57- Surat Alhadid/Tafseer

29 Verses  Maddani (revealed in Medina)

A'auzu Bellahi mena ash-shytani ar-rajim

I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed Satan

Bismi Ellahi Ar-rhmani Ar-rahim

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

Sabbaha lellahi ma fee alsamawati wa alardi wa huwa Alazizu Alhakeem (1).
Whatever is in the heavens and the earth glorified Allah, and He is the Almighty, the All-Wise.

Lahu mulku alsamawati wa alardi youhiyi wa youmeetuo wa huwa ala qulli shaiy-in qadeer (2).
To Him belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth, He gives life and causes death, and He is over everything All-powerful.

Huwa alawwaluo wa alakheruo wa Alzaheruo wa albatenuo wa huwa be-qulli shaiy-in aleem (3).
He is the First and He is the Last and the Apparent and the Unapparent, and He is All-Knower of everything.

Huwa allazi khalaqa alsamawati wa alarda fee settati ayyamin thumma estawa ala alarshi ya'lamuo ma yalejuo fee alardi wa ma yakhrujuo menha wa ma yanzeluo mena alsama'ee wa ma ya'rujuo feeha wa huwa ma'akum ayna ma kuntum wa Allahu bema ta'maluona baseer (4).
It is He who created the heavens and the earth in six days, and then He established Himself on the throne, He knows what goes down in the earth and what comes out from it, and what descends from the heaven and what ascends therein, and He is with you wherever you are, and Allah is All-seeing of what you do.

Lahu mulku alsamawati wa alardi wa ela Allahi tuorja'uo alumuor (5).
To Him belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth, and to Allah the matters will be returned.

Youlejuo al-layla fee alnahari wa youlejuo alnahara fee al-layli wa huwa aleemun bezati alssuduor (6).
He enters the night into the day and enters the day into the night, and He is All-knower of what is in the breasts. 

Amenuo bellahi wa rasulehi wa anfequo memma ja'alakum mustakhlafeena feehi fa-allazina amanuo menkum wa anfaquo lahum ajrun kabeer (7).
Believe in Allah and His Messenger and spend out of what he has made you successors therein, and those who believe among you and spend, for them, a great reward.

Wa ma lakum la tuo'menuona bellahi wa alrasuluo yad-ukum letuo'menuo be-rabbekum wa qad akhaza methaqakum in kuntum mu'meneen (8).
So what is with you that you do not believe in Allah, while the Messenger calls you to believe in your Lord, and indeed He has taken your covenant, if you are believers?.

Huwa allazi younazzeluo ala abdehi ayatin bayyinatin le-youkhrejakum mena alzulumati ela alnuori wa inna Allaha bekum lara-ufun raheem (9).
It is He who sends down upon His servant clear verses that He may bring you out of darknesses to the light, and indeed, Allah is Most Kind, Most merciful to you.

Wa ma lakum alla tuonfequo fee sabeeli ellahi wa lellahi merathuo alsamawati wa alardi la yastawi menkum man anfaqa men qabli alfat-hi wa qatala aulaeka a'azamuo darajatan mena allazina anfaquo men ba'duo wa qataluo wa kullan wa'ada Allahu alhusna wa Allahu bama ta'maluona khabeer (10).
So what is with you that you do not spend in the way of Allah?, while to Allah belongs the inheritance of the heavens and the earth, not equal are those of you who spent before the conquest and fought, those are greater in degree than those who spent afterwards and fought, and Allah has promised the best for all, and Allah is All-Aware of what you do.

Man za allazi youqreduo Allaha qardan hasanan fayouda-efahuo lahu wa lahu ajrun kareem (11).
Who is the one who will loan Allah a goodly loan, so He will multiply it for him, and for him a noble reward.

Yawma tara almu'meneena wa almu'menati yas'a nuruhum baiyna aiydehim wa be-aiymanehim bushrakumu alyawma jannatun tajree men tahteha alanharuo khaledeena feeha zaleka huwa alfawzuo alazeem (12).
The day you see the believing men and the believing women, their light running before them and on their right, glad tidings to you this day, gardens beneath which rivers flow, abiding therein forever, that is the great success.

