67- Surat Almulk/Tafseer
30 Verses Meccan (revealed in Mecca)
A'auzu Bellahi mena ash-shytani ar-rajim
I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed Satan
Bismi Ellahi Ar-rhmani Ar-rahim
In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
Tabaraka allazi beyadehi almulku wa huwa ala kulli shay-in qadeer (1).
Blessed is He in whose Hand is the kingdom, and He is All-powerful over everything.
Allazi khalaqa almawta wa alhayata le-yabluwakum ayyukum ahsanu amalan wa huwa Alazeezu Alghafuor (2).
He who created death and life so that He may test you, which of you is best in deed, and He is Almighty, All-Forgiving.
Allazi khalaqa sab'a samawatin tebaqan ma tara fee khalqi Ar-rhmani men tafawutin farje-e albasara hal tara men futuor (3).
He who created seven heavens in layers, you do not see in the creation of the Most Gracious any inconsistency, so return the vision can you see any flaw?.
Thumma erje-e albasara karrataiyni yanqalib elaiyka albasaru khase'an wa huwa haseer (4).
Then return the vision twice, the vision will return to you humbled while it is fatigued.
Wa laqad zayyanna alsama'a aldunia be-masabeeha wa ja'alnaha rujuman le-shayateeni wa a'atadna lahum azaba alsa-eer (5).
And We have adorned the lowest sky with lamps, and We have made them bombs for the devils, and We have prepared for them the torment of the blaze.
Wa le-llazaina kafaruo be-rabbehim azabuo jahannama wa be'sa almaseer (6).
And for those who disbelieve in their Lord the torment of Hellfire, and wretched is the fate.
Iza aulquo feeha same-uo laha shaheeqqan wa heya tafuor (7).
When they are thrown in it, they will hear its inhaling while it boils up.
Takaduo tamayyazuo mena alghayzi kullama aulqeya feeha fawjun sa'alahum khazanatuha alam ya'tekum nazeer (8).
It almost bursts from rage, every time a group is thrown in it, its keepers will ask them Did not come to you a warner?.
Qaluo bala qad ja'ana nazeerun fa-kazzabna wa qulna ma nazzala Allahu men shaiy-in in antum ella fee dalalin kabeer (9).
They said: yes indeed, a warner had come to us, but we denied, and we said Allah has not sent down anything, you are only in a great error.
Wa qaluo la-w kunna nasma'uo aw na'qeluo ma kunna fee as-habi alsa-eer (10).
And they said: if we had listened or reasoned, we would not have been among the companions of the blaze.
Fa'tarafuo be-zanbehim fa-suhqan le ass-habi alsa-eer (11).
Then they confessed their sin, so be the companions of the blaze away.
Inna allazina yakhshawna Rabbahum belghaybi lahum maghferatun wa ajrun kabeer (12).
Indeed, those who fear their Lord unseen will have forgiveness and a great reward.
Wa aserruo qawlaqum awi ejharu behi innahuo Aleemun bezati alsuduor (13).
And conceal your words or speak out loudly, indeed, He is All-knower of what is in the breasts.
Ala ya'alamuo man khalaqa wa huwa Al-lateefuo Alkhabeer (14).
Does not who has created know, And He is the All-Subtle, the All-Aware.
Huwa allazi ja'ala lakumuo alarda zalulan famshuo fee manakebeha wa kulu men rezqkehi wa elaiyhi alnushuor (15).
He it is who made the earth subservient for you, so walk on its paths, and eat of His provision, and to Him is the resurrection.
A-amentum man fee alsama'e an yakhsefa bekumu alarda fa iza heya tamuor (16).
Do you feel secure from Him who in the heaven that He will not cause the earth to swallow you when it begins to shake?.
Am amentum man fee alsama'e an yoursila alaikum haseban fasata'lamuona kaifa nazeer (17).
Or do you feel secure from Him who in the heaven that He will not send upon you a storm of stones, then you would know how My warning?.
Wa-laqad kazzaba allazina men qablehim fa kaifa kana nakeer (18).
