79- Surat Alnazi'at/Tafseer

46 Verses Meccan (revealed in Mecca)

A'auzu Bellahi mena ash-shytani ar-rajim

I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed Satan

Bismi Ellahi Ar-rhmani Ar-rahim

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

Wa alnazi'ati gharqa (1).
By those who extract, violently.

Wa alnashetati nashtta (2).
And by those who extract, gently.

Wa alsabehati sabbha (3).
And by those who swim, extreme swimming. 

Fa alsabeqati sabbqa (4).
Then those who raced ahead, with greatly excel.

Fa almudabberati amra (5).
Then those who manage the matter.

Yawma tarjufuo Alrajefah (6).
The day, Alrajefah will quake.

Tatba'uha Alradefah (7).
Followed by Alradefah.

Qulubun yawma-izin wajefah (8).
Hearts that day are afraid.

Abssaruoha khashe'ah (9)
Their eyes are humble.

Yaquluona a-inna la-marduduna fe-Alhafirah (10).
They say, will we indeed be returned in Alhafirah?.

A-iza kunna ezaman nakherah (11).
Even if we are a decayed bones?.

Qaluo telka izan karratun khaserah (12).
They said, that then is a losing return. 

Fa innama heya zajratun wahedah (13).
So it is only one shout.

Fa iza hum be-Alsaherah (14).
And behold, they are on Alsaherah.

Hal ataka hadithuo Musa (15).
Has there come to you the story of Moses?.

Iz nadahuo Rabbuhuo be-alwadi almuqaddasi tuwa (16).
When His Lord called him in the Sacred Valley of Tuwa.

Izhab ella fer'awna innahuo tagha (17).
Go to pharaoh, he has transgressed.

Fa Qul hal laka an tazakka (18).
And say, would you like to purify.

Wa ahdiyaka ela Rabbika fa-takhsha (19).
And I guide you to your Lord, so you would fear.

Fa-arahuo alayata alkubra (20).
So He showed him the biggest sign.

Fa-kazzaba fa-assa (21).
But he denied and disobeyed.

Thumma adbara yas'a (22).
Then he turned back, striving.

Fa-hashara fa-naada (23).
Then he gathered and called out.

Fa- qala ana rabbukumuo ala'ala (24).
Then he said, I am your lord, the most high.

Fa akhazahuo Allahuo nakala alakherati wal-aula (25).
So Allah took him with a deterrent torment for the first and the last.

Inna fee zaleka la-ebrratan leman yakhsha (26).
Indeed, in that there is a lesson for whoever fears.

A-antum ashadduo khalqan ami alsama'uo banaha (27).
Are you a stronger creation, or the sky, He constructed it?.

Rafa'a samkaha fa-sawwaha (28).
He has raised its building, then perfected it.

Wa aghtasha laillaha wa akhraja duhaha (29).
And He darkened its night, and brought out its light.

Wa alarda ba'da zaleka dahaha (30).
And after that, He has spread the earth.

Akhraja menha ma'aha wa mar'aha (31).
And He brought out from it its water and its pasture.

Wa aljebala arsaha (32).
And He set the mountains firmly.

Mata'an lakum wa lee-ana'mikum (33).
A provision for you, and your cattle.

Fa iza ja'ati Alttamatuo Alkubra (34).
But when Alttamatuo Alkubra comes.

Yawma yatazakruo alinsanuo ma sa'a (35).
The day, man will remember what he did.

Wa burrezati aljaheemuo le-man yara (36).
And the Hell will be exposed for he who sees.

Fa amma man tagha (37).
Then as for he who transgressed.

Wa athara alhayata aldunia (38).
And preferred the worldly life.

Fa inna aljaheema heya alma'wa (39).
Then indeed, the Hell is the abode.

Wa amma man khafa maqama Rabbehi wa naha alnafsa ani alhawa (40).
And as for he who feared the position of his Lord, and prevented the soul from the desires.

Fa inna aljanata heya alma'wa (41).
Then indeed, the Paradise is the abode.

Yas'alunaka ani alsa'ati ayyana mursaha (42).
They ask you about the Hour, when is its arrival.

Fema anta men zekraha (43).
In what are you of to mention it.

Ela Rabbeka muntahaha (44).
To Your Lord is its finality.

Innama anta munzeruo man yakhshaha (45).
You are only a warner for he who fears it. 

Ka-anahum yawma yarawnaha lam yalbathuo ella asheyyatan aw duhaha (46).
As though they the day they see it, they had not stayed except for an evening or its forenoon. 

