sincerity of worshipping Allah, and abandoning the religion of His people, so Allah granted the Him His son Isaac, and His grandson Jacob as a gift and He made all of them righteous, obeying His commands and avoiding His prohibitions, and Allah made them leaders who guide others to the worship of Allah alone by His command, and Allah inspired to them the doing of good things and good deeds, establishing the prayer, and giving the obligatory charity (Zakah), and they were worshippers to Allah.
Allah says in the next two verses (74,75) "And Lot We gave Him judgment and knowledge, and We saved Him from the town which used to do wicked deeds, indeed, they were a people of evil, disobedient, and We admitted Him into Our mercy, indeed, He was of the righteous", that is, Allah gave the prophet Lot judgment and knowledge, and He revealed to Him, made Him a Prophet, and sent Him to the town which used to commit shameful deeds; for they used to do sodomy, and no one of the sons of Adam has ever preceded them to this act as mentioned in Aya (28) of Surat Alankaboot, so Allah destroyed the people of Lot with stones of clay as they were a people of evil and disobedient ones, and saved the Prophet Lot and His family except His wife, and Allah admitted him to His mercy, indeed, He was of the righteous, obeying Allah's commands, and avoiding His Prohibitions.
Allah says in the next two verses (76,77) "And Noah when He called before, so We responded to Him, and saved Him and His family from the great distress, and We saved Him from the people who denied Our signs, indeed, they were a people of evil, so We drowned them, all of them", that is, the Prophet Noah stayed with His people for a thousand years minus fifty years calling them to worship Allah alone as mentioned in Aya (14) of Surat Alankaboot, but they denied Him, so when He despaired of their belief, He called Allah for help before the Prophet Abraham and the Prophet Lot "So He called His Lord I am one overpowered, so defend" as mentioned in Aya (10) of Surat Alqamar, so Allah responded to Him, and saved Him and His family from the great affliction which befell His people where Allah saved Him from the people who denied Allah's signs on the Ark, and drowned all of them in the flood, and there was not none of them left on the earth for they were a people of evil.
Allah says in the next three verses (78-80) "And David and Solomon, when they judged concerning the field, when the goats of the people pastured in it at night, and We were witnesses to their judgment, and We gave understanding of it to Solomon, and all We gave judgment and knowledge, and We subjected with David the mountains to glorify and the birds, and We were the doers, and We taught Him the making of armor for you to protect you from your battle, then will you be grateful?", that is, Allah tells about the Prophet David and His son, the Prophet Solomon, when they judge concerning the filed, when the goats of the people pastured in it at night and destroyed it, and Allah was a witness to their judgment, and Allah gave understanding of it to Solomon. Although both of them have judged correctly because Allah gave both of them judgment and knowledge, but the most correct opinion was for Solomon, so He judged that the owners of the goats should repair what the goats damaged for when the goats spoiled the crops at night, then their owner have to restore the crops as they were, but if the crops were damaged during the day, then they have nothing to do; Because the owner of the goats has to guard them at night, and the owner of the field has to guard it during the day, and that is the rule of Allah that the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) ruled by, and He would not have judged by a rule other than the rule of Allah, where as narrated by Albara' bin Azib: "Albara' had a she-camel which was accustomed to graze the standing crop belonging to the people, she entered a garden and did damage to it, the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) was informed about it, so He gave decision that the owners of gardens are responsible for guarding them by day, and the owners of the animals are responsible for guarding them by night, any damage done by animals during the night is a responsibility lying on their owners".
Accordingly, whoever spoils or damages something that belongs to another person, he must return it to the way it was or compensate him for it, and as narrated by Anas bin Malik: "While the Prophet (PBUH) was in the house of one of His wives, one of the mothers of the believers sent a meal in dish, the wife at whose house the Prophet was struck the hand of the servant, causing the dish to fall and break, the Prophet gathered the broken pieces of the dish and then started collecting on them the food which had been in the dish, and said your mother felt jealous, then He detained the servant till a dish was brought from the wife at whose house He was, He gave the sound dish to the wife whose dish had been broken and kept the broken one at the house where it had been broken (Sahih Albukhari 5225).
Then Allah assures that He subjected the mountains to glorify with David in the evening and the sunrise, likewise, the birds were assembled in the sky to glorify with Him, and Allah made the iron soft for Him in order to make armors, and He taught Him how to make armors and ordered Him to maintain balance in combining the rings of the armors as mentioned in Ayat (10,11) of Surat Saba', and Allah taught Him the making of armor in order to protect you from killing if you wear it when meeting your enemies in the battlefield, and Allah's Messenger said in narration of Abu Hurayrah that the Prophet David would never eat except from the earnings of His manual work" (Sahih Albukhari 3417), thereupon, Allah says Will you be grateful for Allah's blessings upon you?, so you will obey Allah in His commands and prohibitions and hasten to please Him; For gratitude does not occur through tongue, but rather through actions and obedience, while praising Allah occurs through the tongue, therefore, Allah addresses them in Aya (13) of Surat Saba' saying "O family of David! Work in gratitude".