Yawma yaquluo almunafequna wa almunafeqatuo le-llazina amanuo enzuruna naqtabes men nurekum qeela erje-uo wara'kum fal-tamesuo nuran fa-dureba baiynahum besurin lahu babun batenuhu feehi alrahmatu wa zaheruhu men qebalehi alazab (13).
The day when the hypocrite men and the hypocrite women say to those who believed, wait for us that we may acquire of your light, it will be said, go back behind you and seek light, then a wall will be placed between them, which will have a door, in its interior side, there will be the mercy, and its exterior side facing towards the punishment.

Younadunahum alam nakun ma'akum qaluo bala wa lakennakum fatantum anfusakum wa tarabbastum wa-rtabtum wa gharratkumu alamaniyyu hatta ja'a amruo Allahi wa gharrakum be-llahi algharuor (14).
They will call them, Were we not with you?, they will say, yes, but you tempted yourselves, and you waited, and you doubted, and the wishful thinking deceived you until the command of Allah came, and the deceiver deceived you about Allah.

Fal-yawma la you'khazuo menkum fediyatun wa la mena allazina kafaruo ma'wakumu alnaruo heiya mawlakum wa be'sa almaseer (15).
So today, no ransom will be taken from you, nor from those who disbelieved, your abode is the fire that is your protector, and wretched is the fate.

Alam ya'ni lellazina amanuo an takhsha'a qulubuhum le-zekri ellahi wa ma nazala mena alhaqqi wa la yakunuo ka-allazina auto alketaba men qabluo fa-tala aliyhemuo alamaduo fa-qasat qulubuhum wa katheerun menhum fasequon (16).
Has the time not yet come for those who believed that their hearts become humble at the remembrance of Allah, and at what has come down of the truth, and that they do not become like those who were given the Scripture before, then the term was prolonged for them, so their hearts hardened and many of them are disobedient.

E'lamuo anna Allaha youhyi alarda ba'da mawteha qad baiyyanna lakumuo alayati la'allakum ta'qeluon (17).
Know that Allah gives life to the earth after its death, indeed, We have made clear the signs to you, so that you understand.

Inna almussaddekeena wa almussaddeqati wa aqraduo Allaha qardan hasanan youda'fuo lahum wa lahum ajrun kareem (18).
Indeed, the men who give charity, and the women who give charity, and who lend a goodly loan to Allah, it will be multiplied for them, and for them a noble reward.

Wa allazina amanuo bellahi wa rusulehi aulaeka humu alsseddequna wa alshuhad'uo enda Rabbehim lahum ajruhum wa nuruhum wa allazina kafaruo wa kazzabu be-aiyatena aulaeka as-habuo aljaheem (19).
And those who believed in Allah and His Messengers, those are the truthful, and the martyrs are with their Lord, for them, their reward and their light, but those who disbelieved and denied our signs, those are the companions of the Hell.

E'lamuo annama alhayatu alduniya la-ebun wa lahwun wa zenatun wa tafakhurun baiynakum wa takathurun fee alamwali wa alwladi ka-mathali ghaiythin a'jaba alkuffara nabatahuo thumma yahejuo fa-tarahuo mussfarran thumma yakunuo hutaman wa fee alakherati azabun shadeedun wa maghferatun mena Allahi wa redwanun wa ma alhayatu alduniya ella matauo alghuruor (20).
Know that the worldly life is but a play, and amusement and adornment, and boasting among you and competition to increase of the wealth and the children like the example of a rain whose growth pleases the tillers, then it withers, and you can see it turning yellow, then it becomes debris, and in the Hereafter is a severe punishment, and forgiveness from Allah, and pleasure, and the worldly life is nothing but the enjoyment of delusion.

Sabequo ela maghferatin men Rabbekum wa jannatin arduha ka-ardi alsamawati wa alardi au-eddat lellazina amanuo bellahi wa rusulehi zaleka fadluo Allahi you'teehi man yasha-uo wa Allahu zuo alfadli alazeem (21).
Race to forgiveness from your Lord, and a Garden the width of which is like the width of the heaven and the earth, it has been prepared for those who believe in Allah and His Messengers, that is the bounty of Allah, He gives it to whomever He wills, and Allah is the Possessor of the great bounty.

Ma asaba men musebatin fee alardi wa la fee anfusekum ella fee ketabin men qabli an nabra'aha inna zaleka ala Allahi yaseer (22).
No calamity strikes either on the earth or in yourselves but it is in a book before We bring it into existence, indeed, that is easy for Allah.