Simplified interpretation: 

 Surat Alnazi'at deals with three stages of the hereafter, beginning with death, then Allah states the second stage which is Alrajefah followed by Alradefah, and the sate of the infidels who denies the reckoning and the resurrection, and Allah states the story of the prophet Moses and Pharaoh as a lesson for whoever fears Allah. Then He assures that the return of man on the day of resurrection is not more difficult than the creation of the sky and the earth and whatever is between them. And then the third stage of the hereafter when Alttamatuo Alkubra comes and man will see what he has offered for that day, and Hellfire will be the abode for he who transgressed, and preferred the worldly life while Paradise will be the abode for he who fears Allah and prevents himself  from committing evil deeds, and Allah assures in the last five verses that the finality of the worldly life is to Him alone, and Our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is only a warner for he who fears its arrival.

 Allah swears in the first five verses by five types of the Angels and says "By those who extract, violently, and by those who extract, gently, and by those who swim, extreme swimming, then those who raced ahead, with greatly excel, then those who manage the matter", where Allah swears by the angels who extract the souls of the infidels violently, and those who extract the souls of the believers gently, then they swim, extreme swimming with the souls to the sky, and they races ahead, with greatly excel to fulfill what Allah commanded them, and then the souls of the believers ascends to Paradise while the souls of the disbelievers goes to the Hellfire, and then the role of those who manage the matter comes, and they prepare to every soul what it deserves of reward, so the bliss will be the reward for the companions of paradise and torment will be the recompense for the companions of Hellfire.

 These oaths comes as if Allah swears by the first stage of the resurrection, where death and the grave is the first scene of the day of resurrection, because every human being will know at the time of his death his fate in the hereafter, and the extract of the soul from his body depends on what he had did in the worldly life, and it will be difficult for the disbeliever, very easy for the believers. And the angels will race as if they swimming with the souls of the believers to the sky.

 Then Allah describes in the next two verses (6,7) the next stage of the hereafter that man will face after the grave which is Alrajefah followed by Alradefah and says "The day, Alrajefah will quake, followed by Alradefah", where Alrajefah and Alradefah refers to the two blowings of the trumpet, where Allah has stated the blowing of the trumpet in many verses of the Holy Quran and stated the two blowing in Surat Alzumur Aya (68) and said that the horn will be blown, and it will be blown once again, so it was said that the first blown is Alrajefah, and the second blown is Alradefah. and Our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said in narration of Abu Hurayrah "between the two blowings of the trumpet, there would be an interval of forty", but He did not specify whether it would be forty days, forty months or forty years.

 And then Allah describes the state of the infidels who denies the reckoning and the resurrection in the next five verses (8-12) "Hearts that day are afraid, their eyes are humble, they say, will we indeed be returned in Alhafirah?, even if we are a decayed bones?, they said, that then is a losing return", where their hearts will be afraid and their eyes will be humble because what they used to deny in the worldly life has become a reality, that they denies their return from Alhafirah which is the graves, after they turned into a decayed bones, and they says if Allah resurrect us after death we will lose, and it will be a losing return. So Allah said to them in the next two verses (13,14) "So it is only one shout, And behold, they are on Alsaherah", where Allah assures that they will be on the surface of the earth (Alsaherah) after one shout, and this brings us back to the blowing of the trumpet as mentioned above (Alrajefah and Alradefah), where man will resurrect from his grave after the blowing of the trumpet as Allah has stated in Surat Yaseen Aya (51) "And the horn will be blown and at once from the graves to their Lord they shall hasten".

 Then Allah states the story of the Prophet Moses And Pharaoh in Ayat (15-26) "Has there come to you the story of Moses?, when His Lord called him in the Sacred Valley of Tuwa, Go to pharaoh, he has transgressed, and say, would you like to purify, and I guide you to your Lord, so you would fear, so He showed him the biggest sign, but he denied and disobeyed, then he turned back, striving, then he gathered and called out, then he said, I am your lord, the most high, so Allah took him with a deterrent torment for the first and the last, indeed, in that there is a lesson for whoever fears", that is, Allah says to His Prophet Muhammad has come to You the story of Moses?, and then He tells His story with Pharaoh, where Allah called the Prophet Moses in the sacred Valley of Tuwa in Sainai (Egypt), and commanded Him to go to Pharaoh, where he has transgressed in the lands, and to call him to purify himself from the sins that he committed, and to guide him to Allah, so he would fear Him, and the Prophet Moses showed him the biggest sign, where as mentioned in Surat Ala'araf Ayat (105-108) that Moses showed Pharaoh a clear evidence which is His staff which turned into a manifest serpent, and his hand which He drew it out, thereupon it was white.