Allah says in the next two verses (81,82) "And for Solomon the stormy wind that proceeding by His command to the land in which we blessed, and We are All-Knowers of everything, and of the devils were those who dive for Him, and do work other than that, and We were of them Guardians", that is, Allah has subjected the violent wind for the Prophet Solomon, so it was obedient to Solomon, running by His command to the land in which Allah blessed, and its journey in the morning was equal to the journey of one month, and its journey in the afternoon was equal to the journey of another month as mentioned in Aya (12) of Surat Saba', and Allah is All-Knower of everything as nothing of His affair is hidden from Him. Allah also subjected the devils to Solomon, so among them was a group of divers in the seas extracting the pearls, jewels and precious things that are only found in the seas, and among them were those who do work other than that such as those who work in construction works, and Allah is a Guardian over them where whomever deviated from Allah's command to obey Solomon, Allah will make him to taste the punishment of the Blaze on the day of resurrection as mentioned in Aya (12) of Surat Saba'.
Allah says in the next two verses (83,84) "And Job when He called His Lord, indeed, the adversity has touched Me, and You are the Most Merciful of the Merciful, so We responded to Him, and removed what was on Him of adversity, and We gave Him His family and the like thereof along with them as a mercy from Ourselves and a reminder for the worshippers", that is, Allah afflicted His Prophet Jon (Ayyub) with harm in His body, His wealth, and His sons until there was nothing left for Him except His wife, and when the disease became prolonged and severe, He called Allah to heal Him and to turn away the evil from Him saying "Indeed, the adversity has touched Me, and You are the Most Merciful of the merciful", so Allah responded to Him and removed what afflicted Him of adversity and He commanded Him to strike the ground with His foot, so a spring of water gushed out, then Allah commanded Him to drink and to bathe from it as mentioned in Aya (42) of Surat Sad, and Allah gave Him His family and the like thereof along with them, a mercy from Allah for His patience and a reminder for the worshippers so that they may know that the consequence of patience over suffering and hardship is the blessing and the comfort.
Allah says in the next two verses (85,86) "And Ishmael and Idrees and Dhul-Kifl, all were of the patient ones, and We admitted them to Our mercy, indeed, they were of the righteous", that is, Ishmael, the son of the Prophet Abraham, the Prophet Idrees, and Dhul-Kifl, all were of the patient ones, so Allah admitted them to His mercy as a reward for their patient over what afflicted them, and they were of the righteous, obeying Allah's commands, and avoiding His Prohibitions.
Allah says in the next two verses (87,88) "And zunnoon when He walked away in anger, and thought that We would not decree upon Him, then He called in the darknesseses that there is no god but You, Glory to be You, indeed, I was of the wrongdoers, so We responded to Him and saved Him from the distress, and thus We save the believers", that is, Zunnoon, the Prophet Yunus was of the Messengers, and He walked away from His people in anger and thought that Allah would not decree upon Him and afflict Him with hardships, so He fled to the laden boat, then the boat was manipulated by the waves from every side, and they were about to drown, so they made a lottery, and whoever the lot falls on will be thrown on the sea in order to lighten the ship load, so the lot fell on the Prophet Yunus, and then the fish swallowed Him while He was blameworthy as He left His people and fled to the sea, then He called Allah in the darkenesses saying ''La illaha ella anta subhanaka, inni kuntuo mena alzalemeen, viz there is no god but You, Glory to be You, indeed, I was of the wrongdoers", so Allah responded to Him and commanded the fish to throw Him on the shore while He was sick, and then Allah caused a tree of pumpkin to grow over Him as mentioned in Ayat (145,146) of Surat Alsaffat, and thus Allah saves the believers, and as narrated by Ibrahim bin Muhammad bin Sa'd from His father from Sa'd that Allah's Messenger (PBUH) said the supplication of Zunnoon when He supplicated while in the belly of the whale was "La illaha ella anta subhanaka, inni kuntuo mena alzalemeen", so indeed, no Muslim man supplicates with it for anything, ever, except Allah responds to Him".
Allah says in the next two verses (89,90) "And Zechariah when He called His Lord, My Lord Do not leave Me alone, and You are the Best of the inheritors, so We responded to Him, and We granted Him John, and reformed for Him His wife, indeed they used to accelerate to the good and supplicate Us in hope and fear, and they were to Us humble ones", that is, Allah tells about the Prophet Zechariah when He called Allah a private supplication saying My Lord Do not leave Me alone, so He asked Allah for an heir who will inherit Him and inherit from the family of Jacob as mentioned in Ayat (5,6) of Surat Maryam, then the Prophet Zechariah Praised Allah saying "You are the Best of the inheritors", so Allah responded to Him and gave Him the Prophet John (Yahya), and none before Him was called by this name as mentioned in Aya (7) of Surat Maryam, and Allah made His wife good for Him, then Allah assures that they used to hasten to do good and righteous deeds and seek nearness to Allah by obeying Him, and they call their Lord in hope of His blessings and reward, and in fear of His punishment, and they were humbly submissive and obedient to Allah.