And indeed, those before them denied, so how was My rejection.
Awa-lam yaraww ela altaiyri fawqahum saffatin wa yaqbedna ma youmsekuhunna ella Ar-rahmauo innahu be-kulli shaiy-in baseer (19).
Do they not see the birds above them lined up in rows, and holding back, no one holds them except the Most Gracious, indeed, He is All-Seeing of everything.
Am-man haza allazi huwa jundun lakum yansurukum men duoni Ar-rahmani ini alkafiruona ella fee ghuruor (20).
Or who is this who is your army to help you besides the Most Gracious?, the disbelievers are in nothing but delusion.
Am-man haza allazi yarzuqukum in amsaka rezqahuo bal lajju fee autuwwin wa-nufuor (21).
Or who is this who provide for you if He withheld His provision?, nay! they persist in pride and aversion.
Afa-man yamshee mukebban ala wajhehi ahda am-man yamshee sawiyyan ala seratin mustaqeem (22).
Then is he who walks falling on his face is better guided or the one who walks on a straight path?.
Qul huwa allazi ansha'akum wa ja'ala lakum alsam'a wal-absara wal-afedata qaleelan ma tashkuruon (23).
Say, He is the One who produced you, and made for you the hearing and the vision and the the hearts, little what is you give thanks.
Qul huwa allazi zara'akum fee alardi wa elaiyhi tuhsharuon (24).
Say, He is the One who created you in the earth, and to Him you will be gathered.
Wa-yaquluona mata haza alwa'duo in kuntum sadeqeen (25).
And they say, when will this promise, if you are truthful?.
Qul innama al-elmuo enda Allahi wa innama ana nazeerun mubeen (26).
Say the knowledge is only with Allah, and I am only a clear warner.
Fa-lamma ra'awhuo zulfatan see'at wujuhuo allazina kafaruo wa qeela haza allazi kuntum behi tadda-uon (27).
But when they see it approaching, the faces of those who disbelieved will be distressed, and it will be said, this is what you used to call for it.
Qul a-ra'aytum in ahlakaniya Allahu wa man ma-eiya aw rahemana fa man youjeruo alkafereena men azabin aleem (28).
Say, have you seen if Allah destroys Me and whoever is with Me, or He has mercy on us, who can save the disbelievers from a painful torment.
Qul huwa Ar-rahmanuo amanna behi wa alaiyhi tawakkalna fasata'lamuona man huwa fee dalalin mubeen (29).
Say, He is the Most Gracious, We have believed in Him, and in Him We put our trust, so you will know who is in a clear error.
Qul a-raaytum in asbaha maukum ghawran fa man ya'teekum bema-in maeen (30).
Say have you see if your water becomes sunken, then who could bring you a flowing water?.
Simplified interpretation:
Surat Almulk begins with Allah's magnification of Himself, and it is a acknowledgment of His great power in creating the death, the life, and the heavens. It also carries a threat of the painful torment awaits the devils and the disbelievers, and that they are not safe from Allah's torment in the worldly life where no helper or provider besides Allah, then Allah affirms that the day of resurrection will inevitably happen and its knowledge with Him alone, and there is no escape from the painful torment that befalls them.
Allah, Almighty magnifies Himself and says in the first two verses (1,2) "Blessed is He in whose Hand is the kingdom, and He is All-powerful over everything, He who created death and life so that He may test you which of you is best in deed, and He is Almighty, All-Forgiving", where He is the One who manages all matters as He wills, and He is All-powerful to do whatever He wills, and neither impediment nor inability can prevent Him from doing whatever He wills. And He has made man's death and life a test for him because whoever believes in Allah and the day of resurrection will send forth righteous deeds for that day, and the infidels do the opposite, so Allah says "which of you is best in deed", and He is the Almighty who is Severe in His revenge on those who disobeyed Him but at the same time He is All-Forgiving who forgives those who repent, believe, and do righteous deeds
Then Allah says "He who created seven heavens in layers, you do not see in the creation of the Most Gracious any inconsistency, so return the vision can you see any flaw?, then return the vision twice, the vision will return to you humbled while it is fatigued" Ayat (3,4), where Allah has created seven heavens in layer in which there is no difference, no defect, and no disharmony, and Allah commands man to contemplate the sky and says to him "can you see any flaw", and He ordered him to look again and again to see if there was something wrong, and Allah affirms that his vision will return humbled and fatigued due to frequent repetition and he does not see any deficiency.