Le-kaiyla ta'saww ala ma fatakum wa la tafrahuo bema atakum wa Allahu la youhebbuo kulla mukhtalin fakhuor (23).
So that you may neither grieve over what has escaped you, nor exult at what He has given you, and Allah does not like every proud, boaster.

Allazina yabkhaluona wa ya'muruna alnasa bel-bukhli wa man yatawalla fa inna Allahs huwa alghaiyyu alhameed (24).
Those who are stingy and enjoin upon the people stinginess, and whoever turns away, then indeed, Allah is Free of need, the Praiseworthy.

La-qad arsalna rusulana bel-bayyinati wa anzalna ma'ahumu alketaba wa almezana le-yaquma alnasu belqesti wa anzalna alhadida feehi ba'suon shadeedun wa manafe-uo lelnasi wa leya'lama Allahu man yansuruhuo wa rusulahu belghaybi inna Allaha qawiyyun Azeez (25).
Indeed, We have sent our Messengers with clear proofs, and We have sent down with them, the Scripture, and the Balance so that may the people establish justice, and we have sent down the iron in which there is mighty power and benefits for the people, and so that Allah may knows those who support Him and His Messengers unseen, indeed, Allah is All-Powerful, All-Mighty.

Wa la-qad arsalna Nuhan wa Ibrahima wa ja'lna fee zurriyyatehema alnubuwwata wa alketaba fa-menhum muhtadin wa katheerun menhum fasequon (26).
And indeed, We have sent Noah and Abraham, and We place in their progeny the prophethood and the Book, and among them there is a guided one, but most of them are disobedient.

Thumma qaffaiyna ala atharehim be-rusulena wa qaffaiyna be-isa ibni maryama wa ataiynahuo alinjeela wa ja'lna fee qulubi allazina ettaba-uhu ra'fatan wa rahmatan wa rahbaniyyatan ebtada-uha ma katabnaha alaiyhim ella ebtegha'a redwani ellahi fama ra'awha haqqa re-ayateha fa-ataiyna allazina amanuo menhum ajrahum wa katheerun menhum fasequon (27).
Then We have sent on their footsteps our Messengers, and We followed with Juses, son of Mary, and We gave him the Gospel, and We placed compassion, and mercy in the hearts of those who followed Him, but as for monasticism, they innovated it, We did not prescribe it for them except for seeking the pleasure of Allah, but they did not observe it with right observance, so We gave those who believed among them, their reward, but most of them are disobedient.

Ya-ayyuha allazina amanuo ettaquo Allaha wa amenuo berasulehi you'tekum keflaiyni men rahmatehi wa yaj'al lakum nuran tamshuona behi wa yaghfir lakum wa Allahu ghafurun raheem (28).
O you who believe! Fear Allah, and believe in His Messenger, He will give you two portions of His mercy, and make for you a light whereby you will walk, and forgive you and Allah is All-Forgiving, Most-merciful.

La-ella ya'lama ahlu alketabi alla yaqderuona ala shaiy-in men fadli ellahi wa anna alfadla beyadi ellahi you'tehi man yasha-uo wa Allahu zuo alfadli alazeem (29).
So that the people of the Book may know that they are not able, anything, from the bounty of Allah, and that the bounty is in the Hand of Allah, He gives it to whom He wills, and Allah is the possessor of the great bounty.

Simplified interpretation:

 Surat Alhadid is one of the seven Surahs of the Holy Quran that begin with glorification, and it carries a declaration of Allah's power and greatness in creating the heavens and the earth in six days. And Allah urges spending in His way more than once, and praising those who spent and fought before the conquest of Mecca that they are greater in degree than those who spent and fought after the conquest of Mecca. It also describes the conditions of the believing men and the believing women contrast to the conditions of the hypocrites men and the hypocrites women, and Allah warns that the worldly life is nothing but the enjoyment of delusion. 

 Allah says in the first verse "Whatever is in the heavens and the earth glorified Allah, and He is the Almighty, the All-Wise", where all creatures glorifies their Creator but man does not understand their way of glorification as mentioned in Surat Alisraa Aya (44), and Allah is All-Mighty who is Severe in His revenge on those who disobeyed Him, and He is All-Wise who manages His creation with wisdom in His laws and destiny.

