72- Surat Aljinn/Tafseer

28 Verses Meccan (revealed in Mecca)

A'auzu Bellahi mena ash-shytani ar-rajim

I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed Satan

Bismi Ellahi Ar-rhmani Ar-rahim

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

Qul auheya elayya annahuo estama'a nafarun mena Aljinni faqaluo inna same'na Quranan ajaba (1).
Say, it has been revealed to Me that a group of the Jinn listened, and they said "indeed, we have heard amazing Quran.

Yahdi ela alrushdi fa-amanna behi wa-lan nushreka be-Rabbina ahada (2).
It guides to the right way, so we have believed in it, and we will never associate anyone with our Lord.

Wa annahuo ta'ala jadduo Rabbina ma-ttakhaza sahebatan wa la walada (3).
And that He is the Exalted, the truth, our Lord, He has not taken neither a wife nor a son.

Wa annahuo kana yaquluo safeehuna ala Allahi shattata (4)
And that the foolish among us used to say against Allah an excessive transgression.

Wa anna zananna an lan taqula alinsuo wa aljinnuo ala Allahi kaziba (5).
And that we thought that mankind and the jinn will never say a lie about Allah.

Wa annahuo kana rejalun mena alinsi yauzuna be-rejalin mena aljinni fa zaduhum rahaqa (6).
And there were men from mankind who seek refuge in men from the jinn, so they increased them in burden.

Wa annahum zannuo kama zanantum an lan yaba'tha Allahu ahada (7).
And they thought as you thought that Allah will never send anyone.

Wa anna lamasna alsama'a fa wajdnaha mule'at harasan shadeedan wa shuhuba (8)
And we sought to touch the sky, but we found it filled with severe guards and flames.

Wa anna kunna naq'udu menha maqa'eda lelsame'e faman yastame'e alana yajid lahuo shehaban rasada (9).
And we used to sit there in position for hearing, but he who listens now will find a flaming fire awaits for him.

Wa anna la nadri a-sharrun aureda beman fee alardi am arada behim Rabbuhum rashada (10).
And we do not know whether evil is intended for those who are on the earth, or their Lord intends for them a right guidance.

Wa anna menna alsalehuona wa menna duona zaleka kunna tara'eqa qedada (11).
And that among us are the righteous, and among us other than that, we were on different ways.

Wa anna zananna an lan nu'jeza Allaha fee alardi wa lan nu'jezahuo haraba (12)
And that we have become certain that we will never cause failure to Allah on the earth, nor can we beat Him by escape.

Wa anna lamma same'na alhuda amanna behi faman you'men be-Rabbihi fala yakhafuo bakhsan wala rahaqa (13).
And that when we heard the guidance, we believed in it, and whoever believes in his Lord does not have to fear any loss nor any burden.

Wa anna menna almuslimuona wa menna alqasetuona faman aslama fa-aulaeka taharraw rashada (14).
And that among us are the Muslims, and among us are the unjust, and whoever submitted, then those have sought the right guidance.

Wa amma alqasetuona fakanuo le-jahannama hataba (15).
And as for the unjust, they will be a firewood for the Hellfire.

Wa allawi estaqamuo ala altareeqati la-asqaynahum ma'an ghadaqa (16).
And that if they were upright on the way, we will surely give them to drink abundance water.

Lee naftenahum feehi wa man you'red an zekri Rabbihi yasluk-hu azaban ssa'ada (17).
That we might test them therein, and whoever turns away from the remembrance of his Lord, He will cast him into a severe torment.

Wa anna almasajeda lellahi fala tad'uo ma'a Allahi ahada (18).
And that the mosques are for Allah, so do not call anyone beside Allah.

Wa annahuo lamma qama abduo Allahi yad'uhuo kaduo yakunuona alayhi lebada (19).
And that when the servant of Allah stood up calling Him, they were collaborators against Him.

Qul innama ad'uo Rabbi wala aushrekuo behi ahada (20).
Say, I invoke My Lord, and I do not associate with him anyone.

Qul inni la amlekuo lakum darran wala rashada (21).
Say, indeed, I do not posses for you any harm nor right guidance.

Qul inni lan youjerani mena Allahi ahadun wa lan ajeda men duonehi multahada (22).
Say, indeed, there will never protect Me from Allah anyone, and I can never find a refuge other than Him.

Ella balaghan mena Allahi wa resalatihi wa man ya'si Allaha wa rasulahuo fa-inna lahu nara jahannama khaledeena feeha abada (23).
But the notification from Allah and His messages, and whoever disobeys Allah and His Messenger, then indeed for him the fire of Hell, they will abide therein forever.

Hatta iza ra'aw ma you'duna fasa-ya'lamuona  man ad'afuo naseran wa aqalluo adada (24)
Until when they see what they are promised, then they will know who is weaker in helpers, and less in number.