 But Pharaoh denied, disobeyed and turned back, striving and gathered his people and said to them "I am your lord, the most high", so Allah took him with a deterrent torment for the first and the last, where Allah as mentioned in Surat Alfajr poured out a whip of torment on Pharaoh and His people, and Allah threw them into the sea, and on the day of resurrection as mentioned in Surat Hud Aya (98), he will precede his people and lead them into the fire, so Allah says in this story is a lesson for whoever fears Allah, and whoever is in a awe to face the same fate of Pharaoh on the day of resurrection.

 Then Allah marvels at the disbelievers who denies the reckoning and the resurrection and says in the next verses (27-33) "Are you a stronger creation, or the sky, He constructed it?, He has raised its building, then perfected it, and He darkened its night, and brought out its light, and after that, He has spread the earth, and He brought out from it its water and its pasture, and He set the mountains firmly, A provision for you, and your cattle", that is, Allah asks the infidels of Quraish if they are a stronger creation or those whom He created, unquestionably, the creation of the heavens and the earth is greater than the creation of mankind, but most of people do not know as mentioned in Aya (57) of Surat Ghafir as Allah constructed the sky and raised its building then perfected it without pillars that we can see as mentioned in Surat Alra'd Aya (2), and He darkened its night and brought out its light. Although Allah created the earth before the sky as mentioned in Surat Albaqarah Aya (29), but He spread the earth and brought out from it its water and its pasture after the creation of the sky and then He set the mountains, then Allah says "A provision for you, and your cattle", where as mentioned in Ayat (24-32) of Surat Abasa Allah sends down water from the sky so the earth cracks and all fruits, grain, olive, palm trees, thick trees, and green fodder come out for man and animals at the same time. 

 The third stage of the Hereafter is Alttamatuo Alkubra, and it is the actual time of the reckoning where Allah says in Ayat (34-41) "But when Alttamatuo Alkubra comes, the day, man will remember what he did, and the Hell will be exposed for he who sees, then as for he who transgressed, and preferred the worldly life, then indeed, the Hell is the abode, and as for he who feared the position of his Lord, and prevented the soul from the desires, then indeed, the Paradise is the abode". Alttamatuo Alkubra refers to the day of resurrection, and man will remember all his deeds whether it was good or evil deeds on that day, and the Hellfire will appear to people, and its inhabitants will be those who transgressed and preferred the worldly life, but those who feared the position of their Lord, and feared the standing before Him for reckoning on the day of resurrection, so they prevented themselves from committing evil deeds, and obeyed Allah in what He commanded them, then the Paradise will be their abode. 

 Then Allah says in the last five verses (42-46) "They ask you about the Hour, when is its arrival, in what are you of to mention it, to Your Lord is its finality, You are only a warner for he who fears it, as though they the day they see it, they had not stayed except for an evening or its forenoon", that is, the polytheists of Quraish used to ask Allah's Messenger (PBUH) about the day of resurrection (The Hour) as a denial of it occurrence for those who do not believe in the Hour seek to hasten it; because they ruled out its occurrence and think that it will not happen as mentioned in Aya (18) of Surat Alshura, so they asked Allah's Messenger When would the Hour take place?", thereupon, Allah said to His Messenger that its knowledge not to you or to any of the creation, rather its finality is to Allah, and He alone is the One who knows its time, and this is the same of Aya (187) of Surat Ala'raf "They ask You about the Hour when is it arrival?, Say its knowledge is only with My Lord, none will reveal it in its time except Him, it lays heavily upon the heavens and the earth, it will not come upon you except suddenly, they ask You as if You are knowledgeable of it, Say its knowledge is only with Allah, but most of the people do not know". Accordingly, Allah only knows its time, so when Gabriel (the Angel) said to Allah's Messenger "Inform Me about the Hour", Allah's Messenger said to Him "One who is asked knows no more than the One who is inquiring" (Sahih Albukhari 50), So Allah said to His Messenger that He is only a warner for He who fears its arrival, and fears the standing before Allah, and when the Hour comes, they will feel that the worldly life was a very short period of time, and they had not stayed in it except from noon to sunset, or from sunrise to midday.  

No one Knows its interpretation except Allah

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