Allah says in the next three verses (91-93) "And the one who guarded Her chastity, so We breathed into her of Our Spirit, and We made Her and Her son a sign for the worlds, indeed, this your religion is one religion, and I am Your Lord, so Worship Me, and they cut off their matter between them, all to Us will return", that is, Allah tells about Mary (Maryam), the daughter of Imran, who guarded her chastity, and Allah sent Gabriel to Her, and He represented himself to her as a well-proportioned man as mentioned in Aya (17) of Surat Maryam, then Allah commanded Him to breathe into her garment of His Spirit, then the blow came down and penetrated her vagina and from it was the pregnancy of Jesus peace be upon Him, and Allah made Mary and the Prophet Jesus as a sign for the worlds that indicates Allah's great power to do whatever He wills; for He created Jesus from a female (Mary) without a male. Then Allah affirms that the religion is one even if the Messengers and laws differed, but they all called to worship Allah alone with no partners, thereupon, Allah says "I am Your Lord, so Worship Me", and Allah's Messenger said in narration of Abu Hurayrah: "Both in this world and in the Hereafter, I am the nearest of all people to Jesus, the son of Mary, the Prophet are paternal brothers: their mothers are different, but their religion is one". Although the heavenly religion is one, but the nations to whom the Messengers were sent had divided their religion, and became sects and differed among themselves on false opinions, and each faction of them rejoicing in what they have, where each of them claimed that he is right without others as mentioned in Aya (53) of Surat Almu'minun.
Allah says in the next three verses (94-96) "And whoever does of the righteous deeds, while he is a believer, then no denial will there be for his striving, and indeed, We are recorders of it, and there is prohibition upon a town which We have destroyed that they will not return, until when the Gog and Magog has been opened and they descend from every elevation", that is, whoever does of the righteous deeds while he believes in Allah and His Messenger, then no denial will be there for His effort, so He will be rewarded for his good deeds with the fullest reward, and he will not be wronged an atom's weight as Allah enumerates and records all his deeds and nothing of it will be lost, and Allah has destined upon every town which He has destroyed that they will not return to the worldly life before the day of resurrection, then Allah tells about one of the signs of the Hour (The day of resurrection), which is the exit of Gog and Magog from behind the dam built by Dhul-Qarnain as mentioned in Surat Alkahf Ayat (93-98), and as narrated by Hudhaifa bin Usaid Alghifari: "Allah's Messenger came to us all of sudden as we were busy in discussion, He said What do you discuss about?, they said we are discussing about the Last Hour, thereupon He said, it will not come until you see ten signs before, and He made a mention of the smoke, Aldajjal, the beast, the rising of the sun at sunset, the descent of Jesus, the son of Mary peace be upon Him, the Gog and Magog, and the land-slides in three places, one in the east, one in the west, and one in Arabia, and last of which fire would burn forth from the Yemen, and would drive people to the place of their assembly". Although Gog and Magog are of the descendants of Adam, peace be upon Him, but they are corrupters on the earth, and they will open the dam that isolates them from the rest of humanity at the end of time, and they will descend from every elevation in order to cause corruption in the land and they have already opened part of the dam, where as narrated by Zainab bint Jahsh: "Allah's Messenger once came to her in a state of fear and said there is no god but Allah. Woe unto the Arabs from a danger that has come near, an opening has been made in the wall of Gog and Magog like this "Making a circle with His thumb and index finger", Zainab bint Jahsh said O Allah's Messenger! Shall we be destroyed even though there are pious persons among us?, He said yes, when the evil persons and immorality will increase" (Sahih Albukhari 3346).
Allah says in the next four verses (97-100) "And the true promise has drawn near, then behold! The eyes of those who disbelieve are staring, O woe to us! Indeed, we had been in heedlessness of this, but we were wrongdoers, indeed you and what you worship besides Allah are the firewood of Hellfire, you will come to it, if these were gods, they would not have come to it, and all will abide therein forever, for them therein is an exhalation, and they will not hear therein", that is, Allah assures that the true promise has approached, which is the day of resurrection, so when it occurred, the eyes of the disbelievers will remain upraised from the severity of what they see of its horrors, so they will say "O woe to us! Indeed, we had been in heedlessness of this", and they will confess that they were wrongdoers by worshipping other than Allah in the worldly life, then it will be said to them that they and the idols they worshipped besides Allah will be the firewood of Hellfire, and they will enter it, and if these idols were true gods, they would not have entered Hellfire, and all, they and their idols, will abide in Hellfire forever, for them therein is an exhalation which expresses the grief that they are in, and they will not hear therein.
