95- Surat Altin/Tafseer
8 Verses Meccan (revealed in Mecca)
A'auzu Bellahi mena ash-shytani ar-rajim
I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed Satan
Bismi Ellahi Ar-rhmani Ar-rahim
In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
Wa altini wa alzayituon (1).
By the fig and the olive.
Wa touri sineen (2).
And by Altour of Sinai.
Wa haza albaladi alameen (3).
And by this secure city.
Laqadd khalaqna alinsana fee ahsani taqueem (4).
We have created man in the best composition.
Thumma radadnahu asfala safileen (5).
Then We returned him to the lowest of the low.
Ella allazina amanuo wa ameluo as-salehati falahum ajrun ghairuo mamnuon (6).
Except those who believed and did righteous deeds, then for them is a never ending reward.
Fama yuokazebuka ba'du be-ddin (7).
So, what make you then deny the judgment?.
Alaysa Allahu be-ahkami alhakimeen (8).
Is not Allah the Most Judge of the Judges?.
Simplified interpretation:
Surat Altin begins with four oaths before dealing with an important fact about the perfection of creation of man, and Allah's justice in dealing with his creations, where Allah swore by the fig and the olive in the first verse, then swore by the mount of Altour in Sainai, and by the City of Mecca in the next two verses.
Altin (the fig) has been mentioned only once in the current Surah, but alzayituon (the olive) was mentioned seven times in the Holy Quran, and it was mentioned explicitly and implicitly, where Allah Almighty says in Surat Almu'minuon Aya (20): "And a tree that springs forth from Sainai Tour, which produces oil, and a relish (food) for those who eat".
Allah has mentioned the tree of olive that grows from Altour mount in Sinai in Surat Almu'minuon when he was talking about His perfection of creation of man as in the current Surah, where He described the steps of creation of man in Surat Almu'minuon Ayat (12-14), and He concluded the fourteenth verse by saying: "So blessed is Allah, the best of creators". And this is equivalent to the fourth verse of the current Surah "We have created man in the best composition".
It becomes clear that Allah has linked between His favor upon man and the perfection of his creation in the two Surahs, as He also has mentioned in Surat Almu'mimuon Aya (19) "Wherein is much fruit for you, and whereof you eat". The fruit came in general of which the fig is one of them.
But some commentators have gone beyond the original sense of the first three verses and said that it refers to three location, in each of them Allah sent a Prophet; the first is the locality of Fig and olive which is Bait Almaqdis (Palestine) in which Allah sent Juses (Issa), The second is Altour mount in Sainai in which Allah spoke to Musa Bin Imran, and the third is Mecca which is the secure city, and it is the city in which Muhammad (PBUH) was sent.
Allah did not create mankind only in the best form and shape, but also He preferred them over much of what He has created, with definite preference as He has mentioned in Surat Alisraa Aya (17). But the destiny of man will be to Hellfire if he does not obey Allah and follow the Messenger, and Allah will return him to the lowest of the low as mentioned above in Aya (5).
But as for those who believed and did righteous deeds, then for them is a never ending reward Aya (6), and this verse was also mentioned after Allah has talked about the disbelievers in Surat Alinshiqaq Aya (24) and said: "so give them the tidings of a painful punishment", and then He says int the next verse: "Except for those who believe and do righteous deeds, for them is a never ending reward".
After Allah mentioned His bounty upon man, and clarified the fate of the believers, and the infidels in the Hereafter, He asks man in the last two verses and says: what make you then deny the judgment, Is not Allah the Most Judge of the Judges?.
We can consider the verse (46) of Surat Fussilat as a statement from Allah on what came in this Surah where He says: "Whoever does righteousness, it is for his own soul, and whoever commit evil does so against it, and Your Lord is not unjust to His slaves".
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