77- Surat Almursalaat

50 Verses Meccan (revealed in Mecca)

A'auzu Bellahi mena ash-shytani ar-rajim

I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed Satan

Bismi Ellahi Ar-rhmani Ar-rahim

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

Wa almursalaati urfa (1).
By those who sent forth one after another.

Fa alasefati asfa (2).
Then the winds that blow, violenty.

Wa alnasherati nashra (3).
And by those who spread far and wide.

Fa alfareqati farqa (4).
Then those who separates, distinctly. 

Fa almulqeyati zekra (5).
Then those who bring down the reminder.

Uzran aw nuzra (6).
Justification or warning.

Ennama tu'aduna la-waqe' (7).
Indeed, what you are promised is sure to occur.

Fa iza alnujumuo tumesat (8).
So when the stars are obliterated.

Wa iza alsama'uo furejat (9).
And when the sky has split up.

Wa iza aljebaluo nusefat (10).
And when the mountains are blown up.

Wa iza alrusuluo auqqetat (11).
And when the Messengers have an appointed time.

Lee ayyi yawmin ujjelat (12).
For what day are postponed?.

Lee yawmi alfasl (13).
For the day of Judgement.

Wa ma addraka ma yawmmuo alfasl  (14)
And what will make you know what the day of judgment is?.

Waillun yawmma izin lel-mukazibeen (15).
Woe that day to the deniers.

Alam nuhleki al-awaleen (16).
Did We not destroy the former people.

Thumma nutbe'uhumuo al-akhereen (17).
Then We follow them with the later ones.

Kazaleka naf'aluo bel-mujremeen (18).
Thus We deal with the criminals.

Waillun yawmma izin lel-mukazibeen (19).
Woe that day to the deniers.

Alam nakhluqkum men ma'in maheen (20).
Did We not created you from a disdained water.

Fa-ja'lnahuo fee qararin makeen (21).
Then We placed it in a safe place.

Ella qadarin ma'luom (22).
For a known time.

Fa-qadarna fa-ne'ma Alqaderuon (23).
Then we determined, so We are the best to determine.

Waillun yawmma izin lel-mukazibeen (24).
Woe that day to the deniers.

Alam naj'ali alarda kefata (25).
Have We not made the earth a container.

Ahya'an wa amwata (26).
For the living and the dead.

Wa Ja'lna feeha rawasiya shamikhatin wa askaynakum ma'an furata (27).
And We made therein lofty mountains, and We watered you sweet water.

Waillun yawmma izin lel-mukazibeen (28).
Woe that day to the deniers.

Entalequo ella ma kuntum behi tukazebuon (29).
Go ahead to what you used to deny it.

Entalequo ella zellin zee thalathi shu'ab (30).
Go ahead to a shadow having three branches.

La zalelin wa la yughni mena al-lahab (31).
No cool shade and not protecting from flames.

Innaha tarmi be-shararin kal-qasr (32).
It throws sparks as logs of wood.

Ka-annahuo jemalatun sufr (33).
As if they were black camels.

Waillun yawmma izin lel-mukazibeen (34).
Woe that day to the deniers.

Haza yawmuo la yantequon (35).
This is a day, they will not speak.

Wa la you'zanuo lahum fa-ya'tazeruon (36).
Nor will they be permitted to offer excuses.

Waillun yawmma izin lel-mukazibeen (37).
Woe that day to the deniers.

Haza yawmuo alfasli jama'nakuom wa al-awaleen (38).
This is the day of Judgement, We have gathered you and the former people.

Fa in kana lakum kaydun fa keduon (39).
So if you have a plan, then Plan against Me.

Waillun yawmma izin lel-mukazibeen (40).
Woe that day to the deniers.

Inna almutaqeena fee zelalin wa auyuon (41).
Indeed, the righteous in shades and springs.

Wa fawakeha memma yashtahuon (42).
And fruits from whatever they desire.

Kuluo wa eshrabuo hanee'an bema kuntuom ta'maluon (43).
Eat and drink delightfully for what you used to do.

Inna kazaleka najzee almuhseneen (44).
Indeed, We thus reward the good doers.

Waillun yawmma izin lel-mukazibeen (45).
Woe that day to the deniers.

