64- Surat Altaghabun/Tafseer

18 Verses  Maddani (revealed in Medina)

A'auzu Bellahi mena ash-shytani ar-rajim

I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed Satan

Bismi Ellahi Ar-rhmani Ar-rahim

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful


Yousabbehuo lellahi ma fee alsamawati wa ma fee alardi lahuo almulkuo wa lahuo alhamduo wa huwa ala kulli shay-in qadeer (1).
Whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth glorifies Allah, to Him belongs the kingdom, and for him is the praise, and He is over everything All-powerful.

Huwa allazi khalaqakum fa-menkum kafirun wa menkum muo'menun wa Allahu bema ta'maluna baseer (2).
He is the One who created you, and among you is a disbeliever, and among you is a believer, and Allah is All-seer of what you do.

Khalaqa alsamawati wa alarda bel-haqqi wa sawwarakum fa-ahsana suwarakum wa elaiyhi almaseer (3).
He created the heavens and the earth with truth, and He formed you, then He perfected your forms, and to Him is the final return.

Ya'lamuo ma fee alsamawati wa alardi wa ya'lamuo ma tuserruna wa ma tu'lenuna wa Allahu aleemun be-zati alssuduor (4).
He knows what is in the heavens and the earth, and He knows what you conceal and what you declare, and He is All-knower of what is in the breasts.

Alam ya'tekum naba-uo allazina kafaruo men qabluo fa-zaquo wabala amrehim wa lahum azabun aleem (5).
Has not come to you the news of those who disbelieved before?, so they tasted the consequence of their affair, and for them is a painful torment.

Zaleka be-annahu kanat ta'tehim rusuluhum bel-bayyinati faqaluo a-basharun yahdunana fa-kafaruo wa tawallaw wa-staghna Allahu wa Allahu Ghaniyyun Hameed (6).
That is because their Messengers had come to them with clear proofs, but they said Shall human beings guide us, so they disbelieved and turned away, thereupon, Allah can do without them, and Allah is Free of need, Praiseworthy.

Za'ama allazina kafaruo an lan youba'thuo qul bala wa rabbi la-tuba'thunna thumma la-tunabbaunna  bema ameltum wa zaleka ala Allahi yaseer (7).
Those who disbelieve claim that they will not be resurrected, Say but by My Lord, surely you will be resurrected, then you will be informed of what you did, and that is easy for Allah.

Fa-amenuo bellahi wa rasulehi wa alnuori allazi anzalna wa allahu bema ta'maluona khabeer (8).
So believe in Allah and His Messenger, and the light which We have sent down, and Allah is All-Aware of what you do.

Yawma yajma-ukum leyawmi aljamee zalka yawmuo altaghabuni wa man you'men bellahi wa ya'mal salehan youkaffir anhu sayyi-atehi wa youdkhelhuo jannatin tajri men tahteha alanharuo khaledina feeha Abadan, zaleka alfawzuo alazeem (9).
The day He will gather you for the day of gathering, that the day of Altaghabun, and whoever believes in Allah and does righteous deeds He will remove for him his evil deeds, and will admit him into gardens beneath which rivers flow, abiding therein forever, that is the great success .

Wa allazina kafaruo wa kazzabuo be-ayatina aulaeka as-habuo alnari khaledina feeha wa-be'sa almaseer (10).
And those who disbelieved and denied Our verses, those are the companions of Hellfire, abiding therein, and wretched is the fate.

Ma asaba men museebatin ella be-izni ellahi wa man you'men bellahi yahdi qalbahuo wa Allahu be-kulli shay-in Aleem (11).
No calamity befalls except by the permission of Allah, and whoever believes in Allah, He guides his heart and Allah is All-knowing of everything.

Wa atee-o Allaha wa atee-o alrasula fa in tawallaytum fa innama ala rasulena albalaghuo almubeen (12).
And obey Allah, and obey the Messenger, but if you turn away, then upon Our Messenger is only the clear conveyance.

Allahu la illaha ella huwa wa ala Allahi fal-yatawakkali almu'menuon (13).
Allah, there is no God except Him, and upon Allah let the believers rely.

Ya ayyuha allazina amanuo inna men azwajekum wa awladekum aduwwan lakum fa-hzaruhum wa in ta'fuo wa tasfahuo wa taghferuo fa inna Allaha Ghafurun Raheem (14).
O! you who believe, indeed, among your spouses and your children are enemies to you, so beware of them, and if you pardon, and overlook, and forgive, then indeed, Allah is Most-Forgiving, Most Merciful.

Innama amwalukum wa awladukum fetnatun wa Allahu endahuo ajrun azeem (15).
Verily, your wealth and your children are but a trial, and Allah has with Him a great reward.

