94- Surat Alsharh/Tafseer
8 Verses Meccan (revealed in Mecca)
A'auzu Bellahi mena ash-shytani ar-rajim
I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed Satan
Bismi Ellahi Ar-rhmani Ar-rahim
In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
Alam nashrah laka saddrak (1).
Did We not expand for you your breast.
Wa wada'ana anka wezrak (2).
And we removed from you your burden.
Alladhi ankada zahrak (3).
Which had weighed your back.
Wa raf'ana laka zekrak (4).
And We raised for you your mentioning.
Fa inna ma'a alousri yousra (5).
So, verily with the hardship is ease.
Inna ma'a alousri yousra (6).
Verily with the hardship is ease.
Fa iza faraghta fannsab (7).
So when you have finished, strive hard.
Wa ela Rabbika farrghab (8).
And to Your Lord direct Your intention.
Simplified interpretation:
Surat Alsharh is an acknowledgment of the blessings that Allah has bestowed upon His Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), where Allah mentioned His favors upon Him in the first four verses, and gave him a glad tidings in the next two verses, then assigned Him what He should do in the last two verses.
Allah says to His Messenger in the first verse "Did We not expand for you your breast", this means that He made His chest ready to accept the faith and the truth, so according to this expanding and acceptance, He became on light and guidance from Allah. The breast here refers to the heart where the heart is the locality of faith, and the heart is located in the breast, so the breast is a metaphor for the heart.
Then Allah said to Him in the next two verses (2,3) that He removed all burden that weighed his back down, and the first three verses are equivalent to the second verse of Surat Alfat-h: ''For Allah may forgive for you what preceded of your sin and what will follow, and complete His favor upon you and guide you to the straight path".
In addition to the previous favors, Allah Almighty gave Him a great bounty that no other human being has ever received where Allah has raised His mentioning till the day of resurrection Aya (4), for his name is accompanied with the name of Allah in the call to prayer daily, and Allah mentioned Him by the name Muhammad and addressed Him by other names in the Holy Quran.
The next two verses (5,6) carries a glad tidings to Muhammad (PBUH) and His Ummah, where Allah said to Him "So, verily with the hardship is ease" and repeated it in the sixth verse, and the two verses shows that there is one hardship and two eases, where Umar Bin Alkhattab wrote a letter to Abu Ubaidah Aljarrah when he was in Alsham and said: "any hardship happens to a believer, Allah will make after it an ease (a relief), and hardship will not overcome two eases.
It was said that hardship in the two verses is Muhammad's striving against the polytheists, and Allah will make Him win over them until they submit to the truth, and it was said that when the polytheists said to Muhammad (PBUH): we will collect money for you, so He became grieved and thought that they lied His message because of his poverty, then Allah counted His favors upon Him as it was mentioned at the beginning of the current Surah, and promised Him the rich and said: "So, verily with the hardship is ease",that is, do not grieve for what they said about your poverty.
Although Our Prophet Muhammad have a special and a great honor from His Lord that He have a forgiveness for all His sins of the past and future, But Allah commanded him in the last two verses to fulfill the requirements of worship, and said to him "when you have finished, strive hard", and it came in general for Allah does not determine the affair which he talks about, it may be the worldly affairs, or the striving against the polytheists, or the prayer, whatever this affair is, Allah says to him strive hard in worshipping and direct your intention to your Lord.
So He (PBUH) used to offer night prayer till His feet became swollen as it was narrated from Almughira, and when somebody said to Him: "Allah has forgiven you, your faults of the past and those of the future, He said: "should not I be a grateful slave?".
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