Kuluo wa tamatta'uo qalellan innakum mujremuon (46).
Eat and enjoy a little, indeed, you are criminals.

Waillun yawmma izin lel-mukazibeen (47).
Woe that day to the deniers.

Wa iza qeela lahumuo erka'uo la yarka'uon (48).
And when it is said to them, bow, they do not bow.

Waillun yawmma izin lel-mukazibeen (49).
Woe that day to the deniers.

Fa be-ayyi hadethin ba'dahuo you'menuon (50).
Then in which statement, after it, will they believe?.

Simplified interpretation: 

 Surat Almursalaat begins with five oaths related to two of Allah's soldiers to confirm that the day of resurrection will certainly come, then Allah describes some of its scenes, and He threatens the deniers throughout the Surah with a painful punishment in the hereafter, as He repeats "Wail that day to the deniers" ten times interspersed with a description of Allah's great ability to create man and to create the earth, and His favor upon humankind, as well as the conditions of the infidels and the conditions of the righteous in the Hereafter.

 Surat Almursalaat was revealed when Our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was with His companions in a cave, where as Narrated by Abdullah "While we are with the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in a cave, Surat Almursalaat was revealed to Him, and He recited it, and I heard it directly from His mouth, as soon as He recited its revelation, suddenly a snake sprang at us, and the Prophet said "kill it", we ran to kill it, but it escaped quickly, the Prophet said: it has escaped your evil, and you too have escaped its evil".

 Allah swears in the first six verses by two of His soldiers and says "By those who sent forth one after another, then the winds that blow, violently, and by those who spread far and wide, then those who separates, distinctly, then those who bring down the reminder, justification or warning", where Allah swears by the winds in the first three verses and by the Angels in the other three, and both carry the tiding of a new life, and the tiding of a painful torment, where the winds sent down the rain which brings good tidings of life to the dead earth as mentioned in Surat Fatir Aya (9) "And it is Allah who sends the winds, and they stir the clouds, and drive them to a dead land and give life thereby to the earth after its lifelessness, thus is the resurrection"Ùˆ similarly it was one of Allah's soldiers for the destruction of the people of Ad, likewise, the Angels descends with the reminder that brings good tidings of a new life or a painful torment in the Hereafter.  

 So these oaths come to confirm that the day of resurrection will certainly come as mentioned in Aya (7) "Indeed, what you are promised is sure to occur", it is as if Allah says that the day of resurrection will be likewise a new life for the righteous and a painful torment for the deniers and the criminals, and Allah describes some of the scenes of that day in the next four verses (8-11) "So when the stars are obliterated, and when the sky has split up, and when the mountains are blown up, and when the Messengers have an appointed time", where the stars will deprive from its light and the sky has split up and the mountains removed and it will be a mirage as mentioned in Surat Alnaba' Aya (20), and the Messengers have an appointed time and as Allah has stated in the next two verses (12,13) they are postponed to the day of Judgement where as mentioned in Surat Alzumur Aya (69) "And the Prophet and the witnesses will be brought, and it will be judged between them in truth, and they will not be wronged". Then Allah says in Aya (14) "And what will make you know what the day of judgment is?" to glorify the affairs of the day of Judgment.

 Allah says in the next verse (15) "Woe that day to the deniers", that is, Allah threatens the deniers for the first time with a painful torment and assures that their recompense will be Hellfire on the day of resurrection where the word woe (Wail) idiomatically carries the meaning of destruction and perishing and means that the torment will be theirs as a recompense for their deeds.

 Then Allah says in the next four verses (16-19) "Did We not destroy the former people, then We follow them with the later ones, thus We deal with the criminals, woe that day to the deniers", where as mentioned throughout the Holy Quran the torment that Allah inflicted on the previous nations who belied His Messengers and belied Allah's signs such as Ad, Hud, and Pharaoh. Then Allah threatens the deniers again with the painful torment. 

 And Allah shows How He created them in the next five verses (20-24) and says "Did We not created you from a disdained water, then We placed it in a safe place, For a known time, Then we determined, so We are the best to determine, woe that day to the deniers", where Allah created man as mentioned in Surat Altariq from an ejected water, coming out from between the backbone of a man and the ribs of a woman, then this water settles in the woman's womb until the time of childbirth which Allah Almighty determines, then Allah decrees for him what He wills in his worldly life, and Allah is the best to determine, and then Allah threatens the deniers for the third time with the painful torment because if they have a mind they would know as Allah says in Surat Alroom Aya (27) that Allah begins the creation, and He repeats it and that is even easier for Him. 