Qul inn adri a-qareebun ma tuo'aduna am yaj'aluo lahu Rabbi amada (25).
Say, I do not know whether that which you are promised is near, or My Lord will appoint for it a distant term.

Alemuo alghaybi fala youzheruo ala ghaybehi ahada (26).
Knower of the unseen, so He does not give His unseen to anyone.

Ella mani ertada men rasuolin fa innahuo yasluku men baiyni yadayhi wa men khalfehi rasada (27).
Except who He has approved from a Messenger, then indeed, He makes to march before Him and behind Him a guard.

Lee ya'lama an qad ablaghuo resalati Rabbihim wa ahata bema ladayhim wa ahssa kulla shay'in adada (28).
That He may knows that they have conveyed the messages of their Lord, and He has encompassed what is with them, and He has counted all things in number.

Simplified interpretation: 

 Surat Aljinn, like Surat Alsaffat, presents two ways to keep the devils away from the Holy Quran, the first way is pelting them with meteors from the sky, and the second is through the Angels who line up and prevent the devils from reaching the Holy Quran lest they steal anything from it and give it to the soothsayers in order to distort it. Surat Aljinn came as an order from Allah Almighty to His Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) to inform Quraish that the Jinn had listened to The Holy Quran, and then they believed in Allah, His Messenger, and His book. Whereas the second part carries an acknowledgment that the Prophet is a humanbeing like them to whom has been revealed, and then Allah threatens the polytheists that whoever disobeys Allah and His Messenger will abide in the Hellfire forever, and Allah assures that He does not give His unseen to anyone except who He has approved from a Messenger.

 When our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) went out along with His companions towards ''Ukaz market" as mentioned in narration of Ibn Abbas, at that time something intervened between the devils and the news of the sky, and flames were sent down upon them, so the devils returned. Their fellow devils said ''What is wrong with you", they said "something has intervened between us and the news of the sky, and fires have been shot at us", their fellow devils said "nothing has intervened between you and the news of the sky, but an important event has happened", therefore, travel all over the world, east and west, and try to find out what has happened".

 And so they set out and traveled all over the world, east and west, looking for that thing which intervened between them and the news of the sky, those of the devils who had set out towards Tihama, went to Allah's Messenger at Nakhla (between Mecca and Taif), while He was on His way to Ukaz market, they met Him while He was offering Alfajr prayer with His companions, when they heard the Holy Quran being recited by Allah's Messenger, they listened to it and said to each other "This is the thing which has intervened between you and the news of the sky".

 Then they returned to their people and said to them what was mentioned in the first two verses of this Surah "indeed, we have heard amazing Quran, it guides to the right way, so we have believed in it, and we will never associate anyone with our Lord". Our Prophet did not know that the Jinn listened to Him, so Allah sent Gabriel and revealed to Him "Say, it has been revealed to Me that a group of the Jinn listened", and so the statement of the Jinn was revealed to Him".

 So the Jinn believed in their Lord and they knew as they said to their people in Ayat (3-5) the truth that Allah the exalted has not taken neither a wife nor a son, and it is not as the foolish among them (Satan) said where he used to say against Allah an excessive transgression that He has taken a wife and a son, And that they thought that mankind and the jinn will never say a lie about Allah, until they heard the Holy Quran and knew that they were saying lies against Allah regarding the wife and the son.

 And they said in the next two verses (6,7) "And there were men from mankind who seek refuge in men from the jinn, so they increased them in burden, and they thought as you thought that Allah will never send anyone", where before Islam, there were men who used to seek refuge with the Jinn instead of Allah, and thought that they would be able to protect them, so the Jinn increased them in sin and disbelief, and they both (disbelievers from men and jinn) thought that Allah will never send a Messenger to His servants to guide them to the straight path. The Jinn believed in Allah, in His Messenger and in the Holy Quran, so as mentioned in Aya (30) of Surat Alahqaf when they returned to their people as warners "they said, O our people, indeed, we have heard a recited book revealed after Moses confirming what was before it which guides to the truth and to a straight path".

 Also they said to them "And we sought to touch the sky, but we found it filled with severe guards and flames, and we used to sit there in position for hearing, but he who listens now will find a flaming fire awaits for him" Ayat (8,9), where as mentioned above that something intervened between them and the news of the sky, that is, they have been unable to eavesdrop lest they steal anything from the Quran and give it to the soothsayers in order to distort it, so the flames were sent down upon them and this is similar to Aya (8) of Surat Alsaffat "They can not listen to the exalted assembly, and are pelted from every side". And for their knowledge that they were not prevented from the news of the sky except in two cases: Allah sends down torment upon a people or sends a Prophet with the right guidance, they said in the next verse (10): "And we do not know whether evil is intended for those who are on the earth, or their Lord intends for them a right guidance".

