105- Surat Alfil/Tafseer
5 Verses Meccan (revealed in Mecca)
A'auzu Bellahi mena ash-shytani ar-rajim
I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed Satan
Bismi Ellahi Ar-rhmani Ar-rahim
In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
Alam tara kayfa fa'ala rabbuka bi ass-habi alfil (1).
Have you not seen how Your Lord dealt with the companions of the elephant?.
Alam yaj'al kaidahum fi taddlil (2).
Has He not make their plan go astray?.
Wa arsala alayhim tayyrann abbabil (3).
And He sent upon them birds in flocks.
Tarmeihim bi-hijarratin min sejjeel (4).
Throwing upon them stones of hard clay.
Fa ja'alahum ka-asfin maa'kuol (5).
Then He made them like an eaten hay.
Simplified interpretation:
Although the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) has not seen the incident of the elephant, but Allah addresses Him with "have you not seen" in the first verse, because the Arabs use this question form for reminding of something whether you saw it or not.
This Surah revolves around the companions of the elephant, and it was a sign of the favour that Allah has bestowed upon Quraish. Allah has honored Mecca with the presence of the Sacred House (Ka'bah) therein as mentioned in Surat Quraish, and now in this Surah Allah has mentioned his favour upon them by destroying the army who came to demolish the Sanctuary House.
There was a governor of Yemen called Abrahah Alashram, where Yemen at that time was under Alhabashah dominion, and Najashi was the king of Alhabashah (Ethiopia today). Abrahah built a cathedral in Yemen, and he want to attract people to his cathedral in stead of the sanctuary House, and to divert pilgrims from Mecca to Yemen. The Arabs called that cathedral "Alqullays" because its great height.
There are differences between the commentators about the main reason that forced Abrahah to demolish the Sacred House (Alka'bah), some said that happened when he announced his intentions to divert pilgrimage from Mecca to San'aa, the capital of Yemen and his church's location, and this idea was rejected by the Arab tribes. And it was said that he decided to demolish Alka'bah when a man from Quraish entered his church one night and defecated in it, and ran away, then Abrahah swore to destroy Alka'bah stone by stone. The third opinion says that happened because young men from Quraish started a fire in it in a windy day, so the church collapsed to the ground.
Then Abrahah asked for the permission from Najashi to demolish Alka'bah, and he had given what he asked for, and Najashi sent him a huge elephant called "Mahmuod" for this mission, then Abrahah prepared a large army and moved towards Mecca.
There are many details happened on his way from Yemen to Mecca, but although Quraish and other Arab tribes were polytheists and disbelievers, the sanctuary House was very close to their hearts, so the Arab tribes tried to defend Alka'bah, and entered into two battles with him, but he defeated them, and he and his army continued on the way until they came to Mecca, then Abdul Muttalib Bin Hashim (Muhammad's grandfather) said to Abrahah that Alka'bah has its Lord who will defend it, then Abrahah said that he can not be prevented from destroying it, then Abdul Muttalib said to him "then do so", and he ordered his people to leave Mecca, and to go up the highest mountains for he was sure of Allah's victory over Abrahah.
And when the decisive moment came, the elephant Mahmoud knelt down and refused to rise and move towards the sanctuary House, and happened what Allah told about in verses (3-5) "And He sent upon them birds in flocks, throwing upon them stones of hard clay, then He made them like an eaten hay", where Allah sent against them the birds from the sea, each of them carries three stones, one in its beak, and one in each claw, and began to hit Abrahah's army by these stones, some of them had been destroyed immediately, and they became like trees whose grains were taken, and it became like hay that to be eaten by livestock. While Abrahah and others were afflicted by the stones and were broken down limb by limb until they arrived back to Yemen, then Abrahah informed his people of what happened to them and then he died, and it was said that he did not die until his heart fell out of his chest.
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