84- Surat Alinshiqaq/Tafseer

25 Verses Meccan (revealed in Mecca)

A'auzu Bellahi mena ash-shytani ar-rajim

I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed Satan

Bismi Ellahi Ar-rhmani Ar-rahim

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

Iza alsama'u inshaqqat (1).
When the sky has split up.

Wa azenat le-Rabbiha wa huqqat (2).
And has responded to its Lord, and was obligated.

Wa iza alarduo muddat (3).
And when the earth has extended.

Wa alqat ma feeha wa takhalat (4).
And has throw out what is in it and has abandoned.

Wa azenat le-Rabbiha wa huqqat (5).
And has responded to its Lord, and was obligated.

Ya ayouha alinsanuo innaka kadehun ela Rabbika kad-han fa-mulaqeeh (6).
O man! indeed, you are toiling to your Lord an extreme toil, then you will meet him.

Fa amma man auteya ketabahu be-yaminih (7).
Then as for he who is given his book in his right hand.

Fa sawfa youhasabuo hesaban yaseera (8).
He will be reckoned by an easy reckoning.

Wa yanqalibuo ela ahlihi masruora (9).
And will return to his people happily.

Wa amma man auteya ketabahu wara'a zahrih (10).
But as for he who is given his book behind his back.

Fa sawfa yadu'uo thubuora (11).
Then he will call for destruction.

Wa yassla sa-eera (12).
And will be burned in a blazing fire.

Innahu kana fee ahlihi masruora (13).
Indeed he had been happily among his people.

Innahu zanna an lan yahuor (14).
Indeed, he had thought he would never revert.

Bala inna Rabbahu kana behi bassera (15).
Yes, indeed his Lord was All-Seeing of him.

Fala auqsemuo bel-shafaq (16).
But nay! I swear by the afterglow.

Wa al-layli wa ma wasaq (17).
And by the night, and what it envelops.

Wa alqamari iza etasaq (18).
And by the moon when it becomes full.

La-tarkabunna tabaqan an tabaq (19).
You will surely move from stage to stage.

Fa malahum la yuo'minuon (20).
So what is with them that they do not believe.

Wa iza quore'a alayihemuo Alquranuo la yasjuduon ۩ (21).
And when the Quran is recited to them, they do not prostrate.
۩- Prostration of recitation.

Bali allazina kafaruo youkazibuon (22).
But those who disbelieved deny.

Wa Allahuo a'alamuo bema you'uon (23).
And Allah knows best of what they hide.

Fa basherhum be-azabin aleem (24).
So give them the tiding of a painful torment.

Ella allazina amanu wa ameluo alssalehati lahum ajruon ghayruo mamnuon (25).
Except those who believed and did righteous deeds, for them is a never ending reward.

Simplified interpretation:

 Surat Alinshiqaq begins with a description of some scenes of the day of resurrection in terms of the disturbances that will occur to the sky and the earth, and then Allah Almighty emphasize the return of mankind to Him, and they will be divided into the companions of Paradise and the companions of Hellfire, then Allah swears by three oaths to confirm the transition of man from one stage to another, and He marvel at the denial of the infidels and their failure to respond to the Holy Quran, therefore Allah commanded His Messenger to give them the tiding of a painful torment, but as for those who believed they will find their reward with their Lord.

 In the first five verses Allah describes what will happen to the sky and to the earth on the day of resurrection, where the sky has split up and the earth has extended and has throw out what is in it and has abandoned, that is, the earth will bring forth the dead on its surface, and this point was explained at length in Surat Alzalzala, and Allah says about both of them (the sky and the earth) in the second and the fifth verses "And has responded to its Lord, and was obligated", where Allah said to them when He created them as mentioned in Surat Fussilat Aya (11) ''Come both of you willingly or unwillingly, both said we have come willingly", So the sky and the earth do not disobey Allah in what he commanded them to do whether the command regards to the worldly life or to the hereafter.

 Then Allah says "O man! indeed, you are toiling to your Lord an extreme toil, then you will meet him"Aya (6), that is, you will toil in this worldly life, and you will inevitably meet your Lord with what you have offered, whether it is good or evil, and On the day of resurrection man will take his book which will determine whether he is one of the companions of Paradise or of the companions of Hellfire.

 As for the companion of Paradise Allah describes him in the verses (7-9), and says "Then as for he who is given his book in his right hand, he will be reckoned by an easy reckoning, and will return to his people happily", So the believer will take his book in his right hand, and will have an easy reckoning. And Our Prophet Muhammad said about that in narration of Ayisha (Radia Allahu anha) "anyone whose account will be taken will be ruined, and when Ayisha said to Him "Does not Allah say Then as for he who is given his book in his right hand, he will be reckoned by an easy reckoning, He said that is only the presentation of the accounts, but he whose record is questioned, will be ruined". So Allah as He has said in Surat Alahqaf Aya (16) will accept the best of what the companions of Paradise did and overlook their misdeeds.

 But as for the companion of Hellfire he is given his book behind his back, then he will call for destruction, and will burn in a blazing fire, indeed he had been happily among his people, and he had thought he would never revert Ayat (10-14), that is, he will take his book behind his back and in his left hand as Allah has described them as the companions of the left in Surat Alwaqi'a Aya (41), and then he will wish to die and perish, but he will be burned in a blazing fire, then neither he die therein, nor live as mentioned in Surat Ala'la Aya (13). He deserved the torment because he was happy among his people and he enjoyed the worldly life and forgot to work for the Hereafter, thinking that he would not return to his creator. But the opposite of what he thought is that his Lord was All-Seeing of him (Aya 15), and He will return him back and will recompense him for his evil deeds.

 Then Allah swears in the next three verses (16-18) by the afterglow, and by the night, and what it envelops, and by the moon when it becomes full, it is as if Allah swears by the different states of the night which begins with the twilight and sunset, and then when it becomes very dark and all creatures rest in it, then turns to bright light with the full moon in the middle of the Hijri month, and then returns to darkness again.

 The oaths of the different states of the night comes to confirm that man will also move from one state to another as Allah says in Aya (19) "You will surely move from stage to stage", and Our Prophet (PBUH) said regarding this verse in the narration of Ibn Abbas "You shall travel from one state to another (in the worldly life and in the hereafter).

 Then Allah says "So what is with them that they do not believe, and when the Quran is recited to them, they do not prostrate, but those who disbelieved deny, and Allah knows best of what they hide" Ayat (20-23), that is, Allah marvel at the denial and stubbornness of the infidels after He has shown them the path of the truth and the path of misguidance, and even their hearts do not soften to the Holy Quran and to the remembrance of Allah, for the denial and stubbornness are from their nature, and Allah knows what they hide within their chests from denial of His book and His Messenger.

 So He commanded His Messenger to give them the tiding of a painful punishment Aya (24) as a recompense of their disbelief, and for the hardness of their hearts when they hearing the Holy Quran, and for their refusal to act according to what was revealed in it. And Allah threatens them in Surat Alzumar Aya (22) and says "woe to those whose hearts are hardened against the remembrance of Allah". 

 But Allah says in the last verse "Except those who believed and did righteous deeds, for them is a never ending reward", their reward will never be interrupted for they believed in Allah and in His Messengers and did what Allah commanded them to do, and avoided what He forbade them to do, and this verse is the same of Aya (6) of Surat Altin.


No one Knows its interpretation except Allah

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