 Then Allah says in the next two verses (2,3) "To Him belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth, He gives life and causes death, and He is over everything All-powerful, He is the First and He is the Last and the Apparent and the Unapparent, and He is All-Knower of everything", where He is the One who possesses the authority of whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth, and He gives life to whom He wills, and causes death to whom He wills and He is Able to do whatever He wants, and neither impediment nor inability can prevent Him from doing whatever He wills. And our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) has explained to us the meaning of the First, the Last, the Apparent, and the Unapparent in narration of Abu Hurayrah where He said: "The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) used to order that when one of us went to sleep, he should say: O Allah, Lord of the heavens and Lord of the earth, and our Lord, and the Lord of everything, Splitter of the seed-grain and date stone, and Revealer of the Torah and the Gospel, and the Quran, I seek refuge in You from the evil of every evil that You are holding by the forelock, You are the First, there is nothing before You, You are the Last, there is nothing after You, and the Apparent, there is nothing above You, and the Unapparent, there is nothing below You, relieve me of my debt, and enrich me from poverty".

 And Allah says in the next verse (4) "It is He who created the heavens and the earth in six days, and then He established Himself on the throne, He knows what goes down in the earth and what comes out from it, and what descends from the heaven and what ascends therein, and He is with you wherever you are, and Allah is All-seeing of what you do", that is, Allah has created the heavens and the earth in six days as the creation of the earth and whatever is on it took place in four days, then Allah completed the creation of the sky as seven skies in another two days as mentioned in Surat Fussilat Ayat (9-12), then Allah established Himself on the throne as He manages the matter and judges between His creation with justice, so He is the Creator of everything, the Possessor of everything, and All-Powerful over everything, and Allah knows what penetrates the earth from seeds and water, and what comes out from it of crops and fruits. He also knows what descends from the sky Like rain and the destiny of the servants and what ascends therein from Angels and the deeds of the servants. And Allah is with His servants wherever they are, He sees their deeds, hears their words, and nothing of their conditions is hidden from Him whether they conceal it or make it public. Then Allah confirms again in Aya (5) that the kingdom of the heavens and the earth belongs to Him alone, and to Him the final return on the day of resurrection, then He will judge between His servants what He wills "To Him belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth, and to Allah, the matters will be returned".

 And Allah says in Aya (6) "He enters the night into the day and enters the day into the night, and He is All-knower of what is in the breasts", that is, Allah enters the missing hours of the night into the day, so it become an increase in the hours of the day, and He enters the missing hours of the day into the night, so it become an increase in the hours of the night, therefore, sometimes the night is long and the day is short, sometimes vise versa , and sometimes they are equal. As a result, the four seasons of the year are determined which are winter, spring, summer, and autumn. And Allah is All-Knower of everything where nothing is hidden from Him even the secrets that the breasts conceal. 

 And because Allah has the kingdom of the heavens and the earth, He has made man a successor to those before him with what he inherited of money and he will bequeath it to those after him, so Allah commanded man to believe in Him and in His Messenger and to spend in the way of Allah before that money moves to someone else, and as a kind of encouragement, Allah has promised those who believe in Him and spend in His way a great reward as mentioned in Aya (7) "Believe in Allah and His Messenger and spend out of what he has made you successors therein, and those who believe among you and spend, for them, a great reward". 

 And as a kind of denunciation Allah says to them in Aya (8) "So what is with you that you do not believe in Allah, while the Messenger calls you to believe in your Lord, and indeed He has taken your covenant, if you are believers?". that is, what prevents you from believing in your Lord while His Messenger is among you calling you to faith, and what prevents you from believing while Allah has taken your covenant?, where He made the children of Adam testify of themselves that He is their Lord as mentioned in Aya (172) of Surat Al'araf, so if you still adhere to your old covenant, you will surely be believers. 

 And Allah assures them in the next verse (9) that there is nothing to prevent them from believing in Him because He revealed a clear verses to His Messenger Muhammad (PBUH), which are the verses of the Holy Quran, to bring them out of the darknesses of disbelief and misguidance to the light of faith and guidance, and that is out of His Mercy and compassion for His servants "It is He who sends down upon His servant clear verses that He may bring you out of darknesses to the light, and indeed, Allah is Most Kind, Most merciful to you".