In addition to the perfection of the creation of the heavens, Allah has adorned the lowest sky with stars which He made to be missiles for the devils in the worldly life and awaits them the torment of Blaze that Allah has prepared for them in the Hereafter as mentioned in Aya (5) "And We have adorned the lowest heaven with lamps, and We have made them bombs for the devils, and We have prepared for them the torment of the blaze", where at the beginning of the message of the Prophet Muhammad, the devils were prevented from the news of the sky, and they said in Surat Aljinn Aya (8) "And we sought to touch the sky, but we found it filled with severe guards and flames".
Then Allah describes the state of the companions of the Hellfire in the next six verses (6-11) "And for those who disbelieve in their Lord the torment of Hellfire, and wretched is the fate, When they are thrown in it, they will hear its inhaling while it boils up, it almost bursts from rage, every time a group is thrown in it, its keepers will ask them Did not come to you a warner?, they said: yes indeed, a warner had come to us, but we denied, and we said Allah has not sent down anything, you are only in a great error, and they said: if we had listened or reasoned, we would not have been among the companions of the blaze, then they confessed their sin, so be the companions of the blaze away". They disbelieved in Allah and denied His Messengers so they deserved the painful torment which Allah described as a wretched fate, and they will hear Hellfire's inhaling while it boils up and it almost separated from each other out of its anger at them.
Allah does not punish anyone until the proof be established against him, and the Messenger has been sent to him, where He says in Surat Alisraa Aya (15) "And never would We punish until We sent a Messenger", so the keepers of the Hellfire will ask them "did not come to you a warner?", and then they will confess that a Messenger had come to them but they denied him and said that Allah has not sent down anything and said that the Messengers are only in a great error, and they will say if we had minds with which we benefit, or we hear the truth that Allah has revealed, we would not have been among the companions of the blaze, then they will confess their sin, so be the companions of the blaze away from Allah's mercy.
Allah's mercy will be for the righteous one who keeps away from sins, performs acts of obedience, and avoids sins when no one but Allah sees them, so they will have a great reward with their Lord as mentioned in Aya (12) "Indeed, those who fear their Lord unseen will have forgiveness and a great reward", and then Allah warns us in the next two verses (13,14) and says "And conceal your words or speak out loudly, indeed, He is All-Knower of what is in the breasts, Does not who has created know, And He is the All-Subtle, the All-Aware", that is, if we hide our words or not, indeed, Allah is All-Knower of everything where nothing is hidden from Him even the secrets that the breasts conceal. And how His creation is hidden from Him while He is All-Subtle in what He wills; For if He decrees a matter, He places reasons for it, and facilitates it, the All-Aware whose ability and knowledge encompass everything.
Then Allah mentioned His favor upon His creation and says in Aya (15) "He it is who made the earth subservient for you, so walk on its paths, and eat of His provision, and to Him is the resurrection", where He made the earth subduing for mankind and He made in it a lot of benefits, crops, and fruits, and then He commanded them to walk on its paths in order to strive for sustenance, and to eat of Allah's provision, and then He will resurrect man from the graves on the day of resurrection.
And Allah addresses the polytheists in the next three verses (16-18) and says "Do you feel secure from Him who in the heaven that He will not cause the earth to swallow you when it begins to shake?, or do you feel secure from Him who in the heaven that He will not send upon you a storm of stones, then you would know how My warning?, and indeed, those before them denied, so how was My rejection", where Allah threatens them with a painful torment and they would not feel secure from Him, The One who can cause the earth to swallow them when it begins to shake as He did with Qarun as mentioned in Surat Alqasas Aya (81) "And We caused the earth to swallow him and his home", and they would not feel secure from Allah who can send upon them a storm of stones as He did with the companions of the elephant as mentioned in Surat Alfil, and the people of the Prophet Lot as mentioned in Aya (82) of Surat Hud, therefore, Allah says to them they would know how His warning if they denied like those before them from the previous nations, and How was Allah's rejection of their denial?, unquestionably, Allah punished them with a severe and painful torment.