Fa-ttaquo Allah ma stata'tum wa sma'uo wa atee-o wa anfequo khaiyran le-anfusekum wa man youqa shuhha nafsehi fa-aulaeka humu almuflehuon (16).   
So fear Allah as much as you can, and listen, and obey, and spend, it is better for yourselves, and whoever is saved from the stinginess of himself, then those are the successful ones.

In tuqreduo Allaha qardan hasanan youda-efhuo lakum wa yaghfir lakum wa Allahu Shakurun Haleem (17).
If you loan Allah a good loan, He will multiply it for you, and will forgive you, and Allah is Most-Appreciative, Most-Forbearing.

Alemuo alghaiybi wa alshahadati Alazeezuo Alhakeem (18).
The Knower of the unseen and the witnessed, The All-mighty, the All-Wise.

Simplified interpretation: 

 Surat Altaghabun is one of the seven Surahs of the Holy Quran that begin with glorification, and it lays down several rules for man, which begins with the affirmation of Allah's creation of man, the heavens, and the earth, the torment that Allah has inflicted on the previous nations, and that the day of resurrection will inevitably happen, and it urges belief in destiny and that no calamity befalls except by the permission of Allah. Also it carries a warning for man from the trial of the spouses, the children, and the wealth, and urges spending in the way of Allah, and affirms the great reward for those who do that.

 Allah says in the first verse "Whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth glorifies Allah, to Him belongs the kingdom, and for him is the praise, and He is over everything All-powerful", where all creatures glorifies their Creator but man does not understand their way of glorification as mentioned in Surat Alisraa Aya (44), and Allah is the One who disposes of all creatures as He wills, and for him the praise for all that He created and destined, and He is Able to do whatever He wants, and neither impediment not inability can prevent Him from doing whatever He wills.

 Then Allah describes His creation of man, the heavens, and the earth in the next three verses (2-4) "He is the One who created you, and among you is a disbeliever, and among you is a believer, and Allah is All-seer of what you do, He created the heavens and the earth with truth, and He formed you, then He perfected your forms, and to Him is the final return, He knows what is in the heavens and the earth, and He knows what you conceal and what you declare, and He is All-knower of what is in the breasts", that is, Allah is the One who created man into two groups, a disbeliever and a believer, and Our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said in narration of Ali: "There is none among you but has his place written for him, either in Paradise or in the Hellfire", and the issue of fate was mentioned at length in surat Al-Lail, and Allah is All-seer of what mankind do, so He will reward them for their deeds which correspond with their fate, and He created the heavens and the earth with justice and wisdom, and He formed man and created him in the most perfect form, and man will return to Him on the day of resurrection, and noting in the heavens or on the earth is hidden from AllahAnd Allah is All-Knower of everything where nothing is hidden from Him even the secrets that the breasts conceal. 

 And Allah addresses the infidels as a threat for them and says in the next two verses (5,6) "Has not come to you the news of those who disbelieved before?, so they tasted the consequence of their affair, and for them is a painful torment, that is because their Messengers had come to them with clear proofs, but they said Shall human beings guide us, so they disbelieved and turned away, thereupon, Allah can do without them, and Allah is Free of need, Praiseworthy", and these two verses are similar to Ayat (8-10) of Surat Altalaq, where Allah threatens the infidels with the torment that He inflicted on the previous nations such as the people of Ad, Hud, and Pharaoh as mentioned throughout the Holy Quran. They tasted the consequence of their disbelief and arrogance by the torment in the worldly life, and a painful torment awaits them in the Hereafter, that is because, when their Messengers had come to them with a clear proof, they ruled out that their guidance would be at the hands of humanbeing like them, and they said out of their arrogance "Shall human beings guide us", so they disbelieved in Allah and His Messengers and turned away from the truth, thereupon, Allah does not need them and He is Self-Sufficient, and He is the Praiseworthy of all what He decrees.

 Then Allah assures the infidels that the day of resurrection will inevitably happen and says in the next verse (7) "Those who disbelieve claim that they will not be resurrected, Say but by My Lord, surely you will be resurrected, then you will be informed of what you did, and that is easy for Allah", that is, Allah commanded His Messenger for the third time throughout the Holy Quran to swear by His Lord for the occurrence and the existence of the resurrection, and the other two times are in Aya (53) of Surat Yunus, and Aya (3) of Surat Saba', so Allah commanded His Messenger to assure the infidels of Quraish who claimed that they will not be resurrected that they will be resurrected and then they will be informed of their deeds that they had done in the worldly life, and their resurrection from the graves is easier for Allah than the first creation where Allah says in Surat Alroom Aya (27) "And it is He who begins creation, then He repeats it, and that is even easier for Him". Thereupon Allah commanded those who disbelieve in resurrection to believe in Him, His Messenger, and the Holy Quran which Allah described as the light which He sent down in Aya (8) "So believe in Allah and His Messenger, and the light which We have sent down, and Allah is All-Aware of what you do".