 As it became clear above that man is nothing but a successor in his money, and as it moved to him from others, it will move to others after his death as well. Allah confirms this meaning again in Aya (10), it is as if He is saying to them what prevents you from spending in the way of Allah while the inheritance of the heavens and the earth belongs to Him alone, where He says "So what is with you that you do not spend in the way of Allah?, while to Allah belongs the inheritance of the heavens and the earth, not equal are those of you who spent before the conquest and fought, those are greater in degree than those who spent afterwards and fought, and Allah has promised the best for all, and Allah is All-Aware of what you do". Allah praised those who spent and fought in His way before the conquest of Mecca, as they believed in Him and supported His Messenger when His people opposed Him, and they are the first forerunners among the Muhajireen and the Ansar as Allah has named them in Aya (100) of Surat Altawbah, and Allah says that they are of a greater degree than those who spent and fought after the conquest of Mecca, and each of them was promised the best with varying degrees.

 Then Allah says as a kind of encouragement to spend in His way in Aya (11) "Who is the one who will loan Allah a goodly loan, so He will multiply it for him, and for him a noble reward". Allah will multiply his loan for him in the worldly life where Our Prophet said in narration of Abu Hurayrah: "Every day two angels come down from heaven and one of them says "O Allah! compensate every person who spends in your way, and the other says 'O Allah! destroy every miser". and for him a noble reward, that is , Allah will admit him into paradise in the Hereafter. 

 And Allah gave the believers a glad tidings in Aya (12), where He says "The day you see the believing men and the believing women, their light running before them and on their right, glad tidings to you this day, gardens beneath which rivers flow, abiding therein forever, that is the great success", where the believers are distinguished on the day of resurrection by the light that running before them and on their right as a reward of their faith and their good deeds, and it will be said to them "glad tidings to you this day, gardens beneath which rivers flow, abiding therein forever" and the eternal immortality in Paradise is the great success.

 While Allah gives the believers the light that running before them and on their right, He will extinguish the light of the hypocrites, therefore, the believers will fear that Allah will extinguish their light as He did to the hypocrites, so they will say as mentioned in Surat Altahrim Aya (8) "Our Lord, perfect for us our light". Then the hypocrites will say to the believers "wait for us that we may acquire of your light", but they will be disappointed, and the believers will say to them go back to where you came from and look for the light, and then Allah will place a wall between them, which is a barrier between the people of Paradise and the people of Hellfire, and this wall has a door that carries mercy for the believers from the side facing them, and carries the torment for the hypocrites from the side facing them as mentioned in Aya (13) "The day when the hypocrite men and the hypocrite women say to those who believed, wait for us that we may acquire of your light, it will be said, go back behind you and seek light, then a wall will be placed between them, which will have a door, in its interior side, there will be the mercy, and  its exterior side facing towards the punishment".

 Then Allah says in Aya (14) "They will call them, Were we not with you?, they will say, yes, but you tempted yourselves, and you waited, and you doubted, and the wishful thinking deceived you until the command of Allah came, and the deceiver deceived you about Allah", that is, the hypocrites will call the believers when the wall will be placed between them, and they will say to them were we not with you in the worldly life, so the believers will say "Yes", but you deceived yourselves by hypocrisy, disobedience and desires, and you delayed the repentance, and you doubted in Allah and the resurrection, and the wishful thinking of forgiveness deceived you until death came to you, and Satan deceived you till you reached what you are in. these hypocrites will be equal with the infidels, and no ransom will save them from Allah's punishment where Allah says in Aya (15) "So today, no ransom will be taken from you, nor from those who disbelieved, your abode is the fire that is your protector, and wretched is the fate".

 Allah addresses the believers in the next verse (16) and says "Has the time not yet come for those who believed that their hearts become humble at the remembrance of Allah, and at what has come down of the truth, and that they do not become like those who were given the Scripture before, then the term was prolonged for them, so their hearts hardened and many of them are disobedient", that is, their hearts soften when hearing the remembrance and admonition of Allah, and when hearing the Holy Quran, so they understand it, submit to it, and obey it. Abdullah Bin Mas'ud said "Since our acceptance of Islam and the revelation of this verse in which Allah has shown blame to us, there was a gap of four years". Then Allah forbade the believers to imitate those who were given the scripture before them from the Jews and Christians, when the term was prolonged for them, they changed Allah's book and as mentioned in Surat Altawbah Aya (31), they have taken their scholars and monks as lords besides Allah, so then their hearts hardened, and they did not soften by promises nor threats, so many of them are disobedient.

 Just as Allah revives the earth after its death, He is also Able to revive the hearts after their death, and bring them out from darkness of disbelief to the light of faith, where Allah says in Aya (17) "Know that Allah gives life to the earth after its death, indeed, We have made clear the signs to you, so that you understand".