Allah says in the next three verses (101-103) "Indeed, those for whom the best has preceded from Us, they are removed from it, they will not hear its sound, while they are in what their souls desire, abiding forever, they will not be grieved by the greatest terror, and the Angels will meet them, this is your day which you have been promised", that is, those who believe in Allah and His Messengers and do righteous deeds, then they are those for whom happiness has preceded from Allah, they will be kept away from Hellfire, they will not hear the sound of Hellfire contrary to the disbelievers who will hear its rage and exhalation from a far place as mentioned in Aya (12) of Surat Alfurqan, they will be in what their souls desire of its bless and pleasures, abiding forever, and they will not be grieved by the greatest terror of the day of resurrection, and the Angels will give them the glad tidings of what they have been promised saying "this is your day which you have been promised".
Allah says in the next verse (104) "The day when We will fold the heaven like the folding of a sheet for the books, as We began the first creation, We will repeat it, a promise upon Us, indeed, We will do it", that is, on the day of resurrection, Allah will fold the heaven like the folding of a sheet for the books where the the heaves will be folded in Allah's right Hand as mentioned in Aya (67) of Surat Alzumar, then Allah assures that as He began the creation of mankind, He will repeat their creation and resurrect them from the graves as the resurrection is a promise upon Allah, and He will do it, and as narrated by Ibn Abbas: "The Prophet (PBUH) delivered a sermon and said you will be gathered before Allah bare-footed, naked and uncircumcised, the Prophet then recited "As We began the first creation, We will repeat it, a promise upon Us, indeed, We will do it", and added, the first man who will be dressed on the day of resurrection will be Abraham, Lo! Some men from My Ummah will be brought and taken towards the left side, whereupon, I will say O Lord My companions! It will be said You do not know what new things they introduced after You, I will then say as the righteous pious servant, Jesus, said and I was a witness over them as long as I was among them, but when You took Me up, You were the Observer over them (Surat Alma'idah Aya 117), then it will be said these people never stopped to apostate since You left them" (Sahih Albukhari 4625).
Allah says in the next two verses (105,106) "And We have written in the Psalms after the reminder that the earth will be inherited by My righteous servants, indeed, in this is a notification for a worshipping people", that is, Allah affirms that He has written in the Psalms that He has sent to the Prophet David after the Torah that He has sent to the Prophet Moses that the righteous servants will inherit the earth of Paradise, where Allah has given the Prophet David the book of Psalms as mentioned in Aya (55) of Surat Alisraa, and He has given the Torah to Moses and Aaron as a reminder for the righteous as shown above in Aya (48), and in the Holy Quran that Allah has sent to the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is a notification for those who worship Allah alone, obeying His commands, and avoiding His prohibitions.
Allah says in the next three verses (107-109) "And We have not sent You except as a mercy to the worlds, Say it is only revealed to Me that your god is one God, so Will you be Muslims?, but if they turn away, then say I have announced to you equally, and I do not know whether near or far is what you are promised", that is, Allah assures His Messenger (PBUH) that He has sent Him as a mercy to all the worlds, the Jinn and the men, the believers and the disbelievers, so whoever follows Him will have mercy in the worldly life and the Hereafter, and whoever does not follow Him will be saved from the calamity that used to afflict the previous nations, then Allah commanded His Messenger to say to the polytheists of Quraish that it is only revealed to Him that there is none is worthy of worship except one god who is Allah, so Will you submit to Him?, but if they turn away, then say I have informed you equally of what was revealed to Me from My Lord, and I do not know whether near or far is what you are promised of resurrection and reckoning, so I do not know the knowledge of the Hour, but it will inevitably happen.
Allah says in the last three verses (110-112) "Indeed, He knows the declared of the speech and He knows what you conceal, and I do not know, perhaps it is a trial for you and an enjoyment for a time, He said My Lord Judge with truth, and Our Lord is the Most Gracious, the One whose help is sought against what you describe", that is, Allah commanded His Messenger to say that Allah knows what the polytheists declare of their speech and what they conceal, the apparent and the secret, so nothing of their affair is hidden from Him, and if He delays His punishment for what you declare or conceal of denial and disbelief, then I do not know, perhaps it is a temptation for you or an enjoyment for an appointed time that only He knows, then He will take revenge on you, then Allah's Messenger delegated the matter to Allah, and asked Him to judge between Him and the polytheists of Quraish with truth, and He said to them that Allah, the Most Gracious, is the one whose help is sought against what they describe and fabricate of lies and falsehood with regard to Allah, His Messenger, and the Holy Quran.
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