100- Surat Aladiyat/Tafseer
11 Verses Meccan (revealed in Mecca)
A'auzu Bellahi mena ash-shytani ar-rajim
I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed Satan
Bismi Ellahi Ar-rhmani Ar-rahim
In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
Wal adiyati dabha (1).
By Aladiyat that run panting.
Fa almuoriyati qad-ha (2).
Then, Almuoriyat that make sparks of fire.
Fal almughirati sobha (3).
Then, almughirat that make raids at morning.
Fa atharnna behi naq'aa (4).
then, raising thereby a clouds of dust.
Fa wasatna behi jama'a (5).
Then, arriving collectively in the middle of their enemy.
Inna alinsana lirabbihi lakanuod (6).
Indeed, man is very ungrateful to his Lord.
Wa inahu ala zalika lashaheed (7).
And he is a witness on that.
Wa inahu lihubi alkhairi lashadeed (8).
And he in the love of good is very intense.
Afala ya'lamuo idha bu'thera ma fi alqubuor (9).
Does not he know; when what in the graves will be scattered.
Wa hussila mafi as-ssuduor (10).
And; when what within the breasts shall be gathered.
Inna Rabbahuom behim yawma-izin lakhabeer (11).
Indeed, their Lord, that day, is All-Aware of them.
Simplified interpretation:
Surat Aladiyat begins with an oath, and if Allah Almighty, swore by something, this means that we are dealing with an important fact, So Allah swears by Aladiyat and describes it in the first five verses, and then Allah shows us the reality of humanbeing in his relationship with His Lord, and the way he deals with His blessings in the three following verses. Then the last three verses describes some scenes of the hereafter.
The vast majority of commentators said that Aladiyat means the horses in the way of Allah, for Allah describes the horses of the warriors when they enters the battle, and says they are run panting (dabha), and the commentators said that none of animals pant but horses and dogs, hence horses are what is meant in the first verse.
And that horses strike sparks of fire when their hooves rub against the stones and the rocks, and this always happens in the early morning, and then raising thereby a clouds of dust. And as a result they penetrate at the same time in the center of the disbelieving enemy Ayat (2-5).
After the oath by Aladiyat, Allah clarifies the fact of man who is very ungrateful to his Lord Aya (6), he always denying the favors which Allah has bestowed upon him, by nature he remembers the calamities and forgets all pleasures. and in a similar aya in Surat Alisraa (67) Allah says "And ever man is ungrateful".
The word "grateful" and its derivatives were mentioned many times in the Holy Quran, for Allah loves those who are grateful, but he says in Surat Albaqarah Aya (243): "But most of the people do not show gratitude", and in Surat Alnaml Aya (27): "And indeed, Your lord has a bounty upon the people, but most of them do not show gratitude".
So the ungrateful one will be himself a witness to that as it was mentioned in the seventh verse of the current Surah, and in addition to this Allah says that he in the love of good is very intense, the good here refers to the wealth, and the severe love of wealth is forbidden because it turns man away from Allah, and it prevents him from fulfilling the rights of Allah e.g: Zakat, Alms, for Allah says in Surat Alisraa Aya (100): "And a man is so niggardly".
Then Allah warns in the last three verses the person who committed these evil deeds, and says dose not he know what will happen when all those in the graves will be brought out in the day of resurrection, and then what within their breasts shall be gathered and will be made known and apparent.
On that day, their Lord is All-Aware of them, He knows everything about them as He has mentioned in Surat Alnaml Aya (74): "And indeed, your Lord knows what their breasts conceal, and what they declare", and in Surat Taha Aya (7): "He knows the secret, and what is even more hidden".
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