 And Allah urges to give charity again as in Aya (11) and says in Aya (18) "Indeed, the men who give charity, and the women who give charity, and who lend a goodly loan to Allah, it will be multiplied for them, and for them a noble reward", that is, those who give alms will reap the reward of their charity in the worldly life and in the Hereafter, where Allah says in Aya (20) of Surat Almuzzammil "And loan to Allah a goodly loan, and whatever you will send forth for yourselves of good, you will find it with Allah is better and greater in reward". 

 Then Allah says in Aya (19) "And those who believed in Allah and His Messengers, those are the truthful, and the martyrs are with their Lord, for them, their reward, and their light, but those who disbelieved and denied our signs, those are the companions of the Hell", where Allah describes three groups of His servants, the first of them are the truthful ones who believed in Him and His Messenger, and the second are the martyrs who have their reward with their Lord, which is Paradise, and the truthful ones are of a higher degree than the martyrs, where Allah says in Surat Alnisa' Aya (69) "And whoever obeys Allah and the Messenger, then those will be with the ones upon whom Allah has bestowed favor of the Prophets, the truthful, the martyrs, and the righteous, and good are those as companions", whereas the third group are the companions of Hellfire who disbelieved in Allah and His Messenger and denied Allah's signs.

 Allah says in the next verse (20) "Know that the worldly life is but a play, and amusement and adornment, and boasting among you and competition to increase of the wealth and the children like the example of a rain whose growth pleases the tillers, then it withers, and you can see it turning yellow, then it becomes debris, and in the Hereafter is a severe punishment, and forgiveness from Allah, and pleasure, and the worldly life is nothing but the enjoyment of delusion", that is, Allah has cited the example of the worldly life as a warning against indulging in the pleasures of the worldly life and leaving work for the Hereafter, it is like rain that grows a plant that farmers admire, then it withers, and turns yellow, and then becomes debris, likewise, the worldly life will pass away, and the Hereafter will come, which will carry a painful torment for the disbelievers and will carry a forgiveness and pleasure from Allah for the believers.

 Then Allah says in the next verse (21) "Race to forgiveness from your Lord, and a Garden the width of which is like the width of the heaven and the earth, it has been prepared for those who believe in Allah and His Messengers, that is the bounty of Allah, He gives it to whomever He wills, and Allah is the Possessor of the great bounty", that is, hasten to righteous deeds that led to forgiveness from Allah, and a Paradise as wide as the heaven and the earth, Allah has prepared for those who believe in Him and His Messengers, and that is the grace of Allah bestowed upon the believers, and He gives it to whomever He wills, and Allah is the Possessor of the great bounty.

 And Allah says in the next three verses (22-24) "No calamity strikes either on the earth or in yourselves but it is in a book before We bring it into existence, indeed, that is easy for Allah, so that you may neither grieve over what has escaped you, nor exult at what He has given you, and Allah does not like every proud, boaster, those who are stingy and enjoin upon the people stinginess, and whoever turns away, then indeed, Allah is Free of need, the Praiseworthy", that is, no calamity occurs in the kingdom of Allah whether on the earth or afflicts human beings but Allah has decreed it before it occurs, so that man does not grieve for what he has missed, and does not rejoice in what Allah has given him, and to know that what befall him was not to miss him, and what missed him was not to befall him, and then Allah declares that He does not like every proud who admires himself, every boaster who boasts on people of what Allah has given him of His bounty, and does not offer gratitude to Him, rather, instead of thanking Allah of His blessings, and fulfilling Allah's right therein, they are niggardly and order people to be stingy, therefore, Allah assures whoever turns away that He is Free of need for his money and his spending, and He is the Praiseworthy of all what He decrees. 

 Then Allah says in Aya (25) "Indeed, We have sent our Messengers with clear proofs, and We have sent down with them, the Scripture, and the Balance so that may the people establish justice, and we have sent down the iron in which there is mighty power and benefits for the people, and so that Allah may knows those who support Him and His Messengers unseen, indeed, Allah is All-Powerful, All-Mighty'', that is, Allah has sent His Messengers with miracles and clear evidences, and He sent down with them the book with law and rulings, and He sent down the balance with justice for people to act among themselves with justice. Allah also sent down Iron in which there is a great power that is used against those who reject Allah's signs, as swords and tools of combat are formed from it, likewise, it also has benefits for people, as tools that are used in digging, plowing, farming, cooking, and so on are formed from it. Allah has sent all this to know those who supports His religion, and His Messengers, and does not deny them, and believe in Him and them without seeing them, and He is All-Powerful in victory over those who disobeys Him, and All-Mighty in His revenge on them.