Then Allah shows them the greatness of His ability in the creation of birds in Aya (19) "Do they not see the birds above them lined up in rows, and holding back, no one holds them except the Most Gracious, indeed, He is All-Seeing of everything", that is, the birds fly in swarms while lining up in rows, and sometimes hold back from flying, yet it remain in its place in the sky without falling on the ground, and this by the arrangement of the Most Gracious with the capabilities He gave them to do that, and I saw with my own eyes a bird standing in the sky without falling on the ground, and it took a while then continued flying. And Allah is All-seeing of what appropriate for each of His creatures.
Once again, Allah addresses the polytheists and says in the next two verses (20,21) "Or who is this who is your army to help you besides the Most Gracious?, the disbelievers are in nothing but delusion, Or who is this who provide for you if He withheld His provision?, nay! they persist in pride and aversion", its a denunciation from Allah for what the infidels of Quraish believe and He assures them that they have neither protector nor supporter besides Him, and they are in delusion by their belief that there is no reckoning and punishment. Also there is no one to feed them and give them water and bring their sustenance if He withholds from them His provision that He provides for them, and instead of thanking Allah for His blessings, they went further in tyranny and aversion from the truth.
Therefore, Allah says in Aya (22) "Then is he who walks falling on his face is better guided or the one who walks on a straight path", where Allah likens the infidel to someone who walks on his face because he is confused and misguided, so is this person is more guided than the one who walks on a straight path, does righteous deeds, and avoids sins.
Then Allah commanded His Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) to remind the polytheists of Allah's blessings upon them in the next two verses (23,24) "Say, He is the One who produced you, and made for you the hearing and the vision and the the hearts, little what is you give thanks, Say, He is the One who created you in the earth, and to Him you will be gathered", although Allah created them, and gave them hearing, sight, and hearts, but little is what mankind give thanks to their Lord for what He has bestowed upon them, and they have not appraised Him with true appraisal. Also Allah commanded our Prophet to say that He is the one who created them in the earth with differs in languages and colors, and to Him they will be gathered from the graves for reckoning on the day of resurrection.
Because they do not believe in the resurrection and reckoning, Allah says in Aya (25) "And they say, when will this promise, if you are truthful?", they ruled out that day, and they used to ask Our prophet about the Hour and its arrival as mentioned in Surat Alnazi'at, so Allah commanded Him to say to them in the next verse (26) "Say the knowledge is only with Allah, and I am only a clear warner". Only Allah knows the time of resurrection and the Prophet Muhammad is only a clear warner, so He only has to inform and warn them of Allah's punishment if they disobeyed Him.
So Allah assures them that the day of resurrection is inevitable and says in Aya (27) "But when they see it approaching, the faces of those who disbelieved will be distressed, and it will be said, this is what you used to call for it", where they will realize that what they used to deny of the resurrection and the reckoning had become true before their eyes, and their faces will be distressed, and it will be said to them, as a kind of reprimand "This is what you used to call for it".
And Allah commanded His Messenger to say to them in the last three verses (28-30) "Say, have you seen if Allah destroys Me and whoever is with Me, or He has mercy on us, who can save the disbelievers from a painful torment, say, He is the Most Gracious, We have believed in Him, and in Him We put our trust, so you will know who is in a clear error, say have you see if your water becomes sunken, then who could bring you a flowing water?", that is, whether Allah punishes us or has mercy on us, there is no escape from the painful torment that befalls you, as for us we have believed in the Most Gracious, so you you will know on the day of resurrection who is in a clear error. Also Allah commanded Him to remind them that Allah is the only One who can provide them with water, and if their water disappears and becomes sunken in the land, no One else could bring them a flowing water.
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