 Then Allah lists some of His blessings upon man, where as mentioned in Ayat (25-28) He made the earth a container for the living who lives on its surface, and for the dead who are buried in the graves, and He made therein the lofty mountains and and it is as pegs to remain anchored as mentioned in Surat Alnaba', and He watered them sweet water which comes out from wells like Zamzam or from the rivers, and then Allah threatens the deniers for the fourth time who sees theses signs and persists on their disbelief and stubbornness.

 So on the day of resurrection it will be said to them "Go ahead to what you used to deny it, go ahead to a shadow having three branches, no cool shade and not protecting from flames, it throws sparks as logs of wood, as if they were black camels", that is, go to the Hellfire that you used to deny, which is so hot that smoke rises in three branches, and that smoke is not cool shade and not avail you from the flames, and the fire throws sparks as logs of wood, where Ibn Abbas said "We used to collect logs of wood, three cubits long or longer to store for heating purpose in winter, and we used to call it Alqasr", so these logs of wood are like the black camels in length, where one cubit is 64 centimeters, so the sparks are about one meter ninety-two centimeters or more, and the length of the adult camel ranges from one meter eighty centimeters to two meters, and these logs of wood will look exactly like the black camel and not any other camel because at the very high temperatures, burnt things appear black, and the Hellfire is hottest of all where Allah's Messenger (PBUH) said in narration by Abu Hurayrah: ''This fire of yours which the sons of Adam kindle is one part from seventy parts of the heat of Hellfire, they said by Allah! It would have been enough O Messenger of Allah! He said it is sixty-nine parts more, all of them is like its heat (Jami' Altirmidhi 2589), then He threatens the deniers for the fifth time with the painful torment in Aya (34). 

 And that day they will not speak nor will they be permitted to offer excuses Ayat (35,36), where they will not be able to speak because of the horrors of that day and they can not offer excuses about their denial and stubbornness, where on that day as mentioned in Surat Alnaba' "they will not speak except he who the Most Gracious grant him permission, and says aright", then Allah threatens the deniers for the sixth time with the painful torment. Then Allah will say to them on the day of resurrection "This is the day of Judgement, We have gathered you and the former people, so if you have a plan, then Plan against Me" Ayat (38,39), that is, what you used to deny has become true, and We have gathered you and the former people from the graves, so if you have a ploy to escape from the torment today, then try it, then Allah threatens the deniers in Aya (40) for the seventh time with the painful torment.

 While the shadow of the criminal is the smoke that is not cool shade and not avail them from the flames, the righteous as mentioned in Ayat (41-44) will be in shades and springs under which rivers flows, and they will find fruits from whatever they desire, and it will be said to them"Eat and drink delightfully for what you used to do, indeed, We thus reward the doers of good". They believed in Allah, followed the Messengers, and did good deeds, so the bliss will be their reward, and thus Allah reward the doers of good who worship Allah as if they see Him, and if they can not see Him, then Allah sees them, so they act according to Allah's commands and prohibitions, and then Allah threatens the deniers in Aya (45) for the eighth time with the painful torment.

 And Allah says to the disbelievers "Eat and enjoy a little, indeed, you are criminals" Aya (46), and this is a threat from Allah to them that the worldly life is very short period, and its pleasures will quickly fade away, and they will know that on the the day of resurrection where Allah says to His Messenger in Surat Alhijr Aya (3) "Let them eat and enjoy themselves, and be diverted by false hope, for they are going to know", and then Allah threatens the deniers in Aya (47) for the ninth time with the painful torment. The torment will be theirs because as mentioned in Aya (48) "And when it is said to them, bow, they do not bow", they refused to establish prayers and to bow to Allah, Almighty, so He threatens the deniers in Aya (49) for the tenth and the last time with the painful torment, and then Allah says in the last verse (50) "Then in which statement, after it, will they believe?", that is, if they do not believe in this Quran, in which statement do they believe?. 

No one Knows its interpretation except Allah

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