 Then Allah assures them again that the day of resurrection will inevitably happen and says in Aya (9) "The day He will gather you for the day of gathering, that the day of Altaghabun, and whoever believes in Allah and does righteous deeds He will remove for him his evil deeds, and will admit him into gardens beneath which rivers flow, abiding therein forever, that is the great success". Altaghabun is one of the names of the day of resurrection on which Allah will resurrect man for the day of gathering, and Allah encourages and motivates them to believe in Him by saying that whoever believes in Allah and does righteous deeds, He will remove for him his evil deeds, and will admit him into gardens beneath which rivers flow, abiding therein forever, that is the great success.

 But as for those who disbelieved in Allah, His Messenger, and the verses of His book which He revealed to Our Prophet Muhammad, they will be the companions and the fuel of the Hellfire, and they will abide therein, and the Hellfire is a wretched fate for them as mentioned in Aya (10) "And those who disbelieved and denied Our verses, those are the companions of Hellfire, abiding therein, and wretched is the fate".

 Then Allah says in the next three verses (11-13) "No calamity befalls except by the permission of Allah, and whoever believes in Allah, He guides his heart and Allah is All-knowing of everything, and obey Allah, and obey the Messenger, but if you turn away, then upon Our Messenger is only the clear conveyance, Allah, there is no God except Him, and upon Allah let the believers rely". The calamity is from Allah's command, and it is a test for man, and whoever believes and submits his affair to Allah, He will place certainty in his heart that what has befallen him could not have missed him, and that what missed him would not have befallen him, and Allah is All-Knowing of everything, So Allah commanded to obey Him and His messenger in what He legislated, to do what He commanded, and to leave what He forbade, and if you turned away, there is nothing upon Our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) except the manifest message and conveying what Allah sent Him with, then Allah confirms His oneness and whoever believes in Him must submit all his affairs to him and rely on Him.

 And Allah addresses the believers and says in the next two verses (14,15) "O! you who believe, indeed, among your spouses and your children are enemies to you, so beware of them, and if you pardon, and overlook, and forgive, then indeed, Allah is Most-Forgiving, Most Merciful, verily, your wealth and your children are but a trial, and Allah has with Him a great reward", that is, among your spouses and your children are enemies to you who turns you away from the way of Allah, and they discourage you from obeying Him, so beware of them, that you accept from them what they order you to do of abandoning obedience to Allah, and if you pardon what they have done, and do not punish them for it, indeed, Allah is Most-Forgiving, Most-Merciful for those who repent, believed, and done righteousness, and He will forgive your sins in exchange of your forgiveness and this is similar of Aya (22) of Surat Alnoor "And let them pardon and overlook, would you not like that Allah should forgive you?". Likewise, Allah warns the believers against the trial of wealth and children because they are not free from the temptation and the preoccupation of the heart with them, and they may lead you to earn what is unlawful and to prevent the right of Allah over you, and if you disobeyed your spouses and your children, kept away from the trial of wealth and children, and obeyed Allah, you will find with Him a great reward which is Paradise.

 Thereupon Allah commanded them in the next two verses (16,17) not to be preoccupied with the trial of their spouses, their children, and their money, and says "So fear Allah as much as you can, and listen, and obey, and spend, it is better for yourselves, and whoever is saved from the stinginess of himself, then those are the successful ones, if you loan Allah a good loan, He will multiply it for you, and will forgive you, and Allah is Most-Appreciative, Most-Forbearing", that is, fear Allah and beware of what He has made a trial for you from your spouses, your children, and your wealth lest their trial overcome you, and listen to the Messenger of Allah, and obey Him in what He commanded you and prohibited, and spend from your money in the way of Allah and it will better for you in the worldly life and in the hereafter, and whoever Allah saved him from the stinginess, and prevented him from following his own whims, then he will be of those who are successful, and if you loan Allah a good loan by spending in the way of Allah, He will multiply it for you many times over as mentioned in Surat Albaqarah Aya (245), and He will forgive you, and He is Most-Appreciative to those who spends in His way and He will reward them well, and He is Most Forbearing for those who disobey him by not hastening His punishment, and this is similar to Aya (20) of Surat Almuzzammil "and loan to Allah a goodly loan, and whatever you will send forth for yourselves of good, you will find it with Allah is better and greater in reward, and seek forgiveness of Allah, indeed, Allah is Most Forgiving, Most merciful". 

 And Allah describes Himself in the last verse (18) and says "The Knower of the unseen and the witnessed, The All-mighty, the All-Wise", that is, He knows everything that His servants see, and what is hidden from them, and nothing is hidden from Him, and He is All-Mighty who is Severe in His revenge on those who disobeyed Him, and He is All-Wise who manages His creation with wisdom in His laws and destiny.

No one Knows its interpretation except Allah

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