 Allah says in Aya (26) "And indeed, We have sent Noah and Abraham, and We place in their progeny the prophethood and the Book, and among them there is a guided one, but most of them are disobedient", where Allah informs that He did not send a Messenger after Noah and Abraham except that he was one of their offspring in which Allah made the prophecy and the book like the Torah, Psalms, and the Gospel, where the progeny of the Prophet Noah were the survivors on the earth after the destruction of His people as mentioned in Aya (77) of Surat Alsaffat, and from His progeny are David, Solomon, Job, Joseph, Moses, Aaron, Zechariah, John, Jesus, Elias, Ishmael, Elisha, Jonah and Lot as Allah has stated in Ayat (84-86) of Surat Alan'am. Although there are those who have been guided from among their offspring, but many of them are disobedient ones. 

 Then Allah informs us that He sent after Noah and Abraham His Messengers like Moses, Elias, David, Solomon, Yunus, and the last of them was Jesus, Son of Mary, who was sent directly before our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), where Allah says in Aya (27) "Then We have sent on their footsteps our Messengers, and We followed with Juses, son of Mary, and We gave him the Gospel, and We placed compassion, and mercy in the hearts of those who followed Him, but as for monasticism, they innovated it, We did not prescribe it for them except for seeking the pleasure of Allah, but they did not observe it with right observance, so We gave those who believed among them, their reward, but most of them are disobedient", thereupon, Allah revealed to Jesus the Gospel and placed mercy and compassion in the hearts of those who followed Him, but the monasticism that they innovated on their own, seeking Allah's pleasure, was not imposed upon them, and instead to sticking to it, they did not adhere to what they imposed on themselves, where the priests and monks transgressed the limits of Allah when they prohibited for themselves women, good food, and delicious drinks, and some of them imprisoned themselves in the monasteries, and the others roamed the earth, but they did not fulfill what they imposed upon themselves. So Allah gave those who believed among them their reward, and most of them are disobedient people for they perverted their religion and opposed their Lord.

 Accordingly, Allah addresses those who believed from among the people of the scripture in Aya (28) and says "O you who believe! Fear Allah, and believe in His Messenger, He will give you two portions of His mercy, and make for you a light whereby you will walk, and forgive you and Allah is All-Forgiving, Most-merciful", that is, Allah will give the group that adhered to faith among the people of the scripture, and then believed in the Prophet Muhammad their reward twice, and will give them guidance to walk with, and will forgive their sins, and the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said in narration of Sha'bi: "There are three who would be given a double reward, one is who amongst the people of the scripture and believed in his Prophet, and reached the time of the Prophet (Muhammad) and believed in Him, and followed Him, and trusted Him, for him is the double reward, and an owned slave who fulfilled the right of Allah and the right of his master, for him is the double reward, and a man who has a slave-woman, and fed her, and fed her well, then he taught her good manners, and did that well and later on granted her freedom and married her, for him is the double reward".

 Then Allah assures the people of the Scripture in the last verse (29) that He gives His bounty to whom He wills where He says "So that the people of the Book may know that they are not able, anything, from the bounty of Allah, and that the bounty is in the Hand of Allah, He gives it to whom He wills, and Allah is the possessor of the great bounty", that is, Allah assures the people of the Scripture from among the Jews and the Christians that they have no power related to His bounty, whether in giving or in preventing, where Allah gives it to whom He wills even if they object to that, and Allah's Messenger (PBUH) said in narration of Abdullah: "The period of your stay as compared to the previous nations is like the period equal to the time between Alasr prayer and sunset, the people of the Torah were given the Torah and they acted upon it till midday then they were exhausted and were given one carat each, and then the people of Gospel were given the Gospel and they acted upon it till Alasr prayer, then they were exhausted and were given one carat each, and then we were given the Quran and we acted upon it till sunset, and we were given two carats each, on that the people of the two scriptures said "O our Lord! You have given them two carat and given us one carat, though we have work more than they", Allah said "Have I usurped some of your right?, they said "No", Allah said "That is My bounty, I give it to whom I will".   


No one Knows its interpretation except Allah

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