 And they said in the next five verses (11-15), that they were on different ways that among them are the righteous, and among them are the disbelievers, and that they have become certain that they will never cause failure to Allah on the earth, nor can they beat Him by escape, and that when they heard the guidance (the Holy Quran), they believed in it, and they become certain that whoever believes in his Lord does not have to fear any loss nor any burden, that is, he is not afraid that his good deeds will be decreased nor his evil deeds will be increased. Also they said that among them are the Muslims, and among them are the unjust, and they become certain that whoever accepts Islam, then those have sought the right guidance and the path of salvation where the unjust will be a firewood for the Hellfire. These five verses are similar to the verse (32) of Surat Alahqaf when they said to their people "But he who does not respond to the Caller of Allah will not cause failure to Him upon the earth, and he will not have besides Him any protectors, those are in manifest error".

 Then Allah says in Ayat (16,17) that if they were upright on the way and believed in Him, He will surely give them to drink abundance water, that is, Allah will give them abundant sustenance where water is the main source for man's livelihood as He says in Surat Alnbiyaa Aya (30) "And made from water every living thing", and Allah might test them therein, whether they will be grateful or ungrateful to Him, then Allah says "whoever turns away from the remembrance of his Lord, He will cast him into a severe torment".

 And then Allah says in the next two verses (18,19) "And that the mosques are for Allah, so do not call anyone beside Allah, and that when the servant of Allah stood up calling Him, they were collaborators against Him", that is, the mosques belongs to Allah alone, and He commanded us to worship Him, and no one be called or be associated with Him, and says when our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) started calling to worship Allah, the infidels of Mecca were collaborators against Him in order to stop that matter, so this verse came as a kind of reprimand for them, as if Allah is saying when the Jinn heard the Quran, they believed in it, so how can you do not believe in it, where He says that explicitly in Surat Alinshiqaq Ayat (20,21) "So what is with them that they do not believe, and when the Quran is recited to them, they do not prostrate".

 So Allah commanded Our Prophet in Ayat (20-23) to say to them that He invokes His Lord, and He does not associate with him anyone, and to say that indeed, He does not posses for them any harm in their religion or in the worldly affairs nor he can guide them to the right guidance that He is a human being like them and the One who owns that is Allah who has control over everything and this is similar to the last verse of Surat Alkahf (110) "Say, I am only a man like you to whom has been revealed that your God is One God". Also Allah commanded him to say that there will never protect Him from Allah anyone if He disobeyed Him and no one will be able to save Him from His torment, and He can never find a refuge other than Him,  but what He posses for them and what protects Him from Allah is to convey the notification from Allah and His messages, and then He says "whoever disobeys Allah and His Messenger, then indeed for him the fire of Hell, they will abide therein forever", that is, whoever rejects Allah's messenger and disobeys Allah in what he commanded him to do, and in what he forbade him will abide in Hellfire forever.

 And then Allah says in Aya (24) "Until when they see what they are promised, then they will know who is weaker in helpers, and less in number", where they will know on the day of resurrection which they are promised, if they are weaker in helpers and less in number or the believers who believed in Allah and His messages. and Allah commanded His Messenger to say to them in the next verse (25) that He do not know whether that which they are promised (the day of resurrection) is near, or His Lord will appoint for it a distant term, where Allah says to Him in Surat Alnazi'at Aya (44) "To Your Lord is its finality".

 Only Allah is the Knower of the unseen, so He does not give His unseen to anyone, except who He has approved from a Messenger, then indeed, He makes to march before Him and behind Him a guard, so there was a guard in front of Gabriel, and a guard behind Him from among the Angels when He conveyed Allah's message to His Messenger Muhammad (PBUH), lest the devils steal anything from the Holy Quran and give it to the soothsayers in order to distort it, and that is Allah's saying about the Holy Quran in Aya (42) of Surat  Fussilat "The falsehood can not come to it from before it nor from behind it, a revelation from All-Wise, Praiseworthy". Thereupon, as just the devils have been prevented from the news of sky as mentioned above in Aya (9), they have been prevented from reaching the Holy Quran at the time of its conveying to Allah's Messenger, and the Angels were in front of Gabriel and behind Him to ensure that the message was delivered as it is without distortion by the devils and their human supporters, so Allah says in the last verse (28) That He may knows that they have conveyed the messages of their Lord, and He has encompassed what is with them, and He has counted all things in number", that is, although He knows everything they have and nothing was hidden from Him, He begins the verse by "That He may knows" as if He says that the presence of the Angels is nothing but a guarantee that they have conveyed the messages of their Lord as it is .


No one Knows its interpretation except Allah

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